0 THE OMAHA DAILY BIM THURSDAY , JULY 18 , 1889. SAVED BY PRESENCE OF 1IISD Tbo Torrlblo Midnight Experience of Mrs. Blnohford. A NEGRO'S ATROCIOUS DEED. Two I'crfioim I'rournted l > y tlio Ilnnl A Cnlniuui Arrested on a Clinrf-oorTlicn A Miss- ItiK Wo nnn. A Vlllninoiifl Negro. Knro presence of mind saved the property and life of Mrs. Hhiehford , of JfUD Dodge street , early Monday morning. The facts were given to the pofico but kept from publication that the villain might not tnko alarm nnd lly from the city. Hick Winficld , a burly , furly negro of about thirty years , bus for four months past been employed as porter about the Huts nt the number Indicated above. Ho was saucy , yet respectful ; n drinking man yet trust worthy , at least so thought his employer , Mrs. Ulnchfork. She had good reason so to think. Two months nco n burglar broke into the house and Wlnllcld caught him and held him until odlcers arrived. The burglar cot flvo ycurs nt Lincoln for the Job , and Winliold rose to great trust In his employer's houso. Of late ho has been drinking more heavily then usual and his mistress thought several times to discharge him , but refrained because afraid that he might return and do injury to herself and property. Her son is expected to arrive homo on the Ifitn of August anil she decided to allow Wlnlluld to remain until then. On Sunday ovcnlng nno of the renter * In the lint paid to Mrs. Blachford n considera ble sum of money , the amount duulrom thrco boarders for the month. Win Held chanced to bo standing by and saw thu money taken. In that moment his resolve was taken. Ho disappeared irom sight. Mrs. lilachford. hid the money , Intending to place It in the bank , as Is her custom , on Monday morn ing. At the usual hour she retired. About 4 o'clock the next morning she licnrd a knock at her door. Frightened , she waited. The knocking sounded again , louder than bqfore , and when she made no response the door was burst open and a man's llgurc up ucared In view. The room was dark , nnd Mrs. Blachford could not distinguish the face or Jlguro of t'io untimely visitor. Hut she kept her nerve and called loudiy _ for Wlnllcld , the negro who was presumed to bo asleep in the houso. Tlio burglar , for siu-li ho seemed to be , approached the bed nml made a mo tion as though to choke the bravo little woman. Then , with a low , muttered curse ho retired , through fc , r tnat the men in the other purt of ( the big house would be awak ened and come to tlio rescue. A moment later the servant girl came hurrying up to her mistress' room and lighten a lamp. There on the table near at hand was-tho long , kcoii carving Knife used at the Blachford table. At sight of the terrible weapon Mrs. Blachford nearly fainted. A search was Imulo and It was discovered that Wlnliuld was gone. The matter was at once plain. Ho had brought the kniTu from the pantrv. intending to murder if necessary to get the money , but weakening at the last minute , ho lied. As the pleasant , soft-voiced little lady re counted the story last evening she shud dered and expressed the perfect horror which has possessed her since that terrible morning. Bravo she undoubtedly Is , and quick-witted , but It was not thought best to leave the house unifunrdcd , as the vindictive negro might return and wrcnk vengeance at any time. "Winlleldgot away with f 1 , which ho found In a cupboard before entering Mrs. Blar.h- ford's ' room. A vigilant search for "Winfield is being prosecuted. Vlc'Ims ol'tlio Hear. Ed. Lambert , a grader work'ing at Twenty tyllfth and Chicago streets , was stricken by the heat yesterday afternoon a short titao before 5 o'clock. He was brought to the police station in the patrol wagon and placed ill the hands of Dr. Ralph. An old fellow named PatCorbctt , In for vagrancy , was left for u time in charge of Lambert , who was at the time unconscious , and a quarter of au hour Inter Captain Green looked in and found that Corbett , overcome by the heat , had fallen to thu lloor in a faint. He was quickly resuscitated , and felt none the worse for his tempoiary weakness. Not so with Lambert. For several hours tie was unconscious , tossing about at in tervals so violently that the strength of four men was hardly sufllcicnt to hold him. At ill-stills recovery was thought im possible , but at midnight he was breathing frcol.v and sleeping , with changes In favor of ultimate recovery. About 5 o'clock a lady foil upon the sidewalk - walk near the vYnbash corner , and passersby - by carried her into the oflico of Fitz & Day , wticrc medical attendance was summoned. She recovered consciousness a couple of hours later , and was driven to her home. The lady's name could not bo ascertained. Hlic HankH on Sympathy. That young woman so extensively written ' up during the past few days as having boon confined a prisoner in u "mansion" in this city , and who subsequently cnmn to light In police court In connection with a ? 0 prosti tute's ' line , was sent up 'to the county Jail because she had no money to liqui date the ofllcinl oullgatlon. Her Irlcnds xnndo arrangements to bail her out , and lis tened to a very sensational and very ashy story of how she had suffered in her inno cence at the hands of the Philistines among whom she was stranded. Men who cluim to know her , but who wouldn't cnro to have their names put Into print , state freely their belief that the woman's story is without basis in fact , and she herself an ad venturess banking wholly on sympathy. In- nsmuch ns the mimes given by this young women up to date have boon far from cor responding , DUO Is nameless hero. A Citliliy In Trouble , Detective Ormsby arrested Bill Armour last night. Armour Is n buck driver , tall , cadaverous fellow. On October % of last year Pat ICirby , proprietor of the saloon at Thir teenth nnd Faui'im , drove out to a road house with Aimour. Kirby ciuna out first , and chin ) iug Into his carriage , foil axle-op waiting for Armour. While ho slept , parties unknown stole his watch nnd chuln , valued nt Sl'JO. Ho told tlra police of his loss , mill Bcnrcli wus instituted a day or two ago , Ornmby found the chain In Fred Mali to' * pawnshop at Eloveiuh and Fanmm , Klrb.v was called In and Idoatilleit the property as Ills .own. Motile said Armour pawned the cualn , hcnco his arrest. Arrnated Tor Kirlkhida Hoy. L. J , Cooley aud a couple of lady frioads v/oro passing .2310 Loavcaworth yesterday morning , when a ball thrown by boys at play bounded and struck one of the ladles. Mr. Cooley retaliated , landing a heavy blow ou young Cliff Forbes' nock. Tlio blow felled the youngster , nnd the lad's father caused Mr. Cooley's urrcst lust evening , A Bloux City Woman Mrs. Christina Nelson has boon missing from Sioux City slnco April IS , when she started ostensibly to visit her relatives at 1447 Hickory ( treat , this city , end has not elnco been heard from. Tlio Nloux City rel ative * fear foul play. AVho OWIIH Hio I'urjo ? Up on North Sixteenth street yesterday afternoon Mr. M. Wiukler. of 111 ! ) Sherman avenue , found u purse conta'alnp ' a consider able sum of mono. Ho loft the purse with Chief Seavoy , who holdu it awaiting the ar rival of the owiior. A Had Negro , Cuarloi Wliltton is n bad negro. Using his wife as a target , ho preatiood at throw- Ing'a butcher knlfa yentorday afternoon. She escaped from him and called au oUlcer , who arrested thu negro , * Toro Off lll Noun. A huge etono failing from a derrick In Drcxel & Foil's stone yard , struck N. Gomel : , n laborer , In the face and tore oil a purt of ilia now. AN UNOI2HTAIN VOICE. The Civil Scrvlco Cormnlmlon Makes A Vigorous Kopnrt , July 17. The civil service commission to-day mmio public its second report in the Milwaukee postofllco Investi gation , It is very voluminous , details at length the substantiation of tbo charges against Postmaster Paul nnd concludes ns " Paul has and liablt- follo vs ! "Mrj crossly - ally violated the civil sorvlco law , nnd has done it In n peculiarly underhand manner. His conduct merits the severest punishment. Whllo he retains his [ tosltlon It is hopeless to expect nn honest ad ministration of the law , His further con tinuance In oflico would bo a great ir.lsfor- tune and wo recommend his Immediate re moval , " The report Is signed by every member of the commission. Ilnrhor Improvement" . WASHINGTON , Julv 17 , The Improvements of the Chtcniro harbor and vicinity require the following appropriations , occordlmr to estimates of Captain Marshall , engineer in chnrgo : Breakwater , etc. . Chicago , fir..OOO ; pier at Calumet , $78,000 ; dredging at Calu- mot'S.1flOPO ; dredging channel of Calumet rlvor , $1011,000. Captain Marshall reports that 4,7f 0 feet of the Chicago breakwater need rebuilding , and b,4'M foot of now break water must bo built. Calumet harbor ought to bo deepened to 18 feet to accommodate the heavier built lake craft. The proposed improvements of the Calumet river channel Inciudo the dredgingof a twelve- foot channel from Ono Hundred and Eichth street to Haurinond , Ind. , sixteen miles , It is recom mended that the United States secure abso lute jurisdiction over the river for that ex tent. Marshall says the rottto to the Mississippi river from nu.ir Chicago via the Illinois river , is the most favorable tlmt exists for a water route , ami that a 7-foot cnannel can bo carried from the mouth of the Illinois river to La Sallu , ono hundred miles long , for Sl'AWIO. From La Salle to Johet , where it will bo less than forty miles from Chicago cage , thu channel can bo ex ten Jed tor National Kclut-.iUors. NASUVILLH , July 17. The second day's session of the National Educational as sociation was called to order this morn ing. Hoary A. Wise , of Baltimore , road a paper upon the introduction of manual training nto the public schools. Bishop John J. [ fcanc of Washington read a paper prepared by Cardinal Gibbons up.on the question : Should Americans cducato their children in denominational schools ) " Bishop Kcanct followed In a paper on the same subject tak ing the position tlmt Chnstiauity should bo inculcated during the period when children arc attending school. Edwin D. Mead , nf Boston , followed In a paper In opposition to educating children in parochial schools. Bishop Rcane' replied and denied Mead's as sertion Unit the pope of the liomaii Catholic church wut. seeking temporal power and the control of the government. Sherman nt Lea. von worth. LKWSK WORTH , Ivan. , July 17. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bii.J General WillliniT. Sherman arrived in this city at 1'J o'clock last night from the west , whuro ho has boon making a tour of the military posts. He , was met at the depot by Gener.il McCook nnd taken to his residence at Fort Loavenworth. He reviewed the troopn stationed at the garrison risen this morning , and this evening' held a reception at General Merrills headquarters that was attended by all the ofiicers at the the post and the prominent citizens of this city. The general practiced law in this city in lS5b and lt > . > 9 , and many old citizens who kncu bun then called on him to-day. Ho loft for Now York to-night. A California ninzc. FIIESNO , Gal. , July 17. Fire- started in the stables of the Ituss house thin morning and the hotel and adjoining frame buildings were burned. Loss , $1(1,000. ( At flrst itvas thought several people had been burned to death , but a search up to late last evening has failed to disclose any bodies. H is now believed no lives are lost. A DisafitrouR KlopiMnent. Pini.Aiir.i.i'iiu , July 17. Last night Louis Clabrado , while pursuing his fourteen-year- old daughter , who was eloping ijear Waterford - ford , N , J. , with MlchaeT Vinopoli , was shot by the lover , who , In turn , was battered to death by Clabrado's friends. All are Italians. Cremated. Lo\nii : , , Mass. , July 17. The large stable of the Lowell horse railroad was burned to- niiiht , together with'lt'O horse's , forty cars and much grain. Loss about $150,000. hcandunnviiiii CHICAGO , July 17. It was decided to-day that the next saengerfest ot Scandanavian niugcrs of America should bo held at Minne apolis , July 4 , 18'JO. Thren Ilodics Found. Jonxsio > YN , Pa. , July 17. Three bodies were found to-day A. C. Young , George C. Hamilton and Miss Annie Cullen. Joint Ellcr'K Condition. The intense heat yesterday milfuted against John Ellcr , who shot himself at the United States hotel Monday night. At mid night ho was alive , but apparently growing weaker. Divorce nnd this liiiKliBh Court. As everyone interested in such mat ters now knows , the qucon recently abolished the rules which prevented the Indies who hud divorced their husbands from appearing ut court , says London Truth. A lady who has divorced her husband for MH misconduct , there being nothing against hur.solf , miiy now at tend a drawing room , urovidod that she rocolvca special porini&sion. which , however , is not grunted until the qucon has satisfied herself , by reading the re port of the trial in which the applicant irgtirod. that the aforesaid applicant's conduct has boon free from bltuno. There has boon quite a rush of ladies in this situation for leave to come to court , and gomu who dcsirod to attend tlio last drawing room were imahlo to do so , us the quean had not found time to investigate their marital antecedents. Her majesty seems rather capricious in the matter , for she peremptorily re- fusud the application of ono lady whose conduct has been absolutely blameless , although great interest was privately oxorlod in order to obtain u favorable ariHwor. Tips. The complaint of the traveler against the English system of "tips" mixed every year more bitter , says the Boston Courier. H has become impos sible for parsons of moderate means to visit at largo establishments , no mutter upon what footing they stand with the owners , because it costs BO much to feu the servants. "I came awuy from England without going to sue my sister. " a gentleman said recently , "because 1 will not sub mit to the tipping. Hoi * husband has a big establishment , nnd It would make all the servants think she hud shabby relatives for mo to go there and not do the conventional thing , and that I will not submit to. When they were hero last year they stayed with me- three weokH , and when they were going away ho wanted to fee the borvants , and I told him that that was nn insult to mo. I eaid that it wus an intimation that I could not or would not have him prop erly served without his paying for it , and that in America it wua a point of honor with us U > see tlmt our hospital ity wus not paid for by the ; guest. ( don't think ho liked tlio way I put it , hut ho could tiot think of anything to say. " THE DAILY BEE ; COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICI3. NO 13 I'EAIUj 8TUK12T. Lcllvcredby carrier In" Any Psrt ot ho City a TwtntyCentJi I'erWcek. II. W , aiinoN. . MANAOU1I. TKLKI'IIONES : ftft OrritE No. * 3. KniTon , Ko.-t. MIN O It MKN TI ON. N. Y. . P. Co. Glenson coal. C. U. Music Co. , 633 13'way. Holler , tailor , 310 Brondwny. Evans' laundry , 7i4 ! UroatUvay. D. VV. Otis , city nml farm loans. Hnnnony Chap. No , 25 , O. E. S. , meets In rociilur session this evening at Masonic hall , 13y order W. M. No building permits have been Issued slnco July 9 , nnd City Cleric HuntlngUm lays the blnmo on the torrid wcntlicr. Squire Hurnott is looking after business In Squire Scburz' court , as well as Ills own , during the absence of the latter gentleman. A plcniiuiit evening can bo spent at the lawn sociable to bo Riven at the rcsldcnco of J. H. Uell , corner of Plereo aud StuMmiin streets , tbls evening. No business was transacted In superior court yesterday. Juduo Aylcsworth was busy with the clorl : ccttlng the docket In sliupo nnd brought up to ditto. A. A. S. K. Special meeting for business of Council HlufTH Lodpo of Perfection nt the Cathedral , Friday evening , -fuly 10 , at 7:30 : sharp. II. W. Tiltoti , sccrotnry. John P. Weaver has secured the contract for the erection of the addition to the power house of the electric motor company. Work will bo commenced at once , and pushed to a spsedy completion. LIlllo Mills , a llllo do joie , Hied an information mation In Judjro Aylesworth's court yester day uftornoon nhurpltitf Hurry Formun , Ed. Baker nnd Oscar I.imlcr with assault and battery. The trouble occurred on Ilotten How the faro part of the weott. The Hlshoii-Kllno goosocnso was submitted to the Jury In Justice Hendricks1 court nt 2:30 : yesterday and a verdict wiis returned In about thrco hours , awardlni ; the defendant $11.10. The plaintiff sued for f35 unmnires. The case has grown wearisome , nnd it is hoped that It is now Dually disposed of. Liz/Jo Mackllu , the young girl who Hgured some time ago as the orosccutlng witness In u seduction case against N. Klnkndu , and afterwards had the case dismissed upon the defendant marrying her , nyponrod yesterday and wanted her Husband arrested for deser tion. The police ottered her cold consola tion. tion.John John Wells , the young coon who skipped out u few days ngo when sent to worK on the Htrcct chain gunir , was rearrcstcd yesterday and started out n second time with the shackles encircling his lioerty-lovinp legs. Ho seemed contented to stay this time , for ho was on hand with the others when they stopped work last evening. John Saunders , Peter Jackson , John Jones , William Brown , D. Davis , Charles Ettcr , John Smith and Leo Jones were hauled In Tuesday night , nnd booked for keeping dis orderly houses. They had neglected to make the requisite monthly contribution to the city exchequer. They promptly came to time wltb the cash when landed in the cooler , and were icleased. The recent ruins have washed two large holes In the sidewalk at Nos. 152 and 154 Hroadway , which , it seems , is nobody's busi ness to repair. The cause of the wulk wash ing uxviiy is that the sills and Joists of those two buildings have rotted awuy. The open ings urn bottomless , and if any one should slip into ono of them ho would slide into the much and w'uter down into a deep dark cel lar , where the carcasses of dead rats and the decayed portions of horses' bones hold high carnival. These buildings , it is said , uro owned by William Kobinsou and Benedict Hugg , two of Pottawattamlo county's wealthiest citizens. Dexter , employment. List your property with A. A. Clark & Co. Splendid bargains at Marcus'clothing store before removal to now building. O Important to Ijnillcs and Gentlemen. I have established an extensive dyeing and cleaning works in this city and desire to call attention of ladies and gentlemen of Omaha and Council Bluffs to the fact that I have furnished my works with the latest Improved machinery known to the trade , that I have had over sixteen years' experience , and that I use only the very best dyes and chem icals. I clean aud dye everything : hut fur goods. I call special attention to my new cleaning process by which the garment is not ripped nnd which restores the original lustre to the goods. Ladies' and gentlemen's sum mer garments , such ns flannels or silk , made to look as good as new. Dresses , clothing , silks , shawls , laces and plumes dyed in su perior manner. Motor fare allowed on all goods brought to works , or wagon will call nt residence. G. A. Schoodsack , Twin City Dye Works , Twenty-sixth and Broadway. Main ofllcc 113 South Sixteenth , Oiuuna. For Sale Fin o residence , ? 5,700 , easy terms. A. A. Clark & Co. Itownrd. A liberal reward will Do paid for the re turn of a lost pcckethook , containing papers of no value to any one excepting myself. JOHN T. STEWAKT. Why not cool off ! Tno motor runs every half hour to Lake Manawa. nnd steamboats make ten-minute trips to Manhattan beach. Lake Manawa Is all right. The motor trains are nil right. Hotel Manawa is all right. The steamboats are all right. Man hattan beach Is all right , and It's ' all right for you to go in swimming. I'erHonnl l'.irnjraplin. Harry Uirklnbluo , chief engineer of the water works company , visited Missouri Valley yesterday on a flying business trip. George W. Hewitt , the former law partner of Fin ley Burke , esq. , nt Orange City , la. , has arrived In the city , and renewed his partnership with Mr. Hurkc. They have secured additional room in the Brown buildIng - Ing , nnd will prove a redoubtable team In legal circles. Mr. C. P. Hraslan , of Minneapolis , the head of the syndicate which Invested so heavily in Mnnuwu real estate lust spring , arrived in the city last evening , and will re main several days. He visited the lake and was highly pleased with the condition of affairs there. He professes to be better snt- Isllcd than ever with the Manawu property , and his faith In the future of that resort is moru firmly llxcd than ever. Baths at Manawa Beach , near hotol. Pri vate bathing apartments for ladies and children. Council Bluffs Furniture company for good goods at low prices. 407 Broadway. Have your old furniture upholstered , good as new. H. Morgan , 7tfJ Broadway , Have our wagon cull for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Steam and hot wuter heatinir , llrst-class plumbing. Work in both cities. JOHN GIL- nr.iiT , 616 Pearl street. Council Bluffs. Kelley & Younkerman sell pro Chase and San born coffees a. specluly. A Shell Mnn In Trouble. William Crisaman , the follow arrested Sun- duy afternoon by Captain Anderson , of the Merchants' police , while running u "shell game" nt Manawa , was taken before Justice Barnctt ycilcrday afternoon for hearing. His attorneys took a change of venue to Bqulro Hendricks' court , ( 'riasmati asked u continuance , and the time for hearing the case was vet for next Saturday at 10 o'clock. CrUsniRn U u half Brother of Hullo Clover , who runs u lur o ou Lower Broadway , Money loaned tit L , B. Craft's & Co.'s loan oil I co on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and ull other articlub of value , without removal. All business strictly conll- Uential. _ J , H. t'mltli , drugs , medicines , paints , oils , glass. COO .Main , ncur John Mermen's , THE NEWS A1UTTHE BLUFFS _ \ The Prohttjltlodfaitis Turn Tholr At- tontionilo Manawa. HOW TO KEEP THE SEWERS CLEAR A Shell Mnn Cnmcji to Grief The Sa- loonkccperrf'TVnthy ' A Hut- tlnj ; Alnt"j4-A Pleasant . Ceremony , A Prohibition Move nt Mnnnwn. Messrs Odoll I3ros. and Louie , the owners of the eighty aero tract ou the south side of Lake Manawa , on which Manhattan beach IB situated , are determined that there shall bo no more saloon business carried on thcro. It was at their request thai the recent move was made against the beer Joints located there , which resulted in the closing ot the places kept by George Drake , James Koso and John Klnncy. It Is their desire to have a permanent injunction issued against the property , and no more leases for saloon pur poses can bo negotiated. It is understood , however , that no moves are contemplated against any ot the other places at the lake , cither nt Wright's lauding or on the north shore. The result of the move Just made will bo appreciated by all who have occasion to visit Manhattan bench , ns It will effectually remove the odium that bus been associated with the place , not from any mismanagement , but simply on account of a few disreputable characters that have been wont to assemble at these drinking places , between the bench and Wright's landing. Odoll liros. have worked hard nnd unceasingly to conduct , a bathing resort that could offer every attraction , and it is no more than was to have boon expected that they would remove the last trace of anything that would tend to make the beach unpopular nnd disagreeable for patrons. The patronage bestowed upon the bathing establishments ut the lake has increased so rapidly this season that the accommodations have been greatly Increased to keep pace with It , and the work that has boon done ut both Manhattan and Manawa benches Is re ally remarkable. At Manhattan beach the accommodations of last year have been Just about doubled , and the buildings erected are in every way superior. At Manawa beach , ou the north side of the lake , Mr. Malowney has been constantly building nnd Improving , and has at last complntcd a bath house that Is not surpassed anywhere. His last im provement was completed yesterday , and consisted of putting a roof over the west bathing compartment , for the use of after noon bathers. It will keep off the hot rays of the sun , and will tend to greatly increase the amount of bnthinir done during the day. Next week the election of the ofllclals of the now town will bo held , and It Is stated that several important changes will then bo inaugurated. The move to secure electric light for the lake is not meeting with as en thusiastic encouragement by the council ns was anticipated. That the extension of the electric circuit of the lake will prove a great thing for the suburban resort there is no question , and It Is oaiially certain that it will eventually be built there , but the prospects in this direction for the near future arc not particularly brilliant.'J C. B. Trunlt Factory moved to Chapman's old stand. Largest trunk factory in west. No Explosions When persons keep cool and use our ' 'Sun Dial" gas stoves. Four holes , roaster and balieovon. Costs 7 cents per hour when running full blast. New York Plumbing Co. Grief for the Whisky Holler * . Some of the saloonkeepers are making a loud and protracted howl over the unkind action being taken by their ex-brethren in attempting to Iinvo' their planes of business closed uu. It seems that slnco Judge Dcomer inflicted a few heavy fines for contempt of court , during'his term on the bench hero a few weeks ago , there has been a great deal of work done on the quiet , wild the end in ; view of carrying on this work and cinching other saloon men to keep them company in their grief. As nearly ns can bo ascertained , several of the unfortunates who have felt the weight of the strong arm ot the law on their pocketbooks - books have secured the services of George BoltOQ. csq. , to look after tho'mutter and see that all are treated alike. Mr. Boltou was asked yesterday regarding the matter , and stated that nothing could be told as yet con cerning tneir plans , but would simply say that it was the Intention to secure a fair and impartial administration of Justice , and to see that there was no more discrimination in favor of certain saloonkeepers. A might naturally be supposed , the saloon men now in business uro decidedly hot re garding it , and denounce in unmeasured terms the actions of Aielr less fortunate brothers. It is asserted that the recently developed prosecution proposes to * make a levy against the saloon keepers that will make them squeal when the time comes , The saloonists charge that the move Is made solely to secure revenue , and the others reply that it Is hardly fair for one side to get all the fat things aud leave them out In the cold. The developments will prove in teresting. J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 B'dway. Dr. C. C. Bazen , dentist. Opera house block. S. B. Wadswortb & Co. loan money. New Ogden , only llrst-class modern hotel in the city. Hates reasonable. ; Keep the Grnns Out of tlio Streets. "I wish you would call the attention of your readers to ono thing , " remarked City Engineer Stimpson to Tin : BIER yesterday , "and that Is the practice u great many people ple have of throwing the grass cut from their lawns Into the street. When it comes a rain it washes down to the storm sewer openings and soon stops them up. This is the only thing that seems to af fect the Bowers , which uro working finely. All that the city needs u lot of flushing tanks , and these have been ordered by the council. There Is no odor arising from any of the sewers whore thcro is u sufllclent dis charge of water to keep them clear of solid substances. The council has ordered six of these tanks , hut It will require about twenty of them to keep thu ' entire ' system in perfect order. If the citi 'qn.s'wiH bo u little careful , that is nil that Is pe'ccfcd. " For Rent A voryidcsirabln house in good locality. Would be cheap at &U > . If taken at once by good tenant , JO. A. A , Clark & Co , " * . I.U * Two Hurd Nuts to Crnck. A butting niatcti ' wjiich was to have come off in this city last evening failed to materialize. The , , parties are a colored ' waiter ut the Mtnbati'd an Omaha coon , but the latter did not 'Ap'i/car. / The contest will TIME TABLE OF THE LAKE MANAWA RAILWAY. Connect with Electric Motor and Union Pacific Dummy Trains at Ninth and Broadway Council Bluffs Iowa. C. F. REED , President. take plnco this week , nnd will undoubtedly bo a savngo ono. The Omaha clnrkoy killed n goat In a butting contest some time ago , and the local numbskull split n two inch plank In his practice last Sunday. Tno contestants are to seize each other by the cars and lambaste each other with their cranlums uutll ono Is knocked out or gives up the fight. The contest Is very dangerous , ns au unlucky blow Is liable to strike n vul nerable spot and kill the recipient. It seems that Council H luffs Is bound to outdo the world , and will try to eclipse even the bru tality of the recent contest in Mississippi. Notice the beautiful finish given collars - lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. _ For Sale Lot adjoining Northwestern railroad track In Bryaat & Clark's ' add. Price , 50 cash. A. A. Clark & Co. Happily Wedded. A very pleasant event was Unit which oc curred ntl:30 ! : o'clock , yesterday nlternoon , when the ceremony was performed that united in the holy bonds of matrimony Mr. J. E. Ford anil Mrs. Barbara E. Hlbbs , two old residents of this city. The happy event took pluco in the house on Sixteenth avenue , which had Just been completed and furnished by the groom. A host of intimate friends of the contracting parties witnessed the cere mony. which was performed by Squire Hcndrlcks. Houses for rent. A. A. Clark & Co. City steam laundry , 34 Main , tol. 141. < A Serious Wreck. SHAMOKIN , Pa. , July 17. This evening a train on the Pennsylvania road carrying miners to their homes was wruclicd near this place. John Uoush , married , and Aaron Shipc , single , were killed. Twenty were more or less seriously injured. The I'rlco ou the Tlc'tet , England will adopt the Gorman method of having tlio price of the journey wintecl on every railway ticket. It is u convenient facility for traveling. WHAT BERLINER3 EAT. Snusnctcs Into Which Horse Flcnh Is Mixed. The amount of animal food disposed of in the German capital is such that , divided up equally among thu popula tion of that city , it yields au allowance of two and one-half pounds of meat n week to every man , woman and child in the place , including infants in arms , members of the legiblaturu and paupers. In other words , says the London Tele graph , eacii and every Berliner , irre spective of ago , sex and political opin ions , is olllcially credited with the con sumption of 141 pounds weight of beef , mutton , veal , pork , lamb and horbo fiesh per annum. No fewer than 7,000 horses are slaughtered yearly for the Berlin meat market , their llcsh being generally sold as ' 'butchers' meat" in shops specially affected to the retail trade in pfordefleisch , and partly worked up into sausages , a popular va riety of which is hawked , all hot , about the streets late in the evening and dur ing the smaller hours of tlio early morn. Poor Prussians are much ad dicted to horsellcsh , stowed in a savory sauce ; nor do the well to do disdain it as an occasional viand served under its own name. In Germany , Italy and even Franco the llcsh of horses and asses is unquestionably "converted into sassongors , " Hire unto the ancient hereof of one of Mr. Samuul Wellor's most growsomo anecdotes , in vast quantities , and imparts to thorn close texture , rich color and aromatic llavor , in particular to Brunswick "Wttrst , " "aMctadolla of Bologna" and "Saueisson cio Lyon. " The bulk of the substance to which these dainties owe their being , however - over , is pork , frchh or salted ; and in all probability the 4,000 pigs that annually pay the debt of nature in tribute to Borlinnso appetites find their way lethe the table in the shape of either sausage or ham ; for the Prussians rarely eat roast pork or fried bacon , whereas they are never weary of btnokcd and cured preparations of pig. Besides devouring this porcine host , Berlin stands account ant yearly for the violent death of 12V- 600 head of cattle. 131 , ( )0 ) calves and 345,000 , sheep be&ides a multitude of minor animals , all of which vanish in duo course down her capacious maw. FOR WATERMEN. , The Renowned Swlmmor , writes : " / don't ate Aot * could get along For f.jm without St. onmon , * T ) Jacott Ynchtmon , P _ . OU. " Boatmen , & -o- AT DRUOOIBT8 AMD DEALEKB THE CHiS. A. YOGM CO. , EalUnore. Ml \ It is a BEAT-ALL , because it never breaks , splits , cracks or curls. Hucnubu it is indestructible in the weather , and will undergo no change in in any uliinato , , , , , . , Hucauso it is more durable than any other roof made , iron , tin , slate or wood. Uucanao it cnn bo quickly put on without skilled labor and is clieapor than Beca'uBO it has boon proven by the severest trials and has never failou. i < 0rfUltBIRKINfliNB1BNaiNBBRING AND SUPPLY CO. . 116 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. & . . , t..c\ AV ' 1 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. H Hydraulic and Sanitary Hnginoei * . Plans , Estimates , Spoe-Hleatious. Supervision of Public Work. Brown Building , Council Bluffs , Iowa. NQP U I I DV Justice of the Peace. Ollloe over American Express , No. 41 . OU M U HZ. Broadway. Council Bluffs. Iowa. QTHIMF # QIIWIQ Attonioys-at-Law. Practice in ( he State and Fcd- i O I VJML. 06 OIIVIO oral Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Bono Block , . Council Bluffs , Iowa. HQTII I ft/I / A M AUorno vat-Law , Room 4 , Second Floor , Brown . O I ILLIYIrtIN Block , 115 Pearl St. , Council BlulTs , la. Will practice in Jatato and Federal Courts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DR RFI I I IMfiFR & RFI I INfFR Physicians and. Surgeons LEONARBTEVERETT aS01111"0 " " ' " " " " ' I THIS ! I wish to inform the ladies of Omaha and Council BlulTs that have determined upon closing out my entire stock of Koods at niv HAIR EMPORIUM , 1 have uo largest , line of h.ilr goods ami ornaments > v st of fhlcngo. ami It Is my Intention to clo-iu out my stork at le-s tliiin hilf pricua. Ifuot sold hoon will oiler htork nnd llxtuves to u pnrcliuRitr ui > ou terms tlmt will couititiito u raio huiln s chance to anybody with small capital. 1'eraons Interested nro Invited to rorreipomlltli MKS. C. L. GILLETTE , 0ldcTSonl.roinPtAttention. { No , 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , 'While in the city clo not fail to call on the ueHusicCo's ' store and see the finest nnd besl Music Hall on the Mo. slope. Come and tnlce a look at our large stock of Pianos and Organs and all kinds of musical instru ments up stairs and down stairs 103 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS1 IOWA KHTAIIMSI11.I ) 16TO. ST1 , TUT A 1ff\td . JTf JLTfti'TTL.fiib'LrJjl A rctiitect rctiitectand and Superintendent , OFK K K " < . St.O A. I'M MIMtlllAM DLUCIC , Council IllnlTH , ; : lown. Collect eatiniates of cost ( .innantcod. Special ntluntlon ( 'lven to all cliihKeof build , limn , jiubllo and tirlvute. I himi nlwitvH on hund , for tlio ( om enleiii uof my patrons u l rii > number of plaim , mich n n-nools , Ijunlni'hh and unlca " " " IUH , county court . \\iuelioiiteB , hotull and private ic ldencex. by mall promptly at tended to , SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE feueclflCHtloiinnnd i > Uuitei furnlsliod fur euuplaln ttrum punu. Itamlitloit , IMualillltjr xuarti..xiil. Cimdiun li'lien liaa uttii trlicro fuel ccuiioxy ! f < | iial nltli < ' < irll Ni/u-UMidei.tlr.f , E.G. HARRISAgent , Scud for No. CIO l' t rl Kl'-int ' , Council Uluffl ,