Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by currier In Anv 1'ftrt of ho City i\
'JwrntyCents I'er Week. . _ . . . .
II , W. TIJ.TON , . MANAGmt.
ncfiKr&n Orncit No. .
Maiir i : iTon , Nozi-
N. Y. P. Co.
Glenson conl ,
C. U. Music Co. , 539 ll'wny.
Koitcr , toiler. 810 llroadwny.
EvnnV laundry , 724 llrondwny.
D.V. . Otis , city nncl farm Irmnn.
Duvld Nicholas , a young man employed fit
Dohnny'8 livery stable , mourns tlio IOSH of
lit * Watch and chain , which were stolen from
tlio pocket of Ins vest while hanging In the
At the regular weekly drawing of the
Durham Watch club Saturday evcnlnu the
following \yoro the lucky ticket-holders , m
clastps 1 fa 4 respectively : T. Maloticy ,
Chnrlcs Arnd , Mr * . T. JuffcrU and L. T.
* The citizens on Avenue A nro right up
"on their ears" because of the delay In re
pairing thu grade of that tlioruuuhfiirc. It
Is about tliuo thu city authorities insisted on
the fulfillment of their ordeis.
The grading on Avenue C , near "Ninth
etrcot , Is In a very bud condition. A largo
liolu bus been washed In thu center of thu
toadwuy , and unless It h repaired i > rotty
soon tt.o city Is liable to htivo iv big damage
suit on its liiuult.
Chris. Hoitun , has secured the contract to
croot n two-story brick block , ! H\SO , for T.
J. Evans , on the lot adjoining Cole & Colo's
inrilwiire store on Minn street , ut the hciul
< j { first avenue. Work will commence on
i/.o building at onco.
the month ofTuna the ntlautlon of
r. Stcwatt , assistant state veturinarluu of
this city , was called to fourteen cases of
glamlcn , , nearly all within this county. All
of the nllllctcd animals but one were killed.
At present there uro four cases in the county ,
one in Uoukford nnd three In Crescent town
Arrangements nro now being niiulo to hold
a grand concert in Dohnny's opcr.i house at
an curly diiy , In which the very best lute tit
n Omaha and Council Bluffs will take part.
The programme hab not yet been announced ,
but a i-nro musical treat is promised. It will
.bo arranged so that In the sulu of the tickets ,
a chnnco In the trades dsplay ) radio will bo
There wan n foot race ut Union park yea-
tcrduy .afternoon between Anderson ami
Tolles for n purse of 25. Tolles gnvo An
derson four yards' start in a dnsh of fifty
yards and wiis beaten by about two feet.
Anderson , who was a member ol this year's
Rescue racing nose team , is a fust fifty
yards' sprlntor und would run. Tolles n very
lively race on oven terms.
Dohany's operu house is receiving a thor
ough renovation. Now scenery , furniture
nnd decorations are under headway , which
will mutto It when it opens In September
what Council Uluffs has never had before
n first class theatre the best m the state.
In the matter of nttruclions , someof the best
have b ( en cngiiged , among these , The Amer
ican Opera company , Milton Cobles , Hav-
erly's minstrels. Thomas W. Keene , Jarbeau ,
and Maggie Mitchell. After September
Council UlufTs people will not have to go
to Uniuha to enjoy a llrst class play or opera.
A lively time I ? promised to-day between
the property owners on east Plerco.strcot
nnd the motor company. Thu company is
raising the grade at the Intersection of Pierce
nnd Union streets , BO as to get over the lull
back of John Clausen's residence. This
raise of gruda will necessarily damage Pierce
street property , nnd injunctions will bo got-
tea out this morning restraining the motor
conip.iny from making such u grade. John
Clausen refuses to have the grade back oj
his house lowered. It looks us though the
motor company would have to accept the
grudo as they iltul it.
In obedience to a new order Issued on
Saturday evening the peanut venders and
retail fruit dealers , who keep open on Sun
day , refrained from displaying any of their
wares outside their places of business ycstor
day. Their stores were open , as usual , but
customers were compelled to go insldo. The
object of the move has not yet been ofllclull.v
announced , but it Is said to he to giva the
directs less of u week day aspect on Sunday ,
Several of the parties directly affected at
tribute thu move to the recent action of the
barbers in closing their places of business on
Dexter , employment.
List your property with A. A. Clark & Co
Hiivo our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laumlrv Co.
City steam laundry , 34 Main , tol. 141 ,
Steam and hot water heating , Urst-clas :
plumbing. Work in both cities. JOHN Git.
DIKT , 518 Pearl street. Council Bluffs.
J. G. Tipton , real csttHo , 6I7 ! B'dwtiy
Dr. C. C. liaxon , dentist , Opera house
Ollloor Dnyla nnd His Little Glut ) .
Sunday was u great day at the beer gar
den in the eastern part of the city. Thor
was a largo crowd in attendance , nnd vcr ,
Tow of tliosa present have over made i
record for themselves as among the stauncl
prohibitionists of .the city. There wa
plenty of beer and an abundance of drinker
to dispose of It. Everybody was wnnnlni
up in the most approved beer garden style
when Ofllcor Doyle appeared on the grounds
Ho soon olnglcd out a hilarious young Get
iniui generally known us "Schucster , " wlios
proceedings ho watched for a short tim
with n disapproving eye , and then procccdoi
to place him under arrest. The prisoner wa
not disposed to meekly submit , nnd th
ofllrer encircled his wrist with the pom
nslvo "coma along. " At this point the imi
ratlves brunches , und widely differing storie
are told by the interested parties. Uo.yl
says that his prisoner refused to go , and h
tapped him on the arm with his club , who
the nippers slipped off , and the fellow , wh
was very drunk , lull to the sidewalk , strll
Ing his ncad on thu curbstono.
The story told by several witnesses 1 tha' '
Doyle struck his prisoner a torriOlo blot'
over the head with his club , instead of o
the arm. as ho states. At any rate the Got
man had a frightful gash cut in hla cal |
and hud to ua convoyed to his homo nen
the brewery , and his condition lust even In
was regarded as quite serious.
After this affair was reported , the prc
prlotor of thu garden was notified to clos
up his place , nnd ordered not to open agal
during the day.
Mrs. II. J. Hichardson , of Blunt , Dak
Is visiting her grand-daughter , Mrs. J , /
Miss Fannie M. Footo , of Atchison , Kan
is In the Blurts , the guest of Mrs. G. D. Oi
trom of Avenue 13.
J. W. Porogoy and A. C. Graham an
their families loft yesterday for Spirit Luk <
where they will spend a couplu of weeks.
T. J. Evans and Superintendent Ueynold
of the electric motor line , havu roturnc
from a trip to Chicago uud other caster
points. j (
D. N. Ulohardson , 01 Davenport , editor <
tbo Democrat-Gazette , Is In the city , inulun
a tour of investigation among our education
Institutions , particularly thu lowu Instltutlc
for the deaf and dumb.
A. S. Tiffany , of Union , recording seer
tnry of the lowaStuto firemen's ussociutlo
was in thu city yesterday the guest of J. 1
Tumplcton , Ho caioo on business connoctt
with Buttling up tlio accounts of the rccoi
Notice the beautiful linUh given co
hire , cuffs mid shirty by Cascade Luui
dry company.
C , II. Trunit Factory moved to Chapman
old stand. Largest trunk factory in west.
A good house and lot in desirable locatlc
for salu , ftOIK ) : $500 cash , baluuca ton yua
tlmo. A. A. Clurk & Co. ,
Splendid bargains ut Marcus' clothin
toro before removal to uow building.
The Supply of Brick Will Affoot the
Paving Contracts.
Tlio aillwniikcaVi New MortRnco The
Kloctflc Motor and Itji Stops
JJnyltss t'nrk nnd Its
Now Ohnroli.
Yesterday afternoon ut 8 o'clock tlio SPO-
onil Presbyterian church , on tlio corner of
Harmony and Lopau streets , was formally
dedicated In tlio presence of an audience that
nilod the aisles nnd almost the pulpit of tlio
church. The services were of n very iin-
presslvo nature , conducted by Dr. Phelps ,
of tiio First Presbyterian church , assisted by
the pastor ia clmrgo , Uev. Mr. Williams.
At the conclusion of the services Dr.
Phclps , In a vor.y pleasant mnnuor , recounted
Uio history of the church from its inception ,
through its various stages to Its present
completed state , and stated Its present finan
cial condition. There was u little debt re
maining , but when the eloquent speaker
concluded his remarks it was ready to take
\\liiK > , and it only required the formality of
a collection to roall7O enough to pay every
cent owed.
A brief history of the muses which led to
tlio organization of this ii-llcious body will
bo Interesting In this connection.
In the year Ib&i , during the summer , when
religious feeling is generally ut a low ebb ,
tlio seeds were sown ot what has since grown
into a nourishing young church , Previous to
that tune ctiuruli advantages In the city in
which this church is now located had been
obtainable only in the Broadway M. 13.
church , and even that was too far away to ba
enjoyed by a very large portion of the pee
ple. Realizing the religious destitution of
the neighborhood , a number of prayer meet
ings was Instituted and held in the parlors
of Mr. J. M. Palmer , Tilrs. John Fnlr , Mrs. V.
Fisk and others , until the attendance became -
came too largo for these rooms. To prevent
tha work which had already been done from
dying out , a committee was appointed to
draft a constitution and by-laws of a perma
nent organization. On ' July 31 , 1SS4 , this
committee presented the results of their de
liberations , which were liuully adopted Au
gust 23 of the same year. The nnino of the
organization was "The Ladies' Harmony
Mission Soeloty ; " its object , "To piomolo
the cnuso of piety and religion In the commu
nity , " It was Incorporated under the laws
of the state September 12.
The first oDIcors elected were as follows :
Mrs. Vaunt ! Fisk , president ; Mrs. Henry
Ueione , vice president ; Mrs. L. A. Mooumw ,
secretary ; Mrs. J. M. Palmer , treasurer.
Directors Mrs. John Hammer Mrs. W. U.
Shot wood , Mr . William Bean , Mrs. John
Fair , Miss Carrie Burgess , Miss Hattiu
Palmer. Miss Ida Pruyn , Miss Lena
Socials were held nnd subscriptions ob
tained to meet current expanses. A lot was
immediately leased and a building secured
and suitably fitted up , und on Sunday , No
vember 51 , was dedicated to the worship of
God. Ueurcsontativts were present from
alt the denominations in the city , and Kovs.
. G. Lemon , of thu Baptist church , 1C. D.
McCreary , of the M. E. , and A. 1C. Bates , of
ho Presbyterian churches , tooit part in the
ixercises. Hev. J. Fisk , of the M. E. church ,
.ircuclicd the dedicatory sermon from Mal-
achi , chapter III. , verse 1 : 'Tho Lord ,
vhom yo seek , will certainly cotr.o to his
cmplo. "
From that time services have been rcgu-
urly hold in the chanel , ministers of Coun-
il Bluff a aud Omaha conducting services on
ho Sabbath , and laymen from the several
: hurches leading the prayer meotiugs. Dur-
ng all this tluiu the ladies met current ox-
Ksnses by social and contrlbu-
On July 13 , 18ST , a menting was called to
jonsider the purchuso of a lot. A committee
consisting of Mrs. J. M. Palmer , Mrs. W.
VI. Squires and .1. H. Wcacott wore elected ,
vho , according to instructions , at once
lought of Henry Dolong , on liberal terms ,
-ho - lot on the corner of Logan and Harmony
itreots , 50x00 feet.
Believing that the purpose of tha original
'ounders would be bolter carried out by so
doing , it was decided on December 0 , 18b8 ,
jy an almost unanimous vote , to turn the
Ladies' Harmony mission over to the care
nnd protection of the Presbyterian churcli
of this city. A resolution was also adopted
that if and when a Presbyterian churcli
should bo organized the Harmony mission
would convoy to the church thus organised
"its property , both real and personal. Sooi :
.ifter this a petition signed by twelve per
sons was sent to the Presbytery ol
Council Bluffs , and in pursuance thereof the
Second Prcbbytorian church of Counci
LSluffs was organized by a committee nn-
pointed by tlio Presbytery , consisting of Uuv
Stephen Phelps , D. D. . H-JV. G. P. ,
Thomas Oflicer. A. W. Hurterpeo , M. D. ,
and J. H. Wescot * .
Mr. Williams , who was and is still serving
the new church as pastor , immediately begai
ulanning for the enlargement of the churcl
building. This was successfully accom
plished , nnd now a small but neat and wel
arranged edillco stands where but so rcccntl.i
thcro was naught but a scries of hills am
glens in which but few people lived.
In the accomplishment of this inagnlflcan
result great credit U duo those who in tin
beginning recognized tim necessity for reli
gious organization at this point nnd laborci
long and earnestly to secure this end.
Important to IjiullcM nnd Gentlemen
I have established an extensive dyeing nn (
cleaning works in this citv nnd desire to cal
attention of ladies and gcntloiucn of Oamli ;
and1 Council Bluffs to the fact that I hav (
f uvnlhhed my works with the latest improvcc
machinery known to thu trade , that I havi
had over sixteen ycara' experience , am
that I use only the very best dj'os and ehoin
Icnls. I clean and dye everything but fui
goods. I call special attention to my ncv
cleaning process by which the gin mont Is no
ripped nnd which restores the original Instn
to the goods , n Ladies' und jfoaltnmcn'a sum
mer garments , such as lli.nnulo or cillt , modi
to IOOK as good as now. Dresses , clothing
silks , shawls , laces and plumes dyed In HU
uerlor manner. Motor fura allowed on nl
goods brougnt to works , or wagon will cal
at residence. G. A. Schondsack , Twin Uit ;
Dye Works , Twenty-sixth and Broadway
Main ofnce 11 ! ) South Sixteenth , Omatiu.
Not Oonil , But Still Allvo.
I will convince you of the fact by the mice
I will iiiaka you on my own make of car
rlages , buggies , mirroys and phictnns.
also keen in stock uustcrn manufncturci
work which I will soil at astonishingly iov
figures. 1 have a largo stock , which I wan
to reduce within the next thirty iluys. I
persons desirous of buying will cull I wll
convince them of the fact that what I say
mean. Call and convince yourselves. H
F. Hattenhauor , Nos. :2r : to SI , Fourth street
Council Bluffs.
' The Tonulior * .
The work of the teachers' Institute 1
going on smoothly. There Is nothing of pat
tieular interest to outsiders going ot ;
although tbo work is far from being monotonous
onous to those m attendance. The numbe
of teachers now enrolled is about 140. Ttior
uro BIS teachers employed in Pottnwattami
county ami It U expected that " 50 of the
number will bo in attendance at the lustltut
by examination time.
Prof. MuNaughton remarks as onn marko
feature punctuality ana u full attendance c
those enrolled. No lectures uro nnnouncc
for the term , ttioy , having boon ubitndono
two years ago on account of the ruthor pee
attendance which they drew.
Perhaps one explanation of a Inck of a
tcnduiico is thatu greater part of the tcacl
ors uro at ranger s in the city and Uad It it
convenient to attend mi evening session , A
the session in Avoca a course of lectures o
educational topics uro always given and at
well attended.
New library
The worlc of moving and arranging th
books In the new public library rooms , i
iho Merriam block , has been progrcsaln
slowly on account of a delay in securln
shelving , but Is now nearly completed , un
tha library will probably be ocen for b'is
ness by the inii'.dlo of tbo week. Only 01
or two other public libraries In the state cnn
bonst of the advantages of the Council
Bluffs public library association , which was
established In 18TO. and kept up by various
benefits , private donations , etc. On tha or
ganization of the present association under
the state law In 1SS2 , a donation of 2S'J3
volumes was made thorn by the old associ
The present number of registered vol
umes is 7,01:3 : , which does not Include public
documents , which number about throe thou
sand volumes.
Much credit for the success of tbo Institu
tion Is duo to Horuco Everett , D. C. Bloomer
nnd others , who have boon foremost In the
work of Us proper management. Mrs. E. W.
Davenport , the present librarian , li thor
oughly ncannlnlcd. and efficient , having been
rmployc'd for about seven years by the old
association , nnd the same tlma by the now
one , making an uninterrupted term of four
teen year * .
Kullcy A Younltormnn sell groceries
Chase and Sanborn coffees a spoclaly.
< -
Have your old furniture upholstered , good
as now. H. Morgan , TM Broadway ,
S. B. Wiulswortb & Co. loan money.
.1 i
liiHiilIlolcnt Brick.
The city council will this evening Inquire
Into the report that there U insufficient pav
ing brick In the city with which to complete
the brioit paving ordered awl contracted for.
At thu last session of tlio council Alderman
Everett uiudo this statement and supple
mented U with a motion to give the paving
contractor an extension of time to complete
the work , but the motion was rejected. By
the terms of the qontrnct , G. S. Miller , to
whom the paving ci ntruct was lot , Is re
quired to hnvo the work finished by the Iht
of December , under a penalty of &S5 a day
for each day required to complete It there
after. Aldorlnan Everett's motion was to
extend the time until the 1st ot Juno , 1390.
When the question of paving with brick
was discussed in the council it was evident
the matter ot supply of brick was not thor
oughly Inquired into , and wheu the resolu
tion was passed awarding the contract , the
mayor intimated his Intention of vetoing It ,
if , upon inquiry , he found enough suitable
brick could not bo obtained in tha city , but
the fact that ho did nut veto the resolution
was taken us an Indication that there could
boor would bo no scarcity of material. It
now transpires that there is a serious
scarcity , nnd slnco the defeat of Alderman
Everett's move for an extension of time.
Contractor Miller has been compelled to go
outside of the city to get the material , nnd
has already contracted for paving brick In
Lincoln and other toxvns , and expects the
delivery oC the foreign material to commence
at once. The council will look into the mat
ter to-night and'Hce what can bo dona to keep
all the money for this work at home.
Miller's contracts call for nearly 30,000
yards of paving , and to do this woric it will
require nearly two million pavimr brick.
This vast number in addition to the amount
required for the now sewers contracted , it is
said , will more than exhaust the capacity of
nil the brick yards in the city duriag the
season , even if no hard Brick were required
for private building purposes. Only u small
percentage of the brick in. u kiln are suitable
for navlng , and brickmakcrs will not consent
to tear their kilns to pieces as sooa us burned
to get the hard bricks , and even If enough
could UQ made between the present time nnd
cold weather they could not bo delivered.
There is no reason why every dollar paid out
for uaviug this year should not remain in
the city , and from present indications the
only way this can be done is for the council
to grant Contractor Miller an extension of
It Is said succlal kilns can bo erected that
will nroduco nothing but hard-burned briclc ,
but brickmakcrs claim it will cost ? 25,000 and
take eight months' time to get these kilns In
operation , and this delay will bo fatal to
Contractor Miller under the terms of his
present contract. Delay in paving is unde
sirable , but if ono of the important objects
in using brick fox1 the work is to bo defeated
by haste it ia bettor to suffer the inconven
ience of delay and gain thu other considera
tion. It will bo well for the council to defi
nitely settle the matter to-night.
Council Bluffs Furniture company for
good goods at low prices. 407 Broadway.
For rent House , 7 rooms , in good location ,
$25. A. A. Clark & Co.
New Ogden , only first-class modern hotel
In the city. Hates reasonable. .
Duylist Park its It Should II ; .
' If I owned property facing on this park I
would certainly bo willing to give something
toward having a fountain , and I wouldn't
wait to have the park ccuimisslonors come
and ask mo for It , buc I would got after them
instead , " remarked a Council Bluffs business
man yesterday afternoon , as ho stood in ttio
center of Bayliss park , loDlcing at the barren
spot thirty-feet in diameter that is waiting
patiently for the long promised ornament.
'Why , it would Increase the value of sur
rounding property far more than the amount
the owners would give , to say nothing of the
pleasure , wtiich cannot bo estimated in dollars
lars ar.d cents , which they would derive from
having it hero. 1 don't think that the public
generally should bo asked to subscribe
toward It , although all will of course be
benelUted , because a park tax has already
been levied and all have contributed to it in
that tnnimur. Those folks living around
here will deiivo far moro enjoyment from it
than those who resUo farther away , and I
think they should bo willing to assist In
getting it. A fountain is all th it is needed
to complete the park , and it will never be
completed without it. Witli sucli a fountain
us the ono proposed the park would ba with
out an equal anvwhoro in the west , without
excepting a single city , Just imagine what
It would bo like with a handsome basin bore
thirty foot wide , with u coping of Colorado
brown stone and a beautifully designed foun
tain eighteen foot high rising in the center
with n dozen streams of water Issuing from
as many figures nnd falling to the basin
beneath. Could there bit any sweeter music
in n spot like this ) It would add to the cool
and refreshing attractiveness of the place in
the day tlmo , as well ns to the beauty of the
park and Its surroundings under the bright
beams of the electric light. A fountain
placed right hero would give moro pleasure
nnd enjoyment to the citizens of Counci
Bluffs than double the amount expended it
any other way. "
DifsHnlution Notice.
The firm of Dexter & Armstrong Is this
clay dissolved , Mr. Armstrong retiring absolutely
lutoly from the firm. The business will b <
conducted until further notice by Mr. IJuxtei
ut Hootn 1 , NoS Pearl street. No business
transuded by Armstrong will have any con
nocllon with Mr. Dexter whatever.
\\'o have a customer for several lots it
western part of the city near the motor Hue
A. A. Clark & Co.
A MnrtmiKft or Millions.
A mortgage was filed for record at tbi
ofllco of the ceunty recorder Saturday oven'
Ing that makes all previous articles in thli
line sink Into comparative insicniliciinca. I
was from tha Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pau
Railway company to the United States Loat
and Trust company , of New York. Tin
amount was $150,000,000 , and covers the roat
bed , rolling stock , right of way aud the entire
tire property of the company. The enl ;
mortgage exceeding this that U filed hero I
that of the Union Paeitlo Railway compan ;
to the government , amounting to Hoarl
(300,003,000. The Milwaukee mortgage , jus
filed , bus to bo recorded in 110 counties h
Iowa , Kansas , Missouri , Dakota , Minnesota
Wisconsin nnd Illinois , There are 14,0ft
words In the document , which will cove
about thirty pagon of the record. The lllini
fees huru amounted to * H.10.
I'iolccil Up by the 1'olioe ,
Sun Jay was not a particularly remu ncrt
tivo dav for thu police , so far ns victims t
their vigilant search were concerned , bu
with those hauled In Saturday afternoon am
the following night , they managed to muket
very fair showing to aupear this mornln
for trial. Mary Daunt was locked up fo
disturbing the ponce. Joseph Bartol , a run
uway boy , was also corralled , and place
behind the bars for sufo keeping. J , Well
\vns another pence disturber who found hln
Jn uu ofllccr'B clutches.ljoaj ; > y
Brooks anil a frail dUmlttl giving the name
of Myrtle Lee warn/Jaund In Bayliss park ,
by Officer Mullen , at J.o'clock In the morn *
ing , and wore escortedtn tlio quay. "Soapy"
was booked an a ( lrunliktvagniid ! , the woman
was hold on general principles. Orders hnvo
been Issued to bowicft'' women from the
park at 11 o'clock , uml'illoso found loitering
about thd placet nftor tjiqi hour Will bo very
llkoly to get Into trouble. Complaint has
been made that a lot of disreputable charac
ters frequent the parliflUrlng the nlghtnftor
tha electric light go6f'But at midnight , and
that disgraceful nconW'jxrn ' nightly enacted ,
the equal of which -W6dld ho hard to find
anywhere , ovcu'ln tho. historic precincts of
"Rotten How. " The Viithorltles have de
cided to put a stop to lu'nnd such steps will
bo taken ns to keep the disreputable class
out , ami make it n decent place for rospcctu-
bio people to gather and spend the ovenlngs ,
without danger of Insult or annoyance.
No Explosions
When persona keep cool nnil use our
' 'Sun Dial" gns stoves. Four holes ,
ronstor mid bakcovon. Costs 7 cents
per hour when running full blast. Now
York Plumbinff Co. *
J. H. Smith , ilrugs , medicines , paints , oils ,
glass. COO Main , near John Morgon'B.
Money loanou" at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s
loan nlllco on furniture , piiinns , horses ,
wagons , personal nroporty ot all kinds ,
aim all other articles of value , without
removal. All business strictly confi
dential ,
TrlnlH of thu Motor Conductor * .
"It does Boom ns It folks would never
lonrn that wo must not stop except just after
passing crossings , " remarked a motor con
ductor yesterday afternoon ns n rod-faced
mon with his wife aud throe children frant
ically waved their hands and handkerchiefs
for the car to stop In the middle of a block ,
ami swore- mentally when the conductor
motioned them to trail ulong to the next
crossing , "Wo have tried for two months to
teach the public that they must , board the
cars at the crossings and got off at the satno
places , but they have continued to do as
they ploaso. Heretofore wo have stopped
for thorn nnd then told thorn what the rules
were , and hdmonishgd thorn to govern them
selves accordingly for the future , but they
seem to think that if wo stopped for them
once wo could do the same whenever tliny
wanted n rldo. This was iloiio hoping that
they would grasp the Idea and accustom
themselves to the proper wiiy of doing
things , but the superintendent finally made
up his mind that , the plan wouldn't work ,
nnd has given orders to strictly follow the
rules nnd stop only after passing a stro.t
"We are allowed to slop between Seventh
and Klghth streets , however , as that Is a
very Vone , block , aud it virtually amounts to
the sumo thing from Sixth street to Eighth
street , ns the streets opening on Broadway
are so Irregular that wo cau stop almost
nnyxvhcro and make a street crossing. Then
wo have to stop ut tlio hotels , and that com
pletes the list. It may seem rather tough to
make a lady tag along after the car for a
couple of hundred feet , especially if the
street is muddy , but ono such experience is
always enough for timm , and they never try
it the second time. Tlio majority of these
who are given u lesson of this kind , tiiKo it
very kindly when it is'Oxplalnod that it is
the order of the compali'Jr , but some of the
men , who are too important to think tlmt
anybody 1ms any rights oxL-eut themselves ,
swear lilto troopers wljcu compelled to walk ,
and threaten to couiplairi to the superintend
ent , but It is not probable that they do , at
any rate , they w6ulu got cool com
fort. This rule is "ndt ns hard on the
men , however , as It' is on the ladies ,
for the former can , get on or off
without necessarily watting for the train to
stop. We carry a few ladies who sometimes
attempt to stou off on Jibe fly , nnd ono or two
of them do it very neatly' ' , but , vo nro always
afraid that they will get hurt , und discour
age it.
"Tho meanest man over carried came
ever from Omaha with''mo ' this morning. Ho
was fairly well dressed und might have been
taken for a very dectnt ; kind of n man if ho
mis not known. His 'little daughter , aged
about six years , was with him and he wanted
to get out of paying her faro. Ho paid his
own fare , and when I asked for the child's
he stated that she did not belong to him.
'Why , yes I do ; you are my papa'pleaded
the little one , but that contemptible cur just
sat thcro and denied it , nnd told tno to stop
and put the child off if I didn't want to carry
her. What could I dot I couldn't put her
off there alone , and ho had paid his fare , and
denied having anything to do with the little
girl. I thought I had carried some mean
men before , but that broke all previous
records. "
The worli ought to I know nhat S. S. S. boa
dona for me In tlio euro I ofa malignant Cncccr ,
wlilchnu eoli.Tlnsto I ho considered 'Incura-
bio by the I > hjfcl.nn ! Itn Chicago , \\hcro I
vent to bo treated. Olio I of my nilglihoro cent
me n. copy of nn ud cr- ItlKcmuit In regard to
Sivlft'H bpcclfij. nnd I \ begun taking It. I pot
relief from llicilrttfcw Seleses ; tlie poisonuas
gradually forced out ( if 1 my Hyelccn , nud I was
teen cured found niul swell. It la now ten
menthe elnco I qul t UiU ' S. andlha\o
Lad no Bljn ; of rctuin of the droaQfu'l dlscaeo.
Au Saulu , Mich. , Dec , 20 , ' 38.
Send for books on Blood Diseases nnd Cancers ,
mailed free. TJIE SWIFT SPECIFIC ) Co.
' Drawer 3. Atlanta. Go.
and Nansamond
Cahilmge and
Other Vegetable Plants.
[ .By J , R , McPHERSON , GROWER ,
Vegetables , Vegetable Plants ,
- ,
Enst Pierce St. - , Council Hluffa.
, ,
Sporting Headquarters.
I'roa. Vice Viet
J'alrt Up CftPltttl . 1 150.000.00.
BlirnhlH . -'i.000.00.
Liability to Depositors. . S\Uii0.nO.
JliUKCTims-I. A. Mlllor. ! ' . O. ( IluuHon , B. L
SluiHurt , r..ii. Hurt , J , 1) . Kdmuiidson. C'has. U.
Jiunuun. Transact Kenerul bunking business.
Luruodt ciipltiil niul surplus c : Any bank in
Boutuwestern lowu. Inter eat on tlmo deposit *
Twenty per cent discount on all sales from now until
August 15. This 20 per cent discount is on each and every
article we sell. It includes Coats' Spool Cotton , all kinds of
domestics , every staple as well as fancy article in our house.
Cautious and money saving buyers should not fail to attend
this sale. Our store will be filled with customers , and we
would advise early morning shopping. Store open from 7:30 :
a. m. until 8:30 : p. m.
Don't fail'to attend this great removal sale and secure
your share of the bargains , at
I710U UKNT A now cottaire ot four rooms on
JD Graham avo. A splomlld blue grass pus-
tuio near the city. A dairy farm one-half mlto
of the city. A largo comfortable liouso on
Woodbury uvemio.A cottngo on Tenth nvo.
Apply at the olllco ot Uoracu Kverott.
HUNT or Balo-Aii 18x21 Ht.iblo. located
FlJll 10th avc. lietween"d and ! ! d avenues. Oeo.
Metcnlf. 1U 1'carl st.
ANTKl ) Clerk for general merchandise
store ; vlnitlo man ; must have some ox-
porlouce ; ono who speaks Gorman preferred.
Address with refcrrenco or call on H. Muudol ,
Ncola , la.
O8T lletwccn Soronco , Nob. , and Council
JlllullB , Saturday , .Inly 1' ! , a bluu llnun en
velop ? containing several papers , among them
a. note for f I.UIT.ll. dated Oct. ffli , 18S7. duo ono
year fiom datov It was signed by A. Is. bpuicn ,
of Ulyssls. Nub. , and was made in favor ot
CIonKh. iCola. of S'llem. la. The note was In
dorsed for JI.247. anted Nov. fi. IhSC. The papers
are valueless to anyone but tno owners. A
suitable reward will bo paid for tno return ot
the property to Plough Ac Cole. Pnlem , In.
family team for sal o or trade for lot.
FINE ij _ > 2 West llroadwaj- .
T7KIl ) KENT Store room. No. IS Mum St. .
-I ? after July 1. W. C. Jamas , ID Pearl st.
IJ1INE family team tor sale , or trade for
-I ? lot. Inquire MM Wast Ilromlway.
HUNT FiirtiUhoil ( for two or thrao
months ) , the house 1 occupy , No. 124 So.
7th st. 11. C. Cheyney.
"DUAL KSTATG nought aad sold nnrt ox-
XV ehaiiKed. Special attention given to exam
ination of tltlou.V. . C. James , No. 1U l arl St. .
Council Uluifi. .
TT OIlttENT Easy terms two new live-room
JJ houses , inth avo. botwoun Hlgn and Third
sts. Sell cheap It token this vrcok. Inquire
o > yner. J plckoy. 740 H. Wuy.
Tmoil SAt.i : Old oit-ibllsaod general mer-
Jj chiindl-io business , stoclc , llxtnros , waaous ,
etc. Good room and low rent. Address. J.
Dlckoy , 7M ) U. Woy
Kverybody In the city to remem
ber Mandel's bargain furniture store Is
the place to buy your goods. 332 nndlUu llroad-
In the city. Gilt edged opportunities to lmmo <
dlato Investors
No. 27 Main Street ,
Over Jncqucmiii'i .VcwclryStoro
No. 10 Pearl St ff. n. M.
Corner Main and Broadway , .
Dealers In foreign r.nd domestic exchange.
Collections mad * nud iuttrait paid on time de
Electric Trusses , Belts , Giiest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wanted.
Agent American llulldlnir and Loan Assocla-
on. No. 30 1'earl t.t U1'-8T Vlltd.
OH AH. O , K
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , uorsos. bujrgioa or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity : fair and honorable dealing ,
A. A. Clark & Co. , ollloo cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
Olllco corner Main Bt , , und
and Homuopnth , Hoom 0 , Brown
PI , building , 115 I'earl St. Oillco houra , I ) to 12.
u. in. , 2 to U und 7 to S , p , m.
SIZES FROM Especially AttaflleJ ftp
KM ?
25 TO 300
fllr ,
HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators
Fppcltlciitlonsuml estimates furnlalioil for complete ntcntn planH. Itesulntlon , Durability
Cim show letters from uiers wncro fuel economy Is equal with Corll Non-ccnulonrinir.
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for catalogue. No. 510 Potirl Street , Council Bluffs.
. v A AND
* fcs = &i i\ \
Connected by Motor
Located on Lake Mannwa , the finest Watering Place and Summe
Resort in the west , Beautiful Boating and Fishing.
Unparalelled Bathing Beach.
DAW D-au I Special Rates to Parties nua Families. Cor-
4 > W rUl 5Jdf ] j respoudouoo Solicited.
\ce&Hoj \
CoundlBIn <
Open Dally , All KpeclmciiH Fur
Call at Museum or address
816 North 10th St. , Omaha , for Catalogue ,
Special Bargains in all Departments This Week ,