Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1889, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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rtllvcred by carrier In Any fart of ho City a
'Jvcnty Cents Per Week.
U. W. T11/10N. . . . MANAOK1U
ncpiKr.pfl Omen No. 43.
NIOIIT Kbrroit , No. SI.
N. Y. P. Co.
Glcnson conl ,
C. W. MtiBlo Co. , 633 B'wuy. '
Hclter , tailor , 310 Hrondwny.
Evnns' laundry , 724 llroaclwny.
D.V. \ . Otis , city and farm loans.
Five-foot bntnboo easels OOo. Chnpmnn's. '
Three excursion parties passed through
the transfer yesterday morning.
Next Wednesday the board of trade will
onturtnln the Commercial club of Knnsns
J , Connors Is booked for n hearing on the
17tli , for running a pool table without a
The new hose house question will proba
bly bo settled at the council meeting next
Monday night.
Jake Souf was huulcil in yesterday morn-
.Ing. for creating one of his periodical dis
turbances at the Northwestern house.
Colonel t ) . 11. Ualley yesterday removed
his law oftlco from the county court hnusu to
n Imntlfiomc suit of rooms In tlie Mcrrlam
Deputy County Clerk Crale , of Avoea , has
tendered Ins resignation , und on the "Jd will
step down nml out. Ills successor has not
been named. '
Friday evening n llttlo child named Curl
nosonborgcr , residing on E ist I'lcrce street ,
while ut play fell and broke an arm. Dr.
Bellinger reduced the fracture.
At LaKe Manuwa to-day the Scluityon
Vcrcln will hold a iiicnlc , and u big time
will bo In order. Music , dancing and Hing
ing will bo the order of the uny.
There will bo a meeting of the trusteen
nnd stockholders of the Council Bluff * and
Omaha Clmutnuqua assembly at tho'bonrd of
trade rooms Moiuln.v , July 1C , at 4 p. in.
Deputy Sheriff Curriovontj to Mount
Pleasant lust evening In charge of Miss
IScllo Phillips , whom he took to the Insane
asylum. Ailsi Phillips lived at the coruor of
Avenue B nnd Tenth street.
The funeral of Ncls Andersen , the Dane
who died from a sunstroke sustained while
worklnir on the Milwaukee gravel train , took
place nt 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon from
the residence , corner of Sixteenth street and
Ninth avenue.
The electric motor company la grading
East Pierce street preparatory to laying tbo
trucks for Its Uuper Uroadway extension ,
and it is stated that the electric cars will be
running around the Council Bluffs loop be
fore the 1st of September.
A teacher by the nmne ot Boulder , who 1s
attending the Institute , mourns the loss of
about ? JO that was stolen from his room at
the residence of Mr. Applcgato , on Fourth
street. Tlio police are working on the case ,
but no clue has yet been secured as to the
identity of the thief ,
J. K. Snyder , commission dealer , Noa. 22 ,
2-1 and 20 Pearl street , has just been ap
pointed the local agent for the celebrated
Snntn Rosa cigar , manufactured by Fred
Hank , Davenport , la. This cigar hjxs been
on the market for some time , nnu the brand
has become deservedly popular. It takes the
lead among the 10-ccnt cigars of the city , and
Is'in veiy good local demand.
The Odclls , of this elty , and the Gate
Citys , of Omaha , play 'n came of ball a Fairview -
view park this afternoon. It Is the intention
to have games at this park throughout the
buluii6o of the season , provided they are
properly patronized. The Odell club is one
of the best over organized in the city , and
they should have the hearty support of nil
lovers of the greut national game.
A letter received from \V. H. Thomas ,
county recorder , states that ho and the lish-
Ing nnd hunting paity wno accompanied
him have had a high time up to the point of
writing1. W. H. Gaudy , Dr. West and Billy
Harden rmnulu in Colorado for u longer va
cation , while Mr. Thomas goes to Ogden ,
Utah , for a visit of two weeks , after which
ho will return homo on the Union Pacific via
A rumor prevailed on the streets yester
day mornlcg that Contractor George S.
Miller had secured a largo number of his
paving brick from parties residing outside
the city , nnd as u consequence some Ill-feel
ing was manifested. The members of the
council are of the opinion that the brick
should bo manufactured at home , nnd thus
nlvo homo laborers the benefit of this money.
The Idea is to keep all of the money in the
city possible. The question will probably
receive some attention nt the meeting of the
council to bo held next Monday evening.
Dexter , employment.
List your property with A. A. Clark & , Co.
Have our wagon call for your toiled
clothes. Cascade Laundrv Co.
City steam laundry. 84 Main , tcl. 141.
Steam nnd hot water hcatlnir , ilrst-clusa
plumbing. Work in both cities. JOHN GIL-
ur.iiT , CIS Pearl street. Council Blults.
J. G. Tipton , real csttito , 527 B'dway.
Dry Goods will Move Now.
Twenty per cent discount on all sales from
now on until August 15. This 20 per cent
discount is on each und every article'wo sell.
It includes Coats' spool cotton , all kinds ol
domestics , every staple ns well as fancy
articles iii our house. Cautious and money
saving liuycrs should not fall to attend this
ale Our store will bo filled with
customers nnd we Would advise early
morning shopping. Store open from 7:80 : a.
in. until S0 : ! ! p. m.
Don't full to attend this great removal
sale and seeuro your share of the bargains.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Dr. C. C. Hazon , dentist , Opera house
A good house and lot In desirable locatior
( or sale , ? lfX ) ( ) ; $ T > CO cash , balance ton yean
time. A. A , Chirk & Co.
Money loaned at L. D. Craft's & CO.'E
loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal proper ty of all kinds ,
nnd nil other articles of value , without
removal. All business strictly confi
dential ,
J. H. Smith , drugs , medicines , paints , oils ,
glass. ( XX ) Main , near John Morgan's ,
/V I'alnlliil Keslilonno.
Architect S. E. Mason completed the plant
yesterday for ono of the finest residences In
the city , U Is to be built by J , J , Brown at
his homestead , corner of Seventh street ant
Seventh avenue. It will be built of brlcl
and stone , und will cost about * 25lWO. Tlu
plans are now ready for the contractors' bids
The work will be commenced this summer
but can not bo completed before next year ,
No KxploBlons
When persons keep cool and use oui
"Sun Dial" gas stoves. Four holes
roaster and bakcoven , Costs 7 cent :
per hour when running full blast , Nov
York Plumbing Co.
Notice the beautiful linish given col
lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Luun
dry company. _
C. H. Trunlt Factory moved to Chapman'i
old stand. Largest trunk factory in west ,
DlKHolutloii Not Inc.
The flrm of Dexter & Armstrong Is tin
day dissolved , Mr , Armstrong retiring ubsa
lutcly from the 11 nil. The business will b
conducted until further notice by Mr. uoxto
at Uoom 1 , No. 28 Pearl street. No buslnua
transacted by Armstrong will have any con
ncctlon with Mr , Dexter whatever.
July 13 , ISS'J. QuoitaE H. DBXTCH.
Wo have a customer for several lots h
western part of the city near the motor line
A , A. Clark & Co.
Splendid bargains ut Marcus' clothinj
tore before removal to uow building ,
Inviting1 Rotronts for Orooks on the
Sand Bars.
The Ilcnvcns Opnn Upon tlin Eastern
Portion of tlio City The Pro-
IdiilstH Declaring
The .Tiincloi on ttio nottoinn.
"All the crooks In PotUwultntnlo county
Ight UUlo In those willows on the bottoms ,
Dotweon the Union Pacific and Broadway
bridges , anil nil the officers In tlio two cities
might look for them \vook without finding
thorn , " remarked an Omaha policeman yes-
.crduy afternoon \vMlo on a visit to the
UlufTs. ' 'Two wooltsngo , " ho continued , "a
mlf-dozcn of us came across the river to
search for Ncebo , the folloxv who shot his
woman down by the tracks. Wo had a
tough old tlmo of It. I don't believe there Is
anybody who hasn't boon In there who has
nny Idea what a hiding place It Is. The
jungles of Africa are not a clrcumstnnco to
it. The willows urn BO thick tluit It Is almost
impossible ) to got through thorn , nnd the
grapevine * have become so tightly Interlaced
Hint a man cannot sec ovur live feet from
him In any direction. In looking through
the dun so tangle I csuno upon several places
where stout posts were sot in the ground ,
with rings attached , mid the ground showed
that ttorsrs hul : boon tied for some
tlmo , and there Is no doubt In my mind that
the place Is used as u hiding place for stolen
Ktock by a gang of horse thieves ,
"it would bo Impossible to Und n man there
unless you accidentally happened to stumble
over him , for there nru acres and ncivs of
this Impenetrable growth. 1 was surprised
to mid such a secure hiding plnco so near
the center of ooth cities , and 1 do not won
der that criminals frequently manage to
krcp dark when they are being vigorously
searched for by the police. It U my firm
conviction Unit tho.Mi acres of willows could
toll some very interesting stories If they
coiild only talk , nnd that more people visit
them t'uun the majority of people suppose. "
Council BlulTs Furniture company fcr
good goods at low prices. 407 Broadway.
For rent House. 7 rooms , in good location ,
? 35. A. A. Clark it Co.
Now Ogdcn , only first-ohm modern hotel
In the city. Hates rc.isomible. .
Chimes of the Hells.
The pastors of the city announce the fol
lowing themes nt their various place * of
worship for the services of to-day , and the
churchgoers may reid ; and govern them
selves accordingly :
Preaching nt lOrfiO a. in. by the pastor , 1) .
C. Franklin. Subject : "Christain Enthu
siasm. " No evening service. Sunday school
iit 12 in. Class meeting ut 7 p. in. Strangers
cordially invited.
South Main struot , opposlto Eighth ave
nue. Prruchlni ; ut S p. m. by the pastor , S.
Alexander. Sunday school at 2iiO : p. m.
Social meeting at 10:30 : n. m.
Near Seventeenth street. Preaching at
10:30 : a. m. by S. Alexander , pastor.
Second. Presbyterian Dedicatory servlco
ai 3 p. m. Sermon by Kov. Stephen Phelps ,
D. D. Sabbath school after service. Prayer
meeting on Thursday evening. Subject :
"Making the Most of Life. "
First Presbyterian Pi caching by the
pnstor nt 10iO : ! a. in. Sabbath school at 12 m.
Young peop'o's meeting as 7 p. in. No
evening service" , because of the union meet
ing at the CougrcKational church. Strangers
and others cordially inviteu.
lioroun Baptist The pastor will preach at
10:30 : a.m. and 8 p. m. to day. Sunday school
meets at 11:45 : a. m. Prayer meeting Wed
nesday evening. All will be made very wel
Congregational The sacrament of tbe
Lord's supper will be adminittcred this
morning. Subject for thought , "God'a '
Children. Hcmarhs by * the pastor. In the
evening there will be a union meeting In
this church , the Rev. Dr. Franklin of the
M. E. church preaching the sermon. All are
All Saints Chupel Corner Eighteenth
street and Third avenue. Sunday school at
3 p. in. Evening service 7lO : : p. in. The
public and strangers welcome. Uov. J. J.
Hoedy , pastor.
Latter Day Saints On Pierce street , near
G'un ' avenue. Preaching to-day at 100 : : ! a.
in. nnd 7:30 : p. in. Social service at d o'clock '
p. m. All are cordially invited.
Fourth Avenue M. E. There will bo
preaching to-day nt the Fourth avenue
Methodist church , corner Seventeenth
street at 10U3a. : in. by Kev. S. Alexander.
All are invited lo attend.
St. Peter's Catho-llc Sunday Low mass
and sermon at 8 n. m. High mass and ser
mon ut 10 a. m. Vespers benediction and
sermon at 7:30 : p. in.
Overton Mission Services every Sabbath
at Overtoil Mission , Fourth avenue between
Sixteen ! fa and Seventeenth streets , ut 10HO :
n. m. Prayer meeting Tuesday evenings.
S. Alexander , pastor.
Salvation Army Old opera house on
Uryant street , near Broadway. Sunday ser
vices : Knee drill ut T u. in. ; holiness meet
ing at 11 u. m. ; free und easy meeting at 3
p. m. ; salvation meeting at S p. in. Meeting
every evening of the week at S , except Mon
day. Door collection charged on Sunday
evening. War Cry admission Saturday
evening. Ofllccrs , Captain Lottie Anderson
and Lieutenant Battle Smith. The hull
meetings are at present discontinued on ac
count of the tent services on West Broad
way. .
Bethany Baptist Corner Bluff and Story
streets. Regular services nt 10:30 : a. m. and
8 p. in. Sunday school ut 3 p. m. Young
people's meeting 7:15 : p. m. Key. 13. N.
Harris , pastor.
St. Francis Xavior's Catholic. Masses on
Sunday Out 8 and 10:30 : o'clock a. in. The
last mass Is high mass. Sermon m English.
Sunday school at 3 p. m. Vespers and bene
diction at 11:30 : p. m.
First Baptist. Preaching by the pastor In
the morning at 10:20 : a. in. Sunday school
12 m. Youngpeople's meeting at 7 v. in.
Union services at the Congregational church
at S p. m. All cordially Invited.
Y. M. C. A. Young Men's ' Cnrlstlan asso
ciation , southwest corner Main and Broad
way. Kimdine room op.on each Sunday from
3 to 0 p. m. The mcatings ii'-o enthusiastic ,
interesting and brief. Meetings lust but an
hour und close on time. Come.
Kelley & Younkormun sell groceries
Chase nnd Sanborn coffees a spccloly.
Have your old furniture upholstered , good
us new. U. Morgan , 73.3 Uroadway ,
An Kplzontio AIIIOIII ; the Uovlues.
The following communication , from a
leading veterinarian of the city , -has just
been received at TUB Uisu olllcc , and ex
plains Itself ;
"An epizootic of contagious Inllamuiatlon
of the eyes in cattle provnlln to an alarming
extent among the hundreds of cows owned
by our citizens and pastured in the vacant
land In the south part of the city. TliU dis
ease is rapidly convoyed from one to another
wbcn associated together In bunches , and It
will not be long bofuro nil the cows In the
elty will bo blind In one or bothoycs , greatly
to the loss to owners in quantity and Quality
of milk produced. Animals rccuvor from
this disease very slowly unless prop
erly treated In the early stages.
It U evidently the duty of the city fathers ,
cither us u board of nldermrn or u board of
health , to stop the spread of this disease by
quarantine regulations , it being as readily
controlled as scarlet fever by the quarantine
method , it is highly Important that the
milk supply of the city bo kept In tlio most
wholesouio condition possible , us u cow with
Inflamed eyes cannot glvu wtiolcsoino mllic ,
and u bad quality of milk moans sick chil
dren. "
A. Miniature Cloud Hurst.
A remarkable phenomenon was witnessed
oi ) HarrUon street Friday nUernoon. About
3 o'clock a little thunder shower , or what up-
peared to bo only a llttlu shower , pa sed
north of the city. TUe cloud was not much
larger than the flgur.itlvo "man's hand , " but
it created considerable atmospheric disturb
ance and was accompanied by a terrific roar
ing. As far t'own tno street as Foster's
greenhouse there VIM no rainfall nt all. The
first Intimation the rc9ldont $ of the lower
portion of the street had of any moisture in
the vicinity was the ftppcarnnco of n solid
wall of the liquid coming down the street , It
was first observed by n pang of carpenters
at worK on a new house n block from the end
of the paving. They hastened down to get
Lhclc tools nnd lumber from the street , but
before they succeeded a river of water the
full width of the street was ruxhlng by.
Two feet back from the flrst advancing rlpplo
the flood was six inches deep In the ccntorof
the street , and at the sides it was overflow
ing the curbing nnd spreading over the side-
wulks. Such a vast body of water overflow-
inif the dry nnd dusty paving presented a re
markable phenomenon. It continued to run
for-nearly three hours , nnd during the time
a much larger quitntlty of water descended
the street than during the heavy rain on
Monday afternoon.
It was evidently a miniature cloudburst o.r
waterspout In the vicinity of Mynstor
Sorlngs , nnd as tlio street drains the larger
portion of the territory In that vlclnelty it
was compelled to carry off the contents of
the cloud. The ocxvcrs curried oft the water
effectually , nnd no damage was done.
S. B. Wndsworth & Co. loan money.
The Silicon War Wnrmlnij , Up.
Th'o war on the saloons iostitutcd by the
Temperance league still continues. Friday
warrants wore Issued from Justice Barnott's
ofllce against Chris Hudio , 012 Broadway ,
and several vessels containing liquor confis
cated. The Ued Front , nt 101 Main street ,
was nlso treated In the same manner. "John
Doe" was the nnmo used in this case ,
the real name .of the proprietor not , being
given. The naloan kept by Frank Dominlsso
was- next visited and his wares destroyed.
A warrant against , the Manhattan did not
bear any fruit. It is a cigar store und bil
liard hall , nnd though the proprietors for
merly were dealers in wet coeds at another
part of the city , nothing could bo ftuiid in
their place this time in liquid form , except a
tank of acceptable ice water.
Yesterday morning the saloon In Lower
Broadway , nearly opposite the waterworks
pumping station , was raided , and n quantity
of beer-secured. It is'statcd that tho'worlr
will bo pushed vigorously on this line , and
every saloon" in the city will bo visited. It is
rumored that the localities of search will
Rhortiybo extended , so'ns to take in districts
not previously visited , nnd n vigorous cam
paign will be opened up all along the lino.
Personal Purocrnitlis.
Miss Dell Dohany Is at Spirit Lake.
Miss Lulu Gibson is spending the summer
in Dakota.
Mrs. W. C. Scott is visiting in Monmouth -
mouth , III.
Bruce Walker and wife have returned to
this oily from Hnrlnn.
Miss Hattie Taylor , of AvocS , is a guest of
Miss Minnie Unthank.
Mrs. Lawrence Maloney. of Dubuquc , Is
visiting Mrs. M , J. O'Rourkc.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mnurer are spending
the heated term at Spirit Lake.
Miss If ate Pusoy will return homo from
Europe some tlmo In September.
Miss Addio Guittar is visiting her cousin ,
Miss Blanche Amy. at Missouri Valley.
Mrs. C. C. Hotchkiss , of Wood U vjr , Npb. ,
is visiting Mrs. J. L , . Smith , of Mill street.
Mrs. F. H. Hill and daughter are visiting
in ICcosauqua , the guests of Mrs. Judge
Miss Kellogg , who has been visiting
friends in this city , has returned to her homo
in Shcnnudouh.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gates , of Newcastle ,
Pu. , are visiting their son , J. F. Gates , No.
70" First avenue.
Mrs. Hachacl Richardson and son are visit
ing friends in Missouri Valley , and Miss
Grace Richardson is at South Omaha ,
S. B. Thompson , of Chicago , was in the
city yesterday. Mr. Thompson is well
known in Iowa , and is familiar with politics
of this state.
Mrs , J. J. Brown nnd daughter , Nora , will
leave Tuesday for Europe. Tney will bo
joined by Mrs. Ryan , of St. Louis. They
will be noseut until some time in October.
Miss Lulu H. Hunt , of Hebron , Neb. , is
visiting relatives in this city. She is en
route homo from Massachusetts , where she
has been engaged in teaching for the past
two years. ,
Clarence P. Jones left last evening for
Ludell , Kan. , where ho takes u position in
the Gazette oflico. Jones learned his trade.
as printer , in the Hnwkeye otllco at the deaf
and dumb Institute ,
Ernest C. Cole , of the firm of Cole & Cole ,
was called to Mount Plo.isunt.JIa. , yesterday
by a telegram announcing a fatal accident to
his father-in-law , A. W. Uomstoulc , one of
tno most prominent citizens of southeastern
Prof. H. M. Proutv , principal of the High
school , has received his degree of Master of
Arts from the Iowa State university. He is
the flrst young man born and bred in Potta-
wattamio county upon whom this honor has
been conferred.
C. B. Jameson , secretary of the Bodino
Roofing company , of Mansfield , O. , is in the
city visiting the local representatives of the
company , Messrs. Staudfprd and Birkinbino.
Mr. Jameson came 100 miles for the pleasure
of Suudiiving In Council LSluffs.
Colonel M. F. Billingslea , vice president
and general manager of the Conant Bros.
Furniture company of Toledo , O. , is in the
city. He has been at the head of the bureau
of the treasury department for public build
ing furniture for several years , nnd among
the buildings furnished by him was the post-
ofllco In this city.
E. A. Wlckharn , of the flrrn of Riley & Co. ,
paving contractors , returned homo yesterday
morning from Burlington , where ho went to
bid for certain paving work. The flrm now
has u force of sixty men employed there on
paving work , and It is stated thut , they are
among the lowest bidders on the last lot
advonlscd. They uro uls to do a largo
amount of work In Omaha this year.
Tcrnl'lo Doatli of n Stiwawny.
In the hold of the steamship Yonmsseo
snya a Charleston , S. C. , dispatch , the
doud body of Jiunos IJulTya bookbinder ,
aged twonty-throo , was found in an ad
vanced state of decomposition and horribly
ribly mutilated , pruuumubly by himself
in his death ngoiiios , James Duffy ,
John Dunn and George Scott , all young
inon in their twenties , stowed thom-
Kolvoa away in tlio coal bunkers of the
Yomiissoo In Now York : in order to pet
back to Charleston , which place they
loft not long ngo in search of work.
On the morn in u of the second day out
Scott and Dunn came ( Tut of the bunkers
and wore nut to work , but Duffy ro-
nminod in hiding.
When found the body was entirely
nude and was swolun and purple. Tlio
compartment was hot as an oven and in
his hoarch for air DulTy had stretched
his huiul through the lattice about the
crank pit , whore it boctuno fastened.
Suffocating in the roasting atmosphere
the man must liavo gene mad. Ilia
llcsli was torn by his nails and his logs
and body were covered with contusions
ana bnilscs.
_ _
A McxtOHtVoor. .
Merchant Traveler : "Mabel , ' ' said
the young man bashfully , "do you
know I think your mother is u wonder
fully line woman. "
"I am glud to Know that aho has won
your esteem. "
"Do yeti think that I liavo succeeded
in innkinL' a favorable impression on
"I don't know of any reason to believe -
liovo the contrary , why do you ask ? "
"I was only wondering , "
"Wondering what ? "
' Whether she could over think
enough of mo to accept mo for a son-in-
aw , "
And Mahal did Her best to give him
Cor an Attack ,
July 13. The Egyptian troops oc
cupying Abu Slmbel pa&s have checked the
march of the dervishes. The dervUhos are
mussing and making preparations to attack
the Egyptians. General Grcufcll has gone
to Abu Sluibel.
A Guloh in Will JWlld Animate Fall
by T isands.
Forest Denizen * of All Sizes nml Do-
BorljHloMB diwo Wltlilu tlio
Grasp ot the Deadly Una
Never Ittycnpo Aitvc.
Another Yellowstone fnrk Wonder.
The story of Dentil gulch and its ro-
mnrknblo discovery SB told for the first
time outside of the doparlniontixi'Wash
ington by Ilonry W. Mclntyro , who ar-
rlvnd hero a short tlmo ngo from Mon
tana , says the San Francisco Examiner.
Mr. Mclntyro has just completed n geological
logical examination of this nature's
wonderland for Arnold Ilngus , the emi
nent geologist , in chat-go of the survey
of tlio Yellowstone park.
"I have been in Yellowstone park forever
over two years now , " said Geologist
Mclntyro , "nnd I have scon many
str'nngo ' things there in that time , but
perhaps the strangest of nil is an actual
death gulch , where largo wild boasts ,
birds and insects liavo perished in at
tempting to cross it. Mysolt and others
of tlio survey discovered it on the 17th
of last month , whllo completing our
"Death gulch is a ghastly region ,
where poisonous gases cscapo in such
quantities that they kill whatever they
como in contact with. It is situated
about fourteen miles south of the mail
route from Lnmtir river to the llttlo
mininir camp of Butte City , and is only
about three miles from Soda Butte
sur/rnuiious onous.
. "As you approach Death gulch the
odor of sulphur becomes very notloo-
nblo , and as you got near to it you cx-
poi'ionco a decided irritation of the
lungs. Tlio gulch ends in a 'scoop'
about two hundred and fifty foot nbovo
Cache crook , a phenomenal stream that
winds its way over u bed ot natural
glass. "
"In th"e lower end of the depression
which is a V-shapod trench about sov-
onty-fivo foot deep , wo found the fresh
body of n largo silver-tip grizzly. Beside -
side him was a smaller boatof the same
species in an advanced stajro ot decom
position. Only a few feet away , and
scattered at intervals , were the skele
tons of live moro boars and the bones of
an oik. , , ,
"This was not allthat , was discovered ,
however. In the , bottom of Iho poeKot
were found the f psji remains of several
rock hares , n number of squirrels , and
other small animals. There wcro myr
iads of dead bulterllics around , too ,
and a number of other mountain insects.
"Wo looked the grizzlies over care
fully , but could nbtnlind any bullet holes
or other marks o'f injury. Thoro'wpro
no marks of violence. The only thing
was a few drops of blood on the nose of
the moro recently doatl bear.
"Thoro was it cinnamon bear about
thirty feet awayjfrom him. on the other
side of the gulclu The body was pretty
far gone. The ctfreassos of the others
wcro almost aonudca of flesh.
"It was very plain from the smell of
the gas about tlfat-"thoy had been as
phyxiated , just as a man is in a room
whore the gas is turned on. It smelt
just Uko the gas from a defective pipe
in the street , only stronger. Wo no
ticed the elloct , and began to have a
dull , heavy fooling , which we overcame
at intervals by going up the sides of
the depression for better nir.
"It is a well-known fact that this gas
lies close to the ground. A mAn walk
ing across the gulch would not Icol the
olfect half so much as a bear. But if
ho stooped down or walked on all fours ,
then he would instantly notice the gas ,
and die in a mighty short timo.
" .None of us ventured to go clear
across on our hands nnd feot. We wore
fully persuaded that wo could not stand
it , out that , like the bears , wo would bo
asphyxiated unless rescued by our com
"Wo were too much surprised and
too much in awe of tlio horrible Death
gulch to then muko all the tests wo
could have done. Wo could , for in
stance , have lighted a match and tested
the qualities of the gas , but we were
afraid. Wo thought it might burn up
the region , or that there might bo an
explosion. The matter so weighed
upon us , however , that on the 20th ult.
wo walked moro than fifteen miles back
from our camp to take another look at
the gruesome place.
"There was a deer in the gulch this
time , and ho could not hnvo boon dead
more than u day. From the dcop im
prints of his feet in the bottom of the
gulch it was evident ho hud floundered
around in a vain attempt to got out. The
body of the once-fresh grizzly had ad
vanced in decomposition , and was
slightly offensive. Some moro dead
rock hares wore also found.
"Tho gas , however , was not escaping
so strongly as when we ; first discovered
the placo. The exudations did not uf-
sect us so much. Then wo tested the
hollows for carbonic acid gas with
lighted tapers , but there was not
enough to catch lire. There was a
strong wind prevailing at the timound
thiB may liavo had something to < lo
with it. Our labors were blown out
and the gas , as YO.tbeliovo , was blown
away. j r. i
"There was still a strong smell of
sulphur nnd a choking sensation of the
lunge , howovert'C9pocinlly ' wnen wo
stooped down. '
"From what we'1 saw wo were per
suaded that the ' , gas cumo fortli in ir
regular volumcp. J Sometimes there
would bo a lot pft gas , and sometimes
there would notlu ; nearly so much.
"A visit to tlw grounds below the
scoop , too , was productive of an impor
tant dif < iovory. Wo found there uov-
oral scattered rdAiMns of wild animals ,
which had evidently boon washed down
the scoop by frekhats. Those frestiots
occur over.v sm-iritf , and sometimes
oftener , owing \ft the variableness of
the season , andewh'on they como they
carry everything before them.
"It was , therefore , highly probable ,
in fact , proved almost to a certainty ,
that this death gulch had boon filled
and emptied time after time , through
many years , perhaps reaching hundreds
buck , for all wo Know , nnd occurring
two or three times u year. "
"What if a man , or crowd of men
should huppon to cross it when the gcs
is'us thick as it cotJd | boV Would they
all die a horrible deaths' ' "
"Lucidly tlio place lias hitherto boon
far olT the trails of white in on. If any
Indians over unwittingly ran into it ut
uch times , they doubtless mot the fate
of the wild unlmuls that have died there
by hundreds.
"Tho natural doalh * .
gulch is a trap.
If n. deer or au elk gets in there , fop in
stance , ho naturally attracts a boar , and
whuu the latter t.rout ) iu for his prey ho
Connect with Electric Motor and Union Pacific Dummy Trains at Ninth and Broadway
Council Bluffs Iowa. C. F. REED , President.
IB himself overcome. Just so with
many other animals. Ono servos aa
bait for the other. Others , doubtless ,
blunder into it by accident.
"But it is a trap to nil , nnd once in
they cannot got out. They nro powor-
"Sir Charles Lyoll tells of n valley in
Java which no traveler could crossand
where the bones of hundreds of tigers
and birds were to ho found. Whole
herds of cattle have boon suffocated ,
too , by gas from the volcanoes of Ecua
dor , but till now it has not boon known
that , there was n place anything like It
on the North American continent.
"Tho discovery is so important that it
cannot fail to attract a largo attention
from the scientific wovld. No doubt.too ,
it will have many visitors. The whole
region thereabouts is u very striingoutid
fascinating ono.
"Not tlio least romnrknhlo is the
glassy bed and banks of Cache creek , to
which I alluded a while ago. The water
is clear and cold and perfectly sour with
sulphuric acid. The slliclpus residue
formed by the .decomposition of the
rocks from acid vapors is the crook bod.
This residue , hard and white , and look
ing like glass , forms the sides in places
as well as tlio bottom. When the- water
is low , us it was when visited it , you
can see the white sides nbovc.
"Tho crock Hews down a narrow and
steep channel , and part of the way cuts
through a bank of sulphur and gravel ,
cemented by crystallimtravertine. .
Then again it cuts a hard vocanlc rock ,
when more of the glassy coating is soon.
It is a very tomnrknblo stream , and the
dead geysers and living and extinct soda ,
and sulphur springs are ulso , but the
queerest thing is the ghastly death trap ,
the story of which 1 have narrated. It
is ono of the rarest phenomena of na
ture. "
Weekly nnnk Statement.
New YOUK , July 13. Tlie weekly bank
statement shows the reserve has increased
31,012.075 ; legal tenders Increat.0 . , ftVl.OOO.
ITUIIUKNT A now cattnco ot four rooms on
JJ Graham avo. A splendid blue ( iruss pas
ture near the city. A dairy farm onu-hulf mlto
oC the elty. A largo comforUblo notiso on
Wooillmry avenue. A cottage on Tenth ! ivo.
Apply nt the ollleo of Uoraco Kvorult.
" ORUHNTorSalo All ISxrJt ! > tibfe. locntcil
on 10th ave. between " ( land 3d avcnnos fieo.
Metcalf. 10 1'curl t.t.
T71OK SALK Some nice houses anil lots In
C good locutiondump , on monthly payments :
snmliimymem , down ily Kerr ic Gr.vy , COi 1st
avo. . Council HlutlH , In.
" 1 TITANTl'U Cleric for general merchandise
VV store ; single man ; must have some ex
perience ; olio who speaks Uormnii preferred.
Address with rofcrrence or call on II. Mendel ,
Ncola , la.
Between Sere o , Nob. , nnd Council
IOST , Saturday , July H a Una Hnou en
velope containing several papers , amonpf them
a note for $1.1147.11. dated Oct. io , 1 i > ST , duo ono
year from date. It was Blgned by A. H. Hpurch ,
ot lilyssls. Neb. , and WH mudo in favoi1 ot
Clouiih & Cole , of Salem , la. The note wtis In
dented for81M7. ! dutcd Ivov. 5. 18 ! > A Tlie 3upers
are valueless to anyone but tno owurre. A
suitable reward will be paid for tno return or
the property to dough It Cole , Salem , la.
INK family team for sale or trade for lot.
Inquire lita West llroad-.vay.
KENT Store room , No. 18 5fam at. ,
Fi niter i Julr 1. W. C. James , U Pearl St.
1INB fnmlly team for ualo , OL- trade for
F lot. Inquire llt.-J West llrondway.
TTO11 HUNT Furnished ( for two or three
Jj months ) , the house 1 occupy , No. 121 So.
7th 8t H. 0. Cheyuey.
JWTATB-lloUBht and sold and ox-
EIIAfj . Special attention Rlvou to exam
ination or titles. W. O. Janios , No. IU Pearl st. .
Council muuo.
oil KENT Haw terms two now live-room
houses Mth ave. between High ami Third
Bts. Sell cheap If tukon tins wcok. luijulro
owner. J. UlckeyjrwU.Wuy.
TjtOU SAEn Old estabftssod ( 'oneral mor-
JtJ cnandlso business. stocK , tlxturtw. wagons ,
etc. Good room and low rout , Address. J.
Dickey , 7 l'JII.Wajr ' _ _ _ _
Everybody In the city to remember -
WANTED bar Jain furniture iitproU
the place to buy your goods. J. and ii5 llro.ia-
\\o.y. -
NO. .3S.MAIN. ST. ,
The Most Modern Novolltls In
Artistic Decorations !
Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl St.
Sporting Headquarters.
It is a BEAT-AT/L , bocnuso it , never breaks , splits , cracks o'r curls.
Bcc.vuso it is indestructiljlo in the weather , and will undergo no change in
in any climate ,
Because it is more durable than any other roof miulo , iron , tin , slate or wood.
Because it can bo quickly put cm without skilled labor and is cheaper than
shingles. .
Because it has boon proven by the severest trials and has never failed.
For further information apply to
116 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
I wish to inform the ladies of Omaha and Council Bluffs that
have determined upon closing out my entire stock
of goods at my
I have ho ] arftent line o hair goods ami ornaments west of Chicago , nml
It Is my intention to clo-o : out my sock nt Ic.-s than Irilf prlcou. If not'
told soon will oircr stock and flxturex to a purchaser upon terms thut will
constitute a rave business clmnce to anybody with small capital. Persona
interested are Invited to correspond with
Oi dcrs by mall No 29 Main St. Council Bluffs
litre Ivo Prompt Attention. , . , ,
SIZES FROM Especially Adapted
PI l"m
25 TO 300 LIGHTING , '
HORSE POWER. Mills and Etavators
EuecillcntlonBand estimate * lurnlnliecl fur complain sicnm plnntx. Kojnilntlnn , Dur.iljlHtj inmraiitaol.
Ctin iliow letiuri from uscri wlioro luul economy Is cqiml with Corllim A'uii-cunduriBlnif.
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for catalogue. No. 010 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.
Superintendent ,
OFK ) cr.-2P , 2iOti
Council IllurfB , : : Jown.
Correct estimates of
cuaiaiitcod , Special Attention
( 'lvi'li ' to all classes of build.
Hips , public nnil nrivato.
I have nhviivH on ImnJ , for
the ( onvcnlcncuof my patrons
n IniL't ) number of plans , hucli
nshchnols , bualn-Bs and ofllcci
buildings , county court
Kfym'j6 * * * fs'UB ' * a ± ja * * iji * wff * * s i i" houmuiohom > eB , hotels
and iirlrato resldviirus.
Oidem by mall promptly at-
H. BIRKINBINF nd Sanitary Entfinoor. Phui'j ' , Estimates
. Specifications. Super vision of Public Worlc. Hrowu
Building , Council UlulTs , Iowa.
NSfi H I I R7 18tlcc of Ul ° 1-J ° IlcoOnico over American Express. No. 41
i l/LDroadvyay _ , Council niulTa , Iowa.
STONF RQIIWIQ AUornoys-ftt-Liiw. Practice in the State and Fod-
UIV/MU Ut OIITIO oral Court * , iiooms 7 and U Shutrart-Uono liloolc ,
Council Bluffs. Iowa.
' H STII L MAW A orncy-ut-Law , Room-1 , Second Floor , Brown
i i it w i Hlock , 116 Pearl St. , Council BlulTs la. Will
o in State and Kodoral Courts. '
LEONARD EVERETT . * ' ' ° ' "co No > 10 Poai > l H
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , liorboa , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of Interest. No
publicity : fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. ( jlark & Co , , olllco cor , Broadway
and Mulu , ever American express ,
I ) . KuuvtuiBon. K. u „ . . „ „ . „ „ . ,
ClIAH. ufi'lANNAN. C ! llw.V1C ° l'M *
or COUNCIL iiburvB.
1'old Up Capital JM > , fMO.OO.
burning , , . . . , , . . , , , . . . . . , , . , . UA.Ujuoo
l.luulllty to DfpoMltora. . /UKI'UO'
DlllKUTOIlH J. A. Mlllur. 1' O ( llr'nt-ri'ii ' IIr
Bhiutart. K.K. Hurt. J. J ) . KdroumUonuCluw n
llunnan. Transact uentiral uankliiB"VjuSiiieii
I < aru st capital ami mirplun cr any batik in
noutUwesUru low * . luUriatou Ume deposit ?