THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY liJULY 14 , 1SS9.-SIXTEEN PAGES. 1111. ANDERSON WAS THERE And Showed a Disposition to Camp on Rooho's Trail. HIS KNIFE AGAIN UNSHEATHED. Thn County Attorney Iintrttcltl to ICxnvnlno Hooks That llnvo Never Ilosn In Hxmtoitco Other Tlio County CominlRnlonorn. The county commissioners mot m regular tcssion yesterday afternoon. Present , Messrs. Mount , Tumor , Anderson and Cor- rlgan. It bccfimo evident early m the proceedings that Anderson was loaded for boar nnd spoilIng - Ing for n light. His first attack wus on CoUnty Clerk Roche , nnd was In tno form of a resolution Instructing the county attorney to examine thn books In the ofllco of the county clerk nnd report It nil the records required by law nro being kept up. Commissioner Turner nslted what books wcro referred to , und was Informed by Mr. Anderson thnt thn book containing the clerk's account with the county treasurer wus th o ono ho hud In mind. Mr. Rocho hero took the lloor nnd ox- plnmed that no such record had ever boon kept In this county , and bosnul , furthoK that ho was now keeping up tlio books which had never been kept In the ofllco boforo. During the clerk's explanation Anderson tried several time to choke him oft by read ing from the statutes und gesticulating vrlldlv , but Rocho kept cm until ho hnu lln- Ifthcd what he had to say. The resolution wus finally adopted. It seems there wns an understanding some time 0 0 by which the treasurer waste to straighten up the delinquent taxes , nnd that-tho clerk would begin keeping there- cord with the currontterm. The treasurer's report.has Just been rendered , so that the bonk in question could not have been posted before this. Anderson's next movn was to Introduce a resolution directing the county attorney teen on once begin legnl proceedings ngntnst the sheriff to compel him to uiuko his report to the commissioners. 'Ihis resolution wns also adopted. A communication wns received from Architect Myers asking for a remittance of $500 on account. It wns referred to the committco on construction. The register ot dceus asked for nutnority to repair the awnings to his windows. Re ferred. A petition was received n&klng for the ap pointment of u constable for the north dis trict of Florence. The insane board reported that they had found that Mrs. Sndlo Glldorsleeve , now in the county jail on a cnargo of insanity , wns 110til rcsulcntof this state , nnd recommended that she bo scut to her homo in Now Jersey. The recommendation was adopted. S. I. Pope & Co. submitted a bill of plumbing material furnished for the county Infirmary builcling'umounting to $3,251.93. The bill was approved by Superintendent Coots. Referred to committco on construc tion. tion.Drs. Drs. Leo und Robert presented a bill for autopsy performed by direction of the coroner , amounting to $ J5. Referred to finance committee. The superintendent of the Institute for Feeble Minded Youth presented a bill for $2J.5 against the county. Referred. A. B. Sewers asked for a refund of $10.50 on his tuxes. Referred. Gibson , Miller & Richardson presented i\ bill $300.20 for stationery , etc. Referred. Notice wus received from the clerk of the United States district court to appear before the commissioners on postoflleo site. Re ferred to the county attorney. Supcrlntcnbcnt Coots uskcd that the con tractors be directed to proceed at once m the matter of changing the floors in the county building. Mrs. Clark , matron of the Open Door , appeared poared before the board nnd akod for trans portation for a woman and child to Chicago and for another woman to her home in Cass county. Both requests were granted. A number of bills for work on roads und bridges were Introduced and referred to the committco on roads. The quarterly reports of the register of deeds was received and re ferred to llnancc committee. The following showing wus made : ( Total receipts for quarter. $6,584.05 Total expenditure * 3.036.50 Surplus for quarter $3,047.35 The quarterly report of the county clerk wib received , showing the total receipts to Uo (1,093.05 arid a baliyico on hand of | 55.Ri. ( Referred to mmnco committco. The Boml-unuual report of the county treasurer wus also received and referred to the ilnuncn cominsttee. Following Is u sum- 1 mary of the report : imcnii'TS. On hand January 1,1SS9 $141,817.43 Tuxes collected 4011,071.13 School land , principal G50.K School land , interest 1,025.80 'School land , lease 10.3 $ Miscellaneous collections 11,378.5'J Miscellaneous fees. . . . . -107,5 ; Omaha city tuxes collected 871.21 Hospital building , principal 19,720.00 Hospital building , interest 2,0.10.03 , Received from atuto for school UD- portionment 44,981.44 * Received from state for collecting state taxes , . . . . ! l,205.89 , Redemption money collected 17,484-li Received frotn"Justico"unknoivn ) 3.00 Received on feus on apportionment , fund and not reported 1.23 Total 030,993.35 iisjUii9imNT8. ) Warrants redeemed $175,411.09 Warrants redeemed , hospital fund :12,430.5II : Puld to Btuto treasurer ltO,20.ri,47 ! VaiU to school districts 31,074.24 Puld to school bond districts 457.57 Paid to village treasurers. . . ; 24(1.17 ( Paid to city treasurer , Florence. . . 181.10 Puld to city treasurer. Omaha 5,294.23 Pmd to city troasurerSouth Omulm 9,411,70 Redemption money 17,305 , Of Road supervisor receipts redeemed l,3SO.Ot Salaries paid , treasurer nnd assis tants 8.750.1K Total C410U10.77 Balance on hand July 1 , 1SS9 234.tiUi.5f : IIOOM roil SCHOLARS. The DlBiulvnntftKoa Which Alnnjr o Them Expcrlrnoft. The question of districting the schools of Omaha , with the object und hone of relieving the overcrowded condition of some of 'thorn , is demanding the attention of u special com mittco of tlio board of education , composed of Messrs , Millard , Spaldlng , Suvlllo , Reca and McConnell. The problem is cot ono of easy solution. Many of the schools are adly overcrowded und the work of changing pupils from ono school to another , to relieve the crowded schools U u big undertaking. ? ho bonrd is nt present renting rooms nt tlio Hickory , Pncillo , Ilurtman , Dupout , Long nnd Central Park schools. The Central 1'urk end llartiuau schools are being relieved by the building of additions. Six rooms are being rented nt the Uartuiau school , A two- room addition is being huiliund It Is proposed to move two of the-nildltion buildings to the Uartman from the Lcavcuworth school , this ciuklug It necessary to rent but two rooms at the Hartuiun building for tlo : cotntugycur. The Hartman can nUo ho ollovcd by send ing aomo of the pupils now utte uling It to the Center , Custcllur und Pueillo schools. It ic alro proposed to send some of the Leavun- \vorth school pupils to the Mason school , maktiiK room thereby ut the Lcuvenworth for some of the Hartman pupltv. The now school on Park nvcnuo U ulrondy crowded. Bk U also the Uupont school. Hy changing eomo of the Park nchool pupils to the Makon oehool room will ho inudo nt the Park to no- cominodato the ovorllow from the Uupont ichool. The committed has not yet taken any dfJalto ucliou m the matter. lint Night's Storm , A rain and wind storm of considerable magnitude visited this city about nlno o'clock last night , accompanied by thunder nnd lightning to on nlariulup extent. Many persons feared that a uycionti wus coming , lut tbo wind noon subsided without doing great Unma o , NATION.YIi PljAlTDKUTCUKHS. They Will AMPtnblo In Convention In Ihm City To-Ony. The Ccjitrnl Vcrnln of the Nntlonnl Tlntt- dcutclicrs will assemble In Omnhn In fifth nnnunl convention to-day , continuing In ses sion ftfur days. Delegates from Chicago , St. Ubtlls , Knnsfts City , Denver nnd other points will bo In attendance , nnd business of con- slderublo Importance will bo transacted , nnd n KCiiornl good tmlo given the visiting dolo- gnte during tholr stay In this city. A Plnttdoutsch society wns organized In Omnhn five years npo. nnd hna now about ono hundred and llfty members , whllo the societies In otlior parts of the stuto numbar about five hundred. The ofllcora of the Omnhn society uro Henry Anderson , presi dent ; Peter Lout , secretary , nnd Joliu Hush , treasurer. The ofllcers of tno voroln nro Gcorpo T. Tcarks. of Chicago , president ; Paul Docltondorf , of Dcnvnr , vice president ; Henry Elpor , of Omnhn. treasurer ; W.'Hoit- mun , of Chicago , recording secretary ; John Jacouson. of Omaha , financial secretary. The objects of the society nro to care for the sick und dependent survivors of dccoascd brothers. A certain sum is allotted to sick brothers nnl nn assessment of ? l per mom- bur is in ado upon the death of n member. The Central vcrclii ut this convention will devise ways uud means of Increasing Its membership. The locil vcroin ha arranged nn ex cellent programme for the entertainment of their visiting brothers. To-day they give nn old fnshlonnd picnic nt Rusor'a ' park , where Use old time Gorman gomes und sports will bo enjoyed. There will bo a tournament , und the successful knight who carries off the prcatest number of rings on Ills luiico will crown the queen of love nnil boaut.v. The women will try their agility by running over bundles of straw whllu holding tin egg In n spoon. The younjj people will also liavo their sports und fun , nnd prizes will bo awarded to the winners of all con tests. Monday , Tussduy and Wednesday will bo ilcvotud to business , and before louvlniz Onmhu the delegates to the Central Vcrcln will bo shown over the city nnd suburbs by the proper committees. A. 110 Y KlIjIjIOD. A Mlllnnt Ln l Horribly Mnnglcil by n Train. The 10:30 o'clock Union Pncillo train yester day morning ran ever ? md killed a boy named Krotchwlll ut Millard. The lad was 12 years of ago. He stood on a flat car us the train rushed by , lost his balance , foil ben eatli the wheels , nnd was horribly mangled. Coroner Drexel wont to the scone of the accident last night and hold nn inquest. The testimony developed that the boy had boon stealing a riuc on a tram of freight cars which were being switched on to the side truck ut Van Dorn's elevator. The train gave n jerk untl the boy was thrown between the curs , crushing his breast nnd ribs into u pulp. The verdict was that ho "cutue to his death by beiug run over by the cars ; uo ouo to blame. " DIED LillCl-J A DOQ. The Merited Death of a Uloort-Thiwty Murderer. Julius Schlauss , the janitor of Ccrmnnta hull , in this city , has received fui thor news of tlio horrible murder of hi.s little duughtor and four otucrs near Helena , Mont. , of , vhich nn uccount appeared in Tin ; BEE'S dispatches two weeks ago. Uy private letter from ono of the dotco- , ivcs , who is working up the case , Mr. Sohlauss lo.irnod that two of the supposed murderers had already been arrested. Ono f them is a mun who wus formerly cook for no of the murdered families , and the other s u notorious western crook named tVilbor. The murder occurred about the middle of June on tno Judith river , not far from Helena , Mont. , two men , two women und Schlaush' Httlo five-year-old girl being tlio victims. They were killed wht'o ' in CIIUID for the purpose of robbery.Iho bodies wcro not found until Juno 20. The day following the llnrting of the bodies Wilbor was nrrosted Tor the crime and the evidence of his guilt was so strong tlmt the unfortunate man hung himself in his cell. An eyc-wltnoss' uccount of the murderer's suicide says : "It was a blood-curdling termi nation of the career of the wretch who liad perpetrated the most bloody deed in the history of Montana.riho spectacle wns ono that none who would wish to see again. Hanging as though transllxed to the iron bar of his cell was the body of the mur derer. Ho bad torn a wide strip off his blanket nnd tied it as n loop near the celling of his cell. For a hangman's rope ho toro u strip off his pillow slip which was made of now and heavy cotton. With his silk hand kerchief ho tied his right wrist and ankle to gether. Ho then put his head into tno pre pared noose , his body still reclining on the bed. Ho put his loft unklo into a slip knot and tied his loft wrist to it. Both feet were drawn up so they would uot touch the lloor when ho fell. IIo then rolled himself off his bed una was soon dead. "Rumors were rife that VVilber. hud been lynched until the particulars of his suicide were known , for nil know that lie was a dan gerous character and hud led u , lifo of crimo. " Detcttlves from Nebraska have been em ployed by relatives of sonio of the inurdorcd people who formerly lived In this mate und it seems very likely that nil who were im plicated in this horrible deed will soon bo brought before the bar of justice. TO ADVKKTISIC NEBRASKA. Tno Glroulnr Issued Hy the Stnto Development Association. On July 12 a mooting of the Nebraska various boards of trndo wa s held in this city , und nn association wns organized , the object of which is to advertise Nebraska , The fol lowing circular explains itself : SECIIKTAIIY'S OI-FICK or TUB NEIIUISKA STATE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION , OMAHA , Nob. . July 12 , 1S59. To the Hoards of Trade and Kindred Organisations of Nebraska Gentlemen ; Wo taku pleasure lu inform ing you that a permanent organization was effected by the State Development conven tion , hold In the uxchungo room of the Qnmha board of trade , ou Juno 2U , which Is to buknown as the Nebraska Development association. The object of which Is to ad- vertUo Nebraska nnd develop its Industries nnd resources. The association to bo con trolled by a board of managers , consisting of fifteen persons selected at annual meet ings.A . A constitution and by-laws have beer formulated nnd adopted , ana onlcors electee for the first year as follows : George W. I.tnlnger , president , Omaha E. 1C. Vr.lontlno , vice president , West Point ; W. N. Nuson , secretary , Omaha ; J. F. Hal- linger , assistant secretary , Hustings ; J , R , Clark , treasurer , Lincoln. Directors C. E. UijUor , Beatrice , Gage county ; R. U. Wlndhara , Plnttsmouth , Cas county ; H. T. Clarke , Omaha. Douglas county ; H. L. Wood , Nebraska City , Otoe couutv ; T. P. Knnnard. Lincoln , Lancaster county ; O , H. Willnrd , Hebron. Thayer county ; J , 0. Allen , McCook , Red Willow county ; Joel Hull , Mlndon Kearney county ; lion S. Baker , Fairbury , Jefferson county M. A. Hurtlgan , Hastings , Adams county L. D. Rleliardu , Fremont , Dodge county. C. M. Judil. Kearney , Uuffalo county ; C. A. Putdam , Chailron , Daws county ; J. Craw ford , West Point , Cumlng county ; C. H. Cornell , Valentino , Cherry county , Vice presidents Euclid Martlu , Omaha , Douglas county ; M. A. Dilworth , Kearney Buffalo county ; J. 1C Mathcwu , Champion Chase county ; Ray Nye , Fremont , Dodge enmity ; M. L. TrosUjr , L'ncoln ' , Lancaster county ; Thomas Calfer , McCook , Red W1L low county ; \V. H. Weiss , Hebron , Thayer county ; P. O. Hoillund , Center , Clay county ; James A. Ullno , Mlndon , Kearney county. Undnr Uiu rules of the association , eacl county 1'HVlnt ' ; trade organizations Is ontltloc to ono vice president nnd representative In this association. The fco prescribed by the constitution uud by-lawnj to bo paid by cnct Individual association , la ? 10 , which auioun should bo remitted with the name of vice lircnldonU selected as early as possible , us it U desired to perfect und complete arrange mouta , iinJ immediately commence opera lions Counties wticro no board of trade organ Uatlonn exUl should organize one and iden tify themselves with this movement , whlel promise * to bo ono of unusual Importance nnd every organization now or ncreafte lde Utlod with this association or Interestot iuil iuuts should at once remit the pres cribed fee of ten dollars ( $10) ) to the secre tary nnd appoint a strong finance commlltco to collect funds for the mnlnUlncnco and ( iromotion of t.ho objects of the association nil Its ncco isnry expenses. Representatives of railroad lines wcro ap pointed members of the bonrd of managers as follows : J. R. Buchanan , of thu Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Vnlloy railroad ; J. Francis , of the lurllngton & Missouri rallrouit ; W. P. Rob- nson , of the St. Joo& Grand Island railroad ; I. C. Townscntl , of the Missouri PiicIHo rail- oad ; E. L. Lonuv , of the Union Pacific nllroad : John Sebastian , of the Chicago , Cnnsas& Northern ; T. W. Tcnsdalo , of the Chicago & St. Paul railroad. Who hnvo promised tholr hearty co-opera- Ion in promotion of Its objects , and have nl- oady arranged for harvest excursion trains rom Minnesota , lown , Illinois , Wisconsin and Missouri. * o all points la Nebraska at no faro for the round trip , on dates ns fol- owa : August Oand 20 , September 10 and 4 and October 8. Tickets , good for hlrty days , with stop ever privileges at points in Nebraska , colng or ro- u ruing. Which Information should bo vldoly dlstrlbuhxl , bv moans of which housnndD of people from the slates above nnmcd will avail themselves of this opportu- ilty to sco Nebraska , that otherwise would not. , Ono of the cheapest nnil most powerful ncnns of securing immigration is for pcoplo o write to their friends nnd local papers nst , giving date and cost of round trip to Nebraska on thosn harvest trains , and nilvls- ng them that If they will como west you vill show thorn nnd grander and richer country than they over saw where lands are cheap. G. W. LiNisaiu : , President. W. N. NASOK , Secretary. The nowsp.ipersof Nebraska are requested. o' publish the above circular. Pi of. P. Waldoustrom , D. D. Ph S. , of Stockholm , Sweden , is making a tour of the United States and will bo hero July 23. The lector la u member of congress In Stock- lolm and Is n very talented nnd eloquent nan. Tho'dogreoof D. D. wns conforreu upon him by Yule college lust Juno. Ho bus ) ccn engaged for the last thvco years m r.inslating the bible from Hebrew to Swedish. Roddy Johnson cot $12 nnd costs , nnd George Wilson $15 nnd costs In Judge Urrka's court yesterday , for Inrcony. Five other vagrants und ten common drunks wcro dls- > osod of , some gcttinir light lines and others iclngdischargcd wltliout lino. The Good Samaritan Social club gnvo a moonligut picnic to its members nnd their friends nt Hanscom Park , Friday evening. \bout thirty couples wcro present , spending , ho evening pleasantly nnd enjoying the ofrcshuicnts , music and dancing. Personal M. R Davoy , of Lincoln , i nt , the Murray. H. H. Campbell , of Osceola , is at the Ar cade. L. F. Herry , of Fremont , is at the Mil- anl. anl.P. P. W. Hemich , of Columbus , Is at the Barker. P. A. Heubuor , of Norfolk , is registered at the Murray. A. F. Ntrus , of Nebraska City , Is regls- .crcd nt the Millard. Mrs. Neimans und child , of Schuylor , are jucsta at the Murray. L. O. Wlttinei-and wife , of Chicago , nro guests ut the Barker. Lieutenant W. A. Mercer , U. S. A. , Is a juest at the Pnston. G. H. Clark und Miss t * . Clark , of Lincoln , are guests ut the Pnxton. ' O. J. Cooper , of SC Joseph , is among the late arrivals at the Barker. J. N. Peoblos , of Decatur , and G. S. Har ris , of Pcndor , are stopping at the Millard. M. T. Linslil , H. A. Tcbbotts , E. P. Wells anil G. F. W. Schwuko , of Lincoln , arc at the Paxton. George B. Wnkefleld , who has been seriously 111 for the last few weeks with typhoid fever , Is convalescing. Robert B. Daloy , of Tckatmtti ; A. K. Hum phreys , of Stanton , and J. A. Harmon , of O'Neill , ure registered at the Arcade. E. H. Fawcctt , A. S. Tibbots. B. F. Perlnco nnd wife and J. R. Briuker and wife , of Lincoln , are jniests nt the Millard. Eugene Mooro. of West Point ; W. H. Kll- liKiirand J. M. Gallachur , of Auburn , and George W. Waluwright , of Blair , are nt the Millard. Charles H , May. of Fremont ; E. .T. Force , of Louisville ; J. P. Dunham , of Sewurd , and V. C. Shlckloy , of Geneva , uro registered at the Paxton. Tarso Gordon of Ravenna ; J. L. Chamber lin , of Louisville ; J. H. Chambers , of Beat rice ; P T. Buckley nnd John Buckley , sr. , of Strombcrgan , uro stopping at thn Arcade. Uuitcd titntcs District Attorney Prltchott loaves to-day for New York to servo personal notices on parties resident in that state who uro concerned in the condemnation proceed ings of the postoflicu site. the I'ostonicc. Custodian Jordan yesterday opened the bids for painting the rooms of the postoflluo. Three bids were submitted , as follows : Henry Lehman , $3'J5 ; Omaha Paint and Color company , $527 ; Board Bros. , 5J95. The Curious Side of I-nfo. An undertaker in Madrid , who lived ever his shop , ono night gave a . grand ball. At the hoijrbt of the festivities a yontlomiin in full evening dress joined the company. Ho danced with the hostess and her daughter , ho danced with the guests. Ho seemed to enjoy himself thoroughly. The undertaker thought ho recognized the face , but didn't like to bo rude nnd ask the btrunger's nnmo. By und by nil the guests departed und only the unknown wns loft. "Shall I Bond for a cab for you ? " said the host , at last. ' 'No , thank you ; I'm staying in the house. " "Staying in the house ! Who are you , sir ? " "Why , don't you know mo ? I'm the corpse thnt wus brought in this after noon. " The undertaker in horror rushed to the mortuary chamber , where in Spain it is usual for the dead to bo removed. The collin was empty. Hla wlfo and daughter had beeu dnncing with'n corpse. But it turned out that the gentleman had only boon in a trunco , nnd had sud denly recovered. Hearing the revelry above , and being possessed of a keen though ghastly sense of humor , ho had got out of his collin and joined the fes tive party. Ho waa presentable , for in Spain the dead are generally buried in full evening dress. Jn the Himalayas. The death of Father Damien has drawn niton lion to leper settlements in various parts of the world , and it is well not tooverlook English men and women who , in India and elsewhere , are prov ing to bo true friends of the leper , says the Pall Moll Gazette. "A few days ago , " writes n correspondent of a Man chester paper , " ! mot Rev. Henry Coloy , of Almora. Ho bays there is n leper settlement near him , in the Himalaya mountains , where there nro on an average - ago 107 Inmates , in addition to others wno oven in their misery prefer free dom In tholr own village homes to the moro regular comfort provided in the asylum. Roforing to those lepers , Rev , J. Hewlett , M. A. , who ( like Mr. Coloy ) labors in connection with the London Missionary society , enys thnt recently ho welcomed to church fellowship nine ty-six of these lepers , who , under God , owed all to the instruction given and the brotherly help shown by another Englishman , Kov. John Henry Duddon. I do not want to pluck ono flower from the gruvo of tbo Belgian nriost on the shores of Molokajbutl think wo should not overlook the work which ia being done so well by agents of the English free churches in various parts of the world. " ONE OF NATURE'S ' GENTLEMEN Qonornl Brlabln's Rocollootlons of the Late Simon ( JnYnoron. ) - iani WHEN HE RAN A COJLJrVrRY BANK. Tlio I''nrmors Preferred 'Ills ' Notes to Gold How Ho llt pj l Young Men Ills ItcInttonH With J nines Jluclljjijftti. A Grnnd Old Man. "Simon Ciunoron , of Pennsylvania , Is dead. " So rends the Associated Prosb dispatch. Only six words to toll the tale , but what ivssoclntlons the name of Simon' Cameron calls up. Born before the present century bogr.n , for tnoro tlmn llfty ycnrs ho wns n central figure in American politics and his nnino wns ns fivmilinr to tlio American people as of Jackson , Cltvy , Calhoun , Webster - stor and Bontonwho were hla'compoors. I luivo known Simon Cameron all my llfo and ho was forty years old when I was 'born. One of my earliest recol lections is that of Bccln'g General Cam eron come to Ballofonto , where his daughter , Mrs. Judge Burnsldos , lived , lie was then president of the Middle- town bank and Ubod to bring a trunk full of gold with him to exchange for Mlddlotown bank notes. Ho was very shrewd and understood the nature of our Pennsylvania-Gorman farmers per fectly. They believed Cameron's Mid- dlotown bank notes wore just ns good as gold and preferred them to all other money. This was when wo had many wildcat banks in the state and it was something to have a bank that was re liable. Every your Cameron came to Bollefonto to see his daughter and would then redeem" many of the honrdod Middlotown bank notes as ho could got the Gorman farmers to give up. They hnd stockings filled with Middlciown money and so It happened that when the country wns Hooded with bad money and shin plasters , ns they wcro called , which sold for twelve cents on the dollnr , the notes of one bank were AS GOOD AS GOLD , made so by the honest name of one man Simon Cameron. I printed a little country pnpor then just across the street from Judge Burnsido's residence and when up in Bollofonto on his annual visit to his daughter , every morning after ho had eaten his breakfast , Gen eral Cameron would come over to my ollico and read the dicliltnges. I was vorv poor ana the olflcb hiid not a single comfortable chair in d'JJlndecd there wcro only two chairs ofjiuly kind. I re member borrowing f rojn.a lawyer's ollico near by an arm chair FO that tno gen eral might be more cdfrifortablo while reading , and that chalV1 wus the best in vestment I over madeIt was a little act of courtesy , but tlto'groat man no ticed it and snoko of"ib. Nor did ho ever forgot it. If every inch of wood in that chair had becnjaihundrod dollar Mi'ddlotown bank noteib , would not have returned mo as much us Simon Cameron has since then. . , Of course , I was a Cameron man , and anyone who know the dl'd gentleman as I did could not hqlp bonr , ( ( a Cameron man. Ho was doliiri ] ftil to con verso with , and so full of , 'storXes and interest ing reminiscences of bygone days that I loved to eit and listen to him. General - oral Jackson was his friend , and ho would talk for hours about Wobbler , Clay , Calhouu. Bentun and many other statesman. One day , sneaking of Calhoun , no told mo the following remarkable story. I have related it before , but so long ago that most people who read it then must bo dead , and it will not bo stale now. General Cameron wns not present at the table when Calhoun told of his dream , but ho vouched for the correct ness of the narrative. Ho said : CALIIOUN'S ST1UNGK DRlUJt. "It was during the nullification days when Calhoun was preaching disunion and old Andy Jackson was vowing by the Eternal ho would hang Ciilhoun and his crowd of dibalTectod nullifiers if they did not stop. One morning Calhoun came down to the breakfast table looking pale and worried , as well ho might , for those were hot days for him. lie sat down at a table where several other gentlemen - mon wore eating , among them Toomijs of Georgia , who was then quite a young man. It was observed that Cahoun kept frequently rubbijig his right hand and would brush the pack of it with his left in a nervous and excited manner. "Does your hand pain you , Mr. Cul- hounV" asked Mr. Toombs , in his most dignified manner. "No , sir , " replied Calhoun , seemingly annoyed at the question and nt the fact that ho had attracted the attention of others by his strange actions. Then , after a few moments' silence , ho added : "Pshaw ! It was nothing but a dream and I should not mind it. " "Pray what did you dream , Mr. Cal houn'1" ! inquired Toombs , with a show of interest. ' "I dreamt last night , " said Mr. Cal houn , "that I had a large black spot on the back of my 'right hand ; a largo spot , black as ink , but of course it was only an optical delusion in u dream. You see there is no spot there , " and ho hold out his hand for them to look at it. " "But there Is , " said one of his ac quaintances , jokingly , "instantly Cal houn turned deadly pnlo and could got his brouth with difliculty. After the laugh which the remark had occasioned had subsided and thffothors had assured him there was no spiH'on his hand , ho became composed unA uid : "How foolish to lot'fiueh ' things annoy us , but mine wns cerlnihly u most singu lar dream. " . { ' ! > - "What was your dream like , may I ask , " said Toombs. . "i-am not supersti tious about dreams , but < yoinotiinL-a they luivo a great deal. of meaning in them. " | l ( f "Then you had bottorhearitToombs , , , for you are in the , j SAMK iioAT rrn SIB , " said Calhoun , but hopausod. ; Of course the cm'ioaHy of the whole company was by thiif tiuio aroused , and they all bogged MrrCalhouu to relate his dream to them. * > Again Mr , Calhoun A brushed the back of his right hand with his loft , and than said : "Last night I was very tired , ns I had boon busy all day , I wont to my room lute , but late as it was I had some letters - tors to ivrito. One , a very important ono to an old friend abput this unfor tunate difference between South Carolina lina and the president. So I took olT my coat and fell to writing at once , I suppose I must have fallen asleep over my dcslc , for I was surprised to see a stranger enter n > y room and takea seat opposite to mo near my tablo. As I raised my head the stranger looked ut mo and asked : "What are you writing there , senator from South Carolina11" ! Amazed ut the Granger's impudence , I-was about to reply by asking "What business Is It of yours , sir ? " but some thing restrained mo. I looked the stranger ever caroully ( < nnd saw ho was n largo and powerful man , of most dignified bearing , Hokopt his fnco from mo , nnd was wrapped up in a thin cloak , such ns they were dur ing the Revolution , "What tire you writing , senator from South Carolina ? " again asked the voice. "A letter U ) a friend proposing n plan for the dissolution of the American Un ion in certain contingencies , " 1 replied. "Senator from South Carolina , lot mo look nt your right hand , " and ns the stranger spoke ho rose and TOOK MY IIIOHT HAND IX HIS. I had no power to refuse htm , "Look at your right hand , sir , " the stranger continued. 1 looked , nnd there wns n Inrgo black blotch on the back of it. "What is HV" I inquired. "That , " ho said , 'Ms the nmrlc by which Benedict Arnold is known In the other world where I como from. " Mr. Culhoun's agitation had now become extreme , and wns shared in by the whole company. "Go on , man , for heaven's snuo , go on , " cried Toombs , "what wns the out come of this strange droamV" "I looked up , gentlemen , nnd thoro. before mo , stood George Washington. " said Calhoun , with an effort. "Ills cloak hud fallen oft' , and IhAro wns no mistaking the face nnd llguro before mo. It wns tlio FAOI : AND Kiaunu or WASHINGTON. IIo wns dressed In his revolutionary costume , such as you sco up in tlio patent oillco. " ' "So , senator from South Carolina , ' " ho asked , ' " you would use thnt right hand to sign n paper de claring the union dissolved. " ' * 'If they oppress my state , yes , ' " I an swered. " 'But only In certain contin gencies of the most urgent nntiiro , ' " I added , seeing him frown. " 'Look nt you bund now,1" ho''svid. "I did look , nnd the blnek spot was rod as blood. " ' . 'Ho said no more , but drawing from beneath his cloak a small skeleton , laid it on the panor where I had been writ ing , und bald : 'There are the bones of Isaac liny no ho was n South Carolin ian , and so are ybu , but there was no blotch on his hand,1 und with that ho vanished into' thin nir. I started up from contact with the skeleton before fore mo , and in doing so nearly upset ray chair nnd awoke. I linu fallen asleep ever my tnblo and dreamed. But really wns it not u most remarkable dronni'i" ' nnd Mr. Ciilhoun rubbed the back of his right hand and looked at it earnestly. This was the whole story and that Calhoun did have a dream and relnto it just ns it occurred there is no doubt , but that there ever was n red or black splotch upon the back of his right hand is n humbug. Some years afterwards a sensational writer got up a cock nnd bull story saying that while Calhoun was rotating his dream the red splotch reappeared on the buck ol his hand nnd remained there and was then on Cal- houu's hand as largo as a silver dollar , but thn correspondent lied nnd there never was a spot on Calhouu's hand , but the dream worried him for some time , though Uo never again referred to it to any ono. Simon Cameron wns A GK15AT AOMlKUIt OF and thought him in many respects the ablest statesman wo had. In 1821 , when only twenty-six years of ago , lie wrote a strong letter , urging Pennsylvania to favor the nomination of Calhoun for president , but the tide for General Jackson was too strong , and Cameron , of course , yielded to It. When he did go to Jackson it was with a rush , and his zeal at once attracted the notice of the old hero , who became his friend. When Jackson's first term was about to expire he was greatly embarrassed on account of a foolish letter ho had written - ton , saying ho would not run again. At General Baton's request Cameron , who was then building thoLakoPonchartrain canal at Now Orleans , was sent for , and TTackbon laid before him his embarrass ment. Ho said ho thought when ho ran the first time he never would want to run again , and ho had not changed his mind , but circumstances had arisen since his first election by which his first term would bo a failure unless ho was ro-elccted. Ho could not go back on his letter , and thought the best thing that could bo done was to secure some good marl who would carry out his ideas of reform. "But the people want you to carry out your own reforms , gen eral , " said Cameron. 'How can I , in the face of my letter , accept another nomination ) " ' inquired Jackson , tartly. "Oh fix that ' ' " , wo can 'easily enough , juuntily replied the young Scotchman , "tho country needs you and you have no right to refuse to servo it. " "Refuse to servo my country , sir ! " roared Jackfaod , "whore , when and how did I over do such a thing ? " "You never did , and you just stick to that letter and leave the rest to your friends until the right time comes , when you must give in and again obey your country's demand for your ser vices , " Cameron then posted ever to Harrisburg - burg , where the legislature was in ses sion. Ho drew up a long series of reso lutions requesting Jackson to run again , and had the legislature pass them. Other legislatures did the same and AN UNIIOUNDHD UNTIIUSIASM was created for Old Hickory which oven he could not have withstood if ho hud tried. The letter was a thing of the past and no longer an obstacle in Jackson's way. Ho never forgot the service Cameron rendered him. Cameron was only forty-six yonrfl old when ho first wont to the United States senate from Pennsylvania in 1815. Ho had been in the canvass of 1844 when James K. Polk and Guorgo M. Dallas ran on the ono side and Henry Clay and Frolinghuyson on the other. Folk and Dallas wore elected and James Bu chanan , then u Honator from Pennsyl vania , yms invited by Mr. Polk to bo his secretary of stato. Cameron had helped to elect Buchanan to the senate , but with lua usual egotism Buchanan had forgotten who made him. Vhon ho got Mr. Polk'a letter Inviting him into the cabinet ho sent for Simon Cam eron and tiskcd his opinion. Ho said : "Polic wants mo for his aecratary of stato. What do you think about It ? Should I accept ? Cameron , who know all about Polk's letter and that Bu chanan was tickled to death at the idea of being invited into the cabinet , ro- pllod : "CertainlyMr , Buchanan , you should accept so great an honor. " "If I do , " said Buchanan , in his moat dignified and pompous manner , "It will leave the United States sonatorshiD from Pennsylvania vacant and wo must try to llnd * a suitable man who will fill the place with credit uad honor to our great state , sir.1' "Yes , I have been thinking about that , Mr. Buchanan , " soplied Cameron , "and I think 1 know u man who would suit. " "Who. then , would succeed mo as senator ? " asked Buchanan , putting a heavy emphasis on the "mo. " " I think Simon Cameron would bo about the right man , " said Simonwith out changing the tone of his voice , Buchanan blurted , 'Ho was umazed , Ho had not thought of young Siuiou's mbitlon , and evidently hud some one else in mind for the plnco. Ho said not award. There was blood in the Scotch man's eye , and ho did not care to en counter him , Cnmoron wns elected , but ho and Mr. Buohntmn were never friends alter that intorviow. Cameron could not have been the friend of such n man ns Buchanan , but ho loved the frank and fiery Calhoun. sturdy old Jackson , gentle - tlo Henry Clay , and , above nil , the simple but .groat nature of Abraham Lincoln. Often hay ho talked to mo about these men , and told mo things about thorn I never know or hoard of boforo. I wo ild love to repeat some of these anecdotes Illustrative of the character of our great dead , but space forbids mete to do so hero. Mr , Cameron became known throughout the nation for his kindness to young men. There are hundreds , I might say thousands , of men living in the United States to-day who ewe their first start in life to Simon Cameron and 1 am ono of thorn. Ho would do almost anything to help a young follow along , often LOAN lint HUNWIUHS OK DOLLAItS simply on his note. I asked him ono day if ho did not lose a great deal of money by his generosity to young men. "No , " ho replied , "you will bo aston ished when I toll you I hardly over lose anything that way. I am a pretty good judge of human nature and when I see a young fellow who is honest and has snap in him struggling along I help him a little and ho always pays mo back. Some follows I have helped are now largo business men and oflon put money In my pocket so if I lo o anything on oao follow I am pretty sure to make it up on another. " The last time I saw General Cameron wns some years ago at his homo on the Susquohaiinu. I had dined with him , ami when 1 wont to como away ho asked mo : "Whon will you bo east again ? " "Not for about four years , " I replied. "I am going away out to Montana. " "Ahi four years is a long time , espec ially to an old man like mo , " ho siiid , and thon.nddod after a pause : "I may not eeo yiJu again. " . "I hope you will live to see mo many times , general , and I am sure you will , for vou are looking halo and hearty , " I replied. , "Yes , but you forgot I am an old man and that four years is a long time in an old man's lifo. How old are you , now ? " ho suddenly inquired. I gave him my ago and ho said : "Bless you , boy. you have not begun to live yet. You won't enjoy life until you got past fifty , and then ono of your chief interests in lifo will bo to sit in your boat as you float down stream and watch the follows who are ahead of you GO OVKll THIS FAT/LH. " "You have seen nearly all who were ahead of you go over the falls , general , " I remarked. "Yes , yes ; and n great many boats with their frail freight como up from behind me , pass on and go ever the falls while I still linger in the stream , " ho said. Ho walked to tlio gate with mo , and ns ho stood there with his white hair gleaming in the setting sun , ho said na ho bade me good-bye , "Vou will write to mo sometimes. " "What is the use , if you are going to die off like that , " I said , laughingly. "Write wiyway when you want any thing , and if I am gone Don will open the mail. " I can see him now standing by the gale as I went up the street , his white hair , tall form and noble face in silhou ette against the sky. Now ho is gone. A noble gentleman , a great statesman , a true friend , a good father , and a devoted - voted husband in him nature had blended all her best elements to make a perfect man.JAMES JAMES S. BUISIIIN. SOUTH OMAHA. NEWS. Itallrnnd Collision. Ennlne 10JC , on the Union Pacific , with a train of ice , was run into at the Summit Saturdoy night , at 11 o'clock , by on extra following it west , breaking the ice train in pieces. At South Omaha u long string of the stray cars came down , and , striking the ice tralu , did considerable damage , Jamming up sovcral cars. Switchman Stephen Maloney was riding on the train mid was knocked oltnnil severely Injured in the back. A brakcmnn whoso name could net be learned was badly cut about the heud , und WAS taken up town on the uuuim.v. _ A Close Call for His Frame H. Cantlie , cmploycdat the Armour- Cucluhy packing house , hud a narrow escape from death Saturday afternoon. Being in formed that tlio elovntor was below ho looked down tlio eliaft and , while looking clown , the elevator came down and struck him on the back , not seriously injuring him , but coming within an nee of knocking him down nud killing him. U. O. T. II. Picnic. South Omaha Lodge No. 33 , United Order of Truu Bund , will meat ut Knight of Labor hall at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon , and , pro ceeded by tlio Union Stock Yards Cornet hand , will march to the Union 1'acilic Uopot to mcut the visiting lodges from Oiniha , Council Bluffs and Pluttsuiouth , and the HIbernian - bornian oand of Omaha. After the arrival of tlio 1:25 : dummy the line will bo formed , and marching up N stioot to and north ulong Twenty-fourth strcut , will go ut once to the Oormnniti gardens. Dancing will commence at 2 o'clock , music by the ilibo- ulan band , of Omaha. At : i o'clock tli3 race to catch the shaved pig will take place. Tlio sack race Is announced for UIQ : ! o'clock , nnd nt4 o'clock the young Misses will -'break the crock. " The commutes have procured eultablo prizes. Jn tlfo evening the gardens will bo beautifully Illuminated , t i Ti.-in per unco 'Irlhu tut loin. The temperance tent was filled Saturday night-with a line uualeneo. The members of the Y. O. T. U. und Tompsranco league hnd laid in a bountiful supply of palatable viands , and had nil arrangements completed to servo tholr friends in an acceptable way , but u U o'clock the tcrrlblnraln und windstorm blow the tent down and not only dreuclied the hundreds present , but ruined all the provis ions. For u few minutes it looked us though Unit , ropeu , platform und pcupio would nil bo blown over the eiub.i'iIuutMit into Twenty- sixth street , a dlutiuico of ton or fifteen feet. NntCH Auniit tlio City. Uaba Elliott rallied oft hla vuluaulo fast horse at the Exchange .Saturday afternoon. Ono hundred tickets ut $ T > cach wcro sold mill ticket No. 07 , hold by Hon. J. H. McSlmno , of Omaha , drew the prizo. All members of the Baptist church congre gation are urged to moot at the resldcncu ( if Isaac 1C liraytou Sunday afternoon at UUO ; o'clock. L. J. Hyah nnd W. A. Paul have tukcn rooms In Miss Ausla J , Clark'a building , No. IMl'J N street. Captain John Harry has returned from California. Manager John F. Hoyd anil family loft for the cans Saturday evening , They will go as fur nust us Philadelphia. Jacob Gould has got the polu lover and left Friday for Uodersburg , Mont. l > . W. Curscr has gene to Harrison county , Miss \VooilrInj ; , residing ou Eighteenth street , IB gufTuriiii : with u bad < : auo of poisoning - ing of the lower limbs i'rom poison piants , Camp 12. K. Wells , Sonb cf Voteruno , here after will meet the llrt unJ third Monday evenings of each mouth in ICnlchtsof Pythias hall , and on the other Monday ovoulngs in the ofllco of H. K. Wolls. A man , whoso name could not bo nacer- tained , got into a row in Harpy county , just below Albright , Saturday evening , und was badly , if not seriously injured. A surguou waa HUtuuiouixlf who drc3Kcd UU wounds. LINGERED WITH HIS LOVE Trnclo OlroumatnnooB Under Which. Mrs. Tyler Wna Oourtod. 'TWAS CUPID SAVED HIS LIFE * IIoxv rronhlont Tyler I'Nonpnil the Kxploslon of ttio I'onoomnker nnil AltcrwnnlH Mnrrlcd Queenly On rill n or. Ha Blnvoil Uolow Dnok. The ilonth of Mrs. I'rosldont Tyler brings ngnln to publlo notlco the story of her mnrrlngc. Until the last ad ministration she could claim the honor of being the only woman who hnd ever married n president. But she was not Mr. Tyloi's first wlfo. IIo had boon inndc n widower In the second year of his term by the death of his wlfo. Mrs. Lotltln Christian Tylor. Her death In creased the cures of the president , who had already boon repudiated by his own : party. The second winter after the death of Mrs. Tyler , Mr. Gardiner , of Gardiner's island in Long Island Sound , n wealthy nnd distinguished man who had boon traveling ever Kuropo with his young mm accomplished iliuigh- ' tor , Julia , brought her to Washington. She became nt once the belle of the city. The widowed presi dent found solace nnd relaxation In the society of this cultivated girl whom ho soon began to woo. Tragedy was so mixed with the lovo- mnklng that the p.ilr were able to keep it secret until It ended In marriage * The president , the cabinet , with other invited guests among whom were Mr. Gardlnor nnd his daughter were Invited by Captain Stockton to a sail unoii the Potomac in the war-steamer , "Princeton , " to witness the testing of the "Peacemaker , " n now cannon. Before the ceremony the guests sat in tlio cabin jesting and sipping wine. At length the cnptaln announced that all1 was ready. The gentlemen , with the exception of the president sprang to their foot and wont on deck. A second time word was sent to the president. Still ho lingered with the beautiful girl.Tho The men on dock grow restive. The captain gave the word ; the gunnnr did his duty ; something was wrong , some- bony blundered ; the ball burst the cannon. The explosion and the shrieks of the wounded roused the president from the love dream that probably saved his lifo. Two members of the cabinet , and Miss Gardiner's father lay among the dead. Their bodies were taken to the executive mansion , and there the funeral services were i > or-- formed. Miss Gardiner wont to New- York with the body of her father. A. few months later the president an nounced thnt urgent business called him to New York. The dny- aftcr his arrival , ho took Miss. Gnrdiner to the Church ol1 the ascension , and in a strictly private way made her his wife. It was the so clal sensation of the time. The presi dent's "urgent business" was ended and. ho at once installed his bride ut , mis tress of the oxeoutivo mansion. TliOi lady received guoats witn a queenly grace and brought u gleam of sunshine- upon the Tyler administration. The spring niter the president's innrr- rlago his term of otllco expired. Ho re tired to Virginia and died in 1802. Ho lies in nn unmarked grave in Hollywood cemetery , Richmond , where his wifo- bus lately been laid to rest. His estate wns ruined during the war nnd his. widow forced to rely upon a pension from congress. A few years since , she bought a beautiful place in Richmond , , which was her homo up to the tiiuo ol' her death. The Ulsu of tlio Ur.'xol * . To-day Drexel & Co. can raise moro- money in twenty-four hours than nny financial institution in tnc United. States , says the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Yet it is not u great while ago that old Francis Drexel wns a poor portrnit , painter. Somehow or other the old man. about fifty years ago got an order to- paint a picture for a Brnxllltin grnndoo , nnd wont down to thnt country to do the work. The Brazilian took a fancy to the poor portrait- painter , nnd not only pain him a good price for the picture , but let him in on some money-making schema out , of ° which Drexel realized quite a num. IIo- returned to Philadelphia and wont into'- the money-lending business. By euro- , ful investments ho realized a big for- ' 'tune , nnd his three boys IVnnois , An thony and Josouh Increased it. When the old man died ho wus worth about $5,000,000. ' When Francis , the oldest boy , died , ho loft $2.5,000,000. , Joseph' , loft about $8,000,000 , being less of a , money-maker than the others , and An thony , the only ono left , is estimated to- bo worth 'an v where from $20- 000,000 to $ r.0,0fo,000 ( : Nobody really knows how much ho Is worth , but the house can raise $50,000,000 or moro int twenty-four hours , if necessary , which is something no other institution in tha- country , outside c'f the United States- treasury , can do. When Prank died ho left three daughters. All nro under- twenty-live , ono only Is married , nnd1 they have each an income of abotitr , $1,000 a day. The follov who married one of them was a young lawyer with out a dollar. A , Hldo Acrims Kuropo. A correspondent in Paris sends mo an interesting account of Lieutenant AsHoyoil'a rldo from Lubnl , in Poltava , to the Paris exhibition , says the Pali Mall Gn/ello. He is only twonty-Uva vcnrHold. When ho determined to go to Paris ho followed the C/.ar Nicholas * method of laying out a route , with a difference. He did not use a ruler ; ho took a thread , and stretching it across a map from Lubnl to Paris , marked oil his route In a Atralght line. Then ha started on horseback alono. Lieutenant Ashoyoff rode ono horse and led another , , on the Turcoman system , riding ouch hortieon nltornato days. Quo stood watt half English and half Don Cosaack , the other was of pure Russian brood. Ho rodoon an average a little ever fifty miles a day , und covered the whole dls- ta.ico in thirty days. The cost of rid ing across Kuropo with u couple of mid dle-horses was only 'M , or about 20s a Jay. If it can bo done us cheap as this , oquostriun tours will become common. Tlio Ellott family will bo the leading feature at the Eden Musootha cominu' weak. This Interesting family will appear upon their unlcyclos , The Kurll/umlly of acre bats uud Kyinnusts , nurhaps the youngest in the world , will prove good attractions. la all parts of the house there will bo ( 'ood at tractions , und though the week will be most expensive ono to the management the saiuo old popular price of ono dime to ull > will hold t'ood , Straw ISonril Trimt Ilrnkon. Now YOIIH- , July 13. it is repor'.ed among the paper box manufacturers that the "straw bonrd trust' ' hut given up the light , mm that it It a question of a Jew days when th pool will bo broken. Tlio rumor is partly confirmed by the decline in the past week of U'-i to $10 per ton m t > hu yrice of straw