Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1889, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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tlon of the reservation clear. It Is now under
the Jurisdiction of Dakota territory : but
upon South Dakota becoming a state this
Atrip Is loft \\ltliont nny jurisdiction , It Is
thcroforo good reason to believe that tills
will oo the battle ground for the waiting
thousands , find will prove that General
Crook's plain inlka to the Indians regarding
thcso anxious settlers wora not Idle words.
Franco Ilonorn JtufTnln Illll.
NOHTII I'LATTK , Nob. , July 13. [ Special to
TUB BED. h A cable dispatch has Just been
received from Paris , saying that the French
president has conferred the Legion of Honor
on a distinguished citbon of North Plaltc ,
the Hon. William F. Cody.
A good story is told of "our own" good
became true nnd characterlstlo. Ho was nt
Fort Davenport , then n ton or twelve com
pany Dost , and the tlmo was shortly nftor
the Thin Knobs right , where CoJy had pur
sued the peculiar tactics of the Indians , and
whonnvor ho killed ono of them ho dis
mounted nntl scalped him that is , If ho had
tlnia. it was In the back room of the post
trader nnd f the ofilcors wcro dis
cussing the matter ovdr their beer , and , as It
happened , Buffalo Hill was Just about enter
ing the room as ono of the ofllccrs remarked
.that "Cody ought not to put himself on n
level with Indians. " Cody Just halted nt the
door nn Instant as ho heurd his name pro
nounced , nnd then , striding Into the room ,
Bald : "Gentlemen , I want you to under
stand ono thing : The Hon. W. F. Cody
never xcnlps Indians , but Buffalo Hill sculps
them every lime. "
Fntnlly Injured XlironztiCftrolossncgi.
Kotnrii Sioux CITY , Nob. , July 13. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BHK. ] Whllo the 7-yoar-
old son of J. C. Lucia was walking In the
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis ft Omaha
switch yard at this placoyesterday afternoon
nn engine ran Into him and knocked lura
about ono hundred feet , breaking his right
nrm and wrenching his loft out of the socket
and tearing It completely from his body , also
bruising his head nnd lees considerably. The
cnglno was runulng at the rata of about
twenty miles an hour and neither the en
gineer or tlrcuian were looking ahead , no
Hanger signal was sounded , nnd as the wind
was blowing In the opposite direction , the
child could not hear Its approach until too
Into. The boy will not recover.
Pronounced Snnc.
LtN'coi.x , Nob. , July IS. | Special Tele
gram to TUB BBB. | The commissioners ap
pointed by the county court to inquire into
the lunacy of Jacob Wulz , a patient at the
Insane hospital In this city , made a report
this afternoon. Tiioy found that ho was sent
to the asylum from Custor county November
23 , 1883 , because ho attempted to enter the
room of a sick lady to prepare her for dnath ,
nnd when refused admission inadu violent
efforts to enter. Ho further claimed to have
money and property ! which ho did not pos
sess. The commission put him through a
searching examination , pronouncing him
aano and ordered his discharge.
A NournnKa Ilond'n Morteago.
BHATKICU , Nob. , July 13. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BBS. ] The first mortgage of
the Kansas Clty" & Beatrice railroad com
pcny to the Now York Security & Trust
company , was filed with the register of
deeds this afternoon , to the amount of $100-
000 on thlrty-ilvo miles of road , with latorest
at 5 per cent. Thn bonds are to bo of the
denomination of $500 each. It Is also stated
in the body of thi ) article that the road is
operated and controlled by the Kansas City ,
Wichita & Northwestern company.
Red Glniul'M Gnmiiii * Flro Tournny.
Hun CLOUD , Nob. , July 13. [ Spoclil to
Tun BtiD.j The success of the state tourna
ment , which will bo hold here July 10 to 10 ,
is assured bo/ond dqubt. The whole city is
interested in preparing for it , und visiting
firemen nnd their friends will bo well enter
tained. Few places in the cntlro state can
offer as perfect n running track , or as com
plete grounds as wo have hero. The indica
tions'aro thutr'thoro will bo the largest ut-
tondanco over known in western Nebraska.
\ , ConitillcntloiiH Settled. (
BLOO'MINGTON , Nob. , July 13. [ Special to
Tins BEE.J The complications and misunder
standing between the Bloomington butter
and cheese factory and William McClolland ,
sub-contractor ana builder of the factory at
this place , and Davis & Hankin , of Cnlcugo ,
III , , builders of creameries and dealers in
creamery supplies , was settled to-day.
Gliooly Khan AVIIIOomo Itnok to This
Nnw YOIIK , July 13. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEB. ] The French steamer La Brot-
tagno , which sailed for Havre to-day , has as
a passenger Hudjl Hasslon Ghooly Khan ,
minister of Persia to the United States. The
minister has boon In America Just nine
months. Ho is the first Persian minister over
sent to this country , and so sovcro have been
the press criticisms of his dress and manner
thut ho was reported ns declaring that on
leaving America ho would navor return to It.
ThroUgh his interpreter the minister suld tea
a reporter :
"I am going to Paris to moot his majesty ,
the shah , who has kindly consented to my
going to Franco. Ho has granted mo this
pleasure at my request. My stay nbroid , "
bo continued , "depends entirely on his inu-
josty. I expect , however , to return to this
country after wo have visited the exposition
and inspected the exhibits. "
"Then it Is not trua thnt you are leaving
because of newspaper critlelsml"
"Decidedly untrue , " responded the minis
ter , while ills face expressed the scorn IMJ
felt. "My going. " ho continued , "Is not In
the least Inllucncod by the newspapers. "
The minister siioko severely of the course
itho nowuptipors had taken In commenting
upon him und his ways , nnd ndded :
"You are u great people. You have mndo
. great progress In Hclonco ami urt , almost
ovorylhinfr Indeed. I llko the country , 1 nm
charmed 'with your wisdom , but why have
you not better wrltcraVhy aro.vour nuws-
papen ) mere gossiping iiiacliineH to do u gen-
crul tattling buslncssl This IH not wise : this
Is childish. Any child could wrlto us some
of them wrlto. I nm dllToront from llio
Americans. I dross dlnorcntly from your
people. I was taught to think my dross u
proper one. Should 1 bo marked for that rea
son ) No. So it is not pleasant to ; pcnd years
In hard'study to fool that ono Is competent ,
and thut ono really lllls n reB ] > onslllo posi
tion. und to know 'hat ono Is regarded In the
liuhtof.a show by the people whom ono has
been taught to bullovo Is the greatest on
earth. Your minister , Mr. Pratt , would not
thus bo treated in Persia. Should ono item
bo made to-uioek him on the street the of
fender would at once bo arrcstod. "
Connor Ilns Not Offuroil Ono Ilunilrcil
Thousand Kor Axtnll.
NBW YOIIK , July 13. [ Special Telegram to
Tnu BKB.I A gentleman representing Hob-
ort Bonnar wns iniCRtlotiod this monun.t re
garding the rumors that Mr. Bonnor had un
admiring eye on the trotter Axtoll , which
has made a record at Minneapolis of 2:1 : %
and the snuie at St Pnul Thursday. It wus
Btntod emphatically there wus no truth In
the rumor thut , Bonnor nnd deputized Splnu
to malio an offer of $103,000 for the animal
in his behalf In the eventof his lowering the
record of 2:15 ' . The ccntleinun Interviewed
also doubted the correctness of tha report
that Mr. Mitchell , of Clovolund. hud either
offered or renewed his uffur of $80,000 fur
Axtoll , Ho suld , in conclusion , there was no
truth in the report that Mr. Banner hud of
fered & .000 for Axtoll after bis 3l.ri ; >
record at Mlunuupolln.
Popular ns a 1'rlzo Fltlit.
MBMMIIS , July 13. KlmrlesVlrt ( colored )
was hanged to-day at Samervfllo , Fuyetto
county , Tonn. The scaffold wns erected In
the crock bottom uoar town , which owing to
heavy rains was nearly a foot deep hi water ,
yet the crowd stood In the water for houra
and pres eJ no clouoly that the military
company with fixed bayonets was employed
to keep them buck.
Colored Alan hynclii'd.
MEMIMIIU , Tonn , , July 18. Thomas Joffor-
ou ( colored ) WM hauifd hero tul * aflur-
Soolo's Pots Boat tlio Donvora by a
Sooro ofO to 8.
Severn ! Important Changes to Ho
In tlio Iioonl Teiun The
lo\vn Amateur Oarsmen
Other Sports.
Standing of the CIulis.
Following Is the standing of the Western
association clubs , up to anil Including yes-
Per Ct.
. ! W5
, r.oo
Per Ct.
.0(57 (
Played. Won. Lost. Per Ct.
St. Louis 71 40 23 . (190 (
Brooklyn 03 48 25 .033
Athletic 00 83 23 .570
Cincinnati 70 83 33 .513
Baltimore 07 37 30 .552
Kansas City..69 30 39 .435
Columbus 70 27 43 .380
Louisville 71 14 57 .195
Omnha l > , I > on cr 8.
DUNVKU , Colo. , July 13. The Denver play
ers bad the game won In the fifth Inning , but
lost It in the seventh by errors of McClcllan ,
Howe and White. McNitbb , Denver's new
pitcher , made his first nppoarnnca and put
up a gnmo that would have won had ho been
properly supported. Scores
r. h o. a. ! r. h. n. n.
nalrrmplo , 3b..l 1 1 2 1 Wlllln. cf ,1 1 0 0
McCvllniib..l ! 1 .1 2Olerelitnil , < ( b..O 0 1 >
Trcn(1n ( r.rf..l t U 0 1 MniMlt , rf 1 1 U t
llrme , ) b 1 110 U 1 Crookfl. 2li 1 1 S 0
Wlilto. si I u t 3 1 WnlMi , 99 1 112 1 0 1 0 0 Andrewsib..l 0 1:1 : 0 U
DoUn , C . 00711 Notfle.o . 1 a .1 o
Hliores. If . 1 U 0 0 U Cunnvan. If. . . .I o o u
a t O OUInrno , p . .0 0 1 I U
i Tolal . 3 7 27 9 " 5
Winning tun miulo nitti one 111:111 : out.
Dourer 1 00320,00 3 S
Oiimlm . . . . .I U U 1 0 0 t 1 l- j )
Knrnpd ruiH Dcnvor 3 , Onmtm 1. Homo ram
Crooks. Btrupk out-lly MoNahbT , I > r Clurko a. lla pi
on biills-OlTWcNnbbJ , oirciarko.t. Tlmo 1 hour and
&U minutes. Umpire McDormott.
Aliiinoapolls 3 , DCS flloincs O.
MiKXCAYOLM ) Minn. , July 13. Minneap
olis defeated Dos Molncs for the thlr.l con
secutive tlmo yesterday , and1 all on account
of the superior work of Duke , who pitched
for the homo team. In six innings ho struck
out ton won , striking out three men in the
second after filling the bases by giving three
men bases on balls. Des Moinoa played a
good gumn but could not hit Duke. Score :
r. b. n. n. a o. a. o.
Mlnnohan.U > . . .0 041 (1 Mmkiy. If U U 1 U U
Drlichnl. It.I ( U 0 U 0Kliuman.Sb..U | 0 0 t 0 1 1 U 0 I ) Whlteler. ct..O 0200
Kostor. of..0 1 1 1 0 ( ( Minoll.JI ) 0 2 1 U 1
Honxlo.'l ) 1 122 OTnttlliiy.rr U U 1 0 0
Duko. p II u 0 1 U Smith. Ib. . , . . ' ) 1 7 U 0
llnnrnli nss..0 U 0 1 o Mncullar.s3..U u U 1 1
Turner , rf 0 000 U Corty , o Jl 0 5 1 II
UugUulQ. c. . . . . 1 111 _ 1 julllurt ) | , .U " U0 _ " 1 0
Tot&ln..A-3' 4'13 T 0 Tut ! l5 o"sis"7 3
„ 11V INXIXG8.
Mlnneapull U 1 0 1 1 0 H
Des.Momes ( J U U 0 U 0-0
4l\itncnnio < l-Minneapolis I. T\Yo-lja o liltl-Smlth
nnil Mlllor. Uanes utolun Hart. Iliuo.t on ballit HT
DukoT.liy Hurt' ' . Struck out-llyl > iiko IIby llurtV
TUUO--1 hour. Umplro-Olark.
St. Joseph D , Sioux City H.
ST. Joaupir , Mo. . , July 13. St. Joseph
earned three runs iu the first and one in the
fourth nnd won the game. This is the third
game Klopf has pitched on the homo
grounds , and in every ono a homo run has
been made in the ninth , Bradley making
ono to-day. Score :
r. h. o. n. e r. h. o. n.
Cnrlwrlalit.ob. . ! 2 2 : i 0 Cllno.rf 0
OiirtH.I1 1101 I'ovrell. 11 'J ' 0 11 0 0
Arilnor.Zb 1 1181 Conln. * , cf 0 0101
Mcli.lrr , si 1 1 2 : l 1 llrcniKin.'I.0 2521
K. Ib U 0 Yi n [ I 0 1 0 & U
HnUllnir. or..U 2 I 0 0 llr.nlloy , fUtttf 1 1 0 : i 1
0..1 1 7 0 1 lovne. If t 1 1 U II
Kuril , rr 0 1 0 ( I UCrottjr.o 1 1 7 : i I
Klopf , p 0 31 _ 3 UWobor , p 0 0 1 3 Jl
Totals rU2T13" < | Totals 3 T S 13 "fl
Bt. Joicpli : ) 00100001 6
Blum City u 0 U 0 1 U 1 0 I 3
Karnod runs-St. J.isopll 4 , Sioux Clly t. Two haso
lilt-llotiillng. llnmuruu-ltmainr. Clntonlmlli
OITVlior 4 , T Klopf 1. Hlruck niU-Ourtls , Krloir ,
WicllhnisoJ , Knoll 2 , 1'ovroll , ilenlns. Itroinsn. llnnl-
loy.Juvnu. tiloloii | JRJU Anliiar , Hliullliassu , Ullnu ,
ro\voll.l viioOrottr. DonWo iilnm-Arluor to .Mo-
1'nrr lo Hint. ! 1'oweH nnnislitoil ; llurkai to llroitmn
to 1'owcll. 1'ilsjod b lls-None. Tlmo of KAIUO , liU. :
Umpire , Urtodr.
St. Pnul 7 , Milwankoii 2.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , July 13. The feature of
to-day's game was n triple play In the sixth
inning , witn Lowa und Shuck on first and
Bucond. Klrby hit n low Hy to Miller , who
retired Shock on a throw to Worrick , nnd
the latter caught Lowe nt IIrat. Hitting
was light , nnd Holding sharp nil around.
Score :
r. ti. o. a. e. r. It. o. n. o
IInwc . 11) 1 u 10 u I ) I'oormnn.r/.l 2 0 u U i i u u 1 Siitlon , cf u 3 4 1 U
Udilir..11) v i 3 6 i > Morrnsur. H > . . .0 o tt l a
Wurrick/'te l u .1 l l Shnck.M.iiulp.O U o 2 2
I'ltrmll , rf I a 1 1 II Mwo , iriiiul 0 I 4 1 u
Mlllor , HI I U 1 2 UKIiby.'li u o 3 3 u U 1 U u u Alljurl. ; ib 1 : i 4 : < u
llrmiKtiton , o..U 2 4 0 ullurler , u U U 7 1 1
'luukurmaup..u UJ ) 3 JJ KmmtrputiiUfOOJ > UMJ
" " "
ToUl.v. . . . .7"CT U 2 ! Totali .1 8 27 U "E
fiUl'aul . .1 0 4 9 1 0 U 0 0-7
Mlltfimkuo. . . . U a 1 0 0 U 1 U u-2
Kntnod runs St. I'nulil , Mllvraukflo I. Homo run *
Murpliy. Tvro bu * hlt'nrrt ll - . Dmililo plajrs
IxjwuuiKlAlkurt. Trlplo pair ! Mlllor , Wurrlck and
Ixiwo. U 83 un l > iill < Oil TMRiuriiiaii- KnnulT : ! ,
uUHiockU , btruoXoat-llxTiiekurumn 2. l > r Knoiiir
C , Klrsl. ! > : > ua ornir * M. I'mil 4 , Mllimukuo 1.
l.ofl onUn oa HI. I'uulJ , Mlli tutno7. Ilalk KnoulT ,
Wild pllch-dhock. I'lKajil bulH-llurlur. BWlun
Imsi'S-llHMrui' : . Hoilloy , Carroll , Mlllur' ; , urougbton ,
Tlmo 1W. : Umpire nirco.
A Clmimo In llio Ton in.
Manager Soloo reported to President Mo-
Cormick last evening that ho had signed
Will Morun , a young catcher who has boon
playing with the Kearneys , this itato.
Moron , it Is said , is a "Jlnd" of Solao's ami n
coming catcher , Ho throws to soooiul.with
precision of a rifle shot , and as a back stop
is a veritable atone wall. Ho also Is handy
with the stick and a good man in the linos.
The manager also reports that commencing
with Tuesday gumo with the St. Jooa , Jack
Mojsltt will begin his western career us a
pitcher , ana tutco Ins regular turn in the box.
In n conversation with Coonov last night , ho
said that Sulco hud long boon contemplating
this move , nnd thut Messitt would make x
flno twirler , cs ho hus grout tpood , u dandy
curve und sulondid control of the hall ,
Coonoy will hereafter fill right field per
manently , Willis center und Canavun loft.
What la to bo done with Joa Struss is not
_ _ _ _ _ _
Ttio Nutlonnltionitue ,
NKW YOIIK. July 13. Ke uU of to-duy's '
game :
Now York . 0 08088 0 11
Cleveland . 0 0 0 3 0 3 S U
Buse hits New York 9 , CUovelund 9 ,
Krror Now York 1 , Cleveland L Butteries
New York , Welch and Kwlng ; Clove-
laud , O'Brlou mid Ziwtnur.
Gnmo called at the end of the seventh In
ning on account of rnln.
WASHISOTON , July 18. Result of to-day's
panid !
Washington . 8 0-12
Indianapolis . 0 0200000 5 7
Bnso liltM Washington , 10 , Indianapolis 11.
Errors Washington 0 , Indianapolis 6. Bat
teries Washington , Ferson nnd Dilyi In
dianapolis , Huslo and Myers , Umpire
BOSTON , July 18. Hoault of to-day's
game :
Boston . 0 0
Pitlsbunr . 0 4
Base hits-Boston II , Pittsburg 13. Er
rors Boston 3 , Pittsburg C. Batteries
Boston , Madden nnd IColly ; Pittsburg ,
Staloy and Miller. JmpIro Powers.
July 13. The Chicago-
Philadelphia gumo was called nt the end of
the ilrst Inning on account of rnln , neither
nldo having scored ,
Tlio Amorluan Association.
CiXciNNm , July 13. Result of to-dnjr's
game :
Cincinnati . 0 5
Brooklyn . 3 8001133 3 15
KANSAS CITV , July 13. Hcsult of to-day's '
gnmo :
Kansas City. . . . . 3 3 0 0 0 0 B 00 U
Athletic. . 2 130 0055 " 15
LouisviLbK , July 13. Ilosult of to-day's
game :
Columbus. . . . 0 02001000 0 3
Louisville. . . . 0 021000002 5
ST. Louis , July 13. llcsult of to-day's
game :
St. Louis. . 8 0407135 2 35
Baltimore . 3 30000000 5
A in n tour Oninns.
The Omaha Guards and Walnut Hills
played n ten-Inning came yesterday after
noon , which resulted ns follows :
Guards . 4 10040300 5 23
Walnuts . 4 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 17
Umpire- . E. Aitchlson.
The M. E. Smith & Cos' , defeated n
picked nine from the different wholesale
douses yesterday by a score of 17 to 10.
The fcaturo of the game was the pitching of
Mr. Bur oss of M. E. S. & Cos' , who struck
out thirteen men. The M. E. Smith & Co.
nine have won eight consecutive games ,
and challenge any wholesale nine in the city.
nionnioiith Park. Races ,
MOXMOUTII PAHK , July 13. The track was
heavy from rains. Summary :
Thrpo fourths of a milo Jnv S. Dee won ,
U. W. Cook second. Time 1:16.
Three-fourths of n mile The Escola won ,
Clarendon second , Pudlsha third. Time
1:17 : .
Ono mile Bndgo won , Bella B. second ,
Tristan third. Time 1 :4 : 1.
Stockton stakes , one mile and a quarter
Uc | > ortcr won , Lonratrcot second , Sorrento
third. Time 3:13Jf.
Ono mile and tlirco-olchths Jubal won ,
Barrister second , Stockton third. Time
3:23 : .
One mile Benedictine won , Long Knight
second , Kenncsso third. Time l:15)f. )
Three-quarters of u mlle Uolluiro won ,
Bun Harrison second , Adolph thira. Time
Wnflhlnirton Pnrk Knees.
Onicioo , July 13. The races nt Washing
ton Park were witiiosscd by 10 , 000 spectators.
The track was heuvy. Summary :
Two-yoar-olds , five-eighths of a mlle W.
G. Morris won , Morse second , Kiro third.
Time 1:07. :
Same conditions as ilrst Alarm Bell won ,
Lottie S. second , Cameo tutrd. Time
l:00if. :
TSireo-ycar-oWs , three-fourths of a milo
Leo Brigol won , Cass.mdra second , Ver
mont third. Time 1:20 # .
Sumo conditions us third Mamie Fonso
won , Angclus second , Cora Fisher third.
Time 1 rJOtf.
Great Wnstorn handicap , milo nnd a half
Elyton won , Floodtldu second , Gilford third.
Tlmo 3:44 : } .
Milo and a'n eight i Kato Malone- won ,
Bussoo second , Lelu Muy third. Time 2:03. :
"Mile hoat3 Famine won both heats , Dad
second In last heat , und Unlucky third.
Bolluirund Eftlo H. wcro distanced in the
first heat. Best titno 1 :4 :
St. 1'nul Knees.
ST. PAUL , July 13. Summary of to-day's
races :
3:33 : trot John W. won , Lady Mack second
end , MInnccoIa third , Bob M. fourth. Best
tlmo 3:2 : ! l.
2:18titV : ) KitCurrlo won , Lynn W. second
end , First Call third , Joe Davis fourth. Best
time 2:10 .
2:40 : trot Allerton won , Lucky Boy second
end , Harry Medium third , Star S. fourth.
Best tlmo-2:2J. :
Yesterday' * Slinot.
The live bird and blue -ock shoot , which
was hold under the auspices of Gwln &
Dunmirc , on-tho grounds of the Omaha gun
club across the river , yesterday afternoon ,
was u splendid success. Notwithstanding
the oppressive weather there wus a largo nt-
tondanco of shooters , in addition to several
hundred spectators , and some of the scores
made were exceptionally lino. The first
event on the afternoon's card was a ten live
bird shoot , thirty yards rise , ? 5 entrance ,
national rules , which rules provide an olghty-
yunt boundury from the score. Following
are the sitores made :
Parmcleo 11111 11111 10
Ellis Hill 11111 10
* leld Illll 11011 0
Nuson 10111 Hill 0
Smith Illll 10111 0
Musftulnwn 11100 11101 7
Dlekoy 1111)0 ) OHIO 0
Towlo 10031 ( ' 01(11 ( 4
Bedford 00010 IOKO 3
Howe 10010 1101)1 ) 5
Purmoleo and.Ellis divided first money ,
$20 : Nnson nnd Smith second , $15 ; Mussel-
man taking third without a tie.
The second shoot was twenty-live blue
rocks , eighteen yards rise , $ U entrance. Thn
seoro :
Hughes Illll 01111 01111 11101 10111 21
Tow'.a.01101 10010 11110 11101 01101 10
Nuson 11011 10011 10111 11011 11110 lit
Dickey 11010 11011 11110 OUlt 11111 20
Perkins . . . 11010 Hill 01111 Hill 11111 23
Kotehom..11011 Illll 10011 Illll 01111 31
Prutt 10111 11110 HUH 10111 11111 21
Cotter 10101 10010 00001 11110 01101 13
Brewer Illll 10010 Illll 11110 01111-30
MuBsolnian.,11111) ) Illll 11100 10110 17
Dunuilro. . .11111 10111 Illll Illll 11111 31
Tlio Fnll Exposition.
A grand exposition will bo hold in tbo
Coliseum during fair week , and the two pr6-
jects will work band In hand. Tills exposi
tion at the Coliseum will bo an elaborate
show by the merchants and shopmen of the
city , and will afford a splendid resort for
visitors in the evenings. Fiuo orchestral
music will bo on hand and every possible
arrangements made for the delight and edi
fication of the people. No pains or expanse
will bo spared in getting up an exhibition
thnt will be n credit to the city , and It is
tnought that every merchant and store
keeper and manufacturer in the city will bo
represented hero. The flno urt department
will bo particularly nttructlvo , as will , in
fact , all tha ninny uufl various departments.
It is to bo arranged so that ono admission fee
will admit patrons to both the fair and expo-
sltlon , and tbo enterprise will act as u potent
factor In keeping visitors to tbo city here
ever night.
Amntenr KowliiR llegatta.
The fifth annual regatta of the Iowa
Amateur Kowlng association will bo hold at
Spirit Lake , July 24 and 35. The ilrst day's
contests will bo Junior races , and the second
day's ' eqnlor races. The participating olubs
will bo from Council Bluffs , Duhunuo ,
Codivr Rapldf , Davenport , Ottumwu , Bur-
llnston and KooltuK. The oarsmen are
strictly amateur and will ba accompanied by
parties of friends , inuuy of whom will ba
ladle * .
Iloston Waiting fur John.
BOSTON , July 13. | Special Telegram to
TJIK BEE. | The fistlo community is on the
tip-too of expectancy. All trains from tbo
west which have arrived since dawn have
boon awaited with fovorlih anxiety by ad
mirers dcsl/r / Sof throwing up their haU In
honor of ilold L. Sullivan. So con
fident wcro some of the local
sports that ho would arrive to
day that tlrppchad carriages In watting.
When they vcro told the champion wns not
on board the Pullman porters were bribed
to give Information which they did not pos
sess. Tha J > > Ulo wooilou house on Par-
neil street/'Svhcro ' the Stlllvan's llvo
has also boon the sccno of prospective en
thusiasm all tiny. People nro surrounding It
In the oxpeotntivn of seeing the distinguished
Join drive op. Lawyers seem to bo gener
ally of the orntf Ion that Sullivan could bo ux-
t null led from ( ( Massachusetts upon the request -
quest of Governor Lawiy , nnd attempts to
elicit an opinion at tha attorney general's
ofllco proved futile , but the impression was
thro-vn out that there are no legal obstacles
in the way of extradition. Police Superin
tendent Small could not BOO why , if the
proper papers were sent on the arrest could
not bo made.
Sulllvnii Konnd.
CIIIOAOO , July 13. At 1 o'clock Sunday
John L. Sultlvuu was still in Chicago , with
no apparent Intention of hurrying out of the
city. When the clock struck the hour
named the champion of the world was lift-
Itm a whisky sour to his lips in n Dearborn
street saloon nnd conversing generally with
a few friends. Ho WAS quite sober. Sulli
van said ho simply desired to bo lot alone
that ho might tuko n tow days' rest horn. Ho
did not understand Governor Lowry's tac
tics , ho said , Sullivan added that the proper
tlma for interference , If any wcro Intended ,
was before the flttht began or whllo it was
In progress , not after It was ovor.
Kllrnln Given n Ftililn.
BALTIMOHE , July 13. [ Special Telegram to
Tnn Bun. ] Mrs. Jake ICIlraln has received
by express the gold headed nnno from Col
onel Andrews of California , which that gen- '
tinman determined should go to the defeated
pugilist. Another gift , and ono wholly dif
ferent , was a flno largo family blblo with
passages marked for ICIlraln's edification.
h is thougnt that a clergyman is the donor ,
and if Kllrain- follows his advice ho will bo a
bettor if not a richer man. On the fly leaf
Is written : "To lead to a bettor life. "
Mltohdll < u J HKHHI | > .
CHICAGO , July 13. Charley Mitchell , the
pugilist , left Chicago to-night for Baltimore
or Washington. Ho arrived In the city this
evening thoroughly disguised In an old suit
of clothes , and at once sent for Parson
Davies to aid him in getting out of town.
Ho told a story of being chased by Hoosier
sheriffs through tbo wilds of Indiana and
how ho left his party near Brady's station.
Jnko Kllrain , Pony Moore and Johnny
Murphy are still in hiding.
Hill Didn't Order K ) llivaii's Arront.
NKW YOIIK , July 13. Police Superintend
ent Murray denies that ho recoivcd instruc
tions from Governor Hill to nrrcsr and hold
John L. Sullivan Jor extradition to Missis
sippi on his arrival here , as was rumored
UomiRtt'a ToitriinmoiU.
Dave Bennett , the Canadian sprinter , is at
Missouri Valley. a. . where he has boon em
ployed by local portsinon to manage an
athletic tournament there on the fair
erounds at thnt place next Tuesday.
Constitutionality of tlio Minnesota
Mont Inspection Act.
STIIT/\VATKHJ Minn , , July 13 [ Special
Telegram to TijH Bnn.J The constitutional
ity of the Minnesota meat Inspection law ,
passed at the last 'session of the legislature ,
Is to bo tested nt onco. The houses of E.
Durant and other largo Stillwutcr lumber
men have been buying foreign dressed meats
for their camps , and William Fco , of Wis
consin , caino' over to dohver some of this
meat yesterdnj' ' . * * He was arrested on com
plaint of Meut''dtor J. E. Jackman and
charged with'sdlHnp uninspected meat. The
case will' Do hcaVd in the municipal court
Thursday , nnd If Fee is found guiltv and or
dered into tbo custody of an ofllcer his coun
sel will obtain his role jso on u writ of habeas
corpus and appeal the question to the supreme
premo court , on tho' ground that the inspec
tion law is unconstitutional , as it restricts ,
commerce between states.
A Frclcht Complication.
CniOAOo , July 13. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEB. ] The east-bound freight compli
cation was still further mixed to-day by a
notice of tbo Michigan Central that It would
meet the Grand Trunk cut to 20 cents on all
classes of grain , Chicago to Now York , next
Friday. It will bo remembered that the
Grand Trunk gave notice that It would ad
vance all rates to the 25 cent busts on July
24. This notice superseded its notice of re
duction to 20 cents. The joint committee do-
oldod in New York , on Wednesday , that on
July 23 the rates of 30 cents on corn and 2 >
cents on wheat should go Into effect. Ac
cording to this , all central trafUc and trunk
line roads , cxcent the Grand Trunk and
Micnignu Central , will put the joint commit
tee rates into effect July 22. The Grartd
Trunk will r.iiso all the grain rates to 25
cents July 24 , meantime charging 20 cents ,
und uftor July 10 tha Michigan Central will
charge 20 cents on all classes of ? rnm. Of
course this paradoxical state of nffulrs can
not exist , und unless the Joint committee
takes prompt action the 23 cant ruto on all
classes of grain will rule as soon after July
23 as the roads cau issue leual turiff.
The Senatorial InvnKtlitntlon.
CHICAGO , July 13. ( Special Telegram to
TUB BEE.J Senators Cullom , Hiscoek , Har
ris and Keagan , of tha United States committee
mitteo on intor-slato commerce , hold a ses
sion to-day in the Grand Pucitlc. The com
mittee wus instructed by the senate to inqulro
whether any railroad line in the United
States was owned or controlled by the Grand
Trunk of Canada , and. In general , what
effect Canadian competition hud on lines Iu
the United States. Trafllu Manager Ilannn-
ford , of the Northern Pacific , testified
thnt Canadian competition harmed lines In
the United States but little , nnd Trufllu Man
ager Kcovcu , of the Chicago & Grand Trunk ,
said thnt his line lives up implicitly to the
requirements of the intcr-stuto commorcn
act. General Counsel Gody , of the North
western road , wus sure Canadian lines cur
ried trafllo at lower rates than those in the
United States , there being nothing to pre
vent them cutting rates. Ho believed con
gress should uxerclso authority ovar all
trafllo originating or terminating in the
Unltod States. | - 4 ( &
Daughters oh Hpbekah Installation.
The ofllccrs of lijth lodge No. 1 , Dough-
tors of Kobokah/ vcro installed last night at
I. O. O. F. hall , .byvirs. Mary Osburn , D.
D. G. M. , assisted by the following grand of-
llcers : G. M. , Mt-Lnolle Wright ; G. S. , Mrs.
Hebocca Livesoy/Q. / T. , Mrs. Carrie Toozor ;
G , W. , Mrs. Carriiorf Jackson ; G. I. G. , Mrs.
Emma Abney. 'Jtiel ' following oillcors were
installed : N. G. , Miss Bumve ; V , G. , Miss
NutJilloBernstoliVj e'crotary , Mrs. Mary Os-
burn ; treasurer , Mrs. Hoboaca J. Llvesoy. A
largo delegntion'l'lWs present from Plntts-
moutli , rcproBenUnRiBud of Promise lodge ,
No , 40. An Invitation had been extended
this ledge to I I bo present at the
installation corottuJnles and the following
were in attendance : L. E. Kurnes and wife ,
P. D. Butes and wife , C. S. Twlss and wife ,
T. H. Williams and wife , A. Stulls and wife ,
Mcsdamcs It Peterson , L. O. Larson , Mary
Boyd , Mary Klrtz , Misses Lizzie Krohler ,
Mary Krohlor , Laura Twiss , Mara Peterson
and Lizzie Stompkoy ,
After the Installation ceremonies an ad
journment wus taken und all repaired to the
ante-room , where a bounteous repast was
spread. This being disposed of , all returned
to the lodge room , where an hour wus passed
in soclul convoruo and duncing , Business
was then returned nnd lodge adjourned about
midnight. Tho.vUitora will return homo
to-duy. They oppressed the opinion that
the otHcors here were much hotter posted OP
installation than those of their own lodge.
Sends IIIx ItngKiimi Before.
NKW YOIIK , July 18 , John L , Sullivan's.
baggage arrived this mornlug , but Sullivan
himself did not put In au appearance. Ho is
expected this afternoon ,
South Dakota's Convention Ad-
jourus Until Monday.
It Will Continue Ttiroo Wcokn Longer
DclcRntcH Accept nn Invitation
to Attend tlioVntcrwajr Con
vention nt Superior.
A Short Session.
Sioux FALLS , S. D. , July -Spoclal [ Tol-
ogrnn'i to THE BRK. [ Thirty delegates , six
loss than n quorum , were nil that put In nn
appearance at this afternoon's session of the
constitutional convention , Judge Cars'an , of
Dcailwood , presided , Judge Kdgorton having
gone to his homo at Mitchell for Sunday. A
dc&lgn for the great soul of South Dakota
was received from n Chicago llrm of en
gravers nnd referred to the proper commit
tee , and then the convention adjourned until
'Monday at 2 p. m. , after being In session
seven mlmilos. It Is now settled that the
convention will remain iutnct three weeks
longer. As n body It has decided to m'copt
nn invitation to attend the waterway con
vention nt Superior , VVIs. , on Tuesday ,
August 0. The wives of the dele
gates nro to go also , and there Is to
bo a special train ride , a baDQitut and a ptcnla
generally. Arrangements are being nego
tiated with n view to having the convention
of .North Dakota go with * the party , but it Is
believed here that the northern neighbor
will remain In session during all of the dog
days , as the work of constitution making at
Bismarck progresses slowly. Considerable
interest Is felt In tbo numerical order in
which the state of South Dakota will couio
into the union. The omnibus bill , adopted
by congress last February , providing for
statehood for North and South Dakou. Mon
tana nnd Washington territories , refers to
them In the order here named. If Presl-1
'dent ' Harrison's proclamation declaring their
statehood employ * the name phraseology us
this law , North Dakota will bo the thirty-
ninth and South Dakota the fortieth state.
This may not scorn to to a matter of much
importance , but it Is , as It iuvolvos the senior
ity and leugth of the first terms of the
United States senators for the two stains.
Ono of the gortlemcn whom nearly every
body in South Dakota believes will bo chosen
United States senator by the legislature this
winter , says the terms of the United States
senators for thn thirty-ninth state will bo
for ono und one-half years and three and a
halt years on the first election , whllo the
United Statessenators chosen the
- senators by legis
lature of the fortieth stnto will survo ns their
first tormit four und six years. Thus those
who aspire to be United States senators for
South Dakota are congratulating themselves
that President Harrison will follow the
language of the omnibus bill and name North
Dakota us the thirty-ninth state of the union
nnd not overlook the law in au effort to rcc-
ognizo South Dakota's work for statehood.
She has berne the brunt of tha battle from
first to last.
There is not a very great scramble for the
state nominations in South. Dakota. Ttiis is
duo to a general understanding us to whom
shall bo nominated for tha principal ofllces
on the republican ticket , which is the only
ono having uny prosptot at all for success.
Artlm * Mollottc , of VVutortown , Presi
dent Harrison's present governor of both the
Dakotas , will be nominated und elected by at.
least twenty thousand majority. Emigra
tion Commissioner Hagorty , of Aberdeen , is
likely to bo nominated lieutenant governor.
The two congressional nominations He between -
tween Colonel Charles T. McCoy , Of Aber
deen , who was a member of the original
South Dakota constitutional convention and
who has buen a member of the national com
mittee nnd a recognized leader of the party
for many years , Hon. John II. Gallhle ,
of Yunkton , who was also a member of the
original constitutional convention nnd who
is u hustler , ana the present elective con
gressional delegate , Gcurge C. Matthews , of
Only three names are overheard in con
nection with the United States senutorship.
They are Judge O. J. Edgerton , of Mitchell ,
who was president of the lost constitutional
convention , and is the presiding oftlcer of tno
convention in session here ; Judge Gideon D.
Moody , of Dcndwood , who was a member of
of the original constitutional convention , and
who has rendered incalculable service for
the division of Dakota and statehood , nnd
ox-congressional delegate Frank Poitlgrow ,
of Sioux Falls , who has been a lighter in the
front ranks for division and statehood since
the inclploncy of the movement. Messrs.
Edgerton and Moody have the prestige of
having been elected United States senators
by the Huron state legislature , Mr. Pettl-
grew has the advantage of having made ono
of the most satisfactory and effective dele
gates Dakota over sent to congress and
with having done more than nny man in
South Dakoia for the territory's develop
ment. Ho is Just entering the prime of lir < > ,
Is a thorough statosmnn , familiar with the
legislative proceedings of the territory
mid of congress , and ho will take heed at
Washington like nn experienced senator. Ho
has assisted with his own capital und that
which ho has secured in the cast so many
cities and towns In Dakota that n sense of
gratltudo on the part of their citizens will
give him great strength , oven though the ad
vantages ho would have In Washington at
the outset nro overlooked. Dakota is popu
lated with shrewd , warm blooded men ,
among whom PCttIRrow Is the foremost. Hem
m an unwavering and the staunuhost of
friends. Ho is the youngest of the trio.
Judge EdgcrUm served In the United
States sonata from Minnesota with great
credit. Ho Is ns largo and broad mentally ns
ho IH physically , nnd ho Is n magnificent
specimen of iluuihootl. Ho was u good soldier ,
is n trained statesman , well educated , well
read and well known ; a tine lawyer und
Jurist , a firm friend nnd thoroughly popular.
Judge Moody is a fearless , progressive
statesman. Ho was a colonel in the union
n nny during the late war , and like his coad-
Jucators , early came to Dakota. Ho was on
tiio'fodoral bench In South Dakota for many
years , proving himself nil able and clear
jurist , and sluco ho became a private citizen
has demonstrated his ability as an advocate.
' All of those thrco men would do great
credit In the United States senate to any
state , nnd the people of the country may bo
sure , oven at this early day. that South Da
kota will have as strong n delegation in con
gress this winter as can bo found from any
state In the union.
A Sharp Fight llulnu Mntla on the
Prulilultlun Question.
BISMAHCI ? , N. D. , July 13.-Specml [ Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] The prohibition ques
tion was given a boom In the convention to
day. Four delegates ouch submitted a pro
posed article prohibiting the manufacture or
ealo of Intoxicating liquors in the state , and
calling upon the legislature to fix penalties
for the violation of the law. A canvass of
the question has been made and-lt Is author
itatively sUtoa that it Is kuown that twenty
of the soventy-Avo delegates are in favor of
embodying this article in the constitution.
The liquor men and the liberal men of both
the democratic- and republican parties are
said to be Htlrrod up by the Introduction of
the prohibition clause so early In the ses
sion , and will hold a private meeting here
Monday for the purpose of docldjng upon
steps to check the progress of the prohibi
tion sentiment in the convention.
The railroad articles submitted by a Farm
ers' alliance delegate to-day Is taken almost
bodily from t'uo constitution of South Da
kota , ana in some respects U severe , Tlio
question of taxing the railroads has been ln-
troducod In the douato , and whllo there are
many m favor of retaining tbo present
method of gi-osr earning * taxation , which is
satisfactory to the railroads , a largo ele
ment is striving to have the corporation
taxed upon their lauds and property , the
sainaas individuals.
Thollrst skirmish over the question of
locating the capital was had to-day , when an
attempt was rnado by those In
favor of removal from Bismarck to
have a special committee npuointod
to whom shall bo referred all matter
rotating thereto. This motion was defeated.
An article has been Introduced , providing
that the legislature of the stnto fthall s Ami
the capital question to n vote of the pcopfo n
Its first scsnlon , and that the plnco recolvlnf
the highest number of votes shall bo tha son
of government. In plnco receives A
majority , the two points receiving the high
est number shnll bo the only candidates h
the general election , when the mnttcr shal
bo settled permanently. It Is believed thnt
this proposition will bo accepted by the con
vention , and that means for Ulsmarok
The railroiut representatives are arriving ,
the Manitoba's attorney reaching hero to
day , and there will bo exciting tluios during
the next three weeks.
Tlio Smith Dnkotu members of tha Joint
commission which Is to divide the proporti
and the debts of the territory between the
now states of North nnd South Dakota nr
rlvod to-day , nnd tno commission 1ms ontoret'
upon what is considered ono of the most Im
portant features of tlio convention's work.
There will bo considerable sharp work m
the division of the debt , and export account
ants have boon employed by both commis
llio Day nt Olympln.
OLTMPIA. W. T. , July 13. In the constitu
tional convontloiito-duy n jjrcnt number of po-
tltlons nnd resolutions were introduced nni
referred. Among thorn were the following :
No county may bo divided or county scat
moved or located without the consent of the
majority of the people at nn election. No
child under fourtuon shall bo employed In
business dangerous to health or Ufa. The
governor shall have no vote power. The
governor , secretary of state , auditor and nt-
tornoy-tfonoral to hold oillco four yours , the
lloutGiiuiit-KOVunior two yours , senators to
hold ofllco six years , ono-thlrd of the senate
going out every two years. A resolution was
introdned providing that ltdo lands can not
bo sold , but may bo leased for not over fifty
yours. The committee on lands is hearing
arguments on a question to-night in which
I4IX ( > 0.000 worth of property is understood
to bo involved. It Is alleged there Is a strong
lobby hero who claim to have f1,000,01)0 DO-
hind them to push their Interest numoly ,
the sale of tldo lauds to private partlos or
A Blow at PolyRnmy.
BOISK Oitr , July 12. The cotnmlttoo ro-
tioricd the bill of rights to-day , which strikes
nt the Mormon question hi guaranteeing re
ligious freedom but nol tolerating or oxcusj
ing acts of licentiousness or Justifying
1 olygamoiis or pernicious practices Incon
sistent with morality , peace or safety of the
state , nor permitting nny person or organiza
tion or association to alii , abet , counsel or
ndviso nny person to commit bigamy ,
polygamy or other crime. No property quali
fication Is permissible for voting. The re
strictions against corporations nro severe.
Crops Grnntiy Uannflttctl.
PIKIIKR , S. D. , July IB. | Special Tcloerani
to Tin : HUE. | A heavy rulu poured down
over the Missouri river counties for several
hours to-day , and crops in this section are ull
at their best.
Tlio I/lvo Stoclc Kates.
CHICAGO , July III. [ Special Telegram to
Tun BnE.J The Western Freight associa
tion to-day decider ? nn Omaha live stock and
dressed beet rates. The original action of
the committee last Friday was approved , the
rates on cattle , hogs und sheep being made
23 cents , Omaha nml Council Bluff * to Chicago
cage ; dressed beef S3 cents , nnd packing
house products IS conts.
Thnt Kullroad Trust.
NEW YOIIK , July 13. [ Special Telegram
to THIS HEE. ] Concerning Air. McCook's
circular In regard to the formation of a huge
railroad trust , Mr. McCook yesterday after
noon said that the statement printed In
Chicago that certain railroads were already
committed to the scheme was Incorrect. The
original letter , ho said , had boon written
without consultation with railroad or other
ofllclals. Not a man or a road had been com
mitted to it. McCook hits rccoived letters
acknowledging llio receipt of tlio circular ,
but none of the writers have given the mat
ter suflleiont consideration to base an opinion
on It.
Mr. Macjrowan , McCoolt's ' partner , was
also seen , and In speaking of the matter said
thnt whllo what Mr. McOook hud stated was
exactly correct , nevertheless there was u
scheme in the air for the formation of a
series of trusts among the railroads , and It
embodied very iioarly the ideas , in Mr.
McCook's circular. It is said that McCook'a
scheme is backed by Drexel , Morgan & Co. ,
Hrown Uros. & Co. , and Kidder , Poaboily &
Co. , three of the largest batuclnt : houses in
the country.
It Is lo'irnod from a banker of prominence
that most of the great roads in the west , in
cluding the Union Pacific , would favor such
a scheme , and that the Gould and Vanuer-
bllt Interests would look at It m the sumo
Railroad ofllcials , bankers < and railroad
lawyers agree that there is no likelihood of
oven an attempt being made to form a rail-
roatl trust. It is intimated that some stops
are necessary to remove the Chicago fc
Alton and the Burlington & Northern roads
from the position they now occupy , and thut
npioposltion hus boon inado to purunaso the
stock of bath companies and operate them
by u union committee. Another schema pro
posed is to follow out the plan under which
the Cleveland , Columbus. Cincinnati & In
dianapolis , the Cincinnati , Indianapolis , St.
Louis & Chicago and the Ualro & Vlnconnos
roads wcro consolidated , und form the rail
ways of the country into four great systems ,
the stocks of the old companies to bo can
celled and their Individuality destroyed.
Mnnncor Mollon'n Threat.
CHICAGO , July 13. The lack of harmony In
the 1'itor-stato Commerce Hallway associa
tion was illustrated to-day at the mooting of
the general .managers of lines In the trnus-
Missouri division. A hot discussion ever
competitive traulo from the fur west brought
out n direct threat from General Man
ager Mellon , of the Union Pacific ,
to cut loose from tlio "Gentlemen's
agreement"anil do as ho individually pleased.
Tbo Union Pacific wuiitod the Denver & Hlo
Grande west of tha Itocky mountains forced
to conform to the rules of the association. It
was shown by the Denver Klo Grande
representative thnt they had only Joined the
combination on being assured exemption
from obedience to the rules beyond the
Koeldes. Manager Mellon thereupon claimed
similar privileges for the Union Pacific , and ,
being refused , made the wrathful threat of
withdrawing. Ho wus ridiculed by those
present. Nevertheless , theru wus an evi
dent fear that president Adams , the superior
ofilccr of Mr. Melton , is only walling for a
pretext to secede with the Union Pacific.
Some relief from this fading was obtained
when later tha Union Pacific unexpectedly
ncrood to u restoration of the passenger rate
from Colorado points to Chicago. Ten days'
notice of an advance from $ -0 ! to $30,05 , old
figures was given Immediately.
i\ Now Jtnllrond.
BUFFALO , Wyo. , July IX [ Special to
TUB BEB.J A party of Now York nnd Mon
tana capitalists , who are Interested In the
Big Horn < b Southern railway , a proposed
southern branch of the Northern Pucltlu , ar
rived here this morning by private convoy-
once , and filed articles of Incorporation for
the Wyoming Southern railway company ,
the incorporutors are Albert J. Suligman ,
of the Now York banking house of Sollgman
Uros. j Wither F. Sanders , Matthew Murphy ,
Paul McCorinlok und Ell D. Bannister , of
Helena , Mont. The capital stock of the
company Is 53,030,000 , in 20,0i)1 shares of $100
ouch. The proposed route to bo followed by
the railroad begins at the terminus of the
lilg Horn & Southern at the Montana Una ,
proceeding thence uloiig the eastern buso of
Lho Dig Horn mountains to Buffalo , nnd
thcnca to Casper , the present terminus of
tha Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley
railroad , Tno company's BUrvayoru are now
at work on tlio Crow reservation , and will
roach the Wyoming line in two weeks.
Chlanco'B Grain ItcoolptH fly Hall.
Cnicuao , July 13. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEB. ] The western roads hauled grain
as follows Into Chicago for the week ending
July 13 : Burllnuton , Bb5 ; Itook Island , W : > ;
Alton , 391 ; Illinois Central. U19 ; Northwest
ern , 033 ; Wabash , urd ; Chicago & ICaHern
Illinois , 41 ; St. Paul , 450 ; Wisconsin Central ,
M ; P. St. P. & K. S. , 53.
A Great Donl of Dlsanllafaotlou
Concerning thorn.
Corrcflpoiulonl * Knrnlsli Untrust
worthy Htntlstlon An Attempt to
JUoinoily tlio Trouble Pronpno-
tlvo Glmiifrcfl In tlio Imnil
WASHINGTON. D. C. , July 13.
There has bpon for several yours n great
deal of complaint among tlio commercial
bodies throughout the United States regard
ing the Inaccuracy of the crop statistics reported -
ported by the department of agriculture.
Mr. J , K. Dodge , who has tills work In
chnrgo , wni defended nnd supported by Com
missioner Colcman and President Clovolund ,
nnd everyone who knows hint boltoVos that
he has been conscientious and nccutnto hi
making up his tables , but Is of course de
pendent upon the Information ho gett from
his correspondents throughout the country.
In order that there niny bo no further com
plaint on this score Secretary Husk has Or
dered Mr. Dodge to niuko a trip through the
went for the purpose of Investigating hh
sources of Information und making them
more reliable If posiiblo.
( JUANI1K4 IN Till ! LAND OrKlOR ,
It Is announced In the inorlor department
thut no more special agents of the land ofllca
will bo appointed ut present , but that ni an
nounced in those dispatches lust night , there
will bo a largo number of changes among the
resistors und receivers of the land oillco
within the next two weeks. There are 213
on this list and only ubout sixty chaiiKCi
huvo been made since the 4th of March.
The other holders are nil democrats. There
are serious ctmrgcs pending against some of
CambriaVayno , county , F. M , Wayrlck ;
Central drove , Dubmpjo county , John C.
Daykin ; Cincinnati , Appanooso county , John
D. Sayors ; Plymouth , Corro Qordo county ,
It A. Wnrobatn.
Cauiobell , Franklin county , O. K. Hud-
long ; Uonot , Custor county , A. S. Burger.
Doctors Fred L. Breed , Darius D. Pottey
ami James H. Woodward were to-day an-
pointed members of the pension board at
tie/ward / , Nob.
The contract for the approaches to the
public building at Lincoln , Neb , , has boon
awarded to the IJandoru Stone company , efFort
Fort Scott , ICun. . at i\ hid of $1,000.
The treasurer has ordered that in future
the redemption of legal tender notot by the
treasury department shall bo made on the
basis of the thros-tlfth rule In vogue In the
redemption of National bunk notes.
First Lieutenant Arthur L. Wagner , Sixth
infantry , bus bean detailed for duty nt the
infnntry and cavalry school ut Fort Leavou-
worth , Kun.
A Kino CrulHor.
WASHINGTON , . ! uly 13. Commodore Schloy ,
chief of the bureau of equipment nnd recruit
ment , returned this morning from Philadel
phia , where ho hud gene to accompany tha
now stocl cruiser Baltimore on her first run
out to sea. Ho is In n high state of satisfac
tion over the achievement of the new craft.
Ho calls licr "a magnificent ship , " and says
she will ho ono of the most formidable ves
sels afloat when fully cip-iippcd and aruicd.
Tlio trial was a complete success. Every
thing worked beautifully nnd pointed to the
complete fulllllmcnt of the contract reiiuirj-
tucnts. ,
Nchrnnkn nnil loxva.I'oiiHloiis.
WASHINGTON , July 13. [ Special Tolograui
to TUB Bisn. ] Pensions 'granted Uobras-
knns : Original invalid Kbonozor Williams ,
Melbourne J. ICcnyon , Herman Emerson ,
increase John N. Glllam , John O. Maoy ,
Oeorgo S. Bailey. Mexican widows Mi
randa J. widow of George E. McClary , alias
Georjjo C. Whltlock.
Pensions allowed lownns : Original Cal
vin B. Douglas , Ah ram Frulcos , John Griffin ,
Samuel M. Appleman , Asimis Woohlk ,
lucob C. Hunsloker , John Henderson , V. H.
Edsill , William Babe , Cliarloa Koiilorlinrf ,
Charles Bercolor. Incrouso Polk Tibbets ,
John Clark , Augustus E. Kriehsou , Asa B.
Andrews , Lorenzo D. Bates , John Howard ,
James A. Fowler , Hugh L. W. ( loss. Ko-
ssue John ICcllcy. Original widows , etc.
Elizabeth , mother of Wilbur N. Hayes , alms
Wllbut Ileazor.
tit. John's JdoiiH on llio Tariff.
MASON CITV , In.July 13. [ Special Tolo-
; ram to TUB Bni.J Ex-Governor John P.
3t. Johu uddro.ssod an Immouso gathering Iu
he park this afternoon. Ho spoke ut great
cngth on the tariff platform , disagreeing
with the platform adopted by the republicans ,
democrats and third party , nud declaring
hat the tariff principle was wrong , unjust
and unequal In it * application to the people.
lo favored levying a direct tax on property ,
llstributlng the burden proportionately cm
rich and poirullkc. Ho arraigned both the
old parties for being in league with the
uloons , und even in prohibition Iowa de
clared thut ull honest prohibitionists ouuht
o ally tnouiselves with the third party. JJ.
? . Wright , president of the Stuti ) ' ' . 'ompor-
unco nll'unuo ' , wan on the Bin mi , but is
trongly In opposition to the action of , the
bird party In the Btute.
Struck by n Train.
CMNTOX , In. , July 13. [ Special Telegram
o Tin : UBIS.I This afternoon a fast freight
on the Northwestern road'struqk u wagon In
vhich were Mrs. Fred Uurktmdliuw und two
Ittlo girls , and Miss May Huckuiun und nor
Ittlo brother , ubout four miles west of tills ,
hy. Both horses were Inutantiy killed , and
Mrs. Hurkenslmw wus BO b.idly Injured thnt
ho died shortly after , Miss Uuckmun was
indly Injured , whllo the 'children escaped
vith slight bruises. A row of willow trees
n both Miles of the road prevented the team
rom being seen until the engine struck it.
I'ho party lived bouth of Luveruo , twclvo
nllcs from Clinton , wheru they had bleu
shopping ,
An Invalid lor Twenty Yearn ,
KUOKUK , la. , July 13. [ Special Telegram
0 TIIK Bii' . ] I'.nuiia Linderllold , ugcd
wcnty-lhreo , dlod here this morning. Bhu
1 ad teen an invalid for twenty yours , and
during that tiino haj not walked or talked ,
lelnc touted und cured fpr us If ulio wore an
1'nr Imrruboo. *
ATLANTIC , Iu. , July 13. [ Special Tolouraru
to Tins BEK.J The Cass county republican
convention mot here to-day und ronoiulnatad
CoprcsonUtlvo Silas Wilson , und Instructed
ho delegates to the stuto convention to vntu
for the roiioinmutlon/of Governor Lurrobce ,
KlokiMl to Dimtli.
MASON CmIn. . , July lJ. ! [ Special Tolb-
grnin toTim UKK. ] John Capaon , u citizen
of Kockwoll , this county , and u prominent
ncmbor of the Knights of Pythias , was
tilled to-day by u Kick from a horso. .
Au Iowa Man In laiok.
LISUON , la. , July 13. [ Special Telegram
o TUB UKK. ] A. Cox , of this city , hua boon
endured un Important position in the goo-
oglcul burvoy ut Washington.
Another ICnulluli Gohhlp ,
LoNDON.July 18. The OtU Steel company ,
> f Cleveland , O , , 1ms been formed Into nn
English company with a capital of 4.900,000 ,
CUJVELANO , O. , July 13. The Otis Iron
and steel company , Mm greatest munufuctur-
ng concern of the kind In Cleveland , has
jijtn aold to nn KnglUh syndicate fcr $4,6Uo-
MX ) . Tlio negotiation ! leading tlw sulo
mvo been going on aovorul mobtui uiul Imvu
ust been completed ,