THE OM'AHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY-JULY 14 , 1889.--SIXTEEN PAGES. GREAT CLEARING SALE. Conmencing Monday , July I5th Until July 3ist , Prior to ir _ Thousands of Dollars Lost i 1,000 DOZ. LADIES' HOSE , all styles , all prices , From 50c to 75c. ALL AT ONE PBICE , ALL OUR FRENCH SATEENS , 35c , 40 and45c Qualities , 2 15c GINGHAMS AT 7c Per Yard. LOT OF PRINTED LAWNS , 20c and 25c Goods , AT 9c Per Yard. a P. D. SUMMER J I * Wllllllhiill WWI1LlB I VJ Cost $1 to $1.25. They are the. only perfect fitting summer corset in the market. TS OF CHILDREN'S GINGHAMS AND OT.HER WASH MATERIALS , ages 2 to 8 years , comprising- i dresses worth , from $4 to $6 , j&T O TEl I-'BMGEs EXTRA FINE FRENCH CHALLIE DRESSES , silk trimmedetc.ages 2 to 10 years , wortli from $6 to $12 , iLT ? OIS"M IrI2.IC > EU A Special Discount of 2,0 per cent on our Entire ; , Wrappers , Teagowns , Dresses , Cloaks , SUCH BARGAINS CAN NE VER BE OFFERED AGAIN. i v | * J , ' } I O OMAHA SOCIETY PILGRIMS , Btill Wend Tholr Way to the Vari ous Summer Resorts. BRANDIES--FREEDMAN WEDDING. Ainusbincnta of the Great Mass of Citizens "Who Find Omnha a Good Enough IMaco .to Pass the Summer. Serenade to Gnnernl Mol'urlln. Wednesday was the sixty-fourth birthday of General T. A. McParlin , medical director of the Platte , and ho has thus reached the age which Impels him to ro'tiro Iroui service in the army. 'He received the congratula tions of his various associate oftlccrs , and among his callers was Dr. Dallas Dachc , who succeeds htm. lu the evening the gen eral was tendered a birthday serenade by the Second Infantry band , at the Paxton- hotel , which might better bo called a musi cal reception. Many of the officers from too fort , with their Indies , were in the brilliantly lighted parlors , whllo a still larger number of invited civilians wore in attendance. The ,1 lull druss uniform of the officers and the | | L beautiful toilets of the iauMoa made the seono * a charming one. General McParlin and daughter received tbo guests. The band , under the leadership of John Luphslngor. wr.H scaled In the rotunda of the hotel and discoursed at Intervals the following musi cal numbers : Quick March "Tho Klllo Regiment" . . . . J. P.Lousa Introduction and Bridal Chorus "Lo- hougrln" Wagner Concert Waltz Violets" Waldtoufel Spanish Fantasia "La Paloma" Paloma"arr'g Mlssud Gavotte "Stephanio" , . .urr'g Claus Selection "Rlgolotto" Vordl A largo number of people gathered In the rotunda to listen to the enchanting strains of this band of local renown' , and cacbtmcmbcr was enthusiastically applauded. Amou the oftlcors and metnbors present from the fort wore tbo following : General and Mrs. Frank Wheaten , Cap tain C. A. Dcmpsoy , Lieutenant and Mrs , H. B. Surson , Mrs. Porter , Gen eral and Mrs. Bnrrlngcr , Mrs. Tur ner , Miss Waring , Lieutenant and Mrs. O. W. Kowoll. Lieutenant W. M. Wright , Lieutenant Sydonham , General and Mrs. John H. Brooke. Lieutenant and Mrs. F. W. Koo. Colonel William 13. Hughes , Lieuten ant Colonel Dallas Bacho , Lieutenant and Mrs. C. M. Truott , Chaplain and Mrs. O. J. Kovo. \ Jaunt Through /Sumpo. Louis and Arthur Motz , accompanied by Valentino Dum ) > crth , Inft Wednesday for Now York , where tliey set sail yesterday for Europe. At Dromon tno uarty will bo joined by Mr. Fred Metz , the father of Louis niul Arthur , anil the four will pnss the next six- months visiting the principal cities and countries of Kuropo. Willis Imwn Sooinblu. Tliu beautiful lawn fronting the residence of J , G. Willis , 1017 North Twenty-second street , was the scene of a brilliant fete on Thursday evening. The sociable was foi the benefit of the church of the Good Shepherd herd and was well attended , the evening proving auspicious. The lawn was prettily lighted with Chinese luntorua mid the Inter Cited Kuests moving hither and thither made the scone one of brilliancy and animation A handsome sum was netted from the event and it proved a social success as woll. The inusio was furnished by the Idlowtld drum corps and by the Sixth ward band. Elcgau and cooling kcfreshmoius were served throughout the evening. Among those i > ro cut were Mr. and Mrs , Campion , Mr. \ \ it- lock , Mr. Johnson , Mr. and Mrs. Rowley , the Misses Campion , Mr. and Mrs.Holbrook Mr. Kauanll Brown , Miss Nora Turner , Mr Frost urn ! family , the Misses KolloRg , Miss Morris , Mr. and Mrs. Chudwlck , Mr. Uiddel Mr , Low , Rev. \Vithcripoon , Key. John Villiams , Miss Corby. Mr. McConnell , Miss Church , Miss Hutchlnson , Mrs. Giacominl and Mr. and Mrs. Weller , in tlio Moonlight. The Damenverom , which comprises the adlcs' auxiliary to the Omaha Turnverem , ; ave a moonlight hop at Uuser's park on Tnursday evening. A better night for a mid summer dance could not have been chosen. The moon was at Its full , and the evening air was pleasantly cool. The ladles left on the Belt line for the park early in the afternoon , and effected all arrangements for the even ing. About 7 p.m. the gentlemen arrived , and were treated to an elegant picnic sup per. An hour later dancing commenced , and lasted until 11:80. : The plcnicors reached the city just in time to avoid the severe rain that fell shortly after midnight. The party was strictly a private ono , being confined only to members of the Damenverein and their gen tleman friends. The following wore the [ adlcs In attendance : The Missies Andres , Strieker , Mittauor , Schulzo , Hohlffo , Klclnbock , Baumor , Loh- manu , Mntzen , SegerSchwubMrs. , Brandos , Mrs. Andres and Mrs. Hampul. The following were the favored gentlemen : Messrs. AndresHempel , BrandosIJloeclol , Frank and George Mitauor , HohlfT , Schulzo , Androson , Ernst Meyer , Kummerow , Gold , Buchror , Niederwicsur , Bucchnor and Sun- dorman. Concorrtlan Dance. On Thursday evening the members of the Concordla enjoyed a moonlight dnnco at Tletz' Park , northwest of Walnut Hill , and the event , likn all other social affairs of the club , proved an unqualified success. Early in the evening the members enjoyed the five miles' drive to thu park in tally-ho coaches , and arrived about 8 p. in. at the park. The place was admirably adapted for social gatherings in every way. An excellent dance hull graces the place , and it was there that the morr.v Concordmna passed con siderable of their tlmo. The grove ad jacent was illuminated with Chinese lan terns and proved a charming resort for strolls botwccu the dances. A bowling alloy furnished amusement for others. Cooling refreshments were served at midnight. It was the Intention of the members to return , to Omana shortly after 1 a..m. , but the rain pouring- down in shoots prevented such action , and they made up their minds to nmito the most of it. They accordingly gathered in the hall , and to the music of the rain drops danced all night till broad day light , and went homo at 5 in the morning. Many counted the rain lucky , as it doubled the hours of merriment. Tbo pleasure- seekers reached their respective homes about fl a. m. , all declaring that the affair was ono of the most thoroughly enjoyable that they over attended. Among those who participated in its pleasures were the fol lowing : Mr. and Mrs. Fred Motz. Mr. and Mrs. George E , Stratman , Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Grobeckor , Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fritcher , Mr. and Mrs. Louis Holmrod , Mr. and Mrs. Gcorco Heimrod , Mr. and Mrs. Hy Pundt , Mr. and Mrs , C. Frnbm , Mr , and Mrs , Hy Bnlln , Mr. and Mra. W. Schwerrick , Mr. and Mrs. George LleV , Mr. and Mrs. F. Pop- uundlck , Mr. and Mrs. II , Rosenberg , Mr , and Mrs. Euul Gauz , Mr , and Mrs. G , Pouiy. The Misses Stratman , Pomy , Meyer , Lin * Imld , Fritcher , Morris , Anderson , Klrscht , Buckni an nndolhors. Mrs. Charles Motz , J. Drunker , Phil Wlndholm , Emil Aokerman , G. Blacttcr , A. KiiKolinun , A. Hlndskopf , Hy Bnckman , EniBt llonnlnghofen , H. Goodecke , George Schauffer , Groan O'Urinn. On Wednesday of last week Mr. Jerry Gross and Mlas Mary O'Brien were united In wedlock. The affair occurred at St. Pe ter's church and was presided over by Ilov. St. Lawrunco. A largo number of friends witnessed thu nuptials. The woddiiiB recep tion occurred at the residence ' of Mrs , Murphy - phy , 20U3 Dodge , and was followed by h dunce and supper. The young couple were the recipients of u largo number of fine wed ding presents. Hifi ) School Alumni. An Alumni association comprising all graduates of the Omaha high school , was orpaulrcd at the chapel of the high school building on Thursday evening. About seventy of the 310 alumni were present and it was probably the tlrst occasion on which nearly all the resident graduates hnvo been gathered together. The assemblv was paiticularly noticeable for its unusual aggregation of intelligent young faces and also for the predominance of young ladies. George Strang was honored with the pre sidency of the organization and Frank Lelseuring with the secretaryship. The avowed object of the association is , to pro mote good fellowship and cultivate loyalty to their alma mater. This will bo done by giving an annual banquet the third Friday after each commencement. A very congenial and pleasant company of friends gathered at the residence of Miss Hattlo Duncan , 621 North Nineteenth street , on Wednesday evening , the 10th inst. , on the occasion of the marriage of her neico. Miss Georgia Duncan , to Mr. Frank C. Hollmgcr , a grain and commission merchant at Fre- uiont , Nob. The wedding ceremony was im pressively pronounced by the Uov. Win. R. Henderson , of the Second Presbyterian church. An elegant collation was served , after which Mr. and Mrs. Holllnccr loft for their homo in Fremont , whlthor they are followed by the hearty good wishes of their many friends. The bride is a charming and popular young society lady , and will bo missed in the social gatherings of next sea son. Her husband Is a young man of good business ability , and the young couple start in life with bright prospects. Tlio Itollef Ciirns J'Jntortnlned. The Grand Army boys belonging to Custer Post No. 7 , were visited by the ladies of the Woman's Relief Corp's on Tuesday evening. The visitors came laden with flowers gra tuitously furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Parker , and their delightful fragrance pervaded the G. A. R. rooms. ' The ox-soldiers gallantly provided 'an impromptu bamjuet for their guests and ice cream and other cooling delica cies were served in profusion. Short speeches , war songs and social converse wore the order of the evening , and caused the hours to pass pleasantly. Off to OInar Itakc. A happy company of young society ladies and gcntloman > left on Monday evening for Clear lake , chapoionod by Mrs. Samuel Burns. Those lu the party were : The Misses Helen Smith , Nellie Burns , Mao Burns , Mary Duryea , and the Messrs. Holmes and Maurice Duryea , HpborfanU Samuel Burns. The ladies will niako their headquarters at Mr. Bums' pretty cottage , near , he lake , The party will not return until August 1 , and a delightful tlmo is an ticipated. Xlio NcRllKon Shirt. "The negligee shirt has como to stay. " The words wcro uttered by the head sales man of the gents1 furnishing goods in ono of Omaha's vast clothing establishments. "It la both sensible and comfortable , " bo continued , "and consequently meets favor with the male portion of humanity , Llko all innovations , it was slow at first in gaining a foothold , but now that it is established , every season the merchants double ibo sales of tbo preceding ono. Already this summer wo have sold just twlco as much as wo did nil last year. They are Indispensable for outings and many men will wear no other kind of salrt during the heated term. " "But , " asked the reporter , "aro the flan nel shirts really cooler than those of linen 1" "Woll , " said tha salesman frankly , "many think they arc , but they are not. However , they are much more comfortable , \Vhcn a gentleman dons a woolen shirt for the sum mer. ho casts his vest aside and of course feels much cooler without that close-fitting garment , His high collar also drops into innocuous desuetude and there is consequent ly a fueling of relief at the throat. In place of suspenders ho dons a bolt , The woolen shirt hangs losoly on the greater portion of the body and a feeling of coolness and com fort is thu result. The man then swears by the woolen shirt and you cant't divorce him from it. "Iteally a linen shirt would be cooler than a woolen ono if worn in the same way with out a vest , but it would soon become - como soiled and besides it docs not absorb the perspiration as does the woolen ono. Hero is the Madras linen shirt , " and the salesman opened a box con taining some handsome check shirts of very light material. "Tlieso also are cooler than the woolen shirt , but like the ordinary linen they will not absorb perspiration. " "Hero are some shirts made of silk and linen , and also seine of pure silk. These are really beautiful and were made for that class of men who object to the common neg ligee shirt because it is not dressy enough. But the great need was met in this handsome - some combination , " and the salesman throw dovm as pretty a shirt as was over contrived for mortal tnan. It was white cashmere with lovely silk striped through it , and was handsome enough to wear with a full dress suit. "This , " continued the salesman , "moots the need of the hour , as it combines the use ful and the beautiful. While the silk and linen combinations have sold well , these silk mixtures with cashmeres have especially proved a great card. Manufacturers gener ally invested in them , but not very largely , anticipating o. fair sale , but touching them with the caution usual with novelties and ex treme things. The outcome is that the mar ket is entirely cleaned out and the great pub- lin will have to wear the very tasteful flan nels which are to bo had in such profusion. ' The tennis sash which is an important adjunct to the ncellgce shirt , is coming into public favor more slowly. It is worn gener ally throughout tho. east , but is rather too startling an innovation for the west. A pe culiar characteristic of the average young westerner is a morbid dread of being called a "dude , " and for this reason ho is slow to don any now style of garment if it is particu larly handsome. So ho admires the tennis sash from a distance , aud straps on a belt in stead. The only way in which the sash will bo introduced hero will bo through young men who came from cast. " Dra mids-Fret dmnn. At Detroit , Friday aflornoon , Mr. Arthur Brondols , a member of the firm of A. L. Brandois & Sons , of this city , was married to Miss Zorlina Frecdman , daughter of Mr , and Mrs. Herman Freedman , ot Madison nv- cnuo , Detroit. The ceremony took place In the Hotel Cadillac in the presence of about fifty guests , aud was performed by Rabbi Louis Grossman , assisted by Rov. Dr. Hecht , of Milwaukee. The brldo's costume was a rich faille francatse , with lace overdress , tulle veil and diamonds and bouquet'of bridal roses. Mrs. Frsodinan , mother of the bride , was attired in black and gold and were diamonds , The bridesmaids we DO iMiss Hortonso Hcav- enrich , who were plakaUK , with pink dotted tulle , sweet clover-.and , grasses ; Miss Blanche Hoavonrlcn. , white silk , tulle and ribbon ; Miss Estclla Hill , pink figured tulle , trimmings of roses , pearl ornaments ; Miss Pauline Sicilian , whitb' china silk , trim * minus of sweet pcasi ; Miss Henrietta A , Robinson , cream sillqti tulle overdress , roses ; Miss Hortqngpi Lambert , whlto satin lace overdress , ! j > earl trimmings ; Miss Sophia LtwaUe. of Toledo , green doited not : , Mlss Flora Fol- noiithall , of Chicago'old ' rasa Persian silk , sweat peas , and Miss Tllllo Canman , of Chicago cage , pink silk , tulle , trimmings of grasses , diamond orn ; wonts. tiAmoiJR the handsoran4 costumes worn by Rue l i were those of Mrs. J , R. Hcsuleln , of Tolflfjo , who were black laca with fold ; trimmlUKS. and diamonds , and of Mrs. E. H. KohnVflll , of Now York , a salmon falllo FrancalWcomblncd with bro cade and diamonds. 'Th'b ' master of ceremo nies was Edwin S. Cnninan , of Chicago , and the ushers were Messrs. Jacob H. Freod- mau , Benjamin Lambert , Walter and Sid ney Heavenrich and Emil Brandcls. of Omaha. The hotel parlors were decorated with palms and flowers and thu tables for the wedding dinner formed a square , filled with plants , The wedding gifts were elaborate and embraced bronzes , pictures , cut-glass table service and silverware in profusion. In the evening a reception was hold at tbo Cadillac , which was attended by prominent members of Jewish society to the number of Ml. At its concludon Mr. and Mrs. Bran- dels loft for a tour of the eastern watering- places , to remain until September , Their future homo will bo in this city. A Jnunt co Spirit Ijulce. A jolly delegation of Omaha society pcoplo loft on Monday evening for Spirit Lake , where they will remain for three weeks en joying the pleasures of that resort. The fol lowing were in the party : Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Williams , Mr. and Mrs. Bon Koulidaux , Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wakeflold , Miss Anna Frcoland , Miss Powell , Messrs. Van Aer- nam , Cartwright and Lucicn Stephens , Social Gossip. Mrs. H. P. Wuitmoro is nt Lincoln. J. Hull loaves to-day for the oast. Mrs. Andrew Rosewater Is at Manlton. Miss Mary H. Williams is atEdgoton , Wis. Harry Burkntt left yesterday for San Jose , Cal. Cal.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Barkalow are atMani- ton. ton.Miss Miss Dolly Bailey is visiting at Ona- wa , la. Dr. J. E. Summers , jr. , has returned from Spirit Lako. Mrs. Ira P. Higby Is visiting relatives in Milwaukee. W. G. Albright has returned from a trip to California. P. T. McGraw is back from a ten days' stay in Chicago. Mr. A. J , Hanscom leaves for Portland , Ore. , to-morrow. Mr. C. W. Morton leaves for Paris on Saturday next. The Misses MeCaguo are homo from their studies at Wollesly. Mr. M. T. Patrick and family leave to morrow for the seaside. Mrs. Ellen Hart and her son Luke are vis iting friends in Denver. Mr. Thomas Brcnnnn left Tuesday for Now York on a business trip. OCarl Council will pass the next twelve months at Jolmsbury , Vt. Mrs. Russell Harrison and baby left on Tuesday f.or Helena , Mont. Ed R. Miller , of icochestor , N. Y. , is visit ing relatives in this city. Miss Addle Smith hns returned from her trip to the Rocky mountains , Mr. 11. S. Smith will pass the present week with friends in Toledo , Ohio. General McParlin and daughters left last evening for Washington , D. C , Mr. W. H. Brown has loft for a two weeks' visit in Ohio and Now York city , The Omaha Guards will go into summer encampment at Spirit lako. Will Griffiths , now located in Chicago ; is the guest of bis brother In this city. G. L. Andersen left Thursday for a short vacation at his old homo in Orange , N. J. Mr. E. Rosovvntor , editor of TUB BUR , re turned from a short trip east on Thursday. Miss Olga Brandies loft yesterday for Mil waukee , where she will spend the summer. Mr. P. C. Hlmobaugh leaves the 1st of next month for a elx weeks' jaunt in Europe , Mr. E. Burke loft Thursday tor an outing that will include St. Paul and other northern points. Mrs. W. J. Connell gave an elaborate tea to a number of her friends on Wednesday evening , Mrs. William White , accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. G , L. Hello , left Wednesday for the west. The members of the choir of Trinity cathedral enjoyed a plonlo to Pne's lake Thursday. General Brooke , accompanied by Lieuten ant Trultt , returned from Wyoming territory on Wednesday , Mr. W. C. Mage , of Galesburg , III , , has been In tha city this week visiting old Kuox college trieuds. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Kurtz have moved from the Puxton to their elegant now homo in Dundee place. . Tbo young people of the First Presbyter ian church give a social at Hanscom park to-morrow evening : , Mr. and Mrs , Adolph Meyer and son loft for Maultou , Col. , Wednesday , whore they will spend the summer , CJMrs. Thomas Swobe and her two sons have gene to Hcrklmor , N. Y. , to spend the remainder of the summer , Mrs. J. W. Minor gave a pleasant tea in honor of Miss Grace Turner of Kansas City on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. A , Lewis and son Albert returned yesterday from Red Oak , la. , where they have spent the past two weeks. Mr and Mra. Sidney B. Locke , after thrco yea re spent abroad , returned to Omaha to make their residence hero a ain , Judge John B. Morrison loft Wednesday evening for a thrco weeks' vacation among thu seaside resorts of Now Jersey. Mr. John J. Monell and his mother hnvo loft for Colorado Springs , where they will pass the remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kennedy have re turned from Wilimmstown , Mass. , wheru they went to see their son graduate , Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Deitz left Wednesday for the Mammoth cave , Kentucky , -near which place they will pass the summer. Emil Brandcls returned yesterday from Detroit where ho attended the wedding of his brother Arthur to Miss Frecdman. Mr. Charles Rlgelman and the Misses Nora and Emma Rlgelman , of Dos Moines , are the guests of Mrs. H , Htller , S017 Loav- enworth. Mrs. Robert R. Rinuwalt and Miss Ger trude Rlngwalt left on Monday for Wing lake , a beautiful summer resort in northern Michigan. Albert Calm loft on Wednesday evening for a trip to Denver and other points in Colorado rado , where ho will pass the next two or three weeks. Miss Zadlo Warmer , of Onawa , Conn. , who liua been the guest of Miss Dolly Bailey , Nineteenth and Grace , for six weeks , re turned homo Tuesday , Miss M.E. Byrnes , of Hastings , who has been visiting her brother , W. J. Byrnes , of Tin : BEE , the past few weeks , returned to her homo on Wednesday. Mra. Geowo A. Hoagland and daughter returned from Lalco AVashlngton , Minn. , on Thursday. Mr. Hoaclaud and sons are still at that beautiful resort. Mrs. Charlotte Buxhaum and children , of Chicago , have arrived in Omaha and will spend several weeks with her sister-in-law , Mrs. A. Holler , No. 2U3 St. Mary's avenue. Al. Patrick will entertain a party of Oninlm young men at his Fremont farm to day and to-morrow. Among those who uro his guests are Will Pnxton , Lew Hill , Nato Crary and others. Miss Delia A. Woodford , accompanied by Miss Nellie L. Coots , started on an extensive western tour Tuesday. Among otner places , they will visit Denver , Colorado Springsuiitl several of the principal cities in Montana. They expect to be absent from tbo city about six weeks , Fremont Society. Mrs. Clara I , Henry has returned homo , from Chicago. The Misses Grace and Laura Bridge wont to Omaha Tuesday , to visit with friends there. H. B. Trent and brother Stanley , returned Tuesday from a visit at their farmer homo at Akron , O , Mrs , Snow and Miss Bowman , of Spencer , la. , urn In the city , guests of Dr. arid Mrs. R. C. McDonald. Charles M. Williams , loft Tuesday , for Sterling , 111. , to join his wife In a visit there and elsewhere in Illinois. Auditor Thomas H. Beaten , of Lincoln , was in the city Monday , a guest of his fa ther-in-law , Congressman , Dorsoy. Miss Louisa Tarpln returned homo Wednesday evening from Crete , where she has been attending Doanu colofo [ ; , N. W. SuiatlH , editor of the Herald , and John W. C , Abbott are at Spirit Lake , Iowa , where they will remain for about ton days , Thu Misses Arrotta Welkcr and Mlnnlo Ferguson arrived in tlio city Wednesday from Lo Grand , la. , and are the guests of Mr , and Mrs. Abner Wellcor , Mr. and Mrs. John McCarn are entertain ing their daughter and grand-daughter , Mrs. Jlruclcman mid daughter Grace , of Reno , Nevada. Mrs. George Turner and daughter , Miss Nannie , left Monday for several weeks' ab sence on a visit to relatives and friends at Upper Falls , Mass. , und at different points in Maine. Wednesday evening the home of Mr , and Mrs. E. P. Montleth was the scene of a very cnjoyabla surprise gotten up by Mrs. Mon tleth to celebrate the forty-first birthday of Mr. Montlotb. Tbo evening was spent In a moat delightful manner by the twenty-fivo or thirty guests present. Monday evening Miss Nellie Blowott gave un elaborate party at the magnificent homo of her parents , Mr. and Mra , Edward Blew- ett , on Nye avenue , in honor of her eigh teenth birthday , The grounds and residence were brilliantly illuminated and presented a charming appearance , Thu iuvitcd guiitts were royally entertained by the fair young hostess. There were present tno Misses Jessie Bald'ni ' ; , Alho Blaukman , Myra Lee , Maud May , Ratio Leo , Nellie McPherson , Eva Lee , Maggie Nlcodomus , Lizzlo Roberts , Hattlo Roberts , Kuto Scothorn , Mabel Shor- vin , Lizzie Thomas , Anna Usher , Nellie WmtersUion , and the Messrs. Frank Adams , Paul Colson , Gus Cobb , Frank Ellick. George Godfrey , Kemp Mlddlckauff , Charles Nicodemus , Guy Owen , Alden Packard , Ray Rupert , Archie Smith , Dick Stanford , Otto Schurman , Joe Shivuly , Ira Wood. I'latrsnumui fiocloty. V. V. Leonard has gene west for a short vacation. Mrs. F. Carruth and son , Glen , have gone to Denver for n month. Walter Housoworth , of Lincoln , Sun- dayod in Platttsmouth. S. D. Mayor's father and mother , of Novr York city , are hero on a visit. Hon. William Neville has gene to Yanliton , Dak. , to look after contract work. Judgu Sam M. Chapman is enjoying- salubrious cllmato of western Nebraska. Miss Rose Cook , of Milwaukee , Wis. , la visiting at the homo of Hon. Frank E. White. D. E. Thompson , superintendent of the B. & M. railroad , made this city a fiyiug call this week. Mrs. Dr. Schildknecht and Mrs. F. T. Davis have returned from their visit at St. Joseph , Mo. Dr. F. D. Burgess , ox-assistant surgeon ot the United States army , stationed at Fort DuChcsno , Utah , has returned to Platt8- mouth to locate. Hon. John Fitzgerald'and John R. Clark , of Lincoln , attended the aouii-annuul meet ing of the stockholders of the First Na tional bank of this city this week. Brsitrlco Society ; Miss Cora Penn has returned from her eastern visit. Miss Lilllo Starr , of Steele City , Nob. , is visiting Miss Nellie Robbmi. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Wilt loft Tuesday for a thrco months' visit with friends In Som erset , Pa. Mrs , A. B. Snow , of St. Paul , Minn. ; nnd Mr. John Homier , of Dubuque , lu. , are visit ing their brother , Mr. C. M. Homier , this city. city.Mr. Mr. John Erlckson , a student of the theo logical college of the Northwestern univer sity at Evanstoii , 111. , Is at homo on a brief visit. The residence of Mr. W. H. Duffott , 1001 Elk street , was the scone of a brilliant gath ering Tuesday afternoon , the occasion being the marriage of his daughter Miss Anna J. . to Mr. W. D , Culver , of this eit.v , Tlio cer emony was performed by Rov. E. S. Smith , and was onjoyr.blo und interesting In all re spects. The bridal couple stood underneath a beautiful floral wreath , In which were en twined the Initials "O. " "D. , which was ' suspended from the corner of the room. The happy twain were made the recipients of many handsome and elegant testimonials from their score of friends. Guests were present from Leavonworth , Atchlson anil other distant points , and as a whole the af fair was ouo of the most brilliant of tha season. Mr , and Mrs , Culver departed for the cast the same evening on a brief bridal trip , Nebraska City Society , Miss Mlnnlo Lovl is homo from a visit at Lincoln. Mr. Daniel Grcirf , ' has returned from a Denver trip. Mrs. W , H. Barnbart has returned from visit in Now York. Mrs. T , J , Fitohlo and daughter , Florence , are visiting in Chicago. Mrs. W. C , Kidd is homo from a visit at her old homo In Beatrice. Mr. and Mra. Lavrson Lloyd have returned from a short stay In Kansas. Mrs. E. D. Wlngett , of Springfield , III. , is the guest of Mr * . Dr. Morryman , Miss Vlda Burgort ami Miss Emma Curtis were vlsltora In Lincoln the pant weolc , Dr. F. O. Lawrence , of Canada , Is'in the City visiting his old friend , Dr. Roy Ross. MUs Emma Sontar aim Mrs , John Showoy. of DCS Mollies , uro in the city vUitliiK their sister , Mrs , C , E. Abbey. MUs Minnie Hawko , Miss Jessie Morton. Mr. and Mm. Will Rector attended the lie. Uoft rcceptlou RtLIuooUi Tuesday