Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1889, Part II, Page 12, Image 12

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A Pharonh Whoso Heart HOB Not
Boon Hardened.
ItGfnrnis liiUi unUol 1 > f the Noble
Kluxllvo nnd tlio Worry Thpy
Have Cowl Jllin CJOIIKS Tor
llcst nnd 1'enco.
A Model ntnnnrcli.
ISSObu Vntnkfl , Cfl T < : iltfr.1
CAIIIO , Etfyi't , Juno 10 [ Special to TrtK
Br.B. ] I have Just returned from n long
audlenco with the Wiodlvo of Egypt. Klicdivo
Is a 1'cralaU'Ar.iblo word meaning king , nnd
Mohnnicd Towfllc occunlcs much the same
position now as the Phuronhs did In the days
of Mose nnd Joseph. It Is true that ho Is In
n measure the vassal of the AUltnn , to whom
ho pays n trlbuto of about thrcu nnd throo-
ijuartors of ( i million dollnrn n year , and that
ho 1ms nlso several European advisors who
keep fchurp watch over the revenues of his
kingdom , to see that n great part of them go
to pav the Interest on the debts which his
predecessor and his government lutvo con
tracted and which nro hold by the bankers
of Kuropo. But ho Is , nevertheless , the
king of Efiypt , nnd as kings go to-day , ho
has moro power than moU ot the tnonurchs
of Europo. His residence in Cairo Is a
tjraml palnco with hundreds of rooms
filled with jnagnltlccnt furniture. Ho
drives about the city with soldiers carrying
Bwordc , riding prancing horses In front ot
his carriage and with a score of cavalry fol
lowing behind. His personal expenses are
limited to
? 500,000 A vr.An ,
nnd ho has several palaces- outside of the ono
which ho occupies In Cairo. Ono of those Is
the UnKQltln palace , which Mo Ilatnot Ah
built on the sea shore near Alexandria , an
other la nt Holouuu , in upper Egypt , and n
third la nt Kouuoh , the khcdlvo's country
neat Just outside of Cairo , near the slto of
the old city of the sun , whore Plato taught
philosophy and Herodotus studied nlstnry.
The khcdivo's nrusent rcsldoncu is the A.b-
don palace in the heart of Cairo. And It
was here that I met his highness this morn
ing. The interview had boon arranged by
the American consul ecncrnl , Colonel Card-
well , and the consul general nud myself loft
tlio consulate at a little after 10 la the con
sular carriage. The dragoman of
the legation , a brlght-oyod Syrian ,
in tlio most gorgeous of Turkish
clothes of brown eovorod with gold em
broidery and with a great sword shaped like
a c.vmcitor clanking at his. side , opened the
carriage door for us and took Ills seat by the
coauhman. The Arabian Jehu crhls aukcd
whip and away ho xveni through the narrow
streets of Cairo. Wo drove by the modern
European mansion ! ! ol the rich Greeks , uast
tlio palaces uf Egyptian princes from which
the swuot smell of the orimgo flowers caine
nnd ever which whispered broad .spreading
palms , Wo tbon wont through n business
street of Cairo , amid droves of donkeys ,
through n caravan of uamola by veiled
women clad in bhick and looking likn baleens
upon donkeys , In front of the palace In which
Ismail Pasha had his harem when ho was
khodlvo and In which I doubt not the present
khedlvo played us a boy when his father was
on the tfirono nnd on into great siimioof
many acres , on the right of which were vast
barrack * tilled with Arab -troops In blue
uniforms 'and fez caps , and In the
midst , ol which a regiment of Egyptian
troops were going through a gyuinustlo drill
nnd performing the motions us well to-day
us they did at the time when our American
General Stone was their eommnniier , and
when General Grant reviewed them and
Bald that they Rccmed to bo good soldiers for
everything except lighting.
At the end of this great square , in the
form ot ahorse shoe , is the Abdcu palnr ? , It
is a vast building of two stories , of brown
stucco , with many windows und n grand en
trance way m tlio center. At the loft there
is u door which lends to the harem , and as
our narHago drove up wo were passed by a
closed coach drawn by two magnificent
Arabian horses , on the box of which , beside
the liverlcu coachman , sat a oobor-faccU
eunuch , whoso black skin nnd dark clothes
wore all the more somber under the bright
red skull cap winch lie woro. In the front
of tlio carriage run two licet scycos with
wands or stuffs hold up in the air In front of
them , wanting plebeians to got out of the
way. and I was told the carriage was that of
a princess who was about to make a call
upon the kcdlvoh or queen. These scyces
are n part of every nobleman's turnout when
lie drives throughout Egypt , and the runners
are among the most plcturrsquo sights of
this land of the Pharoahs.
At the door of the palace stood two pom
pous soldfers with great swords In their
hands. They were clad In n Turkish cos
tume with embroidered jackets of blue and
gold , with full zouave trousers 01 blue
broadcloth. Upon their heads wore tur
bans , nud the faces that stiono out uudor
these were such that they made mo think of
the troous that conquered this oriental world
in tlio days of the prophet Mohammed.
Passing up the massive steps , the door was
opened by an Arab clad In European clothes
and wearing the rcu fez cap , which the
Egyptian never takes oil , in house or out.
"Wo entered a grand entrance hall , floored
with marble mosaic , the walls of which
In front of us a staircase so wide that two
wngon lotuts of hay could bo drawn up it
without touching , lead by easy ( lights to the
second iloor , ana at the right and the loft
were the reception rooms for-vlsltors and
halls leading to the apartments reserved for
the chamberlains , musters of ceremonies
mid other ofllcluls of the king's household.
\Vo chatted a moment with ono or two of
the khculvu's cabinet ministers , who were
just passing out after a council with his
highness , and then moved on up the stairs.
In ono of the drawing-rooms on the second
floor wo were met by another Egyptian
official In black clothes and rod fez cap and
by linn were conducted to a reception room.
the door of which stood open , and were mo
tioned to enter.
, In the center of this room , which wai not
larger than a gor.d-slzcd American parlor , all
alone stood n man of , about thirty-six years
of ago , Ho was dressed In a black broad
cloth coat which buttoned close up at the
neck lko | that of a preacher. Lavender pan
taloons showed out below this , fitting well
down ever a pair of gaiter- like pumps , and an
the lop of this rather handsome head was a
fez cap of dark rod with a black silk tass n
extending from the center of the crown and
tailing down behind. The costume of this
mun , barring the fez , might have boon that
of uu American , and his Circassian cream.
colored complexion was such that he would
have passed unnoticed In a crowd in Now
York. This man \vaa the lihedlvo of Egypt.
Ho is. I Judge , about live feat six inches in
height , und lie does not weigh more than ono
hundred and Ufty ( pounds. Ho Is rather
lloshy than thin , his frame being well
rounded , his head largo , and his fea
tures clean cut. Ho has a nose slightly
inclined to the Uoman. His forehead Is high
and the dark brown eyes which shine out
from under it change from the grave to the
trailing durlnghls conversation. Ho Is plain
and simple In both his habits ana dress. Ho
hook Colonel Card well's ' hand cordially as ho
entered mid upon the consul general present *
Ing ino us uu American citizen , ho extended
his hand to mo and told mo ho was glad to
oe wo , and was
coma to Cairo , Ho then walked across the
room to B divan and motioned in a to u seat at
bis loft RS ho sat down , putting ono of his
legs up under him and hanging the other foot
on the tloor. There was an absence of pomp
or snobbishness , nnd though dlKnlllcd.helind
not naif the airs of the average bnoK woods
members of our house of representatives at
Washington. As ho seated himself , his
Uluck coat opened nnd 1 noted the contrast
between his costume and that of the
gorgeous rajahs whom I met In India. His
only Jewelry consisted of u sot of gold stud *
tuo slzo of the smallest of peas , und a uutch
chain of thin links of ( fold. Ho were a black
necktie bow In Ins wnito turn-over collar ,
nuch ns you buy on lower Uroadway for
25 cents , and bis euff , though scrupulously
clean , had not the polish of the American
Chincto laundry.
The Klicdivo of Egypt Ii a good French
scholar , nud ho has learned to spcnk English
within the past few years. Our talk was
carried on In English , nnd his highness chat
ted freely , noxv nnd then breaking out In n
chuckling Inugh as something amusing en-
tnred into tbo talk , nnd again growing sober
and Impressive ns ho discussed the moro
sober problems of his reign. In sculling of
Ills life ns khedlvo , ho snldt
"I am told that many puoplo envy mo my
poflltlmi. They say that I am a young man ,
nnd that my lot must bo a pleasant ono.
'rhry do not understand the troubles that
surround me , Many n time I would tinvo
been glad to have laid down all of the
honors I have
ron nisr : AND rnicn ,
"My ton yonrs of rolun have boon equal ( o
forty years of work nnd of worry. If life
wore a matter of pleasure 1 would bo n fool
to remain on the throne. I believe , hoxvovcr ,
that God put man on the world for n nurposo
other than this , Duty , not pleasure , is the
chief end of man. I do the best 1 can for
my country nnd my people , nnd I fool tlio
liauplost when I do the most work and when
my work is the hardest.11
A * the khedlvo said these words I thought
of the thorns which hnvo filled the downy
pillow of bis reign , I thought of how , upon
Ins entering manhood , his father Ismail was
deposed and lie was put upon the throne. I
thought ot hln troubles under the foreign
dictation of thn past , of the plots and nearly
successful rebellion of Arabl Pasha , of the
revolution of the Mnhdl , and of the vulturo-
like creditors who Unlay are grinding Egypt
between their upper and nether millstones ,
of the ploltings nud the Intrigues , of the
danger of assassination , and of the other
dangers are over present about the
throne of an oriental monarch , and I could
appreciate why his mouth hardened nud his
eycagrow serious when ho uttoreU the above
The talk then turned upon the condition
of Egypt and Its future , but ns to this the
klmr was reticent. Ho spoke proudly of the
reforms which ho had inaugurated in gov
ernment and of the fact that now , though
the taxes were heavy , every pensnnt knew
Just what his taxes were to bo and that they
were honestly collected. Ho spoke of tbo
improvements of the courts timl said that
the pitslia and the fcllnhln now stood on the
same- footing before the law. "When I came
to the throno. " saiil ho , "tho people were
surprised that I uut the prlnco on the same
footing ns other people bcforo the courts.
Now , tlmnlc God , there la no difference in
justice , Tlio prince nndthe fellah are the
same In our courts and the former may bo
punished like the latter. "
CofTco and cigarettes were at this point
brought in by the servants of the palace.
The coffee was a In Turquo. It was served
In little chluu cups In holders of gold illll-
greo , shaped like an otrg cup , and each cup
held ubout three tahlnspoousful of rich ,
black coffee ns thick ns chocolate and as
swcot as inolnsaoH. There was no saucers
nor spoons , nnd I tried in my drinking to
follow the khedlvo. I took the holder iu my
fist and gulped down half the contents of
the cup nt a swallow. It was ns hot as
liquid lire. I could feel the top of my mouth
raising In n blister , the tears came into my
eyes and my stomach felt as though It had
Tt was lucky that at'this moment the khe-
plvo had Just addressed a remark to Consul
General Cardwoll , who sat on the other side
of him , and ho did not notice my emotion.
Ho took the boiling mixture without wiuk-
lilg und went on talking ns though his
throat was used to liquid lire. I was sur
prised to see him refuse the cigarette , and 1
usked him it he did not smokeHo replied ;
"No. I neither sraoko nor drink. I do
not drink on two grounds. I believe man is
better off without it , ana what is of moro mo
ment to mo it is against the laws of lifo
us laid down in the Koran. AVe do not be
lieve It right to drink anything .intoxicating
and good Mussulmon drink neither wino nor
liquor. I believe that every man should bo
faithful to the religion which ho profossos.
My faith Is that of Islam and I try to follow
it as well as I can. I am not liberal In it ,
however , ntid I tolerate all religions and all
sects in my kingdom. AVe have Copts , Jews
and Christians , and your missionaries are at
work hi the laud. They make very few con
versions , if any , among the people of my
faith , but they have schools in upper Egypt
which nro doing much in the way of educa
tion. You ask me as to my attendance upon
the Mosque. Ves , I po regularly , and It was
a surprise to the people of the court when I
attended the Mosque immediately nftor my
accession. "
Colonel Cardwoll hero spoke of the kho-
dlvo's knowledge ot the Koran and cited the
fact that bis majesty.
and that be can commence at any point and
recite It from ono end to the other. There H
no doubt that the khcdivo has as much faith
In his religion as wo have In ours , nnd he expressed -
pressed himself here , Intimating that every
man should abide by the faith of tils fathers.
Ho referred to Mohammedan conversions In
Africa und to the fact that there are moro
than ono hundred millions of people In the
world who believe the same as ho does. Ho
spoke of the baud of ono hundred American
Catholics who are stopping In Egypt ot ) their
way to the holy land , nnd was interested in
Colonel Caldwoll's description of the pil
grimage which they are taking , In following
the footsteps of Jesus and Mary. He spoke
of the immense amounts brought Into Egypt
by tourists , and said that it bettered the
business of Egypt. Ho expressed great sorrow
row at the prospect that Colonel Caldwell
would , with the change of administra
tion , probably bo recalled nnd another
consul general appointed , and ho told
mo that ho had written a per
sonal letter to the president of the
United States without the knowledge of
Mr. CarUwell , asking him to retain him as
his Consul general to Egypt. Throughout
the whole conversation the talk was of the
most cordial nnd unceremonious character ,
and I loft the imlneo with the impression that
the khedive of Egypt Is a man of great com
mon seuso , and ot more than ordinary abil
The khedive stands well with his people ,
nnd lending men of Cairo toll mo ho would
do much for Egypt if he were not hampered
by foreign Intervention. Ho gave up a num
ber of his palaces a year or so ago and ho Is ,
for a king , most economical. Ho hns , as far
as I can learn , no extravagant habits and no
vices , and ho lives within the half million
dollars , which is known as his civil list.
Had other khcdlvcs of the past boon equally
careful , Egypt would be a rich country to
day instead of a mortgaged ono. He Is a
mun of strong domestic tastes , nnd though a
Mohammedan und an oriental king , ho is
and ho Is ns true to her us the most chaste
American. A friend of his gave mo to-nicht
a talk ho recently had with him upon this
subject , in which the khcdivo expressed
himself strongly In favor of monogamy : "I
saw , " said ho , "in my father's harem , the
disadvantages of a plurality of wives and of
httvlug children by different wives , nud I de
cided before I came to manhood that I would
marry but one woman and would bo true to
her. I have done so and I bavo had no
reason to regret it. "
These words of the khedive ore verified
by his wife. From what I cau leiirn his
family lifo is.a happy one. Ho Is much In
love with his wife and the khodlvloh Is said
to be ono of the brightest women of Egypt.
A lady friend of hers , who visits often at
the royal harem , tolls mo that this queen of
Egypt is both beautiful anil accomplished.
She gives receptions to ladles at her palace
every Saturday. She speaks French very
well and she uses this language in her inter
course with foreigners. Hbe is as sensible
in her ways as her husband and n few days
ago nt ono of her little receptions nt her
country seat near Cairo ono ot the visitors
expressed n desire to toe the ostrich farm ,
which is near tlioro. The queen than pro
posed that the whole party go ever and visit
it nnd this they did ,
and along the road the whole distance. I
cite this merely as an Instance of the un <
ostentation which she usually shows. It
must not bo supposed , however , that ko
does not llvo llko a queen. She has her
harem or women servants by scores , She is
accompanied whenever she goes out to ride
or drive by some of her numoroiis eunuchs
and she Uoops up a big establishment
separate from that of tlio king. When she
sits down to dinner or breakfast It is noi
with the king , but with her own ladies ,
The king eats with his oBlcora , according to
Mohammedan etiquette , and his apart ,
mcnts or the salumhk ore separate from
hers. Both she and her husband have done
mucli to break down the rigidity of Mobum *
ineduu social custom * . The love for oaon
other , and the example of tbo khedlve lu
having but one wife , Consul General Card-
well tolls mo , is catching , nnd many ot the
other nob'.o Arab gentlemen are following
It. The khcdivo takes his wife with him
wherever ho poos. She does not usually
travel on the same train , nor It PO , in the
tmmo car. She has stuck to tlio khcdivo
through the stormiest times of the rolgn and
during the last war she refused to po on the
Enalish gunboats when Invited to tlo BO for
safety. She Is close In the councils of her
husband , I nin told , nnd It Is said that ho has
great confidence in her Judgment.
l.iotli the khcdivo nnd the khcdlvloh nro
wrapped up In their children nnd I am told
that they Intend to allow ono of their sons to
i ko n trlu to America at no very distant
dnto. They hnvo two boys and two girls.
The boys are Abbas , who will bo fifteen
yonrs old In July , and Mohomot All , who Is
two years younger. Those boys nro now nt
school In Berlin , They spcnk French , En
glish , German nnd Arabic , nnd they nro , I
urn told , very bright. The girls nro rnthnr
pretty ; cream comploxloncd young mnldons
of eight nnd ton , who nro ns much llko
American girls ns they can bo considering
their surroundings. They wear European
clothes nnd mny bo seen along the son-
shore nt Alexandria , walking together nud
swinging their hats In their hands hko our
llttlo girls nt Long llrnnch or Asbuty park ,
fl'hoy hnvo European governesses nnd tnlk
French quito well.
These children nro by no moans badly oft
as regards money matters. The khedlvo's
income Is big enough to onnblo him to pay all
of tils expenses nnd his wlfo has an Indo *
nondont fortune , which I'mn told brings her
in about Hfty thousand a year
roil riK MONKV.
Abbas , the oldest son , IB the heir apparent ,
nnd ho gets nn allowance of seventy-five
thousand n year , nnd nil have enough nnd to
spare. Still , In comparison with the fortunes
squandered by the families of the khcdivos
of the past , this is nothing , and the pres
ent khcdivo docs what any other mon
arch of the world would not think
of doing. The last year was n poor
ono in kgypt , nnd the people were hardly
nble to pay their taxes. In order to rollovo
them somewhat , the khedive ordered that
the salaries of nil the ofllcors should bo cut
down for that yeiir 10 per cent , and ho set
the example , I am told , by cutting that much
off the allowance for his family , nnd dropped
off ? 50,000 froui hla personal allowance for
the suko of his puoplo. This docs not seem
the net of n Phnronh. It is moro than that
of n man and n Christian. It shows that this
Mohammedan ruler Is a king In heart and
soul us well ns position , mid mny well loao\us
to wonder whether tills land under him if
freed from dabt nnd unshackled bv shylocks
would not rise to n higher nnd better civili
zation than It hns ever had in the 0,000 yonrs
of Its past. FIUNK G. CAJIPBNTEU ,
Itu Content.
Jamcg It7ilc ( ( > il ) JJilcj/ .
The summer wluda Is Hiilfllu1 round the
bloom In' locus' trees ,
And the clover in the pastur' Is a big day for
the bees ,
And they been n-swlgglti1 bonny , nbove-bonrd
and on t.ho sly ,
Till they stutter In their buznm , ' nnd stagger
as they lly.
They's been n heap o' rain , but the sun's out
to-day ,
And the clouds of the wet spell Is all cleared
uway ,
Anil the woods is all the greener , and the
grass Is proener still ;
It may ruin again tc-morry , but I don't think
it will.
Some say the crops is ruined , and the corn's
drownded out ,
And proplia-sy the wheat will bo a failure ,
without doubt ,
But the kind Providence that has never
failed us yet ,
Will bo ou hand onco't moro at the 'leventh
hour , I bet 1
Docs the mcdder lark complain , as ho swims
high and dry ,
Through the waves of the wind nnd the blue
of the sky 1
Does-tUo quail set up and whistle in a dis
appointed way ,
Er hang his head In silence und son ow all
the day ?
Is the chipmuuk's health a failure ? Docs ho
walk , or docs ho rttnl.
Don't the buzzards eec around up tharo , Just
like tucylvo ullus done I
Is they anything the matter with the roost
er's ' lungs or voicot
Ort n mortal bo complaluin' when dumb an
imals rejoice ?
Then let us , ono and nil , bo contented with
our lot :
The Juno Is hero this morning and the sun la
shining riot.
O , let us fill our hearts with the glory of the
dn.V ,
And banish ev'ry doubt and care nnd sorrow
far away 1
Whatever bo our station , with Providence
for guide ,
Such line circumstances ort to make us sat
isfied ;
For the world is full of roses , and the roses
full of dew ,
And the dew is full of heavenly love that
drips for mo and you.
The days nro getting llko the rest of us
somewhat shorter ,
A Free Translation "Poetn nascitur non
fit. " The coot is born a misfit.
Speak gently to the waiter , for , indeed , ho
may bo & future D. D. The hotels are full
of him.
College students nro popular ns summer
resort waiters because they have such fetch
ing ways.
When you see a man consuming n cucum
ber you can risk n small bet on his being n
painstaking fellow.
When the grave digger was naked how ho
found lifo ho replied that ho didn't sso much
of It around where ho worked.
Watch the thermometer nnd bo prepared
for heated remarks from all your acquaint
ances during the present nuiitli.
Congressman Roger Q. Mills wants to bo
governor of Texas. Ho seems to bo tired of
fooling with high tariffs nnd things.
From nil wo hear and rend water Is not ,
used for anything in Chicago except to put
out tires and sprinkle the streets.
The drug store man who mixes the sum.
mor drink with dexterity , not forgetting the
other Ingredients , now rules the roost.
From the wuy In which an American
clings to ofllce it Is tq be Judged that the
United States is not much of a rcslg nation
"What do you think , Chupple , six of my
creditors were at the house nt ono time thb
morning. " "That was a regular owo-vatlon ,
old fol' . "
Wo don't want a law to purify elections
half so much as ono to purify a ohnp nftor
ho has been elected and begins to roach down
for boodle.
Qunon Victoria prefers the music of Men
delssohn Jlrst and that of Sullivan next. She
must hnvo hoard of John L.'s periodical toots
in the newspapers.
A Kansas editor criticises Senator Ingalls"
legs. And yet the senator makes moro
money than many bullet girls who have lived
twice OH long as ho has.
The Salt Lake City Tribune speaks of a
"boom in Utah. " It probably refers to the
arrival rccontly of a ship load of plus wives
fortho Mormon market.
Milwaukee celebrated the Fourth In gorgeous
goous style by sacrificing a million-dollar'
brewery on the altar of nor country. The
Wisconsin olty Is nothing if not patriotic.
"Why are you so ngltutedl" inquired the
glass of lemonade of thn pnlmloaf fan , which
was in a great ( luttor. "Because I hnvo rea
son to bellova that you are about to get
drunk , " said the fan.
It is said that the shah of Persia is a very
generous party , and hates to refuse any
reasonable request. That is why he will
not visit America , as the soap manufactur
ers would approach him for testimonials.
"What business are you going to put your
son Into , Mr. Slocust" "Well , I don't
know. He is not quick to apprehend any
thing. " "Not quick to apprehend I I'll tell
you the very place for him. " "Indeed , where
is Jtl" "On the Clilcngo detective force. "
The Countess do Casn Miranda ( Christine
Nilsson ) expects to spend the summer quiet
ly In London , She U quoted as saying thut
she has practically retired from the operatic
stngo , owing to the wishes of her husband ,
although she may slngju concert again.
You can bo cheerful and happv only
when you are well. If you feel "out of
sorts" talco Dr. J. H. McLemi'a sarsu-
Matutinal SLfthfs nnd Sounds Out
Gossip of tlio WnyIY rcrs An luvlpor-
ntliiR Atiu < xplicrc , rioiurcsqno
Scenes dj.1 niiistonl SottnilB
CIinrnatcrlr.0 ttio Stroll.
Fflfltnrnl SccncR.
Out along Fnrn'nth street nt 4 o'clock
in the inornlntr , when the now loy Is
only breaking nnd the city still sloops ;
out past the end of the cnr tracks , with
footsteps clattering over the piwomont
in the early morning stillness ; out past
the Bolt line and Holy Sepulchre coma-
tory God's ncro , moro quiet than the
rest , through Dundco place and up the
hill ngnln.
It rallied last night and the mist rises
from the valleys in clouds nnd hangs
Ia7.ily over the grass. The lungs expel
the fetid ntmosphoro of the city and in
hale great draughts of the fresh country
air. That indqscrlhahlo fragrance
of the prairie 'is clearly discernible.
Away to the loTt ripening grain can bo
scon upon the hillside , nnd the green
corn waves everywhere.
"What so rare as a day in Juno , " the
poet snug , but July will do as well when
the morning sun is obscured by misty
clouds nnd everything is so full of lifo.
Back of us riscs.tho , smoke of the city ;
hidden behind the hill nnd over tlioro
to the loft is South Omaha.
The plover pipes his monotonous tune
as ho entices us avvay from the place
whore the mother bird has made her
nest , nnd from. , a fence-post a great
yellow-breasted meadow lark sings its
own swept lay.
"Tho jocund fnrmor drives his team
afield , " and othors.pass , even at this
early hour , with wagons loaded with
corn and hogs. The milk wagons from
the dairies farther on have already
gone by.
A merry company of graders go by
nnd then a boy a
"Barefoot boy with feut of tan ,
With his turncd-up pantaloon
Ami his merry wlustllng tune , "
comes alontf with a dinner pail upon
his arm. evidently also a member of the
graders' party. Down in the valley
near the creek'their tents can bo soon.
The valley is passed , another hill
climbed nnd then wo go down into the
valley again. > , The mud from last
night's rain ia"i\Uiour ankles and plod
ding through the sticky clay hns made
us both tired and thirsty. A wayside
tavern , with a hospitable porch .in front
nnd asummoifiKwillioii in the garden ,
invites us to stop and rest. The boor is
cool and fresh , and sitting upon the
porch and enjcjyyig the landscape as wo
sip it , there ig ifq inducement to leave.
Alino host hnsl-'not yet hoard the re
sult of the prize-fight and begs for
the news. A. morning paper is given
him nnd ho adttltjs.'down to the dolecta-
lion afforded } dy the "account by
rounds. " [ f"
Three tcamstorjs stand noartho water
ing trough and } discuss the value of
their mules. } S *
It is > ipUwsatrhoro. . Thcro is
an air ' * otH restful quiet
about the place , which has an extraor
dinary charm for thosp town-bred folk ,
who are this nforning Iramping over
the hills and the valleys.
On and on wo go. The mud has dis
appeared ; it only sprinkled here , nnd
the walking is all that can bo desired.
The la-ks still sing from the fence
posts , and the plover still soars above
us. Farmers sit in their doorway ,
smoking their pipes , and gaze with
stolid satisfaction upon the magnificent
crops , while their children gaze with
months ngnpo at these two dudish look
ing tramps passing by.
The land out hero is rolling very
much so. As we roach the summit of
one hill , another rises before us , but it
is a relief from the monotonous streets
of the city.
By and by the s'woot'odor of the elder
berry reaches us , and farther along a
line of willows marks tlfo course of the
Little Papillion. " Wo cross the tracks
of the Fremont rend , nnd are soon
standing upon the bridge that spans the
My companion , carried away with the
beauty of the placodraws a longbroath ,
and , raising his hands aloft , exclaims :
"This in the spot I long have sought
And sltrhcd because I found it not. "
It is , indeed , a charming bit of scen
ery. The little stream is nothing moro
than a crook , but it gurglps presump
tuously along , seemingly proud of the
title of river which it boars upon the
maps. The vegetation is profuse. Above
and below the bridge the water is ob
scured by a mass of willows , vines and
the fragrant elderberry. The trees are
alive with birds. The quail sends forth
its clear "Bob White , " the brown
thrushes twitter and the rest join the
Wo linger here an half hour in silonco.
Speech would bo a disturbing element.
Finnllywo getaway , and , following the
course ot the stream , soon come to an
other public houso. Wo enter. A
comely woman is wiping glasses behind
the bar.
"Can'you give us some boorthis morn
ing , good mother ? " wo ask.
"Ich habon nicht beer1 says she.
"Ich habon woin und whiskey. Vos
vllls duV"
Wo try the wlno and find it fairly
' How is tradO'WJth ' you , mother ? " wo
ask to induce conversation.
"Oh , BomodimBA it vos goot , und
Bomoclimos it 'Vos'bad. Somodimes I
makes tree , foil't'jind flfo dollars a day ,
und some days j , makes fifteen cents.
In dor vintor vgnj.dor farmers makes
lots of money , dpnJ ; sells lots of viskoy ,
but in thosummdrdt vas no goot. "
The good dutno'provctl ' garrulousand
entertained usJordan , hour with stories
of days rod-letter uaya in her lifo
when the bar rt pc.ipts' had reached the
munificentsunijipf- .
Wo are ngaiiiioil and climbing n long
hill of very oaa jfcscont. As wo near
the top a buzzit/r / ound , accompanied
by the clangor of W-'cow-boll reaches us.
My moro oxporie jjod companion tolls
mo that bees a | 8vvivrmlng somewhat
near , and this wa And truo.
A neat white farm house snuerglos
among u grove of elm treesand in front
of these is an apple orchard. It is here
that the boos are swarming ,
An honest Dutch farmer stands on
the outskirts of the swurm , clanging a
cow-boll , and , as ho gazes meditatively
upon the buzzing boos , strokes the
sparse- whiskers that grow from his
chin.Wo become interested , and draw near
to the man with the boll.
"Bees swarming , oh ? " wo venture as
on introductory.
"Yah , " with his back still towards us.
"Will they go back to the hlvo ? " wo
try again.
"Yah , " with a moro vociferous clang
of the boll.
Conversation is a failure and wo ao-
copt it us euch and nutko no further ef
fort , hut stand watching the bees
nwhilo and then go on.
Soon nflor" leaving the farmer and his
boos wo tnko a short turn to the loft ,
nnd then the rend winds slowly down
into the Big Papillion. Wo stop for n
rest at a country school houso. No pu
pils arc there now. The place Is ( mod
with bird's Hosts nnd the yard is rank
with woods.
The birds own the place for the nonco.
They nest everywhere. In tlio wall , behind -
hind the blinds , in the school house
Wo rnnko our last .start . , and , aflor
walking a halt milo wo arrive at Undo
Jim MoArdlo's. where wo are treated
to n most bountiful dinner , to which we
do ample justice.
In the death of Tlicodoro WrinhtVoolneii
tlio country loses ono ot the nblcit scholars
and educators und unquestionably Us fore
most publicist.
The commencement Benson wan wound Ui |
by the usunl proceedings nt Amhnrst , when
tlio plft of $5,000 from nn unknown friend
of the college was announced.
The parochial Rdiools of Chicago have the
largest attendance. They contain 43,037 pu
pils , proportionately dopblo the number ol
attendants In Now York city.
Daniel Ayrcs , LL. D. , of Brooklyn , N. Y. ,
heretofore n generous bonofnctor of Wcs-
loynn university , has just given the institu
tion $ " 25,000 for the endowment of a chnir hi
The dlvlhlty building of the Catholic uni
versity of Amoriea. at Washington , la now
almost completed , and is an exceedingly
handsome nnd durable cdillco , built entirely
of One polished stono.
Prof. E. B. Andrew of Cornell , who has
lust boon appointed to the presidency ol
Brown university , was a gallant soldier
during the war. For several years there
has been u strife between Drown and Cor
nell for his services.
A law school for women is to bo established
In Now York next fall by Mrs. Einlly Kern-
pin , LL. D. The system of teaching will be
that of European universities , all the in
struction being given in the forru of lec
tures. Mrs. Kempin is a graduate of the
University of Zurich , Switzerland , nnd Is a
lawyer of note.
At the Alumni meeting at Smith colleeo ,
Northampton , Mass. . Juno IS. It was votcd'to
ask for thrco women on the board of trus
tees. The alumni have raised $11,000 for u
new gymnasium , but desire 520,000. At the
trustees' meeting , the women suggested by
the alumni , werp added to the board.
Montlcollo seminary , at Godfrey , 111. ,
founded by Kcnjaniln Godfrey , in ISas , was
burned to the ground November 4 , 1SSS. The
cornerstone of the now building was laid bv
women ; the sonlor class , numbering twelve ,
performing the curomony with wonderlul
grace and originality. This is tno lirst cer
emony of its kind by women In the history
of the country.
Methodism , the wcst.nnd Denver may well
bo jubilant , for In that city , Elizabeth Ilift
Warren , wife of Bishop Wurren , formally
announced that she would gtvo 8100,000 for
the endowment of a theological school In
connection with Denver university. The ex
ecutive committee of the board of trustees
accepted the glftnnd Mrs. Wnrren presented
her note for * 100,000 , payable on or before
live yours nt 15 per cent interest , payable
soml-tmnually. W. S. Iliff at the sumo meet
ing supplemented the aot of his mother by
the gift of ? 50,000 for the erection of build
ing for the school of theology and for its en
If your complaint is want of appe
tite , try half wino glass Angostura
Bitters before meals. Dr. J. G. B. Slo-
gort & Sons , sole manufacturers. At all
Side Spring Attachment ; no Horse Motion.
Fir-st Class Carriages on hand ;
also built to order. Repairs
Promptly Executed.
1409-1411 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb
Is now open. I'nrtlos doslrlnc Kootl accommodation
on tbo now mrxo express steuniun of tuu Kmnous
Which are noted for their regularity , equal to rail-
roii'i ' trains , In making tlio trip to lluvro-Paris In ono
yreck , nro uclrlsed to
Slake Early Application for Berths.
Tills Is nl o Mecensnry on account of tlio boavr
travel during thu spring and summer mouths.
McCAGUE BROS. , 105 South 16th St. ,
HARRY E. MOORES , 1502 Furmim St. ,
H. L. HALL , 1223 Farnarn St. ,
J. H. GREEN , J501 Farnam St. ,
Agouti. Omaha , Nob.
Health is Wealth !
MKNT , a Kuamnteed speclllo for Hysteria , Dlzzl *
noHi , Convulsions , I'ltn , Nervous Neuralgia ,
Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by llio
use ot alcohol or tobacco , Wnlcefulness , Mental
Depression. Sof tenlna of ilia llra.n , resulting In
Insanity ami trading to misery , decay onddeath.
Premature Old Age. Ilarronnnss , Iosi of Power
in either sex. Involuntary I.OSSOH and Bpermat.
oiTlui ) caused by over-exertion of the brnln.self.
obuso or overindulgence. L'adi box contains
ane month's treatment , 11.00 a box , or six boxc
for to.OO.sont by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
To cure any cmo. With each order recelred by
us for six boxes , accompanied with IVX > . % ro wll
Hand the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund the money it the treatment do s not elTec
a cum. Guarantees Issued only by ( loodman
Drug Co. , Druggist * , Sole Agents , 1119 Farnara
street , Omaha , Neb.
T , ItleOOX. I ih r I. n Ur..4t a > - . r.r.Ulb.m.vr V.rU.
N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , , Omaha , Neb.
Chronic and Surgical Diseases and Diseases of tlia Eye and Ear.
J.W. MoMENAMY , M. D. , President ,
And Consulting Phywlciau and Surgeon.
Organize ! with a Ml staff of SM1M Physicians , Simeons anil Trained Nurse ? ,
This establishment isapormanontmodlcal institution , conducted by thoroughly
sdncated physicians nnd surgeons of acknowledged skill and experience. The
Institute burnings , situated on the northwest corner of Thirteenth and Dodge
streets , is'composed of two larpo thrco-atory brick buldinps of over ninety rooms ,
containing our Medical , Surgical and Consultation Booms , Drug Store , Laboratory ,
Offices , Manufactory of Surgical Appliances and braces , and the Boarding Depart
ment lor Patients , in charge of competent persona , constituting the largest and
the most thoroughly cciuipped Medical and Surgical Establishment in the West , one
of the three largest in the United States , and second to none.
Vfe have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , performing
surgical operations , boarding nnd nursing patients , which , combined with our
acknowledged ability , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute the first choice.
You can come direct to the Institute , day or night , as we have hotel accommo
dations an good and as cheap as any in the city. .
"We make this explanation for the benefit of persons who may foul inclined to
go further east for medical or surgical treatment and do not appreciate the fuct
that Omaha possesses the largest and most complete Medical and .Surgical Insti
tute west of Now York , with a capital of over 8100,000.
Best Facilities , Apparatus and Remedies for Successful Treatment ol
every form of Disease requiring BIEDIOAIi or SUWGlCAIi
m tnlB department we are especially successrui. Our claims or superiority over
ajl others are based upon the fact that this is the only medical establishment manufacturing -
ufacturing surgical braces and appliances for each individual case.Vo have
three skilled instrument makers in our employ , with improved machinery , and
have all the latest inventions , ns well as our own patents and improvement * ,
the result of twenty years' experience.
alysis , rheumatism , diseases of women , etc. , and iu many eye and ear diseases it
is the most valuable of all remedies.
In order to obtain its full virtues- is absolutely necessary to have the proper
apparatus. Wo have lately purchased three of the largest and most complete
batteries manufactured , so constructed as to give tlio most gentle as well ns the
most powerful current. Persons treated at this Institute by electricity recognize
at once the difference between our expensive and complete electrical apparatus
and the common , cheap batteries , in use by many physicians. Over 3,000 dollars n
invested in electrical apparatus.
Wo claim to bo the only reliable , responsible establishment In the west making
n specialty of this class of diseases. Dr. McMonnmy was one of the first thorough
ly educated physicians to make a special study of this class of diseases , and his
methods and inventions have boon adopted by specialists in Europe and America.
Ho is the inventor of the Clamp Compress Suspensory , acknowledged thn best in
use. All others are copied after his invention. By moans of a simple operation ,
painless and safe , recently brought into use , wo cure many cases that have been
given up us incurable by medical treatment. ( Read our look to men , sent free to any
address. )
I We have had wonderful success in this department in the
past year , and have made many improvements in our facili
ties for treatment , operations , artificial eyes , etc.
Wo have greatly Improved our facilities and methods of
_ treating cases by correspondence , and uro having bettor
success in this department than ever before.
We are fully up to the times in all the latest inventions in medical nnd surgical
operations , appliances and instruments. Our institution Is open for Investiga
tion to any persons , patients or physicians. Wo invite all to correspond with or
visit us before taking treatment elsewhere , believing that u visit or consultation
will convince any intelligent person that it Is to their advantage to place them'
selves under our care.
Since this advertisement first appeared , many boasting pretenders and frnudii have
tome and gone and many more will come and go , remembered only by their unfQrtunafc
and foolish victims.
"A wise man investigate * Jlrat and decides afterwards ,
A fool decides Jlrst , then investigates , "
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is inawsrA ly the people and the press.
More capital invested , more skilled physicians employed , more modern appliances , instru
ments and apparatus in use , more cases treated and cured , more successful surgical
operations performed , than in all other medical establishments mtJie West combined.
144 PAGE BOOK ( Illustrated )
Part Flrnt Hlitory , Success and Advantage * of the Oinnlui Medical nna Burgloal tnstltntc.
Vrt Hacoud-Ciiuotua DIBKABKB of the IMUK * . Bfomncli , Mvor. Kidneys. Skin , 1'llos , Cnnoer ,
Catarrh , K | loi8jr. | Uliouuistlsin , Inhalation. Tape Worm. KloctrlcHy. Now Horiicxlles. etc.
Part i lilrcl-pKroimiTiKg. Ciirvaturiiof tlio Bplno , Club i'wjt , lllj. IMwioaos , I'aralyoU , Wry
Nook , Uow Lears. Hare I.lp , SurKleul Operation * .
Part I'ourtli UIBBASEA or TUB UVB AKP Htu , ] } | oa < cs of the Norvcs , Cataract , Btriibtsmus or
CTOM Kvos. I'toryifluin. QraauUited Kyo Lld , Inversion of tbo Ilct9 , Art WcUl Hye , oto.
Part I'inn-UiHKAbKH ur WOMEN , Jjoucorrtiuja , Ulcoratloii. niirilucomuijU , I'rolujisu * , Flex-
Ions ami Vunloui. Tumors , I.ucunxtloua and Cduoor of the Womb. ,
Port NlxtU OisiuSEt ) or MKH , I'rlvute. Special ami Nervous Dlsoaico , Spcrmntorrlirca ( Seminal
Wqukuetn ) , Itupoteiicy , Varicoculo , Stricture , Uleot. Qyuhllla. nuil all dlicuiea of tlio Qenito
Urinary OrgAm. . . a.- . . . . . - . . .
vou WOUBH fiijHiwo COHVINBUENX , ( Strictly Private ) .
Only Itollablo Medical Inntltuto Making a Specialty of
All Blood Diseases sucoeMfully treated. Syphilitic J'olnon remove * ! from tlio sywm without
mercury. Isow Itoitoratlro Treatment for Lots of Vital Power 1'utlcnta uimhlo to vlalt us muy
. treated nt homo liy correspondence. . All communications confldontlal. Medlolnca or Inatru-
menu sent by mall or oitirom soouroly packed , no murks to Indicate contnnts or euudor.
eoual Ictf.mcw preferred. Cull und consult us or&ou < J history of your CASO , and wa will s
plain wrapnir , our OOOIt TO MKN , KUEUi Upon Private. Special or Norvoua Waoase * .
leacy , ByphllU , Gleet and Vurlcocole , with ( juostlon list. Address ,
lltik iuul lloduc HtrcoU. OmaliB , NcU.