8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JULY 13 , 1889. THE CITY : OfTlcor Parish , policeman nt the "VVobatcr strcot station , is on tho'slck list. list.Tho The waterworks company has put its electric light plant , nt the now. works in Florence , in operation. Chief Sonvoy has n watch and chain , supposed to ho stolen property , which the owner can Imvo by proving prop erty.Thoro There scorns to bo an epldomlnof Bumtnor complaint among very young children , llcafoy & llenfoy reported eovon deaths ot infants yesterday. A laruo number of Odd Follow * and tholr wives , from PlaUsmouth , will bo in the city this evening to visit the lodgoof the Daughters of Robokah. Rov.nml Mrs. Frederick J. Stnnloy , of Now York , passed through Omaha , on route to Yokohama , and Toklo , Jnuan , where tnoy will look uftor the interests of tlio American llonio Mis- Blonaiy soctoty. The rumor thntox-GovornorPonnlng- ton of Dakota contemplates purchasing the Dispatch of this city is omiihaticallv denied by the interested parties. Gov ernor Ponnington hnssomo intention of locating in Omaha , but not ns publisher of the Dispatch. Joseph Williams , n. ten-year-old boy , residing with his parents on Clark Btreot near Eighteenth , was badly bitten - ton Thursday evening hy n vicious dog. It is not known who owns the dog , but ho was running at n lurgaut Eighteenth nnd Clark streets , James & Patrick Fox , the contractors , have been ordered to begin paving Burt street from Sixteenth to Twenty- Bocond with Woodruff , Kansas , stono. The Barber Asphalt company has also been ordered to begin paving Izurd Btreot from Sixteenth to Eighteenth. Ida Ross , a domestic , complained In police court , that she had < | ult working for Mrs. Emma Christopherson on South Tenth street , and that when she re turned for her clothing Mrs. Christo- phurson assaulted nnd abused her. A warrant was ibsued for Mrs. Christo- phorson's ' arrest. A warrant was issued yesterday for the nrrcBt of Robert Day for larceny as Imileo. Ho is charged with having im properly appropriated to his own use a morttrago and two promissory notes of the value of $1)25.00 ) , nnd a warranty deed to n half block in Catalpn Grove Addition to Hastings to the value of 81,001.25. The .larceny Is alleged to Imvo occurred in January , and the total amount claimed by WillinmS. Gernbor , the complaining witness , is $1,992.51. , Bans , Mumm & Klugle , proprietors of ' the saloon at MbU hall , were tried ycs- torday in the police court , for selling JJcor on Sunday , Juno 28. A'jury trial was demanded and u verdict of not niiilty was the result , the witnesses hav ing testified that the only kind of beer sold there on Sunday was birch beer , which is not intoxicating. Personal L'tirnsranli * . M. Hopkins , of Uoonu , Is ct the Mlllard. E. II. Shaw , of Kavonim , U at the Paxton. C. T. Brown , of Lincoln , Is at the Murray. , William F. Allen , of Madison , is at the Arcade. C. 13. Cooke , of Uooao , is stopping at the Murray. Judge J. C. Crawford , of West Point , is at the Paxton. J. C. Hanson , of Central City , is stopping &t the Arc.'ulo. C. U Heed , of Weeping Wntor , is stopping at the Paxton. T. F. Majors and J. E. Itolloy , of McCook , are nt the Millard. Lieutenant AV. A. Mann , U. S. A. , Is & gucbt ut the Paxton. Gertrude Vuninoter , of Nebraska City , Is a puest at the Millard. J. C. W. Townsoml , of Louisville , Is rcgl * torcd nt the Millard. J. H , Plot-son and wlfo , of Stanlon , are guests nt the Arcatto. E. W. ICono , of Nebraska City , Is regis tered at the Arcade. Juilgo Spencer , of the circuit court , St Joseph , is In the city. Frank P. Prlnco and wife , of Morrison , are guests at the Millurd. E. S. Dean imd M. Dean , ol Ashland , are registered at the Murray. Miss Minnie Trant , of Chicago , Is visiting Miss Anna Heady at 1207 Pierce street. Mrs. Edward Daughton , of Sherman avenue - nuo , is visiting friends In North Platto. J. D. Kilpatrlulc and wlfo and Mrs. Samuel Kllpatrick , of Btatrico. nro at the Puxton. Charles Meyer , W. J. Houston , J. B. Lid die nnil U. H. Uathboni , of Lincoln , are stop ping at the Millurd. Charles McClavo , of Greenwood ; H. A. Allen , of AtkntHOii , and J. A. Hamon , of O'Neill ' , tire guests at the Arcado. Dr. Claude Watscn and wlfo , Mrs. Sarah "Worthhouso and Frank MoMlllen , of No- brasku City , are guests at the Paxtou. ' E. 0. Carnes.'bf Sbward ; J. A. Plpor , of Alma ; Jnmcs J. Condon and N. S. Harwood , of Lincoln , Uro stopping at the Paxton. Colonel A. C. Dawes. of St. Joseph , gen eral passenger npont of the Kansas City , St Joe ° & Council Blurts railroad , is at the , Paxton. Dr. J. C. Jones hai loft for a two months sojourn lu Europo.loaving his oflico In charge of Dr. Leopold Kohustowm , late of Now York city. Mr. ana Mrs. W. 1C. Kurtz have given up rooms at the Paxton hotel and roinovod to tholr now residence , recently completed , In Dundee place. Prof. P. Chamborlaln , ono of the most suc cessful and widely known educators of Ctil- cage , Is in the city on his way to Washing ton from a visit to Smvard In this state. The gentleman , though a great admlror of Chicago cage , Hilda many things In Omaha to marvel nt , among which nro the olcctrto motor cars , tlio Now York Llfo and Tun UKB buildings , the lust mentioned especially striking his futioy. AVlirro Is Her HtiKbaml ? Mrs. L. Dillncr , of Kansas City , has written to Chlof Soavoy asking him to looic for her husband who left , the vlllugo on the Kaw on Juno 23 for Omaha and has not smco liccn hoard fi om. _ Too Accommodating. A lady passenger on tlio went bound Union Pacific train Thursday nicht gave her purse to u colored portor. When ho returned It-tho amount of cash was 385 short. The pollco investigating the case. Ilnuk Itnlldtiit ; Company. The American Hank Building company filed articles of incorporation with the county clerk , O. M. Curter , O. A. MoICmnoy and A. C. Powell bomg the mcorporatoru. The capita ! stock is placed at f JUO.Ooo. Youtlit'iil Doprnvlty. William Cuimn , a twolvo-yoar-otd boy , was arrested .vostorday for distributing ob- BCCIIO llturaturo on the streets. Tlio litera ture In question was a quack doctor's nil- vortlsamciit. Tlio boy wiw discharged by Jiidgo Uorka and admonished to go uud sin no moro. UceiiKcU to Wall. Only ono marriage llconso was Issued by Judpa Shields yesterday , nnd that waa to the following parties : Kamoandjtosidcnce. Ago Gardner , Omaha , ft ) Nellie Gorman , Omutia , 83 In Police Court. L. Lnreon , a street car driver , was lined $15 and costs for knocking u hey off his car Thursday evening on South Thirteenth street , Thomas Foley , Joseph Ellis and Jataos Powell , tried yesterday for gaining , were UUchurgod , Nina cases of vagrancy and four plain drunlts were among the matters disposed of in Judge JJcrka's court yosturday , HENUEU8nOT'B It Is Mndo AVIth n. Kovolvcr nrul Gostn Him Jllfl Mfr. Ed Hendorshot , the gambler who shot his mUtroM In-Denver Thursday night and then suicidedvns a well-known chnraotor In Omaha , and the traffic ending of his check * crcd career Is the subject of conversation In gambling and pollco circles. Hentlorshot came to Omaha In 18SO when the gambling rooms wore running dny and night , and the fraternity had the upper hand. Ho belonged to the species of the f rntornlty knoxvu as the "tin-horn , " and was the object of consider able attention on the part of the pollco. Soon after his arrival ha was nrrcstod for the robbery of a Union Pacific conductor. Ho found the ticket puncher In n saloon with n largo sum of money In his possession. Ho took him to the Mlllnrd hotel ficcurcd a room for him nnit robbed him of n gold watch mid $200 In cash. Hcndcrshot was arrested , but escapedconviction through the efforts of his friends , who mntlo II an object for the prosecuting witness to bo ah. sent from the city when the cuia caina up for trial. Homlcrstiot'3 next exploit of note was his attempt , with a pnl , to rob Joaason , the jew eler then at Thirteenth and Hurnoy , and how on the corner of Ilnrnoy and Fifteenth. The two mon entered the place and repre sented themselves as prospective diamond puruhusors. Wlillo one of thorn was exam ining the precious atones on display and at tracting the attention of the proprietor , the other pocketed several valuable gems. The pnlr was arrested , but In some manner es caped conviction when the o.iso was called for trial. After thin the pollco made It uncomfort- abln for Hcndcrshot , and arrested him fru- Qucatly ns a vagrant nad suspect. About a yo.tr ago ho was sentenced to thirty tlnys In the county Jail on the latter charge. Sim- tenco was suspended to give him a chance to leave Ilia city , which ho did , and has slnco been living in Denver. The woman , Delia Thompson , with whom Hondorshot lived in the latter place , was not known In Omaha. While hero Homtcrshoi's mistress was IJlancho Hoffman , an inmatoof A mi In Wilson's placo. who died here nearly two years RO. Hcnderihot was frequently arrested for abusing tUo woman , although ho was naturnlly of uu easy toaipcr and was. . not given to quarrelling. Hcndcrshot's ' piticnU live At Ottnmwn , Iowa , his futhcr having boon mayor of thill placn ut one titiiA. A brother of the deceased , who lives In Omaha , has gone to Denver to tnko charge of the reninlns. The body will probably ho nvnovcd to Ottuimvn for burial. Mil. B. F. WitATi.KY Is a prominent mor- chiint of Huston , La. Ho says that he hiw sold Swift's Spumflc to many persons , and knows of somn wonderful cases of blood Rlsuasps , and has never known of a fullura to euro. Several cases of contagious blood poison were cured after all the doctor * and nil other remedies had failed. WUEIIU IS UUHDKTTK ? Was lie a Pnrty to the Oalliouu Doful- ontlon ? , The Impending prosecution of S. K. O.il- houn , late deputy revenue oolloctor , for the alleged defalcation to the amount of $ (1,003 ( of government money , was the subject of ronyersatlon in the internal revenue collec tor's oflico yesterday morning. It was rumored that C.ilhoun has. made a confession of his peculations. Although his father has offered to make good the defi ciency , tlio government , it is said , will prose cute ttic Ron. Uovenuo Agent McCoy and others in the service do nut blame C.ilhoun so much as they do Kovouuo Agent Burdotto , who , they believe , is equally guilty with the deputy collector. It is believed that the first money talcon by young Cnlhouu was lor Burdetto's uso. As the latter failed to malto good the amount and Calhoun's fast method of living prevented him r.lso from being able to maka up the deficiency , it is believed that Calhoun became reckless and continued his pecula tions while ho remained in oflico. TO LO.S13 ON A. X'OVLi. How lillraln Hoped to Lioso His Fight. Ed Uothory , of this cityand , W. S. Jacoby , of Quthrio Center , la. , returned yesterday from the Sulllvan-Kilrain fight. Both report having witnessed a game battle. Speaking of the matter Mr. Rothcry said : "Kllrain made a gnmo fight , but was whipped before ho entered the ring. He bore evidence of over-training in every way. His countenance bore n haggard expression , and ho appeared moro like a. physical wreck than he did like a man who was to compote for the heavy-weight championship of the world. Noverthclest , ho showed his staying quali ties , but ho was no match for Sullivan. His blows wore Ineffective , but ho displayed good generalship. To say the least Kllrain , ns a lighter , has selected the wrong vocation. Sullivan had him whipped in the seventh round , but John Li. wanted to demonstrate to the world that ho could light all day if necessary. Ho pun ished Kllrain terribly by landing his sledge hammer blo'vs on his body. Kllrain fouled Sullivan repeatedly , hoping to lese the fight on a foul , which would have been moro to his credit than losing it as ho did. Yes , ho was whipped to a stand-still. " "Ho Wasn't Properly Trained. " Speaking of the sale of the Herald to Mr. Hitchcock , of the World , and the pro posed consolidation of the two papers , Dr. Miller , the founder of the former Journal , aald thut while ho could not spealt of the matter us a piece of business enterprise , ho would say that , as far as the democratic party la concerned , it has received a blow , the extent of which it docs not realize. "Why , " aaiit the doctor , "I tried to persuade - suado loading democrats in the city that the best thing they could now do would bo to at once purchase the property back at any price , but 1 couldn't convince them of their loss. To establish another democratic organ here now would bo impossible , nearly , as all the telegraph franchises uro gone. "I understand that the paper Is to bo In dependent-democratic In politics. What is Indcpondcnt-democrutlol 1 don't think young Mr. Hitchcock understands the principles democrats most cherlsn. Ho didn't ' have the right sort , of training. " Nebraska's Veterans. Major Glnrkeon says that Major J , B. Davis , department commander of the G. A. II. , will follow the example of General Mar tin , of the Illinois department. In Issuing a circular dlscouraultig the attendance of Ne braska veterans ut tlm national encampment at Milwaukee , August 27 31 , Inclusive. Major Davis m ut present In Chlcngo.ro- oolvlng medical treatment , and will not re turn homo for gomo time , but to-day ho will send circulars from that city to the va rious posts In this BtAto asking them ta Join In the movement to resist the attempted extortion of the railroads. In view of the fact that comparatively fowof the Nebraska yotcrans will probably attend the national encampment , nn effort will bo mndo to boom the 8taw encampment at Kearney , Auqust 13 , and make it n greater success than over. Mny Yet Stay Onr , Notwithstanding the resolution passed at the last meeting of the city council , It Is not likely tlmt oven now the board of public works will allow the Utlca cement to bo used In the city works. The specifications pro vide that "tho work shall bo done with ma terial selected by the hoard of publlo works , " and , although members of that or ganization nro silent In thu matter. It Is un derstood from Imputations lot fall by at taches of the board , that the Utlca cement Is still to bo tabooed , under this provision of the specifications. M a Thanks From Johnstown. In addition to the acknowledgement of the money sent to the Johnstown letter carriers by their brothers In this city , another has been received from the postofllco employes of the name placo. It acknowledges the re ceipt of $31.75 which was forwarded Dy the postofllco mon of Omaha , and tolls of the losses , personal nnd otherwise , sustained by the recipients In the flood. The contribution was the only ono received nnd the beneficiaries say the kind act will never bo forgotten. Dnnrlni ; Gomes to Omaha. William Deorinp & Co. , the dealers in agri cultural Implements , have decided to erect a flvo story brick warehouse at the corner of ICIghth and Capital avenue , to cost $75,000. Ono of the conditions of the agreement by which the company decides to build is that the prostitutes living In this section shall bo required to move. Tno mayor has written to the chief of pollco requesting that action bo taken to have the bawdy houses In this locality vacated ntonce. Another proscribed district will probably bo .created. "Who Stole the Money ? John Nelson , an Innocent looking man , has been arrested on a charge of grand lar ceny preferred by Mrs. Finn of 2o"2 Hnrnoy street. Mm. Finn states that Nelson's wlfo was doing some laundry work for her nnd that Nelson came with her tfl rot urn the work. Mrs. Finn took $3.50 from her pocket book to pay Mrs. Nelson's claim , leaving tlio piitso with $ ol ) in it on the table near Nel son. Whtwi she returned Nelson and the purse with its contents were missing. Nel son denies the charge against him. Ho was admitted to ball In the sum of ( COO. I'lattrtcutflchnr Convention , Three years ago the National convontl on of the Plattdcutschcr Central Vorolu of North America was hold in this city. The same association is again to visit the city , though it is expected It will tills time attract n much larger attend ance. The convention will assemble on uoxt Sunday when u grand picnic will bo held in Kuspr's park. Trains will leave for the place from the Webster street depot at 1 , 2:80i : , 830 : ! , 7:15 : , lip. m. and 2 o'clock on Monday morning. Ues 31 nines' Loss Omaha's Gain. Mr. George W. Llninger has received a letter from Mr. L. A. Southwick , the artist , asking if the loss of his gallery at Dos Molncs would affect his opening a school of design hero in September , as contemplated. Mr. Llningor answered hint that it would not , and expects Mr. Southwick here next week to inalio the necessary preparations for opening the school. Mr. Southwick lost $30,000 worth of pic tures , on which he had but $5,000 insurance. Mr. Liningcr has tendered him the use of his collection in opening the school. Army Naws. Upon the request of the interior depart ment the following oflleers have been de tailed as inspectors of Indian supplies , to' be delivered under contract nt the places named for the ensuing fiscal year : Second Lieutenant Wilds P. Richardson , Eighth infantry ( Fort Niobrarn , Nob. ) , to inspect flour and corn at Valentino , Nob. , for the Rosebud agency , D. T. Second Lieutenant George AV. Ruthers , Eighth infantry ( Fort Robinson , Neb. ) , to inspect flour , corn , etc. , to bo delivered nt Kushvllle , Neb. , for the Pine Ridge agency , D. T. On being notified by the Indian agent when these supplies will bo in readiness for Inspec tion , the ofllccrs named will proceed to the places indicated at the time appointed and make the Inspections above ordered , and upon completion thereof will return to their station. I'ark Commission. Dr. Miller , president of the park commis sioners , has received a letter from Mr. Cleveland , the landscape gardener , In which ho stated that owing to the importance of the work now being done by him at Minno- haha Falls , ho could not come to Omaha until next week. This causes no delay , how. over , ns Mr. Hauso , the engineer , is not yet ready with his measurements. The board has received many applications for the position of superintendent of the work , but are only considering a few of these , a majority of those making application not having had previous experience. Parents and Hicli School Hooks. The suggestion of Dr. Spaulding { hat the question of supplying high school books to pupils bo referred to the incoming board is attracting some attention. It has been shown that thcso books cost almost as much as all the other books used in the public schools. Dr. Spaulding thinks that , ns a rule , the parents of high school pupila are ahla to buy books for U.olrchildren and ought to do so. Mr. Sholos t > aid thut if ho found the greater number of those parents wore able to buy the books , ho would favor the aboli tion of the present system of having them furnished by the board. Filled With Load. A rnad dog rushed into Miss Fitch's room , in the Mandersan block , at the corner of Fourteenth and Capitol avenue. Garbage Inspector Goldsmith fired two charges of buckshot Into the animal without killing it. Tlio dog tore around the room in its wounded condition until the place looked like a slaughter house , . Oftlcur Shoup dispatched the anltnal with a revolver. DEIICIOUS FUVORIN6 EXTRACTS WT1KAL FRUIT FltfMS n fd hy the Ifmlcil States Government. Rndoried tiy the lieada of the Oreat Unlversltlca nrl Public Peed Alialyitf , nt the BtronKtit , Purest ind most llealthrut. nr. Price' * Cream llakliic VowiUr data not contain AmtnonU , I.Iuieor Alum. Dr. Price's Delicious inavorluelU- tiact , VaullUi.uiouUraUKeAluiuutlKotelctc.douotcoutaluPolMaouiOUi ; ) rCheuircals. PRICED BAKING POWDER CO , , N w York. Chicago. St. Louis. . DUtut Mean tu Do It. Prcd Dosi , thonTtlnor-wurstman , who was arrofttcd for nssAliUinR Anna Doimvan , n col ored Rlrl , nnd catting her horn ) with n brlok , was ncqulttod bjiir.jury m pollco court , not withstanding tlio diet that bo expressed a willingness to triftad guilty It the judge would lot him oft with rt light lino. His only Uofonso wtw that ho "Ulita'.t moon to do It. " After.nn Kx-Httslinntl. Fanny Bollnnu- , the divorced wlto ot Frank IJollainy.jjacompnulcd by hnr mother , yesterday mndo on assault upon her former husband and thrtsUcncd his life. Both wcro arrratnd upon a complaint sworn out by Bol- liuny. Absolutely Pure * Tills powder never varies. A marvel of pure ly , ( -trenctli nnil wholcsomoness. Jloro eco nomical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot bosom In competition with the multltmlca oC lor or shortwelKlit nluin or plioaphnto powders. Sold only in cons. Koyal linking Powder Com pany , f-'iJ Wall Btieet , Now 1'ork. THE BBTWHITE SMPMACE IN AMERICA- cJAS-S-KlRK FlORTlNU'SOAP. RAPPERS ( URGE JIZC ) g nni receive ft ' 3 A.HANDSOMEg DRS. BEITS & BEITS U03 FAiiNAM'SinHCT ' , OMAHA , NBII. ' ( Upposlto I'axtou Hotel. ) Office hours , 0 B. m , to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 a. m. to 1 p. in. Specialists in Chronic , Nervous Skin and Tilood Diseases , t3B Consultatlon at olnco or by mall free. M dlciues sent by mall or express , securely oackcd , free from observation. Guarantees to curn nnlckly , nafely and permanently. NERVOUS DEBILITY tSfttTa ISSl : stone. Physical Decay , urlslnp from I mil sore tlon , Uxcesa or Indulgence , pi oduclnK Sleepless ness. Despondency. Plmplei on the fiico , aver sion to society , easily rtltcournged , lace of contl dance , dull , unlit for study or business , and llnds life a burden. Bafely , permanently and pri vately cured. Consult brs. Jlettfl it. Belts , UUt ) Farnam St. , Omaha , Nab , Blood and Skin Diseases results , completely eradicated without the aid of Mercury.- Scrofula , Erysipelas , rever Sores , Illotches , Ulcers , Pains In the Head nnd Rones , Syphilitic Soro'lhroat. Momh and Tongui , Ca tarrh , etc. , permanently cured here other * have failed. tfiHnnrr TfrinarTT ftn(1 Dladder Complaints , aKHlByi Unlldly minfui , Dimcuit , wo frequent - quent Ilurnlngor Illoody Urine , Urine high col ored or with milky sediment on standing , Wcalc Back , Uonorrhna , Gleet , Cystitis. etc. , Promptly and Bafely Cucd , Charges HeuEonv STRICTURE ! jnoval complete , without cutting , cauatlo or dlllatlou. Cures eirected at homo by patient u itbout a momenta pain or annoyance. To Yonn ? Men and Middle-Aged Men , nilDD 'Jlie awful effects of early AOIinp UlJilU Vice , which biines organlo weaknesH , destroying both mind and body , wltb all Its dreaded Ills , permanently cured , . Adress tliosa M ho hnvo impaired MnPir.mtt i thcmsolvut by Improper liulul- gences uud FOlltar } ' liablts. vhlch ruin botb body and mind , unfitting them lor bustntia , tuily or marriage. MAiuur.n MEKI or those entering on that liap py life , aware ot uliyslcal debility , quickly a > J.fsted. OUR SUCCESS. Is based upon fMts , First-Practical Hxpe rlencri. Hocond Uvcry casalH especially Htudled- thus starting aright. Third Medicines are pre , pured In our lub tory exactly to suit each cas , thus alfcctlng cure * without injury tST Keua 0 ccn W Dostta for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. U'cousandd cured ) ifyfA friendly letter or cull may BIIVO you future uuirerinc and shame , and add goldt-n yean to life. t7 No letters an- awered unless accompanied by i cents In s tames. Address or call on . 'KETTS ft ; UKTTS , HOBi'aruum Street. Omaha. Neb , NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK , 1 ' , DEPOSITORY , OBAHA , NEB. Capital $400,000 Surplus Jan. let , 1880 62,900 OWlCBtlS AM ) U1UKCTOI18. IlENitrW. VATES , 1'resldent. JJJWIH 8 > JEBl ( > , Vice President. A. B. Ton/.Al.lN. W. v. MOIIBH , JOHN B. Coi.r.iN ? , Jl. C. CIIHHIMJ , J. N. II. PATIIICK. W , II. 8. HUOIIK.E , Chiller. THE IRON BANK , COT. l-'tU nJ Farnam Sts. A General llunkiug Uublness Transacted. VBNNYHO7AIi MVAVKKB are successfully uaud montlily by orer 10,000 * dieaAtoRnfe. . KJfcctualaiul Pktuant \ vtr box by malt.or * ) druggiiU. Sealed torMctilan S poUgo sUinpn. Addresa Tuc Kijn"CuKUuub CXx , Vanaa , Micu. For vale and by mull by Goodmna Drug Company , Oinuhu. PANTALOON SALE ! Moro Pants nto bought in July than , in nny other month of the yortr nnd wo nro well prepared with thorn. Wo luivo nn enormous stock , nnd ns wo would not think of milking tiny money nt this time of ! the yonr , oven i wo could , wo hnvo mnrkcd thcso Pants so thut they shall simply ninlco n big mlvortisomont for 113. Excellent All-Wool Pnnts , in splendid patterns , nt $1.78 , which not only will wonr well , but look clos < mt. You Imvo often paid $3 nnd more for n pnir not us good iw thoso. About 300 pairs at 51-00 nnd $2 in two nent shades. Thcso nro worth double the price. ' The largest line wo oflbr nt $3.2:5. : Wo Inwo about BOO pairs of thorn , nil shades nnd patterns , Cnssimercs and Fancy Worsteds. Every pair of thcso is unquestionably u big bargain , as they nro very fine and stylish Punts and asvcll made as any custom tailors1 which cost three times us much. Wo also oflbr two table ? full o odd suit Punts. Our customers need not bo told what bargains these aro. In Tliin Coats and Vests wo hnvo just opened another lot of these plain , genteel , colored Flannels at 95o for the Coat and Ve.st. It is rather htlo in the reason to got in Summer Goods , but these Coats and Vests sold so quick and the cull for thorn the pust few days has been so great Unit \vo ordered another lot. They will not last long. The greatest , hit of the season has been made with our fine Mohair 52 Cents nnd Yosts , There are only a few left of thorn. The balance of the finer grades of Sinnmor Coats and Vests has been reduced in order to close them out quick , nJust opened , a lot of French Flannel Shirts at $1.90 ; very fine Silk Stripes nt $2.50 , and All Silk Shirts nt $3.50 ; finest goods ever shown for the money. Please Note During July and August we close at 6:30 : p. m. ; Satur day at 10 p. m. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth-streets , Omalia. HEBE'S S SUITS Which eanlier in the season we sold for $2O , $2B and $3O. House cleaning tiine comes in every branch of business. Ours is no exception. The re duction of our assortment in Men's Suits incident to the season's trade , leaves us with some odd numbers , and special sizes still In stock. These we propose to close out at a liberal discount. Our patrons know we are not given to sensational ad vertising , and we asure them that these are bonn fide bargains equal 'in /it , finish and quality to the best. . Drop in and look them over. The size and the price may fit you exactly. Dr. J. E , McGREW ONE or TIIX MOST HUCCEH31'tIL B5T SPECIALISTS . 1 lu tbo Treatment of All Chronic , .Ncrruus nuil 1'rlrnto Diseases , "BporDintorrliicu , Jnipotuncy nnd Vailing Manhood absoluttilr Lured , A cure guaranteed lit all Iiirins cif IMvato I ) | R.ISUS , fclrlcturei , Uluut. A.C. Ciiurrb , TUront , I.UUKS , mid lluurt Illioases , IllioumntlHin , Spinal ana tumble DltvisoJ , lllooa and Hr.ln lbe i trusted auccestrulir. ladles' und gentlemen's nultlnK rooms sjymnts andcntlrelr priTiitv : Oonsultatlon free , fital for book ! , T Kerretani I'rtTnle Diionsc'sof .Mnn , ' l \Vnmun.xlIer l IJUes.ncj lUo eacli ( slumps ) . Trvatwintby correspuudeac * ) send' WTH AND OOIJQI.AB STltliUTa , OMAHA. NKU. ; C.E&C.M. ANTHONY , 312 1st Nat'l Bank Bulldlntr , , ' 6maha , - Nebraska" FARMfLOANS Ixiwrates for Choice I/ans. Titles and rallies p Bied upon promptly und loans closed wltliout ielay. Local corresuondeuta wuuUd aadTuuiUrarunEDino knltt : CANCER book free. ' L.U. i liUl X , D. , IW Wkbiuli r. , Uttiauo , lu. i - nnw" - The larRCst , rnalctt unit ihiest In Iho world. - i'at seiiEcr accommodations unexcelled. A'ew York to Liverpool vl Qiiernnlown The Cclolirnted I The Hunt Hlpnm-l , , , , Ultvuf Jtomclshlp in the World. 1 JUIjf New York to Qlatgow via Londonderry Clrrnssln , . . . July ! ! 0 | Vurnossla. .August 10 Ethiopia July 2T | Io\onln August 17 Amhorhi. . . . Any list ; ! I Olrcussla , . . August " 1 With regular weekly sailings thereafter. SAIOO.V to ( JlniRow. Liverpool , Perry , llelfmtor Quecnitown MO to S Ujr < Jla iow ttviiniar * . SHiind Uwu ) : < ls Ljr "City of Homo. " Second. Olnss WO. Steep DKO C-11. Kxcunion nitus reduced available for cltbor i-jnte , tuusKtvli&prlvreto ) & of poelna In ono trip the IIIvor Mcrauv , 1'lcturcs ] uo Clyde , North and boutu ol Ireland. CXCUIISIONSTO I'JUlfSOllCOVriNKNTAI. TotlllS On i.oHi.sTTiitvis. Travelers' Clrcutnr Letters of Credit nnd Draft ! forany amount nt lowest current nuui. Apply to nny or curloc.il nucnts or to Henderson Brothers , Otiiungo , 111. II. B.HU.T , . II. V. MOOHES. C. H. HAKES. orrUluirnt or dopurllni ; fioui Now Vaik. Slilpmonts from Kurnpocnn 1)0 ) mnilo direct tor this Coiiipiny tonllliiliiiid 1'orts of Kntry In ttio unltud btnti-3 , nlso toCnnnila nnd .Mexico , with or wltliuut payment of dutlcsat New Vork. Itatcs nsloir ni tlioso of nny responslblo company. NO OIIAHOHM > nroil CUSTOM HOUSE illtOK- lIOUCAKTAlii : . Money Orders bsucd pirnulo at 15,1X10 places In United ttntos , Ciiimdn nnd I'urope. .Apcnclcs In ICuronn to ivliom uhlpnionta for United Status ran lie delivered , or If from Interior points thonlcl ticumslimed , accompanied hy lllll ut Lading Knil Invoice verilllcd before American Consul : THOS.MHADOWSA. CO.iUAIlIk Street , Cliennitdo , Inmlnn , li.C , : 3 Water htreet , Iitvcui'ouL ; ( tl 1'lce.i- dlllySlANCiil.su it 1(1 ( Hiinnvor Mreet , ( li.Asnow 3 , KIIO bcrlbo. I'-UIH. K. KICIIAHI ) . I Uuu Chllou , IUIIVF. N. l.UTOUTlNa&CO. , 117 Laimeintrnsso , Umvii.s : : otl Duvenileelh , UAUMUKQ. and 117 Am- Union , U n.MiNiiAi'i.N. Over 14 Millions Sold in this Country alone. The Best Fitting and Best Wearing Corset Ever Made. * SOLD EVERYWHEKE. Is now open. I'nrtli'n closlrlnit KOOI | accommodation on tlio now IHIKO uxpreas stuitmurs of tbo r'umoiis FRENCH MAIL LINE , Whlcli ro noted for lliclr rcKulnrllj. oqul to mil * roail iralm , In nmkliif tliu trip tu llavru-l'urls In ono ireuk , nru udvlsetl to . Muliu Kurly Appliciitloit for I'crllis , This Is nlso nccessnry on account of tbo liearr U nviil durtuB the uprlutf uud sumiuvr uiuntun. MoOAOUE BROS. , 105 South 15th St. , UARItY E. MOORES , 16U2 KiipnamSt , , H. L. HALL , 1223 Fimiam St. , J. II , GREEN , 1501 Furiimn St. , Acotitt , Omulia , Neb , MAUI1ICS W , KOZMINSKI , DREXEL : & MAUL , Gucccji'/r" / to John C , Jacobs J Undertakers aiidEmbalmers Attliorldstand UOf 1'arnam St , Ordem by jllclttid and promptly attended , clephono to No. 02. Will. Buecasful Kyflrlsnc - for EW WOTJfllW Aifiit. . BALA- U JiUUlij C I * fi I n V AT ONOE , URtlnil V I BKT"l'"ct1 tt ntor > isMrUnr , OHIIsiHi I " * & CQ..lUaj'ii.oSLJT.HlUlJ1Mt T\1VO1ICIS-A. ! aOOUUIfJK , ATTOII HBV'AY JLJltW , Ul Dearborn Bt. , Ulilcafo : itdvlofri' ! SI yearn' oxparlencu ; bUilavM cjuletly attd le < gaily tratuactod. c N.W.Con. I3FH& UOOCE STB , OMAHA , NEB. FOIl TUB TKL'iTlIENT OP AU. . , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. " ! BMiFaciHtcBAppar ! .tuatndHfniedleifor8uccciiful Treatment of every form of O'ie ' requiring MEDICAL or SURGICAL TKEATIIENT. NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. ! Board & Attendance , Bett Accommodation ! in West. ( CTWRIIB TOR OIKOULARS on DeformlUoi ani Braces , Truisei , Club Feet , Curvatures of Bj'inii. 1'ilol , Tumors , Oincer , O&tarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation. Electricity , Paralysis , Epilepsy. Kidney , Bladder , Eye , Ear , F.Kinnna Blood and nil Barciul Operations. DISEASES OF WOMEfl & , VE.rtS ! ! UK IlilHI.lTri.V 1I > IEI ) I r.TCia.IX nuMRTHEMTOk ' ( STRICTLY PRIVATf. ) Only HcUablo Moiiicil Ini titute miklne a Specialty ol III. ; Uleet mnd V.rlcocele. wlib queitlon Ilit. .nii OMAHA MEDIOAI , * DUKOIOAI. INBTITUXH , 13th and UoJgo Streets , UQAHA , NEB. DH.B. O. WEST'S Ninvi AND BRAIN UKNT , ttgunranteod apuclQo for Hy torln. Vlzzif DOSS. Convulsion * , fits , Nervom Nourultl * , HeailaoUo , Norvnus Prostration cauied by th use ot alcohol or tobacco. Wakofulnan * , Mental Deprosalon. Hortnnlnff of the liratn , resulting Id Insanity and loading to mlaery , decay and death. Piemnturo Old Age. itarrennosB , Loss of Pawef In cither ser , Involuntary T.oasos and Sperraat/ ' orhcracaused by ovur-exortlon of the brnlnsolf alinso or overindulgence. Kach box contains ono month's treatment , tl.09 a box , ot lx boxes ! for n.Ud.eent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WH aUABANTBB SIX BOXE3 To cure any case , With each order received by MS tor alic boxes , accompanied with K.OO , we will Bend the purchaser our written guaruntoo to r&l fund the money if the treatment does not effect euro. Quara > tee itsuud only by Goodnm Drug Co. . DrugRlits , Sole Affonii. UlO Furnam Ntb. . . tir f M. . .r. , HTM UUiPANTKK ! OUIUt br Ibll Nlw IUI-UOVRD U.d.fsr thli ipeclfle purpaie. CURK op - * f IIP , Hobfuma. C ftll ous ) tarrvvti i Itlrcttjr | tbrouUll witk rri ( , r tr to Hellh u i Tlearaut blr0cth. ElcelrU , Woril eaiei | > er * xnineiitlf < ur.d lo turcc uoatbi. H led lcl io.tutun A FREE TRIAL ( WEAK TANIUUUllOHKltKNKDIUI any nnu of tbo furthocuruof rltherL il nfM r ( JoaerrbvtK innlted [ kcalnl ) to any aililreu _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . 'orscn.lniumpitoiiiy | | . l * ilm > k KlvlriK vuluftbla Information ou Ui uborti nrnl all ulber in IvakiUlmatcik 9ft T7KTY CpRPH7Ip ( ruUicrlnolnloctIon. > O/U'Jil I iJriiL-llMUyorirM-iiurily. I'ruruiU PilvaUi tll inlurn . Nrnd elf ftUdri'itni'd tnvdoiio tot BUSUiUU UtttKUr Ut. , Cklc > | , lUlwU. TIMKEN SPRING VEHICLES I ; ru Jr /iAowo > i/i6iui .l3kTryOnM Oroatly Imnrovad wllli wlurlnii ; abacklm u "oa * ell .Ea lo trrdlnB ; ' W i"'J ; .Tbo iiriinisl iietS. mi and Klirclrn ftcofiilag to the welgbt put un lutm , Ad > i > t > l wi" ' .11T I1' ro-iRh country or fine Wy < lri nr. lll l pu | > Ht atl > fitctlon. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION W7 . Nee , 303-404-1 70-C04. THE MOST PERFECT OF PEWS. an n" urinary troubles enHllr. quick1 ly anil safely pured byJJOOTlYllA C j - uilcj. Hororal cases cured in seven Oayr. tioM t UO per box , all UruguUts. orb/ mall frcw Jioctiua N't'K Uo. 11WblU N. V. Kull dlroo tonji