c THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi.SATURPAY : JULY 13. 1889. THE DAILY BEE , CQUNOILTBLUFFS. OFF1O13. NO 12 PBARIj STREET. rellvertdby currier In Any r rt of ho City ft Tw rnty Cents Vet \Vc k , II , W. T1I/1ON . . . MANAGED TKUU'HONRSJ JUipmr.su Orncr. No. 43. EciTdit , No.- ) . MINOK N.Y. P. GO. Glcaton conl , Dexter , employment. 0. U. Muslo Co. , C39 B'wuy. ' rtcltcr , tailor , 310 Uronilwny. Evans' laundry , 734 Uroadwny. D.V. . Oils , city nml fnrm lonns , Five-root bamboo cascU OOc. Chapmnn'g. Council meets Monday nlsht , nt which llmo bids lor paving , curbing and sidewalk Will bo opened , Thoan who RIWO Bubscriptlons townhl tbo Chautauqua assembly on the evening of July 4 will And their pledges nt Onicer & Pusoy's ' bank and can redeem thorn tlicro. Street Supervisor Avcry lias boon busily engaged of Into In filling up the mud holes on the streets which wcro graded last year. Eighth street was In a torrlblo condition , out bus now been put In fairly K ° ° d slmpo. Uriels Is bcluR placed on llio ground for the Twelfth Blrcut sower. Tnls Improvement has lonjj been needed ) and will bo Invpoly beneficial to the sewerage system. This ewer will be one of the largest In the cliy. Avenue A property holders uro becoming itnpnllcnt nt the delay In having that street repaired. The hugo holes In that street should bo illled , us It Is almost Impossible to roach some of the residences with a team. Miles Anderson , n section hand , employed by the Milwaukee , was so overcome by the liontthut he had to bo removed to his homo , and died at SJ o'clock yesterday afternoon. Anderson 1ms been In this country but u couple of weeks. The Kansas City mad has rained its bridge over Indian creak to grade , and the Mil wnukco Is following suit. The other roads hove not yet made r. move In this direction , but It Is stated all will comply with the order of the city council. * The Merchants' Protective association Is bearing good fruit. The members say they can collect debts with much more neatness artd dispatch slnco dead-beats have before their oycs the fear of their names being on tercd on the association books. The Infant child of Uconjo H. Bennett In ill from an attack ot erysipelas. A spccay recovery is hoped for. Mr. Bennett's father and mother , who have been visiting bim for aorno time , have decided not to return to their homo tu Michigan qultoyot , but will prolong their stay a few days. The recent heavy rains have played sad havoowith the grading on Avenue C , near Ninth street , A great hole has been made in the center ot .the street , and unless the authorities have It icpiiired or danger sig nals placed there an accidmit will follow , us that street has become the principal route to the driving park. The new bu' tnl grouilds for the old soldiers is being grade and put into shape. A meet ing of all intci cstod parties will bo held this evening at Grand Army hall , at which time arrangements will bu made to dedicate the now grounds , und consider the proposition of removing thu remains of old soldiers to the new burial ground1) ) . James Jacob.y run nguinst a snag In Omaha Thursday , and ns a result was compelled to pav a line of f4 and costs for hauling goods without nn expressman's license. Jacoby's plea that ho hod u license from this city to Haul goods in Iowa was not deemed sufllcient Jncoby visited Omaha to haul goods to this city , for which ho was arrested. City Clerk Huntlngton Is engaged nt pres ent in receiving the cash and Issuing dog tags. The numocr of dog tags issued to data Is not large , but unless the owners of canines cotno to the front in short order , this part of the population of the city will bo heavily de creased. City Marshal Guauolla , acting under instructions from the city authorities , will soon commence a vigorous wur ugaiust the many worthless curs which roam about the streets. rr The soml-weckly shoot , held at the range of the Council Bluffs Ulllo club yesterday i' afternoon , for the championship badge of the club , was a hotly contested affair. J. G. Tipton won the bndgo for the third consecu tive time ngninst cloven competitors , scoring Boventy-six out of u possible hundred points. Tbis makes tlio badge , which was the ono won by the Council Bluffs club In tno match with the Omaha club , the personal property of Mr. Tlptun. These somi-wcokly shoots * develop a pruat deal of friendly rivalry , as ! h well as some very line marksmen. List your property with A. A. Clark & Co. Council Bluff * Furniture company for good goods at low prices. 407 Broadway. Important to ijad cs nnd Gentlemen. I liavc established nn extensive dyeing nnd cleaning works in this citv nnd desire to cull attention of ladles and puntlonitin of Oinaha and Council Blurt's to the fuct that I have t unilshcj my works with the latest improved machinery known to the traflo , that I have had over sixteen years' experience , and thnt I use only the very best dyes and chem icals. I clean and dyu everything but fur goods. I call special attention to my now cleaning process by which the garment U not ripped and which restores the original lustro to the goods. Ladies' and gentlemen's sum mer garments , such as flannels or silk , iniulc to look as good us now. Dresses , clothing , silks , shawls , Inccs and plumes dyed in su perior inamior. Motor furo allowed on all goods brought to works , or wagon will call ot residence. G. A. Schocdsack , Twin City Dye Works , Twbnty-sixth nnd Broadway. Main ofllco IIS South Sixteenth , Omaha. For rent House , 7 rooms , in good location , 125. A. A. Clark k Co. Forsonnl i' Mrs. Chtunptcr , of Ugonlcr. Ind. , is visit ing her daughter , Mrs. Nathan Phillips. J. B. Lone ; of the linn of Woolsoy & Long , Is in Cincinnati. His partner , Mr. Woolsoy , is quite sick. Mrs. H. B. Huntington left last evening for Davenport to spend a month visiting with relatives nnd friends. B. E. Mason has returned from Sidney ; In. whcro ho la engaged in building a line now court house for Fremont county. "VV. L. Thickstun is employed ns local for the Omaha Republican. Ho will still con tinue 'hla duties as organist at the Presby tttfinn church. Mrs. T. W. Olrnstead and son loft for Salt Lake City Thursday. Mr. Olmstead wli : follow in a few days with a car of goods , They will nmko Salt Lake City their future borne. Mr. J. H. Smith nnd family have removed to this city from Coin , lu. Mr. . Smith has gone lute the drug bushiest on lower Muln street , and will hereafter bo accounted ninong Council Bluffs' prosperous business inen , Rov. Theodore Btccgo and wife have ar rived In this city from Dundee , 111. , and have taken up their residence on Seventh avenue. Mr. Stcrgo Is a Lutheran minister , and lias been culled hero to take the pastorate in this city. Ho is a brilliant young man , and TUB JlKK confidently commends hlui to the good people of the city. Now Ogden. only first-class modern hotel lu the city. Itatos reasonable. . J. H. Smith , drugs , medicines , paints , oils , . - / glass. < WJ Main , near John Morion's. ' Kelley & Vounkorman sell groceries. Chase and Snnbom coffees a spoclaly , Have your old furniture upholstered , good M now. U. Morgan , 73d Broadway , Wo have a customer for lovoral lots In western part of the city near the motor lino. A. A. Clark & Co. Splendid bargains utMnrcus' clothing itoro before removal to now building. Have our wagon cull ( Or your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. City stonm liuindry , 81 Main , tel , 141 , Steam and hot water heating , first-class plumbing. Work In both cities. JOHN GII/- UEIIT , 61B Pearl street , Council Bluffs. J. G. Tipton , roul estate , 527 B'dway. IMPROVEMENTS AT MANAWA , Burglars Successfully Crook a 811- vor Olty Storo. A HORSE THIEF IN THE TOILS. Tlio Dny In Sttporlor Court l > ut < * Vi > the Cnsli That Now Fountain Gonornl And Personal. Increasing Popnlnrlty. Ono week from next Monday the residents in the vicinity of Lake. Manawa will bold an election to pass upon the question of the in corporation of the now town of Mnnawn. It Is predicted by these who hnvo thoroughly canvassed the question thnt Incorporation will carry by an almost unanimous voto. The most conservative prophets concede that It will carry three to ono. The Incorporation. of the now town will bo a grand thing for the lake , as It will then have Its own ofllcors , and the best Interests of the lake will then become paramount. Properly elected oftlcor * can do far more to prevent nil lawlessness , and the assembling of disreputable diameters , than the attempts of private Individuals , oven though the llnnn- clnl Interests of the latter nro at stake. A vast Improvement In this rcspnct , however , Is already noticeable nt the lake. Except on some special occasion , when an unusually largo crowd gather * nt this pleasant summer resort , It Is n very rare thing to see anything to annoy even the most sensitive people , and even on such occasions these events arc not of as frequent occurrence as on the streets of the city when some spe cial attraction calls out a crowd. The fact Is , a great change has been made at the liuco this season la the manner of conducting af fairs , and U can not help but bo noticed by even the most casual observer. The tough clement Is no longer catered to , and a do- elded as well as successful attempt is being constantly made to "freeze out" this class. Good conduct Is insisted on , and nothing boisterous or disgusting will bo tolerated. A number of highly respectable gentlemen huvo scoured control ot affairs , and the lake Is bound to become moro popular with the best people of Council limits and Omaha than It over bus boforo. Not Dcail , But Still Alive. I will convince you of the fact by the PI Iocs I will make you on my own make of car riages , buggies , surreys and phtctons. I also keep in stock eastern manufactured work which I will soli at astonishingly low figures. I have a largo stock , ivhlch I want to reduce within the next thirty days. If persons desirous of buying will call I will convince them of the foot that what I say I mean. CtUl und convince yourselves. H. F. Hattcnhauor , Nos. 27 to 31 , Fourth street , Council Bluffs. ' A Silver City Rurirlar- . The Incoming Wabash train , which ar rived nt noon yesterday , brought to this city Shorifl Delashmutt , of Mills county , and W. G. Moore , a merchant of Silver City. Moore Is the proprietor of a genor.il store ; which occupies two buildings. itisloc.Ucd in the louth side of tluj town and just west of the depot. In oao part is a drug and jawotry house , and in the other a stock ot general groceries. Yesterday morning , between the hours of 13 and 2 o'clock burglars pried open the front door with chlsols. and onca inside commenced operations on the s.afo. A hole was drilled above the lock , n fuse inserted and the doors blown off their hinges. The burglars secured about 5100 worth of jewelry , consisting1 of watches , pins , etc. , and aboiH $20 in money. They rnus.ickcd the promises , leaving about ? lGuO worth of notes scattered nbout the floor. The tools weic tnlicu from the blacksmith shop of E. L. Cady. The burglary was not discovered until duylmht , but the hour of the robbery is lixcd by the postmaster , who heard the loud report , and thought it was a door blow- In jr shut , onicers of the surrounding towns have been notitlcd of the affair. Among the articles secured wore the fol lowing : Gold watch , size 10 , Elgin move ment ; ona silver watch * , four ounce case , "Wnlthnm movement ; ono silver watch , three ounce case , Springfield movement ; one tray nssorj-cd cuff buttons , ono tray of assorted ladies' breast pins , ono tray of finger rings , four pair bracelets , six gold vest chains , ono silver vest chain , two gold nock chains , eight misses' nccK chains , one French open face watch , besides a largo quantity of ear rings , trinkets , etc. It Is thought that the burglars uro in either this city or Omaha , nnd the poltco in both places have been put in possession of all the facts , and will kcoo a sharp lookout. Moore had between SiOO and faOO In the store , but took it homo with bim when ho locked up in the evening. But for this fact the thieves would have made a very good haul. Mr. Moore loft for home at ! ) o'clock this afternoon. Dr. C. C. Hazon , dentist , Opera housa block. \ good house nnd lot in desirable location for sale$1,000 ; $500 cash , balance ten years time. A. A. Clark & Co. A. Horsctlilcf Captured. On the evening of the Fourth a man nnd woman drovo'up to Terwilligor's stables , corner of Pearl street and Fifth avenue , and stopped to make some Inquiries. The man then loft the buggy and crossed tbo street , saying bo would return in a few minutes. The other occupant of the buggy , a very fine appearing young lady , jumped out as soon as ho was out of sight and informed Mr. Tor wllligerthut she was afraid of the man , and wanted to got back to Omaha. She had no money , but would walk If ho would tell her the way to the bridge. She said that sbo had supposed her companion to bo a nice man , although she bad been ac quainted with him but a short tlino , and bad accepted his invitation to ride. Mr. Torwil- llgor gave her money to pay her faro , and directed her to the motor. Soon after her departure the man returned , and expressed his satisfaction that aha had cone. Ho decided to leuvo the team thuro for the night , and gave bis name as Wilcox. Ho said ho was from Omaha , and the team belonged to a Mr. Brown , a llvory stable keeper. Terwllllgor telephoned Brown , who said It was all right , and gave directions as to the care of the animal. Wilcox settled tbo bill the following morn ing und drove away. Brown wut here Sat urday and Sunday looking for the team , as Wilcox had not returned , but no trace waste to bo found. No moro was hoard until yes terday , when Wilcox was arrested in Mills county , on a charge of horse stealing. He will bo taken back to Omaha to stand trial , and stand his chances of being tout to the penitentiary. Money loanod.nt L. B , Craft's & Co.'s ' loan office on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value , without removal. All business strictly confi dential. S. B , Wadsworth & Co. loan money. A Fountain For Buy USB Park. The water pipes to connect thoHlxth street main with tbo center of Baylies' park was put in yesterday , It is a two-Inch plpo , and Is aeslgned for the solo use of the fountain that is soon to bo erected In ( hat beautiful spot. Connection with the sewer at the corner - nor of Sixth street and Willow avenue will bo made at once , to conduct away the waste water. Tbo park commissioners have been working hard to secure subscriptions toward putting lu the fountain , but property owners surrounding the park have not responded as liberally as might have boon expected. Tea commissioners made a very liberal offer. They stated that , as It would cost about as much to build the basin as It would to purchase - chase the fountain , they would furnish the money to do either ono , If the citizens would subscribe enough for thu other , It IB esti mated that about f 1,500 wil1 bo required for each , U is uot yut dpltnlt < : ly HQttlud whether or- not tha fountain wl | ( bp nroutod this year , as the question hinges wholly upon the ro- § poii o made by oltUeni lu ibo way of sub- Borlotions. U Is hoped that the response will bo liberal , us there will bo no further outlay connected with the fountain after once pluwd In I position , M the. , the wutor works company guarantees the clly nil the water necessary for public foun tains free of extracost. . There Is nothing that would add moro to the appearance of the park or the pleasure and onoyn\cnt { of the visitors' and citizens generally than n handsome fountain , such ns It la prpposcd to erect thero. It Is a matter In which all are interested , nnd a definite move should betaken taken at onco. * No Explosions \Vhon persons keep cool and use- our ' 'Sun Dial" gas stoves. Four holes , roaster nnd bakcovon. Costs 7 cents per hour when running full blast , Now York Plumbing1 Co. Picked lip My the Police. There hns oeon a marked de-crease In boozers in police court the past few days. No reason hns boon assigned for it , and the cause of the present condition of things re mains a mystery. U Is hinted that the en tire population li becoming Imbued with pro hibition Ideas , bnt the charge is almost too sudden to bo accounted for on that score. Another theory Is that the cause Is too hot wonthor , and this is probably moro nearly correct.Vhetherthorcsultisto bo attrib uted to the boozers themselves , who are too much overcome with the heat to move around nnd call attention to their drunkenness , or to the police , who have no special doslro to drag n limp and helpless drunk over a dis tance of two or three blocks to a patrol box , with the mercury boiling nnd sizzling at 103 ° In the shade , must remain a matter of con jecture. Certain it is that not a drunk ap peared for trial yesterday morning , and that charge had not been entered on the police register during the preceding twenty-four hours. Owen Doan was booked for disturbing the pcaco , and had liis'case continued for further investigation , Pete llooncy was hauled In for vagrancy , but was anxious to got out of town , nnd the court ordered tbo'Jailor to give him a tie pass. pass.Al. . Black baa been guiltv of assault nnd battery , in administering n severe pounding to the woman with whom ho lived , nnd was assessed therefor $10.10. After the adjournment of court William Bruno was lowed In und slated ns u sus picious character. The charge of resisting an oflU'cr xvas also entered opposite his name. It seems that ho endeavoring to dispose of a pair of shoes on South Main street , nnd took to his heels when the o Ulcer approached. Ho was laid away under cover to devise some plausible story with which to fill the ear of the court when turned out this morning for the dally grind. Notice the beautiful tinish given col lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. In Superior Court. Judge Aylcsworth had a busy day in the Buperior court yesterday. In the morning the case of Bishop vs Kline was tried. The defendant , Mrs. Kline , is the owner of aleck /lock of gccso of an unusually nomadic dispo sition , and they take an almost Insane dc- llciit In visiting cabbage and potato patches belonging to tbo plaintiff. As there is not the best of feeling between the parties , a suit was the result , and the defendant was taxed $5 and costs to pay for the court's exhausted patience m acting as arbitrator. A decision was rendered in the case of tbo Citizens' State Bank of St. Louis vs J. T. Stewart , In which a motion to sot aside a de cree was made and argued some time iCgo. The decree was set aside. The case of Harrower ot alvsJorman , which had been on trial for two days , was concluded and taken under advisement by tbo court. C. B. Trunk Factory moved to Chapman's old stand. Largest trunk factory m west. - Lindsay Released. Jimmy Lindsay , the Omaha pugilist , who created such a disturbance on ono of the mo- torn returning from Manawa , on the evening of tbo Fourth , by assaulting- several of the passengers , and Insulting ladles , was re leased from the county Jail , yesterday , where ho wus boarding out a $50 fine. Ho has served five days. His friends from Omaha put up the amount necessary to secure his re lease. His evening's fun proved rather ex pensive , as tbo court xvas determined to set an example for other parties who are inclined to got rather fresh occasionally. DIsHolutlon Notice. The firm of Dexter & Armstrong is this day dissolved , Mr. Armstrong retiring abso lutely fem tbo lirm. The business will bo conducted until further notice by Mr. Dexter at Room 1 , No. 23 Pearl street. No business transacted by Armstrong will have any con nection with Mr. Dexter whatever. July 12 , 1889. GKOIIOH H. DEXTEU. AVANDERBILT VILLA. 1 ho Palatial Ilesldcnon tlmt id Now Being t rcctcd at Rough Point. Bough Point , Mr. Prod Vandorbilt's million-dollar palace , as it is eloquently denominated by the stago-d rivers and other local cicerones , of course carries olt the pahiisays a Newport letter to the Chicago Tribune. It stands on one of the most advantageous corners of the cliff , whore the great ledge of rooks juts straight out into the Atlantic , and the view is superb across the blue stretch of ocean to the Bronton Reef Lightship Narragtvnsett Pier Point Judith , East River , Sachnost Beach , Easton's Point , West Island and Little Com p ton , and there are nine acres in the grounds , which comprise the Tucker and Dunnoll place , thrown into ono. Fifteen hundred foot it fronts upon the cliffs , where the walk is open to the public. Landscape gardeners have boon at work over since the spring was far enough advanced to allow them to make any progress against wind and cold , and the grounds uro already be ginning to hold their own with any in Newport. As for the house , which is long and low , after the prevailing fashion , built of granite and brown stone , It is well , Vundorbiltyl What bettor adjective could ono apply ? There is n largo hnll in the center of the main building , opening straight up to the roof , and surrounded in the second story by a gallery - lory like that in "Tho Breakers , " Cor- nolius Vandorbilt's establishment. A stained glass window in the roof lights this hall with a flood of rich , warm color , and illuminates the beautiful stiircaso of dark carved oak , nnd an enormous flroplacoof granite facing the door adds to the quaint old English air of the whole. There is on the first floor a handsome reception room in oak , with a wainscoting four foot deep , and hangings of old leather , a colling of manolout ) stucco work , and another firo-plnco where Cindrolla. might expect to see the grandest kind of fairy godmother come down. Only there never could bo any Cindrolla in a Vanderbilt house. The dining room is also in oak , the walls being almost en tirely covered with the carved wood , which roaches well up to the coiling , finished by a frieze of gilded leather , the colling itself bo Ing formed of heavy timbers of oak. An exquisitely carved sideboard of old oak , largo and Bumptuous. is built into the room on ono side. All the rooms on the second tloor are open and spacious , artistically though not obtrusively 11 n- ishod. and everything in the whole es tablishment is in careful taste , rich und expensive , as boflts the residence of a millionaire , but not in the least garish and Bhowy , Mr. and Mrs. Vanuorbllt have boon staying atHartmann's anx- louslv waiting for their charming homo to bo suUlclontly completed to allow them to take possession of it. That they will entertain extensively this sum mer is probable , though their hospitality in of the most unostentatious kind am ! confined principally to dinners und , luncheons , P TE Diffly PROUD. "Why n Port Sinl&tjt'jrtngmnn Wns In n s "i Very Cqort Ihunor. There was only-/po man waiting oxo- cutlon nt Fort SniW when I visited the teat , says n writer ui the Now York pun. nnd ho was tif\\ \ \ $ ono of the ordi nary run of whitoirflcn.in Indian terri tory. The hhngnWr ] father wanted to show him off , aim GO ho paid n visit to , lie guard houso. oVCTpon entering it the oxocuttonor snldn1 ! ' "Polo , hero iffHTlocont will to man como to see you.Do your purtiost now ; o entertain him. You'vo got two moro days to live * and Iliopo you'll ' try and work Into decent society as much as possible. " "I'm sure I'm glad to see him , " re sponded Polo , as ho came forward and snook hands. "That's good. A born gentleman couldn't Imvo said thorn words bettor. If I could only keep you six weeks , Pete , you wouldn't know yourself , and you'd lo mo r > roud. But I can't. I'vo got to hang you day after to-morrow. " "Well , I'm ready. " "That's good , and just what I expected of you. I'vo used you white , and I nat urally expect the Biimo in return. If there's any ono thing that riles mo above another it's to have a man go back on mo at the last ond. Did you BOO mo hang Cherokee Jack , PotoV" "Yes ? ' "I made a bungle of It because ho kicked at the last. Why , Blr , [ turning to mo ] , ho held up until the very last hour , deluding mo with promises , and then wont doadback on mo. Think of his refusing to bo hung after every thing was ship-shape and regular ! " "I'm not going to kick , " observed Peter. "Good for youl Some of the boys nro betting that you will , but I'll give odds that you won't. When a man knows he's got to bo hung what's use ? People have got n mistaken.notion about hang ing. It don't hurt a bit. How you foolln' Peter ? " "Resigned. " "That's right. You hadn't ortor killed your old woman , but being you did and being as you must null hemp for it the best way Is to feel re signed. You como mighty nigh being a gentleman , Pole'nnd , ns I said before , I'm sorry I can't keep you and watch your mental improvement. You'd im prove 50 par cent in six weeks. Want to ask the gent any questions- , Pete ? " "N-o , I guess not. Will ho bo hero to BOO mo go ? " "He'd like to , ever so much , but ho can't. He's got to go on to Van "uren. " "Can't I do anything for you ? " I asked. "No thank " , yoiii" "Well , Potowo 'must bo going. " briskly remarked the executioner. "Would like to stay longer , but time presses. I'll como.i in to-morrow and cut your hair andu rehearse a bit. I made such a poor job last time I want to do extra flno onyou. . If you'll stick to what you say , I'll do the purtiost job ever scon at this.post. "I want everything to go off all right , " said the cdrid mned. ' Of course why.shouldn't you ? it's for you interest,1'-too. Well , so long , old boy. Keep your grit up and do your best , and I'll guarantee a first class job or quitch o business. " HEALTH"CO MANDMENTS. A Sensible Dccajogao tiald 'Down by the " New . jngland Farmer. " " 1. Thou shalt"havo no ether fool than at mcal'timoV , , , , 2. Thou shalt'hot triako unto the any pies or put into pastry the likeness of anything that is In the , heavens above or in tho. waters under the earth. Thou shall not fall to eating it or trying to direst it. For the dyspepsia will bo visited upon the children to the third and fourth generations of thorn that oat pie , and long lifo and vigor upon these that live prudently and keep the laws of health. O3. Remember thy broad to bake it well ; for ho will not bo kept sound that eatoth his bread as dough. 4. Thou shall not indulge sorrow or borrow anxiety In vain. 6. Six days shall thou wash and keep thyself clean , and the seventh thou shall take a great bath , thou , and thy son , and thy daughter , and thy manservant vant , and thy maid-servant , and the stranger that is within thy g-ttes. For in six days man sweats and gathers filth and bacteria enough for disease ; whore- for the Lord has blessed the bath-tub and hallowed it. 6. Remember thy sitting room nnd bed chamber to keep them ventilated , that thy days may bo long in the land which the Lord thy God givoth thoo. 7. Thou shalt not oat hot biscuit. 8. Thou shalt not eat thy meat fried. 9. Thou shalt not swallow thy food uuchowed , or highly spiced , or just De- fore hard work , or just after it. 10. Thou shalt not keep Into hours in thy neighbor's house , nor with thy neighbor's wife , nor his man servant , nor his maid servant , nor his cards , nor his glass , nor with anything that is tny neighbor's. Hoping In Innocent Men With Hutch. Kentucky State Journal : "An' fwhat samus to bo the matter wid the colonel , Mrs. O'Raherty ? I did hoar him gruntin' slvornl tolmcs durin' the day. " Indado , Mrs. O'Flahorty , It's very sick the colonel is. Ho did full in wld very bad company yisto'day. As ho was comin * from church ho did stop in a saloon boyant , an' wan of the fellies hosuys to the colonel , says bo : " 'You understand 60mo Gorman , I belavo ? ' 'Troth an' It's a big fool I would bo , ' says the colonol'if I wouldn't understand some Ditch afthor bein' wurruckin'on thoathratos wid 'em fur ever twinty years.V "Then , ' saidIlia felly , 'fwhat's the English av "Fwus'wollon ' sio habbon ? " ' "Fwhat will ycr Jiavo ? " said the col onel. ' < , - "An' thin overyfmon in the house did yell 'BeorP An/.ol / coorso the colonel did have to sot .them . up to the whole house ; an' so on did they knpo catchin' ivory won that'dfff como in wid their 'Fwas wollon Biohnbbon ? ' until the whole town samedito bo droonk ; and a Bicker mon thcj/V / nivor was than the colonel was all last noightan' the whole nv the day. It'ira-great shatno it is to be ropin' ' mnocgntj mon wid sich Ditch as that. " tan An Jinntense Diamond. The giant dloip'opd lately discovered in Capo Colony , and now at the Paris exposition , weighs 180 carats and is valued at $3,000,000. It is kept in a glass case by itself and guardians stand around it all day. At night it is placed in a big safo.wluch is similarly guarded all night. It is said to bo of the first watorand as pure as the famous Regent in the Fro noli crown diamonds. It is for sale , nnd It is confldontly expected that some American in homespun clothes and uslouchhat will como along ono of these days and buy it as a pookot piece. jlo Got Attention. Pock's Sun : "I had the confoundodost time at the hotel I stopped at while I was down to the city , " remarked Uncle Hayseed to the admiring crowd whocol- loctod nt the store to hoar of his jour ney. "They had a great , big dlninp room there , nnd moro than a hundred waiters , but nooo of 'cm cams urouud Dry Goods Do Not Improve by For this reason tlie proprietors of Eiseman's Peoples Store are determined to close out their entire summer Stock regardless of cost , before removing-to their new store. Ever article in our house will "be sold from this date until the day we move at cost , and in some lines at less than cost. "We do not deem it necessary to quote prices for this sale , as cost and less than cost are the prices on everything. Come and take advan tage of our offer. Henry Eiseman & Co.'s PEOPLES' where I was. I sot there as much as nn hour , an' none of 'om paid the least bit of attention to mo. Finally a man at the table with mo , who was just flnishin' his dinner , says ; 'You'll have to tipono of the the waiters If you want to got any attention bore , "Wall , I'lowodI cud do that fast onuf , for I felt about mad jest then , so the very next waiter that came sklppln' by with a hull ratt o' dishes up ever his head , I put out my foot and tipped him up quickcr'n a wink. That was the quickest way to got attention I ever seed. Why , I hod the whole hotel , boss an' all , there in about ton seconds. SPECIAL NOTICES. I71OK HUNT A now cottage ot four rooms enC -C Gralmm vo. A splomlld blue grass pas ture near the city. A dairy fnrm ouo-half inllo of the city. A large comfortable house on \Voodbury avcnuo. A cottage on 'Tenth avo. Apply at the olllco of Ilorncu I'.vcrolt. FOR SAljK My up-town cifjar store , nt aia Hroaaway , la lor sale cuonp. Will soil stock and Bxturus or llxturo * ixlono. Uoasons for selling. Ha\otw'ostoresand can't attend to but ono. Splendid business clmnco for small capital. Inquire ot FranK Lovln. IHX ! It roadway. THOU HUNT or Sale An 18 it st.iulo. located -L ? on 10th ave. between "d and 3d avenues. Goo. Mctcalf. 10 1'earl st. TRAINE family tonm for sale or trade for lot. J Inquire ito West llroadway. TTIOR HKNT-Storo room. No. 18 Mam St. , J ? alter July 1. W. a James , 10 Pearl st. 'tTHNE family team for sale , or trade for -C lot. Inquire lASi West Broadway. HENT Furnished ( for two or throa FOR months ) , the house 1 occupy , No. 124 So. 7th at. H. O. Cheyney. ESTATE Nought and sold and ox- REAL chanced. Special attention Riven to oxam- luatlon or titles. W. C. James , No. 10 Pearl st. . Council Bluffs. TJIOH KENT Kasy terms two new flve-room JD houses , 18th ave. between HlgU and Third 'its. Bell cheap if taken this vreok. Inquire owner. J. Dlcbey , 7 < 0 U. Way. FOll'SALB Old established general mer chandise business. stocK , axturas. wagons , etc. Good room and low r nt , Address , J. Dleteey.TtUU. Way ANT13D Hvorybody In the city to rcmem- her Handel's bargain furniture store H the place to buy your goods. 3 ! and 335 IJroad- nay. A BIG LOT OF YELLOW JERSEY and Nansamontj SWEET POTATOES Gablmge nml Other Vegetable Plants , FOUSAfJG By J , R , McPHERSON , GROWER , Vegetables , Vegetable Plants , Fruits Etc , East Fierce St. . - Council Bluffs. The Moat Modern Novolltla In PAPER HANGINGS. AND Artistic Decorations ! AT PETER G. Ml LLER'S. ' Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl St. REAL HOUSES. Agent American Uulldlnn anit I.oan ABBOclft- ton. No. 301'earl t. , UI'-faTAIUS. OH AH. O , KLiWQOP. J. M , PALMER HAS inn CHOICEST r.ov or SUBURBAN & INTERIOR PROPERTY lu the city , GIH ulsed opportunities to Imtua dlute iavestorsaml UoiucKsoKers , STEWABJ.M.P. wj AssLSfoteVeterinariatu o VSSSK HosprtalforLame SIcK' ANIMALSi . , , , 'elertnananftrCouncil Bluffs reEeroiicB Department , SOLE AGENTS COLUMBUS BUGGY CO , SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 LIGHTING , HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators AUTOIVIATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Epcclfleatlonsnnd estimates rurnlihcJ for complete utesm jilmin. lloeulntlon , Diirnbllltr Kimnmtoa L ' K tuu show Ictiem from USCM wliero fuel economy H cqiml wllli Corlt Non-ouiiieniilii . E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for catalogue. No. 510 Peixrl .Street , Council Bluffs. BEFITTED ANll Newly Furnished Gciincctcil by Motor with COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA Located on Lake Manawa , the finest Watering Place and Summe Resort in the west , Beautiful Banting and Fishing. Unparalelled Bathing Beach. Onf Special Bates to Fartlos and Furaillos. Cor- rCI roBpondcmco Solicited. No. 27 Main Street , Over JncqticiulH'K .IcwclryStoro MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , homos , buggies or anything of value at low rates of Interest. No publicity : fair nnd honorable dealing , A. A. Clarlc & Co. , oillco cor. Broadway and Main , over American express , TIIOS. Orncen. W. H. M. Foil OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner MMn and Hroadvrr , COUNCIL HIjUPFS , IOWA , Dealers In foreign tnil domestic ezchanR * . Collections raid * mil lut r t p&ld on time a poult * . GEORGE METOALF , UKA.I , ESTAT15 , No. 1O Pearl St. Electric Trusses , Belts , Chut Pro4 , lectors , Etc , Agents wanted. . II. JUDD , D , BDUUNDBOU. R. J , . BHUOAFVT , I'ros. Vlc Pr CIIAB. it. HANNAH , C sliUr. . ; CITIZEN'S ' STATE BANKer or COUNCIL ui.uyra. 1'aid Up Capital HWmM. Burnliia „ 20,000.00. Liability to Depositor * . . DZft.OW.Oi ) . Dir.EOTOUH 1. A. Miller. V. O. ( Jleuson , B. Zi BliUKurt , K.V. . Hart , J. U. IMinuncluon. Cliaa. Id Ilunnun , Transact uenural banking buiitnegi , J.uri'est capital and mrplus of Any bunk la iouluwes'.eru Iowa , Interest on time UoponiU