Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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' ' " ' ' ' " '
Wheat ExcoodltJBly Norvoua With
a Lower Average.
Oats More Aotlvo Compared With
Thursday1 * Prices Provisions EX'
pcrlcnoo Another Slump Slow
Business In ( Jnttlc.
CIIIOAOO , July 13. [ Special Telegram to
TUB QBE. ] The wheat market wai exceed
ingly nervous to-day and averaged somewhat
lower than yesterday's closing range , but
the slumplncss seems to have boon pretty
troll checked. Several big lines of shorts
wore covered , Imparting something like n
feeling of steadiness to prices ut times , lint
popular trading sentiment Is still bo.irlsh.
Outside news was not sensational and wbitt
there was In circulation was of n conflicting
character. Now York parties wired early
that the United States consul at Odessa had
cabled that the damage to Russian crops was
greater tlmn had been reported. Foreign
market news was not bearish particularly ,
though It was not strongly bullish. Foielgn-
era who were anxious bidders for wheatupto
two days ago seem to have stopped their
clamor , but there Is good reason to bellevo
that they have bcon fairly free buyers
of wheat hero and In Now Yorlt to
day. New York reported that no wheat
had been taken there for cxpoit to-duy , but
that , on the contrary , a few Uttlo lots had
bcon resold. The rolmsh of the HusMan
crop news hod only n momentary uffcet.
Domestic news affecting values embraced re
ports that anywhere f rum 800 cars to OOO.CKjO
bushels of wheat were expected In St. Louis
to-day , that 85 eors.of now will bo In for to
morrow's inspection , und that the movement
of now wheat has fairly set In throughout
the winter wheat district , nnd the west wires
that Dakota's ' prospects huvo Improved of
late and receipts nt Minneapolis are very
large , Indicating a dcilro on behalf of the
owners and railroads to got back-country
wheat to the front. The local market , wns
rather narrow and very largely of the "pro
fessional" order. July bobbed around in a
peculiar fashion. It opened nt "iba und
changed nt 77J @ 8ic ( , fluctuating at J ( $ lo
between trades sometimes. The break in
July has dampened the ardor of the country
shippers to some degree , but it was noticed
that whenever anybody wanted to buy July
they had to bid for It December wheat
opened at 7Gc , and during the first hour , or
thereabouts , ranged at 78 ? ( ( S79 } c. The
market advanced on the foreign crop scare
rumors and covering of short wheat , nnd
sold bock on the sentiment engendered by
the impending big movement of now wheat.
It broke from 79J c to 78 ? c about noon on
bearish advicca from St. Louts , anil re
covered slowly to 78 c. The close was at
7t ? c. September ranged uc 70-)3@77c ) , r.nd
rested at 7G3 c. The closing of the market
wns only a small change as compared with
yesterday's operations , not on an extrava
gantly largo scale. Nothing of importance
to the cash trade was developed.
Export clearances of corn from Atlantic
ports yesterday were heavy , butut , New Yorlt
to-day there was said to bo less inquiry and
prices there were lower. The principal con-
ttolling * circumstances In this marKct at
present , however , are the weather nnd the
reports at oriniary markets. There wns not
much activity In speculative dealings. Shorts
were the best buyers. The change In prices
from yesterday's closing figures were unim
portant , but what slight difference occurred
was in favor of the bulls. July closed : it
85 @a5 fo nnd September at 85 c , being
a gain In ono case of 1l-10c and the other of
Vo upon the previous day's Anal quota
Oats were more active , and , compared
"vith yesterday's latest prices , the market
was slightly firmer. Good buying orders
appeared for May. and the trading was
chiefly in that month. With receiving houses
eclllnir , May touchcd'SSc ' , but only part of
the Duying orders at that point could bo ex
ecuted , \vith } i@o \ improvement following.
September sold largely at 21J @ 31Xo. The
receipts exceeded the estimates , but this was
discounted by the largo withdrawal from
tore , aggregating nearly 184,000 bushels.
No. 2 to go to store sold at S2 > { @ 22 c.
In provisions another sharp slump oc
curred , the late continued break having
weakened the backbone of the trade. The
market was In gooa shape for raiders.
Cudahy and others , favoring lower prices ,
opened the day's business with free Oder-
ings of pnrk , und as their selling forced the
unloading of a large amount of stop-over und
poorly margined holdings , a severe drop tech
place. Pork was selected by the raiders as
their field of operations , but the depression
forced m that article quickly communicated
to other lines. In the entire market the
be in s early hud the swing , and before any
signs of n reaction were discernable pork
sold down from yesterday's closing 27J < u ,
lard 7 > c , nnd short rihs I'JJ c. During the
lost hour or so of the session , however , there
was bomethlng of a recovery of the ground
lost , The withdrawal of the raiders nllowed
the market to regain its strength , and before
the close pork advanced from the bottom tlg-
urcs 25e , lard 5c , and short ribs 7 } < c. Com
pared with yesterday's final quotations , the
decline actually suffered was only 2Ufo in
pork , nnd U > V@7 c in short ribs. Lard
closed unchanged to 2 > rfc off. On the break
and also on the rebound there was considera
ble excitement , and the day's speculative
business exceeded an average volume. Pork
led" throughout In interest. Tradlnr , as
usual , was conhncd largely to September ,
which sold ut $11.0511.UO for pork , W.30 ®
0.37f for lard , and & 5.07 > if@5.77 > tf for short
ribs. Pork for the same months closed at
111.80 , lard at 10.80 , and short ribs at 15.75.
Cosh property was quiet.
CIIIOAOO , July 12. [ Special Telegram to
TDK BBE.I CATTI.B. Estimated receipts ,
8,000 ; last Friday , 0aW ; week so far ,
& 7I45 ! ; same time last week , 45,034 , The
day' run was divided at about 0,000 natives
and -,000 Texans. As compared with yester
day there wa < i little or no change , either In
the condition of the trade or in prices. Bus-
iro-88 moved rather slow at first , more on ac
count of the fact that shippers und exporters
could not get tbo light and bandy variety
tnoy wanted , such being scarce , consequently
they had to fall buck on heavy weights or
such as they could got. When the buyers
fairly got to work , and whoa prices were
suitably adjusted all around , business became
active , and about everything at all useful
Bold before the whistle sounded the hour ior
closing. Texans , owing to the model ate run ,
sold from strong to a alight advance as com
pared with yesterday , and everything was
cleared out. Native butchers' stock under
went llltlo or no chunge. There was noth
ing now In the stocker nnd feeder trade
Cholco to extra beeves , $3.00@4.25 : medium
to good steers , 1H50 to 1500 Ibs , $3.00(34.10 ( ;
1200 to 1850 Ib * , f3.50@3.UO ; 050 to 1200 Ibs ,
teors , f3.30 ( < ? 3.GO ; cows , ei.76Tv'J.45. (
Hoas Estimated receipts , 10,000 ; last
r Friday , 18,509 j week so far 80,531 ; sumo
time last week , 03,101. , .Duslueas opened
rf rather slow , with nt least 25.000 on the mar
f ket , as there were about A,000 carried ovur.
first nnd early sales showed little or no
Ir I change us compared with yesterday , the
r bulk going at * 4,2C@4.30 , a few fancy heavy
at & . 5. but later ou packers bid only W.20 ,
the market olosod at &I.20 ®
Snd for packers and heavy mixed Light of
all descriptions ruled steady at f4.50@4 05.
It was estimated that at least 10,000 would
bavo to bo carried over.
NEW Yoiut , July 13. fSpeclal Telegram
to TUB BBE.I STOCKS There was not thai
upward bound In railroad stocks anticipated
over the settlement of the rate troubles tc
the northwest , because the sottlomeut doei
not impress the trada as bolnu of a poruia
&eat character. Uesidus , tbo eato is left
open for a war of rates In the southwest. If
London and western buying orders continue
the grangers are thought to bo good for a
rlso of G points without serious reactions.
Heading Is oxpccted to first reflect the Ira-
proved conditions In conl stocks and St.
Paul , Burlington , nnd Northwestern In
western stocks. The short Interest Is rolled
on to help the ndvnnco , The opening of the
market tills morning wns nn encouraging
ono to the bulu. The Improved feeling
from last nlrfht was helped by better prices
from London , nnd flrst figures were } { ® s
per cent over last night. Lief ore It was
tltno for nny further ndvanco the notion In
trusts weakened the market. The develop
ments In the national load trust , however ,
caused another rush to sell that stock , nnd
during the flrst half hour an enormous
amount of It changed hands at steadily de
clining prices , nnd it dropped from 29 > f at
the opening to 2GKf , n net loss from last
night's flguro of 8 % per cent This drop
proved n blight upon the regular list and
marked weakness was again developed in
grangers , and Burlington and Atchlson
quickly dropped 1 } per cent onch , St. Paul
mid Northwestern 2 ouch. . Lake Shore nnd
Union Parlllc ? per cent onch , nnd others
smulicr amounts. Tlio other trusts Were
also disturbed , though a loss of 1J.C per cent
In sugar was the only Important movement.
There was n slight rally all around at 11
o'clock , but the weakness ramo uuon the
list ngnin before noon , and at mid-day prices
were the lowest of the morning and the
market heavy. Whatever hesitation there
wns In the stock market nt noon gave plato
to n free It not wild selling of stocks and
trusts later. Tlio greatest demoralization
was In trusts. Sugar wont off to lOSJjf itnd
closed over 2 points lower at 110. Lend ,
which started the disturbance , wont off to
2T < ) at the close , or 4 % per cent lower. The
soiling of railroad stocks was hastened by
the unsatisfactory ending of the Chicago
meeting , the cut In grain rules by the
Grand Trunk nnd the taking of cold for ox-
port. The losses for the day in active
stocks were Lnko Shore lj # to lO'IX , Now
England * { , .Atchlson 2 to S7-f ! , Burlington 2
to09 # , Northwestern IJf to 10 < % Uoek
Island \yt \ to W , St. Paul 2 # to 07 % . Mis
souri Pacific 2 % to tS % , nna Union Pacllic
VB l er icnt : to GVtf. The total sales were
238.-I53 shares.
The following were the doling quotations t
MOXBY Easy at 2 > f3)i' per cent.
PniMB MtsiuuxriLK PAI-KK 4 > @i > K Per
SnsHUNo EXCIIANOI : Steady ; sixty-day
bills , m ; demand , .S7Jf.
CrtrcAoo , July 13. ll5p. ! tn. clo o Wheat
Cash , 7Ac ; Septemljer , 7Go ; December ,
Corn Cash , .T3 ( < l35o ; August ,
85H'o ; September. 83c.
Oats Cash , 22c ; August , 21 % ; Septem
her , 21m.c.
Hye iSa.
Barley No. 2 , September , We asked.
Prime Timothy $1.4.4 : nominal.
Flax Sosd No. 1 , 11.83.
Whisky $1.02.
Pork Nominal ; cash , $11.2"X , Aucust ,
$11.27M ; September , $11.32.
Short nibs S5.07K bid ; Sopteraber , J5.75.
Lard Cash , W.W August. $0.27 5
September , W.33.
Flour Quiet but firm ; winter wheat ,
2.00 ( < 84.75 ; spring wheat , * 1.80@5.75 ; rye ,
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $5.2j@5.37J ;
short clear , tO.OO@0.12 > ; short ribs , cash ,
( S.C5.
13uttor Slow ; creamery , ll@lio ! ; dairy ,
@ ,
Cheese Firmer ; full cream Cheddars nnd
lats , 7K7Jfc ; Young Americas , 78c.
Es Quiet and lower ; fresh , 1011
Hides VVeaicer ; heavy green salted ,
Ight green salted , 5@5 } o ; salted bull , 4
, ; rcen salted calf , 5Kd5c ( ; dry flint 7c ;
dry salted hides , 7c ; dry calf , 7@3c ; dea-
: ons , 25c each.
Tallow Easy ; No. 1 , solid packed , SJKc ;
So. 2 , 8o ; cake , ic.
Receipts. Shipments.
lour . 7,000 7.000
Wheat. . . 11,000 10,000
Corn . 238,000 340,000
Oats . 99,000 170,000
Now York , July 12. Wheat Receipts
24.700 bushels ; exports , 22,000 bushels ; spot
dull and Kfjlc ( lower , with moderate milling
mid export demand ; No. 2 red.SSJ c in store ,
87 c afloat , SG@SSc f. o. b. ; No. a red , 78o ;
No. I red , 98c ; ungraded red , 83 ( < ? S7fc ; No.
Milwaukee , 00 15-lOc ; options dull , J @
o lower and weak ; No. 2 August , 81c.
Oats Receipts , 57,000 bushels ; exports ,
200 bushels ; spot more active , but weak ; op-
Ions active , lower and heavy , August clos-
ng at 27&o ; spot No. 3 white , @ : v o ;
western , 25@20o ; white western , 8 @ 3Slc.
Corn Receipts , 184,100 bushels ; exports ,
201,800 bushels ; spot quiet , 2j"@Kc lower nnd
weak ; No. 3 , 42 o in elevator , 43@43 } c
afloat ; No. 2 white , 4G ) c bid ; ungraded
mixed , ' 41 ( < ? 13 > c : ootions dull : July tie nnd
August } o lower ; other months steady , Au
gust 4'ic ! at the ccloslng.
Conco Options steady and 20(330 ( points
up , closing steady at 15@'M points up ; sales-
75.500 bags ; July , 114.40 ; August , $14.45 ®
15.00 ; September , fU.60@14.80j spot Uio
stronger ; fair cargoes , 517.50.
Petroleum Quiet and steady ; United
closed at Ol o tor August.
Eggs Dull and weaker ; western ,
Pork Dull ; mess , $18.00@18E5.
Lard Lower and dull ; western steam ,
(0.01 , August closing at Jfl.02ffiO.C3.
liuttor Moderate demand and weak ;
western dairy , 10@13c ; creamery , 12@10Xo.
Cheese Easy , western , 6j ! @ 7jfc. !
Kantian City , July 12. Wheat Lower ;
No. 2 red , July , C5c : August C3o ;
No. 3 red , cash , 5'JXoj July , 59u ; August ,
' No. 2 soft , July , 07o asked ; August ,
> c.
Corn Stronger ; No. 2 , cash , 23 > o bid ;
No. 2 whlto , cash , Ulo bid.
Oats No 2 , cash , 17 > fo bid ; July , 18 c ;
August , 17 c.
St. Ixi-ila , July 13. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 72fa ; August. ! ! % ; September , 74c. ;
Corn Weak : ctsh , U4 > o ; August , S2 o
September , Ui@3iKc : ; ,
Outs Weak ; cash , 24o ; July , Z\Ho.
Pork Dull : JU.7G.
Lard Nominal ; i.lO.
Whisky Steady ; 11.02.
Butter Easy ; creamery , 13@15c ,
Cincinnati , July 12. Wheat Easier ;
No. 2 red , 8Uc.
Corn Strong : No. 3 mixed , SOc.
Oats-Firm ; No. S mixed , 20@20o.
Whisky Steady at $1.02.
Liverpool , July 12. Wheat Quiet : de
mand poor ; holders offer moderately ; Call-
fornia No. 1 , 7s } U@7B 2 d per cental.
Corn Steady ; demand fair ; western , 8s
lOd per cental.
Mliineiipollx , July 12. Wheat Sample ,
alow and weak. Closing : No. 1 hard , July ,
$1.04 ; on truck. 51.00 ; No. 1 northern , July ,
ItS c ; August , 81o ; on track , OS@99o ; No , ii
northern , July , S5o ; on track , 85@'J3c.
Blllwuukeo , July 12. Wheat -Steady ;
cash , 7S ; September , 70'e.
Corn-Firm ; No. 3 , StlXo.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 whlto , 28e
Rye Firm } No , 1 , 44o.
Barley Firm ; No. 2 , September , 5SKc.
Provisloni-Uasy ; pork , JU.8Q ,
lilVK 8X0 UK.
Olilontrp , July 12. The Drovers' Journal
reports as'f allows :
Cattle Receipts , 7,300 ; shipments , 8,500 ;
market steady ; beeves , W.80@4.25 ;
stockora and feeders , 2.25@3.1iO ; cows ,
bulls and inlxod , $1.70(23.10 ( : Toxay cattle.
1.7f > ® 3.00.
UOKS Receipts , 18,000 ; shipments , 7,000 ;
market slow and So lower ; mixed. t4.0j ( <
4.40 ; heavy , t4.10@4.B5 ; light , H'i5@4.CO ;
Sheep Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ]
market steady ; natives , 93.76(45.101 ( west
erns , e3.804.00s Texan * , lambs ,
lower , fl.DOQO.OO.
National Btook Yaril * . Knit fit.
Louis , July 13. Cattle Rccolpts , 1,400 ;
shipments , 1,700 ; market steady ; fair to
choice heavy native stctrsi , f3.00l.20 ;
stockois nnd feeders , $2.10@3.15 ( rancors ,
corn-fed , $2.70@3.40 : grnss-fod , 5.00(33.00. (
Hogs Receipts , 'J.SOO ; shipments , 2,000 :
market lower ; cholco heavy nnd butchers'
( .elections , * t.20@4.30 ; packing , $1.10(24.23 ( ;
light grades , ( ,20@4,30.
Kftnsns City , July 13. Cattle Receipts ,
8,100 ; shipments , 2,800 ; market moro ac
tive nnd Kirongor ; veal calves C0@75o per
head higher ; common to cholco corn fed
steers , $3.DO@3.W ) ; stockcrsa nd feeders ,
f2.003.10 ; cows , $1.0002.75.
Hogs Receipts , 7,400 : shipments , 1.000 ;
market closed shade weaker ; imht , f4.22 > { ©
heavy and mixed , S4.10Q4.20.
Friday , July 12.
The marltot on hatlvo beef cnttlo was
nctivo and stronger to-day on all hundy dry-
Jed steers. The receipts numbered about
2,200 head , nbout one-half being westerns.
A. part of the westerns sold on the market as
"ccdcrs. The market on butcher stock was
moderately active and steady.
The hog market waa slow In opening , at
prices C010 cuntx lower. Salesmen cut
ooso later in the day and the pens were soon
cleared , the bulk going at $4.00. Some cholco
'Igbt sorts sold t * 4. ! ! > { .
There were none received.
Cnttlo . 2,200
Hogs . 5,300
"heop . . . , . , . . .i .
Prices. .
Tlio following U atiblo of prlosi paid in.
'his ' market far tlio grades of stoslc men-
, ! nucd :
? rlmc steers , 1300 to 1000 Ibs..11.70
Goodsteern , 1250 to 1450Ibs. . . 301 W3.75
oed steers. 1030 to 133J Ibs. . . 3.4'J ' @ : i.OO
'oininon cunnors 1.23 @ 2.00
Jrdiiutry to fair cows 1.73 (32.23 (
Tnir to good cows 2.8U ® 2.40
3oodto choice cows. . ' . . . .i. . 2.40 ( M2.75
Choice to fancy cowsheifers. . 2.70 f 3.15
Tuirto icood bulls 1.75
joodto choice bulls 4 2.23
Liight stockora nnd feeders. . . . 2.70 ® 3.
Seed feodera , 031) ) to 1100 Ibs. . 3.03 fc < ! 3.15
? air to cholco light heirs 4,00
Pair to choleo heavy hogs 4.00 ( < $4.05
Tnir to r.hoieo mixed hoijs 4.00 @ 1.05
Shorn sheep , 3.00 ® 4.00
ICoprosontiitlvo Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
J9 grass. .1035 83 90 18 1303 sacs
31. SI94 3 40 00 c f W..13SO 3 ( > 5
20. .11(53 ( 3 40 20 1350 3 Co
17. .1123 3 50 21. . . .1103 3 03
. ,1 03 3 50 0. . . .1480 8 70
I. .1360 3 f.0 53. . . .1:120 : 3 70
27. .1174 20. . . .1B53 *
20. .1218 3 00 25. . . .llb'J 375
20.S. . .1093 3 CO 10. . . .1333 3 73
S. .1234 3 GO 74. . . .1330 875
It. .1.VJ9 3 ( U > 70 . . .1342 3 75
ia. .130S 3 05 43. . . .1504 3 bO
. . . . C91 t 23 1. . 930 2 25
1010 1 23 18. .103J 2 80
. 017 1 75 in. . 8S1 2 30
.1110 1 T5 7. . S(17 ( 2 UO
. SS3 1 90 1. . 910 2 50
; 7 1041 3 00 17. .1020 2 60
2 790 2 00 2U. .1035 2 75
1 1090 2 00 .1142 2 75
0 'JIG 2 20 1015 3 00
11 1040 a 25
2 725 250 0 791 275
108 1043 2 50
1 1370 3 23
1 150 2 50
1 1750 300
no os ,
No. Av. Shk , Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
OS. . , .263 200 $4.00 04. . .275 f4.00
57. . . .291 300 4.00 69 . .233 240 4.00
01. . , .228 80 4.00 59. , . .250 80 4.00
09. . . .243 120 4.00 70. , . .239 80 4.00
09. . , .252 120 4.00 OS. . .255 120 4.00
50. . , , .210 120 4.00 05. . .270 SO 400
03. . . .244 4.00 01. . .233 100 4.00
09. . , .252 200 4.00 63. , . .209 100 4.00
57. . . , .250 100 4.00 53. . .243 4.00
4(5. ( . , .272 80 4.00 53. , . .803 4.0U
C9. . , , .250 120 4.00 70. . . .233 80 4.-00
ca. . , .229 ICO 4.00 O'J. . .257 40 4.00
53. . , .2'Jl 100 4.00 59. . .200 120 4.00
! 3. . , .242 120 4.00 59. , . ,2SO SO 4.00
, .237 100 4.00 08. , . .233 200 4.00
ru ! . .2)0 ICO 4.00 50. . . .302 40 4.00
71. . , .243 2-10 4.00 70. . . .214 100 4.02
53. . . .203 80 4.00 55. . . .809 200 4.02X
71. . . .233 4.CO 01. . . .241 40 4.05
54. . , .2')3 ) 120 4.00 or . . .237 120 4.05
9. . , .255 100 4.00 59. . .237 18) 4.05
. .2T5 100 4.00 53. . . .289 80 4.05
83. . , .8U 400 4.00 58. . . .205 SO 4.05
32. . , .2S1 4.00 69. , . .253 4.05
24. . . .203 80 4.00 CO. ' " 4.05
50. . , .2'JO ' 123 4.00 09 218 40 4.03
01. . . .233 1W ( 4.00 73. , . .225 100 4.03
CO. . . .239 320 4.00 71. , . .230 120 4.05
134. . .253. 120 4.00 02. . . .253 200 405
CO. . . .235 40 4.00 58. . . .329 4.05
87. . . .197 80 4.00 75. , . .225 40 4.05
55. . , .250 100 400 59. . . .238 80 4.05
69. . . .218 80 4.00 03. . . .240 SO 4.05
50. . . .803 4.00 70. . . .2U4 40 4.03
54. , . .820 4.00 78. . . .218 80 4.05
57. . . .244 40 4.00 07. . . .233 40 5.07
CO. . . .288 100 4.00 70. . . .23-1 80 4.07K
G4. . . .270 40 4.00 CO. . . .227 80
49 , . . .821 SCO 4.00 41. . . .210 4.WA
75. . . .243 4.00 57. . . .209 4.13 *
Live 8took Notes.
Native cattle stronger.
The popular prlco for hogs to-day was 4c.
Leo Rothschild bought a big string of
western feeders.
Swift paid 94.12 } for some sorted light
J. M. Emarino , of Council Bluffswas over
with a car of bogs.
S. 1C Royal came In from the ran go coun
try with seven cars of cattlo.
Joe Roach , an extenslvo range cattle
dealer , was on the market with fourteen
loads of grass 'cattlo , shipped from northwest
S. R. Allen , a prominent western cattle
man , was hero with nine cars of westerns ,
snipped from northwest Colorado.
Charley Lister came In from Amos with
some of the Standard cattle ,
Russell Gates , president of the Gates Llvo
Stock company at Ravenna , brought in llvo
cars of fat cattle ,
W. N. Richardson , a prominent shipper ,
came up from Red Cloud with tbreo loads ol
E. H. Shaw , of the ilrm of Dryer & Shaw ,
Ravenna , was looking over the yards to-day.
Mr. Shaw Is a prominent banker , business
man and shipper.
J. M. Fisher , a well known horse fancier ,
was bora with two cars of Oregon horses.
His homo is at Geneva , Nob.
C. O. Perlfty came in from Oxford with a
car of cattle.
M , D. Cowan , of Oxford , was at the yards
E. J. Heed , of Oxfordwas among the ship
pers here to-day ,
Lars Jensenof Weston , la.a regular ship
per , was In to-day with ono car each of hogs
and cattle ,
J. H. Hutlor , of Orescent , la. , was in this
morning with a car of cattlo.
W. 0. Shelton , an evory-day shipper of
Central City , wns helping to swell our hog
receipts with ono car this morning.
John Wiggins , of Columbus , ono of tbobost
known shippers to our market , was hero to
day with one car each of cattle and hogs.
Mr. Wcscott , of Wescott & Olbbon , feed
ers of Wescott , was on the market to-day
with two cars of hogs.
Produce , Frultp , Etc.
BUTTKH Table dairy , 14@15o ; packers
stock , 8@9o. Creamery Prints , fancy , 10
© 18o ; cholco,14@15o ; solid packed , 10@14o.
Eaas-Strictly fresh , lOQllo.
CUKKSI Young Americas , full cream
k lie ; factory twlns Kc ; off snides G@7oi You
Kossom Edom. $11.50 per doz ; np sago , IDo ;
brick Ill2o ; llmburger , ,7/WSo ; domestic-
Swiss , 14o ; cheese safcb , .bronro modal ,
No. 8 , t2.8fl ! ' ° ' "f
PoutTitr Llvo lions , p p "dozen , $3.50(9 (
S4.00 ; mixed , 3.S5@3.fiO ; Hiring , (3.00(33.60 ( ;
geese , (0651.00 ( ; llvo plpepns , S1.50.
OitANOKS Snn Qnbrlol , Kt.i5&4.03 ; fancy
Duarte Mediterranean sweeps , (1.U3Q4.50 ;
Ilodl , f < 5.00.
Ari'LKS Per # bu box , 8575c.
CiSEitutDS Per 24 quart crtso. f J.OO ; per 10
qunrt drawer , $1.00. | 1J '
BLACKnEiiums Per 24 rrasrt case , 92.00 ®
3.50. isi
BLACK Kvsriirnmis Per 21 quart case ,
MOO. * / ,
Run RAsnmnniES Per 21 pint case , 91.76
@ 2.00. Par bu. stand , $3.00 ; 21
quart case , 13.00.
CUWUNT3 per case 21 qts , 92,50 ( < i3.00. !
1'MJMs 93.50.
HucKi.miEiutiKS 92.50.
DiAJEiiHiintES Per bu , 93.00@3.50.
WATBHMBI.ONS 915.00@20.00 per 100.
CANTELOUPS Per doz , $1.50 ( < J3.00.
PINK APTLE8 Per doz , , ? 3.00@3.50.
UANANAS According to slzo , per bunch ,
COCOANUTS Per 100 , $3,00.
Fniiaii FISH Whlto fish , per Ib , 7ja3Xc ( ;
irout , per Ib , Oo ; whlto pornh , per Tb , 7o ;
juffalo , per Ib , 7c ; pickerel , per Ib , Oc ; black
jnss , per Ib , lie.
BEANS Uholco hand picked navy , 81.75 ;
cholco hand picked medium. $1.03 ; choice
hand ptcitod country , $1.00 ; clean , country ,
per hu ; onions , California , per Ib , 2c ;
southern , per bbl , $3.00 ; cabbage ,
l > or crate , $2.50 ; turnips , per bu box , f > 0o)75c ) ;
ijootB , per box. 75c@Jl,00 wax beans , per bu
box , ? 1. 60 ; string beans , per bu box , $2.00 ;
green pens , per bu box , $1.00 ; tomatoes per
M bu box , $1.25 : asparagus , per dozen bch ,
30c@$1.00 ; cauliflower , 52.UJ : eeg plant , $1.75
© 2.00 ; squash , 25o per doz ; cucumbers. 2oo :
soup bunches , 3Qd ; lettuce , 2ou ; ladlshos ,
'Oo ; green onions , 15Q20c ; now carrots , 20o ;
plo plant , per Ib , 8c.
Ai-i'i.E BUI-TEH Cc.
CIDI : Bbls , $5.00 ; lit bbls , $3.00 ,
Mvi-LE Sucmt 12j(315cpcr ( Ib.
POTATOES Choice , sacked , per bu , 23@30c :
Colorado , 40 ( 45.
VKAL Choice , medium size , 50o ; choice
heavy , 4@3c : spring lambs , $30.00@30.00 po ,
Hoxr.r 14@15c per Ib for cholco. '
PiiESEiivns 9 > < f@10c per Ib.
JELLIIW 3' @ 4o per Ib.
BEKSWAX No. 1 , 18@20c.
CHOP FEII ! ) . . .
UKAN $ l > .00@9.23.
TALLOW No. 1 , 4@4 c ; No. . , „
OIIUASI ; A , 4e ; .veTlow,8o ; brown ,
t rncprlcs.
PIIOVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , 10-lb nvorago ,
lOc ; 20 to 23 Ibs , lOitfo ; 13 to 14 Ibs , 12e ; No.
2 , 9 e ; sneclnls , 12JJc ; shoulders , 7c ; break
fast bacon , No. l Ho ; specials. 13Kci picnic , '
75ie ; ham sausjgp , 10 "c ; dried beef hams.
Do ; beef tongues , SO per dozen ; dry salt
meats S tSO c per Ib.
SAUSAOK IJologna , 4@4J c ; Frankfurt ,
7 } c ; tongue , < Jc ; sUmmerlBirfc ; headcheese ,
Po -family , backs , per bbl , ? 13.08 ; X-
bills , $0 75 ; moss , bbls , $12.50 ; K-bbls , $0.23 ;
pip pork , bbl8 , $17.50 ; K-bbls , 5'J.OO. '
13Esr 'loxauus Salt. bbls. S20.00.
OiLs-Kerosene-P W , O o ; W W , 12c ;
headlight , 18c ; salad oilv ? -j.5@9.00 per
dozen. 1.
PICKLES Medium , port bb ] , S4.50 ; small.
$350 ; gherkins , $000 ; C &L 13 chow-chow ,
qta. f5.90pts3.40. ; j
WiiAPi'iNO PAi'Eit Straw j per Ib , 1 % 5
2. } o : rng , 2Ke ; manilla , U , Cc ; No. 1 , 9c.
SALT Dairy , 140 2-lb plfga , $2.70 : do 100
3-lb pkgs. * 2.H ( ) ; do CO 5-lb pkgs , $2,50 ; do 23
10-pltga , ? 3.40 ; Ashton , bn bans " , 50-lb , 85c ;
do 4-bu bags , 224-lb , $3.40j ; do"M S A , 50-lb
bags , 55o ; per bbl , § 1.25. '
SALBODA. I2 @ 2 c por'lb. '
STAIICII 5 } 5i7c per Ib. '
STOVE POLISH $3.00@3 87 per gross.
SPICES Whole , per Ib Allspice , 12e ; Cas
sia China , lOo ; cloves , Zanzibar , SOc ; nut-
mecs , No. 1 , 75c ; pepper.19d
SUOAUS Granulated , 9 e ; confectioners
A , 9c ; standard extra C , 8j @ 9 > o ; yellow
Cr oife ; powdered , 10) @lc ; cut loaf ,
103 < @lle ; cubes , lOV lO o ; cream extra C ,
TEAS Gunpowder , 20@GOo ; Japin , 20@40o ;
Y. Hyson , 23@50o ; Oolong , 23@50c.
VISEOAII Per gal , lH'Si'
CANNED Fisn Brook "trout , 3 Ib , $3.40 ;
salmon trout , 3 Ib , $3.35 ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.35 ;
clams , 2 Ib , SJ.OO ; clam chuwdcr , 3 Ib , $2.25 ;
devilled crabs , lib , $3.23 ; devilled crabs. 3
Ib , $3.50 ; codfish balls. 2 Ib , $1.75 ; caviar , tf
Ib. $3.25 ; eels , 1 Ib , S3.25 ; lobsters. 1 lb$2.0l ) ;
lobsters , lib , $1.90 ; lobsters ; deviled , } Ib ,
$2.25 ; mackerel , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; mackerel , mus
tard sauce , 3 ib , $2.90 ; mackerel , tomato
sauce , 3 Ib , $2.90 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 85o ; oysters ,
2 Ib , $1.50 ; salmon , C. R. , 1 Ib , $ .3.10 : salmon ,
C. R. , 2 Ib , $3.10 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.85 :
salmon , Alaska , 3 Ib , $2.90 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
CAJJDT 9 > @ 12 } o per Ib.
CHOCOLATE AND COOOA. 21@39o per Ib ;
Gorman chlckory , red. 8c.
GINOEK Jamaica , > pints , $3.00 per doz.
FAUINACEOUS GOODS Barley. 2J @ 3ifc ;
farina , 4ifo ; peas , 3c ; oatmeal , 25o ; mac
aroni , Ho ; vermicelli , Ho ; rice , 4Ji@7o ;
sago and tapioca , OgO c.
FISH Salt Dried codfish. OJ ( n. > 9c ;
scaled herring , 28c per box ; nql herring ,
dom. 50c ; Hamburg spiced herring , SI. 00 ;
hoi. herring , 70cS1.10 ( ; mackerel , half bbls.
No. 1 , $15.50 ; largo family. $13.50 per 100
Ibs ; whltcflsh , No. 1 , JO 30 ; family , 53.00 ;
trout , $5 00 : s'llmon , $3.50 ; anchovies , 8c.
, NUTS Almonds , 15@17o ; Brazil ? , Oo ; fil
berts , 12c ; pecans , 1'Jc ; walnuts , 12o ; pea
nut cocks , 8c ; roasted , lOu.
BAGS American A , seamless , 17 ; Union
Square piper , discount 35 per cent.
CoprcES Green Fancy old golden Rio ,
25c ; fancy old peaberry , 2Jo ; Rio , choice to
fancy , 21c ; Rio , prime , 20c ; Rio , good , ICe :
Mocha , 29o ; Java , fancy Mnudchling , 29u ;
Java , good interior , 2-1 c.
COFFEES Roasted Arbucklo's Anosa ,
23 > o ; McLaughlin's XXXX , 22oj Gorman ,
22o ; Dilworth , 22c ; Al.iroma,22c. ,
DKIEU FuuiTS Per Ib , apricots , 13@10c.
Apples , Salt Lake , 4Kc ; stars , 5oAldens \ ,
B @Sc. Poaches , Gal. Y , peeled. 20o ; Salt
Lako. Oe. Prunes , Cal , H C. BGW cCar -
rants,40tfc. Turkish prunes,4 @ 4Xc. Cit
ron peel , "Ho. Lemon pcol , Me. Dates , 'Jc. Rai
sins , Malaga bunch , dehosas , $5.00 nor box ;
Yalencias , perlb , 7c : CulG & ri , $2.40 per
box. Dried grapes , Cc. Blackberries ,
Pitted cherries , lOc Pitted plums.
Raspberries , 24u , Nectarines , 12c.
Dry Gncil4.
BATTS Standard , 80 ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
12Ja'c ; Boone , 14u ; U , cased , 10,50.
BLANKETS White , 1.00@7.50 ; colored $1.10
CAJIIIHICS Slater , Be ; Woods , 60 ; Stan
dard , 5u ; Peacock , 5o.
CAKFJSTVAHiBlbb WAlto , 19c ; Colored ,
22o. f'
"COMFOKTBUS $0.00@85.6o" .
COUSET JEANS Boston 75 0 ; Androscog-
gin , 7 ? o ; Kearsogo , fi/pi itockport , O o ;
Conestoga , 0 > ifc.
COTTON FLANNELS 10'per cent trade dla.
LL , unbleached , 5i < cCOiOJjo ; ( ; SS ,
EB , 8J/o ; GG. O o ; XX ( JOK i OO ,
NN , 12)40 ) ; AA , 14o ; DUjJ o ; TT.
YY. 18o ; BU , 10o : 20 ; bleached , 8&c ; 00 ,
13J < o ; 80 , 13J4o ; 50 browuflnd slate , 'Jo ; 70 ,
12Mo'JO ; , lOc. . * - .
CiiABH Slovens' B , 8j CI Stevens' A , 7c ;
bleached , 80 ; Stevens't J ? , 7o ; bleached ,
8fo ; Stevens' N , 8Mc * ; bleached , OX i
Stevens' SRT , like.
DENIMS Auioskoagi'O'oV. 10 } < c ; Everett ,
7oz , 18o ; York , 7 oz. IDoV'Havmakcr. ' 8Ko ;
Jaffroy XX , HKo ; JutrroS-XXX , 12 > o ; Hea
ver Creek AA , 12o ; Beaver Crook BB , llo ;
Beaver Creek CO , 10o. * "
PitiNTS Pink nnd rObesl-Rlchmond , OJfc ;
Allen , Mfo ; Rlverpolu 1,15 0 ; Steel River.
0 (0 ; Richmond , Oo : Pnclllc , OJi'c.
PitiNTS Indigo Blue St. Leger. 6J o ;
Washington , 0o ; American , 0) ) oj Arnold.
OJfo ; Arnold Century , Oo ; Windsor Gold
Tk't ' , lOKo ; Arnold B , lOKo ; Arnold A ,
12o ; Arnold Gold Seal , lO o ; Yellow Seal ,
DUCK West Point , 29 In , 8 oz , OXo ; West
Point , 29 In , 10 oz , 12ko ; West Point , 29 in ,
12 oz , 15Ko ; West Point , 40 in , 11 oz , lOo.
PI/ANNULS Pluld Raftsmen , 30o ; Goahon ,
83 } < oi Clear La' < o , 80 > o ; Iron Mountain ,
FLANNELS Whlto-Q II No. 3 ,
Q II No. 1 , % , 20XHJ B II No. 2 ,
B II No , 1 , % , 80o ; Queecheo , No.
Quocheo No. 1 , % , { .7 oj Quochco
KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial , 15o ; Stand
point , ISc ; Durham , 27K ° i Hercules , 18o ;
Leamington , 2 MoGMnwood \ , 20cMolvlllo ; ,
25o ; Bang-up , 27 > c.
PiiiNTu Solid colors , Atlantic , Got Slater ,
Co ; Berlin Oil , 0 } < e ; Qcrnor Oil , C@7 < x
PniNTS , DitESs Charter Oak , 6 0 ; Ram-
ape , 4o | Lodl , 6c ; Allen Go ; Richmond , Oo-
Windsor , 0 > { os Eddystono , C ) o { Pnclflo ,
Ckc ,
SninTtNO Checks. Caledonia X , We )
Caledonia XX , lOJ c ; Economy , Oo ; Otis , Oo ;
3ranlto. OJfc ; Crawford checks , 80 ; Hnw
River plnlds , 5 } < c.
SitBETiNo Urown. Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7o ;
Atlantic H , 7JCCJ Atlantic D , 4-4 , O o ; At.
nntlo P , 4-1 , Oc ; Aurora , LL , 4-4 , 0 ; Aurorn
C , 4-4 , 4 fc : Crown XXX. 4-4 , O o : Hooslor
LL , 4-4 , ! > } io\ \ Indian Head , 4-4 , 7o ; Law
rcnco LL , 4-4 , 6Jfo ; Old Dominion. 4-4 , flKc ;
Pepporoll R , 4-4 , OJfo ; Pcpporoll E , . 40-Iuch ,
7Jio ; Pcpoercll , 8-1,17o ; Pcppcroll 0-4 , 20o ;
Pcpperoll. 10-1 , 33o ,
Sunr.TiNO , Br.BAcitnD Ellorton , 7Vtfo ;
llousokeopor , 8K ; Now Candldato , SMC ;
Uorueloy cambric , No. CO , 9o ; Best Yet , 4-4 ,
) Jfo ; butter cloth , OO , 4 0 ! Cabot. 7Koi
bvrwnll , half bleached , 8fc [ ; Fruit of Loom ,
8J < c ; Grcono G , Oc ; Hope , 7 > c ; King Philip
cambric , lOa ; Lonsdnlo caubrlc , lOu ; Lons-
dale , 8Ho ; Now York mills , lOc ; Poppcroll ,
43 In , lOo ; Popporoll , 40 In , llo ; Pcpperoll ,
0-4 , 14 0 ? Pepporcll , 8-4. 20o ; Popporoll , 0-1 ,
22c ; Peppercli , 10-4 , 2lot Canton , 4-4 , 8 0 ;
Canton , 4-4 , 9 > < fo ; Triumph , Odj Wamsutta ,
lie : Valley , 5it.
M isoni.LANKOus. Table oil cloth , 13.50 ;
tnblo oil cloth marble , $3.50 ; pliiln Holland ,
O o ; dado Holland , 12Ko.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7JVo ; International
YY , 8c ; Shetucket , S , SJ o ; Warren , No. 870 ,
ICe ; Her wick , HA , 18o : Acme , 13o ; York ,
CordlsNo. 4 , 10io ;
inn ] ClionilcnN.
Acin Sulphuric , \ier \ carboy , ' . ! JC < ! : citric ,
per Ib , 61c ; oxalic , per ID. 13o ; tnrtaric , pow
dered , per Ib , 43c ; carbolic , US@loe.
ALUM Per Ib. 2 > i : .
AMMONIA Carb , per Ib , HJiCi * .
AimowitooT Per Ib , 10 > ; .
BALSAM Copabla , per Ib , Co'c ; tolu , fi2@
BOUAX Rollntd , per Ib , O.v c.
CKEAM TAHTAII Pure , pcrlli , Mo.
EXTRACT Locnx ooi ) Bulk , per Ib , rJjC.
EHOOT 45c.
Gl.YCEllINK 21Xo.
GUM AitAiiic 5U@93o.
GLYCRUINE Hulk , per H > , Zo. \ .
GUM Assafcctldat per Ib , 14c ; camphor ,
per Ib , 37c ; opium , per Ib , $3.15.
loniNK Rosublimntcd , per or , $3.05.
LEAVES Buchu , short , pur Ib , Ulc ; asnna
lex , par Ib , 23jt3ic. (
Moui'iiiA Suiph , per o , 13.80.
MlillUUUY 74(2. '
PorAB3 Bronlid per Ib , 37c ; lodino , per
Ib , $2.83.
QUIXIASulph , per Ib , ! iS@10c.
SEEDS Canary , per Ib , 4Jic.
SOAPS -Castile , mottled , perlb , SclOo ( ; cas-
lie , white , per Ib , 13@15c.
t SriuiTS NiTitn Sweet , per Ib , UOc.
SiitYcnNiA Crystals , 91.00G31. 15.
SULPH , CI.NCIIO.VA Per 01 , 5@l3c.
TAIMOOA Per Ib , ( Ic.
OILS Hergamont , $3.35Vlntcrgrcon ; ,
$3.15 ; Malaga , 95o ; linseed , raw , Olc ; boiled ,
01 c.
c.WHITI : LnAn-$0.50.
CU.OMIM , Am. , per Ib , 91 ,
CASSIA Buns Per Ib , 17c.
Ciii.ouoroiiMPor Ib , 41c.
Coititosivc SEHLIMATI ; Per Ib , OOc.
Ijiiinber , l < linc , Ktc.
Dimcnsious and timbers
12 ft. 14 ft. 10 ft. Ib ft. 20 ft. 23 ft. 24 ft.
2x4. . . $15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
2x0. . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
2x3. . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
210. . 15.00 1300 1500 10.00 1000 1S.OO 10.00
2x12. . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
4x48x8. . 10.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 1S.OO lft.00
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft ,
rough , $10.00S10.50 ( ! ; No. 1 , 4 und 0 inch , 10
feet , $17.00 ( > 17.CO ; No. 2. 4 and 0 inch , 12 and
14 feet , $13.50@14.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch , 10
feet , $15 00@10 OC.
FINISHING 1st nnd 3d clear , 1) ) j' inch s 2 s.
$49.00Ct51.0 ( ) ; 1st nn(1 ( 21 clear , IK nd 2 inch ,
s 8 s , $17.005849.00 ; 8d clear , 1J4" inch , s 2 s.
? 43.00@40.00 ; 3d clear , 1J4 and 2 inch , s 2 s ,
$37. 00(1433. ( 00 ; 1st and 2d clear , 1 inch , s 3s ,
$45 00 ; 3d clear , 1 inch , s 3 s , $30.00 ; A select ,
1 inch , s 2s , $33.00 ; B select , 1 inch , s 2 s ,
STOCK BoAnns A 13 In , sis , 12 , 14and 10
ft , $40 ; B 13 In , sis. 12 , Is and 10 ft. ? 4l ; C
12 in , s 1 s , 12 , 11 and 10 ft , $00 : D 13 in , sis ,
13 , 14 and 10 ft , $23 ; No 1 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 12
ft , $18 : No. 1 com. 13 in , s 1 s , 14 and 10 ft ,
$17.50(818.50 ( ; No 1 com , 13 la , sis , 10 , IS and
20 ft , M9.50 ; No 2 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 14 and 10
ft , 917.
FLOOUINO 1st com 0 In white plno , $34 ;
2d com 0 in whlto pine , $31 ; 3d com 0-in white
plno , 930 ; D com 0 in white pine , $20 ; com 4
and 0 in yellow pine , $15 ; Star 4 in yellow
Dine , 917 ! 1st and 2d clear yellow plno , 4 anil
0 in , $19.
Lnin , ETC. Qulney whlto lime ( best ) . SOc ;
English and German Portland cement , $3.45 ;
Milwaukee nnd Louisville , $1.30 ; Michigan
plaster , $2.25 ; Fort Dodge plaster , $3.10 ;
Blue Rapid piaster , $1.00 ; hair , 20u ; sash , CO
per cent dis. ; doors , blinds , mouldiuirs , 50
per cent dis. ; tarred felt , per cwt , 93.00 ;
straw board , per cwt. 91.00 ;
PorLAii LUHDEII Clear poplar box bds , %
in , s2s , $ J5.00 ; clear poplar % in panel ,
$3000 ; clear poplar % in panel , $25.00 ; clear
poplar M iu panel stock wide , s 3s , $3800 ;
clear poplar corrugated ceiling , X > $30.00.-
POSTS White cedar. 0 inch , halves. 12c ;
whlto cedar , 51 inch , halves and 8 Inch q'ra ,
lie ; white cedar , 4 inch , round , lOc ; Tennessee -
see red cedar , split , lOo ; split oux , ( whlto ) ,
8c : sawed oak , 18e.
SHINGLES , LATH , TEH M. XX clear , $3.20 ;
extra * A * , $3.80 ; standard A , $2.00 ; 5 Inch ,
clear , 81.00@1.70 ; 0 inch , clear , $1.75@1.80 :
No. 1 , $1.10@1.15 ; clear rod cedar , mixed
widths , $3.40 ; California redwood , dimen
sion widths , $4.50 ; cypress , clear heart , di
mension widths , $3.25 ; lath , 2.50.
BLOCK TIN Eng. rof'g , small pig , 28o ;
bar , 29.
Col-run Planished boiler sizes , SOc ; cold ,
rolled , 2Gc ; sheathing , 25u ; pltts , 20o ; flats ,
count , GO per cent.
quality , per Ib , Uo : No. 34 to 37 , B quality ,
Ui < tFor less than bundle add } o per Ib.
SHEET IUON No. 30 , $3.40 : No. 37 , $3.50.
SOLDEH Hoyt Metal Co.'s half-and-half ,
In 1-lb cases , per Ib , Iflc ; commercial half-
and-half , 15c ; No , 1 In bars , 14c.
TIN PLATE ( Best Charcoal ) 1C , 10 14.
335 sheets , 90,50 , ; IX , 10x14 , 335sheots , $8,35 ;
1C , 13x13 , 225 sheets. fO.50 : IX , 12x12 , 225
sheets , $3.25 ; 1C. 14x20 , 112 sheets , $0.50 ; IX ,
14x20 , 113 sheets , 93.25 ; IXX , 14x30. 112
sheets , $10.00 ; IXXX , 14x20 , 112 sheets
911,75 ; 1C , 2x28 , 112 shoots , 913.50 ; 3x28 ,
112 sheets , 917.00 ; IXX , 2x33 , 113 sheets
CoiCE-IC , 10x14 , 325 sheets , $0.00 ; 1C ,
14x20 , 113 shoots , 90.00 ; 1C , 10x20 , 225
'sheets ' , $9.50.
ROOFINO ( Best Charcoal ) 20x28 , 99.75 ®
STEEL NAILS Base , 92.15 ; etcel wire nails ,
base , $3.00 ,
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank.
5OS boutliliUIi Struct , Otiiulin
Ncetled Money for n Grnvo.
Tlio other day In Nnshvlllo tin old
colored mnn wntulorod through the
streets carrying under his arm n siniill
joflln In which wns the body of his in
fant child , llo had scrnpod logothor
otiotiffh monoj' to buy the collln nnu with
It under his arm hail trudged out to n
suburban cemetery , which refused to
allow the interment because ho could not
imy for the crave. So ho cnmo bncU
with the Rrowsomo burden to bop enough
money to nay for the grave.
Mn. Tnos. Lnn , proprietor of tbo Leo hotel
ArUudolpbla , Arir.gnys that Swift's Spcclflo
bast BO strengthened bis wife for tier labors
us bostctn tbnt bo can > rccommcnil mucm -
iiliasizc tbo nsiortlon tlmt as a tonia for
ladles and children S. S. S. has no equal.
Tlio Old Mnn AVcnkoncil.
A fond parent in Massaohu < satt3wiBh-
ing to assist his httlo son to raalto up n
iiurso for the Fourth , nprood to pay him
1 cent for every potsito bug ho would
capture. At tbo close of the 11-st day
the child had 040 bugs. The father
paiu the $0.40 , but the contract did not
Cnltfornln , the Ijnml of Dlncovrrlcfi.
Why will you Iny nu-aUo all nlplit , couph-
Inp , when that most effective nnd agreeable
California remedy , Snntn Able , will Klvo.vou
Immodlatb rultofl SANTA ABIE U tbo
only minrnntccd euro for consumption ,
nsthnin and all bronchial complaints. Sold
only in largo bottles , nt $1. Three for S3.50.
The Goodman Drug Co. will Do pleased to
supply you , und puurantco relief when used
never falls to relieve catarrh or cold in tbo
bend. Six months treatment , $1. By mall
A Vnlunblo
A oliort time njro minors working in
the Sunnysido claim , nonr Downiovillo ,
Sierra county , took out four largo gold
nuggets. The largest weighs 1S1
ounces and is worth 83,200 , says the San
Francisco Press. In shape nnd size it
resembles n small cobble stono.
Are you weak and weary , overworked
and tired ? Hood's Sarsaparilla is just
the medicine to purify your blood .und
give you strength.
IlO WltR URCll tO It.
Cincinnati Enquirer : E'ldyson It
wouldn't ' be of any use to condemn your
frioud Sponger , to bo executed by elec
Sapny Indeed. And" why not , may I
ask ?
Eddyson llo hns been proof against
"Jersey lightning" for u great many
years , I underaUuul.
Advice to Mothers.
.Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
should always bo used for children teeth
ing. It soothes the child , Hoftona the
gums , allays all pains , cures wind colic ,
and is the best remedy lor diarrhoea , .
25c a bottle.
Not liven Knrnl ) .
Kearney Enterprise : A society jour
nal pays , "Sarah Earnhardt receives
morning visitors in white satin slip
pers. " There must be a mistake tome-
whore. I have too much faith in Sarah
to thiiil : she would receive visitors in
such light cobtumo.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Best Route from Ouialia and Council
Bluffs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. rani , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Rock Island , Fieeporf , Rockford ,
Clinton , Diibiiquc , Davenport ,
Elglu , Madison , Janesvlllc ,
Beliilt , Winonn , La Crossc ,
Aud all other ImporUnt points llast , Northonit and
For through ticket ! call ou ttic ticket aiicnt at 1M1
Farnnin Btrect , In Darker lilock , or atUnici I'aciHo
Pullman Sleepers and the finest Dlnlnir Cn In the
world are runon tbo main line ot tlio ililcago , Mil
waukee 4 St. Paul ltallwnr , and every attention Is
paid to pasBcncori \ > f courteout employes or the
company. -MlI.Will. . Qoncral Mnnnter.
J. K. TIJCK15H. Assist int Concral Manmrer.
A. V. It. CAIU'KNTUll , Ooueral I'asscr.fcr and
Ticket . * > e < nt.
G UO. 15. IIHAKFORD. Aeslatnnt General I'asicngcr
ml Ticket A ecnt.
T. J. CLAHK , tieuoral Superlntondent.
Doots and Shoos.
Succosors to Itced , Jonea & Co.
Wholesale Mannfactnrers of Boots & Shoes
Agent * for Uoston Itubber Shoo Co. , 1103.1101 aad 1101
llurney Street , omalm , Nebraska.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1U1 North Eighteenth street. Omaha , Neb.
Mannfactnrers of Galyanizefl Iron Cornice
\Ylndon-cupsniKl motalloskTllghtii. John Kpencttr ,
proprietor. 114 and 11U boutli luth ttrcot.
Paper Boxes.
Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory ,
Nos. 1317 nnd 1319 Douglas street , Omaha , Neb ,
Sash , Deere , Etc.
31. A. D1SBROW A CO. ,
Wbolcialo manufacturers of
Sasb , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch office , 12th nnd liard streats , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldlniri , stair-work anil Interior Imrd wood flulsh ,
Wii-U Norib 1UU street , Omaha , Neb.
Steam FlttlngB , Pumpa , Etp.
Pnnips , Pipes and Engines ,
Steam , water , rallnar and mlnlnu supplies , ate.
OX ) , Vft and V21 Karnaui street , Ouialia.
Steam and Water Snpplies ,
IlallHar wind mills , 91S and WO Jones st , , Omaha ,
O. Y. Uots , Acting Manager.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
BheeUron work , steam pumpi , saw mills , 1213-12U
rUi ttreet. maha.
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cart Iron Building Wort
Koglnes , bra , work , ( tfnernl ( oundry , machine and
blacksmith work. Onlce and works , U , I'.lly ,
BQd Uth street , Omaha.
Manufactnrers of Wire andiron Rate
Manf 'K ' of Fire and Burglar Froof Safes ,
Yiults , latl work. , iron shutters and nr eicaptf.
U. Apdretm. prop f. Cotutr lltU and Jactsoq sts.
Of South Omaha , limited.
. Agricultural Implomonta.
Dcalerin Agricnitnral Implements , Wagons
Carriages HnJ lineclr * . Jonc Mrrct , botwccutth and
Nrth , om i > Im , Nebraska.
Airlcnlt'Miiiplcaicnls ' , Wagons , Carriages
Uugclos , etc.Hiolc ! 'o. Ciunlin , Ncbtoskn.
Wholtnalo Draleii In
Agricnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons & Bnggioj
Wli SXU , PUS and IV7 Jones ttroct , Oinshn.
Manufacturers and jobbers In
Wasrons , Buggies Mcs , Plows , Etc ,
Cor.Oth and 1's.clllc streets , Omaha.
Artists' Wlntorlnlo.
A , HObPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
ISIS Douglas street , Omslia , Nebraska.
Boots and Shoos.
Jotes of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,1103,1105 Douplns ttrcpt , Omnhn. Manufactory
bummer street , Uoston.
Coal , Coke and Lima.
Jooters of Hard and Soft Coal ,
a South 13th ttr.'ot. Onialm , Nebraska.
Shippers of-Coal aid Coke ,
211 South 15th it. , Omaha , Nob.
Wliolesale Lnmtier , Etc ,
Imported ami American 1'orlland cement. 8tatJ
agent for Ullwaukro hydrnu Ic reuicnt and
( julmy wbitulmic.
inrpcls ami pnrqnet llooniiir. ftli an J Douglas
tiects , Omalia , .Neb.
Ull Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
lEtli street and Union I'acinc track , Onialin.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasli ,
Doors , lUc. Yarda-forncr * lh and UougUs. Offlc *
Corner lUlli and
Into1 , Lira ? , Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner 9th aad Uouulai sts , o'matia.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th and California streetsOmaha. Nebraska.
MIMI InIPtry and Notlona.
Importers & Jolte in Millinery & Mins
ail , 210 nml 212 Soulli lltll utrecl.
4 4
Wholesale Nations and Famishing Goods ,
1131 Uarney btrect , Omnba.
Storage and Commission Merchants , .
Specialties llnttor , fee * , cheese , poultry , gam * .
1112 llouard street , Omalin , Neb.
Dry Cooda and .Cotlons. .
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
1102 and 1101 Douglas , cor. llth street , Omuba , Nob.
Importers & Joiners in Dry Goods , Notions
Dent's furnlthlng cond . Corner llth and llurney
streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Importers and jobbers o (
Wcolens and Tailors' ' lYmaiings ,
317 South Hih slreit.
Wholesale Dalers ; in Furniture ,
Farnam street , Omahu , Nobruska.
Furniture ,
Omaha , Notrusku.
Wholesale Groceries and Proyisioas ,
TOO , 707 , 70U aad 711 South 10th St. , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
lith and Ixiuvcuworth streets , Ouiaha , Nebraska.
W. / . BROA'IOH ,
Heavy Hiriware , Iron and Steel ,
Sprlnus , waeon stock , bardwaro , lumber , ct < j. 1209
. . . . * n4 UH Uarnojr street , OmnUa.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel.
Wholesa'e Harare , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , sheet Iron , etc. Agents for Jlowa scalM ,
Miami powdorand Ljrnian barbed wire. _
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shou
Mechanics' tool and Huffalo scalci. H05 Douflas
street , Omalia , Neb.
Toya , Etp.
Jobbers of
- Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goofy
Uouie furnUblnu Roods , children's carrlsxei , 1C
t rnnm streol , OuuUo , Neb.
01)8. )
Wliolesale Refined ant Lubricating Oils ,
Axl , etc. , Oiutlm. A. M p i b
Pa por.
'Wliolesale Pacer * ,
C rrr ilce stock of printing , wrapping smi writing
l > sp r , Bt > - eUlBU utlg i\Y \ u.\o tiidpiptr. J.
State Line.
To Glasgow , llclfast , Dublin nnd Liverpool
From New York Every Tuesday.
Cabin paiiaBOHSto UO , according tolocatlon of its
room. Excursion fed to W.
Bteeroito to nnd from ICuropu at Lowest Untoi ,
AUSTIN JIALIJWIN k Co. , Uen'l Agonn ,
U llroKlwuy , Now Vorlr.
IOIIN llLEQix , Uen'l Western Agent.
1C ( lUnilolph BU , Chicago.
IUHIIY K. MOIitfl , Aifect. Oinaba.
Keiluccd Cablnratea to Qlastraur