Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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    1UB OMAHA DAILY BEE : , SATURDAY , JULY 18 , 1889.
Ilia Friend "Charley Mitchell Oavo
Him the Dooo.
No nirty Work About It Hnlllvnn
1'lroil of He I I > K Clinactl by
.Sheriffs nnd Ilrcntlics
n Threat.
Merely n I'nln Killer.
DAtiTiMonn , July 111. [ Special Telegram to
" $ ni ! Bnn.1 The statement that Kllrnln was
drugged llnds support among the Ualtlmoro
sports who witnessed the fight , but the mo
tive seems to have been to deaden the pain
rather tnnn to cnuso his defeat. In the third
round , nfter SulllVnn delivered his tremendous
deus blow over Kilrnln's heart , Mitchell held
to hm mouth n sponge dipped In a buckot.nntl
after that Jake foueht us In n trance. Mitch
ell purchased in Baltimore n drug which
acts directly on the heart nnd benumbs the
nervous sensibilities. The blow over the
heart caused n slowing up ot the heart's
action , nnd nftcr administering a dose ,
whisky to exhilarate the hcnrt'3 action should
hnvo boon given.
A Ualtimoro physician says : "ICIlraln
wan over trained , nnd 1 bcllove the rapid re
duction in his weight wiii not effected by his
hard work , but by powerful cathartic tnodl-
clno. After these tremendous blows on the
heart 1 don't think ho will over bo the sumo
man and certainly should not enter the ring
again. "
It is understood Jhko is to boclvon a lu
crative agency for a brewery hero.
John It. nt OhlcaKix
CIUOAOO , July 12. | Special Telegram to
Inn BKB. ] John L. Sullivan arrived here
about noon. Ho nnd his backer , Johnson ,
wcro last soon streaking It across the
Twenty-second street railroad tracks , hav
ing stepped off the Chicago and custom Illl-
hols limited train , which arrived In Chicago
nt 11:80 : o'clock , tills morning. John L. and
his companion wore afraid that ono of Gov
ernor Lowry's telegrams had reached Chicago
cage , but the fears of the bruiser and Mr.
Johnson were not realized , and when the two
slipped from the car none but brakomou nnd
switchmen were about. The two mon un
noticed passed down Twenty-second street
and disappeared from viow. Sullivan nnct
Jolfnson left Nashville last night Just in tlmo
to avoid tbo sheriff.
A reporter made Inquiry of the conductor
retr.irdlngJohn. .
"Bless your soul , man , " he oald , Sullivan
Wasn't on this train. "
But the reporter learned otherwise. The
porter who had inlntstarod to the pugilist ,
blacked and received his S5 tip was
very talkative. Sullivan und Johnson , the
Porter said , got un the train ut Evnnsviilo nt
1 n , in. to-day. The big man was both mart
nnd scared.
"D it , " tbo porter heard him say , "I'm
sick of being nrrcsled , anU the next man that
lays his hands on mo will get -his bead
mashed. "
At every stop of the train Sullivan would
wako up and anxiously Inquire if there wore
any officers aboard. Ho told the porter thnt
If ho valued his life not to breathn to a por-
eon about his being nbonrd , und ho hna a long
consultation with the conductorwhich doubtless -
loss explains the ticket Dimchor's roluctnnco
at giving away bis passengers. Sullivan ,
the porter said , was drlr.Ulug to some extent ,
but ho was at no time drunk. Ho wanted , ho
Baid , to kcoo his head about him so as to
avoid the officers.
Muldoon escaped arrest at Nash-
vlllo by playing virtuous indignation ,
declaring to the policemen that ho
was uo prize lighter nnd that ho wns a gentle
man. Muldoon says Kilraln was ovcrlraiuod
mid nt least ten pounds too light.
Ho Tar/riod in Chinn n.
CnicXao , Jul i 13. Sullivan remained In
' Chicago to-night and arranged to leavn for
Nqw York to-inorroSv 'at ' 0 a. _ m. by the ,
Grand Trunk. The route chosen will take
him through Canada , Ho kept bimsolf se
cluded from observation as much as possible ,
but managed to visit two or threu places
whcro ho coultt enjoy bimsolf in private.
Hill Issuer a Kccitilsition.
Now YOUK , July 12. There Is a rumor
afloat that Governor Hill has , on tho. request
of Governor Lowry , granted nn order for the
extradition of John L. Sullivan , and thnt the
papers for his arrest nro now in the hands of
Superintendent Murray.
A llnllrnntl In Trouble. "
JACKSON , Miss. , July 12. In n lengthy In
terview to-day Governor Lowry expressed
tlio opinion that the New Orleans & North
eastern railroad has luld Itself liable to for
feiture of its charter by its recent acts In
connection with tr ; Sullivan-Kilrain light ,
nnd bo will direct the attorney general to iu-
ntltuto proceedings against the road with the
view to obtaining the cancclutlons of Its
Grlflln Knocked Out.
SAN FKAJTCISCO , July 12. The light to n
finish to-nipht between Johnny Griflln , of
Boston , nnd Billy Murphy , the Australian
featherweight , for a purse of $1,800 , resulted
in Grlflin being knocked out in the third
round by a right tiandcr on the cbin after a
lively , but bloodless contest.
of ttio Clubs.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , July 13. Doth Mulnos
and Grinith were knocked out of the box to
day , the former in tha fourth nnd the latter
in the flftti. St. Paul also pounded Lowe
bard , while Mcohlii hold Milwaukee dovrn to
I. .
I f three bits in the InM live innings. Score i
Hawei Ami Ration. Stroek enl Itr Mnlnoi 1 , hr
MooklrUnr tinnith 1. liy l > tr 1. Will pltclioi
irimtlil. Sieaklnl. l4v i l t lli-Mllls ; i , Knrmnr I.
itolon l > R. elli w < nMuriny < t , nellir rarroll. Miller ,
( itoy , 1'onwiinn , Hcliock. ftntton nndillls. . Tlrae-3
lioursnncisTmlmit ; 5. Uniplni Korea.
IMliiiicnpoll * 17 , Dos Alolncn 7.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , July 13 Minneap
olis defeated Dos Memos again to-day.
Watts pitched for the visitors bui was tired
out from yesterday's ' game and was hit
rocly , Morrison started to pitch forMlnno-
npolls , hut was so wild that Mitchell was put
n nftcr the second inning and Dos. Moinas
failed to score with him in the box. Mlnnoa-
npolls played an excellent iloldtng game.
MINNr.Al'OMS. lies > IOI > K < L
r. n. o. n. e r.n.o. a. w. ! I 0 0 I MniViy. If 1 1 u 0
DrUcIiot , lf..n J 3 1 ( ililn < ninii,21i..l
- liUviiltclnr. CC..3 1 0
KoMcr. rf..l 111) ) UOnnnll.IIi. . . .1 0181
llpnuln. 2b , , . .1 0 I 3 O.Coilr. rt I (1 ( ( I 0 u
MHcholl , | i..1 1 0 1 USmllh. Ib U OHIO
llnnntlinn. ss.,3 003 0 Mncull 0 I t 0
Tumor , rt : i 2 U I liTrnnioy , o. . . .0 1 & 0 1
IHiKilnlo , c 3 211 0 UWutU , V
_ _ _ - ?
Totnli IT 1527 9 2
nv I.V.S'I.NOS.
Minneapolis. . 0 0 3 0 9 0 4 > 1-17
1)0 ) MoliKH. . . , . * 4 U U 0 I ) 0 0 t-t' )
'llttns onmpil Minneapolis 7 , lies Molnei i. Tiro-
Imso hltiv-Mliino'mn. Mnonllnr. Tht jo-t > .i i > lilti
Turner. Ilo ua nun Mlnnoliun , Orlsahol , Muvnnn.
\Vhltolr. ' stolcn-Ur .Mlnnctian. Drlschnl I.
llnnntlinn , llnnKlnnml Mlnnolisn , WhUolriiiitl Kins-
imn. llg < u onlmlHOirlorrlsan . " . , OIT .Mitclioll , iuir
WntHi. lilt liy pltchor HoniileZ , llrlsslio' . Struck
out -liy Wfttts B , Morrison 1 , .Mitchell 8. l'ns cd
inlls-IlniMnle 'i , Tmlllor 3 , CoUy 1. Tlmo 2 houn.
Uinplrn Clurk.
The National
NBW YOIIK , July 13. Reiult of to-day's
frnmo :
Cleveland . O. 0 2010000 3
Now York . 1 0030010 * 4
Base hits Cleveland 7 , New York 7.
Errors Clovqland S , Now York D. Batteries
Cleveland , 'Qrubor and Zimmor ; Now
York , ICoofo and Evvlng. Umplro I'owors.
PiiiiADKLruiA , July 12. Result of to-day's
ganio :
Philadelphia. . . . ! 00002000 3
Chicago . 0 00010010 2
, Base hits Philadelphia 4 , Chlcaffo 8.
Errors Philadelphia 3 , Chicago 15. Hattcrios
Philadelphia , Sanders nnd Schrivcr ; Chicago
cage , Healy anil Farrell , Umplro Mo-
QuaiJ. _
WASHINGTON , -July 13. Kosult of to-day" t
fame :
'VVashlnRton ' . 3 00020080 7
Indianapolis . 0 00000110 3
Uaso.hlts Washington , H , Indianapolis 3.
Srrors WashluRton 3 , Indianapolis 0 , Bat-
terlos Washington , Haddock and D.\ly : In-
dlamipolls , 13oylo nnd Daily. Umpire
Liynch. _ _
The American Association.
CINCINNATI , July 13. Kcsult of to-d y'
game :
Columbus : . ! S 3010001 * C
Cincinnati . 0 2 5
KANSAS Crrr , July 19. Result of to-dny's
iCansas City. . . . .0 00000000 0
Ualtlmoro . 1 0010200 * 4
Lotus VILI.C , July 13. Result o ! first game :
Brooklyn . 1 00000003 3
Umliville . 0 U i
Result of second game :
Brooklyn . 3 4 0 1 0S
Louisville . . ' . 0 0 0 1 01 ;
Oamo called at the end of tbo fifth jnum ?
on account of darkness.
Sr. Louis , July 12. Result of to-day's
paine :
St. Louis . 0 00010300 4
Athletic. . 0 00001100 2
A 111:1 to 111jimo,4. : .
YOKK , Nob. , July 12. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bnn. ] The York.and . Seward nines
contested On the diamond this afternoon In
this pUce , Sownrtt winning by B ucoro of
IS to 0.
MiSiiouKi VALLEY , la. , July 19. [ Special
Telegram to TnuBnuJ Missouri Valley
shut the Logan club out by. a scorn of 8 to
nothing. The game was played this altor-
uoou at Logan. 1
"VVnnhlturtoii Park 'Ilace ' * .
WASHINOTON RvnK , July 13. The races
to-day wcro made notable by the fastest
mile ever recorded in a race , Maori boating
Little Minch and three others in 1 : ' 4-5 ,
oQloial time. Outside timers all made the
mlle faster , none making It slower tnan
1:39) , and the electric timing clock macto it
in 1 : ! )9 ) . The aaco was run under the scuta
of weignts prevailing when Ten Broock sot
the record nt 1UOX : , and the winner was to
receive 51,000 extra if His record was beaten.
Summary :
Two-year-old fllllos , four nnd ono-hulf fur
longs TulIn Blackburn won , Happiness second
end , Can Can Jhird. Time 55 1-6.
Samq conditions as flrst Amelia won. Sis
O. Leo second , Lulio B. third. Tlmo 53 1-5.
Three-quarters of n tnila Spaldincr won ,
Crisplnor second , Dancing Kid third. Time
Ttireo-quartors ol n mile Stove Jerome
wou , Winning Ways second , Cupid third.
Time 1:1415. : .
Ono and one-sixteenth miles Ganynioad
wou , Ctmnipnguo Charlie second , yvnnio
Blackburn third. Time 1:4SJ : .
Ono mile Maori won. Little Mlnch BOO-
end , Laura Davidson third. Time 139 ; 4-5.
One nnd one-eighth miles Monlu Hardy
won , Cotillion second , Catulpa third. Time
1:50 : 4-5.
rtrluhtou Brnoh Races.
Buionrox BE.VCII , July 12. Summary of
to-day's races :
Five-eighths of a mile Keclaio won.War-
rlc 11 second , Lilly Kinney third. Tinie
Three-quarters of a mlle Quosal won ,
Rodger second , Little Addle third. Time
1:17 : .
Quo and one-eighth mile ? Wilfred won ,
Wy-Own second , First-Attempt third. Time
3:00. :
Ono mlle Vigilant won , Dago second ,
Prospect third. Tiino 1:40. :
Ono nulo-iDavio S won , Henry Gcorgo
second , Kink third. Time 1:47. :
st , 1'iuil ,
ST. PAUL , July 13. Summary of to-day's
races :
2:27 : trot , purse SGOO Alice won , May C
second , LonuVilkcs \ third , Silver Cloud
fouith. Best tlmo 3 25.
2:24 : pare.purso SliOO Louis B won , Mon
key Italia Bocond , Diamond third , W L
fourth. Bst time a:2'JJf. :
3:83 : trot , purse SCOO , ( untlnlshod ) John W
won the 11 rat. anil second heats , Bob M third ,
Minnooln fourth and Lady Mack fifth. Bout
tlmo 3:3T : > { .
Tlio Ilnacs nt Grant.
GRANT , Nob. , July 13. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BKK.J The races at this place have
attiuctcd many sporting people and some
fluot stock , 'Ilia famous Queen of Hearts ,
who ran away with the Oniului and Lincoln
swcopstakea last fall , was present , but could
find no race. _
Tlio 1'a trla rolls 1'nrndo ,
Cm CAGO , July 13. Tbo Knights of tha
Patriarchal Circle , resplendent In gold-bo-
spangled uniforms nnd representing a num
ber of cities , wont through the entire temple
manual to-day in a prlzo drill at ttio baseball
park. The Occidental coinuiandcry , of Chicago
cage , won the supreme temple prize , the
Blooinlngton knights thu MIX ) prlzo in the
flrst class , and the Ucs Molnes the (200 in
the second class , The supreme temple to
day adopted Iho revised constitution and by
laws providing for a grand temple In each
state , und reducing the heretofore unwieldy
supreme temple to a compact body of about
twenty men.
Trouble Drcwlueat Oklahoma.
KANSAS Cirr , July 12. A special from
Fort Laavenvrorth says : General Morrltt ,
U. 8. A. , accompanied by an aldo , left to.
night for Oklahoma City. Trouble is re
ported to bo brewing at that place. A new
crowd ol settlers have resolved thornaclvoa
Into an opposition to the city administration
und Issued a call for a new election on tha
Itith. Tlio filuulloa Is so threatening thut
Mayor Couch hut issued a proclamation
commanding peace. Yesterday , becoming
alarmed , ho telegraphed for General Mer
Tlio Burlington Knookod Out By a
StoambOEvt Company.
An Important Ruling By the lUxllrond
Commission A Strnnito Case
of Hallucination Oilier
Itnwkcyo News.
The "Q" Must Tnkc the Krolulit.
T > n MOIXM , la. , July 12. [ Sooclal Tele-
pram to THE Unit. | 'Iho railroad commis
sioners to-day rendered a dec.lslon of great
importance , and ono thai Is likely to affect
Intor-stnto rates botwcon Chicago , St. Louis
and lown cities. Several months ago the
Diamond Jo , the Mississippi rlvar steamboat
line , Illcd a complaint with the commission
ers , charging that the Chicago , Burlington
St Qulnoy road was discriminating against It
by refusing : to take frolght from it con-
! gncd to points hi Iowa along the road , un
less the frolght charges on such consign
ments were prepaid by the steamboat con-
pany. Prior to March 80 , 13S9 , the railroad
took the freight , as It did from other car-
rlcra , and settled for It afterwards , but
since then It has domnndod prepayment of
charges. The steamboat company ap
pealed totho commissioners , and
a copy of their complaint was
sent to General Manager Ulploy , of the
"Q. " Ho admitted the fact , but placed In
detenso that his road had a competitive line
running down the river , and ought not bo
couipullod to make n transportation with the company against its oxvn Interest ,
and that there wna no reaton why it should
bo expected to advance money for the steam
boat line or take its freight unless prepaid.
Alter so mo spcclllo Instances ol refusal were
roportcd to the commissioners , they took ac
tion to-day , ami now say in reply that while
a transportation comoany has the right to
doinand pavmont in advance , yet the right Is
almost univur&iUy waived , und to inako an
exception now is to discriminate unjustly ,
mid theruforo thn railroad company Is noti
fied that it must treat all nllko.
The offaot of. this decision will bo to RVO
St Louis very low rates with Iowa , slnco
shippers can use the river to Kookuk , LJur-
HnRton , Davenport or any river tow a , and
than llnlfth the trip by rail. Chicago will
hava to moot the St. Louis rate , and thus lu-
tor-stato rates will Indirectly bo reduced , so
that all low.i cities will bo moro or loss bono-
titled by the change.
Points For Western Hnymon.
Four DODOR. la. , July 13. [ Special to THE
UEB. | D. A. Kent , secretary of the Iowa
Hay Shipper's association , has Issued a cir
cular letter to western hay misers In which
ho snys that nccoidlng to all reports there Is
a very heavy growth of timothy ana prairie
wherever these grasses nro grown for the
market. Continuing , bo snvs the Now Eng
land and Middle Atlantic states have a very
heavy crop of timothy , which will cut off
eastern shipments for next year and require
the western crou to bo consumed largely in
the wcstei n markets. The advice of eastern
receivers and consumers of hay to the hay-
men of the west to put up all they can is
condemned , it bumg the obvious purpose of
such udvlco to make hay cheap for the con
sumer by a largo crop. II farmers und ship
pers will consult their best interests , Instead
of putting uu a great gorge of hay Hko the
crop at last year , tney will put up n few tons
of llrat-ciass hay. There is moro profit In
ten tons of fancy hay than there is in thirty
tons of the poor grades. If the people of
Iowa , Kansa * , Minnesota and Nebraska had
put up not moro than one-half of the hay
they did last year thay would have realized
double the money they aid on their crops
nnd with only half the labor.
A Glrl'H StrangeHallucination. .
DBS MOISES , la. , July 13. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnn BEE. ] A-strange cnso of hal
lucination is reported front Parliersburg ,
near which place tha daughter of a German
minister by the nnuio of I'aul , Is wasting
away over the in san o idea that her fiithor is
dead. A few weeks ago she dreamed that ho
was killed by a runaway , nnd last Friday the
family horao did run away and smashed up a
bicycle which was in the buirgy , hut the
father was not thorn at nil. The girl saw the
accident ana imagines that the bicycle was
her father , find luslsti tliat he is dead ,
although several weeks bavo elapsed siuco
the smash-up. She seems all right on other
matters but this strange hallucination.
Pay tlio Note ? .
WATKBI.OO , la. , July 13. [ Special Tole-
to THE UEB. ] Cole Grant and A. W.
McNoal swindled a number of farmers In
Webster county some tirno ago on a fence
scheme. They were tried and convicted and
now the notes that the farmers puvo the
swindlers nro in tlio possession of the First
National bank at Grand Haven , Mich. , and
the makers huvo been informed that oolluc-
tlon will bo enforced. This will bo resisted
in the courts. There are twenty of the notes ,
aggregating about § 3,000. ,
St. John Stumping ( ho State.
WATBIUOO , la. , July 13. Kx-Govcmor
J. P. St. John , of Kansas , was in the city to
day and lofL this afternoon for Mason City.
Ho is engaged in working up < the third party
strength in this state for the fall campaign.
He believes that owing to disaffection in Iowa
over the railroad legislation , a light increase.
of tlio third party vote will result iu the
election of a democratic governor tills fall ,
and the plan is to organlzo the third party
forces thoroughly and early in the campaign.
A Fatal Uunawny.
MUSCATINB , In. , July 13. 1 Special Tele
gram to Tun Bi.E.l John McGrow , said 1o
bo the oldest resident of Muscatlno county ,
was instantly killed to-day , He and hU wife
were returning to their nornu when the horao
scared and-throw both into an jpoii sewer.
McGrow's nock was broken. His wife la ser-
ously hurt.
The Third Application For n Writ of
HubnnH Corpus llol'uacil ,
CHICACO , July 12. Judge Horton , of the
criminal court , to-day hoard arguments for
and against the Issuance of a writ of habeas
corpus fdr John F. Beggs , now Imprisoned
In counectlon with thoCronln caso. Ho hold
that the indictment was auQlolont presump
tion of guilt tO'Wurrant the holding of tbo
prisoner without ball , and refused to issue
the writ.
llurko "Will lie KxtruUltoU.
OTTAWA , Ont. , July 13. It is now settled
beyond doubt that the Government will grant
the application of President Harrison for
tbo extradition of Uurke. Tbo report of
Judge Uoln has not yet arrived from Winni
peg and meantime it Is open for Hurkc's
counsel to apply for a writ of habeas corpus ,
fifteen days being allowed for that purpose
in order that Judgu Main's decision may bo
reviewed. It U rumored that such action
will not bo takon.
An Alleged Boycott.
WASHINGTON , July 12. Some of the butch
ers of this city who have secured goyorn-
mtnit contracts have made complaint to the
district attorney , alleging that the agents ot
sovfiral Chicago dressed beef hotuos who do
a wholesale business here have combined to
Injure- them by instituting what is prnet Scully
a boycott. The representatives of the Chl
cage houses deny emphatically that they
hnvo entered into any combination to put
up urlcea. It is probublo the whole mutter
will como up In the courts.
A Big Imnil Claim.
TOPKKA , Kan. , July 13. Ex-Governor
Crawford , attorney for tbo Cheyenne and
ATapahoo Indians , has Issued an mUrea * to
the United States commissioners , who nro
about to nogotluto for tbo Cherokee strip , in
which he presents the claims of his clients
to 4OOaXU ( ocroa ot land also claimed by the
She homily' .bhmamls Admission to
the Si lolrhnotl of StlUos.
Uoisn CITY , hld ljo , July 13. The conven
tion to frame aeonptltutlon for the admission
of Idaho has Iftibft'ln cosslon hero ono week.
Congress failed ? iji give Idaho an enabling
act the Rome pjt , , ilie other territories , but
thcro was such ft- strong sentiment in favor
of statehood thjit-lho governor called for a
convention. I'W ' was after bo had boon
assured by members o ! congress that n , good
constitution rntljle\l by the people would no-
euro admission ciuly during the next ses
sion , nnd also thno payment of the expenses
of tbo convention , . The ohlot dlfllculty llkoly
to arise is utwn. the question of
suffrage. The Mormons formerly hold
the bulnnco of power , throwing their vote
to the party thought to bo thu
most available for their uses. ITivo years
ago the passage ot the tcstoath cut thorn off.
As n lust resort , hundreds of Mormons with
drew from the church last fall and voted ,
succeeding In Ulngimm county In electing
part of their choice of the ticket. Tha fact that
the Mormons nro colonizing portions of Idaho
makes this such a dangerous element that
the anti-Mormon republicans and democrats
ol tbo convention insist that they must bo
shorn of power to do ov'l ' This question will
como up In the convention to-morrow and
excite a lively discussion. Woman suffrage ,
prohibition , governing corporations and
trusts will also bo considered.
Ktou.noNt ) IHOTTEHS.
James Kcdpntli Tolls HoivThoy Oamo
to ho Written.
NEW YOKK , July 12. ( Special Telognvm
to Tun HRG.I A local paper publishes a dis
patch from Bcnuvolr , Miss. , In which Jnioos
Hcdpath adds some information to the
"Arthur Klchinontt" discussion. Mr. Kod-
path , who Is a guest of Jefferson Davis , was
formerly managing editor of the North
American Review. Ho says that ho rend
the manuscript ol the "Arthur Richmond"
letters and that the Urst of tbo series was
written by William Henry Hurlbut. The
hitter wont to Europe before tbo Bayard
letter was nrintcd and hence Allen Thprn-
dike llico , to keep up the sensation the flr t
article created , Invited other writers , among
them "Gall Hamilton , " Don Piatt , and a
newspaper imitator of Junlus ( Mr. lledpalh
could not recall his name ) to contribute.
Senator Ingalls wa Invited , but no article
was published from bis pen. The only
friendly-spirited letter tbo ono addressed
to Thurman was sent from London by
Rico and boars Internal evidence of his
style. On his return homo Rico was urged
either to pet a democratic "Richmond" to
attack representative republicans , or to drop
tha series , as the selection of democrats
only for targets was Injuring the reputation
of the Ho view for impartiality. Mr. Rico
wac too earnest a republican to consent to
attack representative members of his party ,
so tbo letters wcro discontinued.
An Octogenarian's Olorltnl Break.
SriiiNOFFELii , Mass. , July 13. [ Special
Telesram to TUB BEE. ] The secret mar-
ruigo Tuesday of Pelatiah Ely , of Long
Meadow , eighty-four years old , to his house
keeper , Mrs. Lucy Morto , aged fifty-Qvo ,
within twenty-ilvo ( ilai'3 nftcr the death of
Mr. Ely's first wlfo , has raised a breo/o in
this city nnd among tha relatives of the
octogenarian , .vho is worth , perhaps , 575,000.
Mr. Ely had never seen Mrs. Ely nrior to
her engagement as nurse to tbo former Mrs.
Ely , four weeks ago. '
Bloody How Among Miners.
LcAVENWoimi Khn. , July 12. At East
Lcavenworth , MO. , Wednesday , a number of
Polish miners bccorao involved In a whole
sale row , and dividing into factions fought
with knives nnd Iratchots until five of their
number wore dartgerpusly woundod. A dep
uty sheriff and po'sso , , armed with Winches
ters , stopped the , fray and Imprisoned the
miners in freight cary. During the eight all
escaped save the wounded.
An "Kimlifili Syndicate.
CHICAGO , July 13. The representatives of
a London gas syndicate nro horo. They pro
pose to organize a company with $20,000,000
capital to promote water gas companies in all
the cities in , the United States , largo enough
to pay , taking in local capitalists. It is said
water gas can bo manufactured and sold for
about 25 couts per 1.000 feet.
Stri kiner Miners Submit. -
INDIANAPOLIS , July 13. The bituminous
miners at Corvillo , fifteen miles north of
Brazil , who quit work three weeks nco , re
turned to work to-day , yielding their point.
Of 33 strikers , only seventy-five could got
work , owing to disorganized trade as a result
of the strike. The stiiko of the blocli coal
miners continues.
Floods in Texas.
AUSTIN , Tex. , July 12. Heavy rains west
of hero during the past week have swollen
all the streams , and the Colorado at this
point is bicher than for twenty years , and Is
still rising nt the rate of ton inches un hour.
Plantations on the bottoms nro overflowed
and fences nro swept away , causing losses
alfilcult to estimate.
Kdltor Bowcn Bndly Bi-nlscd.
PUTNAM , Conn. , July 12. Henry C. Bowen ,
editor of the Now York Independent , was
badly bruised and suffered a severe shock by
a carriage accident this afternoon. Bowen
was taken to bis home in Woodstock. As ho
is seventy-six yoors of age there are fears
that the shock may provo serious.
A Rumored Comnllantlon.
BUFFALO , July 13. Reports are current on
'change that Sherman Brothers & Co. , lim
ited , managers of the associated elevators ,
are Involved In a serious complication. It is
alleged that certificates for a largo amount
of grain are out and that there Is no grain to
represent thorn in the elevators.
A Bucket Shop Victory.
CHICAGO , July 13. The circuit Judges this
morning declined to modify the injunction
secured by the bucket shops against tha
board of trado. Tfie board , asked that It bo
allowed to furnish quotations to its members
fifteen minutes sooner than to the bucket
shops. _
National Educational Association ,
NASIIVJL&E , Totin. , July 13. The advance
guard of the members sf the National Edu
cational association , .which convenes In an
nual session Tuesday next , ban arrived.
The national counqi } .iwsomblea this morn
| -TJ _
Three Prlsd'liurs HufTnoatcd.
JACKBONVILLB , Or ° n , July 12. The Jail ,
containing thrco prisoners , was discovered
to bo on fire this morriinc , and bofora the
cells could lo reacli"od4o. * liberate them , thu
prisoners died from' ' suffocation. The origin
of the lira is a mystery.
The I'opo WlUfet'iy ' In Rome.
LONDON , July IS.Tl o Vienna correspondent
ont of the Times sa.v's : Austria , through
Cardinal Galombertj , papal nuncio at Vienna ,
has prevailed upoibtU ? pope to remain in
Rome In order to jvyoid embarrassing the
Man ,
OZAIIK , Mo. , July.l3.-It la reported hero
that Wiloy Matthews' , the escaped bald
kuobber , shot and Killed two men in Arkan
sas yesterday. They attempted to capture
II. II. G. Klinn I/oaven
AVASIHNOTON , July 13. Hndjl Hasten
Ghooly Khan , the Persian minister , and his
secretary loft the city to-day for New York ,
u hero they will to-morrow take ono of tbo
French steamers for Havre.
Uan > ; orjus la o lie res.
New Yoitic , July 13. The bark Crusader
arrived from London this morning reports
largo numbers of icebergs directly m the
path of the trana-Atlantio steamers.
Dorr DeulliifS I lie CoiiHiilutn.
DKTHOIT , Mich. , July 12. Hon. R. G , Herr ,
recently appointed consul ut Valparaiso ,
stutod to < itay that bo would not accept
All tbo Central TrafOo Lines In a
Quandary ,
Action of the Western Freight Asso
ciation In the Matter of
Iitvo Stock Knlcs From
The Grand Trunk' * Action.
CiitaAoo , July 13. fSpoclal Telegram to
Tim BBB.J The Grand Trunk sot all the
central traffic roads to guo3slng this after
noon by a notice that on July SI It would ad
vance rates on alt classes of grain to tho-old
basis 25 cants to Now York. Coming ns the
notice did , right on the heels of the notlco
thnt It would rodttco rates on nil grain , load ,
lumber , null feed , , eta , correspondingly , It
can only moan that the Grand Trunk It itn.x-
ious to' hnvo the corn rate raised. Other
central traffic roads think the tnifUaof thu
Grand Trunk will not bo mot by the other
roads. The linlllmoro & Ohio luvs all along
been contending ; for u reduction In corn
rntes. and It will not easily yield Its point ,
now that it is gntnod. It Is generally bollovod
that the Grand Trunk will rtgaln reduce the
corn rate to 20 cents. If It sticks to the 25-
cent tariff It will simply do no through busi
ness in corn.
The Bullion
CHIOAOO , July 11. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEE. ] A now complication has arisen
In bullion rates. The decision of the execu
tive board of the Interstate Commerce Rail
way association some time age provided for
a $13 rate from Utah and a $7 rate from Denver -
vor , a decrease ot $3 In the Utah rato. It
now appears that the Missouri Poolfio aad
Atchison do a big bullion business from El
Paso , and they nru dissatisfied with the
northern rates. Chairman Walker , as arbi
trator of ttao association , board arguments
to-day'from ' the Missouri Pacific , Atchison ,
Union Pacific , Rock Island and Burlington ,
relative to the proper basis of rates , the first
two contending for an advance in Utah rates
and the lost three are inlining for a reduc
tion In tha El Paso rato. Chairman Walker
will render his decision In & f aw days.
A Better FoellnR Manifest.
CIHOAOO , July 12. [ Special Tolngratn to
Tun BRE. ] The adjournment ot the Inter
state Commerce Hallway association has
brought with it , a feeling , on the part of the
western roads , that the worst of the danger
is passed. Before , the mooting there was
almost a certainty that disastrous rnto wars
would take the profit from traffic , Just at u
tlmo , too , when it would begin to bo most
profitable. Now there is perfect confidence
that there will bo no further reduction in
rates , with the chances that the Northwest
ern and Southwestern complications will
soon bo cleared up.
The Ijlvn Stock Situation.
CHICAGO , July 12. [ Special Telegram to
TncBBB.1 The Western Freight associa
tion to-day took up the live stock situation
with a view to the confinement to the closest
possible limit of the reduced rates from Kan
sas City , made by the Alton. The action of
the meeting was to establish rates of 33
couts oa cattle and hogs from Council Bluffs
and Omaha , 13 cents on packing house pro
ducts , and % \M \ cents on dressed beef. Sub
sequently , at a mooting of the lines directly
in interest , this notion was further consid
ered , and it was decided to suspend , temporarily
arily , any steps looking to a chnngo in tbo
rates from Council Bluffs nnd Omaha.
A. Hntlroad Trust.
CniciGO , July 13. The Tribune this morn
ing says : The heavy pressure brought to
bear upon thosa roads which have lately re
nounced their allei'luiuM to the Interstate
Coramerco association by the "trianglo" of
Now 5fork banking firm to bring them back
again Into the combination has not met with
the success that was anticipated. The predictions -
dictions made by the Tribune that the associ
ation could no longer survive , as it had failed
to accomplish the great things its promoters
claimed it would , found confirmation In tbo
result of tbo "gentlemen's" meeting yester
day. Not only did none of tbo rends that
staid out in the beginning or hnvo withdrawn
from tbo organization since consent to come
buck , but the withdrawal of moro roads
which have become dissatisfied with .tho re
straints placed upon them by the terms of
the agreement , and weary of thodlctatorstiip
of the New York triangle , was only pre
vented by an abrupt adjournment of the
"gcntlomon's" mooting without date.
It is generally admitted that the associa
tion to all Intents and purposes is dc.ul , and
the opinion Is expressed that no attempt will
bu made , to keep it in existence any longer.
But stronger efforts will no doubt be roada
by the New York "triangle'1 to create in its
place a gigantic railroad trust with Chnir-
man Walker at the head. The original in
tention of the Now York ' 'triangle" was to
create suoh a trust , but owing to the opposi
tion of many of the roads , they afterwards
consented to try their luck with the Inter
state Commerce Hallway association.
Cheap Rates Holiiscd.
KANSAS CiTf , July 12. It has been learned
that tno Trans-Missouri Railway association
at yesterday's meeting refused to grant
cheap rules to the triennial Knights Templar
conclave to bo held in Washington.
Sheriff * Huntintr for Him The Btory
NBTV YOUK , July 12 An evening paper
says that deputy sheriffs nra In search of
Stnphon W. Dorsoy. They hold an execu
tion against his body on nn order issued
yesterday by Judge O'Brien. The Nevada
bank , of San Francisco , brought suit
recently and obtained a verdict of 4,033.
This judgment was not liquidated , so an
order was granted by the court directing
IJoraoy to submit to a supplementary ex
amination ns to his property. This edict
was not obeyed , so Judge O'Brien yesterday -
day fined Dorsoy the amount of the judg
ment for contempt of court.
At the sheriff's ofllco It li dented that such
execution has been received. Dorsoy was
found by a reporter and said : "I supposed
this case disposed of long ago. I am ono of
three Indarsers on a note , from which I have
never received a cout. I want the other fol
lows to puy , that is all thcro is to it. " <
Two Nebraska Appointments.
WASHINGTON , July 12. William B. Pom-
borton and .A. B. Ball , of Nebraska , have
been unpointed special agents in the general
laud ofilco.
Tlio Sailors' Htnlco Collapse * .
LiVBWOOL , July 13. The strike among
tbo sailors hero has collapsed , the men uoj
coptlng the terms offered by their employers.
the I'Aiiumn Ilnllcf Bill.
PAIUS , July 13. The chamber of doputlos
passed the Panama canal rollof bill iu the
term in which it was adopted by the senate.
Mike Con way's
Mlko Conway , of the Omaha Plumbers'
union , has surrendered to the police , in
answer to complaints which have been made
at'iiinal him charging him with having de
stroyed some work belonging to Master
Plumber Fitzgerald. ( Jon way gave bonds in
the sum of f 100 for his appearance for trial
on Tuesday next. Ho assorts that his arrest
was duo to splto-work on the part of Fitz
gerald , who , ho says , has stated that hn
would spend $1,000 to drlvo Conway out of
Justine : Krocifer's Court.
Tae case of Fred Lange against the Crystal
Ice company is on trial. Lange claims that
ono of the drivers for the ice company drove
o wagon over his borse'i foot , for which ho
asks damages In tbo sum of ? 50.
The suit of Attorney Sears against B. and
H. Llvinstone for the collection of tiW for
attorney's feus in a breach of promise suit ,
bus beun decided in favor of the defendant.
An Important Itloathift or the Anne *
olntlon Imst Night ,
The Merchants' Week association mot at
the board of trndo rooms last evening nnd
ndoptod a constitution and by-laws for tha
future government ot tha organization. The
constitution provides for the election of a
board of directors of 100 , for the election of
the various necessary officers and the ap
pointment of committees on fliiAnco. execu
tive , transportation , press , advertising , out
door nmtiscmotiU , In-door amusements , dec
oration and pnbllo comfort.
The duties proscribed for the rnrlous com-
mlttc.cs to perform Indioato that reduced
rates are to bo obtained on the railroads
running into Omaha , nnd nt the various
hotels of tlih city , M nn Inducement to en
courage visitors from all points , Oul'nnd In-
dooratniKumonts , pageants and parades are
to bo provided for.
The object of the association , as stated , In
to nrruiifja during ono or two weeks In the
spring nnd f.\ll a thno for merchants' week ,
when all sorts of nmuaontoiiU nnd attrac-
ttonsjvro to bo provided for nnd ovary In-
duccmont will bo hold out for people to como
to Omaha.
The association Is to moot regularly on the
first Momlav In every month , nnd the execu
tive committed U to moot every Tuesday
Only the chairmen of the various committees -
tees were appointed last evening. The full
committees will bo unpointed nt the next reg
ular mooting. The following Is a list of the
chairman appointed last evening :
John A. Wukoilold , finance ; William P.
Bcchol , transportation , G. M. Hitchcock ,
pressH. . C. Aklli. advertising : Joseph Gar-
nouu , outdoor amusements ; VV. A. Ij. Gib
bon , Indoor amusements ; William Klorntcad ,
public comfort ; Louis Hulnirod , decoration.
The chairmen of those various committees ,
together with the officers of Iho association ,
will constitute the executive committee ,
which shall have n general supervision over
all other committees.
The executive committed will meet next
Tuesday ovonlng and perfect Iu orpaniza.
The Merchants' Week in Omaha promises
to bo a grand event , or a scries of them , nnd
the zeal and Interest manifested in this en
terprlsc by the leading business men of the
city is an earnest of the aucccsa that will
auroly crown this effort.
Bcslcjrcd By RufTrailsts ,
OLTMPI v , W. T. , July 13. In the conven
tion to-day a largo number of potitlona and
resolutions wcro Introduced , among thorn
ono olgncd by 554 raua nnd 415 women in
favor of women HUffrago. All were appro
priately referred. Tho. remainder o f the ses
sion win consumed in the discussion of the
report ot the committed on rales.
A liUBty Knrlhqunlrc.
ST. PiiTKnsnuKO , July 13. One-half of the
town of Djarkcnu , in Somllritchlnsk , has
been destroyed by un earthquake.
The TorrlWe Kites Which Are Paid to
the "In Iu" Gndw.
The steamer Congo , saya the London
Standard , brings news from New Cala
bar of a most revolting sacrifice. It
seems that u few mouths uuo the old
kiiiK of Eboo died , nnd , as is customary
in thnt part of the country , the traders
from Now Calabar wont up to pay their
respects to the new monarch , The trad ;
ers were awnrp that for a short time
after the old king's tlenth 'tho "Iu Iu"
rites are performed , but they thought
that these were over. The deceased
monarch's name was Imphy , and to the
horror of the English traders the "Iu
Iu" ceremonies were at their highest
when they entered Eboo Town.
The rites had been in operation for
about two months , and already about
forty people had. been slain to apueaso
the "Iu Iu" gods. The old king was
then lying in a grave which hud been
dug for him. The hole was a larcro one
and cloep. dying in the .gajjno grava
were nine of the Icing's youngest wives ,
and their deaths had' hopn brought
about in the most cruel manner. Each
of the poor creatures had both her
wrists and ankles broken , BO that she
could neither walk nor crawl. In this
state , and suffering the most excruciat
ing pain , the unfortunate creatures
% vcro placed , at the bottom of the grave ,
Hoven of them lying side by
side. The body of the king was then
laid on thoui in a transverse direction.
The two remaining women were laid
down by the side of the king , lying ox-
aotly like the monarch's .body. No feeder
or water waa given to the poor
creatures , who were loft in that
position to die. It is said that
death did not , a3 a rule , take
place for four or live days. Four men
wore stationed round the grave , armed
with clubs , ready to knock back with
these weapons any of the women who ,
notwithstanding their maimed condi
tion , wore able to crawl to the side of
the grave.
Iu other parts of the town further
human sacrifice ? were taking place ,
Suspended from various trees wcro the
bodies of several men , These poor fol-
lo vs were also enduring the most ago
nizing death. In most instances holes
had boon borodthrough their feet just
by the ankles. Through the holes
ropca were drawn , and the men were
then tiofl to a high troo. Their heads
Were , of course , hanging downward.
The men were there left to die. The
traders , as they were proceeding along ,
wcro unwilling witnesses of a frightful
sacrificial execution. They saw a num
ber of natives in a group and wont o
the spot to see what WHS taking placo.
To their horror the white men sawn na
tive tied by the loot and ncok. The rope
attached to the nock waa tin-own
over a tree in ono direction and tlio
rope attached to the foot was tlou to a
tree in the opposite direction. The
ropes were then drawn tightly , nnd
when the body was distended , to its ut
most length another native with a
hatchet struck the nock and Hovered the
head from the body. The head wa
taken to the grave where the king was
lying , while tlio body was oaten by the
cannibal natives. The white mun could
do nothing to stop the barbarous prac
tices , as to interfere with those "relig
ious customs" would not bn tolerated by
the nativon , and the lives of the traders
would huvo boon in peril. They there
fore made as quick a retreat from the
town an they could. Tho-tradors learned
thnt I r cunh of the following ten
months there was to boa sacrifice of
seven men.
Gnrrotlnt ; a Ilavanna llnndlt ,
Juan Victoriano Mnohin , a white tm-
tlvo of Cuba , thirty-four years old , a
famous bandit , was publicly gtirroted
on the 1st of Juno. Ilavanna corrospon-
pent of the Pull Mall Gazette writes , in
front of the city prison. Ho was mar
ried the previous night In the con
dom nod cell to his paramour , there
being heart-rending scenes , "well-
seasoned" officials weeing , On the way
to the scaffold the criminal alternately
faltered and struggled desperate-
' Positively cured by
these Little Pi/Id.
They also rclloo DIs-
trcjsa frora D pepsla , In-
ITTLE tllswUon nnd Too Hearty
IVER Bating. A perfect rum
cdy tor Plzzlness , Nausea ,
PILLS. Drowsiness , Had Taste
In the Mouth , ContcO
Tongue , I'uln In the tilde ,
regulate tbe Bowels. I'urtdy Vegetable.
ly , slirlolcliiR for mercy for
tlio six I ; o nt hie Uirco infant
chlhlron. The soldtory nttomptatl
to drown the frantic nwioald by con
stant buglo-hlowlnff. The comloinnotl
man wns suporhunmnly violent , though
honvily munnolod , Forooil nt last into
Imliquillo by it dozoii soldiers , ho was ,
\v ho n llxod , oiwlly dispatched , but hit
Hmba were distorted frightfully. Tlio
executioner wns u horouloan negro.
The ] incst on the scaffold \vaa hurt in
the fimifllo , nnil the military were un-
nhlo to restrain their tears. The
inountod polivo subsequently charged
the moh ; many persons were hurt in
the crush , kinchin's body wiia , after
several hours' oxuosuro , removed by
Iho of "nix Cnridad "
fraternity y , ac
cording to the anoiont Spanish custom.
The case of Mivchin Is specially romark-
nblo , tlio culin'It having escaped several
months back with his brother laiis , also
under sentence of deatht from the con-
damned cell in tlio Cnstillo del Prln-
cipo , n strong fortress outside tlio city.
Ho promptly reorganized uiiow gang
nnd rosumoil marauding ; , fronuontly on-
countorlnfr tlio Gimrdlli civil. Luis is
still nt inrtfo. Victoriano , the now par
roted man , was shadowed 'and captured
by the llavana police , not by Qtmrdla
civil. The dead man is said to have
been innocent of human blood , but was
executed under the kidnapping laws as
a participant. Other bniullts in jull
will bo shortly parroted , and these utlll
nt large will probably follow soon.
There is Rrcat satisfaction , the corre
spondent adds , in town and country at
the course of events.
\Vnrncd in Tlmo.
Cincinnati Enquirer : ( At Mrs. Ilo-
camiur Cromo do la Cromo's 6 o'clock
ton. )
The subject of discussion is the
much-talked of "light snmuior novel , "
built on the latest fashionable style of
orotlc iirt ,
Miss Jncqulnot tlavoyou road "Mnr-
riago Above FroozingV" Tlioy say it is
Miss Hyacintho The usual broad-
nnil-milk love story , I understand.
They nro such bores , those gushing ro
mances about devoted atTection and
Miss Chrysanthoinum-rl am glad I
found out about it. I shan't throw away
my money on it now.
The Minister's Wife Gracious ! 1
hope , young ladies , that none of you
will over commit the sin of reading
that horrid book. My husband tolls
mo that it is not lit to be road oven by a
pagan , much luss a. Christian.
Chorus Oh , Mrs. Shepherd , wo are
over so glad you warned us against it.
(5 ( p.m.atthoStiitionor'a ' Very sorry ,
Mrs. Shepherd , out the Misses Jacque
minot , Hyncintho and Chrysanthemum
took tlio last throe copied of "Marriage
Above Frcox.iug" juht about live min
utes ago.
Do Not Dalay tiuliigHood's : Saimpnrllla
you have that fooling ot iiu ; uor or exhaustion
which Is otton the warning sympton of approach ,
ns sickness. TnU mcdielno expels nil Impur-
tles from tha blood , enrol scrofula ami a
humors , creates nn upnetlte , nsilsta : illgustlon
strcuftthcneus the nerves and Imparts health to
every organ of the body.
Hood's Sarsapnrillo Is solil by all drug
gist" ) . PicpareO by C. I. Hood & Co. , Lowe
Mas *
Louisiana Slntn Lottery Company. _
Incorporate I lir the ICKltlntiuolD IMS , for otUico.
tloiril aibl UiurUfthlQ purposu * . uuii it * tnincUlse
tniidu n part of fui pru * < > nt Htnto ronsttlution , In
1ST' ) , by un ijvcrwhuJnnntf poptilnr vote. '
Hit MAMMOTH IKAWIN < } 4 liOeo | ilice nml an
nually ( limn nml l > aceiul > nr ) Mid Us OHAN1) SI.V-
UI.KNUMIIKK DIlAWINdS tnlte | ituoe In uttcli of tlio
ntinrtaii | montlMOf the year , mid uru nil druwn In
public , ut llio Academy of .Mmln , Norr Orleans , I.n.
For Iittpprify of its Drawings , and prompt
Piijmont of 1'rizcH.
Attoototl as follows :
"Wailn liurobr certify thut wo suporvlsn thit'iir-
ranuvmcma lor nil tint .Munttily ana Huiiil-Aiitiuul
tiia f.oiil mini ticnti ) J. ( it lory Comp.iny ,
miU In piinnn inuna u innl control llio il rnwlnit tlii'm-
ulvu9 , mid Hint iliei > iniiinrucuiiilui'loil ! ltliliono t7 ,
fnlrne i , and m unod fiiltli to all purlloi > , anil wu
nuthorl/.u tliu company 10 uiu lUln ccrlHIcutu , wliu
our blKiutturcii attncliol , Iu l
We , tia ! undenlunril hanks nml ijnnfcnrs will p y
all prltOK dmffn III tlio I , < } nUlnnn Stata JxHt rlo
whl ( ill nmv l.n pruii'nloilnt oiircounlvra :
It. M. W.MMKliV ; , I'rva. 1-milshum Kat. Hank.
I'lKHItH l.ArVAUX. I'm * . Hlutii Nut. llanK.
A. IIAI.mvi.V , I'rni. Now Urlunni Milt , llnnk.
OAIIIKUIIN , Viet. Union JMitlonnl l.'nnk. )
At tlio Auadumy of Muxlo. N' < ? w Or-
InniiH , TitSlny | ) , July 1(1 , 1HHI ) .
CAa'iTAi , I'HB i : , - 9:100,000. :
lOO.OW TIclccH ot till llnlvoi. II' ' ) . ( Junrtoru , $3) )
'I'cntlu , l.'i Twiintlotlu , H.
Mnr or I'nizrs.
r n,0xi !
1 IMll/.K OK MI.KI ) 19 . , . . . . . . . . . lUl'un
1 I'lllXK OK M OM . , . . . . . , . . , . . . . , . V.IXIO
1 I'ill/K OHK.U ( \ \ * . . . . . . , . „ . ; , M.UKI
y I'lllXKS UK ] HJ iliiru ( . , , . , . , , , . , „ SIHWI
6 I'ltlXKH OH1 BJUInru. , . . . . , , . , . , „ , . . . . " ' . MlJlQ
Ki I'ICIXKS OK IJMInre , , . . , , l " . . . ! I „ . . v&M
VH I'ltlXHSOK Hli nro , , . , . . . . , , , , . „ , „ „ ItiJU )
aw j'liiXKS ov an ru . , „ . , . „ , . ufun
, . ,
Kill I'rltim of tUM urw. , . . . , . , . . . . „ oOino
1UI I'rltu. < if H ) nra , . .V.V..V , , , , . . . . , , . . . . . . li >
IWl'rlivsuf ail urn . . . . . . . . . . , , . , . . aiUUO
. . . , , .Tiyo Niunum TKiun.NAi.a.
Vft prlioi of | l ( l nro. , . , . 10.0(1(1 ( (
V.'J i'fltua of JU1 uru . . . „ , . , . , . iv/ix )
3,1 ! U l'rl/.os. amountlnK to. , . 81.05g.HOO
No rr-Tli kut ilrawlnu capital I'tlioi uro not outlt-
led to Tcnnlii l 1'rUei.
FIT foil Ci.un 1UTK , nr Hiir fnrllier Inffinnallon
acslrud , nrlto Jculblv to thu un durMlKiiad.cluurljr ttut *
Initfoiirrutl'lciiua , oltiiHtatH.Coiiniy.btrotitiinilNiiiii.
bur. Mora ntpl.l rvturn mull Ucllvory rill to n aro4
by youroncluilnvon viiroluiio bcarlutf your lull ud-
Addro M.A.I > AliriIIN , Now Orlonni. I.e. .
liy im'luary lutlur conlulnlnn MO.VKV OlIDlin
br ml Kipioin i.'ompanlcj , Now York -
, IJrult or 1'uttal
KdlJll NAllo.NAI' HAM < M of Nvir O/luarn inii tbo
tkkols uro fU/icil liy DIB yri-nlJont or an Inilllutlon
wlioiu cb&rtvrud rulitvn u ruto.nlzud In tbe liluhoit
cuuttii tburufoio , towaru of all luill tloiif or
ttnniiyuiuut clibntc . "
O.VIi DilM.AII It the price of tlio imnlleit parlor
IrnilKHMifullcKctlritillKI ) liy ) imr druwlni ; .
Anyihlnx Iu our iimju oTur ( < l tor lv > i tlinu ono Uylln