THE OMAHA DAILY BBKJ : FRIDAY , JUDY 12 % 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. _ No ntlvortlscmetita vrlll be taken for llinsc cnluiiitiH lifter 12:8O : p. m , Terms Cash in ndvnncc. Advertisements under this hrafl 10 e * . . . . . par line for the first Insartlon.7 contn for f acn nub- lennent Insertion. aud 51.50 per line per month. No advertisement taken for less thnn X cent * tor flr t insertion. Boven words will bo counted to the line ; they must run consecutively and mnst b paid In ADVANCE. All dvertl o- tnenlHmust bo handed In before 12:30 o'clock p. m. , ami under no circumstances will they ue taken ordl'contlnued by telephone. Parties advertising In these columns and har- In * their nnsworsaadressodlncaro of Tin : HER will picnic. ask fern theck to cn&blo them to got their letters , as none will bedellvercdoxcepton presentation of check. All answers to auver- tlsoincnlH chould be encloced In envelopes. All advertisement * in these columns nro pub' llshtd in both moimtiR and evening editions of TUB llr.K , the circulation of which abrogates more than 1F.OM ) papir * dally , nnrt gives the ad vertisers the benefit , not only of the city circu lation of THK llr.E , but nl o of Council Blutts. Lincoln and other Utles and towns throughout this tectlon of the country. _ BRANCH OFFlCESr Advertising for these columns will bo taken on the above conditions , nt the following busi ness houses , mho are authorized ugtutsforTiiB Jlr.E special notlcon , and will quote the lame tales as can bo had at the main ofllce * Street. / 1HA8E * EDDY. Stationers nnd printers , 113 V * South lah Street. BH. PAHN8WOHTII , Pharmacist , 211S Cuui- . lug Street. ' J. HUGHES. Pharmacist , 024 North ICth Street. BEO. W. PAHH , Pharmacist. 1800 St. Slary's Avenue. HUGHES' Pharmary , 2208 Farnam St , Tele- phone No. 32. WANTED- W ANTED Situation In grocery stora or Uolesale house ; previous oxperlonce , oi' < 3 n Kngllih and German ; can keep books ; good references. Address D 69 , Bee. 403 lit ANTED Situation bv n tlrst-clnsameat and pastry cook. Address D 68 , Boo pdlce. WANTED Hyu young man situation ain salesman , or any otlicr kind of wore in Btoro or olllco. Six years' experience with general - oral merchandise , and can speak German. Best ot referfjice furnished. D Bo. Bee. 41X112 WANTKD Situation t > y competent lady stenographer nnd typewriter : no objec tion to going out of city. Address D 01 , " 0 ° ANTED A situation in or out of city by married man nbnutftO. tompnrato. good habits. Skilled accountant , stenographer. J.arge experience aud thoroughly competent to diHrhargo or nmuuie olllceork , See my references. Addresa D 45 , lleo. 2JW _ 1U \\f ANTED Permanent position In or out of T city , by unmarried man about 24. stead v habits , temperate ; thorough accountant , and competent to take charge of accounts nnd ofltce duties. Address D 43 , lleo. 2I7 ; 113 EXPKHT accountant wants complicated bookH and partnership matters to ajust. Address CG6. Bee. . OBJyltt WAHTFO HELP. f ANTED Ileail wc.ltT , SM ; man and wlto in a private family , 810 ; 3 m u and wives on farm ! * ; middle-aged couple capable ot tak ing entire charge ot n form and doing the work , ot a family of S. Sirs , Brega , 314K 8. l&th , ANTED-A. bread buker at 523 Main St. , Council Blulls. 46J-H WANTED Solicitors for Johnstown Hood book. UXMmces , illustrated.ln German nnd Unnlisn : cloth jl.GO ; commission 4o per cent ! outfit CO ccnu. It. M. Harvey , Lincoln , N b. WA"NTEl ) Two young men for light work at good wages. Itoom 17 , 220 n. It th. WANTED Boy ai"8axe's drug store , lar- nain and 15th st. J37-11 WANTED-0 enera'i and local agents to hnn- die the now patent chemical Ink erasing pencil. Greatest novelty over produced. Erases ink in two seconds , no ubraslan of piv p r ; a U to too per rent profit. Ono nguut's saleo amounted to it ED In MX clays , another ? 12 In two hours. Territory absolutely free' Halary to coed mon. No ladles need answer. Sample its eta. For terms and full particulars , nudress a he Monroe Eraser Co. , manufacturers. La Crosse , Wis. , 3SO-11J WANTED A good bakor. Address Fred Dcubach. Florence. Neb. 371 lit - the "Hla- AGENTSt-NowlsthoUtUBtosell tory t the Johnstown Flood. " We have the largest , best and latest , beautifully illus trated. Send 40c nt once for outllt und secure territory. Liberal Inducements. Act quickly. White & Mlnckler. Fort Wayne. Ind. to litj WTANTED-A gow [ draughtsman. Apply to JamcH Tylor.nru lltoct.Llncoln , Neb. SU7-14 WANTED Experienced hardware sales man ; knowledge of builders hardware prefon'ed. A. C. ItajTner. 201 r AKTED 25 stouo cutters for cutting curb. C. 1 . WoCHlworth , 1512 Douglas. US 12 * ' to travel for the FomhlllNuiseries ot M'KN CAiiacla. We pay ftV ) to 8100 a month und expense * to agents to sell our Canadian grown Btcck. Ad. Stono& Wellington , Madison , Wls. . 8)1 WANTED Ilnllrnad laborers , rocltmen and truck layers for Washington Territory ; good wages and steadv work , nt Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam at. 81 > 2 " \1TANTED A good olllco man to go east ; Vv must Invest liu.uOO ; must bo a good business man. Address the Gee , S. Cllna Publishing llouae. 315 to Sil Wubush ave. . ChlcaiO , 111. 7'JI. AN1ED Hnilroad laborers for now worK In Wyoming. Teuinstors. whcoler holders , piek anil shovel men , nud rock nnd tunnel men. Btoady wore and good job. For transportation apply at Albright s labor agency , 1120 Faruam gt. Omaha. 782 WANTED 525 weekly representative , male or feniala. In every community. Goods Staple ; household necessity ; soil at sight ; no peddling ; salary paid promptly , and expenses advanced. Fnlr particulars and vahmblasample wtKK , Wo mean Just what we Bay ; address at once. Standard Silver ware Co. , Boston Mats KU WANTED FEMALE HELP. " \SrANTEU-Cook for Osceola ; one for to- eumsoh. SK' ' . faros paid t ludy bookuaoper , onothutcan figure lumber ; clerk In erockery store ; housekeeper for wldowur ; 4waitresses ; Bswcondglrl.1. W girls general work. Omalm Kmp. Olllce. 11 ! ) N. 10th st. 458 lit WANTED Lady pastry cook. $7 ; cook for rettuuru.nt.S7 : cook and dining-room girl for O'Noill , 8.10 and 16 ; 2 laundreasea outot city. OHi ,1 D. It. girls , laundry girl for restau- runt , * > vooni at home ; 2Blrls _ for S. Oinuliu : no * ' 4ill 12t WANTED A good girl or woman for house work ; good wages will be puUU4f > t NuUom 411 m "VirANTID ! YoutiR lady to Join rofponslbla ff thratrlrii troupe. Good salary , Pro. noun uxperlviice unnecessary. Call on or ud- Uroaa E At Aiulersou , uod N. lutli st. 431-12 * "MTANTED 2jood girls for general hoiiFe- TT work , 210JWet terst. Mrs. II , W. Creiner 425 L \ rANTEl > 4 coolcs for family boarnlng TT houses. tA ; lauudresues , kitchen girls , nnrsei. cointHitent girl for family In Hapiil City , Wi ) glrla for tlio country ami 2fi for gen et al work. Mrs. HrcRo , ai4K $ 15. < rw-llj \\T A NTED A worn an , good cook and laun- ,7rw , ' . ? " " " , - ' * n > Uys wugei M per wook. ICOT Cu 1 i fujr ula. 4M TAJ-ANTED Glri for housework.2533Cumlnt' . , Vl. _ : . _ . 4oa Ut ' \A/rANTGl > -3 girls at Dr. Coflman'B. 27thand Tl Salary lave. ; teed wages paid weekly . , j. i i _ _ _ _ _ _ W ANTED-UIrl lor general hou tWork. ! tiT. II- 2Itll ave. _ [ _ _ _ 3U7 lie cook. Prank U Moore * , WANTED Atouce. a goiKl girl for genera : _ houauKODC. Apply ut 2.103 caaa st. SJI- WANTHU-Compoteut nmao for uoby. 'no ; ! ' . Thlitk'lhiuo. _ _ 3KiiJ ( ; \V tjTKI.AJlrl for B neral housework , B. ' ' loth t. , last housu on E , bld , S. of Vlnton. - _ 278 TV ANTED A couipclent girl , one who un J ' > tan ( ! cooklne , washing Md Ironlna iSSJi " ? l'i ' ! u''otll neoa apply , Mrs. W. Heir Jnau , SM at. Mary'a avo. 7w WANTEIJ Ulrl for tr ticrul liouso woric. twc In Umlly. igit a. " .vtntt. _ 2 M lit lrl to ilo cookliiB auO . -.j Aiiurte slrl orvroiuatu . _ rarnam. ; , . - , , " \\'ANTED aiiltj ao Mcond work and tat i > ewe of child thrta ynold : nonobiitconv . . . . . DLlliAll flntiiv Own * * > .K..IA * iiiiio ( jt Bt , ni ? SSWAKINC. - - _ , . _ _ . _ r _ _ . j _ . m , t T1 JJ UKJ8JIAKINO to Uu lu tomtjle. ) , W17th to do dreismaklncr in faml- ENGAGEMENTS Ml i Sturdy , 103 nv * . BOBJy.iaj BOARDINO. IpIUST-class aay board , Inciutre iwn Douglas MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. The address of nome new town TT in Nebraska tn need of a hardware store. Address 1013 S nth st , Omaha. 431-13J tt < 1 \ ANTED A second-hand desk roller ton ; i V also a i largo map ot Omaha , lloom 21 , Douglas bloelt. 10th and Dodgo. 2iia-l.1 WANTED TO RENT. WANXKD To rent furnished house. 10 to II rooms , suitable for hlgn-toned class ot roomers. Iiocatijng must bo entirely gentocl nnd convenient to business. Refer ences exchactrcd. D 31 Hen. ! CO-12 I WANT to rent for four montrts from August l.vt ell furnished house of ten rooms or up ward * . Erastus A. Benson , Now York Lite building. 200 FOR RENT-HOUSES , TilOll HENT A t\eat fi-room cottage nt 810 S. JUltlbst. 412 "I71OH HENT 0-room house , N.KSth ave. , near JL1 Jllnml Et. Inqulio 1213 Lonvonworth st. 457 16 r.AliaE house for rent , 1P3J Dodge. U . 454 17 FOH KENT 112.00 per month , a six room building. N E. cor. ot 10th ana Mason. 455 TjlOll HUNT A 0-room house with barn , prlee JU & ! \ \ per month , or gentleman will retain room and rent for f 15. Inquire on promises , KII1N. ! T.ld st. 4H1 Kit OWH HUNT 12 room house with or without C barn : Inrgo full lot ; nhade trees , shrub- Ijcry , giapcs , etc. , at 1017 Cass St. S. Lehman. pOIl HENT t room house and stable In- 1 qulro 827 South 22il St 417 12t F URNT Until October 1 , largo furnished house , call iiot S. Mth. 30U HiNT : Two nine room brlol ; houses on Park nvcnue , with ell conveniences. Also nine room frame house on same street , with all conveniences ; price 8.13 to $15 per month. D. V Sholos. 210 Flm , National Hank. ' 311 Q HOOM house and stable for 3 horses , rent -7IK per mo. SKC Cap live , uear high school ; House newly papered und painted , Cooperative tive Laud Is Lot Co. g05 N 10th Ht. 807 11 TOOH KENT 2 small houses , 2 and a rooms , JC for small families , 2 th und Howard sts , TflOll ItKNT $75 per month.a first-class dwrll- -13 Ing with all modern conveniences , including stable. ZTO8 Capitol ave. Inquire of D. J. O'Donn- hoe , 1C01 Bamnm st. 315 TjlOH H15NT R-room house , all convenience ; JL. ' paved street , cable curs and wlthtn n uilu- \ites' walk of P. O. N V ShoHoti , 1303 Furnnm st. 3M EKNT 3-room house 33 on Otn , streeten ; quire Kuhlmanu , so. cor. llth and Ylntoa. 301 ij OH HUNT Now modern built house In flrst- JL' class netghboihood ; Wiper month , Oeo , N. Hlcks.Jtoom X'u" ) . New York Klfo Hldg. SM-li T71OK HENT New elegant brlcte residence , .13 Hauscom Plai-o ; splendid location , pleasant nelghboihood. close to street cars nnd now eliM trio line. Kent $50 per inontti. Qcorgo N- II Icks , Itoom Stt' . . New York Life HldK. FOU HKNT Neat 4-room cottage , city water , li ! miles from P. O. $12.SO pea montli T ) . C. . Pattetson , 311 S.lSth. i : FOK HKNT Augnst 1st , to small cottage , with bath room , hot and cold water , on motor line , Sherman avenue. Hoforcncos required. Apply at SUP Capitol avo. iMSlM TTtOU HENT 7-room flat. 325 per mo. nbovo J- ! The Fair , 13th ancl Howard. Inquire ThoFalr. 2ei : FOH RENT A nice 8-room cottage with many conveniences , C27 8.17th ave ; rent moderate. AdpyjK4 ] . 17th at. 671 POH HENT Nice 8-room Hat , newly papered , yti. IfiK ) J toward St. . in meat markot. C51 F I OH HKNTroom corner Uat , letn and Jones , 200 linNT house. 1811 Cumingst. ; good barn and sheds ; modern Improve ments ; chtnp to right parties. 0 , L. Green , 310 S. lulh st. S2fl " | jlUIlNlSH.BD hirase. 20th. and St. JIarv s ave. . JL to rent till Oct. 1st. 7 rjonui , bath and laundry to family without children ; references required ; " .DuvldJamleson. 311816tU st. B72 FOlt HKNT Nnat cottage. S20 per month. C. F. Harrison , Merchants National Bank. FOH HKNT Furnished cottage of 6 rooms. L. In S. Lonn & llental Agency , cor. IfitH and Howard sts. 145 TilUHNlSHEDor unfurnished house torrent Jc In Park Terrace , opposite Hanscom park ; all modern convenlonces. Inquire Leo ji Nlrhol , 2Sth and Leavenworth. Bi)8 ) T71OU HUNT A detached. ' > room house , all JU modern -onvenlonccs. Enq. : D'-J Capitol ave' TT1OII HKNT 14-room brick dweUlnjr. oil con- JU vcnlences , 5 blocks from P. O 210 N. IDth at. 774 TT1OH RKNT A nicely furnished house In most X1 dealiuble residence location in the city , on street car line , llfteen minutes walk. Will take ) part of lent in board nnd room ; want man and wife ; no children. Uefcrenco ' squired. David Cole , 310 8. 15th st. 813 FOR RENT ROOMS-FURNISHED- FOH HENT Elegantly furnished front par lor suitable for 3 or 3 gentlemen. 1721 Dav enport. U'J 12t T71OH HKNT Nicely furnlshed-rooms , v'ita or JtJ without bonnl. 1.21 Davenport. 4 < S l't " | 7 > OUN1SHED rooms with or without board ; JL1 gas and butu. OU1S 13th st , 2d lloor. TTIUHNISIIKD room in private family to a JL' gentleman of good habits ; convenient loca tion ; references rccmlred , 518 S. 0th fit . bet. Harney und St , Mary's ave. 4331/tf / FURNISHED bBd room with use of parlor nnd piano. Hoard It desired. IGU Cali fornia. 4-'tt | : tt TJ1OH HKNT A pleasant front room , with -L1 bath aud gas , to ono gentleman. 2)01 St Mury'a avenue. . 413151 F UKNJSHEDrooms. Hl'JN , 19 St. 410 1U F IOH HENT-lMrnishcd room. C22N.lith ! UW > 11 TT OH KENT 3 itirnlshgd rooms for light JL1 housekeeping. Heferenccs lonutrod. (112 N Kith st. U'JMIJ ' 1TIOH HENT Two nicely furnished rooms with JL1 nil modern convonlencns ; good location ; rent reasonable ; 2004 Hurt st. iitiS lit N 1CELY fumlshed looms nud board , 1ITJO Douglas. Siillit fTIOH HENT Handsome furnlahed rooms , 7U5 JU g. l th St. , Anheusur-Husch building. 3:12-131 : T7IUHNIBHEP room for rent after Juno 2.5. -I ? 2(124 II tut St. . . . . . . . . 158 TOUHNISHED rooms with nil modern conyon- JL ; lences , for gentlemen only. 17W ) Dodire st. rjOOD rooraith bath , ( ilfl S. 23th st. 158 by day. week or month. 1' tit. Clalr hotel , cor Uth and Dodgo. BM UJBNT-lloom. 1C21 Howard. FOH HENT Two parlnrs front and on first lloor. AU modern conveniences. UlU Douglaa. .Ji ' TOOH HENT Pleasant furnished front rooms -I. with boiu-il. 210 S 25th flt. 2 < U-12t ) SNl.r. ) ( ! loom uud double room , every con- . . venleucu , 1'AU Capitol uvo , VTb N'H'ELY furuUbed rooms , board gas , bath .electric belly , etc. 1000 Douglas , _ 1U7 TOOH HKNT Mcely furnlsnod rooms with ex. JL ? colltint board.moderuconven'ci.lurMParkav 200 lb * TOOK ItENT EIegnnt south room for gentle- JU man. 1707 Dodge st. 43 TOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED TTlOHllENT-Over utovp Btore , 1021 Howard Jat Inimlro at store DOS f OR RENT- STORES A H OFFICES. Oil HENT Store rooirTVltb solid stona baHomentand hplendld tco hotue In rear , en Hurt nt , bet. 17th and mil t. Hent low. F. G , Urlan. t < ; o N. g.'ith uv. 301U- _ TOOH BENT Tr.n 4 f nry brK'K building with .1 , or without power , formerly occupied by Vh Han I'uljlMilng . 'o. , 'JM I'aruarii st. Ulio bulldi Ina has a lire proof CJinient basement , com. plotc i t iu lirntiiuf tlxturrs , water ou all tha ilitorn. t.f , rte. Apply nt the olllce of The Heo. _ _ _ _ _ _ " 115 IJHUl HUJTi "Stoi-ua und living ronmi ouOnm- JL' In ; at. Also luusa ou C sa it. Harvis. room 411. _ * * OFFICi ; Vn rentl Knrnl h < sl elaRanUj'or unfurnivhed , BU I'-SMJ block , N , it. Cor. U urcl liouumn. 0 < a l ? 7inu.NTbrora ; a < i 4 H rnl ioo in J. luar , nil m-.vlv ptrud ; ; jiootl lorMion for fd . ry or ? " . stoio : la. j-et uwiith. Afvly tt or.-c , l' , V JUrrlJOQ , Nt , 173 TT10" Hr.NT-2 floors front hMf Bemls build- J-1 ing , power , h at , electric light. Inqulroofflca of HomU Omaha Bag Co. 187 Jy3l fjtoil HENT Comfortable store rooms tn ths JU Her building , ( Mix" * ! good location for liar * ness shop. Also , two basements , light and airy , 44x30 , tinder hardware store ; good location foe tinnhop. Apply to A. , C. Havmcr , hardware ) store , Her building , corner Jackson and 10th st 505 , lV 18 FOU ItKNT A 2-story brlckr building , stora 33x75. with counters nnd shelves ncatlr fin ished ; good cellar ; uvo olllcen In front upstairs - stairs ; back pan for storage : elovntorolcctrla light. Tha best position , store room and loca tion in town. For further Information call on Chas. Bartels , West Point , Cummlng ro. Neb. r/IISCELLANEOUS. TTHI1UBLLAS and paranoia covered , and ro- U paired , 217 S 15th , Boyd'A opera house block , in ulioo store. H. Balor. MX ) NOTICE onices can now be selected in th Now York Life bullalng. Qeo. N. Hicks , ngcnt , room 20T , 2d Moor. 31114 riOLLATEHAL Bank , aUBTlCtli at. , Chambo v of Commerce. loans money on chattels and articles of value. IT ASHING done , collected and delivered by T Mrs. Andrew Sorensen , Saw Parker st. rpiiE banjo taught as an nrt by Oeo. 1' . GoP JL lenbcck. Apply at Boo olllco. U50 Ul'IIOLBTUHINU. draping nnd repairing. Mattresses made over. 1'lrs t class work. Reasonable prices. 1U LoliinanD , 219 N. Utli. 707 Jyl'l' LOST. OST A yellow shepherd dOR , clipped to Jshouldars , had on license tag 75. Itcfurn to A. n. , SKii Harney or 14tn nnd Barnaul , nnd get reward. * 34'J JUST llngHs ! ) JlastifT. tietnrn to 400 Paxton block and got reward. IM1- PERSONAL. LADIES , Altentlonl Madam Querotto'H Qoldcn Specific , olllco hours to 111 a. mnnd 3 to 6 p. m. , consultation free. 1G09 Douglas. WANTED ITio nddres' ' ? of A. JS.M lcolm. Ho is wanted to nettle estate ot deceased mother. Address J. Vf , Malcolm , Kosovlllo , Warren Co 111. 410 SOt JOB Printing. Cliasa&Hddy. US S 10th st. 2TOa5t PKKSONAfj Don't go on a vacation uuloss you take along one ot IIvyn'B amateur photo outtlts , 1411 Dodge st. : . ' ! > KItSONAIi Amateur photo outtlts com plete from S7.50 up , at lleyn's , 1414 Dodge st. SOS M RS. Perceval ot California , 1(93 Donglas St. , fortolls the future. Ladles and gentlemen. 204 a4t CLAIRVOYAN1 BU. NANN1K V. Warren , clairvoyant , medi cal and business medium. Female diseases a specialty. HUNlCtti st. rooms a and 8. 905 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINQ OMAHA Business College , cor. 10th and Capi tel avo. Shorthand The largest and most successful shorthand department in the state. Standard methods taught. Munson's revised of 'BU n specialty. Call or write for terms. TUT QTANDAUD shorthand school. Paxton block. OfauccoHor to Valcntine'8 sliortlinnd liistl- tuto\ the largest belt equipped shorthand school IP the west ; Is under tlio personal su pervision ot Joseph P. Megeath. an cx-oHlclul reporter and stale agent of the Remington Standard typevrritor , assisted bv experienced verbatim reporters. Mechanical construction of machine taught by t actory export. Particu lar attention paid to typewriting. Stenogra phers' supplies forsale. Circulars free. UJU STORAGE. iTOitAUK : at low rates ut 1K1 Faninm St. . Omalm Auction and Storage Co. 001. rnitACICAGE storage at lowest rates. W. M. Jllushman. . 1311 Leavcnworth. 003 TDHANCli & Co. , storage , 1211 Howard. OTOHAOU nnd forwarding. Wo collect and Odollvcrgoods of all descrlptlonvncrchandlBe. , furniture and baggage at cheapest ratos'for storage for any length of time. Vans nnd wngons to be had , atsnortest notice , with care ful men for. moving. Packing and shipping from our own warehouse done ou moderate charco. Merchandise loaded nnd unloaded. Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllce 217 S. Hth st. ; teluphoijii 1U UnwellAs.Co,004 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED Second hnnd engine and boiler. 25 to 40 horse pou er engine nud 35 to 50 horse power boiler ; must bo in good repair. Address - dross P , Heo olllce , Lincoln. Neb. In-lit BANK Wanted to buy a country bank In eastern Neb. or Interest in ono. Address D 47 Bee. B7515 * WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and household goods ot all kinds. Omaha Auction ft Storage Co. . 1121 Farnam. W3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. T71OH SALK-Kurnlture and'flxtures of ftK-room JL' boarding and lodging house , lulli Capitol ave. ; house rents for & ! 5. 450 14t FOH SALE Light three spring wagon in good older. 10(17 N. Hth ) gt. . 40u 12 * TOOK SALE Fine pony , suitable for saddle JL ? or buggy , or both. M. Hellman & Co. . 13ih nnd Farnam sts. 300 jlOH SALE A new 4-room cottage , very 3 cheip ( S17.1) ) . 1031 S. 23d St. 3S2-11J "IIHECanfleld M'fg Co. being about to move JL will sell 1 first-class 4-horse power enprlno and boiler at H actual valub. U'03 Douglas st , 370 TDAUHOTS and mockingbirds Just arrived at X the lllrd Store , 311 S. llth st. 37H 15 ; ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. , 1605 Far- uam. Complete abstracts furnished andtltles to real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed. MONEY TO LOAN. T , OANS on Improved and umtmproved prop- JUorty at low.ratos. Odell Bros. & CO..312S 10th. MONEY loaned on furniture , horses and wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. , lias. iJth St. , oppoblto Mlllard hotel 420 Pl'.Oi'LK'S Fmancia Exchange Largo and binall loans for loncmnd short time , at low est rates of iuterost , on real estate mortgage notes , cnatcels of all kinds , diamonds , watches nnd Jewelry. Don't fail to call If you want fair nnd cneap nccommodatlons. O. Ilouscarpu Mgr , , room 67 , Darker blk , 15th and Farnam. 915 _ GF. IlAlUtlSON loans money , lowest rates. . Uil ) _ _ _ _ " 15ESIDIJNCE LOANS-fli ! to7 per cent , noad- JLtdltloual charge * for commissions or attor neys' fees , W. 11 ; Melklc , First Nat Dankbla' ( ( { , MONEV to loan on-fnrnitnrev horses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved ecurity J , W. Bobbins , HUH Faruam. street Paxton hotel. 810 KG ShnleH , room 210 , Klrst Natl bank , before . iKO making yourlonna. _ _ UILDINU loans. D. Y.Bholcs , 210 First Na- tlomil bank. ItM _ rj O LOAN ? 2.DOO on good , first mortgage. In- JL quire of J. T. Mathewa. room 31 ? , Sneely blk. * $500,000 to loan at A per cent. Llnahau & Ma- honey. room CJM Paxton block. _ 921 "PKOPLK'S rinnnctnl Bxchnngo Tlio fairest. JL quietest ami most liberal money exchange in the etty ; money loar.od without , delay or pub licity , In any urictint , Inrge or small , at thu lowest r-.tcn of Interest , on any avallablu security - curity ; Joe.ns wur bopnid at any time or re- itawoil at original rntvs , Q , Houscurtn. ) lgr. , room 57. Uf.riccr Mojk. liith Mid Farnam. ill1 ! MONEY Lo ns Dogoctut < Hl at low rates with out drlny , and purchuso goods , commercial paper and niortsnga notes. 8. A. Sloman. cor 13th and Funiaia. t > 17 fr. Loan Co. will make you * . loan on household goods , torsos , wagons , land conti acts , fine owolry , or securities of any kind without publicity , at reasonable rates , lloom 7. Itowley block , South Omaha. .Rooms 018-il9 , Paxton blocn , Omaha , Neb. _ IttJ MONEY to loan on real estate kncurlty , at lowest rr.tOH. llefrre negotiating loans aee Wftll falt. oW.Ilrown bide , Mhtt Douglan. at IOANBraade on real estate and mortgages 'bought. Lewis 8. Hoed & Co. , U IS. Board of Trade. u3 . pHILADHLHHIA Mortiwi ; * fc Trust Co. fur. JL nlsh ilioip eastern money to borrowers.purt rhaso ( securities , perfect titles , accept loans at their western iilllco , George , P. Coates. room 7. Boird o'.tyade. UH TX/I'ONEY to loan on horses , wajona , mules. J-ULboUivboIil to < idi , pi uc .grgati , diamonds , lrn-c > ; t rates. Tlio flrot orgnnliod loan office in tti rjty , Jltka loans for thirty to three liun- Ur'v'iatv.l uty-j-a darn , which can bo paid In lurtcr nliole. at.r.r liint , thus lowering tno " ' ' and luioi'JU. Call and eo utt when jouwku : joon7o cu assist you promptly nnd to your in1vi-.iit e without removal of p ; p ty or iiulaicltj. ilonny always on hand. No U ! uy IQ niiilua lo ua. C , V , lleed & C * > . . a : > i. li'fi iu , Qt : lifet'auui & Uonj , u MONlSYto Loan Wei > fp ready forappllca * tlocs forlonnKlnarntirius from WOO lotto. . 000 on Improved Omaha Utf IMugUs county real estate , Full information' ' to rates. Loans promptly closed. Good neWs will bo purcnasod by us. Call upon us nr/yrlto. The JlcCngno Investment Co. _ hy < 018 'jroNEY to loan on gtqrtiflrst mortgages , Inv J.'Aprovod or tinlmprnycul property , Mort gages bought nnrt soldr Wallace , room 310 Hrown Imlldlng , 10th ami'nouglas. ' tai MONGY loaned for dofiWrdr W days on any kind or chattel security ; reasonable Inter. estconlldcntUl , J. J. Wltlnson , 1417 Farnnui. -Mil H DON'T borrow monov.on farnlturo , horseB , wagons , etc. , or cOUaUrals until you see C. D > Jacobs , 411 First NatyrfM bank bttildlmr. 3\r \ ONBY to lonn. II rrl4"It. R. & Loan Co. , room 411. First Nalloiml bitnk. 82 ! FIHST mortgBKO loans nt low rates nnd no de lay. D. V.Sholos,210Tlrst National bank. ! BU T\7 ANTED Firsl-cliw Inside loans. Lowest T V intoi. Call and see m. Mutual Investment Co. . 1U 1 Ilarkcr blk. , 15th and Karn/un. / ' .m STItlNOr.H & PENNY , room 20 , Douclas blocthave money to land on chattel security , 403 A1U MONGVtolonn. O , V. Davis Co. , real estate and lonn agent * . ! . " > 15 Kftnmm at , RM MON11V to loan ; cash on hand : no delayJ. . W. Squire , 1319 Farmim St. , First National bane building. t T B tllLDINU and other real estate loans. W. M. Harris , room S ) , Frcnzor Illock , opp. P. O. P24 I CAN make n few loans on Ilrst-class chattel securities at rensouablorates. W. 1C Potter , room lu. llarkor blk. 023 17"RYSTONK Mortgage Co.-Loans of 810 to JLVJI.UOU ; got nnr rates before borrowing and save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any approved security , without publicity ; notes bought ; for nw loan , renewal ot old and low est niten.cnlllUXW , Shooley 1)1 tc , IGth Howard st. HID M ( loan on any security tor short time , at low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. Tha Henderson Mortgage Investment Com- pany , room 400 , Paxton block. OOP T\O YOU want mbueyIt BO , rton't borrow J-/before getting my rateswhich are the low est on any sum from 31 up to $10,000. 1 make loans on household goods , clanoi , or- cans , horses , mules , wagons , warcnouso receipts , houses , leases , etc. , in any amount , at the low est possible rates , without publicity or removal of property. Loans can bo made for one to six months and you can pny a part at any tlmo , reducing both principal audjntercst. If you owe balance on your furniture or horses , or have a loan on them , I will talce It up and carry it for you as long as you desire. It you need money you will find It to your ad vantage to see mo before borrowing. B. F. Masters , room 4 , Withnell building 15th nnd llarney. im O B. & C. M. Anthony. 312 First National _ , bank building make loan * upon farms In Nebraska and Iowa and. iuiptoveu Omaha city property ; money ready ; title und security pa sed upon here ; no delay ; favorable rates : call or write. r > 13 Jyl7 BU SINESS CHANCES WANTEU Partner In real estate business ; young man prof erred ; must bo a hustler ; small capital required. Address D 72 , Bee olllce. 450 14 ? FOll BALE-Clear , tobacco , confectionery and fruit stand , good bargain. 008 8. iithscv : WANTED-A partnerAylth fc',0110 cash to go Into a good payingbdsluoss ; large proMts. Address D Bfi , Itoo. a 444 13 ? CJAIXJON and flxturei far sale , doing good fjbusluessl host locatlonln South Omaha. In- ciuire at South Omaha Llrruor House , S. Omana. FOR SALE Hatery , coftfoctlonnry nnd res taurant Inflrst-clasa,49atlou , doing agood business ; instaurant lfw | a good patronage from adjoining hotel : satisfactory reasons for selling. Address I ) 71 , Hee.1 451 13 " 171011 BALM Clean grpCnry stock ; ivlll accept J some trade. Addre fjyu8 Boe. 453 13t W ANTKD To sell ono-unlf Interest or all In . . a good bakery , e fectiouory nnd ice cream parlor , located itLfipod central location in Omaha , with a good osCkbllshed. trade. This will bear investigation , sniill capital and good prollt. Address D 70 Hep S/Hce. / 450 13 $ "OOIl SALE The Gotluixgi-ciKar store , Hoyd's JO opera house , wltli or without jobbing stock. Location thu best. " 43S TflOll'ttENT Urlck h'otfl. f uriilshdd complete JJ and doing a good business. Lessee must boa good responsible-party. , Jas. McEntce , McCook. "Neb. , 418 ICt I > UIVATE bank for sale in small town In Northeastern Nebraska. . Addreas 1) ) KBee. \ . \VENTY-FlVI ! room hotel furniture in city JL for saleevertblugllwtf class' , ard all mod ern conveniences ; rent J O per mo. Price (1,200. SUM casa , and oal. on monthly payments. Co. Op. Land and Lot Co. . 20n N. Itith. 41118 WANTED A" partner to take half interest in a now patent puzzle. Enormous profits. Beats all ; 3.00 cash Tor * H interest. Address D 67. Bee office. - 391-11 A GOOD brick nnd stone bank building , with time lock safe , in live town , Nuckolls Co. , Neb. Stringer & Fenny , Douglas block. OjrOO stock of boots and shoos ; nlso $ JOO stock Pot dry goous and notions in good Iowa town , for good paper , or will glvo liberal discount for cash. Co-Op. Land and Lot Co. , 335 N Kith st. 3SO-11 F IOH SALE Controlling Interest Ina bank in ! good Nebraska town. H. 15. Iron bank , B7 11 * WANTED A rnsponslBlo contractor to llgure on the building of a number of houses. Call or address 01H and C19 Paxton bid. 373 TO Millers aud Grain Buyers , A Bargain. A first-class roller mill of 00 bbls. cap. , with elevator attached o ! ! 8.0SJ bush , capacity , both almost new and in good'running order , vrlll bo sold at Sheriff's Sale , at Geneva , Ifllimore Co. . July 30,1889. There is also land sulliclent for feed lots , or otnor purposes , all owned In foe simple. For Information address C. A. Bickel , Pres't Exeter Itoll , Mill uud Elov. Assn. 357 14J SALE Ono of th best meat markets JC in Omaha , or Will trad * for property ; pro- Ills last year over 1,8 < X ) , Address D 40 , Hee , 240 FOR SALE A good paying millinery busi ness , established 12 years , can maKe from 812.-00 to 815.000 a year not. Good reasons for selling. U. JL Genius & lira. , .1403 Douglas St. , Oimma. Neb. 234 TT10H SALE A complete soda nnd mineral J. water manufactory with n good run ot cus tom for sale cheap , at Laxlnuton ( formerly Plnm Creek ) Dawson county , Neb. Apply to John E. Winter , uyont , Dick Bros. ' Qumcy Blowing Co. , Fremont.Neb. 21118 TftOH SALE An established coal and feed i1 business. Address D 22 , Bee. 88312 MH SALE or Exchange Harbor shop.conter- y located , doing good business ; owner han outside Interests that need hl.s attention ; will take good clear or small iucumbored let as part payment. For particulars call at CIS anil 511) ) Paxton block. Omaha. . 81H FOR EXCHANGE. WANTED To exch-iUK t life Insurance In a strictly Ilr3t-cltt8s'oltli trongreliable east ern company fet a iu < BUiu-i < izod. good driving horse , or hone and buggy. Horse must ba sound , gentle and naferpr a lady to drivedark bay or chestnut sorrel prefBrred ; the insurance to be written on either ftvtnale or female Uf u. Please address D 07 , carfl/ft / the Bee , 417 13 680 acres good farm land to trade for live ; stock. V. , Lock IIox = l * Donklemim .A , Neb. . . . . 'fnoit EXCHANOK jUuses and lots , mer- JL chandl&e stocKv. farlu laud and personal property ot all kinds fox fixiuauge by Ueorge. J. Hterudorir , real estnto'nnT exchange broker. First National bank bulftngroomsi)17 | ) nd < ' ) la. Telephone Wl. , HI 314-1U TPOH BXCHANUK An lcgant tract of land X1 containing 13) acrn.eitu Antelope county , Neb. , with ordinary IraprmteiuenW. A quarter-ectlon in Hand county , Dakota , portly improved. ? V Eighty acres near Cpudell HlntTs. la. House and lot on South Itith st. targe amount of Oil ilonntaln and Petrnllum company oil itocr. WH ) exchange for cooa or the ertctioa of eamu housas , Geo. Property , 1st National bauk building. * 376 FOU EXCHANGE A Hijo farm ot JO acres lu Polk county , Neu < i inllea from Clarks. Neb. , to oxcliHiiK1 * for cattle ; 80 acres under cultivation , house , barn , wagon acalus and Hood feed lot. Address ( OJkauip , S15 ! Wub. ater at. . Omaha , Neb. 035 TJ10H EXCHANGE For desirable residence JL1 property In Omaha , any ot all of following : 4u choice inside residence lot * in Hustings. JUU lots In Lincoln. ' i ( MO acres line fanutngland , Ijincaster county. Fine residence property , Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. " Choice family residence comer. I < os Angelea. A neat residence property in Hanscom Place. AUo come good inortyoge tiotoa. Address , giving location and prlca of prop erty , J , E. li , care liaum Iron Co. , till Leareu- worth. Uta AI/ESTEUNUudt. lanus and city property T ) for stocks uf ioo\i * . Hoont 2 , 160B Farnam T .IVK11Y stable , stock and fixtures , on leased J-Jground , nt tlio corner ot inth and Cuss st * . . Omaha. Price , * * , WO. Will take H cash anil bst. in coed land or city property. Co. Op. Limd and Lot Co. , S05 N. 10th st. 414 13 MIO r.XCIIANUK for Oman * property , ono of X the best Improved farms In Iowa , only ono mile from town ot (1,000 ( Inhabitants. W. U. K. ft SI. E. . room 14. Chamber ot Commerce. 101 FOR SALE TTEAU ESTATE CAN you beat thu for bargains. 00x145 ft. east front North 19th iwnr Charles koxiso ft. east front. North SOtU st. tmr Ilur- dot test , house on It , $5.X ( . 45x145 , east front cornerSanndore and Cara- oren sta. now house , f.l,5M. ( flxliO ft. cast front , 3-story Tne new rcsl dence and modern Improvements on North 10th near Hurdatte , 1U,5IX ) . KlxlW ft , oust front , corner N. luth Bnrdetto , new 2-atory building , J7.000. 70x14 % ft ea t front. N. 21st st near Qraco , flue 2-story residence , JI2.noo. Sllnorcsldeureson California stner lrfwo avenue on streetcar line. 40 and 4fixlS ) feet , * VOUO , 18,6(10. ( fn.000. 8. K. corner of California and Lowe avenue , J50xf 4 , JH.OOJ. Three flnocottages In Orchard Hill , with all modern improvements , will be ready Aug , 1st. Wo will trndo some ot this property. Wo bnve other tine bargains on property within 1 mile of the I1. O. Special attentions Is given to lands and farms , what wo olTor for nnlo In all parts of country west of Chicago , nnd wo will recommend Maxwell land grant la Soutnern Colorado and Northern Now Mexico as the best Investment In real estate. ' By Excelsior Laud Co. , 810 S. 15th at. , Omaha. 415 It WR can offer for sale for I he next few days tne following line propertUa ; A 3-room house In Improvement Association add. , with barn nnd other out door Improvtmci ts. A lot In Oklahoma add. ; 1 In ttogors' add , : t In Cleveland Place ; 4 lots in UoaaUnil Place. W. 1U E. & M. Ex. , lloom 14 , Chamber of Commerce ; telephone UUl. ? * ? JT1OME and see us nnd investigate some of the VVbargalns wo have to oner. Wo nro continu ally listing new properties , nnd "If you don't BOO what you want , nsk for It. " We have merchandise to trndo for land. Wo have a brick and tile tactory doing a thriving business to exchange for western hind. Three news-room cottages at Albright , wlth- fn 10 minutes walk of terminus ot hourly dummy line , for sale on terms that will only be fair rent. An elevator property with largo dwelling house , at a bargain , Elevator complete , wltn horpo-powor , scales , olllco furnished , etc. A line opening for a practical grain dealer. One of the best Improved farms lu the state will be exchanged for Inside Omaha property. Two fine residences in Poppleton pare , on motor line : will be sold on easy terms. Houses and lots In all parts of Omaha , for SEleand exchange. For exchange , for Omalia property. 1,000 acres of school laud leaso. In one ot the best counties In tha state , A line residence property tn Omaha View for sale at a bargain , From $75.oiw to 8100,000 worth of first-class notes to exchange for Omaha property. Merchandise to exchange for ! 4 cash and bal ance western lands. This la ono of the tlnosb opportunities over offeree to convert land Into cash. Investtgato this. For sale , nta bargain , hotel and livery barn. In a coed Nonrnskatown. This la a line open ing for a practical hotel man. For exchange for Omaha property ono ot the best farms in Hock county , Nebraska , together with stock and machinery necessary to carry on the place. Old ngn and failing health of the owner Is reason tor soiling. A line Wheeler county farm , well developed , good soil , for exchange for Omaha property. Kncres of wild land near a thriving city. What have you to offer. 2SO acres of fine laud In northwestern Iowa to exchange for Omaha property. For sale ut a bargain , one ot tno best Im proved farms In Nebraska , owner Is going to leave the state Is the reason forselllug. Wo have unsurpassed facilities for disposing of property , having some COO agents scattered over four or five states. List your property with us If you wish a quick turn. W. K. E. & jr. E. , room 14 , Chamber ot Commerce , telephone - phone 1440. 3'ffl A FINE bargain. Just a short distance west of the stockyards wo have 2 acres of beau tiful ground which wo will sell at a bargain. Parties buying for speculation or forthomir- posa of putting nice additions on the market , will do well to see us , Co-operatlvo Land & Lot Co. . 203 N. 10th St. 43114 " 1710R SALE The second lot wescot the sontn * JU west corner 24th and Hurt sts . 05x159 , at the extreme low prlco of 53roa. This lot is actually worth $5,000. Don't delay but Investigate nt once , as It's money In your pocket. O. J. Stornsdortr , First national bank bld'g. Tele phone 40 L 390-11 aiHE factories within easy roach ot Collier place will employ a largo force of men. Se cure a house uud enjoy lite. Price of lots SM)0 ) to $1,200. one-tenth cash. Send for plat. Mc Cague , opp. 1' . O. 930 TT10H SALE Ono of the flncst'pieces of resl- JL ! dence property In Hanscom Placo. If you want a home call and see It. Goo. N. Hicks. Itoom 205. New York Life Bldg. 833-11 LEGAL blanks. Chase & Eddy. 113 S 10th st. S70 a5 ? TJ10 H SALE Do you want a choice farm 10 JD miles northwest of Omaha ? If so , I haya Just what will suit you , and can be lx > ught at fco per acre below Its actual value. Thu above named farm contains 275 acres of the II nest land in the state , all onclosou with good barb wlro fence ; the buildings and orchard thereon are In Ilrst-class condition. Two good wells furnish abundant water. The very low pnco of $10.00 per aero should command a ready purchaser. Let me drive you out and show you this farm. (1. J. Sternsdorlf. Heal Estate , Loan and Ex change Broker. llooms 317 and 318 , Firt > t Nat'l Hank Uulldlng. Telephone 4 4. 313 08 TjVW SALE Now is the time to buy a lot in JL ) HlllBldo Jiesorve or Hillside addition No. 1 for a home. This property is only about ono mile from the ppstomce , is all high and bcautlj f ul ground , the streets are all put to an estab lished grade. It is only a few blocks from c.UMo line nnd bus the advantages of gas , city water , sewerage and continuous pavement from the center of the city. We con olfor special luducu- ments to parties wishing to build in this part of the city and ask that an Investigation of the property bo made. Prices range from 150 to | 70 per front foot , according to location. Lots 7 and H. olock 2 , Isaac & Solden's addi tion. prlco 31,0011. Lot o , blocks , Isaac & Seldcm's addition , prlco Lot'4l. ( BurrOak.50xlW foes , eatt front , on Georgia avenue. Price , $ ) , uoo. 5 feet , south front , on Hamilton street , In block 1 , Orchard inn. Price , Sla > 0. Nine-acre tract suitable for dairy purposes. Ten-aero tract suitable for dairy purposes. Eloveu-acro tract suitable tor dairy purposes On each of the above tracts there ts n line grove and ivstrenm of miming water furnished from large springs. Tha property is handy to both Omahn. and South Omaha , anil dairymen contemplating change of location should investigate this. Koine of the property could bo exchanged for other good Inside oroporty. Lotl4 , block 1. Potter's addition , price 11,450. Lot U , block 52 , city uf Omaha with two story and basement house , with all modern conven iences. Price JI 4.000. B0xl22 foot , southwest coruor 20th and Bpruco streets , with small cottage. Prlco Stf,2oO. This lias 122 feet frontage on 20th st. and can bo sold in 25 foot lots. New six room' ' cottage with cltv water In house , in wus.t part of city. Price JJ.250. Terras tosultpurchascr. 100xlz7 ft. 8. w ; cor. 33th and Caos sts. Prlcn $5,000. Will take lot aud good llrst mortcuge in , exchange , RfxiniPf t. S , E. cor. 25th and California stn. , with Hmall cottage , uta bargain if taken soon. Lot K. Ilurr Oaic. prlco SI.OUU. This lot is 5Ux 150 feet , fronts Hanscom park. The street la graded In front of it. and ft is not subject to bpeclnl assessments. Lots 1 and 2 , block I , Bedford plavo , Prlco fl.r.ix . ) for both. The&e IOIM are wlthla ono block of the new furniture factory. The owner will sell for ono third cash , let purchaser got loan to put up building and will take second mortgage for balance. Lot 12. block 2. Potter's addition , Price 81.450. A few line business lots ou Twenty-llftli. Tueuty-hlxtli , ana Q streets. South Omalm ; 20 , 40 , or 8J rojt lots can Vu had nt reasonable prices and very easy tenus If purchaser will put up building. A line corner , 10x178 , on 27th and Broadway , Council Hliiirs , prlca UOOO. Tills is ono of the best cornerd on Broadway , and now buildings are going up all around it. A row good corners on Broadway , Council Hlutru , near the carriage factory und lumber yard , nt from Jl.liHi to II..JUO. , i Lots In potter * Cobb'a addition. Council Bluffs , wltlilntnree-fourehs mile of tha post- olllce , from $200 to SIX ) each ; terms to unit. Potter & Cobb , 2G8 U5 1001 Faraam . rplIB finest drlvo in the city IsotColllor plac HALE Lot 1 , block 100. southwest corner - ner Uth aud Dodge ati.UOxliU. Lot 4. block 354. southwest cor , 14th and Hurt sts. with 33in ll houses , filxllli. Loto. block 330 , with houses , Durt st , t t. 17th and 18th , i. West &t of lot a , f block 122 , with building , Douglas at. bet. llth unit 12th sis. No fancy prlcns asked. Terms to suit F. O. Urlan , 1 70 N. Mth , av. 300 1 It fli 400 buy oaa net o In Newport ; half cash. W. PA. Spencer , 1521 Douglas st. 421 OUTII OMAHA We wunt to tell you that now la tha time to hu/ property la Soutli Omaha , you can turn It this fall at a linudsomo prollt when the viaducts are llnlsticd and , tha motor lines are runulng to the gtockyarda , Wei have ararly every lot tuat IB for sale there , and some of them at an extra low tlgure. M. A . Up- ton company. 16th ana Furnara , _ 4J1 14 rpiiE motor line \ built to Collier plAee. Olio JL Halt Hue rum near Co'.iler place. The F. K , &M , V , It. It. ttopall passenger trains at Col lier plac . Tbo horse car Hue vrlll soon reach Collier place. Best addition In tha city , Vrlci ) tbou to 11.200 per lot. onw-teutU cosh , Lalauco ou * to are year * . McCasuo. onu. if , U. 939 rilHK best money a worth ot house and lot nmr J- for * Ale In Omana Is thAt xvnlch 1 nm norr near )2Un ) at. on paved Wirt t. in Kountau IMHcn. 8 bedrooms. 3 parlors , dining room , kitchen , 2 bath roomt , 3 water clo eels. laree laundry , stationary tra-sh tubs , furnace and coal room and eilar , electric bolls and iptaklnetube , 12 closots. Prlco only J7.000 on terms to suit. Likewise a dnpllcntn adjoining at gama pric * . W. T. Seaman , east U1 < > Mth st. north ot Nicholas st. Omaha's largest variety otwogno and cairlagos. _ SOI TflOIl SALE-Huslness corner , 110,000. c. P. JL. Harrison , Merchants National Hank. 155 FOH 8AL15 or trade for other property.sovan lots In Or.tmmcTcy Park , close to motor line , reasonable terms bargain if taken nt onco. Call or address J. D. K. , No. 1607 N. 17th. . _ 377 lit HILLSIDE NO. l-lxrtlO , block 2. fcrtMOOs grab It quick ; 81.000 loss thnn valun. M. A , Upton company , loth and Farnum. 404 14 YEdOnsi Getnntothesobargnlusl 8I.WO buys full cast front lot with seven room house and furoaco lu Hauscom place. Do you believe It ? fH.UM burs a house on Park avenue with lull lot , that U liner than silk , and elegant through out. You cannot guess how nice this is. $1,100 buys a KOCH ! four room house and full lot In north part or the city ; also for Jl.UOO In northueat part ot city. I can sell you houses and lots from (35.000 down to t.Xland can suit you In auy partot the city. No trouble toshowgwods , even if It Ishot. Call in and got a COCK ! ride. If nothing more. D. V. Sholos , 210 First National Bank. 310 FOR SALn-fiW.73 acre. sec. S , tp. 12 , r. fiw. . Hamilton county , Neb. Houso. stable , 80tl acres fenced , llvlnor water. PilcS < , ouo i' . K. Atkins , owner , railroad nldg. Denver , Col. UIO GOOD Investment Mxl32. corner on 17th struct , south ot Cumlnit , 0 2-story nnd baFo nisnt , brick tenements , 10 rooms each , JTOt)00. ) M. A. Upton company , 10th snd Farnam. 404 14 IY1OH SALE or Exchange What have yon to X' exchange for good utilncumburexl furms at cash value. Stringer & Penny , Douglas blfc. U81-1A SEND for olat of Collier place , aud whan driving for recreation follow the motor line poies on 16th st. and Araos' nve. , and see the wonderful Improvements that have taken place Just around the barracks , and remnmbor that Collier place ts the key to the situation. Buy a lot now for the low price and at the easy terms they are being olTcrcd. and wo nro satlsllod. One-tenth cash , balance ono to flvo years. Me- Cague. opp. P. O. 933 CUH ) SALE On longtime and easy pay incuts. JL' handsome , now. well built houses of 8 , ( land 10 rooms. All convenlencesgoodnBlghborhood : paved streets ; street cars and within walking distance of P. O. Nathan Bnolton. 1503 Farnam 138 . BARGAIN Part of. the Dl-if Klmball estate. W feet on 18th street running through to7th avo. One 13-room house , all modern conven iences , and two B-roora housos. Total rental I1G6J per year ; price ilJ,000. M. A. Upton Company , frith and Farnam. 037 TOOH SALE Beautiful 8-room house , all modern - * ' ern Improvements , including splandld fur nace , near Hanscom park , best location In tlio city forscliool.churcn nnd street car privileges : price S3.1XX ) . C. if. Harrison , Merchants National bank. < KIS NOW look hnro : 47x111 foot on South 20th street near Mnrthn , at grade , good four room house , 20th Is paved to Center and or dered paved to Vinton. It taken soon we can sell tne above for & , ' , ! ' > ) , $700 casn. Tno lot alouo is worth the money M. A. Upton company - pany , ICtb and Farnam. 'I I oil BAHOAIN ElogJint residence lot in Hans- corn Placn. A special bargain if sold at onco. aeo. N. Hlcks > lloom 20J , New York Life Bldg. 3J3-11. | T\on \ SALE Kasv terms , Kountze place. JL1 Two homes , each H-rooms , ach 41OJJ. Tno homo , each 0-rooms. each 3" > ,0a. ; Two homes , each lo-rooms. each Ui.OJA All with modern convenience. AH largo value at the price. AH within u square ot the motor Una. Don't lose those oppoitunitlcs , . For Bole by the owner. W. T. Seaman , Kast side I0h st. , north of Nicholas st. , Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car riages. 017. ON IVY SEOJ for a lot facing Amos ave. and mo tor lino. It is worth 81,230. O rover Ste vens. CIO Paxton block. JBSM.I ONE of the tuo house and lot bargains I have been offering on Georgia ave. north of Leavcnwortn , is now sold aud occupied , because - cause of my very low price. Th { .outh nonso of the two still remains n .bargain open to sombody. First come : , llrst terved. To be ap preciated It needs to bo examined Intomnllv. 1 positively wilt not rent it , though several tunes offered KiO per mouth. Price , on very easy terms. 6\0 n , W. T. Seaman , east side JOth St. . north of Nicholas st , Omaha's largest variety of wagons and carriages. 018 Cheapl Cficnpl A full lot facing on Amos ave. and motor line for 8SOO. It Is worth 81.200. Orover Stevens. 510 Paxtou block. aa-ll FOH 8ALB The finest residence In Orchard Hill can bo bought at actual cost : owner leaving town : house has 10 rooms with bath room and every modern convenience , lei 00x133 all nodded : large barn and nice shade trees ; In fact a perfect homo ; call and let us show you this. Arnold & Co. , lloom 527 Paxton block. 775 FOIl BALE Lots In Stewart Place on Lowe ave. ; Metropolitan Cable passes property. 0-room house and barn , Hanscom Place. 2 houses and lota on st. , on easy terms. Harris , room 4U , 1st Nat. 201 Foil SALK-Ono of the mostdeslrable feeding farms in Nebraska , situated ! J milo from depot , also from the shipping yards of the Converse Cattle on Elkhorn Valluy it , H ; it con tains 1MO acres , wlthuscof 3ilo acres uddl tlonal ; everything new nnd necessary ; barnfiUxINW ft. ; water In abundance. H. 8. Munvllle , Tl den. Nob. 753 TTIOIl SALE Tlio flnest residence site in West J- ' Omaha ; just soutli of Farnum ou ftith at. ; a corner IGKxlHT , with 187 feet Iroutago on paved street and Joining the handsome robidence of Kirkenaull on the east , and Hrady , Eassqn nnd Martin on the south ; a perfect gem and garden bpot for an elegant homo. llurnoy nnd 21st streets.UlxldT , on pavement , within three blocks of tlio court house ; room for seven line linujes that would rent as rapIdly - Idly as completed. A splendid permanent in- veBtmout , Farna-n and 22d streets. 50x133 , with new throe-story brick store building , rented to good permanent tenants. Hental receipts 31-WO per year. Bliteeath street , near Nicholas , frontage 1 feet to alley ; good business property. 1'nrnam street , between SSth and 3Vth , front age 48 or Ouxl32 to alloy , south front , 1 block from pavement nnd stieet cars. Parlc avenue , opposite Hauscom park , 130x150. price JS.OOO : easy terms. Paddock place , trackage , 00x112 , f2OOQ ; easy terms. Sixteenth street , south of Vlnton street lot for aale or trauo for niclso. or good larm land. B. A. Slomau , 1301 1'Jirnain st. 1142 riONTINUOUS sidewalk to Colllor place. ( Jet V/prlcesand terms McCague. 9J3 Sale. I will on Saturday the20th day of July. lfi.Si ! , at 10 o'clock u , m. . at No. Wl Bouth l.ith Utroot , in the City of Omalia. Douglns County , Nebraska , oirer lor sale at public auction to the h'thest ' ; bidder for cayh , the following property belonging to the naslgnod estate ot the Hank of Omuliu , to wit : Leasij of "The 1' Moor Store Koom In tne two-story brlcu building , nltuated upon tile Norlh twenty-two feet ot Lot four (4) ( ) , ItlfCk ono hundred and seventy-four (174) ( ) . in the City of Omaha , " lease running for one year , from the 11th day ot October. IMiO. With the privil ege of live yenm additional , 1 will also offer for Bale at the same time and place and upon the Kamo com * It Ions , the fix ture * and furniture of the Into Hank of Omaha , con-dating of vault , snfe with time lock etc. , deaUH. bank railings , etc. This properly can bo seen at any time before day of snlo , aud any Information concerning bamo , or ubovo described lease , can br obtained from WIM.UM Connitw , Assignee UaukotOmahn. Omaha , Neb. , July U , 1W ) . Jy-O-ll-W-IM'J Male. T ) Y virtue of four executions Issued by Frank JK. . Moores , clerk of the district courtof Iougli8 comity , Nebraska , upon judgments rendered in said court-la favor of Hylon M. Huwloy and ugalnst Myron K , HUM Toy and Nellie ti. Ilawloy , and also in favor of OruDtes U. Tennis and John C. Tennis , partners cloini ; business under the firm name and ttylo of O. II. Tennis & Co , , and ugalust Myron K. llawley und ul3o In favor of John SchomponclV1I1A. . Corson , partners under nrm name of t'chomp Si Corson , nnd against Myrnu U. Hawley , and nlso in favor of L Oborfeldor it Company , and against Myron K Hawluy I have levied upon the following' Roods and .Imtteln as the prop erty of the * mld Myrou K , Hawluy and Nellie H. Itawloy , to-wlt : Tlio fUturescounter8 ( , shelving etc , ) In store room No. Ulfl Ponglas Street , alsou miscellan eous stock of Milliner ) ' Hoods. TrlmmlngH etc , and I will on the Ittth day of July IHV.I. Com mencing at 10 o'clock a. m. , ut bald No. 151(1 ( Itouglns Btrcet , in the city of Omaha , Douglas County. Nebraska , sell said coeds and clinttels Rt public auction to the highest bidder for cash , to Hatlsfy said executions , the amount duo Uierouii , in the upxrceute being the hum of f2.237.tX > , and tii.72 costs with tnteiest and ac- > criilngcoslB. Wn.r.tAH COIIUIIK. Sheriu of Douglas County , Nob. Omaha , Nob. , i uly 8,18d . Jy b-l 1-li-J I Notice of DUonlntlnn , The firm ot Lnbowlch & Mando ! has UiU day bean dissolved by mutual consent. All out- ( i undlng accounts to bo collected by R. Miuu'.ol audolddebta to bu paid by him. Dated this Uthdayof Jity,4SJ'J. ! ' Jity,4SJ'J.LAIIOWIOH LAIIOWIOH K JUNDKU L. I.nbowlcU , K. JJaudtl. UO-13 1CLARKE ESTABLISHED 1851 ( ISO So. Chicago , Ills , I ClarkSt. The Regular Old-Eslablljlral PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON It itlll Treating with ' 't Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS _ _ ly t-TaTf..t M | Chronic , Ncryons anil Private Diseases , ' C5-NERVOUS DSDIL1TY , Lett Manhood , Palling Mttnoty. Extmuitlnff Draini , T rrlblt Dre rn , Hc d and Duck Ache ml all the cflfectt trkdinir to * nrly dccuy t l peitupi Contumptlon or Intimity , treated ttientlficidly by ntw method ! with never-faninc ; ticcrsi. 4tt-3YPHIL.ISindallbdIloaJ and Skin Dll. aaie > rtrma& ntly cured. JO-KIDNBYand URINARYconpUlnU.QUlt , Oonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocelc und U dlient * ! ofihftQcolto-Urlnary Organi cured promptly wllhout Injury tn Stomach , KUln y 01 o-Ji ( t Oigant. r No experiments. Age and experience lm < portant. Consultation free and sacfed. O3-StA 4 cents po Uie for Celebrated Work * 00 Chronic , Nervoun nd Delicate Di > ouc > . Air The J contemplating M itii lend for Dr. Clarko'c eekbrattd ( uld Male and Female , cucli it cents , both cents ( it mitt ) < Coniult the eld Doctor. A friendly letter arcllmajr verutureiuScr. Ina and shims , end odd golden re n to life. * > "Dook "Lift's ( Seem ) Error * , " 30 cnttiurapi ) . Metllclnl and writings tint evtrynhere , secure from expoiuta. Hours , B la 8. Sundays 9 to 11. Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. . JG9 § 0 * Clark 6fc * CMICMKMU * NO.LL.A.NcsGnil.-PHOPbS.VLSKOltAllMY" Supplies Headquarters Unpartmoutot tbo Platte , ulllco or Clitof Commissary of Subsist ence. Omnlm. Ncl.Tuly 11 , ISKU. Sealed pro posals in triplicate , ac.-ompaulod by gimrnntfo bonds , u 111 bo level VIM ! at this olllco until 11 o'clock a. m. , central stuiularil tliuo , on Thnrs- ilivv , the I'fithilnyot July , ItWA tit which tlinonnil ihico tlioy will bo opened In the presence of { > ldders for the furnishing and delivery ot fresh beet In such iiuuntltlcs nt may bo from tttno to time required by the subsistence department , United States army. at the camp or Hold In struction to bo established near Tort Hohlnsnn , Nabr. , on the 2Uth uay of August uoxt. Tno- right Is reserved to reject any or nil bliK For blank proposals and further Information , apply to this omen. .1. W. IlAItltlOUIt , Mnjor nud u. a. , v , a. A. , ciiiot c. a Nottoo. Tno partnership heretofore existing batweou Tomplar.ltachinnun A Co , is this day dissolved by mutual atrreemnut. jyU dUt ] TEMI'LAIt. BAC11MANN OO. Notion to Contractors. South Omnhn. July 10 , 1859. Sealed proposals will bo received ut the city engineers olllce by the committee on viaducts , stioots and alloys until noon Monday , July 2S , 1BSU , for RriulliiK 0 street from auh street to S2d street Approtlmato nstlmate. lf.0fl ) c\tblo yarns , earth uxi-avatlon. To cost J3i"0. ; WorK to be completed within forty days after n con tract therefor binds and tnuos cttoct. All bids must bo accompanied by a certified cliccK for three hundred dollars , said chocks to be re turned on all bids not accepted The right to reject any and all bids ts re served. 1'hini and specifications can be Been at the city enclneer'a onieo. 13. 11. TOWL , * Chairman Vladucta , Streets and Alleys. rtccolvrr's Snlo OF VAUJAHM : HOUSES. CATTTK. AND OT1IBU I'KOI'EKTV IN CIIASK. HITCHCOCK. HAVES ANO IJUNDlCOUNT1K8 , NE- 11KASICA. In the circuit court of the United States , dis trict of Nobrusha. I The Kit Carter Cattle Company ( YH. | The Harlem Cattle Company. Upon nppllcatton of the Kit Carter Cattle company und other creditors Intel estuU In the property In the hnntls of M. 1) ) . Webster , re- ceher. It U upon duo cimsidfiutlonot tin ) court hereby ordurod that the rocolver shall advertise for bids for nil o-Ctho herds of rnttlu nna horscu , as uwholo , and also for nil other personal property - erty In lil.i hands as receiver. It U lurthor or dered that bids may bu made for any of the herds or parts thereof separately , or any of the horses separately , either by herds or any num ber of cattle or horsoa 113 thu purchasers may dcslru to bid upon , and that such bid * In the several manners In which they may ho made ahull bo filed with thocleikof this court with the lemiH oC iiropoheil purcliaso und > the names of Ijluden wlttiln twenty days from the date of this onlor , for the apDrovalorrojoctlonor this couit , and It any or all of the bids are rejected by the court , the receiver shall proceed to glvo notice for ten days to sell the salil property at public auction in detail for the cattle and hones Individually for cash to the Uli hes : bidder. It is further ordered that all bids shall be sent to the clors of this court Healed and ac companied with ID per cent of the amount bid , either In cash or certified check on responsible bnnus , as a condition of their olds boluj ; outer- talned nnd considered by th court. lets further ordered tnat , in. order to facili tate the Ijldulni ; on thi property In the hands of the receiver , he shall nivo notice of tills order in one paper publLihud In IlltclicocK county , NebrasEa. and in one dally newspaper lu the city of Omaha , and In one In the eft voflilncoln for two weeks , and also by hand bills properly distributed , and setting forth terms and condi tions of this order. I ) . S. DUN IV. Judge. Thopioperty mentioned in the above order i § described us follows : AIIKUDEEN ANGUS. Yearling bulls , number , 11. Two-yi-ar-olil bulls , number , 3. Three yeais olil aud upwards , number , Z. YearlluB heifers , number , 8. Two-year-old heifers , number , 14. Thrce-yeur-old and upwanls , co\Hniiinbor,30. Cowu with calves bv tlielr Hide , number , SO. HOIiSTKlN. YearllnK bulls , number. ZJ. Tvvo-yuar-old bulls , number , 1. Thieo-year-old built andupwards , number , 0. YearllnK holferg , mtuibor. a > . Two-ye.u-old heifers , number , 10. Tliroo-year-old and upwards , cowsmimber,33. ' Yearling bulls , unmoor , ; Two-year-old bulls , number 9. Three-year-old nnd upwards , number , 14. YearlliiB hclfen ) , number , 14. TAV o-year-old heifers , number. 30. Three-year-old aud upwardscowt , numberC6f Cows wltUculvos by their Blue , number , 03. IIOHSKS. Also a largo number of thoroughbred trotting horses , consistinf ? of : Stallions , number , ' - ' llrood mares , number , AO. Colts , number. : cj. CLYUB-SDAfjl ! ! HOHSBB. Consisting nt stallions , number , 2. Mares. iDimber. 8. These heads- contain xome ot the finest ani mals nt their classes in the country , aud are all pure blooded , Also a largo number of draft brood mares. work horses saddle ponies , a herd of about ISO common range cattle , and n lot of wuguus , har nesses nnd other farming implements und tools. All bids must bo madu on or bafoio the 14tli clay of July next , nnd must b Illed with Elmer J > . Frank , clerk ot the United btutus circuit court , dlctrlct of Nebraska , at Onmlia , Neo. , and must be accompanied by cush or certified checks amounting to 1U per cent of the amount * ot ttio bias. K. I ) . WB1I3TUK. Herelvor of the Harlem Cattle Co. Junextid 14 1 Notice to CDiiirilutornl Hock and earth excavation und tunnelling Soulcd proposals will be received ut the olllco ot tlio Company , In Ogden , Utah , until noon. July -9th. IBS ! ! , for the construction of the upper tw'jlviiuillesof the Hear lllvur Canal from tha head works on Hear Hirer , llox Uldor County , Utnb. in accordance with plans. , prolllca auu apeclucatlouK on Illo in the olllce of tuo ungineer in cliari ! " at Ogden , 1 he amount of work to bo contracted for In the Urst section is uupioxlnmtely as follows. V.iM ) cubic yards solid rock , 1U.UOO cubicyurds UMJSO rock. l.fiaj.lWO cubic yard * earth , J.ato linear feet tunnelling , Contractors will bereiinlredto give a sufflol- ont bond for thu faithful performance of tbo contracts awanlurt them. , The company reserves the right to reject any nud all bids , 1'iiKi ) . MATIIVAS. JCd't iSiiKlueer tt charge. Notion. Notice la huioby given that Healed bids will bo received by the clerk of AdiiniH County , Neb raultu. ut his olllte Hastings. Nebraska , on or rbufuiutwiilvoo'cludtuoouofJulyatn , ISS'J , ov the purchase of oovonty tire DJIKH ot the da. nomination of one thousand dollars each to be IgsuoJ by tde County ot Adams in the tiUio oC Nebraska , to bo dated July 1st , 1HW. and to bo puyuble at the l < 'Ibcal Agency of the Htuto of Nebraska , City of New Vorir , State of Nuw York twenty yearn ufter the date thernof re- ilediiiublual any time on or artur ton years from the data thereof at the option of county of Adams und to bear interest at tliorate ot Uva l > er cent per itiinum payable annually on the ilrst day of July in each year , for which mtere t cannon * nlmll ba attached payable nt tnu Uscul uency aforesaid. Htulits reaervud to reject any nud all bids. Hy order of the Hoard of Supervisors , MnyOth 18BU. , L.U. J'AUTlllUCJl ! , ( suAul County Clerk. JOHN A. CAHTO , County Attorney. i > i2ldUJy9 Pocliut Jfatch Safu Free to Smokers uf