Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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No mnrrlngo licenses were Issued
Amended firtlclcs of Incorporation
were lllcd ycetorday by the wo&torn
Cnsltot company , making the capital
James Ilnnson , \Vcst Omalm mllk-
mnn , wns-nrrostcd , charged with keep
ing a vicious dog. The ctiso will l > o
hoard to-dny.
A. .1. Wright mid II. T. Stownrt , do-
puiy United States marshals , have retUrned -
tUrned from the Interior of the state ,
vrhoro they have been serving processes
of the United States court.
Thomas Wyrick , who has been hold
in the city jail as n fnpitlvo from justice
from DCS Molncs county , Iowa , where
ho was alleged to bo under indictment
for ombozJsloinont , was discharged by
Judge ] 3crKa , the complainants failing
to aupuar.
A warrant has boon sworn out tot
Ernest Meyer , n South Thirteenth
Btrcut saloon man , at the request of ono
of his former bar keepers , charging
him with maintaining n nuisance by
keeping n lot of wild animals at his
place of business , which nro said to
make n great nolso and hoop up a dis
turbance , to the disgust of the neigh
Justice Wtido was engaged yesterday
in hearing the case of Calluhan vs.
Cassldy , to recover money lost on jv bet.
CaUnhan deposited $100 with Cassidy
ns p , stakeholder , the bet being on n
horse race. The race came off. but
Cnlltvlmn claims the conditions did not
ngrco with the terms of the bet. The
stakeholder thought otherwise ; hence-
the suit.
Personal I'nrnurnplis.
C. V. Bnstou , ot Itcarnoy , Is nt tdo Paxlon.
F. Unrolny , ot Hcutrico , is at the Mforrnv.
C. O. Lculcc , of Frotnont , Is ut the Arciulu.
A. H. Cornell , of Valentino , Is at tbo Pax-
\V. C. Howard , of Lincoln , Is at the Ar
Eugcno Pitts , of Uoatrleo , is n Rucst at the
John H. Moblur , of Columbus , Is at the
PR. S. Norvat , of Scward , Is registered at
the Millard.
Al. P. Kcnkald , of O'Neill , is registered at
the Millnrd.
H. N. Humphreys and J. Novils , of Albion ,
nro at the Arcade.
S. H. Morrison , of Nebraska City , U stop
ping at tlio Murray. i
Soph Mann and 11. D. Turenne , of Fre
mont , nro at the 1'axton.
Hon. li. F. Chambers , of Nlobrara , Is a
guest nt the Arcade.
G. Frank McDonald and J. A. Dummltt , of
Lincoln , arc at the Millnrd.
Islam lleevcs and F. Mussolnian , of Falls
City , uro guests nt the Millnrd.
James H. Fry , of Crete , and W. F. White ,
of Kearney , nro nt the Murray.
J. H. Hollows and Fred Hollows , of Weoji-
Ing Wat or , uro stopping ut the Paxton.
George H. Uorlng , of Stewart , and H. L.
Kuncc , of Stroinborg , uro nt the Arcade.
W. H. LtRford , of Stewart , and J. M.
Marsh , of Grand Islam1 are at the Paxton.
George W. Keno , of Nebraska City , and C.
J. Martin , of Clay Center , nro at the Arciulo.
W. C. Vulluntine , F. Sounenscheln and
M. J. Hughes , of West Point , uro ut the
Brad P. Cook , P. A. Gatcholl and A. S.
Badger , of Lincoln , are registered at the
II. H. Robinson , of Klmball , and U. D.
1"liomi " > 3ou , of North Platte , are stopping at
the Paxtoti.
Mrs. Martin Igoo , of Indianapolis , Is the
pueat of her son , Phillip F. Igoc.ut 2532 Cup-
ttol avenue.
P. L. Johnson , ot Hastings , S. T. Caldwell ,
of Edgnr , and K. P. Newell , of Herman , uro
guests at the Millard.
A. H. Flouten and Louis Herbert , of
Scotia , and J. M. Marsh , of Grand Island ,
are nt the Paxton.
C. S. Johnson , of Nelson , J. H. Barrett , of
Wlsner , and J. H. Mlchey , of Osueola , are
stopping nt the Millard.
E. S. Rood and wife , Miss Nellie Gray
and Miss Mabel Gray , of Hollyrood , ura
guests at the Paxton.
Howard 13. Graham , of Ashland , J. W.
Wcstuhul , of St. Paul , and Fred Herman , of
Aurora , are registered at the Arcade.
Miss Untilo and Minnie Cope , sister and
daughter of Conductor Cope , of the Union
Puciflc , liuvo gone a pleasure trip to Denver.
Henry Hrugnmn , correspondent and gen
eral agent of the Now York SiaataColtuntr ,
the loading Gorman paper of the country , is
In the city.
E. L. Clayton , of Woodbine , H E. Rogers ,
of Gibbon. C. W. Pcarsoll , of Columbus , and
J. G. HiMcbrnud , of St. Paul , are stopping
at the Arcade.
Mrs. Madeline Dysart has boon removed
from her sister's residence to the Clurkson
Memorial hospital for treatment. She has
been dangerously 111 at Mrs. H. C..Market's
for several weeks and is still la a critical
Suinncr Wallace , president of the Roches
ter , Now Hampshire. Loan & Bunking com
pany , and G. W. Wattles , of Carroll , la. ,
western manager of the concern , nro In the
city ou their wuy to the Pacillo const.
A Hartl Lot.
The Ford gang , from Fort Omaha , who
were arrested on suspicion of having murdered
derod the soldier Williams on July 4 , have
been hold to answer to the charge of being
inmates of a house ot prostitution.
Rninonn Survivors Ordered Homo.
WASHINGTON , July 0. The ofllccrs who ar
rived at San Francisco from Samoa recently ,
excqut Drs. Whlto und Norlltict , have been
ordered home. _
United StntcM Court.
A bill was lllod with Clerk Frank styled
Abnor J , Tower of Boston vs O. II. Curtis
and J. Kurd Tompson , constituting the
Omaha Rubber company , for damages for
the alleged Infringement on waterproof
clothing patents. _
It Wont for $15,000.
J. Woods Smith Monday sold block 3 In
Wood's place to E. II. Sherwood , for * 15,000. ,
The land Is located east of tlto truck of the
Missouri Pacillc , In the vicinity of Sulphur
uprlngs. It will be used by n now linn
which Intends to erect a largo manufacturing
Cleveland nnd Ills Plans.
Prof. Cleveland , of Minneapolis , Is ex
pected by the park commission to arrive In
Omaha from Minneapolis this mornIng -
Ing , Ho will bring with him the plans for
beautifying JolTursoa nquaro , which he has
Already completed. The plans for Hnnscom
park will bo drawn from the survey which
the 01111111311011 has recently had mudo.
To lo IjllJorntoil.
James Turtle , tbo embezzling lottor-carrler
who was sentenced In the United States
court on tb ? CTtli of October last to the poni-
tcntinry for one year , but upon whom the
sentence > vn never enforced , Is about to bo
liberated. Instead of being sent to the pen ,
Turtle has served us iloorkeenor at the
United States court for the past nine months.
His "good tlmo" cuts hU ono year's sen
tence dowu to ton mouths.
Not n Child Murder.
Coroner Drexel has discovered through his
InvostlgatloiiA that the aoad baby found by
two boys yesterday near Smith's brick yaid ,
corner ol Twenty-fourth and Dorcas streets ,
was of iiromatuM and still birth , though ho
hat not bean able to ascertain whoiuo Us
parents. The body was curled In a tiu box
about one foot under ground. The coroner
baa decided to hold no inquest.
To-day Commissioners fi'
Moore of the United Ktulci < Uh
commission , will arrive In this city In u spu
Ciul wr bolotifilui ; to the Msoclutlun , I 'i < \ \
will have on board a Inrgo number of fish
which they Intend to plant In California.
They will bo met b.v Cominmftloncrs W. L.
May of Fremont , nnd B. B. B. Kennedy of
Omaha , both members of the Nebraska tlih
commission. At the moating the plan , size
nnd cost of n car for the homo commission
will bo decided upon ,
Cushrnnn'A Menthol Inhaler , cures catarrh ,
headache , neuralgia , anthmn. hay Fever.
Trial free nt your druggist. Prlco GO cents.
Mr. Hlmmoits Thinks tlio llariicy
I'cnk Tin Mines Will I > o It.
Hon. D. J. Simmons , ot Rapid City , Dak. ,
was in Omaha Monday purchasing supplies
nnd looking after matters relative to his In.
tcrcsts ns an owner of mining properly In
the Black Hills. Ho reports general pros
perity throughout that region , nnd regards
It as the most Interesting country northwest
of hero.
B'i'o a reporter at the Paxton hotel
ho said : "Wo htwo been going along for
the past few years without making any
noise , but have been attending strictly to
business In developing our mines nnd set
tling up the agricultural valleys. Wo have
developed and nro developing tin
mines , " continued Mr. Simmons. "Theso
I regard the most Important
mineral discoveries ever madu on thi ? con
tinent. In the year 15S8 flJO.OOO.OOO worth of
tin and tin plate , one-third of the world's
product , was Imported Into the United States.
The records of custom houses show a con
stant annual Increase In Importations owing
to the growing demand for tin for packing
articles ot food , rooting , etc. The tin discov
ery wan inndo in 1853. No ono believed in it
even uftor they saw It. Two years ago a ton
of the ere was sent to Omaha by the Rapid
City board of trade and exhibited nt your
exposition , and n gentleman was sent along
with it to explain nnd talk It up. Thousands
of people looked at that pile of rocks without
oven exciting their Interest or curiosity. It
was too near home.and they did not believe In
It. Neither Old the people of Chicago or other
localities. But now that the Hnrney Peak
company of New York and London capital
ists have developed and demonstrated the
value of the mines , everybody want : ) to buy ,
but there is not going to bo enough to co
"Tho HurnoyPcak company has throe mil
lions ot dollar * In Its treasury for opening itn
mine ! ) und constructing machinery , fur
naces , etc. It is believed by the
best English experts , and has "been
so stated and printed In this country and lu
England , that theno mines will HUi > ply the
United States with tin. Beginning about
thirteen miles from Rapid City and extend
ing fltty miles around Hnrney Peak the
country is cut by a perfect network of tin
ilssures known to miners ns irregular fissura
veins with a varying width of from one te
ono hundred lent. The greatest depth
reached is 200 feet. The Hamey Peak com
pany hua now three hoisting rigs with
pminis nnd power drills capable of going
dowu 2,000 feet , und this company is opealng
its mines and extracting ere for
producing tia for the market. It is
also about to construct a concentrating
mill of > JO tons dally capacity. Furnaces
for smelting will also be erected. A num
ber of other companies uro engaged In devel
oping their mines nnd constructing
machinery. "
Questioned as to the quality of the ere utid
process of reducing it , Mr. Simmons said it
occurred fn the form of tin osido dissemi
nated through the vein matter of the lodes
in little black particles fiom the size of a
pin bund to the size of a bean ; that these
particles we-o much henvior than the em-los
ing rook nnd were separated by pulverizing
the whole mass and passing It through Jigs
or ether concentrating machines , known to
minors "oro dressing " "
as , or "concentra
tion , " bolng the same process em
ployed In reducing the Lake Superior
copper ores and certain silver ores such as
galena and pyrites of iron carrying gold iu
Colorado nnd elsewhere.
The tin 010 ns mixed yields from 1 to 5 per
cent metallic tin when ft cocs to the furnace.
"Tho Cornwall district In Waleswhich hni
been the great tin producing district of the
world for centuries , does not comprise the
area of the tin discoveries of the Black Hills ,
and they-have about reached the point when
the mines can no longer bo worked ut a
prolit owing to the oxpouso of raising ere
and pumping water from such great depths.
It is said that 51,000 tin miners are
employed in Cornwall. You can
form some Idea from this of the magnitude
the Industry will assume In the Black Hills.
It Is moro of n manufacturing than n mining
proposition , nnd will employ large numbers
of miners nnd laborers and great quantities
of machinery , furnaces , etc. , nnd will fur
nish Immense tonnage to railroads In trans
porting the product to eastern markets. The
supplying of the United States with tin from
our own mines and the manufacturing of
our own tin plate In this country is ,1 matter
of national Importance , and soon to bo real
ized. "
Rapid City is , predicts Mr. Simmons , des
tined to become the most important commer
cial poinTln the Black Hills. It will bo a
inanufuctuiing cer.tcr us well aa the base of
supplies for the entire mining region. The
town Is well built , and Its citizens are full of
enterprise. Mr. Simmons returned home
last night.
Tlio Colored Pcoplu Will Observe It in
a Grand iMannor.
Arrangements are bolng made for a grand
celebration of emancipation day ut Weeping
Water August 1. An excursion will bo run
on the Missouri Pacific under the auspices of
the African Methodist Episcopal church and
Lodge No. 2220 of the Grand United Order of
Odd Fellows , of this city. The train will
leave the Webster street depot at 8:30 : a. m. ,
and will return at 3 p , m. The fare will bo
$1 for Uio round trip. Delegations from the
following points will bo uresoat : Council
Bluffs , Nebraska City , Auburn , Falls City ,
Huntings , Blair , Lincoln nnd Hiuw.ithn. The
address of welcome will bo delivered by the
mayor of Weeping Water , uad the response
by Rov. P. A. Hubbard , of this city. Ad
dresses will also bo delivered by Rev. James
W. BraYton , of Lincoln , and Rov. John
Young , of Nebraska City. A magniliccnt
spread will bo served on the picnic grounds ,
nnd no pains will bo spared to uiako this one
of the loading .social events of the soasou in
colored circles.
No Thumping This Tlinn.
Justice If roofer hn.ird the case of William
Sears against S. and H. Livingstone. The
action Is to recover f OO attorney fees which
Soars claims for conducting a broach ot
promise c.iso for tbo defendant's sister at
Muscatino , la. When the cnso was first
called In Justice Kroegor's ' court In May ,
Su.irs assaulted S. Livingstone , for which
ofTenso u case against him is still pending In
the police court. There was no trouble ,
however , at yesterday's hourlng. J ustlce
ICroogor has taken the case under advise
Deinla Park Sower.
The contract for sewering Bomls park was
let to John F. Daley for $0,000. It
calls for the laying of 1,000 fool of 21-inch
plpo , 3,000 of 18-inch and 7,000 of gtlll smaller
pipe. Thcso nro to empty temporarily Into
ono of the draws wbiub run thiough the
place , with thu intention of eventually being
connected with n mam sewer on Thirtieth
and Cuuting streets , whoa tlio same shall bo
That hacking coug haul be so quickly
cured by Shiloh's Curo. We guarantee
it. For sulo by Goodman Drug Co.
HoniH or Plenty.
Hon. Thomas Majors , of Peru , Is In the
city and reports great prosperity among the
agricultural people of Nonmlm county. "The
corn , wheat and oats rep , ' ' said ho , "is
simply marvelous. At nn time sincn Ne
braska was opened to settlement has there
bean such u vlold of farm products as wo
will have this year. "
Mr. Majors nay * that the political situation
It vury quiet. Ho professed absolute Ijrnor-
unctiof anything now , and tlnulcd ttiu
will be undisturbed for u your ut If ait.
It In so the water pipes twice a week
with Plntt's Chlorides , nnd BO kocp
thorn sweat nnd clean ,
The Botched Job Which the Conimln-
Ion CM Hnvo Pntotied.
The board of equalization tins completed
the work to far ns hearing complaints
ngninst assessment nro concerned. County
Clerk Rnnche will transmit his report to
the state auditor this morning. A * a
result of those complaints , the assessors'
work has been changed considerably. A
mlsn of G per cent waa made ou
lots In the First ward and on personal prop
erty in the Third ward. The assessment in
the Second ward has bctn decreased fi per
cent. Among the country precincts , Millnrd ,
Chicago , Waterloo , Elkhorn and Jefferson
come In for changes. In the first mentioned ,
lots nro raised U3 nnd lands 10 per cent ;
Chicago , lots 10 , lands C ; Waterloo , lands
20 ; Eikhorn , lots nnd lands 10 ; .Jefferson ,
lots So nnd lands C ; Florence city lots , 10
per cent.
In South Omaha the W. L. Selby addition
Is raised 10 per cent.
Rngardlng the waterworks company , It
was found that on their real estate the as
sessor made n mistake and assessed , tbo
wrong lot. This has been changed b.v rais
ing block 127 la Florence from NuO to $20,000
and lowering lot 7 lu block 1 from $20.001) ) to
20. The company's now building was
exempt because It was not completed.
However , an additional assessment
has been ordered of certain , now machinery
that has been put In place.
Commissioner O'KeoITo says that the
work this year has been more poorly done
than ever boforo. The discovery
of many serious errors 1ms boon made. In
the Third ward a great tunny business firms
have been omitted , and the same mistake
has been noticed also In other wards.
The assessment of our bridges has attract
ed a great deal of attention. The Union
Pacltlc bridge Is valued at between $300,000
and $1,000,000 , , and the west half , which Is
located In Douglas , Is assessed nt $125,000.
Nearly all of the Omaha and Council Bluffs
bridge is la this county , and yet It is ns-
sensed at only 818,000.
Assessors' Pay.
The assessors are somewhat interested as
regards the ruttlumcut of the question of
wages. Ono of them , Henry Etironp-
fort , of tlio First ward , says ho
worked the 01 days terminating nt
the Elatutory limit. Ho also put in
over-tlmo of thirty days. His deputy , with
over-timo , worked 83 days , making In nil 177
days , which at t3 per day would bo worth
$531. Ho has boon paid for both himself and
deputy , WOt. This amount pays him for the
regular days' work , leaving the extra tlmo
yut to bo paid. _
A Twenty Years' Experience.
O. D. Fredrlclcs , the'well-known photog
rapher , 770 Broadway , N. T. , says :
I have been using ALI.CUCK'S Pouous
Pr.xsTEiis for twenty years , and found thorn
one of the best of family medicines. Briefly
gumming up my experience. I say that when
placed on the small of Iho buck ALLCOOK'S
PLASTEUS till the body with nervous ennrgy ,
and thus cure fatigue , brain exhaustion ,
debility nnd kidney difficulties. For women
aud children I have found them Invaluable.
They never Irritate the skin or cause the
slightest pain , but euro sere throat , coughs ,
colds , pains in side , back or chest , Indiges
tion and bowel complaints.
How They Recall Forgotten Facts In
tlio Anderioii-Syiiillcato Ca c.
The Andcrson-Soiith Omaha Land com
pany case Is developing srno wonderful
memories as well as evidence that creates
Burnrlso. Ono day last ween P. E. Her was
on the witness stand , and swore that , to his
knowledge , Anderson was never interested
in the land company , or had anything to do
with anybody who was so Interested. Among
other things , Mr. Her was asked whether or
notui 1SS2 and lSS3when he fed a lot of Syn
dicate cat tlo ut his distillery , dealings were
had by him regarding them with Anderson.
His answer to this was a very positive and
emphatic "No. " Since Mr. Her testified the
plaintiff's attorney bus called attention to the
fact that in his possession are checks signed
by Anderson und paid to Her at the tirna
named for feeding the cuttle.
This announcement somewhat sur
prised the gentleman and yester
day at his own request ho was permitted
to go on the stand again and < oxplam. After
making his statement ono of plaintiff's at
torneys cross-questioned him in this manner :
"Bank checks generally prove to bo great
memory refreshersdo they not. Mr. Her ! "
"Yes , indeed , they do , " replied that gen
tleman us ho retired.
When William A Paxtoa gave his tcstl-
moiioy. ho at first know nothing about An
derson when the great meeting was hold
August 30 in Woolworth's ' ofllco. Ho yas
sure Anderson had had no connection with
the company then. When asked whether ho
had not , nt that time , endorsed checks und
signed notes with Anderson to lift a debt
from the land which had to bo removed be-
'foro ' bonds could bo Issued , ho answered In
the negative. Then tlio note and checks
with his name on them were produced ,
wliorcupon he declared bavinglost nil knowl
edge of their existence.
It occurred in the yesterday that ref
erence should bo made to the manner in
which Frank Murphy , Thomas Swobo and
others got out of tne company. Judge Woolworth -
worth assorted that , as trustees , they re
signed , and that a paper was on flloby which
ho could nrovo the truth of his statement.
This raised a dispute. Mr. Swobo denied the
existence ) of such a document and obligated
hlmsclr to put up a champagne supper for the
entire party If Mr. Woolworth could produce
the document. Mr. Bossier nnd Mr. Swobo
were called to give additional testimony.
A Property Holder's 'Complaint
Acalnsc Homo Old Fogies.
" 1 am willing to emphasize the oft-matia
statement of THIS BEK , " said a capitalist ,
"that this town has too many fossils. I had
n deal busted by some of thcso fellows yes
terday. It was for $35,000. The Intending
purchasers were custom capitalists. A
couple of old fogies , ono of whom was u
banker , drove them away by working to con
vince them that the property was not worth
what the visitors had agreed to pay for It.
Tlio ground was worth moro tiian I had.
asked lor it , but the old fogies considered it
high becanso it did not belong to them.
Save Your Hair
BY a timely tiso of Ayor's Jlulr Vigor.
This praparatloti lias no equal na n
dressing. It keeps tliobcalp clean , cool ,
anil healthy , niul pteserves the color ,
lullncss , ami beauty of the hair.
" I was rapidly becoming bald and
pray ; but after lining two or three
bottlea of Aycr's Hair Vigor tny hair
grew thick and glossy and the original
color was restoied.-Molviu Aldrlcli (
Cauimn Centre , N < If.
" Some tlmq ago I lost all my linlr In
consequence of inoasloa. After duo
waiting , no now growth appeared. I
than used Ayer'u Hair Vigor mid my
Lair grow
Thick and Strong.
It Jia-s apparently como to stay. The
Vlpor is nridcntly a ureat nld to nature. "
J. B. Williams , Kloiesvllle , Texas.
"I have used Ayer'a Hair Vigor for
the past four or flvu years und find It a
most satisfactory dieasing for the hair ,
It is all I could desire , being harmless ,
causing the hair to retain itn natural
color , nnd requiring but a small quantity
to render tlio hair easy to arrange , "
Mrs. M. A. llalloy , 0 Charles atreet ,
Havorhlll , Mass ,
" I have been using Ayor's Hair Vigor
for several years , and belie vo that it lias
ca'isud ' uiv hair to retain its natural
color.-lira. H. J. King , Dealer ia
' Goods , &c. , Blshopville , Jld ,
Ayer's ' Hair Vigor ,
J'JllcrAIltD DT
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Bold Ly Druggists .Dd I'erfurners.
This powder never varies. A marvel of pnro.
ty , fctrcnctu and wholcsomoncss. Moro < HO
notnlcil than the ordlunty kinds , nnd cunnot
bo sold in competition \\it\i \ the multitudes or
lor or sliortwclght alum or phosphate pow dors.
Fold only In cuns. itoynl llaKlmc I'o\\der Com
pany , 1'0 ' Wall btreet , Now V'ork.
ESTftBI-ISHEa'8GU ' IQo so.
Chicago , Hie. 1 Clark Gt ,
Tiia Regular Old-Established
It still Treating with thoGreatett
Chronic , Ncrvons anfl Priyate Diseases ,
Fulling Memory , Exhausting Brains , Terrible
Dreams , Head nnd Back Ache and all the effects
.cadinu to curly ducuy and peihaps Coniurnptton 01
Insanity , treated scientifically Ly new methods with
leverfallmpr nuccrts.
SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin DU-
caseaperman-ntly cured.
.CB-KIDNEYiiiid URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
iionorrhoca , Strictu re , Varlcoccle and all diseases
of the QenltO'Urlnary Organs cured { promptly without
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
afS * No experiments , ARC and experience lm
portar.t. Consultation free and aacred.
49-Send 4 centb postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous nnd Delicate Diseases.
flafThose contemplating MaiiisKe 'end for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Mole and Female , each
i ; cents , both 3 ; cents ( stamps ) . Consult the rid
Doctor. A friendly letter orcnlfmay save future sutler.
Ina and nhame , and add Rolden ) can to life. .QrLu > oK
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cjnts ( itamps ) . Mcdicma
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays y In n. Address
T. D. CLARKE. ( VI. D.v .
189 So. Clarfe'lfo * CHiOAQOa U l *
r5rSoid.n .
ctrcuIai-.4 { ( Jtrt < tt't3ar9. ' ( - -
CURE ror\
For Sale by , GOOD MAN DRUG CO.
My llttlo boy. 5yoirs old , was pick
with adlbcnso for which ( lectors had
no name. The iulls camc oil liU ling
ers , and the fingers came oil to the
wldrtlo Joint. TorSycnMlio Buffered
dreadfully ; ID now getting u ell. end I
km eatlBllcd Kulft'u Specific la tbo
chief caueo of lili Improvement.
Jon.f Demi. ,
Jan. 12,1689. 1'cru , Ind.
tlio boy liruko out wltli eorcs nnd I
ulcers , I ho rc ul t of tlto cnll\ of a cal f coming In com-
tact with n cut finder. Tlie nlccra ere dee
ful and choucd no Inclination to heul.
Si > If fa flpcclflc , and lie la now til ,
l'cl > . 15 , ' 89. JoimJ' ' . llcAiii ) . Auburn , Ala.
Send for books on Illcxxl I'oleona & Skin Dlecnsca ,
frco. Smrr Brccu 10 Co. , Atlanta , ( Jo.
C- ' Ibo Llnuar-JIablt. I'onlilrcly Cored
br Adiniditueriiis I > r. llulueu'
Uoldcn Specific.
It con hoglvvnlnnaupof cotleoor tea without tlif
knnwluiluuiiftlio persontHkliiKIt : lmib nlutclyliurin
loix.timl will ctfuct u Bpuutly ami i > ormmiotit ou ro
wliutliur thu piitlent < ia u iuol ratn drinker or nn
ak'ciliol wreck. TUuuiuiida of drunkard * Imvo been
niuilo temiwmto men vhu li.ivu token ( iulilun HpeciOo
In tholrcuITcM ) wlthout-thclr kliowlciUcuiiid toliiy lici
llwvu ttHttr quit drlnklDK of Ihclr own free will. l'I
NKVKlt KAII.M. Tau j ( ! ) uncu ImpruifrmU'il wuti
the biH'Clilc. It boconiu * nn niter ImpnuBimlltjr for the
Ililiior nppMlto to fxttKor \ . sulo IJJT Kului ft Co.
Uruirgliti. 1MU nnrlilk.ut'liis > tHn < l luth und Cum
g bt. , Omaha. A/l Foster A. Hro. . Council IllulTi.
State Line.
To Glasgow , lldftist , Dublin ami Lhernool
From New York Every Tuesday ,
Cabin imssngo $15 to KO , according to location of * t a
room. I'xcurslon M to 19) ) .
Steerage to mil from Kuropo at Lowest Hates.
A t'STi.v 1ULDH IN i. Co. , ( Jen'l Agents ,
U llroadway. New York.
Jun.v IILEQK.V , ticn'l Western Agent.
m UandulpU Bt. , Chicago.
UAltilV K. 51OI1E8 , Agent. Omaha.
Hcdnced Cubluratej to Glasgow Exhibition .
C. E. & C. M. ANTHONY.
312 1st Nat'l Bank Building ,
Omaha , - Nebraska
Low rates for Cliulr * rx > ans. Titles ana values
nnued upon promptly und louns cloued without
doluy. Loial curreDUVnUemi ) Muutcd lu He-
rnsi'ka and Iowa.
Continental CI othing
We are obliged on aoooimt of tlie busy season to postpone our SemiAnnual -
Annual stock taking until August 1st , and our Q-ra-nd Clearance
Sale of Summer Clothing will continue for the rest of this month
Bargains in Wen's ' Clothing ,
Bargains in Boys' ' and Children's ' Clothing ,
Special Discounts in Merchant Tailoring Department ,
Furnishing Goods Department ,
Everything desirable in hot weather furnishings. The largest va
riety and lowest prices. , ,
's ' Summer Coats and Vests ,
Closing out prices on all these goods.
Pantaloon Department , Price $3,50 ,
We will C9ntinu8 the sale of 3 , : > 0 Pantaloons during the month and
have included many special lines never sold for less than $5.
.OuJLXI * J. \ JL VrtJ Ji. l > iJT. .
Until farther notice our store will be closed at 6:30 : r > . m. , Saturdays
10 p. m. Our friends will please remember this and make their
purchases accordingly.
OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , Ix omis & Co ,
OES MOINES Proprietors ;
Cor. Douglas and 15th Sts. , Omaha.
Aftnr Invoicing our clotlilntj stock , wo
Una certain lines of Milts that liavo not
soklreaillly : consequently the prlto lias
been ro lucBil. An early ciul will bo to your
MaxMeyer&Bro ,
Kfltnbllshcd 1800.
I'll CO. Cash. Monthly
1 Stclmvay Square $1W10J in.oo *
IKnaboSqunru 175.0J 15.IU 10.00
lllalnes HroJ. Squnro , . 17500 ir.uo
1 lluliet , Davis & Co. Sq , W5.UO
1 llmersonHciuan ) 100.UO 10.00 7.IH )
1 Marslml A : Wendell sq. lSi.oo in ( M B.IIO
1 \ V.V. . ICIinhiill Siiuaio 100.W ( 10.00 1 00
1 Chlckcrlni ; Upright ,
2OJ 15.00
1'rlce. Cash. Monthly
1 Mason Hamlln , used 1
Tear $75.00 ta.oo
1 Inylor A : fiirley , useil I
year 70.05 10.00 8.00
IKstey.useilBmos. , cost
new iria.00. , 00.00 10.00 8.00
1 Hurclotte UO.OO 7.00 D.u1 !
1 Taylor & Farley a'.oo 8.00 & . ( )
IMimon llumlln S..0) ) E.oo r > oo
1 Ilentty ( i7 stopJl WO 8.00 7.00
Every Instrument guaranteed to bo In Rood
order. Jlrliig thla ml. with you , and avoid mis
takes. Any ot these Instruments taken In ox-
ctmnge for new nt wanio price any time in on *
year. Call early and get a bargain.
1622 and 1621 FAKNAM STREET.
WltUBnoc < mfolPii > rl nr-fgrNEWWO
AT tME ) ! , tutlug XAAKT xl > * ot * < '
HUNT , a guaranteed spoclac for Hyaterla , Dlzzl-
BOSS , Couvulbloas , ( its , Nervoui Neuralgia ,
Headache , Norroua Proatrotlon caused by the
use of ulcohol or tobacco. Wulcofulneas , Mental
Depreiilon , Boftonlnsfot tue llraln. resultlCKln
Insaultv and leniltnitto misery , decay and death.
I'lonmture Old ABO. Harreimesa. Loss of Power
In either sex , Involuntary Losses and Bpermat-
orhcua caused by ovor-oiortou ! ot Iho bralu.solf-
abuse or ovorlntlulgcnco. Bach box contains
one month's treatment. Jl.Oa a box , or slxboxei
for' " > w.sont by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order received b
tui for sir boxes , accompanied with i.1.00 , wo will
Heml the purchaser our wrlttun guarantee to ro.
( und the money If tlio troatm < nt does not err ot
a cure. Guarantees issued only by Goodman
Drug Co. , UrugnUti , Sole Aitents , IHO Farn&m
treat. OaaU W b ,
Over 14 Millions Sold in this
Country alone.
The Best Fitting and Best
Wearing Corset Ever Made.
Tar ll.n Jtntth rrx.rvlos , for
1 Invl r ttur. tnl B -
g f r All. Tr.iS.iHum.
v rB InExUtfoef * Wsr.
r nt.a Btrlctly Curt < d Oaftr.
wiutid. An Efficient Rimtdy
for DUrrba * . Cholir * Motlai.
Dricattrr. KB' Ml Eliorlir * cf
ttio Bowed ,
NAsnvii.i.BTrTMJune ,167 ,
WiMaiw. LOVKNTIIAL lliton.-
DenrHlrss-Ilinyu tried tlie
IIui > Ka'lu Illncklierry Jail"
you no klmlly l we ItU
iho no iJlu "lira of lummer
( irltikpi. H f'B f " 1 ilcu-
liol. "l l UI 1. , " "
dlc atlto organs , IIM a Ino
> ju t
I.KU i-ooN . r u I. I w A
snlaliy DruKKlsts.M'i
o.n.nUnd HEHVOUS DEaiUTV )
W < skness of B dy nJ Klaji Efftcti
oflrrorsorEicemsinOidor Yourr.
U 4 HOllfllrUl.l.i. < - ll. lu Kt.r. . .4
it ? 'l'l.rr mtltutmt KOBK TU IT T-H Bi H In t J r !
u UiU/ / , tin ? 41 Bl.l.t , TrrrlUfl.i , 4 > or.lj ( .o lil. . .
Vst'E'efiliplV ' "oBtiff Aioji1 V.
2Oto6O DAYS.
This is u disease which has heretofore
Dallied all Medical Science.
When Mercury , lodldo oT. Potassium , .Bnrsap *
rllla or Hot Springs fall , M o guurnnlooit euro.
AVe have a Kemerty , unknovrn to nnyons In tin
World outudo of our Company , and ouu tliittiai
to curs the most obstinate cases. Ten daya la
recent cases ( loea tbo worlc. Itlu the old chronto
deep seated cuaea that we solicit. Wo have
cured oundredii who have boon abandoned by
I'hyslclnna. nnd pronounced Incurable , and vr
challenge the world to bring us a case that wo
will not cure In less thim sixty dayo.
Since Iho history of mcalclno a true Dpecmt ;
for Syphilis uns beua souaht for but non >
founa until our
was discovered , and we nro Jitatlllod In s.iylna
It ia the only Uemecly tn the World tnnt will pp *
Itlvoly curu , brtcnuso tlio latest Medical Works ,
publlsliod by the bent known authorities , s-iy
thuro WRinovorn true speclno before. Our r m.
dy will euro wtion ercrytlilng elio has failed.
Why waste you time mid money with imtuiit
medicines that never Imil vlrtuo , jr doctor with
physicians that cannot euro you , you tt.nt har
tried everything elsa should come to us now and
et permanent lellof , you never curiKet It elao.
where. Mark what wo say. In the end you
must tnko our remedy or NKVIJtl recover and
you that have been nllllcted but a short tlma
nhotilil by nil mentis come to us now , not one In
tenof nuw casea ever pet permanently cured.
Many ttetlieln end think they are tree from th but In one , two or three years at tar It
appears ngnta In a more horrible form.
This iu'u blood Purifier and will Cure
any Skin or Blood Diabase whoa
Everything Else Pails.
NOTJCK We ileilro to Ciiitlon patlent In re
gard to pnrtlei claiming to use the Coolc IHm-
edy. Our formula la not and CANNOT t >
Known to anyone but ouigelvus.
Roouii 418 anH19 , Paxton BlocK , .
N. W , COR. ! 3fH & OOOQ Sri , OMAHA , N ED.
VOU TUB TltEiTllC.NT OW Jilt ,
BcstrclllltesApparatusanilRm > dlesforBueeestfal
Treatment of e ry form of Disissa
BosraB Attendance , Best Accomnodttlonilu Wot.
( CTWHITE FOR OIKOULARBon Dcformltl i .nd
BmcM.Truites.Cltibrcet.Ouivsturfsoffll'Ine. ' files.
Turnori , UiDcer , Citurli , UroEcb tii , InhiUtlon.
Only Bellable Madicil Inititute making a Be ecltl ty of
lloaa Plmi.i luttoifullr I ULllllla falioa
- . .
trolmol for 1 1 if HUM on Kll. I'.ttlc , uuiLIt la vlill
iiu 7l lrt l utliounlf cii ) ( iicu4nti. > HcDUniutltn
( l D etfuH4titlit. Mcdlclu orlaitrunteDtiicuttvutllort
BrciiKeurclr ; > ckt4D iuirki.'iinillutttgiiltiilii | > ritiidcr.
UDt l' rii > o l lm f flt | .tcfirrt4. oil tut cvmull ui i > > n4
> Ul rT r oorM , .o4 w lil iiuJ lu l'I. In r.p | > t r , c. r
BOOK TO KEN ffKEl Vfoa t'rlv.u. Kpcclil „
pUUl\ U nlUril NervouiUUcMti.luii.ultnc Bjiyh.
Illil Ul.ct .04 V.rltot.lf. itu .jueulon Ilil.
Uth and Dede Streets , OKAKA , EB.
Vrt N n F R II kr.-ITuiuonL'lIUKUtiio