Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    " U
_ _
NonilTortlacmenln will bo taken for
tlicso coltintnfi nfter IQtOO p. m.
TrrniH ( Jnbli In ntlvanco.
Ad vertlscmenti under this brad 10 GO-- pot
line tor th flrsl Insertion , 7 cents for each nb-
ictlttrnt Insertion , and tl.nO per llnr prr month.
No nOYcrttnemcnt taken Tor ICM than 25 ecnu
for I'.rat Insertion. Seven words wlllliocountcd
to the line : thor muni run coiucctitlvcly and
Jiuist b pnld In AUVANCR. All adrertlso-
tncnt inuatbelianaexl Inbarorn12:30o'clock : p.
tn , nn < l under no circumstances vtlli they uo
taken ol dlorontlniicd by tclopho'.ie.
I'Attli-t. ntl\ rllsiiKT In theao columns and hnv-
Incthelrnnsiversiiucircssodlncaroor Till ! Dr.n
will iilensonjkk ( oraclxirk to enable thorn to cot.
their letters. M nona will boflellreTed except on
rrescntntloncf check. All nniwcrs to nilvor-
' itrruif nts ebouM be enclnMl In rnrclopca.
AllnilrprtlremcntH In thest columns nre rub-
llrhtdlnboth tnomtiiK nnd rrciilns edltloni of
Inn llrit , the clrmilntlon of which aKRreirates
jnoro tllun 1PIOO ( papers rtRllv. and Klres the ail-
vertlsfrathobnuelll. not only of the city circu
lation ot'Jnr. HKK , but nlau of Council I Huffs.
I.lncolunr.d othrr dtlcs and twvni throughout
this icttlouof the country.
thcso columns irlll bo taken
on thonboTocnnJIttnna. at tliu following bust-
neb ) hounra.vhoftreauihorlrcd iifjonn forTiic
JltE spec ! ( nntlcon. nna will quota the mine
totes as can bo had ntthe main olllte.
C11AHI ! k ! [ ) > \ ' , Stationers and prnters , 113
South ICtli Btroot.
if. PAUNBWOUTH. Pharmacist. 2113 Cum.
. Ing Street. _
T\7" J' IinilHEa rhoruiaolgt , Cl North Uth
V > Street.
GKO. W. PAHlt , Pnarmaclst. 180U St. Jlary's
Avenue. _ .
HOURS' 1'hnrmary , S 8 Farnatn St. ' .Tele-
pliono No. a ! . _
WANTKI ) aittiatlon by n church woman to
tak'e eliAruoof house during the nbsenco
of family for tlio summer. TJplscotwl family
preferred. 11 e t references given. Address ft
CO lieu. 3iMJ )
"IS ; TANTKD Position aj liouscki'opor In
ividowor1 * family ; no objection to chil
dren ; beat of reference ! ) , Address , D Kl , JJoo.
J . 370 ! >
_ _ _
irarANTBD-ABltuatlonln or out of city by
T T married man about 30 , tompor.ite , iooil ;
vliabita. Bkllltd arcottntantstenographer. .
l.niK' ' ) experience and thoroughly computetit to
( lIscliarRO or iniuiaga olllco work. See my
reforumx-s. Addresa 1) j , HOP. _ SM 11J
WANTED A situation 1)y compotcnt
liookfceoper. Cim furnish best of refer
ences ns to character , ubtllty. etc. Tor further
particulars addrons box ICU , Sidney , la.
31 > 10 ?
WANTKH Permanent noHlllon In or out of
city , by unmarried man about 24 , bt6adv
halilts. tempornto ; thorough accountuut , anil
competent to tnko * chureu of accounts and
pnire duties. Address 1) ) 43. llea. _ 237 11J
EX1T.UT accountant wants complicated
Vookn and partnership matters to
Address 0 18 , lice.
ANUliD AhlR boy nt Samuel .Motz's Ush
market , 41t B Uth.
"VkTANTKD Gancriil und loial ; agents to linn-
Ti illu tUo new jiatont chemical ink oriislni }
pencil. Circatest novelty over produced.
Krusos Ink in tno BCvunilH , no nbraslon of pa
per ; y ( I to too per cent profit. One audit's Biilcs
ainotitilfd to ti'M In six dsy . nnoth r$32 Hi two
hours. HTurrltoiy nbHUlntely free. Kalnry to
good Dion. No ladles neud answer. Sample
111 cln. Kor terms and full paitlr.ulnrs , nodress
Tno Monroe Kruscr Co. , munuf.ictiirers. I/a
47ro SB , Wls. USO-llj
W ANTKD-A boy about 17 j-ears. Acme
Mcam Laundry , 2'13 Luke. 383-3J
W" 1AN'.l'I.l > A peed baker , Address Fred
llcnbach , 1'lorpneo , Neb. : ni ut
\\rANTUD Snlesmon for scliool supplies In
T ? Jowa. Good , onergotlc men only , with
reference. Commission or salary , 'riiocioorge
B. Clluu publishing IICUHO , fill 1' Nat'l bank.
- 43m aha. ; aiVill
WANTKlMrUeUnblo man and \vlfa wlthou :
childruu'to ' work on-a farm ; only 2 In ram-
lly ; mnut bo npable Df taking-cntlio charge.
Mm. Hrcya. 3my B > i'lto. 3 jJ ) _
" \S7ANTKD-lst cook. 8T5 ; 2 < 1 cook. p"oTter ,
> wheeler noldor , farm hands , milkers , etc.
Jlrs. llrega. 3J4K S. 15th. 3-3 " or ,
\\7 ANTED Kcgistoroil pharmacist ; must bo
TT well posted. Oraduatn lu phnroiacy j > ro-
ferroil.V. . J. Ilughus , Itthand Wclstur sts.
WAMTKD Two men of good address to neil
goods ; steady employment. Cult lul'j
Uowaidat. : i6J-lo ; .
GENTS I Now Is the time to sell the "His
A tory ut the Johnstown "Flood. " Wo have
the largest , best and latest , beautifully Illus
i trated. Send 40o nt once for outfit And secure
territory. Liberal Inducements. Act quickly ,
White Incklcr. Fort Wayne , ind. 35i
WANTKD A good draughtsman. Apply t
James Tylor.archltcct.l.lucoln , Neb. jju7-lj
" TiTANTUO Two yonug men for light work
Ti atgood wages , lloum 17. 0 n , Hth.3W10J
Ilxperlcncod hardware sales'
man ; knowledge of builders hardware
preferred. A. C. Itaymcr. 31
v w ANTED 23 stone cutters for cutting curb ,
C. 1) . Woodttortli. 1512 Douglas. H3 IS *
M KtU travel for tlm Fonthlll Nurseries ot
Canada. Wn pay 5.VJ to (11U H month anil
f.lpeuaeu to agents to hell our Canadian grown
it. stock. Ad. Btono & Wellington. Madison , Wls.
. sal
\ v AN'i KD A coed olllco man ; to go oust ;
V > uiimt Invest ti.iou : must boa good buslnoi
innu. Addruis the ( luo. S. Cllno , Pubiishlnfi
House. 315 to 321 Wahash ave. . Chicago. III. 7'Jj
T\7A"N1 EI > itaitFoad laborers for now worn
T > In Wyoming. Tuumstoni. ivhcaler holders ,
nli-k nnd bhovol men , ami rock and timnul mun.
tottmlx wurK and good job. J''or tionspoitailon
iipply ut Albright's labor agency , 1120 Fiiruam
rt , Omaha. 7112
WANTP.Ira Weekly lepresentatife , male
or fomiile , in every community. Oootb
stnplo ; hoiifoliohl necessity ; neil at sight ; no
peddllnc : aahiry paid promptly , and expenses
advanced , l ili particulars und vnluablosainple
riiHi ? nni . Womonn Just what wo miy ; addn-sa
fttonro , BTANDAHOSlLVKIl WA11KCO. . Itoa-
tO'U Mass. NU
TV7ANTED-A nurse girl or woman. Applv
It 1B3 r amain. ; J&T
\V AJuTEI ) Ulrl for general housework , 4fi2 E
T j S4th ave. iW 114
AOIIIL for genera. ! housework : 21 If. Call
fornla : ; nt-9f
\X7AN3ED HouseLeopar. by n farmer wltli
T thrSe children. Address llox 481 , Puuuylcr ,
Nteb. ! IM 10J
WANTED Cook acd SPtond _ lrl. Applv al
421 N. 23d st , near < , ' * . KJ ! I'J '
ANTUD girl f or _ onoral house wors. BIO S.
33d street ,
\X7ANTED-Aglrl for general housework ,
* Slla < * " f"faiu. am ; io
W ANTUD Cllrl 'or gcnoral liousewoM ,
must ho seed cook. J511 Sherman ave.
aua ii > t
cook , Frank K. Mooics
WANTED At onre. a good girl tor gjiioral
_ lionaottork. Apply ntgUlCass at. ai.
W 'I'rKU Cn iin t ut nursu Jor uaby. ] l
H.Thlrtlath avo. 2.sii-i3f
"VyANTir : Aairl fur grnornl housework , 8
i Ibthst. , lut houiiyon K. side , S. ot Vlnton ,
W-ANTKD-Oood girl to COOK , wash am
li-oo. Mrs. W. il , IlusliLinn. vli .S. 17th
( Hi
W ANTKD-Ulrl at the Star'laundry. . tl
and Leavmrwo rth sts. _ ( IBo
' 1
I o do
} nur for a child S years oM
. ot K""A lPolllon. intolllgeut
Meat aud willing. .
20u5bt.jlag iive. _ _ sa _
TXr ANTRn-nirl to ao second work and taki
cureoffhlia tiii a yrs old ; none but com
' " Ueman I' 'ierred. 240S Bt
'PJUUSSMAKlNoTo Ao In famllloc , < U1ti iTth
_ _ s-a uuj ;
EN {
l MlMtturay , iw 25th ave
TplllST-class day board , Inquire 1C09 Douglak
OHIO employment office , Mrs. Lue Hensls ,
810 K Uth. Plenty of places for girls.
WATtTKD Fccond hand onfelno and boiler.
25 to 40 IIOTEO power engine nnd 3r > to 50
mrsa power boiler ; must belli good repair. Ad
dress P , llee olllco , Lincoln , Neb. 43M2J
\\fA'NTl'D A secondhand desk roller top ;
' ' also a large map ot Omaha , Itoom 41 ,
block , ICtli and Doil go. 210-13 ;
WANTRD To rent , small house with mod
ern convonlcntos : location central but
wen of Kth st. Address D 51. lloo oinco. giTf-O ?
ANTRlro rent furnlsleoiso. 10
to 14 rooms , suitable for hlgn-toned
class of roomers. ) x > catl , > ns must he i'iitlrr > l7
genteel nnd convenient to business. Itnfcr-
imccs exchanged. 1) ) 31 Ileo. 820-12 *
I WANT to rmit for four months from
1 , well furnished hou'ie ' of ten rooms or up
ward * . Erastufi A. llouson. Now Vork Life
building. axi
Q IIOOM lionso and ntahln for f hordes , rent
Otis per mo. 2IH2 Cnp nvo , near high srhonlt
liousoiiiwly papered and painted. Co'flpera-
llvo Laud \ , Lot Co. 2J5 X llith t. 'Ml 11
three i'oomlil3S a
-1 IBth street , near Pierce. . 400 Vt
ilO IMtKNT 2 small houiei. 2 and Brooms ,
- for small fnmilloj. ' &ll\ \ and Howard sis ,
flOU ItENT-S7fl per montha first-class dwelling -
ing with all modern conveniences , including
stable , 1'50S Cnpltnl ave. Inquire of 1) . J. O'Dotm-
hoc. ICO ] 1'iunam ( it , 315
TjlOU HUNT S-room . . . houce , all . convenience ;
JU paved htroetvcahlo cars and within 5 min
utes' ualk of P. O. N. Shelton , 1505 rarnam st.
33) )
) ENT 3-rooni house $3 on nth street ; on-
Squire Kuhlmann. so. cor. llth nnd Vlnton.
'ITIOIl KENT-CotUfio of 4 rooms. Bns N. ffith
J ? street. U3U10 *
TIHM 11KNT Now modern built house In llrst-
J- class neighborhood : : f4f > per month , Goo. N.
lllcks. llooinMi. . Now Vork Klfo llldg.
Bleffitnt retldenoo lot la Iluns-
rom I'Incn. A special bargain If Mold at
one * . Oeo. N. lllcks , Koom ( W , New York I.lfo
djc _ _ jCM-ll.
Tj lOtt HKNT Now elecnnt brick rcsfileiico ,
JJ Hanscoui I'Jnro ; splendiil location , pleasant
nplihborhood. ; ' clfiso to street cars nnd new
electric Hue. Kant $50 per month. George N.
lllcks , Itoom 8K. New Vorlt Life Hldi ; .
'ITIOH HUNT 0-room cottaso In perfect order ;
- IInrgu lot anil slinUo trees , i4i Plevco nt.
luqiilre'iicxtdoor cast. _
T7IOU ItKNT > 'eat 4-rooui cottage , city water.
-U 154 miles from r. O. $12.60 pea month 1) . C. .
Patteison , Oil Silltli. _ 1'B _
"DKUt nr.NT August fst , to naiaU fatn
C Citt iKo. ivlthihntlt foom. hot and cold water ,
on motor Hue. Miermaii avuinic. Itpferencos
'IlliL ' ° 'I- ' Apply ut am Capitol ave. ai 1LT
FOH itr.Nf Elegantly fninlshefl II .t for th
summer. Koferenco ieititrecl. | Address D
41 , lloo olllco. _ a.7 U
FOU HKNT 7-room flat , SJ1 per mo. nbovo
Tito Fair , Utli And llowaid. Iiuiitlra 'JhuTalr.
FOUHUNT A nice f-rooui uuttagowith many
conveniences , < v7 ! S. 17th ave ; rent moderate.
AdplyCil 8. Kthjit. 071
FOU KENT NlcoS-roomllat , iinwlv papered ,
&iJ. lir.'il Hovvatcl ht.i in niaitt nmrnet. < 5I
TjlOH HKJiT 7rooucorner - Hat , IGth nnd
JJ Jones. 209
TT OU HKNT 14-ioom house. 1H11 Cumlng St. ;
J-1 j.-ood burn und nhetls ; modern Improve
ments ; cht ap to right parties. < J , TJ. Clrecu , 310
8. Itthtit. - . * . . SM
T > ESI DKNCKS In \Vm.J.l'unl block7cor.l th
J-Vand Chlcai'o Most modern and uttractlvo.
Will bo rendyTibout J nly lOtlu Apply.JL'nul.lBOa
Farnam. ; S
'TTiaUNISHBOhunio. 20th and St. Marv's nve. .
-1 ? to rent till Oct. 1st. 7 rooms , bath and
laundry to family without children ; rutei-cnceH
roqulrod. David J.imleson , ; IU3 ICtU at. VK
TTIOIt ItBNT Miuit cottagn. S20 per month. 0.
A ! Vj Haii-lson , Morehuuts National Dank.
i 161
cottage of f > looms.
. ii 8. Loan & Kental Agency , cor. loth and
Howard sts. 14S
Ti UKNlSHEDor unfurnished housn torrent
-I" lu Part Terrace , opposite Ilnmcom park ;
all modern conveniences. Jurjulro Leo le
Nlchol , 2Sth and Loavenworth. hQ3
JIKN'JV-A detached lroom house , all
modern conveniences. F-nq.262U Capitolavo'
771011 RETfT 14-room brlclc dwelling , all con-
JL1 vonlcnc&i , 5 blocks from P. O 21B N. 10th st ,
TTOIl UENT A nicely furnished house In most
J- desirable residence location in thn city , on
street car line , fifteen minutes wall : . Will
take part of rent in board room ; want
man and'wife ; no children. Uefercncu required.
David Cole , 310 H. IBth St. HU
TTIOlt UENT Furnished room. < S2N.Il'tU '
JJ y i ) n
FOU REKT- I. furnished rooms for light
housekeeping. Kefotcncea required. 01. N
ICtn ar. 3'I-11J )
T31OH HENT FurnUhed front room. 210 N ,
JMath street. _ 387 1QJ
TTIOH HENT T\vo nicely furnished rooms with
JL1 all modern conveniences ; good location ;
rent reasonable ; 2UI4 Iliutst. _ iti3 lit
"ryJICP.LY furnished noms and hoard. 102C
JL > Douslas. _ 304 14t
"fJlOH KENT 1'leaiiint room with board only
J ? 81 per week , 12J. North 2 itlt. _ ; Kl-lut
fT'.bU itliNT Handsome furnished rooms , 705
Js. . 13th st. , Auhouacr-Jtusch building.
. 332-13 1
_ _
UUNISIIKD room for rent after June 2 } .
2U24 Hurt bt , 1&3
TTOU lU'.NT Pleasant furnished room with
Jbath. . Inquire 1518 Cass st. , opposite .loiter-
son park. Mrs. A Kelluy. 2'J'Jf ' _
TTII'UNIHIIKD rooms with nil modern convea-
Jleui'os , gentlemen only. 170 ! ) Dodge sc.
| 23.-I11
_ _ - - -
G .ODD room with bath. tilO 8. mth at.
TpUUNlSHKI ) r VDUis by day , MOOK or month ,
J-1 St. Clalr hotel , cor Uth and Dodge. 80 >
10U UENT-Itoom. l l Howard.
B ! > 7
"fTIOH UENT Two parlois front and on Jlrst
-L' floor. All modura ( .
Douglas. CM
TTANI1SOMELY funilslied mo ! room , willi
JLTU or without board In private ramlly , nicely
situated In inodoru resldeiu'u. 21.W llurnoy tit ,
'HfOU lU'.NT Pleasant furnbhed front rooms
J ? v 'th ' bfi.\ri. ; _ 210 s ath st. ano-ist
S IN'ClLUrooni and double room , every con
venience. l'JfHCapUol _ avo. 77
'VTU'ELY liiriilshaiT rooms , board ItrtealrUd" !
J1 1 Lr s. bath .electric bells , etc. 16 > J Douglas.
_ 107
"J71OU UENT Mcely furnished roomswith ox.
.L1 tollont board.modern nonvcn'ea.MViPark av
Oil ltENT--niegant south room for Kentio"
man. 1707 Dodge st. HIS
Tpblc UKNT 1 iinttmrishcTi roolns sultublti foi
JJ housokocplng , 1BJ ) . _ 1701Vbst r at. 210
FOlt UENT Three nice iinfiurnisued rooms ,
suitable for light hou&okouplng ; also two
basement roomj luuap. - J Dcmnlaau. L 21)1-8' )
rilOU HENT Over stove 'store , 1RJ1 Howard
JU at. Imiulio at store _ ( jus
Tj Olt iTENT-UntTrOctobcr 1 , larua turiilsliod
Jl ? huuto. call 2U1 K. 25th. SOU
17O11 itKNT-lA TiTory hrI3t buli.lnff , store
JU 33x75 , with uouiuers and Bhulvot nrutly Hit
Isliecl ; gooJ cellar ; two olllccs lu front up-
utairs ; hack part lor storage ; elevator. electric
light. The belt position , store room and loco
tloulii touu. For tut thor InfoiiuaUoii call on
Clite. Dr.rteU , West J'olr.t , Cummltig I'd. Neb ,
_ _ _
TJUW KENT Store 22x80 ; 3115 Jnckson st ,
A ? 1'r.r.ulru 111 ! Jackson. bw
Ol'l'lt'K To rent. Furnished elegantly oi
unfurnished. llishman block , N. B. Cor. .
16 and Douglui. _ 04 :
TPOU UKN'i Couifortablenjoro rooms In fie
JU Her bulldini ; , OflxXJ ; good location for liur
ness shop. Also , tvo butements , light andulry ,
44x3ii , under hardware store : good location fui
Oimhop. Apply to A. IX Karmer , nurdtvan
atoro , Her buildlai ; , corner Jurktonacd lath st
M6 Jyl8
FOP URHT Store rooti vlth solid stone
banement and fcplendld Ice houoe lurcar , on
Hurt t. bet. 17th nnd Ibih kt. Hunt low. F. Q
Urlnii , uu N , 2ftth qv. C81 14 *
jio7rUKNT Store and 4 living roomn Jt
- . ' lar. . oil newly papurfd : coed lixviflon foi
Kiotory or feed tuoie ; itt pt-r taoiuh. Appl )
t ouciC. . T. Hunl ju. MercLm.t Nut. hunV.
Ti On TlKNT Splendid offlce. two front looms
JU sd floor , 1404Farnam st. Enquh * of A. J.
Hanscotn. 1509 Farnam , M floor. Mg-10t
ItiOlt UENT Two nm room brlek houses on
JJ I'ark nvonne , with nil conveniences. Also
nine room frame housn on same street , with all
conveniences : price ( .tl to 145 per month. 1) . V
8holcs.-tio First jfMlonal Ilank. Bll
T710iriTENT-2IIoow front half ncmtshutld-
JU ing , power , heat , electric light. Inquire office
ot lloinls Omaha ling Co. 157 3y31
imoll UHNT-Tlie I story bricic bulldlnet with
JJ or without power , formerly occupied by The
lice Publishing Co. . UIO Farnnm st. Tito build
ing h&R n lire proof cemented basement , com-
pletn steam heating fixtures , water on all the
lloort , g i , etc. Apply at the ofnce of The Hoe ,
TllOH UENT Stores and living rooms on Cum-
JL1 ing si. Also house on Cass st Harris , room
411. lit Nat. llanc. 206
NOTICE Offices can now Ixi selected In tha
N w York Life bullalne. Qco.N. lllcks ,
ngL-nt. room 20s gdjloor. 31114
OMAHA Business College , cor. ICth and Capi
tel ave. Shorthand The largest and most
successful shorthand department In the state.
Standaid methods taught. Munson's rovUctl
of * ? 0 n specialty , Can or write for terms.
_ _ _ 7U7
/ 1OLliATiitAL : Bank , .112 S. IBth St. , Charabo
wet Commerce. Ix > ans money on chattels ami
aitlclesol value. itf.'iJ > "J9
WASHING dona , collected and delivered by
Mrs. Andrew Boronson , 3518 Parker St. *
. r.72Jyi8
q IIE banjo tnnidit as an art by Oco. 1' . Gel-
JL lenbcck. Apply at Ileo olllco. U60.
UPHOLSTKltlNO. draping nnd repairing.
Mattresses made over , firs t class work.
Reasonable prices. H. LebmanD , 2l'.i ' N. 14th.
LOST-Polntcrdoy with tag 1.-C2. . lUturn to
0131'ark in e. and receive row ard. 300 10 *
LOST A jellow shepherd dog , clipped to
shoulders , had on license tag 7j. Return to
A. D. Morso. 2f2t < Harney or lltn and inraam ,
and g t reward. 310
JOST-Engllsb M astilT. KoturU to 400 Pa\ton
block and get reward. 241-
TOB Printing. Chose & Kddy. 11 8 IBth st.
"OEUSONAL Don't go on a vacation unless
.L you take nloiiKonoot Hoyn'samateur photo
outfits , 1411 Dodge St. 2CS
T > ERSONAL Amateur photo outfits com-
fplwte from $7.50 up. at Heyn's , 1414 Dodge st.
MltB. Perceval of Callfornlft , 1001 Douglas st ,
fort ells .tuo future. Ladlos-atid gentlemen.
204 a45
r\Il. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , meill-
J-/cal and business medium. Femnlo dUeasos
aspcclalty. H9NlCthst. roomsSaud 3. W.'i
CTivNDAUD shorthand school. 1'axton block. "
Osuccolsor ( to Valentino's shorthand Instl-
H'to1 , thu largest best eiiulppod shorthand
school li < the west ; Is under tno personal su
pervision of Joseph P. Megeath. an ox-olllcial
reporter and state ngont of the UemlnRtoli
Standard typewriter , assisted bv experleuce < l
veibatlm reporters. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by factory expeit. Particu
lar attention paid to typewriting. Stenogra
phers'supplies for sale. Circulars free. BH )
TTMUUK1.LAS and paiasols covered and re-
iJ paired , 217 S 15th , lloyd's opera house block.
In shoe store. U. lluior. 1)00
STOHAGE at lowiates at ll'Jl Farnam St. .
Omaha Auction and Storage Co. DPI
mUACKAOE storage at lowest rates. W. M.
JL llushniMi. 1.111 Leavenworth. 903
\ ) 11ANCH & Co. . storage , 1211 Howard.
STOHAGHnnd forwarding.Ve collect and
dellvergoods of all dcscrlpttonMnurchancllse ,
fuiultuto and baggngo at cheapest rates lor
stornuo for any length of time. Vans and
wagons to be had at shortest notice , with care
ful men for moving. Packing and shipping
fiom our own warehouse done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Oillce2l7 S. Uth
st , : telephone 114 llowcll * c Co. 004
BANK Wanted to buy a country bank In
eastern Neb. or Interest in one. Address O
CJtee. _ 275 15 *
WANTED Furniture , carpets , moves and
housnliola goods of all kinds. Omaha
Auction & Storage Co. . 1121 Farnam. IW3
_ _
T71OH SALE Vine pony , suitable for saddle
-13 or buggy , oi-ljoth. M. Hellman & Co. . 13th
and Farnam sts. 3vil
FOR SALE A new 4-room cottageTVory
che-t'p (8175) ( ) . 1'Ml ' S. 23d at. _ 3S.M1 ]
Tllji : Canlield M'f'g Co. being about to move
.L will sell 1 tlrst-clas * 4-horso power engine
nnd boiler at > actual value. 1203 Douglas fct.
. _ 37li
"OAltllOTS and mocking birds just arrived at
J. the llii'd Store , 311 S. HthBt. 37H Ut
/ IKDAll block kindling , cheapest and licit for
V sinnmer use , delivered free. J. A. Nauglo
x Co. . telephone Bfia. 34'J Uf
TT71OH SALE Delivery wagon , 1607 N Iflthst.
IDLAND auaranteo & Trust Co. . IBOMTnr-
nam.Complete abstracts furnished andtltles
to real cstatu examined , perfected & guaranteed.
_ _
I.OANS on Improved and umlmprovod prop-
'erty allow rates. Odoll llros. 4 Co.,3123 I Oth.
_ _ ; _
MONKY loaned on furniture , horses and
wagons ; r.ites reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118 B. 13th St. . opposite Millard hotel. 4JJ
OKOI'LR'S Fmanclu Kxrhange Largu nnd
JL small loans for lonuiancl short time , at low
est rates of Interest , on tual ostito mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
and Joelry. . Don't fail to cull If you want full1
and cnoiip acconnnortatlons. O. Ilonscaren
Jlgr. . room D7. llarkorblk , J5th and l-'aruam.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1115
OF. HAIUUSON loans-money , lowest rates.
_ _ _ UJI
LOANS-fl to 7 per cent , noud-
-lidltlunul charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. 11. Mvlkle , First Nat oank bld'g.
MONEi. ' to loan on furniture , horse ? , wagons ,
etc. . or on any approved security. .1. W.
itobblns , 1411H Farnain street I'axtou hotel.
KK Sholes , room S10 , First Natl bank , baforo
making your loans. IttJ
Ul LD1NO loans. D. V. Sholes. 210 First Na
tional bank. _ ftM
mo LOAN-f2.000 on good , first mortgage. Jn-
JL tjuire of J. T. Mathon j. room 212 , Sneoly blk.
500,000 to loan at a per cent. Llnauan Jk Ma-
honuy. room 500 1'axton block. _ ir.'l
I > Kl'LK'3 Financial ixchango-The : fairest.
quietest nnd most liberal money exchange in
the city ; money loaued without delay or pub
licity. In any amount , largn or Hinall. at the
lo est rates of Interim , on any available se
curity ; loans inuy bopuld at any time or re
newed nt original rates. O. llouscart-n , Jlgr. .
room 67. Marker block. 11th nnd IQrnam. UI5
MONEY Lonns uogotmtod at low rates wilh
out delay , anil purchase goods , commercial
paper und mortgage notes. S , A. Blomau. cor
l3tli and liii'imiu. _ un
* IIH8T mortgage loans at low rates und node *
JU lay. U. V. bholea , 210 l-'lrst National bank.
_ | _ ItiU
T\7ANTKD First-class lusldo loans. Lowest
Tf tales. Call nud sou ua. Mutual Investment
Co. . It. 1 Darker blk. . Uth and Karnani. UJ5
MONKi' to loan , O. P. Ouvju Co. , real estate
_ am * , loan agents , 15 1 5 rarnam at , .M
MONKY to lour. ; cash on hand : no delay. J.
W. Smtlri' . 12W Barnaul St. , Mrnt National
bant building. vn
_ _
UILDINO and otherivul estate loans. W. M.
Harris , room 20 , Krenzorlllock , opp. P.O.
I CAN make a few loans on first-class ctntUl
securities at reasonable ratei. XV. K. Totter ,
room VI. llarker blic. ws
liVSTONU Mortgage Co.-Ix > ani of 110 to
11,000 ; getnurr&tua before borrowing and
stxvo money ; loan on hocuus , fornlturo or any
approved aecnrlty , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for new loan , renewal of old and low
est rutc8calll2Gii ! , Bheelty bite , UthJWo ward st.
_ _
MONJiY ta loan on horses , vragons , mnlei ,
hoiuehold goods , planoa.orgaus , dlamondi ,
lowest rates. The flrut organized loan olllco in
the city. Hake loans for thirty to three hun
dred and Blxty-ilve oayn. which can be pnld In
part or whole , at any time , thus lowering the
principal nud luturuit. Call anil see u when
you want monoy. Wo can nsslst you promptly
and to your advautay * without removal of
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
No delay In maklug loans. C. 1' . lleecl Jc Co
3198. Dt b
MONKY to LoanVeiftfil ready fornppllcn-
tlon for loans In ntnoHht * from MX ) tofio , .
OUO on Improved Omaha fr jnouglna county real
ettaU. Pull lnf6rmRtldtt'ni to rates. Loans
promptly closed. Good ftttie * will be purchases
by us. Call ttpon us M write. The McCngao
Invc tratnt Co. _ i\lm \ B18
MONKY to loan on good first mortgngcs , lm-
proved or nntaprord proiierty. Mort-
pnftoi bought nnd sold -Wollace , room aio
llruwn building. ICth anJimmglas. Kg
" "ONKY loaned for Ml'OJor W days on any
kind or chattel secmllM ; icnsonnblo Inter
est ; conOdenUal , J. J. W nson , 1417 Farnam.
TAON'T borrow money'-Jbrl ' fiirntture , lior os ,
JL/wapons. etc. , or collattzals until you sco 0.
H. Jacobs , 411 First NutitmnJ bank bulldlnir.
V *
MONKY to loan. Ilanl * H. K. & loan Co. ,
room 411. First National bank. C'.2
"M ONKV to loan on any security
Jj-L tor short time , at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal
The Ilendonon > IortRngo Investment Com-
pany. room 400,1'axton block. COO
f\O YOU want money ? It so , don't borrow
Aybefore getting my rateswhich nro the low
est on any sum from 31 up to 310,000 ,
ItnaKo loans on household Roods , pianos , or
gan ? . horse < ? , mules , wagons.warehouso receipts ,
houses , leases , etc. . In ony amount , at the low
est possible rutc , without publicity or removal
of property.
Loans can bo matlo forpno to elx months and
yon can nay a part at any time , reducing both
principal and Interest. It you owa a , balance
ouyour furultttroorhorsea , orhnvon loan on
them , 1 will taice It up and carry It for you as
long as you desire.
It you need money yon -wlll'llml It to your ad
vantage to see mo before borrowing.
II. K Masters , room 4 , Wltlmell huildlnct rith
anil llnrncy. tfrJ
MONKY to loan on real estate security , at
lowest rates. Ueforo negotiating loans see 310Ilrown bldg , 16th .VUoiiRlas. U31
T CANS made on real estate and mortgages
JLJbonglit. Lewis S. Ueod Ac Co. , It 13. Jlourdot
Trade. IP. }
'VTEUIlAbKA Mortfr. Loan Co. will make you a
i- > loan on household goods ,
horses. wagotL. ,
laud conti acts ,
fine Jewelry , or securities of : any kind
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Itoom 7 , Hoivlov block. South Omaha.
Booms M8-T.19.1'axton blocE , Omaha , Neb.
OR. It C. M.Anthony. 312 First National
bank bntldtntc make loan * upon tnrms in
Nebraska and Iowa and Improvou Omaha city
property ; money ready : title and security
passed upon hero ; no delay ; favorable fates :
call or write. 03B jy7
"PHILAPELHHIA Mortgage & Trust co. mr-
Jnlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers.pur-
chasn iecuriUea , perfect titles , accept loans at
their * estcrn oflico. a eorge W. P. Coates. room
7 , Hoard ot'l-rnde. KB
MONK V 1o loan on furniture , chattels or real
e state. Lowest rates on good loans. J , D.
Kmlpgcr , 1417 Farnain. room : i. 197 JyO
WANTlJlCT'artles desiring n good Invest-
mont to call at rooms 10 and 11 , Withnell
building. 403-lCg
\ 7ANTED A partner to take half Interest
IT in a now patent puzzle. Knormous prollts.
floats all ; S500 cash Tor H Interest. Address
Dli7 , llco olllco. 331-11
GOOD brick andstono bank bulldtnir , vith
A time lock safe. In live- town , Nuckolls Co. ,
Neb. Stringer & penny , Douglas bloctc.
it. , asi-is
O.r.OO stock of boots and Ulioes ; nlso * 5W stock
Pot dry goods and notions In good Io > va town ,
for good paper , or will [ give liberal discount
for cash. Co-Op. Land and Lot Co05 N 10th
at. * ' aso-ll
"I71OU SALE UlackEraltU , whop , o'n leased
J1 ground , in center of city ; doing good trade ;
buildings and tools $400 ; owner leaving city.
Slringor & 1'cnny , room V Douglas ulk.
313 10
WANTED Partner tp btigage In manufac
turing business : will plear $5OjO n year.
Address 1154 , Uee oBleo. 374 10f
WANTKD 1'artner , yoking man. In estab
lished business , capital required 81W ; a
good chance for energetic party. Address D
a' > , Keo Ollico. 3 ' 375 10 $
I7\OH.SALE \ Controlling Interest In a bank
-U In good Nebraska totvnT" U , 15 , Iron bank.
' * ' ' 37H 11 *
\\fANTEI ) A rcspotislDTe contractor to
TT llguro on the building of a number of
houses. Call or ailclrois CMnnd U9 Paxton bid.
TO Millers and Grain lluyers ,
A Bargain.
A first-class roller mill of CO bbla. cap with
elevator attached oJ 18.000 bush , capacity , both
almost new and in good running order , trill bo
sold at
Sheriffs Sale.
at Geneva , Flllraore Co. , July 30.1689.
There Is also land sufficient for feed lots , or
otner purpose * , all owned In f o simple. Kor
Information address C. A. lilckel , Pres'tKxotor
Itoll. Mill and Kiev. Assn. U57 14J
POIt SALE Lunch room , 3218. llth.TOO
TOO- .
FOR SALE The hest paving restaurant In
city. F. 1C Darling. 4. ) Darker blk. HOMO
"ClOU SALE A good paying millinery busl-
JL' nops , established 12 years , can maKe from
9I2.-O ) to Slfi.oA ) a year net. Good ruasons for
selling. U. M. tieulus & Bro , 1403 Douglas st. ,
Omana. Neb. 234
TpOH SALE A complete soda and mineral
J. water manufactory with a good run of cus
tom for bale cheap , at Lexington ( formerly
Plum Creek ) Uawson county , Neb. Apply to
John B. Winter , agent. Dick llros. ' Qulm
llrewlneCo. , Fremont , Neb. 211 IB
IV ) It SALE An established coal and feed
business. Address D 22 , Use. 88812 *
TC1OK SALE or Exchange Harbor
JU' ly located , doing good business ; owner has
outsldo Interests that noad his attention ; will
taku good clear or small incumbcrod Itt as part
payment. For particular ] call at 618 and AID
Pttxtou block , Omaha. n uiH
pOU SALE A nice , clean stock ot piece
1 gooils and tailor outfit : store to rent cheap ;
lease. J. U. 1'arrotte , room 21 , s. c. cor. Dodge
and Cib. 37010
qjK.OOO drug store for cash and real ust.ito ;
tptown 1J.UUO. llonostuol. Grand Island. Neb.
KJ5 10 ?
681 acres good larm laud to trade for llvo
atooU. V. , Lock llox 47 , Ilenkleman. Neb.
$14,000 Block ot general merchandise In good
town In Nebraska , real $ .V > per month ; good
clear stoci : and woll-cbtubllshed trade , ono-half
cash and balance In good land or city property.
Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. JOtli st.
\\71- have 8 stool roller llourlng mills , both
> i steam and water power , In best locality In
Net } . Livery stock lu Omaha ; hotel In Iowa ;
best furultnro and undertaking stock nnd store
In Btanton , Neb ; Heveral.vacnnt and Improved
lots In Omiiha. What have you to offer In
trade'/ Excelsior Land Co , U10 Kl&tli Bt , Omaha.
'T7IO1C EXCHANGE Houses and lots , inor-
X1 chandlbe fitonc ? , fanh'-'land ' and personal
propnrty of all kinds ror iKClmnce by ( jeorgo J.
ntumdnrir , real estate auili exchange broker ,
First National bank bulmink.rooms 317 antlillH.
Telephone 401 , - - 314-13
_ _
FOU UXCHANOK AU elegant tract ot land
containing UM acrei.MU Autelopa county ,
lieb. , with ordinary Improvements.
A quarter-section In Hnn < l county , Dakota ,
partly Improved , . „
Eighty acres near Council muffs , la.
Iloiiso nnd lot on South-'Ulh t.
TTUK ) KXOHANOE Aflnuifarra ot200 acres In
JJ 1'olk county , Nob. , .f-ynlles from ( Jlark * .
Nob. , to exchingo for CAttje ; M acres under
cultivation , house. baa , AraRon scales and
good feed lot. Address ( MiOdkauip , 2215 Web.
ster St. , Omaha , Neb. _ nf. W5
WF.STEUN lauds , farms ana city propeTty
for stocks of goods. Itoom 2 , 1603 Fa mum
_ f , 4QJyll )
1IOU EXCHANUH-For desirable residence
J- ' property in Omuha. any or all of following :
4J choice lusldo resldunco lots lu Hustings.
luu lots In Lincoln.
640 acres tine rarmlDglaml , Lancaster county.
1'lnu rusldence property. Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence corner , Los Angeles.
A neat rosldence property In llanscom Place.
Also soinu good mortgage notes.
Address , giving location and price of prop
erty , J. K. It , care Iaum Iron Co , , 1217 Leaven-
worth. _ too
mciTKXCH ANOR for Omaha property , one of
J- the best Improved farm * In lo > vu. only one
mite tioui town of 8.00J inhsbltunts. W. U. B.
ft M. B. . room 14. ( Tliamher of Commerce. 1M
WE can olfer f or sale for the next f w lay
ttie followlug Duo prop rtl s ; A U-room
house hi Improvement Association add. , is I th
ham and other out door Improvements. A lot
lu Oklahoma add. ; 1 in Jtoccra' ucld. : 1 In
Cleveland Plac ; 4 loU lu Itotalmd place. W. II. Jl. Ex. . Itoutn li. Chamber of Commerce ;
telephone Uio. UOV ,
/HOME and see us and Investigate aoraeot th
VJbarRftlns vo have to offer. w nre continu
ally listing now propertlps , ana "If yon don't
ee what yon want , n k for It. "
" \Volia\e \ mbrchandtM to trade for Und. Wo
have ft brick and tile tactory doing a tlirlvlng
business to eiohnngo for western land.
Tlux'o news-room cottages nt Albricht , with
in 10 mlnntes walk of tormlniH ot hourly
atimmy line , for sale on terms that will only bo
fair rent.
An elevator property with largo dwelling
house , ntn barcain , I'levntor complete , with
horfe'-power , scales , onico furnished , etc. A
line opening for a practical pniln dealer.
Ono of the best Improved farms In thostato
vrlll b exchanged for Inside Omaha property.
Two tine residences In Popploton pare , on
motor Hue ; will bo sold on easy terms.
Houses and lots lu all parts ot Omaha for
sale and exchanga ,
For oxchangn , for Omaha property , 1,000 acres
ot school land Icnso , in one of the best counties
In the state.
A linn residence property In Omahn View for
Baloata bargain.
From TnU ( ) to 8100,000 worth of Urit-clnss
notes to exchange for Omaha property.
Merchandise ) to exchange for i { cash and hal-
nnco vrestcrn lands. This Is one otiliotlut'.it
opportunities over offeree to convert land Into
cash , Investigate this.
For stilo.ntn bargain , hotel and livery barn ,
In a coed Nooroska town. This la a Uno openIng -
Ing for a practical hotel man.
lor oxchangn for Omaha property one ot the
host farms in Hock county , Nebraska , together
with stock and machinery necessary to carry
on tbsiilnoo. Old agn nna failing health ot the
owner Is reason lor soll'ng.
A linn Whoalcr county farm , well developed ,
Eooilsoll , lor exchange for Omahn propetty.
100 acres ot wild laud nearti thriving city ,
What have jou to oner.
280 acres of fine hunt In northwestern Iowa
to exchange for Omaha property.
For sale nt a bargain , ono ot Itie best Im
proved farms in Nebraska , ovrnor li going to
leave the state Is the reason Inrsoiling.
We have unsurpassed "facilities for disposing
of property , having some 600 agents scat terod
over four or llvo states. List your pronoity
with us If you wish .1 quick turn.W. . It , K. A ;
Nt K. . room 14 , Chamber of Commerce , tolo-
phonol44Q. ; IM
TpARNAM Street Wo can soil ESSJ foot on the
JL' southeast corner of 27th avo. and Varnnm
st. , with two 2-story and basement bricks and
room on 27th for llireo more , for $ WOM ) . terms
to suit. M. A. Upton Company.lCth mid Farnam.
M 10
TJlOIt SALE The second lot west ot the soiltn-
JJ west corner 24th and Hurt sts. , 05x151) ) , at the
extreme low prlco of W.roo. This lot is actually
worth $5,000. Don't delay but Investigate at
once , as It's money In your pocket , O. J.
Stornsdortr , First national bank bld'c. Tole-
phona 4(14. ( - 8M-1I
OR 8ALE-10 room house , lot WxW , easy
tonns , 82.850 , "W. M. Uushuan , 1311 Leav-
cnworth. 043
TjlAUNAM Stroet-We can sell 60-100 on 150
JU feet on Fnrnam Just west of 85th st. for R2. >
$ er foot , M. A. Upton Company. Wth and
arnam. ai4 10
milK factories within easy reach of Colllor
A place \rl\\ \ employ a large force ot men. Se
cure a houbo and enjoy lllo. Price of lots fSOO
to $1,11)0. ) one-tenth cash. Send for pint. Me-
Cague. opp. P. O. 030
CTIAUNAM Strcot We can soil property nt
JU 21st nnd Farnnm for $15. ) " per foot. Jl. A.
Uptou Company , loth and Fornam. 2S1 10
" 1710U SALE Ono of tlio finest'pieces of rcsl-
dcncaproperty In llanscom P aco. 11 yon
want a home call and see It. Geo. N. Hicks ,
Itoom 205 , New VorkLlfo Uldg. ; a3-ll
ONLY JH1) for it 'o * facing Ames ave. and mo
tor lino. H n worth 31,2 > XX drover Stevens -
vens , 518 I'axtou block. : c."J-13
EOALblanKs. Chase & Eddy. liaSlOthst ,
270 05 ;
TflOU SALE Ixit 1 , Mock 100 , southwest cor-
JJ ner tlth and Dodge sts. Cijxt32.
Lot 4. block 351. southwest cor. 14th and Hurt
sts. with 3 small houses. Mrl.'t ; .
Lot 0 , block Kit , with 2 houses. Hurt st. bot.
17th and 18th , 0(1x132. (
West 22 ot lot 2 , eblocfc 12J , with building ,
Douglas st. bet. llth and 12th sts.
No fancy prices nsked Terms to suit. F.
G , Urlan , 070 N. 25th av. 3SJ 14t
FAUN AM Street We can sell 8Syi feet on the
N. W. corner of 2bth and Faniam sts. for
$ ,000. JL A. Upton Company , 10th andraruum.
201 10
fjTOU SALE or Exchange What have you to
JU exchange for good unlncumbered fauns at
cash value. Stringer & Penny , Douglas blk.
rrUllIt.Tr-SEOOND street has benn ordered
JL graded south to city limits. The South Oma
ha Land Company have graded It from city
limits tn Exchange building in South Omaha.
Motor line will go on 32nd st. Dwlght & Ly-
man's addition , just south of Hauscom Park ,
is on high ground , which makes beautiful resi
dence sites. 32nd st. runs through this addition'
We have two 62-foot lots there that we will sell
for J1.100 each. M. A. Uptou Company , llith
and Farnam. _ 207 nflil
rpllE finest drlvo In the city Is ot Collier place
J-McCamie. ft
TTIOU SALE Do you want a choice farm 10
X1 miles northwest of Omaha ? If so , I have
just what will suit you , and can be bought at
tUO per acre below its actual valut ) . The above
named farm contains 275 acres of the finest land
In the state , all enclosed with good barb wlro
fpnco ; the buildings nnd orchard thereon are
In first-class condition. Two good wells furnish
abundant water. The very low price of 810.00
per acre should command a ready purchaser.
Let medrlve-youout and show you this farm.
G. J. Sternsdorlf , Uoal Estate , Loan and Ex
change Broker , Hoonia 317 and 318 , First Nat'l
ank llulldlng. Telephone 404. _ 313 aO
TT\OU \ SALE No Wls the time to buy a lot in
JL' UlllRldo Reserve or Hillside addition No. 1
for n homo. This property is only about ono
mile from the postoflice , is all high and boautli
fill ground , the streets uro all put to an estab
lished grade. It la only n tow blocks fiom c.iblo
line nnd has the advantages of gas , city water ,
seweiago and continuous p.ivement from the
center of tha city. Wo can offer special Induce
ments to parties wishing to build In this part
of the city and ask that n investigation ot the
property bo made. Prices range from $50 to
$70 per front foot , according to locution.
Lots 7 and H. blocks , Isaac le Soldcn's addi
tion , prlco W.003.
Loto , blocks , Isaac & Eelden's addition , prlco
Lot 4 , Ilurr Oak. 60x150 feet , east front , on
0 eonslii avenue. Price. 31,000.
li feet , south front , on Hamilton street , In
block 1. Orchara Hill , price , H,2iO.
Nine acre tract suitable tor dairy purposes.
Ten-acre tract suitable for dairy purposes.
Eloven-'ttcre tract suitable tnr dairy purposes
On each of the above tracts there is a flno
grove and a stream of running water furnished
from largo springs.
The propeity Is handy to both Omaha nnd
South Omaha , and dairymen contemplating
change of location should inveitlgato this.
borne of the property could bo exchanged for
other good Inside nroperty.
1,0114. block 1. Potter's addition , price $1,450.
LotO , block 62 , city of Omaha with two story
and basement house , with all modern conven
iences. Pnco I14.IXW.
B0xl23 feet , southwest corner 20th and Spruce
streets , \VlthKmullcottage. Prlco &J.2.V ) .
This has is : feet frontage on 20th st. und can
bo sold In 2A foot lots.
New six room cottage with cltv water In
houso. In west part of city. Price 43,250. Terms
Il xl27 ft. S. W. cor. 2Sth ami C si sti. Prlcn
Will take lot and good Ort mortgage lu
52x10 * . ft. 8. K , cor. SHh and California sts. ,
with nmall cottage , at a bargain If taken soon.
Lot fit. Ilurr OUK , price JI.WM. This lot UWx
160 fuel , fronts Hauscom purk. Tlio street la
graded In front of It. and it Is not subject to
special as-iKtsments.
tots 1 and 2. block 1 , lied ford place. Price
C1.5U ) for both , These lou aru wlthlu one block
of the now furniture factory. The owner will
soil for ono third cash , lot purchaser get loan to
put up building mid will take secoudiuortguge
foi balance.
Lot 12. block 8. Potter's addition. Price 11.410.
A few line ouHlness lots on Twenty-lift ! ) ,
T oQty-slxth , ana Q streets. South Omaha ;
20. 40 , orB ) foot lot ! can be had at roaionablo
prices am' very easy terms If purchaser will
nut up building ,
A tlim corner , 00x178. on 27th and Ilioadway.
Council Illulfs , prlco W.OOO. This ifcono of thu
best corner * onwoadwuy , and new buildings
are going up all around li.
A tow good corners on Broadway , Council
Illuirg , near the carriage factory and lumber
yard , lit from $1,100 to fl,200.
Lots In Potter & Cobb's addition. Council
nintfi , within tnroa-fourths mlle of thu post-
onico , from $200 to ) * > each ; t ni > 3 to suit.
pottwr it Cobb.
59 15 10)1 ) Farnam st.
FOH SALE or trade for other
lots in Urammorcy Paik , close to motor
line , reasonable terms , bargain If takim at
once. Cull or address J , 0. 11 , No. 10)7 ) N. 17th.
Si7 lit
_ _ _
YKGODSI Get on to these bargains )
JUtt ) buys full BUM. front lot with seven
room house and furnace in Hanscom place. Jo
you tellovo It't
III.OUJ buys a honsex > n Park avenue with lull
lot. that la liner than silk , and elegant through
out. You cannot guess how nice this is ,
II.IUU buys a good four room house and full
lot In north part of thu city ; aUo for i 1 , 000 in
northwest part ot city.
I can sell you lioustts and lots from 1:1/1.000 : /
down to i-JXl and can suit you in any part of the
city. No trouble toshovvuoods. evutilf It Is hot ,
Call in and get a good ride. If nothing more.
D. V. Bnoles , 810 First National Hank. 310
THOU 8ALE-ni3.73ncre.sec. 6 , tp. 13 , r. 0\v. .
JU Hamilton county. Neb. House , stable. ! JOu
acres fenced , llvlnp water. Price. 10,000. 11C
AtKlns , owner , railroad lildg. Denver , Cot 040
mill ! motor line Is built to Colllor place , aiie
X Ilelt Hue runt near Collier place. Tliu F. K ,
& M , V. It It. stop all pauenger trains at Col
lier place. Tlio liorua car Hue vrlll soon rrach
Collier place. licit addition in the city , Trice
KU ) to tl.'JOO per lot. ouo-t utU cash , Imluuro out
to live years. , opp , i > . U. fr )
nilll ! btst money worth ot house and lot now
Xfor sale In Omaha Is that which I nm now
completing near > 24tnst. onpaved Wirt st. in
Kotmt7 IMaee. f > bedrooms , a parlora , dining
roomKitchenS bath room,3 water closets ,
larire laundry , stationary WMh tnb < . furnnco
and coal room and cellar , electric belli nnd
speaking tube , W r.losots. Prlco only 17,000 on
terms to suit. Ltkawt o a dnpllcati adjoining
atiinm * prlco. W. T. Seaman , east sldl 16th st.
north of Nicholas st. OmMiiVs largoit variety
of wag no and cftrrloggs. Wl
lilbli " ALB-llURlnfss corner in,000. cTE
JU Harrison , .Merchnnts National linn * . 155
SEND for plat ot Collier place , and when
driving for tecrcation follow the motor line
poles on lOlh Rt , nnd AmoV ave. , and sect the
TTondtrnu Improvements that have taken place
Just around the barracks , and remember that
( Jollier plnco U the key to tno situation , liny n
lot now for the low price nnd at th * easy terms
they are being olTcrod. and wo nro satisfied.
One-tenth cnMi , balance ono to five years. Me-
Cague , opp. P. O. P39
76il3ALl5 On longtime t\ndeasy payments.
JU hanrtsom * , new. well built houses of H , 0 ana
10rooms. All convenlcncojgood neighborhood :
paved streets ; street car. * and within walking
distance ot P. O. Nathan Sn Hon , 1505 Varna m
1.T ) .
TAlWATN-r rtot the Disk Klmball oitate.
JJfii ) feet on 18th strrot running through to 17th
ave. One IJ-room hotu , all modern convon-
lences , and two fi-room houses. Totnl ronul
I1BO ) par ywir : prlco JI.MKtl. M. A. Upton
Company , Kith and I'nrnam. V31
TOOK S.VLK-llcautlftil 8-room house , all mod-
JU orn Improvements , Including s > ! ; indld fur-
nnc < \ near llanscom park , best location In thn
city and street crirprlvIloRos :
price JC.OOO. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nntlona :
bank. u'ts
NOW look hero ; 47x111 feet on South 20th
street ilenr Martha , nt grade , good four
room house , 2Uth Is paved to Center and or
dered paved to Vlnton. If taken soon we ran
sell tnn above for SBJ , XTOO \ casn. The lot
alone Is worth thnmonoy. M. A , Upton com
pany. ISth tuTFarnain. 310-11
TJTOU 8ALK Easy terms , Kountze place ,
.1 ? Two homes , each S-rooms. nach f 4.000.
Two homo < i. each 0-ronms. each ( VOTO.
TwohoniM. i ach 15-rooms. each Sr.OJO.
All with modern convenience.
All largo value at thn price.
All within a square of the motor lino.
Don't lose these opportunities.
Kor sale by the owner. W. T. Seaman ,
East side 10th St. . north or Nicholas st.
Omaha's largest variety of wagous and car
riages. B17.
O INK of the two house and lot bargains I
have been otlorlngon U corgi * avo. north ot
LoaTenwortn , Is now sold anil occupied , bo-
causa of iny very low price. Th south homo
of the two .still remains n bargain open to
somuod ) . First comes , llrst served. To be ap
preciated It nocds to bo examined Intornullv. 1
positively will not rent it. though several times
offered JW per month. 1'rice. on very easy
terms. J.I.OX ) . W. T. Seaman , east side fnth Bt. .
north of Nicholas st. Omaha's largest variety
of wagons and carriages. 013
HKAl'l Cheap ! Cneapl A full lot feeing
on Amos avo. and motor linn for 4WO. It
la worth $1.200. Orover Stov ns , 510 1'axton
block. 33J-11
"T310U SALK Tlio finest rnsldoncojln Orchard
JL'Hill can bo bouuht at actual co t ; owner
leaving town : housn hua 10 rooms with bath
room and every modern convenience. 16t CJxriO
all Hoilded : largo Darn and nice shade trees : tn
fact apurfcct homo ; call and let us shou * you
this. Arnold & Co. , itoom &J7 I'axtou block ,
. 77Ti
FOU 8ALK l/5ts In Stewart I'laca on'Lowo
avo. ; Metropolitan Cable passes property.
0-room house and barn , Hnnscom I'lnco. 2
houses anil lota on Cais St. , on easy termu.
Harris , room 111. 1st Nivu Hunk. 201
TOOK SAL15 Ono of the mostdtwlrable fomllng
X' farms lu Nebraska. MtitHted ! 5 mile from
depot , also from the shipping yards ot the
Converse Cattle on KILhorn Valley K. 11 : it con
tains ISiO acres , wlthuseof 3fy ) acres addltlotuil ;
everything new nnrt necessary ; barn ( IDxIW ) ft. ;
voter in abundance. Jl. S. Munvlllo , 11 don.
Nob. 7M
street and Joining the handsomu residence of
Klrkonaall on the < > , nnd lirady , Easson mvl
Murtln on tliu south ; n porfoctgein and garden
jpot for an elegant home.
llaruey and 21st Str * ts,141x1ii7. on-pavement ,
within throu blocks of tno court houao ; room
for seven line houses that would rent a < rap
idly as completed. A splendid permanent In
Farna-n and 22d utroots. Klxjai. with new
three-story brick store building , rented to good
permanent tenants. Itentnl receipts $1,200 per
year. Sixteenth street , near Nlchnfiis , frontage
1 > 1 feet to alloy ; good business property.
Fnnmm Bti oet. between 'JSlli anil UDth , , front-
ngo 43 or itfxiti : to alley , south front , 1 block
from pavement and street cars.
Park avenue , opposite llanscom pare , 50x150.
price S2.000 ; easy terms.
Paddock place , trackage , < Mxll2. fcj.000 ; easy
Sixteenth street , south of Vinton street lot tot
sale or trauo for imlso. or good lariu land.
S. A. Slomun , 1U01 Earuam st. 013
/"lONTINUOUS sidewalk to Oilllor place. Qet
v nrlcesand terms McCague. 9
Ilccolvnr's Sale
In the circuit court of tlio United States , dis
trict of Nebraska.
( The Kit Carter Cattle Company
{ vs.
( Tlio Harlem C'attlo Company.
Upon application of tlio Kit Carter Cnttlo
company uiid other creditors lulciu-ned In tliu
property In the hands of 15. D. Webstur , re-
cuher. It Is upon due consideration of the court
liersby ordcrud that the receiver shall advertise
for bids for all of the herds of cattle ana hurbcs ,
au nwuolo , and also for ullnthcr personal jirop-
erty In his ImndH as receiver. It i * further or-
dorcd that bids may bo made for auyoftho
herds or parts thereof sepuratoly. or any of the
horses separately , either by herds or any num
ber of cattle or horses as tliu purchasers may
deslro to bid upon , and that such bid * lu ttho
SBVernl manncr.s In which they may bo inixdo
shall bo filed with the clerk of this coin t with
the terms of proposed purchase and the
names of blddern within tuenty days
from the data of thin order , for the
npurovnl or re joctlon of this court , and if any
or nil of thublilsare reject d by the court , the
receiver shall proceed to give notice for ten days
to sell the oald property at public auction in
detail for the cattla and horse ? .individually tor
cash to the highest bidder.
His further ordered that nil bids shall be
Kent to the cleric or this court Hcalod mid ac
companied with 10 per cent of thu amount bid ,
clthorlnciish or certified check on renpouiiblo
biuius , an a condition of their olds being outer-
tuinod and considered by thu court.
Itis further ordered that , In order to fuclll-
tatu the bidding on this property lu the Imnds
of the receiver , ho shall glvu notice of this order
inonepapor published lu Hitchcock county ,
Nebraslca. and in one dally newspaper In the
city of Omaha , and In one lu the cltvofMncoln
for tuoU < UH ! , und alao by hand bills propuily
distributed , and scttiinf forth terms mid condi
tions or this ordur. 1) . S. DUft DY , .Itulue
Thopioperty mentioned In thu above order is
described as follows :
Yearling bulls , numbt-r , U.
Two-year-old bulls , number. 3 ,
Three j ears old and upwards , number. 2.
Yearling hdfors , number , ! * .
Two-yunr-olcl holfurs , number , 14.
Ttirco-ymir-old and upward ? . cows.munbor.DO.
Cows is 1th calves by thuli-Bido. number , 20.
Yuarllng bulls , number , 21.
Two-year-old bulls , number , 1.
Thrco-ycar-old bulls and upwards , number. C.
Yearling heifers , number , 1.
Two-yuar-oid heifers , niiinl ; r , 10.
'J hreo-year old and npwiirdK , cowiinunibor.TJ.
, , , HKUHl-OltDS.
Yeorliiig bulls , numopr , : ti.
Two-ycnroUl bulls , number 0.
Threu-j ear-old and upwaidis , number , 14.
Veuillnghfircr * . number , 14.
Two-year-olil liolfurx. number. 30.
Thrco-year-old and tiiwiirdscows ; , nnmber,33.
Conn with calves by their Hide , number , & .
Also a large immliar of thoroughbred trotting
liorfoM , ronnutlni ; of :
StallloiK' , numbur , 2.
llrood mutes , iiumbui' , 50.
Colts , number. III.
Consisting of ntulllous , numbur , 2.
Marcs , number. H.
These headu noutnin some of the fluent anl-
mull of their classes lu tlio country , and arc all
pure blooded ,
AIio n largo number of draft brood marns.
work horses , smlJIaponlnn , & lutrd of iibout a > ii
common rani ; * cattle , and a lot of wagons , liar-
u Asea and oilier farming Implements uiid tools.
All bids muxtbu made on orboforo the llth
day ot July next , and must ba filed with Klmor
1) , I'lsiik. cloi-K of the United Status circuit
court , dlxtrlct ot Nebraska , at Omaha , Nuu , ,
nnd must bo accompanied bycabh or certlUi'd
checkH amounting ta Id par cent of the amount *
oi the bias. i : . u. wi3TKii. ; ; :
Hecelvor ot the Harlem C'attlo Co.
_ June SO a lit _
Huttcr of application of I'oyton k Owen for
permit to Nail liquor its Druugtsta.
Notice Is hcroliy given that I'oyton Oucn
did uiion the 1st day of July A. 1) .
! & > , Illu their application to thu Hoard of Flro
and 1'ollca Commissioner ) ) ot Omuhu , for pei *
mlt to sell Malt. Spirituous nud Vinous Llnuor < i
tut UruggUtx , for inrdlclnul. mochanlcul and Duro | ud ouly. ut N u. 2101 J < oavvu wet th
Btreet. 7th Ward. Omaha. Nebraska , from thu 1st
day of January 18W to tuo 1st day January 1MK ) .
1 f there be no obi-.tlon. ] rumonttranco or pro-
tnat filed wtthtu two weeks ( rum ( th duy of July
A , D. ItWJ. the sata permit will lie gran toil.
A , Owm. Applicants.
Tno partnership heretofore oxUtlug between
Tcuil'lar.iliichwuun & ( ' * > * IstUU day ulsiolvcd
by mutual agreement.
HunnltiR between Council IlluCTs tnd Al.
bright. In addition to the stations montlonud ,
trains stop at Twentieth mid Twenty-fourth
streets , nnd at the Hummlt lu Omaha.
Omaha I South Al-
fer. Shoely. Omaha bright.
A. M. A.M. A. II. A. M. A. M. A.M.
fi4T ; fiSl 0Dl ;
(1:10 ( : n17 ; flIW : 0:17 a-ro
0:40 : :4 7:00 7:01 7 : i
7:3.1 7:42 6:00 :
7:45 : S:06 : 8:12 HS3 ;
8:1' ! 8:42 HUJ ;
8:45 0M :
10:03 : 10:12 10:25
10:46 : 10 : 2 ll:0-i 11:12 lls : 11:8J
II P.M. P.M. P.M.
1' . 12:05 12l 12:2 : > 1S.1J :
12:15 1:06 : 1:12 l:2ft
1:45 : 2:0'i 2:12 : 2iu : :
2S5 : 2:43 8K 3:00 :
2:45 : 3:05 3:12 3:30 :
' IM ) : ! I:17 4:10
3:4 : 4:0-i 4:12 4:23 4 In )
4r,7 6:10
4145 0:05 :
C:45 : 0:2.5 0:3) : )
CMI 7:23 .7:30 :
7:45 8:35 8:10
B4i ; 9:15 0:25 : TO
0:45 : 1UH : ( 10:25 :
llOJ 11:07 : ' 12:01 :
Iv 11:1' f
12C5 : 12:15
Leave. Anlvo.
n No. 2 fiojpm : No. 1 'Jir. am
0 No. n n:50 m No. r. i..filfipm
A No. 4 lO.IHain No. it. . . . fl'Mim : ;
A No.14 l-r. ) iiniA ND. 13 7lnm )
No. n DlO : am No. 7 ! ) : J7 inn
No. 8 3:11 : pm No.i : 7:1. : ain
No. , 4 ' .lBi : pm No. G 0-15 pm
All Trains D.Oly.
A No. 2 11:40 : auilA No. J 7:0) ) : im
A No. 4 0:10 : pmA | Np. U. . . . , . .0iipin |
A No. 2 10oramA : | No. ,1 . -.n am
A No. 4 tCUpml A JJo. 1 , , Cluiu
A No. 10 7WamA ; ! | No. . . , fls'i am
A No. 12 7OJpmA : | Ndll..iV.-.9Odpia ; "
A No. 8 4ripmA | No. , ' . . , . . . . : m
Adftlly ; 11 dally otcopt Saturday ; K except
Bund.iy ; D oxcuptMonday ; 'fastmull.
I will on Saturday the 20th day of July , IF8" ,
at 10 o'clock u. m , . at No. Ml Bouth l.lth Btrol't
In the City of Omulia. Douglax County ,
Nebraska , oiler for sale at public unction Ui the
highi-st bidder for , the following properly
belonging to HiuaoHlgiiud cbtuto of the , llauk of
Omulia , to wit :
Leasj of "Die First Floor Store Itoom In the
two-story brlcu bulldlnir , Hlluntod upon the
North twenty-two feet of Lot four (4) ( ) . Illrck
ono hiiiulioil ana buvBiily-four (174) ( ) . In the City
of Omaha , " Ipaso running for one ynar , from
the irth day of Octobnr. I88J. With thu prlvlN
cge of llvo yearn aildlllnilnl.
I will nhoolli-r rorxaln at tlio fiiiinn tftun and
place uiid upon thu tmmu ( oni'ltlnns. thu fix-
Inrcs nud turnttuie of the latu Hunk of Onmhn ,
rousHtlng of vault , f > : ifo with tlmo lock utc. .
desks , bank ralllnipi , otc.
ThinjiKiiioi ty CHII bo Hi'cn at nny tlmo before
day of HUli\ and anv Informnllnn conceriilng
Hume , or ivlovo tlencilbwl luiine , can bo obtutnud
from WK.I.IAM ConlfiiN.
Asiiguoa Itunk of Onmhn.
Omaha , Nob. , July , IOHJ , Jy-a-11-13-10-19
Notlcn in Coiurnutnrm
Ilock nnd earth excavation and tuimclllng
Snulrd-proposal * will be rnoelvuil at the olllco
of the Company , in Ogden. Utah , until noon ,
July 2ith ) , llfj ! , for thu umntructlniior Ihu upper
tw-jlvo miles of the Hear Ulvur Canal fiom Ihu
head works on Hour HUer , llox lld ! r county.
Utah , in uucotdunco with | > ! nn , profllui ami
Kpeclaiatlonn on tlio in the ollico of the cnginucr
In chargtt ut Ogden.
'Ihu amount of work ta he contracted for lu
the first section Is auproxlmately a ) follows.
K.O.OUJ cubic yards solid rock.
1U.IMO cubic yards looau irick.
l.WH.uso cubic yards fiirlh ,
1.20(1 ( linear feet tunnelling ,
Contrivctnrs will lie toqulrud to give n sulllcl-
ent uoud tor thu faithful perloiinuuco of the
contracts awuided tlmm.
The company rcuorvei tuo right to reject any
nnd all bids.
1'iiKi ) . MATIIVAS ,
jM7t Jinglnet'r In chivrge.
I wiMTAcrruiini" or / ,
iuK.lf ( nt. , > , Uut.f.t.liy. !
ii.Liafiuirn rRtie.
7ltJWAtHmCTCHAVf.tif riUIJ.MB.