Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Jtt IB liaised Against the Government -
mont Dyke Builders.
Hour Government Money IB Wonted
HtcninlnR on Uio Jllver
Engineer " Tottnt's
* AllPRCrt Booillc.
A communication was received by THE
13BR ycstorday from a gentleman at Sioux
City which BtfttoJ substantially that some of
Cho nmterial pnrcliMcd for use on the gov-
eminent work at that laeo wait being sold
by vcMons not authorized to aUnoso of It ;
* llfnt the piling purchased for building the
n.Vtses was larger tlntn nccossnry nnd Hint
five feut had been cut off onoli pile , the pieces
then bolng nold at 10 cents per foot , but by
whom , no mention was made. It also stated
that uoodlo methods were practiced by the
poatraclors nnd a lar o nmount of the ap
propriation has been used In uselessly steam-
jiig up and down the river. It sugfcstcd
that the contractor * bo watched to prevent
thcso methods belnR employed by thorn when
they commence work on the Iowa shore near
this city.
A reporter called on C. II. Potter , the
United States engineer , who has had charpn
of the river Improvement nt this placo.
' 'The work is about completed , " ho said ,
spcnldnt ; of Sioux City , "it will bo finished
this wcolt. About 4,600 feet of dyke has
boon built. The work Is nil done h.v labor
employed nnd paid for by the Kovcrnmont ,
and the nmterial is secured by bids. The
dykosnro built fcy driving piles. The con
tract called for the piling to bo 45 feet lonp. "
"What becomes of the surplus mateiiatt"
yrns asked.
"Thoro 1 no surplus material. Wo Itnnw
What-wo Wanted when wo advertised for
bids. "
Mr. Potter was then Informed about the
contents of the communication.
" "Well , wo found That In driving the piling
It con hi only bo driven in a ccrtiim distance
in porno places. In fact , in putting down
certain sticks , It required aimany as 200
blows of tlio driver , and so y.ou cau under
stand how hard the ground was. It was
necessary to cut n piceo oT ( a good many of
the sticks , hut these pieces have never been
aold BO far ns I know. Some of them may
have boon stolen , but I am sure noi.o of them
have bocn sold. Yes , the pieces can bo
Utlll7cd for pots or other things.
"What about the work over near the
Bluffs ! "
"That will bo ft different hind of work nl-
together. It will bo done with stone nnd
brush to protect the banks , The govern
ment will let the contract for furnishing the
stone , but the rest of the work will bo done
toy labor employed b'y thn povernmcnt. "
"So you think the report about selling that
piling is incorrect ! "
"Yrs , 11 I am ROTO of It. "
Mayor Urontch , who Is a member of the
Missouri rlvor Improvement commission ,
was naked Ina opinion about the matter , but
wtillc ho did not know anything aoout It , ho
doubted the correctness of the report.
Distress after eating , heartnurn , sick
lioadacho and indigestion uro cured by
Hood's Snrsnparilla. It also creates a
good appetite.
The Journeymen numbers Disclaim
All Sympathy With Vandal * .
OUAIU , July 0. To the Editor of TUB
Bun : The communication from Mr.
Swartz , in your muo of last Frlduydocs the
Journeymen Plumbers association au injus
tice In charging tliciu with being responsible
Tor the damage done to the plumbing in Mr.
Swartz's . The '
building. Journeymen's asso
ciation Is in no way ni-countablo for the damage -
ago dono. Wo dn not countenance nuy such
actions and ara as desirous of seeing the
guilty parties brought to justice as Mr.
Swartz is. Our association muy have a few
members whoso habits at all times are not
strictly correct , but wo do el.ilm that per
sons of this kind are us "few ia number as can
bo found in any association of our slza In the
country. The majority of our mem
bers arc men whose characters
w will bear the strictest scrutiny
and who feel that the charge made by Mr.
I Swartz Is calculated to bring odium uK | > n
them when they are not in any way deserv
ing of it.
In the early part of the lockout the associa
tion removed from their oniclal capacity
members whoso conduct was such as wo
could not approve of. These members have
had no oniclal power granted to them ulnco ,
and any action done by them is without the
consent or endorsement of our association.
We sincerely rcprot that any notion of this
kind should have taken place , as we fool that
it is causing the broacn now existing bo
twcon the bosses and journeymen to widen
instead of closing. Wo can BOO very plainly
that the situation of affairs , us it now stands ,
t , Is detrimental to the interests of all the
buildiug trades ; and , unless some con
ciliatory steps are taken soon towards
effecting a settlement , the result will
bo disABtr&us to both bosses and Journey
man alike. After eight weeks' struggle , we
are no nearer the oml than at the start. Wo
have , however , demonstrated to the bosses'
entire satisfaction that they cannot run tholr
business successfully without us , and their
action In closing tholr shout against their
workmen , thus depriving them of their
means of earning a living for themselves and
ja'ullios , was Ill-advised ; and that the jour
neymen are abundantly competent to compel
( hem to swallow the same physio that they
gave to their mon.
We cannot see any Justice in sorno of the
actions of the masters' association , ' It may
not bo considered by all persona in tlio same
light , hut wo can see but little diitorcnco la
the methods adopted by the bosses to pie-
Vent the supply houses from selling mater
ials to such of our members who luivo
sturtcil In business , or the disreputable
work of July 4 , which is unjustly charged to
thu Journeymen's ' association.
lu foncluslou , wo would say that wo pro
pose to light our battle In an honorable way ,
and would ask the public to suspend Judg-
inent until the ( natter is further investiga
ted , Ucspeotfully yours ,
K.\icim\ : COMJJITTUE.
Hbo Architect \Vnntn the Old City
Hull foundation Removed ,
"Tho plans for the city hall , " said Archi
tect Fowler , "will bo ready in about three
weeks. They will then bo submitted to the
council , after which bids will bo called for. "
"Will the council pass upon thorn , or will
Jt employ nn expert or experts lor that pur
pose I"
"As to that I can not say , Wo shall sim
ply submit the matter to tliom. "
'Do you wish to have the old foundation
removed I"
"Yes , It all must coino down. "
"Why ! "
' It docs not conform with our plans. The
transverse walls were not hullt for a building
llko oars , Dusldos , tno llrst city hall de-
Iguod was only & four-story building , while
our is a live-story stiucturo. Woc.ui , ol
course , use some ot the material for backing
And wo shall do It whenever wo can , "
A ] Now Company Organized to ISroct
Ono In Umalin.
Tlio re ii a BUS stove on exhibition in this
city , Tno heat Is obtained by gas generated
from coal oil , and whllo equal to other stoves
ui all particulars , it Is said that this lias the
extra advtvniago of economy and colority.
An effort has been quiuly made lately tc
establish a Factory lu Onuihifor the oianu <
lucturu oT thcso stoves. This , It IE
aid , has been successful , nnd t
Company has been foiuiod with t
capital stock 3 f flW.UOO to goon with the
work , und to cifcct a founiry in the northeast
part ot Omaha , with u capacity of turulnp
out twoQiy-U ve stoves per day. The gentle
tien interested In the eaterprUo are A. II. .
ilufcsell , the patentee ; John P. Hock , M. A ,
Upton. A. a I'ottcr , It. it McKacliidn ami
C , C. GeoPRO. A low shares of the block yel
1 ' - , and Uicic , il U canceled , willbo oUl
SlanyVnnt to Mnnnttn the Uoycl
Opera Houso.
The rush qt panics wanting to manage
Joyd's Opera' house is something phenom
enal. Mr. Carter it receiving applications
every day. The chances , however , are that
no change will bo inado , Among the aspir
ants are L. M. Crawford , Al. Sorensen ,
Sackctt & LAWlor , I. W Miner nnd ono or
.wo ether Omaha parties. It Is understood ,
though , that Miner's efforts are In the Inter
est of Crawford , who is now manager of the
3randopera houso. A now theater is also
.honnblect for much discussion. Unless ho
ihonld ndppcn to secure-a long loasooftho
louse , Mr. Sackott thinks the lima is ripe
For him to erect one.
O. M. Hitchcock has the fever. Crawford's
'ricnds say there is no doubt about his In
tention to build , and other parties have nn-
nonr.ccti tholr eagerness to invest capital ( a
such an enterprise. A movement Is already
on foot to dVg.inizo n stock company with
same of the leading capitalists as directors.
While Mr. Hoyd has sold hi * bulld-
ng , the transfer will not bo made
until next Wednesday. Previous to Hhnt
: lmo , the chances ara thut nothing will bo
lone relative to the future management of
.ho tho.Uro.
Thomas Boyd nsiccd me to utart n move
a build a nowopora house , " snld C. T. Tuy-
"or in response to a UKH reporter's inquiry ,
'but ' 1 was not nblo'to givohlm a satisfactory
answer. I shall do nothing in the matter
, hU year , nt least , because I have got that
lotul at Sutherland which I want to build.
I don't know what I may do next year.1 '
"Wants Pixy for Switching.
The Union Pacific lit * carried its point in
.ho controversy relating to switching charge *
at Denver. Some ttmo ago the company en
tered Into contract with the smelting works
at that place to do tholr switching frco of
charge In consideration of receiving all the
bullion trafllo from them destined to Mis
souri river points. The Uulon Pacific after-
> vnrd discovered that the contract was In
"violation Of the Inter-stato commerce ln\y , "
so says the management , and consequently
established n rate for switching. The smolt-
, ng company protested and the matter was
uibmiticd to a board of arbitration and trio
utter 1ms submitted itti decision sustaining
the railroad company. It also reported that
the management , of the Union Paulflu did not
discover that the law was being "infringed"
until the Hock Island threatened to puv In a
lower rate ,
Tlio Storm General.
Reports received at the various railroad
headquarters uro to the effect that the storm
of Monday nnd last night was general
throughout Nebraska , Southern Dakota nnd
northern Kansas. The rain fall was heavy
and the reports are that the crops in gonurul
can withotand the ramalutlcr of the season
without bolug damaged by drouth.
Railrontl Notes.
Hereafter N0. 4 on the Kansas City , St.
Joe & Council Uluffs will leave Omaha for
Kanv.s City and way points nt 9 p , m. , and
No , . ) will arrive from the south at 04o a. m.
Oonoral Passenger Agent Lomax. of the
Union Pacillc , is in Chicago.
John "W. Scott , chief dork of the general
passenger department of the Uulon Pacific ,
lias gwno to Chicago.
The Atlantic express on the Union Pacific
arrived from tin wast ycstorday in three
sections. The first two sections contained
silks from China destined to Now York.
L. O. Goddard , a legal adviser of the Bur
lington at Chicago , ivent west in a special
car accompanied by his family.
Assistant General Manager Dicitinson
Superintendent licsscqulo , Car Accountant
Buckingham and Trainmaster Baxter of the
Union Pacific have gone west on a tour of
Gcorgo Hnchnoy , superintendent or mo
tive power of the Santa Fe , a position which
ho has hold for the last thirteen years , has
resigned , owing to old ago. The gontlomaa
is the father of Clem Hackney , until recently
superintendent of motive power of the
Union Pacific , with headquarters in Omaha.
G. W. Yaliory , agent of the Uurllngton at
Cheyenne , Mas boon transferred to Salt
Lake , where ho will succeed II. J. Curtis , re
signed , as general agent.
General Managur Burt , of the Elkhorn ,
went west in a special car yesterday ,
The body of an unknown man was found
beside the Union Pacillc track near Kimball
ycftorday morning. The remains wcio
itmngtcd , nnd nothing could bo found to es
tablish his identity.
Ijife Is Too Short ,
and tiitio tvn.d money too precious , to be
.flittered away in the trial of uncertain
means of cure , when onoisnlllictcd with
any lingering or chronic ailmunt of the
liver , lungs or blood. Now , Dr. Piorco's
Golden Medical Discovery is such a
positive remedy for nil such ilia , as to
warrant ltd manufacturers in selling it ,
Us they are doing , through druggists ,
on condition that if itdon't do nil that it
is recommended to , the money paid for
It will bo promptly rotundcd. There
are n great many blood-purillors adver
tised , but only the "Golden Medical
Dibcovcry" of Dr. Pierce could sustain
itself and bo sold under such trying
conditions. To sell any ordinary medi
cine under such a guarantee , would
bankrupt its proprietors , but with the
"Golden Medical Dibcover.y" all that is
asked for it is a fair trial , and if it don't '
do all that it is ud vcrtised to , the manu
facturers will cheerfully and promptly
refund all money paid for it. By thfs
singularly peculiar method of business ,
alike liberal to tno purchasers and
exacting to the manufacturers , the in
valid can bo sure of getting the value of
his money , which is not true of any
ether modtciiio. All diseases arising
from a torpid liver , or from impure or
poisoned blood , are conquered by the
"Golden Medical Discovery. " Espec
ially hus it manifested its marvelous
potency in curing Salt-rheum , Totter ,
Kc/oma , Psoriasis , Imnertigo , Erysipe
las , and all sldu and hcnlp diseases , no
matter of how long standing. Scrofu
lous affections , sores and swellings , as
Fever-sores , "White Swellings , Hip-joint
Disease mid kindred ailments yield to
its positive , purifying , strengthening
and healing' properties. Lung-sorofula
( commonly known as Consumption of
the Lungs ) also yields to it , if it be
taken in time and given a fair trial.
Contains no alcohol to inebriate , no
syrup or sugar to ferment and impair
digestion ; us wonderful in its curative
results ns it is peculiar in composition.
Don't accept any sulistituto , said to bo
"just as good , " that the dealer may
maUo a larger profit.
Newman's Return Prom n Trip
of many Addresses.
Dishoi S , P. Nowmnn , of the Methodist
church , returned to Otnaha yesterday mornIng -
Ing , after an nbscnco of nearly two mouths.
" 1 Just came down from Minnesota , " sale
ho , as ho sat in thn parlor of the Paxton ant
created a little brcozo with a largo palm loaf
fnn , "and J'm rattier glad to got buck. My
trip has bocn a pleasant one , bull have been
working all the time , I hnvo delivered a
number of college oiuttons , addressed religious -
ious gathoilnffs , and attended dedications.
I think I have bpokon on an average of four
times u wock at loust lnco 1 have bcoa away
I made two trl ] down In Touncssoo am
tbeu went up to SU Puul , Minn. So much
traveling Is rnthor tedious.
"No I wasn't near Johnstown. About a
year iico. ia August , I think , " ho continued
"I passed through there and at that tlmo the
vullo.v was Hooded and houses wore floating
down the rh er. It's a very dangerous val
ley , that Coitemaugh , I BOO the coroner's
Jury bus founn the owners of the dam ro
Bitonslblo for tlio accident. Responsible is
the right word not guilty , but responsible. '
Bishop Nowniau will remain lu Omaha un
til the corner Btonp of thojiew First M. E
church is laid. That will taka place abou
the middle of this month.
* Ratim to tlio Ilounlou.
General S. ( I. Morrison , of Nebraska City
acting commander ol the department o
Nebraska , a. A. R , , accompnlod by Colonel
3rnd U , Cook , senior nlil-Oc-camp , and P. A ,
3ntchott , acting adjutant general , were in
, ho city yesterday for the purpose of Inter
viewing the railroad officials on the question
of innkihg a one-cent rate to nnd from the G ,
A. It. reunion in this state. They conferred
vilh the different railroad agents and tti6
> cst offer they could obtain was of 0110 faro
"or the round trip.
An Ausolutt *
Is only put up In largo two-ounce tin boxes ,
nnd Is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin crup.
tlons. Will positively euro all kind * of piles-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Dm ? company at
25 coats per box by mall 0 cents.
They Will Camp With tlio Militia In
A u mitt.
Some tlmo ago Governor Larrabco , on the
ugrcstlon of General Alexander , adjutant
it the IOWA National Guard , wrote to the
niajor-goiioral commanding the army
requesting a detail of ono company of
ho United States troops nt Fort
Dm ft ha to go in cninp with the Iowa
regiments. The request lias mot with ap-
iroval , and General Brooke has been di
rected to use the entire available force of the
; ocond iifantry I'or distribution among the
camps of the Iowa nation * ! guards.
The avallabl6 force , General Brock says ,
will uo ton companies otthltty-flvo men each.
What distribution will bo made will not bo
tnown until the plans have matured.
General Alexander was in Omaha .vcs-
.crday. . Speaking about the mat
ter ho said : "It has bocn the
custom for some years to send a regular ofli-
cor to inspect the camps and make a report
of their condition nnd work. It occurred to
.no that It would bo a good Idea to hnvo a
company of regulars and I made the request.
Our guard Is divided into two brleados , bu t
wo have six camps. "
The loft wltiff of the Second Infantry , now
itUollevuo , expect to complete their soasoa's
tareet practice about Friday.
First Lieutenant Hurry H. Wright , Ninth
cavalry , Fort Robinson , and EURO F. Ludd ,
of the same rcRimcnt nnd fort , have been so
pctcd to represent their regiment In the
mvalry competition which takes p'.aco ' at
Uollovuo , and have boon ordered to report to
Colonel Henry before August 0.
Advice to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
should always ho used for children teeth
ing. It soothes the child , softens the
sums , allays till pains , cures wind colic ,
and is the best remedy lor dinrrhrea.
25e a bottle. _
Thn Kail Exposition.
The Omaha Fair nnd Exposition associa
tion hold a meeting yesterday afternoon for
the transaction of business concerning the
fair to bo held here In the fall. The man
agers of ttio fair do not seem disposed to look
favorably upon tlio project of Joining with
the Collsoum exposition , and it seems doubt
ful whether they will couio to terms.
The sccroUry of the fair associatloa Is
corresponding with the owners of the famous
trotters , Axtell and Hosowater , with the
view to securing those horses for the fall
races. One of tlio great features of the fa'r
will bo a twenty-five mlle race for ladles , the
competitors changing horses In front of the
Brand stand at the end of every mllo. There
will also bo a balloon ascension dully by Prof.
M. M. Foreman , of Poona , 111 , who will descend -
scend bv mo.uis ot a parachute , and perform
many daring and dangerous feats. . ,
The management is maklntr every endeavor
to mnko the fair a success , and a good adver
tisement and drawing card for Omaha.
The following is only ono o ! over fifty
families who have testified to the cures
effected by Chamberlain's Colic.Cholera
and Diarrhoea llomody in Pope county ,
111. , during the epidemic of bloody llux
lust summer. Daniel W.Poo , Rock P.
O. , says : "I tried it for a bad case of
the llux and found three doses sufficient.
After that I took it in smaller doses
now and then. I gave it to my family
in the samu way during the epidemic
and had no trouble. "
In tlio I'ollce Court ,
Six cases of vagrancy were tried before
Judge Bcrka yesterday , Edward Harris was
sent up for ten days and the others were
discharged. Four drunks were required to
contribute to the city's ' finances.
L. B. Barber was fined S15 and costs for
vilful destruction of property hi kicking In
Gcorgo Iltirgms' door. Barber hud been em
ployed to put down a carpet for Mrs. Hig-
tjms , who lives on Poppleton avenue , and
when ho went after his pay for the work on
Monday ho got Into a dispute with Mrs. Hlg-
gins and gave vent to his feelings by kicking ,
In the door.
Frank Miller got $10 and costs for assault
ing F. A. Perry.
Young Copaland , who Is charged with
forgery , has been transferred from the city
Jail tc more commodious quarters ia the
county JaiL.
Mr. Jas. J. McCalloy , of Monet , Mo. , says
ho had dyspepsia for eight yo.irs , whicn
made him a wreck , slok and suffering during
the whole timo. After trying all the reme
dies , Including 'all the doctors in roach , ho
dlsc.uued everything and took Swift's Spe
cific. Ho increased from 114 to 15S pounds ,
and was soon a sound arid healthy man.
The J.CW L'
United States Attorney Pr'tchott ' has
nearly completed the work of preparing the
papers in the condemnation proceedings of
the now pjostoftlco site and will soon Issue
notices to the property owners , lessees ,
mortgagors and all ethers Interested to ap
pear before the board of appraisers , These
notices must bo served personally. Thons
will bo seventy-live or eighty of them , some
of the interested parties living in Now York
state and ono ia Persia. The latter has del
egated a power of attorney to a gentleman
horo. The notices to the Now York parties
will be Rent to the Unltod States marshal for
the northern district of Now York for sorv-
It Is thought the Interested parties will bo
Rlvon about ton days to appear before the
board. This time , however , will bo llxed by
the court when tno notices are ready to bo
served ,
If you have a painful sense of fatigue ,
find your duties irksome , take Dr. J. II.
McLean's Sarsapapilla. It will brace
you up , make you trong and vigorous.
Oflloor Bloom Found Guilty.
The committee on mon nnd discipline of
the Uro and police commission mot yester
day afternoon to investigate and take notion
on the charges preferred against Otllcor
Dloom of the pollco force. Bloom was found
guilty of visiting saloons whllo on duty and
with Insubordination , for which he was
rcprcmnnded and lined fifteen days pay.
Thrco Rebellions a Iny.
Three rebellions , obstinate , though blood
less , occur In the stomach of the dyspttpuo
who partake of food tUrico a day. The dl
gcstlvo organ refuses on each occasion to
perform the duty assigned to it by nature ,
and troublu unsuos. How discipline , how
rcgulatoitl Simply with a wineplassful ot
the genlnl Invlgorant and appetizer , Hostel
ler's Stomach Bitters , before each tncal and
before retiring. Digestion will , after a
course of this plensent regulator , become
CH y , nnd its forerunner , appetite , also Im
prove. Nervousness and insomnia , always
induced by chronic dyspepsia , will disappear
with Its disappearance thus Insured , and
constipation and biliousness , Us usual
attendants , also take tholr louvo. Not only
will the aystem ucqulra strength , but also
substance by a moro perfect ajaitnllatlon ol
the food. Utioutimturn , malarial and kidney
complaint and neuralgiji yield to the Blttors.
Thn Merchant * ' Wooli Coniiiilttco ,
The committee uupslntoj by the board of
trade to make arrangements for merchants'
week , called a mooting for last night , but a
majority of the committee failed to material
ize. and tbo meeting was postponed until
Friday night , at which tlmo a full attendance
Is requested.
For a diso dorod llvtr try Becchaui's Pilu.
Tuesday BostonlahS W J'l/pinalloit atul
Qalntca. f <
Wednesday nftfirnounr-HBostonlons In The
icc. ( , . , ,
Wednesday night IVqstbnlans In
tlza. " ' 'f
Every afternoon nnd night The Uhiaohart
family. ,4 g )
Tlio Rcnlty lttnrknt.
Instruments placed on record during yes
terday , fW
A H Itnninn and husband to , T F Klftck ,
lots 10 to M. bit 2 , Mxstlc.park.yril. . . . 2,500
C 1) Hutchlnv.a and wlfoto II J 1'niyn ,
lot 7. biK I , Hj-do parJCVd . . . . . .7 750
31 S Lindsay nnd wlfoto Isaac Cola , lot 0 ,
ulk2. May no's 2 < lmld.wd . .7 l.COJ
T .1 1'AUlson and wife to J A Kdson , lot 10 ,
blS3. Wm Hngedorn's add , wd . 350
J K Jlultor nnd wire to Otto Wagner , lot
U blk 8. Irene I'lnco. w d . . . . . 830
0 B Darker and wlto , to l.ukd 1' SlnVoy ,
lolSt , bit 7. loP-N , blK 13,10187 , bit 17 ,
Orrhnrd Hilt , wd > , . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,700
S H U Clnrlc , trustee , to J J Nolion , lot 5 ,
blklU , WestSlilc.wrt . 5M
N 1) lloxle and uusbtud to H M Vast , lot
1. blkU. 8 K Hogfrs' ftdd. wd . 10,000
B A Ilonson nnd wife V ? Kihvanl llnminn ,
lots 4 , 6 , , mid 10 , llk 1 , Cloverdulo ,
wiU. , . . . . . . . . . 4,000
0 * O 15 llarker to V K llcrr I tt lota ,
blk 18" . Omaha , wrt.v . . . , . 600
\\m Slobcrs nud w Ifo to II Scnmmxuu , lot
; > . HumboMt 1'lnce.wd . , . . 310
J M Swetuam ot nl to Wm .1 Woods , lots 3
nnil ) , blk 3 , 1st add to Central park. \ \ A COO
B.lTilttlo nnd husband toAMK.VT K
Hamilton , lot 4 , blk OK , Uodford Place ,
w rt , . . J.GOO
OJF J n } nod nml wlfo to Itoilney 11111 ,
lots U8 and 29 , bis - ' , Shot man uvo park.
wd . 1,200
M V Solomon to Mutual Trust Co , lot : * ) ,
blk 1 , Solomon's ndd , wd. . . . . . . . . . . 600
J 1) ) Johnson nnd wife to J Clausen , lots 3
toS.blkil , Comerndd , wrt . 8,400
n S Itood nud vira to bldner Smith , lots
Hi. 11 ami 1blUlO , sub J I Itadlck's
nilil , wtl 4. . 1
Sidney Smith and vlf to Mills & Thomp
son , lots 10,11 nnd 12 , blk ID , sub .11 Hod-
Ick's add. w tl . . . ' . . . , 0,000
Wm Coburn , sheriff , to O A Wllcox , lo tl ,
bub lot Id , liontlold , Sheriff < 1 , 176
0 A Wllcox and \\ltu to W A I.oacn , lota ,
Hub lot U , Itonllold , shcrlir ( ! , . . . „ . . . . . . . 600
C N DIetz and wlfo toVlctor White , und H
lot 4 , blk 1 , Armstrong's 1st ndd , wd. . . . 4,500
0 N Dlctz and wife to victpr White , und H
lots 1,2 , ; i nnd 4 , blk 4. JIartlndalo. w d. l.CCO
Heirs of Patrick Corrlimnto 1' J Tim-
mons , s GO ft lot I , bite It ) , CorrlgnuPlucc ,
\ > d i 315
P J Tlmmoiis nud wlto Jo HHonTorpv. s
SJ of s 00 ft lot 1. blk 10 , Cordg.ui place ,
' ' ' " " ' *
Oinntia HcnVhs'fnte' k'nil"TruVt Co "to'\V A
anr.liiur ct al , loti IK nnd Sfl , blk 2 , nnd
lots : n aud 'M , blk I , Sanndcrs' .V I lime-
bvigh's add to Walnut Hill , \vd 1,350
South UniiUm Land Uu to , lus Carroll , lot
li. bljH. ! ! 80 OnmUn tl 675
C Mo ro nn 1 wlfo to Asa Plillliott , lot s 4 ,
I ) nud w 'A lot 3 , blK" , nul lots i and D ,
blkl. Cherry Hill.vd . . 3,500
rrnnk Novak , to K KVnlontlne , lot 13 , blK
2. Miu-ysville add , ivd 1,000
K K Valentino and \vlfo to L P Kurtz , lot
1' ) , blfcii , Mnrysvlllo add , w d l.SBO
T euty-ulno trans/era nirgregatlng. . . . S.'il.i'Tl
The folloviug pjr.nltivjra Isjuol by
Building Inspaetor Wlutloak yostordav :
G. 0. Moses , three story brjck store , 1105
Parnnm sti-ect . . . $ 2,700
Morris Slomiin , ono stoiy frame dwelling ,
r > rre avenue und ( ieorao street . , . . 3,003
Slorrls Sloman , two-story frame resi
dence , Thirty-ninth nndiM rcer nvonno 8,000
Frnnk Swoliodn. ouo uud one-lmlf-story
frame bnrti , SlxUwnth and Wllllnms
streets . , . . . . . > , , . SOO
Denny O'llanlon , t\vo ono inml one-half-
story frame dwellings , llilrty-fourth
and Hurdctto streets > ' . . . . .v. . , . i',000
Dr. J. Nuvlllo. tn o-story fnimo residence ,
rTwonty-nlnthncnr llodee stvouf . 4,000
H. Seaton , one-story f rnmo cottage , Ames
near K'orpuceiuenue.j. . , . ] , OCO
W. J. Chrlstlauion. one-story fiamo cot-
tnge , Thlrty-llrst near llurtKtrtet . 1,000
Consol Cotreo company ; lie-story brick
enirltio house. Twenty-eighth and Hey a
btreet . i- . 1,000
William T Peters , ono-atory frame cot-
tac < > , ThlrtV-f out tn near Iloyu street. . . l.OOJ
Lntoy & Ilenson , two-story Inlck , six Hats ,
Twontr-nlutn nna Howard strwet-j . 10,000
II. 11. Irey. two-story Kr.iniu residence ,
Thirty-ill st near Poppleton avenue. ; . . . . 6,000
Xuehe permits , ajBrouatlnff . J3S.OOO
AltOKOthcr ToVOonflitlujj.
W. E. Woods is a soap fakir. In his search
for victims ho selected Dctcctivo
Ormsby as ono Of thorn , and sought to In
struct him In the mysteries of the soap-fake
and threo-sholl games. Ormsby took such
an interest in the matter and seemed to catch
on so readily that Woods wanted to takohlm
in fora partner , and In the progress of their
conversation confessed that soap-fqklng was
not h' ' only hold , Out that ho could pick
pockets with neatness and dispatch , nnd in
case of a pinch would not hcsitato to use a
burglar's outfit. Woods' burst of conddenco
secured him a bunk in the city jail oa the
charge of being a suspicious character.
Nothing contributes moro towards a
sound digestion than the use of the
genuine Angostura Bittnrs , of Dr. J. G
B. Siogort & Sons. Ask your druggist.
An Eltpcrt on thn Art of Mixing
Summer I > rlnlc .
Only last night five ' "ion stopped np
bolero mo and , silently removing their
hats , mopped their- sweating brows
and then assumed the attitudes com
mon to mon who frequent bar
rooms in the uncultured. un
shorn west , writes James Butler , aNew
Now York bartender , in the Morning
Journal , of that city.
' 'Whnt'll huvoV" said
you ono looking
nt the othor.
In a desultory sort of way each indi
cated that ho would have "tho same
old thing , " and the mon who had first
spoken turned to mo and said :
"Fivo beosu-ifrs. "
That staggered mo for an instant. I
know that they wanted what is gener
ally known ns a fauminor drink. They
wore warm and so needed something
cooljng. Of necessity I would have to
use ice and lemon juice , some fruit , perhaps - ,
haps in mixing the drink , but , to toll
the truth , I had never hoard of a ' 'boes-
wig. "
Mechanically I put five glasses hnforo
them , tilled with cracked Ice. und bognn
to juggle with the tools under the bar.
Ono of the gentlemen asked mo to bo a
bit particular that the eggs were fresh.
That guvo ino an idea. By asking a few
indirect quotations I discovered that
what they wanted was a whisky sour
with an egg in it. t <
That is a boos wig. '
The drink is a now dno and tho. gen
tleman who flrst Hskpu'ino for it told mo
that it originated in Qcoiiomowoc or
eoino ether western .town . with nn
equally unpronounceable ) name from
wnonco they canio.
f 4l
The general demand nowadays is for
temperance drinks , and think there
is a growing tendency to partake of ro-
iroshmont that has JitMe alcohol in it.
Nearly every man has his favorite tipple -
plo , and is dclightad if he can suggest
a mixture which has not before boon
thought of. Then ho.proceods to chris
ten his creation. i
When Colonel McCaull is in town ho
coinos to the Gllsoy house every day ,
puts his elbows on thtybnr , and I know
that ho wants a "llodormaus. " It was
named after his opera , and consists of u
pony each of brandy.curncoa nnd mar
aschino. Thcso are mixed in a shak
ing glass , an egg is added , ana uftor
being well agitated it is served in
small glasses.
Judge Ford's favorite drink Is known
oa a "Sabbath con. " Where it
originated I do not know , but
it is good. To make it I take
a pony each of brandy , port wine and
French coffee , ono-hnlf a pony of maras
chino , add an egg , uhako well with ice ,
Btrain , and then add a dash of seltzer.
With a bit of nutmeg the tit ink is ready
to servo. It testes like chocolate.
Loinoimdos , mint juleps , claret
punch'os , sherry flips und similar mix
tures make up most of the drinks that
it is my daily routine and pleasure to
serve ,
Each t\vonly-four hours I find that no
Use fifly two dofcon ot lombns and Ihroo
ilozon bundles of mint. At hihhy bars
the lemon and Umo julco IB bought by
the bdltlo , but there is nothlnglikopro-
paring it ybursoH from the fresh fruit.
All punches nro how mrulo in the fol
lowing manner : In an old-fashlonod
whisky glass half a lemon is squeezed
on lablo-spoonful of sugar. Then a bit
of pinonplo is subjoclod to the pressure.
Added to this is a bit o'f ice. Then the
liquor is poured in nnd the mixture is
stirred and served.
Many gen tlomon still cling to Ihb
habit of drinking the old-fashioned
coclctail. A cuba of sugar is dissolved ,
a dash of orange bitters is added , then
a bit of ice is dropped into the glass ,
then limo juice nnd the liquor.
"Billy" Florence came in ono day and
Bald ho wanted something now ,
"Got out a sherry glass , " ho ejacu
lated. "I have nn idea. "
I did as directed nnd under his tuta-
lago mixed ornngo bitters , whisky and
water in equal proportion. This was
poured into a sherry glass and soon
trurglod down the throat of the como-
dinn , who sighed as ho put the bit of
crystal down nnd said ho wished his
neck was ns long as a glrairo's , The
creation lias boon dubbed the Florence
cocktail , and is drunk by Harry Dlxoy ,
Francis Wilson nnd I-.nuis JJarnson
every tluio they come to the Gllsoy
"Gin nx" holds Ma own against the
march of modern improvement. To the
jnlco of two lamons&uirar is added , then
a measure of gin. This is well slmkmi
nnd strained and the "llz/ " water is
poured in { rotn the syphon. "Silver
li/z" is made by adding the white of an
egg. A "whisky daisy" is made just as
ugfn liZTs" with tlio exception of usihg
raspberry syrup nnd llmo instead of
lemon juice.
Another old favorite is port wlno
"snngarco. " The whites nnd yolks of
two ejnra are hop.vrated , and each beaten
u'n.woll. Sugar is added : then the to
are put together and beaten i > nSn.
After pourin in the wlno Ice is dropped
in and the whole Is shaken. It is serv
ed with a slice of lemon.
Absinthe frnpno is made from a wine
glass full of wliito absinthe , shaken
with ice until it is troron. Then it is
strained. Carbonic acid water serves
to give it life.
There is a new cordial that has superceded -
coded chartreuse , benedictine , mara
schino nnd hummel. It is known as
cromo do men the glacisile. It is dis
tilled from peppermint , and is in two
varieties wluto and groon. To servo
this I take the whole rind from a lemon ,
( it it into a cocktail gloss , fill it with ice
and pour in the liquor. ( Jrotna do cas
sia is mudo from cassia buds , and is
drank in the same man nor.
Boor must not bo forgotten. Ton
years ago not a barkeeper in a Now
York hotel would servo the amber
fluid. But now they nil do it , and oven
the Fifth Avenue hotel bar is soon to bo
ornamented with a silver faucet from
which the "nut-brown' ' can badiMWii.
"Society Woiron "Who AVork.
Washington lollarto the Albany Jour
nal : Tha oraz'i ' for young women to bo
something and to do something has
struck this town very hard. MissMiland
Fuller , the daughter of the chief jus
tice , who was graduated at Wellesley
college the other day , is to read law
with her father , nnd is to bo a lawyer.
If she will put on the stunning black
and mortarboard cap in which Ellen
Terry argues her cases she will bo some
thing nice to look at. Another of the
chief justice's quiver full of daughter *
is studying mubic professionally in Ger
many. Miss Pauline Fuller ruined her
professional prospects by getting1 mar
ried. Senator Wade Hampton's daugh
ter , of South Carolina , the very bluest
of blue bloods , is sludging in Baltimore
to bo a professional nurse , while Rep
resentative Brockenridgo's daughter is
Ono of the teachers in a public school in
Washington. As for writing for the
newspapers , it is a regular fad. and sev
eral charming society girls do amateur
reporting at balls and parties and ro-
' I'axtou HoteL
( Opp'/dtte )
Ofllco hours , o a. m , to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 a.
m. to 1 p. m.
SpccUllstH in Chronic , Nervous Skin and
Blood Diseases.
rr Cousultatlon at offlco or by mail free.
Medicines Hint by mull or express , securely
vacked , free from observation. Guarantees to
euro quickly , safely nnd permanently.
lUMJUflTTC TlPniTTTV Bpermatorrhcca , seml-
HbuYUUo UmnLlll nal lx > sso.NIght Emls
Ions. 1'hyslcal Decay , arising from Indlicre
tlon , Kxcess or Indulgence , producing Sleepless
ness. Despondency. 1'lmples on the face , aver
sion to society , easily alaiourugcd. lace Of confl
donee , dull , unfit for study or business , nndllndi
llfo a burden. Safely , permanently nnd pri
vately cured. Consult Irs. Hetts Ac Butts , hi IS
Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
TJlfinrl onrt CUn TllPDClPOD Syphilis , a dlieaso
DlUult QllU ( mill UlSDddlo most terrible In Its
results , completely eradicated wltliout the aid
of llercury. Scrofula , Kryslpolas. 1'evcr Sores ,
Hlotclin.1) , Ulcers , Pains In tlio Ilt'iK1 and Donas ,
Syphilitic Sorolhroat , Mouth nnd TonumCa -
tnrrh , etc. . permanently cured where others
hnvo failed.
FiHnnff Ifrinatur nntl Bladder Complaints ,
IVlulllJY' Ulllldljf Painful. Dllllcult , lee fro-
< iuent llurntny or nloody Urine , Urine high col
ored or vltli milky sediment ontnandlne , Weak
Hack , Uonorrbcen , Gleet , CjitltH. etc. ,
1'romptly und Gafely Cared , Charges Keasoca-
ble.ITllF.TffP ! TT'R ! Qnaranteed -
f3 X UJLV > JL U XuCi 1 mauent Cure , per- removal -
moval complete , without cuttlniif , cnusllc or
dlllatlon. Cures elfected at homu by patlout
wlttout aiuomunts pain or annoyance.
To Yonmr Men and Miflfllc-Affcil Men ,
Allini ? PIIDP Ttl8 awful etlects of eurljr
Ouilli ulluu Vice , which bunns organic
iveukuees , destroying both mind and body , with
all Its dreaded UK permanently cured.
Adress those i\ho have impaired
MPPTTQ tbemielves by Improper Indul.
KCJKOS and nolltory habits , which ruin both
body nnd mind , unfitting them ror buslntas ,
study or marriage.
M.utJiiEii MEN. or those entering ou that litp
py life , n\rare of physical debility , quickly us
fisted ,
Is bused upon facts , First Practical Krpe
rienct ) . Second Kvery cs la ojpoclalljr studied-
thus starting aright. I'hlid MeJlclnos ara pre ,
pared la onr lalmtory exactly to suit each case ,
thus affecting curoi wIthout Injury
tM Send 0 cents Boittgo for celebr.ited works
on Chronic. Nervous und llellcato JJUoaecs .
Tnouiands cured f& A friendly letter or call
ma , save you future suffering and aiume , and
d golden years to life. (3P tie letters nn-
sworeil unlofiS accompanied by ! cents la stamps.
Address or call on
1103 I-'unmm Btreet. Omalio. Nali.
"Where nro you going , my pretty maid ? "
" I'm goinp foi Gold Dust , sir , " she said.
33 purely vendible , dissolves Instantly In hard or oft , hot or cold water ; will
not injure the flno fabric , la soft nnd so Jibing to thoskln. For
bath , laundry , vnshlng dlsbosor , scrubbing mid cleaning
i of any kind. Rold Dust stands without nu equal.
u only by { ( FAIRBANK 61 CO.ISLlouis-
P. S. For a bright , clear complexion , use "Fairy" Soap.
Instantly Ktops the most excruciating pains ; never fulls t > Kl o t > aio to the sufferer
NCUHAI.GIA , SCIATtCA , HUAUACIIU.TOO I'ltAOUB , or any other 1'AIN , a few application
act llko magic , causing tlio p.iln to instantly atop.
Internally taken lu doses ot from thirty to sixty ilrop < In half a tnmblor ot water will euro In a few
minutes . Spasms. Soui Stomacb. Colic , riantiiloncfl , Hfu "
UI1 UlUt ? Cramp k/ ( * 14tO. LJUlll kJl < J U % \ < M jWIH J ltII f 14 tVlH > TJ I i TIH"tlMl VI1 * VjllOlBP V lOTOtlS I lUim f *
] ) lnrrlmn. Sick Iloadache. Nausea , Vnmltlng , NUIVOUMIIO S. Sleeplessness , Malaria and nil Internal
pains ai ialni ; Irom chn'iRO of diet or water or ether causes.
CO Cents a Bottle. Sola by
For sale by M. H. Bliss , Omaha , Nebr.islcn.
& fr.
* . .
* * * - > -
tJ ? * iS f lP V tes U
( B , 20 ; 22 , 24 , 26 , 25 , 30 AND 32 LAKE STREET , GIHCAQO * ELL.
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.
A. J. POPPIjCTON , President H. W. YATR3. Treasurer.
J. J. 1J11OWH , Vlco-P e ldent. U. T , JOdtiKtiVN , Bacroturr
The Omaha Fire Insurance Go.
Paid Up Capital , $ IOOODO
Fire , - Lightning - and - Tornado - Insurance ,
onions , S. 12. Cor n or Douglas and Kixtrcmli HlA. XHnpltnnn l,4t : { .
Blrcctors : A. J. Popjtleton , J. U/Mlllard. Win. Wnllaco. J. W , Gannett , II , W. Yates , N. A
Kuhn , IS. Jt Stoiie. O. D. Woodworth , J. 8. Collliu , J. J. llrovrn , S. T. Josfculyn ,
Homo Oilier. Nos.J)0. ! ( ) U01 , 02 , 08 Ilronn's lllock , - - Omiilm , Nell.
1513 Dowlas St , Omalia , Nebraska ,
Homarknblo for powerful sympathetic ;
tone , pliable action and nbeoluto dura
bility ; 80 years' record the best guaran
tee of tlio excellence of those instru-
successfully uHxi monthly by over 1Q OUO
n 2 pomagti gLainp * . AJdretj
THK Eunuu CaiuiKUb Co. , Demon , Micu.
For salu und by mail by Goodmim
Com uuy , Oinubu.
WANLlim. N. V.
Civil Engineering , llaanlca. llnslneHs.
HT. 1H.V. I' . 1) . HUNTlNd'fON , 1'iosidont
_ 1/r. Cou W. VJIHUUOK. Buperlnwiident ,
male.utt , li.lf _ lluujiui. l'rlncliLil.Jn-fc j | ii > , ii *
-L > walloii-lliuUon. Cot * ( J , J. Wjtninr , n. B ,
A. il. , hut.ll | I' . HVAIT. Comd'tof Cadets.
FOR MFI\I \ I"11" ! " ? mon or
lull IIII.IM lid | raclicct.iniijr l
erfcellr rc7aiiitil by Out new
PRE : Method ,
lu ir uo Ouiilita
llrilUi. " AUftlutotccrecy. VuriCO-
currd without pain oroptullwi. Adurcil
tslon-Unpro nl'nlquoi ' l" > Trcmcnt bt . Cotton.
1'ucLit Jlnkli Snfu Vfia to " Smoke ) K of