Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Light Trading In Wheat mid a
Strung Advance Recorded.
No Hnillonl Ohnngo Takes I'lnco In
tlio 1'rovlfllon 1'lt I'rlocs for
Native Cntilo Well Blnkn-
tnlttctl Iloji Active.
CHICAGO , .luly 0. [ Special Telegram to
TUB UISE. ] With light trade nml n notnblo
absence of busincm tor outside account , the
wheat market advnncoa strongly to-day.
Ono of the most Influential factors wa for
eign now * . Cables en mo in very strong and
decidedly higher on both wheat nnil flour ,
nnd the attitude of exporters proved that the
foreigners arc no longer Indifferent to the
course of values on this side. They wcro
picking up wheat and flour wherever the
property could bo secured on reasonably Rood
terms , The cash markets , everywhere were
BtronR and higher. Now York exhibited less
bull enthusiasm than nny other locality , but
oven there a substantial gain was estab
lished , Domestic news was bullish In tenor.
There uro good prospects of general
ruins throughout the winter wheat
country during the next forty-eight
nuors , and should these promUos bo verified
there will bo a further delay in the early
forward movement of wlicat. Itulns In the
northwest nro nlso reported , but the reports
of crop prospects from that section uro of
the most gloomy character as a culo. Ono
rcuort from Minneapolis , however , gave es-
stlmatcs of average yield In Minnesota , mid
70 per cent of n crop hi Dakota , with 15 per
cent increased acreage. The Kovornmont
crop report Is duo to-morrow , bttt , strange to
say , it- was dlcussod very littlo. Speculation
os to its contents was neither animated nor
general. The trutti is that the government
estimates are recognized by the trade as being -
ing lamentably lame nnd unroll-
ublo. Their duta is too skel
etonized to bo valued and the
returns that nro received are admittedly
amended to suit the views of the so-called
"statistician" of the agricultural depart
ment. Thus it happenu that the t ovcrnmunt
crop estimates are deservedly fulling into
disrepute. Spoculntion in wheat to-day
centered largely in December. This delivery
opened at 81c , advanced to 81u , sold back
to 81c , up to 8l&o and book to 81c again , from
which low point a strong udvunco set in , and
the market moved up with only occasional
setbacks to S2j c. It reacted from B- . ' c and
the prevailing opmbu was that a break was
in order , but It turned up nnco moro and
went to 62 } c. The last end of the session
was the period of the greatest activity and
excitement. Shorts have pretty generally
run for rover , but the market , on
its mu-lts or some ether cause ,
continues to display decided ami
unequivocal firmness. This , too , without any
public "boom. " December closed at 82-tfo ,
nn advance of lc as compared with yester
day. September wheat oponca at TO c , sold
down to 79J c and was carried up with December -
comber to bojjjc , closing at the outside , a net
gain of IBCThero was no now gossip
about July wheat and next to nothing was
done in that delivery , but toward the hist
prices , which had fluctuated between 83c and
83Ko , climbed to b5c. Only ono or two
trades wore made at the outside and cash ,
spring and winter xvcro offered at Sic ! with
out buyers. The close was at & 4o. The
Improvement in July was the same us Sep
tember. August closed at Slj c. The mar-
knt was firm and prices averaged about Xo
hlchcr than on Monday.
The receipts exceeded the estimates , but
the demand for the daily receipts appnara
to bo of an urgent nature nnd causes cu.nh
corn to bring a light premium and July to
rule relatively firmer than thosa more dis
tant futures. Exports were liberal from the
Atlantic seaboard and demand for shipment
at Now York and ISaltlmoro was reported to
bo brisk , with considerable business passing.
Fluctuations wore , ns usual , within a narrow
range ana trading was largely of n local
Bcalnlng character , The weather was con
sidered favorable for the growth of corn ,
which prevented frco buying , but the offer
ings were likewise light. Price changes
show an improvement of J n over yesterday's '
clusing figures , but some of this was un
doubtedly due to the sympathy with the very
strong tone of the wheat market. July
i closed nt 35K'3c1 ( ! September at 8C > c ,
: against ! 55c and ! ! 5c respectively , yester
Oats possessed few friends to-day , at least
there was little disposition to favor the long
side under the existing fine weather for the
now crop , together with tno liberal rcsorvo
of old oats yet to come fonvurd. The mar
ket was not active and with increased soiling
orders declined tyS'c ( | from yesterday's la
test price's ' , especially on now crop deliveries ,
with August at 2-o and September touching
22J c. Withdrawals from store were decreased -
creased and car lots of No. 2 regular snld
fairly vsUntOJHc ,
In provisions there was no radical ohango.
The unexpectedly light run of hoit
occa-loncd a strong opening , anO
initiatory sales were very generally made at
prices a little nbova the level of yesterday's
closings. Hut the Improvement witnessed
was short-lived and wanting in support. For
a brief tlmo ttio shorts bought with a little
freedom , but they were not badly fright
ened. and with liberal selling the market
broho along tha entire lino. No subsequent
recovery to speak ofvaa experienced from
this depression. At the adjournment pork
gtood nt yesterday's final prices to 60 lower.
lord Ul@3c } cas'.or and short rib * unchanged
0 lower.
CHICAGO , July 9 , [ Special Telegram to
THE BEE.I CATTI.C. Included 'in to-day's
supply were STOO natives. The pen oral
market was not brisk , though in the native
branch prices wnro well maintained , steers
Belling from steady to strong , cows G@lOc
higher , nnd bulls nnd calves firm. TCXUIIE
do i eloped weakness and had to bo closed out
freely nt lOo under yesterday's prices. Tito
Blacker nnd feeder branch evidenced some
Ufa to-day , moro outside orders being on
band for desirable steers than the supply
could ill ) , Sales show nn advance of abou
iOo. Choice beeves , fl.004.20 ; uiodluu
l\ \ to good steers , lUSOt to 1500 Ibs , $3.S& @ 1.2U
1200 to 1850 Ibs , t3,704.10 ; U50 to 1200 Ibs
ia-10@il.00 : stackers and feeders. fj.2&iftl.K ( >
cows , bull ! > nnd mixed , $1.W ) ® .30 ; Imlir
J2.Ur@'J.CO : slop fed steers , M.DO@3.05
Texas cuttle , steers , J2.OOM3.4l ) .
Hoas The markbt ruled ttcttvo nnd 5@lOc
higher , the advance bointr principally 01
heavy and good mixed. Sales of heavy show
o rantfu In nrico of fl.4lXS4.50 , principally
ground (1.45. Mixed droves wcro bough
nt tl.-l5M4.50 , and sorted light at
K , mainly atM.W@.0' | ! ' , > .
New YOIIK , July 0. [ Special Toloiram ;
to Tjtp UBE.I STOCKS Although the newt
from the west was no better last nlghi
thcro was u bettor feeling among trader * in
f railroad clocks. The tukingof grangers late
yesterday by bear houses had a good effect
The obstacle to a reaction seems to bo c
doubt entertained lliaV the Intor-stntu coin
nilsslonora will bo equal to the issues the ;
have to moot. Trading In the first hour thit
morning was of an Irregular and spasmodic
tort , A firm mid higher opening was fol
lowed by n general decline , nlid thtvas
quickly succeeded by a strong reaction , tnos
noticeable In the granger * . The earlj
ttrcnglh boemod to bo carried over from las
night. Uuylns wits not good on tuo advance
and prices went off $ ii per cent on the
most uctlvo itocks , The reaction before tin
eiidof ton hour was broad and strong. In
trangert especially price * were carried U
points considerably over the last figures yes-
tcrdny , or the best figures of the morning.
Atchlson milled from 37 < to fl3 { , Uurllng-
ton nnd Qulncy bulged upn full point from
07J to OSjtf on nctlvo business , Northwest
ern , St. Paul , Missouri Pacific nnd Union
I'ncltlcshowed lessor gains , conl stocks wcro
slightly Improved , whllo trusts wcro
neither nctlvo nor strong. The ) greater part
of the day In tocks wns spent in anticipat
ing the notion of the presidents'meeting nt
Chicago. There was a belief that the result
will bo favorable , and this helped strength ,
especially In stocks which Imvo suffered the
most from the rater troubles. Burlington
closed at the highest point of the day at 07K-
with n not gain of ? per cent. Northwest
ern closed near the top nt lK5Vf ( , and Atehl-
noti a. gain of Jf per cent over last night nt
33 } { . Jersey Central nnd Lake Shore each
galnud 1 per cent. Trusts were weak. The
losses woroi Chicago ga * 1 per cent to G3J { ,
cotton oil K per cent to 85 , ' , sugar 2 > per
cent to 113 , lend J per cent to 81J { . The
totitl sales were 147,503 shares.
The following were the closlntr quotations !
t ) . B , 4a regular. 123.V Nortnorn 1'aclfle. . 27
U.S. < 3counont..l8 ! ! ? < tloproferr < l. . . . . 0. )
U. 8.4lsroffulnr..lixiy 0. > V N. W 100
U. H.4ix ! coupons..Hfly ( lfiiororrcil. . . . .I3')5j )
I'aclilcGHor 'tij UK N.V.l'outrnl . . 10. ' > y
Central I'oolno. . . . a ) ) I'.a&E. . . . . 211
ClilcacoSc Alton. . . . 130 Hocklslnud . ifJ
Chlcairn.llurlmgton U..M.&BU1. . . i
00. ' , ' ilo proferroa . lO.'i'i
* * . , U. IV * . * * . . .til,4 j t j * 8t.'anl ! AUmaha , . .TJ
Illinois Central Ill doptoferrcd . 01
I. , 1I. & W. . ( l , ilon I'aclllo . -.H
Kansas ic Texas. . . . 1W ! W..8t. Jj. ft V . 1oH
I.nko Shorn IU ( % doprofoiTOd . 2.Vi
Mlchliixn Coutrnl. . tS'i ' Western Union . 8SH
Mlfltourira lilo. . . . isi ;
MONUY Easy tit 3@3K per cent.
PitiME MiiitavxTiLK I'.vpait 1J4QOK P1" "
STEIILIMO Bxoiuxon Actlva and steady ;
sixty-day bills , S4.bO ; demand. .
I * 110 1) U OB AI.V111CUTS.
CnicAoo , July 0. IM.'i p. in. cioso Wheat
strong and' higher ; cash , S4Jfc ; September ,
% c ; Deembor , 62ji'c. !
Corn Flrinor ; cash , 35 15-1 lie ; August ,
c ; September , 3(5j ( c.
O.Us Finn ; cash , 'J c ; August , 22 l-lCcj
September , 'J3 3-10a
K.VC Cash , 42'f o.
Uarlo.v No. 2 , September , C3a
Pritno Timothy $1.45.
Flax No. 1 , $1.3J
Whlsky tl.OJ.
Pork Steady ; caih , $11.40 ; Autrust ,
$11.50 ; September , 511.6S.
Lard Steady ; cash , $0.23 ; August. SS.33K ;
Setitembor. $ li. 10@0.4aK- . *
Vlour Uulcd firm with fair local demand ;
prices showed no change since yesterday's
ndvnnco of 15 cents ; winter wh : at , $ J.OOii ( !
4.75 ; spring wheat , ? 1.30@5.75 : rye , $2.500 *
2.70.Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $ . ' 5.3.'j
short clear , SO-ISK-1" ' ! short ribs , io.
Utittor Dull ; creamery , 12lSc ; dnlryj
Cheese Easier : full cream cheddars , flats
and Younir Amurlcas , 7JfG8c.
Kgis ; Easier ; fresh , Il ( ; i2c.
Hides Weaker ; heavy green salted , 5c ;
light green salted5@ - " > J. c ; salted bull ,
* ' c ; green salted calf , S > ( g5c : dry Hint
7c ; dry salted hides , 7c ; dry calf , 7@3o ; dea
cons , -5o each.
Tallow Easy ; No. 1 , solid packed , Hpfc ;
No. 2 , S cjtcakolc. .
Uecclpts. Shipmontn.
Flour . 11,000 18.000
Wheat . 10,000 , 75,000
Corn . 311,000 4'J.OOO
Outs . 130.000 41.030
Now York , July 9. Wheat Receipts
550 cars ; exports , 75,700 bu. ; spot dull , J Q
{ c higher , and firm ; No. S , red , 8S ( < J$3 ! > ! fu in
store ; WXMXo afloat ; 6S % ( 'JO ; < c f. o. b. ;
wo. a red , So > $ c ; No. 1 red , $1.00 ; No. 1
white , 03K@'J3c ' ; options dull nnd % @Xo
higher ; No. 2 rod August closing at 87i4c.
Corn Receipts , 5,403 ; exports , 171.UOO ;
spot active ; No. 1 red higher nnd firm ; No. 2 ,
42J (24'Jo ( | in elevator , 4313 > c alloat ; Ko.
2 white , 4lo ! bid ; uugriided mixed , 42 > @
43 o ; options moderately active uml
stiongcr , August closing ut > 48c.
Oats Ueceipts , 30,000 ; exports. 42 ; spot
dull , weaker ; options fairly active , lower nnd
steady , August closing at : J3@23J. o ; spot No.
2 , wnito , 33@3c ; mixed western , 20@30c ;
white western , U3@t'Jc : ; No. 2 Chicago , ! Wc.
Coffee Ontions opened barely steady , 5 1-5
points up ; closed steady , S5@30 points up ;
sales , 54,000 bags ; July , ? 13.CO@13.7. > ; Au
gust , ? 13.70@13.'JO : September , 81.bO@14.00 ! ) ;
spot Uio , steadier ; fair cargoes S10 25.
Petroleum Steady ; quiet ; United closed
'JI c for August.
Eggs Active and higher ; western ,
Fork Steady ; mess , 513.00 ® 13.23.
Lard Firm , and moro active ; sales of
western steam at 10.70 , closing at $0.70 spot. .
Butter Dull anil weak ; western dairy , 12
13 } c ; western creamery , 12@lGJijc.
Cheese Moro doing and steady ; western ,
St. IjoulH , July 9. Wheat , Higher ;
cash , Sic ; July , 77c ; August , 70J < c.
Corn Higher ; 'cash , UJJ u ; July , 33e :
August , 32 > < o.
Oats Dull ; cash , 2lc ; July , 22c ; August ,
21 o.
o.PorkEasy ; S11.S7K@12.00.
Lord Lower ; $ (1.20. (
Whisky Steady ; Sl.OJ.
Uuttor Quiet nnd easy ; creamery , 14 ®
ICc ; dairy , ll@12c.
MlniiL-iipoliM , July 0. Wheat Sample ,
hlsher ; receipts , 135 cars ; shipments , ' .13 cars ;
Closing : No. 1 hard , July , Sl.0 % ; on track ,
$1.03 ; No.l northern , July , $ l.OJj tjoptenber : ,
82oon ; track. $ ; No. 2 northern ,
t)4Koi ) on track , 02(2 ( 70.
Mllwiuikoc , July 0. Wheat Firm ;
cash , S05 c ; September , 70 ? o.
Corn-Firm ; No. 3. W c.
Oats Firm ; No. 3 white , 2SKa
Uyo Firm ; No. 1 , 43tfo.
Barley Firm ; No. 2 , Sopto.iiber , 5So.
Provisions Firm ; pork , { 11.45.
Kiuisna City , July 9. Wheat Strong
er ; No. 2 rod , cash , Ole bid ; August , Clio
bid ; No. 3 red , cash , 5'Jc bid ; No. 3 foft ,
cash. C7o bid ; July , G5Jo Lid ; August sales
at OOc.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , 20o bid ; Au
gust , 205 o bid ; No. 2 white , cash. 31o bid.
Oats No. 3 , cash , IS u bid ; Auciwt , 17o
Clnolnnntl , July 9. Wheat in fair d ?
tnand ; No. 3 red. SD@SOc.
Oorn Strong and higher ; No. 2 mixed ,
Oats in moderate demand ; No. 3 mixed ,
Whiskey Steady at $1.02.
Liverpool , July 9. Wheat Firm ; de
mand fair ; holders offer nparlnely ; Cali
fornia No. 1 , 7s l } d@7s 2Kd per cental.
Corn Quiet ; demand poor , Now mixed
western , us lOd percental.
OlilonRO. July 9. Tlio Drovars' Journal
re ports as follows :
Cattle Koeolpts , 9,000 ! steady to lower.
Cholco beeves , $4,00@4.1)0 ) ; steers. fy.40Q
4.'M ; stookora and feeders , $2.23 3.1)5 ) ;
cows , bulls nnd mixed , $1.9033,30 ; Texas
cattle , f2.00@t,40. :
Horfs Kocclpls , 14.000 ; market opened
f > @ 10e nlehor , hilt closed weaker ; mixed ,
J4.i0 ! 4.65 ; heavy , * 4.250 1.50 ; light , $4.35 ®
4.05 5 skips , W.03C (4.65. (
Sheep KocclptH , 4,00) ; market strong ;
natives , S3.7jfii-i.00j westerns , W.40 ( < J4.0J ;
Texans , rJ. OCu4.UO ! ; lambs. M.OOdiO.OO.
Nntliinnl H tonic" VnrtH , Knt : St.
LoulH , July 9 , Cattle Hecolpts , 4,900 , ;
shlpniouts , none ; market steady ; choice
heavy natlvo 6tc r. > , J3.73@1.30 ; fair to
good , (3.10@3.90 ; s'.ockors and feed
ers , f3.203.l5 ! rancors , corn-fed , f3,75@
8.50 ; grass-fed , Ol.90@3.85.
HOBS lieceipts , 4'JOO ; shipments , 200 ;
market shade higher ; choice heavy nnd
butchers' selections , $ I.8A4.45 ; packing ,
$4.23(34.40 ( ; light grades , $ ! .40@1.45.
Sioux City , July 9. Cattle Receipts ,
215 ; shipment * . 130 ; nurltut 'steady ; fat
steers , $ . ) .00i$3. ( ! > 0 ; stackers $ J.15@3.CO ;
feeders , $3.35 (2.70 ( ; canners uml bulls ,
70e@fl.25 ; veal calves , r..OOC UO ,
Hogs Hocolpts , 3,000 : market
higher ; light and mixed ,
heavy , $4.20@4.25.
Olty. July 0. Cattle Hecelpts ,
4,800 ; shipments , S.UOO : common to choice
corn fed steers , $ 'J.'JJ@3.lOj ' ( ) ator.kor * and
feeders dull at * B.OOri3.lOj } cows steady at
Hogs Kecolpts , 10,600 ; shipments. 351) ) ;
market closlnu weak nnd a sluulo lower ;
Wht , W.aO@4.85 ; heavy and uilxed , $4.053
Tuesday , July 0.
Heavy receipts of cattle and wonk market
characterized the business hero to-dny ,
Prlmo handy medium weight steers sold
fairly elcndy , while the coarse heavy stock
sold nbout 5c lower. A fnlramountof trading
was done , .vet thnro Is but little life In the
market. Mo J era to receipts of butchers' '
stock causes prices to bo well sustained on
desirable lots. A few feeders sold nt stcudy
prices nnd a bunch of rhngo steers sold nt
The hog market opened nctlvo nnd strong
nnd cloied steady nt nn advance of nbout 2K
cents. The receipts were about nn nverago
number for Tuesday. The greater number
of hogs sold nt ! .lt > , n few loads only selling
No sheep hero to nuke a market.
Cattle . 1,700
Hoifi . 3,700
Sheep . . .
The following ! * nubia of prloai paH In
this tnirhut for the grjlos of
tioncd :
Prime steers , 1300 to 10)0 lb . , ? 3 75 W3.90
Good steers , 1253 to UMUbj. . . > W3.80
Good steers. 10 JO to l-'UJ Ib3. . . 3.4 J @ 3.70
Common canners . . . . 1.25 W2.00
Ordinary to fair cjtvs . 1.7. 12.2-
Fair to good co\vi : , . 2.3 J M3.40
Good to cliolco cows . 2.40 W'4.73
Cholco to fancy co\vs , heifers. , 3.70 (713.15 (
Falrto treed bulb . , , . 1.75 0)3.25 )
Good to choice bulls . 8.23 Qj'2 .
Llgnt stackers and fodders , . . . 3.70 2ttl.15
Good foedera. 95'J to 1100 Ibs. . 3.0 J ttl.15
Fair to choice Htht hox\ . 4.10
Fair to choice hoary ho s , . . . . . 4.10 CnJUS
Fair to choice mixed hogi . 4.10 '
Shorn sheep . 3.0J @ 4.'oO
Koprcsuntiuivo S
tilvi : Stock. Notoa.
J , II. Dassott , of Wlsncr , was hero with a
shipment of cuttle.
J. C , Johnston canio lu from Oak with a
car of cattle.
E. U. Everett , of Lyon , was among the
shippers hero this morning
Horiuan was represented by E. P. Nou-cll
and Jamus Van Valen , who were hero with
L N. Jones , of Aurora , was at the yards
this morning- .
Fred Patterson , of Patterson it Son , Stock'
haul , was here with a shipment of uattlu.
Alva Smith , a prominent dealer nt
Wuvoriey , was In looking , after two cars of
Elms Quick , a prominent farmer and feeder
located ut Quick , lu. , was over with two curs
of cuttle. Ills cattle sold at ? 3.S7M.
George Hoodol , of Columbus , added seven
loads of.cuttlo to the receipt1) and caino along
to look after them ,
B , E. T. Knlley caino over from Silver
City , la. , with a car of hops.
David Hall , of Persia , lu. , was hero this
morning with a car o ! hozs. tf'.JSS
W. Btoliunoyor , of DoWHt , was hero with
a car of catilo.
John G. Smith , of Olulr , was hero to-day
with a ship : lent.
C , F. liurlott , of Amswortb , was in with a
shipment of cattle ,
Joe Uixon , n regular and prominent dealer
at Memphis , was hero to-day with u ship
ment of hogs ,
Produce , Fruits , 13tc.
nuTrnn Table dairy , 14@l5oj packers'
took , 8@9c. Creamery Prints , fancy , 10
@ 18o ; cholce,14@15o ; solid packed , 10@14c.
EOQS Strictly fresh , 10Ilo.
CIIKDBE You n p Americas , full cream ,
lloj factory twlnn.iiyfo ; off grades 0@7c ; Van
Rossem Edoui , tll.&u per doz ; sap sago , 1'Jo ;
brick ll@12o ; llmburgcr , 7@3o ; doineatlo
Swlsi , Ho : cbcete &afes , Uronro medal ,
No , 8 ,
W.OO ; mixed , M.25@3.50 ; sfruig , f3.oo@3.fioj
turkeys. 7 ( < Mc per Ib1 ducks , f2.OOftJ2.60 ;
gcoso , fn.OOC't.OO ; llvo pigeons , (1.50.
OIUXOBS San Qnbriol , KJ.7524 > 00 : fancy
Duarlo Mediterranean swGotsT fl.2 , " > @ 4.50 ;
Ilonl , $0.00. fvif
LEMONS Cholco , $ J.GO35.00 ; ; fancy , to.75 ®
7.00.PBACIIKS Per } bu boxiSSyftSl.So ,
Arnxs Per Jf bu box. USQTSe ,
CiiEintiES Per 24 quart case , $3.00 ( per 10
quart drnwor , f 1.00.
HLACitiiBituiES Per 24 Jjanrt case , J2.00@
2.60. Ki ,
UI.ACK KASPiinitnins Per 21 . quurt case ,
$3.00. MI.
KEII KASPBHUUIES Per 21 , pint case , 11.75
GoosHnniiiiiKs Per bu. stand , $3.00 ; 21
quurt cage , 3.00.
CUUIUXTS per case 24 qts , ? 3CO3.00.
ULUBIIEIIIIIBA Per bu , $3.00@5.50.
AVATKHMRI.ON9 ? l5.tXi430.00 ( per 100.
CAXiEiours Per doz , ? 1.60@3.00.
PINE Art-LRS Per doz , , f3.00j41Gl. ( !
HVXAXAS According to slzo , per bunch ,
COOOANUTS Per 100 , ? 5.00.
PitKsn FISH White llsh , per Ib , 7@3Ko :
trout , per Ib , Oc ; white porrh , per Tb , 7c ;
buflalo , per Ib , 7c ; Dlckorel , pov Ib , Cc ; black
bass , per Ib , lie.
11EAX8 Uholco hand picked navy , $1.75 ;
choice h mid picked medium. $1.1)5 ) ; choice
luitul plcKod country , $1.00 ; clcun country ,
KAHI.V VEOETAIII.BS Potatoes , C0g80o (
per bu ; onions , California , per Ib , "c ;
Routhcrn , per bbl , fj.00 ; catibnco ,
per crate , $3.50 ; turnips , per bu box , 50a)7fii3 ( ) ;
beets , per box. 75c@$1.00 wax beans , per bu
box , $1.50 : string bonus , per bu box , $3.00 ;
green peas , per bu box , tl.OO ; tomatoes per
3 < bu box , $ l,3o ; asparagus , per dozen bch ,
Gued$1.00 ; caulmowor , $3.00 : eeg plnnt , $1.76
@ 2.00 ; squash , 23o per doz ; cucumbers. 35c :
snup bunches , 30o ; lettuce , 2. > e ; radishes ,
S0o ! ; green onions , 15@30o ; now carrots , 0o ;
pie plant , per Ib , ilc.
ApiM.n HUTTnit Cc.
CiDEK-Ubls , ? 5.00 ; ht bbls , $3.00 ,
MAVM : Suovit2 % \5o \ per Ib.
POTATOES Choloc , sacked , per bu , Q5@30ci
Colorado , 40@45.
VEAL Choice , medium size , 55Cc ; choice
heavy , -l@oc : spring lambs , f30.00@30.00 po ,
HONEY 14@15o per Ib for choice.
PIIIHEIIVES 9J < @ 10c per Ib.
Jii.l.ns 3K@4o per Hi.
DEESWAX No. 1 , 18@30c.
HAY-J.BO@5. .
CHOP Finn--l.00@ ) 10.00.
UIIAX * y.00@0.3. . .
TAI.LOW No. 1 , 4i)4M'c ( ) ; No. 2 ,
GitiiASE A , 4o ; yellow , aj o ; brown ,
PHOVISIOXS Hams , No. 1 , Ift-lb average ,
10j ; 20 to 33 Ibs , lOJtfcj 13 to 14 Ibs , 13c ; No.
8 , VW , specials , 13 > ic ; shnuldcrs , 7c ; brcak-
fnst bacon , No. 1 , lie ; specials , 13 c ; picnic ,
ISio ; ham sausugc , lOJ c ; driud beef tiams ,
tj ) ; beef tongues , ? ( i per dozen ; dry salt
meats 5J @iy c ixr : Ib.
SAUSAQI : liologna , 4@4J c ; Frankfurt ,
7Ku ; tongue , Vc ; summer , 18 ; c ; headcheese ,
C > fo.
PoitK-Fnmily , backs , per bbl. $18.00 ; J -
bhls , to 75 ; mess , bbls , $13.50bbls ; , ? 0.3o ;
pig porit , bbls , § 17.50bbls ; , e'J.OO.
BEEF 'IONOUUS Salt. bbls. $30.00.
On.s-Kerosuno-P W , UK ; W W , 12c ;
headlight , 18c ; salad oil , $3.15@O.UO per
PICKLES Medium , par bbl , $1.50 ; small.
So. ! > 0 ; pherklns , $8.00 ; C & 13 chow-chow ,
qU. S5.00 ; pts.$3.40.
WiiAWiSO PAPKII Straw , per Ib , ! } { ( $
2 0 : rag , 2Jio ; manllla , 11 , Cc ; No. 1 , ! ) c.
SALT Dairy , 14i ) 2-lb pkca , $3.70 ; do 100
3-lb pkgs , S3.C.U ; do (10 ( 5-lb'pkgs ' , $3,50 ; do 23
10-pltL's , ? 3.40 ; Ashton , bu bags , 5U-lb , 85c ;
do 4-bu bass , 234-lb , $3.40 ; do M S A , 50Ib
bugs , Hoc ; iior bbl , i > 1.35.
Sii : j Uird , 4J-f ( < ZOi' .
SAI.SOIK \ } < S-o pnr Ib.
STAUCH 5 > f(7Jrc ( pur Ib.
STOVE Poi.i.-iii-T i.OO o.S ? per gross.
Si'iCESVholc , per Ib Allspice , 13c ; Cas-
Bla China , lOc ; cloves , Zanzibar , 20c ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 75c ; nepjer. 1'Jo. '
SuoAits Granulated , OJ c ; confectioners
A , OJffc ; standard extra U , 8JjT9Xc ; yellow
C. S ! e ; powdorcd , I0 ( ditia ; cut loaf ,
105@ilo ; cubes , 10 > < , @ 10jfc } ; cream extra C ,
Tu is Gunpowder , SOaoOc ; Japan , 20@10o ;
Y. Hyson , 38@5'Jc ; Oolong , 2i@50c.
ViXEOAit Per gtil , IHfifriOc. "
CANNED FISH Urook "trout , 3 Ib , $3.40 ;
salmon trout , 2 Ib , $3.35 ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.25 ;
clmns , 3 Ib , $3.00 ; clam chowder , 3 Ib , $3.25 :
devillcit crabs , 1 Ib , S3.3) ; devilled crabs , 2
Ib , $3..r > 0 ; codflsh balls. 3 Ib , $1.75 ; caviar , M
Ib , $2.25 ; eels , 1 Ib , SViTi ; lobsters. Mb. $3.00 ;
lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; lobsters , dcvilod , } Ib ,
$3.25 ; mtickcrol. 1 Ib , $1.00 ; mackerel , mus
tard sauce. ' II Ib , $3.iK ) ; mackerel , tomato
sauce , a Ib , $2.00 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 85c ; oysters ,
2 Ib. $1.50 ; salmon , C. U. , 1 Ib , $2.10 : salmon ,
C. U. , 2 Ib , S3.10 ; salmon. Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.85 :
salmon , Alaska , 3 Ib , $2.90 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
$2.05 ,
GAXIIV 9K@12J4c per Ib.
CIIOCOLVTE Axi ) COCOA 31@30o per Ib ;
German chickory , red. Sc.
aroni , lie ; vermicelli , He ; ' rlcb , 4jSJf47c ( ;
sago 'and tapioca , C@tJaC. )
FISH Salt Dried codfish , OJ OJOc ;
scaled herriug , 28u per box ; hoi herring ,
dotn , 50c ; Hamburg spiced herring , $1.00 ;
hoi. herring , 70cJ1.10 ( ; mackerel , half bbls ,
No. 1 , $15.51) ) ; largo family. $13.5'J per 100
Ibs ; whitctlsh , No. 1 , $ G 50 ; family , $3.00 ;
trout , $5.00 : salmon , $3.50 ; anchovies , 8c.
LYE $1.75ffi4.50. (
NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; nrazllc , Oo ; fil
berts , 12c ; pecans , 1'Jo ; walnuts , 12c ; pea
nut cocks , 8c ; roasted , lOc.
UAas Amcricjin A , seamless , 17 ; Unica
Square pnpor , discount X > per cent.
Con-Ens Green Fancy old golden Illo ,
25c ; fancy old peaherry , 23o ; Uio , choice to
fancy , 2lc : Klo , prime , 20o ; Uio , gooa , 10u :
Mocha , ' 20c ; Java , fancy Mandohling , 20u ;
Java , good interior , 24c.
CorrEES Uoastcd Arbuuklo's Anosa ,
S2Kc ; Mclaughlin's XXXX , 22o ; Gorman ,
22c ; Ullwortli , 22o ; Alhroma , 22e.
DitiEt ) FituiTtf Per Ib , apricots , 13@10c.
Anplcs , Salt Lake , 4 > < > c ; stars , 5c , ; Aldens ,
6J < @io. Poaclics , Cal. Y , peeled , 20e ; Salt
Lake , Oc. Prunes , Cal , U C. 8MKc. ( Cur-
raniBtH \ > } 4e. Turkish prunos.4 | 4J < fc. Cit
ron peel , 23c. Lemon pcol , I4c. Dates , Uc. Ual-
Hins , Malaga bunch , dchcsas , $5.00 ] > or box ;
Vuloneias , perlb , 7c : CulG & ri , $2.40 per
box. Dried grapes , 5u. Ulackhorrics , fiJi'c.
Pitted cherries , lOc Pitted plums. 8@Si > fc.
Raspberries , 24c. Nectarines , 12c.
Dry ( rontl'i. '
HATTS Standard , 8c ; Oom. lOc ; Beauty ,
12Ke ; Boone , He : 13 , cased , 10.50.
BI.AXKETS White , $1.00@7.CO ; colored $1.10
CAMMICICS Sinter , So ; Woods , Cc ; Standard -
dard , Gc ; Peacock , 5c.
CAUI-ET WAiir Bibb White , lOo ; Colored ,
22c. i
COMFOUTBHS-fi.l50 < SJ5.00. ! !
CoitsBT JEANS Hoston , 7'o . ; Androscog'
gin , 7 o ; Kearsago , 79fC ? llookport , OJ o ;
Uoncstogu. tij o. * '
Corrox FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls.
LL , unblcaohod , 5jTo } ; CC , fijfo ; SS ,
EEj85 < eGG ; , U54'oXX ; , 10 > < o ; OO ,
NN , W)4'o ) ; AA , 14o ; DU , 15 0 ; TT.
YY , 18o ; HH , lOo : 20' blenched , 8tfo ; ( SO ,
12J o ; 80 , lai o ; 50 brown and slate , Do ; 70 ,
13MoDO ; , lOo. I
CIIABII Slovens' B , K o ( Stevens' A , 7c ;
bleached , So ; Stevens * > P , 7 o ; bleached ,
ajfc ; Stevens' N. 8X < 5' bleached , O o ;
Stevens' SUT , ll c. '
DENIMS AmoskcagVO ot , IC c ; Everett ,
7oz , 13c : York , 7oz , 18c ; < > Haymnker , 8Ko ;
Jaffroy XX , ll&o ; Juilroy'XXX ' , 13K ! Hea
ver Creek AA , 13c ; Heaver Crook HU , He ;
Beaver Crpoh : CO , lOo.i i if
PIIINTS Pink and robes Richmond , OJ/o ;
Allen , 5fc ; Ulver | > oiiiti > 5Xc ; Steel River ,
0/c ; Richmond , Co ; Paclflc , 0c. .
PIIIKTS Indigo Blue St. Leger , 5tfoj
Washington. 0 > ic ; American , 0)fo ) ; Arnold.
OJ o ; Arnold Century , Uo ; Windsor Gold
Tn't ' , lOKc ; Arnold B , lOKo ; Arnold A ,
12o : Arnold Gold Seal , 10) c ; Yellow Seal ,
lJucK West Point. 20 in. 8 oz , O o ; West
Point , 29 In , 10 oz , 12J o ; West Point , 29 in ,
12 oz , 15Ko ; West Point. 40 In , 11 oz , lOo.
FLANNELS Pluld Raftsmen , 20c ; Uoshon ,
8 0 ; Clear LaVe , Du c ; Iron Mo.mtain ,
laANNELS AVhltfl Q II No. 2 , Jf , 82 0 ;
G II No. 1 , Jf , 20Xu ; B H No. 2 , { , 22Kc ;
U II No. 1 , Jf , SOc ; Queechco , No. 1 , j { , 42o ;
Quocheo No. 1 , 5f , & 7V o ; Quooheo No , U , } {
KENTUCKY JKANS .Meinorlal , ICe ; Stand
point , ISc ; Durhutn , 1M ° \ Horculus , ISo ;
Loauilngton , 23 } < c ; QlAuwood , 20c ; Molvlllo ,
25o ; Hung-up. 27 > c.
I'IIINTM Solid colon , Atlantic , Co ; Slater ,
Cc ; Uerlln Oil , 6 0 : Gurnor Oil , C&J7c ,
IJJJINT , D KJ Charter Oak , , ' { Ham-
npo , 4o ; Lodl , B/ot Allen'Oo ; Richmond , Oc ;
Windsor , Ccs Eddystono , OXo ; Pacific ,
Checks. Caledonia X , t'Ko ' ?
Caledonia XX , 104"cj } Economy , Oo ; Otis , i c ;
Granite. O'fc : Crawford checks , 80 ; Haw
River pmlaa , r > } { c.
SHEETINO Hrown. Atlantic- , 4-4 , 7o ;
Atlantic H , 7Jc ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , OJfo ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora. LL , 4-4 , 0 ; Aurora
C. 4-4 , /c : Crown XXX. 4-4 , GJfcl Hooslor
LL , 4-4 , i > * { o\ \ Indian Hcitd , 4-4 , 7c ; Lawrence
renco LL , 4-4 , fijfc ; Old Dominion. 4-4 ,
Pcpporoll R , 4-4 , 0rot Pcppcrcll E , 40-Inch ,
7kfc ; Pcpoorcll , 8-4 , 17o ; Pcpporoll 0 4 , SOc ;
PopperoU. 10-J , 32c ,
Snnr.TiNO , Hi.r.AciiKi ) Elterton ,
Housckeepor , 8W ; Now Candidate ,
HorKoloy cambric , No. GO , Oc ; Best Yet , 4-4 ,
O'fo ; butter cloth , OO , 4 0 ; Cabot. 7K 3i
Fnrwnll , half blenched , 8) ) 40 ; Fruit of Loom ,
82fc ; Greene G , Oo ; Hope , 7c ; King Philip
cambric , lOo ; Lonsdnlo , lOo ; Lonii *
dale , SKc ; Now York mills , lOo ; Peppcroll ,
43 In , lOo ; Popperoll , 45 In , Ho ; Peppcroll ,
0-4 , 14 > { o ; Pcpporcll , 8-4 , 20o ; Pcpporoll. 0-4 ,
Q2o ; Poppcrcll , 10C4o ! Canton , 4-4 , 8fo ;
Canton , 4-4 , U o ; Triumph , Co ; Wamsuttn ,
lie : Valley , 611.
MISCELLANEOUS. Table oil cloth , $2.50 ;
table oil cloth marble. $2,50 ; plain Holland ,
9 > fo ; dado Holland , 12 0.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7 05 International
YY , Sc ; Shotuckot , S , 8H ; Warren , No. 870 ,
lOc ; Uorwiok , BA , ISo : Acme , I3o ; York ,
80 in , 12 0 : York 33 In , l Mo ; Swift River ,
80 ; Thorndlko OO , Stfc ; Thorndlko EF ,
8 > fe ; Thorndlko 120. 9os Thorndlko XX ,
15c ; Cordls No. 6 , li o ; Cordls No. 4 ,
anil Olicinlonlo.
ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , 2J o : citric ,
per Ib , Glc ; oxalic , per Ib. 13c ; tnrtaric , pow
dered , per Ib , 43o ; o.irbolic , 38l o.
ALUM Per Ib. 2J < c.
AMMONIA Carb , per Ib , ll c ,
AnitowitooT Per Ib , lOc.
BALSAM Copabin , per Ib , Goo ; tolu , 62 ®
HoitAX Rellnfcd , per Ib , OJ c ,
CHEAM TAHTAII Pure , perlb , 20c.
EXTII VCT Loawoou Bulk , per Ib ,
EitooT 45c.
GLYCEIIINU Hulk , per Ib , 21 u-
GUM Assnfuutida , per Ib , Ho ; camphor ,
per Ib , 87e ; opium , per Ib , $3.45.
IODINE Rc.sublimatod , per oz , 83.05.
LEAVES Huchu , short , pcrlb , 13cscmm ;
lex , per Ib , 25j3c. ( {
MOKIMIIA Suiph , per oz , 12. S > 0.
MRitucicr 74c.
POTASS Bromide , per Ib , 37c ; Iodine , per
Ib. $2.85.
QUIXIASulph , per Ib , 2SlGo. ( ?
bEii : > s Canary , per Ib. 4MC-
SOAPS Castile , mottled , perlb , 8@10c ; cos-
tllc , white , per Ib , l@luc. ! )
SrniiTS NiTiin Swoct , per Ib , 30o.
STIIYCIINIA Crystals $ l.00il. ( 15.
SULI-II. CIXCIIONA Perez , 5 ( < jl3c.
TATIOCA Per Ib , Oc.
OILS liergamont , $2.33 ; Wintergreen ,
$2.15 ; Malaga , 9oc ; linseed , raw , Ulc ; balled ,
WIIITB LEAP $ ! .50.
CALOMEI. Am. , pnr Ib , $1.
CA.STOII On $ l.:24. :
CUIIEll HF.KIIIC3 ? 1.50.
CAXTlIAItiDES 75c5t$1.65.
CASSIA liuns Per Ib , 17c.
CllLOitoFoiiM Per Ib , 41o.
CoititosivB SEIILIMATK Per Ib , OOc.
Lumber , lilitiu , Ktc.
Dimensions nnd timbers
12 ft. 14 ft. 10 ft. IS ft. 20 ft. 22 ft. 21 ft.
2x4. . . $15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 lO.l'.O 1S.OO 19.00
2xi. ( . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
2x8. . . in.00 15.00 I5.UO 10.00 lli.OO 18.00 19.00
2x1(1. ( . 15.00 15.00 15.00 1(1.00 ( 10.00 18.00 19.00
2x12. . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 IS.IjO 19.00
4x4 k
8x8. 10.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 18.00 19.00
FENCING No. 1 , 4 nnd 0 Inch , 12 ana 14 ft ,
rough , $10.000810.50 ; No.l , 4unrtOinch , 10
feet , $17. ( > 0fM7.f.O ( ; Ko. 2. 4 nnd 0 Inch , 12 and
14 feet , S13.- > ! ! @ 14.00 : No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch , 10
feet , $15.00@IOOC.
FINISHING- and 2d clear , \ \ ( Innh s 2 s ,
$49.00(15LO > ! ; 1st and 2tl clear , lf and 2 inch ,
s 2 s , $ t7.00f 49.00 ; ad clear , Itf Inch , n 2 s ,
S43.00 ( > 4i.00 ; ; 3d clear , 1)4 nnd 2 Inch , s 2 s ,
$37.00i3S.O' ( ! ' ) ; 1st and 2d clear , 1 inch , s 2s ,
$45.00 ; 3d clear , 1 inch , s 2 s , $30.00 ; A select ,
1 inch , B 2 s , $33.00 ; B select , 1 inch , s 2 s ,
STOCK BOAIIDS A 12 in , a ls , 12 , 14 and 10
ft , J48 ; B 12 In , sis , 12 , Is and 10 ft , $41 ; C
12 in , sis , 12. 14 and 10 ft , $30 : D 13 in , sis ,
12 , 14 and 10 ft , $23 ; No 1 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 12
ft , $ ld ; No. 1 com , 12 in , s I u , 14 and 10 ft ,
$17.50@1S.50 ; No 1 com , 12 in , sis , 10 , 18 nnrt
2J UI9.50 ; No 2 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 14 and 10
ft , f 17.
FLOCKING 1st com Gin white pine , $31 ;
2d com 0 in white pine , $31 ; 3d com 0-in white
pine , $20 ; D com G in white pine , ? iO ; com 4
aud (1 ( In yellow nine , $15 ; Star 4 In yellow
ulno , $17 : * st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4 and
U In , $19.
LIME , ETC. Quincy white lime ( best ) , SOc ;
English and German Portland cement , $3.45 ;
Milwaukee and Louisville , $1.3.1 ; Michigan
plaster , $2.25 ; Fort Dougo plaster , $2.10 ;
Blue Rapid plaster , * 1.1K ) ; hair , 20o ; sash , 00
per cent dls. ; doors , lilinds , mnuldintrs , 50
per cent dls. ; tnrretl felt , per cwt. $2.00 ;
straw board , per cwt. $1.00 ;
Pol-nit LDMHEII Clear poplar box bds , %
in , s2s , 83A.OO ; clfiar poplar % m panel ,
$3000 ; clear poplar % In panel , $25.00 ; clear
poplar Yi in panel swck wide , s 2s , $28.00 ;
clear poplar corrugstted colling , JjJ , $30.00.
POSTS White cedar , ( i inch , halves. ISi ;
whlto cednr , fi } inch , halves and 8 inch q'rs ,
lie ; white cedar , 4 inch , round , IGc ; Tennes
see red crdar. split , IGc ; split oalr , ( white ) ,
Sc ; sawed oak , ISc.
SiUNni.EH , LATII , rBit M. XX clear , $3.20 ;
extra * A * , $2.80 ; standard A , $2.00 ; 5 inch.
clear , $1.00131.70 ; 0 Inch , clear , 1.75@1.80 ;
No. 1 , $1.10@1.15 ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , $3.40 ; California redwood , dimen
sion widths , $4. 50 ; cypress , olonr heart , di
mension widths. $3.2i : lath , 2.50.
The New York Metal Market publishes
the following cablegrams dated July 5 ;
London The course of the market was
about the same a.i last week , but the net ro
suit is lower final isolations , nnd tha volume
of business has uot been improved.
Tin Was firm on Monday forenoon nt nn
advance of 2s Cd to 80 10s cash , 90 for
ward ; but closed easier mid reopened the
next day 10s lower , losing an much moro on
late 'Change , which closed nt 88 12s fid
and 89 Cs , cash showliig greatest weakness
as the result of inability to meet prompts
falling duo' The decline continuing on
Wednesday , the cash price got down to 88
2s Od at tha end of the day. forward receiv
ing 15s preference ; but yesterday there was
a alight recovery and. to-day the opening
was 12s fidffiISs higher , which was followed
by an additional gain of 5@10d In Ltie after
noon to closing figures of &j 7s OUjCush ,
8 ! ) 17s Od for three months' prompts , The same fractional lluctimtlon
as last noted has been repeated this week ,
and on for tha moat part exceptionally small
transactions. Monday's market easier ,
dccluItiK 5@103 for the day to 41 for cash
bars and 10 10s forward ; but the former
ruled 5s higher on Tuesday , reacting the fol
lowing day , but recovering yestoiday morn
ing and advancing to 41 7s Od in tlio Into
dealings , when forward brought 40 15s.
Opening quotations to-day were fully 10s
higher , and the day closes firm nt11 15s and
41 5s respectively for cash bars and for
ward prompts.
ANTiMONr Is. In very full demand , nnd as
stocks uro almost bare , quotations have ad
vanced to ( U for Hallett's and are 11 rm at
05 for Cookson'e.
Si'Ei.TEit Has ngained advanced 10s on
the week to 11) for ordinary brands.
LEAD Itumaining1 almost neglected , stands
at 12 7s Gd for soft Spanish.
ENGLISH Pie Iitox Continue * to steadily
harden , gaining fourpcnco halfpenny on
Monday to 38 ltd , and after holding steady
thereat until to-day , closing linn at 3'Jd.
BEaaEMEH Pie Remains firm but no
higher than last quoted ; Wa Od for mixed
STEEL RAILS Firm and steady at an
advance- 4s 15J f. o. b. . for heavy sections.
OLD RAILS Quiet and unchanged at G5s ®
70s for ' ! s , 703@70 D. H. c. i. f. , N. Y.
SCIIAI * Iitos Dull but quite steady at
47s Cd@50fl f . o. b.
slightly improved ; advancing twopence on
Monday to 4Us 8d and a penny moro on Tues
day afternoon , from which there was an
equal reaction late the next day , Prices
hold steady yesterday , and were up to 43s tM
again this forenoon ; whllo later In the day
they wcro firm and got up to 43s lOd at tbo
Makers' quotations for Coltness
nro , along
side , Glasgow , 55s Oil ; Qurtshorrle , along
side , Glasgow , Dls Od ; Summerleo. along
side , Glasgow , 61s Od ; Lanirloan , alongside ,
Glasgow , 53a Od ; Carnbroo , alongside , Glas
gow , 45s Od ; Glengarnock , uloncsldo , Ar-
drossan , 5U Gd ; Eglinton , alongside , Ardros-
8&n,43s9d ; DulracUiugton , aloncalUe , An
drosunn , 45s 8J ( Lighterage , Ardrossanto
Glasgow , Is ton ,
Ltvr.RrooL TIN PLATES Dull and quiet ;
charcoal tin plate * , plate' Molyn grade , 111 *
10Vd@17s Od j oharconl tin > utcs Allaway
Rra'de , 14s Odil4s Od ; chart 1 Tonic plate * ,
Dcnn gnlilo , 14 2Kl ( < 5l3s Od ; charcoal Tcrno
plates , Dean grade , 20a 2Sdorris VKlff2 ( < l Oil ;
coke tin plates , 13. V. grade , 12 <
Provisions . § Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
fiO5 bonlliiaUi Street , Omulig
t ) \J B H EJ ? V Tsiuctl l > y
Cities , Coutitlci , School DistilcUVntcr Com
panies , Kc. We are lu the tuntkct Tor the
purchnse of run ml amount * of such bonds.
CorrcEpon < lcnce solicited.
N. W. HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
115-117 Monroe Straot , CHICAGO.
HO Devonahlrn Rtront , PO81ON ,
T7. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , HEB. . $400.000
Surplus Jnn. 1st , 18S ! ) . 62,000
HENUV W.'ATKS , 1'reildi-nt.
LEWIS S. Him : > , Vice I'rwddcnt.
. \ . K. Tdir/
\V. \ V. MOHSK ,
JOHN 5. CD 1.1,1 N.- > ,
11. C. Uiisittsri ,
W. II. a IMidiiF.s , Cashier.
'Cor. ISthiiiil rnuinin Pt .
A Ucnoral lliuikhu ; llnstnuss Transacted.
- THE -
Chicago , Milwaukee &t. Paul R'y ' ,
Tlio Itcst Route from Omnhn and Council
lllulTs to
Chlcnpo , AND MllwixuUco ,
St. run ) , Minneapolis , Cedar Itaohlg ,
Rock Islimtl , Frcopnrtj Rockford ,
Cllntou , Uabnquc , Davenport ,
Elgin , MiidlsMi , JnncsTlllo ,
Dcloit , AVIuonn , Ln Crossc ,
And all * lh r Important polnti Eut , NortUcuit nn
o .lUleast.
For through tlckatn. rail nn th ticket nstenl t 1MI
K rn ni itreut , In lliirkur llloc'c.or at Unluii I'uolOo
Ipbnt. )
I'nllnmn Slcapcru and tlio finest Ulnlce I'nn In th
worhl re ran on tlio miln line of the Chlciigo , Mil *
waukco It tit. 1'nul ltull r. : i 'l ovcrr ntlaullnn I *
pnlil to pasivDKord by courteous ouiplo70i ct tha
It. Ml l.l.iCIl , Ucnoral MnnftKcr.
J. I1. TUOKItlt. A Ht ritOL-uoral Monitor.
A. V. 11. CAUl'illNTKlt , Ucnernl rastcni'er B
Ticket Accnl.
liKo. K. IIICAKKOUD , AstlJtint Genet alE'uienfir
anil Ticket Avtnt.
T. J , cjIMUK.Ganami guocrlntendent.
Notice Is hereby Blveit tlmt sealed lilds will bo
received by the cleric ot Adams County , Neb
rnsku , nt his ollice Hustings. Nelirusict : , on or
be-fore twelve o'clock 1100:1 of. lulytitn , 1H * , or
th'jpurchase of suvcuty Hvi > bonds of tlio cie-
uuniluiition of one tliouuul : dollar.- , each to bo
Issued bv tduUounty of Ailauis in the St\toof
Nebraska , to bo ditlod July 1st , IH u. aud to bo
imynbloutthe l-'lsnil Agoitcy of the St.tto of
Nobrasltn. City of Nt-w Vorir. Stttte of Now
Vork twenty years lifter the duts thereof rc-
dcoiuablent imjr time onnraflur tun VK.irafroin
tlio ilato then vet at the option of KUld county of
Adams nnd to bear Interest nt the rate of live
per cent \ior unnum puy.-iblo uiinually on the
first diy ot.luly lu each year , for wltlch Intoront
coupons tthnll bo itttacliod payublo nt the lUcal
Bconcy aforesaid. . . ,
Hlghts reserved to reject any and all bids.
lly orderottho Uoard of Supervisors. MuyOtli
188U. I , . II. PAitTiiinaK ,
LSEAL.I County Clnrk.
N A. CASTO , County Attorney. WJldtoJy'J
Boots and Shoos.
Buccesiori to JleaJ , Jonci & Co.
Bolesalc HannfactoreK of B30ts& Sliocs
Agcnti tor Uoiton llubljcr Shoe Co , I1U2 , 1101 nnd 11H
Humor Str cl , Omalia , Nebraska.
_ _ _
Laser Beer Brewers ,
imHorthKliilitcoathttrcet.Oiatha.rfcl > .
MannMnrersofGalYa'iizeil ' Iron CorolcG
Wlnflon'-caps nnd mctnllo ikjlluliU. .lolin Rpenetor ,
proprietor , lit ) unJ Ho bo nth lOtii ntioot.
Office Flxturoo.
Manufacturers of
. IM , Office and Saloon fixtures ,
UnntlcB , Hldolionnli. llonk Canon , Drug Fixture * , Trail
Cn > ug , rurlltlom , Italllnifii , Counters , llcernncl Win *
Coolers , ulrrorn , Ktc' Factory nnd omco , 17SU MidlRl
Huulh tUU Bt. . dunlin. TtjItpUona 1134.
Popgr Boxes.
Proprietor Omalia Paner Box Factory ,
Hoi. MIT add 1319 DouglM itroet. Onmha , NOD.
Sueh ,
tt. A. nisnuow & co. ,
WliolKale maniifacturora of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Moulding
Branch oBce , 12th and lianl street Oinalia. Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Boors , Blinds ,
lnKi , itolr-work nnd Interior bard wood llul h.
N.E.corner 8tli vod l iarcn
Unmua , Nob.
Pomps , Pipes and Engines ,
BtCAm , water , rnllirfir nnd mlQliig lurpllM , 9\ ±
tCO.tMKndWt taninm tiBot. Ouiahn.
Steain and We ? Supplies ,
, Halldr ! wlrd mlllj. C13 nnd ( JO.Iocei Et-Omtha ,
U. V. lion , nctlLK fli nuu r.
JJJZO ] ? 7rmZ A 00 ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
BLcuHron work , itc m | .unip , itw mllli. 1JIS-121I
Lcarvanortti ttttel , Ooitbk ,
Vrouglit and Cast Iron Building Work ,
niiei , bran work , cBnertl foundry , machine ar.d
l > lacK mllu work , umco * DI ! worlu , U , 1' , Uj.
and ! 7tU itrott , Uuialia.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
MauCrsuf .Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaulti , jail work , Iron iliultrn an < ! tire r > CEi > oi.
U , AudraBD , prop'r , CXir , lllb and J ck on 8t .
Omaba Limitci
Agrloiiltuml Implomonto.
Doalerin Agricultural Implements , fcns
Carriages nnd hugglcs. Joncn trootbetweenWlttnd
10th , omnhii , Nclimtkix.
A jrlcnit'l ' Implements , Vazons , Carriages
. etc. Wholesale. OmAha , Nebrntkn.
IVIKL/A" , 01113X110111 ? A J
Wholesale Dcnlcrt In
Agilcnll'l ' implements , Wagons & Msics
Wl , HI ) , Wft mid 1VT Jonci ilrrct , Omnhn.
Mftnutnclurcr * nnd Joutoraln
Wagons , Bneglcs Rakes , Plows , Etc.
Cor. S > tli nnd IMclflc ttrvcti , Omnhn.
Artists' Mlntorlala.
A. IlObPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
151.1 Doimlns ulreet , Omnlm , Xobra < ki\ .
Boots and Shoos.
II * . 1 * . MORSE A CO. ,
Jokers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101.110.1 , UUSDouplnn Mrcot , Umnliix. Mnnufnctorn
Hummer struct , Hoston.
Cool , Coke nncl Llmo.
OMAHA CO lt , , OOKli A LIME CO. ,
' Jotters of Hard eni Soft Coal ,
SOJ South 15th Mr.ct , Umnlm , Nobrnskn.
Shippers of Coal and Gok
211 South irtli M. , Oninhn , Nub.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imporlol nnd American I'cul'unl ' ci-mont , SlnU.
ur MUnmiklo lijtlmu tocame.ilund
Quliii y wimo iiino.
toaler In Baited Lumber ,
Wood carpets nn.I | iiiriiu < t tliiorlnii. I'tli ' and Dousln * .
itici'la , Omnhn , Hvti.
OMAHA LU.MllEll C 67
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
IMIi strict im.l Union I'nclllf ttnckOma'm.
Dealer in Liimlier , Latli , Lime. Sasli ,
Doois , Ktc. VnrdtCorner ttli mid Douglas. Ofllcfe
Corner lllth iiiul Doutflrn.
FRED. W. Git AY.
Lnnilr Lim ? Cemtnl Etc.Etc
, , , . , ,
( Turner tith and Duuxtiu ts. , Omnlm.
r. x. UIETZ.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
loth and California HrvtU.Cimilm , Kohrasha ,
Millinery and Notions.
f. oTiERFELDER & do. ,
Importers & Jolliers in MUinery & Mm
21B , 211) HIU ) 21 i South llth struct.
Wholesale Nations and Finishing Goods ,
1121 llurncjr bticut , Omnha.
Commission andStorag _ _
niDDK 1.L A Rlll > ELL ,
Stor EG and CJinmission
Spodultlcit Hnttrr , OKI. " , clK'eso. | iuiiUr > - ,
1112 llounrd stiL'ot , Oiiinlir , jU. .
_ Dry Goods jind NoUons.
" " '
M E. simT& co. ,
DryGooife , FiiFnisbingGooili and Notions
lUttimd I1UI Douglas , cor. lltli itrcot. Onmlm.Nob.
A rncjf-Kour DRV GOODS co ,
Importers & Jo'Jte 'nDry Goods , Notions.
Cunt's cowl * . Corner Ittli nnd Ilnrnoy
streets , Omttlia , Nu
I1EL1K , 1-JWMPSOX & CO. ,
Impoitcrs : uid Job ! era of
Wcolein and Tailors' '
Wholesale Dc-alcrs In Furniture ,
Fur n urn slioot , Omnlm , Nobraeka.
Furniture ,
Omnliu , Nobruskn.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
7U3.7U7 , W.I Mid 711 8u % h lOtli ht. , Omnlm ; Nob.
Wholesale Grcccrs ,
IStti nnd r.oiivcnworth BtrcrU. Omnha , Kotiriuka.
IK. j. iniOA'i cir ,
He'jYy Wware , Iron ana Steel.
Sprln t. wauiin stock , liarilwara , lumbur , cto. 1209
_ _ _ _ anil 1211 Ilnrnoy street , Omnlm. _ _ _ _
Wholesale Hardware , Gallery , Tin Plat"tf I
Uatali , nheet Iron , ate. A ent > for Hone icaloi. 1
Miami powrtcr nnd Lyraaii bnrtjoil wire ,
Build rs1 Hardware and Scale Repair Shop.
llbcbaulca' toolf and lluffalo icnlei. UW Doagln
trout. Otaaba. Neb.
11. UAllDY&QO
Jobbers of
Toys. Dolts Albums , Fancy Goods
USD { { milKhltui gouil.4 , children's ciirrl
law ruriinin Btreol , Uiualm Neb.
' ' "
coNsoLiiA'fnn TANK'LINE co. ,
Wholesale Re fined and Lubricating Oil
l/ . .t HU.M.UC , cn.t 1 u , / . U. 1.U1 pi > , M
Wholesale Paper Bealers ,
Carry a nlco tocU of iirlntliiK , wrnpnln nnd nrltlni
paper , UpecUl attuntlon vlven to curd paper.