0 THE OMAHA DAILY EE : TUESDAY , JULY 9 , 1889 ; THE DAILY BEE. COTJNOnTBLTTFFS. OFFICE. NO 12 6TIIEET. rellvored by carrier In Any Part of bo City a TTenty Cents 1'trWeok. II. W. TILTON. . . . MANAC1EH. TUIiEI'HONKSl ncFiKFFH Orricr. No. 43. NIOIIT liiUTon , No. 21. MlNOll MENTION. Qlcason coal. N. V.PIumblnR Co. C. U. Muslo Co. , 633 U'wny. ' Keller , tailor , 810 Hroadwny. Evnns' laundry , 724 Uroadway. D. W. Otis , city ontl farm loans. NoU I.urd will have n hoarlnf ? to-dny for Keeping an open saloon on Sunday , on a snnd bar nnar ttin bridge. Ho Insists that ho wns merely treating a few ( rluuds at the time. time.Miss Miss Ailcla Folsom died at 7:00 : yesterday morning at tlio residence ot her uncle , J. 15. 131 alto. at ATOCA , aged 10 years. Ttio funer al will tnko place at 2 o'clock this evening , from the residence of Mr. Spooncr , on Fourth street. The LIndsc.v and Jeffries cases wore con tinued In pollco court .yesterday morning. h. Llndsoy Is serving out a flftcon days' scn- I tenco on a former case , and Jeffries Is out on ball. ball.Samuel Samuel Blackmail has brought suit against ho city to recover diumigcs , resulting from the Upper liroadway tire n few days ago. It Is alleged thut the loss resulted from the lack of water pressure , which rendered the tire department powcrlosa. The damage. amounts to about $100. Cnptnln Phillip Locffold has introduced considerable patriotism into hU cigar mnKlng business. His factory now turns out n bnmd that In called the G. A. It. , and the old soldiers tuku to It llko a duck tu water. It is tnado by mi old soldier , Conirudo Lehman , of the 1 wcnty-clghth Ohio , army corps , and It Is a daisy. Philip hud to call the attention of the veterans to It but once , und noxv noth ing clsolll Illl the bill. Dexter , employment , Wanted A house and lot worth about 12,000 on good residence street. A. A. Clark &Co. Kcltey & Younfccrmnn roll groceries. Chase and Sanbom coffees a spcclaly. Hnvo your old furniture upholstered , Rood ts new. It. Morgan , 7Broadway. : . J. Zoller & Co. have moved to 100 Broadway - way with the largest stock of groceries on Upper Brooilwny. Bodino rooting will last longer nnd give better'nntisfaction than iin.v roofing made ; will not crack , curl or split , nnd makes a perfectly solid joint on the en tire roof. Blrkinbino Engineering and Supply company , 115 Pearl struct , Coun cil Bluffs , In. .Notice tlio * beautiful ilnish given col lars , culls and shifts by Cascade Laun dry company. C. B. Trunk Factory moved to Chapman's old stand. Largest trunk factory in west. Pintles desiring loans on real cstatu from one to live vuars In small aud lanje amounts. A. A. Clark & Co. Council Dluffs Furniture company for good goods at low prices. 407 Uroadway. 1'ernomil Paratrruptn. * Miss Price , who has been the guest of Mrs. S. P. MuConnull for ( several months , bos returned to her homo in Chicago. H. Duckworth aud wife , of Mount Vernon , Ind. , are the guests oi Mr. and Mrs. Wois- B ingcr. Mr. Duckworth will probably locate here. here.Miss ICatlo Moomnw , of Sidnny , Is visiting I relatives in tlils'clty. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tllton , of this city , and Dr. aud Mrs. E. E. Loomls , of Junes- villo , left .vcstordny morning over the Union Pacific for Denver. They will spend n couple of weeks In sightseeing in the Rockies. Have our wagon call for your coiled clothes. Cascade Laundrv Co. City steam laundry , SI Main , tol. 141. Splendid bargains at Marcus' clothing tore before removal to now building. i ? ifP Not Dor.d , nut Still Alive. 1ft 1 I will convince you of the fact by the ft- prices I will liuilto you on ray own make of carriages , buggies , surreys and'phaetons. J also keep In stock eastern manufactured work , which 1 will soil at astonishingly low figures. I have a largo stock , which 1 want to reduce within 'tho next thirty days. If persons desirous of buying will call , I will convince thorn of the fact that wtint I say I mean. Call and convince yourselves. II.'P. Hultctiuuucr , Nos. 17 ! to yi 4th St. , Council Blurts. Steam and hot water heating , first-class plumbing. Work In both cities. JOHN GIL- 618 Pearl street , Council Blurts. Dr. C. C. Huzon , dentist , Opera house blook. Important to Imdlos and Gnntlemon. I have established an extensive dyeing nnd cleaning works In this city and desire to call attention of ladles and gentlemen of Omaha and Council H luffs to the fact that I have furnished my works with the latest Improved machinery known to the trndo , that I have had over sixteen years' expcrlenco , and that I use only the very best dyes and chem icals. I clean and dye everything but fur goods , I call special attention to my new cleaning process by which the garment U not ripped and which restores the original lustre the . Ladles' nnd ' to goods. gentlemen's sum mer garments , such as flannels or silk , made to look as good as now. Dresses , clothing , Bilks , shawls , laces and plumes dyed In su perior manner. Motor faro allowed on all goods brought to works , or wagon will call nt residence. O. A. Schoedsack , Twin City Dye Works , Twenty-sixth nnd Uroadway. Main ofllco 113 South Sixteenth , Omatia. List your property with A. A. Clark & Co. Insure your property with A. A. Clark & Co , _ _ A AVnll Given Way. Work on the now Sapp block wns brought o n suddcq stop yesterday morning , as the west wall of the Pacific house wns oa the verge of tumbling Into the excavation for the foundation of the now building. The bsso- rccnt ot the Sapp block will bo about tire feet below the foundation of the Pacific house , and as BOOH as the excavation was inndo below It the walls began to settle. A half dozen largo cracks appeared in the south > vall of the Paclllutiouse , and several lights of glass wore broken , among ono of the largo windows In the store room on the llrst lloor. Several largo timbers were ul once sot up to brace the settling wall and hold It In post- lion , but It continued to settle during the af- tornoou , and the cracks grew wider. It la very doubtful whether the wall will stand until it can bo torn down. It will bo liniios- rlble to continue work on the Sapp block without removing this wall , and it fins boon decided to ercst a partition wall. This will floluy work ou the Sapp block but a few No Explosion * When persons keep cool and use our "Bun Dial" gas stoves , Four boles , roaster und bakeovon , Costa 7 conta wer hour when running full blast. Now York Plumbing Co , Call on the Blrkinbino Engineering nd Supplv company , 115 I'qiirl street , Council LfluuV , la. , and examine the podino rooting. It will pay you ; earn- ties soul on application. J. G. Tiptor. , real ustuto , C27 NEWS IN THE BLUFF CITY. No Provlolon In the Iowa Law Affaluot Prlsso Fighting' . DISCUSSING THE INDICTMENTS. Tlio tlnll of the I'nulflo House Totters A Prisoner Mnkca n Brcnk Items < ieuoral nail i'orsonnl. Iowa tinw "This briugs a matter to my mind that the public generally does not understand , " re marked Colonel D , B. Dalloy , ox-county prosecuting attorney , as no-stood In front of Tun IJcr. ofilce yesterday afternoon reading the bulletins from the scennof the Sullivan- Kllrala fight. "Do you know that there Is no law against prize fighting In Iowa. Well , such U the case , nnd It can only bo punished aa a misdemeanor. I had occasion to look Into the matter when I was prosecuting at torney , nud I will tell you what I had to do ; "You icmcmbcr the light that took place up on the island about two years ago I They intended to fight on this sldo of the river , ana came over for that purpose. They ImU n steamer , nnd could easily csc.ipo the oftl- curs of the law If nny attempt \va * made to molest t'aom. I ho.ml of the Intended fight nnd made out three sots ot Informations and got out warrants charging them with assault nnd battery , consplrluu to Indulge In riotous conduct and disturbing the pence. Those were the only charges tttat could bo preferred under the statutes , as the offense could not bo construed to como under the head of duelling. The sheriff and I chased tboso follows way above the mouth of the Uoyor river , and they finally made up their ml ml 9 tnat they could not fight on lowusoll , so tliov returned to the island , u little strip of land about 50x100 feet In size , which was located about forty feet from the Ncbraslta shore. Wo could BOO the light going on , and viewed the party through our glosses. "The question of Jurisdiction came up as soon as- the news of the fight was made public. The Nebraska authorities were not disposed to accept the statement that the light took plnco ou Iowa soil , and were preparing - paring to uiako It warm for the participants and spectators , v\hou two sports , ono ol whom was Mr. ( mentioning n well known sporting man of this city ) wont un there onu day with shovels aud dug sovcra ) llttlo ditches across the Island. This allowed the current to cut across It , nnd In n very few days there was no island loft to tell the story , and there was nothing to prove where the flpht took place , except the Interested parties who , by the wav , were not anxious to vuntllato their knowledge. No , sir. prizes fighting in this state Is not a felony , neither Is gambling , and right there wo arc behind Nebraska. The only way to punish prize lighting hero Is to prefer n number ol charges of various misdemeanors , and over then the most severe punishment you can lu- fliot Is for assault and battery , which wil cost the offender $101) and thirty days tu the county jail , If the full limit Is dealt out tc him. If there is n big tight to come off , the only way to prevent It Is to bo on the ground with a sufllcicat force , as the punishment Ube bo inlllctcd would not. servo to deter the am bilious pugilist. " * > Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s loan olllco on furniture , pianos , hor&cs wagons , personal property of all kinds , nnd all other articles of value , without removal. " All business strictly confi dential. S. 13. Wndsworth & Co. loan money , The Opinion of n Good Juror. "Aro you satisfied with the work of the grand jury during the past week ! " askoO Tin : Ben yesterday of ouo of the members o : that august body. "Not by ad d sight , " was the prorap nnd vigorous response. "How can anybodj bo satisfied with it , whether a grand Juror 01 an outside individual. Why , I was so positive tivo Friday noon that the chief of police nnc the mayor would bo IndictoJ that I would have been willing to have wagered every thing I have on earth on that result. I never was so surprised in my Ufa as I was when the vote was taken , and the grand Jury did not indict them. You see , It takes llvo ol the seven votes to Indict , aud we only lacked one. It was the most foolish thing I cvci heard of to indict Otllccr Thomas. I am oj the opinion that AUlcrumn Lncy cannot b < couvlctcd , as tlio evidence introduced before the grand jury wai vary scanty , and much less than a court would demand for convic tion , f "There was far moro ovldonco against Mayor Rohrcr than against Marshal Guan- olln , but the former was allowed to go and an indictment was returned against the lat ter. The chief of pollco should have been Indicted on his own testimony , for ho swore that hu saw gambling going on about the grounds. Aside from this , Ofllcor Thomas testified that the chief instructed him to al low the gamblers to work unmolested , as they hud paid for tnat privilege. "I am at a loss to account for the result. If I aid not know that the mem Dors of the grand Jury were all honorable , upright men 1 would bo tempted to think that a little 'sugar' had been used to good advantage. I do not believe that this means could bo used successfully , hence the only manner In which I can explain the matter at all is that heavy pressure was brought to bear outside. I believe that some very n , rong arguing aud pleading was done outside the Jury room , and that the result is duo to that fact alone lathoi than to the lack of evidence to hull to. With such n plain case against the mayor and hie man Friday I can not help out think that the matter will bo brought to the attention ol another grand Jury. " A Daflli For liberty. Henry Fcldlcr , the young man charged with stealing one of Leo Dennett's shirts on the Fourth , had n hearing before Squire Hendrlcks yesterday morning nnd was founc guilty. Ho was sentenced to thirty days it jail. Deputy Sheriff Fortnan was taking liltr back to Jail , when ho Jumped from tlio buggj and started across Bayltas park on a Ueac run. The officer was compelled to drlvi around , nnd the prisoneor quickly got out o sight. A search was made , but Foldlcr modi good his escape. Tlio .Foulard Fad In London. This is a wonderful year for printoc foulards , says the London Truth , Englishwomen lishwomon would not wear them foi yours aftar French woman hud udoptoc ihoin and truly loved them ; but of late wo islanders have discovered that n < material could possibly bo cooler , while tharo are very low so light and fresh Quito n third of the well-dressed womor in the park appear in foulard , und tin cliio thing is to have the sunshade mudo of the sumo , with the silk pinked out at the edges and over-lapping the points of tlio fi-amo in the form of a nar row frill. It is not a frill , but this effect foct Is produced by the sllic being longoi than the pnrt which is stretched upor tlio frame. Liberty silk sunshades arc made in the saino fashion , and sonic ' times in extremely bright and vlvii carnation and nasturtium tints , A SINGULAR NEGRO CUSTOM. I'laytlitiigH and Mcillolno Uottlci 1'lacoil on the Graves of Cnlldrpn. Says a Washington letter in the Clove' land Loader : Wlillo strolling lust Suii' day a little way gutsluo the city Hmlti near the head ol Eighteenth street I no tlcod two carriages flllod witli colorct people entering an enclosure , I suv that it was a cemeteryand followed , stalwart negro took from ono of the oar1 Hugos a small collln , and , with the core tuony of a short , simple prayer , it wat deposited in the earth. Six or oigh friends of the dead babe stood with tear ful eyes during the fou minutesoccupiot in filling the little grave , then they re on to rod the carriages and drove away Jubt baforo leaving a woman , whom ' Judged to bo the borcuved mother , luii upon the mound two or three infant's tow. * Looking about among the largo num ber of graves of children I observed this practice to bo general. Some were literally covered with playthings. There wore nursing bottlcs.rattlo boxes , tin horses and wagons , "Noah's arks , " sots of dishes , marbles , tops , china cups nnd saucers , .states , picture books , in endless number and variety. Many ol them had apparently lain there for years , articles of n perishable nature having boon almost destroyed by sun and Storm. There were few children's graves which did not have something of this kind upon them. On many of the larger graves vroro pretty cases , statuettes , und other articles suitable to moro adult years , Upon inquiry I was told that this cus tom is almost universal among the col ored people intho , south. The senti ment that prompts it readily suggests itself , but it is not quite so easy to un derstand another feature which I no ticed. Upon fully half the craves , lying or standing , partly buried in the earth , were medicine bottles of all sizes and shapes. Some were nearly full , and all contained more or loss of the medicine , which had no doubt boon used in the effort to ward off the visit of death. Tlio usual number of those on each grave wns from ono to three , but on one I counted eight. The plac ing of these bottles is a singular con ceit , and would seem to border on superstition. Just what they do' , it is not clear. I was impelled by-curiosity to inquire of two or three negroes about it , but they seemed no bettor able to explain it than I was. Ono old woman who was loitering about the cemetery said , in answer to my question : 'I kain't toll ye why , mister , butdoy nllcrs does it. When I was a chile I Hbcd down in ole Virginny. an' wasjcs' do same dar. I d'no , but mobbo ilov t'inks do mcdlcun ! 11 ho'p ' do chil'n artor doy's buried , but I don't see no good in it , nohow. " This was the nearest approach to an opinion that I wns able to get. I was inclined to coincide with it , such as it was. * MOTT STREET'SSHARP CRITICS. Weak Points or the Oblneto Actors Noted by Their Countrymen. The managers of the "Swention Lok Royal Chinese Theatrical company" tire beginning to realize their grave mistake In selecting for their opening night nt the Windsor - ser "Shi Lon Tan Moo , " a sort ol Chinese "Hamlet , " instead of some ol their lighter and livelier piecps , which have been subsequently produced , writes Wong Chin Fee in the N.OW York World. To begin with , "Shi Lon Tan Moo" wns badly played by most pi the act6rs , save Mr. Taka Wing , in Moo Quay Ying daughter of the Tartar king. ) She put in somo' good acting in the ' 'Khu Ts/ing San Tung Lo Mo , ) ] when her father resolutely refused tc lot her husband go back to Nom Chow Choon Yon to see his mother , .Tee Shi. Mo Quay Ying's "Choo Fun KM Low Keen , " just before thnir parting , wns albo admirably dono. The voice of Mr. Moo Sung Jeo , the Chinese Hamlet , \vas very bad to begin with. In addi tion to this his whiskers were too long and too thick , so that his articulation appeared to bo swallowed up. When ho tried hard to toll the "Bion pee shon aim" and his "Gan bon yn yoo , " who came to search the house of his master for Jew Yon , the Kcan Ching , his fran tic efforts could hardly bo dis tinguished by oven the "Bion pee shou shu , " who was only a few paces away from him. But Mr. Moo Sung Jee seems to bo deeply in love whh his long false whiskers. Ho utilized his hands and feet too much to please his audi ence. ence.Mr. . Leo Yeo , > a Chinese dramatic critic on Mott street , said : "Mr. Moo Sung Joe's You Shi Lou is just like Yuh Noos get By ( Fishing on the dry mountain instead of the river. ) Mr. Kwong Wing Chang , a rich old Ohincso merchant , fell in love with Sean Neon Keen Choo's maid , Ya Tow. Ho says the only fault ho found with her was the constant use of her "Ta Whong Clan Tung" ( wide sleeves in stead of her faearlot. handkerchief ) , and her habit of jumping into mid-air and landing upon her back and rolling upon tha floor in horse fashion. Mr. Kwong did not like this at all. The other criticisms are mostly upon the last act , the "Yon Lee long Tay biong Mai Ma , Whey Chow" part. SHIPS ON WHtELS. The OtilRiiccto ainrlno Hallway to Rival Cnptntn EadU Project. Across the narrow neck of land con necting the maritime provinces of Now Bruiibwick and Nova Scotia a work is now boincr constructed which , if a suc cess , will cause Eiffel to look to his laurels is ho expects to establish the claim he has made for his tower us be ing the eighth wonder of the world , writes an Amherst , N. S. , corrospon- of the Now Yovk World. This marvel of modern engineering is the Chignocto and marine or ship railway , a work which in prospectus has been before the people of this coun try for the last flftcon or twenty years. Grit nnd tory have alike hooted and ad vocated the scheme , as they happened to bo in or out of power. Nobody be lieved that the idea would bo success fully carried out , but all scoffers were silenced by the arrival at Araherst in September last of the contractors , Messrs. Dawson , Symmos and Usher. Those gentlemen at once began to push the work in a business-like manner , and will this summer find employment for about five thousand men. Dawson & Co. are well and favorably known in Canada r id the United States as \yealthy and successful contractors , ono of their last operations being the con struction of the Poughkoopslo bridge , The promoter of the scheme is H. G. O. Ketchum , whoso plunk has at last brought its own reward. Mr. Kotchum will very probably bo knighted if his railway proves a success. The little isthmus across which the line ic being constructed from the Bay of Fundy to Northumberland Straits , a distance of so von toe n und one-half miles , is historic ground. Iloro , within a stono's throw , are the old forts of Doausojaur ( now Fort Cumberland ) and Fort Lawrence. Hero , In days gone by , Vergaur , with his regulars and Acud- ians , his habitants ana Indians , strug gled for colonial supremacy with Mono- ton and his bravo Now Englanders , with Lawrence and his British troops. Hero the loyal Now England states gen erously poured out their blood and gold in an effort to add ono moro jewel to the British crown. The contractors are under agreement to complete the work in two years from September , 188S , and also to operate it for one year after its completion. It will be built in the strongest possible manner , enabling it to carry the larg est vessel or steamer , with cargo. Tlio car or ship cradle will run on four lines of steal rails , each rail weighing about one hundred and ton pounds. No wood \vlll bo used : all bridge * and culverts are to bo built ot hewn stone. At either terminus there will bo two largo docks , an outer ono , 600 foot long by 800 foot wide , forming a receiving basin , pnrt an Inner dock , 250 feet long by 800cot wide. These docks will be faced wJ'Ji howu.fitouo-und have n water depth qt , blxty feet. The inner basin will bo Utted with an adjustable platform , opfiriitod by hydraulic pres sure , for tho.5i\UFposo of raising nnd lowering vossolstln transit. A ship or Btcamor _ making the over land passngcnt'U. first floated into the inner bnsin , ilnaMho , platform support ing the car oru'tihlp cradle sunk to the required dopt.li , , The ship is then lion ted until sha rests securely on the cradle. HydWMhc pressure Is then ap plied , and the platform raised until the rails on whlcuBUip cradle rests are on a ' plane with thosoi'of the main llno.whon a powerful engine is coupled on nnd away "sails" the ship past Boausojaur and Cumberland , ovcrsvramps and bogs , through forests of spruce and pine , until after Balling over some seventeen miles of dry land she is launched into the waters of the Bay of Fundy or the Gulf of St. Lawrence , as the case may bo. Vessels taking advantage of this shortcut will eave some hundreds of miles of dangerous passage around the rock-bound coast of Nova Scotia. Es pecially will it bo a boon to the Glou cester ilshormcn bound to the Labrador const , the Bay Chalour , or other points north nnd cast. Mr. Kotchum has some millions of English capital at his back , and the line will certainly bo built and operated - orated always provided Mr. Fryo and Mr. Buttorworth don't scoop the whole business , Canada is young , but she is coming , and she will have the llrst practical marine railway in the world. SPECIAL NOTICES. TfTiOll 8AJjl ! ly up-low n cigar storo. at : H2 JL' llrouaway. Is tor tale cheap. Will soil ttock nnd tlxturus or fixtures alono. Itoasona foritelllng. Ha vo two stores and rnn't attend to Imt one. Splendid business chnnco for small capital. Inquireor FranK Levin , W IlronJrrpy. UXCllANdU-fl-ncro tract , of land for good residence house and lot down town centrally located The : i-acro truct Is nltilily Improved nnd lies within throe blocks of the electric motor Hue , Kcrr it. Gray. FOtt BALK 120 acres of land In nnd adjoin- IUR L.iku Mutiaua In Cor 40-aern tracts to suit purchasers. Thin Istliu best bathing beach on tiio InVo. Ueo. MetciUf , 10 I'ourl St. , Council lllutla , la. F IN i : family team for sale ortratlo for lot. Inquire 1.K2 West Uroadway. TfOIl HUNT- Store room. No. 18 Mam St. , JE ntlcr July 1. W. C. .Tamos. 10 Pearl at. ' 17UNE family team for sale , or trade fort -t ? lot. Inquire utg West Broadway. _ TCTOU ItKNT IMrnlehcd ( for two or thrso -L. months ) , the house 1 occupy. No. 12i go. 7th st. H. C. Cheynoy. _ WANTED MO nieces oe second-ban 1 carpet. also all Rood socond-nand furniture. A. J. Mundel. Noa. ! U3 and .t5 ! Uroadway. _ FOR KXCIIANUK Several good farms to ox clmtiRo for Council lllu.rs lots. Johnston & Van ration , Eerelt blori. RHAL KSTATB Nought and sola and ex changed. Special attention Riven to exam ination of titles. "W. O. Jnmos , No. 1U Pearl st. . Council lllu ffj. _ " F "Oil KENT Basy term * two now lire-room lionses , lilth avu. botwaen lliRn nud Third sta. Sell cheap IMtnkon this week. Inquire owner. J. Dlcteey. 710 II. Way. _ " " 1)"K 8ALB Old CMnbllsr.etl general mer chandise business , giocc , nxturas , wagons , etc. Good room aud low reut. Address , J. Dickey , 710 H. Way , _ \y\7ANTK l > Everybody in the city to rcmem- T V bor Mnndel's bargain furniture store is the place to buy your goods , tf and 325 llroad- wny. The Most Modern Novolltls In PAPEff&ANGlNGS. AND Artistic Decorations ! AT PETER C , MILLER'S. ' Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl St. LOANS INSURANCE , REAL ESTATE , RENTS HOUSES. Agent American Building and Loan Assocla- lon. No. ! Pearl St. , UI'-bTAIUS. OH AS. O , EL.\VOOD. J. D. EDMUND801. E. It. BlUTCUIlT , I'ros. Vlco I'red CIJAH. H. HAKKAN. Cashier , CITIZEN'S STATE BANKer or council. DI.HFKS. Paid Up Capital 160.000.00. BurplUH Ui.OUO.00. Liability to Depositors. . ! E5OUO.OO. ! DuiucTOKS-l. A. Mftler. V. O. ( llcason , K. L. ShURnrt , E.E. Hart , J. D. Edmundson , Clias. U. Hnnimn. Transact general banking business. Laruest capital and surplus ol any bank In southwestern Iowa. Interest on tlino deposits Tnos. OFFICER. T7. IT. M. PUJB OFFICER & BANKERS. Corner Mlln'and Broadway , COUNCILBLUFFS ) , , IOWA. Dealers in foreign end domestic exchange. Collections made uud'Wttrast paid on time de posits. ' ' J. M ; ± ALMEB HAS TIU. CHOICEST LOT Ol' . SUBURBAN & INTERIOR PROPERTY lu the city. Ull 'dgfed opportunltluH to 1 mme dluto Invep r and liomeseoterj. A MI . ' ill * MBTOALP , llBAIiESTATL' , No. 1O Pearl St No. 27 Main Street , JowclryStorc * Dry Goods Do Not Improve by Keping , For this reason the proprietors of Eiseman's Peoples Store are determined to close out tlieir entire summer Stock regardless of cost , before removing to tlieir new store. Ever article in our house will be sold from this date until the day we move at cost , and in some lines at less than cost. We do not deem it necessary to quote prices for this sale , as cost and less than cost are the prices on everything. Come and take advan tage of our offer. Henry Eiseman & Co.'s PEOPLES' STORE , la As&tSWeVelerinarian Councl INFIRMARY T.J.CADYtD.V.S. HospltalforUme SIcK ANIMALS. . msiitcflSaenJilicPrtnapfes. inanfflftrfairejl Bluffs FroSpaiico ? Deportment , No.131 Broadway. COUNCIL'BLUFFS SOLE AGENTS COLUMBUS BUGGY 00 , HOTEL REFITTED AN1 > Is , Ccniiectecl by Motor with COUNCIL BLUFFS Located on Lakp Manawa , the finest Watering Place and Summo Resort in the west , Beautiful Banting and Fishing. Unparalelled Bathing Beach. DAV I Spooidl Rates to Pnrtloa and Famllloa. Oor- rCi < | _ rospondoncB Solloltod. _ i ot S. Mam Council ; t CHATTIU UCUHlTlCt - I W V t T HATE ON JIJJM. ESTAT E " " 'Tilu\A\l\-CiA I1'Ci 1S "Bfatiw > u \ \ \ - ) SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 LIGHTING , HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE E.G. HARRIS , Agent , Bond fur catalogue. No. CIO Pour ! Street , Council Bluffs. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES. OMAHA. TUAlNS. Wcolwarcl. Running uotwean Council Ulutf * and A\ > uriRlit. In addition to tlio autlons mptitloned , trains stop at Twentieth and 'L'-.vonty-fourtH Ettcuti , uud nt ilio aunimlt in omalm. Oiimha Houtij Al- wny. fer. depot , aiicoly. Omaha brlcht. A.M. A. M. A. if. A.M. A. M. . M. ( > ; I5 0llO ; 8OJ ; 0:10 : fl17 ; 6:110 : OM 0:31 : 0:40 : 8:17 : 7:00 7:07 7:2U : 7J4 : ! 7:12 7W BGa : 7:45 : 7:51 : Pitt fi2- ; , f.M B : ' ! . ' , 8:42 : tiM : BM5 0:01 : VJr : iuoa : 0:15 : 10:05 : 10:12 : low , 10:34 : 10Mb llrt : ( 11:12 11:25 : 11:3) : ll:4'i : UTrt I'.M. I'.M. KM. I'.M. 11 JI 1' . JI. 12:05 : 12:12 : Ji:2i ! : 12 Mr. 13 : M 1:12 1:2.1 : 1:45 : 1:52 : 2:12 : 2:42 2:55 : 3.00 2M 2:52 : 3:01 : ni2 3'Ji : 850 4:10 : 4-.UJ 4'i ) U'M 4:50 : 4:57 fi:10 : : r > 2 I'M 5:12 : 6 : tlino OiOT ) < ila : 0:25 : 0:3J : O 7:0.1 : 7:12 7:25 : 7no : 7M5 Hilj HSi ; 8:30 : H4 ; 0:2.1 : 0iO : ! DUO 10 : 10:30 : 11:03 : 11:07 : ur lltfOI 11:51 12:01 12:05 : Iv 11:41 : f : HB3 ; 12:05 : 12:35 : .M'JJIS. i 12ntt\vnrd. 01UOAOO NUKTIHVK8THIIN. No.O , .0:40 : uni No. 7. , :27 : am No.B ptn No.it 1 7(15 ( am No. 4 ( ' : fin No.O. . , . . U'U Pl3 All Trains Dally. CHIOAUO , JIILWAUKKH & BT , PAlJLr A No. 2 OiOamlA No. 1. , 7iWnm A No. 4 , U:4UpmA : | No. 3 5:15 : pm KANBAH C1TV , HI'.JOSBl'U to COUNCIL 11LU1' I'D , A No. S. , ] 0OOnmA | No. 3 n:20am A No. 4 bittpml A No. 1 OiJUpra BJOUX CUTA ; l-ACIHC. A No , 1U 7OfiamA : | No. U , , ,3:65am : A No ! ! . ' , . .7.0JpniA | No.ll , . , OiMpra ) OMAHA Ic BT. LOUIU. A No. 8,7 4:35 : pmlA No. 7 f.nsOO ra A dally. II ( tally except Saturday ; p except Sunday ; u cxcwpi ilouUujr ; luat mall ,