Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Norvoua and Hlghor , But
Traders Boarlshly Dlsposod.
Corn Inactive AVItli Prices From
Stcniljr to Firm Onto Nearly
Stationary Cattle nnd
Hogg Active.
CHICAGO , July 8. [ Special Tclepram to
TUB DRB. ] Wheat was nervous ixnd higher
to-dny. The trailing crowd was bcarlshly
disposed most of the day nna several times
Iho market Rot utartcd down , but the declin
ing tendency wbs often checked , and the
market eventually tnodo a substantial gain
nnd held its ground near the top. The situa
tion IB not favorable -lower price * Just at
the inomcnt. The Northwestern crowd is In
n critical and precarious condition. The re-
cclptn of new wheat nt the primary winter
wheat points nro disappointingly small , and
the visible supply continues to decrease at u
rapid rate. It was reduced 13,500.000 bushels
laat week and Is now 14,000,000 bushels ,
of which probably 2,000,000 bushels cannot
properly bo classed as belonging to the mer
chantable grades. Already reduced to mer
ger llmlts.'tho visible supply promises to de
crease for the remainder of the month , and
It would not occasion surprise to BCQ It KO
down to 10,000,000 butbcls. Then the for
eign markets uro looking up , and oven "lat
est cables" confirms the news previously tel
egraphed of "hardening" values. The crop
outlook the world over no longer supports
the theory that there is going to bo over an
average yield. On the contrary the testimony
is getting convincing that It will be under
the average. Tlicso nro the things that ills-
courngo short selling and encournpu the de
velopment of confidence In higher prices.
December wheat opened ut fiOc , Just where
It loft olT Saturday last. It advanced to & 06c\ \
cold back fractionally and then advanced to
BO c. This gain was made whllo the vliiblp
Bupply figures were coming In. When
the result was announced , milking the do-
crcnso greater than had been generally
expected , the market broke to SOkfQSO c.
tut subsequent proceedings proved the back
movement , was made In order to get u better
atari , for the course of values during the
lent hour was upward. The advance was
marked by growing excitement and heavy
trading. Late cables were strong and moro
active among the largo local traders , who
wore energetically on the long side , The
mul'kot was unqualifiedly strong. From 60
to 80 0 , December wheat pulled up a trillo
nnd then moved quickly to 80c. After a
pause It Jumped to Sl e , slid back to &OK@
bio and then climbed to 81c. There wus a
big light nnd very heavy trading above Sic
and a prodigious effort wus made to break
the market. The close was Bl c , or l ) c
nbovo Saturday. July opened at
83c , ranged to 83@S3x < 3 , and closed
at 88 > e , which was % c better than Satur
day. There was hardly n trade In July the
last hour , the attention being largely concen
trated on December. There wa * consider-
nblo trading in September , however , with
limits of TS QTOKu. Tliero was more or less
activity for the cush wheat market hero and
elsewhere. The stuff Is going into consump
tion rapidly. In Now York July wheat ad
vanced sharply early , and hold tno Improve
ment. Every where cash wheat was quotably -
bly higher , oven lir St. Louis , . Iho hot bed of
the bcarlshncss. In this murkct an nct'vo '
Inquiry for red winter wheat was noted , and
negotiations are in progress Involving good
sized lines.
The corn market was inactive , but in the
fnco of the very favorable weather for the
growing crop and the continued liberal re
ceipts , prices were from steady to.ilrm. The
principal cause of the firmness js to bo found
in the oxcollcutconsumptivo demand at homo
and abroad , which slowly but surely
lessens the available stocks. The
fluctuations were narrow , with very llttlo
appearance of outsiders being heavily Inter
ested. The Now York market wus quoted
dull. The export clearances on Saturday
wcro only moderate , and buying for export
to-day was said to bo slack. Prices closed
fractionally higher than on Saturday , near
Ijy deliveries being rather flrmcr than the
moro deferred , and cash corn was bringing
about. } o premium over seller for the month.
Outs were nearly stationary , with specula
tive transactions small ut about previous
figures. There wus a lack of outside -trading
orders , and the tone was one of easiness.
The Increase in the visible supply of some
437,000 bushels was largo , taking into consid
eration the fact th'aVwo are now at the end
of the old crop , with n lurno yield promised
at the coming harvest. There were buyers
of July at 2-&c , but a shade above wan asked
early , with September easy at 22t2c.
The receipts of old oats wcro largo , but. so
wus the out inspection , * with 220,800 bushels
taken from store for shipment. Car lots sold
fairly well at 22 0 for No. 3.
In provisions the week opened without any
promise of improvement. The weak tone
witnessed lately was continued , and in the
way of trading there was no increase of life.
Operators of all classes were conservative
to-.diiy , and for cash and future delivery the
business transacted uiudo quits a poor show
Ing. The fluctuations were also contined tc
a small rungo , and nt the adjournment price :
showed out llttlo change from Suturduy'i
closing. ' Short ribs rested unchanged to 3 > (
bolter , lard 9j5o higher , and pork fron
SHe lower to - ! > > o higher.
CHICAGO , July 6. [ Special Telegram to
Tun BEIS. | CATTLE. The eastern market !
were reported active and 5@10o higher
Sellers hero noting that the arrivals hen
wcro only about0500 natives and 1500 Tozuns
mndo a strong effort to effect at least a cor
responding advance , but tbo buyers wore
afraid If they showed any disposition t (
onoruto freely the salesman would put price ;
above Instructions , hence they moyoc
cautiously and with apparent indifference ,
nnd while paying ponslbly a shade strongoi
figures for somotblni ; huudy and dosirublo ir
the shipping steer brunch , refused to subml
to any improvements | u values for hcuvj
fat herds und the ordinary
run of native . - > ; ecrs. On the con
trary , as the day passed , the dcmam
f 6r any thing usldo from Texas light cattli
end butcher stutl became so druggy tha
sellers wcro finally forced to grant con
cessions of C@10c and oven then all tin
heavy cuttlo were not disposed of. The lim
ited supply of natlvo butchering and canning
grade * , as well as Texans , forced the citj
butchers and canners to pay fully Do eve :
lust Saturday's market. As usual , on Man
day , the stacker and feeder trade was In i
lifeless condition , and the volume of bus !
ness decidedly limited. Choice beeves
M.00@4.25 ; medium to good steers
10 ! ! to 1500 Ibs , f3.65(24.10 ; 120
to 1350 Ibs , f3.7f ) 4.lK ) ; 050 to 1200 Ibs
J > i.-10@y.bO : stockers and feeders , (2.10 ( < $3.15
rows , bulls and mixed , fl.75@3.25 ; bulk
'j2.ii5Gl2.80 ; slop-fed steers , 1.00(34.50 (
Texas cattle firm , quality poor , steers. $2.7
Q3.45 ; cowBt2.00@2.60.
Hoas Activity nnd strength were the fen
turcs of to-day's ' hog trude. The mar lie
ncd und ruled throughout a shade bin he
heavy und 5o bolter on light than on Sat
U relay last , closing strong at an advance
Shippers , packers and speculators were liberal
oral operators and light weights in nurtlcula
met with a moro healthy demand than fo
nearly a week past. In a general way , ordl
nary packing grades told around C4.35 , whtl
prime shaped up heavy , ana butchers roadll ,
c&mmundcd M.i7 ( > ( < 4.40i mixed hogs sold a
B range of l.a5@4.47)i : . principally at 84.1
for desirable droves. Sorts of light hog
brought 14.50 for 211) ) Ibs down. H.63 fo
Yorkers selected so as to average about IS
Ibs , uud (4.00 for fancy slngo ( election.
NEW YotiK , July 8. [ Special Tolograi
to Tar. UEB.I STOCKS There was com
Improvement in the feeling In stock circle
over Sunday if current talk can bo taken a
an index. There wai a rumor of a bull po <
working St. I'aul , Northwestern and othc
western stock. The assurances of tbo en
of the ruto troubles were dlscuned , an
there was really a local bull sentiment b <
ere business WHS resumed , This oil van-
ihcd very quickly when trading began.
The drat figures UirouRhout the entire list
ivoro lower , declines extending from J { to J
icr cent. Selling order * wore sent from
London end Chicago. These set the tone of
ho early market , and prices further declined
Imost uniformly the flrst hour , nnd the
esses extended ! < IK per cent Grangers
ivcro weak all around , with the most activ
ity In St Paul and the ercatcst weakness In
Atchlson , Ilock Island nnd St. Paul At 11
'clock ' the net losses were : Atehlson , I at
5 Uurllngton , % at 07f Northwestern ,
\i \ at 103 ; Hock Island , J < nt 93 ; St. Paul , IK
t < XlJ { ? Missouri Pacific , f at OSJf ; Union
'aclllc , l$4 at 67f ; Lackawanna nnd Head-
est * { to 26 from Saturday. Lake Shore
roppcd 1 > { to lOO f , and regained J { . Now
Jnglnnd wont down % to 49 , and Northern
aclflo preferred 1 per cent to C3 > f- Chicago
5as lost } { , Cottton Oil , * { ; Sugar Trusts ,
< ; Lead Trusts , K- There was not a gain
nywhero to redeem the list. After the
morning hour tticro was a period of dullness
In stocks , followed later oy still further dc-
llncs , when Atchlson touched SOJ j North
western , 104 , ' { ; St. Paul , COV , nnd Union
Paoltlc , 50H. Still later there wcro moro
authentic advices about the probable settle
ment of the rate troubles west of Chicago ,
nd reaction took pltu o through the entire
1st. Grangers rallied nearly 1 per cent ,
lurlltiRton nnd lloclc Island closing about as
> ii Saturday , while Atchlson was * { lower
it 3T # , Northwestern , } { ; St. Paul , K , and
Union Pacific , IK oft ut , 57K- There were
o marked changes In trusts at the close.
The total sales for the day wore 289,100
hares , Including Union Pacific , 1,000 , ; St.
? uul , 50,000.
The following were the clculnc ; quotations :
J. 8.4s regular. . J2S Northern Pacific.7i !
U.S. 4s coupon * . , . . doproferreil. . . . . . < I3
U. S.4KsreKUli r. . . 0. AN. W . 10.-.J4
U. 8.4',4s ' coupons. . ( loprerorrcil , . 137
I'actncCsor "tfj . 118 N.Y.Ucntral . T.U
Central 1'aclflc . ! ! I'.DA-B. . . , . ! Jl lVi
Chicago A : Alton. . . . 121 Hocklsland . ! * . {
ChlCRito , llurllngton a , M. JcStl > . fiTU
doproferi-eil . 100
. . . . . . . . Stl'aul&Umnha. . 3'JJj
lliiiola Central . Ill tlopretcrred . K !
I. , II. & W . , . . . . fi tTnlon 1'aclflo . 6754
Kansas at Toxus..lom \V..St. L. & ! ' . - . . 1" > ! 4
' .nke Shore . JOltf do preform ! . . ! M ! <
llchlgan Central. . 87 Western Union.- , . . iiSJi
illesourll'ttcltlc. . . . GSS
MONGV Easy at 2@3K Per cent.
PitiMis MBUCANTILU PAPUII ! } < } t1J P ° r
: cnt.
STRIIMXO EXCHANGE Dull but stcadp ;
Ixty-day bills , M.SO ; demand , 4.8 %
CHICAGO , July 8. 1:16 : p. m. close Wheat
itroug and higher ; cash , & % c ; September ,
9&c ; ; Decmber , 81c.
Corn Steady ; cash , 85 c ; August ,
5Xe ; September , 35Xc.
Oats Easier ; cash , 22t c ; August 23 fc ;
September , ! ! 2X .
Hyo-Cash. 42 ? o.
Prime Timothy $1.43.
Flax Nominal , $1.30.
Whisky ? 1.02.
13arloy Nothing doing.
Pork Steady ; cash , $11.40 ; Aucust ,
$11.50 ; September , Sll.fiO.
La'rd Steady ; cash , $ i,30 ( ; August. $3.85 ®
0.37 ; September. $0.45.
Flour Firm , nnd dealers holding for
ilghor prices , advances over Saturday of
I5u being asked for curtain grades In some
: asos ; winter wheat , $3.00 ( < i4.7r ! > ; spring
wheat , $ U0@5.75 ! : rye , $2..r > 0 ( < g2.70.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , S5.23S5.37K ;
short clear , ? < U2K@0-2o ; short ribs , 55.SO ®
85.Uuttor Quiet and dull ) creamery , 12Q
> c ; dairy , 10@14o.
Clieose In light demand ; full cream cheddars -
dars , Huts and Yuung Americas , 7 (28c ( ;
Eggs Wonlc ; fresh , ll@12c.
Hides Steady ; heavy and light green
salted , 5@5)4C ) ; light green salted 5) ) o ;
salted bull , 4 o ; dry salted , 7e ; dry calf ,
7@8o ; deacons , 2.3o' each ; slunks , Ulc.
Tallow Easy ; ; No. 1 , solid packed , 3J c ;
No. 2 , Ujtfo ; cake , -Ic. -
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour . 12,000 12.000
Wheat . 5,000 52,000
Corn . 313,000 442,000
Oats . , . 158.000 300.000
Now York. July 6. Wheat 'Receipts
18,600 bu. ; exports , none ; spot quiet , 9 @lo
higher , firm ; No. 2 , red , 8 < KC < $ S7.JSc in
store ; SOU "float ; 88 > ( < S9.c t. o. b. ; JNo.
3 red , S0) c ; No. 1 red , O'JJi'c ®
81.005 ungraded rod , 82Jic@Jl.00 ; op
tions Blow ; July , Jtfc higher on'
expected light deliveries of now crop ,
closing strong , No. 2 red July closing 87 < c.
Corn Receipts , 193.BOO ; exports , 04,000 ;
spot active and Arm ; No. 2 , 42i.ff < 42) c m olc-
vator , 426@4U > cufloat ; No. 2 white , 4So bid ;
ungraded mixed , 434'43 } c ; options firm ,
quiet ; July closing , 42JKc.
Oats Receipts , 1B,500 ! ; exports. 5,500 ;
spot dull , weaker ; options moderately active ,
lower , weaker , August closing 28'ic ; spot
No , 2 , white , 83 } o ; mixed western , 3fJ@30c ;
No. 3 Chicago. ! iUc.
CoJtco Outiona opened steady , 5@10 points
down ; closed steady , 10@15 points up ; sains ,
40,7. " > 0 bags ; July , $1U.45@13.50 ; August ,
$13.45@13.05 : September. Siy.53@13.80 ; spot
Hio. dull ; fair cargooH $10.00.
Petroleum Steady ; quiet ; United closed
ntnijfo for August.
EgKs Good demand , flrmcr ; western
prime , 13 ! 14 fc.
Pork Quiet ; now , 513.00@13.25.
Lurd Easier , quiet ; western steam , S0.70 ;
August , S0.87 bid ; September closing , fO.SO ®'J.Butter
Butter Moderate demand , woak'westcrn ;
dairy , 10@13J o ; western creamery , 12@17c.
Cheese Dull , easy ; western , OJf@7c.
Ijlvcrpool , July 8. W bent Firm ; de
mand poor ; holders offer moderately.
Corn Firm ; demand poor.
St. UoiilB , July 8. Wheat Higher ;
cash , 77 > fo ; July. no.
Corn C.ish , 3io ; August , 32' Q32 o.
Pork Dull : $12.00.
Lard Nominal ; M.'io.
Whisky Steady ; fl.02.
IJutter Quiet ; creamery , 14@10o ; dairy ,
MinnoapolU , July 8. Wheat Sample ,
dull and u trifle higher ; receipts , for two
days , 270 cars ; shipments , 80 cars. Closing :
No. 1 hard , July , $1.00 ; on track , $1.07 ; No.
1 northern , July , fl.OJK ; September ,
on track , ( l.KiK@l.KiJf ( ( ; No. 2 northern ,
July , Ode ; on track , U2@'J7c. '
Milwaukee , July 8. Wheat Firm ;
cash , nfo ; September. 78kfc.
Corn-Firm ; No. 3 , Me.
Oats Firm ; No. 3 white , 23o.
Uyo Quiet ; No. 1 , 48J i > .
Barley Easy ; No. 2 , Suptcmber , 5So.
Provisions Easy ; pork , J11.37K.
Clnolnnntl , July 0. Wheat Lower ;
No. red , SOo.
( "kirn Scarce ; No. 3 mixed , SSKc.
Oats-Firm ; "No. 3 mixed , 25 > i5Kc.
Knnsng City , July 8. Wheat Weaker :
No. 2 rod , July , Oljfo ; August , 03 > c bid ;
No. 9 red , cash , 53Kobld ; No. 2 soft , cash ,
07o ; July sales at 05o.
Corn Stronger : No , 3 , cash nnd No. 2
mixed , 72cbid ; will to , cash , 32o bid.
Oats No. 2 , cash , lOo asued ; August , 17c
CUIonuo , July 8. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 13,000 ; steady and
fairly active. Oboico beeves , $4,004.25 ;
steers , KUO@4.10 : itockcra and feeders ,
$2.10 ( 3.15 : cows , bulls and mixed , I1.7BG ;
3.25 ; Texas cattle , I'i
HORS Receipts , 18,500 ; strong ; mixed ,
$ .25 4.45 ; heavy , $ .20@4.45 ; light , $1.30(2 (
4.60Bklpa ; , .03 ( < Ho5 ,
Sheep Receipts , 4,003 ; market strong ;
natives , $3.7.V. .tK ) : wckterns , $3.40(34.00 ( ;
Texuns. H.50Q4.-JO ; lambs , tl.75@5.W ,
Tuo Drovers' Journal's special cablegram
from London quotes American cattle ir
largo supply. Demand 'weak but price :
better than last week. Best steers , I2) c
estimated dead weight.
National titoolc VarilH , 12i\it St.
Louis , July 6. Cattle Receipts , 2,500
bhlpmouU , . 4,000 ; market strong ; choict
hauvy natlvo stwrt. . t3.6031.20 ; fair to
good , { 3.10 ( 4,00 ; stackers and feed
er , t3.00@3.10 ; rangftrs. cora-fed , ? 2.76@
3.CO ; grass-fed , 51.0003.10.
llogs ReceipU , 2UOO ; shipments , 0,000
market strong ; choice heavy and butchers
selections , M.SOQUO ; packing , $4.20@4.,33-
light grades , fl.RO@l.45.
Sioux City , July 8. Cattle Receipt *
300 ; shipments , 40 ; market steady ; fu
steer * , S3.00(33.SO ( ; atockers $2.15M3.00
ri,35 < ii-W [ canners and bulls
5e@l.2t ! veal calves. $3.00(43.00.
Hogs Receipts , 040 ; light and mixed ,
heavy , $4.20.
Knusns CUjr July 8. Cattle Hocolpts ,
0,400 ; shipments , 3,000 ; good to cholco corn
ed , $3.75@3.00.
. Monday , July 8 ,
The receipts to-day consisted largely of
ulcer ? mid whllo n fair amount of trading
ras done the Inclination of buyers was to
owcr prices. Handy beeves suitable for kill-
ng sold fairly steady , whllo heavier grades
shaded downward nbout 5c. Butchers' cat-
vas in light supply and sold steadily. One
bunch of fine heavy steers told at $3.75J < nnd
iomo good corn-fed cows at $3.15.
There was nearly nn nverago number of
togs hero and the market opened strong at
Saturday's closing prices. Later the trade
weakened nnd buyers attempted to lower
irlccs about , 5 cents. Salesmen refused to
sell nt the decline nnd the receipts were fin
ally taken at about morning prices.
There wcro none hero to make n market.
Mtlo. 1,700
logs. . 3,700
Prevailing Price' * .
The following U at-iblu of prleoi paU In
his market for the gralei of stook men-
Ion cd :
Prime steers. 1300 to 1600 Ibs. .83.75
Good steers , 1250 to 14 ! > 0 Ibs. . . 8.03 ( H'3.SO
Good steers , 1050 to 1303 Ib3. . . 3.40 @ 3.70
Common dinners 1.25 ( < 2.00
Jrdlnnry to fulr cows 1.75
fair to good cows 2.3U
joodto cholco cows 2.40
} holco to fancy cows , heifers. . 2.70
< \ilrto coed bulls 1.75
Jooil to cholco bulls , " . - ' ' 2.50
jlght stockora and feeders. . . . 2.70 § 3.00
3ood feedora , 050 to 1100 Ibs. . 3.00 3.15
\ilrto cholco light hoes 4.10 OJ4.20
rnlr to cholco 'heavy hogs. ; . . . . 4.10 ( 24.15
Pairto choice mixed hogs 4.10 ( < Z4.15
Shorn sheep . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 W4.00
Uoprcsuntatlvo S.ilcs.
Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
. 541 § 3 GO 17 cf W..1310 $3 70
'i .1027 3 45 18 1110 3 70
1 .1110 3 50 53 1357 3 70
21 U 50 109 , .11159 3 70
50 ! l03 3 50 4'J .1103 3 70
41 .1113 3 55 03. .1335 275
10 .1200 3 CO 3. .150 8 75
3- .1245 3 00 23. .12'JO 3 75
30 23.J.
0 .1255 CO J. .1413 3 75
.1305 3 00 30. .13(13 ( 3 75
' 3 05 12. .12 JO 3 75
.12U4 3 ( > 5 74. .134S 3 75
.1405 ' 3 05 7(1. ( .13SO 3 77K
55 cf w..131)0 ) 3 05 53. .1388 877K
54 cf w. 1204 3 ( ! 5 35. .1537 387 *
37. .1210 70
7 031 155 2 005 275
040 2 00 .1200 2 75
933 2 15 .1100 2 85
20 , 2 15 .1220 3 00
8 957 2 25 .1193 8 00
1 llbO 2 25 .1830 3 00
5 , 1120 2 30 .1310 3 15
3 7U3 2 40 .1230 3 15
2 , 605 3 50 .1230 3 15
2 005 3 CO 20. . . COS 3 00
3 1200 1 CO ' 1. . .1070 2 25
1 13GO 1 CO 1. . .1SSO 2 50
1 1800 3 00 3. . .1840 2 55
1 1600 2 00 1. . .1870 2 85
1 250 2 00 11 . 219 225
. S70 3 00
.2150 2 75
No. Av. Shit. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
20 . , .2i5 ICO 54 05 C9..237 200 J4 12f
0. . . .350 . . 4 05. 63. . .201 120 4 " " "
15. . .250 - . . 4 05 53. . . .304 100 4 13J ?
7. . , .2-10 80 4 10 C7. . . .250 40 4 12K
03. . , .278 60 4 10 01. . . .233 r'o 4 12K
cs. . .214 ICO 4 10 53. . . .29J 240 4 12 >
03. . .250 200 4 10 01. . . .235 80 4
15. . .230 4 10 70. . . .237. 80 4 SS
81. . .274 80 4 10 07 . , .205 80
C3. . .2.35 80 4 10 05. . . .250 SO
25. . .270 . . 4 10 78. , . .235 80 4 15
03. . , .231 40 4 10 G3. . . .2U3
J3. . , .257 . 4 10 73. . . .2115 40
' ' , .209 80 4 10 58. . . .200 80 4 15
5S' . , .2-17 ICO 4 10 71. , 2"0 100 15
03. . , .250 240 4 12l Oi. , . .239 100 15
C7. . , .2(54 ( 40 4 C9. , 4.242 100 15
72. . , .234 100 4 75. . t.234 40 15
64. . . .227 80 4 53. , . .220 15
CO. . . .283 200 4 (53. ( , . .235 80 15
C3. . . .251 200 4 89. , . .109 80 4 15
01. . . .255 4 50. . .239 80 ' 4 15
55. . . .202 ICO 59 . .299 4 1.7
57. . . .2CO 40 OS. . . ' . ' 40 40 4 15
59. . . .297 60 70. . .189 40 4 15
175. ' SCO 00. . .240 200 4 15
185 , ! .248 240 4'12 > CO. . .211 80 4 15
58. . . .251 100 . .213
07. , . .245 200 4 Viyt 77 ! .193 . . 4 20
Stock Notes.
Cuttle weak , lower.
E. D. Gould , of Fullerton , marketed top
Heavy cattle 5c lower , light and medium
grades weak.
Inspector Howard condemned three lumpy
Jawed steers to-day. This makes three con
demned so far this month.
W. L. Wills , a prominent dealer at Mad
ison , was In looking after n car of hogs.
B. J. Firnoy , of Ansloy. was In with three
loads of cattle , and two of lie a.
George Boctol , of Millard , brought in a car
of cattle.
C. D. Reynolds , of the firm of Reynolds ,
Davin & Co. , of Lincoln , was hero looking
over the markets.
John Hartlo came up from Auburn with
four cars of cattle , ana one of lings.
Produce , FrttltP , Etc.
BUTTER Table dairy , 14@15o ; packers'
stock , S@9c. Creamery Prints , fancy , 10
@lSc ; cholecl4@15o ; solid packed , 10@14c.
Eoos Strictly fresh , lOMlla
CUEESR Young Americas , full cream ,
He ; factory'twins.yjtfo ; oft grades ( J@7o ; Van
Rcssom Edom , $11.50 per doz ; sap sago , 19o ;
brick Il@l2c ; limburger , 7@3c ; domestic
Swiss , 14o ; cheese safes , bronze medal ,
No. 8 , $2.85.
PouLTitr Llvo hens , per dozen , $3.50 ®
$4.00 ; mixed , $3.25@3.50 ; spring , $2.00@2.50 ;
turkeys , 7Gi'So ' per Ib ; ducks , $3.00a2.50 ( ;
goose , $3.00 ® 1.00 ; llvo pigeons , Sl.OO.
OIUNOES San Gabriel , $3.75(24.03 ( ; fancy
Duiirlo Mediterranean sweets , $1.2504.50 ;
Uoal , 10.00. *
LEMONS Choice , $1.5035.00 ; fancy , f5.75@
PEACHES Per % bu box. 75cil,25. ( ?
Arrus : Pcr } bu box , 85@75c.
CiiEiutics Per 21 quart case , $3.00 ; per 10
quart drawer , ? 1K ( ) .
Br.ACKDEiiiUEs 1'er 21 quart case , f2.00@
3.50.BLACIC RASl'UEititiES Per 21 quart case ,
KF.D RAsruciiiiiBS Per SI pint case , f 1.75
@ 3.00 ,
GoosEiiEKitiES Per bu. stand , I3.0U ; 8i
quart case , $3.00 ,
CUHIIANTS per case 24 nts , 12.50(33.00. (
BLUEIIEUHIES Per bu , $5.00@5.50.
WATEIIHKLONS 15.00@20.00 per 100.
CANTELOUJ-S Per doz , tl.50@'J.OO.
PINB AiM'LKs Per doz. , J3.00@3.50.
BANANAS According to size , per bunch ,
COCOANUTS Per 100 , $5.00.
Fitnsu Fisii-Whlte flsh , per Ib , 7@8 > < o ;
trout , per ib , Oo ; white perph , perTb , 7c ;
bulfalo , per Ib , 7c ; pickerel , per Ib , Gc ; black
buss , per Ib , lie.
BEANS Cholco hand picked navy , $1,75 ;
cholco hand picked medium. $1.05 ; cholco
hand picked country , $1.CO ; clean country ,
EAKLV VcaETim.Eg Potatoes , C0@80a
per bu ; onions , California , per Ib , 2o ;
southern , per bbl , $3.00 ; cabbage ,
per crate , $3.50 ; turnips , per bu box , 50ij7Qo ( ;
beats , per box , 75 < Xg$1.00 wax beans , pur bu
box , 41.50 ; string bouns , per bu box , $3.00 ;
green peas , per bu box , 11.00 ; tomatoes pot
bu box , $1,25 : nsparagus , per dozen bob ,
c4$1.00 ; oaullllower , $3.00i C-RJJ plant , $ l.7
, 25o per doz | cucumbers ,
soup bunches , 80o ; lettritM 25o ; radishes ,
20o ; green onions , l5Q30o. ; How carrots. 2005
ila plant , per Ib , He.
APPLE BuTinit Oc.
Cmun-Bbls , $3.00 ; lit bbl , $3.00 ,
MAPLE SUOAH 12)iao"fier Ib.
POTATOES Choice , sackedpor bu , 25f30ct ( ?
Colorado , 46@45.
VRAL Cholco , medlnm-aizo , 5SOo ( ; cholco
heavy , 4@3c : spring latnbsat30.UO@30.00 pc ,
dozen. "
HONUT 14@15o per Ib-for choice.
PnESEnvr.s 9X@10o per n > .
Jni.LiF.s fl } $ < 34cper 111. ' ' " '
IlAT-2.B3@5.5ii. . . . . .
CHOP FBF.i > ? ;
TAI.LOW No. 1 , 4 < 54J c ; No. 3 ,
GitEAsr. A , 4c ; ycllo\vtn o ; brown ,
Pitovisioss Hams , No. 1 , lV-lb ( nvornco ,
lOo ; 20 to 23 Ibs , lO c ; 12 to 14 Ibs , 12o ; No.
2 , 0 > < o ; specials , 12J < c ; BhnuUlcr.t. 7o ; break-
Cast bacon , No. 1 , llo ; specials , 12c ; picnic ,
75fc : ham snusupo , 10fc ; dried beef hams ,
Oc ; boot tontnics , $0 per dozen ; dry salt
meats 5XOJf o ] > cr Ib.
SAUBAOB Bologna , 4@4J < o ; Frankfurt ,
, ; tongue , Oc ; summor.isi c ; headcheese ,
PoHK-Fnmlly , backs , per bbl. $13.00 ; tf-
bhls , W 75 ; mess , bbls , 812.50 ; Jbbls J , $0.25 ;
pig porn , bbls , $17.50 } Jf-bbU. S'J.OO. '
BF.KF TONOUKS Salt * bbls. $20.00.
Oii.s-Kurosono-P W , OKo ; W W , 12c ;
headlight , 18c ; salad oil , $3.16@9.00 per
PICKLES Medium , per bbl , $1.60 ; small ,
$5.50 ; gherkina , $3.00 ; C & B chow-chow ,
qts. $5.110 ; nts.$3.40.
WHAPPINO PAPEII Straw , per Ib , IJfCJ !
! } tfu : rng , 2J o ; manllln , B , Co ; No. 1 , Oc.
SALT Dairy , 14l)8-lb pkgs , $2.70 ; do 100
3-lb pltgs , $2.GU ; do GO 5-lb pkgs , $2,50 ; do 23
10-pUgs , $2.40 ; Ashton , bu bags , 00-lb , S5o ;
do 4-bu bags , 23Mb. $3.40 ; do M S A , 60-lb
bags , 65o ; per bbl , $1.25.
- ,
SAI.SIUU t < @ 2'f o per Ib.
STAUCH r x < &ie per Ib.
STOVE Poi.isit ? 2.00ii5.S7 per gross.
SPICKSVholc , per Ib Allspice , 12c ; Cas-
slti China , lOc ; cloves , Zanzibar , 20c ; nut-
mccs , No. 1 , 75c ; pepper , lOu.
S'UOAKS Qrnnulitted , OJ o ; confectioners
, 0 < c ; standard extra C , , ( ( { ! % ! : yellow
powdered , 10 } < c < 411o ; cut loaf ,
cubes , lOJ lUJfc ; crcuin extra C ,
TKAS Gunpowder , 20@Gc ( ) ; Japan,20tOc ;
' . Hyson , 2Sfil5'Jo" ; Oolong , 23 .300.
VIXEOAU Pur gal , l 'iI2ic. (
CANNED FISH LSrool "trout , 3 .Ib , $2.40 ;
salmon trout , 2 Ib , $3.3.3 ; clams , ! Ib , $1.25 ;
clams , 2 Ib , $2.00 ; clam chuwdor. 3 Ib , $2.25 ;
devilled crabs. 1 Ib , $3.23 ; devilled crabs. 3
Ib , $3.50 ; uodtl.ih balls , 2 Ib , $1.75 ; caviar , Jrf
b , $3.2.3 ; eels , 1 Ib , S3.25 ; lobsters. 1 lb2.0J ;
ousters , 1 Ib , $1.1)0 ) ; lobsters , deviled , } tf Ib ,
$2.25 ; mackerel , 1 Ib. $1.00 ; mackerel , mus-
turd sauce , 3 Ib , $ ' ) . ' , K ) ; mackerel , tomato
BIUICO , 3 Ib , $2.90 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 85o ; oysters ,
2 Ib , $1,50 ; salmon , C. H. , 1 Ib , ? MO ; salmon ,
C. U. , 2 Ib , $3.10 ; salmon , Alaska. 1 Ib , 81.85 :
salmon , Alaska. 2 Ib , $ J.UO ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
CuoconTr ; AN ! ) COCOA-21@39o per Ib ;
crrnaii chickory. reJ. 8c.
GiNdKit Jamaica , } f pints , $3.00 per doz.
FAUINACBOUS Gooi > s Barley. 2X@3 ! o ;
farina , 4J < u ; peas , 3c ; oatmeal , 2 (350 ( ; mac
aroni , lie ; vermicelli , lie ; rice , 4 @ 7o ;
sago and tapioca , OQQc.
FISH Salt Dried ; cdtlfish. CjrfGPc ;
scaled herring , 2Sc per' box ; hoi herring ,
dom. 50c ; Hamburg spiced herring , C'l.lXJ ;
hoi. herring , 70c < < ? 31.10 ; mackcrol , half bbls.
No. 1 , S15.50 ; lariro fatinlv. $13.50 per 100
Ibs ; whitclish , No. 1. iC,50family \ , S3.03 ;
trout , S5.00 : salmon , $3.51) ) : anchovies , be.
Lvu * 1.73jt4.50. (
NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; Brazil ? , 9c ; fil
berts , 12c ; pecans , 1'Jc ; waluuls , 12c ; peii-
iiwt cocks , Su ; roasted , lOc.
BAGS American A.soainlcss , 17 ; Union
Squuro papar , discouiit-So.per cent.
COITCES Oreen Fancy old golden Rio ,
25c ; fiinuy old peaborry , 23c ; Rio , choice to
fancy , 21c : Rio , pritno2Jo ; Rio , good , lllu :
Mocha , 29c ; Java , fancy Maudchlitig , 23o ;
Java , good interior , 2tu. '
COFFERS Roasted 'Arhiiuklo's Anosa ,
22c ; McLaughlin's XXXX , 22o ; Gorman ,
22c ; ullwortti , 22c ; Aliiroma , 22c.
DRIED FuyiTS Per lli , itpricots , 13@10c.
Anplcs , Salt , Lake , 4 > . , 'c ; stars , 5Xci Aldens ,
5 ; < @Sc. Peiicnes , Cal. Y , peeled , 20o ; Salt
LaUc , Oc. Pruucs , Cul , R C. 809 > 4'c. Cur-
rania,4 % < flQc. Turkish prunes iff Kc. Cit
ron peel , 23u. Lemon Dccl , 14c. Dates , Oc. Rai
sins , Malaga bunch , dchesns , $5.00 pm1 box ;
Valencias , pcrlb , 7c ; CulG& ri , $240 per
box. Dried grapes , 5c. Blackberries , nj/c.
Pitted cherries , ICc Pitted plums , SS9J c.
Raspberries , 24a. Nectarines , I2c.
Dry Gootls.
BATTS Standard. Sc. ; Gem. lOc ; Beauty ,
12 } < ; c ; Boone , ! ' : B , cased , ffi.50.
liLANKCxa White , 81.00@7.50 ; colored $1.10
CAMIIHICS Slater , 5e ; Woods , 5o ; Stan
dard , 5c ; Pcncock , 5c.
CAUPETVAUP Bibb White , 19c ; Colored ,
22c.COMFOIITEHS $ G.OO(7r15.00. (
CoitscT JCASS Boston , 7J/O ; Androscog-
gin , 7c ; ICcursagc , 7fo ; Rookport , OJ c ;
Conestoga , OJ c.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis.
LL , unbleached , 5) ) o ; CO ,
EE , Sjrc ; GO. 0fe ; XX , lOtfe ; OO , 11K ;
N.Wh'c ; AA , Hu ; DD , 15 < < ? c ; Tl\
YY , 13e ; BB , lOc ; 20 bleached , S } c ; 00 ,
12 > , < c ; 80 , 18Kc ; 50 brown and slate , Oo ; 70 ,
JHASII Stevens' B , 5 ! cStevens' : A , 7c ;
bleached , So ; Stevens' P , 7c ; bleached ,
8Ko ; Stevens' N. S c ; bleached , Oltffj ;
Stevens' ' SUT.llHc.
UUXIMS AmosKcag , 9 oz , lOV e ; Everett ,
7oz , ISe : York , 7 oz , 13c ; bKc ;
Jaltroy XX , ll } < c ; Jaftroy XXX. 12Ke ; Hea
ver Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek LSB , llo ;
Beaver Crrcir. CC , lOc.
PitisJTS Pink nnd robes Richmond , ( ij-fo ;
Allan , Gc ; Rivcrpolht , 6 } ii ; Steel River ,
O c ; Richmond , Ce ; Pacific , 0 > c.
PitlN'TS Indigo Blue St. Lcgcr , fiJifc ;
Washington , O' ' ' c ; American , OJ c ; Arnold.
O o ; Arnold 'Century , Oc ; Windsor Gold
'JU't , 10) < fc ; Arnold B , 10 > 'c ; Arnold A ,
12o ; Arnold Gold Seal , lOJ c ; Yellow Seal ,
lO c.
DUCK West Point , 20 in. 8 oz. OVe ; West
Point , 20 In , 10 oz , 12kef West Point , 20 in ,
12 oz , 15Ke ; West Point , 40 in , 11 oz , Itic.
FLANXO.S Plaid Raftsmen. L'Oc ; Goshen ,
Clear Lake , 8C ) < fo ; Iron Mountain ,
2 ! f\l.
KENTCCKV JiiANs Memorial , 15c ; Stand
point , 18c ; Durhuui , 27 c ; Hercules , 18a ;
Leamington , 22Ke ; Glenwoocl , ! ; OcMelvilIo ; ,
25o'v Bang-up , 27 e.
PitiNTS Solid colors , Atlantic , Oo ; Slater ,
Oc ; Berlin Oil , 0 > c ; Gt.rnor Oil , 0@7c.
PitiNTS. DIIESS Charter Oak , 5 } c ; Ram-
ape , 4o ; Lpdl , 5 > c ; Allen Oo ; Richmond , Oc ;
Windsor , OJe ; Eddystoue , O o ; Paclllc ,
SMIIITIXO Checks. Caledonia X , OK ° !
Caledonia XX , 10J cuEco'noiny ; , Oc ; Otis , Oo ;
Granlto , OJSfc : Crawford 'checks , 80 ; Haw
River plaids , r > Xc. '
SIICUTINO Brown. Atlantic A , 4-1 , 7c ;
Atlantio H , 7Jc ; Atlantic U , 4-4 , G ) c ; At
lantic P. 4-1 , Oc ; Aurora ; LL , 4-4 , 0 ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , l c : Crown XXX , 4-4 , O e ; Hoosier
LL , 4-4 , 6o ; Indian , Ilead , 4-4 , 7a ; Law
rence LL , 4-4. fMo ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5c ;
Pepporell H , 4-1 , 0/ci Pq'pporoll E , 40-Inch ,
7Jfc ; Popporell , 8-1 , 17o ; ; Pcpporoll 0 4 , 20o ;
Pepperoli. 10-1 , 22c. ' ,
SiiuETixo , BLEACiiui ) Ellorton ,
Housekeeper , 8 ! < f ; Now Candidate ,
BerKeley cambric , No. CO. Oo ; Best Yet , 4-4 ,
OVo ; butter cloth , OO4K , ° i Cabot.
Farwnll , lialf bleached ; tyto ; Fruit of Loom ,
8Jfo ; Grcono G , Oo ; IIopp , 7 c ; King Philip
cambric , lOa ; Lonsdalo , cambric , lOu ; Lous-
dale , 8Hc ; New York mills , lOo ; Pepporell ,
42in , lOo ; Poppcroll , 40'ln ' , Ho ; Pcpporoll ,
0-4 , 14J o ; Pepporell , 8-4 , 20o ; Pcpporoll. 0-4 ,
22c ; Poppercll , 10-4 , 24o : Canton , 4-4 , 8 0 ;
Canton. 4-4 , O c ; Triumph , Co ; Wamsutta ,
lie : Valley , 611.
MISCELLANEOUS , Table oil cloth , $2.50 ;
table oil cloth inarblo. V2.50 ; plain Holland ,
OKo ; dado Holland , 12 > fc.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7 Wo ; International
YY , 8c ; Shetuckot , S. 6Ko ; Warren , No. 870 ,
lOo ; Berwick. BA , 18o : Acme , 13o ; York ,
30 In , 12 o : York 1 in , 13 > < e ; Swift River ,
80 ; Thorndlko OO. 8Ko ; Thorndlko EF ,
8Ho ; Thorndlko 120 , 0 > $ c ; Thorndlko XX ,
15o ; Cordl * No. B , OKoi Cordls No , 4 , 10o ;
OrtiKB nnd Cliamionla.
Acin Sulphuric , per carboy , 2 ; o ; citric ,
per Ib , 51o ; oxalic , per Ib , We ; tartanc , pow-
dorcd , . per Ib , 4 So ; carbolic.
ALUM Per Ib , 2 > o ,
AMMONIA Curb , per Ib ,
AiiKowiiooi Per ID , lOc.
BALBAu-Copubla , per Ib , 05o ; tolu ,
> 5o.
BoitAX Ueflncd , per Ib ,
CHIHM TAUTAII Puro. pcrlb , SOo.
Eiioor I5o , .
QUM AitAtitO 69Q93C ,
aiAcr.mxn Hulk , pcrlb,3t ) c.
Qt'M Assafmtidn , per Ib , lie ; camphor ,
per Ib , 87c ; opium , per Ib , 53.45.
loDiNP. liosublimnted , per oz , 3.05.
LEAVES lluchu , short , pcrlb , 13c ! senna
lex , pep Ib , 23jlMc. (
MoiintiA Sulpb , per oz , W.60.
POTASS llrouildo , per Ib , 87c ; iodine , per
Ib , ? 2.ST .
Quj.NiA-Sulph , per Ib , lS10c. !
fannns Canary , per Ib. 4Kc.
BoAi-a Castllo , mottled , porlb , 8Q10o ; cas-
tllo , white , per Ib , 18@15c.
Sri HITS NiTitE Sweet , per Ib , UOc.
STitYciiMU Crystals , $1.00 ( $1.15.
Sui.i'11. CINCHONA Per oz , CO13c.
TAHOCA Per Ib , Oc ,
OILS UerRamont. $2.85' , WlnterRreon ,
$3.15 ; Malaga , 05o ; linseed , raw , Glo ; boiled ,
WHITE LnAB ffl.50.
CALOMr.iAm , , pnrlb , tl.
CASTOII On$1.2l. .
Cunnn UEnuiKs $1.50.
CANTUAU1UE9 75i5iS1.05. ;
CASSIA Hu s-Per Ib , 17c.
Couuosivu SBIIMMATE Per Ib , OOo.
BLOCK TIN Eng. rctv , small pig , 2Sc ;
bar , 29.
COITHU Planished boiler sUcs , SOo ; cold ,
rolled , SCo ; sheathing , 2oc ; pltts , 2Co ; flats ,
QAt.vAsincD Siiucr Iitox--Junlatu , dis
count , 00 per cent.
PATI-.XT PL\Nisiinn IUON No. 34 to 27. A
quality , per Ib , 10J < fo : No. 24 to 27. IJ tiunllty ,
U' < c. For less i lmn butulla add K per Ib.
SIIBBT IKON No. 20 , W.-10 : No. 'Jr , f3.50.
Sot.nnitIIoyt Metal Co. ' * half-and-half ,
In 1-lb case1 * , per Ib. lOo ; commercial half-
utul-luiir , I5o ; No , 1 in bars , Mo.
TIN PLATH ( Uest Charcoal ) 1C , 10-14.
225 shoots , S1.50 ; IX , 10x14 , liWsheets , fS.2T :
1C , 1'Jxl'J , liJS sheets. W.80 ; IX , 12sIB , 223
sheets , es.2o ; 1C. 14x20. 112 sheets. S-O.fH ) ; IX ,
14x20 , 113 sheets. $3.33 ; IXX , 14x20 , 112
sheets , S10.00 ; IXXX. 14x20 , 112 sheets
$11.75 ; 1C , 2x23 , 112 sheets , J13.50 ; 2x'JS ,
112 sheets , Slf.OJ ; ' IXX. 2x23 , 112 sheets
COKE 1C , 10x11 , 22R sheets , fO.OO ; 1C.
14x20 , 112 sheets , SO.OO ; 1C , 10x20 , 223
sheets. S-UDO.
itoorixa (13cst ( Charcoal ) 20x23 , $ 'J.7SQ
107(3. (
STiiui. NAiLS lJaso , 52.15 ; etcol wire nulls ,
base , &J.GO.
LIAD : Pig , 4o ; bar , 4J c.
HA'.III AVntu PainteO , $3.25 ; galvanized ,
Ijuinbor , Ijlnio , I tc.
Dimensions and timbers
W ft. 14 ft. 1U ft. IB ft. 20 ft. 23 ft. 24 ft.
2x4.$15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 1U.OO
JxO. . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 13.00 10.00
2x8. . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
2x10. . 15.03 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 IS.tX ) 1'J.UO '
2x13. . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 10.00
4x48x3. . 10.00 10.00 10.00 17.CO 17.00 1S.OO 10.00
FRXCIXO No. 1 , 4 imd 0 inch , 12 unit 14 ft ,
rough , ? 10.00o ( > 10.50 ; No. 1 , 4 uml 0 inch , 10
feet , Sl7.00ftl7..1U ( ; No. 2. 4 nnd 0 inch. IB nnd
14 feet , ? ii.5 : @ 14.00 ; No. 8 , 4 and 0 inch , 1C
feet , S15.00@10.OC.
FixisiitXH-lst and 2d clear , \y. inch s 2 s ,
MO.OO&ni Oa ; 1st and 2J clcnr , IK nnd 2 inch.
s2s , 547.0CGi40.00 ; M clear , H.f inch , s 2 s ,
S43.00@ 10.00 ; 3d clear , 1J nnd'U inch , s 2 s ,
S3.OOi 3S.O ( ) ; 1st and 2d clear , 1 inch , s 2s ,
S45.00 ; 9d clear , 1 inch , s 2 s , $ : iO.O ( ) ; A select.
1 Inch , s 2s , $ 3.00 ; U select , 1 ineh. s 2 s ,
STOCK Brunns A 12 in. sis , 12 , 14 and 10
ft , Mil ; H 12 In , sis , 12 , Is nnit 10 ft. 541 ; U
13 in , s 1 s , 13. 14 and 10 ft , $30 : U12 in. s 1 s ,
12 , 14 uud 10 ft. S2t ; ; No 1 com , 12 in , a 1 s , 12
ft , Slti : No. 1 com. 13 in , s 1 s , 14 and 10 ft ,
< 17.50@1S.50 ; No 1 com , 13 in , K 1 s , 10 , 18 and
2J ft , * 1'J.5U ; No 2 com , 12 in , s 1 s. 14 and 1C
ft , S17.
FI.OOHINO 1st com 0 In white pine , $3 ! ;
2d com 0 in white pine , 31 ; 3d com 0-in white
plno , ? 2J ( ; D com 0 in white pine , $20 ; com 4
and 0 in yellow nine , $15 ; istar 4 in yellow
pine , S17:1st and " \ clear yellow pine , 4 nnu
0 in , $19.
LIMB , ETC. Qulncy white lime ( best ) , 60c ;
English nnd German Portland cement , $3.45 :
Milwaukee und Louisville , 1.31 ; Michigan
piaster , 82.23 ; Fort Uoupo plaster , JJ.10 ;
Blue Hapld plaster , 81.00 ; hair , 20c ; sash , 00
pur cent dis. ; doors , blinds , mouldincs , 0
per cent dis. ; tarred felt , nor cwt , $2.00 ;
straw board , per cwt , Sl.CO ;
POPLAII Lf.MiiF.n Clear poplar box bds , %
in , s2s , $35.00 ; clear poplur % m panel ,
$30 00 ; clear poplar % in panel , S23.00 ; clear
poplar > 4 In panel stock wide , 9 2 P , ? 23.03 ;
clear poplar corrugated ceiling , % , 30.0d.
POSTS White cedar , 0 inch , halves. 12c ;
white cedar , f > ) ff inch , halves nnd 8 inch q'rs ,
lie ; white cedar , 4 inch , round , lOc ; Tennessee -
see rod codar. split , lOo ; split oatf , ( white ) .
Sc ; sawed oalr , ISc.
StiiNoi.ER , LATH , PEK M. XX clear , S3i2 ( ) ;
extra * A * , Si.SO ; standard A , $2.00 ; 5 inch ,
clear , Sl.GOrt2t.70 ; 0 inch , clear , ? 1.7.-1.SO ;
No. 1 , ? 1.10@1.I5 ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , S3.40 ; California redwood , dimen
sion widths , $4.50 ; cypress , clnar heart , di
mension widths. $3,25 ; lath , 2.50.
rrovisions i
Basement First National Bank ,
5O5 suulliijtli : Sli-ocl , Omiilic :
Cnpltiil 6400.000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1S89 6iOJO ! ,
MlVf , Y.vtrjt , I'rejltljnt. : (
1.KW1HH. JlKCO , ViCO ri-CSldCtlt.
J. N. H. P.tTIUCIC ,
W. II. S. Huour.s , Cashier.
Ctr. ll'thcuJ I'artiain S-t .
A General limiting UuBlnrss Transacted.
BffHfFff3l ( I fT B I B RW'CV
NOB. 303-404-170-604.
D1VOUOE8-A. oooniuoil , ATTOII NEV-AT
LAW , 121 Dearborn tit. , ClilQago : ndvicofreei
SI year * ' experience ; busluesj 'juitly and U-
eally transacted.
$225 to $325.
These lots are only i bloclcs trow Omiitia
s , terms } .W ctuli , aud I.M nch .I
i uura'tl ° ttwti
Van Beuren Heights
Harlem Lane ,
lx > ta Sijci : , I27S eacu ; li ) cmh Rntl K per
mouth t only 6 blocks to motor railv , y.
, 1 llh Slroelf.
An Attempt to IJo aintlo tt > Cnrry the
N w Htntps.
NEW YonK , July 8. [ Special Tclornra to
Tnc UED. ] The World says U can bo stated
on unquestioned authority thnt the demo
cratic national comuilttoo docs not intend to
lot the election m the four new northwest
states go by default , The democratic na
tional committee has decided to make n
vigorous fight In all four of the now states.
All the factions of the party nro united on
thnt point. The election comes oft In Octo
ber. Colonel Urlco believes that two of the
tiow states Montana and Washington can
bo landed In the democratic camp. When
the democratic national committee mot last
month , the campaign In the northwest was
discussed Informally. Blnca then Colonel
JLirico has been In communication
with the leading members of the committee.
For obvious reasons Iho democrat * do not
propose to use any brass band In the con
test. Tno battle will assume moro the char
acter of a still hunt on their sWo. The dem
ocrats will have trusted representatives In
each of the states , nnd every inch of ground
will bo contested. A special agent of the
committee will go to Montana BOIUO tlmo
this month and tnlto charge of the prelimi
nary survey of the field , llo will also go to
Washington and through the two Dakotas.
About the 1st of September n special repre
sentative of the national committee will bo
sent to each state nnd roinnin until the elec
tion has been dccitlcd. The only difference
of opinion thnt Is said to exist among the
members of the democratic committee is as
to whether they shall make the light In all
four state ? , or concentrate their oltorts to
carrying Montana and Washington.
H Has Sent a Telegram From the
Other World.
Nr.\v YOUK , July 8. | Special Telegram
0 Tun HEI : . ] Wus General Grant a spirit
ualist is the question whloli a cerUln fold of
spiritualists in this city have mailo conspicu
ous In the last few woolcs through tha me-
liutn of a publication called the Celestial
City. The editor of the uapor Is Titus Mor-
rltt. "I hove seen the general many times , "
10 said Inst night , "at seances at the homes
of Henry , f. Newton nnd Mrs. Wells in this
city. That was in 1SS4. Ho was accotn-
mnlcd ou these occasions by his pastor ,
ho Rev. Dr. J. II. Newman , who had
lot then been iniulu bishop , and by
1 prominent ofilcial associated with Thomas
\ . Edison in his electric light company.
Jntli Gunoral Grant and Dr. Newman wore
leuply liitcrcstcil In the spiritualistic pho-
lomcnn. All spiritualists know that Is the
case , though Grant's pastor did not say any
thing about It In public. "
Mr. Mcrrltt went on to say thnt General
Grant , since hm death , had suggested tlio
title Celestial City. The suggestion had
come direct from the general through the
ncdlum of an occult telegraph instrument at
8-1 William street , operated by the spirit of
i. P. 13. Morse himself. In an envelope was
'ound n slip of paper containing ti question
o the spirit of the general asking what
would bo the best tltlo for such u newspaper ,
mil an answer was clicked oft by the key ,
'Celestial City. " .
The VlRll'c ) Supnly.
Cnin.uio , July S. The visible supp'y for
ho week ending July 0 , as oomplloJ oy
hcsccrotary of the Chicago board of tralo ,
s as follows :
Bushels. -
Wheat 13,0.10.000
Corn li.O'jy.OUO '
Kyo 851.000
Mat-ley 3TC.OOO .
Pears soap secures a beautiful ; com
licensed to Wed.
Marriage licenses were issued by Judge
Shields to the following parties yesterday :
Name nnd Kesidcnce. Ago.
I Evan Phillips , Neola , In 22
| CiirricE. Carver , Omaha 22
I Charles C. Westciibaiior , Alliance , NeD.27
1 Susie Howcn , Iowa City , la 23
j Peter Sharp , Omaha 21
) Annie Erickson , Omaha 21
Boots and Shoos.
Biicccsion to IteeJ , Jones A Co.
Wholesale Mannfactra of Bsotsx Shoes
Aucnts ( or Boston Kubbcr Fhoe Co , 1IOJ. 1101 and UK
liainer titraot , OniabaMelira ka.
L3ger Beer Brews ,
1C1 North Klglitccnth ttroot. Otn Ii , If t > .
HanufactnrersofGalmlzeil Iron Cornice
Wludow-cops nnd mctallo mrl'dili.lolm Kpenctcr ,
proprietor. 10H and HU fcnutn 10th itreet.
Jlaniifacturers of
Bank , OffleeanH Saloon Fixtures ,
llnotlci , Slrtobonrdi. nook C c , Drue ttxture , VfBil
Ciixes , rartlllorn. Ualllrizi.Counti-r * , llecrand Win *
Coolers , iilrrori. Ktcl'artorj nnd olllco , 1730 nod ifd
BoutU 13th St. . dni ha. Tclepliona UJ4.
Paper Boxoa.
Proprietor Oinalia Paper Boi Factory ,
Ho * . 1317kdil 1319 Douglas ( treat , Omiha.Nob.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wholnale m nu ( ctur r of
Sash , Boon , Blinds anfl Moulnp ,
Branch office. 12th end Tiard trcot Omah . N b.
Manufacturers of Sash , Boors , Blinds ,
Uouldlngi , tnlr-irorc ! nnd Interior bard wooJ flnlih.
W.B.corner th and l ovenwf rthitrcon ,
Omnbn , '
Pnraps , Pipes anfl Engines ,
Steam , water , rnllwr.T nrid mlnlnf itippllw. ole ,
2 t'arnam lrcot , Omalia.
Steam ana" Water Supplies ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Su ! < tHrcn work , ( team pump * , law rollli. 1215-121J
LotYonwurtli iltcct. Omaha.
Iron Works.
Wrought anfl Cast Iron Bni'.ding ' Wort
QZIIIIII , bran work , ceneril foundrr , ujaclilne and
lilackxnltb work. OlDca unrt worki , U , 1 * . lir.
_ and lltU ilroct , Uiiialia. _
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
MEiiCrs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vault * Jill work , Iron ihulteri anil tire
U , Aiotiaen , iiipp'r. Cor , lilb aud J action B' .
Of Soh.h Omaha Limited ,
Agricultural Implements.
Doalerin Agricnltnial Implement ! , ww
Carriages n < l tnieslM. Jonn ttrocl , botw cn tih and
lUtb.Omtbm NedrMkk.
Implements , Wagons , Carriages
Onikli * . Nebr * m.
WholoM * Dealers la
Agricultural Implements , Wagons& Baggies
(01tmOT ndWJJone itnct , Otnth * .
MtnuMtar r > and Jobber * In
Wagons , Baggies , Raies , Hews Eta
Cor , Vth and t'aclQa tttwti , Omaha ,
Artists' Matorlola.
A. I10SP , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos ani Organs ,
UU DoujlM itrml Omaha , Atbraika.
Doota nnd Shoos.
Jobbers of Boots [ ndSnoes ,
1101,1101,1106 iniujlnt itroot. Omahn. MannfaclOTT *
Bummar troct. Motion.
Coal , Coke and Lima.
Jobbers of Hard and Sofl Coal ,
339 outh IStlistrcot , Omnha , Xtbrnika.
ipie s of Coal a d Coke ,
XII South 13th St..Omah , .Neb.
A. n'A KRF1KLV ,
Wholesale Liufc Etc ,
Imported mill AIIILTICIIII rortluml cemoit. Sta
ncont for .Mtlwnukuo liydrmtllo ct'niont nml
Qiilncjr vrhltn lime.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumlier ,
Wood eupots nd parquet iloorlnir. t
* tie U , Omitba , N b.
AllKinflsofBuildingMaterial at Wolesals.
ISth Street nnd Union 1'acltlc TruckOmahik ,
Dealer in Limber , Lath , Lime , Sasli , .
Doon. Bio. lards-Cornet 7th nnd Uouiilai. Corner
lUlh Mid Doujtluii
Hunter , UIHG Cement , Etc , , Eta
Corner Cth and Douglni Sta. , Omaha.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
Uthaad California Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Mllllnory and Notions.
Importers & Jolita in Millinery & Notions
SOti.SlUaud 213 Sooth Illli atro t.
Wesale Notions and FiirnisME Good ! ! .
Coniml8 _ gjon qnd S to rag e.
Storage and Cominissioa Mercnants ,
Specialties Iluitor , PKS , clic > o , poultry. m .
110 lloward street Onialin. N'nli.
Dry Goods end NqtlpnB.
Dry Goods , Fnrnisning Goofls andflotions
1102 andllOl Donglai , cor. llth itro t , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods , Notion ?
( ! nu' JurnlBklna goodi. Corner llth and Umutf
atrceti , Omaha , Nobraika.
Importers and Jobbers of
foolens and Tailors' ' Trimminss ,
317 South llth ( treat.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre
Karnam strtet , Omaha. Nabraika.
. Furniture ,
Cuiaha Mtbraika.
Wholesale Groceries and Prorate
705,7U7 , TU'Jnnd TUSouth 10th ( t , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers'
13th and < jcaTcuworth streets , Omaha , Nebraika.i
Hardware *
rr. / .
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
BprlDKi , wagon stock , hnrdnraro , lumbar , etc. 1201
anil 1211 Humor street , Omaha.
„ ll'.rl.Rj ; COMPANY.
Wholesale Hardware , Cntlery , Tin Plato ,
Wetsls. nbcet Iron. etc. Agents for Howe acalei.
Mlatnl powder and Lrurau barbed wire ,
Build rs' ' Hardware and Scale RepairSliOBi
Uicbaoloi' tooli acd IlurTulo c .lei. UU
slroot. OmHlia. Neb.
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls Albums , Fancy Goads.
Housu nirnlMilntr K oiln , clulilroii's carriage *
_ iaJ ) Funtniu strcut , Uinaha Nub. _
Y/liolesale / Re fined and Lufeting Oil
t A > I | , trts.itf. . c ii.i In , A. II. 1 III ( r. > 'iir gty
Wliolcsalo P apcr Dealers ,
CMry nnlco Block of priming , wruiipln und nrlttng
paper. i > culal atlontluu Klven to card paper.
Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' ,
Tbo Dcst Itouto from OmaLa and Council
Illuffii to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St , Puul , Minneapolis , Cedar KauWl >
Itock Island , Frcoport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuquc , Darenporty
EUjln , Mudlssn , Jmosvlllo ,
Dclolt , Wlnonn , La Crossc ,
Ana all tb r Important polnti Bait , Notllietit ut
For through llcktti. call on ttia ticket tient tt IMV
Komaui ilreet , In llatkur Ulock.or at Union Te'-lflo
Kullranu Bletperi and the flneit Pining Ctrl In th
world ru run on tlie rasln llu of tbe Chlcngo , Mil *
w uk o 4 8t. l' ul Hallway , end aittf atltuttjiu !
paid 10 paueniiOM br cuurttout euplo/M * > t *
coinpaur II. Hll.r.Klt. , Oenernl Unn g r.
J.f.TUCKlht. A..I < t nlUBn r6lJJnn ser.
_ A. V , H. CAltl'KNTlJU , ticu l faitoager ta4
Ticket A nt.
( IKi ) . U. MCAVFOKD , Aulitlnt
nl'ilck * ! Ajont ,
T , i , t'LAliU. GaLoril l eupcrlDtcod aU