THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JTJkY 8 , 1889 , SPECIAL -NOTICES. OMAHA. _ _ No ndvcrtlsoinoiitu will bn tnkon Tor tlie A colutniiH After 12itO ; p. in. Trtnt * Cnh In ntlvnnco. Advertlnements under tbls brad 10 c . . _ . per tine tor the flrit Iciertlon. 7 cents for acb cub- tetiuent Insertion , nd II. W per linn per month. No Bdrortlicment t ken for Irss than 25 crnti tor flnt Insertion , Seven words will be countnd lo the line ; they must run consecutively and muit b * paid tn ADYANCK. All advertlee- eitnls must bo handed In before 12:30 : o'clock p. in. , and under no clrcumstancos will they betoken token or dlBcontlnued by telephone , Parties advertising In these columns and Imv- IBK tholrnnswcrmiadressodlncnreof TIIK HRK Vrlll plciuio ask for a check to enable them to got th lr letters , ns none will be delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to advor * iUemcnts should ba enclosed In enrnlopea. All ndvprtlBementn in then columns are pub- llihfd in both morning nnd nrenlni ; editions ot THE HKD. the rlrculatlon ot which nggroKotoj mom thun 1C.OOO p pern dally , nnd gives thu ad vertisers the bAneflt , not only of the city circu lation of TUB HER , but also of Council Illttffs , Lincoln nnd otharUtics and towns throughout this ruction of the country. BRANCH Advertising for these columns will be tnknn On tb above conditions , nt the following bust- tiess hoUKPft. who nro authorized iinonts for TIIK Jinn special notices , nnd will quote the same tales ns cnn lie had nt the main ollice. 3OHN . Tenth OKA8K & F.DDY , Stationers nnd printers , 113 South lith Street. B"H.7'AKN3wbRTII , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum- . Ing Streot. J. HUGHES. Pharmacist , 021 North ICth Street. ' GEO. W. PARR , Pnarmaclst , 1609 St. Mary's Avonue. S * Pharmacy , 2 3 Farnam St , Tclo- phone No.3J. . " " " "SITUATIONS WANTED. ANTElTI-8ltiutlon by n young man who has bad 8 years' experience in chicken raising by artlllclal moans. Mrs. Urega,314H B. lljtn. SiJ 0 ? T71IHST clasiMiiachlnost would like a posit toil ; J- have had 14 yoar.s * cxporlenco on steam tmmps , also too ) making niul other machlno work. Address E. II. H. , 'J317 Douclas St. , Omaha. Nob. snot VXTANTED A situation in or out ot city by TV married man about 30 , torapnr.ito , good habits. Skilled accountant , stenographer. Large experience and thoroughly competent to dlArihurgo or manage olllco work. See my references. Address D 43 , Heo. Z 11J W "ANTKD Situation nt once , olthur in Iowa or Nobruukn. by a registered drug clerk , Who Is also a graduate of a school of phar macy Address D at lloo. 3.JO-a * "TVrANTKD A situation by n competent TT bookfcoeper. Can furnish best ot refer ences ns to character , ability , etc. For further particulars address box 1UJ , Sidney , In. 315-10 * "VX/ANTKIV-Pormunont position In or out ot T t city , by unmarried man about 24 , bteady ImbltH. tompornto ; thorough accountant , and competent to take charge of accounts und Ollice duties. Address J ) 43. Hee. 17 11J _ EXPERT accountant wants rompllcatud books and pnitnerahip matters to ajnat. Address C GT > . Hoe. COSJylW WANTEP--r.1ALE HELP. WANTISD-A good ilraughtsmau. Apply to James Tyler. Lincoln. Nob. ! KI7-14 _ T\7ANTKD Two young men for light work TT ntgocd wnrjos. Room 17. 22 0 u. lull.3i710t 3i7-10t r AGENTS v > uutPd-Most wonderful mnchtno J-J cverinvented lor printing adveiUsing signs ; eells toovery merchant , manufacturer and mis- luess man In tlio world ; sample work anil terms 1U cuit.s , Arc MfuCo. . Racine. Wls. i74i _ ! \\fANTKD A married man and a practical TT nbologrr.pher , having n 81 , ICO nutllt , would like part n r ( must bo tlrst class retoucher ) to join him in establishing business In Salt Lnku City. Small capital required. Addioss "D II , " thliolllci' . 210-fl * TJ17 ANTKD Man to handle onglne and boiler .TT nt waterworks shops. 207 N. 17th. 3HI-U IJASTRY cook , 8JO ; railroadmen tor Wyom ing. Mrs-Jlrt-ga , 314 Jl B. Ifith .J22 U { WANTED Reliable man"ami wlto on n farm ; must iinderatnmt their business tho'oughly. Mrs. Herga. 314 > J S , 15. SMOt W ANTKD Man and woamn. man to keep lawn in good shape and care for lioraes ; woman to cook , etc. , etc. , married couple pre ferred. Apply to W. It. Kurtz. Room 2T. . Cham- fe her of coinmercn. 2M 8 'V\7 AN TriO Experienced hardware sales- TV man ; knowledge ot builders hardware feit preferred. A. C. Itnymer. JJ01 "VS ? ANTKD SA stouo cutters for cutting curb. TV C. D. Woodworth , IS 12 Douglas. H3 12 * it to travel for the Fonthlll Nurseries of MEN . WopayVX ) to 8100 a month und expenses to agents to soil our Canadian gronu Block. Ad. Btoue i Wellington. Madison , Wls. W ANTKD Rnllroad laborers , rockinen nnd tiucklnyers for Washington Territory : Enod wages and ateadv work , nt Albright's nbor Agoncy. llgq Farnam Ht. ffjfl " \VANTCD A need olllco man to go east : T imifit iiivertt&J.MJO : must bo n good business rnnn. Address the Oco. 8. Cllno PubllshiiiK Hotise. 315 to Xil Wabaah ave. . Chicago. III. 7 4 WANiKD Rniiroi'.d laborers for nowworic In Wyoming. Teamsters , wheeler holders , pick and shovel men. and rock nnd tunnel men. Btundy work nnd good Job. For transportation npply nt Albright's labor agency , 1120 Faruam Bt , Omaha. X7"ANTED * 2T > weekly representative , male TT or female , in every community. Goods taplo ; household necessity ; sell at sight ; no peddling ; salary paid promptly , and expenses udvanccd , Full particulars and valuable sample case fiiRK. We mean Just what wo say ; address otonce , BTANDAHD SILVEIl WAllE CO. . Hos- ton. Mass. b t I WANTED FEMALE HELP. , - - . , JD-fi laundresses , * 15 to J20 : 4 girls in . . families , Jx'O ; cook and second girl , same family. 2 nurse clrls. cook for au Institution , 618 : laundress for same place , 415 : II dining room girls. 'Jill ; fin for general housework. Sirs. Hrega. 3I4VJ South ICth. asi lit WANl'KD-A cook immediately. ISOUDoug- . . _ . 'as. ' 183 ( i ? "t/VTANTUD A Klrl for general hounowork. TT ailo California. 177 0 WANTED Two clrls for general housework. Inqulro MO H ir-'d. 172t TK ANTKD Olrl for general housework ; 3 la TT family ; German prefiirrod ; 1715 Cnsa. 1C7-C K1TCHKN iiirl wanted at 2123 Dodge st. A good girl to do kltchou work. Noun need npply without good references. IWMlt [ T ANTED A et nurno for n child H WBOKS > old. Apply at the Osborue , 107 i1. Hlth. gia ut 17 ANTKD A girl for general nonse work. T Iiuiuiro at N. J. Kdliolm.2344 Chicago , 103 a W ANTKD A tlrct-clnbS servnut girl ; good WUKU3 paid. Mrs. R. C. Puttorson , 251J 7 ANTKD Good woman cook at City hotel f nt once ; also i dining-room girls. &jot 7ANTRIAgood cook. Frank IS. Moores , ' 117 B. IMh Bt , ' _ _ _ _ _ pirANT'KD Experienced Judy's maid fo.go lo T T Uuiop < > ; muut bo n good seamstress ; t-0 n inouth uud expenses. Also n competent girl to take cnru of baby u months old , Irlsn preferred. Ccoknnd Uumlioss for nn Institution. { 20 and tit1--luunUiosseafor ; Wyoming , f JO , furopald ; Sglrls tor Council Illuirn ; kltcluni girls , timing room girls and second cook for HouthOmivIm , 0 for general housework. Mrs. Hrqga , 3H'i B. IDtlut , - \J17ANTBD At once , a good girl for general YV hoiuowork. Apply at a JOJ Cuss at , gjj. \\rANTKD-Competent nurse for OHby. 103 ; T > B. Thirtieth aye. "ITirANTlJliAGirl for genvrftl Uousowork. P. TI lUthsl. , last house on K. side , H. ot Ylnton. f ADY Hgrntii wanted to sell the Mndnmo JLJWilllami-ou corset , l.urucst snleof any puti-nt cornt In the inurket. ( iood territory. Apply Bgenin manager. IB 8. Cth at. , bi. Loula. Mo. WXNTKD A competoiit girl , one who uu- derittands coolclnj , ' , wushinjr und ironlnu ftf thorouKlily ; no other need apply. Mrs. M. llou < limn. gliiS 61. Mary's ave. IVi WANTED--Good girl to cooic , wash and Iron. Mrs.V. . il. Hualnuuu , Oil B. 17th. ANTKD-Otrl ot the Star launu.ry.27tb. a udj.eav" u wo rt liiila. SIS U ? \\r ANTKD nirl for grnerul house work , two JMMii Umily.jat 8. aitn Bt. "Mi llt _ lX/ANTKi ) German girl to do cooUiuc nnd TT WHSliluj ; , Iwdt of wnyoi paid. Inquire J , It. UrudelJ.'U a 11KU St. SO T\TANTKD ( Hrl 10 ao eecoudorkaud tuk Tl CAruot child tlireo yrs old ; none but com potmjt need apply ; Ucruian pruferred. iiOa at DRESSMAKING. linsSMAKINO to do la families , 611 R. Kth. D 833 as * NOAOKMKNTS to do dressmaking in fami lies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 103 s arc. nrojy.ioj _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] BOARDlNC. _ \\7ANni5O-7loardersat tlio Clltton house" V > 1101S. Cthst. Hood now house and clean bods. g > 9 8 ? "fipIRST-class dixy board. Inqulro 1009 Douglas r/lisCEi.t.ANEOU3 WANTS. \\rANTnO A second-hand desk roller ton : i > also n largo map ot Omnlm , Room 21 , Douglas block , 10th nnd Dodgo. 2i13 i , wonted on first mortgage security , $8,000 money , for ono year ; will nay 10 percent. Address , Stouoy , I' . O. ! ! 057t I \J\7ANTKD-To rent furnli * d house. 10 TT to 14 rooms , suitable for hlgn-tonod clans of roomers. Locatlonn must bo entlrolr Kcntoel and convenient to business. KmVr- unces exchanged. 1) 31 Hoe. 326-12 * WANT to rant for four months from August I 1 , well furnished hou o of ten rooms or up wards. Erastus A. Uenson , Now York Life building. 20C " " " RENT--HbUSES FOR - - rpWKNTY-pTvK loom hotel for rout.cOper JL mo. , paynblo weakly , now full of 1st class roomers ; clearing I3J pur mo. : furniture fl , 03 , $ .1X1 rash , bnl ns it Is made out of hotel. Co operative Land & Lot Co. , 'MaN Ifitll St. 'M2 H rnKN rooms , perfect repair , modern conven- JLlence.s , water rent paid by owner. Minnml 2218 Leavonworth st , Si > per month , HughG. Clark , room 7 , Chamber ot Coinmerco. 13741 TN10K RKNT-Now modern built house In llrst- JO class neighborhood ; ! 15 per month , Goo , N. Hleks. Room W > . Now York Klfo Hldg. ! l ! -li - residence lot in Hans- com Plncn. A special bargain it sold at once. Geo. N. Hicks , HoomUS , Now York Life Hldg. 333-11. IJ1OR UKNT W n month. 3 elegant 10-room JP houses with all modern improvements , over looking Hanscom park. Call on or address Jno. Steel. I'MS S. 30th uve. 2(1 Ut T7IOK RKNT Now olesant brick resldenco , J. Hanscom Plane ; splendid locution , pleasant neighborhood , close to street cars nud now electric line. Rout 410 per uiontti. GoorgoN. Illcks. Room SAT , Now York Life Illds. 333-11 T7IOR KI'NT 0-rbom cottage In perfect order ; JL ! largo lot nnd shiulo trees , Ste47 Plemi nt. Inqulro next door east. 320-0 rrMHRTYroom hotel with furniture complete JL in South Omuhn forjl'i'i permonth , Co Op. Land und Lot Co. 3)5 ) N. llltli st. 2 < B 8 171011 RKNT Nent l-room rottago , city water , JO li ! miles from P. O. 812.50 pea mouth D. C. . Pattciiion , 311 SrtlK _ : 133 HJR RKNT August 1st , to cottage , with bath roomhot and cold water , on motor lino. Buermun avenue. References required. Apply ntill ) Capitol nvo. 2.VJ 12 ? TCTIOR RKNaV-Eiognutly furnished II'it ' forth JO summer. Reference required. Address I ) 41 , Hoe ollice , 227 0 RKNT 7-room Hat , $2."i per mo. above FOR Fair , 13th and Howard. Inquire The Fair. EOR RKNT A nlceE-room cottugo with many conveniences , 027 S , l7tlinve ; lent moderate. Adply fill S , Kth st. 071 FOlfllKNT Desirable onice. 1517 Douglas. Iii3 FOR RENT Nice 8-roomlat. ! newly papered , _ ? . ; [ Howard St. , in meat market , tfii " " " F"Tm HKNT 7ro"oin "coriior Hat , lutli nnd Jonea. 200 TJIOR RKNT 14-room hou e , 1811 Cumlngst. ; J- good bnrn and sheds ; modern Improve ments ; cheap to right parties. GL. Green , 310 S l.-th at. 82 ! ) 13KSIDKNCKS in the Wm..l.Paulblockcor.V.ith XI and Chloaso Most modern and attractive. Will bo ready about July 10th. Apply , PauUUU'J 1'arnam. 44S POK HUNT Now 10-room brick ; all modern Impiovoments , on 17th St. , between N'cholas nnd Paul , at only $10. A. P. Tukey. 15th and Douglas. 115 TTIOK HUNT 3-room housont GOHN. 15th st. 11)3 ) 7 * ' 17IUIIN.1SIIKD house * . 20tn nnd St. Mary's ave. . -I ? to rent till Oct. lat. 7 rooms , bath and laundry to family without children ; voferauccs required. David JomloiiOH. iiU S lath at. b7a " 171 OH 1IENT Neat cottage. $ . per month. JL' Jtarrlsoo , Merchant Nut Hank. 151 KENT 1'urnlshod cotiago of u rooms. FOH ie S. Loan & Kontal Agency , cor. Kith and Howard sta. 115 "IjlUltNlSHED or unfurnished house for rent Jt1 In Parse Terrace , opposite Ilauscom park ; all modern conveniences. Inquire Lee Us Nlcliol. ! Mth and LoavonwortU. _ B03 KENT A detached ! > room house , all FOH modern conveniences. Enq. "K'J ' Capitol avo' KENT It-room brick dwelling , all eon- vonlences , D blocks fiom 1' . O lilt ) N. 1'Jth ' st. 774 _ TTIOll KENT A nicely furnished nouso In most J. dc.slruble residence location In the city , on street car line , fifteen mlmuus walk. Will take part of lent In board nnd room ; want man and wife ; no children , lloferenco required. David Cole , Ulll S. 15th st. _ Hi : ) TpUItNlSUElJ house to rent till Oct. 1st 7 Jt ? rooms' , bath and laundry to family without children ; leTerciices required , iiuvm Jamie- son , 314 8 st. _ BTJ FOIl 11ENT Dwe'lllng , 0 rooms , good stable and all modern convonlencns , Cupltol avu. , " blocks from High school. D. J. O'Uonahoo , 1001 Farnam st. Da _ FOR RENT ROOMS-FURNISHED- AUGE furnished rooms , with board. 1717 L Chlcogo. ira-CJ LA A HANDSOME south room Hlth alcove , suitable for - ' ; with board. ' Uy Farnam st. _ 184-OJ RUNT New furnished rooms two blocks TO frompostoflico : house has all modern im provements ; board if daslrod. 1015 Capllal ave. FOR RKNT Rooms , with first class boaralf desired. 018 S. Mil St. _ _ MM 0 ? T71OR RKNT Pleasant room with board only l tl per weeb. iaa North SJth. T71OR RKNT-Furnlshcd front room. 210 N. JL' , 318-St 11,111 gt. _ - (71OR RENT Handsome furnished rooms , 703 -L ? S. 13th st. , Anliouscr-Husch building. 3.B-13t _ 'CIO II RRNT To single gentleman , a nice JL largo furnlsnod room , convenient to motor nnd cable lines. HSi ! Corby stroot. I7\OUR furnished rooms for housekeeping ; JJ water. 1312 Davenport st. 3)1.7' ) TTIURNIBHHD room for rent after June 25. Ju atf < IliiitBt. 1M _ TTOR RKNT Pleasant furnished room with J. bath. Inquire 1518 Caas st. , opposlto JeRor- son park. Mrs. A. Kelley. RENT-Furnlshod room , SJ15 Dodge st. 752 JySI ROOMS for rout , 1814 Davenport. XQ&t TjlURNISHKD rooms with all modern conven- JU leucea , for gentlemen only. 170U Dodge ht. wilj 11 OOD room with bath , r.19 B. S5th st. Ui8 _ FURN1SHKDroom's by day. eek or month , St. CUlr hotel , cor IHu and Dodgo. 805 _ _ RENT Room. 1(21 ( Howard. B9T "WTANTKU 2 youne men to taKe room and T good board lupnvutu family ; everything llrst-i'ldsa ; all modem conveniences ; only C minute1 walk from P. O. : price * . ' 6 pormo , ; best of references required. Address D 11.Heo. ; n FOR RKNT Two parlors front and on llrst Iloor , All modern covonlencos.liioi Douglas. etc | "TTANDSOMBLY furnished cool room , wltli J.-L or without board In prlvatH family , nicely bttuatcd In modern residence , "I'M Harnoy Ht , gjti-101 H RKNT Pleasant furnlsliod front rooms with board. 210 B 25th st. SINGLE room nnd double room , every con- vei oncM. VMS Capitol uve. 713 ROOMS and board , 100 ana W Bo. 23th st. JLV 87tilulyBt _ NIUELY furulsned rooms , board if desired ; gas , bath , ttlcclilo tails , etc. IBOtf i > ouglas , _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ ' 1C7 TTIOR RKTfT-M'cely furnUhea rooms with ex -L. cullent boardmodern couv4a'eslujSParku\ 5WJ 11 * TT OR RKNT-1'urnUhea rooms , sawiiodBB. J 74Jt FOIl HKNT Larco furnished froutrooin , nlsc front and back parlor itufurubnuU witli boai-d. l-.iiqulro at 11)10 ) Capitol Avcnuo. rtl "ITIOR lKN'lKieansouTh room tor 4man. . 1701 Dodga nt. W IfOUUKNT I turnlshad rooms for "light J houiekeepluar , Referancosrsqalred. 1SH FQR RENT ROOMS UN FURN13HEP TTioirRKNT-Tunfurnlshed" sultablo for JJ housekeeping , tl0.3j. 1701 Webster st , 810 TWO unfurnished front rooms , suitable for man and wife , cheap rent. Inq , 010 draco. TTiOR RENT Throe nice unfurnished rooms , JL1 suitable for llzht housekeeping : nlso two basement rooms chonp. 2gM Douglas st. CTl-0 * FOR RKNT 6"vor stove store , 1KJ1 llownrd st. Inqulro fit store _ 605 I71OR RRNT-Untll October 1 , large furnished J ? house , call H S. gjth. 30(1 ( _ ? RENT-3TOREU . AND OFFIJES. NICK olllcs on ground Iloor. Leslie & Losllo. IClhnndDodBOEt. 251 8 _ rpo HUNT TWO flno store bnllnlngs nnd base- JL mont on Howard st. by Uxcelslor Land Co. , 310 8. l.'itlx st. 323 _ _ TT OR RKNT Two nine room brick houses on JU I'nrk nvonttp , with nil conveniences. Also ulijo room frame house on name street , with nil conveniences : prlra $13 to $11 per month. D. V holog. 210 First Natlounl llanlc. _ 311 _ T710R RKNT Store nnd 4 Ihing rooms lu J- ' rear , alt newly papproil ; good location for grocery or feed store ; I W per month. Apply At once , C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat. bunk. FOR IlKNT 2 iloors front half Hemls build" lug , power , hont , oloctrlollght. InqulroolBco of llenils Omaha llagCo. _ _ 157 IJIOR RKNT-Tho 4 story brlcK building with JL ? or without power , formerly occupied by The Heo Publishing Co. . Ull ) Fnrnnni st The buildIng - Ing has n lira proof crmcutod basement , com plete steam hcatlms llxturc.s , water ou all the Iloors , gu ? , t-to. Apply nt the olllco of The Hoe. IJIOR RENT-Storn 2-JxflOHIS ; Jackson st. JlJ KuqulroJJll Jackson. E'JJ O WICK To lent. Fuinlshod cleguntly or unfurni.shcd. Hushmanblock , N. E. Cor. 16 and Douglas. _ _ _ _ ' 018 FOR RKNT Comfortable Htorn room's in the Her building , ( I t2i : good location for har ness shop. Also , two basements , light nud airy. 44x30 , under liaidwaie store : good location for tin whop. Apply to A. C. Kuvmer , hardwnro btorc , Uer building , corner Jackson aud luthst MB JylB FOR RENT Sforos anil irvlng i6oms nilCum- Ing st. Also house on Casa st. Harris , room 411. 1st Nat. Hail ! ; . Sufi MISCELLANEOUS. MAHA HtiPluoss Cello o , cor. ICtli and Capl- tel avo. Shorthand The lorgcst and most successful shorthand department In the state. Standard methods taught. Munsou's revised ot 'bt1 n specialty. Call or write for terms. 71)7 ) COLLATERAL Hank , 312S. Kth sUChambo ot Commerce. Loans money on chattels and articles ot value. b85JyJ3 \\TASH1NG jlone , collected and delivered by T T' Mrs. Andrew SorcnsQU , 3J1J Parker st. * "VS7"AiTS for orders Wanted The mutual T T Reserve Fund Life association doslres to employ ono spo.-l.xl agout In ouch city nud county in the United States , Canada , Great Hiitaln und France. It nlso has excellent open ings lor good business men in all of these coun tries ns mnuag * > is , genenil and district agents , Compensation liberal ; results certain : position permanent. This company furnixlies llfo in- surnnco ut one-half the usual rnte . It has nlrendv p.ild six and one-lmlf million dollars Indfutlnhilnis. It has moro than two million aollius cash surplus. H Is the greatest success over known lu life insurance. Address or call upon K. 11. Harper. President , or N. W. Rlosa , Vice President , Homo Ollice , 3.S Park Row , Now York , or upon nny General Manager. _ _ _ _ . THlfuanJotnuclit n an art by Goo. lQef lenbeck. App ly at lleuolllce . _ i 6U UP1IOI.STKH1NG , draping and n-pulrlug. MnttreSbes made over. I-'irs t CRSS work , Reasonable prices. -Lehmnnu. . 21 ! ) N. 14th. Tfii Jy-l * AGKNTS WANTKI ) . rpIIE MlsFourl waslior aRonls agents protlta- JL bio business. It washes dirtiest clothes clean In hot steam without rubbing Arguments In Its favor are numerous nnd convlncini ; . Easily sold. Sent on two weeks'trial to bo upturned at my expense If not satlsfactoiy Write for Illustrated circular aud terms. J. Worth , St Louis , Mo. STHAYEI ) from Dundco Place on July 5. ser rel horse , htninped on lett shoulder , huruod oil i Ight hind leg. Call at Kl S. 13th bt. and got leward. -Ill b { LUST English Ilnhtiff. Keturn to 400 Paxton block and get rowanl. " 41- PEhsONAL. Jell Printing. Chase & jdily. llSi slcth stT" . 270 a3t "OEHSONAL Don't go on a vacation unless JL you take along oneof lleyu'sauiatuur photo ontlltH , UllDodgost. MS "OUHSON A L Amateur photo outllts com- Jpleto from $7.0 lip , nt Heyn's , 1411 Dodge st. i-'tid MHS. Porcoval ot California , 103,1 Douglas St. , fortolls the future. Ladles and gentlemen. i0t a4t IJERSONAb An honorable Gentleman , ; io years of age , strictly temperate , inctustrlous and good income , desires the artiualutanco ot n lady of meaua , nmlablo disposltlou and high moral character. Object , malumony. Hestof re'Jurenco given nnd required. Address U , Heo olllco. Council Muffs. Iowa. 1U7-J , CLAIRVOYANT DH. NANNIE V. Wnrreu , clairvoyant , cal und bu.slnoss medium , romalo diseases a specialty. Ill ) N IGtli st. rooms 2 and 3. U03 SHORTHANO AND TYPEWRITiMQ QTANDAHD shorthand ficliool. Paxton block , ' kJbuccel9or ( to Valentlno'8 shorthand Insti tute1 , the largest best equipped shorthand school li < the west ; Is under the personal su pervision of Joseph P. Megeuth. uu ex-olllclul reporter and state tigont ot the llemtngton Standard typewriter , assisted by experienced verbatim reporters. Mechanical construction of machine taught by factory o.vpait. Particu lar attention paid to typewriting Stenogra phers' supplies for sale. Circulara free. niA STORAGE. UMHHELLAS and parasols covorud und re paired , 17 S Idth , Iloyd's opera House block , In shoo felon. . H. Halor. _ POO at low rates at ll'Jl Farnam St. , OUnmlia Auction and Storage Co. _ liol ri HACKAOE storage at lowest rates. W. JI. JL 1 l.earenworth. 003 B HANOI ! & Co , storage , 1311 Howard. 003 STORAGE nnd forwarding. Wo collect nnd dollvergoods of all descrlptloni.morchandlse , furniture nnd bnggago at cheapest rates for storage for any length ot time , Vans and wagons to be hud at shortest notice , with inro- : ful men for moving. Packing and shipping from our own warehouse done on moderate charge. Morrtandlso loaded and unloaded. Warehouse on our own tracks. OlllcoUITS. Irth sL ; telephone 114 llowell it Co. U04 WANTED TO BUY. BANK Wanted to buy a country bank in eastern Neb. or interust lu one. Address 1) 47 Heo. W" . 15 * I WANT a good drivorfamily horse. Address D 4'J , Hoe olllco. aa.'i-S I WANT good stock merchandise ; will pay one-third cash , bal. good land at low prlco. J. P , Hymer , s , o. cor , ICtU tc Dodge at , room 31 , 1CU-8 " \X7ANTED Fumlture , carpets , stoves and TT housAholn goods of nil kinds. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. . 1131 Farnam. UOa FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. A LMOST new uprlcht pluno for sale cheap at xXl5JO N. Win St. 370 W TI OU BALE- Some AlHocond morlijage pupor U nt a liberal discount. M. A. Upton coniuany , 10th aud Faruam , U ) a HOUSE , young and gentle , good harness and buggy for tale at u bargain. Graver Sto- yens , 616 Paxton block. iCO-8 _ POIt BALK Furniture ot a ii-room house ; " 111 taice part cash und the balance in weekly or monthly payments. Apply at 1441 N 3uUi _ 171-8 TTIOlt SAIiK Delivery wagon , 1567 N 18th st. J nw IDLAND Guarantee & Trufct Co. , 16ft5Par- nam.Complete abstracts furnished andtltles to real estate examined , perfected to guarauteed. MONEY TO TVTONEx' to loarj on furniture , horsas , wagons , JLJi etc. , or on any approved security. J , W , llobblus , HllKi Farnam atreet , Paxton hotel. MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mulej , hoatahold uooda , plauui.or ans , dlainonda. lowest rates. The first organized loan olllco in the city. Mnio loans for thirty to three hun- drcil and elxty-llve days , which can be pulcl in part or whole , ut any time , thus lowering tuu principal and iuteroat. Cull and see us when yon want money. Wo CAU assUt you piomptly nod to your udvautago without remoTui of property or publicity. Money ulwuyj mi hand. No delay lu making loam. C. f. Heed & Co- U 9.13tU st ovtr ufnuUnvu & Sous , m MONKV to Loan Wo art , ready for applica tions for loans in nmonnYs from $300 to HO , . 000 on improTCd Ouaha ) ot'ljotiglas county real ettat . Full Information .as to rates , Jo ns promptly closed. Good notes will be purchased by us. Call upon us crr'wtlto. ThoMcCnftuo Investment Co. < ' , q 018 MCilJfiV to loan on gowfliflrnt mortRages. 1m- proved or unimproved property. Mort- gacoa bouoht nnd sold. Wallace , room 310 Hrowu building , ICth and'Bounlag. ' 62J TVIDNKV loaned for'aoi'luTor W days on any JJL kind ot chattel secubrity ; reasonable Inter- oat ; confidential. J , \ylUU3OR ( , 1417 Fnrunin. fT6N"'T Gorrow money1 rin fiirnltnroriioMoK Ju/wagons , etc. , or collaterals until you see O. It. Jacobs , 411 First National bank bulldlm ; . rea _ MONEY to loan. Hnrcig , U. E. & Loan Co. , room 411. First National bank. 013 MONEY to loan on any security tor short time , nt low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. The Henderson Mortgage Investment Com pany , room 400 , Paxtou block. OOJ PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange Largo nnd JL small loans for lonu and short time , at low- eat rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage notes , cnattoln of all kinds , diamonds , watches nnd Jewelry. Don't foil to call if you want fair nnd cnonp accommodations. O. Uouscnrou Mgr. , room fi7 , Harkor blk , 13th and Farnam. _ 1)1 ) 1 OP. HAUUISON , lowest rates. _ 1)30 ) 17ESIDKNCE I.UANS-OV to 7 per cent , no ad- JLVdltlonal charnos for commissions or attor neys' fees , W. H. Molkle , I-lrsl Nat Dank bld'g. Pit PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange Tlio fairest , qiilotcatand most liberal money exchange lu the city : money loaned without delay or pub licity , In nny amount , laigo or small , at the lo\M-st rates of Interest , on any available sp- curlty ; loans may bo paid ntnuytlruo or re newed nt original rates. O. Houscareu. Mgr. , room f > 7. Harkur block , nth and Farnam. 915 MONEY to loan at low r.uoi by Excelsior Land Co. , 310 South loth .street , Omaha. U71 MONEY Loans negotiated at low ratoswltb out drlay , nnd purchase goods , commercial paper nnd mortgage notes. S. A. Sloman , cor 13th and ' . T.OANSon improved nnd umlmprovod prop- JUerty at low rates. Odell Hros. A : Co.,3133lGth , , U1C MONEY loaned on furniture , horses nnd wagons ; r.itcs reasonable. City Loan Co. , 118 S. Uth nt. . opposlto Mlllard hotel. 4M mi.DlNG loans. D. V. Sholes , 210 First Nn- tionul bank. yyi n O LOAN $2,000 on good , llrst mortgage. In- JUqulro of J. T , Mathowd , room 212 , Sneoly blk. bo I MONEY to loan on real estate security , nt lowest rates. Hoforo negotiating loaus see Wallace. R. BlO.llrown bldg , Uth & Douglas. Hill BO 'OU want moneyV it so. don't borrow before getting my rates which uro the low est ou any mini from tl up to ( fio.uoo. I mnko loans on household goods , pianos , or- gnus , liorsesnuiles , wagonswaroliouso receipts , ouses , h'usps. etc. , In any amount , ut the low est possible rates , without publicity or removal of property. Loans can bo made for ono to six montns nnd you can pay n part nt nny tltno , reditclug both principal aud Interest , It you ewe n balance ou your furniture or horses , or have n loan on them , I will take It up aud carry It for you as long as you desire. Ir you need money you will llnd it to your ad vantage to see mo before bert owing. li. F. Mnsteis. room \Wthnell building 15th and llninoy. V iU-i TVtJILDlNO and otherroa'l estate loans. W. M. JJHarris , 1.001112) , Freii > ? r Hlock. opp. P.O. - " i)2t ) "IjlIKST raortgago loans nt.low rates nnd no do- JO lay. D. V. Sholea , 210,1-ii'i.t National bank. \\7ANTKD First-class lusldo loans. Lowest TT intes. Call and aoeus. Mutual Investment Co. , It. 1 ll.irker blk. . IMh-mul Farnam. i)2.'i ) MONEY to loan. O. JDiivls Co. , real estate unit loan agents , l.i 1 iVjKpruam st. UJii MONEY to loan ; cash < jB3uad | : no delay. 5T W. Siiulro , 121'J Farnuln'St. ' , First National bane building. & ; ' . ] U27 I CAN moke n few loanVo'u llrst-closs < 'hattel securities ut raanoimtjlcrUtes. W. K. Potter , room ] 0. Harksr blk. 023 "KYSTONE Mortgage fo.-Loans ot 410 to M/AW ; got our r.itus ualoro boiTowiug and savemimoy ; on hoifds , furiilturo or any approved security , , wlUw't publicity ; noten bought ; for n w Joan. r > ifSwal ot.old and'low- est ratescallR20' * , SMcloi-AlK. IJtliVlloward bt. * ' ' v oiu s KE ; Sholes , room 210 , Tlrst Nntl bank , before making yourhjans. ' 020 T OANS made on real estate and mortgages JLJbougut. Lewis S. Head A ; Co. , It Kt. Hoard of Trade. 03 1 JOOOOD to loan at ( i per cent. Llnuhan & Ma- $ honoy. room 50J Paxton block. _ Ml "VTEURAblvA Jtortg. Loan Co. will uiako you aiN i-N loan on household goods , liorhos , wagons , land con ts acts , line Jewelry , or securities of any kind without publicity , at reasonable rates. Hoom 7 , llowlov block. South Omaha , Hooms 018-319. Paxton blocit , Omaha , Neb. | OJJ _ _ CE. & C. M. Anthony. 313 First National bank building make loans uuou tarms lu Nebraska and Iowa und improved Omaha city property ; money re.idy ; title and socurlty passed upon here ; no delay ; favorable rates : call or write. KM Jyl7 _ _ TDHILAPELIIHIA Mortgage & Trust Co , fur- JL nlsh cheap eastern mouoy to borrower.s.pur- chase Bocuritica , perfect titles , accept loans nt their western ollice. Gcorgo W. P. Coates. room 7. Hoard of Tiade. UJ3 to loan on furniture , chattels or real MONEY . Lowest rates on good loans , .1.11. Emlugcr , 1417 Vurnani. room 3. IU7jyO BUSINESS CHANCES TT10H SALE The best paving restaurant lu JL ; city. F. K. Darling , 4.1 Darker blk. JU1-10 / 1 IlUc uY stork , fixtures and delivery In city ' .Tforfrom Jj.GOlto $7,000 ; good , clear otock , one ot the best locations In the city , doing 310- 00 ( business per month toruaaii and good pa per. Co-operative Land i : Lot Co , 305 N IBth. g&j 8 ; _ _ _ SALE The cigar and stationery stock of FOR Emll Hugomun. located at No , MSS. 10th Bt. Inquire , rooin3il. ( 1st Nat. Hnk Hid. 3o3 8 FOR SALE Ono of th best moat markets in Omalm , or will trade for property : pro- flts last your over J1.600. Addrobs D 40. Heo. 31(1 ( _ FOR SALE A good paying millinery busi ness , established 1" yours , can maKu from 813.-iOO to $15.000 a year net. Good roiisoiis for selling. It. M. Genius Ic Hro. , 1403 Douglas st. , Oimina. Neb. _ 3.14 T > AHTNER wanted , to tikohalf or entire in- X terobt in a llnely furnished and well located hotoj in Omaha , clearing from $20) ) to J.VJO u month. An umiauftl chiinco fora hotel man to locate In Omaha. Presoet owner hav ing other business requiring his absetue , rea sons for selling. Cash required , $5,0 to g'.Ot * ) ; no trade. Addrens J. L. Rice Co. _ 2gli ( ? . BALE A complete sodu and mineral 37.0H manuf.ictory a good run ot cus tom for Halo cheap , at Lexington ( formerly Plum Ciei'k ) Dawuou county. Neb , Apply to John E , Winter , aBMit. / > ! ( > ] : Hros. ' Qulncy llrewlng Co. . Fremont , NgbV SU 18 rpWENTY-FlVEroomffll , centrally loca- JL ted , now full of rooui6w , paying well. Price of furniture 11,20) , KM ) ct Jr bul ou monthly paymnuts us It is mudoout o ( hotel , Co-oporu- live Laud te Lot Co. . 305 M l\ti \ Bt. _ 3o3 H TjTOR BALE-An estaUls3Jd coal and feed JL ? business. Address Diy. Hee , TjlOR SALE or Exchange Harbor shop.centor- JL1 ly located , doing good business ; owner has outMclu Interests that ne d his attention ; will take good clear or small inctimber d lot us part fuyment. For particulars call at C18 ami nil ) ax I on block , Omaha. | ( | , _ Bit ) 1/IOIt BALK A nice , < $ KW stock of pli > ca J- goods and tailor outlhiutore to rent chonp ; leu&e. .1. 11. 1'nrrotte , nimtss ) , a. e. cor. Dodge and till- . _ ai ( > ' _ 170 10 . < lrus store forJUOh and real estate ; $ town U.UM. HonostoalA'i'and Island , Nob. * * * FOR EXCHANGE. T 1VEHY stable cor 10th and Cass , Oniuba. to JLJoxchango for JJ In cash bal In clear la ml or Omalm property. Price ? iWO Including hay barn. Co-Oporatlvo Land und Ix > t Co. , 305 N. IGthst. 3 < U 8 'TTIOR EXCHANOE-llousos und lots , mer. -L1 chnndlte storks , farm laud and personal property of all kinds for/ixchanRe by Ocorgo J , BterndortT , real estate nud exchange broker , First National bank balldlngroouis3l7 aud31P , Telephone 4tll , 31I-1U m\YO hardware stocks. ( Ji.COO each , H cash .L aud balance in good lund or city property. Block of general mdio In Inwu for il.DOO , H cash , bal , good land. Grist mill in Iowa town , $ \OU- > , for some cash und good land , Co-Op. Land nnd Ix > t Co. ,3 Uj N. IBth at. _ T710R EXUIIANUK-Afine farm of 300ncresln JL1 Polk county , Neb. , 4 miles from Clarks. Nob. , to excliHiigo tor cattle ; 80 acres under cultivation , house , barn , wagoo scales and good feed lot. Address C. Odkamp , 3313 Web. atersU , OiimUa , Neb. _ OJi \\7KSTEHN lauds , f rm and city property ii for etockj of uojdn. Room 2 , IW Farnaui WJJyli FOR EXCHANOE-For desirable rosldonc * property in Omaha , any or nil bf follow Ing t 4U choice Inside residence lots In Hasting * , UK ) lots in Lincoln. 040 acres line farmtngland , Lancaster county. line residence property. Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. Cholco family residence corner , T.XJS Antreles , A neat residence property In Hauscom Place , Also gome Rood mortgage notes. AddrMs , Blvlnjj location nnd pricoot prop erty , J , E. u. , care llauru Iron Co. , 1317 Loaren- worth. 100 TiJlTnCCIIAN01J : An elegant tract of land JL < containing iw acrof. lu Antalopo county , Neb. , with ordinary Improvements. A quarter-section in Hand county , Dakota , partly Improved. Highly acres near Council lllutTs , la. House and lot on South 18th ftt , Largo amount of Oil Mountain and Potrollum company oil stocs. Will exchange for good properly or the erection of some houses. Goo. J , Btornsdorff , 1st National bank building. _ 370 I WOULD lice to trade n good two-storv house and lot roxlftO feet , within one block of Park avo. nnd Park school for vacant cast front lot lu llanscom place. Will assume some incutn- brance. Address , 0 45 Heo ollice. 3i7 ! rpo EXCHANGE for Omaha property , one of JL the best Improved farms in lown. only one mllu from town of ( iOOJ inhabitants. W. H. E. & M , E. , roam 14 , Chamber of Commerce. 1U4 FOR SALE MEAL ESTATE 17 011 SAL15Or will trade' for Rood Nebraska - - farm , 7-rnom now houic , full lot , opposite Ivountao 1'lacu. J. I , , lllco Co. x'7 _ FOIl SAM ! -Not for trrdo. Ono of the llnest farniH In the Btato , located about ten mlloa northwest of Omaha , contaluitiR acres. U'lio entire farm is fenced and crosstencca , thp build- Inss are all in llrst-class condition. A beauti ful grove of trees surrounds the house ; them Is n line largo bearing orchard , two ( rood wi'lls , etc. , etc. * This farm , if sold within thirty dajw , can be bought at the low price of SKI per aero. Is actually worth MO per acio. Applv to George .1. Sternsdorir , real estate nud oxth no broker , rooms SI17 and and ilia First National bank building. Telephone 41)1. ) 313-att BAH15A1N Honutlful home , (1 ( rooms , story nud half house , south turn ! , lot on car lint' , Hue location , worth $ J,50J ; forWKW , half cash ; must bo sold ; no ttudo. J. L. HlcoCo. ! 7 8t AHNAM Streot-\Vo can sell 63 feet on the southeast corner of y7th nvo' . nnd Farnam st. , with two 2-story nnd basement bricks nnd room on U ? til for three more , for JW.IXHI. tortn.1 to suit. M , A. Upton Coiupanyltith nnd Farnam. an. 10 POIl 8AfiE-10 room house , lot fcOxW , easy terms , fc SoO. W. M. Iliisliiuan , 1311 Lonv- onworth. C43 jlAUNAH Stroet-Wo can soil MMOO on 150 - feet on Farnam just west ofith st. for K23 per foot. JI. A. Upton Company , 10th nnd 1'utuum. " 04 10 riTIIE factories within easy roach ot Collier JL ilaco ) will employ a large forca of inon. So- euro a lioutu mm mjoy lite. Price of lots S.0) to IM.aM. one-tenth cash. Send for plat. Me- Cnguc , opp. ] ' . O. _ U33 171 A UN AM Street Wo can sell property at JU ' 'lst and Farnam for SV > 0 per toot. M. A. Upton Company , tilth and Farnam. 'Ml 10 FOIl SAIjK Ono of the llnest pieces of resi dence property in Iliuisconi 1'lace. If you want n homo call and see It. ( ieo. N. Illcks , Itoom sa. Now York Ufa llldg. IStMl _ ONLY SfOJ for n lot faclug Ames ave. and mo torHue. . It is worth Jl.SOJ. Orovor Ste vens , 518 1'nxton block. ! KJ-i : | Ij suburban homos on motor tine and Monmoutli park adclltlous. Will trade for Improved farm and cush. J. U KicB Co. 377 ht LEAIjblanKi. ! Chuso & Eddy. USSlCthstl 270 sti ? _ COMUnndsea us and investigate iomoofthe bargains wo have to oil er. Wo are continually listing new properties nnd "If you don't see what you want ask for it. " Wo have merchandise to trade for land. Wo have a brlcK and tlio factory doing n thriving business to exchange for western laud. Three now , 5-rooin cottages at Albright , within 10 mlnuto's walk of terminus ot hourly dummy line , for sale on terms that will only bo fair rent. An elevaur property with lar a dwollln ? house , nt a bargain. Etov.Uor complete , with horse-power , .scaleolllco ! furnished , etc. A line opening for n practical grain dealer. One of the best Improved rarms In the state 111 be exchanged for Inside Omaha property. Two tluo residences in 1'opploton park , on motorJlnc ; will be sold on easy terms. Houses and lots In all parts of Omaha for sale and exchange. For exchange , lor Omaha property , l.OJO acres of school land lease , in one of tnobest counties In tlio state. A line residence property in Omaha View for saiaat a bargain. From SI'i.OJO to 3103,000 worth of first-class notes to exchange for Omaha property , Merchandise to exchange for M cash and bal ance western lands. This is 0110 of the finest opportunities o r offered to convert land Into cash. Investigate this. For xale , at u bargain , hotel and livery born , lu a good Nebraska town. This is a line open ing for a practical hotel man. For excnungo for Omaha property one of the best farms In Hock county. Nebraska , together with stock and machinery necessary to carry on the place , old age ana falling health of the owner Is reason for selling. A Hue Wheeler county tnrm , well developed , good ( -oil , for exchuhgo for Omaha property. HA ) acres ot wild land near a thriving city. What have you to oiler. 2bO acres of line land In northwestern Iowa to exchange for Omaha property. Wo have unsurpassed facilities for disposing of property , having some MJ ) agents scattered over four or ilvo states , your property with us if you wish a - salck turn. W. H. 12. Ac M. 12. , room 14 , Chamber of Commerce , tele phone 14 (0. ( Dti < ) P AHNAM Street Wo can sell S8H feotontho N. W. corner of : Sth and Farnam sts. for $ ? , ! X . M. A. Upton Company , 16th and Itanium. 'Mi 30 _ rrmiHTY-SEOOND street has bem ordered JL graded south to city limits. The South Oma ha Land Company have graded it fu > ru city limits to Exchange building lu South Unmlm. Motor line will go on S-'nd st. Dwight & Iy- man's addition , just south of Hnuscoin 1'ark , is on high ground , which makas beautiful resi dence sites. , ' 'U(1 st. ruus through this addition. Wohavotwo K-foot lotsthero that wo will sell for $ I.1O ( each. M , A. Upton Company. Hith and Farnam. 'Ml 09 Foil SALE Nowls the time to buynlotin HHMdo HuKcrvo or Hill.sldo addition No. 1 for a homo. This propertj is only about ono mile fiom the poatollice , Is all high and boautli fill ground , the streets uro all put to an estab lished grade. It Is only n few blocks from cable line nnd has the advantages ot gas , city water , sewerage and continuous pavement from the center of the city. Wo can otter special induce ments to purlieu winning to build lu this part of the city und usk that an investigation of the property bo made. Prices range from $50 to $7ti per front foot , according to location. Lots 7 and H. block : ! , Isaac to Selden'a addi tion , price wm. tiot o , block 8 , Isaac & Eolden's addition , price 81 7iM/ Lot 4(1 ( , HurrOak , WxlM feet , cast trout , on Georgia avenue , 1'rlce , Sl.tWO. 0 feet , south front , on Hamilton street , in block 1 , Orchard inn. I'rlce , $ ! , to > U. Nino-acre tract mutable ror dairy purposes. 'JVn-acio tract aultablo for dairy purposes. Eleven-aero tract suitable tor dairy purposes On each of the above tracts there is n line grove aud a stream of running water furnished from largo nprlngH. The property is handy to both Omaha and South Omiihu , nud dairymen contemplating change of location should investigate this. BOJIIO of the property could bo oxclinuged for other good inside property. Iotl4 , block I , Potter's addition , price J1,4'A IjOt ( J , block 5i : , city of Omaha with two story and basement bouse , with all modern conven- iemert. I'rico414.0ix > . bOxl i fott , southwest corner 0th aud Spruce streets , with small cottugo. 1'clco S8 , jO , This lias is ! feet frontage on ! th at , and can bo sold lu ' > foot lota. Nownix room cottage with cltv .water in house , in west part of city. 1'rlco W , JO. Terms to suit purchaser. luuxl-T ft. s. W. cor. 23th'nnd Cass Bts. Price & .QJJ. Will take lot aud good Um mortgage iii exchange. rttxlOUft.8. M. cor.2Jth and California ste. , with small cottage , at a bargain if taken BOOH , lot 54 , Hurr Oaic , price tl.ui * ' . 'I Ills lot ii Wix 160 feet , fronts ( lunscom park , The street is graded in front of It. and ft is uot subject to Bpcclnl assessments. Lots 1 and - , block I , Hertford place , Prlca- { l.fjfjQ for both. Thexe lots uro wlttilu one block of the new fnrnlUiru factory , The owner will soli for one third cash , I t purchaser got loan to put up building and will take xecouu mortgage for balance. Iot Iii. blocks. Potter's addition. Price II.4KO. A few tine business lols on Ttvonty-Ilftlt , Twenty-sixth , and Q ntrsets , Houth Omalm ; ZO , 40 , or8J fuel lots can bo had at reasonable prices and veryousy terms it purtuiuov will put up bnlldliig. A linn corner , ' .OxlTfl , on7th and Hroadway , Council HlulfH , prlco * i.OX. Thla luonuof the beat corner * on Ilrondway , and new buildings are going up all around It. A few good corners on Ilroadway , Council Hlutfe , u ur the carriage factory aud lumber yard , ut from tl.lUO to 41.200. Lots lu Potter ie Cobb'n addition , Council UlulTs. within three-fourths mile of the pout * oflica , from t'M > to $ ) JO each ; terms to suit. potter & ( Jobb , syi 15 Itwi Farnam t. rplll ! motor line is built to Collier plase. alia J Holt line rims null- Collier place. The F. E , &M , V. U , H. ttup all pusscngor trains nt Col lier place. Thi ) home car line will soon rnacli Collier place , llest addition lu the city , Prli-e tetut to Jl.'Aiy per lot. ouo-lontu cash , biUance ou to UYO yv&m. McCatus , opp. i' . U. K n lIK boat money s worth ot house and lat novf JL for sale in Omaha is that which I am now c mpl tlnq ; near " 2 < tn st. on pared Wlrt at. In KounHo Place. 8 bodrooin * , 3 parlors , dlntns room , kitchen , 3 bath rooms. 3 water closats , laree laundry , stationary wash tutu , furnace and coal room and collar , eloctrlo. balls and sptaklngtuhe , 13 closets. Prlco only i'.POi ) on terms to suit. I.lkflrrls * n dupllcntA ndjolnln at sam * prlco.V. . T. Seaman , east .sld4 Kith st , north ot. Nicholas st. Omaha's Urttost variety otwixano and carriages. S9t TOlsAK-lusnMs corner. * iaOOo.K Jlliurl. . on , Merchants National ItnnK. 1M SEND for Dint ot Colltor place , and when driving for recreation follow the motor line poles on 10th st. and Ames * ave. , nnd see the wonderful Improvements that have taken place Just around the barracRs , nnd remember that Collier place is the Jcuy to tno situation. Iluy a lot now for the low price nnd at the easy lorms they are being oiierod. nnd wo nro satlsllodt One-tenth cash , balance one to five years. Mo Cague , opp. P. 0. _ MJ IjtOll SA1.K On longtime andeasy payments , JL1 liandsomo , new , well built limues ot S , 0 and 10 rooms. All convonleni-osKo d.uelKh1 > orhood ! paved streets ; street cars and within walking distance of P. 0. Nathan Snolton , 1303 Farnam 139 . SOUTH Dakota farms to exchange for per sonal property. Address box 242. Ucttys- bun ; . 8. D. ra-s * _ BAllOAlN-Partof the Dlik Klmball estate , M feet on IHth street running through to 17th nvo. One 13-room house , all modern conven iences , nnd two il-room houses. Total rental $ l,6ft ) per year ; prlco JM.OtW. M. A. Upton Company , liltli and Farunm. UU "ITIOil SAIjE-llpautlful 8 room house , nil mod- -L cm improvoinonts , incliullng siilandld fur nace , near llanscom mrlc , best location In the city forscliooUrhnrvn and street carprlvllogos ; prlcom > . C. F. Harrison. Merchants bank. 113 i _ XTOW look here ; 47x111 feet on South IMh Jftrcct near Martha , at grade , good four room house. ) tli Is paved to Center and or dered paved to Vlnton. If taken soon wo can sell tno above for Ji H JTOU casn. Tno lot ulouo Is worth thmnoney. M. A. Upton com pany , 10th and Fainain. _ 3HH1 WONl ) E It fj \ , Harualn-Halt-acre piece , trackago , choice Insldo. for 8IO.WJ ; prlco 3 ycariiagiiJiUiJO ) ; worth It to-day ; investigate. J. L. lllco Co. 217 Bt TJUHl SALE Easr terms , ICountzo place. JJ Two homos , each -rooms. ach il.OOJ. Two homes , each ll-ronma , each t > .IXK ) . Two homos , each 15-rooms , each < 7OJJ. All with modern convenience. All largo value at thh price. All within a square ot the motor lino. Don't lose thosa opportunities , For sale by the owner. W. T. Seaman , East side , north of Nicholas st. , Omaha's largest variety of wagons aud car riages. _ C17. " \rr OODS1 Get on to those bargains I J SI.W.O buys full cast front lot with seven room house and furnace lu Hanscnm place. Do you believe It ? 8I4.UUJ buys a house on Park avcnuo with lull lot , that Is liner than sill : , nud elegant through out. You cannot guess how ulco this 18. 31,100 buys a good four room house nnd full lot In north part of the city ; also ror $1,000 lu northwest part of city. 1 cnn sell you houses and lots from < Ji.ono down to $ * ) U and can suit you In any part of the city. No trouble toshow goods , oven if It Is hot. Call in and got a good ride. If nothing more. J ) . V. Sliolcs. 210 First National Hank. 310 \/rE can otlor lor Rale for the next few days > i tlio following Hue proportlus ; A 3-room house In Improvement Association odd. , with barn and other nut door improvements. A lot In Oklahoma add. ; 1 in Hogors' ndd. ; 1 in Cleveland Place ; I lots In Itoialmd Place. W. H. E. ifc M. Ex. , Hoom 14 , Chamber of Commerce ; telephone 1410. 30 > , , NK of the two hotisa and lot bargains 1 O havobcon olforlngon Deorgli avo. north ot Leavunwortn , is now sold anil occupied , bo- caubo ot my very low prlco. Thu south house of the two still remains n bargain open to bombody. First coma : , llrst served. To bo ap preciated it needs to ba examined lutenmllv. L positively will not rent It , though several timi\s ollored JM ) per month. Price , on verv easy terms , 81.0JO. W. T. Benman , east sldo lllth Bt. , north of Nicholas st , Omaha's largest variety of wagons aud carriages. 618 Cheap ! Cneap ! A full lot facing on Ames ave. and motor line for $ SJ. ) It is worth (1,9X1. Orovor Stovous , 510 Paxtim block. 32,1-H FOR SALE The llnost rollonco ( In Oichard Hill can be bought at actual cost ; owner leaving lown : house has 10 rooms with Until- room and every modern convenience , lot GJxlilO all sodded : largo bara and ulco shade trees ; In fact up rfi'ct homo ; call and let us show you this. Arnold & Co. , Hoom 527 Paxton block. 77,1 rpHE flnost drive lu the city is ot Collier plnco JI MeCasuo. FOR SALE Lots in Stowurt Place on Lowe nvo. ; Metropolitan Cable passes property. U-room douse und barn , Hauscom Placo. 2 houses nud lots on Cass st. . ou easy terms. Harris , room 111 , 1st Nat. Hank. 201 T710R SALE Ono of the moat desirable feeding -L farms In Nebraska , ultiiated Vt mile from depot , ulso from the shipping yards of the Converse Cattle on Elkborn Valley H. R : it con tains 2SO acres , withiucof 3flQ acres additional ; everything new nnd necessary : barn ( UxllU'l ft. ; watur In abundance , II. S. MuuvHlo. Tl den , Nob. 753 FOR SALE 3W.73ncro. sec. 6 , tp , 12 , r. flw. , Hamilton county. Noli. House , stable , 30J acres fenced , livlnc water. Price. Sl.OUO. F. 1C. AtKlns. owner , railroad bldg. Denver , Col. 810 FOR SALK Thorniest residence sltoInSVcst Omuha ; lust south of Farnam on 31th St. ; u corner 1WX187 , with Ib7 feet frontage on paved street and joining the hnudsomo residence of Kirkenaull onths east , nnd Hrndy , Kasson and Martin ou the bouth ; n perfect gem and garden t > pot for au elegant homo. Hnrnoymtd2l9l streuts,141xl87. on pavement , within three blocks of tno court house ; room for seven line houses that would rent us rapIdly - Idly as completed. A splendid permanent In vestment. Farnuii nnd 22d stroots. fiflxISB , with now three-story brick store bullulng , rented to good permanent tenants. Rental receipts $1,200 per yi'ar. Sixteenth street , near Nicholas , frontage 01 feet to alley ; good business property. Furuum streot. between 33th and : wth , front age 48 or fl.lxlSJ to alley , south front , 1 block from pavement and sttoot earn. Park aveuuo. opposite Hnuscom pars , 00x150. price SJ.WX ) ; easy tei-ms. Paddock place , trackage , 00x113 , d,000 ; easy terms Sixteenth street , south of Yintou street lot for sale or truue for uidso. or good Inrui land. 8. A. Sloinun , 1301 Earnam at. U18 /"lONTlNUOUS sidewalk to Collier placo. Got v pricoa nnd terms McCu'juo. 930 OMAHA , NKH. . JUNK 1. IBbS.-SEALBD projiosals will bo received hero until two o'clock p. in. , central time , July in , IN1 , and then opened , lor the construction of an L or ad dition of each of two UAi-racks ut Foit NIoDrnra. Neb. The right is reserved to reject any or nil bids. All information furnished on uppllc.itlon hero , or to Post Quartermaster , Fort * Niobrur.i. Envelopes .inclosing projuwils Miould bo marked "I'ronojnls tor additions to barracks. " and addressed to WM. II. HUGHES. Lieut , Col onel nnd Deputy Quartermaster General. U. S. A. , Chief Quartermaster. J.S-U-78-Jy-5-0 NOIIOLof Dissolution. The firm of Klrkendull , Jones fc Co. . has this day been dlsnolvud by mutual content. Charle.s A. Coo. having dUpoit-d of his interest to Fieumun P , Klrkendall. nnd Hills o. Jones The business will bo continued under the same linn name by Freeman P. Klrkendall , nnd Kills O. Jones , who will assume all liabilities aud collect all outstanding accounts. FIIIJK.VN : P. KIIIKINOAIU : Kt.MHO , JONKt ) , CHAIILUS A. COR. Omaha , Nebraska , July 3 , ISS'J. JyS-d-3- Proposals for Sourii Oinnha Bonds. Sealed proposals will bo received up to 1 p. m. July 10. irt . for7rt.OOO funding bonds : 70 bonds of Jl.OUO each , 0 per cent interest , payable an nually ; bonds P'lyablo ton years nfter date : In terest cupons uttuchdd. Above IHSUO of bonds nre madu puyublo at the fiscal ngoncy of the nUt&ot Nebraska , In thu city ot Now York , both interest and principal. AH proposals to b willed , directed to the undersigned nud endorsed "Bids for Hunils. " The committee on fluauco retains the right to .reject any or all oircrs. Houds cuuuot bo sold less than pur , Jutid Vt. Au. JOHNSTON , Chairman. C. ' tbo f.lnuor Habit , ronlllrrlr Cured * t > r Admlnl terliiB Dr. Ilulnes' Uulden U can be Klrun In R cup of colieo or tea without tin knuwic'Uouf thu | M < r oiitHkliifHi IsnDiOlutttljrtinrm li'M.niiJwill cirwt a nuceJy and I'ornmiiont euro Mhallior tliu lullent 11 a lunlumtu rtrtnkur or un ulculiol Wrijck. Thoukitnd < of ilruiikunli liavo bunn inailo toiui > crito men liohivut.ikciiljoclin : ) Hpoclflo In tliolr c ! fuu wltliout tliotr knuwleU unnJ loilny to- lluvalhojr iult | ilrlnklnw uf Ihulr own fr u will , 11' NKVKUVAIL4. Tlici r tuunmcu liupra.inutua wiili tlio bO".oiio uu ntU'r ImpujjiilillHjr ( urtliu liquor iPiutltu | to wiltt. KOI nluij \ Kulm i Co. , DriivifliU , Ktli and DuuiMiu it , , uiiil tStli unit Cum. it t.Om lu. A.I' , foster A llro , , Ujuiinl llluiri. TS3 KvvOIlK MlTAUV AOA DKl CORN" wull-oU'liudson. . Cot , . 0. J , WIIIUIIT. 1) ) . 8. , A. M. , Hupt. ; II K. HVAIT , Comd't of Cudets. ST , JOHN'S MILITARY SCHOOL , MANMUS , N. Y. Civil Ensluecrlnir. Classics. IluslncHii. HT. Hnv. I' . D. J1UNTINOTON , i'rodlddnt _ IiJoi. . W. yi'.RHEOIC. HujiHrlntouduiit. FEMALE ACADEMY l'rrpir toiviiuriroll i-Ut cfii l- uuuio , tut , ' . f. iivu uu , BuroCarosI E8TMLISHEDI8BI ( 180 So. } Chicago , Ills , I ClnrkOt. IbofiogularOld-EsUbllshed PIIYSICIA ! ) AND SURGEON li itHI TrcallUK wilt ) thoGrottut SKILL and SUCCESS Chronic , Noryoiis and Pilyatc Diseases , rsr NERVOUS DKHILITV , LOU M nhooJ , PftlllnK Memory , Kxhuuttliu ; Dnln , Ttrrlblt Dreamt , llcud and Dock Ache and all lha effect ! fci.lin > t to curly dccuy nd pih < p < Coniuraptlon of Inianlty , trentrd < cl < ntlfiCAllr by new ncthodi with never > f iiinff nuccrti. 4uT 8YPH I LIS and All bad Bloo J and Qltln Dl J ce c permanently cured. * Tr KIDNEY and URINARY comphlntt.GUot , Oonotrlioc * . Strlctu re , Vorlcocela and all ilhtaiei of the Oenlto-Urin ry Organi cureil promptly without injuiy tn Stomach. KKlncyi or other Ors > nt. # 3 * No experiment ! . Ago and txparltnca lm portant. Coniuliatlon free and nacred. A3 * Send 4 cent ! po u : for CtlebraUi ! Work ! on Chronic , Nervoua and Delicate Un ie . "Tho e contemplating Maitinne tnd for Dr. Clarke' * ceUbraled guide Male and Female , e ch 11 centi , both gj centi ( itamm ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or call may lave future suffer. ina and thame , and ndd eolden years to life. * illoo "Llfe'il ( Secret ) IJrror , " soc nt ( iurapi ) . Medlclnt and writings sent everj'whrre , secure from exposure. Hours , 0 ID S. Sundays 9 to n. AdJrcit F. D. CLARKE , M. E > . , - 100 80 * ( Clark Si * , GHIOAGGhi 1kb llouolvor'H Hnlo OK VAl.ttAllI.E 110HSKS , OATrf.K , ANH OTJIBll I'KOi'KKTV IN Oil ASK. IMTOilCOCIC , HAYKS AND UUNDV COUiNTIKS , WE- IlltASKA. In the circuit court of tlio United Status , dla- trli-tof Nebraska. ( The Kit Carter Onttla Company J VH. I The Hnrlom Cattle Compiuy. Upon application of tlio Kit Carter Cattle company and other creditors Interested In the property 111 the handa of E. 1) . Webster , re ceiver , It is upon dltu ronaldoratlon of the court hereby orderud that the roi'alver shall advertise tor bids for all of the herds of catttuntut horses , ns nvholu , and also for all other personal prop erty In hU hands as receiver. It Is furtliur or dered that bids may be made for any of the herds or parts thereof separately , or any of the Uoi'dOH separately , either by herds or any num ber of cuttlii or horses as the purchasers may desire to bid upon , and that such bids In the SBveral manners In which they may bo made shall bellied M 1th the clerk ut thli court with the terms of proposed purchase nnd tlio names of bidders within twenty days from the date ot this order , for the apnroval or rejection of this cotitt , and If any or nil of the bids are rejected by the court , tlio receiver shall proceed to K > VO notlro for ton days to sell the said property nt public auction m detail fur the cattle and hnrsog Individually for cash to thoUtthostblddiT. It Is further ordered that all bids shall be sent to the clerx of this court sealed and ac companied with ID per cent of the amount btrt , ultherlticivth orcortllK'd check on rospomlblo banus. as a condition of their bids bolujj enter tained and consldeiod by the court. Itis further ordered mat , in order to facili tate the bldalnK on this property In the hands of tlio receiver , ho Miull clvo notice of this order In ono paper published In HUchcocK county , NubiasKa. and In one" dully newspaper lu the city of Omaha , nud in one in the clt vofMncoln for two weeks , and also bv hand bills properly distributed , nnd setting forth terms and condi tions of this order. I ) . S. DUts IV. iludtte. Thopioperty mentioned lu the above order li described as follows ; AllUllDEEN ANOU3. Y'carllns bulls , number , 11 , Two-year-old bulls , number , 3. Thri'O yuaia old and upwards , number , 2. YearlliiK hcllors , number. 8. Two-year-old helfeis , number , 14. Three-year-old and upwards. cowsnum\er,30. Cows with palvos by tliolr side , number , 20. IIOI.STH1N. Yeailliw bulls , numbi-r. M.I. Two-year-old bulls , number , 1. Three-year-old bulls and upwards , number , 0. Yearling heifers , number , - " > . Two-year-old holl'ois , number , 10. Tlircoyearold and upwards , cowsnuuiber,3J. - Yearling bulls. nuniDer. III. bulls , number 0. Three-year-old and unwinds , number , 14. Yearling heifers , number. 11. Two-year-old holfijr.s. number , 30. Three-year-old and u ; > wardscow , numbQr,55. Cows with calves by their side , number , BJ. MOUSES. , Also a largo iitimbm- thoroughbred trottlna hor.sos , coiibHtliu : of ; Stallloiu , number , 2. llrood mares , number , GO. Colts , number. III. Cl-YnnSDAM ! H011SE3. Consisting of stallions , number , a. Mures number. H , Those licndi contain 8omo of the llnest ani mals of their classes in the country , and are all pure blooded. Also a largo number ot draft brood marcs. work horses , saddloponlos , a herd of about 25U common range cattle , and a lot ot wagons , har nesses and otnor farming implements and tools. All bids must bo made on or baforo tlio nth day of July next , and must bo llled with Klmor J ) . Frank , cleric or the United Btates circuit court , district of Nebraska , at Omaha , N o. , and must bo accompanied by cash OP certified chocks nmnnntlnir to ID per cent of the amounts ot the bids. M U. WKIiSTEIt Uocolvor of the llurloiu Cattle Co. Juno 23d lit N'otioo. Notice Is hereby glvon that sealed bids will ba received by the clerk of Adams County , Neb rnska , nt his alllca Hastings. Nebraska , on or before twelve o'clock noon of .Inly Utli , 18S ! ) , or thopurchai50of 8ivonty llvo bonds of the de nomination of 0110 thousand dollars each to bo issued by tdo County ot Adams In the St i to of Nebraska , to ) w dated July 1st , l.-M . und to bo paynblo at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Nebraska , City of Now YorB. State of Now York twenty years after the date thernof re- dcomabloat any t line on or at tor ton years from the data thereof nt tlio option of said county of Adams und to bear Interest at tlio rate of Ilvo per cent per annum payable annually on the llrst day of .1 uly In each year , for which interest coupons shall bo attached payable at tuo fiscal ani-nry aforesaid. J lights reserved to reject any nnd all bids. lly order of the Hoard ot Supervisors , May Oth 188'J. L. It. 1'AHTUinor. IDEAL. ! County Clerk. Jonw A. CASTO , County Attorney , i > i21dtoJyJ Nottco to Conirautoroi Hock and earth excavation and tunnclllns Seated proposals will ha received ut the ollfc ot the Coinpauv , in Ogden , Utah , until noon , .Inly 89th , Itw'J ' , tor the construirtlonof the upper twjlvH miles ot the Hoar JlVor Canal from the head works on Itlvcr , llox JClder County , Utah , in accoidunco vath plum , i < roUes and specifications on Illo la the otllco of the engineer lu chargii at Ogdeu. Uho amount of work to bo contracted for in the llrst Bertiou Is anproxlmately as follows. y.'O.iO' ( ' ) cubic yavd.s solid rock. 1 ' , i,0 JO cublu yurils loose rock. ] /ffli,03U cubloards earth , l/JtK ) linear feet tunnelling , Contractors will bo required to glvo n aufllcl- ent oond for the faithful pcrformunco of the contracts awarded them , The company reserves tlio right to reject any and all bids , Fiti'.D. MATHVAS , JOd't Un lnoer In charge. Notion to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received until July in , 1839. for tliH erection of n three roomed high school bullilugjal Stella , Itlchardson County , Neb. lllds will bo rt'Culvod for building complete above foundation walls , ( contractor to furnish everything ) . Also for all workmanship audma- terliU separately. According to plans and Hpeclilcatlons for same , which may be noon at Stella , Nob. , or olllceof K. M. Kills , Omaha. Nob. IlultdlUr ( to bo roinplotad by Hopti-inber" IB , im. ' . 'ilia Hoard reserves the light to reject any or all bids. II. 1 ! . Cr-AtiK. Jy3-7 Director School Hoard. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH A.O. " 1802 FARNAM STRKKT , WAl'KUS tro S successfully u od monthby ! over IQ.irJO iljidlea. AroBtiSe.tyftctualanilPleciiant ? ' I'T 1)0.JC ty n a'l- ° ' ' o * drUBBlsU. Resiled t'articuttiri 2 poatngu etarnpa. Addn > l TUB Eoiuuu CiiUMtcAL Oo Duraou , Micu. For uule and by mall by GooJmnn Drug Company , Oinaha ,