0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ; MONDAY , JULY 8 , 1889. THE DAILY BEE. COUNOIlTBLUFFS. OFFIC13. NO 12 ST11KET. Cehvcredbr carrier In Any Pnrt of bo City a Twenty Cents rcr Week. 11. W , TILION. . . MANAGER. RCFINCRR Orncic No. 43. NIGHT EDITOII , No. 2) ) . MINOU MENTION. Glcnson ami. N. y.l'lumblnfi Co. C. U. Music Co. , D33 B'wny. Iteltcr , tailor , 810 Hroiuhvny. Evnns' laundry , T21 Hrondvray. D. W. Otis , city nnd farm loans. A laborer named AVtmlcy sustained some lorcro bruises nnd a fractured leg xvhllc un < loauInK machinery nttho Northwestern depot .inlay evening. A new daughter tins arrived ut tuo home of AJdoruinn Lucy , on 1'nrlt nvcnuo. The llttio strntiRcr Is of regulation wolRht nnd in the best of health. An Information 1ms been filed before the Insane commissioners , charging Mrs. Jmucs Bcguin with insanity. The ludy has become a total mcatal wrecK from the excesslvo use of morphine. She will undoubtedly bo tuUen to Mt. Pleasant. The dedication of the Second Presbyterian church on Harmony , formerly the Hnrmony Mission , which wus to huvo occurred yester day , did not take pliico , for the reason that the church building was not. entirely com pleted. It hits bauu postponed until next Sunday. The ciwo against William Joffrtci for dis turbing the pence nnd insulting u lady on nn clectrlo motor train will bo heard to-day. Jeffries has been In trouble several tunes in police court , und hits given tliu police any amount of bother , and an effort will bo mudo to hnvo til m sent to jull. As the court Is disposed to treat characters llko Jeffries with but little lenience , his prospects uro not par ticularly fluttcrini ; . Shortly nftcr the 10:15 motor left the Inko ast evening , Otto Pfclller , nn employe of the wnter works company , who was ono of the passengers , fell from the steps wntle the train wus ruuing about fifteen miles mi hour. Ho was apparently uninjured , as ho nroso nnd started buck toward the hotel before - fore the train could bo stopped. A stop was niatlo , nnd n party wont back , but Pfeiffer liad returned to the hotel nnd thu searcher went buck to the train without him. It was a lucky escape from injury. There were more visitors in Fnlrmount park yesterday than on any previous diiy this year. Competent judges say there were never so many pcoplu iu the park bt'foro at onotimo. Oinalm and Council Hlnfi's were both well represented among the visitors who sought its refreshing shade. The start ing of the motor line extension Is all that la needed to cause thousands to assemble In the park daily , It is it welcome treat to visit Its cool nnd shady retreats these lint days , and the people of both cities ure beginning to lind it out. "I cnn't see what the work of the grand Jury 'was begun for If it was so soon to bo done for,1 " said a citizen to Tin : UIE yester day. "Nor can I understand why it didn't indict Mayor Hohrer and Chief of Police Lucas rather than I'atrolmnnlTliomns , unless it is that the prosecution hero Is going to pursue the same course as they are pursuing in the Cronin case in Chicago , indicting the smaller fellows among the conspirators with the belief that the apparent neg lect to prosecute the bi ones will tnaku the little follows squeal nnd tell all they know. If Patrolman Thomas swears that ho got his orders not to interfere with the gamblers and thieves who wore robbing the crowds at the tourinunont from the head of the polled department , and was thus placed between tiio devil und the deep , deep sea , to bo prosecuted if ho didn't , und dis missed If lie did , it would clear him before any Jury , and compel live next grand Jury to Indict the principals. I tell you this city is in a nice ripe condition for the investigations of the grand jury , und if public sentiment will sustain the present action and ent/burngo / the county attorney to do his duty , and I be lieve ho will do that anyhow , you will see the greatest commotion in certain quarters you ever dreamed of. " Wanted A house and lot worth about 12,500 on good residence street. A. A. Clark &Co. Kollcy & Younkennan sell groceries. Chase and San bom coffees n specinly. Have your old furniture upholstered , good as now. U. Morgan , TJ& Uroadway , J. Zoller & Co. have moved to 100 Broad way with the largest stock of groceries on Upper Broadway. Bodino roofing will lust longer nnd pivo better satisfaction thnn any roofing mudo ; will not crack , curl or split , nnd makes a perfectly solid joint on the en tire roof. Uirlcinbino Engineering and Supply company , 115 Pcurl street , Coun cil Bluffs , la. t- I'crennnl Parriurnptn , Mrs. M. J. O'Neill left 'yesterday for Chicago cage , to attend normal musical institute. Mrs. Jennie Douglass , of Columbus , O. , is visiting her sister , Mre. Tinnio Smith , in this city. city.Donald Donald Macruo left last evening for Clear Luke , where ho will remain for several weeks. Mrs. James Anderson will leave in a few days to visit relatives in Mononu county. Sue will bo absent several weeks. Mr. A. II , McClurg wns called to Pennsyl vania by n telegram received Saturday evening - ing announcing the serious illness of his father. Mr. and Mrs , T. B. Groonleo , of Anthony , Kan , , have returned homo after a wrck 's (1 ( ; visit with her parents , JJr. und Mrs. . J. Woodbury. Mrs. J. J. Malownoy nnd daughter. Miss Coco , of Hebron , Neb. , and Miss Llllio Mu- lowney , of Chester , Neb , , nro stopping at Lake Manawa during the heated term. Hugh , Jr. , Sadie and Clyde Goss , children of Hugh Goss , on Third street , H.IVO goiro to Charter Oulr , la. , to spend n few days visit ing with their sister and brother-in-law , Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Wright. Mrs. O. H. Simons , daughter of J. Mueller , and wife of Dr. O. H. Simons , consul-elect to Hong Kong , China , is visiting relatives in this city. She will go from here to Sun Fnui- cisco , where she will meet her husband and they will sail for China. William Hutchinson , foreman of tbo Chicago cage & Northwestern shops , Blurted cast last evening. Ha will Join his family , who are visiting Mrs. Hutchinson's old homo in Chicago cage , nnd proceed with them to his homo in Springllold. O. Thu Hutcliinsons will there hnvo a family reunion , the llrst complete ono iu llfteen years. Notice Uio beautiful linish given col lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. C. n. Trunk Factory moved to Chapman's old stand. Largest trunk factory m wost. Parties desiring loans on real estate from ono to flvo years in small and lurqo amounts. A. A. Clark & Co. Council Bluffs Furniture company for good goods at low prices. 407 Broadway. Have our wagon cull for your coiled clothes. Cascade La.un.drv Co. City steam laundry , 81 Main , tcl. 141. Splendid bargains at Marcus' clothing ctore before removal to now building. Not Dead , Ilut Still Alive. I will convince you of the fact by the prices { will mnko you on my own make of carriages , buggies , surreys and phaetons. I also keep In stock eastern manufactured work , which 1 will sell at astonishingly low tlgijrcs. I have a largo stock , which 1 want to reduce withlu the next thirty days. If persons desirous of buying will call , I will convince them of the fact that what I say I moan , Cull und convince yourselves. H. F. llattcubuucr , Nos. .7 to SI Jtu St. , Council Bluffs. Steam and hot water heating , llrst-clnss plumbing. Work iu both cities. JOHN GIL- 616 Pearl street , Council Hlulla. THE CURSE OF THE CDRS. A Now Ordinance nnd Now Shot gun Policy Asked For. THE RUSH FOR THE PARKS , Talk About the Imllctfcd Ofllotnls A Deserted Wife l ngll- lii the 1'cn i'crsonal. Ton Many At the last mooting of the council the city ranrfthnl wns Instructed to enforce the dog ordinance , nnd It is said that ho is preparing to do so. The marshal , however , Is of the opinion that the council did not fully con sider the matter , nnd ho wants the assurance that ho will not bo molested before starting out to carry the order Into effect. The sumo order was given him several jears ago , and ho proceeded to obey It , but the citizens raised such a howl of indignation that the council ordered him to desist , nnd since that tlmu the dog ordinance him been a dead letter. He now wants assurance that the same procedure will not bo repeated before Inaugurating a war on the canines. It is very probable that comparatively fo w citizens of Council Bluffs know what the dog ordinance of the city provides. It h not the same as Iu Omnhaor in the majority of cities , where the ofllcers uro Instructed to start out nnd kill nil unlicensed dops after n certain duv. but Is , Instead , n rather complicated affair , nhd ono that can not but prove ox- rpcdingly disagreeable- a large number of people besides the dog owners In cnsn it is enforced. The ordinance provides that it shall bo the duty of every dog owner to appear before the city clerk on or before tbo 1st of May of each year nnd have Ins dog registered , payIng - Ing SI.25 for each male nnd $ i 50 for each fe male dog , and m'civo n mcttalic eliOL'k , on which shall bo stumped the words "Council Bluffs , " together with the year and the' num ber of the check , which must boeurrly fastened upon the neck , of the dou. The clerk shall Ueei ) a record of the number , when , and to whom the check was issued. It then provides "that it shall bo the auty of the city marshal to procure n pound , as may bo directed by the city council , for the Impounding of all nogs seized by him under the provisions of this ordinance , and it shall be his duty to seize and impound all dogs found rnnnini ! at large at any time which have no cheek or which are not registered , na aforesaid , and to detain the same for two days , und shall feed und care of the same , and on the third day nftcr the seizure shall offer the same for sale at public auction , without notice , and if no bids to the amount of 51.5'J for male dog or $3.50 for female dog , with cost of keeping , is offered , then it slull be the duty of the city marshal to kill such dog and bury ttie carcass. " As previously stated , au attempt was mudo- to enforce this ordinance. A pound wns built in the rear of the city Jail , and the ca nines were euttiered in from all parts of the city. The two day clntlso was what caused the trouble. Between OH ) and UOO dogs were confined in the enclosure , nnd the horrible din caused by their prowling , barking , howl ing , snarling and lighting well nigh drove the residents of that vicinity distracted. They made such a kick that the council was compelled to abate the nuisance forthwith , nnd it has not since been repeated. It is for this reason that the marshal is backward about starting in on another round-up of the canine population of the city. It is evident that the ordinance might be vastly improved , as it Is practically , useless in its present construction. Said Judge Aylcsworth , in speaking of it : "There is a great deal or red tape about it that might Just us well be loft off. It seems ns'if , the council might get up something that would answer the purpose a great deal better , anil could be enforced without so much trouble all around. The only way to remedy it is to pass a now ordinance , and that lies iu the power of the council. " There arc hundreds of worthless curs run ning about the streets , und a general demand is being made that they shall be put out of the waj- before the advent of dog days. Tbo safety of Uio public demands that these brutes , wnich are always ut large and run ning tbo streets , and therefore more subject to hydrophobia than others , shall bo cither placed under restraint or killed. Under the present ordinance this would require the tolerance of an almost intolerable nuisance. The pressing demand is for a different and more practicable ordinance , and its sttict enforcement. Dr. C. C. Hazen , dentist , Opera house bloolc. Important , to Indies nnd Gentlemen. I have established an extensive dyeing and cleaning works in this city and desire to cull attention of ladles und gentlemen of Omaha nnd Council Bluffs to the fact that 1 have furnished my works with the latest improved machinery known to the trade , that I have had over sixteen years' experience , and that I use only the very best dyes and chem icals. I clean and dye everything but fur goods. I call special attention to my now cleaning process by which the garment is not ripped and which restores the original lustre to the goods. Ladles' nnd gentlemen's sum mer garments , such us flannels or silk , made to look as good us now. Dresses , clothing , silks , shawls , laces and plumes dyed in su perior manner. Motor lure allowed on all goods brought to works , or wagon will call at residence. G. A. Schoedsack , Twin City Dye Works , Twenty-sixth and Broadway. Main office I1U South Sixteenth , Omaha. The Day In the I'nrku. Yesterday wns ono of the drycst , hottest nud generally most oppressive days of the summer , and the great problem people had to solve was how to keep cool enough to got through > ho day. Iu the churches the sultry atmosphere was kept in violent motion by the innumerable fans in the bands of per spiring worshippers. The occupants of the pulpits handled their books and manuscripts with fingers from which the perspiration trickled In streams and wished perhaps as devoutly as they prayed that the fashion of an absolute vacation from pulpit work dur ing the two hot summer months was more popular in Council Bluffs , Through the principal streets of the city the red hot pave ments doubled the heat by reflecting the glare of tbo sun , and only in places where the lawns were largo nnd the shade dense nnd generous was life endurable. But nn immense number of people sought comfort and enjoyment out of the heat of the city and Invaded the parks by thousands , blessing the beneficence of providence that created hills and clothed them with spread ing trees , and the wisdom of our park com missioners that prompted the purchase of the hundreds of acres of breezy groves that constitute our park system. That exquisite emerald gem In the heart of the city , Buyliss park , formed a breathing place to multitudes from early morn till Into at night , but the objective point of the greatest number was cool nnd breezy Fnirmount. At soon as the heat began to he oppressive In the morning the crowds commenced to pour In from Omaha , und during the daylight hours every motor train was loadedund tills crowd added to the homo people who sought the park well nigh tilled it , and every breuzy spot of shade was occupied , and the nark , great us it is and as generously as It Is clothed with trees , wns too limited In shady spots for the crowd. The relief fiom thu heat of the cities was very grateful and the contrast so marked tliut the Omaha people lost some of the comfort by getting hot when they reflected upon the stupidity of their own municipal government that denied tlieui n park system until It was too late procure it In larger slices than single blocks. On the Bhudy hillsides and on the airy tops the multitudes sat und enjoyed tbo unalloyed comfort the niuKnltlccnt wuk afforded. In the cool glens , where the breezes were drawn up through the trees , every available spot was occupied. Hundreds of people sat around the splashing fountain in the largo glen und bade detlunco to the heat. In the drinking fountains the supply of ice water was Inexhnustlble , nnd thu blessing It con ferred upon the sweltering multitude was Inestimable. Bvnry driveway in the palt win filled with carriages , und the hilltops overlooking the heated city und sun-blistered Omaha In the distance were covered with people as BOOU as tlio suu got low ouougU iu the west to make his rays endurable. A conservative estimate of the number of pcopla who enjoyed the comfort of the park during the day Is 10,000. Mnnawn and Big Iftko drew their quota , nnd In both places the discomforts of the heated city wore forgotten. The Mnnawn motor trnlnti wore crowded from the first runs In tbo morning until the last trip nt night , nnd hero ns nt Fnlrmount n inrgc portion tion o ( the people were from Omaha. When night came nnd one of the hottest dnys of the season hud passed the convic tion had been confirmed that Council Bluffs afforded blessings In her park ; system nnd pleasure resorts that will give her nn cnvl- nblo prominence us n city where cool retreats from the blazing heat are within the reach of the humblest citizen and of such vast extent that thousands of strangers can mingle with her own people nnd not create a crowd , where ono Individual can ndd to the discomfort of bis neighbor. It Is fair to pre sume that If the motor line had been running into the park 10,000 Omnlm people would hnvo enjoyed the blessings of Falrmount alone , nnd that If the work Is completed ns contemplated by next Sunday nnd the day Is hot that more than that .number will rldo into the park on the clectrlo cars. No K.xplosloiis When persons Uoop cool nnd use our "Sun Dial" gas stoves. Four holes , roaster und' Imkcovon. Costs 7 cents per hour wlion running full blast. Now York Plumbing Co. Call on tho' Birklnbino Engineering and Supply company , 115 Pearl street , Council JihitTs , la. , and examine the Bodino roollnp. It will pay you ; ram- pics sent on application. J. G. Tipton , real cstiUo. 5127 B'dway. llio Indicted Ofllulnln. The Indictment of the city ofllcera by the prnnd Jury wis the subject of considerable comment yesterday morning , but the little cotnmntion catiscdjby It was 'of short dura tion. It now transpires that Aldornmn Lauy is indicted on two counts , whlln but ono is pending1 against cither nf the others. It is stilted Unit thu Investigation Is not yet nt nn end , but that K will bo renewed utter thcso cases are tried. It Is expected that evidence will bo Introduced in these cases that will beef of material assistance in getting Information that will lend to now Indictments. As the matter stands at present , Mayor Hohrer is not disposed to Itlck very hard , hut before the Indictments were returned , and while ho had reason to fear that ho would bo unpleasantly connected with the case , ho thought that the grand Jur.v was straining at n gnat while swallowing u c.iuicl with peed grace. In the course of a short conversation ho made u statement that will surprise the pcner.il public , and as it purported to show why ho ot ) Jcctcd to the grand jury's investi gation , it is herewith given. Said ho : "It surprises mo to think that the gr.tnd Jury can overlook thu gambling that is going on ovcr.v da.v , ripht In the heart of the city , and KO back several weeks to pick up the proceedings of thu firemen's tournament nt the drivinp park. I should think that they would look into the cases of the local pr.n- blera. Of course thi-y called rue in , and I was compelled to testify thnt I was not a gambler and did not run a gambling house , nor was I interested in one. 1 hat was the extent of all the information that I could fur nish them. I was sorry to sco the move made , for I was doing my best to close the gambling houses , und should have succeeded but for the obstinate resistance of the mar shal. I had fully matured nil my plans as to the course I would pursue , nnd had counted on his hearty co-opoiMtlon and assistance , but I have all alon had to. contend with his ob jections to the plan. Ho absolutely refuses to assist mo in closing the gamb'mp houses , still I am in ho o of effecting that end before very lonp. This determined opposition to my plans has kept mu uack a great deal , and I am afraid that this foolish move of the prand jury will serve to retard the perfect consummation of my plans still further. There are some tilings connected with this investigation that I am nt u loss to under stand. " The public will undoubtedly bo glad to know that the mayor is trying to close up the gamoling houses , as it was not generally known that such was the case , but as that gentleman himself is authority for the statc- meilt , it may bo of interest to the citizens to know it. So far ns the gambling at tbo drivinp park during the tournament is concerned , the ofli- clals nil seem to have been in a state of bliss ful ignorance regarding it. The pro\ ailing opinion , as expressed on the street , is that some of tlio cases will never come to trial , and that those that are tried will amount to very littlo. List your property with A. A. Clark & Co. Insure your property witb A. A. Clark & Co. Desortoil HH | Family. Peter Bartel , who lias been a saloonkeeper In Council Ulun's for a number of years and for a larpe portion of the time located on Upper Uroadway , has been missing for the past thrco weeks , and his friends and ac quaintances have pained the impression that ho bas deserted his family and left the city for good. His wife has received no tUIngs from htm since ho left , und now shares the conviction of his friends. At the May term of the district court Uartcl was lound guilty of contempt of the court's injunction order ing him to discontinue the saloon business , and was lined $1 000. Ho was unable to raise this sum and -vent to Jail. After remaining there three days his wife mortgaged her homo for $700 nnd paid bis line , and after re gaining his liberty ho remained In town n row days , and then left , it is said , in compa ny with a woman who lias figured in ; > c.indul cases before and is said to Imvo separated ono husband nnd wifo. She had been em ployed as a domestic in tlio Uartol family. After u short absence he returned , but loft again immediately without providing for his family or making known his intentions. Mrs. Uartel Is in poor health , has a family of two or thrco bright little girls , and is nearly heart-broken over her husband's conduct , rf ; Money loaned at L. B. Craft's t Co.'s loan ollicc on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , por&onal property of nil kinds , and all other articles of vnluo , without removal. All business strictly confi dential. _ S. B. Wadswortb & , Co. loan money. Penned Pugilism docs not scorn to bo meeting with the most flattering success in this city. Tom Brooks , the champion lightweight of this section , Is now in the county Juil awaiting trial for a cold blooded murder , and Jimmy Lindsay , Omaha's middleweight champion , U confined in the city jail , where ho Is serv ing out a fifteen days' sentence and a $50 tine for assault and battery , There nro two more complaints pending against him , and lie will pay ( julte dearly for his fun before he gets through. Ho amused himself by punch ing the passengers nnd Insulting ladies on n Manawa motor train lust Thursday nlgtit. In sentencing him the court stated that ho proposed to put a stop to this practice of rowdyism , nud would dispel the illusion In the minds of Omaha touuhs that they could como over here and do as they pleased. Sunday nt the hake. Yesterday wns an average Sunday at Manawa. There were no special attractions to draw a largo crowd , still the motor trains were fairly well patronized , fully 1,000 people ple visiting the lake during the day , Both the bathing beaches wore well patronized , the managers having about all the business they could attend to. At Munnwa bcacli the supply of suits was hardly equal to the de mand , but this will bo guarded UKnlnxt In the future , us , live dozen now suits are now on the road and will bo hero this week , The register ut the hotel Indicated n good day's business. In the evening a grand display of lire- works wns the principal feature. They were sent up from a boat anchored a short dls- tuiico in front of the hotel. The day was warm cnouuh to make bathinc doubly at tractive , wfillo tbo cool breeze blowing from the liilco w ta a welcome chaugo from the heat of the city. There wns hut f nqt barber shop open in this city yesterday. , nnd thnt wns run by n boventh-Dny AdvBullAt , on Upper Brondway. Ho closed his shop Saturday until 0 o'clock , from which time until last evening he did n rushing business. Silld ono of the barbers who had to remain' closed : "Thnt follow has n dead cinch. , The bulk of Saturday's trade Is nftcr 0 o'clock , so that ho really Rets Saturday nnd Sunday both. His trndo to day must hnvo uecn , worth nt least $12 , nnu ho did nil the work-himsclf , Ho In making his religious Ideas ' \fyy \ him n good prollt on the cnpitnl Invested ) and I was wondering whether It wouldn't bo wlso for some of us to follow his example. " Judge Aylcsworth gives his decision to day. The anti-closers nro quite positive that It will bo In their favor. They fully expect to open ucxt Sunday , nnd ono of them stated thnt ho had received quite positive assurance that there would be no further trouble. Fritz Bernhnrdt states that ho was misrep resented , us ho lias no dcslro to give In or abandon the light , but , on the contrary , will continue to opfioso closing , and In case the other side is successful ho will start in to shut up every other business In the city on Sunday , cigar stands , drug stores , news papers nnd everything else. The closing faction i not nt nil worried over the outlook , as they have shut up all the shops for two Sunduys , und believe that the outlook for the future is In their fnvor. In the meantime the shaviii < puhllc is taking verv kindly to the now order of thiirgs , and mnito it u point to drop into the shops Hatur- dny iifternoou or evening , Instend of Sunday morning , ns It hud always been their custom. SPECIAL NOTICES. _ _ "ttioll BALK My np-huvncignr storr. at flt2 -L llrounwny , Is tor Milo ctieup. Will B < > 11 block mid tlxcurus cr fixtures alone. Hansons for i-ellliit. II nVo two stores and can't attend to but ono. tipU-nilld business cbnnce. lor Kiniill capital. Inquire oC IrunK I.ovln , M' Hrondwi'y. TTIOU HUNT Store room , No. 18 Mam St. , -I ? after July 1. W. C. Jiiinos. U Pearl st. [ ) Ois- | l spaniel flop , small and lilitckvlth < urly hair , long tall niiil VOM : hair cm like niton. 'the iltiilor will bo Miitnltiy rewarded by return- ilia tliu iniliiml to the Morgun house. Lower Main ft. Philip Morgan. Rood girl forgunoral housowork. WANTED Huuehott , IS ) Itn nt. _ 17U I\U family team for Hale , or trade for Jlot. ? . Inquire lit a Wosr , llroiuhvny , HUNT Tarnished ( for two or tbroa months ) , thu bun se 1 occupy , No. 124 So. ith st. U. C. Cheynoy. _ _ A V7ANTED WO piece. * 0,5 sc'on Hum 1 cxvpot. > al'o all good sj > ! ! t-luin I furniture. A. J. > Iumlel.Nos. _ : i i _ T7IOK r.XCHANan-Soveral goo.lfiir.ns to ex J-1 change for Council Illu'Js lots. Johnston Si Van 1'ntten , Kvcrctt block. TM5AL KSTATiS-Houzut nivl soil an-t ex- iV changed. Speclil nttonUoa given to exam ination ot tltli-s. W. C. Jamus. .No. U Pcnrl St. . Council Uluils. _ _ 17 011 "KBNT Ka < y terms two now live-room J houses , 11th nvu. bjt\vfl n Hlgn and Tnlnl Ets. t-ell c.iuiip if titlcon tins weok. lutuiiio owner. J. Dickey. 74 _ II. Way. _ 1TK1K SALW Old esuib'llssul Koa.-ral mer- J2 ch'iiuUsu busluo . ptCKX , ifxtures , wn joas , etc. Good room n-id lov reut , Address , J. Dickey , "I ) H. Way _ . Kverybf > rty iu the city to romeni- bor Mandpi's Imruntu 1'nrnlt.ira store Is the pluco to buy your goods. : i-tJ nnd 3:5 llroad- \ \ ay. _ w * T"'i P * * ? suBiuHS rJ fg. akteeli ( . . . ftjS l .t * ? M [ MT * fwia r fM iiyi-f-iJ i Ku3 ra n t ee idAbstractsof M } r & . COUNCIL. Ht-UFFS. IOWA. LOANS INSURANCE , REAL ESTATE , RENTS HOUSES. Agent American Iluilcllnfr and Loin Absociu- lon. No. 30 Pearl St. , UP-WTA1 US. CHAS. O. Mj\SOOJ > . J. D. GllMUNn-OM. R. li , ( res. Vice 1'red CllAS. It. H ANNAN. Cashier. CITIZEN'S STATE BANK OP COUNCIL Paid Up Capital . $ 150.00WW. Surplus . iri.ouwx ) . Liability to Drpojltors. . ; 2iXKrJ. ( ) ( DiiiKOTOiis I. A. Miller , I' . O. ( ileason , E. L. Suugart , i : . I ! . Hart , .1 , 1) . IMmnnason. C'bas. It. Hnntmi. Transact ceneral banking business. Lar et cipltal ami surplus ot uuy bank In southwestern Iowa. Interest ou tlmo deposit- ) 'Juos. OKMC-VI. W. II. M. POSB OFFICER & PiiSET. BANKERS. Corner Mntn and Broadway , COUNCIL * UliUKFS , IOWA. Dealers In forettin c.nd domestic exchange. Collfctlonb uitida und Intaroit paid oa tlmo de- poults. ABIGLOTOFlfELLOWJERSEY and fansamond { SWEET POTATOES CaltlMigo anil Other Vegetable Plants. FOIC SACG By J , R , MoPHERSON , GROWER , Vegetables , Stable Plants , Fruits Etc , ttnst Tlcrcc St. Council CENTRAL LIVERY STABLE. ' W. IMTTO.X - , Prop. Elegant rUfrs ut Heusonublo Kates. Noa. 10 und 21 , North Muiit Street. Council DlulTd , Iowa. J. 3V1. HAS Tim CHOICEST LOT Of SUBURBAN & INTERIOR PROPERTY In tuo city. Gilt edged opportunities to liuuio- dlato lnvoitorian.1 lioinojoetcrd. 2U I'earl tit. Council UlulTs. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. BO OKS YOU OUGHT TO CONSULT Special Bargains in all DeparlnientslTMs Week , PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. H Hydraulic and Sanitary Eiiffinoor. Plans , Estimates , Sjieoilications. Supervision of Public Work. Brown BuilJinjr , Council iJlutTs , Iowa. NQP. W I I D7 Justicl ° of l'10 ' Peace. Oiiieo over American Express , No.11 . OUII Urt - Brondwny , Council BhtlTs. Iowa. &Q I M Q AltorTioy t l TiiTriii ( tlio State and Fcd- OIIVJ'J oral Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Sliusart-l ; Block , Council Blufis. Iowa. M QTII I l\/i \ / A f\i Attorney-at-Law. Room 4 , Second Floor , Brown , U. O I ILLlVlnlM Block. 115 Pearl St. , Council Blurts , la. Will piwtico in St-ito and Kutlcrnl ' Courts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M S , BELLINGlft&'BELLINGEl TIELIBJ ELL SIZES FROM Especial/ Adapted ftr 25 TO 300 HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators clflcatlounand estimates furn'nhe 1 for compla'a uleim plimn. Uozulatlon , Dur.ilillltr KuamntaoJ. un fcaonr letters Iroui users wlicio fuel economy I * cqtiiil with Corl ! > Non-cniiriunslui ; , E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for catalogue. No. 610 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. D BlBofi-aW B BBiy B I wish to inform the ladies of Omaha ni.d Council Bluffs that 1 huvo determined upon closing out my entire stock ol floods at my HAIR EMPORIUM , No. 29 , Main street. , Council Bluffs , within the next HO days , nnd for this purpose I will sell my creeds FAR BELOW COST. The stock coiibibts of the flncbt line of hair goods and ornaments west of Chicago. MBS. C. 1,7 GILI.ETT , Olden Koculvu * by mall 1'rornpt Attention. No , 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , COUNCIL BLUFFS HOMEOPATHS. W. H. CHAMBERLAIN , M , D-Ske1'ftnd T < iroat probcribod. Bm'K-on- ' OIHce corner Main St. , and Broadway. PI MHMTfinR/JFRV / Surpeon and Homeopath. Room 0 , Brown i J , IVIUn I UUlvlC. ! ) I building , 115 Pearl St. Olllce hours , 0 to 1'J. n. in. , 2 to 0 and 7 to 8 , p. m. OF NATURAL Open Dally , All Specimens For Sale. OUDKU9 FOU TAXIDEUfllY AVOKK TAICKN AND 1'KO.Ml'TI.iV 1-UIjM'JIJ. Cull nt Iiluscuin or address O. It. CiZ , IM T , BIG North 10th St. , Oiniihn , for Catalogue. While In the city do not fall to call on the 1 IIP IP [ ! ICLOS store and see the finest and best Music Hall on the Mo. slope. Cj > me nnd talto a look at our large clock of Pianon and Organs and all kinds or musical Instru ments up stairs and down stairs 103 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS' - - IOW THE WM TIME TABLES. OMAHA. ' \VcNt\vArtI. Itnnnlnc boturocu Council mills ana Al bright. In nililltlon to tlio action * mentioned , trntns stop nt Twentieth ana Twcnty-IouttU streets , nml nt tlio Summit In Omixtin. Uroitu 11 ans- Oiusua 1 Bouth wny. fer. Cll'llOt. Shecly.jomixhti A. M. A. M. A. M. A.M. A.M. A.M. & ; < > 0M : ( 005 ; CIO : fi17 ; C : : a-.ra 6:47 : 7:00 : 7:2-1 7Ti 6:00 : f : < _ - , Sit ! Sri fi:42 : 0:01 : 0:12 : 3:30 : 0:43 : 11:55 : 10OU : 10:12 : 10:23 : 10:33 : 11:0.- : , 11:13 ll-5 : 11.3) P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 1' M 1' . M. 12:05 : 12:12 12:2 : KM rsrtS 1(6 : III ! 1:30 : 1:5 : : ! 2:0' : , 2:12 : 2:30 : 2v : : > 2:42 0:00 : 2(5 : 2:52 : 3in : nhi 3:30 ' ; 3,7 , 4:10 : . 4:15 : 'a:5 : ; 4:12 : IfK 4CO : 6:10 : 6:15 4:45 : 4:52 & : U' > r.:2 : ? 8:50 : CM : tur ) : > 1:13 : 0:2 : 0:33 : fi:52 : 1SO : T2 bTO UK : 'JI.Ci V:30 : 6:45 : Bss luin : 10:75 : 10:30 11:00 : 11.07 nrll : JI 11:51 12:01 : Iv llf > : 11:53 : 12:05 : rjo : i Eastward. AlI I South 6ho9lOmnna | Tran3-riroao | > bright. Omrihn Icy. | Depot. I for. | wuy. A. M. A.M. A.M. M A.M. " " 6:41 : 0:57 : "BZV 6:1 : 6o : 0:15 : fi : 7 7OJ : 7OJ : 7:1.1 : 7:20 : 7:32 : 7f 8:0 : 8:15 : 8:27 8:10 8:23 8:30 : 6:60 : 8r > 6 0:0 : 0:15 : 8:27 : 0:05 : U:10 : 0:30 : " 10:07 : 10:16 : 16:27 : 10:3J : 10:23 : , 10:33 : ' " 10:15 11:07' ' lllS : "ilS7 11:50 11.V , M. I P M. P , M. P. M. P.M. . M. 12:07 : | 12:15 : 12:2 : 13:25 : 12 : 12M 1:07 : 1:15 1:27 1:35 : ltO : 1:66 : 2:07 : 2:16 : 2:27 2:33 : 2M : 2:55 : 3:07 : 3:15 : 3:27 SfJtl 3:10 3:16 : sail nan 3A5 : 4:071 : 4:15 : 4:27 4:37 : 4:46 : ' 4M B:07 : 6:15 : 'fi:27 6:35 : 6:20 : 6:37 : t > M CM ; 6:07 : 0:13 : 0:27 Ci-'M 7:07 : 7:1.1 7 : 7 : * 7:60 : 7-6 : S:07 : 8:15 : 87 : : W 8.Vi : 9:07 : U:15 : :37 : 0iia 0:6 : } 10:07 : 10:15 : 10:60 : 10M : ll:07'nr. : ' 11:30 : 12:10 12:14 : 12 2iam.lv. COUNCIL I1LUPP8. GH1CAQO , KOOK ISLAND li PACIFIC. l.oave. | Arrtvo. n No. 2 6OJpmn : ! No. 1 Ul : an ) U No. 0 0BO : iiinC , ! No. 6 IJilSpli ) A No. 1 lUOOam'A : ' No. 3. . . . 0:3) : pa A No. K 0:45 : pm A No. 13 71) HUI CH10AOO to NUHTHWIiSTKHN. No. 0 0:10 : amjNo. 7 9:27 : am No.H 8:15 pm No. 3 7I" > an No. 4 9:23 : pm No. 6 ( ! -15 pn Alt Trains Dally. ClUCAaO. MILWAUKKR & DT. PAUL. A No. 2 :40nmA : | No. 1 7:00nm A No. 4 9:40 : pmA | No. U 6:45 : pia KANSAS CITY , BT. JOSEPH Si COUNCID IILUPKH. A No. 2 0'l5a m I A No. 3 6:20 am A No. 4 a.-iupml A No. i eiWum BJOUX crrr & PACIFIC. A No. 10 7:05 : mill A No. 9 8:55 : nm A No. 12 7OJpmlA : No.ll OiOOptt OMAHA & ST , LOUIS. A No. 8 4n.ripmA | No. 7 12:03 : m A dully ; I ) dally except Saturday ; Oexcept BiuiUay ; U cxcupt Momlur : fHsimull. TJia tlmo glvtm ubuvu U for Transfer , thora bclnc from live to tea minutes between Traat * fer nud local ileuots. , TiBil OF COMMERCE S , W , Corner Farnain and 15in Ss ( , I'alil iu Cnitllnl , . 8500,000 OFl'lCKKSt 0. K. riAIlKKH. President. E. L. UIlilUIOWKlt. Vlco Prosiaent. iMI. JOHNSON. Ciuhler. W. S. Klitri'OH , AssUtant Ci3lilei\ mitliOTOIlH : OEO. K. in 1 1 KI : ! i , J. II. K. li. liiiuio ! 'iit , ( 'IIAH. MKTX l'It ' , JOIINSd.V , J , N. COKNIHII L. 11. Wll.MAMH , J. L. Mll.r.B , H. U..I(1IINSON ( , K. W. CltOV , . AI.I.CNT. ItKGfOIl , \VH. HlKVKII. K. A. ItKNSO.V , ( lllrtTAV ANIir.ll30.f , CEO , I'ATTIMIHON , 1) . CUNMNOIIAU. Acroiintx of liunkrrs , men limits uaUrucelvtd on thu JUOHI , fuvoralilu terms- Corner Kith anil Fuinum Streetn , Chamber Commerce llullilliii ; . npitnl Stuck . 8100,000 Liability of Stockholders . 800,001) ) Flvu I'cr ' cunt imlil on ilo | > oilti , leant inn'Jo OD real ertMu a-iil | > vr un > il ncaurltn notei , wanuuli , tiocfc * JOUNL. illl.KH , I'rcildcnt. BAMUHI. CUTNKK. Vice I'renl'lcnt. ' DI XTKIt l 'l'HO.MAt ) , Culbler , 110AI1I ) UK Julin L. MIIe , Kruitun lieiiion , Hainuul Culner. .lolm II. Hvnm , Amlruiv llonutrnler. Murrli Murrlnoa. XV. A li.llbbun , lieu. U. Murker , linr. Alvln i-ninulori , liriltr I. Tliumai , Norinun A. Kului , Jaiiiun'1'lcuuiinuu , 1' , U. Juliuiuu , .lollu Hull ) , 1) . Andciion. oo { n corn 2S A WIONTH" I i > IU gZjUi-nuao ) orkiinjforu . - preferred who can fnrnUh u homo nnd Klvo thvlr whole tlmu to tliu liualnoa-t. Bpur * iiiomuiittt may bo protltnblt einployoil Mso. A fitw vacancies In IOWIIM und cltlca. It . ( ' , JOHN * bON & CO. IdOMrtlu St. , Itlohmond. Va , If , ll. 1'lecie state aye ttnil txutrUilrc. Never MlwlaljuutKHdlniiiitaMiifvri'citli/ Co ,