Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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I"ir I" D nlly ( Morning Edition ) Including Buntlny
ir lice , Ono Year . , , , . . . . , . $1000
irt 1'orMx Months , . .TOO
t VorThroo JlonthB . , , , . . . . 360
irI She Oinnhii Sunday lice , mailed to'any
nddress , Ono Your , , 201
irf Weekly lep. ! Ono Year , . . . . . , 200
Oniftim Ulllco , line liulldlng , N. W , ( 'ornor
Seventeenth iwd I'urnnm Straots.
f Cnlf-ntio Oinrn. Ml ItooKory Unlldlu ; .
New York onico. Hooms U and 1 Trlbuno
HulldniK. Wtulunuton OQlco , No , 613 1'our-
tecntn B.tract.
All communications rotating to novr nntl eill-
torlnt matter should bo addressed to the Kditor
of the lice.
All business loiters ami rcmlttancos'shonld
bo addressed to The llco rubllsnltm Company ,
Omfthn Drrifts , checks and poitonico order * to
bo mndo payable to ( ho order of tlio company. .
Tlio Bcc PiiblisMiiglSpaiiy , Proprietors.
K. UOS13WATI3U. Kditor.
Kxvnrn Btntcincut ol'Oirculatlon.
Etntc of Nebraska , I. .
County of Douglas , f
Georpell. Tzschuck , BccrotaryofTlio nee Pub-
llthltiRCnmcKny , Aoat uolomnfy swear thnt the
Bctual circulnilon of THE DAILY HRR for tha
eeK cndlna JulyCth. 1WJ. was as follown
fur.dnv.JimoW ) . 18.RVJ
Momitir. Julyl . 18,581
July a . 18.r > 70
ca. .
Tiiurxilnv. July . I0.r )
Friday. July S. . JV.ra
Baturday. July 0 . „ . Wilti
Avcruiro . 18,889
Bn cm to before mo nnd subscribed to In my
pretence thlauth day of.luly , A. H. )33S. )
Seal. N. P. FE1L , Notary 1'ubllo.
Etntoof Nebraska , 1
CouutV of Douglas , ( "
Oeorgo H. TzschucE , being duly sworn , dope -
po s nnd says that hois sncrotarrof The lleo
Pu llyliliiK compauy , that the actual averaio
ilnlly circulation of Tlio Unlly lloo for the
month of June , IKhS , KVIcoplos : for July ,
] fS8 , IP.OSt copies ; lor Aiitfiut , Itiss , 18,1- ; ! copies ;
for September. 1S8S , 18.151 copies ; for October ,
IKK 1SVS4 copies : for November , 188 , 18.8SI
ropfcs ; lor Deceml.i'r , 18M , IS.'iiJ Copies ; for
January. lt % ) ,"4 copies ) for February , 133 ! ) ,
] Rinwi copies ; forJIarcn , 18S' > , lf . ! l copies ; for
April , Ibb3 , If.WiO coplcfl ; for May , 1H.-3 , 1S.09J
Sworn to before mo anil snbscnbcd in my
IScnl , ] presence this 3d day of June , A.I ) . ,
N. P. FEIt , , Notary Public.
LlKK a crusader of old , Kllrnln wua
blessed by a priest on his journey to the
Hold of battle.
TUB echo of the successful shooting of
the American rifle team in Enpland is
bourd nil around the world.
Tun rat-catohor of Paris did not
make as much of a stir in the world as
the ( locatchor of Omaha , is likely to
NOHODY will object to the state
'militin enjoying1 its annual encampment
at the espouse of the majors and cole
CITY government has become the
'university of oflloial bootllerism. Dis
honesty is the only graduation noees-
sary for a degree.
Dnop a nicklo in the box nnd take
your choice. Shall the street railway
company absorb the motor line or shall
the latter swallow the former ?
NORTH DAKOTA is seriously consider
ing the advisability of having the legis
lature of that state consist of a single
house elected by a veto of the people.
North Dakota is certainly young enough
to try the innovation.
IK ON13 of the principles of the Sulli-
van-Kilrain match should throw up the
sponge the affair will be a , hippodrome.
If one of them bo killed , it will bo mur
der , but if both of them bo knocked into
eternity it will bo a relief.
is are indications that the work
of public improvements from now on
will bo rapidly pushed forward' . Lot
the inspectors keep their eye on the con
tractors and lot tiio board of public
works watch the inspectors.
ROPE-SKIPPING has been introduced
by athletes to strengthen their muscle
nnd to tone their system. The exorcise
Bhould commend itself to ollico-sookers.
The political rope-skipper might
toughen his cheek and improve his
IT LOOKS pretty much as if the coal
dealers of Omaha will have to pay that
one hundred dollar license imposed on
them by the council whether they like
it or not. The great question to the
consumer is , however , will the tax bo
saddled upon them when the coal tariff
for the season will bo put in force by
thd local pool.
In the race for capital -of South Da
kota , Wntortown is by"no moans likely
to bo an unimportant factor. That city
now claims about seven thousand popu
lation and is growing rapidly. Being
nn important railroad center , Water-
town cannot fall to nituco herself felt in
the final choice between n number of
lively competitors.
TllK cut made by the Baltimore &
Ohio In corn nitoafrom Chicago and St.
Louis to the seaboard is moro than
likely to stimulate the movement of Ne
braska's surplus product immediately.
There has boon nn unusual demand in
Europe for corn during the past few
weeks , mill it is evident that heavy operators
raters have taken advantage of the sit
GJSOUOK is agitating n ays-
torn for thu abolition of poverty that
once was tested in England before Hen
ry George was born. A wealthy philan
thropist boquoatod an estate of XI , 000 a
year to the poor of throe villages.
Wilhirrn. few years the residents of this
'nationalized" land wore poverty
Btrlckon , and a special act of parlia
ment had to bo passed revoking the
gift to avoid further misery. Idealistic
theories will not mlnimlao poverty.
Ab 3I1QIU' have boon expected , the
coroner's Jury sitting lu inquest over
the remains of ono of the victims o ( thu
Johnstown Hood has brought in a ver
dict holding the members of the South
Fork Fishing club responsible for the
fearful loss of life and property resulting
from the breaking of the Conomaugh
dam , The members of the club wore
repeatedly warned of the diuigorous
character of the dam , but took no menus
to avert the catastrophe. It is a fearful
responsibility which they are now called
upon to shoulder.
Advices from the Canadian sent of
covonimont Deport a purpose on the
part of that government , with imperial
approval , to propose reciprocal trade In
lumber with the United States. So far
ns known nothing has boon hoard
of this intention at the state
or treasury departments , but the
information that , comes from Ottawa
appears to have the sanction of author
ity , and there ia nothing improbable in
it. The assistant secretary of the
treasury is quoted ns soy ing
that Canada has everything to
Rain by shipping its lumber free
into this country , while wo have every
thing to lose by such a transaction ,
from which it is to bo inferred that no
support for the proposal , should it bo
made , is to bo expected from the treas
ury department. The matter , however ,
is ono which congress alone can deal
with , and in thottyont of its coming before
fore that body there might bo found a
very considerable popular sentiment in
favor of it.
There ia already a considerable
amount of lumber coming into this
country from Canada , chiefly from
Quebec , Ontario , Manitoba nnd
the Northwest territory. The
Canadian logs como almost entirely from
these sections , while over throo-fourths
of the shingles , boards , plunksetc. , re
ceived through the northern customs
ofllces are from these Canadian locali
ties. A larger amount of unhewn logs
was formerly received in this country ,
especially in Michigan , the lumbermen
of the country bordering on the lakes
boiner accustomed to tow their logs
across to the American side and have
thorn sawed by the mills thoro. The
expostulations 'of Canadian millmon
wore responsible for the increase of the
export duty to throe dollars per
ono thousand feet- and the pro
posed reduction would unquestionably
benefit American millmon.
The benefits of reciprocity would not ,
however , stop with this. It would lower
the price of lumber in the United
States , and the far-reaching advant
ages of such n result cannot easily bo
overestimated. It would enable hun
dreds of thousands of our people to
build homos who cannot do so under the
present tax of two dollars on every
thousand foot of lumber , and it would
have the further good effect of re
ducing the tremendous demand upon
our forests , under which they are
rapidly disappearing. The theory that
the price of Canadian lumber would
eventually bo raised until it reached a
figure little below the price of Ameri
can lumber of the same grade will
doubtless bo advanced as an argument
against reciprocity , but it can hardly
have great weight with those who are
not predisposed in favor of maintaining
tho.oxisting tax on imported lumber.
The vast forests of Canada would supply
all the demands of the two countries , it
lias been estimated , for the next
hundred years , and under a policy
of reciprocity there would bo every
reason to expect a competition between
Canadian lumbermen so strong as to
keep prices at an adequately low figure.
The west and northwest want cheaper
lumber. It would bo a great boon to
the thousands of settlers who will
shortly Jlock to the prospoctlvo now
states. It would benefit millions of
others of our people. It is one of the
country's most urgent needs , and in the
event of Canada proposing a policy that
would bring it about thcro is nothing
more certain than that the proposal
will have a wide and earnest popular
support ,
There is a renewal of gossip regard
ing an extra session of congress , but the
uncertainty as to whether ono will
be called remains as great as over. Re
ported remarks of the president indi
cate that ho thinks the reasons in favor
of an extra session stronger than these
against it ; but ho has given no indica
tion from whiuli it can bo concluded
that ho iutundb to convene congress in
advance of the regular dale for its
mooting. It is quite probable that a
majority of republican represen
tatives believe it would bo
wise to have congress assemble
before December , in order that an or
ganization might bo olToctod before that
time and the contest certain to occur
over a change of the rules entered upon ,
but on the other hand there is a consid
erable number who do not bollovo any
thing would bo gained by this course.
The latter argue that at the best the
republican majority in the house , if
congress should bo convened in Octo
ber , would bo only four , and It Is ex
tremely doubtful whether they could
command a quorum if called to
gether in advance of the reg
ular ' session. If congress could
bo sot actively to work in
October tboro would bo decided ad
vantage In nn extra session , but it is
obvious that with a majority of throe
or four 11 party in the house of repre
sentatives can do nothing which the
minority determines shall not bo done.
Thus the party calling the session
would bo hold responsible for wasting
time , whereas to watt until December ,
when tha law requires congress to con
vene , the responsibility for delay would
rest upon the minority. Besides , the
republican membership will bo in
creased by at least four , and perhi'ps
live , by the elections to bo hold
in the nowly-formod states. The in-
'oreasod momborahip will give an
aggregate of three hundred nnd thirty ,
and Increase a quorum from ono hun
dred and sixty-throo to ono hundred
and slxty-bix. Placing the republican
strength at ono hundred nnd sixty-
eight , which it is llkoly to bu , It will
bo noon that whether congrusa Is called
in October or convenes rosularly in December -
comber , the republicans will have a very
slim margin upon which 10 start n era-
fade for radical changes in the rules ,
the lintormination of election contests ,
and impovtunt legislation ull'outiii : , '
party domination in the house , as well
as material public Interest * . It is im-
posslblo to say whether the lima gained
by culling an extra session would
bo of any nnl advantage , except BO far
ntt it served to disclose the plans of thu
minority , and it ia pretty well under
stood what these aj-o to bo , but ut any
rate it would clunrly not ho advisable
to call an extra session before the rep
resentatives to bo elected in the now
Btntos can thko their seats < The repub
licans in the house will not bo safe
without this addition to their strength.
English sparrow must go. That
is the edict of the Unltod States depart
ment of agriculture. Ho must bo ox-
tormlnatod root and branch , body and
'soul. The indictment against him is
voluminous. No lawyer's brief can bo
moro oxhaustlvo in detail , moro con
vincing by weight of evidence , or moro
thorough in logical deduction and ar
gument than tlio work of foiir hundred
and five pages prepared by the division
of economic ornithology under the di
rection of the secretary of agriculture.
The English sparrow , or to bo moro
exact , Passer Domosticus , is accused of
being the enemy to the farmer , to the
American song birds , nnd to man in
general. An alien by nativity , ho was
brought to this country forty years ago
by some well moaning though deluded
bird lovors. Since that time the spar
row lias increased his numbers so that
his progeny is as thick ns mosquitoes
and his tribe extends from the Atlantic
to the Missouri river and from Maine to
Florida. But now ho is n nuisance , and
the crimes nnd misdemeanors laid at
his foot make him a monster of such
dreadful proportions that every man's
hand should bo raised against him. Ho
is common , ho is unclean , ho is moro
prolific than an oriental sultan. IIo is
saucy , Ho lights , ho is a glutton and his
habits are demoralizing' ' to the bird
kingdom. Alien that ho is ,
ho has never adopted Amer
ican ways of living. Ho has
never become naturalized and
never will. Ho is an anarchist and
makes war upon the well-behaved
American song birds. Ho does not help
the farmer in ridding the Holds of bugs
and insects , but destroys his wheat and
loots his orchards. Ho toils not neither
does ho spin , yet winter and summer ho
grows sleeker and sleeker and bolder
and bolder in his depredations. Long
suffering America can stand this no
longer. Uncle Jerry Rusk has sounded
the alarm. The war of extermination
must begin.
THE Now York Sun finds fault with
the recently published historical
sketch of Iowa , by Justice Miller of
the supreme court , because there was
omitted from it any reference " 'to the
intense radicalism which rules the pco
plo , and especially to that spirit of con
fiscation nnd of plunder , wo might al
most say of rascality and robbery , if
the motive were not so highly moral ,
which they have displayed toward the
unfortunate owners of railroad prop
erty who live elsewhere. " The Sun
does not need to bo reminded that Jus
tice Miller could not properly discuss
the railroad legislation of Iowa in a
magazine article. His position as a
member of the supreme tribunal of the
country , which may at any time bo
called upon to consider this legislation ,
precluded him from.referring to it , nor
was it necessary to in a narrative
of the material , political and social con
dition and progress of Iowa. But had
Justice Miller referred to the subject
which ho omitted from his interesting
paper wo venture to think ho would
have said nothing to justify the Sitn'a
opinion of the spirit of the people of
Iowa in the efforts they have mudo
to protect themselves against the exactions -
actions and abuses of "tho unfortu
nate owners of railroad prop
erty who live else whore. " If the Sun
is as well informed as it should bo re
garding the history of railroad methods
and practices in the west , its character
ization of the policy of the people of
Iowa is only to bo explained as the re
sult of a prejudice natural to its envir
onment. In cither case , it is wholly
unjust. _ _ _ _ _ .
THE action of the Chinese govern
ment in establishing at Canton the lar-
jrost mint in the world for the coinage
of silver has created a good deal of
alarm in Mexico. For centuries the
Mexican dollar has boon the standard
coin of the Chinese , and in fact of
Asiatic commerce , and the purpose of
the Chinese government to coin its own
silver will , it is thought , result in driv
ing the Mexican dollar out of that coun
try. According to the loading financial
journal of Mexico the olTcctmustbo that
the Chinese government will buy its sil
ver in the United Status , thereby de
priving Mexico of an important article
of commerce. It is not questionable that
the action of the Chinese government
may provo a serious matter to the silver
mining industry of Mexico , but this
will largely depend upon what efforts
and inducements the miners of Ameri
can silver are willing to offer to got the
Chinese trade. In business affairs China
is looking for the host advantages , re
gardless of their source , and if there is
a competition between the Qnitod States
and Mexico the country that can offer
China the best terms will sell that coun
try the most silver.
AN Important decision has just boon
handed down by Judges Horton , Tuloy
and Collins , of Chicago , on the motion
of the Chicago board of trade to dissolve
the injunction to prevent the board
from withholding its quotations from the
buckotshops. The judges , much to the
surprise ot the board of trade , deny the
motion to dissolve the Injunction on the
ground that the market reports are of
so much importance to the public that
they should bo considered public prop
erty. This ruling practically settles
the long-fought battle between the
board of trade and the buckotshops. It
is not likely Unit the stouk exchange will
push the prosecution farther. It IB a sub
stantial victory for thu buckotshop , and
the curb stone broker hereafter will
bo put on an equality with the high-
toned member of the stock and produce
exchanges to satisfy his cravings for
gambling ,
Tim discussions of the international
conference al Paris relative to the solu
tion of thu labor and landquost'on ' have
not produced anything very startling.
In spite of ubalraot theories , tun oin-
plnyo ia still anxious to obtain moro for
his labor , and the omployur dislikes the
iduu of diMroaslng bla Income. A
buttlo.'i'iiit of the difficulty is al
most ns probable as a untied democratic
party. ' 1
TnttnK 'nThn ' unusual stir In building
circles with the prospects of the early
erection o.a number of flue business
blocks. It ? is certainly n promising
onion for the building nnd trade In
terests of Omaha for the last six months
of the year. . (
II. II. O. K.'H Grievance.
CJitcaao HVIlwn * .
Hadja Hnssolri Otiouly IChnn
Is nsoro disgruntled Porslnn man.
His wounded JToollnKS naught can plaster
The Ynnlts poke funnt his royal master.
Vary Deoollotte.
Sf , 7on U roit-Vltimtcli.
The bathing suits of dnmlsomo nnd fash
ionable Indies nt seaside resorts this season
are snid to bo carried la the ladles' pocketbooks -
books for convcnienco.
Iloxv Ho IlllTor.i From Cleveland.
St. Lout * Olobc-Democrnf.
It may not bo out of plnco to observe that
President Harrison finds It possible to muko
very ngreoablo speeches to the people along
the line of his vacation trip without borrow
ing a single fact or figure from the cycle
The Atnomlo Honorable.
Kansas run Tlmw.
If at any time wo Imvo spoken disrespect
fully of the shah of Persia wo withdraw the
offensive remarks nnd hasten to profess 9tir
regard for the departing minister , Mr. H.'ll.
Qhooly Khan. Teheran Battle Cry of Freedom -
dom plcuso copy.
Tlio South and the Negro.
St. Louis Gtobc-Dsmocrat.
The cry of npprnhondod negro domination
la only a pretext nnd n sham. In sober
truth , the ruling fear Is that of republican
proRross and success. If the colored voters
would all support the democratic ticket the
protondecl peril would at once disappear , nnd
wo should hoar not a word about their nl-
lofc'cd extraordinary Ignorance and indigence.
It is against republicans that this Infamous
policy of ballot stealing is directed rather
than against the blacks , simply because they
are blacks.Vhito men ns well as colored
have boon bulldozed and , murdered on ac
count of their republican sentiments. The
line of discrimination In that respect is not
ouo of complexion but of political opinion.
A " \Vorld-WIilo Roputntion.
Johnson County Journal.
THE OMAHA BEE has been edited nnd man
aged all these years by Edward Ilosowator ,
who has maiio for Himself and TIIK Bnu a
reputation which Is world-wido and roaches
even beyond the sea. Last Wednesday THE
Br.E took formal possession of a now build
ing erected expressly for ita own use by the
Bco Publishing company nt a cost of $400,01)0 ) ,
that is not only the largest , but the best
newspaper building in the world. TUB Una
is a great paper , having by far tlio largest
circulation and greatest iniluonco upon the
public of any paper west of Chicago , Long
may Tnn Ben nn its nblo editor live to enjoy
the comforts of the new building.
A Ptiqnnmonnl Success.
lanWim Teleuram.
TUB OstAnA'IiRK , which is ono of the won
ders of this now west , celebrated its eigh
teenth birthday by a grand banquet in its
now half a million dollar building on the 19th
of June. The building is ono of the finest
nnd best newspaper edifices in the worldaml
will bo a lasting1 monument to the enterprise
push nnd plucit of Mr. Ilosowator , the
founder and proprietor of the paper.
Tun BEK lias boon a phcnomcual success.
Its foreign and Washington correspondence is
fully up to the standard of tiio best papers of
the country , nnd in domestic and local news
it rivals the best papers in Chicago nnd St.
Louis. In the state of Nebraska , and especi
ally in the eity of Omaha , it is a great power ,
and ita vast inllucnco is generally used for
the greatest good to the greatest number of
people. Mr. Ilosowator richly deserves the
princely reward that his superior business
energy is bringing him.
Moro Than All Others.
Stromsbura Headlight.
TUB BEE is the ereat paper of the west ,
and has done for Omaha more than all other
papers in that city , while its energy and en
terprise are without competition between
Chicago , St. Louis and San Francisco.
Popular and Thorough.
Aurora Sun.
The nineteenth anniversary of THE
OMAHA BEE was celebrated by the formal
opening of the inassivo BEE building , ono of
the very finest newspaper buildings in the
United States , nnd a monument to the enter
prise and ability of the editor of that always
popular and thorough newspaper , Edward
Ilosowator. Wo congratulate Tun BEK nnd
its editor on the successful completion and
occupancy of its line building.
Entitled to Prosperity.
Lead City ( Dan. ) Hcm'.d.
THR BEE liaa always been n valued friend
of Dakota , nnd more particularly of the
Black Hills , and wo only volco the senti
ments of the people of this section when wo
wish the great Omaha daily unlimited pros
perity , to which its enterprise BO worthily
entitles it.
Previous Enterprise Outdone.
Abilene ( Kan. } Chronicle.
Mr. Ilosowator may well be proua of this
crowing effort of his eventful lifo. Without
overdrawing , wo will say that in no part of
the world can bo found a llnor printing of
fice. Oniulm and her enterprising citizens
have always endeavored to load in every
thing , but they have outdone themselves In
the crcctlou of this magmilcont structure.
Nobwitjlcii Jottings.
T. K. Castorllaoi lias sold thu Edgar Post
to W. H. Gotos. , , ,
The now JohnstmjBounty court house was
dedicated on the Fourth.
The people of Bur'woll are again agitating
the question of Incorporating.
The new city hall t York was dedicated
last week by the bity council.
A Dakota Clty"J Justice lined M. E. Kon-
nelly $50 nnd costs for wifojieatlng.
The butcher shop 'of O. Ulrloli at Pierce
was destroyed by lire on the -4th , causing u
loss of 81,000. ' i
A. H. Swart has sold the Tecumseh Clilof-
taln to Dr. F. Ml'Sotnora ' , formerly editor of
the Beatrice ExproBp.
Hov. W. S. Bn'rnos , of Corning. Ia. , has
boon called to tho'pastorate ' of the Presbyter
ian church at Ityuivney ,
The old Northwestern hotel at Fremont ,
whluh has acquired a tough reputation in late
ycjrd , was burned last week.
Iko Clarke , of Papllllon , and Elinor Clarke ,
of Ouiahu , have engaged in the banking busi
ness at Sartoria , Buffalo county.
Two line spans of horses and a double car
riage were consumed with the barn of John
Clark , near Chirks , on the 4th lust.
The special grand jury which has beou In
nesslon at tiowaril investigating the Loavltt
murder mystery , lias adjourned until Au
gust 1.
Mrs. Woltha Llbby , a woll-known resident
of Elk Crook , died last week aged oigbty-ouo
years. She loaves a family of seven grown
Thu asalunoes of the burstod bank of Hum-
bolt propose to attuiih the $500 which Diven
surrendered to Captain Humphrey after the
failure was announced.
During tlio culobration at Seward tlioro
were two runaways , Alonzo btouockor being
crushed against a tree and Miss Thrnu. of
Ulyiuos , having ono arm broken In two
The Tccumsoh .lournnl assorts thnt no
county In the stnto can boast of thrco com
missioners who will nvorngo up In avoirdu
pois , general oxponslvonoss nnd cussedness
with the board of John&on county ,
The premium list for the fourteenthnnmiftl
. 'air of the Hall county agricultural society
1ms boon Issued. The fair Is to bo hold nt
Ornnil Island September 24 , 25 , 2(1 ( and 27 ,
nnd the attractions will bo numerous.
Horace Egnn died nt Chndron Inst week of
brain fovor. The deceased wns n son of
John Egnn , general passenger ngont of the
Cincinnati , IndlamiDolls , St. Louis & Chica
go railroad , and had como west for his
Thomns Sando , a Nebraska City woll-illg-
per , had n narrow cscapo from death re
cently. While cleaning a well ho was over
come b.v gns and was hauled to the surfnco
in nn npparcnlly lifeless condition. It re
quired over an hour's work by physicians to
restore him to consciousness ,
Iowa Huiiif ) ,
The now Emmotsburg opera house Is
nearly completed.
The Atlantic cannery puts up 2,000,000 cans
of corn every season.
The Buonn Vista county creamery at Storm
Lnko opens for.buMncss July 15.
Thcro nro 009 patients nt tlioinsnno asylum
nt Mount Pleasant nnd Clnrinda.
The First lown regiment will hold Its an-
mini reunion nt Dubuque August T.
Scott county hns nn orchard of 1,000 poach
trees , 8UO of which nro loaded with fruit.
A keg of boor seized last week .it , Pom-
oroy was nil consumed by the exports nt the
The business men of Emmotsburg have
organized u merchants' protective associa
Dsnlson people hnvo boon notified by the
sheriff thnt ho will nrrost nil persons lump
ing on moving trams.
Uov. Dr. Jenkins , of Freeport , 111. , has
been called to the pastorate of the First
Presbyterian church of Sioux City.
Sixty silver medals nro annually distrib
uted to the pupils of .tho Duvonuort schools ,
tno expenses being berne by an endowment
fuuu for that purpose.
Something now In the way of advertising
hns boon adopted by the Kossuth County
Agrleultural'society. The committee has secured -
cured 150 colored lithographs of n female
head , two styles , and above the picture nro
printed the words : "I will meet you at the
Kossuth county fnlr. " Thny also obtained
100 lithograhs of a Htnogrnph of Emperor
William , of Germany , thirty copies of the
present ruler , nnd thirty copies of Priuco
BismnrcK. The date of the fair Is Septem
ber 'J5 , 20 nnd 27.
Louis Allornnud , of Eagle Point , ngod
sixty-live years , fell in love with. Nora Mel-
1m , n pretty lass of sixteen. For a while his
nddicssos were received with pleasure.
"Tho old man's darling" was the recipient of
many beautiful nnd costly tokens of his affec
tion , including n watch and n pair of brace
lets. .Louis pressed his charmer to uanio the
day on which they might bo wedded. Nora
was coy und unwilling to set the date.
Finally aho'got mad and told the fond but
foolish Louis to go and climb n true. Louis
demanded the iwturn of the valuables , but
Nora refused , and now ho has filed an at
tachment for their forcible return.
The Dakotns.
The now tannery at Watertown Is com
Eighty men nro employed in opening the
old Baldy mines at Dendwood.
The Intor-stato Ministerial association
will meet In Sioux Falls next year.
A § 3,000 addition to the Lead City school
house will bo oreetod during the summer va
Iledflold , Aberdeen , Wntortown und Huron
are the four towns m the South Dakota base
ball league.
The South Dakota Pharmaceutical asso
ciation will hold its fourth annual mooting
in Aberdeen , August 20 nnd 21.
llov. C. C. Murston has resigned the pastorate -
torato of the Baptist church nt DeSmot and
accepted n call to the Watertown church.
Niek Boulder , a Oooperstown tough ,
was caught in the not of assaulting u ten-
year-old girl and narrowly escaped receiving
a coat of tar and feathers.
F. G. Hngerty , commissioner of immigra
tion , is distributing posters representing the
two Dakota * arriving under a triumphal
nreh into the union , where they nro being
welcomed b.v their admiring sisters. Each
bears n banner upholding the figures of its
An effort is being made to select the college -
lego lands iu the Slsseston reservation.
Some of these lands are remarkable for their
fertility , and us their location is excellent , it
assures quick sales and good prices an.d
would give the college an established In
come in n very few years.
Interest in the famous "Gen. " A. B.
Ward , who so sensationally worked Dakota
last year , has been revived by the report of
letters from a Boston detective agency , stat
ing the "general" has been located in Now
York under nn assumed name , where ho is
the husband of his eighth wife , a wealthy
divorced woman.
The Adventists are going to build a college -
lego somewhere within the four states sur
rounding South Dakota , says the Sioux
Fulls Press , and they also have their eye on
tlio new stato. They have some $00,000 now
in hunn to put into n building and they are
open for bids. Several of the states have
already signified their intentions , nnd it
wouldn't ' bo n bad idea for Sioux Falls to sot
aside a suitable site at least and offer it for
the erection of the college.
The Emigration Scheme of a Kansas
Colored Politician.
TOI-EKA , Kan. , July 7. fSpccial Telegram
to THE Ben. | Hon.W. L. Eagloson , a prom
inent negro politician of this state , in the
prime mover in n schema to induce the ne
groes of the south to emigrate to Oklahoma.
IIo 1ms organized an emigration company ,
composed of some of the prominent colored
men of this state , which will have agents in
all the principal eitos of the south , their
headquarters being in this city. Ho says ho
is receiving loiters every day from people in
the south inquiring about Oklahoma and how
to get thoro. Ho oxpoots to have 100,000 col
ored pcoplo In Oklahoma by next July , IIo
Intends to go south himself shortly. Mr.
EaglcHon claims that the nogroo * going into
Oklahoma will benefit Kansas greatly , us
they will ralso cotton and Kansas will estab
lish the cotton mills. Ho has published an
address to "Tho Colored People ot the
South , " In which ho says :
"Thoro never wns n moro fnvorublo time
than now for you to aocuru good homos in a
land whore you will bo free and your rights
respected. Oklahoma is now ooin for set
tlement. Como In and help make it ono of
the best stutoi in the union , The soil is
rich , the climate favorable , water abundant
und thnro Is plenty of timber. Make a now
start. Give yourselves ana children new
chances in a now land , whore you will not bu
molested aud wnore you will bo nbln to think
nnd vote as you please. By settling there
you will help open up now avenues of in-
duatr.v , your boys and girls will learn trades
und thus bo nblo to do business us other
people. Five hundred of tha best colored
citizens nf Topokn have gone there within
the last month. They send back word for
others to como on , there is room for many
moro. Each ban secured ICO iieros of land.
You can do the same for only $14 , the cost of
entering it at the land oflloo there m Okla
homa. "
Death in a X'eoulliir Manner.
LAJUMIB , Wyo. , July 7. ( Special Tele
gram to THE BEB.J A peculiar accident at n
ranch twenty miles from this olty resulted
in the d < jath of Mart Edaon to-day. Ho was
hauling fence potts and halted with a largo
load near a barbed wlro fence. The team
started , and in grasping the reins hw did so
in such n way as to draw the uo es lute the
fence. At the same time u wheel struck him ,
knocking him against the fenoo iind under
the her es' feet , The wagon wnools passed
over his abdomen , pressing a knlfo bludo
which was In his pocket into the ilosh and
cutting a gash which exposed the intestines ,
Edson was formerly a well uuown union
Union Pacific ; onglnonr.
For n disordered livtr try Booclmru's Pills
Mntnafh DUporups Ills Mon
for News Ii'rnni Itcrlln.
tCV > | > i/rWif , tfSS , Iiy Kew I'orfc Attoctalcil Pr . '
Am , Samoa , Juno 23 , ( per Steamer Alex
andria ) , July 7. The steamer Alnmcdn
touched nt Apia nnd took nwny nine officers
nnd sixty men ot the United States frigate
Trenton , who were left hero when the
stcninor Hockton sailed for Snn Frnnoisco
Inst month with four-fifths of thosurvlvorsol )
the recent hurricane. Admiral Kimberly
and two staff ofilcors and live men will ro-
mnln in Apia. The ndmlrnl stntcd thnt the
department tmd probably Issued orders under
the Impression thnt the Unltod Stntcs man-
of-war Alert wns hero , but ns no Amor-
Icon war vessel wns nt Apln now ho
did not euro to abandon the plnco entirely.
Hundreds of natives stood on the nhoro nnJ
gnva the American anllora n parting clioor.
Quiet hns prevailed at the Snmoan islands
during the past six weeks , nnd the political
situation of the country hns fts.sumcd n pence-
fill nspoct. The only war vessel hero now is
the Gormnn gunbont Wolf , which arrived
from Now Zealand Juno IB. The Nlpslo has
gone to Honolulu for repairs under convoy
of the Alert. These two ships loft hero for
Auckland Mav U , but returned six days Inter ,
the commanders reporting thnt nftor going
250 miles the Nlpslo's broken nnd Impro
vised rudder becnino so unmnnngcnblo
thnt slow progress wns made. It
appeared impossible to reach Auckland
before the last wool : m May , when severe
weather might be expected on the Now Hen-
Innd const. Cuptnln Mullen wns reproved by
Kimberly for having returned , whereupon
the former nskcd to bo relieved ot his com
mand. The ndmirnl nt once detached him
nnd ordered the lieutenant commnudorof the
Trenton to take command of the Nlpslo. Ho
nlso ordered the Nipsic und the Alert to
proceed to Pngo Page at once , tnko in coal
nnd again sail for Auckland. The orders
were afterwards chanced nnd Honolulu was
iniulo the destination of the ships instead of
Auckland. The vessels sailed for Honolulu
Juno 1. Chief Engineer G. W. Hull , of the
Nipsle , being ill with dysoutary , wns ordered
home. At Leon , while making for the
steamer , ho died. His homo was nt Syra
cuse , N. Y.
Some time ngo Mnt.infa wrotato Tamnscso
expressing the doalro that peace bo pro
claimed. The latter replied that ho was
willing to stop fighting for the present , but
declined to mulct ) any ncgotintlon tor perma
nent pcnco until the result of the Berlin
conference was learned here. Mntaafu
abandoned his fortifications early in May ,
sent his men homo and moved to the eastern
end of Apia. Ho said that ho desired to
show Kimberly and the American pcoplo ho
would do nil in his power to promote peace.
He said ho wns ready to abide by the decis
ion of tno Berlin conference.
Mntunfa gnvo n feast to which ho Invited
200 foreign residents and olllcers of all na
tions. No Germans attended. Ho mndo n
speech thanking Kimberly for bringing about
a peaceful sUUo of ntfatrs.
Most of Tamuscso's mon have left camp
nnd have gene gomo. A number of them
visited Apia recently nnd were unmolested.
A German saloonkeeper accidentally shot
an American sailor named Burnhard Ulchlin
while handling a revolver In his saloon.
Corporal John Nichols , of the Trenton
marine guards , was accidentally killed by
falling lumber May 4.
A box has boon received from the state de
partment at Washington containing $1,100
worth of gold nnd silver watches nnd $3,000
in gold coin to bo distributed among the na
tives who rendered assistance to the Amer
ican ships during the hurdcano.
An Interesting Question.
A very intrrosting question has arisen In
the courts of Philadelphia growing out of a
inarrinjjo which took plnco in Washington
Inst week. It seems thnt n certain gcutlomnn
cnlled upon n minister iu the Quaker City ,
and requested to unite him in imirriuco to n
Indy who accompanied him. The minister
put some questions to the t > xpeetant bride
groom , mid learned much to his astonish
ment that the gentleman wanted to marry
his mothor-in-Iuw , his first wife having died
some time previously. The minister did not
want to perform the ceremony without some
knowledge of the law , nnd upon making in
quiry learned thnt the statutes of the com
monwealth of Pennsylvania prohibits such
marriages , with n penalty fixed nt rx fine of
? 500 and imprisonment. The ceremony was
therefore off.
A few days Inter , however , much to the
astonishment of.the minister and other pco
plo who know the couple , n marriage notice
appeared in the Philadelphia papers , an
nouncing that the ceremony hnd boon per
formed in the District of Columbia. Now
the validity of marriage is agitating the
minds of those learned In marriage law. and
several hunts of musty statutes have been
inaugurated to ascertain whether there is
anything in the laws of the District of Co-
bin to prohibit such n marriago. The stat
utes are silent upon the subject , but It may
bo that thcro Is n provision of common law
or an old Maryland act which prohibits such
marriages. If so they have not been found.
f atonts For Pnzzlrs.
Some time ngo the whole United States
wns excited over nn alleged now ouzzlo
known ns "pigs In clover. " On every street
corner fakirs were seen soiling card-board
with three concentric circles ono Inside
another , and four marbles ; nnd every fakir
did n rushing business. Pigs in clover became -
came an Institution in the land , and the sol- ,
dlsaint Inventor realized a handsome fortune
In a very short time.
The Infernal machine was scarcely on the
market when inventors sprang up nil over
the country with "cows in the corn , " "rats
iu the Meal , " "mlco in the eheeso , " and anj
number of other similar devices. The patent
ofilco application room wns literally overrun
with men eager to secure the protection of
the United States for their inventions , but
up to the present tinm not n single patent
1ms ucen granted. All of ttioso toys claimed
us original principles nro devices which
were complete nt the beginning
of the century. No patent i'an bo
granted on any such contrivances , nnd the
Inventors nro simply put to the expense of
p.iylng the initial fees without nny returns.
It IB loni tied , by tbo way , that the so-callod
Pigs In Clover scheme was patented ton or
moro years ngo , nud that when the 1 at out
'Inventor" applied fora patent ho discovered
that it was not obtainable for this rcasou.
He is naid to have realized moro than 1100,01)0 )
of profit before the game played out , nnd he
wns only brought up with n round turn a
short timer ago , wluin the original patentee
secured an injunction restraining him from
conducting his business nny longer.
A AUsoliitn Uuro.
Is only put up in largo two-nuiico tin Doxos ,
and is nn absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hnmlB , and nil skin orup.
tions. Will positively euro nil kinds of pilo-i
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
25 cents per lx > x by mall ! 30 cents.
Call Jlor Donroat.
Everyone who has over hnd the pleasure of
mooting Mrs , Francis Hodgson Burnett in
her own family clrclo , surrounded by her
nwoet little children , has been charmed by
the pretty habit the children have of calling
their mother not "mamma" but "uoarost , "
nlwnys. You will remember that Little
Lord Fauntluroy in Mrs. Burnott'ii most suc
cessful play , always called his mother "dear
est , " and Little Lord Fauntloroy , you will
ulao rumumbor , is patterned altogether after
Mrs. Hodgson Buniott'a ' little boy , Vivian ,
But they tell nn Intorestlni ; story about
this very same habit of calling the mother
"dcnrost. " A Boston Indy , who is stopping
hero just now , ouys several years ago sha oc
cupied rooms In a hotel In Boston ud join Ing
thoao taken by Mrs. Buruott nnd her family.
She had vurcolylnkon nosscsalon of her apart
ments wl.on she heard u scampering of mimll
feet through the narrow partition wall , nnd
then shu heard n little girl's voice culling
"Mamma , momma , " whereupon aho hoard n
series of slaps nnd several small squeals , and
finally n woman's nugry voleosaying : "How
often shall I have to tell you to call mu
'dearest' and not 'mamma. ' "
Query : Was Little Lord Fauntleroy
spunked Into culling his mother "dearcat , "
Nothing cont'Cbutes moro towards n
sound digestion limn the use of the
Konuino Angosturu BiUnrd , of Dr. J. G
B , Sio ort & Sons.Auk your druggist.
Franklo Ourrlo , of Lincoln Qota Into
Sorloua Trouble.
Slio Ufies .7mlco Mason' * Nnmo The
Culprit Offers to Mottle An In-
inventing Interview ! ' ! tz-
LINCOLN nontext ) orTnnOuiu Its , 1
LINCOLN. July r. j
Fmiikio Currlo , a young iIrl who lm boon
living In Lincoln for sovornl months past ,
WIIB nrrc3tctl last night for uttering forged
pnpor , mul cominlttod to the county jnll at
midnight. It coms thut on the IStli of Jutio
Franklo entered Ashby ft Mlllspnugh'a dry
goods store niul rcprcsnntod thnt she wns
Miss Snvnso , Judge Mason's ' housekeeper ,
nnd that she hnd boon sent by Mrs. Hnm-
mom ) , the Judge's daughter , to buy soma
goods on credit for her us tlioy Intended to
start for Colorado In n few day ? . Knowing
Mason's prejudice ngninst the purchase of
goods on credit , the linn denied Miss
Snvngo's request , nnd Instructed her to grt ,
nn order from him for the goods
she wuntod. Shortly nftarwnril she
n nln appeared nnd presented n note ,
ncntly nnd lutalllgcutly written , of which
the following Isu copy :
Messrs. Ashby & Millspnugh : I will sco
thut you get paid for anything thnt Miss Snv-
ngo gets inc. Send the bill to Miss Savage
and she will settle everything ou my account.
I hud not known ttml pa did not want n bill
sent to him for us girls , so 1 will sco thnt you
lose nothing , Very respectfully ,
1039 L Street , City.
This giiarantco sntistled the linn , and tlur
ine the succeeding soventcen days she car
ried from the otoro over SMO worth of goods.
She came often nnd discussed Mason's well-
known peoullurltlus nnd other mutters with
such familiarity that the linn entertained no
suspicions , and was wholly disarmed. But
pay-day came , and with it the denounccmont.
It was soon thereafter learned tlmtthero was
no such tnmato as Miss Savage nt Judge
Mason's homo ; that tlmro had been such n
person there , but that she was no win Omaha ;
thnt Mrs. Hammond did not contemplate
making n visit to Colorado , and that the note
purporting to bo from her was a very
clover forgery. It did not InUe
vary long nftor this to report
the case to the police , and Officer Malouo
was detailed to look up the nuittor and if
possible to effect the arrest of the mys
terious shopper. AH this happened yester
day morning. From the inscription of the
girl Kivon by Ashby and Millspauuh , Mr.
Hammond Idcntillcd the girl as Franklo
Currie , who had worked in the family homo
a year or so boforo. Dilllgent search on the
part of the ofllcers located the girl nt the
home of G. M. Andrus , nt the corner of
Eleventh nnd M streets. When llrst ac
cused she sloutly denied her guilt , but wontc-
nned when Malone produced n pair of hand-
oulfs , nud promised to restore nil of the
goods if the matter was kept , from the pub
lic. This dodge would not work , however -
over , nnd the ulrl was taken
Into custody. Search for the Roods
revealed the fact that great piles of them
wore stored about the Andrus house. It is
understood that her contldenco games extends -
tends to other linns , and that her pillaging
will aggregate over ? 400. Franlcio tolls
many conflicting stories , representing that
she Is a noico of John Fitzgerald to homo and
denying : It to others. While not comely nor
oven nice looking , she htv ? an intelligent face
nnd evidently u fair education. She will
have tier preliminary examination baforo
Judge Houston to-morrow , when she will
doubtless answer to the charge of forgery.
An Interesting Interview.
"I see that Congressman Dorsey sayahe
has the renomination to congress in hand
from the Third congressional district , " said
n well known Dodge county politician to
TUB I3in representative this morning , "and
It may true , but I want to say ho must keep
Ills hands of Richards in his candidacy for
I lie governorship , or ho will llnd a 'nluger in
the wood-pile' right in his own county. It is
understood up our way that the political re
lations are bomowhat straightened , and If it
comes to a show down it will bo found
that Richards is the strongest man of
the two nt home. Mhul , I don't
say that thcro is nn oprm rupture between
Dorsoy and Richards , but it borders that
way. Moreover it nettles our pcoplo to have
Dorsoy claim that ho has the county in
hand whenever he wants it. The boast ho in one of the atnto papers the other
day was not that of a nhrowd politician , nnd
Ills friends are inclined to think thut he was
not correctly quoted , and some Of the be
twixt nnd uotweons had-rathcr think that
wny. "
"But I see that Dorsoy Is quoted by some
of the local papers as being u candidate for
governor. Howls ill"
"I don't think there is nnyting in It. I
think Mr. Dorsey prefers to continue in
congress , as ho suggests In a late Inter
view. "
"you think then that Richards is Dodge
county's preferred candidate for Rovernorl"
' I certainly do , and Jack McCall Is the
only man in the race- that can beat Mlm ,
John Watson doubtless has some strength ,
but not enough to cut any prroat figure. "
"Suppose Governor Thayer should bo
sprung by his friends , or that Attornoy'Gon-
eral Leese.becomes n candidate , what then/ / "
"I take It from what the governor says in
run Bun this morning , that ho means Just
what ho nays. As for General Lccso , 1 had
n talk witli him u few days ago , nna ho dis
tinctly stated to mo that he was ( jotting
ready for a rest from public life. Besides ,
I ho should become n candidate , the rail-
oads would turn tlio dogs of war loose
against him. He would have an unpleasant
Ight , and I believe ho appreciates it , but I
; steom him one of thu best men of the state.
Thcro are a good many complications ahead
of the republican party , nnd at this time
speculation Is almost useless. "
Incurable Insane.
Dr. Stone , superintendent of the hospital
'or thu incurable Insane nt Hostinus , an-
louncca thnt the asylum will bo ready for
ho reception of patients about August 1. It
s learned that the furniture of the institu
tion Is nearly all in place and that wait
wait Is occasioned because of the incompio-
rlon of thu boiler and engine house. Uut
work on it is pushing rapidly. Dr. Knapp ,
uuporintondont of tliu Lincoln asylum , In-
'ormcd ' Tin : Uiu : representative this morii-
tig thut 1JO ! patients , or about , thut number ,
would bo transmitted to Hasting * from hla
charge an soon as patients could bo rncuivod
there. It is understood that tiio Lincoln
asylum is In n crowded condition , and thut
t in impossible for patients suffering tempo *
rar.v nboratlons to Improve with the ruuidity
lesirable. From the best Information that
: an bo obtained , thoroniu aboutliUUincurable
nsuiio patients in the stuto who will llnd a
lormanont lio.o at the Hastings institution.
City iS'o\VH anil NOIOH.
The preliminary hearing of Frank Wll-
lams , charged with having cominlttod the
kVolsh burglary , Juno 19 , will conclude before
Fudge Houston to-morrow. Frink , the
ilackumlth , arrested for complicity , was dis
charged last evening.
Rev. 0. U , Newman , pastor of the First
Christian church , left for Chicago to-day to
secure If possible the norvicvs of Rev. Dr.
Slack to dedicate the now church In this
city at an early tiny in September.
The llrst session of the Nebraska confer
ence campmpotlng of the Methodist Kplsco-
> al church commences at Cushmuu purl : on
tozt Wednesday , July 10. Flvo services will
10 hold each day. livungcllst J , \Vebbur ,
of Ohio , will roach Lincoln on the morning
of the 10th , and will bo prominent in tha
ironchlmt exorcises throughout thu meeting.
) Uhop Nowmau proachna the morning ier-
noii. Sunday the 14th.
John Fitzgerald has subscribed { 5,000 , to
the building fund of tlu > contemplated now
Kirochlal high school , > ! r. Fitzgerald tele-
> honcd his donation nUhop Uonacuin thu
nornln' ; , nnd ho says It was the most Joyful
ncssago ho ever received over tlio 'phono.
( Joorgo M. O'Hrion and Frank L. McCoy ,
of Ouiuhn , It. II , Lawlon , of Grand Island ,
find W , Moore , of Fremont , wire Sunday
regUturod at tbo capital.