THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JULY 8 , 1889. 3 THE RIVAU Translated from the Gorman : A waving while veil of fog enveloped the outlines of the mountains ; the walks of Iho park , with the dry loaves rustlinp nbout them , looked npplcctod , nnd nround the hotel vornndn , from which a beautiful view can bo had across the lake , the grape vines lazily shed their dnrk crimson loaves under the breath of the autumnal wind one after an other. It could hardly bo called cozy , this distinguished watering-place , now thut most of the guests had taken louvo , to- pother with the dopatting summer it certainly was no longer a fashionable place. When the management uf the retort had seen ( It to reduce the prices , winch was equal to declaring the toa- bon ended , all the guests who laid claim to elegance or fashion had packed tliolr trunks , hko so many soldiers obeying a ccRnmnnd. ' Only a low belated migratory birds arrived now mid then ; some gouty old counsellors and other olllcials , who had but jilst obtained a furlough , and to whom it was of greixtor importance to alleviate the sufToring that brought them to this place than to participate in the summer festivals of fashionable Eocioty ; nnd some family fathers blessed with nn abundance of offspring , mostly the feminine BOX , who really could not afford 'tho luxuries of the watering- place except at this time of reduced prices. That was all. And as to the visitors of the regular Benson ? Of the guests of the haute saisononly a low remained , those that could not persuade themselves to leave this charming corner of the earth in spite of the growing inclemency of the wea ther , and bomo people that found pleas ure in continuing the intrigues , coquet ries and love affairs once begun. Baron Songon undoubtedly belonged to the hitter class. Ho appeared to nourish a great deal of interest for the beautiful Valdlni , a prima dona as cel ebrated as she was charming , who was making all the use that she could of the autumn days to strengthen herself in this favorable seclusion for the toils and triumphs of the coming season. She was a trillo weak of nerves , the fascinating Vnldini her admirers looked upon this in a flattering way , as tin abundance of that "temperament" which is so necessary for oporu divas and under- these circumstances it was praiseworthy that she did all she could for her recreation. It certainly was not praise worthy , but rather heartless and blameworthy , of her that she was in the habit of killing the time , which usually hangs heavy during such recreation , in a peculiar way ; she played with all the men that fate brought near to her , as a cat does with a mouse , or a snake with the bird. * It seemed to give her as much pleasure to turn the heads of men as it docs to the playing child to turn the head of her uoll. Of course , Baron Songon ought to have known that that is the habit of all prima donnas. For at least a decen- niuin ho had boon what is designated by a mild expression as a man of ' 'ripur " of "a sedate " and be- years , or ago , , - ciclcs , he professed a certain experience in the intercourse with feminine stage stars. Yes , ho had experience in suuh things , hut ho could not tear himself uway from the charm which tho'blotuto , beautiful , blue-eyed pseudo-Italian ex ercised over him , and which gained strength over him from day to day while ho labored to escape from the nets of this Circe. Three times he had said farewell to the beautiful she-devil by writing , twice as many times in person , a doxen times ho had his trunks packed but again and again he had persuaded himself , with irrefutable arguments , that it was necessary for him to remain Btill further at thin place. The old dandy felt it within himself , with the instinct that is peculiar to Buuh men in such circumstances , thut it was impossible for him to escape from his fate ; that ho was subject to that very" malady which ho had abhorred through life , and which now made him EO indescribably happy ! No doubt ho was fn love ! Theodore Baron von Songon , Who formerly treated feminine hearts tuj playthings ho was in love , completely in love ! In level That is a state of mind which borders on the ridiculous in the case of n. gentleman who linds it ditlicult to cover up the bald spot on his crown ; and that with a singer , of whom it is to bo supuosed , but no one has a right to suppose anything bad , not even of an opera singer , until ho has proofs of it. Baron Sengon was resigned to his fate. "Very well , wo shall marry I" Of course it was not to bo expected that the least diilieulties or obstacles would bo in the \7ay ot Baron Songon when ho wished to carry out such a praise worthy resolution. Ho had every rea son to buliovo that the Valdini was at tached to him. because she had evi dently preferred him to all the other butterflies that swarmed around her and kept a sort of jolly companionship with him. And a moderate companion ship , a temperate- friendship , is just the thing which an experienced man of the world expects to ( ind in matri mony. D Alter thoroughly sounding his heart ho finally arrived at the bold conclusion that ho would ask in marriage the hand of the jolly bon comoradc. For days ho had deliberated In what manner this ceremony , which ho had always thought BO very .comical in others , should bo put into execution. Urefrs coat and silk hutV At one time , it was a rainy forenoon , ho almost decided to take these articles , EO useful and ornamental at courting and at funerals , from his wardrobe , but at the hist moment an uncertain sonsa- overcame him that before a theatric princobH a bomewlmt moro romantic manner of wooing were in place. Ho did not exactly moan to do the thing us the hero Lohengrin had done it ; for the manngors of the resort did not keep a boat drawn by swans for the use of their guests. But a walk into the propitious solitude of the autumnal forest , a sail on the lake , or something of that sort , loomed lit occasions. As wo said , ho waited rovoral days. But as the lonurod-foroccaslon for a lyric state of mind had been scared away re peatedly by the silvery laugh of the bountiful woman , ho decided to niter his tactics. Nothing else would ans wer ; dress coat and silk hat had to betaken taken out. In this dignified habiliment a tea-rose bouquet in his hand , and a cnmolttv at his oosotn , he wont to call nn the lady who had performed the foul of kindling anew the little spark under the lava of his heart to n roaring flame and ho received the Intelligence that my lady was out taking u drive. A drive with a gentleman who had ar rived the previous night nnd had boon received by her with familiarity , Hko an old ucquantunco. Ho made inquiries among the hotel servants , and from them nnd hisobsor- tions ho had reasons to look upon tin ) arrival ot the stranger as an interrup tion to his proceedings. "Dr. Johannes Frenius , editor , Nion- na. " In this way the rival hud entered his name in the hotel resistor. Had Adonis arrived at the hotel In bis own person , and boon received in as friendly a uiunuor by the singer , the Baron would have foil no greater un easiness than ho did about this hero of the quill , with his enormous reddish whiskers nnd his sparkling eyeglasses. According to the honest opinion of the Baron , unbiased by any self-delusion , this doctor , with his largo statue , was anything but beautiful. But it is n well-known fact that critics are danger ous for innlo and female artists , but moro than dangerous for the admirers of the latter. As a man of the world , the baron con cealed the unfavorable impression which this man of letters had made up on him , although ho wished him into Bcolzobub'fl company. "An old friend , madam ; is It not ? " ho asked , with a cortttln emphasis , .t tholr introduction. The singer con firmed this , at the snmo tlmo throwing a glance at the doctor , which seemed to the jealous baron like a look of culpable familiarity. "Baron Theodor Songon , ono of the sincerest of my admirers. " "Alas ! not an old frlondl" added the baron with dignity. "But not less sincere in his friendship than , you doc tor. " The two rivals shook hands with a cordiality such as can bo lound only among people that dislike each other. And again that mysterious smllo , again the merry , laughing glance of the singer. This affair began to take a decidedly disagreeable turn. The baron could no longer stand Dy and HOC this witty chat terer , with his red board and his mall- clous satire , iraln stop after stop on that battle-Hold before the beautiful Valdlni. It was absolutely necessary for him to undertake a general attack. It IK In a - cordnnco with the ordinary course of things that he who asks for the hind of u woman first obtains possession of it On a rainy Sunday the doctor , tired of the idyllic quietude at the hotel , of the tedlousness at the table d'hotcandcvon of the company of the charming singer , chose to take a long walk in the near forest ; this was the moment for the baron to accomplish a decisive result. Ho finished his toilet with the careful ness of a schoolgirl who Is nbout to make her debut nt a ball. Then ho examined himself closely in the mirror. "Well , my boy , " ho said with a nod toward his counterfeit , "those are nice stories that wo hoar about you in your old ago. Yes , yes , my friend , I repeat it , in your old age ; however enterpris ing you look twisting your pitch-black mustache and bracing your chest like a recruit. Others you might deceive , but you don't me. Or do you wish mete to tell you to your face that this pitch- black mustache has been carefully dyed , that the noble and manly curve of that chest Is accomplished with the lu-li ) of moro wadding ? Or you perhaps wish that I should call your attention to But no ! uiy dear old friend , do not look at mo so" sheepishly ! I will not betray the secrets of your toilets ; I , before all , have reason to be discreet about these things. I only wish , as a friend , to call your attention to the fact that your youthful appearance be gins to require some-repairs , and your manly beauty borne assistance. Don't you perceive those little wrinkles around the oyesV It seems to me even a short-sighted person could sec them. But the fresh color of your cheeks , the blooming rod of those lips ? I wager , my honored sir , that this youthful bloom can bo connected , in some way or another , with a paint box of full assortment.Vhut is the bet ? Ton bottles : of Veuve Clitiuot against a mug of Pilsenor ? Take it ? You shako your head ? I see. Well , I could give many moro explanations about this chapter. If we take all this into consideration , we come to the conclusion , my dear friend , that it is well for you to look about for a wifeand I have not the courage to dissuade you from it any longer. So ! Lay your hair in a little more stylish and skillful manner. Down with the monocle ; that makes you look stupid. Now try the languishing expression on your face. Now that of joyful ecstasy. Well done ! I am satisfied with you , my boy. Now go to her , and do your errand well ! " L'Mftcen minutes after this monologue the baron was in tho. elegant and cosy boudoir of the singer. Ho took a seat , opposite to her , or at her side , it is dif ficult to say which , considering the po- _ culiiir construction of the fauteuils which are so fashionable at present. ' 'You are grave and silent , baron , " began the singer. "I am glad that you notice this change ; it demonstrates to you the im portance of the matter which brings mete to you. " ' You frighten me , " answered the beautiful woman , with a roguish side- glance. The baron remained as grave and dignified as an Indian fakir , tie began : 'Allow mo to tell you of my desire in a few words , beautiful mada'rn. I will commoncp by giving you the plain truth about the financial situation . " The sphinx interrupted him with her usual boll-like laugh that laugh which is peculiar to soprano singers of the operatic stage. 'But what are your intentions , my friend ? You begin as if you wished to ask my hand in marriage1 "You have spoken my thoughts , " ho remarked hesitatingly , "in all duo form. " "Stop ! Perhaps my clruumstances are such that I must refuse my consent oven to such an excellent friend us you are ; I believe you to bo my friend. " "I understand. The begin to doctor tor- . " tor"Of "Of course. But ho will hardly give his consent. " Tills time It was the baron's turn to laugh ; iiolun innocent andmerry laugh , however. "I warrant , madam , that he will con sent ! " The Valdlni rose quickly from her seat and boctuno suddenly very grave. The energy and will power of the baron seemed to have made a dcop imuression on her. And after you have onuo suc ceeded in maxing nn impression on u woman it is easy to win the game. "You warrant ? " she said in a low voice. "Very well , If you can obtain the consent of the doctor I will not refuse - fuse to bo yours any longer. We will moot , again to-morrow. " Tha happy wooer thought it in place to express his joy over this concession by kissing her hand ; but she was gone. At that moment , a singular illusion befell - fell him. He thought he heard her laugh again from the adjoining room ; it was so natural , ho would have taken his. outh almost that ho actually heard It. It.When When Dr. Johannes Frenlus returned on that evening ho received the Bar on's request for an immediate Interview in an urgent manner which could suitor no delay. It was granted. The Baron requested nothing more nor less from his rival than that ho should waive all claims which ho might possibly have upon the celebrated singer Valdini , from whatsoever title , if not willingly , then . Ha did not finish the sen tence. In the conclusion of which a dual with nibtols was evidently to bo threatened , for the Doctor Interrupted him in a tone of most urbauo bonhom- mio : "But , Bnron , have you ever considered what is to bo done with the children ? " "With the children ? " repeated the Baron mechanically. 1 "Six children , " answered the doctor , politely , "from two to nine years of ago. " The Baron loosened his nock-cloth a trillo. "Tho opera singer Valdlni " "Has been my wife for a full decen ary. " * * * * * * * The duel was not fought. The Baron packed his trunks with the hnsto of an embezzler who is in dangorof detection , and took his departure from the charm ing watering place that solf-snmo night. Lend Your Constitution n. llatul. Constitutions nro much alike , nnd In nlno- tcntlis of us the stuno causes produce the effects , Vertigo , dizziness , or pain of any kind , excepting that of any Injury , cnn como only when thcroa \ In our bodies some Im purities of the blood , which wo have not HUfllclcnt vitality to tliroxv oft without help. Ihereforo , the proper thing to do Is to get Immediately the necessary help. No aid Is so effective as BiuxnnnTit' Piu.s. When you feel thcso Ills coming on tnlto from tlirco to ten of those pills , according to your wonrht , nud bo relieved nt once. Nuvor put oft the feeling by thinking you will soon bo over It. Tnko the pills and do not ruck the constitu tion. SAPRISTM MORBLEU I Common Continental Ontli ofn , Very All 111 Typy Indeed. It is curious that wo are qulto unable to realise the enormity of. some of the commonest continental oaths , says a writer in Mncmillnn's Magazine. Wo can , of course , to a certain extent , upprniso such terms as sncro , saprlsti and morbluo ( euphemistic for mort dipu ) , but on the other handwo wholly fail to appreciate the swearing value of mllln tonncrrcs and tausond donnor- wottor. Even though those latter bo regarded as an Invocation o' thor , the god of thunder and sum mer heat , wo cannot see anything very dreadful or juratory in them. Anglicized they became perfectly harm less , and would indeed bo welcomed in the room of some of our own moro opprobious idioms. "Thunder , " or "Thunder and ! " oven lightning wo consider a very temperate exclamation ; so. too , thought the author of the tragic story of the bagman's dog , which may bo consulted with advantage on this head. Applying the Johnsonian maxim of "claro.t for boys , port for men , and brandy for heroes , " wo should certainly bo inclined to class cither or both of them with the claret , nay. oven with the yet milder variety of Glndstoninn claret , a vintage happily unknown to the learned doctor. To our minds they convey absolutely no Idea of impropri ety. Wo might go about Donnorwet- tcring for a month together and not feel ono atom the hotter for it , or the worse ; while our character for propri ety and decent speech would not bo ono whit damaged , whatever might bo the thought of our sanity. The Gorman soul , however , is conscious of a distinct sense of relief after a judicious indulg ence in the same pastime. Hence wo are confronted by the strange paradox that what is a round oath in ono coun - try is not evan a smart ejaculation in the next. Tlicrc Is nodilnp Us pniril for relieving thcSOHENKSS. ITCIUNti or HUltNIXG , reiliicliif , ' ( ho ISFLAM.VTIOX , taking out IlEDNESS , ami ( jnlekly lirlnglii ! , ' the ski to IN natural color. B3WAHS of Inrosltlon. TAK3 POND'S ' EXTSACT only. Sas landscapa traio mark oa buff wrapper. Sold oalvin cur own bet tles. All dnwglst : . POND'S EXTRACT CO. . 75 5/n Ave , , IT , Y. CALIFORNIA , Tlin 1 AND OF DISCOVERIES ! , JATARRH OROV1LLECAL SANTAABIE : : ANDGATRCURE : : : For Sale by , G OODMAN DRUG CO. NEBF.ASKA . NATIONAL BANK , U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , H3B. Cnpitiil . $100,000 Surplus Jan. 1st , 1880 . 62,030 , oi'1' AND niuccTOits. Hu.Mtv W. VATKS , Presiat-nt. I.KWIS K. ld.121) ) , Vice 1'reaiJjnt , A. K. Tott/.M.ltf , W , V. MO.IKF. JOHN g. COI.MNH. H. U. Cl'KIIINC , , J , N. II PVIHICIC. W , II S lluoiir.s , Cashier , THE IRON BANK , Corner IMIi ttnil l-'urnnm Bta. AGoucral lluukiiiy liuslnesj 'jruuiactea. iuia nil urinary troubles easily , ntilcV- : ly ana KtiMy cured byOOC'I'U A Cap. miles. Sevonil cusiM curuil lUhevcudtiya , Bold nt Jl.M per box , all JnitfuUH , or liy mull from UoctUJa M'Cg ub. lU Wliltu N. / t ill Wrc 10U3. uri ) IS not only a distressing complaint , of itftolf , tint , Iiy cati5lnRUiQ , blood to liccomo dcprnvcd and tlloi system cn- fceblcd , Is tlio parent of Intuimcrablo innlndlcs. Tlmt Aycr's Snr/sntinrllln is the best euro for Inill fcstlon , even when complicated with Lly/jr Complaint , is proved by the followihg 'testimony from Mrs. Joseph LtiUc.rt1l3rock\vny ! Centre , Mich. : ' ' "Liver complaint anil 'indigestion tnndo my life a burden nrid came near ending my existence. For moro than four years I milTcrcd untold agony , was reduced almost to a skeleton , and liardl v liiul Btrenptli to tlrnp myself about. All kinds of food distressed mo , and only the most dcllrato could bo dlpcsted at all.Vltliln the tlmo montlonca several fihr8tclaus treated mo wlthoutBtvliiRro. el. Nothing that I took seemed to do any permanent good until I commenced the use of Ayer's Sarsaparllla , whlcli lias produced wonderful results , Soon after commencing to 'ako the Sarsnpa * rllln I could eo an Improvement in my condition , My appetite begnn to return and with it came the ability to digest nil the food taken , my strength im proved each day , and after a few months ot faithful attention to your directions , I found myself a well woman , able to attend to nil household duties , The medicine lias given tno a iiew lease of life. " arsaparilla , PREPARED nr Dr. J. C , Aycr & Co. , Lowell , Mass , Price $1 ; six bottles , $5. Worth * J t jflltlc. THE EtSTWHJIE iGAT tWDE IH-AMERltt- To Glasgow , I5eiTisl , Dublin and 1 hcrpool From New York Every Tuesday , Cnbln ims UKol5to f.0 , nccorjniftolucatlonofsfi | , room. ixurslonCiitoKU. : ( tocnl from L'tiropo nt .Lowest Rates. AUSTIN IIAMMVIN i. Co. , Gcn'l Atonts , 6.1 Hrctu'.way. Now York. JOHN BI.CGKN , Gon'l Western Accrt. 104 ItfnlcilpU St. , Chlcngj. llAHUV K. Jldiirs , Accnt. Omnhn. ea Cabmrutoi to o.i : > jjj.v "JxY.b'.tl ja . fl BfKITIVP ForlOSTorFAILINO HANHOODt ft FUai I IBS Oaacml and MEKVOUS D BILIIX | \Teahccjc'of Eodyind Kir.JEfftcti I of Enarj cr Exceisci In Old or TOUR ? . UcLn.l. Kclilc MAMIfton rallr Iteitorrd. lion to KnNnr M4 BCieii lh iUt' Sf\nEVtlJllT.I ) ( IHfiiVS * I'ABTBof I10IIY. AUol.UI ; nrrililnf HUSK VlttiTnE.\T llorCII In dlj- . Urn tMtlfTrooi 47 KtftUt , TfrrltorUj , mil rorftgnCoantrlec. Vou c&u write thrm. U < Ml. Tat ) ipltnillon , and brnofi mailed ( tctlfd rrte. AiIdrtH tSIE UZfilCAL 3..BUlrAlD. H. . lclt throusn erron or ( IUUn | Mil ire ( ! cc . may b twrfcctly n-sninetl t > y the new peslon-Dupre.Bomedlea ScniT tur inir mw Illuuntnl i rrv „ . _ _ _ „ _ „ tlu. Aim lute itcrccy. Varlco- : ete curctl without pain or cpcrntinn. 3eclon-1upre Cllnlaue. ics Trtmcnt St. Ikutoa. Boots and Shoos. OO. , BucceuorB to Heel , Jones & Co. Bolesale Mannfecterers of B ots& Slices Agents for Uuiton I'.ubtvr Shoe Co , irr. 1101 ami lite ll&niey Street , OmMm.Nclifatlta. Br'oworo. STOliZ & 1LER , Lager Beer Ewers , Igl North Elghtceilh Uruat. Oia h , Vt . Cornice. EAGLE COItXWE WORK if , lyaiiizofl Iron Cornice Wludow-caiu ntid motnllo Mifl'Kliti. ' John Kpcnotcr , proprietor. IWuuU HUsniiVUlOtUitraeU Office Fixtures. SIMMONUS CO , Manufacturers of Dank. Office and Saloon Ftxlnres , Unnllc , Mctotionnlt. Hook Caico , I > rnr Fixture" , Wall Lares , 1'artltloni , Itulllnii .Cuuntvri , Ileornnd Win * Coolers , Mirrors , Kir furtory nnd office , 1TGU andl'a BoittU lath Bt. . Oi.iaha. T i t.hnn 1191 Boxoa. JOHN L. WILKIE , Proprietor Oraalia Paper Box Factory , Ko . 1317 add laia DougUt troet. Onintiu. Nob. " * "BaanTboora , Etc. M. A. Disnnow & co. , Wbol ala inknufacturers of Sash , Boon , Bids and Honlfllngi Brancadee , 12th and Iisnl tirout Oicahk. Neb. nouN MANUFAC'rimma co. , Mannf.cturers of Sa li , Doors , Blinds , llouldlnei * , iftlr-work nnil Interior hsnl need Unltlu M. IS. corner Dili and Omul ; a , fSe\ \ > ; lngs , PUmpa , Eto. _ < 0 PT.lltK 8 FK.131 UKA'l'lKa ' C ( Pipes and Mines , 8t am , water , rnllwar nnd mining > upplle , Ola _ MU , 'M and VJ4 t-arnao flrecl , Omaha. _ U. S. WIND EK01NE < t PUMP CO. , Steam and wind mlllj. 013 rlnd'ijj Joe SU Omaho. O. V. HOIB , at' at'A A CO , Engines , Boilers and'fiencral Machinery , BbeeHron work , ( team piirupi , ia r mllli. 1213-ii ] Iron Works. PAXTOtf & VIERL1KO IRON WORKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Balding Wort Bagiuci , limit work , central foundry , ruacblno and blackiQllh wcuk. U'llco and nori , U. 1 * . U/ . and KtU street , OuiaUtt. OMAHA WIRE A IRON WORKS , Mannfactnrers of Wire and Iroa Railings DcikralU , wlndoir euardi , tlovfer itandi , wlreiljut. me. ia KuiUi 1UU trtDt.OmaUa. OMAHA SAFlT&'lRON WORKS , Mani'rs ' of Fi < ? e and BnrglarProtf Safes , Tault . jail work , Iron simitars and fire etcapei. U. AnJrcen , prop'r. Cur. KtU audJackionUu. SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Solilh Omaha Limitei OMAIJOBBERS'DMGTORY ' w S iSi % & lC Afirlculturnl Implements. = = = t CHURCHILL PARKER , DealeriiiAgrlctillnral Implements , Wagons Carrlagti and titmile * . Joncn itrool , botneen Sth and lutfa. Omahn. Nebraska , L1NINOER A METCALF CO. , Agricnlt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages llucalo'.clo.Yholonlo. . Omaliix , Ntbraita. PARLIN , OREXDORF . MAKTIN CO. Wholeiale Dcntcn In Agrlcnllnral Implements , Wagonsfc Boggles C01.tOT,10SantHCTJonc itrcct , Oinahn. MOLIKE , MILRURNA STODDARD C0 Hanufaeturon nnd jobbers la Wagons , Bnggies , Rales , Plows Etc , Cor. 9th and I'aclflo itrcoti , Omnha. Artlsta' lyiatorlola. A. 110SPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos ana" Organs , UUDouglaiitrttt Omaha , rtebrnskx Boots and Shooa. ir. V. MORSE , t CO. , Jokers of Boots end Shoes , I1C1 , lim , 11U5 DouKlfii itrrrt , Omnlm. Manufactory , tjummer Hreot , llo ton. Coal , Coke d'nd Ulmo. f O31AUA COAL , COKE A LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 9South ith trcetOmaha , Xebtuska. ' KJ3IJRASKA FUEL CO. , SliipresofCoaUuCok 111 South 13th St. . Omaha , Neb. A. WAKEF1ELD , * Wholesale Lnniter Etc , Imported nnil A nivrii'un I'uilliunt i-cmtoiU bta ngcnt for Mltanukio lijclriuillo cement aU'l ( Julncy nlilto Unit ! . CHAS JR. Dealer in Harftpil Lnmlier , ITOC6 carrot ! and enrqtint flooring. Pth and Unnglu _ itrceti , OmHha , N b. ' ' OMAKA'CUMUER CO. , All KMsoFBttili Material at Wholesale , 12tb Street nnd Union PaclllcTrackOmnha , ' LOUIS TIRADFORD , Dealer in Itiinoer , Lath , Lime , Sash , Coon , Ktc , Yards- Cornet Tth find Douglas. Corner I'Jth and FRED W. OR AY. Lnmlier , Limrj Cement , Etc , , Etc , Corner Ctu and Doutflaa St > . , Oinnbu. C. ff. DIETZ. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber. 13th and Calif ornla Struol , Oianlia , Nebmita. I. OliERFELDER & CO. , Importers & Jokers in Millinery & Notions .ilO and 312 South lltli _ - . J. T. nOIilKSON NOTION CO. , Bojesalc KotloMil Miiisjing Goofe. _ Commission and Storago. " RJDDELL & IUDDELL , Storage end ComnMn Merchants , Specialties Riittcr , ecK' , clicasc. poultry , caoie. 111 ? Howard atroH Omulm. Nnli. D ryC _ oods gnd N otlons. " " "a/fij. sMi'ja & co. , Dry Goods , Furnisning Goo3s and Notions 1102 and 1104 Douglai , cor. 11th trctt.Oraahn , Neb. KlLPATRICK-KOClfDnY GOODS CO. , Importers end Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions , Hants' furulshliiz gor.d * . Corner Illh nnd llarnij itreeU , Oinnbn , Nebr ka. HELIX , THOMPSON & CO. , Importers nnd jobbers of Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , 81T Poutli 15th itreot. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture Farnam etrdet , Omalia , Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Fornittire , Cmahn Ntbratka. Crocorlos. PAXTOX , QALLAdllEn Jk CO. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions. T05,7U7,709 nnd 711 South 10th eU. Ooiabn , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers' 13th ana i carcuworth itrecti , Omnlm , Nebratka Hardware W. J. liROATCn. Heavy Hardware , Iron and M nKB , nneon etock , bnnlwaro , lumber , etc. 1JOJ uud 1211 llarnoy ( treat , Omaha. LEE , CLARICE , ANDREESEX HARD WARE COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , . ihect Iron. etc. Airent * for Howe scale ! . Miami powder and Ljrmaa barbed wire * & TAYLOR. Bnild rs'Ha-dwareanfl ' Scale Repair Shop , UicUnnlci' tuol ntd IlufT.ilo ncr.lo. HM Daugtai iitraet , Oman a. Mut ; . Joblirrx of Toys , Dolls Albums , Fancy Ml House tm-iiNnlii ; . ' yoo Is , clulilrou'H currlngo.i I'M ) Faruiiiu fctriot , Oiimha Nel ) . _ OIlB. ' ' 'A'yK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and khricating Oils rru BIIC. , ( uil n. A. II. II > 1 u > Pnper. CARPEN'JER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Payer Dealers , Cnrrr " "lco 'lock of i > rltilliiK. wmppln nnd frlllnj impnr. i-pccliil itttontlon glvon tucuid impcr , CHICAGOliRT LIKE OP TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' , The Dcst Route from Oiuabn and Couucll Hliiflii to _ EEE-THE EASTHZ TitAINS DAILY IIKTWKUN OMA1IA AN COUNClh ULVftfa Chlcngo , AND Mlhraukce , St. i'aul , Miuncnpolla , Cedar Jtuplds , Hock Isluud , Frccport , Itockford , Clinton , Diibuqiic , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , JaucBillle , Helolt , AVlnoun , La Crosse , And all other Important point * Bait , Hortboait ant boutbeait. For through ticket ! , call on tba ticket acent at 1601 Karnatu struct. In llurkar lllock.or at Umoa 1'acldo 1'ulliuan Skeperi and tha finest Dlnlnv Can In tb * world are run on tli * mtln line ol tbe Cblcazo , Mil waukee A bt. I'aul luilway , and ererr atteutlnnli pmo to patieniferij \ courteuut etuploxti < Ui . U. lll.r.KII.UcneralUinacer. . . J. K. TUCK lilt. AMiitaut Uvneral Manager. A. V. H. ( MUl'KNTKlt , ( iencral I'annuier ail | Ticket A ent. (1KO. U. UBAKFOHB.AiilJtint Genoiall'uieniU I OQil Ticket A2 Bt. I T. OMAHA N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , , Omaha , Nel ) . THE LARGEST MEDICAL INSTITUTE IN THE WEST THH TUP.ATMI3XT OK ALL Chroiiic and Surgical Diseases and Diseases of tha Eya and Ear. I PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO DEFORMITIES , DISEASES OF WOMEN , DISEASES OF THE URINARY AND SEXUAL ORGANS , PRIVATE DISEASES , DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. LUNG AND THROAT DISEASES , SURGICAL OPERATIONS , EPILEPSY OR FITS , PILES , CANCERS , TUMORS , Etc- J. W. MoMENAMT , M. D. , President , And CoHSUltittfr Physician ami Surgeon. Organized with a Ml stair of Skilled Physicians , Surgeons and Trained Knrses , containing oiirHedical , Surgical and Consultation Rooms , Drug Store.Laboratory . , Offices. Manufactory of Surgical Appliances and braces , and the Boarding Depart ment for Patients , in cluu-tfo of competent poisons , constituting the largest und the most thoroughly equipped Medical and Surgical Eslnblislimontiii the West , ono of the three largest in the United States , and second to none. Wo have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , performing surgical operations , hoarding and nursing patients , which , combined with pur uckiiowledged ability , experience , responsibility and reputation , hhould make the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute the first choice. You can como direct to the Institute , day or night , as we have hotel accommo dations as ( rood and as cheap as any in the city. , , i „ 11 We make this explanation for tlio benefit of persons who may feel inclined to go further east for medical or surgical treatment and do not appreciate the fact that Omaha possesses the largest and most complete Medical and surgical Insti tute west of Now York , with a capital of over S100,000. _ DEFORMITIES OF THE HUMAN BODY. APPLIANCES FOll DEFORMI TIES AND TRUSSES. Best Facilities , Apparatus and Remedies for Successful Treatment ot every form of Disease requiring MUDIOAli or SUKGICAJu TltJB&TMlSNT. m ttiis department wo are especially su < cessrui. Our < lanns of superiority over all others are based upon the fact that this is the only mc.iical establishment manufacturing - ufacturing surgical braces and appliances for each individual case. We hav throe skilled instrument makers in our employ , with improved machinery , nnd have all the latest inventions , as well as our own patents and improvement * , the result of twenty years' experience. The treatment of diseases by electricity has undergone great changes within the past few years , nnd electricity is now acknowledged by all schools of medicine us the great remedy in all chronic , special and nerve diseases , for nervous debility , par alysis , rheumatism , diseases of women , etc. , and in many eye and oar diseases it in the most valuable of all remedies. In order to obtain its full virtues , it is absolutely necessary to have the proper apparatus. Wo have lately purchased three of the largobt and most complete batteries manufactured , so constructed as to give the most gentle as well as the most powerful current. Persons treated at this Institute by electricity recognize nt once the difference between our expensive and complete electrical apparatus and the common , cheap batteries , in use by many physicians. Over ! ) , OUO dollars invested in electrical apparatus. PRIVATE , SPECIAL , NERVOUS BLOOD DISEASES. Wo claim to ho the only reliable , responsible establishment in the west making a specialty of this class of diseases. Dr. McMciiamy was ono of the ( list thorough ly educated physicians to make a special study of this class of diseases , and Ida methods and inventions have been adopted by specialists in Europe and America. He is the inventor of the Clamp Compress Suspensory , acknowledged the best in uso. All others are copied after his invention. By moans of a simple operation , painless and safe , recently brought into use , we cure many cases tjiat have boon given up as Incurable by medical treatment ( Head our book to men , sent free to any address. ) f. . * DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. Wo have had wonderful success in this department in tbV pant year , and hfivo made many improvements in our facili ties for treatment , operations , artificial eyes , etc. Wo have greatly improved our facilities and methods of treating cases by correspondence , and are having bettor success in this department than over before. Wo are fully up to the times in all the latest inventions in medical and surgical operation ! ! , appliances and instruments. Our institution is.opun for investiga tion to any persons , palionta or physicians. Wo invite all to correspond with or visit us before taking treatment elsewhere , believing that a visit or consultation will convince any intelligent person that it is to their advantage to place them- Bolvoa under our care. Since this advertisement first appeared , many boasting pretenders and frauds havt come and < ione and many more will come and jo , remembered only by their unfortunatt undfoolish victims. ' "A wise man investigates first and decides uftertoards , A fool decides Jlrtt , tlien investigates. " Tlie Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is indorsed by the people and the press. More capital invested , more skilled physicians employed , more modern appliances , instni' mcnts and apparatus in twe , more cases treated and cured , more successful turgka.1 operations performed , than in all other medical establishments in the West combined , PAGE BOOK ( Illustrated ) SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS ( SIALED ) . Part Flrit History , Success nnd Advuntngcs of the Omaha Medical and Burn-leal Instltnte. Purl Second CiiitONio Imr.Asr.a of the Lung * . Btomacli , Mver. Kldnove , Skin. 1'llef , Canctr. Cutnnli , Hnllei'sy. ' Itlicuuiatlsin. Inlmlutloti , Tape Worm. Klcctrlulty , Now Uo medics , etc , pnrt Tlilrd-DKrotuilTiKU. Curvature of the Bplue , Club Feet , Hip Diseases , Paralysis , Wry Neck , Mow Loirs , Hare Up. BurKlcul OpcrutloiiB. Part I'oiirtli DISEASES omiK KYK AND lUu , Discuses of the Nerves , Cataract , Btrubliinut or t'roa * V'yct. 1'terytrlum , QruauUted Kyo Mils , luvorsloii of tlio Lliln , Artltlclal Kyes , etc , Purl I'lflli DISKAHUS or V/OMK.V , Lcucorrhuou , Ulcurntlon , Ulaiilucuinouta , J'rolanguj , Flex- Inns and Vcrfllons. Tumors , J.acerutloiiB and Canoor of the womb , Part Slxlli Ji KA8EH ot' Metr , 1'rlviito , Hpoclal utid Nervous Diseases , Snormutorrhroa (8cmln\l ( Wpaknees ) , IiuiKitcuoy , Varlcocclo , Btrluturo , Oleot , gynbtlls , und all dlsoatesor Urinary Organa. _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ DISEASES OF WOMEN A AUUEU BJKCIALTV.YK A 1.V1NU-1N HAVE I.ATCI.T rou WUUEN lutti ) > u Cowf JNKMK.VT. ( Strictly 1'rlvutaJ , Only Reliable Medical Institutes MaUinj ; n Specialty of PltIVATJ-3 D1S1SASKS. All niood DUoases successfully treated , Bypbllltlo I'oUon rnmovei ) from the system without mercury. New Kcstorativo Treatment tor Loss of Vital 1'ouor. 1'iitleiiUiiaablo to vltlt us tau U ) ticate < lttt homo by correnponJunco. All commuiilc.itlons uoiiltdcutlal. Mcdlolnca or Inatru- mentaecut by inalloroziircks securely packed , no murky to Indicate ccntcutdor wjudcr. f bonal Interview jireferrtst. Cull ami ixjusult uj or tend history of your case , and wo . . , will in. ' , our HOOK TO ITIKN FHEUi ' . Spocfal . plain wrapiur , Upon I'rlvato. or Nervous Disease , luipo. louoy , BypUUlt , Gleet urjd Vurlcovelo , with qucutlon list. Address , OMAHA MEDICAL SURGICAL INSTITUTE , IlUt