THE OMAHA SUNDAY ER < PAGES 1-8. NINETEENTH YEAK O AM HA , SUNDAY MORNIN& , JULY 7 , 1880.-SIXTEEN PAGE&J NUMBER 19. A RIOT IN DULUTII. Bloody Encounter Between Strikers and Police. SEVERAL KILLED AND WOUNDED. Scenes of Slaughter Frhjhtlul to Bohold. PISTOLS , STONES AND CLUBS. They Are Used With Fatal BfToot By the Combatants. A MOB OF SEVERAL THOUSAND. Tlio Mllltla Ordered Out nnd Quiet Finally llcHtorcd List of the Dead and In- lured Men. Desperate Rtrlkoro. Dci.BTir , July 0' The laboring men's strike , which has bcon In progress several days , culminated this uftci noon lu a bloody war between the strikers nnd policemen , Thirty determined policemen were pitted against 3,009 , desperate strikers armed with pistols , stones aud clubs. Four thousand" men were employed on street nnd sewer improvements nt tl.M ) per day until last Tuesday , when fifteen hundred struck ( or nn advance of 23 cents per day. The contractors refused to accede to the demand. The strlkcis had many re cruits each day. and the mob finally increased to nearly three thousand. There had been ugly rumors of the determined attitude of the strikers nil day , nnd preparations had been mido by the police for any emergency. All duy long men have been nt work on the Fifth street contract , but about 3 o'clock the strikers compelled them to desist. At 8:30 : o'clock a crowd of strikers had reached Third street nnd Tenth avcnno west , where 1 the shade of trees and the known determin ation ot the pollco at Garfield avenue decided them to wait. About 4:30 : a mob headed by a number of hot-headed men rallied and stalled back for the sewer trench. They wore Infuriated by the pres ence of the police nnd their control of the situation. Half an hour later they made a rush for the cordon of police. The police drew itboir clubs nnd revolvers. Seeing there was no use to bother with the clubs , they fired into the angry mob. A volley , and ono striker lay dead , while seven more were wounded , some most seriously. Ono police man was hot through the Jaws. Three men are dead and twelve or fifteen wounded. The strikers started from Twentieth avenue , while another body came down from Third street by Fifteenth avenue and made a rush with clubs nnd rooks , Tuo police stood their ground. Who did the first firing is not known. As the strikers made the rush u single shot was fired , then crack , crack , crack , went the rlllt-s of the police , followed by a fusllado from the strikcro' re volvers. After the first fire came an awful hush , as the combatants were appalled at the awful result of their woilr. On the walk In front lay a man shot through the head. Several , moro were bleeding from ghastly wounds. At 5:45 : company 1C , of the statemllltla , ar rived , and with bayonets drove the crowds from Michigan street. The mayor then made n speech , ordering the crowd to disperse. The police nnd militia then drove the crowds from all the streets. At G o'clock tbo strikers bad dispersed. Following Is n list of the dead and wounded : Ono striker , shot through the heart ; Tom Fitsimmons , shot through the back , died to night ; Alfred Anderson , u striker , shot in the chest , will probably die ; Gcorgo Pollltior , n street car driver , shot in the head ; Ed Cummings , n striker , stabbed in the groin with a bayonet ; York Castigan , a striker , dangerously shot in the shoulder ; Hokon Benson , a striker , shot in the upper leg , may die. Ot the police force the following were wounded : Captain Thomas McLaughlln , stab in hip ; Sergeant Clements , shot In the hands ; Officer O'Donncll , abdomen ; Smallet , foot ; Harri- gan , thigh ; Hoyden , arm ; Donavan , face and hip ; Wulkorluh , face and thigh ; Kil- gorc , shoulder. THE JOHNSTOWN HOUKOIt. The Cornnor'ti Jury Holds tlio Propri etors ot the I.1111 Responsible. JOHNSTOWN , Pa.,1 July 0. After considering - ' ing all the evidence in connection with the Johnstown horror the coroner's , Jury to night finally rendered the following verJlct : Wo , the undersigned , a Jury of inquest empanelled to invoUlgato the cnuso of the death of Ellen Illto on the 31st day of May , after hearing the testi mony , do ilnd that Ellen Ilito cnmo to her death from drowning , and the drowning waa caused by the breaking of the South Fork dam. Wo further find from the testi mony and what wo saw on the ground that there was not a sufllclent outlet for waste water , nor was the dam constructed suffi ciently strong nor of proper material to withstand the overflow , and hero wo find the owners of said dam were culpableIn not making it us safe us should have been done , especially In view of the fact that a population of many thousands were in tlio valley below. Wo hold that the owners are responsible for the fearful loss ol life an'd propeity resulting from the break ing of the dam. POINTS FltOM I'AIUH. A Vnrloty of Interesting Hems From the French Capital. [ Copwrtu'it ' IkSS lit James ( Ionian ltcnn < lt.\ \ PAUIS , July 0. [ Now York Herald Cable- Special to TUB UEIS. ] The Parisian summer is now nt white boat. The thermometer at the pigeon shooting club In the Bols do Bo logna this nftorroon wus S5 lu the shado. The wind is f outhwestorly und seems to parch the leaves , which nro already turning brown. The Bols do Bologno continue ! to be the faihkmnbla rondnzyous for horseback riders. The women hnvo now adopted the straw hat , and the effect of tlio amazon cos tume is vary pleasing. The political situation Is that of a calm bo- fora n storm. 'I he chambers do not eoeui nuy longer to represent the nation and , now that the budget is voted , the wish of almost everyone who Is not a deputy , Is that tka chamber should got Itself out of the way as ( juicily an possible aud not wash any moro dirty linen in publlo. Half a dozen different mutters came before tha chamber of deputies to-day , the mof ( interesting to the general publlo being the bill rotative to the construc tion of various railway lines of strategi cal Importance In the south of franco. It was proposed to concede the lines In question to the Southern Hall way company. Notwithstanding this , tbero was an observation from M. Montane that .ho matter was Important enough to bo looked after by the state Itself , This the reading of the bill was maintained. M. Do Lntro recommended the government to hurry on the construction of the projected line , Muling that the French defenses on the southeastern frontier were alarmingly in ferior to these possessed by Italy. The bill was voted without division. Principal among tha lines projected Is the ono running from Nice to Dratrulgnnn. The extreme loft have proved * hat they are not above or below sacrificing their prin ciples to the needs of the moment. The dep uties of tills uarty met to-day to decide what should bo their attttudo with respect to arrest 23 of the now military bill , relative to the military , service of ecclesiastical students and young mon studying for the literary professions. According to to the reading adopted by the chamber no dispensation Is to be accorded ty the classes In question. The senate , however , with moro consideration of the opinions of Catholics , who described the measure as downright persecution , passed an air.cndmcnt by which the classes In question were required to servo only ono year. M. Weckorshelmer , ono of the mem bers of the extreme loft , having been assured by the minister of war that ecclesiastical students would bo required to servo in the ranks in tlmo of peace and would only bo em ployed in the ambulance corps in war time , the deputies of party decided not to oppose the military bill , or In other words , to accept tbo compromise proposed by the son ata. ata.M. M. Yuhcs Gulzot , who returned from St. Etlcnno this morning , acquainted M , Carnet and his colleagues of the cabinet with the icsults of the inquiry which has bcon opened respecting the cases of the explosion in the Verpllloux mine. Every possible precaution , it appears , hud been taken , and the catns- tropno was ono of these which set nt defi ance all human foresight. "Every effort , " continues the minister of public works , "has been made both to rescue the victims and to alleviate the suffering of their families. ' ' Constan , who had remained at St. ticnno , had placed 30,000 francs at the disposal of tbo prefect of Loire. After hearing the report of each of the ministers present the cabinet subscribed 800 francs in aid of the families of the victims of the disaster. Subscriptions for the same object have been opened in all local centers nnd several influential Paris newspapers. M. Do Lancssau , deputy of Seine , Is an other Lord Charles Bercsford. The French navy , If not already iro'no to the dogs , Is , in his opinion , on Its way towaids that unde sirable bourne. The mnneouvcrs of the channel and Medltoranean squadrons that have been going on this week only confirm M. Do Lanessau In his pcsslmcssitic belief , and ho has accordingly written to the min ister of marine to inform him that ho M. Do JLaucssau will put the question in the chamber on Monday regarding the immedi ate measures to be taken towards remedying the defects of the French navy and provid ing for the defcnso ot French coasts. If M. Do Lancssau is reliable authority the French channel-Atlantic squadrons com bined are not strong enough to prevent - vent the German fleet from cflccting a Junction with the Italian float in the Mcditerancan. Then , again , a French squadron in the last named waters could neither hope to scope successfully with the combined Italian and Austrian fleets nor prevent the bombardment of southern ports. During the naval manovvers which M. Do Lanessau cites to strengthen his position , the attacking fleet succeeding in entering Cherbowg without difficulty. There was an unusually largo attendance nt this afternoon's' performance of Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. A large proportion of these present had bcon attracted to the Ncuilly camp by the announcement that the equestrian skill of Colonel Cody's ' cowboys was to bo put to the test in riding vicious French horses of which they know nothing whatsoever. Certain Parician centlemon , who fancied thai the exhibition of bucking horses was conducted with animals to display a wildness - ness they hud long before had taken out of them , laid heavy wagers with other mem bers of the Jockey cl.'b who had confluence in tlio genuineness of the bucking horse act , that they could produce an animal which a cowboy could not saddle , bkllo and ride in the time usually devoted to that portion of the performance. The horse selected was Lorctlf , a powerful black stal lion , seventeen hands high , belonging to M. Tolland , that had acquired a well- merited reputation for vlciousuess by killing two mon who had attempted to break him into the saddle and bridlo. Ho was not brought to the camp until a few minutes be fore the commencement of the performance , nnd when the time came for bucking horses ho was turned loose into the arena with the bronchos and ether horses used in the act. Bo hud no ; gone far before a lasso , thrown by Tony E. Squival , settled uround his neck , nnd this novel experience was such a sur prise that bo offered no sorlous resistance to being saddled and bridled. Then bo ap purently realized the situation nnd while the sual business was in progress ho mudo things particularly lively for these 'who were holding him. After five or six bron chos had been ridden Larettf was led for ward und before ho know what was to bo done with him , Jim Kidd , a Wyoming cow boy , was on his back. For a few minutes Larctlf showed that | ti the art of bucking ho had nothing to loam from his American brother. He nllernutoly pawed the air with his fore and hind feet , cave leaps and did his level best to unbent his rider , but nil m vain. Presently ho gave a struggle and allowed Kldd to put him through his paces around and around , while the delighted audience arose to its feet , cheering and waving hats nnd handkerchiefs with enthusiasm. Pres ently Kidd pulled up , another cowboy got on behind him and I.aretlf , after a brief struggle , was foiced to carry a double load around the arena. Mr. Tillead was Hi J first to declare that the performance was a magnificent exhibition ot equestrian skill , and tha disappointed backers of Lartif , although they had as much as 50,000 franca at stake on him , did not even attempt to claim a foul. Even tha other's horses scorned to enjoy the scone. Among these present at this interesting exhibition was a squad of Uncle Sam's sailor boys from the United btatcs apprentice training uhlp Jamestown , now at Cherbourg ; alto a detachment of ono hundred soldiers of the Iln ? whom Qcneial Saussler had sent to occupy the scats that are reserved for the garrison of Paris at all performances of the Wild West show. Klcnlnu the Amalgamated Scale , Pnrsiiimu , July 0. Among the iron firms signing the amalgamated scale to-day was the North Chicago Uolllug Mill company , oi Chicago. Up to date uluuty-eight firm * have signed the scale. AN IDOL OF THE HOUR Now Orleans Cheering for the Bal- tlmoro Brulsor. FLOCKING TO SEE THE FIGHTER. Crowds Push and Joatlo to Got a Look at Him. JAKE LOOKS LIKE A WINNER. A Catholio Prloat BIoooos Him at Chattanooga. SULLIVAN ALMOST FORGOTTEN. Tlio Pride of Boston Keeps In Ilia Quarters While the City With Greeting to Ilia Fistic Rival. Kllrnlti Certain of Victory. Nuw Oiti.iuxs , July 0. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bun. 1 Never In the memory of the oldest inhabitant has tno Crescent City shown such enthusiasm over anything as she does over the presence of the Maryland pug ilist camp , St. Charles , Canal , Caromiclot streets , and all the artorcrlcs lending thereto nro a surging mass of humanity , and at the time of this writing there Is fully 5,000 men congregated in front and in the vicinity of Moreau's hotel on Canal street , where Kllr.Un Is dining , nil anxious to catch a glimpse of the idol of the hour. The cheering and waving of hats and handkerchiefs beggars description. Every other man wears Kilrain's colors , anu the gamins on the streets hawk his picture around and do a rushing trado. Dcspito the croaklngs of these to whom the wish was father to the thought , ICllraln's special ar rived at Now Orleans at 10:58 : .prompt , and as the cars draw into the Queen & Crescent depot such a shout went up as made the welkin ring. A special train left the city at 7:15 : this morning convoying Stevenson , Harding , Mixo Donavan , Dennis Butler and A. Beemnn , They were bound for Pearl river , to meet the incoming train bear ing with it the man who is to face John L. next Monday. At 9:30 your representative was on board grasping the hand of Pony Moore , the father-in-luw of Mitchell and the principal backer of Kilraln , und an old time acquaintance of Tin : BUB reporter. Intro ductions to both Mitchell and Kilraln fol lowed , and a delightful time was spent talk ing over the prospects of the forthcoming battle and exchanging opinions with the gentlemen comprising the partv as to what the outlook was. All Kilrain as Its is fair pluy. He is in splendid condition. His face bears the unmistakable appearance of perfect health. Turnbull , of the New York Herald , said : "Tho fight will bo between a quarter horse and a mile heater. Jake Isn't a fool. He knows Bully's tricks. You bet ho will make mincemeat of him. Don't bo mistaken about men. Jake has moro staying uower than SullUun every time , and as for scientific fighting , why , there is no comparison. " Charley Mitchell says : "I have Jake wbero Sullivan will never get at him. When you sco him strip you will ngrco with me. " The reception at the depot and the progress to the club amounted to au ovation. The streets were crowded , cheering all along the line. Kihain made a most favorable impression with those privileged to meet him. Ito- spending to a call of "Kilrain , " "Kilrain , " ho said that ho came to fight perfectly fair and square , and all ho asked ho felt ho would got from the southern people , and that was fair play. After resting for a couple of hours carriages were taken and n drive around the city was taken. Pony Moore has $15,000 to bet on Juke , and ho says that should Kilraln get whipped hu wilt at once challenge iho slugger on behalf of Mitchell for $10,000 a side and the championship , Roach , ot the Baltimore American , says : "Of course Kilrain will win. Ho Is In bet ter condition than ho ever was , and Sullivan is fur wide of what he should be. " At Chattanooga the Maryland man was ctieercd , and a Catholic priest who was in the depot blessed the "pug" and hoped bo would win. Governor Nicholls told THE BEE man to day ho know his duty and would do it. This means the governor will try and stop the fight. Adjutant General Fairies threatens to call out the militia , and the uuthbritics generally ore flapping their wings , but the profane put their fingers to their nose and spread their fingers out. It Is no use surmising who will bo referee , a dozen names are mentioned. Aleck Brew- stor , who acted at tno Sullivan-Ryan fight , has loft the city , so that ho cannot bo called upon. Tbo battle ground Is not yet selected. The Western Union and Associated press representatives are the maddest mon In Now Orleans. They don't know a whit moro than the corner loafer , but pretend they are wise and look owlish. Despite the long odds offered in the pool rooms , no betting has bcon done. The men who prance around and say Sullivan will kill Kilrain in ono round , wont say to the extent of f 30 to $50 that ho will win in six rounds. Nobody would venture $100 to a $1,000 that Kilraln would go under the first round , Sullivan has lain low all day. Fickle minded clamor has never asked for htm once , but ho has been doing good training , not to pull down bis Uesn , but to prevent It accumu lating , for it is acknowledged that the gen tleman from the Hub gathers beef In a most distressing manner. TUG BUB man saw htm exercising. Ho Jumped the rope 040 times and quit trembling in the legs and manifestly winded. His work at the bag punching was marvelous , The fiist blow lie struck ripped it up as if a knife had cut It. Again ho tapped it four times at lightning speed before It passed. His physique Is perfect , The muscles stand out magnificently and work smoothly like a line piece of mechanism. Late last night a conforcnco was bold and it was considered fairly satisfactory , yet tbero are many crooked places to uiako straight. Renaud looks after tbo excursion party , Duffy is charged with getting the principals on the ground. The tickets for the fight , 115 each , entitle the bolder to a camp stool. The specials leave the northeastern depot to-morrow at mid night. There has been about aovon hundred tickets sold. The St. Charles hotel is the great contra for sports and newspaper men. TUB BEB is the only northwestern paper with a special commission on the grounds , and it is flatter ing to hear the favorable comments passed ipon its management' ' gcV-up in having their own correspondent onhe ground , ca A good many wbsUrnsnorting men are hero. hero.A A good many are seriously asking , "Will iliorobonfightl" I aminlrnost inclined to think that there is a possibility It may never como off , Why does each party go out to the flght nscorted by a bodyguard of regulators armed with pistols nnd possibly with Win chesters ) deary's beefing would almost breed insubordination in n battalion of soldiers , Mitchell 'nnd ho have a long scoroto settle , and the gallant Mlko openly declares ho will knock tha stuffing out of Kilrain's second. Said n sport last nlcht : "Sully has got to win fairly if ho can , but bo's got to put his Jags to sleep. " Other straws too numerous to mention In dicate trouble. Kllruln stock has unques tionably gone up. The Sullivan support comes from tha tough element. That for Kilrain Is recruited from the respectable portions of the community. This fact Is In disputable. Summed up Sullivan's men hang on to the great knockout powers of the Boston man , shutting their eyes to the fact that while Kilraln has been practically in training ( I now quota Donovan ) fdr two years , living a clean , temperate life , Sullivan has acted the roll of a debauchee and drunkard and Is now suffering from having three month's Drain ing Into six weeks. Kilrain and party attended a sparring match to-night nt the St. Charles theatre und received a rousing reception. Ho had to cotno before the foot lights and thank the audience for their .kindness. The whole house rose to greet lilrn , and the cheering continued for some m'iuutcs. ' Throe Pinkerton - ton men nro in the city , arriving by the Illi nois Central. It Is bolloved they are hero on matters connected With the Cronln mys tery. Not A I'm kl of Interference. NEW OIU.EAXS , July 0. The time when the cars will leave may bo changed nt the last moment , in order to avoid too much pub licity , nnd if mallei 3 nre rushed , ns it is ex pected they will bo , the articles of agree ment will be mutually waived in so far as the time of fighting is concerned , and the men will go into the rinc when the first faint rays of day dawn In the sky. Unless the opinion of able ring followers is wrong the flght will hardly last over an hour. If this bo the case the entire pirty , principals , oxcurslon t and all can get bark to the city before the governor cots out of bed unless on this occasion ho stays up all night. In order to avoid tno possibility of arrest , it is stated thai Sullivan will leave the city nt the conclusion of the battle , and as soon ns ho can dress h'imsclf again in his street clothes. This Is , " of course , if he is not too soverly punished to travel. It is also fair to prcSunfo that Kilraln will follow the sntno line of ac tion. The Sullivan people nro speculating on Kilrain's pluck , and th'o Kilraln mon nro worrying themselves nb6ut Sullivan's con dition. All these topics form subjects for universal discussion , but the rumored threat ot the governor to interfere with the fight was the subject most talked of at the hotels and among the f riepds of the two men this afternoon. Ono of SqU'Srn'a's gianugors aald : "I have consulted legal talent and wo have found 'Out there Jis nothing in Louisiana's laws that can touch * 1is for pri/o fighting , no matter how partlsantho Interpretation may be. There is nothing in the world that will prevent a decisionjpf the merits of the two mon. If the military power of the state is called out and is nblo to reach the scene of battle , then the mill may bo temporarily postponed , but if wo are interfered with in our rights the people In authority \vill beheld held to legal account. If Kilraln is ns anxious to fight as we know Sullivan is tbo two men will bo brought together. Wo have a reputation us sporting men to maintain , The light has been written up with unusual thoroughness , ' nnd wo can not afford 'to bo at the head of a fluke. The battle ground is on private prop erty , and lean not sohow wo can possibly bo interfered with. I/promiso you there will bo a fight Monday. Kulllviin's Hociids Chosen. NEW OHI.EAVS , July 0. The scones nro very animated this afternoon. Pugilists from every section Of the country sporting characters who have never missed n fight nnd correspondents who have done every battle during the lust .fifteen yrnrs nre here. They miuglo freely and each has his opinion ns to the outcome of the great mill , which ho expresses with uncommon frequency. Sullivan continues to Improve with the approach preach of the day which is to make or mar him forever , but Muldoon's watchfulness and scientific care shows no abatement what ever. Muldoon's reputation ns an unequalled trainer Is established beyond tbo possibility of dispute or cavil. Ho found his man a physical wrecK , weakened by disease and bloated by dissipation and in three months ho has brought him to a condition of physical perfection which is the wonder of the pugilistic world.l Sullivan's seconds were decided upon six weeks ago , but choice Is kept profound secret , It is thought safe to predict that they are Joe Coburn and Mlko Cleary. Coburn is full of resources and up to all the tricks of the the trade , and would make a valuable sec ond. When asked about it by a reporter ho was non-committal , but declared himself willing to serve. Can't Flclit In Arkansas. LITTLE ROCK , July ' 0. Governor Eagle to night received a tolcerain from Joseph Evans , stating that'j.applicatlon had been made for fighting ground for Sullivan nnd Kilrain on Mouut Nebo- and asking if tbo governor would permit ; the fight. Governor Eagle announces that' he" will exert nil ef forts to prevent a flght/oh Arkansas soil , nnd that ho hopes the sheriffs of tno respective counties will observe dilllgcnco in interrupt ing and arresting the pugilists. NEW YOICK SPbllTS TAL.K. . Partisans of iffo ) . 'Fighters Freely KxprcBH Tholr'OplnlnnB , NBW YonK , July fl. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] The main , topic of conversation Is the fight between Sullivan and Kilrain , Not much mocoy has been displayed , how ever , as the growing uncertainty of the flght taking place has deterred many from backing thoU1 opinion with "boodle. " What wagers were laid were all in favor of the "big follow. " The odds were usually 100 to 60 , but tboso who were anxious to plnco a largo sum of money on Sullivan had to give 100 to CO. Very fevp promluent pugilists or sporting men are in town * All who could got uway are either at New Orleans or on their way thcro. The adherents of Sullivan who have re. malned are very much disgusted with the present condition of thlnga , and many of them boldly eay that Kilraln and his backers do not want to flght. In support of ' their opinion they point to the difference in the actions of the two men and their backets. The greatest caution has/ been exorcised by thy | Continued Tin Second 1'ii'jc. ] ROYALTY'S ' REQUESTS The Vlow Bngllah People Talco of the Last Application. DISCONTENT ON THE SURFACE. Radical Oonstituonolos Vohotnout In Tholr Donuuoluttous. VOTED AS A MATTER OF COURSE Unpopular With Many Afraid to Vote ARalnst Thorn. DISRAELI'S ODIOUS COMPARISON. A Speech of the Krltisli Premier Recalled ns to tlio Cost oK a Monarchy nutl a Republic. English Aiiuultlcs. W t > u Jainct ( Ionian ncnnttt. } LONDON , July 0. [ Now York Horalil Cnblo Special to TUG Bisu.1 There can bo no doubt , und It Is no iiso disguising the fact , Unit the duplication for two additional grunts of money to members of the toynl family Is exciting n good deal of discontent on the surface. How deep down it goes It would bo very dinicult as yet to Judge. The classes nro not opposed to the annuities now asked for , or , If they nro , say nothing about It. The masses look upon the matter with a good deal of disapprobation In radical con stituencies the application Is vehemently condemned. "I could not hope to retain my scat , " moro than one friend has assured mo , "If I voted for these grants. " Conservative working men liavo not been ncard from on the subject , but there are not many persons who would bo disposed to assort that the grants sire really popular among them. They will bo voted by the house of commons as n matter of course , but that certainly docs nut prove that they are popular out doors. 1 have spoken to some very intelligent work ing men on the question and what they say comes very much thus : "Wo are paying too mnch now for the royal family. They ought to support each other out of the money they draw from the nation. The queen is rich and why should she not give something to the Prince of Wales' children. " "How do you know she has not already done so ? " I nsltecl an acquaintance. Ho did not know. Probably tUo truth lies quite in the opposite direction from that which ho supposed. As for the money paid now to the roj ill family , it amounts to 543,000 a year , as the last official finance accounts' show. Out ftf this JS5,000 Is paid the queen for ex- pcnsestind salaries of the household , allow ances for special services , etc. For her majesty's private ourso 00,000 is alloted. In addition to this she"receives from the duchy of Luucnster about 45pOO'oyeniSf plitSBf these revenues it Is alleged , ana alleged as rU grievance , that her majesty has mado'lurge savings and that she is immensely rich. It is very doubtful , but supposing it to bo true , is there any shame In the sovereign living witliln the means provided' by parliament ? It is at least n phenomenon In forty reigns parliaments have frequently been called upon to pay the debts of a monarch or heir presumptive. No such , claims have been made during the present reign. The arrangement with thtt queeu made by parliament in Juno , 1837 , has never been departed from. It would oort.ilnly bo u very strange proceeding for parliament to btep in now , after ' a lapse of flfty-two years , and say to the q'ueen : "You have honorably fulfilled your part of Uho contract , but wo must require you to tell how much money granted to you has been saved , how much expended , and what your investment has brought in. " I doubt whether any house of commons will over treat a sovereign so shabbily as that , and no ono will pretend that the queen has done any thing to merit such treatment. I remember a speech of Mr. Disraeli , in which ho sau ht to show that a republic costs much more than n monarchy , and lie pitched upon tlio republic of the United States as an example. How did ho work out his figures ? By taking all the members of congress and adding the amount , with mileage , to the president's salary and then adding the sala ries of members of tho- state legislatures until ho got a total of about 503,000 a year to sot off gainst tlio queen's 333,000. This struck in it the time I believe the spsoc-li was made in 1872 as being very Ingenious , but not stalctly relevant to the real issue. Is it quite fair to put the salaries of members of congress into immediate comparison with the direct cost of the crown. Wo , in this coun try , paid members of parliament in former times , and may do so again , but the civil list remains the same. Tt would not DO dimin ished if members of parliament once moro received salaries , and the fallacy of Lord Ueaconsfleld's ' comparison would then at once become visible. Whether right or wrong , the people of this country have decided on a monarchial form of government. Well , then , they ought to maintain it with becoming dignity , and the children of tbo Prlnco of Wales are in the direct line of succession. Prince Albert Victor will ono day in turn bo Prlnco of Wales and Princess Tjoutso will bo the Prln- cesn royal of England. Are U.oy to bo loft penniless ) They cannot go out into the world to earn a Ih Ing or to starve. If they were found in that plight I fool pretty sure that a subscription would bo promptly started in the United States for their ben efit. Whataro they to do ? TLo Prince of Wales is allowed -10,000 a year by the nation , and ho gets perhaps 20,000 n year the exact amount is not known from the revenues of the duchy of Cornwall. Ho has to subscribe largely to numerous charities , to keep up a costly es tablishment , to entertain on a great scale , to icavo the present behind wherever ho goes , and ho has had to educate a large family. 'Can it reasonably be expected that ho should now settle 10,000 , ergo go on his oldest son. It must also bo taken into account , In endeavoring , to get at all sides of the subject , that the grants now made to the royal family are on a much lower ecalo than they used to bo. George the Third's ' eldest sou , when Prince of Wales , had an annuity of 00,000 , a year , and in his accounts will bo found such entries in the supply grant : To discharge the Prlnco of Wales' debts , 101,000 ; ditto for works at Carlton House , 55,200 ; Incidental expense , 100,000 , and so on. The Princess of Wales at that tlmo had 35,000 a year. The present Princess of Wales gets only 10.000. Prln. cess Charlotte , on her marriage with Prlnco Leopoldyhen she was the eldest daughter of the Prince of Wales , ia tbo same position ns Princess Loulso of Wales la now , received from parliament 0,000 a year and her hus band 50,000. It Is said that 0,000 a year will bb nskcd for In behalf of Princess Loulso , one-tenth the amount given to Prin cess Charlotte , leaving out tlio 500,000 n year paid to her husband. A very slight examination of Uio past will show that wo nro Improving- , but in spite of that fact It can not bo forgotten that wo nro not only living In a democratic ago , but under n democracy mildly tempered by the survival of monarchial institutions. Therefore thcro will bo more ami moro grumbling at thcso royal grunts every tlmo they are asked for , and the parliamentary committee soon to bo appointed would do a great publlo sorvlco If t would once for all put the whole matter on nn enduring basis. Lot It bo settled who shall bo oliglblo to receive grants and how much thcso grants shall amount to , and then wo shall , for the future , bo saved n recur rence of somewhat Ignominous brawls in parliament , and what might possibly some day prove a sorlous danger to the crown will bo averted. A MEMIIER OP PAUUAMBNT. \VIUTI3 O1IOB T. The Head Chief of tlio Crow Greeks Talks to tlio CoinmlsRlon. Cnow Citrni ; Aocxor , Dak. , ( via Chamber lain , Dak. ) July 0. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bci.l : Your correspondent was ac corded an interview with White Ghost this afternoon. Whlto Ghost is accorded with the most influences of any man on this reserv ation , and was ono of the principal opposcrs of the bill last year when the commission bad the mass convention of the whole num ber of agencies , and In reply to a question Whlto Ghost said In aubstancoas follows : "When a man looks out for his own llvlnc it is the land ilrst , for nations own the earth and depend upon the earth. The earth Is the breast from which to cot their living. Let us look at the way In which wo may live , and this wo want to do in a quiet and peaceable manner. We are yet young In knowledge and wa nt to go slowly in thcso matters. The tilbo that Is n tiller of the soil can not maico its 1 ivlng on such soil us this , which was left to us. I have seen the lands of white men in the cast. I know there nro many places which are rough and stand on end , but the white man can put something on his land and make things grow. Wo Indians can't do that. I wish the Great Father would have more mercy on us. The white men have come along and driven my beasts out of the country , and so I must now do something to make my living. I can't do without my Great Father helps mo , and these comniis.- stoncrs are going to inaKo things so I can bo helped. Drifting Geese will bo brought back by the police , bo having loft to avoid meeting the commissioners. Ho will bitterly opjioso the bill. UKGUS MUST STAV. Judge Tttloy ItcfttscH n Writ of Ha beas Cornus. CHICAGO , July O. Judge Tuley refused this morning to Issue a writ of habeas cor pus for John F. Bcggs , lawyer and senior warden of Camp SO , Clan-na-Gacl , which , It is alleged , condemned Dr. Cronln to death. The court based the refusal of , the writ .on ' Hb,6'ground that' the petition prayed for Eeggs' absolute release from. Jail , and did not ask for the alternative re lief of admission to ball , and also because the state attorney had not been notified. Thu Judge directed , there fore , that the petition bo amended if it were desired to release the prisoner on bail ; that the state's attorney bo notified and that the matter bo laid before the court again on Tuesday. The petition which this ruling was based on was presented by Bcggs' at torney ana set forth the facts of Hoggs' In dictment and detention , and declared that the evidence against him was insufficient , being wholly inferential. Judge Longo- necker stated ho had received a telegram from Baker this morning stating the pro ceedings In the Burke case were getting along satisfactorily. THE CLACK REPUBLIC. Hlppolyto Expecting to Take rort-au- Prince By Strategy. NEW YOKIC , Juno 0. The schooner Will lam II. Jones arrived to day direct from the Black Republic. Captain Hounslea says there were no indications of hostility when the schooner loft port. The United States men-of-war Ossippee and Kearsago were in the vicinity of Capo Hoytl , the latter having arrived on Juno 25 , escorting the American steamer Caroline Miller. The Ossippeo , which had Just brought about the release of the American steamer Ozana , loft the capo a day or two before. Hlppolyto. Captain Hounslea said , had an army of 4,000 men en camped about midway between St. Muiio and Gonalvcs. Hippolyto calculated to secure possession of Port-au-Princo by stratcgcm , The captain observed tha HIppolyto'8 war vessels treated all American crafts entering Capo Huyti with great ro- spcct. When his schooner entered the har bor the colors of the Hayticn man-of-war were dipped repeatedly in recognition of the stars and stripes. American Actrcasos Abroad. ICopurtaM 1S& ) l > u Jamci Gordon Hemi'U.1 LONDON , July 0. | Now York Herald Cable Special to. Tim BEB. | Miss Pattl Rosa sailed for America to-day on the Alaska. Her American tour commences on September 2. A cloud of black lace floated Into the drawing room of the Longlium hotel yester day afternoon. Amid the lace was Miss Emma Abbott , the American operatic singer and manager. She was In deep mourning for her late husband , but radiant with smilns when she talked ot her plans for the au tumn season , "I must toll you , " she said , "that altrough I am In Europa I work hard , studying from twelve Xo sixteen hours n day or preparing for now parts I am to ap pear in. But , first I must toll you how much I Jlko "Othello , " I ran over from Paris to sco It , and must say that It Is grand. Every body deserves creditfor the magnificent way In which the piece Is produced , The singing is superb , the finest I over hoard. You ask about my coming American season ? I shall produce "Alda" and "Ermanlo , " by Verdi , and "Tho Crown Diamond" aud "Tho Con- tessa. " 'When do you return ? " "I'm going back to Paris at once to look after my wardrobe. I have thirty uow dresses from Worth and Felix. Ono mantle alone cost a small fortune. It Is u mate to the ono constructed for the queen of Portu gal , only moro elaborate. It is five yards long and covered with hand embroidery of tlio richest design and workmanship , I nliall sail for the United States August 8 on La Champagne , but bjforo I go I shall visit Berlin and go to the Wagner performances at Beyrouth and perfect myself still further in that noble language. " "You already speak French ? " "Ob , yes ; French , Italian und a llttlo Spanish. " BISMARCK'S ' DESIRE. Ho Wants Switzerland to COMBO Harboring Political Rofu oos. A DISPOSITION TO COMPLY. The Mountain Republic Will Not Bo Stubborn , BUT SHE WILL NOT BE DRIVEN. The Bundosrath Negotiating a Loan to Buy Bifloo. HUNGER SUBDUES THE STRIKERS Tlirco Thousand Mnsons Go Hack to AVork ami tlio Painters AVavor The Seizure of Dr. 1'otcrs' Stpium-r. The BwlsH Itctneo frnwB. [ Topi/rfoM IKO I'll ' 'Vcio York Anoclatttt Prttti ] BICIILIN , July 0. Prince Bismarck's ' letters to the Gorman minister to Bcrno published lu the Hcicnsnnziogor on Thursday , have been the prelude to n general outcry by tho. semi-official press , monanclng the neutrality of Switzerland. The letter says that if' Switzerland continues to protect revolution ists who tli rente a the internal peace and security of the Ger man empire , the powers will bo nskcd to consider Swiss neutrality. An exchange of communications has resulted In nn Identical , policy being adopted by the Austrian and Italian governments to compel Switzerland to comply with the demands of Btumarck for the revision of the laws ufTccting refugees. The appointment of a now procurer general at Borne Indicates u desire on the part of the bundesrath to amend the laws In the direc tion of Prince Bismarck's desire. To-night's advises from Borne show the gov ernment Is alive to the possibilities of the situation. The bundesrath has concluded to negotiate a loan of 23,000,030' maicks to provide rifles for the army. A syn dicate of bankers headed by tbo National Bunk of Switzerland , will flout the loan. . Apart from official circles the Gorman feel ing loans to-ward Switzerland , and is hope ful that nothing will disturb the existing sympathies. The conference of Catholio bishops at Fulda , fixed for August 0 , precedes the Cen trist electoral congresses at Munich , Cologne and other places. Tha bish ops will reconsider the general policy ot the party toward the government on the eve of the election. The relations between the Centrists nnd the government have been dis turbed by Prince Bismarck's interference"1 with Episcopal appointments. The leaders of the Centrist party are alive to the , facfe \ that while the .Catholics have , the numerical ' ' : majority lu a number of districts , the minor ? " ity holds the representation. ' * The strikes are waning , starvation forcing the strikers to yield. In Berlin 8,000 masons resumed work on Wednesday. Tbo painteri have appointed a committee to meet the mas ters. The commission appointed to inquire Into the miners' strikes have reported. The- government's terms are favorable to the- men. The North German Garotte says Bismarclc approves of the terming of gigantlo coal depots - pots from which in casa of necessity manu facturers could bo supplied. The seizure of Dr. Peter's ' steamer , Neara , has been the subject of communications be tween tbo Emlii relief committee nnd Count .Hcrbeit Bismarck. The committee askedj the government to protest against the action of the English admiral , but Count , Herbert declined. The Cologne Gazette admits the legality seizure under blockade , but de nounces the real motive , and adds that the- expedition is opposed to English commercial , interests and intended to interfere with the trade of the English-African Lake companies. . This unfriendly action will prejudice Ger many's prestige in Zanzibar and along the coast. The paper expresses surprise that the English admiral should have been per mitted to stop the Gormanoxp3dltion. . In return it says u German ship might go to the mouth of the Zambesi and "watch ! for and seize ships that carry arms to the Lakes company. ft Thcro are conflicting accounts of the Ye- suits of the Bohemian elections. According' to the Prague Polltlk , the oil'Czechs gained thirteen boats and tno young Czechs two seats. On the other hand , the Narondl asserts that the young Czechs won ton seats : Through out the German urban districts the candi dates of the German committee were every where successful. At Prague now ballots will bo necessary. The general result wjll undoubtedly give n majority for the party- opposed to the Austro-German alliance. The Berliner Polltlscho Nachrlohten warns Gorman investors against Huss'an ' bonds , 600,000,000 , of which nro now in the hands of Paris speculators , who are unable to hold thorn and nro trying to unload. This warning has assisted the full of Russian securities , which have declined Itf per cent. * The Valkyrie Beaten. [ Copyright 18891m Jains * ( Jonton TJfmictM Oi.Ahnow , July 0. fNow York Herald Cubic Special to THIS BKB. | The Vnlky- rlo had another tussle with the Irox to-day , the opening day of the Hoyal Clyde club regulla. Thh weather was fine and there was n tolorblo breeze and a big programme. The Irox allowed the Va'.kyilo ilvo minutes nnd live seconds on a fifty mlle course from , Hunter's Quay , and , coming down the loch at a stlfiUh pace , cleared the line first. A smart trip down the channel ensued , Sonio clover work was noticeable In both cases , and nt times the contest took quite an unex pected turn. On the run up tljo channel the Irox , however , got to the front and finished in 4 hours , 88 minutes nnd 4S seconds , The Valkyrie's time was 4 hours , CO minutes and ! M seconds , nnd she took second prize. There Is talk in the Clydo yachting circles of a raca between the Valkyrie and the Thistle , last year's British champlun , at present being filled up. This would give a bettor indica tion tlrm any yet shown of the Valkyrie's chances for the Amcilcan cup. A Boy Drowned. LuAVE.vwoimi , Kan. , July 0. [ Special Tclogram to TUB Buu.J Alexander Nird- linger , u boy ton years old , son of Ell Nlrtl- lingur , of this city , was drowned about 1 o'clock to-day In Two Mile crook , a small stream norlh of the city , Ho wa bathing and got Into deep water ana , not being able to swim , was drowned before any one could reach Urn. His body 1ms not been recovered yet , arid has possibly washed out luvo the Missouri river ,