Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Bank cloarlnfffl yesterday $1,071,020.82.
City Comptroller Goodrich has drawn
warrants for Juno expenses to the
tunount of $77,687.51 , that will bo paid
ou t to-day.
The collector of Internal revenue yes
terday received two car loads of crock
ery and seventy cases of wlno Imported
in bond for local firms.
Frank Carl Dos and Alma KHnchon-
berp celebrated the Fourth of July by
Rottlne married. The connubial knot
wns tied by Justice Kroogor.
The committee appointed by the board
of trade to examine the plans for a
union depot , hold a mooting yesterday
afternoon to prepare their report.
D Elizabeth Gullfort is In the Insane
ward at the county jail. She was taken
there from St. Joseph's hospital , whore
slio has been for about six weeks.
Hereafter , on Sundays , the Saunders
r street cars , of the Omaha Street Hall
way company , will run to Hnnscom
< park In order to accommodate the
A combined Scandinavian directory
anil nlmunuc has been issued by Charles
Prlntzluw , a well known Dane. It con
tains the names of over three thousand
Scandinavian citizens of Omaha.
Joslo Klouda , the woman who was
placed In the county jail charged with
insanity , was released { Thursday. Her
sister , who ilvas at Thirteenth and
"William streets , took charge of her.
The second contest for tlio modal and
championship at Florence wns shot out
at Simpson's Thursday. Charles
Knowles made 21 out of a possible 25 ,
John Paul made 20. Paul still loads
with a majority of 2 point ? .
A small boy named Kuhn mot with an-
accident yesterday morning. While
playing near bis homo on Twenty-sixth
street ho stumbled ever a dog lying on
the street and fell , breaking his arm.
a physician wns called to reset the
broken member , and relieve the little
fellow's Buttering.
William Coburn , Thomas H. Mc-
Cngue and Ralph E. Gaylord , the board
of supervisors appointed to investigate
the alTnirs of the Bank of Omaha , have
filed their report. They estimate the
value of the real and personal property
at 825,789.83. The claims against the
bank amount to ever So,000. ( )
f The Sisters of Mercy will open a
boarding school in O'Connor City ,
f Groely county , Nob. , September 2 ,
whore , besides the ordinary branches
of a plain education , young ladies will
receive practical instructions in dress
making , cooking and laundry work.
For further particulars apply to Right
Rev. J. C. O'Connor , 1) . D. , or at the
Convent of Mercy , Fifteenth and Caa-
tollar streets , Omaha , Nob.
Personal I'nratrr.iphs.
O. Frost , of Unntry , is at tlio Paxton.
H. II. JutUl , of Surprise , is at the Arcado.
A. Z. Iliu-rino , of Sargont , Is ut iho Mil-
M. II. Hopowoll , of Tokuumu , is at the
.IS1 * H. K. Bonestcol. of Niobrara , is a guest tit
the Paxton.
G. B. Taffimy , of Albion , Is registered at
the Paxton.
W. H. Chnpniau , of Grand Island , is regis
tered ut the Arcade.
W , II. Harrison , of Grand Island , is a
guest at the Murray.
E. I ) , nnd D. D. Dorn , of ianbury , la. ,
Ifr were In the city yesterday.
E. D. Ruroy , of Stromsbere , and W. P.
O'Brien , of Atkinson , uro at the Arcado.
ti. C. Humphreys , of Lincoln , and J. E.
Thovlor , of Fnllorton , are at the Paxton.
R. D. Owen nnil S. P. St. Clair , of Frank
Licslio's Illustrated Newspaper , uro in the
H. H. Wallace , of Teltainnh , and J. C.
Waters , of Alliance , are stopping at the
E. G. Asay , Jr. , and wife and J. A. Finlay ,
of Pine Hid go Agency , are stopping at the
J. D. McDonald , J. P. Allen nnd C. S.
Ponfold , of Fremont , nro stopping at the
J. W. Lansing. .Terorao Shany , H. Mcnn-
gor and B. P. Uinncr , of Lincoln , are guests
at the Mlllurd.
John H. Hamilton , of Kearney , 13. F. Warren -
t ron nnd W. T. Oanada , of Nebraska City ,
nro nt the Paxton.
Hon. Liang Ttng-Tsnu , of San Francisco ,
His Imperial Chlrcso Majesty's consul gen
eral , passed through Omaha yesterday west
I bound. _
A rnttoi' < son Hullclintr.
R. C. Patterson has decided to orcct a
Ill I llireo-story brick buildine on Farnam street ,
between the Now York Life and Ames
buildings. It will bo runted for MOO a
mouth. It will cost $15,000.
nitko Gonway.
A warrant has been issued for the arrest
of-Mlko Conway. president of the plumbers'
union , charging him with having torn up and
destroyed SIJO worth of gas plpo belonging to
Jamiesoti & Co. , plumbers.
Kirkcndnll , Jon OH At Co.
The boot and shoo firm of Klrlcendall ,
Jones & Co , , has dissolved , Mr. Coo rctlrmc.
It IB not known to what business thn last
mentioned will dcvolo hinisolf , though it is
hinted his retirement may load to the open
ing of another wholesale shoo house in the
ll city.
Horses Dlsnppgnr.
Two cases of horse thieving were reported
to the police. Charles Morris , a back driver ,
hud a team taken from in front of the Millard -
lard hotel Thur diiy night. Gcorgo Plckard , a
horse trader , Is also looking for n $000 span
of horses which another trader , named 12d
Bayard , took out for a drive Thursday nnd
has u a yet fulled to return ,
Nolmisku Itlcn Crotitors.
The Nebraska Press association will
assemble In Omaha to-day and leave on
the Union Pacific at 8:15 : p. in. , for an excur
sion to the northwest. Arrangements have
been made by the board of trada to give the
editors nnd their wives a drive about the
city. They will leave the board of trade hall
at U:30 : and bo uono two hours.
tloiicllt of tlio Open Door.
A crand concert will bo given at the Y. M.
C. A. hall this evening for the bonotlt of thb
Open Door. The concert will be glvnn by
Mr. F. S. Robbms. assisted by Mrs. Robblns ,
Mrs. IJnch-Mnrennor. Mrs. J. W. Cotton , the
Madrigal club. Miss May Potvin , Miss Flor
ence Krag , Mr , Kdwln J , Urott , Mr. Hovel
Prance and Prof. Koblnson.
Moat Inspectors' Itonorts.
Mr. Wncolcr of the committee on finance
of tlio city council claims that the meat inspectors
specters do not maico reports regularly to the
council. Mr. UlcKstoin , one of the inspec
tors , says this statement Is unfounded. He
innkos his reports every mouth , The last
0110 bo says ho laid on the desk of the city
clerk In the council chamber , but It was
never read by that ofllcial.
IilcoiiHcd to Woct ,
Marriage licenses wcro Issued to the fol
lowing prutljby Judge Shields yesterday :
Name and Residence. Ago
I Harry Iluss , Omuba Ul
1 Ella Russell , Albright , , , U
J Frank Carl Dos , Omaha . , , , , ,2 !
I Alma Kllncluuiborg , Omaha , , 21
I HI rain H. Inmnii , Council Bluffg , lu St
( Julia C Newman , Council BlutTs , lu.U
Nichols , Omuhu , 91
Jcunlq Conn , Omulm , , U
Advice to .Mothers.
Mra. Wiaslow'a Soothing Syruy ,
should always bo used for children tooth
ing. Itsoothos the child , softens the
gums , allays all pains , cures wind colic ,
and la the befit remedy lor
25o a battle.
How Ilo Clfxlmi to Own n fllmro in
tlio South Oiunlia Hjrmtlonto.
John A. MoShano pave his testimony In
the Anderson case , nnd told a great many
things regarding the South Omaha land syn
dicate which have not before been known
outsldo of a small circle. Ho wns ono of
Lbn first gentlemen to become Interestedand
nsMstcd J. H. HoMar In forwarding negotia
tions with Alexander H. Swan to purchase
the land. On n certain day In 1SSO , Boslor
came hero from the cast nnd sought Mr.
McShano for the purpose of doing business.
Together they Journeyed to Do * Molncs , In. ,
and there mot Swan. The object of that
meeting wns to permit a Mr. McKonzlo , a
wealthy Scotchman , nnd eomn of his friends
to rntatn nn interest In the property If they
so desired. The sale to UoMor was then
agreed on , the contract wns drawn nnd
signed. The long suspcctod fact that u
secret understanding existed In this corpora-
lion whereby certain parties , not namedworo
to bo admitted Into ownership , had to
: omo out. When the contract of sale made
in Dos Molnes wns signed , McShnno , Boslor
nnd Swnn understood that oxUovornor Mer
rill hold an option , Swnn atatod that If ho
lind succeeded In his European deal , Merrill
was to have -interest anu , for that reason ,
lie desired that the gcntlomnn should still be
granted the privilege of coming In If ho
wanted It. His shnro of the purchase money
was to bo $10,000. The amount to DO paid by
Mclvcnzio and friends and Merrill , it wag
understood , should not exceed $200,000. The
deal involved something like $750,000. Mo-
Shane had prepared himself and was ready
to put in $150,000. Arrangomunts were not
made to admit Pnxton , Her and Woolwortn
until the organization of the present com-
> any. After that , the other stockholders
Nero taken in , George Prltcliett negotiated
[ or Frank Murphy , Thomas Sivobo
Mr. Hamilton , the Barker brothers ,
Milton Rogers and others. McShano
also gnvo an account of the mooting nt
which the bonds were assigned to subscrib
ers. Anderson , ho said , was at that meeting
jut made no claims nor entered any objec
tions to the proceedings.
"Hnvo " nsknd Woolworth
you any mentis , -
worth , "of knowing what Anderson's finan
cial condition was la the summer of Ifa&ni"
"Don't know tjiat 1 havo. "
"Do you know of any transactions In
which ho hail notes outstanding ) "
"Yes. I know that Stephenson hold his
note for either $0,000 or $0,000. It wns given
on his homo which ho had purchased at an
outlay of ? 12,000. Stephenson wanted to
sell mo the note. After making nn investi
gation , I found that the cash payment was
considerably less Umn half the purchase
price nnd for that reason refused to buy It. "
Judge Donno signed n Judgment of parti
tion for Judge Savngo in the case of Low E.
Roch ot al. against George A. Potter , In
which a division of certain real cstato is In
The nttorncy for defendant in the case of
George Bouscnrcn ncainst Conrlod's English
Opera company obtained permission to file
an answer within thirty days.
Judges Groff and Hojiowell will hear argu
ments this morning in the application
of Meyer Hollmnn ngainst Building Inspec
tor Whitlock nnd the board of public works
for an injunction to prevent them interfer
ing with his store building.
Judge Hopowoll hoard the arguments
of Lena Marsh's nttornoy on his
motion for nn application to hnvo her ad
mitted to ball. It is stated that her condi
tion is such that her confinement in the
county Jail nny length of time would en
danger her life.
Judu'o Hopowell took the matter under ad
visement. It is probable that the line of do-
fcnso will be that the girl administered the
poison without knowing what the result
would be.
Mrs. Susie Morrison , of South Omaha , ap
peared before the court nnd asked to have
her son , Omor Call , sent to the reform
school. She stated that ho was about four
teen years old nnd was entirely beyond her
control. Ho is in the hnbit of running away
from homo and remaining from two days to
two weeks. Some time ago ho bought a re
volver and hns several times threatened to
kill boMi his mother and stop-father. The
court withheld decision.
United St.itcH Court.
Gabriel Braun , of Beatrice , n saloon
keeper , was arrested for selling liquor with
out n license uud brought before Judge
Ilundy. He was bound over to the Novem
ber term of court. Bail to tbo amount of
? 500 was furnished.
A decree was entered In the case of Tnum-
niol vs Morroll finding for the defendant ,
the Inttor to pay costs.
The plea of abatement filed in the case of
WortlnnRtou vs Jones was overruled. Find
ing for plaintiff.
County Court.
In the cnso of David Landon vs the Ne
braska Agency of the Euwards Bureau com
pany. Judgment was rendered for plaintiff in
the sum of MIS.S'J.
Judgment was given plaintiff in the case of
Solomon vs Murny in the sum of $309.93.
P. WilbortJ. van Aernain has broupht
suit against John H. Sullivan to recover $200
on uight promissory notes.
Humors run riot in the blood at thb
soiisou. Hood's Sarsaprilla expels every
impurity and vitalizes and enriches the
1'rivnto Williams' Drnth.
Coroner Drexel , Captain Keller of G com-
pamy and n reporter of Tin : BEE spent yos-
terdiiy forenoon investigating .the circum
stances of the death of Private Williams
last Wednesday night nnd running down
every rumor concerning it.
A report had gene forth that Williams had
loft the Saratoga boor hous o shortly before
11 p. in , , In company with n nogrcss , a whlto
woman and a negro. A few minutes later
Private Hall of I company claims ho was
crossing the bridge Just north of the corral
and heard the outcry :
"Oh , Cod ! don't do that ngain ! " A few
seconds later ho saw so mo men run along the
track near the place where the body was
found. Ho also heard the oxelumution :
The of n only had $3. "
The sontlnul who' wns near the corral ,
however , did not hoar the cry , nnd as It was
pitchy darlt at the time the claims of Hall
that ho baw some men running , ono hundroil
nnd fifty yards away , is discredited. Evoti
McCnithy , who discovered the body , coulc
not hce what obstacle had tripped him. Sergeant
goant Kelly nnd Corporal Murphy , who wen
mentioned as seeing Williams leave
the Saratoga house In company wltli
the two dissolute women and negrc
denied the ropqrtand nobody could bo found
who had seen the big negro. The usscrtioi
that Williams had $70 Is spouted by his cap
tain und others. From tlio facts gleaned i
would appear that Williams , in a s ute of in
toxlcntion , started nlono down the track to i
lionso of shumo nnd while stopping to vomli
wns run over , The coroner's inquest will l ) <
held to-day.
Mr. D. M. Groyson , of Cornvllle , Frank
lin parish , La. , says : I think Swift's Spe
clflc Is the best blood remedy In the world
I have known It to mnko wonderful cures o
persona with blood diseases , some case :
which had been regarded as incurable.
Tlio Knwa Are Coining.
Secretary Nnson , of the board of trade , ro
colved a letter from Kansas City yesterdn ;
notifying him that Bovonty-llvc inombon
of the commercial club of that city will nr-
rive in Oinuha on the 10th Inst. They loavi
Kansas City the 10th on a trip to St. P.iu
and Minneapolis and cnrouto homo proposi
to visit the Nebraska metropolis for one day
Arrangements will bo made to entertan
Cushmnn's ' Mor.tliol Inhaler , cures cat&rib
headache , neuralgia , usthnm , hay Fever
Trial free at your druggist. Prino 50 cento
Annoylni ; Obstructions.
About BIX weeks ago when the railway
company completed laying its rails and pav
ing , between Furnam und Dodge streets 1
unceremoniously dumped a lot of rails ant
paving blocks in the gutter at the southwos'
corner of Sixteenth nnd Dodge streets , when
they have ever sluco accumulated the rub
bUh washed down the llodge street hill am
every lima it rains causing the flooding o
adjoining property ,
Notwithstanding numerous requests ant
notices to the company , nnd complaints to
the chairman of the board of public works
by Interested parties , no notion , it Is said
has boon token towards removing the ob
Yesterday some wag bns mndo a barricade
across Dodge slrcot with the granlto blocks
nnd put up the placard i "This Street Is tbo
Private Property of the Oinahn Cable and
Street Railway Company. " " *
For prickly heat , insect bites , chafing.
sunburns , etc , , nothing is so boniflclnl
ns Pond's Extract. Avoid buying imi
tations. _ _
A Scheme of the Motor Regarding the
Htrcot Cnr Company.
A member of the board of pubho works ,
speaking of the probabilities of a consolida
tion of the motor company and the Omnhn
street railway company , said that ho had In
formation which led him to bollovo that a
consolidation would not take place.
Ho bad it from authority which ho consid
ered rollnblo that the motor line is owned
and controlled by the Union Pacific , which ,
ho asserted , also owns all the street car lines
In Co uncll Bluffs nnd the bridge lino. J. H.
Mlllard is n director of the Union PnolQo
company , a director of the bridge company
nnd n director of the Omaha motor company ,
nnd It Is through tils bank that the money
comes for nil of those. Some months ago ,
vvhon Dr. Mcrcor wns running tto thing
ilone , ho was the under man in the fight , but
It Is different now. "Tho company has
iiionty of money , " said the gentleman , "nnd
is cutting n wldo swath , and , In my opinion ,
instead of consolidating with the street rail
way company , will finally absorb It. "
Fort anil Army Notes.
Lieutenant Thomas H. Wilson , Second In
fantry , has rejoined his regiment at Fort
Lieutenant Lteoho , Twenty-fourth Infan
try , n recent graduate of the academy ,
and n Nebraska boy from Clay county ,
visited the Bellcvno Rillo range
Surgeon Mosloy , United States army ,
whose Elation IB ut Fort Whlpplo , Arizona , bus
been at the fort during the past week , the
guest of Captain Kcolor.
The individual skirmish practice of the
loft wing of thu Second infantry will bo
concluded to-day. Then will commence
the company skirmish practice , which will
take about two days nnd u half. Then comes
volley-firing , which will require about two
days , and this completes thu season's tnrgot
work of the wing.
The revolver practice for officers and sor-
gcnnts will bo sandwiched in between the
skirmish nnd volley ilrlng , so that the loft
wing will return homo about the 10th Inst.
Major E. Butler , who has commanded the
range this year during the practice of both
wings , will return to the post when the loft
wine's season Is ended. The troops will thus
tmvo about throe or four weeks in garrison
before the fall maneuvers call them under
canvas again.
Second Lieutenant George W. Mclvor ,
Seventh Infantry , at Fort Laramie , hns been
detailed for duty as range officer at the
approaching ; annual department rifle com
petition ,
The order detailing First Lieutenant Wil
liam L. Pitcher , Eightn. infantry , for duty
ns rnngo ofllccr at the department rifle con-
petition , has been revoked.
Everybody should try Mibalovitch's
Hungarian Blackberry Juice with soda
Changes in Hospital
The committee of commissioners to whom
was referred the recommendations made by
Architect Myers and Superintendent Coots ,
thnt wooden and comcnt floors bo lutd in the
now county hospital has made a report re
commending thnt the change bo made nt a
cost of $7,030 , which makes an increase in
the estimate for cement lloors of $1,200.43
over the original cost. The committee also
recommends that iron bo substituted as sug
gested Dy Architect Myers for the brick coil
ing in ward No. 0.
As a Drink In Fevers
Use Horsford'a Acid Phosphate.
Dr. Chas. II. S. DavisMeritonConn.says ] :
"I bavo used it ns an accessory in cases of
melancholia and nervous debility , and as a
pleasant and cooling drink in fevers , and
have been very much pleased with it. "
Ijoqt din Kmcrnlils.
Yesterday afternoon one of the drivers of
the American nnd Wells-Pargo Express com
pany received a package of emeralds , thirty-
ono in number , from Max Meyer & Bro. for
shipment oast. The package was valued at
8150. When the driver reached the ofiico of
the express company , the package could not
bo found , having evidently been dropped
with the crush of other goods. Mr. 0. S.
Potter , the ngent for both companies , offers
a liberal reward to the ilndor of the package
on the return of the same to his ofllce , north
west corner of Eleventh and Farnam. streets.
Have You Catarrh ? There Is one
remedy you can try without danger of hum
bug. Send to A. G. Coleman , chemist , Knla-
mazoo , Mich.for trial package of his catarrh
euro , His only modoof advertising is by giv
ing it away. Postngo 2c. Judge for your
self. Mention this paper.
Southern Social Club.
A meeting of the Southern Social club was
held in V. M. C , A. hall last evening. There
was a good attendance. The bylawsvoro
react and adopted.
C. 1C. Cralli's resignation ns treasurer was
scad and nccopted , nnd W. K. Duval was
elected his successor by a unanimous vote of
the club. Mr. Duvnl is a prominent merchant
and well quallitlcd to 1111 such tin important
Other Incidental business was transacted.
The mooting then adjourned to meet Tuesday
evening , July 10 , at Dr. Wix's ofiico , room 7 ,
Wuro block , Fifteenth and Farnam.
The nffnlrs of the club nro now assuming
definite shape , and the success of the club Is
assured. All southerners nro cordially in
vited to bo present at the next meeting. If
not convenient to do BO the secretary , Mr.
Brcclc , will bo glad to receive their names.
The adjourned annual stockholders'
mooting of the Council Bluffs and
Omaha Chautauqna assemblies will beheld
hold at Council BlulTs , la. , at 4 o'clock
p. in , Monday , July 8 , at board of trade
rooms. J. M. OUHSLBH , Secy.
July 6,1889.
A S wlnu Machine Knotnry ,
Weeping Water has secured n sowing ma
chine company , which is to remove Its plant
from Buffalo , The works nro to bo 200x80
fcot nnd give employment to ! MO men.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies , A marvel ot pur -
ty , MroiiKtU and wholesomeness , lloro eco-
uomical tiian tlie ordinary kinds , and cannot
be sold tn competition with the multitudes ot
lor or BUortweiKlit alum or phosphate powders ,
bold only in cans , itoval llakluu 1'owcler Com
pany , u'ovail gticet , Now Vorlc.
Tndi estion
18 not only n dbttcsslng complnlnt.'ot
Itself , but , bj ! causing tlio blood to
bocotno depraved ntul tlio system en-
( cabled , Is tlio parent of Innumerable
tiialndjcs. That A-jrer's Sarsnpnrllln
la tlio boBt-curoi/or Indigestion , ovou
\vhon complicated. with Liver Complaint ,
is proved by tbo following testimony
from Mrs. Joseph JLako , of Brockwny
Ccn tro , Midi. :
"Llvor complaint and Indigestion
made my Ufa n , burden and catno near
ending my existence. For moro than
four years I mifforod untold agony , was
reduced almost to a skeleton , and hardlv
liad strength to drag myself about. All
kinds of food distressed mo. and only
the most dollcato could bo digested at
nil. "Within the time mentioned several
p hysicians treated mo without giving re
li ief. Nothing that I took scorned to do
any permanent good until I commenced
the use of Ayor's Snrsnparllln , which
has produced wonderful results. Soon
after commencing to toke tlio Sarsaparilla -
rilla I could see nn Improvement lit my
condition , My nppetlto began to return
and with It came the ability to digest
all the food taken , my strength im
proved cacji day , anil after u few
months of faithful attention to your
directions ) I found myself a well
woman , able to attend to all household
duties. The medicine has glvou mo a
uu\v lease of life. "
Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla ,
Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Price $1 ; ilx bottlci , $5. Worth ? 5 n bottle.
H4E 3iz l
. nnd receive a '
' / ri'ifciKWsuJauosfflRSft '
Loiilslnnn Slate Lottery Company.
Incorporate 1 by tlio loghlntuioln ISiV , for oJuca-
tionul unil clmrltnblo imipjsi" " , nun its iranUilso
miulo a. part of tlio on-scnt Suite Constitution , In
ly ? ' , by nn overwhelming popular vote.
lt AIAM.MOni DHAU'INOb tnkiplnco soml-au-
imnlly ( .Inno Mud Ii ) > comber ) anil Us ( iHANl ) SIN-
GUC.SIJMMKll IHIAWINUS tnko plnco In each of tbo
othurtvn months of tliu year , nntl are all tlrnwn lu
public , at tbo Academy of .Muilc , Now Orleans , La.
For Integrity of its Drawings , and prompt
Payment of Prizes.
Attested as follows :
"Woilo hereby certify that wo Mipcrvl o the nr-
rHii einunts lor nil tiiu .Monthly aii'J oinl-Annuil
DniwhiKd or. tlio Louisiana Sl'itii Lottery Compiny ,
and In pcraun inanu oaiid control t uc drawings thorn-
elvo.'f , unit that tliusatnoaroionJuctud with honesty ,
falrno's , and In good fnlth to nil parties , mill wo
authorizetho corupniiyto use this certificate , nltli
five similes of our signatures attached. In Us adver
tisements. "
WP , the iimloralKned ImnVs and b.inkprs will pay
a'l ' prl/es drawn In tlio touMumi Mnto Lotteries
wlilrh nmviin p-o onlod at our counters :
{ ; , ? h.jyA1'.1'.1 . ' ! ? ? " ' ! ' ' " ' Louisiana Nat. Bank.
I.AVA UX , 1'res. Slatu Nut. Hank.
A. HAI.mviN. 1'ro * . Now Orloani Nat. Hank.
CAUL KOHN , 1'res. Union > , atlonal HanM
At the Acndijmy of Music : . Now Orleans -
loans , Tumtlny.July 1O , 1H80.
103.0X ) LTlckets nt $3fli Halves J10 : Quarters. $ > :
Tenths , t. ; Twentieth ! , II.
, .
OK nKui is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i I'um : OK KIMI it. . . . . . . . " " . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 I'M'/.K OF 2.'i ( xiis. . . , . . . ; , . . ; . . .
2 IMU/.KS ( IK JH.U laro . . .
6 IMtlXKS OK. fi.OOIiiro.i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 (5 (
V > IMUX.KS OK LUflaro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25W (
1UO 1MU/.BS OK htHlinj. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W Ml
aw iMUXKS OK : a-5 . n ' tKI
GOU PltlKKS OK aniari- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lUU.'lXJU
lOtl Prlcoi of CTJU are . f ) , neO
1U ) Prizes of : aru . 'M.IIOI
1UO Prices of ao are . aU,0 )
ITO nrlzoi of flO ) nru . jo.noo
! K ) 1'rliea of KM iiro . VJfXV
3.1U1 1'rlzoi , amountliiK to . @lon-JK < ) ( >
NOTI : Ticlccts drawing capital Prlios lira not entit
led to Terminal Prlros.
nrFonCr.uii KATES , or any further Information
acBlrad , wrlto IcRlblrto the iinOorslKnud.tlenrlystat-
IIIK your residence , with btato.County.Mnu't and Num
ber. Moro rapid return mnll delivery will bo assured
by your enclosing an envelope bearing your lull ad
Address M. A. DAUPHIN , Now Orleans. I.a.
lly or.llnnrv letter containing MONI5V OIIDKH
liisiiod by n'l ICxpre s ( ; niupanles , Now York Kx-
cUungo , Draft or Postal note.
Address Itozlstored Irfittert. fontalnlnK Currency to
New Orleans , ] < a.
Tjnttho payment of the
prlJHSlsOirAIIANrKKI ) 11V
Komi NATIONAL ItANits of New Orleans and tbo
tickets .irj hlKacd by tbo prebUont of an Institution
whoso chirtered rights are recognized In tliu liluliust
courts ; therefore , howiiru of all Imitations or
annnyniniiH nolionic'n. "
ONI' : liI ) , I.Alt U tbo price of the smallest pnrt or
fraction of a ticket IdSUKI ) HY Uri In nnr drawlnic.
Anythlnu 111 our name ollercd for less tlmn ouo dollar
Is a swindle.
D.klllt.ttd Oaf
OUKK b/llili N.w IU1-UOVED
. , NooTiii o. < ijnlloui > in C.rrmlio :
hll weak r-arti. reit r *
i > grUi M tl. ud Dp.
Ited Cross Dliimoml lirund.
Tb > onlr rclUbU [ .III tat ill * . H fu nl
e , lludlra * u.L llruyul.t rpMbi Illit.
H TU 1111C Qeairal aod NEEVOVB DOlIJ.ITy |
f'TTTCJ f W < aknes of Bodyind MindsEfftcU
V > V JLvJU of Errors crZxcttset InOUor Youni ,
RtUil , HuLU KlMlllDU hllr Reil.rrd. lo K > ltn > kid
tln.ttho rtHM.t KIKTtlOPtU OltGiKg A 1'lUHof EOUI.
At elulflr B.Mtl > ( lltIEK TRKtTnKIT-Koilll U d.j.
Ot. l tlr > from 41 Bl.ltt , Trrrll.rlti , d fortli. Cuuilrlri ,
( ntuorlttUla. llo .fill ipli ll r , J p
Ut J Hr. . . . l < Urwi CtlS MUir.Al CO..IUI
In a week or so light weight Suits will be almost unseason
able stock. We haye always managed every season to close out
our goods and we are determined to do it tnis time also. We
know we have a job on hand. Our stock is considerably larger
than it ought to be. We have done a much larger business and
the accumulation o ± odd Suits and broken lots. is naturally
greater , but our exertions to dispose of them will be greater.
This week we shall have a special clearing sale of Men's
and Boy's Suits. We will slaughter values and
First of nil we offer rib nbout half price a good dark Cheviot Suit , oC which \vo have n largo lot. Tins is n suit
with which wo thought wo would mnko n great hit at § 10.50 , but the call this season was for light colored
shades , and consequently this Suit did not take so well , though it is very neat. The quality oE the gocds 13
them to ? 5.DO.
Next wo will call attention to several large piles of light colored Cheviot Suits , broken lots , nnd leavings o
some o our best Kellers , handsome patterns , good goods , well made and well fitting. Wo have reduced them
to $7.50 and $7.00.
A third lot of suits which must go tins week is u fine dnrk silk mixed Cassimore. This is another suit which
has for some reason or other did neb take , and we have a big lot of them left , all si/.es. The material is a first
class quality. The suit is well gotten up and should soil for $13.50 , as well ns any wo hnvo in the store at thab
price. To make them go wo have reduced them to $3.50.
Ask our salesmen to show you these Suits.
Our thin Coats and Vests do not need any more advertising. We have sold thousands of them already , nntl
every customer that bought ono advertises them.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.-
Trouser lengths left from a big
spring season.
They were $7 , $8 & $10 take
them now at $5 , $6 & $7 give us
room for Fall goods coming.
Give us plenty work for our
$7 , work people *
And take our bright and choice
goods at one-third less , and half
what they'd cost elsewhere ( if you
can find such styles elsewhere ) .
CHOICE Coat and Vest goods as choice
FATTivKNS and cheap. Come to-day.
SOLD One week hence they will be
AS gone.
U now open. Turtles dcslrlnc KOOd nccommo,1atloa
on the now large express stuumers of tuo I'limous
Which are notpit for tholr regularity , canal to rail
road trains , In making tlio trip to Jluvre-l'iirls In ouo
week , uro udvleed to
Mnko Eurly Application for Ucrllts.
This Is al(0 necessary on account of tlio lieaTjr
travel during tlio spring and summer months.
McCAGUE BROS. . 105 South ICth St. ,
HARRY E. MOORES , 1602 Parnnni St. ,
H. L. HALL , 1223 Par n am St. ,
J. II. GREEN , 1601 Parnam St. ,
Agents. Ouiulia , Neb.
- European Department receives ami
torwiirdi all classes nt Uunlnusi by ettcli Mall Btonme
Hnlvlnu at or departing Irom Now \ ork.
Blilpmcnts from Kuronocan bo mndo rtlrcct by tills
Company to all Inland I'orts of Knlry I" tlio Unlloa
btatea , iilso lodtnadu and Mexico , wltli or nltbout
payment ol tlutlcsat New Vork.
Hates nslow in tlio o of any responsible company.
Monujr Orders Issued payable at 15,000 places In
United HtiitcH , Canada and Hnropc.
Aucncles In Kurono to whom shipments for United
Ftatos can bo delivered , or If from Interior points
should bucoinlitned , accompanied by Itlll or leading
and Invoice certlllcd beforu American Consul ;
T1IOS. MBAHOW8 & CO. , S5 Milk Btreet , ChenpsHe
london , K.O. : 25 Water Street , 1,1 VKHI'OOM III I'lco a
dllly.MANCUUBTKlt 10 Hanover Street , < ll.ASfltwo a
Ituu hcrUio. I'AUIH. K. 111CIIAHI . I Hue Clill0 ! !
IIAHVK. N. I.UTOHTINlliCO. . llT Iuiiituii lrii SB ,
imcuKtt ! in ! Iiovenili'Olli , HAMIIUUU , aud 117 Am
Successors 10 John 0. Jacobs. )
Undertakers andEmbalmers
AUUerldstand HOT i'arnam St. Orders by
telegrapli solicited and promptly attended.
elepuona toNe , ! .
C. E. & C. M. ANTHONY.
312 1st Nat'l Bank Building ,
Omaha , - Nebraska
Low rates for Choke toanii. Titles nnd values
psaicd upon promptly and loans closed \y1tliout
delay. Local correspondents wanted In Ne-
raBka nnd Iowa.
LAW , m Dearborn St. . Chicago : adrlco free ;
21 years' experience ; Inuluoss ( julitly aud 1 -
gaily transacted.
After Invnlclnp ; our clotlilnR stock , we
.Duel certain Mntu of suits Dint linvo not
Wdreadily : cnnsaquuntly tlio prlco liai
boon roilucoil. Au early cull will uo to your
ANC. .
The largest. ! : isu l mid finest In the noli
. .L'asBCiiBcr accommodations unexcelled ,
Neif Ym It to Liverpool vlii < Jucenito\vn.
The Celolirulcd ITIie 1'lncst Slew | MI I ) A
city of icimio I chip lu tuo World. I JUIj * f
New York to Glasgow via Londonderry
Dflvonla , .July 111 I Anrhorla. . . .August n
( 'lrrasulu , . , , , , luly 201 J'urnossla..August 10
Ethiopia July S7 | Devoiila , . . .AugustU
With regular weekly tailings thereafter.
HALOOX to ( Jlmfoir. Ltvorpool , Ilcrry. llelfastor
Oueeimtowa IU\to HI by Ula KO fctenniorn , tillund
upnanU by "City of Itoino. " Becond Clan I J. Hti'er-
UKU tJU. ICicurilun rulon roAutcJ available lor cltber
route , thus giving privilege of tuclMi : In ono trip Iho
Hirer Jlursuv , l'icture 'iuo Clyde , North uud Uoutli oj
I.owBSTiKHiia. Travulori'Circular > < < ilt riio ( Credit
end Drafts foruny amount at It.wtH . current rates.
Apply to any of our local luenU o r to
Jloiuloraon llrolhorN , Cliiuuno , III.
H , S. HALT , .
"ill JEM ? s S ilSSS " ' - * - *
Dr. J. E , McGREW
In Hie Treatment of AH Chronic , Nervous
and I'rlvnto Discuses.
SpcrmntorrlHuii , Imputcucr uiul Kittling Mnnliood
nli'oliitely cur oil. A euro Kmirnntuutl In nil forms ol
I'rlrnto lllsu.isca , blruiurov , Uloot , A.C. Cntnrrh ,
'i'liront , J inus. mt lluart IMfcusca , Uliouiimtlsm ,
Hpliiul ami Kuiiiftlo Dlseiisei , Ulocd nnd Skin Discasoa
Ut'atcil Ruccc&slullf.
Ladles' und KVntlcmcn'J wnltlnii looms separata
mntl entirely private.
Oonsulintlon free. Send for boukH , T Socrctnnj
I'rlrntu ll l'.isisof.MUMilso'\VomimMIiT Dlsuounud
lllo each ( stniiuia ) . Trout mem Ly correspondent. ! ) ;
tend 'tamp lor reply.
- " fe-tf " f * * & , JrnT * ! $ jL'ffi
JUEfAJAUAJJ Or DU VU.LUa.U 4XV .Al/a. fll.
Boards Attendance. BeatrAccommodationainWest.
OJ-WHITE FOR OIROOtAHSon Deformities .ni
Bracci , Trutses , Club Feet , Ourvalurcs of Brine , Pllei ,
Tumors. Cancer , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhilatlon.
tlectriclty. Paralyt i , Epilepsy , Xidnoy , Bladder , '
Eye , Ear , B tin ami Blood and all Surgical Opcratioci"
WOHKI ni'iiixicosn.vtjiKST. ( STRICTU PBIVATt. )
Only Reliable Iledlcal Institute maklag a Brecialty of
AlllllooilOlieiici lucetiirally trutcj. Hrplillliio 1'olion
remorca fromthairitrm without mercury , htn Itrktorfttlts
Tre.liu.ol far LUII of VITAL 1'IHUII. 1'irtlei umlle lo Tlill
Bimiybalre.teJat uoraity totruiHto&tutt. Alleornrounlev
' *
rr , rkiloi.Jlc | lcc < !
une [ > erioiulliitcrvf wprer rrrd. CallttidcontultvitricDa
-'i ° I.0.f IS" ' ' " ' " " 1 * " " ' en < 1 ln I111" "Pr r , our
RfinK TO MFM frnEE : vi * " > ' ' t , ni > ew
UUUIV IU IfiCni lltricui llirnti , lu.i'oifiic/BjtU.
III. ; V.rleorele , . Adilreii
13th and Dodge Btreeta , OHA1IA , NED ,
Over 14 Millions Sold in this
Country alone ,
The Best Fitting and Best
Wearing Corset Ever Made.