Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under thin h aa 10 c r
Una ( nr the first Insertion , 7 c nta for each ub-
sequent Insertion , and fl.Mper linn per month.
No advertisement taken for less than 2 cent *
For tint Insertion. Boron words will too counted
to the llnoj they must run consecutively and
mum ba pixld in ADVANCK. All advertlso-
tnents must bo handed In before 12:30 : o'clocfc p.
in. , nnd under no clrcnmntnnces will they betoken
token or discontinued by telephone.
1'artlos advertising in these columns and liar *
Inn thclrnnftworsnadrcsscdlncRroof TUB lien
prill plomo ask fern check to enable them to not
lb lr letters. an none will hndcllvercd except. on
vrctentntlon of checle. All answers to ndrer-
flsemrnts should IIP enclosed In rnvelopcs.
All Rdvertiseiiirntit In thcso columns nre pub *
tlshcd In both morning and evening editions of
ITilE JlF.K , the rlrtulatlon of which aggregates
nioro than 1P,000 papers dally , nnd gives thn ad
vertisers the bnnotlt , not only of the city circu
lation of TIIK HER , but nlso of Council Illuffs.
Xitncplnnnd othori.ltlrsnnd towns throughout
this ioi tlouot the couutry.
Advertising for these columni " 111 bo tnken
on the above conditions. nt the following busi
ness houses. whoaroauthorli-ediigontsforTiiH
HER special notlceH , nnd will quote the same
tatcfl ns cntt to had at the mnln olllco.
* J OH \VrnKlif i'liM n7nclstr820 South Tenth
O HASK& KODV.Stntloners and printers , 113
South ICth Street.
13 II , FA HNS WORTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
M Ing Street ,
WJ , HUGHES. 1'hannaclst , C24 North IGth
GEO. W. PARR , Pnartnuclst , 1809 St , Mary's
Avenue. _ _
HUdllKS' I'lmrnmcy , B208 rnrunm St , Tolo-
phone No. 32.
_ _
WANTKD Situation by a young man who
has hud H years' experience lu chicken
rn'slngbyartlllclnl moans. Mrs. lirogn. ! lll4 }
B. ifltll. 22J ( It
'fjllRSTclnssmnclilnest would HKo a noiittoii ;
L' liavo had 14 yours' oxporlcnco on steam
1)111111)3 ) , also tool making and other muchlna
< vork. Addruss U. 11. It. , 2317 Douglas t. ,
Oninha , Nob. _ 231 lit
WANTED A situation In or out of city by
married man about 30 , tompnr.uo , Rood
habits. Skilled nccountnnt. stenographer.
I.nrfje experience and thoroughly compateut to
discharge or tminngo olllco work. 800 ray
references. Address D 45. HBO. _ S33 11J
WANTED 1'ormanont position in or out of
city , by unmarried man ubout 24 , steady
liabltH , temperate ; thorough accountant. anil
corupetont to take charge of accounts and
ollicu duties. Address D 43 , Hoe. _ 237 11J
TJfiANTKO lly A 1 Horseman , situation as
T foreman In llvory stable or stock ranch ,
largo experience end strictly temperate , Ad
dress D33 lice. 193 St
AYOl'NO fanner from the old country
\vlsheseinplovtnentns a farm hand with n
Santlo American farmer family. Address D 35 ,
ee. _ 187 7 *
UAT1ON wanted by a gardener and Hor-
1st , 15 years experience In raising roses , all
kind of Hownrs , fruits nnd vegetables ; under
stands the managomontnnd care of line horses.
Cooct reference. Address Henry Heller , 1444
Ilolladay St. . Ilenvor , Colo. _ 18(1-5 ( ]
Situation wanted by dnio clerk 4
J- ' years experience. Holds certificate of
primary examination from Ontario College of
Pharmacy. Host references. State salary.
AddrofsJ.O. Harrison , 217 South 8th St. . llur-
llngton. la _ 1H26
WANTKD Ily well recommended and ex
perienced business man u situation In
clothing , furnishing or dry goods store ns a
salesman ; or as traveling salesman forv > holo-
eale groiory house : speaks llonemlan , I'.ngllsh
nnd Gel man. Apply to V , II. Zaruba , care of
Skinner llros. Si Wrlgnt , Denver. Colo. 181 5 *
POSITION by stenographer and typewriter.
Wuges moderate. Address , J.T.J1. , postolllco.
_ 1S4 43 :
AN experienced croo erwants a situation as
traveling salesman In northern Nob. Ad
dress I ) lIMJeo. _ _ ICO It
EXPF.UT accountant wants complicated
books anil partnership mutters to njust.
Ad dress C cfi , llee. COSJy l
WANTKD A married man nnd a practical
DhotOGTnphcr , having a SL4W ) outlh. would
like partner tin ust be llrst class retoucher ) to
Join him In establishing business in Salt Lake
CUy. Smull capital required. Address "D 44 , "
this ofllce. . 24H ( )
ANTKD Man to hnndla engine and boiler
nt waterworks shops. 207 N. 17th. 210-0
* DASTRY cook , J50 ; railroad men tor Wyom-
Xing. Mrs. Ilrpga , 314H B. 15th. 22J 0 *
for life-size oil portraits ; big
commission ; call to-morrow morning. 4 0 N
IBth. nv . . Kndol. 224 : rn
Reliable man nnd wife on n
WANTED ; must understand their business
thoroughly. Mrs. Ilergn , 314' $ S. 18. 230 Ot
WANTKD Experienced hardware sales-
man ; knowledge of builders hardware
preferred. A. C. Raymer. _ 2U1
WANTED A boy about 16 to 17 years old al
HID Farnain at. _ lUI-fi
WANTED First-class mllKer ( must hnve
worked lu dairies ) ; waxes ? 20 n month.
NellsouNo\vport ndditlou.nortuwcstfrom fort ,
WANTED Two experienced men to do hnncl
rapping in canning factory. Address at
once , U JL Canning Co. , Seward , Neb.
W ANTED An experienced solicitor , ( printing -
ing ) ; Btonrty work ; D 34. lice olilce. 11)0-6 *
% Xr ANTED Two men with tnlr education to
TT net as county managers. Deport of $25
required. Salary $75 to * 100 per month. Cnll 01
address Davis & Shnhan , 540 Rnmgo bloce ,
l i 4
"V\7 ANTKD 25 stone cutters for rutting curb.
VV C. \Voodworth \ , 112 Douglas. H.I 12 *
VVW -ANTED 2.5 to 30 teams nt Florence to
haul aaud , American Waterworks.
ll'i l
w ANTKD Sovorul Kood boys for fnctorj
_ work. Address D25. lloo olllco. 117 4 *
TRUFTY II. II. men for Wyoming nnd western
JL1 Nebraska. HM to 81.75 ; ship every day ,
Mra. liroia. 3l4 8l5th. ial-5 *
WANTKD Agents , both sexes , to sell th (
Handsome. Tidy Holders , 00 per cent
profit , Onu Kumplo pair mulled for Id cents U :
. P. U. Ilox225 Carroll , la. _ _ _ _
f KN to travel lor the Fonthlll ursries ; ol
M Canada. Wo pay 650 to S1CO n mouth nm'
expenses to ngouts to sell our Canadian growr
Ktock. Ad. Stone & Wellington , Madison , Wls
WANTKD Rnllroad laborers , rockmen ant
truck layers for Washington Territory ;
good wages and steady work , nt Albrlght'e
JUabor Agency. 1120 Farnam nt. b'j2
" 1X7ANTKD At once , nn energetic Balosmai every town to soil teas , codecs , spices
extricM. baking powdor.s , groceries , etc. , u
hotels , restaurants , fanners and other Inrgt
consumers at wholesule prices ; exclusive territory
ritory t'lven. Address the Kduworth Mercantile
tile Co , 1447 State St. . Chicago. 63d 6 *
"WANTKD A good olllco man to go east
T t muni lnvest,500 ; must bo n good imslnes , !
.nan. Address the Goo. S. Cllno Pnbllshlm
jlouao. 315tojt.'l Wubnsh nYc. ( ; hlcnco ; , 111. 7'J '
ITAN1 ifH Railroad laborers "for now wori
T in Wyoming. Teumsters , wlieeler lioldom
Jilck und Hhovol inon , nnd rock und tunnel men
cteady worn nnd good Job , -transporlMloi
apply nt Albright's labor ugency , 1120 1'arimn
bt. , Oinnlui. \U !
WANI'KD J2. * weekly representative , tuali
or female. In every community. Good1
ftatile ; hom.eholit nec sslty ; neil at sight ; IK
poddltngi salary paid promptly , nud expense1
udvanml. Full particulars and valuable snmpli
cnso ritii : : . Wo mean Just wlmt wo say : nddrcsi
ntonce , STANDARD 8ILVKR WARKCO. . llos
ton. M-V.II. hW
TANTKn O laundres eT,7r5 fojaOiTeirTsli :
, TI fnmninn. tSOt cook and second girl , nann
family , 2 nurse ctrls , cook for an institution
(18 ; laundress for same place , jn ; u dlnlui
room girls , * ! * ; M for general housework
Mrs. Ilr i-u . ami South 221 lit
ANTIID Compotout girl. 132
1'ainam. 31R
ANTF.L' Dressmaker , la.'O Cupltol nve.
ANTED A good coo * . Apply MM. Una
1'ater.son. 137 a 25th t. 215- ; _
W ANTKD-Good girl ; small family. Mrs. J
R. Ha ) ues. 4UUN. _ 2Jd at. W 7J _
W ANTKD A girl for iur.eral ; houtonosk
4ltt ; SouthSltli ttve. 1JW 7t
-A cook Immediately. :
W ANTED A Blrl for ueuerul housework
tll'i California. 177 0'
_ _
ivIK-Lndy pastry cook , ttO ; 4 womei
cooks for bourdiug houn s. Ki panwnshei
15. room ut home ; 4 lnundrr < tse& ; u cUambei
maids , paint elrla , pantiy girls , nlco u a
clrl to wutt on lunclt co.intor out of city. iu ; :
liousekoopins und fr ) Rlrls for general house
Eyork. Mu. Iir-b-a. illtij B Uth _ i Mt _
\\7ANTHD-Olrltoilo second work and ink
i ctreof child tbr yrn old : noaa but cori
hoteut noud apply i O riu n jr iorrsd. ' 'i'W ' si
llWJT'l T * 7/7
AXTANTRD Two girls for general liouflowork ,
VV inquire 610 8 iad. ITiMit
I ANTED OooJ girl to cook , wash nnd
W iron. Mrs. W.M. Bushman , 1)14 ) 8. 17th.Cl8
WANTRD girl for general housework , RIO B.
czd street. 12Mt
\\TANTnD-An export lady typo-writer opep.
> > at or , nt least ono able to taito dictation di
rect on the typewriters permanent position to
right party ; stenography no objection. Address -
dress I , . Nn V. O. Hoic 408 , City. K23 C
ANTKO Olrl for general lioimowork ; 3 In
family ; German preferred ; 1715 Oass.
A plrl to cook , wash i-.nd Iron
WANTED family. Apply at 1 < ( S N 30th
pt , cor , of Grace. 174-6 *
KITCHHN girl wanted at 2123 Ooilgo st. A
good girl to do kitchen wort. None need
pply without good references. lC5-Ct
WANTIin A competent girl , ono who un
derstands cooking , washing nnil ironing
thoroughly ; no other need apply. Mrs.M. lloll-
mam gjco St. Mary's ave. 7CO
W"ANTlib Gorman Rlrl to do cooklne and
washing , he t of wages paid. Inquire J.
L. Ilrandeis , 724 S 10th st. 233
WANTED Woman ( white or colored ) to go
to the lakes for two months ; must bo a
peed cook , washer and Ironer ; work light. 1203
1'ark ave. 2235-
WANTED A girl for general nouse work.
Inquire at N. J. r.dholm , ! U14 Chicago. 10 j 0
" \ATANTED Ladles at ouce at 1023 Tarnam st.
W U01 Dt
WANTED A nurse fern child "years old ;
must bo of good disposition , Intelligent ,
neat and willing. 2005 St. Mary's ave. 8JT >
, . . . , . . . . ) Girl for general house work ,
German preferred. 715 N.23rdst. HO 4 *
to do drcssmaklngta families
lies sollcltod. Hiss Sturdy , 103 a 25th ave ,
parlors fromlOI5Howard to l 4Leavenwth
She will be pleased to have customers call.
TpIHST-class day board. Inquire ICOST Douglas
, wanted on first mortgage security ,
private money , for one year ; will pay 10
percent. Address , Money , P. O. box Ml' .
205 7t ,
T WANT to rout for'fnur months from August
JLl , well furnished house of ten rooms or up
wards. Erastus A. llonson , Now-York Life
building. 2UG 0
'V\/ANTIJD Room nna board in private fom-
' ily. Satisfactory reference guaranteed ,
Plcaso state price and location , Address , 1)is : ,
IJoo. lG-5 ! )
WANTKD-S or 3 furnUlieil rooms for light
housekeeping by young married couple.
State terms and location. Address D33 lloo
olliro. 101-4
' ' For August and September ,
rooms and board tor gentleman , wifoaud
daughter in country house , shaded anil pleasant
and" easily accessible from city , llest accom
modations only wanted , for which good price
ill bo paid. Address , with particulars , D 20 ,
lleo Olllco. 121-4 *
FOR KENT Elegantly furnished ll t for th
summer. Itoferonco required , Address D
41. llee oillce. 2270
POK RENT 7-room tint , ? 35 per mo. above
The Fair , 13th and Howard. Inquire'IhoKalr.
HOTTSK tor rent , fiunlshed for the summer
months , till modern Improvements. 231S
Douglas st. 210 7 *
TT1OR RENT 0-room cottage almost new. 271S
JG Jackson. Enquire next door east. 2007 *
TjlOK RENT 4 room house , with pantry..hard
JJ andlsoft water at 7H Leavemorth. *
TJ OR RENT A nlceS-room cottage with many
JL1 conveniences , U27S. 17til ave ; rent moderate.
Adply C24 S. 17th st. 071
OR RENT Desirable olll fc. 1517 Douglas.
\ RENT Nice 8-roomtlat , newly papered ,
1 8.12. loai Howard St. , in moat market. t5t
flOIl RENT 7-room corner flat. Ifith and
1 Jones. 200
tj\OIl KENT 14-room house , 1811 Cumlngst. ;
JL1 good barn and sheds ; modern Improve
ments ; cheap to right parties. G.L. Green , 310
S. 15th f > t. 8211
.SEVEN room houses , 844 ana 848 8. Sid. near
. Mason. Enquire ftt S52 S. 2Jd 810-7
17ES1DENCES in the Wm.J.Paul blockcor.llth !
JLinnd Chicago Most modern and attractive.
Will bo ready about July 10th. Apply , PanUKX )
Karnam. 448
"CWR RENT Furnished house lor summer :
JO convenient , deslrablo location. Address D20
lice. W53 4t
TT1011 RENT New 10-room bilck ; nil modern
JU improvements , on I7thst.between Nicholas
nnd Paul , nt only Z10. A. P. Tukey. 15th nnd
Douglas. 115
FOll RENT 3-rooiu house at 60S N. 13th st.
1097 *
IT1URN1S1IED house. 20th nnd Ht. Mnrv's nve. .
JU to rent till Oct. 1st. 7 rooms , bath nnd
laundry to family without children ; ictereuces
required. David Jnmloson , 314 3 15th Bt. b72
T710R RENT Neat 4-room cottage , city water ,
JL1 m miles from P. O. D. C. Patterson , 3)4 ) S.
12th. Ul
THEN rooms , perfect repair , modern conven-
JLloncoH. water rent paid by owner. 32113 and
2218 Lenvenv. orth st. S3 } per month. Hugh G.
Clark , room 7. Chamber ot Commerce. 137-0
RENT Neat cottage. 820 per month. C.
F. Hnrrlson , Merchants National Rank.
FOR RKNT 0-room cottage , city water nnd
gas. nicely situated within block of cable
and horse car line ; ren t J-5. Inquire 143U N. 18th.
TT1OR RENT S-room house , everything
JL ? modern , near cable , -5 minutes walk from
P.O. N. theltoii. 1505 Farnam st. 1414 ?
iriOR RENT New 7-room house with city
Jt ; water.anil bnth. Auply 2S21) ) Franklin Bt. or
room CO ! ) Merchants' National bank. 1317f
FOR RENT rurnlshod cottage of 5 rooms.
U ic ! S. Loan & Rental Agency , cor. 10th and
Ilownrd sts. 115
IjTURNlSlIEDor unturnls'aod house Torrent
JL1 lu Park Terrace , opposite Hanscom park ;
all moderii coiivenlonces. Inquire Lee is
NirholttU nnd Leavonworth. 803
TTIOR RENT A detached fr-roora IIOUPO , nil
JL' modern conveniences. Enrj. 3BJJ Capitol nvo *
TJWU RENT 14-room brick dwelling , nil con-
JU voulcncos , 5 blocks from P. 0. 210 N. IDth st.
FOR RENT A nicely furnished nouso In most
desirable residence location lu the city , on
street car llnr , fifteen minutes walk. Will
tnko part of rent in board nnd room ; wnnt
man and wife ; no children , Reierouco requited.
David Cole. 310 B. 15th st. nil
T71URNISHED house to rent till Oct. 1st. 7
JU rooms , bath nnd laundry to family without
children ; references required. Davia Jamie-
8011,311 S 15th st. 'bTJ
FOR RENT Dwelling , 0 rooms , good stable
nud nil modern conveniences , Capitol nvo. .
S block * from High school , D. J. O'Donahoo ,
1G01 1'nninm At. KS
Tj D rooms with nil modern couvfin-
J- ' leuces , Icr gentleman only. 170'J Dodge tt ,
! ti" 1 1
.AIlGK furnished rooms , with board , r
Chicago. 1M-OJ
A HANDSOME south room with nlcovo.
suitable for 2 ; with board. 223'J Favnuui t.
1001 > room wuh bnth. 61'J B. 23
r 153
T/1URN1SHKD rooms by day. week or mouth ,
.13 St. Clnlr hittal , cor Uth nud Dodge. 3A !
17OOJI wUiro7vrithcut board. 1613 Dodge"
.It tV6
iruBNT lloanu 1B1 Ilownrd.
fPO RKNT.Sow furnished rooms ITTJ blocks
JL from noatolllce ; house l'.as nil nuidern 1m-
provunents ; board If deatred. 1Q15 Capital avo.
17KW RKNT Rooms , with first rlnns board U
JU desired. C188. lhit. "
WANTKD S young men to tate room and
good board In private family ; everything
UrM-cIafu ; nil inodurn convenlunceg ; only 6
mmnte.s' wnlk fiom P. O. ; price S.'d per mo. ;
L-sst of references required. Address D Jl. Heo.
"lTKrT Nicely furnished rooms with or
without boiud. 1731 Davenport struet.
U53 4t
_ _ _
Fpit RKNT Largo f urciehed front room , nlso
front and bacK rurlur uufiirnhned with
board _ l.iuiulre at 10 10 Capitol Avenue. iiu7
TjilOlt RKST-.Klegauf south room ror gentle-
JL : wnn , KU7 DoJgo at. _ M8 _
1/OU KIINT furaUUt.l vcoui , i'li Dodge st.
U tU Ji-SJ
T710R RUNT Nicely furnished rooms with ox-
JL ! collont boardmodornconvcn'es.l05M'arknv
SOJ 11
T7IOII ni3NT Furnished rooms , 2200 Dodge.
JJ 74fl7t
FOR RF.NT Two parlors front and on first
floor. All modern covonlencoi. 1XX ( )
SINdLK room and double room , ovorrcon-
venlenco. lllOH Capitol nve. 778
1OOM8 nnd board , 100 ana IDS So. 2th st ,
JJL ] 27BJuly8t
"jCtlCKLY furnished rooms , board ifctoslrod ;
XM gas , bath .electric bolls , etc. 1009 Douglas.
"T71URN18HRD room for rent after Juno 25.
JL ? 2iG4 Hurt st. 153
il RKNT I unfurnished rooms suitable for
JL ! housekeeping. $10.2) . 1T01 Webster st , 210
rpWO unfnnilshcd front rooms , suitable for
JL. man and wife , cheap rent. Inq. 2010 Grace.
| _ _ J .iM3C
TjlOR RKNT Over steve store , 1C21 Ilownrd
JL ? Bt. Imiulro at store UK
"JT10R RKNT-Untll October 1 , largo furnlslloil
JL ! holme , call Sll 3. 35th. 30(1 (
T710R RKNT Store nnd 4 living rooms in
X1 rear , all newly pnpered ; good locnjlon for
grocery or feed store ; 115 per mouth. Apply
at once , C. F. Hnrrlson , Merchants Nat. bunk.
FOR RKNT-3lloors tronthnlf Homls. build"
ing , power , heat , elect tic light. Inquire ofllco
ot llemis Omaha ling Co , 157 Jy31
TTIOR RKNT-Tlio 4 story brlcE building with
Ju' or without power , formerly occupied by The
Roe Publishing Co. , 1)10 Fnrnam st. The build
ing has n fire proof cemented basement ; complete -
ploto steam heatlnc fixtures , water on all the
Doors , gas , etc. Apply at the olllco of The Roe.
" 171011 RKNT-Storo 22x00 ; JUS Jackson st.
JU Knqulre 1114 Jacksou. 8U3
OFF1CK To rent. Furnished elegantly or
unfurnished. Husliman block , N. B. Cor.
10 and Douglas. _ _ 048
FOR RKNT Comfortabldalort ) rooms In the
Her building , 00x2. ! : good location for har
ness shop. Also , two basements , light nndnlry ,
44x30 , under hardware store : good location for
tin shop. Apply to A. C. Ravmer , hardware
btoro , Her building , corner Jackson and tilth st
WK * , lyl8
"II10R RUNT Stores and living rooms onCum-
JL ! ing st. Also house on Cass st. Harris , room
411. 1st Nnt. llniu. 20i
OMAHA Ruslness College , cor. 10th nnd Cap- !
tel nv < i. Shorthand The largest and most
successful shorthand department In the state.
Standard methods taught. Muuson's revised
of 't'J a specialty. Call or wrlto for terms.
GOLLATKRAL Rank , 31-fS. Kith St. . Chambo
of Commerce. Loans money on chattels uud
articles otTaluo. NHJyM
LOOh. IIKRK-For rent List your houses
with mo. I hnvo plenty of customers.
J. A. Wlchtorman. 207 N , lilth st. _ . _
WASHING done , collected and delivered by
Mrs. Andrew Soronsim , 3510 Parker st , *
TUIE banjo taught as an art by Goo. F. Gel-
lenbock. Apply nt llee oillce. _ &U
" \7irAlTS for ordbrs Wanted The mutual
> Reserve Fund Life association desires to
employ ono special agent in each city and
county m the United States , Cana'li , Great
llrltaln and France. It also has excellent open
ings for good business men in nil of these coun
tries as managers , general and district agents.
Compensation liberal : results certain : position
permanent. Tills company furnishes life In
surance nt one-half the usual rates. It has
nlready paid his nnd one-half million dolUrs
in death claims. It has inoro than two million
aollurs cash surplus. U Is the greatest success
ever known In life Insurance. Address or call
upon K. B. Harper. President , or N. W.
llloss , Vlco President. Homo Olllco. Si Park
Row , New York , or upon any Manager
_ ' " _ _ _ _ _ : 4-i , *
' , draping and repairing.
Mattresses made over. First clnss work.
Reasonable prices. 11. Lchmaun , 21H N. 14th.
707 Jy24
" " LOST !
T OST EnpllBb Mastiff. Iteturnto 400 Paxton
nud rowiird. 241-
J-JJjlock got _ - _
npHE person who picked up pocketbook In
JL northwest corner IJaylis park , Council llluirs ,
evening of 4th. please hand It In Lice or Non-
parell and be piopcrly regarded. 213-5J
f , O8T-On July3apa'tr of ladles' gold oye-
JLJglasscs with gold chain nnd pin ; will liber
ally reward Under. John R. Webster , Room 2 ,
Hoard ot Trade. ffifi 7
_ _
"PERSONAL Miss Magglo Ijrlmth' will hear
J. of something to her .advantage it her ad
dress is made known to Eugene GrosJenn.
Sioux City. In. _ _ 232 7t
MRS. Perceval of California , 1031 Douglas st. ,
fortells the future. Ladles and gentlemen.
_ -2 _ 20t nit
IlEHSONAL An honorable gentleman , 3) )
years of age , strictly temperate. Industrious
nnd good Income , desires the acquaintance of n
lady of means , amiable disposition and high
moral character. Object , matrimony , llestof
reSerenco given and required. Address B , lleo
olllco. Counciljjluffg , lown. _ lU7-y.
AUGUST DORAN. of Chicago , can ilnd party
wanted at No. 1011 S. 14th st. l'J4-K
UMRRELLAS and parasols covered nnd re
paired , 217 8 15th , Itoyd's opera house block.
In shoo store. R. Ilalor. 1100
S 'TOKAQK at low rates nt H'il Fnrnam St. .
Omaha Auction and Storage Co. itoi
FpRACKAOE storage at lowest rates. W. M.
JL Husliman. 1311 Leavenworth. ! )03 )
B RANCH &Co. , storage , 1211 Howard.
STORAGI5 nnd forwarding. Wo collect and
dellvergoodsof all descrlptlonsmurchandisp ,
furniture nud baggage at cheapest rates for
storage for any length of time. Vans uud
wagons to be hart at shortest notice , with care
ful moil for moving. Packing nnd shipping
Irom our own warehouse ilouo on moderate
charge. Merrtandlso loaded nnd unloaded.
Warehouse ! on our own tracks. Olllco 217 S. 14th
St. ; telephone 111. llowell.VCo. 004
DR. KANNIK V. WaiTen , clairvoyant , mdi-
cnl and business medium , i'emalo diseases
n specialty. HUN ICth st. rooms 2 and 3. ixx >
QTANDARDshorthanTBChool. Paxton block , "
kJsuccelsor ( to Vnlenllno'H Hhorthand insti
tute1 , the largest best equipped shorthand
school it > the ; Is under tno personal su
pervision of Joseph P. Mcgcath. nn ex-olliclal
reporter and state ngent ot the Remington
Standard typewriter , assisted by experienced
verbatim reporters. Mechanical conjunction
ot machine taugnt by f nctory expert. Particu
lar attention paid to typewriting. Stenogra
phers'supplies for sale. Circulars free , itoa
I WANT good stock merchandise ; will pay
one-third cash , bal. good land at low price.
J , P , IIymer , s. c. cor , 16th , V Dodge at , room 21 ,
T\7ANTKD Furniture , carpets , stoves and
T > housfthola goods of nil kinds. Omaha
Auction & Storage Co. . 1121 Fnrnam. 1)03 )
W'ANTKD A gentle , handsome bay or black
Shetland or smull Freneh ponv. for riding
and driving. Address 33J , llee Olllco , Council
llllllls. . 125-4
FOR BALK A fine driving horse ; perfectly
safe for Indies ; btnndard bred tnd speedy.
Cnll at Stephenson'a barn. lU7-7t
TJiOR BALI' Furniture of n S-room house ;
-L will take part cash and the balance In
weekly or monthly payments. Apply at 1441 rj
aith. 171-8
"fTlOR SALK-Dollvery wagon. 1W7 N IHth st.
J- _ 173-tt
pAltniAOKS , Horffls , Cowc , eta ,
\J i'or Salo.
Having decided to remove to California -will
sell the following articles very cheap ;
1 now Studebaker family carriage.
1 thren-sprlng pole phaeton.
1 two tprliiK iihaolon.
1 slno-sprlng business buggy.
1 slngld cutter.
1 new ilriinswlck & llnllce combination bll-
linrd and pool table.
3 good black hordes , will nil work single or
double , nnd all well matched ,
1 froth Jersey cow and cult , one of the best In
the city , a pitze winner.
1 yearling Jersey cow ,
1 fiesh common cow.
1 good "Manltou" family Kitchen ran go and
one laundry stove ; one llrst-clnss refrigerator ,
with other article * . The above can be
Keen for ono week ut Ktt So. 37th st. If not hold
by that date can be seen at my brickyard , cor
ner 23uO and f '
ON15 hundred tons of ice for sale. Address
John Olaon , Stromsburg , Neb , llox i L
1E3 4
FOU-iJALl' Team carriage horses , price$300.
tt F. Harrison.jlerch ntV Nat. Rant. 150
VITANTKU To sell fine upright piano , book
Y T case , refrigerator and other furniture : be
cause tlvln up housekeeplugeverything ; llret-
data ami almost now. 331 N. 27th avo. 12y-4f
J7 ) U BA LK or "TraTle-Fino young saddle
! DODV. 11. II. llalL 2I.U Hariiav at. 7B7 if
MIDLAND Guarantee' ' Jf tst Co. , 1C05 Fnr-
nam. Complete abstracts furnished nndtltles
to real ostnto examinedperfected , & guaranteed.
a/ , * °
MONKi" to loan on ftrrhltrtro , horse"rogons _ .
etc , , or on any approftd ( > curlty , ,1 , * .Y.
Robbing , Hllit FarnauBtreut _ , JUxtOii hotol.
the city. .Make loans foMthlrtr to thrco hun
dred nud sixty-live day j which can bo paid In
part or whole , nt any nrnsithtu lowering the
principal and InterniU' ' Otill nnd nco ui when
you wnnt money. We can assist you promptly
nnd to your ndvantago without removal of
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
No delay In making loans , c. F. Reed .t Co. ,
310 S. 13th St. , over Ulnghnm k Sons. V13
MONKY to loan on good first mortgages. Im
proved or unimproved property. Mort
gages bought nnd sold. Wallace , room 310
Ilrown building , IGth nnd Douglas. KH
TT ] ONKYTbnneil for 35.Wor W ) dnys on nny
1'L kind ot chattel security ; reasonable inter
est ; confidential. J , J , Wilkinson , 1417 Fnrnam ,
_ J _ nil
"TVON'T borrow manor on fiirnlturp , horses ,
JL/wapons , etc. . or collaterals until you see C.
11. Jacobs , 111 First National bank building.
MONKY to loan. Harris H. K. _ & Loan Co. ,
room 4lLFlrst _ _ _ National bank. Ui2
TATONKY to loan on niiy security
JJJL tor short time.'at low
rules. Lowest rates
on personal
Tlio Henderson Mortgage Investment Com
pany , room 40J , Paxton block. COO
PKOPLK'S Financial Exchange Largo and
Rtuall loans for long and short time , nt low
est rntes of Interest , on rent estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
nnd Jewelry. Don't fml to call It you wnnt fnlr
nnd cnonp accommodations. O. liouscnrou
Mgr. , room 57 , llarker blk , 15th and Farnam.
1)15 )
rP. \ . HARRISON loans money , lowest rates.
Ci : LOANS OV { to 7 per cent , noad-
At dltionat charges for commissions or nttor-
noys'feos. AV , 11. Meiklo , Virst Nat onuk bld'g.
PliOPIjlVS Financial IXehaugo Tlio fnlrest.
quietest nnd most Hbernl money oxchnngo lu
the city ; money loaned without del.iy or pub
licity , In any nmount , largo or small , nttho
lowest rates of interest , on any available se
curity ; loans luuy bo paid nt nny time or renewed -
nowed at orlglnnl rntes. 0. llouscnri-n. Mgr. ,
room 57. Hnrker block. 15th nnd Fnrnam. 15
MONEY to lonu at low rates by Kxcclslor
Laud Co. , 310 South 15th street , Omaha.
M ON IJY Lonus negotiated at low rateswlth
out delay , and purchase goods , commercial
paper and mortgage notes. 8. A. Sicilian , cor
13th nnd Farnam. _ u
LOANS on Improved and ttmlmprovoil prop
erty at low rates. Odoll Ilros. & Co.,3123 10th.
MONKY loaned on furniture , horses nnd
wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118 S. 13th St. , opposlto Mlllard hotel. 42tl
U1LDING loans. D. V. Sholes , 210 First Na-
tlnnal bank. U20
M ON BY to loan on real estate at low rote.
J. D. X.lttle. 4JO Pnxton block.
TIO LOAN J2.000 on good , llrst mortgago. In
quire of J. T. Mathews , room 212 , Sneoly blk.
„ tut
MONKY to loan on real estate security , nt
lowest rates. lleforoineRotlating loans see
Wallace , ! ! . 310,11 rown bldjj , Itth & Douglas. U34
T\O YOU want money ? If so. don't borrow
-LMieforo getting my rateswhlch are the low
est on any sum from Jl up to ? 10flOO.
1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or-
paus , horses.mules , wiigous.warenouso receipts ,
houses , leases , etc. , iu any amount , nt the low
est posslblo rates , without publicity or removal
of property.
Loans can bo made for ono to six montns nnd
you can pay n part at any time , reducing both
principal and Interest. ) If Vou owe a balance
on your furniture or horses , or have a loan on
thorn , I will take it up nud carry it for you ns
long as you desire. ,
Ir you need money you \Hll find it to your ad
vantage to see me before borrowing.
I ! . F. M asters , room 4 , Wltunoll building 15th
and Harney. 1KB
UILDING and loans. W. M.
Harrisloom2. ) , FreuztrjUlockopp. P.O.
"I/1IRST mortgage loans at low rates nnd no do-
JL ! lay. D. V. tiholes , 210 First National bank.
" \\7ANTKD-First clnss Insldo loans. Lowest
TT rntes. Call and sec us. Mutual Investment
Co. . It. 1 llarker blk. , 13th nnd Farnani. i)25
M ONE V to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real ostnto
nud loan agents , 15 1C Fnrnam st , U-'i )
MONKY to loan ; cash on hand : no delay. J.
W. Squire , 121t ! Fariuun St. , First National
bant building. U27
I CAN make n row loans on first-class chattel
securities nt reasonable rates. W. 1C. Potter ,
room 10. Hurknr blfc. 1)23 )
jONKYto Loan Wo nro ready for appllca-
-ITltlouH for loans in iimounts fromWO tn 110-
000 on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real
ostnto. Full Information us to rates. Loans
promptly closed. Good notes will be purchased
b.ju3. Call upon us or write. The McCaguo
Investment Co. 1)18 )
KF.YSTONK Mortgage Co. Loans of S10 to
Jl.OOO ; get our rates before borrowing and
save money : loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for n w loan , rtmemu of old and low
est rates.calllCXM , Sheeley blic. 15tb&Hownrd st ,
Oli )
SKK Sholos. room 210,1'lrst Natl bank , before
making your loans. U20
T OANS made on real estiite nnd mortgages
JLJoonght. Lewis S. Reed A ; Co. , R 13. Hoard of
Trade. ittl
QJ500.00) to loan nt G per cent. I.lnahan & MaP -
P honey , room 501 Paxton block. 021
"VTEURAbKA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a
ll loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
laud eontiacts ,
fine Jewelry , or securities of any kind
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Room 7 , Ron lev block. South Omaha.
Rooms fil8-51 ! > , Paxton blocK , Omaha , Neb..a."J
OK. & C. M. Anthony. 312 First Nntlonal
bnnk building make loans upon ( arms In
Nebraska uud lowu nud Improved Omaha city
property ; money ready ; title nnd security
passed upon here : no delay ; favorable rates :
call or write. KU Jyl7
pHILADKLHHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur-
X nlsh cheat ) eastern money to borrowors.ptir-
chase securities , perfect titles accept loans , ut
their\\ehtorn ollico. tUorgu W. I1. Coates. room
7. Hoard ot Trade. UKI
MONKY to loan on furniture , chattels or real
estate. Lowest rates on good loans. J. IJ ,
Emlnger , 1417 Farnam. room :1. : 1U7 Jyil
T7IOR BALK A good paying millinery busl-
JL' ness , established 12 years , cuu maKe from
J12.-OO to J15.0JJ a year net. Good reasons for
selling. R.M. Genius k llro. , 141)3 ) Donglas st. ,
Omana , Nob. 2.11
\\rANTKD-Pnrtner In plumbing , Htoam
T > hvuling nud llxtlires with thorough
knowledge ot plumbing titid steam houtliig
with amall capital : host of Inferences given uud
required. Addrnas U 4J Mtt. 230 7t
W ANTKD Partner lit real estate business.
Address I ) 42. llee.l t .n 2H-7J
ff-0ll BALK A complete soda and mineral
J. uater manufactory with n good run of cus
tom for sale cheap , tit Lexington ( formerly
Plum Creek ) Dawnon county , Neb , Apply to
John K. Wlnier , agent , Dick llros. ' Qulucy
llrewlug Co. , Fremont , floV , 21118
WANTKI ) To buy Interest country bank
Nebraska , und tuko active part. Address.
giving full particulars , DiJTJIlHo olllco. 212 7
pAKTNKR uantod , to Uke'lioiF or entire in-
X torost in a llnely fiifhlshed and well
located hotel in Omalin. cletirlng from IW to
ilOOamonth , An unuinal chance for a hotel
man to locate in Omuha. ' . Vfasaet ownnr hav
ing other business requiring his absence , rea
sons for selling. Cash rWllrod , * jOX ) to * JUlW ;
no trade. Address J. li. Rice Co. 202 Of
T7IOR BA LK- Some A1 sofctjnd mortgage paper
Jat illiberal discount. M. A. Upton company ,
10th and Farnain. IJa !
. . . SALE An established coal and feed
business. Address D 22 , Uee. K > 'J 12 *
TDARTNKIl wanted with 'i or 3 thousand caslT
JL. to engage In a profitable and legitimate
business located atTocniua. Washington Terri
tory. Single man preferred. Call on or address
for particulars , J , U itlce Co. . ol'Jco over Com
mercial Nat. Hank. -
BA KI'R Y for rent or sale.must go out , of busi
ness , 1.010 inhabitants , railroad division ,
west of Omaha. Address D 12 , Uee. l'55 7T
TTUR BALK-New. clean hardware Ktock and
J-1 building , tlMX ) net protlts Ibas. Average
sales April und May , WJ. lil per day. F.le-
gant location , J. A. Campbell , Howard , Neb.
fjlOR HALK or lixchanio Ilarber liopcentor-
X' IT located , doing good business ; owner has
outsldo Interi-aU need hU attention ; will
take gooa clear or small In-uinbtTed let us part
payment. For particular ! rail ut 613 and fill )
Pi-xtou block Omuh * u
TflOll BAM ! A nlcft , clean stock ot pleca
JL' goods nnd tailor outfit ; store to rent cheap ;
lease. ,1 , H. Pnrrotto , room 2 ] , s. o. cor. Dodge
nnd 1 Cth. 17010
, drug store for cash nnd real rslatoi
$ town 15,000. Donestool , Grand Island , Nob.
Kfi lot
OR KXCHAlTOK Anne farm of 200ncrcsln
Polk county , Not > . , 4 miles from Clarks.
Nob. , to exchnnge tor rattle ; BO acres under
cultivation , house , barn , wngon scnlos nnd
peed feed lot. Address 0. Osksmp , 2J15 Wob-
ator si. , Omaha , Nob. 005
TPOR KXCHANUK-For deslrablo rosldonco
JL' property In Omaha , nny or all of following :
40 choice Insldo rosldonco lots In Hastings.
10U lots in Lincoln.
010 acres line rnrmlnglaud , Lancaster county.
Vine residence property. Lincoln.
Good rental propsrty , Lincoln.
Choice family rosldonco corner. Los Angeles.
A neat residence property in llauscoin Place ,
Also some good mortgage notes.
Address , giving location and price ot prop
erty , J , K. U. , care llaum Iron Co. , 12IJ Leaven-
worth , too
" 17011 EXOHANOK Farm In north central
JKail. } . , two Inside lots in Hastings , Neb , Hour
nnd teed mill In Malvcru , Iowa. Wm. Rogers ,
OCON Kth st. , Omaha. 225 7t
T710K TRADK A good , well Improved farm
JJ in Nebraska , for a team ot horses and
wngon , Incumbranco on farm MJO at 0 per cent.
lfX Fnrnam sU 817-7
1T1OR KXCHANOK Three nno tree claim ro-
JU llnqutshmonto lu Weld county. Colorndo ,
for stocks of merchandise. Address S. C.
Chnde , Wallace , Lincoln county. Neb , P51 4J
f pO THADK Good house and lot for n farm
JL lu Idwa. Address 0 53 , lleo ofllco.
102 3t
OR EXCHANGK AH elegant tract of land
containing 12(1 ( acres. In Antelope county.
Neb. , with ordinary improvements.
A quarter-section in Hand county , Dakota ,
partly Improved ,
Klghty ncrea near Council HlulTs , In ,
House and lot on South Kith st.
Largo amount ot Oil Mountain nnd Potrollnm
company oil stocK. Will exchange for good
property or the erection of some houses , Geo.
J. Sterrisdorir , 1st Nntlonal bank building.
WKSTKIIN lands , farms and city property
for stocks of goods. Room 2 , liiB Farnam
f1O KXCI TANG K For cattle or horses , 4sO
JL ncres of land near Illg Springs , Duel Co. ,
Neb. D. 11. Rail , 2130 Harnoy st. 7SS 4 $
I WOULD like to trade a good two-story house
and lot 50x150 feet , within ono block of Park
nve. nnd Park school for vacant east front lot
In llanscom place. Will assume some incum-
brance. Address , 0 45 lleo oilico. 3(17 (
FTU ) KXCHANGK for Omaha property , ono of
J-tho best Improved farms in Iowa , only one
mile from towu ot 0,000 inhabitants , W. It , K.
& M. K. , room 14 , Chamber of Commerce. 1 4
rpllK motor Una is built to Collier place. The
JL- licit line runs near Collier place. The F. E.
, V M. V. It. It. stop all passenger trains at Col
lier placo. The horse car line will soon roach
Collier place , llest addition in the city , Prlco
? HJU to $1,200 per lot , one-tenth cash , balance ouo
to live years. AlcCague , opp. l . O. 030
"CTOKSALK TX ) ft frontage on S 20th st , near
JCostollar , on grade , now hotuo , city wator.
Pllcu MJ&3 , half cash. Also cottage S IDtn Bt. .
Srico $1,500. $ .MW cash. K. Groonlleld , Murphy
Lovett. 220 S 13th st. 133 7
"TT1OH BALK a genuine bargain Cottage and
JL1 cast front lot. at grade , sewer and water.tlno
old oak Hhado trees , near 24th and Harney.
? 4,000. J. II. Rvans. Hnrker block. ll'M
BAHOAIN Part of tuo Disk ICimball citato.
60 feet on 18th strout running through to 17th
nvo. One 13-room house , nil modern conven
iences , and two ( i-rooin houses. Total rental
JI.50) per year ; price inOJJ. M. A. Upton
Company , filth anil I'arnam. 037
TrHH SAI/E tloantlful 8-rooin house , all mod-
X' ern Improvements , including splendid fur-
uacp , nearllanscom park , best loc.itmnln the
city rcrschoouchurch and street car privileges :
j > rlce $5,000. C. F. Harrison. Meichants National
bank. ms
rpHU best money a worth of house and lot now
JL for sale in Omaha is that wtilch I am now
completing naar 24tn st. on paved Wlrt st. in
Kountze Plitco. 8 bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining
room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms , 3 water clo sets ,
large laundry , stationary wash tubs , furnace
and coal roora and cellar , electric bells and
speaking tube , 12 closets. Prlco only $7.000 on
terms to suit. Likewise a dupltcatn adjoining
at same price. , W. T. Seaman , east sld < > Iflth st.
north of Nicholas st. Omaua's largest variety
of waj no and carriages. 391
OU SALE Business corner. $40.000. C.Y.
Harrison , Merchants National Hank. 155
for ulat of Collier place , nnd when
kJdrlving for recreation follow the motor line
poles on leth Ht , and Ames' nve. , uud see the
wonderful improvements that have tnken place
Just around the bnrrncks , nnd remember that
Collier place is the key to tlio situation. Ruy a
lot now for the low prlco nnd at the easy terms
they are being altered , nnd we are satisfied.
One-tenth cash , balance one to Uvo years. Me-
Cague , opp. P. O. U33
npIIK factories within easy reach of Collier
JL place will employ n largo force of men. Se
cure n houto aim enjoy lite. Price of lots J803
to Ji.200. one-tenth cash. Send for plat. Mc-
Cague , opp. I * . O. 039
HILLS1DK No. 1 Special bargoin for 10days
on south front lot. Cuss and 31st streets.
SI. A. Upton Company. lith& ! tnriwm. 772-1
POR SALE The finest residence site In West
Omuhu ; Just south of Farnum onlWth St. ; a
corner IJf ( > xl87 , with , 187 feet frontage on paved
street and Joining the handsome residence of
Klrkenaall on the enst , nnd llrndy , Kasson nnd
Martin on the south ; a perfect gem and garden
bpot for an elegant home.
Harnoy and 21st streets,141xlH7. on pavement ,
within throe blocks of the court house ; room
for seven Una houses that would rout us rapIdly -
Idly as completed. A splendid permanent in
Farnum nnd 22d streets. r > 0xl32. with now
three-story brick store building , routed to good
permanent tenants. Rental receipts $ l.2)0 ( per
year. Sixteenth street , near Nicholas , frontage
til feet to alley ; good business property.
Fnrimm btreot. between 3Sth and 3' th , front-
ngo45or U5xlK to nlley , south front , 1 block
ftom pnvcment and street cars.
Park avenue , opposite Hauscom park , 50xlBO ,
prlco S..DOO ; easy toi-ms.
Pnddoik place , truckage , 00x112 , W.OOO ; onsy
Sixteenth street , south of Vlnton street lot for
sale or trade for mdso. or good tnrm Inud.
S. A. Slomnn , 1301 harnam t-t. 1113
I71OR 8ALK On longtime and easy payments ,
JL1 handsome , new , well built houses of H , U and
10 rooms. All convonlciicoHgond neighborhood :
paved streets ; street curs and within walking
distance of P. 0. Nathan Snolton , 1505 Fnrnam
FOR SALK-10 room houso. lot tOxM ) , easy
terms , fcj.853 , W. SI. llushmnii , 1311 Leav-
cnworth. 048
COM Kami see .us and investigate some of tlio
bargains wo have to olfor. Wo are continually
listing now properties nnd "If you don't see
\\liatyouwniitnslcrorlt. "
Wo have merchandise to trade for land. We
have horse.s. c.ittlu und mulo-i to trade for
land. Wo have a brlcic und tlio factory doing
n thriving business to exchange for western
Three new , fi-room cottages at Albright ,
within 10 minutu's walk ut terminus of hourly
dummy line , for sale on terms that will only be
fair rent.
An oliivntr property with largo dwelling
house , nt n bargain. Kloviitnr complete , with
horse-pan er , bcatoi , o'.llco ' fiiniHhad , etc. A
Quo opening for n practical grain dealer.
One of the best improved turms In the state
vi ill bu exchanged for inside Omaha property.
. Two line residences In Poppletou pmk , on
motor line ; will bo Hold on easy turms.
Houses und lots in all parti of Omuha for
Bale and exchange.
For exchange , for Omaha property.l.OiO acres
of school land lease , in one of the best counties
In the state.
Aline residence property in Omuhu View for
sale at a bargain.
From t7BUi * > tp ilO.000 worth of first-class
notes to oxchangu for Omaha property.
Merchandise to exchange for 'J cash and bal
ance western lands , ' 1 his is
opportunities over offered to convert Uud Into
cash , Invf-tlg&te this. >
I'or Halo , nt u bargain , hotel nnd livery barn ,
in a good Nobruskn town. This is a line opuu-
IUK foru practical hotel man.
I or oxdiaugo for Omaha property one of the
best farms in ROCK county. Nebraska , together
with stock nnd machlnory noce-isary to carry on
the place. Old age una falling health of the
owner Is reason for selling.
A nno Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good toll , for exchahge for Omuha property.
ItX ) acres ot wild laud neur u thriving city.
What have you to ntfer.
280 acres of line land in northwestern Iowa
to exchange for Omaha property.
We have unsurpassed facilities for disposing
of property , having some 600 agents scattered
over four or nve states. LUt your property
with us if you wish a quick turn. W , R. K. k
M.K. , room n chamber ot Commerce , tele
phone 1440. 608
rnillRTY-SKOOND street lias been ordered
JL graded south to city limits. The South Oma
ha Land Company have graded It from city
limits tn Kxchunge building In South Omaha.
Motor line will go on 32ml Bt. Dvvlght& Ly-
man's addition , jubt south of Hanscorn Park ,
Is on high ground , which makes beautiful resi
dence sites. 32nd st. runs through thin addition.
Wo have two 62-foot lots there that wo will Hell
for I1.10J each. M. A. Upton Company , loth
nnd Farnam , Of ! ! >
OJB75 will buy lot 20 , block 8. Cloverdule. Term *
Ptoiuit. J , M. Uolton , Bloux City , low * .
CONTINUOUS sidewalk to Collier place. Get
Wprlces nnd terms McCngiie. 939
mill : nn st drive In the city 1sot Collier place
JL McCagtie. KM
FOR SALTS l/ots in Stewart Place on Lowe
nvo , ; Metropolitan Cable pantos property.
P-rooin house and barn , llanscom Placo. 9
homes ana lots on Cats sU , on easy terms.
HnrrK room 411. 1st Nat. Hank. got
"TOOK SALK-Ono of tlio most desirable foedlna
JL.1 farms In Nebraska , situated > ( mlle from
depot , ulso from thn shipping yards of the
Converse Cattle on Klknnrn Valley It. Ki It con.
tains 2SO acres , withuseot 31o acres nddl tlonal ;
overythlng new nud nooessary : barn WlxllIM ft. ;
water In abuudanco. H.8. Manvlllo , Tl dnn ,
Nob. 753
T71O11 SALE 5(3.73 ncro , sec. 6 , tp. 13 , r. flw. ,
JL' Hamilton rounty. Nob. House , stable , 300
ncres fenced , living water. J'rlco. S\W ( F. K ,
At Kins , owner , railroad hldjr. Douvor , Col. PIO
SHOLK3 Special List-\Vo push special bar-
pains nnd ndvvrtlso thorn. List with tno.
Fine east front lot in llanscom place nt tl.COO ,
lo'X ) cash. Decided bargain.
Pine lot on Lowe nvo. , f2,75i\
fi,00y btivs n homo and lot tn llnnscom place ,
north of Poppleton avenue.
The old John Dlcrks manufactory plant on
Missouri I'acllla railway , 4 miles tuuitnwest of
city , with 2 acres of ground nnd 3 largo 2-storv
building * , tor IU.OOO. A nno opportunity for
some one.
Jt have special inducements in houses and lots
in all parts ot the city , either for Palo or trade.
Cnll nnd bo shown them. I no not try to got
you In to show you trnsh , but handle only good
property and floal siiuaruly. D. V , Sholos , 21
First Nntlounl bank. till
"I710RSALH At a bargain. One twelve nnd
JJ ono muo room house in Kountze plAce , on
" 4th street , opposite the fine residences of Rod-
Ick and McCreiiry. with 78 nnd OJ foot of ground
with each house to alley. Knch house has fur
nace , gas , gas nxturoa , shades , all
plumbing , hot nnd cold water , elegant
largo rooms , nil papered handsomely through
out , good barn with each hausu , uud nn elegant
lawn all sodded. I nm prepnnnl to oltor splen
did Inducements ns to price nnd terms. Call
nnd let ma drive you out. You can move into
these houses without n dollar ot exp no for
nnythlng. These mustbo sold Roott. See meat
once. D. V. Snoles. 210 First Nat'l bank. 177
NK of the two honio nnd lot bargains I
have been offering on OcoruK avo. north of
Leaven"ortn , is now sold ami occupied , because -
cause of my very low price. Tht > tiouth nou < o
of the two still remains a bargain open to
Kombod ) . First comes , tlrst Rorved. To be ap
preciated itnueds to bo examined luternallv. 1
positively will not rent it , though several times
ollorod ffcU per month , i'nce , on very easy
terms , f'l.OlO. W. T. Seaman , east slilo intli st , .
north of Nicholas st , Omaha's largest variety
of wagons and carriages. * _ H18 _
| 7K > K SALU Tito llnest rnsldonco tn Orchard
X' 11111 can bo bought at actual co t ; owner
leavliu ; town : house has 10 rooms with bath
room and every modern coiivoulcnu ) , los iltixllli )
all sodded : largo Darn ami nice sluido trees ; tn
fact n perfect homo ; rail and let us show you
this , . \ruold & Co. , Room 627 Paxton block ,
_ 775
" 171OR SALE Easy terms , Kountze place.
JU Two homes , each H-roouis. nach J4,000i.
Two homos , uuoh U-rooms , each 85.OK ) .
Two homes , each 15-rooms , each 7,03X (
All with modern convenience.
All largo vtilUQ at the price.
All within a square of the motor lino.
Don't lose these opportunities.
For sale by the owner. W. T. Seaman ,
East side 10th st , north of Nicholas St. ,
Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car
riages. 017.
In the circuit court of the United States , dis
trict of Nebraska.
I The Kit Carter Cattle Company
4 VH.
( The Harlem Cattle Company.
Upon application of the Kit Carter Cattle
company mid other creditors Interested in the
property lu the hands of E. I ) . Wobstcr , re-
cob or , it is upon duo consideration of the court
hereby ordorud that the receiver shall adveitlbo
for bids for all of the herds of cattle and horses ,
as awh61e , and also for all other personal prop
erty In his hands ns receiver. It is further or
dered that bids may be made for any of the
herds or parts thereof separately , or any or the
horios separately , cither by herds or any num
ber of cattle or horses ns the purchasers may
desire to bid upon , and that such hldt in the
suveral manners in which Uiey may bo mndo
shall bo filed with the clerk of this court with
the terms of proposed purchase and the
names of bidders within tn only days
from the date of this order , for the
aporoval or rejection of this couit , and If any
or all of the bills are rejected by the court , the
receiver shall proceed to give notice fortomlays
to soil the said property nt public auction In
detail for the cattle and horse ? individually for
cash to the highest bidder
It is further ordered that all bids shall bo
sent to the elcrE or this court t > culod and ac
companied with 10 percent oftho amount bid ,
either In cash or certified check on responsible )
banks , ns n condition of their olds being enter
tained and considered by the court.
His further ordered t tint , In order to facili
tate the bidding on this property in the handset
ot the receiver , ho shall ( dvo notice of tbls aider
in one paper published in Hltchcocn county ,
Nobrasua. and in ono dally newspaper in the
city of Omaha , and In one In the eft v of Lincoln
for two weeks , nnd also by naud bllLi properly
distributed , and setting forth terms and condi
tions of this order. D. S. DUN IY , Judge.
The property mentioned in the nbove order Is
described as follows :
Ycaillng bulls , number , 11.
Two-year-old bulls , number , 3.
Three years old and upwards , number , 2.
Yearling heifers , number. S.
Two-year-old heifers , number , 14.
Thrt'O-ycur-old and upwards , co wsnumbor,30.
Cows with calves by their Hide , number , 20.
Yeaillus bulls , number , 23.
Two-j-Hai old bull ? , number , 1.
Three-yejr-old bulls and upwards , number , 0.
Yearling heifers , number , 2,1.
Two-year-old heifers , number , 10.
U.hroe-year-old and upwards , cowsnumber.33.
Yearling bulls , numDor. 3J.
Two-year-old bulls , number 9.
Thrcu-year-old nnd upwards , number , 14.
Yearling heifers , number , 14.
Two-year-old heifers , number , ! W ,
Threo-year-old nnd upwards.cows , number,55 ,
Cows with calves by their side , number , 0(1. (
Also n largo number of thoroughbred trotting
hort > es. consisting of :
Stallions , number , 2.
llrood marcs , number , 00.
Colts , number , ill.
Consisting of stallions , number , 2.
Mares , number , a.
These heads contain KOIIIO of the llnest ani
mals of their classes In the country , nud are nil
pure blooded.
Also n largo number of draft brood mares ,
work hoi-sen , saddle ponies , , a herd of about 250
common rime vault1 , and lot of wagonH , har
nesses and other farming implomerts and tools.
Allbldsmust bomadu on or bofoio tha 14th
day of July next , and must bo lllud with Klmor
D. Finnic , dork of the Unltml Stiitos circuit
court , district of Nebraska , .15 Omaha , NOD. .
nnd must bu accompanied by cash or cortllled
checks lunonntlni : to 10 per cent oftho nniounu
ot the ultls. 15 , D. WKHSTKK.
Ueiohor ottho Harlem Cattln Co.
Juno 29 d 14 1
Notion to Con i ran torsi
Rock nnd earth excavation and tunnelling
Sealed proposals will lju received ut the ollicu
of the Company , In Ogden , Utah , until noun ,
July 20th , Itxitf , for the construction of the upper
twelve miles of the River Canal ftom the
head works on Hour River , llox Klder I'
Utah , in accordance with plans , prolllux aiid
specifications on Illn in thu oillce of the engineer
lu chargn at Ogdcn.
Ihu amount of work to bo contracted tnr in
the tlrst section is nuproximatuly its follows.
220.UOJ cubic yards nolld rock ,
1UXXJ ( ruble yards loose rock.
] .r.2Si > 30 cubic yards earth ,
V-'uo lliu-nr foettuimolllng ,
Contractors will bo toiiuliud to give u aulllcl-
out oond for the faithful porloruiiinca of the
contracts awarded thunu
The company rosorvert tlio right to reject any
nud all bids.
J0d7t jnj.liiecr ; in charge.
Not inc.
Notice Is hereby given that waled bids will be
received by tlio clerk of Adnmx County , Neb
nisku , at his oillce Hasting.- ! . Nebraska , on or
boforutwolvu o'clock noon ot.lnlyiitn , I.M , or
the purchase of uavonty llvo bomUi of the de
nomination of ono thousand dollar. ) uich to ha
issued by tdu County of Ailnms lu the .State of
JSobrnska. tobudntud July 1st , lv > u. and Ui bo
payable ut the Klitnl Agunpy of the Htato of
Nebraska , City of Nmv Vow. fit.ito of New
Vork twenty years attar thu date thereof ro-
deomnbloiit ntly time on or an or Ion yeara from
the date thereof at. the option of tmm county of
Adams and to bear Interest nt the rate of live
per cent per uliinim payable annually on the
llrst duy of July in eicli year , for which interest
coupons nh.ill bo tltachud payable at the tljcal
agency aforesaid.
Rights reservuil to reject any and all bids.
Ily order of the Hoard of Supervisors. May Bth
166V. . , L. U. pAimiinoK.
County Chirk.
JOHN A. OABTO , County Attorney. iu-'i ito.iy3
ut the olllco of the Cimlodluu of the U , S.
Custom House , at Omuhu , .Nubr.isliat nnd
ononcuZ p.m. on the IIUi day of July. U 'J ' ,
for p tinting walls and reilingi tn post'iilV-o di
vision of the abova named liulldlni ; . didders
must bt.'Uo the nuinbof of worLlug daya from
date of ( i\vanl of continct in whUh fioy will
complete tha work , under a penalty of fgrfelt-
ing iliuo per duy for everyday tu uxceij or the
number statoil In their proKxal , Each pro
posal must be accompanied by a curtillod
check , in amonnt twenty-live per rent of thu bid
submitted , made payable to the order of the
Treasurer of the United Stuiej , anil bn mibjert
to forfeiture in cane of default. The right to
reject any or all bids is reserved. Tliospeclllc.i-
tlous can bbuoeuuud any Information obtained
by addresilni ; R. U , JOIIIUN , Custodian ,
Wostwnrd ,
Running between Council lltuffs ad Al
bright , In addition to the sulons mentioned ,
trains stop nt Twentieth nud Twouty-fouvttx
btrects , and nt tha Summit in Umnnn.
l.ruvc.1 Aillvo.
II No. 2 5:0jpml : > No. 1 UlSatn
C No. 0 U.Vi om 0 5:15pm :
A No. 4 lUii : ) amlA No. 3. . . . 0:3) : pm
A No. 14 0:45 inn A No. M 7:1) urn
No , 0 0:10 am No. 7 U:3I ntn
No.8 : il : * pmlNo. 3 7:1 : * am
No. 4 ' .i:3 > ptu No. 6 U'lS pu
All Tr.ilns Dally.
A No. 2 0l'nmlA : ' ) No. 1 7OJnm
A No. 4 U.MOnmjA No. 3- 5:15 prn
A No. 2 0' | A No. 3 < ic:0ara :
A No. 4 3:10pin : I A No. 1 CJ ! urn
A No. 10 7l : imA | No. 9 8:5. : nm
A No. 12 : OJpmA | No.ll 0UOpru ;
A No. 8 4TipmA | No. 7 12:00 : m
A dully ; B dally except Saturday : O except
Sunday ; D except .MomLiy ; fast mall.
The time given above Is tor Tr.infur : , thera
being from live to ten inlnutoa botwjon 1'ruui *
fer und local depots.
proposals will by received hero until two
o'clock p , m. . central time , July 15 , Ifcsi' ' , nnd
thun opunad. lor the ron trutillon of nil L or ad
dition nf oich of two birni'-brtiit Fort Nluornra.
Neb. Theright IsroHoyvod torojii-t liny or all
bids , All Information fiunlshed o'l application
here , orto 1'oiit ( v > unrteniaiteiI'ort : Nlobrara.
) ! nvcloiios eiK-Eluf ! , ' proiioh.ils rh-juld bo
DinrKuil "Proposals tor iiddltiniis to biriuuki/ '
and uddruiiMMl ta W.M.II. HUtillKH. Meat. Col
onel and Deputy yitii-oniias'.jf : Guiniral. ( I. 8.
AjjjU'htpf Quartciuj.istof. J-Xi-'ia-Jy-S l
No > u ( i ' lM Koutlmi. !
The llrmof KlrKoud'tll , .lonos A Co. , has tins
day been dissolved by mutual ( . onnt. . i hnrius
A. Cou. hurli.i : di-novd of his mteivtit to
I'leomuii P. Klrkendall. and ICllli o. JOIH-H.
The biislnesti will bu cuntluucil uinlor tlm saine
I Inn name by Kmnu-iu P , Klrkenilnll , nnd
Ellla O. Jonoi , who wilt assnnio all llabllltluj I
and coll''C * . nil nuthtauilliig ni-ootuiM.
Kl.lIH ( ) . JONKS , ill
' ' ' ' ' '
_ Oiuahn. Nebi'oskii .i'ulyii''Ibn'i.
' \TS TM nr . . . . . .rfS'r'rf'irtyviTrfciry
j-.f n < l ABrnti. Cuno Eal
lfiHl ndi Uffl | lty.
II HhflUlU ) ( T1LOI,1 K tnirc.
TrirOnt *