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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JULY G , 1889. FOURTH IN ? ; FRANCE , Parisians Assist in Celebrating Independence - dependence Day. LAFAYETTE'S GRAVE DECORATED. 8)iccclirn ) Mmlo ntid Volleys Klrcd Over tlio Tomb ol'Uin ( .oncrnl Minister Held Thrown Open llm llcflldcncc. Patriotic 1'nrlslntiB. J8RS by James Gordon 7Jcei > r . | I'Auts , .Tuly -lNow York Harold Cable ISpoclnl to TUB BKK. ] Uncio Snm's birth day was most successfully and brilliantly celebrated here , not only by tlio resident and vialtlng Americans , but ulso by the Par- Is.nns themselves. The municipal and stnto officials did their best to glvo colnt to the oo- cnslon , which from llrst to last was marked by the utmont cordiality among all who took part In It. For the Americans the celebration com menced at 10 o'clock In the morning , when , to the number 01' several hundred , they assem bled at the Convent Dames lies Suoro Cocurs do Jesus ot Mnrlo In the Hue do Picpns for tbo purpose of decorating with flowers the grave of General Lafuyotto. The ceremo nies were tho' snmo ns those with which Decoration dny Is observed In the United Statcn. The presence and participation of the detachment of United States marines in clmrce of the American exhibits at the exhibition , contributed much to the solemn Imprcsslvcnoss that character ized the scene. A number of thoao-prcscnt were the decorations of tbo Grand Army of the Republic , Loyal Lcplon and Order of Cincinnati , and hero and there were also to bo acrn members of the Asso ciation of Veterans of the Mexican War. Senator Ed mo ml do Lafayette , standing In front of his cranafathcr's tomb , spoUo an follows In English : Ladles and Gentlemen : Permit mo to thank you for myself and In the name of all the other members of our family for your presence hero to-day , ana for the honor you have luld to the memory of my grand- father. What you have done has deeply touched our hearts , and I cannot ilnd words In which to express what 1 nnd'uiy relatives feel at this moment. It is also peculiarly touching to us that to-day , on this anniver sary of tUo birthday of the American re public , military honors should bo donu in thfl capltaf of the French republic to the memory of General Lafayette by the f'rnndehlldron of the bravo men who fought with him n hundred years ago for American independence. There was no further speech-making , the firing of three volleys over the crave by the marines bringing the simple ceremonies to tui appropriate conclusion. The afternoon ceremonies at Haul do Oreoncllo ivero of an imposing and ofllclal character. President Cartiot , accompanied by General Urujjoro and his military staff , arrived at 2 o'clock , escorted by a squadron of cuirassiers. Ho was received at the en trance to the bridge by M. Spullor , minister of foreign affalra ; M , Chautcuips. president of the municipal council ; Minister Wliite- law Held and M. Loscc , prefect ot police , who escorted him to his paliico under the handsomely decorated marquee erected in front of the statue. Nearly ti.OOO persons were present by invitation , and as many inoro had assembled on the bridge outside the line of police that marked tlio space re served for these provided with white , pur ple and yellow cards. These included mem bers of the municipal council , In whose name the invitations had been issued , scores of senators and deputies , almost the wholn resident American colony , and hundreds of others from across the Atlantic ! here tem porarily on business or pleasure bent. Speeches were maclo by M. Chautemps , pres ident of the municipal conncil , Minister Wliltolnw Hold , and M. Spullor , and nt the conclusion of the ceremonies llvo steamboats convoyed the invited guests to the Hotel do Vlllo , where vin d'honneur was offered to them by the city authorities. This consisted of iced champagne and other cooling drinks , and while it was being partaken of the Garde Ucpubllcalno played the national mrs of France and Amor- Sea and other selections. An informal but delightful reception was kept up until 6 o'clock , and was marked by the utmost cor diality and friendliness between the French and Americans present. American Minister and Mrs. vVhltolaw Hold Inaugurated their public lifo in the happiest possible manner. Their residence in the Avcnuo Locho , spacious and tastefully - fully arranged In every way worthy of the representative of the American nation , was thrown open to a'l ' Americans in Paris. The only formal invitations issued were to a few Frenchmen , such ns M. Esmond do Lafay ette. Napoleon Noy and two or three per sonal friends. There wcro about a thou sand Americans present , including nearly the cntito colony here. At Newman Hull's Cliurnli. [ Copi/r/ffJit / 1SW l > u Jamea Ooulnn Hcmirtt.\ \ LONDON' , July 5. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB RISE. ] The florul fete and mooting in commemoration of tha one hupdrcd and sixth anniversary of Christ church , of which Rov. Newman Hall is pastor , hold at that church last evening , was In Us way largely in recognition of American independence. . The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion on the outside with the flags of England and the United' ( , States , and insldo with both flags and flowers. On the wall beside the pulpit was nn elaborate and -very beautiful representa tion of the stars and stripes mildo of ( lowers. A largo audience , embracing English and Americans , was present. United States Minister- Lincoln presided during the early part of the evening. Minister Lincoln made. a brief address. It was most favoraoly re ceived and was the subject of many com plimentary remarks by these who heard It. Referring to the Lincoln tower attached to the church , Lincoln said that the tower was not erected in honor of the man , but us a reminder of the free dom to which Abraham Lincoln gave the best days of his lifo. President Lincoln once said that if slavSry was not wrong , nothing was wrong , mid after n long struggle Amor- lea had become a free country In fact as well ns In name. As to the relations between England and the United Slates , ho be lieved their brotherhood was growing closer day by dny. At the conclusion of Minister Lincoln's speech , Kov. Newman Hall called upon the audience to rlso and loin with him in prayer Tor America. When Lincoln loft the church the entire audience 'rose and roumiued stand ing until his disappearance. Among the hpeakors of the evening were the Rov. Newman Hull , the Kov. Mr. Hal- parnic , the Rov. Mr. Granger and the Rov. Dr. Theodore F. Cuylor , of Hrooklyn. All of them referred in pleasant terms to the United States , to Abraham Lincoln , end to his son , now that country's representative at the court of St. Juraoa. Ur. Cuyler's address , the longest of the evening , wnn devotee chiefly to eulogy of Abraham Lincoln , with whom ho enjoyed an Intimate acquaintance. It waa received with much enthusiasm. Walter Brothers , of Waltorsburg. Pope county , 111. , sold 880 bottles ol Clmmborliun'u Colic , Cholera and Dltir- rbcoii Koiuody during tlio epidemic of bloody Jlux in Unit county lust summer , und Btato that tlioy never heard of its falltnir In n single instance where the directions were followed. There were as many ns five deaths in one day of persons who used other medicines or were treated by physicians. Violated to llin Cost. Judge Borku gave a decision yesterday In the case ngalnat P. Milestone , charged with violated the elty ordinance , by refusing to pay a coal license of $10 ! ) year year , The opinion of the court is that tbo defendant Is guilty , and the ordinance Is authorized by sect ion WSof the city charter which gives the city council power to liccnso any business uhou thu publlu good demands It. puniao woitics. An Important Mooting Hold by the Hotly Ycstprtiixy. Tlio board of public works met yester day and allowed the following estimates ! Krncst Stuht , for grading Twenty-fourth street from Leavenworth to Mason , fG93 ; C. H. Prltehott , grading Twenty-ninth street from Lcavciuvorth to Hlclcory , $330 ; Hugh Murphy , paving alley between Hurt and Cumlng from Slxtronth to Seventeenth , $1,345.02 ; same contractor , paving nlley be tween Webster mid Hurt from Seventeenth to Eighteenth , 1,171.10 ; same contractor , paving nlloy between Leavenworth and Marcy from Ninth to Tenth , * 1,3(51.CJ ( ; .T. O. Corby , laying sewer In nlley between Cass and California from Twenty-fifth street to Twenty-seventh nvonuo , $ l,06'4.12 ; J. K. Knowlcs. laying sidewalks , $30.30. The following bids wcro received for grad ing Shorumn avenue from Mnndorson street two clocks north , and Thirtieth nvcnuo from Mason to Puclflo. Ryan & Co. , H cents ; Ed Callahan , IS cents for Sherman nvcnuo and 13 0-10 cent * for Thirtieth nvcnuo ) Fleming & Co. , 15K cents ; John Condon , 11J < cents. The contract was awarded the last named. The following reserves wcro allowed : J. U , Smith & Company , S.-t.r)1.4T , for paving ; J. J. McDonald , $30 , sewer work : P. II. McCauley , $331 , sewer work ; C. M. O'Dono- van , J345 , for sewer wbrk. Pears' soap is the most elegant tollo adjunct. Tlio Usunl Custom. In support of the returns of the Fourth \vnrd assessor on the New York Lifo Insur ance building and THE Hi ; " , building atten tion has been called to the following facts : These figures show tbo custom In Omaha of asjessln ? & building comparatively light while in course of construction and for Its full value only after completion. The First National bank while being erected in 1SS7 was assessed at $15,000 ; It was completed in 1SSS and was then assessed nt * 05,000. The Merchants' National bank while being built in 1837 was assessed at $10,000 ; in the following year it was finished and was as sessed at 540,000. The Paxton block was assessed at $17,000 In 1357 while In course of construction. It was finished the following March and was assessed that year nt $75,000. Hoyd's ' opera house was finished In Sep tembor , 1881 , and yet thosatno year the lot on which it stands was quoted as "unim proved" and was assessed nt only 87,500. After it had boon in use nearly a year it was assessed at § 22,000. The board of trade building was assessed nt ? 10,000 whllo in course of erection in 1SSO. It was finished early in 1887 and was not as sessed at its present rate , 8-0,001) , until that year. tr Piles ! Piles ! 1'Ilcs ! Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure blind , bleeding and itching piles when other ointments have failed. It absorbs the tumors , allays the Itching at once , nets ns n poultice , gives Instant relief. Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared only for piles and itching of the private parts , and nothing else. Every box is warranted. Sold by druggists , or sent by mail on receipt of price , OUc and SI per box. WILLIAMS' M'FG CO. , Prop's. Cleveland , O. QTHH CUAI1NO STUEET GIIADE. The Walnnt Hill Property O\viiors DtsoiiSH the matter. A meeting of Walnut Hill property own ers was held nt Ryan's store , on Lowe ave nue , last evening to discuss the question of grading on Cuining street. Chairman Gibbons bens stated that there was a conflict between the engineer of the Omaha Motor company and the city engineer as to the grade on Burning street between Thlrty-flfth and Thirty-sixth streets , and that if the motor company's track Is twenty Inches below the grade , as the city engineer says It is , the motor company is wrong , but , if not , the motor company should bo sustained. Ho suggested that the only course to take would 1)0 for the property owners to get up a peti tion and ask the city to regulate the grade. Other speakers made a fuw remarks. Some claimed that there hud been influences brought to bear upon certain members of the council. All wanted the motor to run out to that part of the city. City Engineer Tillson said he was there to give his ideas of the case , and ho proceeded to explain the diftcronccs in grades. It was moved that a committee of three be appointed to procure nn engineer to test the grade , ind , if necessary , go to the city council and file a petition for a change of grade of the street. The committee con sisted of Messrs. BomrookVasserman and Campbell. Dr. 13. T. Coppedgo. of Verona , Mo. , says bp has sold a largo quantity of Swifts Spe cific , and to a great many customers , and knows it to bo most successfully used for maladies of the blood. SOUTH OBI All A NOTES. Tin ) Old Oheok Racket. Jesse Osborn , a verdant , gray-beard from the backwoods of Wisconsin , advanced ? 20 ' 'J. W Williams " elderly and to . , , an pious looking gentleman , on a ? 500 check on.Fri- day. Suspicion lurked in the granger's heart , and notifying the police , c mad rush of policemen , boys , men women and a few dogs made N street down to the depot as lively , between 2 and 3 o'clock , as u dis turbed buinblo bee's nest. When the crowd arrived "Williams" hadlllown. Mr. Osborn Is $20 ricner in experience. Notes About the City. Members of the Albright Methodist Epis copal congregation gatheied at the pleasant homo of the Hov. and Mrs. D. W. Luther Thursday evening and enjoyol u most pleas ant social evening and partook of u bountiful spread. A slight flro on the roof of a small building in the rear of the City hotel called out the lire department Friday afternoon. No damage. The board of trade will hold Its regular monthly meotingSaturday evening. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mra. Will iam Becksted is very sick with cholera in- fantum. Tlio Cignrmakers' union will bold an im portant meeting Sunday morning at 10 o'clock , Fred II. Meyer , formerly city engineer of this city , was last Monday appointed city en gineer of Pierre , South Dakota. Air , Meyer's many friends in this city will uo pleased to know of his merited appreciation in the baby state. AVIllnm Harron will answer before Judge King at 0 o'clock Saturday morning to the charge of assault and battery , preferred by Charles Kuhn. John Gromhch will build on Eighteenth and Mllrny streets. A permit has been Issued to George Stof- fcnich for a cottage on Twenty-second and stioets. John Condon , of this city , has been award , cd the contract to erode Thirtieth street from Pierce to Marcy , Omaha , at JIJ cents per cubic yard. The Hev , J. J. ICeolcr , general missionary pf the American Baptist Homo Missionary society , will preach in the Third ward school boubo Sunday afternoon nt 8:30 : o'clock , The Loyal Lngion of Temperance , under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. , will hold a picnic in Syndicate park Saturday afternoon. These interested will moot at the totupcranco tent , Twenty-sixth and M streets , at 1:30 : o'clock and march from there to the teat. OlKl ) . HINCKLiyy In this city , July 5 , at 4:50 : p , in. , Donna H. , daughtcrof Mr , and Mrs. A. C. Hiuckloy. 1411 South Twenty-sixth street , aged eight months and nine days. Two Bloro Victories. LONDON , July 5. The Massachusetts rillo team shot against the Sussex team at Urlgh- ton yesterday , The former won , making u score of OSS points , against 010 by the Sus sex , They won another victory at Nunhead range to-day , defeating the London rifllcs with u store of 1003 to 1025. Yon can not accomplish any work or business unlobs you feel well. If you fool used up tired out take Dr. J. II. MoLcui'i5 | Samiparilla. It will give iou health , strength and vitality , WITH HIS GLITTERING EYE , A Very Odd Optical Duel in South ern California. HE OUT-OGGLED THE BRITISHER. How nit Audacious ICnpJuh Tourist \Vns Ilcsciipil From n HIIRO Serpent's Tolls Ity n Familiar Ditty. , A Patriotic Sorpont. Ono of the best known characters in San Diego county , in the southern part of this state , isGoorgo Lamb , the driver on the stngo to San Jacinto , twelve miles distant. Mr. Lamb has boon n. settler In the country for a peed many years , where ho has taken up a piece of land among the San Gorgonlo moun tains along the stngo road , over which ho drives daily , writes ono of the snake artists of the San Francisco Examiner. It is a lonely spot , nestling among towering crags and broken by rough ravines , prlnctoally inhabited by coyotes - otos , wildcats , rattlesnakes , and occas ionally a mountain lion. The land is , howuvor , fertile and produces flno crops of barley , alfalfa and some fruit , so Mr. Lamb , who is no toudcrfoot , does not worry about his uninvited tenants. The semi-tropical climate of this part of California appears especially adapted to the growth of snakes , which hero at tain enormous sizo. The old stage driver , perhaps on account of his pe culiar tomoramont , or from the lonll- ness of the country , for years has amused himself studying the habits of the different varieties of snakes ho moots on his travels. Whenever ho discovers a singularly largo rattler or rcd-racor ho docs not try to kill it. Ho studies it quietly if it chances to bo sunning itself on a rock or in the road , and ho prefers to make a detour rather Limn alarm it , if such u is possi ble. In this way ho has become on good terms with some of the most venerable and colossal snakes in the county. Some time ago linding nig-raising a profitable way of using up his surplus alfalfa ho started a piggery , but in spite of all his watchfulness against coyotes and wild cats the young porkers kept disappear ing.Ono Ono warm afternoon as ho lay stretched out comfortably under some [ ruit trees , smoking his pipe and tend ing his pigs , ho was startled by hearing ono of the smallest ones give vent to car piercing squeals. Looking hastily in that direction Mr. Lamb's eyes ALMOST POPPED 1-UO3I T1I1SIU SOCKETS at beholding an immense serpent wrapped round and round about the un fortunate porker , seemingly bent on swallowing it. Curiosity got the better jf his timidity , and Mr. Lamb instant ly determined to capture his snakeship ilive if possible. The struggles of tbo little porker were soon over , and the snake began devouring it. The grass and needs had concealed most of the serpent's body so far. But in its efforts to make way with the pig , the snake's entire body came into view. If Mr. Lamb had been astonished in the first place , ho was simply paralyzed now on beholding twonty-livo foot of yellow and black snake , nearly the blackness of a man's body. But ho was still resolved to capture it , so quickly returning to his cabin ho procured some old blankets , fashioned them into a not and , stealing UD to the reptile , which was now fast aslcoy , completely enfolded tt. Leaving the monster firmly secured he selected a box canyon about half a milo from his house , which had on three sides high , rocky clilTs , with smooth perpendicular surface. On the fourth ho constructed in a few hours a strong wall of rock and adobe. Obtaining the assistance of throe In dians , ho next conveyed the snake to his now quarters , leaving the old blan kets for a soft nest. A spring of water bubbled up from among the rocks , and catching a number of cottontails and jack rabbits ho sot them loose in the in- closuro. Every day ho would visit the place and see how his charge was get ting along , and soon ho and the snake became well acquainted. Among other accomplishments Mr. Lamb is a fine performer on the accor dion , and knowing the passions of the serpent family for soft music of any na ture , ho used to spend many of his evenings sitting on the edge of the canyon filling the surrounding atmos phere with the dulcet strains of such melodies as the "Boulangor March , " or "I Believe It , For My Mother Told Mo So. " The scaly monster , its head reared above the ground , and a look of unmis takable pleasure IN ITS GLlTTEHINa EYE , would indulge in n guntlo hissing , meanwhile swaying to and fro in time with the music. The fame of Mr. Lamb's hugo pot soon spread throughout the adjacent country , and the Indians of the neigh boring village began Hocking to his place in squads , and on leaving would generally carry away more than they had brought with them. As they were all armed with long knives and carried revolvers in their belts , Mr. Lamb felt constrained to treat them with respect and not hurt their feelings by any allu sion to his losses. lie therefore stood it as long as ho could , for in addition to being u mild- mannered person ho had considerable pride in his captive , and ho know his possession of such a big snake , with which ho was on terms of the closest in timacy , elevated him greatly in the oyea of the natives , who looked upon him as the largest kind of a medicine man. But their constant visits to his place were slowly reducing him to beg gary , as they generally brought their keen appetites with them and very llttlo provender. Ilobogan to think lib would bo obliged to lot the snake loose again or Kill it the last alternative ho could not bring his mind to consent to when an Englishman with a passion for gunning and tramping pvor wild coun try put in an appearance ono night and accepted Mr. Lamb's hospitable invita tion to spend the night. It happened that the visitor was n great lever -of Scotch whisky , always keeping a largo supply In his luggage , lie had boon indulging pretty heavily in his favorite tipple previous to reach ing Lamb's ranch , and during the even ing brought out his big llask , and many For Strains and Pains. NEW AND STRONG FACTS. Cunoiuul Criltili. Camlr niton , 0 , Jani9g'tl. Sutr.Md with itrilntd Utk for two aontlu ) ttlkid with tin. ud crutch , vu cariA ly M. /Awtii Cu , no rtiura la 6 aoiith * jtio CRAMDEnimora. Btralnetl Ilitck , Amtu.U. Ohio , Jut , lilt. Uu2ir d with itr lo d Uack 3 wicki , pain v T tcuti , uud cio. meet IHO bttlltt c ( VU JlcaU Oil wtdch cared mt. BO pain In cn year _ _ 11ENBY BALT1IABEB. Voi 15 Years. WukUfttm , Iix , Jua II , 'IS. Ilt4 viSflrvd off a4 on frf Cflttu xM vrltb trained tack ; no trmble with tt now ; two yean af o wa corvd by &t JacgtiOJl Korttiirn. _ _ _ _ II CABTWItL. AT DIIUOO1ST3 ANU IKE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO. . Baltimore , Ul n hot toddy Lamb ariif ho consumed ere retiring for the nltfhti The dawn of another1 summer day was breaking when the Englishman pro posed to the ranchman to go and take a look at the big serpent , which , from his host's description , ho felt convinced belonged - longed to the boaconstrlctor species of tropical America. , The old slago driver was loath to make such an early call on his pot , who was not likely to relish being - ing nwaUoucd and might rcsont the invasion of American soil by n repre sentative of John llVill. After much persuasion , howovo'P ' , ho consented TO snow ins visiT H THK SNAKE ; BO , carrying undor'his'arm his faithful accordion , ho sot out for the snake's don. The serpent \vas \ sunning ttsolt in the inclosuro when t\yb arrived thoro. The Englishman , in whoso head the fumes of the previous night's flowing bowl fctlll lingered , despite Mr. Lamb's warning , climbed upon the stone wall and began recklessly whistling , "God Save the Queen. " Ill vain Mr. Lamb entreated him to ccaso , explaining that the unfamiliar hymn would only anger the snako. The half-lnobrlatod son of Albion merely crossed his logs leisure ly , winked nt the monster once or twice , inserted his monocle in his eye , and continued whistling in a most of fensive manner. Once or twice the snake hissed ominously , but otherwise paid no attention to his visisors. Nothing daunted by the chilliness of his reception , the Englishman , without a moment's warning , jumped from the wall directly into the Inclosuro , an nouncing his intention of subduing the reptile with the power of the human oyo. Horrified at this temerity , Mr. Lamb hurried to the edge of the cliff and gazed down upon the reckless Brit isher , who was serenely inspecting the big snuko through his single oyo-glass. Unconsciously Mr. Lamb's lingers clutched his musical Instrument , and the soft notes of "Rock-a-By , .rJaby" lloatod out into , the still air. It was none too soon. The now thorougly aroused monster , his head erect and drawn back , was about to spring upon his apparently doomed victim. The music acted llko a charm , and the poised snake romnincd motionless. Mr. Lamb did not dare to call out , fearing - ing that the least discord would break the spell. Slowly the now sobered and horrified Englishman drew back , while with the perspiration pouring from his forehead at the awful scone Mr. Lamb played on. "Drill , You Tarriprs Drill 1" followed "Rock-a-By. " Again the air changed , and the passing brcoxo caught the plainti vo harmonics of "Razzlo-Dazzlo. " The serpent slowly swayed to and fro. never for a moment taking his eyes off the retreating Englishman. Human nerve could stand it no longer and , fascinated by the dull , glittering eye of the snake , the horror- stricken man paused , just within reach of these awful coils , unable to move a step farther. Mr. Lamb groaned to himself. His repertoire of music was becoming ex hausted. Ho saw the revolver at tbo Englishman's side , btlt ho dared not speak to him to use it. Already ho was playing "The Lost Chord , " his last tune. Suddenly , like a flash , n thought'came to him. 'With out stirring a muscle ho began softly to play ' "JOHNNY . . " , GET Y.OUK OUN. A look of hope and understanding lightened the Knglishnmn's face and slowly ho drew his weapon and care fully cocked it. A sharp report , a puff of smoke and the hugo reptile lay squirming in the convulsions of death. The Englishman was thrown violently to the ground as 'the ' gory body of the still quivering serpent struck him. But ho soon braced up on borne of his Scotch whisky , used as an antidote against snake bites. The pair then ex amined the serpent and the English man , who was somewhat of a naturalist , pronounced the serpent a half-grown boa constrictor , which may have boon brought up from Central America by a fruit vessel , or have escaped from a traveling circus. The reptile was skinned and purchased by the English man , and prooably ere now decorates some English hallway as a memento of the time when "I was-or in America , you know. " KCDNESS , and ( juichly bnnglng the ski to its natural color. BEWABB of imposition. TAKE POND'S EKTEACT only. See landscape trade mark on buff wrapper. Sold only Jn our own bet tles. All druggists. POND'S EXTRACT CO. , 76 5th Aye. , N. 7. ' CALIFORNIA , THK 1 AND OP DISCOVERIES ! ABIETINE MECT.QRpyu.Lr.CAL ror\ ATARRH OROVILLERAL SANTAABIE : : ANDCATRGURE : : : For Sulo by , GOODMAN DHUG O O "MEDICINE JB , ML JRUHI P OUlNEAbMJk For Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Dlsorioredtlver , pRicl > I25B ELwfsUpIlTSeox. . ' Prepared only by THOS.BEECIUM , St.Holons.InncnshircEnglanI. ( JS. F. ALLEN & CO. , Solo Agents FOR UNITED STATKS , 305 A ; 3O71 CAI > AI , ST. , NEW YORK , Who ( if your druggist docs not keep them ) will mail Bcccham's Pills on receipt of price tut i itjuire first. ( Please mention this paper. ) Competitors , in their mad efforts to keep pace with " GOLD DUST , " finally succumb and fall by the wayside , and the great birds of the desert are on their trail. Is purely vegetable ; will not injure the finest fabric. It reduces the drudg ery of house-cleaning and makes blue Monday a pleasure ; and as an econo mizer of household expenses , is truly the greatest of all modern discoveries , ASK YOUR GROCER FOR A FREE SAMPLE. P. S. If you have freckles , use " FAIRY" Soap. For the euro of all DISORDERS OP THE STOMACH , LIVER. BOWELS .KID NEYS , BLADDER , NERVOUS DISEASES , HEADACHE. CONSTIPATION COSTIVENESS , COMPLAINTS PECULIAR TO FEMALES. PAINS IN THE BACK , DRAGGING PEELINGS , &c. , INDIGESTION , BILLIOUSNESS , FEVER , 1NPLAMATION OP THE BOWELS , PILES , and nil deranKOtnout of the Intoi- ual Viscortv. 11 AD WAY'S PILLS arc a euro for this complaint. They toiio up the internal secretions to healthy action , restore strength to the stuinuch tind enable it to perform its functions. Price -5e nor box. Sold by all ilrufjjjibts. RAD WAY & CO. , Now York , 1T.HDE FOR THE LAUNDRY. KOR THE TABLE. A. J. IOPPLr/rON.l'ro'ildent ; II. W. YATK3 , Treaiurer. J. J. IIIIOWN , Vioo-1'rebldeut. B. T. JOSaKLVN , tiecroUry A SOLID NEBRASKA COMPANY. OP OMAHA , N1SB. Paid ITp Cnpltnl , glOO.OOO Fire , - Lightning - and - Tornado - Insurance , Ofllocs , S. IS. Corner Douclaa and Sixteenth Bis. Tolophimo 1,4J.I. ! Directors : A. J. 1'oppleton , J. U.MIllanl , Wm. Wallace. J. W. Oannett , H. W. Yatcs. N. A Kulm , i : . ij. Stone , C. D. Woodworth , J. S. Collins , J. J. Brown , B. T. Jossulyu. lloino OHlce , Nos. ! 100. KOI , 802 , 'MS UI-OMU'S Block , - - - Oimiha , Ncln TOHINQS , EMERSON , BNGBAVTNQS , HALLET < Ss DAVIS , ABTIST SUPPLIES , KIMBALL , MOULD INQS , PIANOS AND OBQ ANS FRAMES , SHEET MUSIO. 1513 Dongas SL Oinaba , Nclirasla STRANG & CLARK STEAM HEATING GQ , Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. A FREE TRIAL otiu of any nnu of I ho \Trfcb * Deitor UoBorrUfa inallod sealed ) to any addrew _ - . valuaUlu Juforaiatiou oo tlui ubovoandalluttitr i > rtvat Ul 4mi , SAFETY SPECIFICl"o ? IIKSS5J IT ! rate UfsurJera , . tit ml t > elf addret * .U vnTtloio for circular , tor iia iiu UKAEDX co. , ct fHESS CUHED/BJ llll M > IMHI&llKil > f& + ' . - llrrlorei oiu * l r ! ' * ck * rU I t > nM TUBULAR CAR CUSHIONS WbIip r , CoQTrri4ttoD fend Uuile heard. Coin forUblf.btlMiJJttilliiKBatllMeeB. hHCirttf * ! l olbtr remeJlr * riu. " " " t at in ruuuQka fuvu * s. OUB CONDUCTED PARTIES SSr INDEPENDENT INDIVIDUAL TICKETS iSBAiZ Htutintr Chain , jlufi , Fnrrlicii Uunry. Ij tu-i of Credit , ' > rli , Uulila lluuk > , > ! aim , Uitla Oixlui , ilfcUl Cou- tenAfvr circular * , THOS. COOK & SON , Ocn'l West'n Actm-y. 3 Ho. Omrk IH. . O1IIOAOO , , S2 to gents prolcrreil Iio can furnish a dorsti uml clvu tlielr wliolu tlnio to the buslnesn. Himrn inoineiita muy be jirolllHlih employi'd also. A fttw vaciuic-lcsln touniuiidclUin. J ) . P. JOHN- BON < tCU. lUJUMnluBt. . Hichiuoml , Va. Pi' , ll. l'lccne * ( < ienuf ( < nul ei\ic\ie\\ee \ , Jftver miiul about lending ttamji fur rcflu. U , frJ , & Cu. Health is Wealth ! UllALft Dn.n , 0. WEST'S Nxnvn AND Dnuit HUNT , txEurvruntoalsjioctflo for llystoi'la , Ulzr.t. ness , Convulsion * , HK Nervous NPUralRiK , lltnilnchc , Norrous rroatrntlon cnusotl by tb * nsoot nlcohol or tobucco. WnXofiilneg' , MontM Depression , Sotinnltvgof tlio Hrntn , reMiltluRtn Inannltvnuil loixillnitto misery. ( Incur and ileivth. I'loinnturo Olrt ARO. llni-rcim" * . Ix > ss of Power In dlthornox , Involunturr I.OMM and Sprrmot- orluun caused by ovor-exortlonof tliclirnln.selC- kliiiso or ovfrtutlnlgrncfl. 1'uch box contMni eno month'n troitmont. il.03 ft box , or nix boxfel Tor } VOO.sont by mfttl n-flp ltl on receipt of nrlcn. WH GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To euro any ca o. With ouch order received by no for six boxes , accompanied with KV > , wo win dead the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money If tliu treatment iloos not ortnot n cure. Uuaraatoca issued onlr by Qoodmnn DniRCo. , Drugtrlits , Sol * ARCUU , UlO Farnam UceU Omaha i * CnrftfnrncHESTMJLISHED 1361 < ISO So. aUrOlUrOSIf Chlong0 | uis.lcinrkOt , Tbo Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAH AND SURGEON Is tll ! Treating with ( ha Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS M > TT air . Cliroiiic , Nervous and Private Diseases , NERVOUS D.HBIL1TY , Loit Manhood. failing Memory , Exhnustlnp Droinn , Terrible Dreams , Head and Back Ache and nil the flect < adlnc to curly ducuy anJ pethaps ConnumpUonot Insanity , treated d niltic.dly by new methods with nevcr fauinK Micccaa. OST S YPH 1L1S and -11 bad Blood and Skin Die caaea penniinriitly cured , ST KIDNEY and URINARY csmplalnts , Gleet , Gonorrhoea , Slrictu re , Vorlcocele and all dbeaie * cf the Oenlto-UrlrAiy Oigani cured promptly without injury In S'.oinacn , Kidneys t > r o-Jier Organ * . OJT No experiments. Age and expcrltnco im portaot. CcnBuKatlon free and nacred. 3 b id 4C nt po 'aifor Celebrated worka on whronlc , Ncrvout pnd Delicate DUC.MCS. flSTlhosc wjitemnlatlng Maitiate | send for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each , both a } ccnU ( tltmitu ) . Con ult the old Bcenu A friendly letter tir call may save future nuffer. ins and shame , and add golden yean to life. 3-Ilook "Llfe'o ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 onu ( stamps ) . Medicine nnd writings sert everywhere , stcure from exposure. Hcun , 8 to 8. Sunday ! ij la 11 , Addreis F. D. CUARKE , W. . , ISO Gfe larU SU CK1SAQO * PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1302 FARNAM STREET. I , COMFOUTINtt Spps's Cocoa. HUKAKL'AST. "Hy n thonri li it.iovlijlju uf the uatura ! IIYI nbicnpovcrti iluo.K'rulo is of tlioitliu ) ill nulrl lion , utiil by u caruiul unpilcitlJii o ? tli3 line pfMJf tlcn ol wuil-dulectiHl ( Joroi , Mr. l < .upiUii ) provl 1 jilojr broaUtnKi Vibloswlth ailull.ituly ( llavoriiJ liuroraiti wliklimiy nvon n.nny licivy .lonort'lilll-i. Ills by tin ) juJlulans nsu or nuuli nrtlcltd of illut that i\ ciinHlUutlon mnjr bu r idu illy h.illl nn until strouif i < nouKl > to roslit every toniluiiry to dliono. Hun- ilrcila of subtle ui.U.ulle3iro lloitiiu nroitnJ us rouly to nltiiL * wherovurlliurjii 4 wunk uolnt. Wo mar ChLupo many a tntul shiilt by kruplni ; oarjulvei irall lortltliiil with i > ur < ! l > loj I .mil n iiropurly nourlslioi Irnmo. " Civil Servloo 111/cttJ. , , .M.ulesliiiDly with bolihu wtt r < ir milk , bold onlr In Imir iKiiiinI Mm by ( iuoon lnln > lel tlnu. 0 TJDDC ! 9 Ph Homiuopntlilo ChBmUt ii UUi. UOMKIN. UNO LAND. GOlIlJIZBDAIj , & co.'s Ja ulifnlMtclji jHire and it It tolulilo , No Chemicals nro mc < I In 111 prrparfltbn. Xt hat mere than tltrtf llmet / / > ftrtnjtk < if Cocoa mlxvd with Starch , Arrowiout or StiRir , and li Ihrrcfore Tar more ciono/nlcal , ( itiiig leu Iknn ont cml a dip. U ! ilclklutu , nuiirUliltiK , fttultglr'ciilnir , EA- BUY UiurtnU ) , and admirably adapted f r luviiHJ * ei wtllai | > u oui In IicalUi. Hold b ) Orou'rri vu'rjnhcrc. W. BAKES , & CO. , Dorchester , Mass. UMV-RSITY , CLEVELAND , OHIO Oicr Si ) vi " / ' - "i d tnil GUI ) ttiulent * litkt war. 1. .Ailolliert I Oiluvo I'lntiM. Ittorutiro , Sclonco. \\VII equipped. IHicly locito l.fruln ufNunr Iiiulnu4 rolli'Kuiuu hail tliu. o i. U ) > pnrtiiiiiitor Medicine , tliror yo.irs tourio. J Cimnorvatory ut Muslo. liultor unywhcro. 4. hrliuol of Art. h'loincnlary ami nilvunr-uif. r > . i'olU'po lor Women. Oolltuo llotnn. GruJo uud costol Atlolbert. l.ul for CtiUilDiniu * . HlltAM U. IIAVDN. PP. . LU D . T'lCl.'S'T. RUSE POLVVECHH8U hl\lJTITUTE \ , TF.RHE HAUTE , IHD.-A SCII30L OF yoitic MiUTAitv AOADKMY \Mill-ori-lliiiiHoii. Oof , . ( J. J. V/itliJiir , Jl. lJ J'.HVATTCniiiitVt ; ot Cat GOLD MKDAL. I'ARIS LXFOSITION 187S. ttoa. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4. PERFECT 0 ? PS1TS. Itomnrkablo for powerful Bynipiithotto lone , pliable action and abm > lute dura bility ; 80 years' record the beat uuaran- too of the excellence of these instru ments. With fluccciiful Fiperl nc < - ( or II F.W FIOTORIA , .sT , WAPKWB am tlily byuvw 10,000 ljuUv . AtoSafe. ttfectualaiid Ketuant 91 P" box by mall.or ot druBKIsl . Healed J > iirilcular * S posUKo RUimpa. Acliircsa 'fiio KUHMA CUBIIICAI. Oo. , Cimiorr , tlicu. For sale und by mail by Goodman Drug Company , Oinnha. /tun ! all unmu'y troubles easily , ntilclci I ly unauutBly cured UyDOCrrUilX Cap. , , Bovcrul CASB-J curoa in soveu Uftys. Sold nt Kl.t.0 per liox , all druirt'lstu , or by mull from OwsttUftiiTBGo. 11 Wlilte N. Y. Kuliaireo. rmiifHi F ° R MEN d''r.f. ' ' PftD . . . y'g : _ _ - ! HIAp.rf.etu icealnid by tV , iiw ' " * role eiiud uithput futn oror > 4r&itrii. l > rc > l ' t Duslon-pupro Ol'nlquo ' , W Tnuu.ut > .t . ,