Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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A Dull Day Witnoeaod In Wheat
Tlio Provision Trndo Irregular on Ink -
orcnscd 1'nclcliiK of Ilo R In the
West Cnttlo ntul HOR _ i
CIIICAOO , July C. [ Spcclnl Telegram to
Tur. UKK. ] This hnn boon a dull dny In tlio
Nvhcnt mnrkot. Domcitic mnrkot news nnd
popular ci > cculatlvo sctitlnlcnt tends to the
( lovoloptiicnt of ncnltncEs , but there IB n
stubbornness of unUortono that surprises
the "tnlsnt. " Cables carao In vwy strong
and Imparted to the miirhct a ilcgrco of
sMonptli early tliat resulted in n complete
recovery from the opening low r.tngo , which
WM M ° under Wndnctdny'a close , but this
recovery was subsequently lost. List ; prices
"wore about the Inside for the day. The
board's cable noted ttio confirmation
of the Hungarian crop report damages
and nn tulvnnco In Hungarian flour.
Iho prime cnuso of the recent strenRth to
the foreign markets seems to bo the Russian
and Hungarian crop shortages and the birth
of a feeling abroad that perhaps the Amer
ican crop might not bo as largo as early cstl-
mates load the \\orld to expect. In some
quarters tha thought finds expression that
the foreign markets are being "wdrked , "
but there docs not seem good grounds for
this suspicion 10 rest on , though not a few
marvel that with the foreign demand as
urgent as some of the cables represent , it is
somewhat singular that the foreigners aio
not more ac'Ivo buyers of our seaboard ac
cumulations. The northwest is not sending
out much news to-day hearing on crop pros
pects. This Is taken to mean that the out
look Is brighter. If It was as bad
as before the recent rains thcro would bo a
continuation of ruin reports. St. Louis und
the southwest is Bonding in bearish ui'vlcos.
bused very largely on "harvester returns , "
Up to this writing Uio enormous receipts that
were to coino in the catly p.irt of July have
not materialised , but wheat seems to have
been raised just the name. Initial prices
\vero as follows : July 81 } c , September
77 0 and December at 75 'Ho. ' July with
light trading , climbed to 83 > iCc , September
advanced from 779 e to 81 o and December
from ma to 70oThis , proved to bo the
top for thovlay , .iml for the last hour and a
Jinlf or two hours , the markotdragged down ,
yielding very slowlv , however. Dcccmoor
got as low as 79 } o and closed at 79 0. July
loft , off at 81) ) o and September at 77Jtfe.
This Is % c off for July , ftfc for September
nnd J c for December. Business was light.
The fine weather and Increasing receipts
caused an easier feeling In corn. The do
mestic : markets \vero easier in sympathy
with Chicago. 1'ho Shipping demand hoio
was good , though at lower pi ices than ruled
Wednesday , and Now York reported a coed
demand prevailing there on both foreign and
domestic accounts. Fluctuations wqro nar
row and the bidding of a local clmi actor and
small In aggregate. Changes since Wednes
day were only from l-10c to } a on several
deliveries , but the differences weto against
the bulls. Einal quotations weio : July
Auifust liriJ @ > )5XC ) | September , 33Jf@
Receipts of oats wcro liberal , and with
some two hundred cars estimated for to
morrow , there was llttlo desire to ti ado for
futuio account , the market tending to weak
ness. Interest was largely in September ,
which sold nt ! 22 } @ 2' c , while the fluctua
tions in other mouths wote equally nnirow
and devoid of special feature. May sold at
U5JfjC , and No. IS oats to go to store \\oro dull ,
with bids generally restricted to 22c , or % a
lower than Wednesday.
The provision trade was somewhat ii regu
lar , encouraged bv Wednesday's weakness ,
easier prices of hogs and an increase of 105-
000 hogs in the p.tst week's western p ickinc
ns compared with the sumo week last year.
The bears opened the market with a dis
position to force lower prices They engaged
in a little hammering business
nnd product of all description
was inado to soil off. Tim decline
forced , however , was short lived , and the
pi omul lost was , m some instances , mote
than recovered on a short rebound. For pork
the day's final quotation showed a net ad
vance of 2J @fie , lard closed at adcprcciation
of 0 @ "jc and short libs of 2j c.
CHICAGO , July 5. [ Special Telegram to
THE 13En. | CATTIH. To-day 's supply was
made up of 8,000 fresh natives , 200 distillery
fed steers and 1,200 Texas , also 3,500 native
shipping grades carried over yesterday. The
native shipping cattle market i tiled slow and
weal ; throughout , though llcht , handy fat
dried feed steers commanded the full Wednes
day closing prices and sevoial aiders could
not bo filled. Flashy grades and heavy fat
beeves wcro ' 'a drug" and difllcult of sale at
a concession of full lOc. In fact , it seemed a
shame to note so many prlmo 1500
to 1COO pound qualities going ever
the scales at from W & * > to $4 00 ,
but the demand claimed they were not suit
able for the trade nt this warm season of the
year and buyers made their own prices.
Cattle finished oft on grans also mot with
more or less nnglcct and Bold nt a decline of
JOc. mnny of the rough big bullocks not
finding an outlet. Native butchering and
cunning description ? of cows and mixed lots
moved freely at the advances established
last Wednesday. The small simply of Tox-
nns enabled sellers in this branch to clear the
pens at nn early hour at strong prices , or
figures about HOc higher tliuu u week ago.
Some lifo was noted in tha ntociter and feed
er trade , but the volume of business wassmall
and values no bettor than of late. Natives ,
f3 25 ® 1.85 ; cows , bulls and mixed , S1.60@
8.-0 ; BtocUom , ? ai5 ( < | 300 ; Toxons , $ .2. : > 0(3 (
3.00.Unas To-day's hog trade opened fairly ac
tive , but cloned weak at the established do-
cllno. Prices nom the start xveio 2o lower
and soon full oft Ho on heavy tuul f > ( < MOe on
light. Kow light hog buyers wcio opeiathiR
and but , llttla was dona on shipping account
in cither heavy or llirht. Packers ulso moved
nlowlyi they having on hand most of j ester-
duy'rt purchases. Sales of packing und ship'
ping heavy were pi Inclpally between $4 ; ! C
nnd W 5. the Itittarllffuio securing the prim'
est shipping shapes nnd fl.iiU the oidinary
packing grades. Mixed sold it u range ol
. ' . ' 304.10 , largely at S4.,0@4.17 ! ! # for th <
choicest bunches. Light weights dragged ai
M,450l.f)0 for sorts gcnuialiy , though M.5J
was paid in several Instuuees early.
Nnw VOUK , July 5. [ Special Telogran
to TIIK HuE.l STOCi > s Tlioro was ni
Improved feeling In stork circles lust , nigh
from Uio close on Wednesday , Kuuiora thl
morning \\ero many and vaucd. It wai
claimed that the banking Interests in thi
city , Uoston and Chicago were demanding i
BCttlomont of the rallioad wars and tha
cortr.ln railway men , having covered the !
ehort Interests , n bottlonieut would quick ) ;
result. To help the tcstoratioti of conflileiic. .
London was Jinn yesterday nnd came highe
to-day , Tlio bears claim , however , that investors
vostors nio badly frightened und that ther
is no prospect of regaining tbo short losses o
Wednesday und preceding days. The mat
kot opened this morning with n few profes
sioDuls bearish and commission houses bull
ish. The list opened irregular , with trust
and u few rallioad clocks X per cent higher
wlillo grangers and others which were raldei
BO sav&gcly on Wednesday , started about
steady and showed , after temporary firm
ness , further declines the IIme hour. Atchl
eon wont off a point to Ul nt 11 a. in. and ol
to38. at noon ; others Butfeiod less. Bui
litigton lost $ i per cent and rallied to95 > f
Northwestern lost % per cent to 100 > 4
Itock Island , after touching0'J > f , returned t
03 , or } ( per cunt ever the cloiio on V/cduci
day. St. Paul went oft to GS , Missouri Pa
cific to GOJf nnd Union Pacific to C9 before
noon. Chicago gas was neglected. Sugar trusts
sold nt m@U5i (3U ( < W ; lend trust * , 83@
SJJi@32 . Jersey Central sold up a point
to 111 and Delaware ft , Hudson sold off %
per cent to 140. Lacknwanna nnd Heading
declined early to 14IX nnd IGJf nnd reacted
later to 144 % nnd 415 respectively. The
prcssuro on grangers and other stocks con
tinued nftor 12 o'clock and Atchlson , North
western nnd St.l'nul touched the lowest points
on the present decline. There was n slight
reaction from the lowest figures before the
closo. Stocks nnd n few trusts were firm nnd
closed higher. Jersey Central moved up 2 per
contto 112 ; LoulsvllloX percent to G2V ;
Lnko Shot o lost Jf per cent to 102/ ; Chicago
gas showed n net gain of % per cent , \\hilo
sugar trusts closed % per cent lower , nt
U0 % ; Atchison sold down to 37J < , closing 1 #
per cent lower for the day nt 3SK ; North
western sold to 105Jf nnd closed Jf per cent
lower nt iCOJf. Burlington nnd Hock Island
closed with slight net gains nnd St. Paul > f
per cent loss. The total sales were 283,743
The following were the oloilnt ; quotations :
I ) . 8.4s rcRulir. 128J4 Nortliurn I'Acinc. . 27U
U. B. 4s coupons donrofoired. 05
. 0. &N. W 1H' ( <
M. H.4J4H coupons , do prorcrred 139
I'nclllct.sor 'ilj . 118 N.Y.LVntrnl 105M
Central 1'a.rlflc. . . . ill l'.I.i.K " 171
Chicago A , Alton. . . . I ! 0 IlodUslaild m
UliiCRRo , Hurling ton U. , M.&HU' f.S',4
.VQtilncv . ns do preferred
. . , . . . . . .
Illinois Central , . . .IU ! iloproforroU . HI
' ' ' ' union I'aoinc . r.n'j '
. . . .
l.rtko Shore " ( Jopraforrod . S-1 %
ShoreCentral. . . S'j" WesteraUnlon . to
MlBBourll'aclllc . . rojj
MONCV On call easy ut 3@7 per cent.
PKIMB McitoiVTii.i : PAI-E.I 4@5 par
cent ,
SrcitUNci KXCIIANOE Quirt but steady ;
sixty-day bills , ? l.tfl ; demand ,
The BiifilnoH Outlook.
R. G. Dun & Co : Omaha has inado stcndv
nnd substantial progress during the past six
months. A stranger without a guide , travers
ing the city , would bo impressed hy the mani
fold evidences of onterpi iso und wealth visl-
hlo on every side. The growth of Omaha
hr.s been phenomenal , and oesplto the draw-
hack occasioned bv the collapse of the boom
In suburban real estate , the city has inado
more rapid advancement to the position of n
commercial metropolis duilug the past half
year than during nny otuor similar pot ted in
its history. Etstorn capital scoks Invest
ment hero nt 0 per cent per minutn. Manu-
facturoi1 ? are socking locations ; \\holcsalors
nnd Joobors are increasing their store ca
pacity , and now houses are locating1 , and the
attention of the sincwd men of the country
is attracted to Omaha , they perceiving that
this city stands to day \vliero Chicago did in
1600 , offering advantages to investors hero
now equal to those offered there then. There
is no town in the United States which pre
sents so many direct tangible inducements to
manufacturers and dcalois desirous of mak
ing money as dooi this city to day. Jobbers'
and mnnufuctutcrs' sales for the past six
months will foot unwinds of $100,000.000.
Building is far m excess of nny previous
year , nnd the supremacy of Omaha as one of
the great commercial centers of the United
States is admitted by experienced nnd can
did observers. In the state the growth of
wealth and population is , if anything , m ex
cess of the city. Crous promise a , greater
ubundanoo of .yield than is usual. The now
banking law , strict and well digested , goes
into force July 1. and all indications point tea
a prosperous fututo for Nebraska and
CHICAGO , July 5. 1:15 : p. in. close Whett
Weak nnd lower ; cash , SlJ c ; September ,
" % c ; Deornbor , 79 ; c.
Corn Steadycash ; , 35 } c ; August , 35 9-lCc ;
September , 3518 lOc.
Oats Steadv ; cash , 2e August 22c ;
September , 22Xe.
K\e Cash , 4J > c.
Uarlov Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy $1.5.J(21.53. (
Flax-Lower ; 51.33.
Whisky ? 1.0J.
Pork About steady ; cash , $11 55 ; Aueust ,
J11.57K ; September , $11 ( V5
Lard--&teady ; cash , $0 8JK ; August. $0 40 ;
September. $0 50.
Flour Finn and unchanged ; winter whr-at ,
$3 004.7.i ; spring wheat , $ I.30575 : rye ,
? 3 50 ( 2.90.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , 55 25@537 ' } ;
short clear , ? G 12J @ ( > 23 ; short ribs , ? 5 80@
5 bo.
bo.Huttor Quiet ; creamery , 13@lCc ; dairy ,
Wool Steady.
Clover Steady.
Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars , 7 C@
So ; Hats , 7 [ (28c ( ; Voting Americas , 79 r < J&o.
Eggs Easier ; fiesh , ll@12c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy and llghtgroon
salted , 5' c ; salted dull , 4 > c ; green salted
calf , Oc ; dry Hint , 7c ; dry salted , 7c ;
dry calf , If io- deacons , 2jo each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4o ; No. 2 , 3 o ; cake , 4J c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Hour 10,000 18,000
Wheat 10,000 9,000
Corn 881,000 & 4J.OOO
Oats 15J.OOO 278.000
Now York , Julv 5. Wheat Receipts ,
32,000 ; exports , 23,000 ; spot quiet but higher ;
No. 2 , red , SOKc in store , 88 > @ 8 c alloat ,
87K@i5S.tfc f. o. b. ; wo. 3 red , 79J < jQiSOc ; un-
giadcd led , 73c@87J4o ! options moderately
active , closing steady ; July , % c higher.
Corn Receipts , 71,900 ; exports , 217,000 ;
spot less active and weaker ; No. 2 , 12 ( 42 0
in elevator , 4248c afloat ; No. 2 white ,
45obid ; ungiaded mixed , 12@43 c ; options
dull but steady.
Oats Receipts , 193,000 ; exports , none ;
spot dull and easy ; options dull and lower ;
July , 23o ; August. 28c ; September ,
23 8-lOcj spotNo.2 , wnito , MM % < : \ mixed
western , 27@JOc.
Coffee Options closed steadyl'ito25 points
up ; sales , 74,750 bags ; July , * 18 25@18 - 55 ;
August , $18.40 1370 : September , SU5- > @
18 85 ; spot Rio , steadier ; fair cargoes $10 00.
Petroleum Quiet but steady ; United
closed at Ol fo tor August.
Eggs Steady and in fair demand j western
prime , 18/(613Jfc. ( (
Pork Quiet ; now , $18.00@13 25.
Lard Dull and lower ; wcstein steam ,
.72K ; July , $0.75.
Butter Quiet und weak ; western , 10@17c.
Chceso Activonnd firm ; wostern,7 @sf ; c.
Liverpool , July D Wheat Firm ; de
mand poor ; holdeis offer moderately.
Corn Firm ; demand fair ; now mixed
western , Us lO fd pur cental.
iMhmoaiioliw. July 5. Wheat Sample
firmer ; receipts , 203 cars ; shipments , 112 cars.
Closing : No. 1 html , July , $1.05 : on track ,
81.00 ; No. 1 northern , July , Sl.OJ ; August ,
87o ; on track , ? 1.02@1 OT ; No. 2 northern ,
July , Wo ; on tiack , U2@U8o.
Mllw/iulcoo , July n. Wheat Steady ;
c.ifih , 77c ; September , 70Jfc. (
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 31 > a
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 , white , 27
Hyo-Quiet ; No. 1 , 43J.f@43Kc.
Barley Dull ; No. 3 , September , COobld.
Pro vicious Firm ; pork , $11,55.
KUIISIIS City , July 5. Wheat Stronger !
No. 2 red , cash , 72o ; August , Ole hid ; No.
3 rod , cash , GOo ; August , OOo ; No. 3 soft ,
cash , 7Uo ; July , 07tfo bid.
Corn Strong ; No. 3 , cash 27obid ; No. S
white , cash , 'Mo bid.
Oats Cash , lOouskcd ; July , ICe bid.
St. Louis , July 5. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 77o ; August , 73 c.
Corn Irregular ; cash , 31) o ; August ,
820.Oats Cash , higher , 23o ; options nominal ,
Poik Kasy at l2HO.
Lard Nominally at $0.25.
Whisky $ ! . ( .
Butter Unchanged ; creamery. ISQlCc :
dairy , ll@12c.
Cincinnati , July 5 Wheat Quiet ; No. ' .
ml , S'Jc.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 3SXc.
Onts Fniner ; No. 3 mixed ,
Chlonico. July 5. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows i
Cuttle Receipts , 10,000 ; market lower :
natives , $3.25@-i.85 ; LOWS , bulls and mixed ,
fl.MJSilM ) ; itockors , $315@J.OO ; Texans.
J2 20i < > 8 ( .
KHogs Receipts , 17,000 ; market fairly act
ive , dull , \\eiikaml louorj heavy packiiigani ]
Khipplng , $4.iO@4.35 ! ; mixed. $1.25 1.50 ; light ,
$4.4&r < j4.60 ; skips , J 00 ( < U 55.
Sheep Uaiuipu , 3,000 ; market steady ;
nntlves , $300 ( < ? i.CO ; westerns. M.OO ; Tox-
nns , $3.75Q3.bO ; lambs , t0.15@000.
Kansas City , July G. Cnttlo Rocolpts ,
2,500 ; shipments , none : good to choice corn *
fed steers , $3 70@3.W ) ; common to medium ,
(3.00(33.50 ( ; stockers nnd feeding stcors , firm ,
$2.00 3.10 ; cows steady to strong , $1.5UQ'J,70 ;
grass range steers , $1.75J3.70.
Hogs HecolptB , 7,100 ; shipments , none ;
mnrkot weak to 5c lower ; common to choice
light , 54.10Q4 85.
Natlonnl Stnok I2.asl fit ,
Louis , July 5 Cattle Receipts , 2,400 ;
shipments , 500 ; mnrkot strong ; choice
heavy nntlvo stctrs , S300@J,25 ; fair to
good , M.K ( @rtOJ ; stockers nnd feed
ers , $3.10@3 o ; rancors , corn-fed , $3.70@
8.00 ; grass-fed , tl.00@3.b. > .
Hogs Rccolpts. 4,500 ; shipments , 1,100 ;
mnrkct steady ; choice heavy nnd butchers'
selections nnd light grades , $1 3o@4 45 ; pack
ing , S420@4.83.
Sioux City , July 5 Cattle Receipts ,
140 ; shipments , 510 ; market steady ; fat
steers , $ J 00@380 ; stockers $ J.15M2.05 ;
feeders , $ i.85@2 80 ; canners nnd bulls ,
75c@1.25 ; veul calves , $ J.OO 3 00.
Hogs Uccolpts , 245 ; light and mixed ,
fcl.ioj heavy , $4.20.
Cut tit ; .
Friday , July 5.
A few desirable cuttle sold this morning at
steady prices , but the trade soon llattciiLd out
mid closed very weak nnd laxvcr. The de
mand , both locnl nnd shipping , was very
light , and no ono seamed to want nny cuttle.
The beef nnd shipping stcors sold ut $ ' ) C0@
390. There was some trading in butchers'
stock nt about former prices , but the supnjy
was light. There wcro only a few stock caU
tlo and not much demand for what there
To day's hog trade wns nnythlng hut satis
factory to the sellers. Iho market opened
with light nrd medium weight hogs idling
-1.15Sl.2' ( ) > , but ns soon ns some urgent or-
dots were llllril it was Impossible to get nny
such prlc.cs. The packois would pay $ -1 10 ,
the saino ns they offered in the morning , und
that was nil they would pay , and they bought
tuo balauco of the hogs th it way ,
Cnttlo 700
Hoga 1,100
Prevailing I'rloos.
The follD .vl % ? ii ntVjla ot prloaiptld In
this mirkot for tta ! gnlos of stos't men
tioned :
Prime steers , 1300 to 1000 Ibs. . § 3 85 @ 4.00
Good stoats , 12 > J to 11 )0 Ib3. . . 8.75 Mil 05
Good steers , 1050 to 13JJ iba. . . 3 5) ) @ J 01) )
Common canners 1.2 > ( riJJ.OO
Ordinary to fair cows 1.75 ( ( 225
Fair to good cows 230 ( JJ240
Good to choice cows 2.40 WJ.75
Choice to fancy cows , helfcra. . 2.70 MJ.15
Fair to coed bulls 1.75 (2 > 2.2o
Good to ehoreo bulls 2 25 ( q)2.50 )
Light , stockers nnd feeders. . . . 2.70 ( < S2 90
Good feeders , 950 to 1100 Ibs. . 3.00 rti3 15
Fair to choice light hoes 4.10 @ 4.25
Fair to choleo heavy hogs 4.10 ( < $4 15
Fair to choice mixed hops 4.10 @ 4 17
Shorusheop 8.00 @ 4.00
Roprosuntativo Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
13 1003 S. ) GO 4U 1140 S3 80
21 1291 81)0 80 13i5 3 W )
20 1070 3 ( U } . ; 65 12Jt 3 bO
53 1153 370 00 13bJ 885
24 1133 875 2.2 12 5 390
4 ion 175 10 951 2 So
1 9-0 2 75
1 1220 200 2 1590 250
1 1210 2 25
1 10GO 125 3 COO 175
2 535 250 21 530 205
0 917 2 15
1 830 3 23
Av. Pr.
CO stcors 1G50 $3 00
Standard Cattle Co
55sloeis , corn fed 133G 3 90
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
24..818 120 $ I 10 78..2.29 505415
00..219 4 10 59. . . 21) 4 17 > <
02..253 120 410 GS..2U 120 420
03..807 4 10 ( Jt..2J3 10 120
114..257 200 410 73..2.M 120 420
53..2b5 240 410 70..275 420
59..835 820 4 10 35..2.U 40 1 25
93..273 200 410 71..213 80 425
Tjlvc Stock Notes
Lincoln leceived thrco cars of hogs.
J. W. Pallet son , Chicago , was at the
yat ds.
A. Ueeso , Gibsru , came in with a car of
E. M. Brass came In from North Loup
with two carsofhogs
Aucust Anderson , an extensive Oakland
dealer , was in with cattle.
J. P. Fall , Silver City , was on the maiket
with four cars of cattle.
J. B. Moore , Lyons , put in an appearance
with two cars of cattle.
Henry Shlnstoek , a daily West Point ship
per , had cattle and nogs heie.
H. Johnson , a prominent Wahoo feeder
and shipper , had a car of cattle here.
James Castlcbury came In from St. Michael
with a string of seven cats of cattle.
II. G. Rhodes , a prominent and extensive
IIowo dealer , was in with two cara or cattle.
Springfield was represented by A. L.
Spearman , who came in with a car ot cattle.
Produce , Fruit * , Ftc. !
BUTTKH Table dairy , ll@llio ; packers'
stock , SQilOc. Croameiy Prints , fancv , 10
@lbc : choiceH@15o ; solid packed , 10@llc.
Kciau-Strlctly fiesh , 10@lle.
CiiEnSB Young Amcifuas , full cream ,
lOJ e ; tw in flats , U o : off grades C@7o ; Van
Hossnin Edoin , Sll.DO pordo ? ; sap sago , Itlc ;
brick ll@12c ; liuiburger , 7@0e ; domestic
Swiss , lUXo ; chccso safes , bionio medal ,
No. 8 , 52. fc5.
Poui.Tifi Live hens , per dozen , $ T 50@
54.00 ; mixed , ? 3 25S3 ( 50 ; spring , S00@'i ! ' 51) ) ;
turkeys , 7ftbo ( per Ib ; d'icks , ? ) 00 ( 2.50 ;
geese , $ .1 04.00 ( ) ; live pigeons , SI 50 ,
OiUNars San Gabriel , SJ 50@3 ! 75 ; fancy
Dual to Mediterranean sweets , $ 1.2" > @ 1 50.
LLMOUS. . Choice , $1.50@5 00 ; fancy , $5.75 ®
PEACHES Per % bu box , 7oc.
Al'Pi.ES Per } jj bu box , ! 55@75c.
CiiEimirs Per 21 quart ease , &i 00 ; per 10
quart drawer , $1.00.
BLACKDUitiiiEb Per 24 quart case , S3 00@
HI.ACK UtsrnEHitius Per 24 quart case ,
M 00@J 50.
KBII HA8WiEiiiiiE3 Per 21 pint case. W.OO
@ 3.25.
GoosEiinmiiES Per 2 bu , stand , 830U ; 21
quart case , $ J 00.
PJ.VU AITLKH Per doz. , $3,00@3 GO.
BANANAS According to size , per bunch ,
$2 00@3.00 ,
COCOANUTH Per 100 , $5.00.
Fiti3ii FISH White fish , per Ib , 7@3 > o ;
trout , per Ib , Oe ; white perch , per Ib , 7u ;
buffalo , per Ib , 7c ; pickerel , per Ib , Uc ; black
bass , per Ib , lie.
IJi.ANs Choice hand picked navy. $1.75 ;
choice hand picked medium , il.lia ; choice
hand plcKcd country , $1.00 ; clean country ,
UAUI.V Potatoes , CO@SOo
per bu ; onions , California , per Ib , 2e ;
southern , per bbl , & 00 ; cabbage ,
per crate , $3.60 ; turnips , per bu box , CO TOo ;
beets , per box , 75c@$1.00 wax beans , per bu
box , II 50 ; string beans , per bu box , fJ.OO ;
green peas , per bu box , f 1.00 ; tomatoes per
bu box , jl.25 : asparagu , per dozen bch ,
BOcGiil.OO ; cauliflower , * i.OJi opg plant , $1.75
@ 200 ; squash , 25e per doz ; cucumbers. 25c ;
soup bunches , 80o ; lettuto , 25c ; radishes ,
20o ; green onions , I5@20o ; uow carrots , BOo1 ,
plo plant , per Ib , ! ) c.
ClDUK-Ubls , (5.00 ; lit bbls , 13.00 ,
MAi'i.E SUOAU 12 > ! i@l5c per Ib.
PoiATOES Choice , aaoked , per bu , 2o@30o :
Colorado , 40(345. (
VBAL Choice , medium lzo , 5gCc ; choice ,
heavy , 4@5ci spring lambs , $3U.OO@30.00 per
HONEV HQlGo per Ib for choice.
PHESKUVES 9K@10o per Ib.
JELLIES ai @ 4o per Ib.
HEUSWAX No. 1 , I8@30c.
CHOP FRED f 10.00O10 5ft-
UnAK-10.00Q 10.23. ,
M \ \
i Ham * , No , 510lb arorngo ,
lOc ! 20 to 23 Ibs , 10 o ; 12 W 14 Ibs , 12o ; IVo.
2 , Oko ; specials , 12Mc ; shoUlderi , 7o ; break
fast bacon , No. 1 , lie ; specials. 12 > ic ; picnic ,
7 { o ; ham sausage , 10)jc ) ; dried beef hams ,
Oc ; ueof tongues , ? < J > i > or dozen ; dry salt
meats 5J ® 0) ) < o per lb. ,
SAUBAon Uolognn , @ 4JYo ; Frankfurt ,
7ko ; tongue , Do ; umtnbr.isjifcihcadchceso ,
Okc. .
Pome-Family , backs. p6r bbl. $13.00 ; } {
bbls , fO 75 ; mes , bbls , f 12,50bbls ; , ? < ) > !
pig pork , bbls , f 17.00 ; 'jf-bblJ , $9 00.
1JKEF 'lONOUKS SttlVbblS. ? 2000.
On.s-Kurosono P W , Oc ; W W , lie ;
headlight , 120 } salad , oil , f4.15Q9.00 per
dozen ,
PICKI.KS Medium , per bbl , $1 50 ; small ,
$5 50 ; gherkins. ? OUO ; C & B chow-chow ,
WiurriNo PAIT.II Straw , per lb , _ ,
SJfot rag , 24c ; manllla , 13 , Co ; No. 1 , Oc.
SALT Dairy , 140 2-lb pkgs , * 2.70 ; do 100
Mb pkgs , $2.1)05 ao GO 5-lb pkgs , Si50 ; do 23
10-pugs , J2.40 ; Ashton , bu bags , 50-lb , 85o ;
do4-bubags , 22Mb , f340 ; do M 8 A , 60-lb
bags , ffia ; jicr bbl. ? t,20.
SIHD3 Hlrd , 4KC'Oc.
SM sotiA li 2Jfo pnr lb.
STAIIUH SJj iirc per lb.
STO\ Poi isii $ J lKt5.87 per gross.
Si'icr.b Whole , per lb Allspice , 12o ; Cas
sia China , lOo ; cloves , Kanrlbar , 20o ; nut-
mcirs , No. 1 , 75c ; l > op | > er. 19o.
SuoAits Qianulutcd , 9 o ; confectioners
A , 9. t4 ; standard extra C , 8.81 ; yellow C ,
8c ; powdiircd , lO lOJi'e ; cut loaf , 10' c ;
cubes , lOkc , cream extra C , S 09.
TIMS Gunpowder , 20@00o ; Jnpin , 20@lOc ;
Y. Hyson , 2i(350o ( ; Oolong , 22@50o.
VlM'OAU PIT gal , 13 2lc. )
FISH Salt Dried codfish , CX@8k'c ;
scaled herring , 28c per box ; hoi hcirintt ,
dom , 60c ; Hamburg spiced herring , $1.GO ;
hoi , hot ring , 70c ( < $ M.H ) ; mackurol , half bbls.
No. 1 , $15.50 ; lunro family. $13 5J pur 100
Ibs ; whitellsh , No. 1 , SO 50 ; family , $ . ) OJ ;
trout , MOO : salmon , $8.60 ; anchovies , 80.
L-JE $1.76 ( 4 CO.
NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; Hrazlls , 9c ; fil
berts , 12e ; pecans , r.'o ; walnuts , 12c ; pea
nut cocks , So ; rousted , lOc.
HAGS-Amcilc.ui A , seamless , 17 ; Union
Square paper , discount 33 per ont.
COITUSS Green Fancy old golden Rio ,
25c ; funuy old poaborrv , 2.o ! : Rio , choice to
fancv , 21c ; Hlo , prime , 2Jo ; Rio , good , Ibc :
Mocha , C9j ; Java , fancy Mandchliiitr , 29c ;
Java , good interior , 2ic.
Coi'HJi'B Roaitcd Aibui'klo's Ariosa ,
22 , ' c ; McLaughlin's XXXX , 'io ! ; Oeniian ,
22o ; Dllworth , 2-'c ; Alaroma , 22c.
UiucKKi-8 AND CAKI.S Ui sit)18c ) per lb.
DitiBi ) FJIUITS Per lb , nprlcots , 13@10e.
Apples , Salt Like , 4 } c ; stars , fijjfc ; Aldens ,
r Jh@sc. Pcuctios , Cal. Y , iiQclcd , UOc ; Salt
Lake , fie. Prunes , Cal , It C , S ( < i > flkc. Cur-
rants,4ftiXo. Turkish lrHne8,44'4Kc. Cit
ron peel , 2Je. Lemon pool , 14c. Dates , 9c. Raisins -
sins , Malaga bunch , dohcsas , $5.00 per box ;
Valencia. , peril ) , 7c : Cal O & & , $240 per
box- , Dried grapes , 5o. lilnckberrles , riifc.
Pitted cherries , lOo 1'ittcd plums. 89 > Jc.
Raspberries , 24c. Nectarines , 12c.
CvNNhi > FIMII Biook trout , 8 lb , $240 ;
salmon trout , 2 lb , $233 ; clams , 1 lb , $1.25 ;
clams , 2 lb , S2 00 ; clam chowder , 3 lb , 5J.25 ;
devilled crabs. 1 lb , S3 S3 ; devilled ciabs. 2
Ih , ? . ! 50 ; codiish balls , 3 lb , ? 1.T5 ; cnviir , H
lb , W.2.V , eels , 1 lb , 53 21 ; lobsters , 11D.S2 00 ;
lobsters , 1 lb , 51.)0 ) ; lobsters , deviled , J < f lb ,
W 25 ; mackerel , 111) . $1.00 ; mackerel , mus
tard sauco. 8 lb , $ JUO ; maclcciel , tomato
sauce , J lb , ? 3 9J ; ovstois , 1 lb , 85o ; oysters ,
2 lb. ? l CO ; salmon , C. R , 1 Ib , ? J 10 : salmon ,
C. R , 2 lb , ? . ! 10 ; salmon. Alaska , 1 lb , $1.85 :
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $ . .90 ; shrimps , 1 lb ,
S3 03
CA > I > Y 9 } @ 12Kc jcr lb.
CIIOCOJAII : AM ) Co'cox 21 ( < f89o per lb ;
Ceiman chickory. red. be.
G ocit Jamaica , J/jpiuts , 53 00 per do .
FusiNAGi oub GOOD I Bailey , 2J @ 3J c ;
farina , 4) ) < j < ; ; peas , 3c ; oatmeal , 2 4@5o ; mac
aroni , lie ; vermicelli , lie ; rice , 4 } © a\ \
sago and tapioca , btgiAjC. ( (
Dry Oootl = .
BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem. lOo ; Beauty ,
12)-Jc ; Boone. lie : B , eased , SO 5J
Bi.A.NKLTS-White , 51.00@r.GO ; colored $1.10
@ 8 00.
CAMimica blater , 5cVoods ; , 5c ; Stan-
daid , 5u ; Peacock , 5c. c
CAUI-ET \ VAJtiBibb.White , 19c ; Colored ,
22c. , ; , r
COMI oiiTEiis $0 G033.00.
COHSET Ji'Ava Boston , 7c ; Androscog-
pin , 7 fo ; Koarsage , 7Xc ; Hockport , 0o ;
Conestoga , 0) ) c.
COTTON FIANNKIS 10 per cent trade dis.
LL , unbleached , 5Xc ; CC , fic ; SS , 7o ;
EE , S c ; GG. 'Jjfo ; XX , lOJ e ; OO , llj c ;
NN,12s'oAA ; , 14oDD ; , 15 > o ; IT. \ ( > W
YY , lie ; BIJ , lo ! ) ; 20 blotched , SKc ; ( ,0 ,
; 80 , l Ko ; 59 brown and slate , Uc ; 70 ,
; DO , lOe.
On isn Stevens' B , 3 > fc : Stcv ens' A , 7c ;
bleached , be : Slovens' P , 7c ; bleached ,
8X"i Stevens' N , S c ; bleached , 91 5
Stevens' SflT , n c.
DKMM3 Amoskeag , 9 oz , lOVic ; Everett ,
7 07 , 13e : York , 7 07 , 13o ; Havmakcr , bKc ;
Jafticy XX , HKe ; Jafftev XXX , % ; lioa-
ver Creek AA , t2a ; Beaver Cieek BU , He ;
Beaver Creole CC , lOc.
PitiNrs Pink and robes Richmond , O'fc : ;
Allun , 5c ; Riven point , 5J r ; Steel Hivor ,
OKc ; Hiolituond , Oc ; Pacillc , 0 , ' c
PHI.NTS Indigo Blue St. Legcr , 5J c ;
Washington , ( i' ' c ; Ameiican , OV4c ; Ainold.
OJ c ; Ainold Century , 9c ; V/mdsor Gold
Ult't , lOKe ; Ainold B , 10 > ; c ; Arnold A ,
12c ; Arnold Gold Seal. lOMc ; Yellow Seal ,
10 } < fe.
DUCK West Point. 29 in , 8 oz , 9 } c ; West
Point , 29 In , 10 07 , 12Uo ; West Point , 29 in ,
12 07 , 153 o ; West Point , 10 in , It oz , lOc.
FiANXi.i,3 Plaid Uaftsuicn , 20c ; Goslien ,
S2Ko ; Clear Lake , UOi c ; lion Mountain ,
20 > 'c.
FI.VNVELS White G II No. 2 , % , 22 } c ;
G II No. 1 , X , 20 0 ; B II No. 2 , % , 22M" !
B H No. 1 , a , ! ) ( ) o ; Queeohco , No. 1 , f , 4Jo ;
Quecheo No. 1 , j , WlaQuechco \ No. a , %
3J > < c.
KCNTUCKT .Ti'As Memorial , 15c ; Stand
point , 18c ; Durham , 27Ko ; Hercules , 18c ;
Ijcamiugton , 2JK" ; Gleuwood , UOc ; Melville ,
23c ; Bang-up , 27 > c.
PJIIMS bohd colors , Atlantic , On ; Slater ,
Cc ; Berlin Oil , 0) c ; Garner Oil , 0@7c.
PiiiMS.DitLftS Charter Oak , 5' ' c ; Kam-
ape , 4c ; Lodi , 5 } c ; Allen Oc ; Richmond , Oc ;
Windsor , 0 > c ; KddyHtouo , O o ; Pacific ,
0 > 4c.
4c.SiiiiiTixo Checks. Caledonia X , 'Jj < fo ;
CaleJoniaXX , lO c ; Economy , 9e ; Otis , Uc ;
Granite , O o ; Ciawford checks , 8c ; Haw
lliver plaids , fij c.
SHEETING Brown. Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7o ;
Atlaiitiu H , 7J c ; Atlantic D , 1-4 , OJ o ; At
lantic P. 1-4 , Oc ; Aurora , LL , 1 4 , 0 ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , ic ; Ciown XXX. 1-4 , ( i > fc : Hoojicr
LL , 4-4 , 5o ; Indian Head , 1-4 , 7c ; Law
rence LL , 1-1 , 5o ; Old Dominion , 1-1 , fi o ;
Popporoll U , 4-4 , OJi'o ; Poptioiell E , 10 inch ,
71/c ; Popuoroll , 8-4 , 17c ; Peppereli94 , 20c ;
Pepperoll. 10-1 , 2'c.
&HEF.TIVO , Bl.KACHEl ) EllOltOn , 7Koj
ousokecpor , 81 ; Now Candidate , 8Jjo ;
Beriteloy oambrfo , No. 00 , 9e ; Best Yet , 1-4 ,
butter cloth , OO , 4 } o ; Cabot ,
Far well , half bleached , S c ; Fruit of Loom ,
S fo ; Greene G , Oa ; Hopo.7K ; Ki"B Philip
cambric , lOc ; Lonsdnlo carabric , lOo ; Lons-
dale , 8 } o ; Now York mills , lOo ; Pepporoll ,
42 In , luo ; Popporoll , 40 in , llo ; Popperell ,
0-4 , I4Ho ; Popporcll , 8M , 30o ; Pepperoll. 9 1 ,
22o ; Pepperoll , 10-4 , 24ci ; Canton , 1-1 , 8 > o ;
Canton , 4-4 , UKo ; Triumph , Oc ; Warasutta.
lie : Valley , 5c.
Mi80Fit.ANi OL's. Table oil cloth , $350 ;
table oil cloth marble , 3.50 ; plain Holland ,
y.\ \ dado Holland , 12&c. '
TICKS Oakland , A , ) 7J c ; International
YY , bo ; Shotuckot , S,6H ! ; Wairon , No 870 ,
lUu ; lioiwirtt , BA , 18o : Acme , IBo ; Yoric ,
0 In. 12 > o ; York 82 in , l.'iko ; Swift Ulvor ,
80 ; Thorndiko OO , 8 0 ; , Thorndlko EF ,
Thorndlko 120 , ! ) J < o" ; Thorndlko XX ,
15o ; Cordis No. 5 , 0&o ; Cordls No. 4 ,
untl pli\iiiioulH.
ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , : citric ,
per lb , Bio ; oxallo , per ) b. Ido ; tartano , pow
dered , per Ib , 43o : carbolic- , S8@lfC.
ALUM Per lb. 2 } c.
AMMONIA Garb , per lb , HJ c.
AHHOWIIOOT Per lb , 10o.
BALSAM Copabia , per Ib , OSo ; tolu , 62 ®
BOIIAX Ucflned , per Ib , 0 > o.
OALOMCII Am , , par Ibj B'Jc.
. .
CASSIA Buna Per lb , 17c.
CiiLoiioroitM Per lb , 41o.
ColtuosiVK SEIILIMATK Per lb , 80o.
CU&AM TAUTAH Pure , perlb , 29o.
ExTiuoT LOGWOOD Built , per lb ,
GUM Aitvuio 5U@05c.
LtcoroniUM 14c.
GLICEUINI ? Bulk , per lb ,
GUM Assafcutida , per lb , Hu ; camphor.
per Ib , U7cj opium , per Ib , I3.4S ,
IODINB Hesubllmntcd , per oz , $3.05.
LEAVES UuchU. short , perlb , 13c ; senna
Alex , per lb , 25(33ic. (
MonntiA Sulpb , per or , 13.80.
MnncuiiT 74o.
POTASS Bromide , per Ib , 87c ; lodlno , per
QUINIASulph , per lb , liSQICo.
SEEDS Canary , per lb. 4Jic.
SOAPS Castile , mottled , porlb , 810c ; cas-
tllouvlilto , per Ib , 13@15c.
OSriniTs NITIIE Sweet , per Ib , HOc ,
STiircit u Crystals , $1.00(541.15. (
Sui.i'11 , CINCHONA Per oz , 613o.
TAIMOCA Per lb , Co.
TONCA Bmxa $1.75.
OILS Borgamont. $3 S3 ; Wintorgrccn ,
$3.15 ; Malaga , 05o ; linseed , raw , Olc ; boiled ,
* 3i OCR TIK Eng. rof'p ' , small pig , 2So ;
bar , 29.
Coi'i-nn Planished boiler sizes , 30o ; cold ,
rolled , 2Cc ; shcathln ? , 25c ; pi Us , 2Gc ; flats ,
SIIUET IKONJunlato , dis
count , 00 per cent.
quality , per lb , lOJ cl No. 21 to 27 , 11 quality ,
\ J o. For less than uundlo add X ° Pcr lb.
SHEET Iiiov No. 20 , $3 40 : No. 27 , $3.60
Soi.Dmt Hoyt Metal Co.'s half-and-half ,
In 1-lb cases , per Ib , lOo ; commercial half-
and-half , 15o ; No. 1 in bars , 14c.
TIN PLATK ( Host Cluucoal-lC ) , 10 14.
223 sheets , $0,50 ; IX , 10x11 , SJJshcots , S3 25 ;
1C , 12x12 , 235 sheets , $ < ) .50 ; IX , 12x12 , 22"
shoots , $3.25 ; 1C , 11x20 , 112 sheets , 5-0 50 ; IX ,
14x20 , 113 sheets. $ ! 35 ; 1XX , 14x20 , 113
shoots , S1000 ; IXXX , 14x20 , 113 sheets
$11.75 ; 1C , 2x03 , 112 sheets , 818 50 ; 2x28 ,
112 sheets , $17.00 ; 1XX , 2x23 , 113 sheets
$30 53.
COKE 1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets , $0,00 ; 1C ,
11x20 , 112 sheets , $000 ; 1C , 10X20 , 225
bhcots , $9 53.
Uoomo ( Best Charcoal } 20\2S , $9.75 ®
10 1 5.
STEM. NAILS Base , S3.1B ; stcol wire nails ,
base , SOW ) .
LBAU Pig , 4o : bar , 4) ) c.
BAHII Wnir Painted , $323 ; galvanized ,
$3.75(23 ( 00.
Jjiimbor , Ijliuc , ISto.
Dimensions nnd timbers
12 ( t. 14 ft. 16 ft. lb ft. 20 ft. 22 ft.M ft.
2xi..S1500 1500 1500 10.00 1000 1800 19.00
2x11. . . 1500 15.00 15.00 1000 10.00 1800 1900
2x8. . . lrK ( ) 1500 15.00 1001) ) 1000 1800 1900
2x10. . 1503 1500 1500 Hi.00 1000 lb 00 1900
2x12. . 15 UO 15.00 1500 1000 10.00 1800 1000
4x18x8. . 1000 1000 1000 17.00 17.00 1800 1000
FENCINO No. 1 , 1 and G inch , 12 and 14 ft ,
rough , $11100(3)1050 ( ) ; No 1 , 4 and G inch , 111
feet , S17.00W17.5H ; Kb. 2 I nnd 0 inch , 12 and
14 feet , $13 5I@I ( 100 ; No. 2 , 4 and G inch , 10
feet , S15 00@10"OC.
FIMSIIINO 1st nnd 2d clear , 1J inch s 2 s.
$19 OOC < 551 00 ; 1st and 3d clear , 1J < and 2 Inch ,
s 2 s , $ 17.00049.00 ; 8d clear , IX Inch , n 2s ,
S4300t lOOO ; 3d clear , I ) , ' nnd a Inch , s 2 s ,
$37.00 < < t3S00 ; Island 2d clear , 1 inch , B2s ,
f 15 00 ; 3d clear. 1 inch , s 2 s , SJO 00 ; A select ,
1 inch , s 2 s , $ J3.00 ; B select , 1 inch , s 2 s ,
$3000. '
STOCK Bo Mins A 12 in , sis , 12 , 14 and 10
ft , $40 ; B 12 in , s 1 s. 12 , Is and 10 ft. Ml ? C
12 in , sis , 12. 11 and 10 ft , $ . ! 0 : D 13 in , sis ,
12 , 11 and 10 ft , $23 ; No 1 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 12
ft , Slti ; No. 1 com , 13 in , s 1 s , 14 nnd 10 ft.
$17.50018 50 ; No 1 com , 12 in , sis , 10 , 18 nnd
2J ft , fcl'J DO ; No 2 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 14 and 10
ft , $17.
FI.OOUINO 1st com G in white pine , $33 ;
2d com G in white pine , 530 ; 3d com G in white
pmo , $25 ; d com G invhlto pine , (19 ; com 4
und G in jellow pine , ? 15 ; Star 4 in yellow
pine , $17 ! 1st .ind 2d clear yellow pine , 4 and
0 in , $19
LIMP , ETC Quiucy white hmo ( host ) . SOc ;
English and German Portland cement , $ J 15 :
Milwaukee and Louisville , $1.8J ; Michigan
plaster , $2.25 ; Fort Dodge plaster , ? 3 10 ;
Blue Rapid plaster , $1.90 ; hair , 20o ; sash , GO
per cent dis ; doors , blinds , inouldines , GO
per Cent ills ; tarred felt , per cwt. $2.00 ;
straw board , per cwt. $1.00 ;
Pori.ui Li MIIBH Clear poplar box bds , %
in , s2s , $ .i30i > ; clnar poplar % in panel ,
$3000 ; clear poplar % in panel , S31) 00 ; clear
poplar Yi in panel scoek wide , s 2s , $3,300 ;
cle ir poplar commuted coiling , % , $30 03
POSTS White cedar , G inch , halves. ] 2c ;
white cedar , 5 } inch , Inlves und 8 inch q'is ,
lie ; white cedar , t inch , round , lOc ; Tonnes-
sco red cedar , split , IGc ; split oa.r , ( white ) ,
8c ; swod oak , ISc. , Lvrn , I'EH M XX clear , ? 3 CO ;
exit a * A * , S3 SO ; stnndnid A , 3 GO ; 5 inch ,
clear , $ l. o < S > 1.70 ; 0 inch , clear , $1.75@1.80 ;
No 1 , $1.10f.jl.l5 . ; clear rod cedar , inixod
widths , S340 ; California rcd\\ood , rtimon
sion widths. $4.50 ; cvpiess , ch > ir huait , di-
muiision nulths , f.23 ) ; lath , 2 40
Basement First National Bank ,
5O5 houlhlUtli Street , - Oinuli-
Capital $400,000
Surp lucJan. 1st. IfaS'J 52.000
Ill'vnv W. YATI s President ,
LEWIS S llri i ) , Vku I'rcsWont ,
A.K 'Juu/AIlN
W. V. Mousi
\ \ . 11. B. lluaiiK" , Cajiilcr.
Corncrl2tU nnd KarnamSti
A Gone UiinKlnL'llusincss'J nuisncteil.
placed on roaard during
J-yostorilav. .
John Spoerl to Jl J.eo , lot 1 , Leo's sub ,
wd 700
A 1'Tukoy t nl to O Wallcor etal , lot.'O.
block U , Clifton 11111 , d EDO
W I , Hull mill \\lfo to.I H Dennis , lots 10
to iiblk'j. ! lot.M.blk l , lot 1. bll H. lot
y ) , bit y , ' , lots I , ! J actl J , blk ) , lot n. Ulk
Si , Hensim. w d . . . . 2,000
II JJeuurtolI Knittoi , lots ai to 3D , bit y ,
\V Jjbelby'alBtadd , wd . . . . . 1,050
Ira Van Camp nnd \ \ Ifo to T Tf-olnda , lot
17 , ulk 4 , Van Campudd , wd io
0 w Morton ct ul to O J Jbensue , lot 0 ,
Jloiton's sub , > v d 700
Albiit'lit lrtnil iV I/3t Co to T Sownrd , lots
4 and 0 , blU 1 , lot SI , blk y , lots 1,8,1. , blk
7 , lots J , 11 nnd 1.2 , bllctf , Jlntlhuws1 sub ,
wil. . . . . . . . 4.3JO
T Howard to O M Hunter , lots 4 and / . bile
1 , lot -a. blk - ' , lots 1 , ' and U' . bile 7 , lot J ,
11 anil 1Dlkb , Mutthourt' nub. w d , . . . 4,350
1' NacbtiiHuel and wife to Auj ; 1'alOer , lot
y. DllcKJ. ( Jramlvien.w d 28J
PO. Hmulwuclict al , tiustue. to II Jl
Van Knion. lots U. K ami in , blk 15 ,
Omaha Helghtx , wd C75
L llRt ) n mmlfo to IjJ 1'iitnam , o K
lot l.blkfi , 1'arkor'sadd , w rt J.7UO
L llaiibun an < l wire to b 0 Putnum , pt lot
1 , blk 1. Parker's add. w rt . . . 6.000
J U Mnntgomoi ; to B U Heady , lot 11blk
21 , Oarthiige. w d. . . . 3,000
AUK I'ratt und nlt'o to O M Hitchcock , w
! Jftlot7. blk ll'i. ' Omaha , wd IM.OOO
O/lmmerman and ulfo to I , B Kleins ,
lot r > . bUf , 1'iilnvluw , w d l.COO
A 1) Keltlo and wlfo to Mile * & Thompson -
son , lot 4 , blk 15. Centralnk , wd , 370
P N Lyon to N J Hlkling , H / lot 03 , Nel-
Bon'M add , w < 1 400
O Peterson to P It I ! K Union , lota G and
0. blk U-A' . Onmha. q c d 1
1) 0 Pattornon and wlfo to Daniel Mcl'.l-
roy. lot 1H. hlk , 1-ayetto ph. wd 8(0
H T Patrick and ulfu to ( ) McKonun , o I/
lot a , blk s , Patrick's add. w d 323
Twouty transfers aggregating
The foliavmg permits wore Uinal by
Building Inspector Whitloolc vestonlay :
Charles Turner , two story brick ro l-
oenco , UUlrty-thlrd and "arnam
streets 115,030
J. II. Ciatg , two-Btory frame residence ,
Thirty .first near I'oppleton avenue 2,500
lira. Julia Doran. onu-story frame cot
tage , Bouth hlgliloontU uctr Cuatellar
street. . . . & 00
Three minor permits , U&
Biz permits , aggregating. . , , i.tlE.bOS
lien are of Imitations , lliere Is Only One
A Curious Cnno of lnrnlyla of tlio
Slusclcs or tlio > Ta\v.
Joseph Oscar"1 Johnson , who wna sent
to the county county hospital the other
day , is n most romnrknblo person , says
n Mncon , Gix. , dUpntoh to the Now York
Herald. Ills physician tolls him tlmt
ho Is ilosllnod to die with n smllo on his
lips. Ito is n , pnralytlo. His loft sitlo
IB entirely useless , mnldnp his loeomo-
tlon slow und ilifllcult , nntl roiulorinp it
impossible ( or him to follow his trmlo ,
tlmt of locomotive engineer. The stroke
tlmt hns mntlo him BO unfortutmto cnnio
on him Komo two months upo whllo ho
was in the net of laughing , The
result was tlmt the muscles of the fnco
which nro brought into ulny whllo
Inughinp were either destroyed or
rendered so weak tlmt ho has no con
trol ovoi them whatever. His con
dition is now tlmt while ho fain would
cry over his misfortunes he is compelled
to laugh. It is nol ti broad nnd hearty
laugh , but a silent , laugh , too qulot for
a roar nnd yd more than a smllo. It is
a. sort of cross between a brand grin nnd
a ha-ha-lm. During n recital of his
many troubles , whluh ombruco every
species of ill-luck , ho laughs us though
U wits all a big joke , and in consequence -
quonco his appeals for nd ! nro mis
judged. Uis story is an interesting one ,
especially so when ho endeavored to
have us much fun as Coal Oil Johnny.
"My name is Joseph Oscar Johnson ,
name enough to hang mo , " ho said ,
"and when I reached my majority I foil
heir to § 110,000. T wanted to sco the
world , and after n. trip over the United
Stales I took a notion to go to South
America. It was there tlmt I saw tho.
broad-fruit trco , anil I reckon that
made tho. most impression on mo for
I vc been praying for the sight of a
bread-fruit tree over since. After I
spent all my money I bottled in North
Carolinawhore I married the daughter
of a smoking tobitcco manufactuiorand
she's there now with live of my child
ren poor things. Over hero in Trenton ,
in South Carolina , I was Ilxiug an in
spirator on an engine when the stroke
camo. The doctors say that Iill
always laugh , that I will die laughing.
Do I'laugli at jokes ? Certainly I do ,
and I hear some every day so old tlmt
they have whiskers on them , but I am
compelled to laugh at'cm. Loid knows
I don't want to laugh. It's awful harden
on a fellow to hayo to laugh mil the
time. Think of my telling my wife and
children good-by and listening to their
prayers for my recovery of health , and
yet' laughing as though ityas some
funny stories they were telling me.
Think of the pleasures that I can't ' en
joy. If I go to church the congregation
puts mo down as ti fool ; and it is a great
deal worse if I go to the funeral of even
my best friends. I have been
kicked all over streets because ladies
thought I was laughing at them. I
bpont a toriible night in the woodb re
cently. The lain came down in Hoods ,
and my crippled log refused to carry
mo to"a house I saw in the distance ,
\\hero I might obtain shelter. No.xt
morning , chilled tluough and through ,
as hunury as a wolf and suireimg ox-
crueiatifig agony in every bono , I
crawled to the houbo nnd imkotl for a
bite of bomothintr to cat. The people
saw mo laughing and would not believe
my btoi y. I grow almost desperate , and
appeale'd to them for the love of heaven
to illinvo my dibtiess , but they thought
I was oul joking and turned mo aw.iy.
No , goiulomon , my laugh is against
me. "
And then , its the tears poured from
his ej es while ho thought oor his trou
bles'ho was laughing like a hyena.
Are you nervous and initab'e ? A
glass of Cook's Imperial Wine banishes
that feoling. It's the puie grape jmco
naturallv fermented.
Boots and Shoos.
Buccoisor In Root , Jones ,1 Co
Wholesale Maniifect of Boots & Slices
Actnta for Boston Rubber Shoe Co , 11X' , 1101 and UK
llaruer Strnot , Oimilm , Ncbraikti.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
131 North ElKhtcc th > trc t. Om U .
MamTaotnrersof Galyaaizefl Iron Cornice
Wlndon-oaps mid mctnllc styllnlin John IJiionutor ,
proiiclutor. UK and UU t-outli 10th Btroet.
, Offloe FUturcis.
MnnufncturerB of
IM. Office and Saloon fixtures ,
llnntlot , siilnbonriU Iloolt Ci c.i , nrur 1 ( Sturm , Wall
rn cs , Partitions. U lillrizr. Counters , I'torunU W Ina
Coolen. JilrrorJ , Etc-1 nttorjr nnil offlca , 17SO Una nil
Boutb 1 lib lit. Om lia. Tclcphono 1\U. \
Paper Boxes.
Proprietor Ouialia Paper Box Factory ,
Noi 1317 r.Jil 1319 Douglas troot , Onialiu , NcD.
Doors , Eto ,
M , A. r > ii > mow ; & co. ,
Wlio1 ale msnaracturori of
sasli , Doors , BlMsan
Branch MClce , ith and Uunl etrcut Omnha , N b.
Mannf-ctnrers of Sasli , Doors ,
llouldlnps , olnlr-norli nnd Interior hurl wiod nnlah.
N , 11. corner bill nnil I.rHvoumrth ueoli ,
Omnlia , Nob.
SlllANll .1 ULAHK UJRAM HIAJt&l ! Cl
FniniiRr Pipes and Enginei
Bt > m , w tor. rillwar nnd mlnlne inpnllw. at *
_ BU ! , Vt miu .i24 I nrnun tln-utruuialia.
Steam anfl Yfate-1 - Snuplies ,
wind ralllJ. tlS nnd ! 2J Jonat BU , Omaha.
U. F. l
mwNELL& CO ,
Engines , Boilers and General Macbtey ,
work , stcnni pumiii , inn mllli , 121J-12U
Loivtmv , orlh uteui , Omaha ,
Iron Works.
Curler A. tun , I i j 't J 11 nil HUH r > clnlIUr ;
Sleani BoIIeri TanKs and Sheet Iron WorK
Worka boutli JJtli and II. X M. croulnz. Tel. 1115
Wrought and Cast Iron Building W ,
uinnei. brnH work , general foundry , machine and
blackialtn woik Ontra nd worit , U. P. lljr.
_ and lltliitieo , Omaha. _
Manufacturers of Y/irc / and Iron Railings
Peik ralli , oludoir guards , llow r alandt , wlro alBoa.
_ etc. W Nurtii UtU Hre t , oinalia. _
ManPrs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
OfOiuaiia Limited ,
Agrlculturnl Implements.
Dealer in Airricnltiiral Implements , W
Csrrlagei and baMlta. .Tonot ulrcot , botwcon 9th and
lint , Omaha. y bra > a.
Agrlcnlt1 implements , Wagons , Carriages
Buggies , etc , \Vtiol i lo. OmMia. Nebrxlia.
Wholesale Dealers la
Agricultural Implements , WapnsS Bnggies
Ml. Kt % KM n JOT Jones itrcet , Omiih * .
Manufacturer nnd jobber * In
Wagons , Buggies , Rafts , Plows Etc ,
Cor. 8th nd 1'aclHo itroatt , Omaha.
_ _ _ _ _
1. 11OSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
U13 Douglai itreot Omaha , aebrnska.
Boots nnd Shoos.
ir. v. MORSE Aco. . ,
Jolite of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,11(0,1103 ( loncln itropt. Omaha. Manufactory ,
Hammer urci-t , notion.
_ _ Con I , Co11 < p n ml JLI m o. _ . _ _ _ . . - .
Jobbers of Hard anJ Son Coal ,
SOT South 13th ilrvol , Oinnha , Nebriuka.
Sl South 13th 8t. Omaha , Neb. _
Wholesale Lnmliisr Etc ,
lnijortnl | nuil Ainvrlcaii I'nrllHim terno it. 8 * *
necnt for Mllwnukto lijilrmitlo comon. ixna
Oiilnry whlto limn.
Dealer in Harflwoofl Lnralier ,
WooA car poll nml parquet flouring , oth and IMOf 1M
* ttr U , Omnba , N b.
MKMsofBnMingMaterialatWliolesali } ,
15th Btroot and Unluu I'acllloTractOmnlia ,
Dealer in lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Boon , nto , Yardi-Cornoi 7th nail Douglai. Corner
lUth and
Lumber , HIM Cement , Etc , , Etc.
Corner flth and Dougla Bt , OmaliB.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber.
13th and California Btrtcu , Omaha , Ncbratka.
Ml III no r y a nd _ JNotlo ng.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
3U ) . 310 and M aontli lltb. ntrt > L
Wholesale Notiousiifl FnriiislilE Goojs.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties Winter , CCBS , clicesu , | > oultrjam * .
_ Iliallo-iranl street Omnlm.lNoh
pryjCoods and Notion8.
M.'E. SitIIa A CO ,
Dry Goods , Fornisning Goofls and Notions
1102 ud 1101 UuuzlM , cor. lltb itroet , Omabu , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Ciootls.Notions .
( ienta1 lurnlshlnit Rocdn Corner llth anil Ilarn r
BtrcotB , Onialin , Nubraika.
Importers nnd jobbers of *
Woolens anil Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
817 Boutb IStli street.
Fumum > .
Mosaic Dealers in Furniture . 4
Fnrnnm strtet , Omatm , Nebrmkii.
* "
Furniture ,
Wholesale Groceries anil Provisions ,
705.707. 700 nnd 711 South IQthtt. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers'
13th ana .benreutrorth ittoots , Omaha , Nebraikat ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
BprlDKS , woROn stock , bnrdrroro , lumhnr , eto. 130 !
and 1211 llnruoj strcot , Omaha. _
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
MoUU. ulicct Iron , etc Adcnte tor llowo icalea
Miami powder and L > uinu barlicil wlrUi
Bnilfl rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shon
Uecbanlc , ' looU ucd HulTUo * oule . HU Douglai
ntruBt. Omaha. Neb.
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls Albums , Fancy Goods
Ilouso flinilKliliiK ( jooilH , cluldrou's cuul
1 UJ I'arimni btiml , Umahn Mob.
_ _ . . _ . . _ > _ _ _
( ( B
" '
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils
uci E ( , tu. , ( im Im A 11. Url | ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry n nice ntotk of I'rliitlni ' ; . wmiM' n und nrlllng
paper , Hpcolul nttontlciu klveu to u ml pup jr.
Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' ,
The Vest Ilouto from Omaha and Council
HIiifTs to
Chicago , AND Mllwaukco ,
St. 1'aul , MluneuiiolL ) , Cedar Itnplds ,
Itock Island , Frcepurl , Kockford ,
Clinton , Dubuquc , Dntcuport ,
ii'ln : ( , Madison , Jancsvllle , yl
llclolt , > Vliiona , La Crossc ,
Ana all th r luiportant polnti Bait , NortUemt M <
Bouttntit. f
For thrnnnhtlekoli , cation the ticket agent atlMl : >
rarnaio lnotln Barker Jllocor at Union J'iciaS
Pullman Dletpori and tUo flnent
Dining Can In the
worMari > rurionlliia ln line oj tui Uloiao. S\l \
waukeo & bt. Paul Kallwar. and tferr ntMutlnn U
anl'"CDS'r * b' wurtooui juplOMi if th
com an
UV/irf.ltIIUeB ? / Ml Man ( ier.
J. F. TIICKRU. AMlitant Ucnoral llanaccr
Ul > J N ' "ai
l'tU- < - l wnwr .
V , l , , OiDttal Htt * rlnteal ( Bi.