Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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2 nlghta of Pythias Hold Their
Grand Drill at Columbus.
iroccc < lIiiKf > of the Crutn and ttoat-
rtco 'Ohnntntiiiiifi Assemblies
AVI To Beater Fined At
UnkntA Cltv.
Drill nt Columbus.
Couj.MDtm , Neb. , July 5. [ Special Tolo-
rnm to Tin : BBK.J The fifth day of the
encampment dawned clear with n strong
) vlml blowing from the south. The road
from the city to the camp ground was ono
'cloud of dust , so that few people ventured
put. The camp wi.s frco from dust , but the
lilgh wind , prevented the programme from
being carried out iw anticipated. No moro
jnilclits have arrived , and there it some dls-
toppolnlmcnt expressed hero ut the BtniUlnees
ot the number , an moro were expected. It
eocmcd during the forenoon as If the day
wan going to ha decidedly dull , but as this
Vras net apart as knight day , Camp Dayton
presented quite n lively nppcarnnuo nt an
onrly hour. The prize . drill did not take
pla'countiM p. m. The following divisions
competed for the prizes : Omaha , No. IS ;
Hebron division , and Lincoln , No. 1. Two
hou and people witnessed the drill. The
prizes will-not bo awarded until 7 p. m. to
morrow. The ladles' brigade gavu mi exhi
bition drill in the oporu hoiisq this o vouing
to a largo and attentive audience.
A niurdorcr'H CrocodileTnnrs. .
PI.ATTSMOUTII , Neb. , July 5 , [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : BIR , | Mrs. C. M. Holmes ,
of this city , hus received the following letter
Trom Miss Cclla Carr , sister of Mrs. William
Owens , the lady who , It will bo remembered ,
was BO outrageously maltreated by her hus-
jtmnd , nnd who died on the train near St.
Louis on her way to her parents In Jack-
pen , O. :
, JACKHOX , O. , July 1. Mrs. Holmes : I am
in more trouble than ever. That old dog
pnmo to Jackson ( moaning Owens ) last
yrcck. Ho got oft the train nt the station
pbovo hero anil went to the gr.ivcyard , and
pent Dick with n no to to Pa , telling him to
bring the children to BOO him. Tticro was a
warrant out for him for blackmailing before
lie loft hero. Pa thought ho would co nway
if ho could see the children , so niy sister
took them out , and ho was sitting on Annie's
( his wlfo's ) grave , singing and letting on as
though ho was crazy. Ho claims that the
"people " nnd the doctor in Plnttsmouth mur-
pcrcd Annie. Ho stayed three days ana
Rights in the graveyard nnd said ho would
not leave until ho haa seen iVnnie. His for-
iacr friends went out to see him and ho
cried and pleaded so hard that hu aroused
their sympathy , and they got out permission
to open the grave and he was satlsllcd.
A rtrniiinrit lOtovator Burned.
BKAINAKD , Neb. , July S. | Special to THE
ilnE.l Hiinebaugh&Mornatn's grain eleva
tor , situated at this point , was discovered to
)0 on llro nt II a. m. , and despite the efforts
if the lire department was burned to the
ground , Ono freight car on a trade near the
plovator was also burned. About 3,00 busn-
v. ols of praln were stored In the elevator. Loss
gn building , $3.500 ; insured for Si.OOO In the
Niagara Insurance company. Loss on grain ,
$2,000 ; Insured for full amount in the Phe-
nix. The llro Is believed to bo incendiary.
Lonp City'H CiliIrnti n.
Loup CITY , Neb. , July D. [ Special to Tun
I3EE.1 The celebration hero yesterday was
fi grand success m every detail , particularly
the trades display , which was over ono and a
half miles in length , representing every busl-
faoss house In the city In a most elaborate
and magnificent manner. In many windows
yvcro also displayed scenes of ' 70. A long
and varied programme of amusements was
carried out successfully : Prizes were given
Cor the best farmers display , oldest lady and
bldcst man , fattest baby and ugliest man.
LOUISVILLE , Nob. . July 5. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BRH.J Loulsvlllo did herself
Jiroud , holding the largest and best celebra
tion over hold In Cass county. Over two
thousand visitors were present from all
tjarts of the state and two brass bands dis
coursed music. J. L. Doty and A. G. Green-
Ice , of LincoVi. inndo patriotic addrcsocs.
Dr. A. V. Hobmson , of Ashland , road an
original poem written expressly for the oc-
dasion , entitled -'Our Nation's Flag. " A
grand display of llroworks was made at
night. _
North I'lutto-JolliUcs.
fs Noniii PLATTK , Nob. , July 5. [ Special to
ft THE BKE. ] Yesterday's celebration was
the greatest In the history of North I'latto.
( The pcoplo on thu line of the Union Pacific
railroad took advantage of the half-faro
rates' and poured In by the car-load. Lex
ington sent a line band nnd two car loads
filled with gentlemen and ladies. The parade ,
h uillo or BO in length , made n line appear
ance. A iluo ubow of lireworks camu off on
the court ho use square In the evening.
Hotel Klro at Scntln.
SCOTIA , Nob. , July 5. [ Special Telegram
to THE BKK. ] Last nlgnt about 11 o'clock
flro was discovered In the roar of the Com
mercial house and very soon the entire buildIng -
Ing was in llamos , the inmutns barely having
tltnoto cacaoo in their mpht clothes by ( did-
ing down ttio corner posts. The build ! g
with contents waa destroyed. Loss , about
$4,000 , ; Insurance , . ' ,500.
Not Rc-viM'o
DAKOTA CITV , Nob. , July 5. [ Special Tele-
Rram to Tin : UKK.J M. E. Kennedy was
to-day lined by Justice Jay ? GO nnd costs or
two months In the county jail for boating his
\vlfe. Ho will appeal. Kennedy Is a resident
of Jackson , and has figured in numerous
nssault and battery cases heretofore.
Cut By a Seal ) .
NEHUASKA CITV , Nob. , July B. [ Special
ffologram to Tins Bms.l A B. &M. engineer
framed Phillips last evening cut \Vnltor
Kooch , ono of the old engineers , with nknlfo ,
indicting nn ugly but not nocoBsanlv danger
ous wound. Itooch followed Phillips about
town culling him u
Dentil KM its n Sprno.
LottisviLi.K , Neb. , July 5. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKU. ] A Swede , named Nelson ,
n workman In the ijuarry bore , was found
( load behind u ualoon in town yesterday.
IIu death is supposed to DO caused by a pro
tracted sprco.
I-'ntnl Qnnrrol Over .1 Wnninn.
NEIIIIAHKA CITV , Nob. , July 8. A man
named Lair fatally nhot n farmer nntncd
Harrlhnn lubt night nt a danro ut Hamburg.
Ja. , twelve miles east of hero. Thu men
( juurrollod over u woman.
Siilolilfil hy . _ . „ .
ELWOOU. Nob. , July B. [ Special Telegram
to Tun UKK.J Joseph Watson , u resident of
Qospor , committed.suicldo this morning by
Imiiplut ? h'liiisolf. The cause Is supposed to
bo mind trouble.
lloooKititlim Day at Buntrion.
BBATUICK. Nob. , July 5. [ Special to TUB
HEU. ] The most oonserviUivo estimates
place tbo attendance ut Uivorsldo park yes-
torduy nt 12,090. The crowd to-day
Was not qulto BO largo , but not
loss than flvo thousand people were present
this afternoon to witness the nhain batllo
cud ether Inturcsting features of tlio day.
To-doy bolnp HocoK'altlon da.v , was guncr-
nlly devoted to the formal details of regular
Cliautauqua u-orjc. In the afiurnoon Dr.
Iluys delivered nn address upon ' Charautur
und Mnimcra , " that was attentively lUluncd
to by a largo coiiKroKatiou. In the evening
ir. J. n. youtiK K'wu two tntorcfltliiL' talliR
nt Bepurato Intorvuls on "Tho Uhuutaunua
Idea" und "Tho World of To-day. "
Dr , Fitch , of Hastings , president of tuo
baptist StatoChautauqun association , visited
ho grounds to-day with ft vlmv to locating
ho permanent headquarters of the associa
tion nt Beatrice.
To-morrow nnd Sunday promise to bo the
( treat days of the assembly , Hov. Sam Jones
will arrive In the city early In the morning.
vord to that effect havlna been received
to-day , In the nftcrnoon Robert Mclntyro ,
"tho Hoosler Orator , " will deliver ono of his
nlmltnblo lectures , and nt night Sam Jones
will advise the world how to "Quit Your
Meanness. "
Visiting delegations hnvo sent word ahead
or accommodations nnd Saturday nnd Sun-
lay will probably witness the greatest an-
cmblago of people over assembled at ono
line In Beatrice.
The following Is the programme for to
morrow :
ATumuY. ivt.r 0 , TIUVCUNO MEN'S , OMAHA ,
7:150 : Morning prayer.
8:00 : Twelfth lesson advanced normal
8:00 : Twelfth lesson junior normal class ,
8:40 : Primary department.
0:15 : Clnsn in elocution general.
10:00 : Music class.
11:00 : Music conference in charge of Prof.
3. F. Cravens , musical director.
2:00 : Afternoon lecture. Hobort Mcln-
vro , of Chicago , III. Subject : "Wyandotto
Cnvo , or Thirty Hours In the Sunless World. "
! 1:40 : Thirteenth lesson advanced normal
8:40 : Thirteenth lesson junior normal
3:40 : Primary department.
4:00 : Class In elocution clergymen.
4 : HO Classes In music.
G:00 : W. F. M. Council. Our work. Mrs'
M. J. Shplto.y.
7:30 : Musical prelude.
8:00 : Evening lecture , llov. Sam Jones ,
f Onrtorsville , da. Subject : "Quit Your
Meanness. "
Thn Crnto Chnittniiqnn.
CIIETE , Neb. , July 5. [ Special Telegram
.o . THE B c.J At 5 o'clock the officers and
nstructors of the assembly tendered u re-
option to the graduating class nt Dinning
hall. At 7 o'clock Miss Clothier , of Boston ,
delivered a teuiporanco nddress to n largo
nudlcncoln the pavllllon. At S o'clock on
uunciiEO crowd assembled for the grand
onccrt givtin by Dr. Palmer's chorus of 200
voices , assisted by a half dozen eminent solo-
sts and by Miss Park , the charming cornov
st. The concert was remarkable in tlireo
aspects , the excellent slnglnir , the rich mid
icautiful costumes of some of the ladles , mid
ho immense nudlcnco. After the concert
he half hundred ghosts appeared and gave a
most ludicrous and realistic burlesque. H
vlll bo moro fully described in Tin : BEE 'of
Tocumsoli Observes the Day.
TEOUMSEII , July G. [ Special to THE BEB.J
The celebration which came off yesterday
vas decidedly the best Johnson- county over
md , It being the occasion not only of the
glorious Fourth , but also u dedication at the
completion of the neatest court house in the
tato. c The dedicatory oration was delivered
> y Hon. John L. Webster , of Omaha , who
eloquently reviewed the history of the ad-
ninlstratiou of justice , nnd of the past and
uturo prospect of our common country. The
orator w"as followed by Hov. Dr. Harsha , of
our city. The merchants' nnd business men's
laradc , the racing and fireworks were all
cho very best wo ever had.
A Hot Dny at Oirnllnln.
OOAI.LILA , Nob. , July 5. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. | To-day has been the
lottcst of the season , the thermometer being
K ! degrees in the shade.
"World' * Sunday t-.ciiool Convention.
Loxi > 6x , July 5. At the morning session
of the World's Sunday School convention
o-day , Secretary Kelley of the Wesleyan
Sunday School union , Mr. Jacobs nnd Mr.
McNcill spoke on a resolution declaring that
every school should inculcate temperance
iriuclplcs in order to fit the rising genera-
, iou for active and aggressive
efforts in every department of
Christian work. At the aiternoon
session Jacobs moved that the next conven
tion bo held In America in 1S93 , the decision
as to the exact date and location to bo loft to
the general committee. The closing meeting
was held this evening in Exeter , hall. Lord
[ Conimird presided. Count Bernstorff of
Berlin. Messrs. Hitchcock and McKilligan ,
Dr. John Hall of New York , and Jacobs
made addresses.
Manitoba's I'rcinlur Dentl.
WINNIPEG , Man. , July 5. Hon. John Nor-
juay , for nearly twenty years premier of
Manitoba and one of the best known men In
.ho Canadian northwest , died suddenly at
Ins residence in this city to-night of heart
The "Q" Itond ami Its Branches Form
a 3Limml IJ&noJU Society.
The Chicago Burlington < fc Quiucy rail
way and Its different branches have ottered
Into nu agreement to form a relief depart
ment for the payment of benefits to em
ployes who may become sick or disabled or
be killed while in the service of the compa
The administration of affairs is in the
hands of a joint advisory committee , com
posed of representatives of the employes of
all the roids and of members selected by
the boatds of directors of the different roads.
The relief department is sustained by volun
tary contributions from the members , who
am divided into classes according to the
amount of their pay , these who rcceivo not
more than $40 per month being in the first
class , and these receiving moro than $100 per
month forming the fifth class. The tli.-oo
intervening classes are composed of employes
whosu pay range from $10 to $11)0 per month.
The rate of contribution varies from 75 cents
to $ . ' 1.75 per month , nnd the sick benefits from
50 cents to } U. ! > 0 per day. Death boncilts are
from $750 to ? J50. Should n member of the
rnllcf department , or his legal representa
tive , bring suit against any of the associated
companies for damncca on account of injury
or death , payment of bonellts from the relief
fund on account of the saino will not bo
made until the suit is discontinued , and
should tba suit proceed to judgment or bo
compromised , all claims on the relief fund
for benefits will bo thereby precluded , fn
the aifo of disability on account of accident
while in the discharge of duty , the necessary
medical attendance will be furnished. Em
ployes may receive additional benollts by
paying a larger amount each month into the
fund. A member who voluntarily leaves the
service of the company or Is discharged
thereby forfeits his membership.
Clmrcoil With Horao Htnallnt ; .
Martin Johnson was arrested yesterday on
the charge of horse stealing. Ho is the man
who unharnessed and drove off a hackman's
horses from the Mlllard hotel Wednesday
Oh u in nauii o CorkH.
"Do you know , " said n broker who
had iniulo n prolltablo turn in gas stock ,
to ti reporter for the Cincinnati Coin-
tnoriiiul , us ho ordorctl "minthor sinnll
bottle , " "Hint these clminpagno corks
cost u great deal of money. Take this
cork , tor instnnco , " picking it up nnd
Bhowinpr its quality to the listeners ,
"ovory ono of these- corks for pint bottles
tles cost just 4 cents eauh. That's what
they ooot in France , and the champagiio
houses buy them by the ton. All
sorts o'f devices hnvo been used to do
uwa'y with the heavy expense of valua-
able corks , but none of them have been
practical , and a return to cork was nec
essary. A good cork is a great factor in
the champagne Indufatry. Three years
ago ono of the biggest champagne
houses in Franco lost nearly 75 per cent
of its exportation to America that year
because thu corks used were of poor
quality. Since then they have pur
chased none but the best of corks , The
quality of a cock is told by ita close
grain and its marvelous expansion iiftoi
It is withdrawn from the bottlo. A good
ohainpngno cork is the pride of all the
wine agents. "
Pears soap secures a buautlful , com
Freight and Excursion Trains Ool-
llclo Near Dubuquo.
T\vn Brothers Killed By the Cnrfl
Dates Fixed For the Itogimcntnl
Kn cam ptnciit Great oil's Ulno
Grass 1'nlnoo.
Kxoiirnlon nntl KrcluhtTrnliiB Collide.
DunuQun , la. , July 5. Last night at 0.
o'clock the cast-bound freight train on the
Chicago , St. I'mil & Kansas City road col-
Idod with nu excursion train lour mlles
nbovo this city. The excursion train was
returning to Twin Springs , n surburban pre
sort. whoroa Grand Army picnic was being
icld. The collision occurred just east of n
fiharu curve around which the freight came
on thu down grade , ronddrhiK It imposslblo
'or the engineers to BOO each others' hcad >
iRht , save at a short distance. Brnkoiimu ,
William Harrlgan was hilled. The engineers
uul llromou escaped with suvoro injuries by
limping. Thu engines and passunger. cars
were wrecked , Tun thousand people wore
obliged to stay ut Twin Springs nil night.
As ltwas ; very cold , fences were torn down to
uiako tires with which to keep warm.
The KcKltnc.Mital Kticatnpmont.
DEsMoisas , In. , July 5. [ Special Tele-
; ram to Tun Hi ; E.I The adjutant general of
: owa has fixed the following dates for tno
jcglnnlng of regimental encampments of the
National Guard , each encampment to last
Ivo days. First reirlraont , Colonel . L.
Davis , Tuesday , August CO ; Second regi
ment , Colonel P. W. MeMnnus , Monday ,
August 5 ; Third regiment. Colonel J. G.
Galrlirlst , Tuesday , August 20 ; Fourth regi
ment , Colonel A. G. Stolvnrt , Monday ,
August 5 ; Fifth regiment , Colonel G. H.
Jnstlo. Monday. August I ! ) ; Sixth regiment ,
Colonel C. W. lioutln , Monday , August 12.
i'ho places for the cauipa hnvo not nil boon
selected , but the SlxtU regiment will camp
at Iowa Falls and the Third regiment proba
bly nt Newton. _
Another Theatrical Failure.
DBS MOINKS , In. , July 5. [ Special Tele-
; raui to Tun BF.E.J A petition was filed in
, ho district court to-day by the Littleton ,
Sow Hampshire , Savings bank against the
Dos Molnes Land company ot nl , asking for
a foreclosure for possession of the Grand
opera houso. The house was built by the
defendant company and bonded , the bonds
jciug nearly all Hold by eastern parties. The
bonds originally were for § 53,000. but Interest
and unpaid taxes have raised the incuiu-
brance to nearly 8TO.OOO. Mr. J. 13. Weaver ,
r. , was appointed receiver , pending litiga
tion , and Manager Moore was appointed to
run the house as heretofore.
Crt'fiton Notof.
CIIKSTON , la. , July 5. [ Special Telegram
to THE BUR. ] Ground was broken to-day for
Creston's blue grass palace. It will bo built
ut a cost of $25,000 and bo completed Au
gust , 20.
The First Baptist church has finished an
investigation Into the alleged misconduct of
its pastor , Kev. Fred W. Eason , who some
weeks ago was assaulted and knocked down
jy the enraged husband of one of his
parishioners. Hov. Eason , by the resolutions ,
is exonerated from all imputation of wrong
doing or wrong intention.
A Shootiiij ? Affray.
HAMnoito , la. , July 5. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BEC. | A shooting affray was enacted
last night at the residence of A. Harrington ,
n farmer who resides six miles south of town.
W. Lair shot Granville Tollevar through the
r.ock with n revolver while protecting him
self against Tollevur , who was armed with u
knife. Tollovur is in a precarious condition ,
but will probably recover. Lair has left antl
can not bo found. There was n dance going
on at that place and both parties are reported
to have been drunk.
Inwu Colloco Chnneos.
Dns Moixn < j , la. , July 5. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Ben. ] The trustees of Iowa
College , nt Grinncll.havo _ elected John K.
AVightuian , Ph. D. , Johns Hopkins univers
ity , to the professorship of modern languages ,
to succeed Prof. Sicord , roatgnoJ. Also E.
II. Harbour , a Yale graduate , to bo professor
of natural history and biology , to succeed
Prof. II. W. Harkor , resigned. Prof. Bar-
hour was for eight ycara in the Peabody
museum , assistant to Prof. Marsh.
A Urinal Assault.
LYONS , la. , July 5. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEP. . ] Last night , while Louis Fritsch-
ler , foreman , and his assistant , Chris
Strieker , were asleep In the Fritschler brew
ery , they wore assaulted by four unknown
men , who heat them terribly with stakes
taken from n wagon , rendering them Insen
sible and covering the walls with blood. No
reason for the brutal attack is known. The
injured men were badly hurt , but will prob
ably recover.
Hiilclilo at Alt. Auburn.
Cr.nAH RAPIDS , la. , July 5. [ Special
Telegram to THU BnE.l P. Trlom , ot Mt.
Auburn , a well known sioci : buyer ot that
city , committed suicide by shooting himself
this morning. Ho leaves n wife and six
small children , Trierj was financially cm-
barrusscd , and brooding over the fact led to
the unfortunate deea.
Two Brothers Killed.
HAMIICHO , la. , July 5. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEB.J Two young men , brothers ,
wora run over and killed by a north bound
Kansas City , St. Josonh & Council Bluffs
freight train last night. Tlioy were mangled
beyond recognition. They had been drinking
and had evidently gone to sleep on the track.
A IlcGtvlu&H Yoiintistor.
BOONE , In. , July 5. [ Special Telegram to
THE Br.E.1 A small boy named Ely hold u
lighted flro cracker in his teeth. When it
exploded a part of his tongue was gonu.
Thi I'lrntca of Our Youth.
Oh , these dear , delightful pirates of
our youthful readiiip , where hnvo they
disappeared to ? They monopolized all
of the swift sailing' vessels , and their
superior seamanship enabled thorn to
safely weather storms to which honest ,
hard-working ships often succumbed ,
muses the editor of Texas Sittings.
\Vo used to wonder whore the timber
prow from winch they constructed
these tall , tapering masts , for they
could sustain mi amount of canvass that
would sand any other craft to the bet
tom. You never caught a thorough
bred pirate talcing in sail during a
storm at least , not in our day. In
stead of that he would shako out
every reef there was , from the
main yard to the main royal. It is
wonderful how much sail an industrious
pirate could make in trying to overhaul
n prize or got away from a dangerous
The pirates of our youth was dressed
in a velvet suit trimmed with gold lace ,
and his logs we're incased in high-top
patent-leather boots , surmounted by
gold tassels. His broad , immaculate
shirt collar , frilled at the. edge , rolled
over his jacket , with the significant
skull and crossboncs embroidered in
the corner by the plrnto's bride , who
awaited his return on that beautiful
isle of the sea which constituted their
homo. Thou ho were above his raven
locks , that waved so luxuriantly adown
his Apollo-liUo shoulders , n cunning
little scarlet cap with tnssol of gold ,
and a broad barbaric scarf around his
waist was a. receptacle for his trusty
pistols and clmetcr of 'Damascus stool ,
when ho could steal ono. Oh , wo'll
never see another pirate hlco him if wo
live u thousand years 1
icn n
The Nntlamst fjoixniio.
CnioAoo , July G.-ilertuJt of lo-dny's gamot
Chicago . .4 &QJB 0 0 3 0 o
Washington..0 j0 , , h 0 00000 1
Base hits ChlcngoiS , Washington 8.
Errors Chicago J , Washington 3. Bat-
torlos Toner ahd F-urroll , ICoofo and Clark
Umpire Lynch.
PiTTsncnn , Jut JS Ucsjilt of to-day's
' " *
fmnio !
Pittaburjr . O.Q.O fl 0 0 1 0 0 5
Now York . 0 . ( PpjO 00002 2
Uaso hits PltUuuM 14 , Now York 0.
Errors PlttsburRlrNriw York 1. Batteries
Stalcy nnd Mlllof mich nnd Ewlng. Um
pire McQunld. *
-Uosult of to-day's
Kumo ! 3 v
Indianapolis . 0 0 3
Philadelphia. . . . 0 1 4 0 2 0 1 3 " 11
Base hits Indianapolis 0 , Philadelphia 13.
Errors Indianapolis 8 , Philadelphia 3. Bat
teries Gotzoln and Huslo , Dailoy for In
dianapolis. Glcason nnd Clements for Phila
delphia. Umpire Fossondon.
Cr.nvni.AKi ) , July G. Kcsult of to-day's
game :
Cleveland . 0 00000002 2
Boston . 0 00000000 0
Base hits Cleveland 0 , Boston 4. Errors
Cleveland 1 , Boston 4. Batteries Bakoloy
nnd Xlmmdr , Clarkson nud Bennett. Um
pire Curry.
Tlio American Association.
LOUISVILLE , July 5. Hosuit of to-day's
Athletics . 1 2012130 * 0
Louisville . 0 00001000 1
Standing of the Clubs.
Following Is the standing of the \Vcstorn
association clubs , up to and including ycs-
torday'a ' games :
Played. Wou. Lost Per Ct.
Omaha 53 38 15 .717
St.Paul 53 87 10 .0 3
Sioux City 53 80 23 .500
Minneapolis..53 20 27 .491
Denver 53 24 29 .453
DesMomos..4 21 23 .42 < J
St. Joseph 40 17 32 .347
Milwaukee 50 15 33 .300
Dos Molnes 7. Milwaukee O.
MII.WAUKRB , WIs. , July 5. The Mllwau-
koes were defeated by Dos Moines to-day
through listless playing. Score :
r. b. o. n. o. r.h. o. n. c.
I'oornmnrr..O a 1 U 0 3 .1 0 0 2 1 U U 1 Kli imm,2l.U 1 : i 1 0
MorrlsDur , 1U..1 1 H U 0 Wliltcloy , cr..O 1 0 II n
Miock , j.i 1 1 'J fi UConnoll.Ub 1 3 1 3 1
IHI-.VO , If U U U II "Trniiloy.c 3 o 2 u
Klrbj-,21) 0 a 2 ; il , Smltli. Ib 1 ( I 10 ( I 0
Albert * . 3D I 0 2 l.'l ) \Iiicullnr.B3..2 I ) U 1 1
Crltlltli , n 0 1 0 l"l Htm , rf U 4 II ( I U
Hurley.o 1 1 0 2 U Alexumlor , p..l 0 U 2 U
Totals 61051 12' E Totals 7 1020 9 2
Orimtli out , lilt with bal.
Ulllwnukoe 0.0 0 2 Q 2 1 0 I-n
Dos Molnes / , . . . . ' 0 I 0 1 2 U 7
Knrnecl runs Milwaukee 4 , lot 5lolnos 2. Two-bnio
lilts I'oonnnn , liiirlHV , Hnrt. llotnu run * Mnrrlnsor.
HHSCI stolen Sutton 2 , 1'oon nn , Alberts , Mntkroy ,
Mucullnr , Hurt. Huso'on ' Hulli button 2 , Hioctc ,
Imo , Alberts WlilUjloy , Triniey ; 2 , Macullnr 2.
Mruck out ly ( Srinith 8 , by Alexander 7. I'nssed
bulls Hurley I. Traillcjrtl. Wild iiltclU's-OrKlUU 2 ,
Alexander 1. Tlmo lilionrs. Umplro Clark.
Amatniir Games.
ST. EmrAuns , Nob. , July 5.--Special [ Tel
egram to Tnn BErf.j St. Edwards base
ball team mot the X owmanis Grove nnd Albion
bion team at Albion'on the Fourth of July ,
and contested for a < purse of $40. The St.
Edwards won by a score of 15 to 12. Bat
tery for St. Edwards , Gibson nnd Scott ;
Newman's Grove , Ivlclntosh and McDonald.
Umpire Hodges.
DAVKXPOIIT. Nob. , July 5. ( Special to
THE Bun. ] The Fourth was celebrated hero
and everything passed off very nice and or
derly. A close match Raino of ball between
the Carletons and the homo toanl was
played , beginning at 2:80 p. m. Davenport
won by a score of 4U to 23 , seven innings
being played. _
Washington Piiflc Races.
WASIIINOTON PAIUC , July 5. The attend
ance was 5,030 , the weather pleasant nnd the
track good , but not at its best. Summary :
Fivc-oitfiithi of a mile , two-year-olds
Marie Foster won , Jessica second , Lottio S.
third. Time 1:024-5. :
Fivo-oljrhths of a mile , two-year-olds
Lillian Lindsay won , Swiltor second , Amelia
third. Time 1:03. :
Three-fourths of nmllo Contempt won ,
Elsie 13. second , Electricity third. Time
1:104-5. :
Three-fourths of a mile Blessing won ,
Benson second , Cassandra tturd. Time
Milo and one-sixteenth Little Mlnch won ,
Champagne Charlie second , Stiorwood third.
Time-1 :4S : # .
Ono mile ICaloolah won , Cutapa second ,
Marchlna third. Tlmo 1 : U 3 5.
Milo nnd one-eighth Mollio's Last won ,
Castaway second. Tlmo 1 :50)f. :
to I'oultryineii.
The Nebraska Farmer contains the
followinr suggestions on the subject of
poultry raising :
Keep your chickens out of the "dew
o' mornings. " and never place them
where they will bo obliged to bo ex
posed to the midsummer sun in the
miduloof the day.
If a hen lays soft shelled eggs , give
her plenty of gravel , oyster shells ana
crushed bones ( which material she
needs to make hard egg shells of ) and
this evil will oftentimes bo corrected.
Chickens must have plenty of ovor-
ciso or they will not thrive well. If
you are compelled to keep your poultry
in a small yard you should contrive
some plan by which you can keep them
at work.
On thotwouty-flj'sl\yhon the chickens
nro coming out , lo yoj the hen to her
self until they n.rp ( released. Then
wait twenty-four hours yet for the lit
tle ones to got Upon Hhoir feet before
you feed them. "
Feed the chickonswoll , a little at a
time and often , and jdo not lot them
stop growing ; icoop thorn steadily at it ,
and you will havalargo , healthy fowls ,
able to stand the cold 'by next winter.
The most critTjjarHimo for young
chicles is the tiraev hey drop their
downy coats nnd before they put on a
full dross of feathers. ' ; At this time they
must have the very best of care or they
will sometimes di'oV-'dfT with but little
notice of their 'dojihVturo. ' After the
young ohiclts ara 'fuljy ' feathered they
are strong enough 'to help themselves ,
nnd will got along if they have plenty
of good food and are kept well sheltered.
A brooder must bo with his fowls ,
and attention to detail is the work that
pays best. As n sule , food ouch day
frc'sh vegetables aud grain in some
form , leaving no > vant unsupplied.
Such food as is rlcl } In albumen will
produce the most eggs. It is said in
western Now York that -a bushel of
buckwheat nnd a bushel of oats will
produce a bushel of eggs. If you add
fish or animal food In some form , and
green stuff every day , the estimate is n
sensible ono.
The glnulno Angostura Bitters of Dr ,
S , G. 11. Siogort & Sons are the most
otlleacions stimulant to excite the appe
tite. Ask your druggist-
Manager Hjnn'a Latest Move In
Connection With the Matter.
Probable ISffoot of the Keoont Reduc
tion In Whom nnd Corn
TnrlfT The Burlington's
Thoucht It Wan n Bluff.
CnicAoo , July B. [ Special Telegram to
TUP BnE.l Since General Manager Kann ,
of the Chicago , St.Pnul ft ICnnsas City , gave
notice that ho would apply the low St. Paul
commodity rates to Missouri river points ,
the other western roads have united in callIng -
Ing the notlco n bluff , This imputation
seemed to have stirred the management of
the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City to de
cided action , nnd notlco In writing was given
to Chairman Mtdgloy. Thereupon the chair
man Issued a call for n meeting lioxt Tues
day for consideration of the subject. Whether
or not the Chicago , St. Paul & , ICnnsas City
means business by this notice is
not as yet known , but .at least
thrco freight agents who have been nt
Missouri river points have changed their
minds , and now bollovo tbo rules will bo
General Manager Kgan , of the Chicago , St.
Paul , t Kansas City , said as plainly us words
ctttild that the rates would bo made to
Missouri river points. The main hope of the
other western roads noxv Is that it the rates
to Missouri river points nro reduced , they
will not bo mndu the sumo as these to St.
Paul , but materially raised from that tariff.
Thn AVlioat und Corn Kntcn.
CHICAGO , .luly S. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Bin. : ] The Chicago committee of the
Central Trafllc association mot to-day to dis
cuss the 5 cent reduction on wheat nnd corn
to Baltimore nud Philadelphia. The Penn
sylvania company gave notlco that it would
meet the reduction , while all the other roads
fought for delay. It wus Hnalfy resolved by
a majority to postpone action until to-mor
row. All the roads believe It will bo neces
sary to meet the reduction , and uono of thorn
give good reason for delay. The real cause
for postponing action lies In the fact that n
reduction In through rates must cause a cor
responding reduction to all local points.
Probably nine-tenths of the east bound
grain on central truffle roads is for
local points. , the vast bulk going by
the lalto lines to the trunk line
terminals. It 3s conceded on all hands that
any rail reduction possible could not com
mand much tr.illlc , as the rate would bo still
further lowered by lake lines , As a consequence
quence , the loss to the alt rail lines by the
reduction would bo enormous to local points ,
while the same amount of through business
would bo carried at reduced rates.
A flato War Threatened.
KANSAS CITY , July G. It was announced
to-night that the Wabash has joined with
the Alton in a demand that through lines
from the west to Chicago break bulk on
through business , as per the Intcr-Stato
Commerce Hallway association agreement.
Both these roads threaten to solicit
business on through lines , pay full
local rates over them to Kansas City , and
carry it from hero to Chicago at any rate
that , added to the local , will bring the total
down to the through rate on the through
litos. The Uock Island refuses to break
bulk , nnd has announced that it would make
any rate between hero and Chicago that the
Alton wanted to make. Unless some agree
ment is reached a lively rate war is uxocctod.
The I'urllniiton'H Kt.atemnnt.
CHICAGO , July 5. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BiiB.I The Chicago , Burlington &
Quincy statement for May shows , as did the
April statement , a larger increase in net
than In gross earnings. This Is caused by
the wholesale reduction in expenses , amount
ing in May to § ,315,01)3.80. The gross earn
ings were $353onj.7t ) , und the not earnings
5074,742.02. ,
The Viiid.iliii Announce ? n Cut.
ST. Louis. July 5. The Vandalia to-night
announces a cut on wheat and corn in car
lots from Knst St. Louis and on all points on
that line to the ca board. The cut amounts
to 0 cents par 100 pounds , and Is duo to the
action of tlu Big Four in following the Bal
timore &Ublo cut.
A I'rincc'slCxjHirlonco on the Back
of nn Hlcphant.
Prince Henri d'Orleans , in his new
book , describing nis adventures in
India , gives some interesting descrip
tions of tiger hunting on the back of
elephants. In Nopaui , whore the tigers
abound , nobody hunts them , ho says.
' The English lot them ulono because
an expedition of the necessary size is
very costly and ditllcult to organize ,
nnd , above till , because they can not
obtain permission to enter this inde
pendent suite. The natives live on
good terms with the felines , to whom
they pay , without protest , an impost
levied upon their Hook * . Fur from an
noying the tigers , they oven protect
them. Natives , knowing perfectly the
lah'ofa tiger , refuse to disclose it.
They have a superstitious fear of ven
geance which might bo wreaked upon
them. "
The government of Nopaui , however ,
waived local sentiment for a time , and
sent the prince a body of native hunters
on elephants in charge of one of the
maharajah's olllcors , whom the prince
said wus faultless , except that ho was
too civilized and was too intimately ac
quainted with whisky.
The start was made from the border ,
where a line of pickets was the only in
dication of the change of rulers. The
spectacle of the troup of elephants in
march affected the prince strongly.
His rollections were interrupted by
Colonel Parsoval ,
"Suddenly ho said to mo with ail mi r- ,
able coolness , 'Thoro is a tiger before
us ! ' I made as if I had not heard , und ,
without anyone noticing it , obliqued
gently to the right , so us to got ahead
of the others. 'Quo vouloz-vousl En
chasse , on nst ogolstol'
"Soon my elephant gave a blast of his
trumpet nnd in front of the colonal ap
peared an enormous tiger. Nothing
could bo handsomer than this superb
animal , his skin striped with black on a
reddish ground , freeing himself with n
single bound from the grass tufts throe
or four metres high.
" 'Wo expressed our admiration of him
by a carefully aimed sulvo. It merely
urged him to a gentle trot. Then I saw
nothing but fire , for after the discharge
of our throa rifles the line turned
abruptly to the right and a general dis
charge ensued. The smoke raises.
"A tiger is thoro. Is it the same , or
is it unothorV I have never boon able
to clear the matter , and I remain per
suaded that the tigers have diabolical
"However this may bo , a tiger is
there , moving freely , only 150 motors
from us , Tbo pace ot the elephant is
quickened , For my part I become angry
because I cannot hurry my own. Ho is
a largo elephant , who continues obsti
nately to maintain his regular step in
spite of the blows administered to him
from the roar by a mahout detached for
this purpose. ' ( Observe a little the com
plication ono elephant to carry mo and
another elephant to carry the man who
goads mine ! ) Fortunately this does
not prevent mo from again saluting the
tiger , but I am obliged to aim at 200
motors instead of 150.
"It foil , llnally , but I was unable to
explain how , for , fired at by every ono
In the line , ho had seemed to cscauo
nil , It was now necessary , though , to
believe otherwise nnd that the last hour
of the animal hud sounded ,
"It was n largo tigress , measuring 8
foot 0 Inches , tlmt wo had Buccoodouln
hilling. Naturally , comments began nt
once. Some said there had boon two
animals , for wo had first fired nt n
male ; others said there had boon but
ono. M. do Bolssy said only that It was
his tiger ; ho waa euro of it.
"Tho doctor examined the game to
find the fatal ball. As for my cousin
ho had soon the animal roll over-after
his shot. I remained quiot. I do netlike
like discussions , particularly such as
these. I wan singularly compensated
for my silence , for after a long examina
tion the doctor Bhoutod :
" 'Who fired -15-cnltbro ball1
"All remained silent but I , for I had
fired four of thorn. Hurrah 1 The fatal
ball was mine ; the tiger was awarded
mo. "
Beautiful Splits Witnessed by n 1'nrty
KxplorliiK Mount Tnuonin ,
Alton C. Tslason , the leading business
man of Tacoma , with two other well
known merchants , recently ascended
Mount Tnoomn. Upon their return Mr.
Mason was nskcd wtiat ho had soon.
"Everything that is beautiful , grand
and sublime in nature , " said ho. "Bo-
tweon Tacoma and the mountain , fifty-
five miles distant , miles of as flue cedar
and fur as grow anywhere in the terri
tory. Tlio timber will run from 7o,000
to 125,001) ) foot to the acre. Some ot the
trees are as much ns twelve feet in
diameter , and as straight as it is possi
ble for vegetation to grow.
"Tho uiulorbrush'is primeval in its
luxuriance. Wo stood alongside the
trees on horses and you could see the
trunks of them on each side of the
horse. In other places the underbrush
is so thick as to hide the horses , and all
that could bo soon of the rider would bo
his head.
"Paradise Valley is beautiful almost
beyond description. It has boon most
appropriately named.
' There you see the most beautiful
varieties of llowcrs blooming in unlim
ited profusion : and such lloworsl They
are infinitely moro beautiful than these
scon in the other valleys , which are a
sort of species *
"The trees in the valley are fir , cedar ,
spruce and oak , and other hardy vari
eties nbovo the mountain continue to
rife up. There nro waterfalls and
brooks and grand old logs which have
boon lying there for centurion , 1 sup
pose , from whoso sides other trees , and ,
of course , smaller trees , nro growing.
Roots of some of them grow down in
each side of the log and seem to cm-
_ , race it.
"Wo camped In a charming spot.
Wo sat down whore wo could toss the
matches from our oigar on one side in
to a bank of pure white snow , on the
other into a patch of the most gorgeous
ly colored flowers.
"Wo called that Paradise Camp. It
is sometimes called the Camp in the
Clouds. When we reached that height
our clothes became burdensome nnd wo
stripped off everything except our pants ,
shirts , hats and shoes. Wo discarded
our guns before that.
"Tho snow is a glittering , glisteninc
white , and very hard on the eyes. Before
fore wo began to climb into the snow
bolt wo blackened our faces with cork
and put on black caps , which wo pulled
down over our eyes. Had wo not done
this wo would have been blinded by the
brightness of the sun on the snow , and
probably ruined our sight. "
"Did you get to the summit ? "
"No. Between the G'owlitz and Mos-
qually glaciers , which feed these two
rivera , is a perpendicular wall of rock.
It is an impassable barrier. It goes
straight up. It is impossible to scale it.
"Around on the outer side , between
the glaciers is a narrow path , through
which it is possible to make the ascent ,
but a man takes his life in his own
hands when ho makes the attempt.
Above is a mass of towering , crumbling
"It is awful to look at that point and
think what might happen , but you can
not help but admire thu grandeur of
the sight. The only way to make that
ascent with anything like safety is for
some sure-footed climber to go ahead
and malio n rope fast , then one could
pull himself up along the side of the
rock. Wo went through to a point
from which steam could' bo soon issuing
from the top. "
"How high did you ascend ? "
"To a height of 13,050 foot. That is
what the aneroid registered. The atmosphere _
mosphore nt that height was so thin
that wo panted for breath.
'The altitude at which wo shed our
surplus'clotliiiig was 10,000 foot. I took
quite 11 number of photographs of cones
in Paradise Valloy.aud up the mountain.
Mount Tacoma in , I think , the only
mountain in this country which has five
"From those glaciers water rushes
forever. I have taken pictures of borne
of the waterfalls. We did not bee Ta
coma and commencement bay or Puget
sound , because wo wont up on the other
side of the mountain , but wo saw the
Cascade range stretching away to the
south west ns far as the eye could reach ,
and the Columbia river and Olympian
range as it runs along the coast. Wo
reached within a quarter of a mile of
the top by actual measurement. "
Opium nnd Crime ,
The statement that of the 338 pris
oners now confined at the House of Cor
rection'nearly a hundred are "opium
fiends" indicates a close connection be
tween opium and crime. A few months
ago Judge Murphy , in sentencing a
criminal , remarked that opium had
largely taken the place of whisky as
the incentive to crime in this city.
Such facts show the need of some hotter
restriction on the sale of opium than
exists. The trouble scorns to bo that
the opium , morphine and cocaine busi
ness is too prolltablo to bo given up ,
and the public interest must suitor.
Proi. Sylvester , who came from Eng
land to bo professor of mathematics nt
Johns Hopkins university , is absent-
minded. Calling on friends in Haiti-
moro , ho inspected the pictures on the
parlor wnlln , and , coming to two strik
ing-looking ones , asked who they woro.
"Goorgo and Martha Washington. "
"Ah , friends of the family , I suppose. "
Afterward ho remembered that there
was a Father of His Country , and apol-
ronltlvoly Cured b }
{ CARTERS tueio Little Fill * . |
They also relieve DL
llTTLE trees from Dyispepsla.jj
Indigestion cart To
IVE Hearty pitlog. ? ei- |
I feet remedy iw
nu , Nausea , Drowsl
ness , Dad Tftsto In
Moutb.CoatodTougue ,
Fain fn the Side , TOR
FJD LIVER , &c. They reeuUxto tlio Boweli ,
end prevent Constipation and 1'llea. Thi
nudlest and easiest to take. Only one pill a
dose. 40in TiiU. 1'urely Vegetable. I'rl
15 cents.
Another Washington Town Nearly
Wlpod Out.
fourth oT July Fireworks Supposed
to Ho thn Cause of the
Disaster Help
Ncnrly n Glunn Sweep.
Ei.uNsnuno , W. T. , July 6. Ton blocki
of the best portion of this city are In nshoa.
Nearly n hundro'd families are homeless , and
what was yesterday n thriving business cen
ter Is now n mass of ruins. Owing to the
excitement and confusion provnlhnglt is Im
posslblo to ascertain how the fire originated ,
but It Is presumed It Is the result of the celebration -
obration of tro national holiday. The llamos
started on the north Mdo of the
city about 10 o'cloelr In the evenIng -
Ing , nud with the very strong
wind blowing the flro department could do
nothing to check their rapid advance. Help
was telegraphed for to neighboring towns ,
but long before It could ro.icn the ncoiio the
fiaiucs had literally swept out the heart of
the city and commenced to spread among
the residences on the south sldo. It was not
until the main portion of the food for the llro
had been consumed that there were any
signs of abatement , and It was morning
before the flromon secured any result from
their efforts. It is estimated the loss will
run un to many hundred thousand dollars.
All of the leading hotels , the Nash opera
house block , the city hall , the board of trade
building , Snipe ft Co.'s bank , in fact all the
business blocks on Pine and Pearl and Third ,
Fourth and Fifth streets were consumed , ex
cepting only the First National bank build
ing. Bloomer & O'Connor's dry goods house ,
H. Ootzoin'a boot imd shoo store , nuo saloon
and oiio general store. The number of resi
dences destroyed cannot now bo estimated ,
but It is known Unit over a hundred families
are homeless mid with nothing loft save the
few clothes with which they escaped in ( ly
ing from the advancing flames. Help has
been nskcd and la badly needed.
Later The loss , so far as can bo ascer
tained , is fcJ.OOO.OJU , (750,000 In buildings , and
$1,350,000 in goods. There are about one hun
dred and ilfty people destitute. The mayor
nan called a mooting of the citizens to take
action for relief. The city is undet patrol
and order prevails. The flro exhausted It
self after burning five Hours.
AIITIra J Out from the doprossliiT eJect o.
tlio chnuglnpt ponson , or by hard work nnd
worry yon ueed the tonlnir , building up , nerve-
strengthening olfoct at Hood's SiirHupnrllln to
give yon a fueling of lieftHh and strength iiRiiln ,
It purities the blood , cures bllllousueas , dyttpup-
uli ; , headache etc.
Hood's Sarsnparllla ts sold by ulldrug
gluts. $1 ; six for $3. Prepared by U. I. Hood
Co. , Lowell ' Muss , lie bure to got Hoods. ,
( Upposlte 1'iixtoii Ilotul. )
OdlcohoursOn. m , to8p. m. Sundays , 10 a.
m. to 1 p. in.
Spectillsts In Chronic , Nervous Skin and
lllood Diseases.
I-r/"ConituHatlon at olllco or fcy mull frco.
Mfdlcliios simt ! > > ' mull or express , securely
packed , frun Irom oliburvatlon. Guarantees to
curd diilikly. safely und perinunvntly.
WDDUflTTQ TIPDIIT'PV ' SpermiitorrlKPu , semi-
llimYUUD UDDlLilll nul'I.ossns.NlKht Knits
sloni. 1'hjrnlcal Dpcuy , arising from Indlscru
tlou , KXCCSH or IndiilKonri' , pioilurlneBleeiiloHH
ness , TK'Hpomlency. I'lmp'oj ' on the fuco. uvor-
fllQM to society , euilly nlscourui ; < Ml , Incu of conll
dunce , dull , unlit for Httidy or bu liicsn , und flnda
life a biirdcii. Hnfely , permanently nnd pri
vately cured. Consult lira , llctts & Retts , liUD
l-'arnum Bt. , Omiihi , Neb ,
Blood and Skin Diseases
ri'snlts , completolv rrndlcutcd without the nid
of Mercury. Hcrofulii , Krynlpolas , Kov r Herm ,
mutches , Illci-r ! ) , I'Ains In tfni Head und JlonoH ,
Hyplillltlc Horo'lliroiit , Mouth nd Tongue , Ca-
turih , etc. . permanently cured where others
liuvu fulled.
l/iilnnu Tfpindrv nn > \ Uluddcr Complaints ,
KlullCV' Ulindiy IMInfnl , Dllllmilt. lee froJ
qnunt Hurtling or itlooily Drum , Urine lilh'h col-
nrcd or with milky hmllmom on Ktnndlnv , Wt'uk
Hack , ( Jonorrliu-a , Olriit , Cytltla. otc. ,
1'romptly and Safely Cined , Charges Itcasona-
moval comjilelo , without cutting , caustic or
dlllatlon. Cm us ollcctod nt homo by patient
without amomuiilH puliioraiinoyunco.
To Yonnsf Men anil Mide-A d Men ,
mint nilBP ' ' 'ho uwrni eirta ot early
A uUllIJ uUlttJ Vice , wlilcli uuncg oi-Kiinta
woaKno.HH , destroying both mind and body , wllli
nil Itsdieuded 111 * , pcrmitnentlyuuicd ,
Adieus those who huvu unpaired
UD110 themselves by Improper lndiil >
Kencos und solitary Iribltn , uhlch rnln botli
body urn ! inliiil , imfltUtii ; them lor buslurss ,
M AiiuiKii MIN. : or thosn entering on that Imp
pylire , uwaru of physical doulllty , ( julckly a *
" "tla'
Is based upon faet.'i , J'irrtt Practical Kxpo
rlence. Second l'very MHB Is especially Btudled-
limn starting aright. Third Mo'lle neauro pro ,
iinrod In our lulintory exactly to unit each case ,
thus atrectiiiK euro * nltlioul Injury
pyHend 0 cents pouttso for celoDrate 1 Worka
on Chronic , Norvoun und Dcllcute DUcunon.
TttotiHaiHls cured.tT A frlondly letter or call
may unvnyoii future mUIeiliiu' nud uhaiuo , nnd
mid golden years to life. C" 7 No letters an
swered unlebi accompanied by i touts In stump * .
Btrod , Umohu.Meu.