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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1889)
* 1 TV tr HE OMAHA DAILY BEE NINETEENTH YEAK. OMAHA , SATURDAY M0BNTNG , JULY 0 , 1889. / , NUMBER 18. THE MIDSUMMER DULLNESS OfUco Seekers Look Not Upon the White HOUBO. i/AKE / KILRAIN AND BABY M'KEE. Baltlmoro'a Prldo _ KIinkcH With the 'itoportcd IMiRlllfltio Youngster " The Poet Hays Mentioned for the Kuinlnn Mission. WASHINGTON nuiiRAtt , TUB OMAHA BBB. ] f > 13 FOUKTBRNTII STiir.nT , > WASHINOTON , D. C. , July B. ) The president Is not expected to return to Washington before Saturday night , mean while tho. whlto house holds no attraction for the olUco-scekers , Secretary Hnlford wns nt his desk to-day , dictating letters. The mantle of midsummer dullness has settled over the placo. Mr. Hnlford says ho loft Mr. Harrison and the McICcc.i at Deer Park , well and hnppy. The story about ono of the bnblcs hitting the other on the head with n stick , necessitating ttio sudden cnll for u doctor on the trnlc , ho says , was the combi nation mid exaggeration of two trifling cir cumstances not ; even remotely associated with each other , nnd the nuthorizizcd ver sion is ns follows : A day or two ngo Benja min Hnrrlson MclCco struck the baby over the head with n duster , whllo at play , doing no damage wortli speaking of except to the duster , the Jinndlo of which was broken. This occurred nt the whlto house. On the train tlio baby merely got n llttlo sea sick or travel-sick , for which Benjamin Hnrrlson McKee was In no way responsible. Mrs. Hnrrison thought n doctor oupht to sco itho llttlo girl nud the physician attending Kilralu , who oc cupied the sleeper In front , was called In. Ho found that the child needed no attention. The story ascribing pugilistic qualities to Benjamin Hnrrlson McKco may have been told to Kilrain , for when the party got to Deer Park ho got out of his car nnd went to look at the youngster. Ho found him with Mrs. Hnrrison just being lifted from the car. The two great men , Kilrain and Baby Benjamin Harrison , MoKco , shook hands. The whole white house party nt Deer Park will remain with Senator Davis for n few days until the Spencer cottage , winch they wll ) , occupy , is ready for their reception. The Spencer cottage Is n neat looking ono , with n high pitched roof , painted red , pleasantly situated in full view of the hotel nnd nbout ono hundred yards to the cast of it. It is about the same distance to the west of Senator Davis' homo and but a few steps to the north of the El- kins cottage. It contains eight rooms , four on Onch floor , besides several small rooms for the servants. It Is neatly furnished and when in order will present n very homelike appearance. A car load of furniture from the Indianapolis residence was brought thcro early In the week. Mrs. Hnrrison nnd the president arc not strangers at Deer Park. They have spent n portion of nearly every summer thcro for the past ten years as the guests of Senator and Mrs. Davis , and will meet n large number of their old friends. As yet nothing special has been arranged for their entertainment. Mrs. Harrison needs rest and will remain very quiet for a week at least. After that time she may hold ono or two general receptions , and a reception mny be given at the hotel in her honor. The pres ident Is expected to go up on Saturday with Private Secretary Halford and remain over Sunday and return to his desk on Monday. THE PUZZLE LEdOUC. ' This city is n great nluco for conventions , but one of the most curious organizations that has over met hero is in session now. being the Puzzle leairuo. It Is composed of the editors of the puzzle columns on ucws- pnDors nnd men who tangle up their brains with such things for umuscmcnt. At the meeting of the league to-day several inter esting papers were read and several disputed points were decided. The next meeting will bo hold in Now York on Thanksgiving day i lilLLIH ) FOIl riVU OEN'T.S. Washington appears to bo suffering from nn epidemic ot murders , but they occur chiefly nmong the low class of colored people Who live on the outskirts of the city. There have been three men of this class killed within the last four days , and last night one was stubbed witli nn ordinary three-pronged steel fork , which was driven into his breast , In n quarrel over the ownership of n 5-ceut piece. A ItF.VOLBTION PENSION. An old gentleman named Thomas I , Emmett - mott , livlnc in Nelson county , Virginia , acci dentally ascertained from vho records of the pension office , u few months ago , that the heirs of his grandfather , Churchill Gibbs , of Virginia , were entitled \p the sum of $09,000 accrued pension money , which 1ms been lying to his ctedit as a veteran of the revolu tionary wnr for more than sixty years. At the request of the parties interested Senator Daniel , of Virginia , undertook n settlement of the cnso nnd has been advised that the nmount nbovo named will bo paid to the heirs of ttio estate , provided they can show that the Churchill' Gibbs , to whom the gov ernment is indebted for the amount , was their grandfather ; and otherwise establish ttioir claim to the money. There uro ulna grandchildren interested , THE I'EIIBUX MINISTERS SULK. Hndjo Hnssclu Ghooly ICnlin , the Persian minister to the United States , will shortly leave this country for Europe. In nn interview to-duy ho told n reporter ho hud been driven out of the country by the unkind nnd ungenerous things which had been written nbout him nnd tils sovereign in American newspapers , The minister said ho had no fault to llirl with the government or its officers Inquiry nt the Persian legation to-day de velops the fact that the newspaper extracts of which the minister complains BO bitterly , nro mostly duplicates , many of them Asso ciated press dispatches or special dispatches nnd letters furnished by syndicates. Ho has had these clippings furnished by n press news bureau , and , us they charge so much per cllppmg , they have not always been careful about sending him not only dupli cates but sometimes ten or twenty copies of the same article , \yluch ho has placed In his scrap book and translated each tlmo as the expressions of publio opinion. Many of them are cablegrams from London giving the gossip about the expected visit of ttic Bliah , nnd in no way attempt to express or reflect the sentiment of the American people. A largo part of the clippings ulso nro devoted to comments upon tlio appearance and con duct of the minister since ho came to Wash , ington. His custom , Ins mode of life , his manners , his conversation , huvo been the objects of comment by letter-writers tiero in Washington over slneo his in-rival. Ho has been the toplo particularly oT the corrcsnondonts for country newspapers and scientific writers , but there Is not In tlio entire collection ono single par agraph of editorial comment unfavorable to him or to tils government. The contents of tils scrap bonk show that ho has been treated with n great deal moro respect nnd defer ence than tlio president of the United States. Both Cleveland und Harrison have a grout deal more to complain of in this respect , than the Persian minister , who thlnus ttmt the povcrnuannt ought to control the press us It docs In Persia and look up the editors of papers who print disagreeable things. IIAY UKNTIONEP roll llUBttlA. It IB understood hero that John Hay , the poet , will bo tendered the Russian mission upon the return of the president from Con 1 necticut , which will bo sad news for Elliott F. Shophnrd. Mr. Hay is not n candidate for any ofllco but has accented it temporary editorship on the Now York Tribune , during the nbsoncoof Whltolaw Held in Europe. Ho is now In Europe seeking n llttlo rest before claiming the the tripod. His ( Honda say that his arrangements with the Now York Trib une will nol permit htm to accept the Rus sian mission or any other appointment. WILL IT STKlKi : I'ATTtllSONi I R. T. Patterson , who is a candidate ( or | ) ostniastor nt Memphis , Tcnn. , was n tnom- bor of the same Ohio regiment of which As sistant Secretary Bush , ot the Interior do * imrlmont , was colonel , und Secretary Noble fidjutnnt. Ho expects to got the plnco through their Influence. Sr.NATOH DAVIS ALAHMP.D. Senator Davis , of Minnesota , ta a good deal concerned nt the manifestations of nn understanding between Socrotnry Wlndom nnd Senator Wnshburn , and his friends fear that they mny have entered Into n comblnn- tlon to put the secretary of the treasury In Mr. Dnvli1 scat four years bonce. Mr. Wlndoni wont to St. Paul to do what ho could In Wnsliburn's behalf , not so much becnUBo ho loved Wnshburn more , but bo- cnuso ho tinted Snbln , who had beaten him six years before. MISCELLANEOUS. John Lugonbool , nn old rann who was for merly n telegraph operator in the treasury department nnd who sent the famous dis patch from the pen of John A. Dlx : "If rtny man attempts to pull down the American flag shoot him on the spot , " Is now hero , peeking employment. Ho was n clerk in the sixth auditor's onico four years ago , when ho was discharged , nnd now expects to got his old place back. Lafayette SyUos , of Now York , applies for ttio position of chief of a dlvUlon In the treas ury department , nnd bases his claim upon the fact of having written a campaign song book The attorney general to-diiv appointed John C. Mathlcs to bo assistant United States at torney for the southern district of Illinois. THE SENAT13 COiUflUTl'UE. President Bliss , of the Boston & Al- hntiy , Testifies Before It. BOSTON , July 5. The United States sonnto committee on inter-state commerce began its session hero to-day. Several railroad officials are being examined. Prusident Bliss , of the Boston & Albany railway , stated that ho was not ono of ttioso who believed the Grand Trunk railroad should bo prevented at this Into day from doing business in the United States , pro vided , however , they were subject to nil the rules nnd regulations to which American roads are subjected. Ho had no personal knowledge that the Ca nadian roads were making reduced rates , but it wiistho gcnoraloplnionthat they woro. If they make reduced rates to in dividuals ho considered that they failed to comply with the urovislons of the Inter-state commerce rates. If tno system granting sub sidies to the Canadian roads was continued it would bo Injurious to Boston in so far ns It would divert trade from Boston. Bliss claimed if it wns just to regulate American roads so that they can not com pete with water lines it is Just also to rcguluto Canadian roads so they can not prey upon American roads after the latter nro tied up. Senator Blair tried hard to make the president say that if Canadian competition was removed the roads would surely increase their charges , but the wit ness would not do so , stating that if the Ca nadian roads were subjected to the same reg ulations ns the American roads the latter would have to take their chances In competi tion. Ho was not disposed to thinlc the Ca nadian roads the public benefactors that the people thought them. AT OKOW CREEK. The Sioux Commission Arrives There First Council on Sunday. CROW CREEK AanNcvDak. , ( via Chamber lain , Dak. ) July C. [ Special Telegram to Tun BIB. : | The Sioux commission arrived at tills agency about noon to-day und at once notified the Indians of their presence and that they wished to hold a council with them as soon as possible. To-morrow will bo issue day , and nearly all of the Indians will bo camped nbout the agency nwaltmg their rations. Sunday will bo held the first , coun cil , and ns no trouble is nnticip atcd , tbo signing will begin about Monday noon. From this ngency the commission go to Cheyenne agency , nnd will undoubtedly bo there about Wednesday of next week. In an interview with White Ghost at Chamberlain yesterday , ho Informed your correspondent that no had not bosn very favorable to the bill at first , out having talked with General Crook und Major Warner , ho now could see wherein it con tained ono of the most essential provisions for his people in the matter of schools. With Whlto Ghost , the acknowledged head chief of the Crow Creek Indians , In favor of the treaty , very much is gained. The ex ceedingly warm weather , with a prevailing hot wind , has destroyed the crops in this section , and this makes an argument for the Indian to sell his land nnd secure further aid from the Great Father. The same condition of affairs exists hero in relation to General Croolc as nt other agencies , hn being cred ited by the Indians with all the influence. At n council held lust night by him with the Brulos , who have signed , they wished to thoroughly impress this fact upon his mind , viz : That they had signed solely bccuuso ho ( General Crook ) had asked them to do BO. Many of these present at Brulo will bo at Crow Creole and excite nn Influence over their brethren , both this agency nnd Lower Brulo being under ono agent , W. Wanderson. GKNEUAlj SHKK.MAN'S SON. Next HnndnyHo _ Will Bo Ordained n tm'tholic 1'rluBt. PniLADELvniA , July 5. At the cathedral this morning Tnomas Ewing Sherman , the oldest son of General William T. Sherman , passed through the first static of the ordina tion that will make htm u priest of the Ro man Catholic church. The final stage of or dination will bo reached on Sunday , This morning the sub-deaconship was conferred upon the candidate , nnd to-morrow ho will bo made a deacon. Sunday's ceremony will invest him witli the rank und power of the priesthood. Nebraska and Iowa Pension" . WASHINOTON , July 5. | Special Telegram to Tin : BinJ Nebraska : Original Invalid Jacob Reap , Jonas F. Johnson , William H. Chapman , Samuel Thompson , Dcnton P. Sheuks. Reissue Edward GllnU. Iowa : Original invalid Charles H. Campbell , Frank Plltoud ( deceased ) . Gott lieb Scnocltko ( deceased ) , George W. Tusker , James H. Wagner ( deceased ) , Samuel C. Clark , James H. D. Goodwin , Benjamin Rudd , Edward Stroeply , Francis R. Peshnk. Reissue Benjamin F. Logs- don , Melvin Glllespie. Reissue and Increase James T. West. Frank H. Jordan , William A. Franklin , Benjamin F. Dugun. Original widows , &c. Juliana , wlfo of Gottlieb Shoetko ; JumeH F. , father of John A. Hal- forty ; Mury E. . widow of Frank Pilloud ; Mury , widow of James II , Thomas. Enormous "Whnat Yield In Kansns. TOPKKA , ICnn. , Julv 5. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bui.j : The crop reports re ceived by Secretary Mohlor , of the agri cultural department , say that the wheat harvest Is almost finished. Ho now esti mates that the total yield will bo : il,0i ) " > ,003 bushels , which Is just doable last year's product. The crop may now bo said to bo successfully harvested. The largest yield is in Sumner county , which will have nearly UonoOXl bushels , und Ellsworth county will have nbout ' . ' . ( XIJ.OOJ. ballna , Dickinson , Ot tawa , Clay , and E11U also have big crops , Wlinai I'roapccis. KANSAS Crrv , July B. The crou reports re ceived by tbo secretary of the agricultural fopartuiont of Kansas nro to the effect that the wheat harvest Is almost finished. The secretary estimates tbo total yield ut UI.OO'J , . 000 bushels , which is just double that of lust year. An Indignant Denial. ROMK , July 5. The Observatoro Romano Indignantly denies that there is any truth In tlio report that objects of art lu the Vatican college uro being icecrolly sold. THE FEDEML CONSTITUTION It Is Ratiflod by the South Dakota Gonvoutlon. TERRITORY ARCHIVES AND DEBTS A Slight "Wranstlo Over the Slzo or the Commission Which "Will Visit Ulfunnrolc nnd Settle the Question. Some Halrq Spilt. Sioux FALLS , Dak. , July 5. [ Special Tele gram to Tnn BEB.J Some of the delegates in the constitutional convention liopan to split hairs this afternoon , mid unless the tlmo servers are sat down upon the llttlo work there is to do will not DO completed under three or four weeks. The disposition to postpone final action on simple nnd well- matured questions probably made some of the delegates who mean business reflect upon , the suggestion that there nro these who want to stay till the 520,000 appropriated by con gress for the expenses of the convention Is exhausted. Ah of the sovonty-llvo delegates were present except the Deadwood Judge , who refuses to servo because ho is already on the pay roll of Undo Sara , and very prop erly holds that ho Is not eligible. Ho told his constituents what the result would bo during the campaign , but they thought they know more low than tholr federal judiciary nnd elected him. His seat will bo vacant. The democrat who ran against him docs not claim the place , contrary to custom in con- gross. Congratulatory telegrams were road from the constitutional conventions of North Da kota nnd Washington. The former tele graphed from Bismarck : "Tho constitutional convention of North Dakota sends greeting and bids you God speed in your advancsment toward state hood and full American citizenship. May the four now stars about to bo added to the national flag not lose in brilliancy through lack of care in laying the foundations of the states to bo. Let Washington bring fruits and flowers , Montana its precious metals to add to the beauty and wealth of the nation , while the Dakotas will bring wheat and corn to feed the people of the world. " The officers nominated by the republican caucus last night were all formally elected. Democratic candidates were placed before the convention , and each received an aver age vote of 21 out of the 73 votes cast. Uy a rising vote , without dissent nnd with cheers , the constitution of the United States was adouted as n part of the constitution for the state of Soutti Dakota. A delegate , ns the convention was being seated after the vote , said : 'Thoro are no rascals here. " From the committee on rules , to whom It was yesterday referred , a report was made on the question of a commission to visit Bis- inarck and acting with a commission of simi lar proportion from the North Dakota con vention , agree upon n division of the terri tory's archives and indebtedness. The com mittee recommended that the commission , on the part of this convention , should consist of seven delegates. This was believed to be too many. Fourteen men would prolong the work and exorcise less judgment than six or ton. ton.Every Every man who wanted very much to bo a member of the commission and most of them did began to object and make suggestions - tions with a view to forcing his way. The whole question finally went over till tomorrow row afternoon , when it will bo n special or- 'der. 'der.At At the same tlmo the proposition to appoint three delegates on a similar joint commission to go to Bismarck and settle the ques tion of the true boundary line be- t\vcen the two states will bo con sidered. It is held that , there are two well defined , "seventy standard paral lels , " and that if , ns provided by congress , the "seventy parallels" nro recorded with out defining which ono of the seventy stand ards is the parallel , there will bo moro trouble , over the boundary line between the states. It is claimed that the general land office and interior department at Washington have rec ognized two seventy standards parallel. Major Kellam , of Brute county , who was n member of the original constitutional con vention , presided to-day , President Edgerton being at Brookings making an address to the veterans. Good fooling and perfect harmony prevails. PiiititY S. HEATU. South Dalcotu Committees. Sioux FALLS , Dak. , July 5. The com mittee on rules met this morning nnd pre pared US report. The judiciary committee will consist of thirteen membnrs , the execu tive of seven and the legislative of twenty- five. There nro about fifty other committees to which will bo referred nil matters per taining to the constitution. Knncher Formally Elected. BISMARCK , Dak. , July 5. | Special Telegram to Tin : BEE. | On convening to-day the con stitutional convention carried out the caucus programme by the election of F. B. Fancher , the republican-farmers' alliance candidate , to the presidency of the convcrtlon. The democrats nominated Judge John E. Carland , of Bismarck , und Fancher was elected byn vote of 63 to 17 , ono democrat voting for Fanchor and flvo delegates not voting. The actual democratic strength in the convention is 19 , against 50 republican. Upon taking the chair Funchcr delivered a speech , the tone of which , coming ns It did from a strong Fnrmors' nlllatico man , was n pleasant surprise. Many have feared that the alliance victory meant radical and In jurious clauses in the constitution. During his speech Fanchor said : . "As presiding officer I can not promise very much. I nm not , very \voll versed in parliamentary law , but I think I will venture to do my best to please you , to endeavor to carry out your wishes and to assist you in embodying in this constitution for North Dakota the sound judgment and level headedness of the whole people of North Dakota and not to foster the interests of any man or particular class of men , If , after some experience , I shall succeed in meeting your the end attained will have justified ynu In your action to-day. If I shall bo so unfortunate as to fall , I do most solemnly assure you it shall not have boon my fault , but my misfortune , for I will make every effort to succeed. " It is apparent , hoivovnr , that the farmer politicians are el.itoj over their victory , and that an attempt will bo made to insert anti- railroad clauses. Editor Hlackwoll , of the Woman's Journal , Boston , who is hero in the interest of woman suffrage , said In an interview that he did not deeiro to see the convention attempt to settle the question. Ho is in favor of having the convention leave the matter in Iho bunds of the legislature , knowing , as ho docs , that North Dakota at present is strongly oppoiod to his hobby , With regard to'.aprohibltlon. ha Bays that while 1m is n prohibitionist i person ally , ho is not mixing the question with his woman suffrage work , und Intimated that ho wan not hero to tnko any part In the fight nn this question. However , the Woman ' Christian Temperance union has champions on the ground , und with the sprinkling of prohibitionists in the convention them is no way Inr that body to escape Ibe issue. It must bo met and disposed of in sooio manner. The location of iho state capital is another matter that will cut a very prominent figure in the convention. At tlio meeting of the republican central committee last evening It was decided to hold the first state convention ut Furgo some tlino in August. The democrats gathered hero and tUo nineteen democratic delegates in the convention will also hold n mooting within n fo'w days to ngtco upon a tlmo nnd place for tholr first state conven tion for the nomination 6f the state ticket in the fall. Oilier Candidates Fool Und. YAXKTON , S. D. , July 5. [ Special Tolo- prnm to Tun Bnc , ] The election of Judge A. J. Edgorton by Acclamation ns president of the Soutti Dakota cqnstltutlonal conven tion has carried consternation Into the camps of the senatorial aspirant's , for many of ttio shrewdest politicians bcltovo it will bo fol lowed by the olcclloa of ; the old man to tlio United States sonata next winter. Moody nud Pottigrow nro both aggressive , impru dent nnd impracticable , whllo Edgerton Is smooth , cool , deliberate pacific , nnd oily nnd has fewer enemies than any ono of the trio. Dakota's Prohibition Discussion. Sioux FALLS , Dak. , July 5. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bun. | The prohibitionists nro holding two daily tnoetings , ana will con tinue through Sunday. Uov. Qeorgo Vlb- bert , of Boston , is ttio principal speaker , nud Prof. Hutchlns , of Nebraska , conducts the song service. 'The Boer Swindle , " "Do Grog Shops Payl" "High Liccuso. " "Tho Gigantic Crlmo of Crimes , " nnd "Tho Sur plus Dollnr , " nro aomo Of the special sub jects discussed. Montana's Convention Meets. HELENA , Mont , , July 5. The constitutional convention met nt 1 o'clock this nftornoon. After brief preliminaries n permanent organization was effected. Hon. W. A. Clark was elected president nnd W. H. Todd chief clerk. Seventy-three of the seventy- five members answered to roll call , divided as follows : Thirty-nine democratic , thirty- two republican , scattering 2. AYaahltiRfon Goes Down to Work. OLY.MI-IA , W. T. , July 5. The constitu tional convention reconvened at 10 o'clock this morning. After n long , discussion the commlttoo on credentials was adopted. This seats Wallman , who boars the certificate of election , though the returns m the secretary of the territory's office show that ho received ton fewer votes than Francis , his opponent. This fact wns not discovered until very recently. The latter has not yet becouvo nwaro of his victory , consequently is not hero to enter n contest. It was agreed that on his appear ance his case would be heard by tbo convention. The oath of office was then ad ministered to the delegates by Chief Justice Hanford. Hon. John P. Hoyt. of Kings countv\ chosen president. During recess President Hoyt sent n message of sympathy to the suffers from the fire at Ellensburg , embodying a resolution of the convention. The convention elected for the remaining ofilcers the nominees of the republican cau cus. Idnho'a Aspiration . SALT LAKE CITY , July 5. A dispatch from Boise City , Idaho , says the constitutional convention was calledjjto order by the governor yesterday and n temporary organization effected. Two short sessions were held to day. The icommitteo on cre dentials will report to-mhrrow , when a per manent organization will bo mado. TUKNED HIM , .LOOSE. The Mysterious Croniti Suspect "Wasn't" Irish. CnioAoo , July 5. ThQ > mysterIous Cronin suspect nbout whom the police made so much ado last night and to-day , has been released after being in closo. . confinement twenty hours. Notwithstanding tfib reports that he bore a striking resemblance to Patrick Cqoney"Tho Fox , " it' turns out that the ex- prisoner is a Frenchman named Frank Trumblo. Frank separated from his wife not long ape , nnd has been resorting to various outlandish expedients to conceal his whereabouts. In his cups ho talked about Dr. Cronin in n way that , coupled with other matters , led to the suspicion that the young Frenchman was in some manner connected with the Clan-na-Gncl . great - - conspiracy. Rurko's Extradition Certain. WINNIPEG , Man. , July fi. At the trial of Burke , the Cronin suspect , George Baker , assistant state's attorney of Illinos , occupied the stand all the morning. Ho verified and authenticated the documentary evidence brought hero from Chicago. The case , it is thought , will bo completed by to-night or to morrow. Extradition Is.regarded as certain. Another Mysterious Chicago Arrest. CHICAGO , July 5. At n Into hour lastnight detectives from the central station took n roan to the Harrison street station and locked him up in the witness cell. The greatest secrecy yas. observed by the offi cers , who refused to say who their prisoner was and why ho was nrrested. It Is thought ttio arrest was made In connection with the Cronin case. It was also said tbo prisoner was none other than the man who drove Croniu from the Coukllns to the Carlson cottage. A CAPTAIN'S OUUKLTY. lie Knoclcs an Insubordinate Soldier Senseless at Bismarck , BisifAiiCK , Dak. , Juty 5. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BKE.J The only thing that bus happened to mar the pleasure of the Fourth of July celebration nnd welcome to the con- stltutionnl convention hero was the knocking down of a boldior of the Twelfth United States infantry by Captain Fechot , of the Eighth cavalry , of Fort Yntos. The private was intoxicated nnd boisterous whllo waiting for the train to start on the journey to the fort. Captain Fechot ordered the private , whoso name was Dugon , to sit down. The order was not obeyed. Thorouuon the cap tain grabbed a gun nnd struck Dugmi with the butt end , the blow knocking the soldier senseless nnd splitting ono of his oars from top to bottom. It was nearly ten minutes before the soldier regained consciousness , nnd It wns thought ho would die. An examination proved to the contrary , and niter tlio sowing up of his car he was taken aboard the tram. Captain Fcchut was placed under nrrest by the civil authorities hero , but was released on his own recognizance , to appear In court hero. Whllo the crown 'of bystanders were greatly enraged nt the -captain's conduct , there is a difference of opinion as to justifica tion , some claiming tlmt-pugon is of evil dis position und threatened to strike the captain. The mob nbout iho hotol'nt ono tlmo talked of assaulting Fechet , but the tnoro con servative , who learned , of Dugon's ' insub ordination , were alleut. lit ! is believed that the captain will bQcourtimai-tial'cd , Thrco Itiirulurio nt Vnnkton. YANKTOX , So. Dak. , . July , 5. [ Special Tel- ogrnm to TUB HKB.J T\yo saloons on Third street in tlio heart of the business portion of the city were broken into last night nnd oomo goods taken. Tile residence of Thomas Stewart was also burglarized yesterday , tlio family being absent , There uro a number of susnlclouh tramps around town and they .will bo made to move ott. Affairs at JnliiiHtown. JOHNSTOWN , July 5 , Six moro dead bodies were taken to the iiimrguo to-day. They were all unrccoguizabfo ; . Fear of them were females anil ono was a child , the other was a man. The bodies thnt"uro found now are in horrible condition nnj un undertaker sug gested to-duy | t wduld 00 better to cremate the dead that are found now than to bury them. . Dlauk niphtiiorlu HrcaksOut. ST. CLOUD , Minn , , July 5. A report comes from the village of Albany , twenty miles west , that black dintuhoria has broken out in 113 families , liolh the churches and schools have closed and the celebration which had been arranged for yesterday was abandoned. No deaths have occurred so far. THE ARTILLERY CALLED OUT Louisiana Dotormlnod There Shall Bo No Fight. SULLIVAN STILL THE FAVORITE. But Jolui lj. la Not the Man Ho Used to JUo and Kllrntti Stock Already nn Upward Tarn. Louisiana Aroused. Nnw .YoiiK , July 5. A Now Orleans special says A. E. Ferris , adjutant general of the state mUltlii , nrrlvod In Now Orleans this afternoon and was driven In has to to the onico of Captain Bronnan , cotnmmulor of the Louisiana artillery. Ho ordered Captain Brcnnnu to call out his company to prevent the Kilniin-SuUlViW light talcing plaoo lu the state of Louisiana. Thinks .liucu Will Win. NnwOiiLUkNS , July G. [ Special Telegram to Tim BUB. I Kllraln arrives to-morrow morning. Kooms hava been prepared for him at Colonel Walker's famous suburban resort at West End , distant some four mlles from Now Orleans. The Southern Athlotlo clue tins also provided suitable quarters at tholr house , but It Is hard to say where Jake will stay. Tun linn representative had n pleasant chat to-day with Mike Donovan and amongst other things ho stated that Kllratn would accept the Southern club's hospitality. All the sports , includ ing Sullivan and Kilraltf , go out to West End to-morrow night to witness n swimming match. Donovan spake about Kilruin's condition. Ho said : "Walt till you see liim. I venture to say that no prize lighter ever was in sueti abso lutely perfect shape as Julio is , and I am equally sure no man over trained as honestly as ho has. Do I think ho will whip Sullivan ) Why , I am sure of it. No man in America has the fighting powers of those two men down flnor than I have , mid I have no hesi tation in saying to you that Ktlraln will have no difficulty in knocking the big pug gallny west. " Donovan's opinion was echoed by a good many genuine sports. The local papers are slobbering all over Bud Holland's manage ment of affairs , but Manager Alloyn , of the Western Union , with Chief Electrician Fonn. coroborute mo in saying that the so-called arrangements are a farce. Uenaud or his aides have appropriated all the tickets to the papers that can bo depended on to boom Sul livan. After seeing Sullivan exercising to-day. and talcing his spin at the trymnnsium on Hampart street , a splendid opportunity was afforded to size the lioston fighter up. Ho jumped the rope 000 times and quit winded. His legs trembled. Ho is nothing lilco the Sullivan of yore. When punching the bag the back muscles stood out like curds and apparently worked smoothly. His arms are fluffy and have no stiapo to them , being about ns big at the wrist as ut tbo musolo. With the exception of the arms ho is nil right from his chest up , his breadth of chest being magnificent , but as you 50 down you can sco what a wreck ho is of his former self. When ho had punched tbo bag half an hour ho was called off and seemed glad of it. A prominent uhysiciaa , stood by while this was going on , and TUB Utifman asked him his opinion about these manifest defects. The reply was : " Typhoid fever always leaves its mark. Sullivan may not know it , but it is true all the same , and when ho faces Kilrain his ex citement will bo terrific. Nothing can re strain him. Thac disease tells at such a time.1 There is one thing sure , the friends of John L. are watching him like a cat watches a mouse. Ho goes into the ring at " 05 pounds. Muldoon has quit trying to reiluco his weight. What is now beinir dona Is to prevent the fat accumulating. Cleary has not done much kicking to-day. The Herald , Sun , World , Tribune , and all of the New York papers have their men here. At this writing the betting is 10 to ( i in favor of Sullivan. Wnkoly has made the first combination , betting that Sullivan ects first fall , first blood and wins the light. If Jake wins ono of the three Wakoly loses. Since Sullivan's exercise this afternoon , and its results becoming known , Kilrain stock has taken an upward turn. f'loutn F Nr.w ORLEANS , July 5. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bun. | There appears to ho a good deal of ill feeling botweun the parti sans of Sullivan and Kilrain. About the hotel rotundas there are a good many acri monious discussions in which the expletives used are more forcible than elegant. There seems to bo n disposition on iho part of in terested parties to get every dollar there is in sight , and the question of admitting oven members of the local press is causing much bitterness among the respective managers. It bus been decided that each local pancr shall bo allowed two representatives and each of the prominent outside papers will bo allowed but ono. It has been arranged that no part of the gate money will bo paid over until the light is finally decided , and if thcro is not a square light it will not bo paid over at all. but bo returned to the ticket holders. This is the programinoof the local managers , and they are reliable men and will bo very opt to carry out their programme. ISoHiiniCH Practice. NEW OHLKANS , July 5. The odds are stil largely in favor of Sullivan In the pool rooms , but this is probably owing to the non-arrival of his adversary. Some of iho Inttcr's co horts nvor that their man will in no wise suffer in comparison with Sullivan , hut on the contrary say that Kilrain will show up in much bettor fdrm. At 10:80 : this morning Sullivan , Muldoon and CIcary proceeded to the gymnasium club rooms and proceeded to the hall in the third story , where the doora were closed and outsiders excluded , The three men strl ppod and the first half hour was spent in practice with Muldoon's medicine ball , a sphere eighteen inches In diameter and weighing about twenty-five pounds. The exercise seemed to give Sullivan not the slightest fatigue. After the ball came the dumb-bell exercises and Sullivan and Muldoon wres tled the former gaining several falls , Sulli van showed himself In perfect condition , Kllraln MmvcH Cincinnati. CINCINNATI , Juty 5 , Kilrain and party ! oft this morning on the regular train for Now Orleans on the Queen & Crescent route , A goodly number assembled nt the passenger station to see them off. The Kilrain party cheered lustily as the train nulled out and n faint response ) came from the spectators , The party was much troubled this morning by the appearance in the car of a well known Ohio detective. The notion seized them that ho was going to ride with them to Missis sippi and there make the arrest in the hope of getting a reward. They questioned the detective , xvho said ho was only going to Lexington to arrest a man , The City Divided In Opinion. NKW OIILEANS , July 4. It Is a noticeable feet that while the central portion of the city are disposed to side with SuUlvuu the upper sections of the city are largely in favor of Kilrain , A visit was paid to the rooms of the Southern Athletic club to-day , and quit a a number of the members wore found , alt of whom expressed themselves a confident of Kilrain's ' success in the forthcoming battle , A mombflr of the club who Is somewhat of an authority In pugilistic affairs said Sul livan was nol in the trim ho expected him to be and that it was a well known fact that ho could stand but llltlo punishment about the heart and stomach. Ho woula not , of course , Ilka to bet uvuu on tbo result , though ho felt euro Kllrnln would couio toft a victor , but ho thought 100 to 8L ( nlr odds on Sullivan and would not 'hemtnto to tnlco such odds when Iho proper vmo > came. Other members of the club , In wtfJuort of tt.elr opinion , said men lllto Hilly fMijBdcn , Arthur Chambers and Domlntclc Mkeftffrey. all of whom know both won well , would not * bo found to Ride with Kilrain If they did not know what they were doing , Botti Madden and Chnmbe'rs wuro with Sullivan in the light with Hyan , and McCaffrey fought six rounds with him when ho wns supposed to bo in his best days , and they surely do not underrate Sullivan. According to reports received Sullivan has not near the wind Ktlraln has , and ho is be sides entirely too heavy about the hips. The rooms of the Southern Athletic club , which have been sot apart for Kll- rain and his seconds , nro very cool nnd nlcnsntit , ana are situated In nhnndsomo two story frame building adjoined to and owned by the club. Kllraln and hi seconds will bo nulo to enjoy greater seclusion than his trainers , as they will not have to go out Into the street nt nil to go to and from the gymnasium. .In ok Turner's Opinion. NKW OUI.E\NS , July fi. A representative of the Associated press , while crossing Lake Ponchartram tills morning , had 'n chat with veteran Jack Turner , of Rochester , N Y , , formerly Paddy Ryan's trainer mid also ono of Sullivan's party on his simrrlug tours. Jack bcliovcs that the buttlo will bo tq a finish ana the best man will win. Ho Sues not believe that either of the men dcslro or can afford to have n draw , us there bus boon too much of that kind of business In late years. Governor Ijowrcj's Precautions. JACKSON , Miss. , July G. Governor Lowrey sent n telegram to all the sheriffs on the southern border of Mississippi , where it is possible for the Sulllvaii-Kilraln light to take place , in which he Raid , in part : Do not allow the prlzo fight to take place In your county. Take stops to bo at the state lino. If you wlah I will have armed troops at an easy distance from you to aid you In preserving the peace or In arresting the parties. It ttio fight takes place on Mississippi neil 1 will pay $1,000 for the arrest and delivery of Sullivan and Kilrain to the shciift of the county of its oecur- ranco. " Governor Lonroy assorts he is determined not to allow the fight on Missis sippi soil , no matter what effort mny bo nec essary in the way of money and troops. Kilrntii nt Chattanooga. CiiATTANootu , July 5. The Kilrain party passed through the city to-night onroulo to Now Orleans. HAIIIUSON'S TOUH. The President Greeted by Knthnsl- nntlu Crowds Along the Line. NiwLoNi > o : ? , Conn. , July 5. The weather at Woodstock was bright and pleasant this morning , nnd the sun shone for the first time in three days. President Harrison nroso shortly after 5 o'clock and filled in the time before breakfast by planting n tree m the garden before the Howen residence , which ho presented to Mr. Howon. After breakfast the president was driven to Putnam , where a special train was waiting to carry him to Now London. Ho was accompanied by Secretary 'irncy , Governor Bulicloy Congressman need , Clarence W. Bowen , W. F. D. Stokes and Llspouard Stewart. While waiting for the train to start the pres ident shook hands with two or three hundred boys nnd men. Along the route to Now Lon don crowds of people had gathered ut the railway stations and cheered us the train sped by. At Plalnileld a stop was made nnu the president did more hand-shaking. At Norwich there was a very enthusiastic dem onstration , Hands played patriotic airs and 2,000 men , women mid children cheered heartily as the train drew into the station. The president appeared on the back platform form- , and in response to a manifestation of the crowd made a short speech. Ho said : "Wo have hero our line of division , but it does my heart good to believe that in all that is really essential to our great nation , we are ono in sympathy and ono its interests. I bid you good morning. " Three rousing cheers were given for the president. The mayor then introduced Sec retary Tracy. Governor Bulicloy and Senator Hawley , nnd the latter two made brief nd- dresnes. Mayor Crandall , Hon. Henry Bill nnd A. A. W. Prontis , of Norwich , accom panied the train to Now London. The train reached this city at 9o : ! ) , where there was n demonstration by the throng of people present. President Harrison stepped to the rear platform of the car and win introduced by Mayor Tinker. Ho addressed the assemblage In a few words , thanking thorn for the demon stration of welcome. Cheers were given for the president us ho alighted from the train nnd was escorted to the boat landing , whcro lie was assigned to a saat in n ton-o.irod banjo. Following tno president were Secre tary Noble Senator Dlxoii of Hhodc Island and the other members of the party , who , with Governor Todd of Hhodo Island nnd Senator Aldrlch , were rowed out to the Dos- uatch In midstream. A salute was fired in honor of the chief magistrate , and at 10 o'clock tlto Despatch weighed anchor and proceeded to Newport , where she is expected to arrive ut 1 : i)0. ) Governor Bulkle.v , who arrived with the party , took leave of them here nnd returned to Hartford. The Dispatch entered Newport harbor nt 8:80 : p. m. The presidential salute was Jlrod from Port Adams and the light house boll rung. The party landed at the torpedo sta tion. The president was interested in the operations at the station and ho exploded several torpedoes. The party wore next con veyed to too United States training station. The training ship was inspected. A batul- llon of naval apprentices were reviewed and the station inspected. The party wasdnVon at once to the Btato house where President Harrison , Secretary Tracy and Governor Ladd hold an hour's ' public reception. The party loft on the Dispatch about midnight. An it loft the Harbor a torpedo was exploded nnd the harbor was illuminated by elcctrio search lights. THIS PAHNELiIj COMMISSION. A WltnrsH Clmr cB the Polios With Fomenting Outranks. LONDON , July 5.-Davltt opened his own case before the Parnell commission to-day , Lou- dan , ox-member of the house of commons , testified that periodic famine * occurred in County Mayo , owing to rack rents. The witness assisted in founding the Mayo branch of the league. It never voted n farthing to foment crime , The murders of Lynch , Hunt and Kavaimugh was the wont of Herd's league , part of whoso policy waste to shoot land leaguers. Herd's league was In the pay of the police. It was organized by Who Inn. who lost his llfo in consequence , Presiding Justice Hannen questioned the witness , who persisted that the pollen in cited the outrages perpetrated by Herd's league. Witness said lie. did not inform the authorities because liu could not put himself on a level with an informer. Ho frequently denounced the Herd league publicly. AN I'.XOITlrsG ' 8OKNI3. A.MInlKier Howled Down in tlio Hpnii- | HIhninlior | or I ) < 'i > utlnH. MAnuiD , July 0. An exciting scene oc curred to-day In the chamber of deputies. The Marquis do Armijo , minister of foreign affairs , was defending the govern ment against an attack made upon ItbySenor Maries , when the members of the opposition raised nuch n tumult that the speaker was compelled to stop. The excite ment spread to the galleries. The president's cries for order were unheeded by ttio mem bers and ttio ushers were unable to restrain the visitors In the galleries. Finally the po lice were summoned. With great difficulty they succeeded In restoring order , when the debuto was resumed. An Ainloiibla LONDON , July 5. The Daily News says ttio communication between the English and American governments have resulted In nil understanding which will avert any collision In BehriuK sea during thoBcal fishing season. FOREIGN CROP PROSPECTS. Returns Very Flattorlnfif Prom tin United Kingdom. GRAIN CONDITIONS GRATIFYING ! Wheat in 1 Jotli Knglnml nnd Iroinncl Promising a nie Yield Soot- land's Cnrcnu'llndly AlYjotod By the Drouth. Crops in the United Kingdom. [ CoiivrtuM ifss l > v Jtunt ) Gordon He.uiitM.I LONDON , July 5. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tim Uun.l The following Is n summary of the canvass made by the Her * aid throughout the United Kingdom as to ttio crop urosnccts for the present year : The prospects for bountyful crous n England , Scotland nnd Ireland are qulto favorable. The reports furnished by special correspond * cuts of the Herald of the conditions m the farming districts of England nro very full nnd ulso very cheerful. The reports from Ireland are nlso gratifying. The crop pios- pcots In Scotland were moro than usually favorable until the drought set In , but oven In Scotland farmers have not given up the battle. The outlook In the districts border ing on Surrey Hill is satisfactory nnd the harvest south of the Thames promises to bo much bettor than usual. In Leicestershire the prospects nro much bettor than nt the same tlmo last year and un nverngo yield of wheat Is expected. In ( Cast Gloucestershire the hay crop Is good but the roots nro back ward. In Durham the condition of crops generally , but of liny particularly , is very satisfactory ; twenty-four hours of rnln is needed. The prospects nro considered un usually fine in Dorcostorshlro. The sauio may bo said for East Kent , though only an average crop of hops is looked for. For quality und quantity the hay crop of Somer set is bettor than for twonty-tlvo years. In Hereford the hay crop is the best since 1808. It lias been exceedingly hot and dry in Corn- wnll since Mny. Much therefore depends on the weather In that county ; rain is badly needed. Haiti Is also wanted in Lincoln shire , but a good harvest is cxnectod m Worcestershire. Grain crops nro nbovo tl)0 ) nverngo ; fruit prospects nro not so good. Somerset farmers want rain , but nro la cheerful spirits. From Graiitham comes word that a considerable rainfall Is needed. Crops in Huntlngtonshiro look well. Hay Is particularly heavy. Rain would benefit nil crops in Berks. The grass crop is heavy ; other crops nro up to ttio average. An unusually largo harvest Is looked for in Norfolk. Not for years have the prospects been so bright. Appearances indicate extraordinary crops in Kings county , Ireland , but some farmers predict crop failures unless rain soon falls. An immense crop of hay has been gathered. In Derry nnd Donegal the crops nro the best for many years and give promise of being from 1 to 10 per cent above the average. A general report from Dublin states that the crops never looked finer. Spring was early. Early planted potatoes nro in good condition ; late ones need ruin for un average crop. The crops all nroun'd seem good for n increase of " 5 per cent above the average- for twenty years. Crops in Golwny are rather backward. The beginning of the sea . son was very wet , but there has since boon much dry weather. Wheat Is safe to yield largely. Rain might innko nn all around average in west Cork. Crops nro generally flourishing and 30 tier cent above the nvorago yield will not surprise the farmers. In Scot land the prospects were liner earlier in the sea son. The weather has bjon too dry recently , at least such is the word from Glasgow. Ad vices from East Lothian , on tlio other hand , indicate a line crop. Wheat and barley look especially well ; 20 per cent * of an Increase is looked for. Reports from Edinburg are sat isfactory. Rain is said to bo needed for the root crop , Three weeks ago prospects la Lanarkshire were brilliant. There has boon drought since , though hopes nro yet outor- tained of nn average crop. Fftntta Itmlly Beaten. [ Co ; > j/i-f/7it ( / 18K ) IniTitniet Gordon licnntit. ] LONDON , July 5. | Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun Bii : : . | The first race at Henley was the diamond challenge sculls and n good contest was expected butnotscon. Psotta , the American , was in very bad form. Nlckalls treated Psottu very much as Psottn had treated his oppouont in the last two tlay.s und came in so far ahead that the distance was not worth measuring. Psottn gave up before ho was one-third over the course , and did not exert himself further. The competit ors were early at the start nnd took up their positions some minutes before the time. Psotta was habited in a white jersey and blue drapers , und had n red handkerchief around his bend. Ho showed signs of tils' recent sickness , but wns full of confidence , A strong wind dead behind them was blowIng - Ing , and the course was perfectly free from nil craft. On getting the word to go , Psotta wns the smartest to begin , but ho nearly missed his loft liaml scull. The American shoved m front slightly when Nickalls caught n crab. This allowed Psottu to draw nway , but his strength soon gave out under ttio pasting NIcknllH gave htm , und much of the ruco wns only n procession. NIekalls finally won by ten lengths. Time , 8 minutes , 5 sec onds. AVIIklo Collins Seriously III. ICojiyrfy/it / ISSOliti Jamn OorUon llenn'MA LONDON , July B , fNow York Herald Cable-Special to Tun BBB , | With refer cnca to the Illness of Wlllde Collins , the fa- moun novelist , n reporter called at tlio Col lins house lust night , and in reply to inquiries was referred to his physician , Mr , Carr Board , of Wilbrock street , who stated that Collins was taken ill on Sunday lust with a stroke of paralysis in the left Bide. Consid ering Mr. Collins' advanced ago , it Is consid ered doubtful whether ho will survive the attack. IHOTICUMINICI ) TO III 13. A Kansas Ciiy Alan Kills Himself After Kailintf'lwlor. KANSAS CITY , July 5. Aftur making two unsuccessful attempts within the same hour this morning , Henry Klolnpolt succeeded in committing suicldo by hanging. Another ropo. which was evidently found to bo too long for the suicide's purpose , dangled from the colling , Two blood-stained pocket knives , several gushes across the left wrist nnd blood stains on the second rope , showed how lie had made the second attempt to take tils life. Tlio third attempt wus successful. Business troubles caused tlio act. Kloinpelt leaves u wlfo und the two children at Madi son , Wis. The Weather Indiciuion'H. Nebraska i Fair , cooler , southerly wind * becoming variable. lowas Fair , followed by light showem , southerly winds , becoming variable. Daicotu ; Fair , followed by howarii. cooler , variable winds , *