Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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_ _
William Ryan wns arrested last night
tor Interfering with Ofllcor John Brady
on Sixteenth street.
A horse attached to a light huggY ran
nwnyt this morning , on Grace street ,
and smashed the vehicle into kindling.
The owner was not known.
Joslo Klouda , the woman who was
placed in the county jail charged with
insanity , was released yesterday. Her
Bister , who ilvaa at Thirteenth and
William streets , took charge of her.
Elizabeth Gullfort is in the insane
ward at the county jail. She was taken
there from St. Joseph's hospital , where
eho has been for about six weeks.
Fred Dnss was arrested last night for
assault and battery and taken to the
police station. Ho had n light with an
old negrosd at Eleventh and Davenport
streets and hit her with a brick.
Ono of the clerks in the ofllco of the
Western Union Telegraph company
placed a largo firecracker under a chair
in which George Gardner , foreman of
the llnomon , was Billing , in fronl of the
ofllco. The cracker exploded with n.
nolso like a young cannon , striking
Gardner In the side and on Iho fore
head , culling n deep gash , rnd render
ing him unconscious for about five min
_ _ _ _
PrrBonnl t'nrauranlm.
Miss Norman , of Stdnoy , is nttlio Mlllnrd.
C II. A. Howe , ot Avoca , is at the Pnxton.
Miss Goodrich , QfLoMars , isntlho Pnxton.
"E. R. nichoff , of Orongo City , Is at the
Chnrlos Wilson , ot Storltnfr , U nt tbo
W. D. Uarrott , of Sholtoii , Is a guest at the
Frank Cox , of Wooplng Water , Is a guest
at the Mlllunl.
C. H. Cornell , of Valentino , Is a puost nt
the Paxton.
Dr. O. Heocnor untl wlfo , of Shelton , nro
guests at the Mlllard.
T. H. Adams anil wife , * of Pullorton , are
Rncsts nt the Arcade.
J. M. Trlpp tmd wlfo , of St. Paul , are
guests at the Murray.
I W. S. James antl Miss Hoydinp , of Ham
burg , were at tlio Murray yesterday.
I H. H. Judd and Charles Lord , of Surprise ,
nro stopping at the Arcailn.
S. H. Stcole , of David City , nnd C. J.
Phclps , of Schuyler , are nt the Mlllard.
C. C. Goodrich nnd C. A. Perkins , of Co-
dnr Rapids , are at the Arcado.
Fred Shrador nnd lady , and A. P. Brouss ,
of Surprise , are nt the Paxton.
A. J. Ucrnoy nnd J. G. Browning , of Fre
mont , nro registered at the Arcade ,
J. A. Whitman , of Falls City , Is at the
Arcade with Ills wlfo and children.
Thomas Wolfe , of David City , nnd G. W.
Updyla , of Howard , are stopping at the Millard -
lard , t
Mrs. A. B. Malloy , Nnd Malloy nna Andrew -
drew Watt , of Jamestown , are stopning nt
the Mlllunl.
C. A. Carson nnd wife , of Wyoming , Nob. ,
and F. A. Simons , of Cedar Uaplds , are
stopping nt the Arcado.
W. N. Lyon , Charles Hobson , C. Van
Schcnclc , M. L. Hildrcth nud W. II. Bong ,
of Lyon , arc nt the Arcado.
During warm wcathor bathe the face
or whole parson with PONDS EXTRACT.
It invigo'/utes and refreshes. Jieicare of
. Fourth of July Pirn.
Thursday evening the Dubois Brothers'
point shop , on Twenty-sixth stront , was dis
covered to bo on tiro. The flro company got
there in good season , but the lullammablo
material was nearly nil destroyed. The
building und contents were owned by Valentino
tine Lipp. The house is damaged about
$150 ; fully insured. About $1,200 worth of
stock was burned or damaged ; insured for
$900. The cause of the lire is unknown , but
is supposed to have originated from lire
works. _
Stubbed Tlireo Times.
Dennis Leaney is behind the bars on n
charge of assault and battery with intent to
kill. Thursday night Mr. Leahoy , Daniel
Reagan and a man by the name of McDon
nell started ever to Indian Hill. About 1:30 :
I o'clock , at Twenty-ninth and Q streets , they
quarreled and Mr. Leahoy says ho wns
' struck and knocked down. Getting up , be
drew u butcher knife and , running ninuck ,
struck mr. Ucacran tlireo times , once on the
left shoulder nnd breast , and twice on the
loft arm. The knife blade sank deep gashes
each time , but caused no sorioui injuries.
Mr. Lcahe.v will have a bearing before
Judge King Friday morning.
i-fl About the Oltv.
The Sobotker ball club boys say that tholr
810 forfeit is up in Stakeholder C. H. Sobot-
Iccr's hands , but that tno baukors of the
Swift club failed to materialize to put up
their money on the pamo tor next Sunday.
A trial Ilro alarm was sounded Wednesday
evening by Chief Smith , and the boys \vcro
Just two mlnutei nnd ton seconds in getting
water at Twenty-fourth anil N street.
The awning ever J. P. Collier's stand
caught lire Thursday evening Irom a flro
cracker , resulting in the dostructjon of the
owning and Injury to Holmes & Smith's
awnlnir. Before the flro was extinguished
Fred M. Smith received a painful burn on
tbo loft unnd. > - Sullivan , of Omaha , has ononod a
notion store In room No. 2003 N street.
Fred IllanlUn , of Omaha , nas opened an
ico-creatn saloon In room 2003 N street.
Mrs. John J. Gorman is on the invalid list.
A boy at Editor Bruce McCullough's makes
tbo Stockman force Joyful.
The cozy homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward
Knln , Eighteenth and Mllroy streets , was
filled with a score of couples , Wednesday
evening. In honor or thb marriage of Mr.
Jimies McGulro nnd Miss Magglo Kam.
i ; Music , dancing nnd lunch , with a royal wel
come , made a pleasant soulal evening.
C. J. Collins has removed to the Hamilton
building , Twonty-ilftu street.
Perry Jones has gene to Donlson , la. , on a
Frank Scott spends the Fourth vacation
With friends at Osceola.
Sherman Cooklughom is In Humphrey ,
MLs3.Mrs. . J. M , Tobias Is visiting friends in
E. S. Lyman , with his sons , Harry S. , and
Francis A. L.vmnn , nnd Louis Gall , of Dun-
Inn , In. , Is In Iho city visiting his son , Everett
E , Lyuian.
Aaron Motreer , of Clncinnttl. Ohio , Is vls-
illn his cousin , II. Hoyraan.
G. W. darner has gone to Persia , la , for
a short visit.
James Flndloy. head cutter nt the Armour-
Cudahy packmi ; houses , has gene to Chicago
for a two wosUs1 visit.
Miss Alice GrlDltb has gene to Leigh on a
Visit.Miss William R. McDonald has gene to
Tlslt Iowa frlunda.
Miss Hose Daughters , ono of the city
teachers of Ft. Scott , Kan. , is visiting rela
tives ticro. She is well plousod with our city
mid especially with the schools , which
eho has visited during the last three weeks
of tlio term.
Hurt , the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Sommorvlllo. Albright , dod Thurs.
day and was burled In Laurel Hill cemetery
Frjdny afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The SobotUor ball club went to Fifteenth
nnd Vlnton streets Friday afternoon and do-
Joatod the Haiiscoin Park baseball club by n
Beoroof 13 toO. Hotelier struck nut twelve
of the Omaha man ,
A sixteen-pound son. to Mr. and > irs.
Shaw , Albrlclit , was a Fourth of July gift.
Jerome Armstrong , of Shenandoah , la. , Is
visiting William S. Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jauios E. Hall are in
H. W. llrooUott bos gone to Valparaiso ,
lud. _
riuU'w Chlorides liititniitly Dl Inf.olH
nd chemically noutrallroa ull disease-brood-
lug matter.
Recognized by Thousanda In the
Design of The Boo Building- .
Tlio ( Jrcnt Structure Tlironcetl From
Mornlncr Till Night With Wonder
ing nnd JUollRlitutl Visitors
IntolllRCttt Vlows.
A Grant Reception.
At an early hour yesterday morning the
llrst elevator loaa of visitors to the now
building nscondod to tlio editorial floor. The
people there loft the cab , walked to the roof
and mnJo a survey of the city and surround
ing country , which stretched like n panorama
before thorn. They then descended , and with
expressions of surprise and gratification vis
ited every department and Inspected every
feature of Tin : linn's palatial homo.
Load after load followedtho two lightning
elevators making trips .almost every mlnuto
from 7 o'clock In the mornlnt ; until the sauio
hour In the evening.
The elevators were then closed and the j
boys , who had faithfully managed thorn dur
ing the day , were given an opportunity to
enjoy the colouration. At the latter hour
thu door to the roof was locked and the vis
itors thereafter confined the Investigation to
the floors below it.
At the entrance to the building a gentle
man was stationed with a patent indicator ,
by means of which n record was tntuto of
every visitor as ho passed thu threshold.
When the reception was brought to a close
the little instrument showed that 5,0511
puoplo had visited the building. But at no
timu was there evidence that the structure
was crowded. Its halls tire so wldo uiul
numerous and its departments so *
many and spacious , that the capacity of the
structure hud in no sense been tested.
The freedom nf the building was allowed
everybody. It was graciously accepted and
heartily appreciated. The throng rolled
along the halls as If on a promenade. They
chatted , laughed , commented upon every
thing , the murblo wainscot , the tiled floors ,
the milk-white walls , the oaken doors and
frames , the plate-glass windows , the olcctrio
bells , the model news-room , the novel stereo
typing department , the imposing presses , the
mammoth sky-light , and , above all , tbo court ,
which was the marvel of every beholder.
At this people stood and gazed with wonder
and admiration. They nut in the corridors ,
which , like balconies , open upon it from the
fifth lloor , and studied both thu beauty of Its
design and the excellence of its workman
ship. Some basked in the grateful sunlight
which it admitted to every room and com
mended the intelligence which had suggested
it and the genius which had succesfully
grasped thu idea and immortalized it.
"There is nothing Ilka it in the country ,
save in the Palace note ) , San Francisco , and
I greatly prefer THE UEK'S , " said ono gen
tleman , sneaking of the imposing feature.
"It leaves not a dark room in the house
every room is an outside one , " said another.
"Suppose Mr. Kosowater has lost sotno
room by so largo n court , ho has gained that
which makes room valuable light and ven
tilation , " remarked a third.
"There is enough of beauty and grandeur
In this court , " said another , % 'to say nothing
of the other features of this remarkable
building , to attract every stranger who
comes to this pity. I will venture the asser
tion that henceforth Tin : BKE ofllco will b2 a
Mecca to tourists traveling west and east , as
it deserves to bo "
"I cannot look in this court without recall
ing thososcenesin 'Athambra , " which Wash
ington Irving so faithfully painted. There
may not bo the riehnossof material but there
are tno ample proportions and the beautiful
in design which so characterized the
which the genial author spent so many
pleasant hours , " said a lady principal of
ono of our local schools.
' As the highest , salaried man in TUB BKE
ofllco in 1974 , " said Mr. Thomas Wolfe , now
of David City , "I can say , professionally , of
the 'art preservative1 that this is surely a
triumph of Mr. Ilosewatcu-'s genius of
application and application of genius. "
"I had read reuorts in the papers of the
maetnlleeneu of Tin : UCK building , " said n
banker , "but I thought thev were largely
imaginative. I find now that they did not do
Justice to the subject. I think Mr. Rosewater -
water has ono of ttie grandest buildings on
earth and I'm glad of it. "
Thus they talked , marveled and admired.
To.ovcry ono the visit was a source of in
formation and entertainment. It was a holi
day of holidays and will long bo remembered
by the thousands who enjoyed it.
The presses were not in operation during
the day , but the massive and lightning , per-
fcctors , sllont as they were , called forth
many expressions of both interest and sur
The attendance at night was not less
noticeable than during the day. Tbo stop
ping of the elevators prevented no ono from
nspcctlng tho.buildiug. Without hesitancy ,
, ho people 'ascended the stairs to the
Highest floor , and visiting the others in sue-
icssion on their downward course.
In the evening , also , tbo building was
Humiliated with hundreds of electric lumps ,
rom basement to editorial floor , and present-
id a most attractive appearance. The effect
jf this illumination on the court was grand
n the extreme while hundreds of promcnad-
ng sweethearts , husbands and wives added
, o thu picture .111 element of Ufa and beauty
which loft nothing to bo desired.
No band was present during the day , but a
chance visit of throe members of the Typo
graphical union , from Des Moines , resulted
in an impromptu concert in the news room.
The visitors were A. W. Coons , who played
ho guitar : Ucorgo Cross , the mandolin , and
_ Jaul Maltby , also tlio guitar. They played
a number of selections which their follow
, ypos and the visitors warmly applauded.
At 10:30 : o'clock the last light in ttio unoc
cupied part nf the building was extinguished.
The last loiterer had retired from the scone
and the lust of the formal receptions of THE
BBC had coma to a closo.
Thousands or Dollars
uro spent every year by the people of this
stdto for worthless medicines for the cure of
throat and lung diseases , when wo know
that if they would only invest ? 1 in SANTA
AUIK , the new California discovery for con
sumption and kindred complaints , they
would in this pleasant remedy find relief.
It is recommended by ministers , physlnluns
and public speakers of the Golden Stato.
Sold and Guaranteed by Goodman Drug Co.
at $1 a bottle. Three for 3.60.
The most stubborn cases of catarrh will
speedily BUecum to CALIFORNIA CAT-U-
CUUI3. Six months treatment for * 1. By
wail $1.10.
Kourtli of.July ttlnzo.
A blaze In a barn in the roar of the saloon
at 711 North Sixth street called the depart
ment to that place about 0 o'clock last night.
Befnro the department arrived the neigh
bors lud rescued four mules from the burn
ing building. One of the mules was pretty
badly burned. They belonged to Hanson ,
the groror. The building is the property of
George Hoimrod. The loss was about $150.
It could not bo learned ivhethor there was
any insurance. Chief Galligan thlnUs fire
works were the cause of the ilro.
A Street Our Nnrrowly C cnpos Col
lision With a iHrjomotlvo.
A crowded street cur on Thirteenth street
narrowly escaped a collision with a loco
motive on the Union Pacific road Wednes
day morning. The car was gouig rapidly on
a down grade , and before the driver had
time to check his horses the locomotive was
dangerously near and a horrible death to a
largo number of men and women seemed im
minent , but by quickly reversing hit engine
the engineer narrowly prevented a catastro
phe. Some of the pabsungCN on .seeing their
danger jumped from tun car , while the
women wore helpless with fright. The
street car company 1ms been severely cen
sured for running such risks when there lane
no occasion for it , and many persons charge
the company with being careless about suob
u Hairs ,
Poara soap secures u boautlfulj com
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ask for Storz & liar's Vicuna Exporl
Continuation of our Great Sale of Spring and Summer GlotMng to Close
tlie Season. This sale is greater tlian any we ever had.
Thousands are taking advantage of this sale to buy Fine Clothing , at
lower prices than have ever been offered before.
For the next 30 days we will offer the most extraordinary bargains in every department in our establishment. Ready1
made clothing department , Furnishing G-oods department , Hat and Car ) department , ever shown in America. The
time has come for closing out our spring and summer weights. The opportunity is yours.
MEN'S READY-MADE DEPART this line but pure , all wool suitings and 1 ] 3(1 ( f ! 6 sale for S2.60 per suit. This is the prlcft
MENT. remember , a $10 suit nt the Continental A special bargain line of Mon's all paid for n cheap grade of satinet , but in
In our Men's Rendy-Mndo Dopart- is just as closely inspected in regard to wool Cheviot Pants in n , neat dark this line we offer a good honest wearing
mon two offer 160 suits of Mon's Pine making and trimming as the higher striped cheviot , in all about 200 pairs , material , in colors suitable for school
Whip-cord Suits ln'3-button cutaways , grade of goods. There are goods in this will bo offered at this sale at tlio un wear in all , ono of the best values
nt $16.00 per suit. These are goods line that cannot bo bought outside of the heard of price of $2.26 per pair. Send for vacation wear wo have over offered }
vliich huvo sold in our stock nil season Continental for lesa than $15. Our price us your measure and P. O. order for
or S22 per suit. Mndo from tin im- is only $10. $2.25 for a pair of this lot and they can
lortod worsted , elegantly trimmed , mid not fail to bo satisfactory. Wo know OUR LINE OP PINE SUITS AT $3 ,
> f n suitable weight to wonr at any soa- what those goods are worth. They were Complimentary remarks are made by"
on. Wo claim that this line cannot never bought for loss than $3.60. our customers when they examine ou'u
)0 bought outsldo of the Continental PANTALOON DEPARTMENT. line of fine Cassimoro and Cheviot Suits
or loss than $22. Our price nt this sale nt $5.00. During this sale the variety
vlll bo . All sizes from 44. will bo than and
815. 84 to ' ' larger over , wo are
If you purchase n suit of this lot.and PRICE $3.60. euro of ono fact , that every garment
t is not lound to bo as represented , the MENT. sold out of this uopartmo nt will eivq
Hirchnso money will bo refunded. Wo It is our custom at the close of each Boys'Long Pant Suits , ages 10 to 14 perfect satisfaction , and a customer oversold
: ; uinot send samples of the cloth , but Boason to make special prices on our years , price $5.60. sold will always bring their children to
vill send a sample suit to any address , pantaloon stock to clear up the broken Wo offer the greatest bargain line of the Continental to bo ( ittod. Our variety
ind if It is not satisfactory , may bo re lots. Lnit spring wo had an immense Boys' Long Pant Suits , ages 10 to 14 , ioty is larger , the quality Is just as ro-i
turned at our expense. Send to us for sale of pants at $3.GC per pair. Wo will which wo have never sold at $5.60 per presented , and our prices are lowou
solf-monsuromont blanks. Remember offer this week another special bargain suit. Nothing larger than 14 , in pure than are paid for inferior goods at otho *
, ho pricoj $15.00 , In frock suits. lot including some very choice styles of all-wool Casslmoros and Cheviots , goods places.
silk mixtures , Cheviots Casslmorcs and which wo have sold all season for 87 and
' . ,
MEN'S SACK BUSINESS SUITS. Fancy Worsted , at the same popular $8 , at the unheard of price of S6.50 , to
Wo have reduced prices on our Fine price of $3.60. Many of those styles clear up this entire lino. Wo cannot FURNISHING GOODS DEPART
Business Sack Suits to a lower average have sold all the season for $5 and $0. send samples of this cloth , but always MENT.
, han wo have over shown since wo have This is an opportunity to buy something bear in mind that you need not hesitate
) oen in business. Wo can afford to do " Special prices on Fine Underwear.
fine at a very low prico. Samples" are to send us a postal-aoto for the amount " " "
at as wo manufacture our own goods shown in our windows. Mail orders and if the goods are not perfectly satis " " " Vacation Shirts.
and in largo quantities. Wo have had must bo accompanied with postal note factory , wo will pay all express charges " " ' ' Fancy IToisory.
a successful season and are determined for the amount and any pair not found' and refund your money. " II " Neckwear '
not to carry over a light weight suit. perfectly satisfactory , mny bo returned Boys' Shirt Waists.
MEN'S $10 SUITSALE. at our cxponso. Length of the log and
The most attractive part of this sale is waist measure are the only measurements - BOYS' KNEE PANT SUITS , PRICE
our largo line of suits marked down to monts required. The styles are all neat $2.50. HAT DEPARTMENT.
ilO. Wo will not attempt a description mixtures in medium shades , very few 250 Boys' Knee Pant Suits , in a neat Prices in Straw Hats for Mon's , Boy'j
of these goods ; they must bo soon too loud styles among thorn , so you are per gray ana black chock and brown and Children less than cost. Our object ij
> o appreciated. There is nothing in fectly safe in ordering. gray striped cheviot , arc marked at this to sell every Straw Hat in stock this
Omaha , Boston , -New York , Des Moines.
Proprietors ;
> Corner Douglas and 15th Streets- -
Prohibition Drove Scores of Busi
ness Men From the Place * .
Stores nnil Residences Emptied and
Joints and Low Doujccrles TaUo
the 1'laco of the Open
The Fate of Atclilson.
The Kansas City Times has had a
special correspondent in Atchison to as
certain the workings of prohibition
there and the sentiment of its citizens
on the question of a resubmission. As
a result of his investigations the corro-
spondentsays :
During the last five years scores of
jood citizens have left the city leaving
liundreds of dwellings and business
liouscs standing empty , and representa
tive men of Atchison have no hesitancy
in attributing this state of affairs to pro
hibition. Tlio pooolo uro not satisfied
with the prohibitory law because an ex
tensive liquor business is being carried
on in open violation of the law and no
revenue is derived therefrom by the
city. In the year 1884 , the open saloons
wo'ro closed under the prohibitory law
and the county paid several thousand
dollars in costs in having the law en
forced. The year before the revenue
derived by the city from the open saloons
was 11,220 which wont into the city
treasury to bo expended in a manner
that would bo beneficial to the best in-i
torosts of the city.
After the enforcement of the prohibi
tory law , so far as the open saloons nro
concerned , the joint eamo Into immedi
ate existence and liquor has boon sold
daily in largo quantities ever since , the
city deriving no bonollt with the ex
ception of regular lines paid into the
police court by jolntlsts. The bittnr
hatred between citizens of different
political beliefs that originated at the
commencement of the prohibition light
in this city has never died out. The
enemies of five years ago are enemies
today , and this ono thing has caused so
much discontent and dissatisfaction
that people have lost confidence In each
other. A number of Atohinson gontlo-
mcn recently organized the Midland
trust company of Kansas City.
"Why did you not keep the institu
tion in AtchlsonV" was asked yester
day of ono of the odlcors of the com
pany. The gentleman replied : "It
would not pay to do it. The people
have no confidence in each other and
where that state of affairs exists busi
ness will not prosper. "
As to the effect that prohibition has
had upon the business interests of Atch
ison. the statements of the following
loading business men of the city will
show :
William Hcnthorington , president of
the Exchange national bank , said :
"Prohibition has boon the great finan
cial curse of Kansas. "
W. W. Iloathorlngton , cashier of the
same bank , said : "Prohibition has va
cated hundreds of houses in this oity ,
reduced rents and boon very detriment
al to the business interests of Atchison.
The question ought to bo resubmltted
to the people. "
John M , Crowoll said : "Tho town has
been going down hill ever since the
prohibitory law wont into effect. "
Frank Howard , wholesale merchant
and manufacturer , said : "Prohibition
has damaged the olty over $2,000,000 , in
the lust 11 vn years. "
Donald Bros. , wholesale dry goods
merchants , eald : "Prohibition 1ms
burdened the people with a great many
expenses that In all well regulated
cities the saloon men should shoulder.
It has caused a great many good men to
louvo the city,1' '
John M , Prioo , real estate dealer ,
said : "Prohibition has done more
toward injuring Atchison than any
other ono thing. ' '
MoPiico & Fox , wholesale druggists ,
said : "Prohibit'on ' is a commercial
suicide. It has damaged us to the ex
tent of $100,000 in the last live years.
The question ought to bo rosubmitted.
Then there would bo some hope for the
city. "
Dr. W. W. Cochrano said : "Prohib
ition has probably done some good , but
it has oaten at the vitals of this town
until it is now bankrupt. The question
ought to bo resubmltted to the people. "
El wood & Co. , retail dry goods deal
ers , said : "Prohibition has nearly
killed our town. " '
C. C. Faust , a hardware denier of Los
Angeles , Gal. , who is visiting in this
citv , said : "Moro people remove to
California from Kansas and Iowa than
any other states , and nine out of ton of
such persons say they loft their former
homos on account of prohibition and its
consequences. "
Ex-Mayor S. H. Kelsey said : "Pro
hibition has caused a great many people
ple to leave the city and has kept a
great many from coming hero. It has
made strife among our people which is
always disastrous to the growth of a
city. It is not the way to educate the
people to temperance and I think the
question ought to bo resubmitted. "
Major B. P. Waggoner said : "I was
in favor of the prohibitory amendment
and the law , but I have made up my
mind that it can never bo enforced in
Kansas until it becomes a national law.
The question ought to bo resubmitted
to the pooplo. "
S. V. Bnrth , " retail clothing dealer ,
said : "Prohibition has greatly de
pressed business and ought to bo resubmitted
submitted to the pooolo. "
M. Marcus , wholesale cigar and to
bacco dealer , said : "Prohibition has
greatly injured the sity depressed busi
ness. The law ought to bo repealed. "
C. H. Young , musical instrument
dealer , said : "Tho prohibitory law is a
failure and ought to bo repealed. It has
greatly damaged the business interests
of the city. I am in favor of a high license -
cense law. "
H. W. Bnrkow , boot and shoo dealer ,
said : "Prohibition has had a demoraliz
ing effect oh business. I am in favor of
a well regulated high license law. I
hope the question will bo resubmitted to
the pooplo. "
E. J. August , wholesale boot and shoo
dealer , said : "Prohibition has had a
damaging effect on the city , and I hope
the law will bo repealed. "
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of pure
ly , btreneth und vrholesomenesa. Jtore eco
nomical than the ordinary kinds , nnd cannot
bo sold In competition with tha multitudes ot
lor or btiortuolKht lnm ° r phosphate powders ,
Bold only In can * , lloyul llalcliur. 1'ou der Com
pany , ISO Wall btief t. KeW Vorlc.
ilfltuMlslind 18 GO.
Price. Cash. Monthly
1 Stelnway Square flffl.OJ Ho.uo fclu.tX )
1 Knabe Square 175.00 Ifl.OJ 10.00
1 H nines Itros. Square , . 175.00 15.00 10.00
lllullet , Davis & Co. tfq. ICi.OO 1C.OJ 10.00
1 Knierson Square ; ; . . . . 100.00 10.00 7.00
1 Marshal to Wendell sq. 123.00 10.00 8.00
1 W. w. KlmbnlliSnuara 100.00 10.00 7.00
1 Chlckerlng Upright ,
usod-yoara 833.00 25.0J 1G.OO
Prico. Cash. Monthly.
1 Mason Hamlln , used 1
year $75.00 110.00 IS.OO
1 Taylor & Farley , used 1
year 70.0D 10.00 8.00
1 Kstoy. used S mos. , cost
now Jlltt.OvJ 00.00 10.00 8.00
1 liurdette UJ.OO 7.00 5.00
1 Taylor & Farley a > .oo 8.00 6.00
1 Mason Hamlln M.OO' 6.00 5.00
1 lleatty (27 ( atopj ) 40.00 8.00 7.00
Kvory Instrument guaranteed to bo In good
order. Urlng this ad. with you , and avoid mis
takes. Any of those Instruments taken In ex
change for now nt same price any tiino in ono
year. Call early and get a bargain.
1622 and 1C2-1 FARNAM STREET.
After Invoicing our clothlni ; stock , we
flnd certain lines of suits tlmt have not
sold readily : consequently thb price lias
boun roilucad. An uarly call will be to your
Steck Piano
Rormirlmblo for powerful sympathetic
tone , pliable action and absolute dura
bility ; 80 years' record the best guaran
tee of the excellence of these Instru
nules. Boveral cases cured in ueven days. Bold
at * U > 0 per bor , all drnettUtg , or by mall from
Docttua M't'g Co. 113 Whlw n W. X. Full Ulrec-
jgftlgSgSg a .
Board & Attendance. Beit Accommodation ] in West.
_ 03"WHITE FOtt OIKOUIARSon DeformiUei and
Brocei , Trusses , Club F ct , Curvatures of Bplnc , Piles ,
Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh. Bronchitis , Inhalation
riectriclty , 1'aralyojg , Epilepsy , Kidney. Bladder ,
Bye , i < u , Skin and Blood and all Surcical Operations ,
Only Reliable Medical Instltuta miklnff a Special ty of
All JIJoo < ] njitiiti lueceiifullr trcntcd. ttrpljimie I'olioa
rcmoTe.l from the without . Ken
if item nercurr. ll lor > lli
Tre.lm. . ; hrLniorUTAL 1'UHKIt. l-.rllei nutlito"l. , |
niraijbotreitedit hornet , ; corroponiletice. Alleommunlct-
MODI confidential. Mcdtcluei or Initruiaeuti lent tr miller ei.
rreiiieeureljr picked , nonnrlijolndlcateeonttuuoriender.
line perioailliitert lew preferred. Cull ted co.imie o oritnl
tlltonr or your etie , and wo will tend In pliln wr l per , our
Rdlm Tfl & 1PH FREE : Upon | Hppclil or
UUUrV IU iNCHl KerromDIiraieiInipolener.Hrph.
Illi ; Oltet and Virleoccle. with queitlon Hit. Addreii
13th and Dodge QtreeU , OUAIIA ,
To Glasgow , Ilclfast , Dublin nml Liverpool
From New York Every Tuesday ,
Cabin pnssago yis to KO , nccordlnjf to location o f eta
irooni , Jxciir ! lun fC5 to P.O.
Btcornue to aftil Irom Kuropo ut Lowest Hutoj.
AUSTIN llAi.mviN & , Co. , Gcn'l AKontg ,
U llroailwar. Now York.
JOHN llLL-agy , tion'l Western Aci'nt.
ICl UnnJbliili St. , Chicago.
IIA11UV K. MORES , Atent. Omulm.
IleiluccdCubiiir.Uoito aUjjo.v Inhibition .
Sauce. do.
wull-on-HuiUon. Cou 0. J. WIIIUIIT , II , B. ,
A. M. , Hupt. ; H if , HVAtT. Comd't ot Cadets.
Preparatory and colltKlatg court ? * , llUrntureJancuflitt *
inuile.itrt. 13. K. Ill'U-mii , 1'ilncliml ,
Civil Knelneerlng. Classics. Ilusinesi ) .
HT. KBV. K. I > . IIUNTINOTON. I'resKlcnt
i/r. Cot , . W. VKHIIBOK. Huporlntundcnt
of Initrucllon
clo. E.
_ / \ "V" .
BttBtiM Kiel m
20to6O DAYS.
This is u disunse which has heretofore
Baflled all Medical Science.
When Mercury , Iodide otf Potassium , Barsapa
rllla or Hot Springs fall , \ro guarantee u euro.
Wo hare a Homody , unknown to anyone In tti
World outside of our Compiiuy. mid ouu that has
. . . . . . _
A.V - .JL.4JBW m. * * < * *
to cure tlio most obstinate cases. Ten days la
recent cases does thu work. It Is tlio old chronla
deep boated cases tliat we oollcit. We have
cured tinndreds who have been abandoned \f \
Physicians , and pronounced Incurable , and wa
challcnpo the world to Ijrincus a cnaa that ws
will not cure In less tlmn sixty ilaj-M.
Since the hlntory of mealclno a true tpoclfla
for Syphilis has been sought tot but never
touud until our
was discovered , and wo are justified In saying
It la I ho only Komeuy in the World trial will pdi
Itlvcly cure , bncanse the latest . .MedicalVork4. .
published by the boat known authorities , say
tnoro was no ver a true sped ( la boforo. Our rim.
edy will euro when everything else has failed.
Why wrtsto you tlmo and money with patent
medicines that never had vlituo , or doctor vrith
iihyMclitns that cannot euro you , you that liar *
tried everything elis should corns to us nowund
K t permanent relief , you never can net It elso-
whero. Mark what wo sny. In the oud you
must take our remedy or N EVER recover ana
you that have been afflicted but n nhort tlmo
Bhonld by nil moans coma to us now , not one In
ten of now cases over get permanently cured.
M any cet help and think they are free from ths
disease , but ( n one , two or tnreo yearn after ll
appears again In n more horrible form.
This is a blood Purifier and will Cura
any Skin or Blood Disease when
Everything Else Fails.
NOTICE Wodcslro to caution patients In r -
Kurd to partial claiming to use llio Cook Item/
edy. Our formula Is not and CANNOT b
known to anyone but ourselvus.
Rooms 418 and 419 , Paxlon Block
HB > T , a guaranteed njiecluu for Hysteria , Ulzzt *
DOSS , Convulsions , ntH , Norvoui Neuralgia ,
llouilaclio , Nerfous Prostration caused by tti
use nt alcohol or tobacco , Wakufulnoii , Montol
Denrui lnn , Softening at tha llrixln , reiiiltlngld
Insanity anil loaillmt to misery , decay und rioatm
I'lomature Old Ago , Jlurremiess , I/oss of I'owref
In either BOX , Involuntary Louai ami Snermat-
orhreacaused by over-oxertlonof the liruln.self-
abuse or overindulgence. liudi box contalni
cne month's treatment. ll.O'i a box. or nlxboxei
forfl.W.xent by mallpyep l < l on receipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order recelroil by
ucforxlx boxes , accompanied with Vi.W , we wJU
Bend tha purchaser our written Kuaruntoo to re.
fund the money It tno treatment does not oireol
k euro. Qnuruntoeg issued only by Goodman
Drug Co , , UniB lit , Bolt Agonti , IllQ Barnaul
itruet. OuiuUk fttte , -
C. ' lliti I.l'iiior Ilalilt , I'nulllrolr Cured
Itr AUnilnliitorInu Dr. llaluen'
Uulileii Bi'ucinc.
It cui Lo clvvn In a cup of caflco or ten without tin
knonlfilKO nf Urn pc-ricm Inklinfll : It tiDinlululluria
K' , nnd will olfrct n iiuvily | and iiurmnnvnt aura
nlietlicr the imtlent u u luoduratu drliikiT or > u
alcoliol ttreifc. TliuukHiid * ol clruiikanlii lure bean
umilo tmupurnto inru nho linvu taken ( joldin Hixjclflo
In tliflrcuiTuu without th lrliiowloUKomiU lo-imjr tie *
Arrests discharges from the urinary ow
I trans In either sex In-18 luiur * . I
I it la superior to ropalba , cubcbs , CM
I Injections , und free from all bail uncil
Bur other Inconveniences.