Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No rulvortlficnicntH will t o tnlccu Tor
thcao columns after liKO ; p. m.
Tormfi Cnsh in ntlrnncp.
Advertisementsunder thla head 10 Co. . . . per
line for the first Insertion , 7 cents for eacU tub-
eenuent Insertion , and per line per month.
No advertisement for loss thnn 25 cent *
for llrsl Insertion. Boron words will bo counted
tx > the line ; they must run conpecntlvely anil
jnust be paid In ADVANCE. All advertise-
mcntsmnst l > o handed In before 12:30 o'clock p.
m. , and under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone ,
I'artlon advertising In those columns and tiny
Ins their answers addressed In cnru of TIIK UK *
wilt plcftce ask for n chock to enable them to net
their letters , as none will 1m dullrcred except on
TTOccntntlon of check. All answers to nclvor-
ilsoncnts nhould bo enclosed in envelopes.
AllndvcrtlnnracntB In thes * columns nra pub-
ItMml in both mornrnirand ercnlng rdlttons of
TIIK Urn , the circulation of which aggregates
morcthmi 1 " ,000 papers dally , nnd give i the ad
vertisers the bnticflt , not only of the city circu
lation of TUB IlEH , but also of Council llluff ? .
Ijlncoln nnd other Utles and towns throughout
thlsioiticiiof the country.
Advertising for these columns will bo taken
on the above conditions , at the following busi
ness houses , who aroauthorized ugontsforTim
43EK special notices , nnd will n""to the same
rates us cnn to lind nt the main ofllco.
OH ASK h HOW , Stationers nnd printers , 113
South mil Street.
BH. FAIINBWOHTU , I'harmaclst , 2115 Cum-
Ing Street ,
J. IIUUIIKS. I'hanhaclst , C24 North ICth
i Street.
" "
EO.V. . 1'Allll , 1'narmaclst , 1800 Bt. Jlnry'j
AYOUNO farmer from the old countrj
wishes employ incut ns n farm hand with n
gontla American farmer family. Address D U3 ,
Ileo. _ mjt _
' ' wanted bjf n cnrdener auditor
1st , 15 years experience In raising roses , nil
kind of Howrrs , fruits and vegetables ; under
Btiimls the management and care of llnu homes ,
Good reference. Address Henry Heller , 144 (
llolladay St. , Denver. Colo. _ ! H-ii ! |
D1lUG9-Sltuatlon wanted bydrutr clerk (
years experience. Holds ccrtlllciito ol
primary oxumin.itlon from Ontario College ol
Pharmacy. Host rofercncos. State salary ,
Addicts J. C. Hnrrlsoti , 247 South cth St. . llur-
. la _ 1836 *
WANTED lly well recommended nud ox
perlciccd business man a situation It
clothing , furnishing or dry goods store as a
f salesman * or as traveling salesman for whole
Bale grocery houpo : speaks llonemlnn , Englls }
and Uermnn. Apply to K. 11. Zarubn , careoi
BKlnner llrps. & Wrlgnt , Denver. Colo. 181 5 _
POSITION by stenographer and typewriter
Wnges moderate. Aduress.J.T.M. , postolllto
"OESl'ECTAHLE married person wants dallj
J-i > employment ns useful help In household
dutles.or cnn teach younp children : tlioroushlj
domesticated. Address I ) 32. lloe olll ce. 113-3 ;
AN experienced groeerwants a situation ni
traveling salesman In northern Nob. Ad-
flrcss I ) l.i Hce.
EXI'EIIT accountant wants complicate !
hooks nnd partnership matters to ajust
Address 0 Ui.llee. ItBJylW
ANTED Alioy about 15 to 17 years old e'
1110 Fnrnam at. 191-5
- ' First-class mllKer ( must liavi
worked In dairies ) ; wages ? 2 > ) a month
NollsonNow port additionnortii'.u'st fiom fort
WANTEI-Men with , fnlr education nni
pleasing address to solicit ; deposit of fi !
required : salary SD1 and $75 per month. Cal
on of address 0. L. Uoylen , room fill , 1st Nat'l
W ANTED An experienced solicitor , ( print
ing ) ; steady work ; I ) ill.'lice olllce. IC6-6
TTtTANTED-Ilotel clerk. 8J5 ; jnan cook to :
T' suiull hotel.JtO : dlshwnshurs , pauw asher
garden men , fnnn hands , "laborers ; lota o
work nt Mrs. Uroga's. . ' 114J4 S 15 lou-nt
i men with fair education ti
act aa county managers. Deposit of $21
required. Salary $75 to J100 per mouth. Cnllo :
address Davis & Shahan , 649 Kanigo block
Ut 4
< I ANTED & > stone putters tor cutting curb
C. D. VVoodworth. IMS Douglas. 143 4 *
ANTED 1" > to 30 teams at Florence ti
haul sand. American Waterworks.
. 113 4
W'ANTED good boys for factor
work. Address J ) iij. Hoe ollico. I4T 4 ?
PIVTV 11. It. men for Wyoming and v/cston
Nebraska. Jl.fiO to $1.75 ; ship every dav
Mrs , llregq. ! il4'315th. . 11)1-5 *
WANTED Agents , both sexes , to sell th
Handsome Tidy Holders , 403 per cen
prollt. Olio sample pair mailed for li ) cents 1
gtamps. I' . O. Iloi2 a Carroll , la. 140-4 *
WANTED Slen to sell Shetland inountal :
ponies. Sample pair free on business
like conditions. nerd fancv spottc
ponies In America. Letters answered If a sell
addressed stamped envelope in enclosed. 1'rc
prletor "Shetland I'ony Itauch , " Van Haul
Ilniar countv. 'lor. UO-3V
" \7STANTED Two mon of good address to rat
V viws nnd sell goods. Call at 1010 Howar
street. _ 114-3t
to travel for tha Fonthlll Nurseries o
MUN . Wo pay KO to $100 n month an
expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grow
stock. Ad , Stone & Wellington , Madison , Wl :
| _ _ 801
WANTKD Italtroad laborers , rockmon an
truck layers for Washington Territory
goodv/ases nud ntoadv work , at Albright'
Labor Agency. 1120 Farnam at. _ BU2 _
WANTED At once , nn energetic salesma
In every town to boll teas , colfoes , spice ;
extracts , baking powders , grotcrles. etc. , t
botclH , restaurants , farmers and other larg
consumers -wholesale prices ; exclusive tci
rltory glen. . Address the Kdgworth Mmcai
tllo Co. . 1117 State St. . Chicago. _ 838 6 *
good olllce man to go east
must Invest Si.600 : must bo a good buslnet
man. Address the Goo , 8 , Cllne Publlshlu
Houae. 315 to 321 Wabash ave. , Chicago. HI. 7'
WAN'l El ) Hnilroad laborers for uowwor
In Wyoming Tcumsters , wheeler holder :
pIoJc and Bhnvel men , nnd rock and tunnel met
Steady work and good job. For transportatlo
apply nt Albrluht s labor agency , 1120 Fnrnai
Bt.Oiaahn. _ 7U2
WANTEI-5ai weekly representative , mnl
. or toniale , in every community. _ GooO
Btaplo ; lioucehold necessity ; Boll at sight ; n
peddling ; salary paid promptly , und expense
advanced. Fitli particulars and valuable sampl
AVomoan Just what wo Ray : nddres
ntonco , WAUli CO. . IJo ;
ton. Mass. bS4
ANi'ED-A cook liuiucdlately. 16)B ) Doui
las. ifc'JU ?
ANTED A Klrl for general houseworl
SHU California. 177 fl
WANTED Lady pastry cook. 810 ; womo
rooki for boarding houses , { . 'i ; panwnsho
(5 , room at lionii : 4 laundresses ; 3 chambe
maids , paint girls , pahtry girls , uluo : iuc
clil to wait on luucli counter out of city , &D ;
housekeepers und BO girls for general housi
wprk. _ Mrs , llr-i n , ilHij B 15th. iifflit
W Otrl for general housework ; 81
family ; Gorman preferred ; 17ir > Oass.
7ANTED A plrl to cook , wash and Ire
for u small family. Apply at Hts N Wt
' ior. of Oraco. I' L.
r' ANTED -Qood girl. Bmnll family. f
N.iSd St. 1CO-3J
-1TCIIEN girl wanted at 212) Dodge st.
. i. good girl to do kitchen worn. None nee
apply without good reterencoa. _ _ _ 105-Ct
Oood ijlrl to coo * , wash ni :
iron. Mrs.f , II. lUishmnu , OH S. 371
3THONO cirl for general liouaowork , B4rt
" > 23d street. " _
r ANTED A girl for general housa wor
Inquire at N. J. Kdliolm , HI Chicago , 1U6
First class cook nnd lanndros :
WANTED iri.'l. Apply at 4-1 north 23j
it , corner Cnas. 111-3
A girl for general housewf.n
WANTED . Mrs. H.Y. . Cumer.Siai We
ptert . K3 !
TT 'Al'TfiU Lndles utni l at
A nurse for a child S vesrs eli
WANTBD of court disposition , m
peat aud willing. 2005 St , Mtiry'n avo.
if A competent cirl. ono who H
deratnnds cooking. wAshlog nnd Ironlt
/thorounhly ; uoptheriteod uvply , Wra. M. He
tnaa , M3 bt. Mnry'a e > o.
second work anrt ttl
'li ? c r > of clilKi tnieo yra old : none bin toi
ttnt need apply ; Ucriuut i > ri < fcniul. f > t
WANTKD-Two Rlrls for general housework ,
Inquire MO 8 22d. 173-f.t
Girl for general house work ,
acrman preferred. 71i N. 23rd st. HO 4 *
T7 NOAORMENT8 to do dressmaking In fntnl- i
JUJ lies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 103 sSiith are
ISSillNNlOKharemoved her drcssmnk nt
parlors fromlQIMIownrd to ir ll.cavenw th
She will be pleased to have customers call.
TplIHST-class day board. Inquire 1C03 Douglas
WANTi : ! ) lloom nnd board In prtvnto fam
ily. Hntlsfactory reference Runrantfed.
lease state prlco and location , Address , 1) ) . 3\
loo. 10Wi (
WANTKD 2 or 3 furnlehod rooms for light
housckcopluc by young married couple.
State terms and location. Address 1133 Ileo
3IIICO. lfil-1 _
WANTliD I'or August nnd Beptembor ,
rooms nnd board lor gentleman , wife nnd
daughter In country house , shaded and pleasant
nnd easily accessible from city , Uest. accom
modations only wanted , for which good prlco
ivlll bo paid. Address , with particulars. C > sn ,
'IcoOinco. 121-4. *
TjlOH HUNT 4 room house , with pantrr.'hard
JL' qnd ott untor nt 71.1 Ijcavonworth. 178 u
"ClOll HUNT A nice S-room cottage with many
JL' conveniences , n37 S. 17tn nvoi ixnt ; modornto.
Ailply 021 8.17th Bt. 071
I1OH HUNT 1 3-room house. RJi'JVobJtcr ' St. .
hard and soft w ator , 1 block from street car.
ts per month. 120 3J
TJ10H HUN'i'-Deslrabloonico. ' 1517 Douglas ,
TjlOlt HUNT 7-room flat , modern convonl-
JJ ences. Lanpo blocfe. 013 a. Uth Bt. O'Jl
lOU KENT NIce 8-roomllnt , newly papered.
$33. 1K3 lloword St. , in meat market. C6t
TTIOH HUNT 7-room corner flat , Itltn nnd
JJ Jones. 00
POH KENT 11-room house , 1311 Cumtngst.j
good barn and ohcds ; modem linprovc-
jnents ; cut np to right parties. O. Ii. Green , 910
H. Intll _ Bt. S2II
2SKVKN room houses , OH ana 848 S. 23d , near
SInson. Kuqulreatbi-JB. 2Jd 8M-7
RESIUKNCKS In \Vm..l.l'nulblochcor.UUh
and Chicago Jlost modem and attractive.
Will bo ready nbout July 10th. Apply. I'aul.lcoa
rnrnam. 413
"IJlOIt Iir.N'I'Furnlshed hoiiso tor summer :
JU convenient , desirable location. Address 1)0
lice. WW 4t
T7\OU \ UKNT New U-room bilck ; all modem
-U Improvements , on l"th St. , between Nicholas
nnd I'Biil , at only $10 , A. 1' . Tukey. JOth' and
Uougla ! ) . 115
HUNT 5-rooiu house. SMI Chicago st.
OK HENT-3-room house at 008 N. 13th at ,
109 7 *
"TT < UilNlsTni ) house , 20th and St. ilary's avo. ,
Jj to rent till Oct. 1st. 7 rooms , hath and
laundry to family vrlthont children : reteioncos
required. David Jnmleson. 31 1 B 15th at. 87-
Ijibll KENT Nont 4-room cottage , cltywntor ,
JO 1U miles from V. O. D. C. Patterson , 3H B.
12tll. 133
riN rooms , perfect repair , modern convcn-
Xiencoo. water rent palil by owner.IB and
S218 Lcnvcivnorth st. S3'i per month. Hugh O.
ClarK. room 7. Chamber ot Commerce. 1374) )
KENT Neat cottage. t20 per month. C.
F. Harrison , Merchants itlonal Bank.
10It KKN'T G-room cottage , city water and
. gas , nicely situated within block of cable
nnd horse car llnorion t2S. Inquire 143d N. 18th.
T71011 KENT 8-room house. ovoivthlng
JU modernfnear cable , 5 minutes -\\alkfrom
1' . O , N. kuolton , 1M3 rnrnam at. 1414 ?
TTlOlt KENT Now 7-room house with city
JU water nnd Tintb. Apply 2S2fl Vranklin st. or
room 600 Worchants' National bank. 1317t
"IT1OH 11HN1' Furnished cottage of 6 looms.
JD I , . & S. Loan & Itcntal Agency , cor. 10th and
lion artists. ' 115
T/lUKNISIir.D or unfurnished house for rent
JF In Part Terrace , opposite llnuscorn park ;
all modem conveniences. Inquire Leo &
Nlchol. " 4th and Leavenworth. M)3 )
T71OH HKNT A detnchea K-room house , all
J3 modern lonvcnlonces.J nq. 3523 Capitol ava-
Ti\0ll \ KENT 14-room brick dwelling , all con
Jt ! veniences. 5 blocks from P. O.,210 N. JUtli st.
TT OTJ EVer rent , Inquire 8083 Dodge st.
T71OH HUNT A nicely furnished nouso In most
JO desirable residence location In the city , on
street car llnp , llftecn minutes walk. Will
tnko part of rent In board and room ; want
man and wife ; no children , lloferenco requhed.
David Colo. 310 8. ' 15th st. 81. )
T7\UHNISHED \ house to rent till Oct. 1st. 7
JO rooms , bath nnd laundry to family without
children ; references required. David Jamie-
sou , 314 S 15th st. b72
TTJIOll ItENT Dwelling , 0 rooms , good stable
JL1 and nil modern conveniences , Capitol nvo. ,
S blocks from High school. D. J. O'Donahoo"
1C01 Farnam st. 582
T710H KENT Four furnished rooms forhoiiso
JO Keeping , also two partly furnished rooms ,
with use nt piano ; water In rooms , 15121)Avon-
port. I'd 3t
AHGE furnished rooms , with board. 1717
-/Chicago. / 1SU-OJ
HANDSOME south room with nlcovo.
A suitable for 2 ; vrlth board. 2300 Fnrnum st.
G .001) room with bath. 010 B. 25th st.
TTIOHHENT-Furnlshed room , with board 1724
JO Dodge. 8'J1
TTlUIlNisiIEO rooms by day , week ot month ,
JO St. Cl&lr hotel , cor IJth and Dodga. 80,1
"p OOM with or without board. 1812 Dodge.
\\i 60(1 (
KENT Koom. 1031 Howard.
nno KENT Now furnished rooms two blocks
JL from pOJtolllco : house lias nil modern Im
provements ; board it desired. 1015 Capital two.
twi-c ;
TjAOR HENT Hooms , with llrst class board i !
JJ desired. CIS S. 10th st. VVJK (
TXTANTEO 2 young men to taKe room and
T V good board In private family ; everything
first-class ; all mnduru convonlonces ; pnly C
inmutDs'walk from r. O. : price 9i ! > j > or mo. ;
best of references required. Address Dll.Iloo.
TfHJirifEN'f Nicely furnished rooms with ot
JD without bonrdt 1721 Davenport street.
U53 4t
ilOH KENT Furnished room , 1712Donglan st.
FOI ! KENT Largo furnished front room , also
front and back parlor unfurnUiied with
board. Enquire at 10IU Capitol Avenue. J07
9 ItOOMB Llcht housekeeping , 14,131'J ' N , li.
TTIOU llENT"Elennnt south room for gentle-
JU man. ITOT Dudgo Kt. 848
TOK ltENT Fumhh d room. 2215 Dodgn st.
Jj 753 J-23
K yENT-Furnlshcd rooms , 2200Dodgo.
FOK ItENT Two parlors front nnd on llrat
lloor. All modem coventuncej. icoa
Douglas. CSS
s ING LI } room and double room , every cou-
sT \onlonco. 1008 Capitol uvc. f/S
T > OOMS and board , 1CHJ and I'M ' 80.23th st.
JLV _ i STU July t _
"VTICEfiY furnlinod , Hoard ffdejlred ;
i-\ gas , bath .electric boiU , clc. 1SOU Douglas.
TTlliHNlSlIED iooiu Vor rent after June23.
.U MH Hurt nt , 163
L ° R R E H TR O O M 8 U N F U R M 1 3 H E O
f Oirifl'lN'fOver Ttovo store , liKTlTowBrcl
X' bt. Inquire at store , Mkj
rn HENT-Untll October 1 , largo furnished
JD hou&e. call 201 ft ? : .tli. BOU
TJIOH It I ! N T Sto 'a andvns roonis IE
JL1 rear , nil newiy papered ; good location foi
rrtocoryor fcwl stores H5 per month. Appl )
At onuo , C. F. Har.-liou , Mcrchnnts Nt. bank.
TJIOR ItBNT ? floors front ImlS Jlomls build
X' lug , power , heat , electiiclight , "JuiiulrooMci
ot llemU O rail ha Hag Co , \1 Jyll
1J\OII \ HENT Th 4 story brlcK building wltl
X1 or without ynner , fonnerly occupied by Tin
line I'ubllalilue Co. , VIS Furuuu st. The bulla
InglmHutUo proof cemented basement , coin
jilet * steam heitln ? nxtur , water on all the
UOITJ , gns , f .c , Apply at the ollico of Thn lljf.
TTKW ItL'NT-.Stora 23x00 } 1113 Jackson st ,
JL1 Lunulre 11U Jackson. SKI
OF > ' 1CD To rout. Furnished elegantly 01
nnfurcished. IJushinac block , K , K. Oor
18 und IM UK'.M , OM
HENT Comfortfkble store rooms In the
FOU building , 60x2. ! : good locntloa for liar-
nes shop. Also , two basements , light andnlry ,
44x3it , under hardware store : good location for
tin ( hop. Apply to A. C. llnvmcr , hnrdwaro
store , llor building , cornsr Jnokson and ICth st
605 Jv 18
TT10H RENT Stores 'nnd living rooms on Cum-
JU inc st. Also house on CASS st. Harris , room
111 , lit Nat , llauc. _ SO&
pvHAHAlluMness College , cor. 10th and Cap ! .
wtol nvo. Shorthand Tne largest nnd most
successful shorthand department In the state.
Standard methods taught. Munson's revised
ot TiU n specialty , Call or write for torins.
Hank , 3128. 16th St. Chntnbo
Wet Commerce. Loans money on chattels nnd
articles of value. _ B8jjy23
L'OOlv HE1IK For rent List your houses
with me. I hnvn plenty of customers ,
J. A. Wlchlerman , 207 N. loth st. JMM
WASHINO done , coTTocted nnd dotiverod Tiy
Mrs. Andrew Sorensen , 3310 Parker st.
GEO. llTJONES , plumbing nnd gas luting
drnlnlalng , scucr nnd water connections
a specialty , 1414 Dodge St. , In basement. Omaha ,
mnE banjo taught as an art by Goo. F. Gel-
J-lonbccki Apply nt Ileo ollico. H50
' for orders Wanted The mutual
lleservo Vimd Lifo nssoclutlon desires to
employ ono special ngont In each city nud
county in the , United Stntes , Canada , Great
llrltnln nnd France. It also has excellent open-
lugs for good business men in nil nt these coun
tries ns managers , gunernl and district agents ,
Compensation liberal ; results certain : position
permanent. This company furnishes life in
surance nt one-half the usual rates. It has
already paid MX and one half million dollars
Indiiuthclaims. It has moro than two million
dollars cash surplus. It Is the greatest success
over known In nto Insurance. Address or call
upon E. 1J. Harper. President , or N. W.
llloss. Vice President , Homo Ollico , 38 Park
How , Now York , or upon nny General Manager.
: c4- *
UTHOLSTEKINO , draping and repairing.
Mattresses made over. Firs tclnss work ,
Koasonablo prices. It. Lehmanu , 210 N. 14th.
" " " " "
LOST-On 18th , 2Hh or Lenvenworth sts. n
ivathcr wallet containing f 10 and a lot of pa
pers of value to owner and no ono else ; the
Under will bo liberally rewarded on leaving
same nt ollico of J. If. 1'urrotto , room 21 H , li.
cor. Iflth nnd Dodge. 17510
LOST A small black nnd tun dog ; answers
to name of "Suslo ; " Under will bo suitably
rownrded by leaving nt 3,01 Furnam st. or Asst.
Q en'l Mgrs. ollico U. P. lly. 12r-.l
EOST Monday nfternnon. n lady's gold
wntch with chain nnd locket , between 15th
nnd Furnam nnu 17th nnd Leuvenworth. Iteturn
to ollico of S. P. Morse & Co. nnd receive reward.
320 ! ! *
AUGUST DOHAN. of Chicago , can llnd party
_ wanted at No. lou 8. 14th st. _ 104-5 ?
MHB. PorcovuToT CnlUornfa , 100 1 Douglaast. ,
fortolls the future. Ladles and gentlemen ,
TTM llllELLAS and parasols covered and ro-
UJ paired , 217 S 15th. lioyd's opera nouso block , ,
in rubber storo. H. Ualor. _ OOP
STOHAQE nt low rates at 1121 Farnnm St. .
_ Omnlia Auction nnd Storage Co. _ B01 _
rflUACKAGE storage at lowest rates.V73TI
JL Hushman. 1311 Leavenworth. _ 002
B HANOI ! & Co. , storage , 121 1 Howard.
_ 00.1
STOKAOE nnd forwurdlng. Wo collect and
dellvergoods of all descriptions.merchandiae ,
furniture and baggage ut cheapest rates for
storage for any length ot time. Vans uud
wagons to bo hart at shortest notice , with eare-
fut men for moving. Popklng und shipping
fiom our own warehouse done on moderate
chareo. Mcrrtnndlso loaded nnd unloaded.
AVmohousaon our own trackO0ice217 S. llth
St. ; telephone 114. HoWell & Co. OM
f\ll. NANNIE V. Wnrreu ; clulrvoynnt. midl-
JL/cal and business medium. Female diseases
n specialty. 110N ICth sUa-ooms'Jand 3. 1105
QTANDAUD shorthand school. Paxton block ,
C5succ61sor ( to Valentine's xhorthand Insti
tute1 , the largest best equipped shorthand
bchoollp the west ; is under the personal su
pervision of Joseph. P. Megeath. nu ox-olllclul
ropoitor and stnto ngent of the Ilemlngton
Standnrd typewriter , assisted bv experienced
veibatlm reporters. Mcctmnlcal construction
of machine taught by f actory export. Particu
lar attention paid to typewriting. Stenogra
phers' supplies for salo. Circulars free , ooo
I WANT good stock merchandise ; will pay
one-third cash , bal. good land at low price.
J. P. Hymer , s. e. cor , ICth & Dodge st , room 21 ,
" \717ANTED Furnlturo , tarpets , stoves nnd
T household goods otvull kinds. Omnlia
Auctjou & Storage Co. . 11 Jl Farnam. OPS
WANTED A gentle , handsome bay or black
Shetland or small French pony , for riding
and driving. Address 333 , Hee Ollico. Council
Itlnlla. _ j 125-4
WANTED To purcnase. In Nebraska , an
established basluesS ; groceries , general
merchandise , or confectionery preferred. Ad
dress F. G. D. . Wymore , Nob. 840 3
TjlOU bAI K Anne driving horse ; perfectly
JL safe for ladles ; standard bred and speedy.
Call at Btoplienson's bam. I07-7t
TJion SALK Furniture ot a 5-room house ;
JL' will take part cash and the balance In
weekly or monthly payments. Apply at 1441N
FOlt SALE Delivery wagon , 1507 N 10th st.
flAHIUAGES , Horses. COWP , etc. ,
V > For Sole.
Having decided to roinovo to California I will
soli the following articles very cheap :
1 new Studcbaker family carriage.
1 three-spring polo phaeton.
1 two spring phaeton.
1 slao-spriug business buggy.
1 single cutter.
1 now Brunswick & Italko combination bil
liard und pool table.
3 good black horses , will all work single or
double , and all well matched ,
1 Iresh Jersey cow and calf , ono of the best In
the city , a pi izo winner.
1 yearling Jersey cow.
1 nosh common cow.
I peed "Manltou" family Kitchen range and
ono laundry stove- ; one first-class refrigerator ,
with several other article * . The above can bo
Been for ono week at 832 So. 37th st. If not sold
by that dnto can be seen at my brickyard , cor
ner 22nd and Hickory sts. 1C2-1
H. N. Wlthnell.
2 vNE hundred tons of ice for pale. Address
W John Olson , Stromsburg , Nob. Dox23.
163 4
FOR SALE Team carriage horses , price$3C < f.
C. F. Harrison. Merchant * ' Nat. Uauk. 150
WA'NTKU To sei ! line upright piano , hook
case , refrigerator and other furniture : be
cause ittvlng np housekeeping { everything first-
class and nlma new.SU-i _ N. 27th ave. 1 29-4t
'fjlOB SALE Oood family horse and phaeton.
JJ Inquire , laon Chicago st. 135 8
1/iOU SALE Handsome parlor billiard table
JL1 ? M ) , cost $10a J. W. Grlillth , U Ph'dquartcrs.
IT10H SALE or Trade Flno young saddle
Jj pony. D. B. Hall , 2IJ. . ) Harney st. 787 4t
IDLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. , IfiOfl Far-
nam.Complelo abstracts furnished andtttles
tortinl estate oxiimlneclperfected i guaranteed.
TVfONlJ i' to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
J.iJ-etc. , or on any approved security. J. w ,
Itobblns , 1411K I'nnmm street , I'axton hotel.
, 1)10 )
ONKV loaned for 30 , ( iu or flO days on any
. kind ot chattel security ; reasonable inter
est ; couttdcntlal. J , J , Wilkinson , 1417 Fnrnam.
MONEY to loan. Harris H. B. & Loan Co. ,
room 411 , First National bank ilia
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , plano3organ , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The first organized loan ollico lu
the city. Make loans for thirty to three hun
dred aud fclxtj-Uvo days , which can bo paid in
part or whole , nt any time , thus lowcrfug the
principal and lutorojt , Call and see us when
you w nt money. We can assist you promptly
unit to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity. Money ulwayn on hand.
No delay in making loans. O. F. Hoed & Co. .
311) 8. mil Bt. . over lllngham & Sons. tflU
T > E3IDENOELOANS- > to 7 per cent , nond.
Additional charges for commissions or uttoiF-
noys'fees. W. 11. Meikle. First Nat uank lild'g.
IEOl'LE'8 Financial Ktchange-The fairest ,
quietest and most liberal money uxcbange In
the city ; money loaned without delay or pub
licity. In any amount , largo or small , at the
low eat rates of Interest , on any available s * .
curlty ; loans may be paid at any time or re-
uowed at original ruttn. O. Houscaren. Jlcr
room 67. llarker block. 15th nnd Faruam. Ola
MONEV to loan on good first mortgages , im
proved or unimproved property. More-
gaitw bought ana Bold. Wallace , room 310
Iliown building , UUt ana Douglai. U
DONT borrow mortis.An famltnro , liorsos ,
wagons , etc. . or cqilUtbrals until yon see C.
U. Jacobs , ill First NaUtlmvl bank building.
i * * ! * 022
TVTONEY t ° l ° ftn on ny security
JLU. tor short ( loir
rates. Lowest'Talcs
on pcrtbfiSt1
The Henderson fortgf * Investment Company -
pany , room 4M ( , Faxt Jli Woek. COO
PEOPLE'S FlnnndlH TStchango Large nnd
JL small loans for Ionian A short time , nt low
est rates of Interest , outtpni estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
and jewelry. Don't f ml t a call if you want fair
and cnenp accommodations. O. Ilouscnron
Mgr. , room 67 , Ilarkerbiejt15th nnd Farnam.
OF. H AllIUSOX loads inoney , lowest rates ,
a > ) KID
ON EV Lonns negotiated at low rntesvdth
out dflay , nnd purchase goods , commercial
paper nnd mortgage notes. 8. A. Sloman , cor
13th nnd Farnam. 1117
T , OAN8 on Improved and umlmproved prop-
JUerty nt low rates. Odoll Ilros. & Co.,3123 ICtli.
MONEY loaned on furniture , horses nnd
wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118 S. 1.1th St. . opposlto Mlllnrd hotel. CO
BUILDING loans. D. V. Sholes , 210 First Na
tional bank. U20
M ONEY to loan on real estate at low rate.
J. D. Zlttlo , 130Paxton block.
TO LOAN J2.000 on good , nrst mortgage. In-
qulro of J. T. Mathe\\ , room 212 , Snooly blk.
MONEY to loan on real estate security , at
lowest rates , lie fore negotiating loans see mollrown bldg. 16th & Douglas. KU
"T\O YOU want monqy ? It so. don't borrow
JLybeforo getting my rates , which nro the low
est on any sum from Jl up to 410,000.
I make loans on household goods , pianos , or-
gnns , horses , mules , wngons.waroliouso receipts ,
houses , lenson. etc. , In any amount , nt the low
est possible rates , without publicity or removal
of property.
Loans can bo made for one to six months and
you cnn pay a part at nny time , reducing both
prlhclpal nnd Interest. If you owe n balance
on your furniture or horses , or have a loan on
them , I will tateo It up and carry it for you ns
long as you desire ,
It you need money you will find It to your advantage -
vantage to see me boforn borrowing.
11. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnoll building 15th
nnd Hnrney. _ 1)3J )
T > UIL1)INQ and otherreal estate loans. W. M.
JtJIInrils , xoom 20 , FrenzorUlockopp. 1 * . O.
"I/1IHST mortgage loans nt low rates nnd no do-
JU lay. D. V. Sholes , 210 First National bank.
_ _ _
\\7ANTED-FJr3t-class Inside loans. Lowest
T rates. Call nnd see us , Mutual Investment
Co . It. 1 llarkcr blk . nth and Farnam. 085
ONE Y to loan. O. P. Dnvla Co. , real estate
nnd loan agents. 1115 Fnrnam st. U.'B
MONEY to loan ; cash on hand : no delay. J.
W. Squire , 121'J ' Farnam St. , First National
bane building. _ 1)27 )
I CAN make a few loans on first-class chattel
securltias at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter ,
room 10. Marker blk. _ 023
TVfONEYto Loan Wo nro ready for nppllcn-
J-'JLtlons for loans In amounts fromJJOO toSlu-
000 on Improved Omaha or Douglns county real
estate. 1 nil Information as to rates. Loans
promptly closed. Good notes will be purchased
by us. Call upon us or write. The McCaguo
Investment Co. 018
EYSTONE Mortgage Co.-Loans of $10 to
tl.OOO ; get our rates before borrowing nnd
suvemoiioy : loan on horses , furniture or nny
approved security , without publicity ; notes
houglitforn ; ° w loan , renewal of old and low-
cstrutes.calllUMS , Sheeles UIK , ioin iiownru sc.
SEE Sholos , room 210 , Tlrat Natl bank , baforo
making your loans. . 0-9
T OANSmada on real'bstuto und mortgages
JUoought. Lewis S. Heed & Co. , 11 n. lloardof
Trade. ' i l
, to loan nt 0 percout. Linuhan&Ma-
honey , room 503 Paxton block. 021
"VTEUHASlvA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a
JL > loan on household goods ,
horbos , wagons ,
lanclconfiucti ,
flno jewelry , or socnrltlcs of any kind
without publicity , at reasonable rates ,
floom 7 , Itowlov blockvfouth Omaha ,
llooms 518-519 , Paxton block , Omaha , Nob.
U.J ! )
. & C. SI. Anthony , 312 First National
bank building run to loans upon tarius in
Nebraska nnd Iowa and" Improved Omaha city
propeity ; money rcudyt title nnd security
passed upon here : no delay ; favorable rates :
call or write. fi3d Jyl7
pniLAPELHHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur-
JL nlsh cheap eastern money to borrow ers.pur-
chusB securities , perfect title ? , accept loans at
their western ollico. George W. 1' . Coates. room
7. Hoard ot Trade. 1B3
V to loan on furniture , chattels or real
MONE . Lowest rates on good loans. .7.1 ] ,
Emloger. 1417Faiimm. room.I 107 jyli
"fjlOH SALE A nice , clean stock of ploce
-t ! goods and tailor outfit ; store to rent cheap ;
lease. J. H. I'arrotto , room 21 , s. e. cor. Dodge
und : tll. 17010
T710H SALE- Some A1 second mortgage papoi
JD nt a liberal discount. M. A. Upton comuany ,
10th aud Farnam. US 0
SALE An established coal and feed
business. Address D 22. Heo. S8013 *
BAKEItY for rent or sale.must go out.of busi
ness , l.CCO inhabitants , railroad division ,
west of Omaha. Address D 12 , Hee. K 7t
TjlOH SALE New. clean hardware stock nnd
JD building , S1MX ) net protlts 18S3. Average
sales April and May , 1B89. 35 per day. Ele
gant location. J. A. Campbell , Howard , Neb.
. drug store for cash and real stnto ;
$ town 16,0)0. llonestoel. Grand Island , Neb.
835 IftE
TG1OK SALE or Exchange Harbor
JL' ly located , doing good business ; owner has
outside Interests Una need his attention , will
take good clear or small lucumbored lot as part
payment. For particulars call at CIS andSlE
I'nxton block. Omaha. HIS
T710U EXCHANGE A line farm ot200 acres In
JD Polk county , NOD. , 4 miles from Clarku.
Nob. , to oxcbHiig tor cattle ; BO acres under
cultivation , houso. barn , wagon scales aud
good feed lot. Address 0. Oskamp , 2215 Web
ster st. , Omaha , Nob. W5
T710U EXCHANGE For desirable residence
JJ projieity In Omaha , nny or nil ot following :
40 choice Insldo residence lots In Hastings.
luu lots In Lincoln.
640 acres line farmlnglaud , Lancaster county ,
Flno residence property. Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence corner. Los Angeles.
A neat residence property In Hanscom Place.
AHO ! BO inn good mortgage notes.
Address , giving location and prlco of prop
erty , J. E , 13. , care llaum Iron Co. , 1-17 Leavon-
worth. OJfl
TJIOll EXCHANGK-Three line tree claim re-
JL > llnqulshmonts in Weld county , Colorado ,
for stocks of merchandise. Address 8. 0.
Chase , Wallace , Lincoln county. Nob. 'Jil 4 ?
rpo TUADE Good houao mid lot for a farm
JL In towu. Addru D 0 & " > , lioo ollico.
102 3
FOU EXOIIANGls-Att.elosant tract ot land
containing 120 acroi. In Antelope county ,
Nob. , with oidlnary Dnprovoiuonta.
A quarter-section 1U Hand county , Dakota ,
partly Improved.
Eighty acres near Council Bluffs , la.
House und lot ou South lllth .st.
Largo nmount of Ofl'HAilntaln ' and Petrollum
company oil stock. jWjJl exchange for good
the orecflQnit some houses , tiao.
Sropertyor , 1st National bank building ,
i r j 370
"MTKSTEUN lauds , farms and city property
T T for stocks of fjoojlu.-Hoora 2 , 1102 Farnam
qiO UXCHANOE-For cattle or horans , 4SO
J. acres of land near" Illg Springs , Duel Co. ,
Nob. D. 11 , Hall. 2130 Hnrney st. 788 it
. . .j.fl
IWOULDllKo totru'do a good two-story house
and lot ) xl50 feei , within ono block of Park
nve. and Purk schoorrar/acnnt east front lot
in Hnnhcom plnce. Will asiuma KOIIIO lucum-
brance. Adarebs , C4 jJoo ollico. 307
rpo EXCIIANGR foVdid'aba property , one ot
JL the best improved farms In Iowa , only one
mile from touu of 0,000 Inhabitants. W. It. K
It M , E. . room H , Chamber of Commerce. 1U4
mill ! motor Una la built to Collier place. The
JL iielt line runs near Colllar place. The F. B ,
&M , V. It. It. stop all passenger trains at Col
lier place. The her e cur line will soon rnacti
Oolllor place. Ilest addition in the city. Price
1300 to H.2UO per lot , ouotteiith cu h , balance ouc
to nvo years. McCaguo , opp. i' , O , WD
"T710K SALE-a genuine bargain Cottogo and
- * - ' east front lot , at grade , seworand water.llne
old oak Hhada trues , near -1th and llarney ,
.UX ) . J. II. Evona. Ilarkur block. 113-4
TTtOlt BALE-10 room houso. lot UUfcO , casj
JJ terms , U850 , W. M. Uushman , 1311 Leav.
emvorth. 04S
. , .
prlca llnu. 1500 ctisli. E. Greenueld , Murphj
Loyett , a S 13th st. Wf
C\W , coma and Invest In ona of thee fine cot-
vy tones in Orcnard Hill on the highest nnd nn-
est vlow , built and furnlshoU wlui nil modern
Improvement ; w will sol : on easy terms ; tx very
small payment required. Wo nlso nave other
nno bnrmlna. Especially wo call attention to
the best InYOttmnut in real estntu In the United
States , and that Is on the Maxwell land grant In
New Mexico , for Bale by Excelsior Land .V Uonl
Estate Co. , 810 South 15th St. , Omnhn. 014
AIIOAIN Part of the Dl-k Klmball ostMo.
0 feet on 18th streotrunnlnirthrongh to 17th
avo. Ons 13-room house , nil modern conven
iences , and two 0-room houses. Total rental
Hr > J per year ) prlco nOJO. M. A. Upton
Company , Kith nnd Farnam. 937
" 171011 SAIjR Dennttftil 8 room house , all mod-
JL1 ern improvements , including splendid fur
nace , near llnnscom Pirk , best location In tho.
city fcr school.rhtirch nnd street cnrprivileges ;
price t5UOO. O. F. Harrlaou , Merchants National
bank. 033
rplIE best money s worth of house and lot now
JL for sale in Omaha Is that wnlch I am now
completing near 24th st. on paved Wlrt st. In
Kouutzo I'liico. ' 8 bedrooms , 3 parlors , dining
room , kitchen. 3 bath rooms. 3 water clo sets ,
lareo laundry , stationary wash tubs , furnace
nud coal room and cellar , electric bolls nnd
Rpenklnetube , 1closots. . Price only J7.POO on
terms to suit. Likewise n dupllcatn adjoining
at same price , W. T. Seaman , oaat side 10th st ,
north or Nicholas st. Omaha s largest variety
otwnitno nnd carriages. Sill
QJEND for Dint ot Collier place , and when
Odrlvlng for recreation follow the motor line
poles on 10th st. and Amos' nvo , , nud sea the
wonderful Improvements thnt have tnkon place
Just around the barracks , nud remember that
Collier place Is the key to tna situation , liny a
lot now for the low prlco and nt the easy terms
they nra being olT rgd , nnd wo nro B.itlsllod.
One-tenth cash , balance ono to ilvoyo.irs. Me-
Cogue , opp. P. 0. 03J
nMIK factories within easy ronclipt Collier
JL place will employ a largo force ot men. Secure -
cure n homo ami enjoy Hie. Prlco of lots J800
to SI.2UO. ouo-tenth cash. Send for plat. Mc-
CnKiie. opn. P. O. KO
HILLSIDE No. 1 Special bnrgotn for 10days
on south front lot. Cass nnd 31st stroets.
M. A.JJpton Company , iflth Je Fnriiam. 772-t
FOUSAr.B 5I.73 acre , see. B , tp , 12 , r. Ow. ,
Hnralltuu county , Neb , House , stable , 'Ml
ncros fenced , llvlnc water. Price. 83.000. F. K.
AtKlns , owner , railroad bldg. Denver , Col. 040
$575 will buy lot 20. block 8 , Clovordale. Terms
to suit. J. M. Holtou , Sioux City , lown.
187 6t
SHOLES Special List-VVo push special bar-
pains nnd advertise them. List with mo.
1 Ino east front lot in Hanscom place at Sl.COO.
So'.O cash. Decided bargain.
Fine lot on Lowe nvo. , * 2,75) .
J2.00J buys n house and lot In Hauscom plnce ,
north of Poppleton avonuo.
The olil .lolin Dlerks mnnufnctory plant on
Missouri 1'aclllc railway. 4 miles southwest of
city , with 2 ncres of ground and ! 1 largo 2-storr
buildings , for Sl.OOd. A line opportunity for
homo ono.
1 hnvo special inducements In houses nnd lots
in all part.s of the clt > \ either for Bale or trade.
Cull nnd bo shown tnein. I no not try to got
you In to show you trnsh , but handle only good
tuoperty nnd sciiinroly. I ) , V. Sholes , 21
Fli-bt Notional bank. 011
FOll SALE The finest residence site in West
Omaha ; just south ot Farnam ouiluth st. ; : i
corner 101x187 , with 187 foot frontage on paved
street nnd Joining tllo handsome residence of
Klrkenanllontho east , nnd Brady , Easson and
Martin on the south ; n perfect gem nnd garden
bpot for an elegant home.
I lurnoy and 21st sti oots,141x187 , on pavement ,
within three blocks of the court houao ; room
for seven line nouaca that would rent as rapIdly -
Idly ns completed. A splendid permanent In
Farnti-n and 23d streets , 6Dsl3.J , with now
three-story brick store building , rented to good
permanent tenants. Hontnl iccoipts 31,200 par
year. Sixteenth street , near , frontage
ol feet to nlley ; good business property.
Fnrnum street , between SSth and iwih , front-
ngo 43 or 03xl.Ci to nlloy , south front , 1 block
from paemout and stt oet cars.
Park nveuue. opposlto Hauscom park , 50x150.
pilce 82,000 ; easy terms.
Ilnddo k place , trackage. COxllJ , J2.000 ; caiy
Sixteenth street , sou'th of Vlnton street lot for
sale or trnuo for nulso. or good larm laud.
S. A. Slouian , i : l LaVnain st. 0)2 )
ITVJK SALE On longtime and easy payments ,
JO handsome , new , well built houses of 8 , 0 nnd
10 rooms. All convcnloneoH.sood neighborhood :
paved streets ; street cars und within walklny
distance of P. 0. NathanBliclton , IMJo Farnam
nOU SALE Huslncss corner. 840.000. C. If.
Harrison , Merchants National llank. 155
/1OMK and see us nud investigate some of the
Vv'bargalns wo have to oiler. We are conttuunllv
listing new properties and "It you don't sob
what you want ask for it. "
We have merchandise to trade for land. We
have horses , cattle and mules to trade for
land. Wo have a brick and tllo factory doing
a thriving business to exchange for western
Three n w , B-room cottages at Albright ,
within 10 minuto's walk ot termums ot hourly
dummy line , for sale on terms that will only b
fair rent.
An elevator property with largo dwelling
house , at a baraaln. Elevator complete , with
horse-power , scalej , ollico fnralshod , etc. A
fine opening for a practical grain dealer.
One of the best Improved inrms In the state
will be exchanged for insldo Omaha property.
Two tluo residence's In Popploton paik , on
motor line ; will bo sold on easy terms.
Housed and lots in nil parts of Omaha for
sale and exchange.
For oxcl'ango , for Omaha property.l.OJO acres
ot school laud lease , in oua ot the best counties
in the state.
A line resldonco property in Omaha Vlaw for
sale at u bargain.
From S7Bwo ( to 8inj.OOO worth of Ural-class
notes to exchange for Omaha property ,
Merchandise to exchange for K cash and bal
ance w estern lands. This Is one of the ilnost
opportunities ) ever olfered to convert land Into
cash. Investigate this.
Tor sale , at a bargain , hotel nnd livery barn.
In a good Nebraska town. This is a line openIng -
Ing for a practical hotel man.
For exchange for Omaha property ona ot the
best farms In Hock county , Nebraska , togethar
with stock and machinery necessary to carry on
the place. Old age ami falling health ot the
owner is reason tor selling ,
A fine Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good toll , for uxchuhge for Omaha propeity.
liHncrcs of wild land near a thriving city ,
What have you to olfor.
280 Rcros of line laud In northwestern Iowa
to exchange for Omaha property.
Wo have unsurpassed facilities for disposing
of property , having some SO ) agents scattered
over four or 11 vo state ; ) . List your property
with us if you wish a quick turn.V. . It. E. A :
M. E. , room 14 , Chamber ot Commerce , telephone -
phone 144U. UKi
/CONTINUOUS sidewalk to Collier placo. Got
v prices and torim McCngtid. 039
milE finest drive In the city Is ot Collier place
JLMcCogiio. t& )
"I710K SALE Lots In Stewart Plivco on Lowu
Ju avo. ; Metropolitan Cable passes property.
0-room house and barn , Hauscoiu Place , i
houses and lots on Cass St. , on easy terms.
Harris , room 411. 1st Nat , llank. 01
T7I011 SALE One of the mostdosirnblo foodlns
X' farms In Nebraska , situated Vs mlle from
depot , also from the shipping yards of the
Converse Cattle on Elkhuru Valley It. It : it con
tains 2iO acres , wlthuseof IlOfl acres addl tionnl ;
everything now and necessary ; barnidxllW ( ft. ;
water in abuudaui.0. 11. 8. Munvlllo , ' 11 dun ,
Neb. 753
"I71OH3ALE Ata bargain. One twelve and
-L. 0110 nine room housu In Kouutzu place , on
21th street , opposite the line rcsldoncou of Hod-
Ick und Mi Croary , with 78 tvnd OJ foot or ground
with each house to alley. I'.ach house has fur-
naco. gav , , gus ilxturoa. ( il'.adcs , all
plumbing , hot nnd cold water , elegant
largo rooms , alljnporod handsomely through
out , good burn with o.tch IHKUU , and an elegant
lawn all sodded , I inn pnni.irad to oiler splen
did inducements as to prko nnd terms. Call
nnd let ma ( IrU e yon out. You i nil mnvo Into
these houses without a dollar of expense for
anything. Those must bo sold soon. Oeo mo nt
once. JO/Jj HaolBs. 210 First Nat'l bank. 177
NE of the two house and lot bargains 1
huvabcc'i ' ottering on ( leorgU avo. north ol
Leavenwortn , is now said and occupied , bo-
causs-of my very low prlco. The south house
of the two still innuiliis a bargain open to
Hombody. First come * , llrst served. To bo ap
preciated it needs to ba examined intsrmillv. 1
positively will not rent it , though tmvernl tnuea
offered GO per month. 1'nro only fASOo. on
voryeasy terms. Vrlronftor July 1 , il.OM. W , T.
Buumsn , east iddo Kith nt. . north of Nicholas
bt , Omaha's largest variety of wagons and
carriages , 018
TJ1OH SALE The llnest rosldonco In Orohanl
JJ Hill can DO bought at actual ionownci
leaving town : housa has U rooms with bath
room aud every modern convenience , lo ; O'ixl.13 '
nil nodded ; largo bam nnd nice slindd troas ; In
fact a perfect lioiu ; call and let us ulunv you
this , Arnold & Co. , jtoom ( 7 Paxton block.
FOll BALK OrTrade-26-room' cottages , 38
room 2-story houses , iu the lluait location on
Wnlnut Hill. Inquire or K. O. Merrill , IUi !
and Ilsmlltou st . IG'J 1 *
T710II SALE Easy terms , Kountze plact.
J-1 Two liOTiiea , each 8-rooms. ; ici H.OiKJ.
Two homes , each 0-rooms , encli $5OuO.
Two homes , each 15-rooms , each IT.KXX ,
All with modern convenience.
Allurga \ value at the price.
All within asiiuare of the motor Hue.
Don't lose these opportunities.
For nalo by the owner , w , 'J' . Human ,
Fast side lOthst. , north of Nicholas st. ,
OwaUa'B largest variety ot wagons and c&r-
riagea. HI7 ,
100 BOOK MS. ! ANTED ,
Wjthflucwufol Eip rUn
AT ONCK , .tatlna
"I NSTHtTMKNTS plaoed oa record darms
J Kendts nnd wife to D 0 Donne , n H tot
4 , Dlk7. Klrfcwood. , r d 2,000
W J Scbultz nnd wife to J II VanCloster ,
lot is , Ilonsal & Stobbln's sub , vd. . . . 8,000
J H VanClostcrtoLewPlxIer , lot 6 , Hou-
sol & Stebbln's sub. wil ? ,600
I ) G Donne nnd wife to l/o\v Plxloy , w H
lot 7 , bU 4 , Klrkwood add. wd . . . . aDOO
0 A llriRgs and wlte , to T II Wallace , ot
nl , und H lota , blk4 , Cunningham's ad ,
wd SIT
W11 Grnddy nnd husband to 0 Dolloberts ,
pt lot ( i , Johnson's add , w il 33,000
Ii Schroeder. trustee , to 0 N Davenport ,
lot 15 , blk li , llrown Parcwd 400
J McCormtck. to U E Gates 51HX133 ft
ndjolulng block 9 , McCoruilck's add , qed
od , , . . 1
\VMcOregornndwlfatoJll Lntsch , lot
Mlazonwd I.CIX )
J M Itrowu nud wife to E A llonson , lots
M nnd 21 , blk 4 , aud lot 27 , blk B , llrlgga
Plnce , w d . . . . COO
S Itogorsnnd wife to J nud H I'nblnli.lot'.rt ,
blk 5 , luiprovoment Assoolntiou ndd ,
wd , 800
M M Mnrshnll and wife to E K Oration ,
lots , block 2 , Union Plnce , w d 1,000
W y Chlttlck to M G nnd L nnd J llohr-
bough , lot 11 , blk 13 , Jotter's add , w d. . 4,000
0 Williams and wife to M A Jackson , und
b s 50 ft lot n , blk U. Meyer , liliinards &
Tlldon's ndd.wil. : . ' 1,000
G M Hitchcock HIUI wife to 8 S Judy ,
lot 10 , blk IS , Hitchcock's 1st ndd , w d . . 750
G M Hitchcock nnd wife to SS Judy , lot
HLbltelS , mtchcock'nlfitndd.wd 700
O M Hitchcock nud wife to S S Judy , lot
IS , blk IP , Hitchcock's 1st ndd , w d 700
G M Hitchcock nud wlfotd Oil Shaw , lot
labile in , HltchcocK'slstndd , wd SW
G Jl Hitchcock nnd wife too U Hhnw , lot
14.blklMlltchcook'8 1st ndd , wtl 700
G M llltclivo.k nnd wife to 0 H Shnw , lot
llblkll ) , Illtchcock'olstnrtd , wd TOO
A Itcuilucton nnd wife toO It Main , lots
11014. ltemlliffton'3 sub. w d OO.OJO
G Plckardto K Wndsworth. und } ( of 5Jx
120 ft in lie cor see 12-11-1 , wd 2,000
C W KOUIKO et nl to J W Uillllth , uud M
ptnw so nnd no HW sue 10-15-1J. wd 11
W L Selby uud w Ifo to F O Page , o } J lot
10 , blk 1 , Hush .V Bolny's add , wd 1,000
W li Bclby. trustee to F 0 Page , lots 6 , 0 , 7
and ji , blk 3 , W L Solby's ndd. w d 1,400
M H Hron n to C Jones , lot 0 , blk 2 , High
land Vlow , wd , . 400
0 H Gordon to O Jones , lot B , lluckoyo
Plnco , wd. . . . . . . . . COO
J McCorniick to F H Dnvls lots 0 nud 7 ,
blkp. McCmuilck'S.qCd 1
A Hood to E F Ewell , s Vt lot 55 , Nelson's
ndd.wd - . . 3,000
H E Hogers to the public , Pleasant Hill
ndd , pint t. . .
O N Schork to J Isell , s r.U . ft ot nVi lot 44 ,
BE Itogers' Oklahoma aid , q o d. 1
Tlilrty-oiio transfers aggregating $07,021
UulU'.iiijr i'nrnuts.
The followmsr parmlts 'varo IssuoJ by
Uulldinp Inspector Wlntlook yestordny :
John Shoottall , ono story frame cottage.
Twenty-uInth and Dapout streets $ 350
ItiismusVllbon \ , ono-.story frame rot-
rage , Tttenty-llrst. near Seventh street. . C01
Otto J.Iseusee. one-story frumo cottage ,
'Ihlrty-socoud und Ames streets. . 800
Three minor penults , , ? . " 00
Six permit ! ! , aggregating S.l'JJO
Clark St.
li Jtii : Troallnc with the GreatMt
ClironiG , Nervons aud Privale Diseases ,
S3- NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lovt Manhood ,
Fftlllng Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the effect *
leading to curly ducuy and pcilups Consumption ot
Insanity , treited rcuntlfically by new raethodi with
n er-lnlinc succrsi.
KSF SYPHILIS nnd all bad Blood and Skin Dis
eases permanently cured.
* 3-KDNEYand URINARY complaint * , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varicoccle and all dUeaici
of the Genlto- Urinary Organs cured prompdy without
injiny toSomach , Kidneys or oJier Orfans.
ffifNo experiments. Age and experience 1m.
portnnt. Ccneultation free and sacred.
A3- Stud 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works oa
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
* 5-Thcjo contemplalirB Mainage send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
, both 35 cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Hcenu A friendly letter orcallinaysavefuturesuffer-
Ina and shime , and add golden years to life. .SB liook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " jo cents ( itampi ) . Medicina
and writings tent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Houn,8to8. Sundays 9 to 11. Address
F. D. CLARKE , ( Vl.-D.
Ituoi'lvrr's Sulo
In the circuit court of the United States , dis
trict of Nebraska.
( The Kit Carter Cattle Company
-j vs.
| The Harlem Cattle Company.
Upon application of the Kit Cartel Cattle
tompany and other creditors interested In the
property In the hands of U. U , Webster , re-
colver. It Is upon due consideration of the court
hereby ordemJ. that the receiver shall advertise
for bids for all of the herds of cattle ana horses ,
as awhole , and nlso for all other personal prop
erty In his hands as locelver. It Is lurther or
dered that bids may 1 > n made for any of the
herds or parts thereof separately , or any of the
horses separately , either by herds or any num
ber of cattle or iiorsos a < > the purchasers may
closlro to bid upon , and that ( inch bids In the
soveial manners iu which they may bo made
shall bo ttlod with the clerk of this court with
the terms of proposed purchase and the
names of Madeira within tvonty days
from the datu of this order , for the
npnroval or rojoctlon ot this court , and If nny
or all of the bluaaro rejected by thocourt. the
receiver shall proceed to ijivo notice for ten days
to sell the said propeity nt public auction In
detail for the cattle aud horaos ludlIdually for
cash to the highest bidder.
It Is furthur ordered that all bids shall bo
Bent to tha clem or this court scaled and ac
companied with 10 percent of the amount bid ,
either lu cash orcertllled check on responsible
biinKs , as a condition of lliolr olds being outer-
talnud nud couriered by thn court.
Itis further ordered tliar , In older to facili
tate the bidding on thlspiopoity In the hands
of the receiver , ho iiliull give notice of this order
In 0110 paper p-.iDllshcd In UltdicocK county ,
NehvasKu , and In one dally newspaper In tlio
city of Omaha , and In one In the eft jroffjlnroln
for two weeus , nud also by hand bills properly
distributed , and setting fiiith terms und ovmdl-
tiona ol this order. U. S. 1)UN I > Y. Ju.ygo.
T.'io pi opurty mentioned la the above order Is
described us follows :
Vcarllng hulls , number , 11.
Two-year-old bulls , number , 3.
Three yo.ira old and upwards , number , %
Yearling hflfors , number , M. hulfcis , number , 14 ,
Three-year-old nud upwards , ro nnumber,30.
Cows vltu calves by tuolr mdo , number , a ) .
YeMllng hulls , jiumbd1 , a ) .
Tno-yeav-old mills , number , I.
Threo-your-olil Imlls and upwards , m/mber / , 0.
Yearling helffis , iiuiubor , " ) .
Two-yeur-oidhfjilor ? , number , 10.
'ihree-year OKI nnd upward 1 , cows.numbor.'VJ.
Yearling bulls , number , at.
Two-yeur-old bulls , number 9.
Thrort-year-old und upwiuds , uuutber , II ,
Yearling Ijelfora , number , il.
Two-yi ur-old holforn , number , 35 ,
Tlireo-yn'ir-old aud upwardscown , number S ,
Co\\ with calves by their ulde , number , U' ; ,
Also a largo number or thoroughbred trotting
horses , constating of :
Stallions , number , ' . ' .
llrood marcs , number , DO.
Colts , number , ill.
Consisting of Htalllo.iu , nuuibur , .
Mares , number. H.
These heads contain omo ot the finest ani
mals of their classes In the country , and are all
puru blooded.
Also a large number of diuft brood marns ,
work homes , tuddleponles , n herd of about i * J
cnmmou ran'te cattle , and 11 lot of wngons , har
nesses and other forming imiilnmenta and tools.
AllbidHiuustbuiniulaon orheforo the nth
day of July : ie\t , nnd must bn filed with Elmer
I ) . I'janU.clart ot tbo United btutns circuit
court , district of Nebraska , at Omaha , Neu. .
nnd must b acvompnuled by uaah or c rtlned
checks aiiiountlutj to 10 tier cunt of the amounts
ot the bids. ' U. I ) . WKIlSTEIt ,
Hccolvor of the Harlem Cattle Co ,
June 20 d lit
H rUil I IB t OiuralMid 1JE11VODB DEJJILlTt |
.r < TTT"P
V * J S&JCl orZrroritrZictiusinOittorYcunr.
Btlxiil. Rtkl ( BJlUnilll fullr K . | < HV < . ! !
. MiKt. : > ; > i : > iio.mui ! > riKTof ni'ur.
IkMlbltl ; Ulbill'l HOXC itHffHeir-KutlU U 1 ill/ .
Bin Itillr/ 41 Sliui , Ytrrtltrlli , J Yvir\m \ r o.lri. , .
Y a tut writ * U P * . fi k , tall it UB tlf , 4 trtb/i iistlt i
u u > irtt. uittu mi aitiroi C3,6iilf > in. K <
perftetlr rtrtlutd t > r llw trx
DESLON-dUpnE Muthpcl ,
Siaflit iiurntwijutirilcl M.uiJilo
- u tlih. ' ' AIMuu c irj. Varlco-
cele cnr > d U.out run tr ! * ! < ' * *
O.ilotvDupro bMnlque , XM
\1 \
nunnlng botwcou Council Iliuffa and Al
bright. In addition to the stltlons mentioned ,
trains stop nt Ttveutlrth uud Ttvouty-foarth
streets , aud nt the Summit In Omana.
Lea\e. | Arrlvo.
n No. 3 COJpuD No. 1 015a.m ;
O No. 6 0:30 : om0 ! No. 6 5:15 : pm
A No. 4 10:00 : urn A No , 3. , . . 0JJ : urn
A No.14 0:43 : nm'A No. 13 7:13ain
No. 0 0:40 : anNo. : | 7 0:27 : am
No.B ill pm No. 3 7:1S nra
No.4 0:21 : G-15 rm
All Trains Dally.
A No. 2 0:40iunA : | No. 1 7:03am :
A No. 4 0IOpmA : | No. 8 0:15 : pm
A No. 3 0'i.1am | A No , 3 (1:00 ( am
A No. 4 : .0lOpm | A No. 1 K
A No. 10 7:115 amlA No. .
A No.U 7OJpmA | OiJOpta
, ' OMAHA & ST. LOUI3.
A No. 8 4:3.1 pmA | No. 7 KQJ : ra
Adnlly : U dally except Saturday ; 0 except
Sunday ; D except Monday ; fast mall.
TJia tlmo glvuu abjvu U for Traasfar , thara
being from live to ten minutes between lY
fur uud local deuots.
-WAMiriOTUiiJ n o
Inipoitera 77'T'T "P"- ? , "
And Rubber 0 i Ualbons , Jnw ! r7 >
notioni , Novfltifi , ftr , , ke , , f.t
lowest prio'i. Oooilt for Rtrcrtncr. ,
f irP1f9M " ' " ' - S"1' * ' 1ano K1' ' "
iiusnuiHi ( .iT.u.itcLK I'IIYI : .
rr iosnla fur South pinnha Konrta. S
Beiled proposals will Imroculvod nn to 1 p. m.
.Inly 10. JPBJ , forS7i.Ooo ) fimdliur bomh ; 7 ( > Uoad
ot l,0ix ) each , li-uor cunt Intiiroiit , pnyablu un-
nuully ; bondtipay.ililn touycur.t uftor duto ; In- I
teiostcupons ntt.ichod. Abovn IT > IIO of bond *
uro muile ] ) uynbli ) at tha tlseul uituucy of the
Htato of NobrasKi , In thu city ot No\v Yor , both
interest und principal. All proposals to bo
scaled , ulrwlPii to the undcislgned and endorsed
"Jllils for Itondu , "
The conimllti'o on ( liianco retains tha right to
reject iiny or all offers , llondx cuimut bo sold
lHi ( ! than par ,
Jund In. Eu. JOIINHION , Chairman ,
Nona t oi * DIsHolntioii ,
The firm of Klrkondall , joiies & Co. , has tilts
day been dissolved by mutual commit , entries
A. Coe. Imvlm : dl po < i > d of his intense to
Fieumun P , KlrkcuiUill. and Kills o. Jones ,
Thu business will bo continued under the same
llnu niuiio by rrt'em.iii p. Klrkemlnll. und
E11U O. JoneH , who will ussumo all llubllitloj
nud collect all outbuilding accountH.
1 IIIIK : IN P. iCiuicuMiAi.u
Er.i.mO. JONKH ,
. . . CIIAIII.US A. Con ,
Oinalm , Nebraska , July 3,188J , jyS-d-3-
at the oliico of Die Cuntodlnu ot the U , H.
CUMloin Houao , at Omnlia , .Vubnukat and
onentuS p.m. on the 1) it day of July , ) & > ,
for p iliuim ; Willis uud ceilings in pjituuicd dl-
vlblouof the ubo\o uiiinea bulldlua. Hidden
must btnto the number of worklug days from
duteotnwurd of contract lu whlih llioy will
coinnlbtn the work , nnd-rii poaalty of forrelt-
IngUUiO per duy for everyday In woi of iba
number stated ill their proposal , haul ) pro *
posal must bo nccoinpitnled by u r rtiiiui
diet k. In amount twanty-llvu per cant of the bid
submitted , limdo vayablo \ the order of t ! 6
Tri-MSiirorof the United ftatoj.uttd bu Miblei-t
to furfflluro In case ot default. The ilirht to
rojei t any or nil bliU la rtMprvml. Tn HMoclfloi-
tloim can bu seen and ttiiy Iiifocmiitlou otir.Uutft
by uddrtMi hi } ; It. C. Join.\.v , CustullAO.