Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier In Any Part of ho City a
Twenty Cents I'crWcok.
II. W. TII/ION. . , MANAdKlt.
JJrpiKrfs OFFICE No. 43.
NKIHT Kmroii , No.Sl.
N. y.Plumblng Co
C. 11. Muslo Co. , 539 15'way.
Holler , tailor , 010 Broadway.
Evans' laundry , 724 Broadway.
D. W. Otis , city nnd farm loans.
The postonleo will bo open to-day from 7:30 :
until noon. No delivery or collection trips
will be made by tlio carriers during the after
noon or evening.
Street Supervisor Avcry Is harvesting Ills
flrst weed crop In the western part ot tbo
city. Judging from tlio nppuaranco of many
of tlio streets In tlio suburbs his work will
continue for some time.
Manawa's latest addition Is In the line of
n newspaper venture. The now anlval Is
christened the Luke Uroozo , and is n
sprightly and spicy llttlu sheet. Its columns
nro supplied by Editor Lawson.
Ex-Congressman Herr , of Michigan , will
bo ono of the speakers nt the
Grounds to-day. Ho Is a most able man , and
his well known ability nnd national reputa
tion should draw an immense audience.
A bundle of clothing has been found south
of the Mcrriam block by a man mowing
weeds. They nro In the possession of the
police and they are trying to dccido how
they happened to be loft in their hiding
place. H Is the opinion that they were se
creted by a sneak thief.
City Clerk Huntiugton did n good day's '
business ycstcnliiy. Licenses nro coming In
rapidly und several now permits have been
Issued. At the present rnto this month's re
ceipts will' greatly exceed those of last
month , which up to date are the heaviest
yet taken in.
KTho first annual colored colored base ball
tournament In Council lilufls was inaugu
rated yesterday , nnd will continue to-day. In
the morning n great parade was made
through the city. In the afternoon the
Initial game was played between the West
ern Stars , of Omaha , and the Boston Store
nine , of this city.
Aanlarni of llro was turned on from box
12 at 11:15 : lust night for the mirposo of testIng -
Ing the wiiter pressure , which has proven
defective at nil recent fires. It took half an
hour for the water company to got up u pres
sure of 130 pounds. The llro chief's wagon
ran into another wagon aud was turned over ,
nnd Chief Waters was badly bruised ; his us-
elstnnt ijot an urm broken and several ugly
The patriotic pleasure-seekers of Council
Bluffs will not bo loft to devise their own
amusement for the glorious Fourth. Snlon-
dld 'and varied programmes have been ar
ranged at both Manawu and the Chautauqua
grounds , where thousands are expected to
spend the day. There will bo a literary and
munlcal programme nt Chautauqun nnd lire-
works in the evening. At Manawa , nthlotio
sports and a grand barbecue are the prime
attractions. Persons of any and all inclina
tions can easily Und something to please.
The Gorman Ladies' picnic to ho
given to-day , July ' 1th , has been post
poned until homo time in the future.
Ono of the flne&t dry poods stores In
Council Bluffs is the now establishment
just opened nt 40(5 ( Broadway.
The admission fee to the
grounds has been reduced to 'J3 cents.
Rink livery and food stable. Horses ,
buggies and carriages. Ilncks for call.
B. S. Torwilliffor , 602 , 60-1 mid 600
Ico'cream atwholesale. Louie < fc Mctzgar ,
625 nnd 527 Uroadway , Couucll Bluffs.
Fireworks at Palmer's , 12 S. Main.
1'cr.sonal I'arnirranris.
C. R. Hanuan and family loft yesterday
morning on n trip to Michigan.
Hon. U. G. Herr , of Michigan , Is the guest
of Dr. O. II. Pinuoy and family , on Pearl
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Everett returned
homo last oveninc from Kansas City and
Fayotte , Mo. , where they have been visiting
for several weeks.
Mrs. P. F. Deerwester nnd daughter ,
Miss Maude , loft yesterday for DCS Moincs
nnd Wauhec , Dallas county. They will bo
absent about a. month.
Dr. E. E. Loouns nnd wife , of Janesville ,
Wis. , are in the city , the guests of Mr. and
MM. II. W. Tiltou. This quartette of old
friends will start the first of next week for a
trip through Colorado.
I have established an extensive dyeing nnd
cleaning works In this city and desire to call
attention of ladies and gentlemen of Omaha
and Council Bluffs to the fact that I liavo
it furnished my works with the latest improved
machinery known to the trade , that I have
had over hixteen years' experience , and
that I use only the very best dyes and chem
icals. I clean and dye everything but fur
goods. I call special attention to my new
cleaning nrocess by which the garment is not
ripped and which restores the original lustre
to the goods. Ladies' und gentlemen's sum
mer garments , such as flannels or Bilk , made
to look as good as now. Dresses , clothing ,
silks , shawls , laces and plumes dyed in su
perior manner. Motor fure allowed on all
goods brought to works , or wagon will call
nt residence. G. A. Schocdsack , Twin City
Dye Works , Twenty-sixth and Broadway.
Mulu oftlcu 1113 South Sixteenth , Omaha.
M. Wollman , jeweler , moved to 533 B'y
Dr. O. O. Iluzon , dentist , Opera house
Call on the Birkinbino Engineering
and Supply company , 115 Pearl street ,
Council UlulTs , In. , and examine the
Bodino roofing. It will pay you ; fitim-
ples &ont on application.
Fireworks at Palmer's , 12 S. Main.
Tha Indies of St. Peter's Catholic
church will have a German plume at
Bosnor' park on South First street July
4. Everybody invited. luo croamlom-
onado nnd refreshments. Wagons will
start from Noumoyor's hotel at 10
o'clock. _ _
Don't forgot the grand barbecue nnd
banket picnlo at Manhattan beach
July 4.
Bodino roofing will last longer and
give better uatisfaetion than any roofing
inudo ; will not crack , curl or split , nnd
mnlccB a perfectly solid joint on the en
tire roof , Ulrkinblno Engineering and
Supply company , 115 Pearl street , Coun
cil Bluffs , la.
Notice the boautlful finish given col
lar ? , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
C. B , Trunk Factory moved to Clmpman'a
Old stand. Largest trunk factory in west ,
Council Bluffs Furniture company foi
good goods at low prices. 407 Broadway.
8. B , Wadswortb & Co. loan monoy.
Bochtolo hoteicentral locationflrstolnss
Fireworks nt Palmer's , 12 S. Main.
' Fireworks.
Dynamite flrocnrckors , paper bal
loons. Hoinan candles , and sky rookoU
at Palmer's , 12 South Main at.
Admission to the grounds onlj
5 cents to-day.
No Explosions
\Vhon persons keep cool and use our
"Sun Dial" gna sloven. Four holes ,
roaster and bakuoyen , Costs 7 conte
per hour when running f ull bla&t. New
York Plumbing Co ,
The Aldormdn Warmly Dlsousa Matters -
tors of Publlo Interest.
Toiirnnniont Dolnga Closely Invostl-
toil Aldormnn Everett Ob-
JccU To Being Misrep
Tlin Counclt.
The city council hnd n ratlicr warm nnd
lengthy discussion on various matters Mon
day evening after the regular routtno busi
ness of the meeting had boon transacted. At
tlmos the debate assumed a very Interesting
nature , us the nldcrmcn nlroil their views of
bow things \voro anil ho\v thny should bo.
Aldcrmun ISvorctt opened the ball by pro-
sotitlng a resolution directing the otty at
torney to take charge of all city cases with
out tiny formal notice from the council , nnd
also suits ag.Unst tlio board of equalisation
To this Mr. Holmes stated that ho did not
hnvo to bo told to do his work. Aldornmn
Knepher thought that the resolution was not
necessary , Aldornmn Lacy defended the
city attorney , stating ho Imd always at
tended to his duties , and hnd won more cases
for the city than all city attorneys out to-
Kotlior. When there was nny necessity for
the services of the attorney ho was nlw.xys
on hand. The resolution was dropped , not
mooting with a second. Alderman Everett
then wanted to know if Holmes desired as
sistance in fighting tlio Union Pacific assess
ment , sltico ho had stated the board had a
rlijlil to change the assessment. To this Mr.
Holmes stated if Mr. Everett would cull at
tils ofllco ho could consult with him , but ho
was not giving public opinions in that man
ner. Ho had not statednnythlnc concerning
the right to changa assessments , but hereto
fore when It had been done , it was m the na
ture of a compromise.
Mr. Everett wpt of thooplnlon that Holmes
hnd rendered his opinion that it would bo
legal for the council to cut down the assess
ment of the executive council of the stnto ,
nnd that the council had only acted in the
matter on the strength of the city solicitor's
report. A short and hoatcd debate closed the
subject without action.
Alderman Everett then presented a resolu
tion directing the street supervisor to report
to the street and alloy committee every Sat
urday n list of the men and teams employed
mid where the work was done. 'He stated ho
ind not been able to ascertain anything of
the work ot the supervisor , nnd If this was
: o bo the policy ho would not sign the bills
for the payment of the nicn , If ho could not
tnow what was going cm lie would resign his
place on the committee. Alderman Lacy
claimed that Everett refused to "O. K. " the
Dills of the street commissioner because
ihero wa * no report from that ofllciul , yet
Mr , Everett never attended commit
tees nicotines , or ho could see the
reports imule by Mr. Avery. Mr. Lacy
stated ho had failed time and titno over to get
Everett to go and look at work. Ho had
always made reports of the street work up
to the time Everett came in the council , but
as ho had objected to the bills from the start ,
nnd would not attend to the looking after the
work , ho hnd refused to make reports. Ho
Imd a number of petitions in his pocket
which ho would not touch because Everett
failed to do committco work. The fourth
ward aldermnn insinuated all was not right ,
and that In order to convince him that the
street supervisor was doing work properly
Iio would favor the turning of the entire
work of thiiV-olllciul over to Mr. Everett. Ho
( Lacy ) was not anxious to do this work. He
know the streets were In good shape , and at
less expense than ever before. Ho could not
see any cuuso for tlio lick.
Everett replied by stating ho would sign
no moro bills unless ho knew what was go
ing on , and Lacy responded that bo could
know if lie would attend to the committed
woric us ho should do. The resolution was
defeated , Lacy , Waterman nnd Knophcr
voting no.
Alderman ICtiephar moved the appoint
ment of n special committco to investigate
the workings of the w.itor works company ,
fire department , and the work of the auto
matic pressure system in charge of the city
marshal , and ascertain who was to blame for
the failure of water pressure at the Into
lires. Mayor Ilohrer stated that so far as
the marshal was concerned , men were paid
to remain on duty , both day nnd night , and
he knew of times when the station was
locked up. After n lengthy discussion the
resolution was nasscd.
July 4.
The Boston shoo store will bo closed to
Remember the admission fee to the Chau-
tauqua grounds to-day has been reduced to
S3 cents.
Steam nnd hot- water heating , first-class
plumbing. Work in both cities. JOHN GIL-
IJUKT , 51& Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
At Ghuutnttqiin.
The final examinations in the junior nor
mal class was about the only work not
finally closed. Thorn huvo been thirteen C.
L. S. C. graduates and about sixty-five nor
mal graduates. The clas of ' 93wlll bo largo ,
ns the enthusiasm Is at fcrcr heat over the
elaborates provision promised the O. L. S.
C's. for another year. The preparations for
July 4 arc going1 on In every direction.
Some of the lecturers nnd touchers who nro
through with their work loft yestordny.
Dr. J. C. W. Coxo , conductor of the first
year's normal , goes to Colfux to take charge
of the same work there. Hov. Watson Trim-
tor , the successful conductor of the Inter
mediate normal , will go to Herndon , la. , fern
n few days' rest. The addrasscs before the
Sabbath Host mooting were delivered by
Mr. Gault and Dr. Hays. The lecture of
the nftornoou by Dr. Hays and that of Dr.
GIlloo nt night were the events of the day.
Hov. Watson Tranter , who has hnd charge
of , and carried through so successfully tlio
intermediate normal classes at the Council
Bluffs and Omaha Chautauiiua , has been di
recting the Sunday School Normal worl : In
Chicago mid neighboring cities , having gradu
ated nbout llvo hundred students in Chicago
alone during the past year. His method witn
the young people in assembly work Js to give
beside the regulur studics n scries of "tttlics" ,
which uro n special feature of his methods.
His assembly studios In the "Life of CnrUt"
were n marked fcnturo in the assembly nt
Winlleld , ICan. , und were regarded ns stiik-
Ingly popular. His work Is of a character to
commend him as a most olUclent normal
Tim Glndtvlu Outfit Must Go.
The C.lndwln-Wilsou cnso carao up for
another airing yesterday afternoon , and it Is
hoped that this la the last public appearance ?
of the outfit In this city. Miss Wilson filnd
on Information before 'Squlro Schurz , alleg
ing that Mrs. Gladwln hnd possession of a
lot of her clothes , aud would nut lot her have
them. A search warrant was issued , the
property found , nnd turned over to the
rightful owner. Gladwiu was in the court
room , and ns soon ns the case was decided ,
left the room In company with Miss Wilson.
His wife had previously given him the
baby , which ho took with him , but the fol
lowed him out , mid moated a row at
the eorimrof Broadway mid Main streets.
Coming up bohlud Gladwln , she < t lzcd his
lint and thow it Into thn tnlddlo of tlio stieot ,
nt the Entno tlmo timing the baby away from
him. Khe took hold of bl > arm , il'.illing him
back und forth auros the sidewalk , uaying
that he must support her und the children as
they wore starving to death , uto.
Judge Ayleiwurlh happened to bo a spectator
tater of the utTulr , and ordered a policemen
to take them into custody , Thn judge visited
the station shortly nfturw-mt for the pur
pose of finally settling the case.
Qlndwnt was lltst culled out and Informed
that ho must take his family und go back to
Dos Molnon. He demurred , but the court
Insisted that ha must ao or the whole outfit
would bo looked up , SaUUhe court ; ' 'This
mntter has gone us far a It can. It has
taken four oftlcor * , at 170 par'nipoth , to took
after you and your family var attire you
came here. Your children * ro crying on the
streets for breud , nnd this cunly does not
propose to look after .hem. You are the
rightful charges of Polk county , itud back
there you mu t o. I can not InnUt that you
live with your wife unU- * you with to , but I
CM nnd dolnlst that the disgraceful pro
ceeding * of the past few weeks mus tbo
stopped , B very few days there Is a case In
court In whloh ono of you three is the plain
tiff nnd ono or both of the others defendants.
It not only annoys nil of your neighbors , but
it ban cost us qulto a sum for costs. Wo
have enough of it , nnd you must go to jail or
get back to DPS Molncs. "
Gladwln agreed to leave the city , but the
court would not consent to this. Ho In
sisted that the family must go together , nnd
KO where the authorities were bound to tnko
cnro of them , Gladwln was locked up ngnln
to think over the matter , nnd the wife nnd
two little children were brought In.
She was told of the courts decision , and
declared that she would not go. Said olio :
"They won't keep mo there , for when I was
sick last winter they only gave mo 50 cents ,
nnd I can't stand that. Wo never had n bit
of trouble until that girl cnmo to Itvo with
us , nnd if shn was out of the way wo could
got nlong nil right. "
The court wns inexorable , nnd gave the
woman until Friday to pack her things nnd
get ready to go. Shosald slu had hndtiolthor
breakfast nor dinner , nnd the court ordered
the munhal to procure a meal for her nnd
the children.
The younger woman wns then ushered in ,
nnd began to cry when told of the disposi
tion to bo made of the case. She Insisted
that she had done nothing out of the way ,
nnd her tears flowed copiously when
the court told her that Gladwln win to bo
sent bock to DCS Moines with his family.
"Did he say ho would go ! " she inquired.
"Ho didn't have anything to say about It , "
said the court. "I said ho would , nnd ho is
going , nnd you must got out of town or go to
jail. You can go to the door and talk to him ,
and make nny arrangement you desire. "
The result of tJio conference wns that the
womnn was given money enough to go to
DCS Momcs , nnd will there meet Gladwln
when tie arrives. The county furnishes the
transportation for the family , and to morrow
they will bo loaded upon the train and
shipped to the Capital city like so many
packages of boxed freight. The * trio has
proven nn unmitigated nuisance , and their
banishment will bo greatly appreciated by a
suffering community.
July d.
The Boston shoo store will bo closed to
day. _ _
A reduction In rates will admit nil visitors
to the Chautauqua grounds to-day for 25
J. G. Tinton , real ostoto , 627 B'dwny.
Money loan oil at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s
loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value , without
removal. All business strictly confi
For the Gmnblors.
"Thoro will be a lot of surprised people In
this city Inside of n week , " was the remark
made to THE BEE yesterday by a member of
the bnr. "Do you know what the grand jury
is doing ! " he continued. The scribe an
swered that It was gouorally understood that
nn investigation ot the gambling trans
actions nt the recent firemen's tournaments
was going on.
"Investigation well , I should sny so. They
nro examining the greatest batch of wit
nesses that has been eubptuiKud on any case
over called before the grand Jury in this
county. Lawers , doctors , ministers nnd
business men generally nro included Jn the
list , while the city officials nnd members of
the police force hare ulso boon called in to
tell what the know about the disgraceful
proceedings carried on during the three days
of the tournament. I know quite a little con
cerning the proceedings of the body , but , of
course , I can not give up its secrets until the
proper time. I can tell you ono thing , and
that is Hint a number of indictments will
bo returned acralnst parties you would
never think of in .this connection.
The grand jury Is not going into this work
for , fun , and they will sift it to the bottom.
Another thing that they will do is to talco a
look at the gambling and saloon question.
The gambling nt the park Is not the only
Instance that will bo investigated , and I
would not bo at all surprised to see such
steps taken as would result in closine up
both the sulooas nnd the gambling houses.
There is some testimony being Introduced
that would astonish .theso folks If they only
knuw it. I tell you ngnm , there is going to
be bomo fun before long , but it will not bo
for the interested parties. "
The proceedings going on at the court
house would indicate that there was a great
deal of truth in what the gentleman said ,
even if his position did not grant him a
privilege of uscertainngtho ! facts in the
case , aud personally knowing what ho was
talking about. All of this week the grand
jury has been hard nt work investigating the
tournament business , nnd several of the
executive officers who had charge of the
nffair have been called in to toll wha they
know nbout it.
C. M. Mavnard , the recording secretary ,
was yesterday subpoenaed to appear bcforo
that body , and bring nil the books nnd
records of nil meetings of the association rel-
ntivo to the tournament of 18SU. The chief
of police and chief of the fire department
were among those examined ,
It is siatcd that the examination of wit
nesses will not bo completed before Satur
day , ns the grand jury will not be In session
to-duy. The report is to bo made Saturday
evening , and Judge Carson will b < j on tbo
bench to receive it.
The matter is creating a great deal of a
stir , and there nro several parties occupying
very responsible and exalted position ? who
nro feeling decidedly shaky over the result.
THIS Bun watched the course affairs were
taking yesterday evening very carefully , and
was assurrcd that there will bo some aston
ishing developments by the end of the week.
A gentleman , whoso knowledge comes di
rectly from the "inside , " remarked that the
county attorney would bo Kept busy for moro
than half n day drawing up indictments.
The rartios Implicated say the whole thing is
merely a political move , nnd has for its ob
ject certain desired results in the comlnp fall
election. Others charge it directly to the pro
hibitionists. who , they allege , are attempting
to make capital out of this wholesale gam
bling for tliUr side in their move against the
saloons. The general Impression , however ,
is that the Investigation is being pushed bv a
Dumber of the leading business nnd profes
sional men of the city , who nro classed with
neither any political nor prohibition move
ment. The character of the witnesses sum
moned is above reproach , and It Is known
that they condemned the gambling foaturoof
the tournament In the most unmeasured
terms. It is certain that the Investigation
will boa most searching ono nnd all of the
facts regarding the transaction will bo
brought to light. It is stated that the books
of the association will show the gambling
privilege was leased for n good round sum ,
but this Is not alone rolled on. The action of
the grand Jury in Investigating the cnso is
openly commended , nnd the wholesale- return
of Indictments niralnst the responsible par
ties would undoubtedly moot with popular
npprovnl ,
Have our Wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
City steam laundry , 3-1 Main , tol. 141 ,
Splendid bargains at Marcus' clothing
store before removal to now building.
Al < loi-mnii Everett Gives Ills Slilo.
"I uni getting tired of being misrepresent
ed , " remarked Alderman Everett as lie
stepped Into Tim Bun ofllco last evening ,
"and I would like to know why it Is that
jiomo of the papers can not give the facts In
cases as they exist. Nearly every paper In
this city has most outrageously misrepre
sented mo in regard to the Graham avenue
matter. Anyone would think that I had
been engaged la some criminal notion by the
distorted reports that are given by these
papers. The whole truth of the
matter Is that the court will bo
asked to dccido whether or not the
city is entitled to nn 100 foot street.
It Is charged that I am attempting to get a
change of grade , which Is utterly false and
without the slightest foundation. The fact
is I want tbo grade loft as It was established
n year ago , and several of tbo other property
owners want it cut down. If it was to bo
changed I would prefer to have It raised.
You see , It Is Just like thii T am on the up
hill side nnd they are on the other. Very
naturally , what would suit ono would dis
please the other. Now then , what wo main
tain Is just this : Mrs. Walker bought all
this property and donated a street through
it , 100 feet wide , to the city. There
was a mortgage on the property at the
time , nnd It was sold nt sheriffs a Mo.
This wo claim annulled the quit claim deed
to the city. It Is slmplyt ) nlco little point of
law. and when n judgq decides It that will bo
the end of It. Wo claim 'Ihnt there Is legally
no street there At all , | iutfl xvo do not want It
closed up. Wo must hnvo the street to got
to our property , but we maintain that it need
bo only CO feet wide. W > only nsk for what
tha court may say * to otirs , nud do not pro
pose to rob the city , hj charged , or anything
of the kind. " i
How n Urnvo Parts * \VrcBtlor Lost HR |
There was quite nBonsation yesterday
among the visitors rUid. the employes nt
the cemetery of Ptfro Lachalso when a
hearse covered with Jlowors and cor
onals was soon entering the go. to , fol
lowed by about ono hundred and fifty
of the biggest men in the metropolis ,
writes the Paris correspondent of the
London Telegraph. Tall , broad-
shouldered follows acted as the escort ,
some neatly attired in black garments ,
vrlillo others displayed beneath n light
overcoat , their nether limbs encased in
tights and spangles.
All the wrestlers nnd "Hercules" in
Paris had given themselves a rendez
vous nt the cemetery for the interment
of ono of their coloaguos Louis Launay
who died recently n victim to hydro
Lntinny , who belonged to a wealthy
family in a very good position , never
would settle down to any ordinary avocation
cation , Ho was fired , at a very early
ago , with the ambition to display his
muscles to crowds of enthusiastic ad
mirers nt dilToront fairs , and , notwith
standing the sturdy opposition of his
relatives , ho at last determined to
throw himself into the arena.
Ho united his fortunes with these of
n young woman who was an ornament
of the profession which ho had em
braced , and his strength and ability
soon won him fame among tlio thous
ands who nro wont to congregate at tlio
various fairs which , nt periodical in
tervals , are held at different points of
the metropolis and the suburbs.
For a time all went well , from the
strictly professional point of view , but
about two months ago Launay , fancying
that something was wrong with u terrier -
rior which played n part in the show ,
took the nnimal to a veterinary sur
geon , who informed him that the dog
was mad , and that nothing remained to
bo done but to destroy it.
"I shan't ho long nbout it , " exclaimed
Lunay , who strangled the poor beast in
a few minutes. As it struggled , however -
ever , the dog bit him in the leg , but
Launay made light of the injury.
Meanwhile , however , ho sent his wife
nnd child both of whom had been pre
viously bitten by the terrier to M.
Pasteur , and both are in excellent
On Sunday morning Launay suddenly
called out to his wife to run away , us ho
had lost all control over himself , and
for n quarter of nn hour ho rushed about
their room , banging Ins head against
the walls and covering the floor with
Ho expired n few hours later in great
Buttering. Launay , whoso death is la
mented sincerolv'by all the metropol
itan "Hercules , " was , only twenty-six
years of ago. _
A Colorado Nlmroil's Thrilling Ex
perience in tlio Western Wildq.
Mr. W. W. Taylor , of Elhort county ,
Col. , furnishes to thb Now York Morn
ing Journal the following story of his
engagement with a panther years ago :
1 wis sitting on a'largo ' oak log close
to the hank of the river , when I heard
a noise in the branches , above mo , and
looking up I saw n sight that inado my
blood run cold in cmy veins and my
heart almost ceascd'oenting.
Lying on a largo limb , scratching up
the hark , its eyes rolling in fury , was n
largo panther. I involuntarily grasped
my hunting knife and braced myself for
the conflict whicn was sure to come.
Lashing its tail furiously in tno air ,
it made a desperate plunge. 1 jumped
aside , its claws catching my clothes , al
most carrying mo along with it. I
quickly cut its claws loose with my
Again it attacked mo. This time it
struck mo with full force andboro mo to
the ground. I began to use my knife
with deadly olloct , it alto using its
claws , scratching mo up very badly.
Over and over wo rolled , using both
knilo and claws desperately. At lust
I managed to get in a deadly thrust in
the now perfectly furious animal.
Givinur a most unearthly yell it fell
over on its side and the battle was over.
I fainted from excitement nnd loss of
When Iroturnedto mysonsos I imme
diately began to skin it. It was the
largest panther I over saw.
It measured thirteen feet long from
the tip of the nose to the tip of tlio tail'
T have kept the skin with me in all
my hunting tours , whether hunting
the grizzly in Arizona or hunting the
wolves of northern Russia , or chasing
the king of the forest in the wilds of
Africa. Many ie the time I have slept
on it , in all climes and all circum
A IJeotliovon Museum.
A Dresden letter says : The people of
Bonn hayo purchased the house in
whioh Beolhovon was born , with the in
tention of converting it into a museum
of objocU illustrating1 his life and
works. The house , whioh in recent
yours has been both a dancing saloon of
doubtful character and n dime museum ,
in to bo restored as far ns possible to the
condition in which it was in 1770 , when
Beethoven was born. The committee
which has boon formed to carry out the
project asks for gifts. It is Bought to
colllect busts and portraits of Beetho
ven , manuscripts of his works , his lot-
torn , a 'collection of all the books which
have boon written nbout him and his
compositions , complete sets of tlio va
rious editions of his works and all other
relics which cnn possibly bo obtained
either by gift or pUrphuso , Joachim
has been elected president for lifo of
the museum. _
Visitors to i-jbukespoiiro's.
Last year the visitors to Shake
' w'er ' . Americans
speare's birthplace 10,800.
cans constituting one-fourth of the
Children Cry for Pitchar's Castoria.
When lUby woa el el , we give her Caotorta.
Whan rlie wen a Child , she cried for Coctorlo ,
When the became Ulsa , the dune to Cactocia ,
n , she Kavothom distort *
No. 27 Main Street ,
Over Jacquouilu'4 JowclryStore
Our prices for tomorrow and this week will be lower than ever. These prices mean that the
goods arc going to be sold ,
thlt also means that they will go at a lively rate , and it means that those who participate in
esc bargains will be richer by a good many dollars than if they neglect this opportunity.
Old prices all lost sight of. Anything to get rid of our goods before moving. Read and pro *
fi by this opportunity.
ioo pieces Challies , manufactured to sell for 150 , our price now 50.
29 pieces Challies , actual value soc per yard , our price now 70.
i case best Manchester Challies , worth 300 per yard , our price now 150.
50 pieces best imported Challies , sold everywhere from 650 to 850 , our price now 480.
125 pieces plain and printed India Silks , worth 6oc to 75c. Our price during this sale 390
per yard. Best India Silks , sold from 750 to $1.50 a yard , our price 590.
1 case English Sateens , including fast blacks , worth aoc and 25c , our price now ice and l2j c.
Best French Sateens , including the finest fastjjblaclc Henrietta finish , warranted the finest and
best goods made , at 250 and 300 , reduced from 35c , 400 and SOG.
2 cases finest Scotch Ginghams and Seersuckers , formerly sold at I5c , soc and 25c , our price
now i2 c.
i case English Flannellettcs , worth 39c a yard , our price ice.
i case real fine plaid and striped lace effects White Dress Goods made to sell for 250 , our
price now i2 * c ,
Ribbons. Fans , Parasols and Umbrellas at cost.
This is a bona fide sale. No humbug quotations but facts which we mean to sustain.
Mail orders will receive prompt attention. Call and see us.
"CTGirSAiTI My up-towiTcTcnr store , nfllii
JD llronmvny , Is lor rnlo choup. Will soil
stock nnd llxturos or fixtures nlono. ltens > otis
for selling. Have two stores nuU cnn't attend
to but ono. dplendld business chance for
small capital. Jmiuiro or KranK Lovln , f > 03
Uroadwny , _ _
ANTKD Hood irlrl for penoral housework.
Mrs. Dr. Ilnnchett , I'-M 4tli st. _ _
\V ANTKD To buy a few lots In Mullln's sub-
' i dlvlson. Address , Win. Larson a Co , , 1W )
B. Main at. . Council lihifTti.
'ITUNK family team for snlo , or trade for
J-1 lot. Inquire Ilk" ! West Ilrondway. _
Tmoil BAU2-100feetof tr.ickauoln Dnyllsannd
JL1 Palm crs. AlUbt bo Bold. A barrlllco ot at * )
Kerr & Grny. _
Tnoil HUNT rurnlshcd ( for two or three
Jj months ) , the house 1 occupy , No. J21 So.
7th st. H. 0. Choyiroy. _
JOO pieces 05 second-hand carpet.
WANTED coed Hocond-luind furnltiue. A.
J. Maiidel. and tt Uroadway. _
EXCHANQE-Several good farms to ox
FOK for Council Illu'.ru lots. Johnston
& Van 1'atten , Kverett block. _
UKNT-Storo room , No. 18 Slum . ,
niter July 1. N. C. James , 10 I'earl st.
KSTATG-iloURlit and sold nnrt ox-
- changed. Special attention Klvon to exam
ination of titles.V. . C. James , No. 10 Pearl St. .
Council Ululla. _ _ _
'filOU HUNT nasy terms two now nve-ropm
JD houses , 10th avo. between HlRti nnd Third
sts. Sell clic.ip if taken this week. Inquire
owner. J. Dickey. 740 H. Way. _ _
TT10H SALE Old establlsEed General mor-
JL ? chnudlso business , stocc , nxtures , wagons ,
etc. Good room and low rent , AUdrcsi , J.
Dickey. 710 II. Way _ _ _
Hverybody In the city to remem
ber JIandol's bargain furniture store Is
the place to buy your goods , aa andaa Ilroaa-
and Nansamond
Older Vegetal Plants.
Vegetables , Vegetable Plants ,
Fruits Etc ,
East Pierce St. - - - Council Bluffs.
Vclow ws give names of a few of Uic iiiiiny
I'alrons of ilio
'll '
In Council Hlnirsuud vicinity. The character
ot tno iitroii3 ) named , mul tlia amount on.
trnstod by each to the protection of the com
pany. Indicates the coulldcncu oujoyod by It at
homo \vhuro Its manner of doing business IB
best known.
O.P. Ulllln . 8 10,000
Lunar Uros. St Co . aT.OOO
Chiirlea llauglm . ; , o , < X)0
H. I'.ilorrow . JO.OM
John llcunctt . ' .i.TBU
William ( Vlfallornn . , . t.'M
Charles SlilulUs . , . 7.700
N. W.NiiHh . 7C)0 :
J. A. Jllllur . ( i.OOO
( ic-orgo A. I'ry . 0,000
Henry Klsoman iCe : . 6,00.1
BhueartWalt& Wles . y.wW
i : . L. Slmsarc . 4.VXJO
Jtonmu C.ithollo Church . < UOJJ
Koman Catnollo Church , Westphalia , . . . W.OOO
Carroll County Couit llotmo . 2lX)3 ( )
Abbott & Cooper . , . ! ! 1WW
St. 1'runclj Academy . "O.lnxi
Craver , atoolo it Auatln . WI.UJO
T. M. O. iMRim . ' 11.000
Deere. Wells&Co . 10,210
( leoru Jl. Wllllnma . U.lOJ
B. I ) . Kohlcs . 8.IOT
U. U. Carpenter . fl.'iW
Mnuoulo Temple , . , . , . . . . . C.ooi
Jlotcalf Itros. . . . . , . d.oou
P. A. Ileobe & Co . , . fi.OOO
S.S , Keller . 8.W3
NOTICK When our jiollnr exceeds IJ'i.WW.OO
on property subject to dostrnctlon by a flln le
lire , the OXCOH Is re-lnturod In other compmilen.
J. I ) . KuiitiNDSOM. U. L. Siiur.Aitr ,
1'res. Vice 1'res
CIMH. It. HANNAN. Cashier ,
or COUNCIL m.urr ? .
Paid Up Capital . 1150,000.00.
Surplus .
Liability to DoposUors. . 325,000.00.
Illl.CT < iiiH-I. A. Miller , K. 0. ( iliiason. B. L.
Shugart , K.I ! . Hart , J. I ) . IMinniHlfioi ) . Clmu. Jt.
Ilannnn. Transact Rcnural buuklnz tiuelneim.
Largest capital and surplus of nny bank la
southwestern Iowa. Interest on time depuMts ,
Corner Main ud nrondway ,
nealera In foreign sud ilomnitta
Collections mud * and lnt r jt paid on timed * .
poslU. _
W. I * l ATTOi\ .
Elegant Riga ivt Retwonnblo Rntos.
Nos. 10 and 21 , North Main Street.
Council Bluffs , Io a.
SIZES FROM Especially Adapted ftf
25 TO 300
HOUSE POWER. Mills and Elevators
Bpccincntlonannd ostlnmton ftirnlshpd for complete lor\m pltinn. llcculatlon , Diirnbllltjr KimrnntcoJ.
Cu show Icttoia from users where fuel economy H cqunl with CorIM .N
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for catalogue. No. 510 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.
ri v-- . ! : < . ' -c. i jvv-V , ? >
Special Bargains in ail Departments'This Week.
* < 3vo/JWBWay.JVlE :
0 S
( BncccflsorH to Morgan , Keller A : Co. )
ri'i\'Ti : i\ < ; iviTO ; J
: mt > . : ui IWOAIMV/VV , OOUMJIIJ uiajKm
Open Dally , All Specimens For Snlo.
on nuns FOK TAYirwJMiY wonii TAICKN AND
Call nt MuEonin or mlclroBn
O. K. ftll.UKKT ,
' 816 North 16th St. , Omaha , for Catalogue.
Cheaper than cmh or monthly paymmiti la
n homo licniHlit tliiouch Din American I.onn is
Itulliliiu ; association. InveHtlcnto it by calling
at No. UU l'ciu-1 t. . Ul'-STAIllS.
O11AB. O. KljUOOD ,
T.ocul Agent.
in the city. Ollt edged opportunities to luimo-
rtlute Investors mid liomoitcerers.
$0 I'earl tit. , Council Uluirt ,
No. 1O Pearl St
Contrnlly located livery nnd boarding Btnble
Host accommodations In the city. Bpuclul at
tention .o UuusUnt cuHtom.
W. A. UAVS , I'rop.
. TelupUuno Stable , 77. HUB. H2O.