Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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. _ OCVt- .
Very Boarloh Influences nt Worltln
the Wheat Pit.
Provisions Surprise the General Trndc ,
Si > cculatoi-ri Showing n Disposition
to Uenllze Nntlvo Cattle
CHIOAOO , July 8. fSpoclal Telegram to
Tiir Bur. . ] Very bearish Influences wcro at
work to-day in the wheat market , Ilnlns lu
the northwest were general nnd the change
In temperature that followed was exactly
what spring needed , so exports say. The
weather through the western winter wheat
country is showery nnd nome damage nnd
delay will doubtless result , but u vast ma
jority of harvest reports indicate satisfaction
on the part ot producers , both in the matter
of yield and. quality. The movement still
Im'iiRs back , nnd the receipts from western
markets continue light. SU Louis only pot
0,000 bushels to-day. That market Is soft ,
however , nnd yields readily in sympathy
with the reactions hero nnd at ether
points Foreign market dispatches reflect
unquestioned iinutic i abroad , but not any
special activity in trade , Foreign crop news
is tnoro favorable , the recant rain in south
ern Husala having done a great deal of good ,
though nn acknowledged deficiency rousts.
Prlvnto reporter-front the northwest nro of n
hopeful character , but they allow very clearly
that tlio condition throughout a largo part of
Minnesota and Dakota was exceedingly bad
prior to the rains. The rains have lightened
vp the gloom wonderfully , however. The
naturiil tendency of prices In Chicago was in
the down direction , but the Hurry In July pro '
vcnled any Important depression in the later
futures until the session was half gone. July
opened ut b3c , over night n gain of Jfc. The
screws wore put on promptly and the price
run up to 84c , with sales unofllcially
reported at 85o. The market broke back tc
84o and was run up or let .back o every
time anybody wanted to buy or sell. It was
ono of Hutchhmon's picnics. About hall
past 12 o'clock the price broke sharply from
B-lJf to 83/e. } Subsequent fluctuations wore
violent within decent limits nnd the close
was at S2j o. Trade In July was active , but
not largo in the aggregate. . Dealings were
iu small lots and the business done was on
nn unsatisfactory basis , so far ns the general
trade was concerned. Operations in Sep
tember were on n restricted scalot This
future openeil at 78 o , ranged at 0\ft \ 8c
I nnd closed at 7S ; c. The built of the specu
lative trade was in December , which opened
nt 80V , sold off to SO'B'e ; , advanced irregu
larly to S0c , from which point there was n
gradual yielding of values until 75)p/o ) wai
touched about 1 o'clock. ' Tlio close was at
TOJjfc , a shrinkage of % c as compared
witn yesterday. The weakness was most
strikingly manifest after 12 o'clock , when
the local bear crowd , uudor the leadership
of Linn , began pounding tno market aggres
sively. Linn and his following have been
I getting decidedly bearish for several days ,
i and thry go nt the market every time it
shows weakness. News from the spring
wheat country to-day cave them renewed
courngo. Winter wheat reports are also au
Important aid to them in their campaign.
The iirmnos'i which characterized yester
day's corn market continued at the opening
to-day. The dcmanu for shipment was again
nctivo nt higher prices , in explanation of
which it waa said that BOIIIO shippers had
contracted to deliver considerable quantities
in New York early this mouth , anil wore
finding the current receipts ) under the cal
culations upon which their agreements were
based. The renewal of the heavy
rains in the southwest had like
wise sonic effect on speculative feeling ,
k Interfering , us it does , with tlio cultivation
: tl ' required to keep down the weeds. Livcr-
1 pool quotations were lower , nnd after some
anxious shorts wcro s > allruod nn easier feel
ing prevailed. Now York and Rt. Louis
wcro featureless , except that from the for
mer there came reports of n good export in
July and the tntdng of twelve loads for for
eign account. After the disposal of Ihodav's
rccolots the market was weak , both for spot
and futures , tlio demand being apparently
exhausted and sellers still loft with corn to
dlsposo of for future delivery at a shade
under jeslcrdny's ' closing figures. July
closed at 5Ko , August,35 < c , September
85Jij@"Gc , and October ! ! ( ! } c sellers.
In oats there was llttlo dcsiro to trade ,
speculative business bring confined almost
exclusively to the professionals. The market
was narrow and featureless nsldo from a
fair to good demand for July , which resulted
in firmness , this month selling J c bettor ,
The early strength In new crop deliveries
was not sustained to the close through lack
of support. Tlio receipts considerably ex
ceeded the estimates and withdrawals wore
only fair. No. 3 to go to store sold ut 23J (2 (
23e , indicating lirmnoss.
Provisions rather surprised the general
trade in their movement nnd changes ,
They opened ut prices approximating yester
day's closing , but before business line
fairly commenced it became evident
dent that the market was bearish in it !
leaning. Though there was no development
mont , such ns unusual receipts of hogs , 01
weakness in other lines , to make selling dc
sirablo , an extraordinary disposition came tc
the surface to realize. Packers , scalpers am
Rj professionals sold with the greatest freedom
a mid offerings of pork and its companion artl-
. A clus exceeded all expectations. Huyers for i
J good portion of the session had overythinf :
their way. They had no trouble to 1111 tlioii
future orders and often practically at theli
own prices. The helling witnessed wa :
largely of the nature of u bear raid , and i
Bovoru decline occurred all aronnd. In porl
it amounted to 0@25e , and in lard and shor
ribs to 7 c.
CIUOAOO , July 8. [ Special Telegram t (
Tim HUE. I CATTLE. Trading In thu nntlvi
line opened rather stronger , especially 01
light and desirable steers , u few soiling lOi
higher , but later on the same style and qual
ity sold about tlio same ns yesterday , am
after n few urgent buyers were out of th
y way ttio general ninrkoi ruled only steady n
\ compared with yesterday. The receipts o
Texans wcro light only about 2,000 am
everything In the long horn line sold higher
in some cases 15o higher. Native butchers
Blocic shared lit the upturn , with nbou
everything sold. The stacker and fccde
trade presented no now features. Cbolc
to extra beeves. $1,00 ® 1.40 ; medium I
good steers , 1U50 to l&OO Ibs , $1.80 ( .30
1200 to lifOIbs ! , l.70iM2U ( ! ; C50 to 1200 Ibs
ttUSQUK ) ; stockers and feeders , J2.00@2.95
COWB , bulls nnd mixed , $1.50(33.00 ( ; Inilli
13.20(22.40 ( ; slop-fed steers. * : i.60. Texn
Bteoi-s , $2.05&3.GO ; cows , $1.20 2.40 ,
HOGS Trading was slow and values
strong So lower. At ilrst the bulk of mlxoi
hogs sold nt 1.40 , but later on bulk wont ou
at $4.35 , nnd tlmt was the price at the close
Light sorts were scarce nnd fully n.t high n
yesterday , felling at f 1.4504.05.
NEW YOIIK. July 3. [ Special Tolegrat
to TUB UiiB.1 STOCKS. Following th
weakness and general decline In stocks lat
yestordny , there was a nervous and uusei
tied feeling in stock circles last night and c
the opening to-day. Little confidence wa
restored by the talk tQat Hoston pnrtlca wor
trying to patch up pnacu In freight matter
between the Hurllngtou & Northern an
other northwestern roads. Kcpcatcd stut <
I nionts that the Atchlsdu must go Into th
hands of a receiver had their effect la caui
Ing nervounnoss iu spite of the opposln
Btiitcmcnt that the company will moot nil ii
torest charges promutly Cieptembor 1 , Th
day opeuod with trading largely lu the hand
of professionals. Chicago vent nulling ordon
Thejo were followed by a general attack o
the granger stocks , which lasted half a
hour , and resulted In sharp declines. The
weakness was apparent nt the very first ,
when the figures wero@Jf } par oont undoi
the close of last night. Action In granRors
the first hour was : Atchlson , 89Jf@n9) ) { < 3
40K@Bif ! ) ; Burlington , W ) 303Jf@90Jfa (
OOKC'lOOjtf ; Northwestern , 107&107' Ilocl
Island , lU@01 ® 03 ; @ 02tf ; St. Paul , 70(3 (
WX- Thus Ilock Island'thowcd a not loss alone
ono time of 3 per cent nnd Burlington IJj
per cent , but both showed rallying power ,
Northwestern nnd St. I'aul wore less savagely
agoly assailed , but recovered less quickly
Missouri 1'nclllc wont oft 1 per cent to 70 nnd
Union Pacific IJg per cent to 59 , with no reaction -
action nt 11 u. m. Lncxawanna sold at 14SJ
ex-dividend. Chicago Gas was dull , but Jj
par cent up at K'JJi' . Coal OH also counters
the list by moving up If per cent to GOV
Dealings In sugar trust divided with those
on the ernnccra the attention of the room
and , nftor opening at 110K against 120 > < lasl
evening1 , It suddenly dropped to 114 and thur
to 113 , n not loss of 8jf per cenV A quick re
covery to 117 followed , after \vntoh It shailoi'
off slowly. Load was steady nt about 87 ,
The sensational ndvanco tn trusts during
Juno nnd their prcsont orrntlo course have
cstrnnpcd much of the conservatlvo trade
formerly having taith In them , and the deal
ings now nro largely professional. There
was less excitement after the first hour ir
railway stocks nnd trusts. The raiding ol
grangers was continued nnd some lower
prices were reached. Atchlson touched 83 ,
reacted to 40 ! and closed at 39J . Burling
ton sola at OS/ ) , closing at 99V , or % per cent
net loss. Northwestern sola at Itxyf , closing
at 107 , or 1J per cent net loss. Itock Island
did not aealn touch the low point of tlic
morning nnd closed at 02 % , or 2 % per cent
under last night. St. Paul closed at the hot-
torn 08 or 1) per cent lower. Missouri
Pacific nnd Union Pacific lost J per cent
each. Heading lost iff per cent , closing n (
40 8' , Chicago gas nnd lead trusts closed J
@ % per cent bolter. Sugar trusts recovered
IJs * PCI * cent nnd closed at H7Jrf , or 8 par cent
lower for the day. The total sales were
271,507 shares , Including 17,000 of Northwestern -
western , 0,000 St. Paul , 21,000 Uock Island
nnd 15,000 , Burlington.
The following were the closing quotitloni :
slxty-day bills , 5I.SO ; demand , W.SS.
CmoAfio , , luly 3. tl ! > p. in. close Wheat
Lower ; cash , 83 , ' c ; September , 783 < , 'c ; Do-
ember , 7tJ ) c. .
Corn Easy ; cash , 351 c ; August , 835 0 ;
September , 85 5-Kic.
O.its Lower ; casb , 23J o August 22Uc ;
September , 22 0.
llyo Cash , 42J/'c. ,
Barley Nothiti ( i doing.
Priino Timothy SI. 02(0)1.53. ( )
Flax No. 1 , Sl.40.
Whisky .03.
Pork-- Steady ; cash , $11.50 : Aueust ,
S11.53 ; September , Slt.C3K < 3l ( ! 1.05.
Lard Steady ; cash , $0.30 ; 'August. $0.45 ;
SoDtembor , $0.55.
Flour Firm atlalo advancowinter ; whrat ,
$2.1-0(5)4.75 ( ) ; spring wheat , ? l.30@5.75 : rye ,
, - * , .
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , ? 5.25@5.3i } < ; ;
> hort clear , 0.12X@0.25 ; short ribs , $5.65 ®
Jt JO ,
Uuttor Easier creamery , 13@13 > c ; dairy ,
Chcess Firm ; full cream Cheddars , 7J4' @
SJ.fc ; fiats , 7K-7 ( o ; Young Americas , 7j c.
ligfis Quiet and easy fresh , ll ( H2e.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy a-id ifeht green
salted , 5j c ; salted dull , 4J e ; green s.iltod
calf , Oc ; dry flint , 7c ; dry salted , 7c ;
dry calf , 7Hio ( | ; deacons , 23o each. ,
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
Ic ; Ko. 3 , 3J o ; cake , 4 c.
Hcccipts. Shipments.
Flour . 17,000 4,000
Wheat . 0,000 80,000
Corn . 45'J.OOO 470,000
Oats . 172.000 55.000
Now York , July 3. Wheats-Receipts ,
none ; exports , 134,000 ; spot moderately ac-
Corn Receipts , 7'JOD ; exports , 110,000 ;
spot stronger and nctivo ; No. y,42 > c elevator ,
43@ic : afloat ; ungraded-mixed , 41 < < t4y : e ]
options modcrativoly active , elosinp- stead v.
Oats Hecoipts , 80,000 ; exports , : ) ' , > 5 ; spol
quiet and easy ; options dull -tad steady ;
July , 23J o ; August , 2S e ; spot No. 2 ,
white. 33o ; mixed western , t7@Xc. ! ! )
Coffee OotioiiB closed steady , /Ho / 10 point ?
up ; sales , 130,000 bags ; July , $13.05@K.30i !
August , S13.CO$13.50 ( : September , $10.00(3 (
10.03 ; spot Uio , quiet ; fair cargoes $15.73.
Petroleum Steady and quiet ; UnitoO
closed lit 'JJ.fe , August.
Eggs Steady ; western prime , ia@133 c :
poor , 12tfO12Kc.
Porlc * 12.00 ; new , 513.23.
Lard Easier ; western steam , $0.78 ; July
ilutter Kaslcr ; western , 10@17o.
Cheese Lower ; western , 7 , } . @Sc.
nilnnenpolin , July 8. Wheat Sample
lower ; receipts , 151 cars ; shipments , SI cars
Closing : No. 1 hard , July , 51.01 : on track
fl.05Ql.00 ; No. 1 north-urn , July , $1.00
August , 87c ; on track , 9Sc@$1.03 ; No. !
northern , July See ) ; on track , iKX/JOSc1.
Ijlvoi-poul , July 3. Wheat Steady ; demand
mand poor ; holders offer moderately.
Corn Firm ; demand poor : now mlxei
western , 3s , 9 d per cwt.
Milwaukee , July 8. Wheat Finn
cash , 77JjC.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 , 3Sc.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 , white , 2Sc.
Uyc Steady ; No. 1 , l3 ( i)4Sl ) e.
Uarloy Quiet ; No. 2 , lilo.
Provisions Easier ; pork , cash , f 11,85.
KUIIH.-IH City , Julv 3. Wheat Unsettled
No. 2 red , cash , 72u hid ; August , tWc ; No
JI red , July , OOo ; No. U soli , July , U3c
August ( ! 5Ho.
Corn Quiet ; No , 2 , cash 20o bid ; No. 1
White , cosh , 2'Jo bid ; July , 80 > { e.
Oats No. 2 cash , 18o bid ; Aucust , ICe bid
Bt. l.ouls. JulV 3. Wheat Unsettled
cash , 80o ; August , 74'fo.
Corn Higher } oabii , 31i < fo ; September
Uats Firm ; casb , 23o ; July , 22o.
Pork Dull ut $12.00.
Lard-Dull at 50.35.
Whisky Steady at $1.03.
Uutter Unchanged ; creamery , 13@15is
dairy , ll@12c.
Cincinnati , July 3. Wheat Dull ; No.
red , B8@89i\
fern ! Firm ; No. 3 mixed , 8S } c.
Data Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , /23Kc. .
Whisky-Steady at 11.03.
LilVl Sl'OUK.
OtiloaL'ii , July 8 , The Drovers' Journa
reports an follows :
Cattle - Kocoipts , 10,500 ; market steady
beeves , $4.00@4.40 ; steers. W.35@l.aO ; stock
era imd fnodera , (2.00@3.95 ; cows , bulls am
mixed , tl.E.O.rfy.OOj Texas cattle , * 2.00t38. < 5C
Hogs Receipts , . 19.000 ; market steady t
60 lower ; mixed. fl.25U1.50 ( ; heavy , fl.iJOO
4.45 ; llfht , $ l.36f ( 4.03 ; skijis , t3.50&4.55.
Sheep Receipts , 5,00 J ; market slow
natives , t3.60W4.73 : wcbtorns , f3.80@3 JO
Texans , * U.OO ( < 44.00 ; lambs , $ l,76c(5.70. (
Oily , July 3. Cattle Receipts
1,000 $ shipments , uoue ; market active ; con :
mon to uholco corn fed suers , H00g3.f ( > fl
stockers and feeder * , $2.00 ( 3.10 ; cows stroui
and lOouigber ; for good , H.OO-.75.
Hogs Keuelpts , 7.000 ; shipments , 100
market nctivo and strong , closing weak
light , Sl.30tat.85 ; hoavytaud mixeit , | 3.90i (
National Stock Varilj , I2a < it Ht
lioulH , July 3. Cattle Receipts , 1,800
slilpiiic'iits , uoue ; market ktrong ; choic
heavy uatlvo stctn , , 13.80 4.30 ; fair t
good , M.10@4.00 ; stookers and feed ,
ors , $3.iJO@3.VO { rnnifore. corn-fed , f2.70(3 (
O-BOi grass-fed , $3.00 3.10.
Hogs Receipts , 2,200 ; shipments , none ;
market steady ; choice heavy and butchers'
selections , $4.80 ( > 24.40i packing , M.20@1.33 :
light grade * , $ l.85@4.45.
Cattle.Wednesday , July 8.
Prlmo heavy beeves advanced lOo to-day ,
but light nnd medium weight cattle did no )
Rhoxvso much Improvement. The receipts ,
however , were moderate , nnd that ap
parently was about the eely element o :
strength , Ucof nnd shipping steers sold n' '
$ acoI.OS , but largely nt $3.70@3.90. Th (
bulk of the offerings -were sold before mid
day. As there nro no Texas cattlp comlnj
hero , good cow stuff U in demand nnd sclli
well lu proportion to the way other cattle an
going. Fair to goo 1 canncrs soil right uruund
$3 , nnd fair to good butchers' cows from that
up to $3.75 , while something extra good 01
choice will bring more than the last named
figure. There wcro plenty of very fair stocV
cattle here , and with the demand good , there
was considerable trading , feeders Bulling nt
$2.C3@3.15 nnd stockers at $3.GO@3.10.
Heir * .
The hog market was n shndo htrongor , the
popular price being S1.07Jfor heavy and
mixed hogs , ns against $1.03 on yesterday ,
The light hogs were In good demand nnd sold
largely at S4.10 " , with several trades at f4.12 > <
nnd an high as $4.15. A bunch of pigs , sorted ,
sold nt 4.25 , the highest price paid In some
little titno. Tlio market nlosoU weak on ac
count of the dcclino In provisions and east
ern hog market. Everything was sold In
good season , the shipping as well ns local
demand being good.
There were no aboop to make n market.
Cattle ' l.OOC
Hogs O.COt
ProvnUlii | * I'rloci.
The following b ntablo of prltHipild In
this market for the gr.ijoj of stoalc men
tioned :
Prime steers , 1300 to 1000 lbj3.80 © 1.0.
Good steers , 1250 to 1150 Iba. . . 3.75 ( tf4.0d
Good steers. 1030 to 1303 Ibi. . . 3.5'J f < W.t)0 )
Common cannurs 1.25
Ordinary to fair cows 1.75
Fair to good cows 2.3'J M2.40
Good to cholco cows 2.40 ( W2.75
Cholco to fancy cows , heifers. . 2.70 M > 3.15
Fairto good bulls 1.75 fiJ > 2.25
Good to cholco bulls r 3.23 ( )2.50 )
Light stockers nnd feeders. . . . 2.70 ( i 3.90
Good feeders , 050 to 1100 Ibs. . 8.0J r < M.15
Fair to choice light hogs 4.07 } @ 4.15
Fair to cholco heavy hogs 4.07Jf ( < 04.10
Fair to choice mixed hogs 4.03 ( JJ4.13J4
Stiorn sheep 4.00
Koiirosuntatlvc Satci.
3 25 22.1 3 100 350
1 10(30 ( 1 75
Own or. No. Av. Pr.
Standard Cattle Co
Ijlvn SKick Notes.
Prime lioovo * higher.
Common cattle slow.
Hogs Btrontror.
Koino pigu sold at $4.25.
Not much butchers * stock.
Oood slock cattle in demund.
Top on cattle u your ago $1.75. .
Considerable trading In feeders.
Humphrey Smith , of Anscltno , was iu wltl
cattle and hoes.
Underwood & McCoinb had a load of hogi
m from \Vilsonvillo.
J. U. Hook & Co. . of Petersburg , had a cm
of hog * on the market.
Mr. Lucas , a heavy feeder near McPuul
la. , was here us u visitor ,
Woodbine , la. , was represented by J. n
Uurklroldor , who broughtiu two cars of hogs
J. E. Groor , of the firm of Greor , Mills &
Co. , Chicago , was among the visitors at tk <
J , Hastlo put In an aiipearanoo with a cai
each of cattle and ho s , shipped from Cool
and Auburn.
John Lennon , cattle buyer for Armour at
Kansas City , Is hero and will buy cattle foi
Armour while Paddy McGrath jjoes to Chicago
cage for a few days.
George liurke has returned from a visit U
his ranch at Buffalo , Wyo. Ho reports thi
country in Wyoming ruther dry In most BOO
tlons and the ranges uot looking as well ai
last year.
It is expected that the work of onlarglui
and preparing packing hpueo No. a for actlvi
work will Qpmmonoe in a few days. Th <
way bojrs have pome Jo this summer tbowi
thut there will bo uo Ibulc of supply for ruti
nlnif both houses to their fullest capacity.
Dally Stock Dealer , Lincoln. " "
Proiluco , Prttltpt Etc.
BuTTitn Table dairy , 14f ( J5o ; packers' '
stock , 8IOc. CroaniorfPrlnts , fancy , 1C
@lSc : cholcc,1415o ; solid Irtaclfcd , lOQWc.
Eaos-Strlctly fresh , lOM
brick H@l2e ; Hmburgeff 7@Pc ; domestic
Swiss , lil.'tfc ' ; clieeso sales , bronze medal ,
No. 8.HJ.85. V-
POOI.TUT Llvo hens , , per dozen ,
$4.00 ; mixed , M.25@3.50'siflii ( , ' , $2.00@2.50j
turkeys , 7 So per lb ; "ducks , f2.00i3.oO ( |
geese , M.OO@I.OO ; llvo plccons , * l.f > 0.
Ouixons San Gabriel , JB.50f$3.75 ( ; fancy
Duurlo Modlterranean sweets , ( li'ir$4.r ! ( > 0.
Li.MoX8 : Choice , $4.50@3,09 ; fancy , $5.76(3 (
7.00.PBACIIES Per % bu box , 7i"ij.
ArrLrs Per Jf ( liu box , B5@75c.
Ciicnuins Per 2iiiuartcase , $3.00 ; per Ifl
quart drawer , $1.00.
HrACKiiitutiiis : Per 24 quart case , $2.00(2 (
UI.ACK Uxsi'iiiiitutcs Per 24 quart cabo ,
HBI ) lUsi'iiniiuiKS Per 21 pint , case , $3.00
@ 2.25.
aoosnnr.ititir.'i Per 3 lti. ) stand , $3.0t ) ; 31
quart case , $2.00.
PINK Ai'1'l.r.s Per doz. , $3.00@3 50.
HANVNA3 According to size , per bunch ,
$2 , < )0 < R3.00.
COCOANUTS Per 100 , $5.00.
i FISII White llsh , per lb , 7
trout , per lb , Do ; whlto , per fit , 7c ;
buffalo , per lb , 7c ; uickorul , per lb , Cc ; black
bass , per lb , lie.
UKA.NS Cholco hand picked navy , 81.75 ;
cholco hand picked medium. $1.05 ; choice
hand picked country , $1.00 : clean country ,
* 1.20@1.25.
1Ciu.v VnnBTAiu.cs Potatoes , CO@SOe
per bu ; onions , California , per lb , 2u ;
southern , per bbl , $ i.OO ; cabbage ,
per cruto , ? 3.60 ; turnips , per bu box , 60i$76o ( ;
boots , per box. 75c@$1.00 wax beans , per bu
box , $1.50 ! string bciins , per bu box , $3.00 ;
green peas , per bu box , $1.00 ; tomatoes per
jrf bu box. $1.35 : asparoRtia , per dozen bch ,
BOcC' ? 1.00 ; caullno\vcr , $3.03 : ccp plant , $1.75
( a 2. 00 ; Bijuasli , 25u per doz ; cucumbers. 25c :
soup bunches , 30c ; lettuce , 25e ; radishes ,
20c ; ( jroen onions , 15@30c ; now carrots , 20o ;
pin plant , jisr Ib , ! ! c.
Al'l'I.B HUTTEIl CC. Hbls , ? 5.00 ; ht bbls , $3.00 ,
MAi'i.i ; SutiAU 13) @ino per lb.
POTATOES Cholnc , oackcd , per bu , 23JJ30c :
Colorado , 40@45.
VBAI Clioiee , mculutn size , 5ff > 0c ; choice ,
heavy , 4@5c : surlng lambs , $30.00@30.00 per
Ho.Nr.Y 14@lfic per lb for cholco.
PiitsEHVKS 9Js'10c per lb.
JEI.MUS 3 > @ 4c per lb.
UnusWAX No. 1 , 18@30c.
CHOP 1'V.iii ) $10.00@10.50.
13UAN ? 10.00jJ10.23. (
PitovisioNS Hams , No. 1 , 10-lb avornpo ,
lOo ; 20 to 23 Ibs , lOJ c ; 13 to 14 Ibs , 12c ; No.
2 , 9J < c ; specials , 12 } c ; shoulders , 7c ; break
fast bacon , No. 1 , lie ; specials , 12 c ; picnic ,
7J e ; ham sausage , lOjvJc ; dried beef limns.
9c ; hoof toiiRues , iO per dozen ; dry salt
meats 5J @Oj < Jc per lb.
SAUsUo B bologna , 4@4Xc ; Frankfurt ,
7 } c ; tongue , 9c ; summerIb c ; headcheese ,
. . . . . . . . . j..u..o Salt , bbls , $20.00.
OILS Kerosene P W , 9c ; W W , lie ;
headlight , 12c ; salad -oil , $2.15@9.00 per
PICKLES Medium , per bbl. § 1.50 ; small ,
$3.50 ; gherkins , 50.00 ; C & 13 chow-chow ,
qts. 55.90 ; pts , ? 3.40.
WitAi'i'iso PAi'uu Straw , per lb , 1 % @
2 c ; rag , 2 > $ c ; manilla , H , Oc ; No. 1 , Oc.
SALT Dairy , 140 2-1 b pkgs , $3.70 ; do 100
, , .
bags , 55u ; per bbl , S1.20.
Scim Bird , 4 } @ ( ic.
SAI.SODA l/ / @ 3 jC pnr lb.
STAitcn 5 > X0iro per lb. . ,
STOVB POLISH ? 2 005t5.S7 per gross.
SPICKS Whole , per lb Allspice , 12c ; Cas
sia China , lOc ; cloves , , Zauzibar , 20o ; nut-
ineps , No. 1 , 75e ; pepper. lOc.
SuflAits Uriinuiatcd , 9Jfc ; confectioners
A , 9.44 ; standard extra C , 8.81 ; yellow C ,
8c ; powdered , lo4 ( ( 10Kc ; cut loaf , I0fc ;
cubes , Klj c. cream extra C , 8.09.
TIAS : Gunpowder , 20@0e ( ) ; , 20@10o ;
Y. Hysuii , 2bffi50c ; Oolonp , 22@50c.
VINEOAU Per gal , 13@20c.
FISH Salt Dried codfish , CK@SKc ;
scaled herring , 28o per box ; hoi herring ,
dom , 50c ; Hamburg bpiccd herring , $1.00 ;
hoi. herring , 70efl.lO ( ; mackerel , half bbls ,
No. 1 , $15.50 ; large family. 513.5'J per 100
Ibs ; whitoflsli , No. 1 , { (550 ( ; family , S3.00 ;
trout , $5.00 ; salmon , S8.50 ; anchovies , 8c.
NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; Brazils , 9o ; ni-
bcrts , 12c ; pecans , U-'o ; walnuts , 12o ; pea
nut cocks. 8c ; roasted , 10u.
UAGB American A , seamless , 17 ; Union
Square paper , discount 33 per cent.
COFFERS Green Fancy old golden Klo ,
25c ; fancy old peabcrry , 23o ; Ilio , choice to
fancy , 21c ; Ulo , prime , 3Jc ; Klo , good , ISc :
Mocha , 9o ; .lava , fancy Maudohling , 39o ;
Java , good interior , 24c.
CKACKEKS ANU CAKES Oif@l8c per lb.
Diimi ) FIIUITS Per lb , apricots , 13@10o.
Anples , Salt Lake , 4J e ; stars , 5c ; Aldens ,
BJ @So. Peaclios , Cal. Y , peeled , 20c ; Salt
Lake , Oc. Prunes , Cal , U C , S&9yo. Cur-
rnntB,4 % ( < tf.Kfc. ! Turkishprunes,4 @ 4 > c. Cit
ron pool , 22c. Lemon ueol , 14c. Dates , Oo. llat-
sins , Malaga bunch , dehesas , ? 5.00 per box ;
Valencias , perlb , 7c ; C.UG & c > , 5240 per
box. Dried grapes , So. Blackberries , fij c.
Pitted cherries , ICc Pitted plums , 8S9c. (
Uaspbcrries , 24c. Nectarines , 12c.
C\NXcnFlsn--Brook trout , 3 lb , $2.40 ;
salmon trout , 2 lb , ? 3.35 ; clams , 1 lb , J1.25 ;
clams , 2 lb , $3.00 ; clam chowder , 3 lb , $3.25 ;
devilled crabs. 1 lb , $2.23 ; devilled crabs , 2
VV.MU , umuiiutui , i iu , VL.VV , Jljumtuiui , IllliU-
tnrd sauce , 3 lb , 'J.fiO ' ; mackerel , tomato
sauce , 3 lb , $2.90 ; oystora , 1 lb , 85o ; oysters ,
2 lb. ? 1.50 ; Bitlmon , C. It. , 1 lb , SJ.10 : salmon !
C. U. , 3 Jb. ? 3 10 ; salmon. Alaska , 1 lb , $1.85 :
Hiilmon , Alaska , S Ib , $ ' .90 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
CAXDY 9J @ 13 > o per lb.
CIIOCOI.ATU ANH COCOA 21@39o per lb ;
German chlekory , rod..8c.
Gixor.H Jainalca , M pints , $3.00 per doz.
FAIIINACKOUS Goons Uarloy. 2J @ 34'c } :
farina , 4Kc ; peas , 8c : oatmeal , SJi'g.lo ; moc :
nroni , Ho ; vormioolll , lie ; rico , 4Jf@7u ;
sago nnd tapioca ,
Ilry Goods.
BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gom. lOo ; Beauty ,
12 o ; Boone , I4c : B , cased , i(1.60. (
HIANKUTS Whlto , 61.00@7.50 ; colored $1,1C
@S.OO. . , ,
CAMIUIICS Slater , B o ; , Wooda , Bo ; Stan
dard , 5o ; Peacock. 6e.
CAIIPETVAUpBibb White , 19o ; Colored.
23c. i
COHSET JEANS Boston , 75 o ; AndroRoog.
gin , 7Jfo ; ICearsago , loHockport. \ . O o ;
Conestoga , Ko. ' a
COTTON FLANNKI.S 10 per cent trade dis.
LL , unbleaohod , 5 > < c.CJ ; ( , , ( % ; SS , 7c ;
UK ! 8o ; GG. OJfos xx ! , JO c ; OO , ll c
NN,13H'oAA ; , 14o DD 15 > | o Tlltc \
YY , 18oBB ; , lOot 20' bleached , 8Koj 00
13Ko ; 60 , lKo ; 50 brown and slate , yo ; 70 ,
o ; W , lOc.
CIIASII Slovens' B , BKc. : Stevens' A , 7c ;
bleaclied , 80 ; Slovens1 P , 7 o ; bleached
85c ; Stevens' N , SJjfo ; ' lileached , 9 > c ;
Stovenb' BUT , ll o. I
DENIMS Amoskeag , 9 orlO c ; Everett ,
7oz , 13ct York , 7 oz , 18o ; Haymaker ,
Jaffroy XX , ll o ; Jaftroy XXX , 13 > o : Mea-
ver Crook AA , I2o ; Beaver Creole BB , lie ;
Beaver Creole CC , lOo.
PniNTs Pink and robes Richmond , OJ/c ;
Allen , BJfOj Uiverpoliit , 5 } o ; Steel Itlvor
OJ/c ; Uichmond , Oo : Pucllle. O c.
PitiNTs Indigo Blue St. Legor. BUo :
Washington , O o ; American , 0 > fo ; Aniold ,
OJfo ; Arnold Century , 9o ; Windsor Gold
Tic't , lOKo ; Arnold U , lOKo ; Arnold A ,
12o : Arnold Gold Seal , lOtfc ; yellow Seal
DUCK West Point. 29 In. 8 oz , O o ; West
Point. 29 in , 10 oz , 13ko ; West Point , 20 In ,
12 oz , IBKo ; West Point , 40 in , U oz , ICc.
FUNNELS Plnld Haftsmon. 20c Goshen ,
82Ko ( Clear Lake , 80X05 iron Mountain
FJ.AJCXELS Wbito-Q H No. 2 , U. 23Ko :
0 H No. 1 , Jf , 20 } < o ; IJ II No. 2 , < ! S3l2o :
B II No. 1 , 5f , BOo ; Queccliee , No. 1 , Ji , ita ,
Qucchco No. It } { , ! 7Ko ; Quochoo No. 3 ,
JKAKS Momorlnl , IRc ; Stand
point , 18c\ Durham , 2Ko ? Hercules , 18o ;
Leamington , 23 } < c ; Glonwood , 20c ; Mclvillo ,
2oo ; Bang-up. 27 c.
I'lttNTS Solid colors , Atlantlo , Co ; Slater ,
Cc ; Berlin Oil , 0 } o ; Garner Oil , 07c ,
PiiiNTs , DIIKSS Charter Oak , 6lfo ; Ham-
npo , 4o ; Lodl , 5 , ' c ; Allen Go ; Uichmond , Oc ;
Windsor , Okc ; Kddystotio , 0) o ; Pacific ,
SIIIUTIXO Checks. Caledonia X ,
Caledonia XX , I0c } ; Economy , Oc ; Otis , yc ;
Granite , 0" e : Crawford checks , 8e ; Haw
SIICCTISO Brown. Atlantlo A , 4-4 , 7c ;
Atlantic H , 7 fc ; Atlantlo D , 4-4 , 0o ; At-
liuitlo P , 4-1 , Ou ; Aurora , LL , 4-4 , 0 ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , fc : Crown XXX. 4-4 , G fc : Hooslor
LL , 4-4 , SJfct Indian Head , 4-4 , 7c ; Lnw-
renco LL , 4-4. 5 { c ; Old Dominion , 4-4. 5J < c ;
Popporell U , 4-4 , OJfc ; Popporcll L , 40-Inch ,
7J/c ; PopDorell , 8-4 , 17c ; Pcppcrcll04 , 20o ;
Pcppercll. 10-1 , 2Jc.
SIIRKTISO , Bt.cAciir.D Ellorton ,
Housekeeper , 8 > i ; Now Candidate , 8Jfo ;
Boriteloy cambric , No. 00 , Oc ; Host Yet , 4-4 ,
0 > fo ; butter cloth , OO , 4Jtfo ; Cabot. 7 c ;
Furwnll , half bleached , 8J o ; Fruit of Loom ,
8 fc : Orceno G , Oo ; Hope , 7Kc ; King Phlllli
cambric , lOc ; Lonsdnlo cambric , lOo ; Lona-
dale , 8' < e ; Now York mills , 10c ; Pcpperoll ,
42in , Ho ) ; Pcpperell , 4(1 ( in , He ; Pcpperoll ,
0-4 , MJio : Pcpporell , 8-4. 20c ; Pcpporoll , 9-t ,
22ct I'eppcrcll , 10-4 , 21e ; Canton , 4-1 , 8'fo ' ;
Canton , 4-4 , O'n'c ; Trluinph , Oo ; Wamsutta ,
lie : Valley , 5r.
AfisoitiAXiots. : : : Table oil cloth , $3.50 ;
table oil cloth marble , ? 2.50 ; plain Holland ,
V J ) " * * ' * " HHIli.U lit UUU t Jiuiasviik
U > c ; Cordls No. 5 , O c ; Cordls No. 4 ,
anil Chrinioaln.
Acin Sulphuric , per carboy , 2J/o : citric ,
per Ib , Clc ; oxnllc , per lb. lie ! ; tnrtnnc , pow
dered , per lbllio ; carbolic , IteQloc.
AI.UM Per lb. tyc.
AMMONIA Carb. per lb , llj. o ,
Aiinownoot Per lb , lOc.
II.M.SAM Copabla , per lb , CSoj tolu , 52 ©
55c.HOUAX Heflnod , per lb , OKc-
GAJ.OMP.I , Am. , per lu , b'Jc.
UA&TOU On. S1.24.
CuiiKU Ur.nttir.s51.50. .
( JABSIA Huns Per Ib , l c.
Cin.oitoroitM Per lblie. .
CoHiio tvt : Stm.iMATK : I'er Ib , 80o.
CIIKAM TAHTAII Pure , pcrlb , 29c.
EXTIIACT LOOWOOD Built , per Ib , 12 > c.
Euoor i 5c.
GUM AiiAino .V.iQOSc.
Gi.YUCUixii Hulk , per lb , 21
GUM ABsafcutlda , per lb , 14c ; camphor ,
per lb , 37o ; opium , per Ib , J3. 15.
IODINE Hcsublimatcd , per oz , $3.03.
tiEAVHs Uucliu , short , pcrlb , lUc ; senna
Alex , per lb , 2o < tf3Sc.
MoiiriiiA Stnph , per oz , S2.SO.
MnncuitY 74c.
POTASS llromide , per Ib , 37o ; iodlno , per
lb , $2.85.
QUINIASulph , per lb , 2S@c. ! ( !
Knuns Canary , per lb , 4 } < jc.
SoAl's Ciistilu , mottled , purlb , 8@10c ; cas-
tllc , wliitc. per lb , 13@15c.
tiSi'iiurs NITRE Sweet , per lb , ! iOc.
STKYCIINIACrystals , $1.00 1. 15.
Sui.i'ii , CINCHONA Perez , 0 ( ! 13i ; .
TAIMOCA Per lb , Cc.
OILS Bergamont , $2.33 ; Wintcrgrcen ,
$115 ; Malaga , 93c ; linseed , raw , Olc ; boiled ,
( J-lc.
. BLOCK TIN Eng. rof'g , small pig , 2Sc ;
bar , 29.
Coi'i'i'.n Planished boiler , 20c ; cold ,
rolled , 20c ; shcathlnir , 25c ; pitts , 2Go ; flats ,
20i- . Snnr.T IKONJunlata , dis
count , CO per cent.
PATHNT PuNisiir.D TUON No. 2 J to 27 , A
quality , per ID , lU o ; No. 21 to 27 , B quality ,
DUc. For less than bundle add J o per lb.
SHEET IUON No. 20 , $3.10 ; No. 27 , SJ.50.
SOUIEU Ilo.vt Metal Co.'s half-and-half ,
In 1-lb cases , per lb , 10c ; commercial half-
and-half , 15c ; No. 1 in barn , Me.
TIN PLATE ( Best Charcoal ) 1C , 10 It.
225 sheets , S'i.S'J ' ; IX , lOxU. ! K5 sheets , 5-S.25 :
1C , 12x12 , 225 sheets , flJ.uO ; IX , 12x12 , 225
sheets , J8.25 ; 1C , 14x20. 112 sheets , Sti.iiO ; IX ,
14x20 , 112 shcots. S8.2.V JXX , 14x20 , 112
shoots , SIO.OO ; JXXX , 14x20 , 112 sheets
511.75 ; 1C , 2x-2S , 112 sliocts , S1U.50 ; 2x23 ,
113 sheets , $17.00 ; 1XX , 2x28 , 112 sheets
? 20.50.
COKE 1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets , $0,00 ; 1C ,
14x20 , 112 sheets , fO.OO ; 1C , 10x20 , 223
sheets , f'J.50. '
Uooi'ixo ( Best Charcoal ) COx2S , S9.70 ®
STEEL NAII.S Base , 52.15 ; etcol wire nails ,
base , ? 2.GO.
LEAD Pig , 4c ; bar , 4 c.
BAV.II Wiuu Painted , J3.25 ; galvanized ,
$3.75@3.CO. _
Ijuinber , Ijiino , Kto.
Dimensions nnd timbers
13 ft. 14 ft. 10 ft..lS ft. 20 ft. 23 ft. 24 ft.
2x4. . . $15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.CO 18.00 10.00
2x0. . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.CO 10.00 18.00 10.00
2x8. . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 10.00
2x10. . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 1S.OO 10.00
2x12. . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 19.00
4x48x8. . 10.00 10.00 10.00 17.CO 17.00 18.00 19.00
FKNCINO No. 1 , 4 nnd 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft ,
rough , 510.00(3110.60 ( ; No. I , 4 and 0 inch , 10
feet , $17OU17.50 ; No. 2. 4 and 0 inch , 12 and
14 feet , S13.50@14.00 ; No. 2 , 4 nnd 0 inch , 10
feet , f 15 00@10.0t.
FiNlsniNd 1st nnd 2d clear , 1 Inch s 2 s.
$49.00rt51 ( 00 ; 1st and 2a clear , IK and 2 inch ,
s3s , S47.00C < 49.00 ; M clear , IK inch , B 2s ,
f4i.00(540.l)0 ! ) ; ild clear. 1 % and 2 inch , s 2 B ,
$37,00@3S.OO ; Island 2d clear , 1 inch , s2s ,
$15.00 ; Ud clear , 1 Inch , s2 s , $30.00 ; A select ,
1 inch , B 2s , & 33.00 ; U select , 1 inch , s 2 s ,
STOCK Boinus A 13 In , sis , 13 , 14 and 10
ft , ? 4'V U 12 In , sis. 12 , Is and 1(5 ( ft , C41 ; C
12 in , B 1 s , 12. 14 and Hi ft , $30 : D 12 in , s 1 s ,
13 , 1 i and 1(1 ( ft. 23 ; No 1 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 13
ft , $ ld ; No. 1 com. 12 in , s I s , 14 ami 10 ft ,
S17,50clS.50 ( ! ; No 1 com , 12 in , sis , 10 , 18 and
2d ft , : No 2 com , 13 in , B 1 s , 14 nnd 10
ft , C17.
Fi.oouiNO 1st com.G In white pine , $32 ;
2d com ( ! In white pine , 30 ; Udcom 0 In white
pine , i2. ) ; d com 0 in wlilto pine , 819 ; com 4
and 0 In yellow nine , $15 ; Star 4 in yellow
Dine , f 17i 1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4 and
0 In , $19.
L.IMI : , ETC. Qulncy white llmobcbt ( ) , SOo ;
English and Gorman Portland cement , $3.45 ;
Milwaukee and Louisville , ? ! . : ) ! ) ; Michigan
plaster , f .25 ; Fort DoO o piaster , $2.10 ;
IJluo Hapld plaster , S1.90 ; Imlr , 20u ; sash , (10 (
per cent dls. ; doors , blinds , mouldinirs , M )
per cent dis , ; tarred felt , per cwt. $2.00 ;
straw board , per cwt , $1.00 ;
PoriiAit LuMiiuii Clear poplar box bds , %
In , a 3s , $35.00 ; clear poplar % in panel ,
$3000 ; clear poplar % In panel , $25.00 ; clear
poplar J f in panel stock wide , s2B , $28.00 ;
clear poplar corrugated coiling , , ? , $30.00.
POSTS Wltlto cedar , 0 inch , halves , 12o ;
white cedar , 0 Inch , halves and 8 inch ( j'ra ,
lie ; white cedar , 4 inch , round , lOo ; TenueS-
see red cedar , split , lOo ; split eau , ( white ) ,
8c ; siiwcd oak , ISo.
BIIINOI.EH , LATH , i-eit M. XX clear , $2.20 ;
extra * A$2.bO ; standard A , $2.00 ; 5 Inch ,
clear , ? l.GO@.70j | 0 inch , clear , $ l.7S@1.8U ;
No , 1 , $1.10@1.15 ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , 1.40 ; California redwood , dimen
sion widths , $4.50 ; oynress , clear heart , di
mension widths , $3.25 ; lath , 2.40.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank.
5O5 feoutlirJtli Street ,
London , jiiluul. |
Anixturdaiii , Ilollniul.
Trsniact a general tanklnK builuen. gtcurltljl
bought and sold on commission. YoitexekangM. \ : \ .
Coruiuerclal and trureler's Utters ot credit.
Orders far bond and stock * execute 4 un coiumls'
Ion In l/indon unJ on all Continental llourl'ts' ol
Uuroi > e.
Nciiotlutlons of Ilallirar , btaM.Cltjr cud Corpora
tlou lxi > n > u spedaltr
A llrllloh Authority's View or the
Orcnt Wnr Mlnlttcr.
Lord Wolsoloy In North American
Review for July : I frrtnkly admit tlmt ,
when ilonllnir with this fatuous follv ,
Gonornl McClullnn did not bohtvvo with
the meekness of an ntnicitblo schoolboy
under discipline. I think hovn9 unjust
to Mr. Stnnlon in supposing that ho
( Mr. Stnnton ) had tiny personal hostility
to htm. Mr , Stunton really bollovod
that the orders ho ifiivo were trnnspnr-
ontly sound nnd wise , and that any ono
who diltorod from him must bo wronp.
I do not know , however , that , placed in
Gonornl McClollan's position , most ROII-
ornls could possibly have rcallz.od this.
In order to uiulorstand'Mr. Stun ton it
is necessary to road General Popo's ' uc-
count of lila interview with tlmt
pontloman.XOno ' VV friends
asHiiros mo that in reading it ho
literally "huiphcd till ho cried , " and
novur fully understood whut the expres
sion meant before doliiR so. i cnn quito
understand it. Lmightor is said to bo
duu to our bolnp imuollod by two con
tradictory feelings nt the same time.
That certainly is the condition under
which ouo roads those pages. There is
scarcely nnv folly possible in relation to
the command of an army which Mr.
Stantoii docs not propose with the
gravest face to General McDowell. At
the same titno the man is evidently sin
cere , and convinced that , being ft olovor
politician and holding the position of
war minister , every principal of war
ns ho understood war which ho enunci
ated must bo right , and therefore- ought
to bo obeyed without question. It is
difficult to pronounce whether the
imago that arises before us is that of
the ignorant Btngo charlatan who , be
cause his logs are decked with military
boots , thinks himself every Inch a sol
dier , or that of a grave minister whii is
charged with the solemn responsibility
of a great nation's destiny and with the
lives and fortunes of thousands of his
Pears' soap secures a beautiful com
Divided 'limy Stand.
Two ingenious Yankees living in
Brother Jonathan Trumhull's old town
of Lebanon. Conn. , have in operation
a rotation in olllco system that elimin
ates the mischievous features of the
spoils plan , says the Buffalo Courier.
Their names tire N. O. Barker and
Frank P , Fowler , and they are the
joint proprietors of a country , store.
For sixteen years under republican ad
ministrations Mr. Barker was post
master at Lebanon. When Mr. Cleve
land camu in ho appointed Fowler post
master. Ho had been assistant post
master under Barker , who now became
his assistant postmaster. Last "weak
Barker again became postmaster , and
Fowler assistant postmaster. Whoever
Is elected president the two partners
propose to remain postmusloi'H of
Lebanon , and a lot of Mother is saved.
) on ni P % N i
TJ. S. I)12l'OSITOUV , 03UILV , SKU.
Capital . $ -100,000
Surp lusJan. 1st. 18SO . f > 2.000
AND muKcrons.
W. Y.\TIS. I'reililont.
Luwis S. llitrn , Vlco I'leslJent ,
A. i : . Toi'ZAMN
Jens . COI.MNS
H.C. Cl'MltNO '
W. 11. a. lluonns. Cnsuior.
Corner 12Hi anil KaniainSts.
A Gcno Ilnnuliii ; Hunlnc-o Tnin-'nctcd.
Boots and Shoaa.
Uucce : > ors to lloa 1 , .loops & Co.
WliolcsalG Manufacturers of B30ts& Slices
Agents for HoUou Hubbcrt-lioo Co , 111)1101 and 110S
llmnojr titioot , Ociulia , N
Laser Beer Breviers ,
1SW Worth Klslilcenlli i-treot , Omilia , Nci > .
HaM'actarersofGalyaiilzeil Iron Cornice
Window-caps nnamulallcBKYllKlits. .lohn ISpenctcr ,
proprietor. ItH anil HJboiilli lOtli utiool.
Offlco Flxturoo.
Slanufflcturers of
BanK , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantles , Blilotionnls. Hook CafCf , lirutt 1'lxturcn , V7M1
Ca , Partitions , ltatllnc9Oaunt nill crund Wine
Coolorj. Mirrors , Kto-Kiirtdrr nnU onipu ,
BoutU Utb Ut. , Oinaliit. Tclcpliono Iia .
Paper Boxcu.
Propricior Omaba Paper Box Factory ,
Ko * . UIT&ilil 1.113 Dounlas tlroot , Oiiiuhu.NcU.
3 jcri , Deere ,
Wliulxale luatuifacturern ot
SSSD , Doors , Blinds and M
Brandi > jSco , 12lh cml Itanl street Omnlin , Neb.
Mannfdclnrcrs of Sasli , Doors , Blinds ,
UouldlnK , tlalr woric nn'l Inferior Imnl wood llnlsb.
N.n. comer Kill iinil I < faren\\rlbatrLots ,
Uinalia , Nub. „
- .Stoam FUUnROpunTpB _ , Etc.
SI'll.lKG ' , t /4.IM/C SrKA3l JIKATIXO C'l (
Fnmcs , Pipes and Enstnes ,
6U"n- ' ' " - *
6U"niggiavis'ai' aaau aaar osaffli-ot !
Steam and Watet1 Supplies ,
HaJlldey wind mill ; . V19 nnd 13) Jones Bt-.Omario.
( i. V. Hois , acting /imiiHter.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
BLoot-lron worlt , st am iiumps , sarr mills. 121i-lJl $
hcavcnitorlli street , Onialia.
Iron Works.
Carter & tor. , 1 < p' J'n urc ! < iiircrlulll Ir j
Sleain Boiler , TanKs anil Slieet Iron YM
Works Hoiithaothand II. &M. trolling. Tel. Ill' )
Vrouglit and Cast Iron Building fork ,
Bogino , brasi work , general foundrr , maclilne and
blactiullh work. URloa and worki , U , 1 * . Itr.
_ and Uth streat , Ooiaba.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
oeik " ' '
Minf'rs ' Bf Fire and Bnrgtar Proof Safes ,
Tanlta. Jail work , Iron shutters and firn eictpe * .
_ ( J , JLndresn. prop'r. d > r IHU and jaiiiouftt ) .
OfOinaua Liiiteii.
ARrlculturnl Implomontn.
Dealerln Agricultural Implements , Wagons
OurUgti od tiiipetn. Joncn ilrrfl , between tlb and
loin , Omfth * , Nobr ilti > . _
Agrlcnlt1 Iinplcments , Wagons , Carriages
IlucKlci.cIo , Wboleialc. Omtvhi , Kobrnska ,
\Vholc nlo to lor la
Agricultural Implements , Wagonsfc Buggies
roi.ttXlHU nJ POT J ona < Urcot , Om h .
'j ; , MUM uitss STODDAIW
uanuftcturon nail jobbcn In
Wagons , Bnggics , Raies , Flows Etc ,
Cor. Pth nj r cine ttrcetn , Ornnh * .
ArtlstB * Mntorlata.
A. UOSVJ3 , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
U13 Donglaa Btrael Omaha , IXibmskn.
Booto and Shoos.
Jotes of Boots rMSlioes ,
1101 , IIUI , lius Dnuslan ttroot , Omatift. lli\nnf ctorTi
Bummar xtroct , llostan.
_ Conl , Coke nnd Llmo.
' " " "
JoMcrs of Hard aniM Coal ,
S South 18th itrout , Omabn , Nabrnik * .
SliiptesofCoaladCoke ,
Sll South llth EUOmnhit , Neb.
Wholesale Lite Els , ,
, nii'l ' Ainorlcuii I'ortlniul coinoit. Rt
uncut ( or MlUrntikoo liyilrnullo romont nna
_ ijulnryvliiln lime.
Oil AS It. hEE ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lnnte
Ve 4 OKpoti mid parquet HootliiK. mil and IXldllM
itreet * . Omah * . Nob.
AUKnflsorBnMlngMaterlal at Wholesale ,
18Ui Btrcot iiml Union I'ucl lie Track , Omalin ,
Dealer in Lumber , Latli , Lime , Sasli ,
Door , , Bto , Yard'-Cornct ; th and Uougln. Corntr
_ Kith mnl loiinla , |
Lunger , Liniti Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner Cth and DouKlnn ata. . Omaba.
C. N.
Dealer in All Ms of Lumber ,
13th and California Struata , Omaha , Ncbraik * .
Pflllllnory and Nqtlqna.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
_ KH , 210 nadSH Soil til Utii Btroit.
Motlono. _
C OJTI m I o ale n j _
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties lluitnr , cm : " , chroso , poultry , ( aaic.
" 11U Utufard ttrcct Omalm. Nal > .
Dry Goods nnd Notions.
Dry Goods , Furnisiiing Goods and Notions
and 11M ( Douglas , cor. llth itroet.Oruahn , Nob.
importers end Jobbers in Dry Goofls.Mions .
dents' furnlFhlux gnniln. Corner llth nnd Ilarner
strcuti , Omaha , Nubrasliu.
luportors nnd jobbcn of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
81T Bouth litli Btrcot.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture
Fnrnam ttroot , Omnha , Nebraska.
Furniture ,
Cm aba Nabraika.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
70S , 707 , TO and 711 Bouth IQtli Bt. , Omaha , Neb.
WliolesalB Grocers'
13th nna j/cnvunworth atrca'ts , Omaha , Nobraclcix.
W. J.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel
BprlnEB , wngon ntnrt , liiudHnro , lumttnr , etc. 1303
ami lll llurnoy Mieul , Otnnlia.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Motal3. sheet Iron. "If. Agent * tot Howe tcaloi ,
-Mluml ponMornml L/ruau barbed wlro ,
Build r $ ' Hardware and Scale ReiiairSlio
Uoubanlcs' tooU ncd IlulTiln scales , HU Daaalit
nlroct , Oninlia , Nell.
= : tr ; '
Jolibars of
Toys , Dolls Albums , Fancy Goods.
IIousu luruirthui- ! gnu in , chUilrmi'ii currlngea
laoj i''uriiuiu htrcot , Omaha Neb.
Wholesale Rellncd and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle Kruupct2.Omiilm , A , II , Illhu ! | > , Manager.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carrj- nlro lo < k of pilnllni : , wrapping rltln a
impur. t poclul nltuiitlon ultoa tocur dor I.
OF Till ?
Chicago , MilwauhoB & t , Paul R'y ,
The Itcst Ilouto front Oiimlm and Counctl
Chicago , AND Mllwaulfco ,
St. L'uul , Minneapolis , Cedar ItnplJs ,
Kock IslutiJ , Frecjiorl , Kochford ,
Cllutou | DuhiKjuc , Darcnport ,
Elgin , Mndlsun , JBiicsvllIc ,
Itclolt , Wlnoim , LiiCronuo ,
And all other Important point ! Dait , MortUoait MS
Forttirottlillck | < iicillon tlio llckot naent at IMl
f arnrini itrcet.ln Uurker illooi.or t Uiilun I'tcUa
I'ulliutii Hlnpori ana the flneit Dlalng Cm la th *
worhlaro ruu on tUe roilii Una ot lliu ChU'ngo , lllft
w akou A ht. I' ul HMlw r. aU ovtrr uttoiitlnn II
tula tu P IIVUX \ > i cuurUuui oribtnjroi of Un
cuinpan/ H. Mll.l.Bl . ! yenernl U > n i r. J
i. If. TUCK tli Aiilitnut U *
V . '
, Alllltlnt U oer Jl' tl mM