THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JULY 4 , 1889. A VERY ONE-SIDED AFFAIR , Omaha Won Yesterday'a Gnmo Without nn Effort. WEBDER HIT HARD AND OFTEN. Tlie Corn lliukcrn Have n Narrow 1 capo Prom llclnc Wiped Out ofKxUtoiicc Two Gmnes To-Ony. Standing < > r the Clntts. r Following is the standing of the Western Association clubs , up to and including yes i terday's games ? l HUMMAUT. 1'lnyod. Won. Lost. Per Ct. Omaha fii 80 15 700 SUl'uul 51 30 15 .700 Bloux City fil 29 23 .wi'j ' M Minneapolis. . . fil 25 20 .400 P Denver 51 S3 . 481 Dos Monies..47 130 A'M r St. Joseph 47 10 Ul .340 Milwaukee 47 14 .293 Itnm ; Itnll To-Day. Tlio Omaha * nnd Sioux Citys will piny two Kiunos to-day , ono in the morning nnd ono In the afternoon. The morning ginio will bo called nt 10)0 : ! ) and the afternoon game at 0:80. : The two teams will have out their fullest strength , nnd two close and hnrd fofoght battles will bo the result. Everybody Omnlia UVi , Sioux City O. Sioux City , the team that cnmo down hero flvo or six weolts ago and lambasted Omaha for three straight games , is back agnln. Yesterday afternoon they wont out to the r ball park to see whether they couldn't white wash the White Sox ono inning out of nine , and' they did U , but it was the closest kind of n shave. The Oiuahns had It In for the Corn Husk- cr i and they all but wiped them from Iho fnco of Iho car tli. . In the very first inning Mr. Webber , who was In Iho BOX for ttio visitors , fell Into tlio sizzling puree , nnd It made the crowd of fif teen hundred people very Jubilant. They remembered Mr. Webber a lew weeks back , when his drops nnd shools and other productions pluyod such havoc with the White Sox , But lot's sco how it all cnmo to pass. In the opening inning Willis. Cleveland and Strauss were sent to lirston bad balls in rapid succession. Jack Crooks then c-.iiuo to the pinto , and deluging It with u mouthful of Yucutnn Juice for luck , ho cried : "Get ready there , now , all of you , nnd when I kill It , cnmo in. " Then Webber sent him ono of his choicest drops , nnd Jnclc met It cordially , making a beautiful line hit to left field , on which Willis nud Cleveland Scored. What n shout Ihero was at that. Everybody thought , you know , of course. that the struggle was going to bo hot and furious , and wanted to hooray while tlioy Lad a chance. The next man up was the lad with the terra cotla curls , and before anybody real ized it ho had smashed the bull way out over Holnun's head for three sucks ; then Andrews followed wilh a homer over Hie fence ; Nnclo got lo first on nn egrecious - muff by'Powoll ; Clarke struck out ; Willis f \vas lilt with the ball , and Cleveland made n fine drive for three cushions , and the result of this fearful cannonading was nine largo , fat , corn-fed runs. "Oh , Webby , Webby 1" cried the crowd. 'What ails you ! " In tncir half the visitors also scored , but I ono tally , however , and Cline got that. Ho , knocked out n thrco-buzgor , and came m after Willis had caught Powell's fly. I Then the White Sox stepped right up for eight moro consecutive innings , and bounded out ono or more runs in every ono of them , save the last , when a bil of sharp fielding closed them out. Gracious , how the crowd did cheer and i ; Jeer and guy the Corn Hushors , and when the gnmo was over they looked like a crowd of dyspeptics. They did some clover stick work , however. nnd there is no probability that Clarke found it necessary to lot out nny extra kinks in ins Derby last night. In the sixth inning 'they KOt his range beautifully , and on live cork ing singles drove in four runs , nnd had it not liavo boon for superb fielding , would have made as many more. They were hopelessly behind , however , nnd played In a dispirited , perfunctory sort of a way , nnd seemed only anxious to got through with the game as quickly us possi ble. ble.This morning they will have Siobel in the box , and this afternoon , Flunmignn ; and Captain Brosmin says ho will bo woefully disappointed if they don't take both garnet. The score : OMAHA. I/ fc / flUMMAlir. Kuus earnea Oiuuui 9 , Sioux City 3. Three base nits Walsh 3 , Andrews J , Nnglo 1 , Cleveland 1 , Cline 1 , Urosnun 1. Homo runs Adruws. Double- plays Clarke lo Andrews , Weber - er , Urosnnn to Powell. Uases on culled balls Off Weber 8 , Clarke 3. Uuscs from being hit by pllchod ball 13y Weber 1. Struclt out Uy Clarke 8 , Wubor 4. Passed b.ills Crony 2. Wild pitches Clarke 1 , Weber 3. Time of ( ; umu--Two hours and iifteen min utes. Umpire Urlody , St. iOHUll ) | JO , Ihllivur O. DEMVUII , Col , , July II , Tlio Denver play- era lost the first game of tlio aeries to St. Joe to-day , owing principally to their inability to bit pitcher Flood. Score : r - . HT. JUS K I'll. r li o u o r , li , o , ft , c Palrrm | > lo,3b..l 1 1 2 u Curlwrlatit,3b..l I 2 i II McClulltiii,2ti. . 1 1 1 UCurlls.lT . U 2 ; i U I M'leadwuy , rrt 3 4 a U Anliier.liU . U 2 2 > ; . . . I I & U 1 McCarr , . . . . , ; ! a 3 ! l I iVVtitU-.M. , . i - ' - ' a 1 Krlrir. It ) . . 'J 3 W J I Bllcli , cf . u u u u Ulluunni : , ct..l l l 1 I hbor u.lf..U 1 U U U Miullliaoo , C..I I II ; i i Wliiin.l' . .3 I U a U Knoll. rj . U 1 U u i U'\rluiiUmc. . . < J Ull 1 1 flood , | . < I l TCUI . . . . . . .O l a1 Tamil JIV INMM1S. Iianier . U 0 0 1 I ! U U 2-1 . . . . . . , , . , . . . U 6 1 U i ! U U 3 -ll nod'rmiPouter 1,81. Joe I. Two-bain hlti- ir , Miulllmiuu , McC'ullun. Three Imtu lilu- . \VUUu. Homo run 'I'lfujwuy. lla u ttulun- | > enter J. bl. Joe "L IXiutilu i > luy < Mct'lullan u jviille to Uutiii ! llutnlrj to JCrelir. ttnn-a ou Imlli a t'fu 2 , e'J fluoa u.Vtia \ i 'tnifk out Rf Vngnn 10 , hr FIoOvl ft. fMocfl bulls HiRllhK'finl , Tlmo ofg&mo-ahonrsnml minute * . Umpire Molcrmott. Milwaukee 10 , DOB Molnes O. Mtr.wAt'Knc , Wls , , July 3. Milwaukee jntted out a victory to-day end their players ran bases almost with Impunity. The Des Molnes team lilt IJrynau frequently , but could not keep place with the Milwaukee sluggers , Score : MILWAUKEE. IIE3 MO1.NK * . , r. It. n. n. o. o. n. e. l'nnrmnnr,2 1100 Potion. lf..l 1 0 U 1 4iiltnncf..3 3 2 I ) 1 \l % krcrb..3 : i 1 4 3 Morrl soylb..2 412 0 0 Wliltolny , cf..0 0 1 0 n < hock , n * 1 1 1 2 2 Connell. Ill ) 0 Umd , If . . . . . . .1 2 4 0 U Smltli , lb. . , . . , . 1 12 2 2 Klrhjr.2t > .1 Sll S Oortr , rf 1 2200 Alhcrts , 3U..I 104 Jl Trnlllor , c 2 1821 Mill. " . , c , ' . .1 2 II 0 1 MncnllBMS. . . . ! S J 6 1 llr/nan , p 1 3 U 3 o Aloxaniior , ! > . . ! 2 0 6 0 Totals. . . . . . . ,19 19 13 T Totnl * . . 9 II 27 19 7 IIV INNINdS , MIlirnnkCD 2 2306110 3-10 liea Molnos % . . . . . . .U ) 0 SUMMAUV. ltun < rnrnpd Milwaukee5 , Dm Moines 3. Tlirno- Imso hln Morrlsjdjr , l.nwc. TWO-IHKO lilts Morris- uoj- , MuslicrTrntlloy , M nculmr. Uiu | > lro Clftrk. St. Pniil in , Mltmcapolta 8. MiKNRAroMS , July 3 , Minneapolis lost to St. Paul to-day through rotten playing by llnnrnhnn. Scoroi Minneapolis . . . .0 8 St. Paul 1 0 15 OTI113I ! IlAljU GASllCS. CINCINNATI , July 3. Ilesult of to-day's game : Cincinnati 0 003000 0-3 Unltltnore 1 001000 0-3 Game called nt the end of olghth Inning on account of rain. KANSAS Citr , July 3. Ucsultof to-day's game : KnnsasClty. . . ; 3 5314013 0-19 ' Columbus 3 300 0803' 0 10 ST. Louis , July 3. Kesult of to-day's ' game : St. Louis 1 30000000 4 Brooklyn 430000000 7 Liouisvu.i.n , July 3. Tfloro was no game hero on account of rain. Amntcur KOIIFOI.K , Nob. , Juno 3. | Special to Tnn Bui : . ] In the ball game to-day the homo club shut out the Union Pacifies by a score of 15. The clubs will play again to-morrow , making one feature of Ihu grand celebration. COI.UMHUS , Neb. , July 3. fSpooInl Tele gram to Tun Bun.J The most exciting game of base ball over witnessed hero was played on the camp grounds this afternoon between the Claries nine and Iho reorganized team of Columbus. Three thousand pcoulo witnessed the game , which stiiod 8 to 7 in favor of Columbus. I'fiotta iicntB the LONDON , July 3. The race for the diamond sculls between Charles O. Psotla. American amateur champion , and Ulackuioro , Iho Knglish oarsman , was rowed ut Ilentloy to day. Psotta won , beating his opponent by three lengths. _ A F5lK Offer For Axt.plI. ST. PAUL , July 3. [ Special Telegram'to Tin : Bnn.J Frederick Burry , of Chicago , late this afternoon wired C. B. Williams , the owner of Axtell , tbo Iowa colt which put the throe year-old record down to 2:15Jij : yester day afternoon , nn oiTer cf $80,000. Both this offer and "that of llobort Banner of SU5.000 sent earlier in the day were declined. Mr. Williams says the youngster has made trial bents as low n& 3:10. and has no doubt will lower All trotting records witnin u year. Ho will not bo sold , ho says , for less than ? 100,000. THE SPB131) KING. Washington Park Races. WASHINGTON PAUK , July 3. The attend ance was moderato and the track heavy , summary : mile lllllea Laura Ono , three-year-old Davidson won , Monita Hardy second , Miss Jackson third. Tlmo 1OI ; % . Three-fourths of a mile , two-vear-olds Grace M. won , Jo-.To _ second , Outright third. Time l:3-2kf. Mile anil ouo-sixlccnlh Glockner won , St. Albans second , The Elk third. Time 1:531-5. : The winner was sold to Jacn Mc Donald for $7,095. Mile and one-fourth Gilford won. Los Angeles second , Hindoocraft tlurd. Time ' 3:374-5. : Three-fourlus of a mile , all ages Estollo won , Cassandra second , iJulu third. Time 1:31 : 1-5. This Attcrnnon. There will bo another racing matinco at the fair grounds this afternoon wilh flvo events in the cast. Entries lo Iho road races free. Some good horses will bo on hand , and much sport is anticipated. CIcvRlnml Thrown from a Bufjiry. SANDWICH , Maas. , July 3. Whllo ox-Pres ident Cleveland was enjoying n carriage ride near Buzzard's Bay to-day wilh Joe Jeffer son , with whom he hus been visiting the past few days , ono of the horses became unman ageable nnd both gentlemen were thrown out. They esca.ped with slight bruises , but received n severe shaking up. The carriage was considerably damaged. Cleveland loft for ftlarion this evening. Almost Scuttled to Dpath. LYONS , In. , July 3. [ Special Telegram to Tun BUE. ] Last night , after the explosion at the paper mill , John Munks , merchant , anil Ills wife were looking nt the wreck , Accidentally , while looking over the ruins , ho slipped into n tank of hot water Into which the exhaust of stoum from the engine had been conducted. Ho was very badly scalded and is still alive ; but his recovery is doubtful. _ _ Spain AVoultl Shelter tliu I 'ope. MADUID , July 3. The imperial assorts thai the govitrnmenl , tinvlng received a tele gram from the Vatican authorities inquiring whether the pope would bo allowed a place of refuge in Spain in the event of his being obliged to leave Homo , Premier Sagasta , after consulting with the queen and the ministry , replied In the ufllnnatlvo , grunting the pope an asylum at Valencia. His CoiuiuUHlon. A morning paper of yesterday contained a paragraph to the effect that a fire Insurance in nil , mimed Lee , had demanded , of C , J. Barber , of this city , the register und blanks of the Granite Stnto Flro Insurance com pany , of which Barber had been nn agent , and thai the demand was not compiled with , It was also stated that Leo hud been ordered from the ofllco under penalty of being assaulted with paper weights and other ofllco material. In reply Mi1. Barber says : ' Mr , Lee ojorod my ofllco Monday. I told him 1 desired tie business relations with him , ami that the company could hnvo the register when it jmul mo what It owed me. I also btated that I desired him to lenvo the odlce nt once , which he absolutely refused lode do , when 1 promptly ordered him out and threatened to call the palica if lie did not go. Ho went. No settlement was made with Leo , nor was the register , which ho wus so anxious for , turned over to him , not will it bo until 1 receive the money duo mo from the Uranltu State. Tno rcjfisler is the evi dence of Indebtedness , " a Tiu-nvordin. Mr. Henry Kumuiorow returned yesterday from n business trip to Fremont , where ho went to organize a branch of the Turnbezlrk , to have It In readiness for a big mootlni ; Au gust 0 , 1(1 ( anil 11. The Turnbczlrk consists of the Oinuha , PlalUmouth , Fremont und West Point organizations , and hus arranged for u hi ? tlmo ut its meeting In August. Mr. Kummeraw U instructor of physical training in the public schools , und U now leaching u class of Juvcullcs for'the oocasmn , A Holtlli'i- Killed Hy a Train. A soldier named Williams was run over by n train on the Hllthorn roud near Fort Omutiu. last night about 13 o'.cluvk , and was instantly killed , tlio body being uiunglcd In a. horrihlii KEELER HARES HIS ESCAPE , The Louiavlllo Fiend Uliidoa the Marshal at Alliance. OFFICERS IN HOT PURSUIT. The Knltjlits of Pythias Brigade Kn- oampnuMit nt Col tun bus Proving n Grand Suoccns A Sulolilo nt Sterling. Fooled Ills Captors. PIATTSMOUTII , Neb. , July 3. [ Spoptal Tol- cgrnm to TUB BIG. I A telegram was received - coivod hero ' to-dry from the marshal nt Al- liiinco stating that Abe Kccler , whom ho had under arrest , had got away from him last night , but If the crime against him was seri ous ho could catch him again. County At torney Qc'ring nt once telegraphed the mar shal to catch and hold him for Sheriff Elkon- oarry , who had loft for Alliance to got the prisoner. _ Hank FA 1 1 11 ro nt IliunlioIiU. PAWHKU CITT , Neb. , July 3-Nows has been received hero of the suspension of the Frtrin- crs' end Merchants' bank of Ilumboldt , There are ugly rumors involving the best citizens of that place. The charter of the bank expired Juno 20 , and President Lam- bertson started n private bank with a capital stock of $10.000 , but at the expiration of two days found lie could not get nlTalrs In shape to meet the requirements of the new law be fore July 10. and on Monday made an as signment. Ho claims that the bank will nay out or ntarly so. Thirty or forty thousand dollars are locked up. Ton or twelve thousand dollars were deposited on Saturday. When the oftlcer took posses sion Monday only $400 were found. Money \v s received and drafts given on eastern banks Saturday afternoon. Stockholders and certain depositors know nn assignment was to bo made Saturday morning. Diver. , Ilartnor and Lauibcrtson , who wore in the gram and stoclc business.nro involved. They aroxv money out of the Table Kock bank Monday and disposed of property in a man ner to excite surprise. Captain Humphreys mot Divcn at Liberty yesterday mid forced him to disgorge $ .100 he drew from the bank nt Table liock. DIvon was formerly n Sun day school teacher hero and stood high in the .community. Several Pawnbo City citizens have claims against Divon , whoso every movement is closely watchod. Fremont u Jinnntiza. For Rurglars. ITitEMONT , Nob. , July a. [ Special Telegram - gram toTni : BEE. | llurglars nro continu ing their raids in Fremont. Last night the St. Juhcn Hotel was entered and a gold watch worth § 00 and 810 in cash belonging to the landlord was stolen. This forenoon , nbout 10:30 : o'clock , the residence of H. Blumonthal was entered through the front door while the family was m the back part of the house , and diamond rings and Other Jewelry belonging to Mrs. Uluinentlml wor'o stolen , tuo total value being about § 150. The wrappers from the STOD worth of silk stolen night before last from the store of C. M. Stobbins were to-day found Bluffed m above the brake beam of u freight car standing on the I3lkhorn track. None of the burglars have yet been apprehended. Kscnjio of 'Jwo Hoz Thieves. NKKHASICA. CITV , Neb. , July 3. [ Special Telegram to Tun liisn. ] Two hog thieves named Aikens and Brown , WHO are wanted in Liincolu and who loft a team at that place to escape the olllcers , were found in this city last night through a'lettor of warning to At hens , which fell into the hands of the police. Wnen the ofllcors attempted to arrest them they escaped over the river , leaving behind hero another team and a small boy. Search for the men continued all day to-day , but they were not found. It is claimed thai they belong ton gang of horse tuiovos , and the little boy says he heard Brown boast of hav ing killed u woman and was trying to got out of the country , und had paid Alkous SJ.OO for helping him. Normal School. Osccor.A , Nob. , Juno43. [ Special to TUB BEE ] Articles of agreement were filed in the oflice of the county clqi-k to-day between the city of Stromsburgrand J. J. Bryant , of Turlington Junction , Mo. , the city donating the buildings and gnmnds. worth § 25,000 , to Bryant. In five years Bryant is to establish and maintain a normal school and business college , with not less than 150 students after the second year , and after said buildings and lands are deeded they are oulv to bo used for educational purposes in tbo suc ceeding flvo years. A Smallpox Sc.irc. NnuiusKA Cnr , Neb. , July 3. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bns. ] Some excitement was caused to-day by the report of a case of smallpox m town , but the board of health in vestigated and found that n colored woman and two children , named Green , who had Jusl recovered from the disease , were from Denver. As n safeguard , however , the house was quarantined and an oHlcer put in cluirpo for the present. It is not considered dangerous. Pytliinns nt Columbus. COI.UMIIUS , Nob. , July 3. [ Special to THB 13r.n. ] Camp Dayton was formally turned over to the brigadier general last evening , Hon. G. G. Bowman delivering the address on behalf of the city and General Dayton responded gracefully. Governor Thaycr and staff arrived on the grounds last eve ning , accompanied by the Ashland division nnu band , and they uro the guests of the First regiment. To-day is governor's day and crowds are pouring in , fully 3,000 people being present already. Twloo Arrostoil For Forjjcry. HASTINGS , Neb. , July 3. [ Special Tolo- grani to Tun UEK.I M. T. IColly , the young man arrested at Kearney and brought to Hastings upon a chargoof forgery , was tried to-day. The evidence was not sullicient to hold him and ho was discharged. Ho was immediately rearrcstcd on another charge. A warrant has also boon sworn out for him at Kearney , and if ho is not convicted of the second charge hero ho will be taken to Kear ney to-morrow. Thlnvi'H at , ! Jnstln < ; 8 , HASTINGS , Nob. , July 3. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Sneak thieves entered the res Ul on co of M. J. Luuibard , a promi nent citizen of this city , in broad daylight to-day und carried off n gold watch , chain and diamonds , all valued at several hundred dollars. The audacity of the theft is unpar alleled In the history of Hastings , Only loulmloiilly Guilty. HASTINGS , Nob. , July 3. [ Special Tele- cram to Tim HuE.l George a\ Work , un old und respected citizen of Hustings , was yesterday - terday convicted of violation of the govern ment land laws and sentenced to sixty days In the Colorado slate nen. Judge Work is guilty only in a technical sense , und hus hun dreds of friends in this city who sincerely sympathize with him und his family. Tim Itiuilc of itrouk Organized , BnocK , Xob. , July 3. [ Special to TUB BEK.J The Bank of Brook was organized yesterday by the following stockholders ; Emilo Borlet , Jacob Good , Frank Keith , Uiloy Miller , E. 13. Good and 12. F. Good ; Emilo Bcrlot , president ; Jacob Good , vice president ; K. F. Good , cashier. The bank will begin business July 10 with a capital of 813,000 , itiirulara Working < * o uiiit > nn. COLUMBUS , Nob. , July a , | Special Tele Ki-am to TUB Bun , ] The Central hotel was cntorod by a burglar last night. The pro prlctor , Jerry Suliook , and his wife , were drugged and § 10 ! ! stolen. Thu thief took out the wi'iiluiv and perfected an entrance to the room. A millibar of other houses wore on- teruu with small losses' . Fnrtlilnu-Uldillo. PJ.ATTSMOUTII , Neb. , July 3. JSpecial T'ol- egrani to Tim HBK. ] J , L. Farthing .and Miss Lee HhtdU ) were married this evening ut tbti lUddlo house. Tuo bride U the niece of T. W. Ulddlc , find has been n teacher In the high 'school. Mrl Farthing is a man of business , nnd has an interest In the Cedar Creek stone quitrryi'i Govornor'-fybay nt Coliiml > u's. Cou'Miius , ? Job.i rtTuly 0. [ Snoclnl Tele gram to Tun Bttijt-Govcrnor's Day nt the brigade oncauipiWpnFjrjnlform Hank , Knights of Pythias , u'Sprncd cool and clear , A ploasnnter day c.ouB , not bo hoped for. At an early hour thls.mdrntng the camp dwellers arose to enjoy the cool , refreshing breeze. Major General CaPnnhnn came in on the noon train to-4'nyescorted ' , by a division from Otnahai i j nnd the Union Paclflo band , n Ih , company with Gov ernor Thnyor andv staff , ho was driven to the camp , where the knights wcro drawn up in line to rccclvo him. General Dayton gave him n hearty welcome nnd after the ro- copllon ho took up quarters nt the camp. Quartermaster Wells , with part of the Second end regiment , came In this afternoon. Part of the Kearney division arrived on the 5:20 : express. A division from David City came in on the 7:20 B. & M. train. Captain Lnscho , of Lincoln division No. 1 , came In this afternoon with part of his divis ion. The balance will follow to-morrow. S. L. Hough , of Chicago , representing the Pythian Hccord , is canvassing for his paper with marked success. The Pythian Spur has headquarters on the grounds. At 7:80 : Governor Thayer nnd stall re viewed the Nebraska brigade , closing with a brigade dross parade. Ho delivered n short address to the knights , thanking them for their kindness during his stav nnd expressed himself as hnvlnghad a very pleasant lime. Ho will take his departure In tlio morning. A grand concert was given in the opera house this evening for tlio visiting knights by homo talent. Preparations forlho Fourth , or Columbus day , nro completed. General Cowln , of Omaha , who is to deliver the oration tion , will arrive In the city on the midnight express. The grand prize drill nt the camp grounds at 4 p. m. is n special fcaturo of the programme. Kcnrncy'u Cotton Mill. IvKAitN'nx , Nob. , July 3. [ Special Tele gram to THIS Bnn.1 At a public meeting held to-night the location of the cotton mill was disclosed. This has boon a stickler for many who have been called upon to sub- soribo for the subsidy , but now matters will take another turn. T.ho mill will bo located nt the foot of Greenwood lake , about ono mlle west of Central avenue. There remains nearly $50,000 lo raise. But S25OJO appeared in sight before the mooting adjourned. Plnttamouth'B Motor Lino. PI.ATTSMOUTH , Nob. , July 8. [ Special Telegram to Tim Bnc.J The cross-arms nnd insulators for the moior poles have arrived and the work of attaching them and putting up the poles began to-day. The machinery , engines , boilers nnd attachments have all been moved to the power house and the track laying nearly completed except the switches from Vine street down to Main and out Lincoln avenue. Duru'cll Wants a llallroad. BumriiLL , Nob. , July 8. [ Special Tele gram to Tiis BEE. ] A mass mooting of citi zens of Garliold county , was held in Burwcll last night and a committee appointed to wait on the pfllcials of tlio 'Sioux City nnd Ogden railroad nnd offer .thorn inducements lo build through Burwoll nnd Garflcld counties. The Ynnktoii & Norfolk Knilroml. NioiniAiiA , Neb. , July 3. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] Elections " 1o Vote 58,000 bonds in each Lindsay and Lincoln precincts to aid in the conslruction of Iho Gaulton , Norfolk' & Southwestern railroad , took place to-day , resulting favorabjy. Niobrarft's Nntal Bay. NtoiiiiAitA , NobJ , July 3. [ Special to Tnn BEE. ] Everything is alive preparing for to- morrowis celebration , which will bo the largest for years. Tho'Nlobrara ' wolicon and Santce Indian brass bands will furnish the music. . Suicide of a'-Stcrlin'c Physician. ' ' STERLING : , Neb.j' July 3. [ Special Tele gram to TUB HEB. ] Dr. G. L. Skinkle , the physician who has been longest m our town , committed suicide at" o'clock this afternoon. Til 13 i lll'JSIIKNTlVLi PAK.TY. It Starts on n Special Train for Wood stock. NEW YonK , July 3. President Harrison and party , consisting of Secretary and Mrs. .Noble , Barbour , Lieuten ant Mason of the navy department , Clarence W. Bowman nnd Colonel 13. F. Shepard , left on the 10 o'clock train for Woodstock. At the depot Secretary Tracy Joined the party A stop will bo made at Hartford and the president will visit the stale capitol. STAMFOUH , Conn. , July 3. The first stop made by the presidential train after leaving JNow York was at Stamford , at which place the train was boarded by Governor Bulkoloy and staff , Senators Hawley and Platt , the four Connecticut congressmen and a number of state officials. NEW HAVEN , July 8. As the presidential train drew up at the depot hero at 13 o'clock a salute was fired. Governor Bulkeloy intro duced President Harrison from the rear of the last car to 3,000 people present and ho was received with cheers. The mayor nnd the other cily ofliclals gayo the president a hearty welcome. To all the ovations the President simply bowed , making no remarks whatever. After leaving Now Haven the party lunched. jiAitTFoiiiij.uonn. , July 3 , President Harrison risen was Hartford's guest for an hour nnd u half. The city was in holiday garb , and though'it rained quite hard , great crowds of people were on the streets. The cauital was reached at such a late hour that no stop was made and the party was driven b-'ck to Iho station and proccded to Putnam. The.Vrnllot . In Anna AVelss Case. ST. Louis , July 3. The coronor'i jury in the Anna Weiss murder case brought in a vordlot to-day to the effect that the girl came to her death from concussion of the brain , caused by blows on the head delivered by some party or parties unknown. It begins to look as though the mystery surrounding the murder would never bo unraveled. Blunlcrcil Hln Mother nntl Suicided , JEIISBV CITY , N. J. , July 3. A tragedy oc curred to-day In which the victims wcro Her mann Probst , thirty-one years old , a diver , nnd his widowed nr1 her , Elizabeth Probst , The son shot his ni.nncr I'cud ' and then sent n bullet crashing iiQP his head. Denth of nu > | d Iron Manufacturer. PiTTsnuno , July's. W , M.Tjyon , the oldest iron munufacU'vcB hi the country , and ono of Plttsburg's moit piomlnont business men , died suddenly of > upoplexy this morning , / ged sovcnty-olght. j Knipcrnr William Arrives nt Norwny. BBUMN , July a.Thol Imperial yacht Ho- hcnzollorn , with Kmpexor William on board , lias arrived nt StViOigdr , Norway. Tuo next ports to bo visited' | iiro. Bcrncn mid Irond- Lojom. : . „ , _ , , A Double Colored Ilnn/lii ( ; . QUITMAN , Miss. , ulyj 3. Pnnco Fleming nnd illclmrd Jordan , . .cplorodvoro hanged hero to-day , for the murder of John Taylor. colored , in the prcspncfe of u great throng of people. ! _ ( > ' The Hit : Oil Tank Still Hurnlnir. Pirrsiiuno , July 8 , The oil flro caused by lightning striking nn oi ) tank near Washing ton , Pa. . last evening , is still burning fiercely. The loss will exceed $50,000. Greatly AI.TOONA , Pa. , July 3. The reports last night about the storm hero wcro greatly ox- nggeratod. The heavy rains have caused no material dauiago. 13. P. line's .Monument. A vory.hundsorno grainto monument lias boo'n placed over the grave of Ed ward PayBon Roe , the novelist , in the CarnwaH villngo cemetery , Upon it are engraved n number of cinotations from liis boat known works. The monument was erected by MM. Hoo. LAWYERS'AND ' EDITORS'DAY ' , Dlsoiploa of Dlaokstono and Journal ists at Oroto. A VERY ENJOYABLE OCCASION. Corporal Tanner nnd Ex-Governor Cumtmck , nt' Indiana , to Speak To-Day Boiurloos Suc cessful ClmutaiKiun. Crowtlo on tlio Increase. Cnnm ASSEMULT Qnotwns , July 8. [ Special to TUB Bni : . ] It is evident that the crowd Is dally increasing , The Crete as sembly tins a largo constituency of the best nnd brightest people of Nebraska ; it has eight successful years behind It , nnd can not bo superseded or in any way diminished by any now organization of the kind. It was the first Chnutnuqtm assembly over estab lished In Nebraska , and will probably always remain first , both m numbers nnd In real merit. The unusually cool weather of last night nnd this morning created a great de mand for wraps and woolen nuparol. Trunks were ransacked and grips were emptied of their contents in the search for something to keep warm , and sighs wcro breathed for shawls and overcoats left behind. However , by 10 o'clock the genial rays of the sun had sulllclontly warmed the ntmosphoro and dis pelled the dampness , nnd comfort again rolgu3d among the tent-dwellers. To-day being lawyers' nnd editors' day the thought of the morning prayer meeting turned to those iwo great professions. The loader road extracts from St. Paul command- lug the keeping of the law , nnd showing that the beginning of the law is in and from God. Prayer was made for lawyers that they might bo able to interpret Iho law correctly , and help people to understand it. The mighty power for good or evil that the news paper exerts was dwelt upon , and prayer was made for editors that they may under stand the Importance of their work , and use their great inlhiuiico always only for the things that are honest and pure nnd of good report ; lhat they may servo the Lord with their hearts and with their papers. The regular classes of the forenoon met as usual , and with tholr usual attendance and interest. Dr. Duryoa's bible students' class seemed oven moro interesting than usual. The instructor grow so animated that ho dis carded the chair on whicti ho usually sits during this hour and dcltvored lo-dny's ' lecture standing. In his sludy of Iho books of tlio bible ho has now como to the books of Moses. The framework of these live books Is bislory , and Iho history received some additions after bis timo. Thu people of Israel were responsible for these books , nnd took care that no ono should tamper wilh thorn. The lecturer showed the Importance of these books to us. There is no bettor written book in all literature for its purposes , than the book of Genesis. It is both scientific and philosophic , and it shows the making of the Hebrew people a people without whom there would have been no Christianity , u people ple moro important in many respects than any other Iho world has ever known. In referring lo Iho fact , lhat Hie Hfo of Moses was made up of twenty years of pupilage , twenty years of rellection and preparation and twenty years of ollleient work , the lecturer emphasized the furt that Moses spent forty years in getting ready for his work , and regretted that to-day people spent so little time in preparing for their life work. In showing that patriotism is second only to love to God , ho took advantage of the near ness of the national holiday and delivered quite a Fourth of July speech , but speaking in scathing terms of the neglect or IndilTor- enco of Americans to many things tuat go to make a righteous natlou. At ' 13 p. ui , occurred the principal event of the lawyer's part of the day the lecture on "The Art of the Advocate , " by Hon. J. W. Dotiavan , of Michigan. Moro than a score of lawyers ocuupied seats in the large audi ence. Upon the platform were three Judges of as many Judicial districts in Nebraska. After a cornet solo by Miss Park , Judge Donavan was introduced by President Foss , and began ono of the finest lectures ever deliverel on the Assembly platform. The judge is a man of line appearance and great ability , and has power to Interosl common people as well as lawyers. His address was pointed and Illustrated by many real inci dents from Iho cotirt room , told with the peculiar zest of ono familiar with such scenes. The lecture must be heard to bo appreciated. At 5 o'clock Hon. William Cumbaclc deliv ered hislecturo on "Tho Model Husband" tea a largo and appreciate nudionco. In Iho evening Mr. Bushnell , president of the State Press association , delivered Iho annual address to the editors. ' 'In the City of Mexico" was the subject of the address. The following is the programmo tor to morrow : TIIUltSHAr , JULY 4. NATIONAL BAT. 00 : ! Prayer service. 8:00 : Children's class. 8:00 : Chorus. 9:00 : Harmony class. 9:00 : Normal class. 9:00 : Palestine class. 10:00-Biblo Student's ' class Dr. J. T. Duryea. 10:00 : Temperance class. 11:00 : Lecture , with crayon illustrations- Prof. E > ank Board. S:00 : Platform Meeting Oration by Cor poral Tanner ; by ox-Governor William Gum- buck , of Indiana. Subject : "Tho American Citizen. " 7:30 : War songs and addresses. 9:00 : Grand display of fireworks. Y. M. C. A. Day ut Ilnntrlce. BEATIIICH , Nob. , July 8. [ Special to THE BEE. ] To-da. " has been another grandly suc cessful number of the Bcalrlco Chautauqua assembly. Being devoted to the Y. M. C. A. , it was an occasion of much enjoyable inter est and was the occasion of the gathering of a great thronz of Y. M. C. A. workers from all sections of the state. The exercises were under the superintendence of State Secretary A.Nnshn8slsted , by other prominent workers. The program mo began at 7:30 : by nn address by W. O. Henry , assistant stale socrelury. The address was attentively listened to and was replete with many interesting points nnd details of information relative to the Y. M. C. A. work in this state. At 11 o'clock a very largo nudionco assem bled in the tabernacle to participate in the conference ) on permanent work and bible study. The cxtrelsos were conducted by State Seerolury Nash and elicited much in terest. At n. in. the exercises wore opened by a grand sacred concert by the Y. Al. C. A. male choir , under the leadership of Prof. M. S. Calvin. This was fo- [ lowcd by an interesting address by General Secretary - E. C. Carroll , of Beatrice , on the "History of the Y. M. C. A. " After another song by the choir Gen eral Secretary J. A. DumtnoU , of Lincoln , spoke interestingly upon the "Aluthods of Work , " and was followed by President J. II. Markott , of the Lincoln Y , M. C. A. with a lulling address on "Association Work From a Business Man's Standpoint. " The "Church nnd the Association" was the subject of another address , nnd was followed by an hour devoted to the "Quoslion Drawer , " which was liberally participated In nnd con- dueled by Secretary Nash. Tlio remainder of the afternoon was devoted - voted to general class work , C. t > . S. C. , Hound Table nnd the W. C , T. U. confer ence. Battery A , Nebraska National Guard , thirty-live strong with four t'Uns , arrived during the day and wont Into camp on the grounds. This batlery , with soveml com panies of the First regiment , N. N. G. , will participate in the great sham battle to-mor row. In the evening Prof. Von Finklestoin do livorcd another of his intensely interesting lectures before an audience of 3,000 , people in tlio tabernacle. Tholccturo was , asusual , illustrated by brilliant oriental costumers and Is considered the best of the series thus fur. fur.At night the Y. M. C. A. inalo choir gave a grand vocal concert ou the water which was responded to from the shore by a special chorus. Tlio effect wus indescribably grand and beautiful and its repetition is enthusias tically Insisted upon to-morrow evening. To-morrow is booked as the great day of the assembly and the following programme Is nn indication of Its novelty nnd excellence > TiiuiisnAT , jt't.T4 iNHKrr.NHF.NCR HAT. 0:20 National salute , by Battery A , N. N. 7:00 "Star Spangled Banner,11 bands. 7:80 Morning prayer. Hov. J. W. Stewart , 8:00 : Ninth lesson advanced normal class. 8:00 Ninth lesson Junior normal class , 8:40 : Primary department. 0:115 : Class in elocution. 10.00 Classes in music. 10:45-Muslc. : Bands. "Hall Columbia. " 11:00 : Morninfr address. George P. Hays , D. 1) . , of Kansas Oily , Mo. Subject , "Talk , Wlso nnd Unwise. " 3:00-MusIc. : Bands. "Tho Girl I Loft Behind Mo. " 3:00 : G. A. U. cnmpflro. 5:00 : Sham nrtlllory battle by company O , First regiment , Beatrice , nnd company D , Second regiment N. N. G. , Fnlrbury. 7UO : Musical prelude. National songs. 8iOO Evening lecture. J. II.Young , D. D. Subject , "Echoes From Hound Top ; The Story of a Great Buttle. " A report has gone out that Sam Jones , the famous Georgia ovangollst , will not bo hero , asannounced , The following telegraphic correspondence will explain itself. HnxTiticu , July 3,1SS9. Sam Jones , Cartorsvillu , Go. Your en gagement for July 0 , 7 nnd S , nt Beatrice Chnutauqua , is doubted by many. Will you surely bo there ? L. A. Uumsiu. . To which Mr. Jones promptly replied ; GxiiTcimviM.n , Ga. , July 3 , 18SO. L. A. Uudlslll , Beatrice , Neb. Will surely bo there , providence permitting , SAM JONES. * WEIGHED AND FOUND WANTING. States That IIuvo Tried and Kcpmlt atod Prnhlhltlmi. Chicago Tribune : Illinois enacted prohibition in 1855 , but yopudiutod it at tlio polls in the same your. Now York passed the law in 1851 , tried it for two years , and gave it up as a had job. Mas.'ichusotts tried prohibition for fif teen years , and repeated it us vain nnd injurious. An clTort to restore prohibition in Massachusetts was voted down by tin overwhelming majority April U2 , 1889. Atlanta tried the Inw for ono yenr and repudiated it by an overwhelming majority in November , 1887. The in jury to tlio city was incalculable. Connecticut enacted the law in 1851 , tried in vain to enforce it for eighteen yetrs'and : then linully repealed it for ever in 1872. Ohio enacted prohibition in 1855 , nnd , after a few months of hitter experience , repealed it. Maryland passed n prohibitory law in 1885. The I'osults wcro so disastrous , both to material und moral welfare , that after a few months' trial , it was re pealed , and the lesson was so severe that the question hus never been raised again in the state. New Hampshire tried prohibition for thirty-four years. April 12 , 1781) ) . nn otTort was made to incorporate it into her constitution. This was voted down by an enormous majorityonly two coun ties in the stale giving a majority in favor of prohibition. Delaware tried it-in 1855 , nnd , nflor two years , found that it so nlToctod the welfare of tlio state that it was repealed in 1857 , Tlio independent anti-prohibition re publicans and democrats of Iowa nro united for the purpose oC overthrowing prohibition. Tlio law was twine passed in Wiscon sin and twice vetoed by the governor , with unanimous support of the people. Since then the state has .boon un troubled by fanaticism. Rhode island enacted prohibition in 1858 , and after ton years' trial repudi ated the law in 1803. She again enacted it last joar , and is now trying1 to get rid of it , after ono year of tlnancial and moral disaster. The legislature has by almost unanimous vote dooidjad to resubmit - submit the matter to tlio people. Michigan passed the law in 1853 and kept it for twenty-two years , when , finding tlio futility of attempting to enforce prohibitory measures , she abandoned it in 1875. The fanatics tried to saddle tlio law upon her again this year , buther people would not have it , and overwhelmed it at tlio polls. Indiana and Nebraska in 1855 passed prohibitory measures , but neither of them leapt prohibition upon their statute books for any length of time. Indiana voted on the question again in 188- , and the amendment was defeated by the biggest majority cast in that state for twenty years. Texas cast 93,000 majority against the effort to force a prohibitory amendment into the constitution. An effort was made to force the law on Tennessee in 1887. The people after a thorough discussion resolved not to put it into their constitution. Oregon submitted the am end in out in 1887. The amendment was buried under an avalanche of votes. . In November , 1888 , West Virginia voted on prohibition. The question was thoroughly discussed , investigations into the working of the law in other states were made , and the amendment was defeated by a vote of three to ono. Canada lias tried prohibition. Tlio law was passed , and on a reconsidera tion of the question April 3.1880 , the voters slaughtered prohibition from Lake Erie to the Bay of Fundy. Every city and town in Canada which voted that day repealed prohibition In Iowa in 1880 there were 80IM Gov ernment licenses issued for tlio sale of liquor. In 1880 , under prohibition , the number had increased to 4033 an in crease of ( ) ! ) ! ) . It is not within the lim its of ronson that any man would pay for a license unless ho meant to use it. For the year ceding April 5,1881 , before prohibition , 1881 government li censes to sell liquor were issued in Kansas. In the year ending April 80 , 1887 , after live years of prohibition , 2,097 licenses were issued ; in other words , there were 68 per cent more places selling liquor in the year ending April SO , 1887 , under prohibition , than in the year ending April 80,1881 , before fore the enactment of tlio law. There hud simply boon a change of name from " " " . " "saloon" to "drug store. Maine had more liquor sellers in pro portion to population than many license states. Klioau Island has one liquor seller to every 213 men. ( See internal revenue reports ) . A Simple Device lo Wipe Out Poverty. In tlio North American Review for July tlio Rov. James B. Wnsson sug gests to Dr. McGlynn and Henry Goorjro u method of abolishing poverty in about two centuries and a half by the simple device of investing $10,000 and letting it go on increasing at compound interest for that length of time , The results are startling. Ho says : "As suming that , when put out at compound interest , the principal doubles itself every liftoon years no very extrava gant assumption the $10OUO invested in 1029 would to-day amount to the in conceivably enormous sum of $181,207- ! ! 00OOOI And this sum invested at the rate of1 per cent would yield tin .annual income of 87,808,224,400 , which sum , bo it remembered , would bo available every year In perpetuity for the noble but misty objects ol tlio AnU-Povorty society. " Very Uroon , Drake's Magazine : Hotel Clerk Good night , sir , mind nnd don't blow OUt the { , ' 119. Green Guest Don't blow it out , you say , why you don't ox poet a chap to sloop with all that light in the room , do your California sent 8,500,000 , , pounds o honey to liuropu laht yenr. THE PARNEtl COMMISSION , Dnvltt Would Mtxko the Land Ques tion the Key to Proodom. AVERSE TO SECRET SOCIETIES. Ho Prefers to I-'lfiht liberty's Battle Openly Ills Conrorouon With the Irish Hcpnblloim Itrnthorhooil. The IjrmtllorilB KiiKlnml'ti Gnrrlaon. LONDON , July n. Dnvltt continued lit * tostluiony botoro the PnrnoH ooiunilsslou to- tiny. Ho stntcd lie would not object to Joining nay movement to Rocuro ttio Intio- pcndouco of Irolnnd If such n tnovomoiit was backed by a force strong enough to Justify the hope of success. Ila said lie did not np- provo of the Clorkcnxvall explosion. Ho re gretted the ntlnulc upon the prison vnu in which n bravo policeman \VM hilled , but np- pluiuloil the inon who mudo the attack for trying to save tholr friends.Vhllo In urlson ho concluded that uiovo- inonta by secret societies would ilo no good , and when released lie hold n confer ence with lenders of the Irish Hopubllcnii brotherhood In Paris regarding the advisa bility of nn open movement. Witness said ho fulled to win them to approve of the ndoution of an open movement. Ho Intended to timku the land question the stepping slono to the Indopomloncoof Irelnnd , treating land lords as nn Encllsh garrison. Witness declared that ho did not know whether the trustees ol tlio skirmishing fund , Dr. Carroll and Messrs. Broslln , tiUboy , Dovoy , Durko and Hossn , belong to the Clan-im-Gaol. There is u hue and cry uinlnst the Clan-na-Gaol In America for po litical purposes. Witness declnred ho must ho careful what he said , hut ho would say that they were nlloxlromo natlennllsts , Attorney Cicnornl Webster road a resolu tion demanding t.ho overthrow of British domination ami the establishment of an Irish republic. Dnvilt admitted ho was present nt the meeting in America when the resolutions wcro adopted , and stated that ho did not dis sent. Continuing , D.witt said : "Parnoll and myself tinier , because Pnr- nell is opposed to cuiiiDloto aeparntion , but If ho pot his measure through 1 would loyally support It. If ho was successful the demand for separation would eventually die. " Witness said ho had miulo fifty speeches In America , in which ho aaUcil the extremists to fairly try Parncll's movement. The leacuo was founded as the people's league. It then got into the hands of politicians. Witness disapproved of the appeal to Amer ica to support , the nationalist fund , which Attorney General Webster had read. Uavitt never approved of the skirmishing fund. Pariioll entered the court room while Da- vitt was testifying and remained until the session ended. Hi ; Could r\oi Ilo Hilhod. DUIIUQUK , la. , July fl. [ Special Telegram to Tim liEU. ] This morning n prominent Irish-American , who is a county ofllclal , was approached by a stranger and offered a handsome reward if ho would toll about the workings of the Clnn-im-Giiol in this city. There was a branch of that society hero nt ono time , and the Irish Nntionillits are very strong at this place. Tom Desmond , ono of the suspects in tlio Cronin case , has lived here , and it is thought that Chicago de tectives are making thnao inquiries to got tlio inside of the Cliiu-nu-Gaol for use in tills trial. The Irishman who was approached indignantly spurned the offer , and the stranger is having uoor success in Dotting information hero. An Important. Arrest. MASON CITV , In. , July 3. [ Special Tel egram to THE Bicc.J Detectives made n very Important arrest here to-day. For BOIIIO tlmo past a gang of counterfeiters have been successfully ouorating in this and adjacent states , and to-day Al Alliudall , who Is sup posed to bo at tlio head of the gang , wis entrapped - trapped and is now behind the bars. The members of the organization are all scattered , but the officers claim to bo in possession ot evidence that will readily lend to the detec tion of the gang1. The Commissioners Will Investigate. Dns Minxes , la. , July 3. [ Special Tel-1 ogram to Tun 13m ; . ] The railroad commis sioners have fixed Wcd-'osdny , July \0 , "nsA the tlmo for visiting the crossing of the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City railway and the llumcstono & ahennndoaU railroad , in Hlnggold county , for the uurposo of ascer taining whether depot and side track and freight facilities nro advisable at that uoint , as applied for by Urn citizens of Diagonal , anew now town Just located there. Flro iit. lioa . " DBS Momr.s , la. , July 3. [ Special Tolo- fram ; to THE Bitis. | Dorham cottage , the handsome homo of Mr. J. A. Jackson , in North DM Moines , vvns destroyed by fire this morning. The lire cauu'ht by friction In the wind mill pump house near by. Loss $10,000 , with an insurance of $7,000. o . - The Kurtti Am Square. Drake's Magazine : Teacher The oartli , you know , is round , Johnnie , "No it aint , it's square , 'causo the Bible says so. " Teacher Nonsense , Johnnie , the Uiblo buys no such tiling. "Yea , it does. Our miniblor road yesterday nbout the four corners of tlio earth ; and round thiiigd don't have cor ners. " _ _ A BI > * Coloni/niloii Schnmc. Sir Lopel Grillln proposes to colon i 7.0 Cashmere with : tOUUt)0 ) ( ) Englishmen as a bulwark to the Indian empire. Tlio greatest snuff-taking country in the world is Franco , though it shows a decline in the habit. In 18(59 ( tlio con sumption was ii,000,000 : pounds , or seven ounces per head. Now it is flvo ounces. T'ooltlrnly Curort bj | UiasolMtlo Villa , They ttlsorclIev Dls- | tresa from Dyspepsia ] ! , Indigestion awl Tool Honrty Eatlflg.J.yjci - feet remedy iw WK'z DOSS , Nausea. Draws neos , Hod Taste In thc Mouth.CoaledTonguo Fain In the Side , TOR TID LIVER , c. They regulate the BoweliJ and prevent Conatljmtlou and 1'lles. Tht mnallcst end easiest to take. Only cue pill n dose. 40 In a vial. I'urcly Vegetable. 1'rlcc 35 cents. OAETEB Ur.IIOINB CP , , c J' AIL . f § JAS'S-KlRK < ' - - . - - = -T ( to r/HITE / CLOUD | FLOATING JOAP. WRAPPERS ( tun : aizt ) ; > ana. receive