8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEPMC&DAY , JULY 3 , 1889. THKC1TY. _ Brink clonrlnjTB yesterday , 8824,653.83. The police have appeared in tholr now Bummer linen cnpg. Eleven cases were sent to the district court from Judge Borka's court in Juno. The motor company Una Bovon y-fl vo men nt work on the vinton street lino. A car loaded with recruits for west ern posts was sent out ever the Union Pacific. Fred Casey had an aggravated case of drunk before Judge Borkiv yesterday and got 810 and coals. City Garlwgo Inspector Goldsmith re ceived 8288 for removing dead animals during the month of Juno. James Gallagher , who hung himself in Florence on last Sunday , was burled in Holy Sepulchre yesterday. Of the fl.OOO Omaha consumers of city water , 1,800 paid Boml-nntnml tax on July 1 , thereby saving , the 6 nor cent penalty. Thoabscondlng contractor , Sauor , has not yet boon discovered. Ho is not known nt the board of public works , nil Ills work being done with private par- tics. tics.Tho The Musical Union orchestra will pivo a piuuio and entertainment at Waterloo park , on the Union Pacific , ' -Sunday next. A special train will leave hero at 90 : ! ! in the morning. Sixty-two applications for teachers' cortlllcntos have already been Hied with the board of examination. Most of thorn are application of old teachers , while a few are from now onos. The Nobles of the Mystic Shrine , Tangier's tomplowill spend the Fourth nt Lincoln , leaving Omaha at 8 n. in. , ever the H.j& M. , and returning , roach homo nt G o'clock in the evening. Articles of incorporation were filed yes tordtty by Samuel Katz , Thomas R. Gib- Eon , Walter Sams and others under the name of the Washington Land and Im provement company , with a capital stock of $200,000. The odlcos of the waterworks com pany arc kept cool these warm days by n system of air pipes which are con nected with the machine shops and sup plied with fresh air by a largo lly-wheol operated in that department. Residents in the vicinity of Jackson and Fifteenth streets have made a com plaint to the board of health concerning the bad condition in which the horse market on Jackson street between Thir teenth and Fifteenth strools is kopt. Judge Borkn. . disposed of seven plain drunlca yesterday , five cases of lighting , eleven inmates of houses of prostitu tion , two cases of obstructing view to saloon , two of vagrancy , one of using profane language , one resisting an olllcor and ono fugitive from justice. About 200 children were given a holi day and picnic yesterday by the ladies .of the City Mission. The party was composed of small boys and girls , mostly orphans and children of poor families. The party went out in several horse cars and spout a moat enjoyable timo. The alarm of fire yesterday afternoon was caused by a slight blnza in the feed stable of M. A. Heath , near the corner of Sixteenth and Cass streets. A small quantity of hay in the roar of the barn caught lire in some \vav , but was ex tinguished before any damage resulted to the building. The loss is very light. Bruised by a Pall. A 8orloU3l > ut not nccossarlly fatal accident happened to James Jones , a brlcit mason , yes terday. while at work on Fourteenth and Harney. Ills foot slipped and bo fell the dls- tanbo of ono story , causing ? severe bruises and cutting an ugly Rush In his head. His wounds were dressed , and at last reports ho was doing very well. Will you suffer with dyspepsia and liver complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalize ! * is guaranteed to cure you. lst liquor Sales. Up to date clfiht of the seventy-seven wholesale and retail druggists of the city have compiled with the law requlrinfc them to maUo a report to the city clerk of this amount of liquor sold durmt ; the quarter , the names of the purchasers and the purposes for which the liquor is to bo used. The reports have been referred to tlmflro and police com mission. 1'nclflo Impress Items. The Pacific Express company will bopin their headquarters building on the corner of Harnoy and Fourteenth streets next Won day. day.President President Moraman , of the Pacific Express company , goes to New York to-day to attend a meeting of the general managers of the leading express compunicn of the country for the consideration of tariff rates. Wants to 15o a State. Governor Warren , of Wyoming , passed through Omuhtt en route homo from Wash ington yesterday. It was learned that the gov crnor's especial business in Washington waste to aid la the movement favoring the admis sion of Wyoming as a state. To a friend , the governor-stated that President Harrison assured him that ho would consider the claims of Wyoming to statehood at an early date. T lie governor was of the opinion that something would come up concerning tills mutter at the next session of congress. Cushman's Menthol Inhaler , cures catarrh , headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay Fever. Trial fruo at your druggist. Price CO cents. ii Cuuiilil the Tlilaf. Brian Johnson , a colored youth who has figured In police court freqncntly durlng the past two years , is behind the bars again and this tlmo upon a surinus charge. For the past month , Fltznatrlek , the Howard street plumber , has becu unssini ; brass faucets , tools and plumbers' supplies from hts shop. Monday morning young Johnson was scon coming out of the shop , nud was urrested ami a charge of burglary made against him. IJMtzpatrlcU estimates that fully $1,000 worth of goods buvo been Htnlon from him. Military Now * . Spurgcon C. Lallln and William O'Day have bcea ordered to the military prison at Loovoaworth. Lieutenant Solomon E. Sparrow , Twenty- first Infantry , Fort Sidney , lias been ordered temporarily to Fort I ) . A. Russell. The leave of absence for seven days granted Captain William G. Wodomeyor , Sixteenth infantry , Fort Uu Chosno. Utah , lias been oxtuadeil ton days. Ulchuril Hoymar , n deserter from Colum bus barracks , was delivered up to the com. jnanciant of Fort Omaha Monday by Ofil- ccr James Grace , of PluUsmoutli. - I iac ! Wllitn'H Melon Maro. ' DlcltV lido has at last recovered his val uable trotting niaro , May Clarke , which was stolen from hi front of his place , corner of Furnnui and Twelfth streets , some eight or ten weeks since. The police have been In dustriously at work upon the case ever since. but no clue wus obtained until Monday when Dlclt h.msolf discovered the mnra hitched on Thirteenth street. Ho Immedi ately took possession of the animal and drove her to his stalilea. The uu.n , ClmrJcs Trim- san by name , who had the muro , claims that ho ptuil S-VJ for her to some man who repre sented himself as n real estate agent. The muro was In good condition , although her cot were BlioolM * and her hoofa cansldor- nbly hammered up by constant use upon the streets , 'i'liy strangest feature of the atTatr In that Troiibim says the mare has never been out of the city , BUVO on Sunday drive * , oinco tno day ho bpught her , nearly two months ago. _ Plntt'e chlorides istUochpnpt * > t 'Jisn- ! focUnt. Its gonu-uystroyinjr | unit. . Wonderful. JIM. Jlo's Golne to Hurl When tlio Fourth Wnr < l In Kcnolicil. James A. Croignton was before the board of equalization early yesterday morning and Innulgcdjln ngrcat deal of vociferation. "How did you sleep last night , Uncle Jim ? " Inquired Chairman Mount. "Oh , I slept all right , but am on the warpath - path to-day mid don't you forget It. " Then the old gentleman commenced a rambling tlrado against Mr. Kosewator and Tim Br.n. "I'll got ovnn with them. Now Is my tlmo to have revenge. You will see nome fun be fore 1 got through. " Those and other ram bling threats were rapidly given expres sion to. Then ho got the assessment books ami utter looking through them about nu hour , asked for a blank complaint , which ho filled out , to the nffcct that the personal property or Tins lien publishing company and TUB Unr. building company was assessed too low. This complaint was left with the board. As Mr. Creighton walked out of the room , ho was heard to say : "I'll ' bo back when you reach the Fourth ward and then we'll find out whether I am to pay more taxes than other people or not. " The board was at work yesterday on Third ward complaints , of which there are six or seven hundred , very little head way has been made thus far. The viiluatlon of Charles JJolndorff's lot was raised from $11.-100 to 512,000 , and J. L. Lovott's from $ i,780 ! to $3,000. whllo II. Hornstion , whoso property was returned at $ l,20i ) is reduced to Jl.UOO. None of the largo assessments have as yet been reached. Initiators null Impostors. The unequalled success of Allcock's Porous Plasters as an external remedy has stimulated unscrupulous parties to put forth imitations , which they endeavor to sell on the reputation of Allcock's. It IB an absurd ity to speak of them in the same category as the genuine and original porous plaster. Their pretentious are unfounded , their vaunted merit unsupported by facts , their alleged superiority to or cqualjty with Mlcock's a false pretence. The ablest medical practitioners aud chemists and thousands of grateful patients unite In declaring Allcock's Porous Plasters .ho . best external remedy known. AN O'NKILiIj 3IA.N A. Wealthy Fanny Acquires Wisdom from a Confidence Henry Uced , a prosperous farmer from O'Neill , Is the latest victim of confidence operators reported in Omaha. Mr. Uocd has been laboring for a numucr of years on his Nebraska farm , and has succeeded in gaining a supply of cash that warranted him in re tiring from the work. Ho sold his farm several days ago for S5OJO and started for ills old home at Mar.shalltowu , Iowa , where lie has a daughter living. IIo arrived in Omaha yesterday with $150 in his pocket and started out to see the city. It was the old story. A young man moi him and offered to show him the signts. In the course of the ramble the formnr informed liced that ho was going to Marshalltown also and finally secured a loan of $100 on a bogus chock for ten times that amount. The young 'man left Keea in n stairway of the Anderson block on Sixteenth street while ho went up to see a man. It was only after six dreary hours of waiting that it dawned upon the farmer that ho had been duped. Ho then reported the matter to the authorities. "Tho cuss was so dinged polite that I'd loaned him a thousand dollars If he'd asked for it , " said Heed In recounting his tale of woo. "Well , well , " ho continued , "we're never too old to make dinged fools of our selves. " Reed took an afternoon train for Marshall- town. Mnko no Mistake. By dispelling the symptoms so often mistaken for consumption , Santa Able has brought gladness to many a household. By its prompt use for breaking up a cold that too often develops into that fatal dis ease , thousands can bo saved from an un timely grave. You make no mistake by keeping a bottle ot this pleasant remedy in your house1. CaliforulaCat-r-.Curo is equally effective in eradicating all traces of nasal catarrh. Both of these wonderful California remedies arc sold and warranted by Good man Drug Co. ? 1 a package , U for $ ii.50. Holllns District PuviiiK Bonds. The $2',000 worth of bonds sold by City Treasurer Rush Monday were sold in two lots. Bids were received from the Omaha Loan and Trust company , which offered 2 per cent ; John A. McSlmno , who wanted all of them at 195 premium ; S. A. Keano & Co. , of Now York , 8100.57 , or a premium of ? 1,445 ; W. J. Hayes & Sou , Now York , $887 premium ; Brewster , Cobb & Estabrook , of Hoston , J10II.50 premium ; Koft'man & Stanton - ton , Now York , $104.05 ; Ulatio Bros. & Co. , Boston , $103.0375 ; Farron , Leach & Co. , Now York , $104. The Omaha board of edu cation offered St. 07 for $3,590 , and got them. The other $1,859 , which are for alley pavjng , went to S : A. Ke.m & Co. An these bonds are pavnblo in from ono to nine years , they were not as desirable as though placed at long time , therefore the amount received for them is considered largo. An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINTMENT is only put up in largo two-ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hunds.jind all skin erup. tlons. Will positively cure all kinds of piles- Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at 25 coats per box by mall UO cents. licensed to Wed. Marriage licenses were Issued to the fol lowing pai ties by Judge Shields yesterday : Name and Residence. Ago. ( Froa Luchsingor , Omaha . 2 ( | Louise Noblting , Omaha . IS ( Richard C. Hewitt , Omaha . 20 ( Mary MoKittrick , Omaha . 2t 1 Joseph Murray , Omaha . 2-1 | Auiiio Anderson , Omaha . 23 ( Jeremiah Honnosioy , Leo. Neb . 2o \ Belle McGinty , Omaha . 20 I Frank C. Dwolloy , Omaha . 21 ] Eva A. Robbins , Omaha . 22 The Now Yor.c I A fa . The Now York Life people announce that their now building will bo thrown open next Thursday for the inspection of.tlio public , and a general invitation has boon extended to all tboso who may desire to sco tholr great building. Absolutely ThjBpowdernoror yarlos , A. marvelo f ga n | utrennth \vlioluinmono31 * . Moroecon airau tbHu th ordinary KliuU , and cannot ba aoaS . competition with the multitude * of loir oat fhortwolghtalumor phospaiu powd ri. Sola only In cut ) " . Royal Unklni ! I'ovrder Coia > i WttlUtroot Now lorfc. Continuation of our O-reat Sale of Spring and Summer Clotliing to Close tlie Season. This sale is greater tlian any we ever had. Thousands are taking advantage of this sale to buy Fine Clothing , at lower prices than have ever "been offered before. For the next 30 days we will offer the most extraordinary "bargains in every department in our establishment. Ready made clothing department , Furnishing G-oods department , Hat and Cap department , ever shown in America. The time has come for closing out our spring and summer weights. The opportunity is yours. MEN'S READY-MADE DEPART this line but pure , all wool suitings an' ' * sale for $2.60 per suit. This is the price MENT. remember , a 3)10 ) suit nt the Continental A special bargain line of Men's all paid for a cheap grade of satinet , but in In our Mon'H Ready-Mado Depart is just as closely inspected in regard to wool Cheviot Pants In n neat dark this line wo offer a good honest wearing ment wo offer 160 Biuta of Men's Flno making and trimming as the higher Btrlpod ehovlot , in nil about 200 palra , material , in colors suitable for school Whip-cord Suits In 3-button cut.vways , grade of goods. There arc goods in this will bo offered at this sale nt the un wear in all , ono -of the best values at $15.00 per suit. Tlicso are gooda line that cannot bo bought outside of the heard of price of S2.-25 nor pair. Send for vacation wear wo have ever offered. which have sold in our stock all season Continental for less than $15. Our price us your measure and P. O. order for for S22 per oult. Made from nn imported is only $10. S2.25 for a pair of this lot mid they can ported worsted , elegantly trimmed1 , anil not fall to bo satisfactory. Wo know OUR LINE OP PINE SUITS AT $5. of a suitable wciglit to wear nt any sea what those goods are worth. They were Complimentary remarks are made by son. Wo claim that tills line cannot never bought for loss than S3.60. our customers when they examine out1 bo bought outside of the Continental PANTALOON DEPARTMENT. line of line Cassimoro ana Cheviot Suits for loss than $22. Our price at this sale at $5.00. I.uring ) this sale the variety will bo 815. All eizos from 84 to 41. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S DEPART will bo larger than over , mid wo nro If you purchase a suit of this lot and PRICE S3.GO. sure of one fact , that every garment it Is'not found to bo as represented , the MENT.- Bold out of this dopartmo nt will crivo purchase nionoy will bo refunded. Wo It is our custom at the close of each Boys'Long Pant Sulla , ages 10 to 14 perfect satisfaction , and n customer oversold cannot send samples of the cloth , but BOUSOU to make special prices on our years , price $5.50. sold will always bring their children to will send n sample suit to any address , pantaloon stock to clear up the broken We offer the greatest bargain line of the Continental to bo fitted. Our var and if it Is not satisfactory , may bo ro- lots. Lagt spring wo liad an immense Boys' Long Pant Suits , ages 10 to 14 , iety is larger , the quality is just as re turncd at our expense. Send to us for sale of plants at $3.6C per pair. Wo will wh'ich wo have never sold at $5.50 per presented , and our prices are lowe ? self-measurement blanks. Remember uffor this week another special bargain suit. Nothing larger than 14 , In pure than are paid for inferior goods at other the price , $16.00 , in frock suits. lot including some very choice styles of nil-wool Cassimores andChoviots-goods places. which wo have sold all season for 87 andS silk mixtures Cheviots Cassimores nud ' , , MEN'S SACK BUSINESS SUITS. Fancy Worsted , at the same popular. $ S , at the unheard of price of $5.50 , to Wo have reduced prices on our Fine price of $3.60. Many of these styles clear up this on tire lino. Wo cannot FURNISniNG GOODS DEPART- Business Sack Suits to a tower average have sold all the season for So and $6. send samples of this cloth , but always MENT. than we have ever shown since wo have This is an opportunity to buy something bear in mind that you need not hosituta ecu in business. Wo can afford to do line nt a very low price. Samples nro to send us a postal-note for the amount Special " prices " on " Fine Underwear. ht as wo manufacture our own goods shown in our windows. Mall orders and if the goods nro not perfectly satis " Vacation Shirts. and in largo quantities. Wo have had must bo accompanied with postal note factory , wo will pay all express charges ' Fancy Hoisory. a successful season and nro determined for the amount and any pair not found and refund your money. " Neckwear ' not to carry ever n light weight suit. perfectly satisfactory , mny bo returned Boys' Shirt Waists. MEN'S $10 SU1TSALE. at our expense. Length of the leg and The most attractive part of this sale Is waist measure are the only measure BOYS' KNEE PANT SUITS , PRICE our largo line of suits marked down to ments required. The styles are nil neat S2.60. HAT DEPARTMENT. $10. Wo will not attempt a description mixtures in medium shades , very few 250 Boys' Knee Pant Suits , in a neat Prices in Straw lints for Men's , Boy's of those goods ; they must bo seen to loud styles among them , so you are per gray ana black check and brown and Children less than cost. Our object ia- bo appreciated. There is nothing in fectly safo.in ordering. gray striped cheviot , arc marked at this to sell every Straw Hat in stock thU wceli. Omaha , Boston , Hew York , Des Homes. . Proprietors BONPREOEDNTED ATTRACTIO 50 OVER A MILLION DISTOIBUT3D. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated by ths Legislature , for Kduca- tlnmjl mid CharltuWo purpose ? , unil Its fran chise made a part of tlio present State Consti tution , In 1S7'J , by an overwhelming popular vote. , Its MAMMOTH DRAWINGS Into place semi annually ( Juno nnd December ) , and its GKAKD SINGLE * NDMlJEll DKAW- INGS take place In each pf the other ten months of the year , nnil nro all drawn In public , at the Academy of Music , New Orleans La. FAMED FOR TWJTY YEARS For Integrity of its Drawings , and Prompt Payment of Prizes , Attested as follows : " \Ve do hereby certify that wo supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly ana Seml-An- nuul Oiawlugs of the Louisiana Htato Lottery Company , and In person mimaso and control tno Drawings themselves , and tlmt the gamu are eonductt-d with liouosty , fairness , and in coed faith toward all parties , anil wo authorize the company to use this certltlcato , with fac similes ot our signatures attached , In Us adver tisement * " COMMISSIONERS We , the undersigned Ranks and Hankers will pay all 1'rlzos drawn lu the Louisiana State Lotteries wlilcU may bo presented at our coun ters : It. it. WALMSr.EV , Tres. Louisiana Nat.nank I'IKHRB LANAUX. I'res. State Nat. Hank. A. HALDW1N , Pros New Orleans Nat. Hank CAHLKOHN. Pros Union national Hank. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING , At tlio Academy of Music , Now Or- Jonns , Tuesday , July 16 , 1889. CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000 100,000 Tickets nt 820 ; Halves 810 ; Quar ters fB5 ; Tenths 2t ; Twentieths $1. * MST Of IMI1ZE3 1 P1H55K OK K W.i 3 is . 100,000 1 I'KIZK OP I < 0.03Jls . 1CO(10) ( 1 1'KI/i : OlMJ.OOO la . tt,001 ) i I'Ki/.i : OF ur. . , is . iii.oD ) 5 I'KI/l'.S OP 10,000 are . i'O.OOJ 6 PIUBKS OF fi.OOOuru . . . 2i , , ) ) 2fl 1MI1X.KS OF l.OJOaro . : yoOJ KM IMir/.KS Ol f.nOaro . 60,0)0 ) BOO PJU/.H8 OF aiWaro . . 00,003 WO PltlZKS OF aXJaro . 100.03J AI'IMIOXIUATIOK I'HIZKS. 1001'rlzesof S&OOaro . 150,030 1001'rlzesof : RX)4ira ) . .TO/XH 1001'rizesof JHWaro . S0.030 1HIIM1NAI , 1-lllZKS. oflii Prizes of looaio . rm.ooo 09 ! ) Prizes of IWure . v . lO.OJO 8,131 Prizes , amounting to , . Jl.ftil.FOO NOTB Tickets drawing Capital Prizes are no entitled to Terminal 1'rlzcs. XTS "WAMTE > . llATKS.or anv further informa- ton desired , write leclbly to tlio undersigned clearly statlua your lesidunce , with State. Oouu ty.Ktrcet and Numuer. More rapid return mall delivery will bo assured by your enclojlns uu envelope hcarlna vonr full nddrnii. IMPORTANT. Address. M. A. DAUPHIN. Now Oileam , La. UyordlnarvloUur containing Manny Orclor Issued by all Kxprrss Companies , Now York Exchange , Draft or Postal Note , Address Eogis.croi Letter * Containing Cur- ron:7 to T1IU NUW OltLEANS NATIONAL HANK , New Orleunn , La. REMEMBER T $2 iiv Fouu NATIONAL HANKR ot No w Orleans and the tickets are signed by the President of an Institution whose chartered rittlits Kro rccornlzod In highest courts ; there fore , beware of all Imitations or anonymous ONKlVoLLAIt Is the price of the smallest part or fraction pf a ticket ISSUKU lir USln any drawing. Anything iu our iiarau ottered for less tnan a dollar is u swindle. OMAHA BUSINESS MO raw oat f ! J Aftnr Invoicing ouv clothing stock , we find certain lines of sultn that have not Boldrcftdlly : consequeutly the price 1ms been roducad. An early call will bo to your udvantaco. MAX MKVKlt. ADOLP1I S1KYKH. ItHtubllHlinil 1800. GREAT BARGAIN SALE IN P1AKOS. Price. Cash. Monthly 1 Btclnwny Square JIM.OJ ili.UU 110.1,0 1 Knube Square 175.0J 15.03 10.00 1 Malnos HIOJ. Square. . 175.00 16.UO 10IO ( IHallet , Iavls&Co.tq. ! W..UO 15.0J 10.0J 1 Kmersonl-qunro 100'JO 10.0J 7.00 1 Marshitl \Vpndoll sq. 12.5.00 10.00 g.00 1V , V , KliubiiU Biiuaro 100.0J 10.00 7.0J 1 ChlckerliiK Upright , usedX'yeura 83j.OD 2J.OJ 15.00 I'rlco. dish. Monthly. 1 Mason Hamlln , used 1 year . $75.00 tlU.03 UOO liny lor & Farley , ube l 1 year . 70.03 10.00 8.03 1 Kstey , used 8 inos. , cost liuw 135.W ( . OO.W 10.00 aoo 1 llnrdette . JIJ.OJ 7.03 C.W 1 Taylor A ! Parley . 8" > . 3 8.00 D. ( 1 Mason Hamlln . W.OJ t.00 0.00 lllcattyCTstopi ) . 40.00 8.00 7.00 Kvory Instrument uuanuitacd to bo In good order. Hrlng this ail. witli you , and avoid mis takes. Any of these Instruments taken In ox. ctiango for now at BSJUO price anytime inoue year. Call early and get iv bargain , MAX MEYER & BRO. 1522 and 162 1 FATiNAM STREET. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1878. W. BAKfiil & CO.'S Breakfast Cocoa It ( iliioliitcli/ pure and it l soluble , No Chemicals re uieil In IU preparation. It hai mart Ikan Halt < / " < tin llrtnyU lit Coco * inlicd ulth SUKli , Aminroot or Srgir , and li Ibetcfore far more economical , eotltng In9 laan oiu etnt a et'f. Iti \ dellcluuf , nourUMu ; , ilrcrstUcuin ; , & OILY DIUWTIO , and admlraUlyxlir'tcd for Invalid * ai will aiperioni In braltli. Sold ljr firoccn cierjiilicrc. W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , M C Vnid nil urinary 'rouuiea im ujr. i Ilk I ly and safely curotl ijyDOOTUU. . Can- Bules. ticvoral cases cured iu Beven ctnyu. Bold nt 41.60 per box. nil drucu'lsta , or by mall from Uoctuiu ; Jl'f'K ti. U * WUito B N. V. Fulldlreo- loan. gjjsBgsgaasf'V ' * * 3lpP ยง SSS&Sig H.W.COR. I3FH&DOUCESTS. , , OMAHA.NEB , FOB TUU IBEATIIKKT Off ALL . -PA ! BWP&W9 & . 'MJiiiljiM ' APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. Beet Facilities , Apparat-JiandKrmedIe3foriuc ( < .eejfu' Treatment of every form of DUeato reoulrinE MEDICAL or BUROIOAL TREATKJfHr. NINETY-ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Board fc Attcndince , licit Accommodations in Vfcst , 03-WltITE POE OinOTJUVRS on Deformities and Braces , Triimea , Club Feet , Curvatures cfEjiIic.rilcs , Tumon , Cancer. Catarrh , DroncMtis , Inhalation , Electricity , F"aly i , Epilepsy , KHnw , Bladder , Eye , Ear , SkJnand Hlood nnd all Surgical Oferatione , DISEASES OF IVORO ftJSK'Alif , ,2rSa VTi : HiVK MTELY illllEH A I.YL''O.IX I > nMIlTllK\T HB ) woaBj liuiil\ucoMi\hK > Ar. ( STRICUY fSIVATF. ) Only Reliable Uedlcalloitltutatnaking a Specialty o ( All lllcod niicnei ( ucccnfuUjr IrcnlcJ. 871 tIMIlo I'olion removed from tlio ijiltm without mercury , ht < r ICf.loralhe Treatment furLon of MTAL 1'OHKIU I'Mtlej unable to Tlilt cirniyLolrcJlMntlioiiiet.corrcipocdcncc. . Allcommunlca- tloui confidential. MedlelaeiorlnitrtimrntsEeotbrinnllorex * trcu lecurclr packed , namarli loin Jleiteeonteiilioritmler. Caj pcnonallatcrilew preferred. Call ni eoiuult mcr icnl tUtonr or Tour cmo , nnd we will lend In | il ln unrrer , our Fifing Tfi KFH FREE ! Upon rrli.te. S.eclil | or UUUn IU nlCrt . > ) NcrvoLiniiea eiIrarotencTH/pli. Illi ; Olectnnd V.rlcocolo , vrltlujnMtlun il t. AOdreo OMAH A. MEDICAL & BUUOIO AI. INSTIT UTE , ISth and Datlge Btrecta , 013AHA , KEB , Dit.R.O.YJSST'S NKUVB AND HHAIN IIK- HUNT , a guaranteed snoclUo for Hysteria , DIzzl- uoh . Convulsion" , I'lt8. Nervous NcnralRla , HoaUache , Nervous Prostration caused by ths use of alcohol or tobacco , U'tikofuiucsH , .Mental Deiru5 ) loii , Softening of tli Hratn , re'iultlnijln lumtnlty and InadlUK to misery , decay unit death , I'lematuraOld As" , Harronness. Loss of i'ower In either BISK , Involuntary Lossas and Spermat- orhtcacaused by orur-exertlonof thobruln.eelf. abuse or ovcrindulccnco. Kacli box contain ? cne month's troatmunt , H.OJabox.or six boxen for W.W.sont by mall iirep ld on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxej , accompnnleil with 85,03 , we will send the purchaser ourwrllttin guarantee lo ro tund thu money If tlio treatment Ooei not oiroct a euro. Guarantees Issued only by Uoodinan Drug Co. , Drug/tints / , Holu Agont. . ) , Ilia farnara ( treat. Oiualii lietb . . QT. JOHN'S MIWTAUV SCHOOL. O MANL1U8. N. V. Civil Ilnt'lneerlni ' , . CJlasnlcs. Huslness. ItT , HBV. I'.li , MUNTINOTON , I'resldent I/r. t'ou W. ViitHiCK. : : Haijierintemleiit TOKW VOU1C MIL1TAHV AOADI5MV COHN' Jwalloii'lliulHou. . Cor , . C , J , Wuunir , H. B. , A. M. , 6upt.H ; V. IIVAix , Conid't ot Cadets. " FEMALE" ACADEMY I'lrramtorv nnd t ollr lalu cmi wi , Illrraluro , UnKiuf at muiUoutt. K. f. ULUJIIU , nincli l. Jacksontillc,111. FOR MEATS , FISH , 80UPS , GRAVIC8 , Sauce do. We make you a pair of rTPCBAsrygciUQ Vect Trousers for $5 , you can buy them elsewhere at 1409 DOUGLAS . STREET. $7 to $8. We get your Trousers money. You see a style you like , at $13 to made $15 a pair. to You come to us and find our price is $9i niensiiro What do in suits you can is as nt extraordinary. It isn't alone the price , Better Novel designs than are to be found any Prices. where else You're generous with yourtrade , Suits so shall we be with goods , prices and work 118 templing. Tfi ill ! ETCHINGS , J EMERSON , ENGRAVINGS , HALLET St DAVIS , ARTIST SUPPLIES , ' KIMBALL , MOULDINGS , JPIANOS AND OR3 AN3 FRAMES , SHEET MUSIO. 1513 Douglas SI g m Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines. Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc , Itomnrluiblo for powerful sympathetic tone , piinblu notion and absolute dura bility ; iJO ycuro' record tlio Jiost guaran tee of the excellence of these instru ments. C. E. & C. M. ANTHONY. 3121st Nat'l Bank Building , Omaha , - Nebraska FARM LOANS Jxjw rates for Clioloo Loans. Tltloj nnd values i ) st < ] upoiil > rotiintly amUo.itu cloted without delay , no.ul correauoudeutu wuutuil lu No * rus ka emu CEiiiiL numiuiiH Paris Universal Exposition . - _ . . . . I'nrllcaditflrlnjicoocl ncrommoilnll on on tlio ne\r laritu cijuvn tteuiueu ut tlie I'jiuu ua FRENCH MAIL LINE , ( V'lilrti urn noted for tbclr regularity , oiiual to rail * roa'l trulni , ! n inukln ; tlio trip to Jluvro-riuli In uao week , uio uilvlieU to Malic L'iirly .AppUeatlon fur Itcrtlis. Tiil li ttlio neccunrf on iifcount of Ilia LeatT truvel tluilutf tlio ej'ilnKuiiU tutuuiur inontLi , McCAGUE BROH. , 105 South 16th St. , IIAUHY E. MOOCES , 1002 FurwunSt , , II. L. If ALL , 122I1 Farnum St. , J. U , GUEEN , 1601 Furnum St. , Ainut8 , Ouuilin , Nob. MAUHICK W , KO/.M1M3KI , NESS CUttEDtr < i'.rat , | JUBUU.UTlltUA1fAkCUSIIIOHI nklip < nhrar < l UllMlCenr ) rt M . ll Kttut/Iti mu liunrml Uwk * fi < fci , k. 3f ,