THE OMAHA DAILYJ BEE : WEDNESDAY , JULY 3 , 1889. SPECIAL .NOTICES. OMAHA. t No ndvprtlsomentfl will be tnkcn for ilicso coin in IIR nftcr 111:00 : p. in. Terms CftRh In ndvnncr. . Advertisements under this head 10 ce . . par line for the Qr t Insertion , 7 cents for eacu nub. neqnent Insertion , and Jl.riOpor line per mouth. No advertisement taken for less than 25 cents tor tlrA Insertion. Seven words will bo counted \o \ the Una ; they must run consecutively and must be paid In ADVANCE. All advertise * ments must bohanded In before 12:30 o'clock p. n , and tinder no clrcumstnncoi will they bo taken or discontinued by telephone. I'm tic a advertising In theio columns and haT > Ing thdr answers aodresitcd In care of Tun HRB win picnvi ask for n check to enable them to set their letters , an none will hedellvcrcd except on presentation of check. All answers to ruhor- UtCRunts Rhould beenclosed Inenvelopes. , All nilrrrtlsomcntH In these columns are pub lished jn botn moiniuq and evening cdltlrnis of Tun lire the clrctilntion ot which aggregates more tlmn ic.cxo papcra dally , nnd gives tlio ad- vcrtlsrra the bnncllf , not only of the city elicu. lotion of THE Hr.K , but nlco of Council Hluffs , Lincoln nnd other dtle.s nml towns throughout thin to t loll of tha couutry. BRANCH OFFICES , Advertising for these columns will be tnken on the above conditions , at the following busi ness bouses , whoaroauihorlredugontsforTiiB JIK ) fs'wclal notlcox , mm will quota the same rates ) as can lo hnd at jhp main olllco. JOHN wruirLLrPh Taclst.'aioSoutu'Tentu Sttogt. OH ASP. & EDDY , Stationers and printers , 113 South Kill Street. B H. PAHNBWOHTH , Pharmacist , S113 Cum- IngHtri-ot , J. HUGHES. Pharmacist , C24 North ICth Street. GEO. W. PAHH , Pharmacist , tM St , Mary's Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTKI ) Situation by nrst clusa candy luuKtr In rolall catabllnlimcnt ; good band on bonbons , caramels , butter cups. Ilos- ton chips , nnd all Now York novelties In cnn- aios. Aildietui.l. A. Hauillton , 4C.8 .Lust Town- gend gt. , llultlmoro. MO. 1KJ I. " "VX7"AM'iD : Jiy n country young man , n situ- TI ntlon ns > cnnchman ; undeistands taking care of homes. If not found cnpablo mid In dustrious no pay will bo required. Address , Marlon Abbott , Kile City P. O. , Douglas Co.Nou. 330 tit POSITION by stenographer nnd typewriter. WagcM moderate. Addicss.J.T.M. , postolllce. 1,14 4 * WANTED situation ns drug olork by n younttman of 114 yoursoxporienco ; steady liobits and good Bnlesinan ; not registered. Ad dress W. H. it. , Hex 101. llluo Springs , Nob. "OKSPECTAHLE married person wants dally JLvcmployment ns useful help lu household dutiesor can teach young children : thoroughly dompstkiated. Address D ! t. . I tee olllco. 113-3t AN uxperleucod grocorwants a situation as traveling salesman In northern Nob. Ad dress D 1J Hce. _ 030 4t TJ1XPEHT accountant wants complicated .U'books and partnership matters to ajust. Address C13 , lice. COSJyli-t VVAiJTFD--tVn/ : HELP. ) Two men with fair education to VT act ns county managers. Deposit of S 'u required. Salary $75 to J10U p r montb. Cnll or I address Davis & Shnhaii , 519 Hamire lilocu , 124 4 M WAKTIID W stone cuttern for cuttfng curb. C. 1) . Woodworlh , 1'iU DouglriS. 143 _ AN'ILD A llrst-class balesman for gen eral dry goods ; stoxe near Omaha ; must talk gi" man. J > 1'0 , lioe olllco. rANTED 2. " ) to 30 teams at Floience to haul sand. Anioilcan Waterworks. 1U 4 ANTED Several good bojs for factory work. Address OSS , Heo olllco. 147 41 w- Agents , both sexes , to sell the Handsome Tidy Holders , 40) percent crotlt. One mxniplo pnlr mailed for It ) cents In stamps. 1' . O. Hex > Carroll , la. HIM * "VVAN'IED MPH to soil Shetland mountain > ponies. Bnmplo pair free on business like conditions. Largest nerd fancy spotted ponies In America. Letters nnswcred if a self- uildresaod stoinpod envelope Is enclosed. Pro prietor "Shetland Pony Knuch , " Vun llniib , lloxar coiintv. 'lux. 1MK1 * SOL1CIT.OHS-10 llrst-clnss men irhnted , rnf- orencn required , at room C , No , 141'J Dodge st. 3. J.llovti. 105 at P ANTK1) An experienced milker nt 4115 bnunders st. 104 St WANTED 4 colored waiters out of city , fore paid ; ! ' garden hands ; 4 farm hands ; ex perienced man In livery stable. Mrs. IJregn B14M 8 lith. H3 at WANTED Hcgisterod phainmlst , onewldo awaku and well posted. Position perrna ncnt for rlglit man. Address D 23 , lice ollice. 107 1 W ANTED Two men of good address to ran MISS and sell goods. Callnt 1019 Howard street. 114-3 ; MEN to travel for the Pomhlll Nuiserles o Canada , Wo pay $30 to $110 a month nml oxpousen to agents to acll our Canadian grown stock. Ad. Stone & Wellington , Mndison , 1is , 891 WANTED llallrond laborers , rockmen and track layers for Washington Territory wages ami steady work , at Albright' ! Eood abor Agency , U-'O 1'arnam st. b92 ' ANTED At once , an onergotlo salesman I' in every town to sell teas , colloes , spices , extracts , b.iklng powders , groceries , etc. , to I'E hotels , lestaurnnts , farmers and other large consume ! nt wholesale prices ; uxcluMvo ter ritory gl\on. Address the Edgworth Mercantile < tile Co. . 1447 Statu uti Clilcago. 838 r.- E V\ANTED A good olllca man to go east V T must Invest $ ,500 : must be a good business man. Address the Goo. 8. Cllno Publlshlnp House. 315 to U21 Wabash avo. , Chicago , HI. 791 "I/yANTlJD Haiiroad iabonts fur new worK .V in Wyoming. Teamsters , whcolor holdeirt Jilck nud shovel men , nnd rock nnd tunnel men , Steady worc and good Job. Per trausportatlo apply nt Albright's labor agency , 1120 1'arnai : Bt , Omaha. 70J "XIJANTED K5 weekly representative , mal or female , in every community. Good Staple ; household necessity ; sell at bight ; n < peddling ; salmv paid promptly , nnd cj > pense advanced. I'ult particulars and valuable samp ! case IIIUP. Wo mean just what wo say ; nddrus ; ntonce , BTANDAHD SILVEH WAHE CO. . llos ton. Miss. fc84 WAMTED--FEMALE HELP. S7"ANTHO-Good girl. Small family. 41 N. ffld St. 1GO-3J _ r pirl w anted at 212H Oodgo st. good girl to do kitchen work. Nimo nee pply without good references. VtrANTRO Girl for general house work I'i Jl > German preferred. 715 N.23rd st. 140 4 * S THONG girl for general housework. 40 S. 2Jd street. 1SJ-4J WANTED A girl for general house work. ] uqulloj NT.LEdliolin12544 Chicago. 1US 6 WANTKI ) Sensible middle-aged woman as housekeeper for n widower ; must get breakfast ready by 0o'clock ; good w ages. Mrs , S WANTED i good cooks for private board ing houses , $ JJ to 125 ; 4 laundry girls , H coed girls for < ountry , competent girl forilapid City , Dnk. , { LM ; slanndressuD tor Wyoming. i-M , fare paid ; Ml for general housework. Mn > . llrogn. 'ill i B. lUh. 117 g * WANTED First class cook and laundress ; alto second girl. Apply at 4SI north : Brd' Bt. , com or Can * . Hl-U WANTED A girl for general housework ; good wages , Mrs. H. W. Cremcr. lixi Wob- oter fct1 _ _ _ _ _ ' ' _ _ _ 10J 3 } WANTED Ladles at ot.ce at 11CJ st. Ml 6t WANTF.D A nnrso for a child 2 years old ; must bo ot good illcnosltlon. IntelllKont , neat uud willing , UJOiiSt. tlary's ave. 8-io WANTED compotout girt , one who nn- ( itrt > tands cooking , waihlog und ironing thorouahly ; noothur nooiLnpply , Jlrs.M. Hell- jnan. goUO Bt. Mary'B avo. * 7M ) TXTANTED-Glrltoao tocond work and take \ \ cure of clilhl three yra old ; noue but competent - i potent need apply ; German pipferrod. ! ! 40ii St , - Klrl to coot , wash and WANTKD-Gotxl . M. llushman , eli S , 17th. DRESSMAKING. to do dressmaking In fami lies solicited. JIIss Sturdy. IMsgvth ave. TVOSSMlriNlCK ha removed berdiessmnlc nr J.ij.parlor > > fromiuisilowurd to ir-'ll.etivenwth Blie' will be pleased to UavecuAtumeis call. tfH-jyT ' BOARDINC. TflHST-clttsa day board , 1M WANTEO--TO KENT. WANTED-3 or 3 furnlihol room * for lluht lionsekeepliii ; by youni ; irnrtiwl couple , Btate tonns and oTocation. Juifren PUl ! > WANTED For August and Fcptember , rooms andlonrd ror gentleman , wife and daughter In country house , shaded and pleasant and easily accessible from city. Hest accom modations only wanted , for which good price will be paid. Address , with particular * , D 29 , llee Onice. lh-4 * _ _ FOR RENT-HOUSES. "TIKI It JIENT A nlceft-roora cottage with many J- ' conveniences , KH 8. 17th ave ; rent moderate. Adply K4 8. lUll St. 071 _ T/lOIl HENT-1 3-room house , 13239 Wobitor St. , JL1 hard and aott water , 1 block from street car , > H per month. VM aj T7IO H HENT-Dcslrabloomco , 1517 Douglas. L 103 T710H HKNT 7-room Hat , modern convent' JL1 cnces , Lange block. 613 3. 13th st. 091 fTidft KENT Furnished house t immediate JL' possession. CalliM So. ffith st. 7W 1M IrriOH HEM' Xlco 8-room Hat , newly papered , - f--lBa _ Howard t , in meat mnrnet. fS > TTDlt HENT 7-room corner Hat. l tn nnd JJones. . 00 _ I7\OH \ HENT 14-rdom house. 1811 Cumins st. ; -L good bnrn nml sheds ; modern Improve ments ; cheap to right parties. G , L. Grtcn , 310 B. liAll hi KXt _ 2 SEVEN room houses , 814 and 618 8. ad , near Mason. Enquire at 84J 8. SJd _ 81U-7 1DESIDENCE3 in the Wm.J.Pnulblockcor.lOth JLXand Chicago Most modern and attractive. Will bo ready about July 10th. Apply , Paul.icoa Farnam. 443 _ 1I71OH HENT Furnlshod house tor summer ; -L ? convenient , desirable location. Address D-'O Ueo. bos 4t jH HENT Now lt-room ) bilck ; nil inodorn J ? Improvements , on 17th st.between Nicholas nd Paul , at only $10. A. P. Tukoy. 15th nnd Jouglns. 115 JT ° " HUNT 5-room house , 2534 Chicago st. 1011 UKNT-3-room house nt COS N. 13th st. lT\UUNISlliihimse.20th \ : and bt. Mary'o avo. . -U townttlll Oct. 1st. 7 rooms , bath and "aundry to family without children ; references required. David .lamloson , .114 S 15th Bt , 6Ti : 71OII HUNT Neat 4-room cottage , city water , - 1'i miles from 1 * . O. D. a Patterson , 314 a. 2tli. 1J3 T7IOU UKNT-fi Ilooms and kitchen at 1111 J-1 Dou gins st. , or U nud 2 rooms front. 128 % ; * rplIN rooms , perfect repair , modern convcn- -Llpnces. walerrrnt paid by owner. 2.'liand ! KISLeavenworth st. w'i per monlh. llughO. "lark , loom 7 , Chamber ot Commerce. 137-0 * FOU ItKNT Neat cottage. K0por month. C. T. Hnirlsoii , Merchants Nutlonal Dank.J51 J5-1 T710U IIKNT 0-room cottage , city water and -t ? gns , nicely sltuifel within block of cable nnd liorsu car line ; nn tiJo. Inquire 143U N. ISth. 1M 4 * TOOK HENT 8-room house , evervthlng JL1 modern , near cable , C minutes walk from ' . O , K , ihelton , 1503 Parnam st. 1414 ? TTlOlt KENT Now 7-room house with city -I ? water nnd bath. Acply2S2a 1'ralikUn nt. or loom C03 Merchants' National"balik. 1317t FOH HENT A. detached P-room house , all modern lonveniencos. Enq.2oJ3 CnpltOlnvo' ( hotel on Ilroadway anda'th st. . V Councll Illulls. for rent and furniture for sale. Inquire 111 S. 14th St. , Mrs Schul ? ! . US1W oil KENT 14-room brick dwelling , nil con- venlences , 5 blocks fiom P. 0. 21UN. IHthst. HOUSE'for lent. InquireSVSJ Dodge st. st.7'730t 7'730t ' "IjAOK HUM' A nicely fmulshed house In most Jt ? dislrable residence location in thn city , on street cor line , llfteeii minutes walk. Will tate pint of lent in board nnd room ; want man nnd wife ; no children. Kofercnco required. Dnvld Colo.310 S. 15th at , tl ! house to rent till Oct. 1st. looms , bnth nud laundry to family without children ; lofotences required. Dima Jamie- son , 311 S luth st. S'i- TJ10H HKKT 3-room fl-room . - or - cottngo. ou JJ pavement , car line , largo yard , city nud cis tern water , shade trees ; rent $10tmdI8. Co- oppfati\ Land le Lot Co. . 2Q'i N. ICth st. 6 10 30 OK KENT Dwelling , 0 rooms , good stable and nil modern tonenioncos , Cupllol nve. , 2 blocks from High school. D. J. O'Donahoe , 1C01 rnrnam st. 6SJ FOR RENT ROONlFURNISHED - G1 .OOD loom with bath. 010 S. 23th st. FOlt RENT Furnished cottogo of 6 rooms L. A. S. Loan & llental Agency , cor. 10th and Howard sts. H5 T7IOHHENT Furnished room , with board 17S4 J ? Dodge. 8K4 FURNISHED rooms by day. week or niontt bt. Clalr hotel , cor Uth uud Dodge. 8K ! OOM with or w ithout board. 1812 Dodge. l 0 JTIOH KENT llooin. 1821 Howard. EOT I/IUHNISHEI ) or unfurnished house for rent J. in Park Terrace , opposite Hanacom park ; all modern conveniences. Inquire Lee , ' Nlchol , IHth and Lea\ anorth. . b'JS ri O HUNT New furnlshod rooms two blocks JL frompostoDlce ; housu has nil modern Inv provcmcnts ; board It desired. 1015 Capital avo. TjWH KENT Ilooms , with llrst class boaraif J-1 dejtred , 018 S. 19th St. 009 0 ? " \XrANTKD-3 young men to take room am ! TT good board In pri\-nte family ; everything llrst-class ; all modern conveniences ; only minutes' walk from P. O. ; pilce $25 per mo . best of references required. Address D ll.lloo. 877 "IJIOH HENT Large east front room , gas , U bath , etc. , OU N. Uth St. 881 2 ? TJ1OII HENT Nicely furnished rooms with or JL ? without boat d. 1721 Davenport street , S5J 4t "I.J1UONT room near postoHlce , X3 N. 17th. "C1011 HENT Furnished room , 171- Douglas st. FOH HENT Large furnished fiont room , also front nnd back pnrlor niifuiul < ned with board. I.nqiilre at 1U10 Capitol A\enue. tt07 O HOOMS Light housekeeping , S14,131t ! N. 18. - 715 FOH HENT Fmmshod room with orwilh out board. 1C11 Douglas st. TJ10K HENT Elegant south room for gentle JD man. 1707 Dodge st. 843 F 10U linNT Furnished room , M3 Dotlge st. F I Oil KENT Furnlshod rooms , 2209 Dodge. 710 n TTHIH HENT A large and small well furnished -L front rooms , all modern conveniences , and board , 2u'05 Farnnm. C'JU'TO ' FOH HENT Two parlors front and on llrst lloor. All modern cownlonces. 1001. Douglas. S"E loom and double room , every con veulcnco , 190S Capitol ave , .78 > OOMS and board , lud and lua So. 25th st. K01 .X 270 July 8 f "VTICELY rmnlslied looms , board If desired i > gas , bath .electric bolU , etc. 1G09 Douglas 107 TjllIHMSHED room for rent utter Juno2J Ju 2024 Hurt zt , 1W FORRENT--KOOMS UNFURNISHED tit. Inquire at store. &J5 POH HENT Until October 1 , large furnlshod house , call 204 S. 25th. 'VM FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. X'TIOK HUNT S lloors front half Hemls build' X' Ing , power , hoot , eloctilc light. luquliootDco of llemU Omaha Hag Co. 157 JyJl _ TOH HEM' Tlio 4 story bricK building with JU or without power , formerly occupied by The llee Publishing Co. , 910 1'arnam t. The Unllu- ing ha a lire proof cemented basement , com- plato Bteaiu heutln ? ttxtures , water on all the iluoie , gas , etc. Apply at the onico of Tlio Hue. Olfi T710H HKNT-Store :8xM : : HIS Jackaon st , -U Enquire 1114 Jaekaon. 899 TJ10H HENT-btoreroonis at Nos. 1PU aud 1917 JC cumlut ; bt. tJ.1par month each. Potter & Cobh. IfiUl 1'arnam. ail 'J OFl'ICE To rent Furnished elezuntly pr uufuruiahed. Uushmnn block , N. 1C. Cor. IB and Douijlas. C48 Foil HENT-Comfortableetore rooms in tlio Her building , eujCU : good location for har ness ( hop. AUo , two baseineutis llghl andalry , 44x U ) , under hardware utoru : good location for tin fihop. Apply ( o A , C , Huymer , hardware store , \ler \ bullcJlntr , corner Jackson and Kith st TT > OH HENT-Stororoomsat Sot. lOli'and 1917 JU cumlng st. feu prr month each , potter it Cobb. UXJI Fiuiium. 811 a * f jlOH UENT Stores and living looinj ou Cum- Jin HI , Also house on ( "Jus nt , ll&rrl * , room 411 , l t Nat. Hans. , S.q T71OH HENT-Btontrooms at NcsTjtlli end 19IT JL ? CuuiinL'BU l- " < pr KJuth earn. Potter A Cobb. HOI J arnaia. Ill a MISCELLANEOUS. /AMAHA HuMness College , cor. 16th and Capl. wtol avo. Shorthand Tno largest and most ducccasful shorthand department in tlio state. Standard methods tatiaht. M union's revised of ' 9 a specialty. Call or write for terms. 7U7 GOLLA1KUAL Hank , 312 U. ICth sU , Chnmbo of Commerce. Ix > aus money on chattels and articles " ot value. _ _ _ "jf'.OOIv llBUU-ror rent List your houses J-l with me. I have plenty of customer * . , .LA. Wlchterman , 207 N , IBth st. O.MM1' "ASTIlN O ( Tone , coTloctc J and dolivoro d Gy Mrs. Andrew Sorcnson. 3519 Parker t. < _ fi72Jyl8 GEO. H. JONES , plumbing and gas titling drain laying , sewer nnd water connections a specialty , 1414 Dodeo Btln basement. Omaha , . _ I _ 118 Jy 3 rpHE banjo tnught as nn art by Gcp. 1" . Gel- JLlenbcck. Apply ntlleo onico. W > 0 AHS for 'orders Wanted Ilia mutual Hesorva Hmil Life association dcslrus to employ ono special ngent In each city nnd county in the United States , Canada , Great Ilrltafn nnd France. It also has excellent open ings for good business men mail of these coun tries as managers , general and district agents , Compensation liberal : results certain : position permanent. This company furnishes life In. surnnco at one-half the nsuul rates. It baa iiln-ady paid 8lx nnd one half million dollars in death claims. It has more than two million collars cash surplus. It is tha greatest success over known In life Insurance. Address or call upon E. U. Harper , President , or N , W. lllo s. Vice President , Homo oitlco , 38 Park How , Now York , or upon nny General Manager. _ :64-o UPHOLbTEHING , drnplr.g nnd repairing. Mattresses mndoo\er , 1'lrs t class work , tensoimblo prices. 11. Lehmano , 219 N. 14th. 707 Jv24 LOST. LOST A nmnll black nnd tnn do ; answers to name of "Susie ; " Under will bo suitably rownrded by leaving at 3004 Farnutn fit. or Asst. Oon'l Mgrs. onico U. P. Hy. 127-3 T OST Monday afternoon , n lady's gold Jmntch with chnlu and locket , between 15th itnd I'arnnm nnu 171 h nnd Leiupuwortli. Hcturn o olllco of a. 1' . Morse A. Co. nnd locolve reward. 1201 JTHAYED Saturday afternoon from North OOmahn , going south , n brown mare , with unto foct , star in forehead , n barb wire cut on oft front foot. " Finder please return to City table , Cass and luth st , and receive reward. 101 v FOUND. 1AICHN UP Nearlttuer'B brickyard , dnrk -bay horse , with halter and long rope on , luqulioSSth and Miami sis. N. Olson. PERSONAL. MHS. Perceval ot California , 100T Douplaa Bt. , fortells the future. Ladles and gentlemen. 7oO-J3f STORAGE. TTMHHELLAS aud parasols covered and ro- "LJ paired , 217 S 15th , Iloyd's opera house block. In lubber store. H. Halor. 900 STOHAGE at .low rates nt 1121 Parnam at. . Omaha Auction and Slorago Co. C01 TIHACICAGEatoiago at lowest rates. W. M , Hushman. Ull Leavenworth. 902 T3HANCH A. Co. , Btoiage , 1211 Howard. 903 S'lOHAGE and forwarding. Wo collect and delh ergoods of all dcscrlptlon .merchandlse , furniture and baggage nt cheapest rates for storage for nny length of time. Vans und wagons to be had at shortest notice , with careful - ful men for moving. Pncklng and shipping fiom our own warehouse dona on moderate charge. Merchandise loaded and unloadod. Warehouse on our own Irnck" . Olllco217 S. 14th St. ; telephone 114. Ilowull&Co. 001 CLAIRVOYANT DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , medi cal and business medium. Female diseases 11 specialty. 119 N ICth st. rooms 2 nud 3. Iflj SHORTHAND AND TYPEWTJITINa ITANDAUD shorthand school. Paxton block , uccelsor to Valentine s ( ihorthanil insti tute1 , the largest best equipped shorthand school in the west ; is under the personal su pervision of Joseph P. Megeath. an ox-ollicliil ipporter and state agent of the Hemlngton Standard typewriter , nssl ted by experienced leibatlm reporters. Mechanical couatmctlon of machine taught by t nctiry expert. I'articil' lar attention paid to typexvrltlm ; . Stenogra phers'supplies for sale. Circulars free. DJ * ) WANTED TO BUY. WANTED-Good lubber tire , nlckle plated , new or second-hand Columbia or Victor bicycle with ball bearings. O. C. Otis. Asylum , Neb. 151-2' WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. , 11J1 Farnam. DOS HlntTs. WANTED To purchase , In Nebraska , on established bnslne s ; groceries , general merchandise , or confectionery preferred. Ad dress F. G. II. . Wymore , Neb. 840 3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. / 1AHH1AGES , Horses. Oow. , etc. , \J For Sale. Having derided to remove to California I will sell the following articles very cheap : 1 now Studebuker family carriage. 1 three-spring polo phaeton. 1 two spring phaeton. business buggy. 1 single cutter. 1 now Drunsivick & Balke combination bll < liard and pool table. 3 good black her os , will all work single or double , and nil well matched , 1 fresh Jeisoy cow and cult , ono of the best in the city , a pi izo winner. 1 yearling Jersey cow. 1 fresh common cow. 1 peed "Slnnltou" family Kitchen range and one laundry stove ; one ilrst-class refrigerator , with several other articles. 'Hie abo\e can be been fnr ono week at 332 So. 37th st. If not sold by that date can be seen at my brickyard , cor ner 22nd and Hickory sts. 1C2-4 ir. N. Withnell. O NK hundred tons of Ice for nxle. Address John Olsou , btromsburg. Neb. Hex 2.1. 3W4 FOH SALE Team carriage horses , pricefciOO C. F. Harrison , Mcrclianta' Nnt. Hauls. WANTED To soil flno upright piano , book case , refrigerator nnd other furnlturo : because - cause giving up housekeeping : every thing llrst class and almost new. UJJ N. 27th a\e. 1 29-lt iytOH 8ALK Good family horse nnd phaeton J-1 Inquire , 1 < J09 Chicago st. 1153' FOU SALE At one-hnlf value , 3 line pee tables. Enquire at 1001 S. 1 ith st. 14S-2 * IjiOH SALE Handsome pnrlor billiard table J $50 , cost 8100. J. W. Qrinith , U P n'dquarters 1)98 ) TT10U SALE Oood team , wnmn and narnc-ss complete , cheap. J. J. WlUlnson. BH8 IOII SALE or Trade Pine > oung snddlo pony. D. II. Hall , 24)0 ) Hartley nt. 787 4T ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. , 1605 Par num.Dimple-to abstracts f mulshed andtltles to real estate oxnnituedperf ciud & gtiarantoed MONEY TO LOAN. \fOKRY to loan ou furniture , horse" , wagons JJl-ctc , , or on onj * appioved aecuilty , J. W. Hobblns , 141Ui Vanmm stieet , Paxtou Hotel. 010 TV10NT.Y loaned for 30 , CUor ) days on any liL kind ot chattel security ; reasonable inter eat ; confidential. J. J , Wilkinson , 1417 Fnrnani _ J Oil ONKVtoloan. Harris U.K. i Loan Co. room 411 , First National bank. 913 MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules , household goods , planos.organ ! ) , diamonds , lowest rules. The flrst organized loan ojlico ir tha city. Make loans for thirty to three hun dred and slxty-tlvo days , which canbepulclln part or whole , at any time , thus lowering tno principal and Intorejt. Call nnd see us whei you w ant money. We can asslst j ou promptly nnd to jour advantage without removal o property or publicity. Money always on hand No delay In making loans C. F. Heed A. Co. 319 S. UtfiBt. , o > erlllugham& Sons. U13 "OKSIDENCB LOANS-OS J to 7 per cent , no ad JAiluionul charges for commissions or attor- neyu'feos. W. 1 ? Mettle , First Nat onnk bld'g 014 PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange-The fairest quietest and moat liberal ihonoy exchange in thetlty : inonoy loaned without delay or pub llclty. in any amount , largo or small , at the lowest rates of interest , ou any available , se curity ; loans may bo paid at any time or re newed at original rates. O. Hoiucaren. Mgr. room 57. Darter block , 15th and Varnum. 1)15 ) T .OANS on Improved and umlmproved prop- JUerty at low rates. Odell llroi & Co.,3123 IDili U1U MONEY loaned on furniture , horses am wagons : rates reasonable. City Loan Co. 118 U. i3th st. , opposite..Miilard hotel. 4iM MONEY to Joan at Jew rates by Excelsior Uad Co. , 1110 South' 1MU street , Omaha. 9J1 MONBY to loan on coed llrst mortgages , 1m proved or unimproved property. Slort- S K bousht ana sold. Wullace , room 810 rowu UullUlDir , Itth and Douglas. (23 DONT borrow moneyJijn farnlture , her es , wagons , etc. , or c611uerals ! until you see C. ) . Jacobs , 411 First Nrttiirmil bank building. _ _ H = L _ VTONEY to loan onnnyi security J.U. tor short tlmOv nt low rates. LoweJt/raTes on pcnwvijrt propertri. The Henderson M orrgnffQ Investment Oom- mny , room 400 , Paxton mock. coo _ DEOPLR'8 f inanclaV WchanKO Largo ami Ju small loans for lonir nnd short time , at low- st rates of Interest , ofircal estate mortgage otos. chattels ot all kinds , diamonds , watches nd Jewelry , Don't fall to call If you want fair nd cneap accommodations. O. Houscarou Igr. , room 67 , liarkor blk , 15th aud Parnam. | > > nt& j _ _ _ _ _ " 1 F. nAUHISON lo'instnoney , lowest rates. . . ; _ - .j _ 030 MONEY IiO ns nogotUted at low rates w ith out dflay , and purchlVso goods , commercial inner nnd mortgage notes. S. A. Sloman. cor Sthjxml Farnam _ 017 _ BUILDING loans. JJ. V. Sholes , 810 Plrst Na- tlonal bank. ttM _ M ON BY to loan on real estate nt low rate. J. D. Zlttlo , 4JO Paxtou block. lZlJy-3J O LOAN $2.000 on Rood , nrstmortgapo. In- JL quire of J , T. Jlatuow , room SU , gneoly lilt. tel MON1JV to loan on real estate security , at lowest rates. Do torn negotiating loans sco 31U.llrowii bldg , luth ADoiiRlaa. 1X11 P\O YOU want money ? If co , don't borrow jJbefore gottlnR my rate"which arc the low est on any sum from It up to # 10,000. 1 make loans on household goodn , olanos , or gans , horsc.smulcs , wagons , \ > arohouse receipts , louses , leases , etc. . In any amount , nt the low- sst possible rates , without publicity or removal of property. Loans can bo made for one to nix montnn and ou can pay n part at any time , reducing both irlnclpal and Interest. If you ouo n balance in your furniture or horses , or haven loan on , hem , I will take It up and carry It for you as eng as you desire. It you need money you will flnd It to your ad vantage to BCD mo beforn borrowing. II. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnell building 15th nnd llarnoy. im BUILDING nnd other real estate loans. W. M , Harris , loom ) , Frenzor Block , opp. P. O. fjlIHST mortgage loans at low rates nnd no do- JDiny. D. V. Suoles , 210 rirat National bank. WO WANTED I'lrst class Inside loans. Lowest mtoa. Call nnd see us. Mutual Investment ? o. . U. 1 llarker blk , nth and Fanmm."i ' MONGV to Joan. O. V. Davla Co. , real cstato and loan ngonta. 1'ilfi Tarnam st. DJil MON13Y to loan ; cash on hand : no dnlay. J. W. Smilrv , ISluFarnam st. , 1'lrst National m-nK building. l'-7 ' I CAN mnko n few loans on flrst-class chattel securities nt reasonable rates. W. 1C Potter , room 10. Barker blk. 0-8 TITONKVto Loan Wo nro ready for nppllca- J--Ltlons for loans in amounts from tJOO toll\- 000 on Improved Omahit or Douglas county i eal estate. Pull Information as to rates. Louim iromptly cloaed , Oood notes will bo purchased > y us. Call upon us or write. The JlcCague Imostrnent Co. 018 17"KYSTONU Jlortgago Co.-Loans of JIO to JLVJl.oou ; got our rates before borrowing and save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any approved security , without publicity ; notes l > ought ; for n w loan , renewal of old and low- eat rates.cnlllCMS , Sheeloy bin , 15th.VHowaid st. Oil ) 51II5 Sholcs , room 210 , First Nntl bank , baforo in aklug your loans. \ > X ) B UiLDlNO loans. Lluahan & Mahonoy. LOANS made on rcpl oatato nnd mongagcs bought. Lewis's. Itced Co , U1) ) . Hoard of Trade. ' r l J $300.00. ) to loan at 0 .per. cent. Llnauan & Ma- honey , room 501 Paxtbn block. U21 "VTEUKAfalvA JFortg. Loan Co. will make you a A loan en huUbcUold goods , horses , wagons , laud conti nets , flno jewelry , or socnHtios of any kind without publicity , at reasonable rates. Room 7 , Uoivley block. South Om ilia. Itooms 518-5IU , Paxton bioci , Omaha , Nob. II--J k n - GC. & C. M. Anthony ? D12 1'lrst National bank building miiKufloixus upon tarms in Nebraska and Iowa aud ( improved Omaha city property ; money ready : title and security passed upon here ; no delay ; favorable rates : call or write. KM Jyl7 rri p iHlLAPELHIIIA JIqrtiaso ( & Trust CO. fur nish cheap eastern nMney to borrow crrf.tmr- chase securities , perfect Utles , accept loans at thelrwostern ollice. * George W. P. Coates. robin 7 , Hoard of Trade. 03,5 MONKY to loan onrurnlniro , chattels or real e state. Lowest rates on good loan ? . J. I ) . Emlngor. 1417 Farnnm. room .1 lit" Jy3 BUSINESS CHANCES TJ1OK SA LE- Some A1 second mortgage pnror JJ at a liberal discount. M. A. Upton comn.iny. IGth uud 1'aruam. 1,12 Q WANTED A partner in the hardware bus ! ness In good town , must have S'.TOO c.i h ; good business opportunity for young man who understands the business ; present propilotor wlslws to leave the city. Inquire Hardware , Arcade Hotel , from 9 to 12 a. m , - T710K SALE An established coal nnd feed J3business.Addressp 22 , Heo. _ Qjn.OOO , half cash nnd half trade , AS 111 secnro iDagrooablo business ( monopoly ) , reallzlus ex- Iraoidlnnry eash earnings of Jlu.OJO yearly. In vostlgatlon solicited. Address D 21. Hoe.08t)2 08t)2 ) ? FOIl SALE Grocery Etocc , ilxtures , and do llvory outfit in city ; price trom SVtiO to $7,000. One ot the best in the city. Cash nud good paper. Co Operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. 18th Bt. 092-2 "I7UIU1T. confectionery nnd cigar store , in flrst X1 class locution ; will neil cheap. C09 N. 10th Bans * BAKEHY for rent or Bale.must go out.of busi ness , l.OCO inhabitants , railroad division , west ot Omulia. AddroaM D 12. Heo. C55 FOH SALE-Now , clean , hardware Block and building , 81bOO not prollts IbSJ. Average sales April and May , 1889 , & 21 per dny. Llo- gaut location , J. A. Campbell , Howard. Nob. J5.000 dnis store for cash and real t-stato ; Jtown 15.00J. Honeatoel , Grand Island , Neb. 833 10 ? FOH SALE or Exchange Harbor shop.centor- ly located , doing good business ; owner has outside Interests that ruiod his attention ; will take good clear or small incumbcrod lot as part payment. 1'or particular * call at CIS and 019 Paxton block. Omaha. 818 FOR EXCHANGE. TjlOH EXCHANGE A line farm of 200 acres in JJ Polk county , NOD. , 4 miles from Clarkx , Nob. , to cxch'iugo for cattle ; hO acres under cultivation , house , barn , wagon nciilos nud good feed lot. 'Address 0. Oskamp , 2215 Wob- Btersj.jJmaha. Neb. 915 T71OH EXCHANGE-Kor desirable residence J- property in Omaha , nny or all of follow ing : 40 cholco insldo residence lota in Hasting * . luu lou in Lincoln. ( UOacieHiluo farmlngland , Lancaster county. Pine residence property. Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. Choice family ro3ldouco corner , Los Angolcs. A ncnt residence property in llanscom Place , Also some good mortgage notes. Address , giving location and price of prop erty , J , E. B , , euro Uauin Iron Co. , till Leaven- north. , i a T71OH EXCHANGE Three line tree claim re- llnqulshmonts InWtJtl - - county , Colorado , for stocks of merchandise. Addretia S. C , Chaae , Wallace. Llncdlfl'fpunty. Neb. 051 ri OTHADE Good hqiyte.nnd lot for a farm J-la Iowa. Address OM , Uoo olllce. 102 3t " \XrAXTEt-To trndjs , ft-ttna piano for a horua IT and buggy. Inqalnnu. 1514 Dodget. 'pHOa'OGHAPHEHS' ( Jnull ( ( ( JUtures for Halo X or trade , invoice JbOO ; for particulars call or address Emma TorplnEnL'/with Mrs , J , llensen. ElllllJI 0lWff FOH EXCHANGH-Alvjilosant tract of land containing ) > ncruj , lu Antelope county. Neb. , with ordinary inyjcpveinenU. ' A quarter-section lh"TTaud county , Dakota , partly Improved. orilvj Eighty acres near Council IllulTs , la. House and lot on Soatfn'lGtli Bt. Large amount of OU ItoiYntaln and Petrollum company oil stock , WIh | exchaiign for good property or the erection of some no uses , Cioo. J. btoi-nsilorlf , 1st National bank building. . 376 WR9TUHN lauds , farms and city property for stocks of goodn. Iloom 2 , UOS Farnam 40Jlyl4 nio PJCCHANOE-For cattle or horses , 480 -L acres of laud near Illtf Springs , . Duel Co , Neb. D. H , Hall. 8UWHarney st. 7D8 4 TO Exchange Casn and clear property for merchandise , or merchandise for cash and clear property. Address Look Hoxll. Gnthen * burjr. Neb. OtO jy 2 ; T WOULD lue to trade a good two-story hou 6 J-and lot OU1W feel , wltnlu one block ot Park ave. and Park school for vacant east front lot lu Haujtcoui place. Will assume some lucum- brauce. Address , 045 Hoe ollice. BU7 TIM ) EXCHANGE for Omaha property , one o { -L the bust Improved farina la Iowa , only one mile from totvu of H.OJJ Inhabitants. W. H. H. Jc M. I ! . , room 14 , CUauiber of Commerce. 1V4 FOR 3ALE--nEAL ESTATE rpHE motor line Is built to Collier plaeo. t Tlio Jllelt line runs near Collier place. The P. K. .V M. V , H. H. stop all passenger trains t Col lier placo. Tlio horse car line will soon reach Collier place. Host addition In the city. Price 9 W to $1,900 per lot , ono tenth cash , balance one to llvo years. McCague , opp , P. U. Kg * | IOH ) BALU-a genuine bargain -Cottage aud J- ' east front lot. at grade , seworand waier.flno old onk shndo trees , near zUh and Hnrney , lluop. J. iL.Iivons. Hnrkcr blocki 111-4 * TOOir"8AL15-io room TIOHSO. lot 60xW , easy . . M. Hushraan. 1311 onworth. G43 OH , como nnd Invest In one of those nno cot tages In Urcuard Hill on the highest nnd lln- est view , built and furnished vritn nil inodorn mprovemcnt ; we will sell on cnsy term : n very small pn > mont required. Wo also have other Ine bargains. Especially wo call Attention to .ho best investment In renl ostntu In the United Hates , and that In on the Maxwell land grant In flew Mexico , for Sale by Excelsior Lanu\V Honl Kstnto Do. , 310 South 15th it. , Omaha. V4I BARGAIN Part of the DI ik Klmball estate. CO feet on ISth street ruunln through to 17th avo. One 13room house , all modern conven iences , and two 0-rooin houses. Total rental (1,50) ( per year ; price tn.OJi ) . M. A. Upton Company , futh itnd I'nrnani. u.17 "TTlOKSAliK llo.vitlfulS room house , all mod- JL1 cm Iniprovomonts , IncludluR splondld fur- nacc. nenrllnnscom pnrk. btist location In the city rorpchool.rhurch nnd street car privilege ! ; wtco U,000. 0.1' . Hnrrlsau , Jlorchnuts Nntlonal bank. vus rplIK boit money worth of house and lot now X for sale lu Omaha Is wnlch 1 am now roiuplotlnft near 2lth st. on paved \Vlrt ft In Kountzo 1'iiico. 8 bodroomi , a parlor * , dlnlns room , kitchi'ii , 3 bath rooms , 3 water clo Nets , lame laundry , stationary wash tub * , furnace and coal room and cellar , cloctrlo bolls and speaking tutio , 12 elosota. Vrlco only tr.OOJ on terms to suit. Likewise a dupllcntn adjoining at same prlon. W. T. SonniMi , cist sld Iflth Bt. norlh of Nicholas i > t. Omaha's Urgoat vatlaty ofvaj no and carrlnKOd. SOI SKNl ) for olat of Collier place , and wlinn drlvliiK for tecrention follow the motor line poles on IGth at. nnd AmoV nvc. , unit see tlio woiKlerful Improxcmcnts thnt have taken plico Just around the bat-rucks , and remember that Collier place la the key to tnu situation , lluy n lot now for the low prlco-aud nt the easy terms they are being offered , nnd wo tire satlsllnd. One-tenth cash , balance ono to live years. Me- Cnguo , opp. P. O. UK ) llll factories within naav reach of Collier JL place will employ u Inrito force of men. fo- cuiou hotibO uud enjoy llto. 1'ilceof lots SW ) to tl'MO. one-tenth cash. Send for plat. Jlc- Capcue , opu. 1' . O. 039 H ILLSIDE No. l-Spcc'.il ' bargain for 10 day ? on south front lot , Cnss anil : ilst streets. A. Upton Company , Ifith He I'anmm. 7TJ-1 T71OH SArjU-oU.TI ncre , sec. 5 , tp. 1J. r. Cw. , J-1 linmlUuii county , Nob. llcuisu. stable , iWo acres fenced , llvlm : water. J'rlco. JUXX ) K. 1C. AtKlns. o\Mier , rullrond hld . Denver , Col. 910 S HOLES Special List We push uppoial bar- falusnnd advurtlse thorn. I.l'-t with me. tine east front lot Hi Hanscom place nt $1,000 , 8"0 CAsh. Jecltled bnrg lu. Flno lot on l.o\\ ne , iJ,7i"A i"OJj buys n house and lot in Hauscom place , noithof Poppluton avomio The old .liihn Dlerks manufactory plant on Missouri PaclUc railway. 4 miles southwest of city , with S acres of giound and 3 lnrgi < 2-story for HtXB. A tluo opportunity for aome ono. llinvo special Inducements la houses nnd lots In all parti of the cltv , oltlior for sale or trade. fall and be shown tnem. I < io not try to net you In to show yon trash , but handle only good uroperty and deal squarely. D. V. Ssholes , 'Jl 1'list National bank. Ull FOIl SALE The llnost residence HltoInVcat Omnhaj list south of Iiumvm < > n3 > thst.u ; corner lli'ixlS" , \ > lth 1ST feet fiontai o on pa\ed street and joining tlio hnmlsonm rcsldenco of Klrkonniill on the oust , and Ilrudy , Husson mid Slarttn on tliu south ; it perfect gem and garden bpot for an elegant homo. Jlainoynnd-'lststrects,14l\li57. on pavement , v.Unln throe blocks at the court house ; room for sovun llim houses that would rent ns lap- Idly as ( oinploted. < V , splondld permanent In vestment. ' rariwn mid 22d Btreeti ? . fiOxllJ , with now three-story brick store'bulldlng , lontoil tofjood permaiioiit tunnuts. HonUl ieceint3 M.UiO per year. Sixteenth btioetk near Nicholas , frontage 01 feet to alley ; good buslniMs piopoity. I'aniam stiett , between 3bth and J'Jth. frontage - ago 43 or PSxUJ to alley , south fiout , 1 block from pavement nnd sti eet oars 1'ark momif , opposite llanscom parK , 50x150. price $ .2,000 ; easy terms. 1'addock pjace , trackage , 00x113 , 82,000 ; easy terms Sixteenth street , south of Vlnton street lot for sale or trauo for mdse. or good lann land. S. A. Sloman , laui Karnain st. 13 T7\OH8ALE-Lot45block8 \ , Ilnnscom Place , - ? A0 ! ltl , past front , and ovorlcoklng the park. S 1,250. An elegant iayinir lot In r > aundi > ra fc lllmebaugh's add , near Military ave. , for * 700. Kust front lot on Lowe nve. , near Daveuyort St. , f I.SO. ) . VV. H. Gates S\V. corner lith nnd Doug las Bts. ont-2 I7IOK SAIJ5 On longtime andeaiy payments. J- handsome , now , well bullthouses of tf , 'J and 10 rooms. AH convenleiKOH.good neighborhood : pa\ed streets ; street .cars unil within walking distance of P. O. NathanSnelton , 1503 ' ) H SALE Iluslness corner. MO.OOO. C. F. Harrison , Merchants National iianic. 135 price $1,500.'f500 cnslil toLovett,2.'OS13thst. / OM fund see ins and investigate somootthe v liaigalns wo have to oiler. We ara continually listing new properties , iud "if you don't see M hat yon want ask for it. " We fmvo merchandise to trade for land. We have liorM-s. cattle and mules to trade for land. Wo have a brleic nud tlio factory doing a thriMng business to exchange for western land. Three new , 5-room cottages at Albright , within 10 minute's walk ot terminus of hourly dummy Hue , for sale on term ) that will only be fair rent. An olovntor property with large dwelling house , nt a bargain. Elevator coiupleto. with horse-power , htaloj. o.llco ftirnlahuJ , etc. A fine opening for a practical gialn dealer. One of the best Impioved rnrms in the state will bo exchanged for insldo Omaha property. Two line residences in Popplotou park , on motor line ; will bo sold on easy terms. Huusos'aiid lots in all parts of Omaha for Bale and exchange. 1'or exchange , for Omaha property,1.0 0 acres of Hchool laud lease , In one of llioboat counties luthofatato. A line rosldoncft property m Omaha View for sale ot a bars vln. Prom J75 , < nd to $103,000 worth of llrst-class notes to exchange fnr Omaha property , Merchandise to exchange for M cash and b u- nnco western lands. This is ono of the Ilnpst opportunities ever offered to convert land Into cash. Investigate this. 1'or sale , itt u baigain , hotel nnd livery barn , In a good Nebraska town. This is n line opuii- lug for a practical hotel man. Tor exchange for Omaha pioparty ono of the best farms In Hock county , Nebraska , togothitr with stock nnd machinery noroisary to carry on the place. Old ngo and fulling hotilth of the owner is reason tor uollln ? . Tor sale , < heap , a roitaurant in oua ot the best locations In omalm , 2HHcres of line land In northwestern Iowa to exchange for Omaha property. * Wo have unsurpasied facilities for disposing of property , having some CO" ) agents scattered overfouror llvo states. List jour property with ua If you wlsli a quick turn. W. It , K. x M. II. Chamber of Commerce , telephone phone 1 HO. CCU /CONTINUOUS sidewalk to ColHsr place. Got v/nrlco3jaud tot mi McCague. 019 rnilK tlnoft drlvo in tno city la ot Collier "place J-McOlKUO. WJ "OAHE Chance I will aelt a now house , all JAmotloin couvfiilcncos , large lot , clu ant loca tion , fioi cash , 8yo.\rri time on bnl ; furfuither partitulais cull on L' . Himuan.lti ) , Continental blc 751 "t " 1710H SALE Lots In Stawnrt Place on Lowe JJ avo. ; .Metropolitan Cable passes property. 0-room house und barn , Hauscom J'laco. i , lunis s mid lots on Cn > s 8t. , on easy term * . lst Nat , Hauk. _ ZO "TTlOHSALE-Onoof the most dnslrablo fcedinj ; J. farms in Nebraska. Bltuuted 'A ' mile from depot , ulno from thoshlpp'ng ' ymds of the Cou\uri > o Cattle on Ulkborn Valley H. H ; it con- talna 2-K ) acres , withUECOf i"o ! arrei uddi tlmml ; uvciythlug new and : barn Oilxlloa tt. ; water In abundance. H. a ManvUle , Uldeu , Neb. _ 75J TT1OHSALE At a bargato. One twelve ana -U ono nine room house in Kotint'.o jilare , ou 2ltn street , oppoiita the tlno residences of Hod- ick and McCreury. with 78 and DO feet of ground with each house to alley. Each liouso h i furnace - nace , gns , gas llxtuios , BlntdeH. all plumbing , hot and cold water , elegant large ri/oms. allpapurod ) i ndsomely through. out , good barn with un h hoiiso , and an elegant lawn all nodded. I am prepared to otfer spl n- dld inducements an to price , and terms. Call and let ma drlvo you out. You ran move into those houses without a dollar of expense for anything. ' 1 hose miut ho sol J soon. See mo at ouie. D. V. Bholes , ail ) Firm Nat'l bant. 177 of the tno house and lot bargains J _ ave been ottering on ( loargli avo. north of LcavenHortn , l novr sold and occupied , because - cause of my very low prlc . Uho Houtn house of the two "till romulni a bargain open to ftombody , Flrtt cornea , tlrst served. To bo ap preciated it needs to bo examined internally. 1 positively Hi not rent It. though several times otr r d tU > per month. Pncu only $5,000. on very easy terms. Prireaftor July 1 , HOJU. W. T Heamau , eo t Hlclo iCiliat , north of Nicholas st , Omaba'i largett variety of wagons and carriages. 618 GAZE at thU. 120x157. fronting three streets Northwest corner Uitli and 1million. ! Omy tl.Oa Whewl what a baryain , U. A. Upton Company , ICtti and Fornam. 8211 _ _ . BALK The finest residence In Orchard Hill can bo bought at actual cost ; owner leaving townt house has 10 rooms with bath room nnd every modern convenience , lot 00x110 all nodded ; large barn and nice shade trees ; In fart a perfect homo ! call and lot ni show you this. Arnold & Co. , iloom 637 Paxton block. 775 SALE Or Trade 36-room cottages , 28 L room "story houses , tn the fliic't locution on \alnut Hill. Inquire of U Q. Merrill , 4Uh nd Hamilton sts. 769 I * r0ll SALH-Kisy term * , Kountyo placo. n , -Iwout no .cach8-rooms. nch 14.000. Two homos , oncli d-rooins , each W.OiX ) . ? Tiohm" ' ? * ch Brooms , each J .OO * with modern convenience. All largo value at the prlco. All wltlilii a square of the motor lino. Don t lose those opportunities. FOT dale by the owner. W.T. Seaman. East side tnth st. , north of Nicholas gt. , jOmnha'a largest variety of wagons and car- Tnkon VIli. At Pox & Hensman's dairy.mllo { sonth of ickormnn Place , rod cow with white fnco. _ J1323-Jy. .9-10' Notion to Con immoral UTH OMAHA , Juno 15 , ] NO.-So lf lpropo- r sals will bo roccivod at the city engineer's onico by the committee on rludiicts , streets and allejs , until noon WiHliiosdny , July B , IRb't for ftirnlshluK all thu material aud performing all ho wont for curbing and paving N street from Twonty-faiirth street to 'wenty-soventh street with cypress block * , approximate rstlmiuo VJiO lineal feet of curbing , nnd 0,51(1 ( squnro atd < of iiavinit. AVork to bo completed w Ithln oitydilysaftera contract theielor binds und akes ctloi't. All bids must bo accompanied by i\cortlllod check for vo\ said checks to be ro- limed on nil bids not accepted. Estimated cost of such work is HV-'H. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. Plans and specillcn * Ions can bo scon at thoonglnoer'ttvlllco , dim. Com. on Viaducts. Sts. anil'Alloys. JlfdtoJyJ .Notice. Matter of nppllcntlou of Peyton & Owen for permit to sell liquor ns Druggists. Notice Is hereby glvon that Peyton * Owen did upon the 1st , day of .Inly A. 11. , tlio their application to the lloaid of Klro and Pollcu foinmlsoloneit of Omnhn , for nor- nilttosdl Malt. Spirituous and Vinous Llquora ns Druggists , for mcdlclnnl. mochnnlcnl and ihemlc.ilnurposos only , nt No. 2401 Leavnworth htreot , 7th Ward , Omulia. Nebraska , fiomtholst lay of January ISMi to the 1st day January 18W ) . If there bo no obloctlon , rcmonstrniico or pretest - test tiled within tw o w ooksf roiu r > th dny of July A. D. 1SSU. the salil pcrmll w 111 bo granted. 2-i ) PKXTO.N AIOWV.N. Applicants. Mnttcr of application of Michael Million for liquor license. Notice Is berebv given thnt Michael Mullen lid upon the 1st day of July , A. D. 18SD , lllo ils nppllcalloutoihu Hoard o 1'lro and Police Commlssionera of Uinahn , for license to boll malt , tmtrltuous nnd \ luous liquors at No. 301 N'orlh luth street , Knutth wnrd , Omaha. No- Diaska. from the llrst day of Jouuaiy , 18 ! > . to the llistdhy of January , I X ) . If there bo no objection , remonstrance or protest ftlrd within two \\eoka from 1th day of July A.D. 1SSU , the said license will bo granted. 2-9 MiciiAiu. MULI.UX , Applicant. Pronosnls for South Ouinlvi Sealed proposals will bo received up to 1 p. m. luly 10 , lit ? * , for J70.0UO funding liouds ; 7 bouds ofil.OOO each , e per cent interest , payable an nually ; bonds payable tonyoais after date ; In terest cupons attachctl Al > o > n Issue of bonds nro made payable at the llbcal agency of tha atnto ot Nabiiiaki , In the city of New York , both intoiest and piinclpnl All proposils to bo senlod. dlre < ted to the undersigned and endorsed "lllds for llonds , " The committee on Ilnaucq retains the right to reject Any or all offois. Hands cannot bo sold less than par. Juud 15. ED. JOHNSTON , Clialrman. i'hcr'H Sale HOUSES. CATTLE. AND 01 HUH PHOPKUTY IN CHASE. IHICHCOOIC. HAYES AND UUNDY COUNTIES , NE- IIUAKK.V In the circuit court of the United States , dis trict of Ncbi.i.sta. ' I The KltCaiter I'attlo Company < vs. ( The Harlem Cattle Compxny. Upon application of the Kit Oartoi Cattle company and other creditors Intel a-ited in the property in the hands of i ; 1) . Webster , re- ceh er , it is upon due consideration of the court hereby ordurod that the receiver nhall ndvertiso for bids foi.all of the hurd of caltloaua horses , ab awholo , and also for all other pofeoail piop- orty In his h.inds as receiver. It H further or- dortd thnt bids may bo made for nnyoftho herds or parts thereof sapniatoly. or any of Iho horses separately , either by holds or any num ber of cattle or horses nj the purchasers may doslro to bid upon , and that such bids in the sovernl manners in which they may bo made shall bollledwlth the clerk of this court with the terms of proposed purchu and the luuioj of bidders within tvronty days from the dnto of thia order , tor the npuroxolorrc-joctlonof this court , and if nny or nil of thu bids are rejected by the court the receiver shall proceed to gle notice for ten "lays to sell thoKild piopcrty at public auction In detail for the cattle and hordes individually for cash to the bidder. It is further ordoied tb.\t all bins shall bo Bent to the clorn ot this court scaled and ac companied with 10 percent oCtho amount bid , ullhorincash or certified check on responsible L.IIIKH , ns a condition ot thulr bids being cntei- taluod mid considered by the court. Itislurther ordered that , in older to facili tate the bidding on till i property In the hands of the receiver , ho shall give notice of this order In ono paper published In Hllchcoclc county NobrnsKii. and in ono d.iily newspaper in the illy of Oiualm , nnd In ouo lu the cltvofLincoln for two weeks , and also by Hand bills properly distributed , nnd setting forth terms nnd condi tions or this order. D. S. DUN DY. Judge. 'ihe pioperly mentioned in the above order is described ns follows : AHEHDEEN ANGUS. Yearling bulls , number , 11. Uwo-ycar-oM bulls , number. 3. Three years old and upwards , number , 2. Yearling hellers , number , 8. Two-year-old heifers , number , 14. Three year old and upwards. cows.nnmber.SO. Cows with calves by their side , number , 20. IIOJ JO 1 ulll , Yearling bulls , number. Zl. Two-year old bullnnnmlier , 1. Threo-j ear-old bulls and upwards , number , 0 Yearling heifcrfl , number , Si. Two-yenr-riidhelfeis , number , 10. 'luroo year old nud upwards , cowsnumber.33. Yearling bulls , numoor , ; w. 'J wo-ycnr-old bulls , number 0. Tliieii-j ear-old end upwards , number , 11. Yearling hclfera. number , 44. Two-year old heifer * , number , ,10. 'Iluco-yi-ar-old and uw nrds ; COWH , numbor,55. Cows with calves by their nldo , iiumbor. 60. HOKbES. Also n largo number of thoroughbred trotting homos , consisting of : Stallion-1 , ninnlii'r , 2. Hiood mares , number , CO. Colts , number. .El. CLYDESDALE HOUSES. Consisting of stallions , number , 2. MIUIM. number , K Tliobe lieaiLs contain some of the finest ani mals of their classes in the country , and are all pure blooded. Also n large number of draft brood mares , work hoisos , saddleponlos , a herd of about 'M common range cattle , nnd a lot of wagons , liar- nubsis ami oilier farming implements und tooln. All lildnimtBl bo made ou or before the 14th day of July next , uud must 1)4 III oil with Elmer D. I'rnnU' . clerk of the United btatos circuit court , district of Nebraska , at Omaha , Nno , , nnd must bo ni-companli'd by cash or cortltlcij chocks amounting to 1'J ' per Lent of the amounts ot the bids. E | i. WKIISTEH , He < elor of the Harlem Cuttle Co. June 29 ( I lit A ( it Kit * . Notlco is hereby glvon that sealed bids will be rccoivodby the clerk of Adams County , Nebraska - raska , nt Ills olllco Hosting * . Nebraska , on or buf nro twnlvo o'clock noon of July Jth , 1839 , for thupurcu.waof Hdvonty llvn bonds ot the denomination - nomination of ouo thousand dollars each to bo isaued by tdoCounty of Adims In the Stnto ol Nebraska , toboilutod.luly Int , 1S39. nud to bi ] > a > nbloutthu Msfnl Agency of the State 01 Nebraska , City of Now YorJf , State of Now Ynrktuenty years after the data thereof ra- dcuinnblent nny time on or af tor ten years from thodato the-eof nttho option of fulif county Oi Adams and to bear Inteli-stnt the rata of llvo purcentper itniium payable mutually oil the Hist day of July in each year , for which Intercut ( ouponj Hhull l > a uttachoa payable at thu tUai ni.'encyuforosnld. Hlghtrf resurvftd to reject nny and nil bids , Hyordproftholloardof Supervisors , MnyOth 1BS9. , L. II. P/uriiinrir. [ BIAI. : . ] ( Guilty Clork. _ JoiiN A. CASTO. County Attomuy. iii21dtoJri fiotloii lo UiintriuitorH. Healed bids will be received until July 15 forthoertctlonof a three roomed Jilg' building at Stellu. KHmrdson County. , , ou lilds will bo rf culled for building comnlcto nbovo foundation , walls , ( contractor to rmiiiuli ( jvoO'thlng ) . Aluoforullworlcinuiislilpanamu- . rtccori to plans nnd specifications for sumo , which may be seen at Htolln , Neb. or ou"co of 1' . M. Kill * . Omaha , Nob. UulMiSg lo be i ompletud by Beptember 15.1H-/J. ITie llo rd loiorvcn the right to reject any or all bids. II. It CI.AIIK. jy 3.7 Director hcliool hoard. .COE , YONGE &CO 1 uitiur.ic-1 om'iu or WALKING CANES , And HubUr Uaa Balloons , JewelrTi / Notloit , , NoTfllHi , 4e. , c. , at ( IB I lowett prlcu. Ooodi ier8ticciinia.Hk i Ati < U < mriri aid As'oti Cano RackiJ I 7ISWAtHIHCTOMAVI.Sr.lOUIS.MO. auaTuuunrUllKIllon knllt : ( UHjKieo. bUKiKUUlU , a o.lLi. THE BMTO TIE TILES. OMAHA. Tnuiuui. i nuuui r. Dally Ktcopt Sunday. JSunuivy Only . Da. . , . tDally Except Sunday. ' M1SSOUHI PAOiriO. I.oavo Arrlvo Depot 1'ith & Wubdter tl * . Omaha. Omnhn. Day 10W : : n m fli'iO n m Night Uxpross 8TO : p in r > :30 : p Jin ' C. , It. I. * 'Arrlvo Depot luth and Marcy * ts. U in nil a. Omaha. Dos Molncn Accommod'n CIB ; n m on : ) p m Atlantic Kxprrss ! > ; | -t a m 0:3) : p m 1'ast VosttlmlodKxpress , 4:1.1 : p m | < :3J : a m Night lJxpro ! . . BjlJ. 1U ! a C. .t N.V. . It. II. "Lenvo Arrlvo Depot 10th Maroy sts. Omaha. O mull a. Chicago Kvpross , Dally. . 0:15 a m 7:0 : } p m 1'nst LlmltBdj Dully . . . . . : lp m Id : .M a m lho I'lvor. " Dally. . . . . . . : I1 p in S-M a m WAI1AHH W15STKI1N. Depot llith & Mnrcy sis. No. 8 8l. U lxp. Dally. _ 415 p in RiouxriTY * PAOiric Irtt.lVO Depot l h& Webitornts , Omnhn. Omiha. Bt. Paul Express . . . . . 7-1 * ) p in SIO : n m F. , B. ft M. V. It. It. I Arrlvo Depot 1'itn & Webster sts. | Omnhn , Onmnn. MlastlntrsA-IUIcnillsPasI II ; 0) n m 11:11 : pm { Norfolk Passengtir . . . .I 5:1 > p m 10li : n m Wpstwnrrt. HunnliiR bntweun Council Rlutr * uad Al bright. In addition to the HUHo-is in"iulopoil , trains stop at Twentieth nud T euty-fourtU streets , and nt the Summit In Omana. litiiitwuril. AlI I South i Silos- Omaha Urans- < road bright Omaha ley. Depot , for.vuy. . A. M. A. M. A. M. M. A. M. A.M. Bt1 : fiW : | 0:00 : 6:00 0:10 0:15 :27 : nT5 7.0-J 7TO 7:15 7.l ) 7:32 7:15 : 7:50 7M 8:07 8:15 8:03 : 8:10 8:2J 8M : 85 : 0:07 : 0:111 0:27 : 0:01 : 0:10 : USD 0:11 : 0M : 1U:07 | 10:151 : lOsf iO:35 : 10:05 : 10:10 tn. > l4llr 10.50 11:07 11:151 11S- 11:50 : llsM . M. . M. I P. M. P. M. P. M. . M. U:07 : 1UI5 , 12& 12:23 12i 13M 1:07 1IV irt. 1:35 lfO 1M 2:07 : S : U'i7 2:33 : 2:50 : afx : > .1.07 3:15' ' 3i7 : ilC 3:15 : 3-J7 . 3:50 : 3W : 4:07 4:15 : 4:35 4A ) 4Ui : 4.n : 4:15 4:50 4S5 Bi/ : : 6t5 ft:27 : 0:20 5'J. : ; 6.37 5:43 tj50 ; 5:5 * o-w B:15 n:27 0:10 7U7 : 7:15 7:60 7E : 8:07 : MI1 8:50 SA'S ' 0:07 : 0:15 : 0:21 : ! ) :55 : 0:50 0.55 10 : 10:11 10 : ° 7 I0r 10:50" ll:07nr : , 11:0 11:4. ; 11:50 : 12:10 : Hill 13 .24 aui'lv. ' COU.NC1L CHICAGO. HOUK ISLAND & PACII'10. lra\e. | Arrlvo. No , 2 . 5OJpm : I ) No. 1 . 0Ham C No. 0 . 0.H : ) um 0 No. 0 . fi15 ; pm A No. 4 . lOsOJmnlA No. 3. . . . GUpm A No.Il . 0:15 : nmA No.ll . 7luin ; CHICAQO & NUHTHWKSTBHN. No. 0 . 0:40 : amlNo , 7 . ! l-'I am No.8 . 3:11 : pin No. H . 7:11 : nin No. 4 . :2 > pm No. 5 . 015 pm All Trains Dally. CIUCAUU , M1L\VAUICEK & ST. PAUL. A No. 2 . U10 ; nm A N < > . 1 . 7:01nm : A No. 1 . OMOpmiA No. a.r. . . . .5Hpm : KANSAS CITY , Hi' . JOflEI'H & COUNCIL DLUKI-'d. A No. 3 . 0Vin in I A No. 3 . fi0 nra A No. 4 . U:10pml : A No. 1 . CUuiu B10UX C1TVT ic PACIi'ltt A No.10 . TrtJfiunilA No. 0 . 8:51tin : A No.1. . 7OJimA : | No.ll . D00pm ; OJ1AHA & ST. LOUIS. A No. 8 . 4:31pmA. | No. 7 . U : ra A dully ; II dally xcopt Saturday ; C except Sunday ; D except Monday ; tail mall. Thu time ( 'lvun abavu is fur Trausfor , there being from nvo to tun mluutes between Tr.ia * . fer and local cleuota. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 102 ! ! PARNAM STRKKT. ToUlnbgow , Htilfnsl , Dublin anil Lherjiool From Hew York Every Tuesday , Cabin puaiagij riS to IU ) , nccorJIn/j / lo location of it a room , Vxcurtluu bA loi. . fitecrogo to uuJ from liurupa ul l/owo t Kate * . AUHVIN IHi.imi.s & o > , r.on'l Au "t > , U IlruaJiray. Now Vork. JOUN lll.uui-x , ( 'cn'l Wci > iern Avont. Ibl lUiillilph St. , Chicago. IIAHIIV 15 , Jluiiis , Agont. Umalia. _ HulucodC.ibiurftte to } % / > v _ _ ; UHltlon. OSEPHGILLOTTS COLO MKDAl. PARIS Xl'OtriON 1 5. Noo. 3O3-4O4.-I7O-6O4 THS KOST PERFECT OF PENS ,