Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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EiithUQlastto Guosta in The Uoo's
Great Oompoaln a Room.
Thu Ijnillcn IVoro Particularly
AnxlottN to Bcotirn Mcincntooa of
Tliclr Visit to The
t'nlntlal lluino.
Tmst T lKlit's Great Tin-one.
0Acaln lixRt ovonlnp the new BCK building
proaontod a lively nnd picturesque scone.
From OsSO until 11 ! 30 there were over two
thousand of Omaha's leading citizens , laulcs ,
fTontlomon and chlldron , who availed them-
nelvcs of the Invitation extended by Mr.
Rosewater to go through this magnificent
ntructuro , nnd the occasion partookof all the
features of a grand ievec.
During- the ontlro evening ns the admiring
throngs strolled through the broad , bt Itllantly
illuminated corrldorn , minutely examining
each department and all that appertained
thereto , from the beautiful marblo-cncasod
vostlbulo to the breezy , nrlck-Inul roof , the
delightful strains of the Musical Union band
Rwollcd in waves of inotody throughout the
building. Water-ices nnd other refreshments
were Borvcd by pollto waiters iluring the
reception , and everybody seemed as happy
nnd proud as if possessing an individual in
terest In U"UK BHK'S now home. To hear the
incessant buy.of admiration ana expressive
comment of the things , as they roamed Idly ,
but Interestingly about , was a source of
much Justifiable gratification and pleasure ,
'llio appreciation of the public was abun
dantly manifest by the numbers who ilockod
thither and spent the best part of the evening -
ing in a critical Inspection of Tun lien's
palatial quarters. Even tlio smallest com
ponent partof the building's Internal ma
chinery woo looked over , examined ami com-
montPd upon , the ladles being particularly
lavish In their expressions of prnlso and ad
miration. The composing room , as. a
matter of course , furnished an Inox-
hausttblo fund of interest to the un
initiated , nnd so far wore many carried
away with its mysteries and novelties that
everything that could bo c.ijolcd into the
ehano of a souvomr was carried away , in
cluding the printers' "proof slips" nnd
"dupos , " fragments of stereotyping plates ,
bits of tilliiL' and mosaic , etc. The ladles
wore particularly anxious to sccuro them as
a remembrance of the building amT the
charming evening spent within Its walls.
Following arc the expressions of some of
the visitors :
V. G. Boguo It is a model , to soy the
Arthur Brhrgs A magnificent structure
Jlonry Grebe It is n beautiful building
nnd wo all feel proud of it ,
L. P. Pruyn There is nothing Hko It la
the xvcst , aud I think It will compare with
any newspaper building in America.
Albert Calm As beautiful as a bird , com
paratively Hpeaklng.
Aaron Calm It is a mammouth building ,
und Is beautiful and ucatly arranged through
0. S. Raymond Tun Ben Is now located
in its own bivo and can keep buzzing.
O. Anson ( Council Ulufts ) It w a model
structure In every sense of the word. Coun
cil Bluffs looks on it with an eye of admira
tion.Mis. . F. C. Clark ( Council Bluff * ) It Is
grand. Wo carne ovofr to see Tun Ben
building In Omaha. Wo have often looked
nt-it from Council Bluffs.
Gcorgo Barker It is n great building , to
bo sure , and will advertise the entire west.
Jtdno MeOullough The llncst building of
Its kind in America. The court is worthy
of an artist's , brush.
Charlns Conoyer It takes a big budding
K to correspond with TUB BKI : as n newspaper.
It is a valuable addition to Omaha's commer
cial circles.
Kov. John Gordon It will tend to herald
the name of Omaha nnd Tin : Bnu throughout
the world.
S. A. Huntoon It surpasses anything of
its Kind I over uaw.
General E. F. Test As a newspaper build
ing it has not its equal in America.
J. 11. Ayrcs I never saw its equal a'ny-
wbore , and I have traveled n great deal.
F. D. Brown The size of the building , its
completeness and its inner ornamentations
makes It second to none in America.
Doctor F. Bacon You can not find Its su
perior In the world.
Joseph Shccloy It is a big building and
has not its equal in newspaper circles.
Dr. H. C. Moore It is a credit to Omaha ,
nnd no mistake. Wo nil feel proud of it.
" Louis Hcimrod It is a great buildinc and
is the fruit of years of hard toll on the part
of Mr. Itosowater ,
Justice Holnics Wo can all safely point
with pride to THE BEK building. I never saw
Its equal.
J. C. Guilfoll Words can not express it ,
To say that it has no equal in America is to
Bay the least.
Samuel Burns It Is beautiful In all re
spects. Wo have nowa building to which al
eyes are turned. It is certainly a model.
William I. Klorstead It Is a great building
nnd plainly demonstrates what may bo ac
complished through perseverance. It is
credit to Omaha nnd the entire west.
John Robinson Its equal can not be found
In nowspapurdom.
Frederics C. Garmon THIS Bnc and its
now homo form an Important factor of this
great metropolis. A ? n building , this ono has
but few equals on the globe.
General John Ilawloy This is cortainl.v
grand building. I Imvo never seen anything
to surpass it. That court elicits ray special
wonder. Mr. Hosowntor is to bo congratu
lated for his energy in successfully com
pleting so magnificent an enterprise.
a/ ? / ' C. N. Deitz It is a surprise to me. I had
no conception that the building was any
thing like as grand throughout as I Imvo
seen that it is.
ClmrlcH II. Gulon It Is the llnost and most
complete building I over saw. The court
attracts my attention , but no part of the
structure lacks in elegance.
Clinton N. Powell It Is the handsomest
building I was over in.
Dr. Stone It is certainly magnificent ,
Over tlio PatlilcNS Ocean ,
Athwart vust continents travorsedby mighty
Jron thoroughfares , many armed like the
fabled Brinrcus. myriads sot forth dally to
encounter the vicissitudes of travel , chaugo
Of climate , unaccustomed food , nnd an nt-
niosphoro possibly miusimu. yet with a calm
coutldmico that their health will bo pre
served. When this confidence Is based upon
the possession of the suprnmo medicinal de
fense , Hosteller's Stomach Bitters , it is in
deed well founded , otherwise not. Brackish
water , bad food , the wearying ami other bad
effects of railroad jolting , seasickness , nnd
nervousness , aggravated by a journey and
Ita attendant discomforts are shorn of their
pernicious influence by thU sterling altera
tive , purifier nnd coufponsatlng medicine , in
valuable for dyspepsia , feebleness , nervous-
peas , constipation , malarial disorders , rheu
matism and Ulduoy complaints , ,
Albert Tiiiiblailt Uuu Ovnr Hy a Gable
Car null Unilljr Injurotl.
Monday evening Albert Tlmbladt , son of
ffobn Timbladt , residing on Twentieth and
porcas streets , was run over by a cable ear en
Bquth Tenth stroetnoar thu terminus of the
line , oud was badly bruised about the lower
limbs to the extent that amputation may bo
necessary ,
There nro conflicting reports concerning
the accident. The employes of the cable
company who wcro lu charge of the train
Btato that the boy was endeavoring to Jump
on board the train to steal n
ride , missed his footing and fell
Vndor the wheels. The boy claims that hr >
nttomptod to board the tram nnd Intended to
pay bis faro , and that bo was kicked off by
tbo conductor. Ho had $20 In his pocket ,
Whicn ho had lust collected for his father ,
wbu is a tailor by truilo , and also raiao small
rjhaugo. Ho states that the conductor did
not ask him for hla faro , but forced him from
the car. This the conductor denies nnd says
K that ho can produce several witnesses to
bear him out ,
The case is being Investigated by Superin
tendent Tucker aud Mr , Lltnbluilc , fulhor ot
Ibo injured youth.
B. O. ( Jiu.ETT.atPurdy , Mo. , a.vs Swift's
Specific cured him of Eczutnn on his ilmb
iud body , Ho took only two small bottles.
A Itulncd Homo nnd n Disappointed
Hiiftlmnd nnd Puttier.
In an unpalntcd frame house tn the rear of
1221 North Nineteenth street ocuutrcd a
most dramatic Incident oa Saturday evening ,
In which a faithless wM ) ( a gay Lothario and
an enraged husband wore the principals. It
Is alleged that the part of Lothario wits
played by ono Al McClure , who lives ou
Charles street. The falthle-ia wlfo Is said to
be Mrs. James Hllny and her husband Is a
hard-working mechanic In the Union Pucllto
Stories of his wife's unfaithfulness reached
nilov's cars and comprehended escapades , It
is alleged , not only with McCluro. but a cer
tain fat grlprnati on the cable lino. Hlloy
work * at night and every opportunity was
thus given tbo wlfo to pursue her
wayward course. Her association With the
grlpmnn was common talk with the cablo-
men , a number of whom have seen him got
off at Twentieth and Chiirlot ut divers time *
and meet her always after dark. Ho aimed
to Imvo a brother grlpman along to relieve
him from that point to Lnko street and re
turn. On ono occasion a cable conductor who
somewhat rcsomblos the grlpman Imperson
ated the tnnshlng brake-worker , mid thn
woman did not discover the mistake until
the real paramour appeared on the scene.
These stories reached Kiloy's cars , and , on
last Saturday night , ho decided to lay oft
and investigate. About midnight ho
reached his humble homc.but instead of find
ing the fatgripman ho discovered a teamster
named Al McClure In possession of his homo.
After the astonished husband assured him
self that bis cyei had not deceived him , ho
broke open the front door and rushed lu rnga
into the bedroom. The noise aroused the
RUilty couple mid they sprang out to meet
HI ley. The latter seized a chair and
attempted to brain McClure , but Mrs. Ililey
seized her husbnnd's arms nnd kept him
from Injuring bur paramour , while McClure
soizcd a beer bottle that had been emptied
by himself ana the woman and broke it over
Hiloy' * ncad. cutting him Badly. Hlloy
scrcnmed for his llttlo boy to bring him the
hatchet , but bcforo ho could got bold of the
instrument , McClure had Hod.
Kiley has ordered his wife to loavo-hls
home , a command with which It is said she
has complied. Ho will institute proceedings
for a dlvorco. The couple have thrco child
ren. Uiloy will also causa the arrest of
McClure and has hud a warrant Issued for
that pm-poso.
Everything which belongs to pure ,
hcnlthy blood is Imparted by Hood's
Sarstiparilla. A trial will convince you
of its morit.
Mr. Council' * Onlnlon Kcuardlng tlio
Scliutt Ir.Jmiotlon.
In conversation wltti a Br.i : man , Con-
rcssman C'onnclt said that the injunction In
the grading case of Mrs. Johanna Scliutt ,
referred to In Monday's Ben , would have
no effect whatsoever upon damage suits ; that
it was merely the result of a law such as has
been recognized by the city foe years and
was strictly tn accordance with the plain
provisions of the charter. In some cases
where parties are satisfied" with a mere
nominal reward by reason of the remainder
of the property being benefited by
the grading of the street , this
course has been taken , but in
every case where the propoHy has been
taken or damaged largely in excess of the
benefits accruing , tho. city bus not claimed it
had the right to rcccdo as was done In the
Scliutt case. So far as the continuance of
benefits is concerned the-decision of Judge
W.ikcloy cuts no ligurc , but relates rather to
the matin up of procedure. The property con
demned Is entitled , in the flrst place , to the
.full valueof , the ground actually taken , but ,
-after damages are ascertained , the mayor
and the city council have unquestionable
right under the ciiartor to assess such dam
ages on the property specially benefited.
How the Rust of Ajjes Has Hosted
Upon District Court Cases.
Judge Groff devoted several hours calling
the dismissed docket , and attorneys enjoyed
themselves greatly in Joking over cases
which have long been covered with rust of
years. The oldest pending suit , that of
Gcorgo Graham ugalnst John Duil ci al. ,
was swept from the docket , where it had
been about nineteen years , with Judge Doano
and A. J. Popplcton as opposing counsel.
When Judge Graft read the case Arthur
Wakeloy arose to order its disposition.
"How do you como to bo iu it ; by inheri
tance ! " asked the court.
"Yes , it was passed down to mo as an
heirloom , " replied the young attorneywhich
provoked a hearty laugh.
Graham was a sub-contractor of Duff antl
others ou the Union Pacific road. When
both came to make a settlement a dispute
arose as to the amount Duff should pay.
The case wont to the courts and bos * been
there since. Both plaintiff and defendant
have passed away and their heirs seem not
to care to continue the ancient controversy.
Jucgo Groff dismissed about 250 cases. Ho
says that his work for this term , after next
Saturday , will bo confined entirely to decis
ions in a very few cases. All tbo judccs ex
pect to llubh court this week and take
their summer vacation. Judge Wukeloy
Is talking of going to Baltimore.
Swan Johnson has commenced suit in thu
district court against Joseph Barker ,
George E. Barker and Theodore B.
Forpy to recover damages to the extent of
815,000. Plaintiff alleges that , the Barker
brothers own a building on the southwest
corner of Fnrnatn and Fifteenth streets , and
that the windows projected over the side
walk. On May 22 , last , while plaintiff was
walking along the street , a llowor pot in a
window on the fourth lloor foil on his head
and crushed his skull , knocking him down
and rendering him Insensible for about three
days. He has been unable to attend to busi
ness and avers that the injury is permanent
and lasting.
in room 4 , before Judge YVulccloy , the
plaintiff In the case of Anderson va the
tioutu Omaha Land company engaged In in
troducing records of the hind company all
County Court.
Judge Shields called the July docket and
onlerea orders for the entire month. A very
largo majority of tbo cases wcro passed over
to be taitcn up when the weather gets
Elizabeth Lea was appointed administra
trix for the estate , of her deceased husband ,
Samuel Lea.
Judge Shields filed his quarterly report ,
ending Juno SO , with the county commis
sioners. It shows a bnhuico on bund over
nnd above the expenses of the court ,
of SU3.KO.
Suit has been brought m the county court
by John Stribbllng to recover ? .J70 on a
promissory note from Jessie M. liondeo and
Horatio 1C. Hendca. *
A. Luudcrland & Co. have 'brought action
against John Llndorholm and John I. Hcdick
to recover certain barber shop coeds or the
value thereof. _
Walter Brothers , of Waltorsburg- ,
I'opo couuty , 111. , Bold 380 bottles of
Clmmbtirliun'a Colio , Cholera and Diar-
rho > a Komody during1 the opldomio of
bloody llux in that county lust summer ,
und stuto that llioy never heard of its
falling in iv single inntnuco where the
directions were followed. There were
ns many as ( lye deaths in ono day ot
persons who used other medicines or
were treated by physicians.
How It Was Supposed to Have Origi
nated lit O ma tin.
It wan announced yesterday that a Dr.
Mclnernoy of Now York had disappeared
aud bean foully dealt with , probably like Dr.
Cronln. It was also announced that the
decoy message which led him uwny had boon
cent by a party In this city. Later it was
said that tbo telegram had boon gent by a
man named Mlle Ilogan.
The alleged writer is in the employ of
Ryan , WhUh & Co. , but denies nil know
ledge of tbo dispatch. Hogan's connection
witli the affair is explained m this way ,
About the time of Cronlu's funeral , Henry
O'Uuarc , of this city dictated a letter , wbloU
was * written by Hoguu' , to Jehu JJcvoy , It
was addressed to Chicago , where it VTM ox-
pectcd Dovoy would be attending tbo Cronln
funeral. Dovoy did not attend the1 funeral ,
remaining In Now York. Luke Dillon went
to the latter pined to see him
and took the letter with him.
Dovoy answered the letter , addressing It to
Ilogan , The totter discussed a number of
subjects , and , as had been requested , .con
tained Dovoy's views on the Cronln nftnlr.
U contained also the fact that Mclncrny had
disappeared , and that the writer had heard
ho hau been offered a situation oat west , and
that ho hnd gone to accept IU It ulso re
quested that If Mcluorny appeared hero to
notify his friends In New York.
Later A telegram was sent by Dovoy to
Ilogan. It was addressed "Care O. Cun
ningham , contractor , " but the telegram did
not icach its destination until ycstnrdoy.
The fact that the first letter hail boon signed
by Hogan , and the fact that Hognn hnd not
answered the telegram , led suspicious people
to believe that it was Hogan who sent the
telegram which Is said lured Mclnernoy to his
death. But. ns may bo Inferred , Hogan had
nothing to do with the business.
SWIFT'S SPECIFIC hns saved mo years of
untold mlsor.v by relieving n partial paraly
sis In my left ftldo. This was after I had
been treated by best physicians in St Louis
and Chicago. The trouble was caused by
some derangement of my blood , which has
been corrected by S. S. S.
' T. A. Siim'.ytT , Sherman , TCXOM
Citizens Protest and Will Hold an
Inclination Meeting.
DNumcrous citizens of Walnut 11111 have
issued a call for anlmllgnat'on ' meeting to beheld
hold Friday night.
Their cause of grievance , It is claimed , Is
the action of City Engineer Tlllson In estab
lishing the grade at the corner of Burt and
Thirty-sixth streets , whereby , they allege ,
.heir property has been injured to an
amount that will soar Into the thousands.
The story Is host told In the words of ono
of them , Mr. U. M. Taylor.
"I will be damaged to the amount of
$1,600 , " bald ho , by the establishment of this
grade. "I went to the engineer's cfllco last
year ami asked to bo given an
explicit understanding of the grade.
Mr. Tlllson was not In , but ono of his assist
ants showed mo a profile , made in accord
ance with the preliminary survey. By that ,
my lot was to bo cut a foot nnd a half on the
west terminus. The arudo then was satis
factory to ovoty one ,
"After the ordinance was passed ostab-
the grade on Walnut Hill , I again wont to
the engineer's ofllce , and found that Instead
of cutting a foot , und a half on my lot , the
engineer had ordered a fill of seven feet.
Well , this simply entails a loss of § 1,500 to
me. that is nil.
The citizens who claim to have been Injured
by this grade make grave allegations against
Councilman Lowry , the city engineer , and
others , and insist that the ofllcials1 have been
controlled by the motor people nnd Mr. Guy
Barton in establishing the grade. Just what
foundation exists for these imputations could
not bo ascertained.
Advice to .Mother * .
Mrs. "VVlnblow's Soothing Syrup
should always bo used for children teeth
ing. It soothes the child , softens thu
gums , allays all pains , euros wind colic ,
and is the best remedy lor diarrhoea.
' 2oc ti bottlo. _
Why General Tranic'SIiinazcr Million
Went to I ovv , York.
It was Icnrucdycstorday that the mission of
C. S. Mullen , general traftlo manager ot tbo
Union Pacific to Boston \vas for the purpose
of appearing before the senatorial investi
gating' committee on Pacific railways. That
committee is in Boston inquiring into matters -
tors relating to the Union Pacitic. The offi
cials hero state that no information bos bcoa
received as to the committee coining hero
and that iu all probability it will not make a
tour of tbo road until October ,
It was also learned that President Adams
and Mr. Mellon will leave Boston for
Omaha Saturday , although Mr. Adams will
not como further west than Chicago as he
has arranged to nttciia n nicotine of the rail
way presidents to bo held in Chicago July 9.
Humors nf Important Changes ,
It was reported yesterday that the Union Pa
ciflc had decided to consolidate the car shops
at Grand Island and North Pintle and move
the same to Kearney. When questioned
General Manaecr Kimball said : "I know
nothing of i.ny movement of this kind being
even under consideration and I doubt as to
the truthfulness of the report. " Notwith
standing Mr. Kimbnll's denial , the report
that the move will bo made tn the near
future comes from a reliable source nnd
from an individual who claims to know that
the change mis been decided upon. It was
also reported that the change meant the
changing of the division terminal of the Ne
braska division from North Platte to Kear
ney a matter which Mr. Kimball also dts
clalmncd knowledge of.
Rrntinn Agents Appointed.
Assistant General Manager Dickinson of
the Union Pacific has issued a circular ap
pointing S. Shcaror agent at a now station
called Rcford , on the Kansas division ; and
C. B. Godard joint ugont of a freight trans
fer station at Jersey , on the Colorado dlvi-
sio'n , a point where the Hock Island inter
sects the Union Paeilic.
Geiirrnl b'hermnii in Omulin.
General W. T. Sherman aud party arrived
in Omaha on the Burlington from the east
yesterday and immediately took the train
for Denver. The general was met nt the
depot by several old friends by whom ho was
heartily greeted. The general seemed to bo
in the enjoyment of good health.
The B. & M. will run a special train leav
ing hero July 4 , at S a. m , , to Grctna , where
Independence day will bo duly observed.
The round trip Is Ret at I'M cants.
Gcorgo Carroll , who was recently ap
pointed chief of the railway weighing asso
ciation to succeed the Into George W. Mc
Millan , has been duly Installed by Superlu
tendent Carman at this place.
Gcorgo L. Carman , superintendent of the
Western Hallway Weighing association ,
with headquarters at Chicago , is In the city.
The nrgreouicnt entered into between thn
oOIclals of the Union Pacific and the griev
ance committee nf the Brotherhood ol
Locomotive Engineers and Firemen , wenl
into effect Monday. The passenger trains
on the Kansas City , St. Joseph & Council
Bluffs are now run solid over the Union
Pacific bridge to Omaha. .
A circular reached Omaha yesterday an
nouncmg the appointment of W. W. Cowan
contracting uguntof the Missouri Pacific ,
with headquarters at Kan j us City , vice U.
C. Cordell resigned.
The effects of the department of the gen
eral superintendent of tbo Elkhorn have ar
rived in O in all a from Missouri Valley.
C. M. Hutliburn , superintendent of tbo
Missouri Pacific , is in Onmhu.
K. C. Morohousa , general freight agent ol
the Elkhorn , bus returned from an oxtondot
trip to points east , '
Mho jurisdiction of Ynrdmuster McCoy , o :
the Union Pacific , has been extended , taking
In tbo yard fit Council Bluffs.
Genera ! "lanaccr lioldroe , of the Bur
llngton , has gone t ) Burlington to confer
with President Parkins ou matters pertain
ing to the B. & M. system.
The additional local train of the Elkhorn
route between Oaiaha and York promises to
prove o ) great udvautago to the merchants
along tbo lino. A largu number of passen
gers came in on the tram this morning , the
second day of the run. The train , returning
to York , loaves Omab.t ut 5. 15 in the after
United States Court.
William Hicks aud M , Young were
arrested at Beatrice Monday by the new
c'cputy United States marshal , J , C. Emery
on the charge of selling liquor without t
license. They were arraigned bofotn Judge
Dundy. Pleading gulltv they were eaot
lined $ 'i5 ana costs , which they paid , am
were released.
Catarrh cim-d. lioiilth and s i3t
breath bccurod by Slilloh'n Catarrh
Remedy , IVicoGO cents. Nasal lujectoi
freo. For sale by Goaumuu Drug Co .
Managing Director JUnoth Gives Ills
Views on the 8nloot | ,
Mr. Booth , manngliifrtlircotor of the Now
York Llfo Insurant * ) ' cbmpany , who is noxv
n the city , was ifecbn yesterday on the
subject of Jim Crelgbton's protest against
ho' assessor's roturil * on the Life building
and on TUB BEK building.
Mr. Booth said that , ho understood from
irlvale pources thatCrclghlon's attack had
not with the approval of * very few citizens.
Ho continued : "
" 1 should think your people would feel
Ika encouraging the construction of grout
nilldlngs rather than put an embargo upon
them by hlirh taxatlAn before they tire com
pleted. Of course , WB ) . are willing to pay
taxes , nnd Will pay whatever the board de
cides upon , but it Rcculs to mo that Omaha
should do nothing to shut out foreign capital
which seeks invostmout hero iu first-class
"Anv other city would bo willing to pay a
jonus for buildings to cost half a million del
ors nnd over. "
Mr. Uooth's attention was called to the
claim of certain parties that a building
should bo assessed fully before ready for oc
cupancy , nnd that the assessor could not bo
expected to consider the fact that a building
> Vas not ready for tenants. Ho hold that n
lUlldlng should bo assessed fully from the
.Imn It was perfectly complete nnd in condl-
.ion to earn reulals , and not bcforo.
The plnuino Angostura Bitter ; ; of Dr.
S. G. 1) . Siegort & Sons nro the most
oitlcacious stimulant to o.xcito the appe
tite. Ask your druggist.
The McCaguo's nro Said to ba the
It Is rumored that an important deal Is
under way between Mcdiguo ] 3ros. and a
syndicate of eastern capitalists , which when
consummated will result In the erection of
another handsome office building In this
city. It will occupy the lot on the
northwest corner of Dodtra and Fifteenth
streets , now owned by McCaguo Brothers ,
with sixty-six-foot front on Dodge and 120
feet along Fifteenth street.
The building will bo a live-story brick ,
with nn elegant banking room In the corner ,
which will bo occupied by ttioMctJ.iRUos.
The structure IB to cost , It is said , 5150,000 ,
and if arrangements nro completed at once ,
as expected , work on thn excavation and
plans for tbo building will bo commenced
within thirty days.
For a disordered liver try Beccham's Pills.
It Will Stop In Omaha on Its AVny to
A sub-committee of the committee of In
dian affairs of the United States senate will
arrive in this city over the Burlington roads
at 9:30 : to-day.
The committee Is under orders of the sen
ate to .investigate the condition of the North
ern Pacific coast and Alaska Indians.
Many coinplalntu have been made durlntr
the last several years In regard to the
incnt of these Indians. Those in Alaska
nrd hot under thocintl-ol of the Indian de
partment , and are ub'thout the supsrvWon of
Indian ajronts. '
The will leave hero in
the afternoon and proceed direct to Port
Townsend. Washington Territory , wheio
they will board a ' boat belonging to tbo
United States tlsh commission.
The party consists of Senator Dawcs of
Massachusetts , clmirmrfn of the committee ;
Senator Stockbndgb of' Michigan , Senator
Jones of Arkansas and 'Senator Mnndorson
of this state.
The party IB conducted by the Hon.V. . P.
Canadav , sergeant-alarms of thoscuate , and
the clerk und stenographer's force consists
of Mr. Olin , clerk of the committee of Indian
affairs , Mr. Amixo Smith , superintendent of
documents of the setiuto. and Mr. Nathan
Parkor. The committee" will bo met nt the
depot by Senator 'Mantler-son nnd Congrest-
mau Council , and will then bo driven about
To allay pains , subdue inflammation ,
heal foul sores and ulcers the most
prompt ana satisiactory results are ob
tained by usiiif * thtitold reliable remedy ,
Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini-
inont. _
Articles of Incorporation.
There was filed in the oflico of the county
clerk yesterday an amendment to tbo urti-
cles of the Omaha Cable Tramway company ,
extending the right of the company to con
struct , operate and maintain street railways
in the city of South Omaha ; also specifying
certain streets in South Omaha along which
said company may construct its linos. The
provisions include cable lines , electric and
compressed air motors or any other motor.
Afl.iira Unchanged.
NEW YOIIK , July 2. The legation of Hnytl
to the United States is in receipt of a cable
dispatch dated Port-au-Prince , Juno 80 , to
the effect that the government lines remain
unchanged , no advance whatever bavin ?
been made by the insurgent forces , and that
Hippolyto was still nt Cape Haytion. The
capital and department of the southwest and
west wcro in n state of perfect triinquility.
Snintmn Survivors ) Arrive.
NEW Yomr , July 2. Among the passcn
gcrs on thn steamer Newport from Aspin-
wnll , which arrived last night , nro a band
numbering thirteen men of the United Siatcs
steamer Nlpstc , four seamen from the same
vessel , and three seamen from the United
States steamer Vandalla , survivors of the
Samoan disaster. All were in charge of
Captain McLaughlln.
.loo Mackin I'nrdnncd-
SPiuxariBM ) , IH. , July 2. The governor
to-day pardoned Joseph C. Mackin , who was
sontouccdito the penitentiary for ballot box
stuffing. lie accompanied tbo pardon with
a review of the papers in thu cneo , in whlcn
he stated that the application had stronger
support probably Chan had over been pre
sented to a governor In a like case.
IS not only n distressing complaint , of
itself , but , by cA"tsing | the blood to
become doprnvcil and the sy file in en
feebled , Is the parent of innuinornblo
maladies. That Ayor's Sarsaparilla
is tlio bent euro for Indigestion , rvcn
when complicated wltli Liver Complaint ,
Is proved by the following testimony
from Mrs. Josobh Lake , of Vrockvray
Centre , Mich.I
"Liver complaint | , nnd indigestion
mndu my llfo a bunion nnd came near
ending my exs(6nco. ! ( For moro tliatt
four yean I sulTereil nntold ogony , was
reduced almost t6nukolot < ) nund hardly
had streiiHtli to drag'hiysolf ' about. All
Mnda of food dl-ttriiHsud mu , and only
the most ilolicaU ) cdnld bo digested nt
oil. Within thu tlinuinontlonud Buvernl
iiliyaiclnns trcatod mo without giving ru-
ici. Kothing that I took seemed to do
any permanent good until I commenced
tlio use of .Aycr's , $ ursaparillti , which
has produced woimuiful results. Boou
after comuiBiicIng to tuico the Saruapa-
rilla I could see an Improvement in my
condition. My appctlto began to return
und with it eamu the ability to digest
oil the food taken , my Btrongtli im
proved each day , aim after a few
months of faithful attention to your
directions , I found myself a well
woman , ahlo to attend to all household
duties , The medichio bus given mo a
new lease of life , "
Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla ,
Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Price f 1 ; * lx tiottlci , } 5. Worth $3 t bottle.
UieA hy the TJnltrd Stnte * Oovcntm nt. lindorstd hy the liends of the Or nt Untverdlllcs
find Vubtlc Food Aunlysto , fin the SlroiiRCSt. I'tircst nnd mot Healthful. . Dr. I'rlcc' .Crfniu
Balclni ; I'owderdoMt not contain AmmoniiIlrnc or Alum. Dr. Price's Dcllcloutl'lavonnplvx-
tracts , Vanilla , I.cmon , Orange , Almond , Uosc , etc. , da not contain 1'olsouom Oilsor ClicmlcaU
PRICE DAKING POWDER CO. . Now York. Chlooco. Ot. Lautr
If you clpsiro to make washing-day a pleasure , use
To each pail of warm water add one tablespoonful of "Gold Dust ; "
stir until dissolved ; soak your garments in this solution overnight ; very
little rubbing will be necessary. Put the clothing into the boiler , add
another tablespoonful of " ( Sold Dust. " Boil for twenty minutes , Your cloth
ing will bo sweet and clean. FREE SAMPLES at your grocer's , Ask
for one.
INFLAMATION 9F THE BOWELS , PILES , and all deraiiKoment of the Inter
nal Viscera.
RADWAY'S PILLS are a euro for this complaint. They tone up Oio internal
secretions to healthy action , restore strength to the stomach and enable it to
perform its functions. Price iJoc per box. Sold by all druggists.
RAD WAY & CO. , Now York ,
For Sale l > u M. IL BLISS , OmaJix ,
"HW.waf&v&sftB "
IB , 20 , 22 , 24 , 26 , 2C , 30 AHD 32 LAKE STREET. CHICAGO , ILL.
A. J. 1'OIM'IjRTON , 1'resldont. II , W. YATBS. Trenjuror.
J. J. IMOWN , Vico-1'roBldont , b. T. JUflailM'N. rJocrotarr
I'nld IM Capital , $100,000
Fire , - Lightning - and - Tornado - Insurance ,
unices , H. 11. Corner Douglas anil Kixtrcntli Sia. Tulnpliono 1-iaa.
Directors : A. J. 1'opploton , J. II.MIIUrd , Win. Wall ice. J. W. Oannat ; . II , W , Yatns , N. A
Kuhn , IS. U Stone , 0. J ) , Wocdworth , J. 8. ColliUH , J. J. Hrowii. H. T. .iMidyn.
HomeOtllcc , .Vos. 300 , tJOl , C02 , UOUllromi's lllouk , - - Omaha , Neb ,
Chicago. Ills , * ! ClnrkOt ,
Tto Regular Old-Established r \
Intlll Treating fcHh the GnatMt
Chronic , Norms and Private Diseases ,
Or NERVOUS DKD1LITY , Loll Manhood ,
falling Memory , ExhauMln * Drnlnn , TerrlUs1
Dreams , Mend mnd Dock Achaand all th cITecu
fcxdinit lo tly decviy nj pettup * ConiumpUon ot
Insanity , treated icl nlluc lljr Ly new methods wlU >
ABY PHILIQ and all b d Blood nd Skin Oil *
e en permanently cured ,
JBTKIDNBYnncl URINARYcomphlnti.OUet.
Gonorrhoea , Slrlctu re , Varlcocele nnd all tlbcuct
cfth Ocollo-UriMty ( JiRinicuml promptly without
Injury toSlomich , KlJnc > i or oOier OrK ns.
afir No experiment ! , ARO and experience lm <
portont. ContuUbtlon frea and sucrei ) ,
ffS-Send 4 ccnti patuga for Celebrntcd Work ! oo
Chronic , Ktrvoni nd Delicate Il > utci.
4GTThoso conlcmpUtlna M itl Rt tend for Dr.
Clarke's cclelnted culde Mnle and Female , each
5 ccnti , both t $ ecntt ( lamm ) . Contult the olJ
Doctor. A frler.dly leller or call m y saw ( iituw ull r-
inn nd lharae , and add golden yf r to We. ZCr-lloolc
"Life'sSecretError ( ) * , " socjnt ( iiamp ) . Medctn !
pnd willing ent ererjrwhrre , secure from fxpoturt * '
llourt , 8 to 8. Sundayi 9 tn n , AJilres *
P. D. CLARKE. M. D. .
100 Qo. Ciark SU CHICAGO * T
20to60 DAYS.
This is u diaonso which bos horotofor *
Bafllod all Medical Science.
VTben.Morcurv , Todldo of 1'otanslura. Sarsnp *
rllln or Hot Springs fill , wo Kunmnteu n cure.
\Vo have a Remedy , unknown to anyone Intht
World ontslilo of our Company. ixnil ono thnthai
to curs the most obstlauto case * . Ten day * tn
recent cnsos does tlio work. HU the oUehronto
d cp seatoit canes that w * oullctt.Ve hnva
cured hundred * who Imve been abandoned by
I'liyilclans. and ptonouuccd Incurable , nnrt we
chiiltengw the world to bring us a erne that we
will not euro In Ic3thau sixty day * .
Kltifu tba hUtory of moalclno ft true upecltlo
for Syphilis has towra sought for but noror
fouua until our
n as disco voreil , and wu at a Justlllol tn saying
It Is the only Remedy in the World tu.U will no *
Itlvely curi. bD.'iuiso thi > latest Medical Works ,
published by the best Known authorities , nay
tuero wasnoverntrneHpecltla before. Ottrrnm-
utly will euro vriion everything elsa 1ms fallnd.
Why \vasto vou tluio mid rauney with patent
cieillclncs that uovor had vlrtuo , or doctor with
physicians th.u cannot euro you , you that hare
tried everything nlao should como tonsnownnd
K ttiennunentioUef , you never couBBt it olii-
Mhere. Marie what we say. Ill the ouil you
must tike our romely or NBVKR rot-over and
you that have J > < > fln allllctod but a short time
Should ty all moan * como to us now , not ona In
tenet ninr raifs ever pet parmiuently cured.
Many act help and think they are f rso rrnm tht
tltaease. but in one , two or tnron year * utter II
uppears igala In n moro horrlbla form.
This is a. blood Purlflor and will Cure
any Skin or Blood Disease when
Kvorythiiifr Elao Fails.
NOTICE Wo doslro toc.tutlon patients In re
gard to paitloi claiming to use the ttoofc Item-
i'dy. Our formula Is not ixnd CANNOT b
Known to unyono but oitrsolvos.
Rooms 418 and 419 , Paxtou Block
DRINK wlthj
It ii'lll correct tlieilitniiitjlng In-
fliifiicoofJce oil tltohlbtitnclt.
Ken IKaltb rronrvlnj , ( or
" i Invlrcr tlns , acd Eeg -
g far All. The Unit Sun-
'uer ' Bevcraf o laCxlitcnet. "W&r *
rinteJ Etrlctly 1'uro and Uat r-
nvnt d. An ECclant r.crcd7
( or Clarrhaa , Ckclera Hctbai ,
Eyionttry , r.nrt Ml lllioratri o (
the Bowels.
Jlis ns. LuvrTJIAI. : Bnos.
Dear fclrs : I Imve tried tlio
IIuiiRarlnn Illnckborry Julco
you su ktnilly Bout inc. It la
tlio no pint ultra of summer
drinks. It If free ( roni nlco-
liol. nllnys tlilrnt , tones the
cllKOitUo orgaiu ! , has a line
nromntlo tla > or. nnd la Just
tlmililncfurcllnrrlKi'iil truub-
Ift In tiin lipnlLd tciTTi. A
TAl.lMPOO rUI , IN ft
llowfct fully.
T. A , ATCHiaON. M.D.
l'ornnlr-by DriicjIn
Dealers ana Uroccra.
Over 14 Millions Sold in this
Country alone.
The Best Fitting and Best
Wearing Corset Ever Made.
C - the Liquor Unbtt , I'unltlTi-lr Cared
by AdmlnUtrrlua Dr. Iliiinca'
It can boglvun In uciipof conuoortci "rltliout tht
knonluJxa or tlin pc'iBoutHklniflti loiurolutul/lurm
lnsn.uiul nlll uirxct u tiieuily unit iiuriuniient aura
nliothur the piillmit m n iiiixluraln drlnlifr or ua
nltolioltrroLk. . 'J'Jiuiiianili of itriinkanK IIUTO uonn
umilti tompnraU ) inun iii > liAtut.ikiiii Uolrtori HimclHo
In tlmlrcoir.MinHluin. tliulr tliowlcrtiuninl to-Jir : t'O- '
llnvo limy ( | lilt drliikln. of tliulr n n free irlll , IT
Nr.VI'.H I'A ! ! , - > . 'j' ii ryuluni uuve Impio.iiutM wuh
llw biim Itlc. It bet-union nil inter liapi 8 lbllitr for Ibo
lUiuor nppntltn to uxlit. Kor Hiln hy Knhn If Co. ,
Druuubili.JSUi utiil l ) uiilaH tr.ainl IStll and Oum-
luti i. , Dumlia. A.l > . fouler ft llro. . Council UIuT .
Otntralond MEHYOUS I ) BILH'yi
flTTT ? "P ! c/BJ7ind y di Effect *
p , . „ , „ , ,
run uiuii I'oj i itch. u , i.u/bi
terltfltrrRatliiil l > y UK lil
K iiillw r.i n ewi luunlcd " ( iiiijiu
Health. " Alalulo Kcr . VarlCO"
role ii" t vltht'ut l l oreil > n. Aildmi
Oaslnii'Dupro Cll'nlque ' , 1 > TrunoTtt it. ,
tuccH : fiiily uktxl monthly by ovur 10,000
ljull''i. AroCn/r. EtfectMtluwl fteatant
? ' in-rrxiic hymall.or itHlnicirltia. Xrjlcti
J'jr/c Jar aiojilngn ) tarut > i. Aridres *
lie Uur.mA CJUMIC4U Co. , Utiwiir , Hies.
for sain iiiui by mall by Goodman Diuj
C'oinpuny , Omaha.