THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JULY 3 , 1889. THE DAILY BEE. I'Unijl.SIIKI ) KVI3IIY D nllr ( Morning Kdltlon ) Including Sunday Utc , On Year . . . . . . .I10CO rorSlx Months . , . 6 < H rorThreo Months . , . " . B W XhoOmtihaBnnilnjr Ilco , mailed to nnj- direM ! , Ono Yoir . i . S ft ) Weekly Itno. Ono Year . 8 iw Omnna Olllct1 , Hoe linllillng , N. W. Comer Borcntconlh find rnrnnm Streets. Cnlcntw OIllr . M7 HooKcry llulMtnz. _ New Vork < . Jlooms II nuil IA Trlintno Jtnildintt. Washington onico , No. B13 Four teenth Street. _ COltltCarONDRNCR. All communications relating to news nnrt mil- tortnl matter should bo addressed to tUo Kditor ottho llee. All buMnoM letters ftnd remittances should bo addressed to 1 ho lieu I'libllsnlmi Company. OmnhB rirartn. checks and postolliro orders to bemadotiiiynblo to the order nt tlio company. The BEG PiilsliiniHSpy , Proprietors , B. 1108I2WATKH , Jftlttnr. - -1'llK lllilS. Kwnrn Stntcinunt orCirouIntlon. Btntc of Nebraska , I. . County ot notiBlfts , f " Ocorpo II. Tzsrhuck , Bccrotnry of The lice Pub- JlililnsComcany. doesnolomnly swear that thu actual circulation of TUB UAILT HKB for the eclc ending Juno Zutlu 1BJ > 9. was as rollowsi . . . Monday. Jnno 21 . . . 18,5 , J Tuesday. Juno 25 \Vdn < > tOny..lnnoM Thursday. JuneCT . ' . l-'rlday. .inno iB . t . ! * Baturduy. Juno UD . . . .18.fiJJ Avcnmo . 18.1122 OtOHGK n. TZSCHUUIC. Cworn tobrfora mo nnd subscribed to Lainy nrrtcuce thurjth clav of June , A. D. ISXi. Kent. N. 1' . FE1L. 'otnry 1'ubllo. Etntoof Nebraska , I , f Ba > County of Douglas Oeorpo 11. TzschucK , being duly svrorn , de- TIOHCS nnrt says that ho Is secretary of The lleo Publishing company , that the nctnal nverngo dally circulation of Tlio Dally Itod for the month1 of June , IK'S , 10.242 copies ; for July. U8 ? . JP.OSI copies ; ( or August. 1K , 1S.1SI copies ; for September. Jt * < , 1H.154 copies ; for October , JM-H , Ir.tH copies ; for November , 18.8 ( , 18.USJ roples ; lor December , 1NM , lR,2il copies ; frtr January. 1881 , JH.fj74 copies ; for February. 18W , JP.WXl copies ; for Marcn. issn , la.Kil copies ; for April , ife ) , Wtta copies : for May , 1M > , 1 .BW copies. OKO. it. TX-SOHtJCK. Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed Inniy lEcal. ] preaonco this ad day of Juno , A. 1J. , N. P. FEIL , Nqtary Public. NOT to bo outdone by Chicago's Cronin - nin mystery , St. Louis hns a sonsationnl inurdor o her own and is correspond ingly Imppy. Cor.oitAno furmors fool highly clntod over tliolf crop prospects this season. Nevertheless , II they need nny corn they will bo obliged to call on Nebraska. pcoplq of Colorado are complain ing that the lust Icjrislaturo spent twenty thousand dollars for stationery nlono. It is quite evident that the Bovonty-flvo members of that body did not maka laws for the state for tUo ben efit of their health. IF Mil. FHKD NYB wan ts nny further advertising for his paper in the only medium that roaches all the people of Oinnlm and the section , tributary , no will find'accommodating clerks to ro- colvo his orders and money in th'o counting room of THE BEE. ONE thousand and nine building per mits were issued during the first six I fej > * mouths of the year , ropresentingavaluo of buildings finished or under construc tion of tvo nnd onG-qunrtor millions of dollars. Puch nn exhibit proves conclu sively thut Omaha is not at a standstill. THE governors of Mississippi and Louisiana have issued proclamations to prevent the Sullivan-Kilrain fight from taking place within their respective states. Chivalrous southerners nro not likely , howovcr , to quarantine- against the coining exciting match as if it were thoyoUow fovor. SCIENTISTS are at present engaged in heated discussions in New York to show that the murderer , Kommler , sentenced to death , can not bo killed by electric ity. Nevertheless , the deadly oloctrio light wires in that city manage to dis patch ono or rnoro victims u month , despite the opposition ot theorists. KANSAS CITY offers ns an attraction for the summer the spectacular repre sentation of the "Last Bays of Pompeii. " Omaha still holds fresh in memory the "Siopo of Sebastopol , " which would have boon an unqualified success if the contractors of the spectacle had carried out their ngrooineiit ns made with the projectors of the enterprise. carries oil the palm of having indulged in the longest legisla tive session of the year. It began on the first Wednesday in January and ad journed on the last Wednesday in Juno. It managed to pass a good many unsat isfactory measures and to add to the burden of taxation in that stato. ' No re grets were expressed over its adjourn ment. Tnis Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley has wisely dotflrrtilnod to improve - provo its local service on the Hustings branch oy the addition ol two trains dally. This will give the people living on that line as far as York the oppor tunity to nrnlco daily visits to the mo- trppoUs , and no doubt the patrons of the road v.'ill approciuto this accommo dation. Till' ' ! ynluo of a substantial fireproof trail In boating back a great shoot-of flame was ably domonstiatodin Chicago a day or two ago in the burning of the Barton block. A dozen or more fire en gines were throwing rivers of water into the fiery furnace , but the flames were not checked in the least until they mot this solid wall of fireproof tile , which did more to subdue the confla gration than the united oliorts of Chi cago's tire department. approval of thu bonds of the pav ing contractors by the board ol public t works practically settles the vexed ques tion us to who will do the paving ot the Btroots this season. It is immaterial to the people of Omaha whether the con tracts bo sublet or not , so long as the work bo done properly according to the BpoolQentlons. That there has boon fraud nnd crookedness in paving and Bower construction is notorious , and Incompetent - competent inspectors are oh lolly respon sible for thib. It ia out ot tire question to expect contractors on public works U live up to specifications of the board ol public works if the inspectors can be tampered with or lack the ability to do Inferior materials and work , A pnornn Judge Wakoloy la to bo heartily commended - mended for the rebuke ho administered to certain lawyers for Introducing in a dlvurco cnsa nrntlor which the judge declared ought to have subjected the author to nrrost for Bonding obscene literature through the mails. "This court , " said Judge Wukoloy , "certainly ought to ho kept ns pure in character ns the United States mulls , nnd I hove no patlonco with attorneys who scok to contaminate it by filing petitions thnt nro filled with obscene literature. " There is a class ot lawyers , far too numerous In the profession , who sooin to revel in the vulgarity and obscenity which can bo extracted from most-divorce suits , nnd who , if iorinittodwlll spread every nauseating detail before court , and pub lic when there is not the slightest ne cessity for doing so in the interest of clients. Unfortunately , most judges , from n disposition to give attorneys the largest possible latitude , tolerate this abuse , though their own sensibilities may bo rudely shocked and they may bo conscious that their court is thus made the chnn- n'ol for the dissemination of Indo- oentnnd matter that cannot fail to bo more or losj widely injurious. The celebrated divorce cases thnt can bo called to mind , of which that of Carter - tor against Car tor , In Chicago , was the most recent , undoubtedly had as malign an influence upon public morals tia all the distinctly obscene literature over printed. It is doubtless true that a largo partot the testimony introduced in these cases was necessary and una voidable , but it cannot bo successfully contended that all of it was , or that the most revolting portions might not have been suppressed , and it is true of nearly or quite all such cusos which involve ross immorality that the courts allow too ti latitude to attorneys. It limy be too inuiih to hope that the judiciary generally will oxor- clso its authority to remedy this , and keep the disgustintr disclosures of divorce vorco suits within smno limitations thnt would show n little regard for do- coney and the public morals , hut never theless the example of Judge Waitoloy merits ntltmLlon nn'd commendation. Wo may bo sure that at least in his court decency will suffer no more of fense than circumstances render un- avoulublo. TllEUE MUST J1K NO ItELAPSE. The Now York Sun , discussing the western railroad situation , says there must bo no relapse into rascality. The early promise of the intor-stnto com merce , railway assoointion , formed with the avowed purpose to obey -the inter state commerce law , to maintain stabil ity of rates , and to secure among the railroads in the association an equitable division of business , was most favorable to the realization , of these conditions. As the li'iin says , there was abundant and gratifying evidence of the beneficial working of the ar rangement , rates became stable , the administration of the railroad proper- tics improved , public confidence was in a measure restored , and the general trnllic movement of the country became natural and regular. ' 'The condition of affairs was entirely wholesome ; honest - est and straightforward methods of busi ness were in ths uscondant , and the reign of rascalitv , of private feuds , and of personal greed and rapacity appeared to bo at an end. " Into this hopeful and propi tious ' situation was suddenly thrust the Chicago & Alton compile cation" That company had entered the association most reluctantly , and doubtless - loss never had any genuine sympathy with the agreement. In order to se cure its acquiescence the association consented to modifications of the original terms of the acrroomont , which loft a loophole that has enabled the Alton to ro'gain its independence with out the least difficulty or responsibility. Whan the association , nt the instance of the obstinate company , inserted in the compact the provision that , not withstanding the decision of the arbi trators , the company claiming the right to make any particular rate may , after such'decision , malco such a rate on ton days' notice , the agreement was rendered ( dered little better than a rope of sand and the Alton obtained an nvonuo of escape - capo which it has since improved. When ltd application to bo allowed to make n reduced lumber rate between Chicago nnd the Missouri river was re fused it simply gave the required notice and the association was tuworlesato enforce - force its decree. Then came up the question of n division of live stock traf fic with the St. Taul , and al though this was decided in favor of the Alton that , company found an excuse for notifying the asso ciation of its intention to withdraw. The complications thus introduced have brought on others , until now the situa tion is said to bo regarded by conserva tive railroad men as tbo most serious that has over menaced the western roads. Wo observe that Chairman Walker , of the railway association , takes a hope ful view of affairs. Ho looks , it Is said , for a cessation of hostilities , und believes - liovos thnt at the coming mooting wise counsel will prevail , und that nouo of the companies will risk adverse publiu opinion when they will have an opportunity to accomplish commendable things by maintaining rates which ex cessive crops and unprocodontodly heavy business will give them. But there is nothing apparent to furnish a ground for confidence of this sort , Meantime , how is tlio law being ro- spoetpdV The Now York SIM alllrms tliat the Alton , since it withdrew from the association , has boon engaged in practices which bring it within the penalties of the amended inter-stato commerce net , and it urges that these penalties should bo enforced. "So bold nnd shameless , " says the Sun , "has this defiance ot the law become that it is now essential , in the publiu interest , that eoino vindication ot it should ensue. It will not do to be content with fines paid by presidents on behalf of convicted subordinates , Such penalties are laughed nt nnd incurred with contempt. The provision which involves imnrison- incnt muat bo unforced , and not against the EorvunU , but agutnst thu masters whoso bidding they do. " It would bo wall If this view could bo 90 Impressed upon the minds of the inter-state coin- morco commiSBlonora ns to load tiiom to take the measures they nro authorized to tafto for oftoctlvoly administering the law , nnd which it would seem nro now , quite as much as at nny time in the past , necessary to chock violations of the law nnd to prevent a gonornl re lapse Into rascality. MANUAL THAtNlNO IN OMAHA. The Instructor in manual training in the high ichool has nskod for additional room and also that more attention bo given to this branch of instruction. The special committee to whom the matter haa boon referred should glvo the subject of manual training careful consideration , not only in its general aspects as a part of public instruction , but with reference ns well to what has been accomplished hero. Tie ( question of the expediency of connecting manual training with the public Bchools is ono upon which nil educators nro not ngrood , and considering the limited extent to which this training is associated with the schools of the coun try , the conclusion must bo that a ma jority ot educators nre not favorable to it. The plan is , however , making progress - gross , though slowly , nnd in cities whore it has received adequate atten tion the results have boon very satisfac tory , nnd manual training in the schools is strongly supported. There is unquestionably n great deal to ho said in its favor , but obviously when un lor- taknn it must bo made thorough in or der to bo effective nnd to command it self to the public. A morcly super ficial system of manual training is a waste both ot thto puclio money nnd the time of the pupil. Wo ni-o not fully in formed regarding the course pursued and the results attained in the work of manual training in Omaha , but the in ference from the recommendation of the professor in charge of the work , that more attention bo given to it , must bo that it has been neglected. Wo think the system bhould bo continued , but only upon a basis of such thoroughness and efficiency as will give it the high est practical value to these who shall avail themselves of it. A saving in other directions could doubt less bo made for the benefit of the man ual training school. The matter is ono to which the special commlttue of the board of education should give more than a perfunctory consideration. Ax early decision is expected from the treasury department on the rather important question of thu classification of Canadian cars employed on Ameri can railroads. There has baon no inti mation as to what view the department will take of this matter , but there is reason to believe that it Ir.w boon aub- , jectod to a strougtyressuro to induce it to decide that thuso cars shall ba taxed. The claim of thee who advocates this is that the privilege ot frao entry now ac corded Cauadian-built cars is being luryroly abused , and that the im position of a duly on these is necessary - cossary for the protection of American car builders. It remains to bo soon whether the government will bo inllu- onced by this view or by tlio moro liberal - oral ono that so long as the Canadians do not tax American-built cars running temporarily into the Dominion , this government should allow Candian-huilt cars the privilege of passing through the United States , provided they nro" returned to Canada within a reasonable length of time. Pending the decision of this question iis interesting to note that the Dominion cabinet has boon dis cussing a proposal to retaliate against the United States in tno matter of the forwarding of fiondcd goods through Canada from ono port of this country to another , it having been decided at Washington not to allow the transmis sion of goods in bond from gno Canadian port to another through Maine. Officials are engaged in ascertaining the probable result of such legislation upon tnotrajllo rotations of the two countries , and Pre mier Macdonald is said to regard tlio situation as moro critical than over before. There is danger that existing differences between the United States nnd Canada may become moro compli cated und troublesome. THU union soldiers and sailors are well assured of just and generous treat ment nt the hands of the present ad ministration. It is understood to bo the intention of the various heads of departments to make no appointments to office until all the votcr.tns who were dismissed by the last administration for political reasons shall hava boon re stored to their former places in the olllcos from which they were removed. As the number of veterans dismissed ' for "of from'tho various departments fensive partisanship" and "pernicious activity , " ns viewed by the last administration , constitutes a con siderable percentage , it will require some time to uccomplsh their restoration , and meanwhile the consid eration of other applications will bo postponed. The action of the adminis tration in this matter , and undoubtedly thu entire credit belongs tothe presi dent , will lack the approval only of these who have no sympathy with the ox-union soldiers nnd sailors , nnd who hailed with gratification every dismis sal of ono such under the last adminis tration. It is simple justice that every veteran who lost his position in the public service for political reasons , should bo promptly restored to it , THAT ought to bo a very delightful trip indeed , undertaken by the sena torial committee now on its way to Alaska , delegated to look into the con dition of the Indians thero. It is com posed of Senators Dawos , Mandorson , Stookbridgo , Daniel and Jones of Ar kansas , and is the first trip of 11 bonuto committee into Alaska territory , Just what the commission proposes to do , however , is rather vague. It will look into the condition of the aborigines und will on joy. Alaskan scenery and the refreshing tonic of the north sea breezes. There 1ms boon no particular complaint concerning Alaskan Indians , but then as thu commission is expected to mulcts a report on the tribes , what bettor way to find out their habits and relations than by a personal visit1 ! Wo repeat , thorcforo , thut the trip will bo n most entertaining ono to the sena tor,1) , their ttivoa , relatives and invited cuosts , ospeiblriiry since Undo Sam pays the IT docs noXpay to sneer or east re flections up ? ! ) the civil service rules in hearing of Uro-olvll service commission. A Mlohtgnn < < collootor of customs has boon hnulod'Otar the coals for express ing nn opinion rtoroaatory to the civil service laws1"Tilr. . Iloosovolt , chairman of the commission , has given this cus toms collector to understand thnt while the commiss ii has no control over the expression ofany public olllcor , it will tolerate no violation and no evasion of the statute. ' Ip 'other words , the com mission would have the postmasters and custom house 0111 cars through the coun try obey the civil service laws , even though they do not respect thorn. OMAHA is not nlono in the enjoyment of n sensational land tltlo stilt. Minne apolis has just been stirred up from cen ter to circumference uy the milt for the possession of business property in the heart of the city valued at a round mil lion. The ndventurers of the Flour city pressing their claims are likely to ro- colvo as Httlo comfort for their pains as the Omaha claimants. THE first judicial ruling affecting local moat inspection laws comes from Indiana , whore a judge of the circuit court has declared the act passed at the recent session of the Indiana legisla ture to be unconstitutional. The ground taken is , that the state undertakes to supervise nnd regulate intcr-stuto com merce , which is clearly the province of congress. iMiuht Niifil n Civil Kl hta 15111. dllnntftpnll * TtD/tiiif. Wonder If the Africans will Insist upon putting white passontfurs in second-class coaches when they open the Con no railway } for thn Mother 'Ton sue. With casus belli , entente conlialo , anil nmro cluusum illltnar tlio iiowspapow , the English langujgu doui not have much show. in St. Ijoim Too. f St. fmih niirtti-Dimtwat. Wo wcro promised un onttro surccaso of tlio sinnll boy's llrc-craclccra for the Fourth of .inly , but instc.ui the nuisance began four dnya ahead of time. An Accurate Krror. lloiiun J'dft. Wo might forgive the compositor who would kindly drop un "o" in place of the "u" when \vo refer to the "rubber" trust it would describe it so much moro accurately. i ou know. _ _ Kin pcrur\V 111 in Hi's I'l-iitlrncc. Eniporor Wlllium II. has been knisering for over u .veurSiow anil husn't tried to whip Euiopo slnsjlo-hahilrd yet ; from which wo infer that bo h s been usincj his II , and is II ' to ntteuipt it. [ . ) th < ; n ni llcraM. Someone aup o ts tho- poppy ns the na tional liower. r'lho most numerous "poppy" inthia countr $ was liri hntn younu , und this fiict ought Jp kill ttio suggestion if not the suggpstcr. ' 1 ttepiiltlti ) Dr. StnrkloH iail'uJ to tret Frankfort or Berlin for which ho was rccoimnondud , but ho got Something Equally as Good in the shnpa of the Consulship at Bremen. The small list of Missouri appointments is crowIng - Ing slowly , but the npputitu of th-j applicants shows no signs of iioing satiated. Dr. Stark- loff'a good fortune will only servo to raise the cup of expectancy to the lips of the rest. The Krsult in Illicitly Tr.iy Vre i. Rhode Island Not , Dryland. Sunicme HcraW , "Oh , nlco enough nra pop nud sody , But I wants my baer , " snys Little Khody. Kcw I'nilc Herald. Can it bo that Llttlo Rhode's Loft the prohibition boworl Can it ba thnt she and Pons.v Cheese the rum blossom for their Bower ! In Fran' : Hoc ItitcJicltler in Drake's Magazine. One short week slnco I Had not thought That I could ever bo by nuzht So sura ulltiuteil ; I pass thu house within whojo walls She is , and may not stop ; my calls Are interdicted. Alas , bow lltful is our bliss ; 1 may not go to hur , nud tins Hy her own order ; Hero U the note she wrotu it in , To mo 1 to mo , who Ion ; ? huvo been Her heart's solo warder. The grand slono stotis I mount no inoro ; I may not enter , us before , And clasp ner to nio : Save for u dim liijht , in her room , The house is silent , wrapped in gloom ; 1 too nui gloomy. Not that she loves tno less , nlthougb I'm exiled to uiy studio And long-Hhunncd easels ; But her small brother ( poor dear lad I ) lias got what I ti.ivo never line ! , Hang it the measles I KTAT13 AXI ) TiaittUTOltY. Nclmir.lcn ilnttinus. Forty of the best citizens of Fairmont bnvo organized n social club 11114 have organ ized nnd hava llttod up u spacious hull. A Friend man bns Invented a now style of barbed wlro nnd u company has been formed to immufuuturo the urUclu at that pluco. A Kavcnnn man has Invented nnplln-oec- | ] tile to bo ttirownnrom a common mortar on shipboard for thcf purpose of subduing heavy seas. J I The harness stdYa' of D. A. Hopkins , at North Hond , hasibcun closol on a chattel mortgage for $117IJ | ) : In favorof Homo Miller , of Norfolk. | , \ Nebraska Citj [ dfy goods dealers are troubled with Uioptoipaulacs , mostly women and children , aiuluoiao of them members of well known fumulcs' Henry Qardln'or , uu old veteran , wno has been nil innmto pi , tha Cans county poor house for munv pqra , has boon admitted to the boldiur's houio. ntj Dayton , O. The annual rcuniot of the soldiers and sailors of'NortliiNubraska will bo held at O'Neill from AuRU t IS to ZT , and prepara tions have been jaada to thoroughly enter tain all coiners , ] 11 Tlio Hastings < < Jaitttc-Ja\mial \ , which has bnon lying doriffuilt for soma months , haa been rovivllloa and appeared this week as n Sunday morning paper. U announces that after July 13 U will publish u weakly edition , and a little later the daily edition vvlll bo re sumed , The oflltlal procrratmnu of tha stuto flro- men's touruumunt to babold at Red Cloud , July 10 and 10 has boon issued , nnd makes nulto an extensive volume. All the prepara tions for thu event are complete , and the prospects for a oucccssful meeting uro most promising. A potltion has been filed in tbo Cass county district court contesting the lute bond oloo- tlon , alleging1 frauds of all kluda , Illegal voting ing , bribing , nnd among other sensational charges , avers that the board of elecctors In the tlrst word of Hattsmouth on election day drank intoxicating llquora , and m cense quence were BO arnnk before noon that thoj could not tell who voted. The grand Jury in Howard has Indicted Gsorgo W. Uonlcy for ndultory nnd bigamy nnd ho has boon bound ever for trial in the sum of * 1CXW. Donloy ilosonod his wlfo last summer and wont lo Kansas City , whore no lived with n crippled girl nnmod M.vers. The latter died recently nnd Donoly returned to his family In Soward. Hilly Hum. n Uulo tough , assaulted Wil liam McIntOMi , an InolTonsivo bookkeeper , with u heavy club , Inlhctlng Injuries which it Is feared will provo fatal. Molntosu has boon unconscious sltico the assault , nnd Unrn can not bo found. Tha latter Is tha same man who struck Joel Harper last yoat nnd laid him up for ever three months. - lowu ItoniR. Iowa has sent out about four hundred college - lego graduates tills your. A Creston restaurant man was flnod $7.GO for soiling lemonade on Sudday , The Kcokuk schools will bo repaired $1,200 worth during the summer vacation. Rev. E. S. Hill tnis boon pastor of the Cen- RroRatlonal church at Atlantic for twenty years. An Osknloosa girl was lilt in the stomach by a bullet llrod through a window , but was not fatally wound oil , Dos Moines has boon selected ns the place of holding the National convention of the bureau ot labor statistics next .voar. The building of the Tabor & Northern road from Tnbor to Malvorn Is now u certainty , nud work will bo commenced at onco. A Sioux City man InvoUod all his money in a confectionery store only to find thnt his predecessor had bought everything on credit nnd had fallod to pay. When the discovery was made the seller had lied. A Muscatino genius who has boon applying himself to the tasicof ( hiding some moUe ot transfer that will operate noiselessly and with speed has almost completed an Inven tion culled n "hydraulicroadcart" which will have a two-liorso power and niovo at iho rate of ten miles an hour. There is n seliemo on foot to organize a fine stock brooders' company In DCS Moinos. Jt is proposed to have n capital stock of nt least & 3oOl'00 nnd to purchase several thousand acres of laud und start nn establishment on n largo scale. It Is tlio Intention to make Iowa headquarters lor line stook of every de scription. Parties digging n well near Lotts , Louisa county , have struck natural gas In largo ipjiinlitios ut 1'JO I'uot below tha surface. Tha K s oimo up with such force that It forced thu water out of the well. The gas when ig nited made a blaze nearly twenty feet high , nnd after twenty hour * ' of burning did not diminish the size of the bhuo. It is believed to boa rich llnd. Pnlcoth. There is talk of organizing a military company nt Plnnklnton. Dakota Free Methodists will commence a wcok'i camn mooting at Parkston July 10. There are twenty rojldoncss bolng erected nt Yankton with building association funds. The board of agriculture of North Dakota oftorSl.OOJ in promiuiis for n band tourna ment at the fair in September. The old settlers of Vormlllion will hold their annual picnic on the 13th nnd will ba addressed by .Iudso W. W. Breakings. Leo Drape and Will Ewlng nro in jail at Armour , charged with stealing live ponies from the Indians near Yankton agency. Professor G. E. liailoy I ? In succeed Pro- fossoV Hoffman in tnis Uinir of metallurgy at the Dakota school of mines , at Rapid City. John D. Cameron , ot Sioux Falls , has .or ganized a company nt Watcrtown for the nmnufucturo of water gas for healing pur poses. jt : will cost ? 0ft"to sell liquor In Doadwooa tKu ensuing year , , the county commissioners having lixcd tholicense ut $500 and the city demand inir n foopr $150. Territorial Veterinarian Collins states that a thorough Investigation of Eddy county would brlnir to light thirty cases of plundered horaea/ Montana and "Washing ton territory wild hoi ses , it is said , have brought the disease with them , and spread it in several locations. Gcorgq M. Boll , a resident of Dcadwood for cloven years , has boon reported dead six tunes since ho arrived in the Black Hills , and ( s still halo and hearty. Tha last report of his demise stated that ho was killed in a cyclone at T.icoma. The news reached Bell's daughter , at Sycamore , 111. , nnd she was pre paring to send for his body when she received n letter from hur father dated at Dcadwood. Bell was never in Tucoina. OUKAT MliN. Mr. Gladstone has had his portrait painted thirty-fiva times. Thomas Nelson "Pago , the Virginia author , is now making a tour through Ireland. It is said that Russell B. Harrison has started for Paris to write up the Exposition for Frank L.osUo'3 Weekly. John A. Kasson , ono of the United States commissioners to the Samoan conference , hns gene to C.irlsbad , Chan Fran Moore , secretary to Chan Fee , Chinese minister at Washington , has been recalled to China for promotion. It is said thnt Melville Ex-Stone is prepar ing to start a cheap morning paper at St. Louis. Mr. Cleveland's fortune , which has boon greatly increased by lucky investments in real estate. Is now placed at the ? 2X,000 ! ) mark. Tom Nnst. the famous caricaturist , has re turned to New York from San Francisco und will again go to work upon thu metropolitan papers. General John C. Fremont , who is now In Now York on a visit , Is looking remarkably well. His llguro is straight , his step firm , and Ins disposition ns sunny us cvjr. Tlio duke of Portland has dojldcd to devote - vote all his past and future winnings on tha turf to the election and endowment of almshouses - houses for the poorpeoplo of Wolbeck. The scheme originated with the duchess. The white- house chef Bays that President Harrison is not nn tiulcure , but this does not prevent him from having dainty dishes prepared - pared for friends. Ho is particularly fond of iish himself , and on his yachting voyages rarely eats anything also. When they burled JohnLawes , the blggost man in America , at Elmiru on Wednesday , it took a dozen men to carry the collln to the wacrnn. Carpenters were obliged to cut out the HIUO of the house to get it out. The grave was forty-two inches wldo. Two'dS r- three is ttio nvoru'go width. Mr. Bluinc's son-In-hiw , Colonel Coppln- per , Is an educated Irishman of the line and gentlemanly typo mot in Dublin within the university walls. Ho was an ofllcor In the Pupal Zouaves In Roma for some time , but has resigned to coma to this country to live. Ho 1ms an excellent record , and a big saber- cut across his nock tolls of actual comllct In battle. World's Sunday School Convention. LONDON , July 2. The World's Sunday school convention opened in London to-day. There uro 009 foreign delegates present , Including over throe hundrca from the United States. Lord Kinnlard delivered the address ot welcome , Itircn Women Drowned. July 2. Mrs. J. 1C. Cameron , Mrs. Lozo and Myra Loio , bor daughter , were drowned last night in I ko Rosscau by the upsetting of u boat. A CtiBhlor Cms Hln Tlirout. IUMH/rox , July 2. A man supposed to bo W. J. Coster , cashier of the City club of Buffalo , committed sulcido lioro yesterday by cutting his throat with a table knife. I'ortucnl Aureos to Arbitrate , Lisiiox , July 2. The government has agreed to Lord Salisbury's proposal to sub mit the Delagoa Hay question to arbitration. ArlUU Awarded AIoilulN. PAIIIS , July 2. Tim art jury ot the exhibi tion has awarded medals of honor to Tadema and Mooro. THE NEW BOARD OF PARDONS , It Will Rooommoud the Roloaoo o : Two Indltius , WHITE WATER AND BLACK HAWK. The First Una Served Ntiintocn nm1 the ( Second Sovontooii Yours In the Nebraska I'oiiltontirtry lilnooln Notes. LINCOLN UuncAD orTnnOMxnt. WJ9 V STHISKT , LINCOLN. July 3. The board of pardons , created by nn not ol the Into legislature , will do Its first work .Tilly 4. It Is composed of Judge Hooso , At torney General Loose , Secretary Iiaws and Wnrdon Hopkins. Tlio-board will recom mend the pardon of two Indians , known as Blnok HawK and Jnmos Whlto Water , the former having served nineteen years nnd the latter seventeen years In the stata ponlton- tlnry. As staled by Tins HUB several weeks ngo , Francis Frank , an old nnd feeble con vict , who has served eighteen yearn of bis sentence , would have bcou named Ihstoad of Wliito Water , but when nskod for his final decision In the ninttor , ho suld : "I havu no friends living und am In feeble health. If I should accept my freedom I would probably end my days in the poor house , nnd I had rather dlo wbero 1 am. " Frank , It is said , Is past sixty-seven years of ago. Black Hawk is forty-llvo nnd Whlto Water fifty-throo. White Water Is a very Intelligent Indian who reads nnd writes nulto well , nnd ho unlls the Intelllgonco of his rocommcndntlon fur pardon with ovldnnt satisfaction. Black Hawk Is a atoical follow of morose visage , nnd can not tulk English so that ho can bo understood. An Unreported llnbbcry. A robbery was committed last night that up to noon to-day had not uoon reported nt police headquarters. During the o.irly part of the night a sneak thlof ontorcd the resi lience of Air. and Mrs. John McConnell uud stole between $ ! 500 and iroo In cheeks , their rental collections of the day. Why tlio theft hn not boon roporjud Tin : UKK representa tive has no means of knowing , but It is slyly Intimated that It Is piobaply because the city has such miserable police protection that to report It nt headquarters woula aid the thief in escaping and working olT his plunder. It is openly stated Marshal Carder has employed a lot of ox-convicts ns special detectives nnd set thorn to watching the crooks. Tills HO disgusts thu ecnslblo portion of tlio city that they think it in vain to hope for relief from the tliugs , thieves and toughs that infest , tlio city. Nc'\vly Incorporated Cninpnnina. The articles of agreement for the consoli dation of the Kansas City , Wyandotte & Northwestern railway company und the Loavcuworth & Olatho railroad company under tlio name of thu former , wore Hied for record in the olileo of the secretory of state to-dav. The original mimosa of the com panies was to build , equip and operate a road to run irom Loavonworth , Kan. , to some point near the Nebraska line In Numaha county , same state. Now , to soisuro the rights of eminent domain accorded by com pliance with section U , nitlclo4 of chapter 73 of the compiled statutes of tiio state service of process is taken upon its ofllcers by reso lution nnd the articles of consolidation are Hied with the secretary of state. Capital stock , $3.200.000. Incorporntors : W. D. Botholl. Newman Erb and 1' . McCaddon , of Memphis , Tenn. ; Kirk B. Armour , J. D. Chicle ana Watson J. Terry , of Kansas City , Mo. ; E. Summorllold , of Lawrence Kau. ; C. F. Hutchings and Vincent J. Lane , of Wynndotto , Kan. The Cambridge Alllancn association , with principal places of business at Cambridge , Furnas county , ulso tiled articles of incor poration. Its purpose is the purchase and sale of farm products and the purchase of supplies for its members. Authorized capital stock $30,000. Incoruurntors : G. W. Bailey , F. M. Kathbun , Thomas An. drews , B. 1C. Koyes , GOorgo A. Komliigton , \V. A. Bradbury , W. S. Holloy , J. H. Cast , J. J. Kelley and Freedom Bishop. Tlio Kearney Tool Manufacturing com- nany also ( lied articles of Incorporation , with un authorised capital stock of $10,000. Incorporators - corporators : G. W. Whittahcr , Carroll Thomas. John M. Buraday ana W. A. How ard. ard.The Grctna State bank , of Grotna , illcd articles of incoriioration showing an author ized capital of .10,000 . , business couinicneo- ment dating July 1. Incorporators : James Davldsou , of Sarpy County State bank , Al Howard Charles W. Key , John Crabard , William "M , Sattorllold and Paul Borp. Hanking Pcpixi-imcnt Orcmilzud. Tuo banking aopartmont of the state of Nebraska , composed of the state treasurer , attorney general and auditor of the state , organized to'-duy by electing J. E. Hill chair man. The examiners , A. P. Brink , T. E. Sanders and J. C. McNnugbton , ana their clerk , Mr. F. C. Howe , are all at thulr poats , While it was understood that the gentlemen named us examiners would bo appointed , their appoint ! ! cut was not made until yes terday , whim the now banking house wont into ulTcct. It is thought hero that the new law will work wonders in the tinancial arena of the state. In any event , Irresponsible banking concerns will become things of the past. Tlio board will occupy the roqms Just vacated by the state board of tiansportation , which moved into the ex-live stock comiuis- Blonor'h looms today , r Ilin .stijtrniun Court. The following.cases were tiled for trial to day in the supreme court : W. II. Shaffer vs Fred Stull et nl ; appeal from the district suun , of Otoo county. Henry Matins , proponent and executor , va Isadora Pitman j en or from the district court of Cass county. Grand Lodgn A. O. U. W. va Mjiry Brand ; error from tha district court of Otoo county. At Work on Field Notes. I. Bubcock , county surveyor of Perkins county , and Lon Cunningham , surveyor of Chuso county , uro In Lincoln engaged in writing up tlio "Held notes" of their resuoo- tivo counties. It will take these gnntlomon two or thrco weeks to complete their work. Mr , liabcock status that the surveying in Perkins county is in bail shape. It soonis that the corners can not bo found in but foxv of the Interior towns. The corners in the ex terior towns , however , are in bettor condi tion , nnd most of them can bo found. The gentlemen aay that records in the oflico of tlio commissioner of public lands nnd build ings are entirely legible , and that they llnd It easy-work to maka thulr notes. This shows good work on the part of the surveyor gen eral or his employes. "Work nt btnto Hoards. The Nebraska Electric company , Omaha , secured the contract for putting in the oloo- triu light at the hospital for the Incurable In sane at Hastings. There were three com petitive bidders , viz. : Thompson-Houston Electric : ompany , the Brush Elcotrlo com pany , Cleveland and the Omaha company. A. II , Tenner represented the company and put In u bid for $ , ' ( ,147.50 and knocked the persimmon. The purchase und supply board opened the bids for furnishing the supplies to the various state Institutions for thu ensuing - suing quarter at B o'clock this afternoon. The Khootln ; ; Contest , The shooting contest at Cushmun park this afternoon by local sports attracted a largo number. Tlio still wind which continued during the whole of the contest Interfered BOIUC , but the most of the records wcro up to the average. Illoyolo 'Jonrnumont. The bicycle tournament spoken of by Tim BUR a day or two ugo has boon arranged for. Senator Morgan was In the city to-day and stated that the Omaha wheel club would coma to Lincoln in u body , July 4 , and contest - test with the Lincoln club for a silver water pitcher , to bo presented by Miss Helen Bald win , the lady bloyulienne. It is understood that the ruco will take place on the track at the exposition grounds. The Misses Hrownt Baldwin nnd Oakes nnd Messrs. Heading ) Knnpp nnd Morgan will also ride on that day. Special eonvoymu-o will bo provided to carry the publfo to nnd from tlio grounds. Cltv MOWN nnd Notes. G. W. Hogors , sheriff of Clmse county , brought Miles Henry to Lincoln to-day to servo n Iifo sentence nt the pan for murder. Thus tlio mnrdoror of Mahcr meets Justice. The Knights of Pythias lodges of Lincoln today to attend the nmuinl encampment of the order nt Columbus. Tha boys loft san- gulno that they would linvo n line time. Ooorgo Scovillo of Nebraska City paused through Lincoln today en route homo from Grand Island , where ho wont tb negotiate a bond sale. Tin appointment or Chancellor Mannlt to the consulship at Athens , Gicecc , meoti the hearty nuprovnl of the party loaders of Lin coln , nnd it IA said , for that matter , of tha entire slnto. His ability nnd lltnosa for tha position U cloarlv recognized. The ' -llro Inddlcs" will welcome KliiR Tnrlarnx In great shnpo on the Fourth. Indeed , the spread In the way of docora- tionii will outdo anything of the kind over witnessed in * the west. The state , county nnd city ofllelals will ride in carriages nt the reception of tha king. Ono day more und the small boy and his firecrackers will bo In hN glory. Corporal Tanner , United Stntos pension commissioner , will arnvo In the city tomorrow row nt 11:45. A committee of Farrngut post , Q. A. It. , nttonded by n band will ro- oelvo him nt the depot. During his stay In the city ho will bo the guest of Ed Koggou of the Capital hotel. G. W. Falrbrothor , ox-odltor of the No. mnhn City Times , recently appointed ono of the deputy coal oil Inspectors , Is In the city. It Is the opinion of Llucoln republicans that his appointment will provo to bo n wise cue. Mr. Fulrbrollmr has boon n stalwart repub lican. lican.Mrs. Mrs. J. J. Llektv received n telegram this morning nnnonnolng the death of her father , Hov. L. Wnlcott , nt Sprmuvlllo , Pcnn. She loft to-day on the lltf.or to attend his fuuorAl. TUB onKAT 'OMAHA FAIR. A lilst of the Mngnillncnt ColtH Who nro to Hun in the itnoos. The following nro the entries of colU in tbo coming races of the Omaha Fair nssoola- tlon , which nro to bo hold In this city , com mencing September a. This U the largest list of the kind that has been published in this city , and the material , as may bo soon , has never been equalled. a showing of which the managers nro proud , and on which they have the promise that the coming oolt nicus will bo the finest over hold in this part of the country. The accompanying Hat shows first the name and residence of the party entering the colt , next the name of the nulmul , then the sire , nnd finally tlio dam. KOAI.S op ISS ? . W. H. Ashby , Beatrice , Nob. , oh. s. , Chlt- wood , Nutwood , GOO , 2Ilf _ by \ niMli-trn , W. Ed Pyle , Humboldt , Neb. , rti. s. , Prod P. , Charles Caffnoy , by Tip Cranston. It. T. Kniibs. Sioux city , In. , u. m.Botholl , Boaudorc , by Black Hanger. H. Wilde , Oniah.ib.s.Trentoiistrancorby Jay Gould. U. F. Aukoney , Clinton , In. , blk. s. , Star Bashaw. Star of the Basnnw Chief. P. MuEvoy , Elkhorn , Neb. , b. s. , Snlam , Onward , by Hamllns Almont , 1829. Ed Pylo , Humboldt , Nob..b. . . Hobble P. , Charles CalTnuy , by Long Island Chief. U. T. ICnubs , br. p. , W. H. Barstrow , Beaudcrc , by Black Hanger. E. H. Barrett. IJunlap , la. , blk. s. , Young Hanger , John Sherman , untraced. Doty & Zirloy , David City , Nob. , Sentinel Belle , Patronacc. by Trump. W. Hohvay. CallowajNob. . , b. s. , Montrose - troso , 0053 , Dr. Frunklln , by General Withers. J. S. Wolf , Jr. , Cedar Rapids , Nob. , Klttlo Bird , General Gurlleld , untracod. It. Bean , Euiorla | , Kan , Etta B. , Great Tom. by Fisk's Humblotonlan. O..W. Pickard , Omahn.b. . in. , Dinnb.Flaco , byVofuI. . W. H. Ashby , Beatrice , Nob. , ch. s. , Troxol. Saturn , untraced. W. W. McGregor , Cameron , Mo. , ch. m. , Velvet , Tramp , 80S , by Peacock. II. W. Oilman , Omaha , b. m. , Lena For rest , Forrest , by Llttlo Logan , t FOAL-J OP 1SS7. Morris J. Jones , David City , Nob. , Pnitalus , Patronage , by Tramp' . E. P. Fuller , David City , No ) ) . , b. a. , Mc Gregor Wilkes , Kobert McGregor , by George Wilkos. D. F. Sabin , Beatrice , Neb. , bj s. , Sabln's Counsellor. Counsellor , 1S17 , by Chloka- magua. 4770. A. Wolf , Jr. , Cedar Rapids , Neb. , b.s. . Dark Night , General Garflnld , by Blueic Flying Cloud. O. W. Pickard , Omaha , ch. f. , Fame , Hector Wilkes , by Kentucky Prlnco , Jr. P. Podvnut , St. Joseph. Mo. , b. s. , Ara- vant , Avabasquo , by Adltor. Ed Pyle , Humboldt , Nob. , bk. f. . Koto Cuffrcy , Charles Caffroy , by Tippoo Bashaw- Sam Balrd , Dunlap , la. , b. s. . Bun liar. rison. John Sherman , by Black Hanger. C. W. Beach , Auburn , Nob. , b. f. , ICHty Vera , Tnlavora , by Seneca Chief. Kosterson & Talleth , Pairbury. Nob. , ch. s. , Moncriof , lioluiont , by Woodford Mambrino. Sam Balrd , Dunlap , la. , blk. s. , Adrians Harvey , Adrian Wilkes , untrncod. P. McAvoy , Ellnorn , Neb. , br.m.Varctta , Onward , 1411 , by Ilamlln's Onward , 1829. II. W. Gllmau , Oinaha.b.a. , Derby Forrest , Forrest , by Little Logan. FOALS ov ISS3. W. McAdams , Council Bluffo , In. , b. B. , Harry F. , Uurango Chief , by Durant. D. S. Giles. Irving , Kan. , b. f. . Belle G. , W. II. Vandorbllt. by 'iachlhouio. L. C. Judy , Friend , Neb , br , s. , Bruce Shurtz , Syntax , M57 , by Mritiibriuo Juciison , j IjJO ' J 'S. Wolf , Jr , Cedar Hapids , Nob. , b. B. , Hurry D. , General Garilold , by Swigert. W. II. Ashby. Beatrice. Noo. , br. s , , Harris Ashby , Chltwood , untracud. * Ed Pylo , Humboldt , Neb , blk. B. . Eddlo Hayes , Charles Caftro.y , by TlDpoo Bashuw. P. F. Krebs , Sioux City , In. , br. u , W. J. Underwood , Chatham , by Billy MoMuilan. Kcstorson * & Tolluth , Falrbury , Nub. , oik. B , , Avotras , Chltwood , by Svvlgcrt. CURED. The Most Agonizing , Itching , nnd Itk'ciliiif , ' KC/CIMUH Cured. > nia In Ita worrit Htnu'cn. A. raw Horn Irom lioad to 1'cct. Hullnio. . Dootoi-H and hnHpltals Intl. 'Irlitl ovnryihlni : . < /iu-cl by the Cntiatira for ! jfl. I am cm oil of a Icnthsomn dheinc007.011111 , In Its \\orst htago. I trli'd dlirtrriit doctors ami 'jccn tlironu'li the hoipltuli , lint all tu no pur- liose. The aiHoaso rovciod n y nholo ) : oJv trom ino top of my liuatl to Dm solus of my feet. My liiilr all camu nut , leaving in' ' ) a cumpluto raw sore , After trjlntjovorytiilng. J he.iruot vour I'UTiuuiiA HicMKDii'H , nn ( I after itulnt ; throj jottlos < > ( < ; uutUUA ! IU.-VINT ( ) [ ; , with UUTI- ciiu.inud OuncunA. Sovi1 , I llnd mysulf cured nt the cost of about f ! . 1 would not bo without .he CiiTimniA HIIMIIDIIIS. In my liiinsit. ns I llnd horn naojul In many rast s , und l thlnt t hey uro thu uzily .skin and tilnod im-dli'liuis. iSAAO Jl. aiSUMAN.Iurwboro \ , N. V. A MOHI AVondnrlnl Curo. I liava had a most wori'.lorfnl euro of gait rheum ( Koroma ) . Kor flvo yeniM I liail Hiilferud \Vlth this 1 hiul U ua my face , unn.H and haudu. I was unable to do anything whatever - over wltli my handHfor ovurt o ycard. I tr ed mndrc'rts of ri'ineillea , and not ono bad tha wnst elluct. The doc lor null ! my tuso wa In- rurnblii. I baw your advertl oinont , anil run- eluded to try tliu Cirncun. * itKMnuiKS ; nnd In- crudlb.o na It may Kcam , rt r using ono box of /UTicuitA , and two nakes of Cunuuiu HOAI- . nnd two Dottles of OUTHJUIIA Uraflr.vxnr. 1 llnd ' am entirely cured. U'hosorlio think this let- or oxuggcrutod may coino anil BOO mufortliom- solves. GUACU P. HAHIC1IAM , Hello Itiver , Ontario. Cmlanrn'IlcmrdiuB Jure every ep ctos of torturing , humiliating , UK. burning , ivly , am ) pimply illauasi ot thoBltfn , ncal ] . , and blood , with los-jof Imtr , niu. nil humurs , blotrhcx , eruptions , Horns , Bcnlea , nnd crnsti , when pUyuicluns and all othyr remfillu full , Hold overywlitrd. Prlcos CUTICUHA.WC ; BOAl1. Socj HKsoi.vBsr , Jl.oo. I'rrpiuocl l > y the j'orrKit DlllHl AND ( IIIKMIlUliCniU'OIIATHIN. llOStOll. fi/"Son < l for "IIpw to Cure Skin lIs ai > ug , " Ot l > 3i03 , , ( ) Illustrations , 6uil 1'JJ ' tcatjmonlaU , ' . black-hoads , red.rouyh.chappnd.and Ml'LKi. proenteu by Uui icun A SoAr. MUSCULAR STRAINS nnd pains , hack ache , uenk kidneys , rhoumatUm uud chest nalns relieved in ONK ukiir K by tha UUTICUKA. ANTI-I'AUM I'l.AUTeu. Tha Urst utid only inatiiiituiioou.s paln-kllllnu plmtur.