Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Text of the Dill to Regulate Mone
tary Institutions.
Amount Nooosnnry to Ho ln luminous
Ono or the Most Important
UnnctiucnlH of llio Ijast
The New Ilnnklng Inw.
The new banking law , requiring nil cor
porations , linns , nnu Individuals trammeling
a banking business , to make a report to the
nta',0 uudltor , and providing for a state bank
O'xnmlncr , one of the most Important en
actments of the late legislature , wont Into
effect yesterday.
Section 1 provides that It nhull bo unlaw
ful for nny corporation , firm or Individual to
transact it banking business by receiving
tnonoy on deposit , buying and selling exchange -
change und the like , unless such corporation ,
firm or Individual shall have property of cash
value as follows : In cities , villages and com
munities having a population of less than
1,000 inhabitants , jr. , 000 ; In cities and vil
lages having a population of more than 1,000
anil less than 1,500 Inhabitants , $10,009 ; In
cities mid villages having a population of
less than 8,000 and inoro than 1,503 inhabi
tants , f 15,000 ; in cities having u , population
of less than 3,000 and inoro than BUOO in
habitants , f 20.000 ; In cities having a popula
tion of loss tlinti 5,000 and more than 3,000
Inhabitants , $2r > ,000 ; In cities having a popu
lation of less than 10,000 , nnd more than 6,000
Inhabitants , (20UOO ; In cities having n popu
lation of more than 10,000 Inhubitanti , f , " > 0,000.
Suction provides that ovary bank or cor
poration , linn or Individual , transacting a
banking business , shall , at least ten days be
fore commencing business , transmit to the
auditor of public accounts , a report of the
character set forth In section 4 of this act.
Section 3 provide * that every bunk nnd
every corporation , firm or Individual tran
sacting u bunking business , shall make to
the auditor of public accounts , not less than
three reports during each year.
Section 4 provides Unit such report shall
state the amount loaned upon uond and
mortgage , the par value and actual market
value of all stock or bond investments , des
ignating each particular kind , and the
amount invested In each : the amount loaned
upon notes , bills of exchange , over-drafts ,
und other personal securities , with the
uctuul market value of such securities ; the
amount of rediscounts nnd of commercial
paper past duo ; tbo amount invested In real
estate , giving the cost of the same ; the
amount of cash on hand ana on deposit In
banks or trust companies , with their names
and the amount deposited in each ; the
amount of all other assets not enumerated
abdvc , and suuti other information as to the
auditor of public accounts , state treasurer
anil attorney-general , or any two of them ,
may require. Provided that commercial
paper not in process of collection , six months
past due , with Interest unpaid , shall not bo
included in the report of the assets. Each
report shall state aueh resources and liabili
ties at tue close of business on any past day
by the auditor of public accounts specified ,
nnd shall bo transmitted to him within five
unys after the receipt of it request or requisi
tion therefor from him. And a summary of
such report , in the form proscribed by the
auditor of public accounts , state treasurer
nnd nttornoy-KOiiernl , shall bo publishud in a
newspaper in the place whoru suck banking
business is transacted , or If there Is no news
paper In the place , then in the ono published
nearest thereto In the same county , at the
expense of the bank.
Section 5 provides that the auditor of pub
lic accounts , state treasurer nnd attorney-
general , or any two of thorn , shall have
power to call for special reports from any
particular bank whenovor.ln their judgment.
the same uro necessary , in order to a full
nnd complete Knowledge of his or its condi-
Section 0 provides that the auditor of pub
Ho accounts , state treasurer and attorney-
general , or any two of them , shall appoint
suitable persons , having a practical knowl
edge of oauklng , to make an examination of
the affairs of every bank as often as shall bo
deemed necessary und proper nnd at least
once In every year , but no person shall bo
appointed who isanofllccr , stockholdcrmom-
ber , partner or clerk iu any banking Institu
tion of this stato.
Section 7 provides that these examiners
shall have power to make n thorough exam
ination Into all books , papers and affairs of
the ban It , to administer oaths and affirma
tions and to examine on oath or afllrmatlon
nny Individual banker and ofllcors , agents ,
partners und clerks of such bunk , nnd to
summon , and by attachment compel the at
tendance of any inhabitant of the state , to
testify under oath before him or them in re
lation to the affairs of sucn corporation , llrln
or individual.
Section 8 provides that the bank examin
ers shall bo paid $10 a day , which shall bo
paid to him by the bank whoso affairs are
examined , provided that the fees paid for
nny single examination shall not be less
than $10 nor more than fc20.
Section 9 provides that every bank which
shall fall to make any report required by the
provisions of this act shall bo subject to a
penalty of ? 50 for each day that it delays to
inako such report ; und every person who
shall willfully and knowingly mako. or
causa to bo made , any false statement or
false entries In the books of any bank , or
shall knowingly subscribe or exhibit false
papers , with the Intent to deceive the ox-
nmlner , or shall make , state or publish any
false statement of the amount of the capital
nssests , surplus or undivided profits , ahull bo
cullty of felony , nnd upon conviction shall
bo lined not o xceeding $10,000. and bo Im
prisoned In the state penitentiary not less
than ono nor moro than live years.
Section 10 provides that every bank shall ,
at all times , have on hand , as a reserve , an
amount equal to at least 15 per cent of the
uggregato amount of its deposits and im
mediate liubilitles. Tliat savings banks , do
ing an exclusively savings bank business ,
shall have on hand , ut all times , as a reserve ,
in available funds , an amount oquul to at
least f > ] > cr cent of its deposits and- immedi
ate liabilities. The available funds shall con
sist of cash on hand und balances duo the
corporation , llrm or Individual , from good
solvent bnnlcs. Immediate liabilities shul
include all claims against the corporation.
payable on demand. Cash shall Include
specie , legal tender notes , bills of solvent
banks , nnd exchange for tiny clearing house
association. Whenever the available funds
of nny bank shall fall below the reserve rc >
quired , such bank shall not increase its 11(1 (
bllltles by making any new loans or discounts -
counts , otherwise than by discounting or
purchasing bills of exchange payable at
Blent ; nor shall such bank mnUo nny divi
dend of Its profits until it has on hand the
available funds required by this net.
The auditor of public accounts inny notify
nny such bank , In CUHO Its reserve shall fall
below the amount required , to make good
such reserve without delay , and any failure
' for the period of thirty days to umko good
nny deficiency in the amount of deposits re
quired to be kept on hand shall bo cause for
the appointment of a receiver.
Section 11 provides that the total liabilities
of any corporation , firm or indludual to any
bank or corporation , firm , or individual
transacting u banking business for money
borrowed , Including in iho liabilities of a
corporation or llrm the liabilities of the sev
eral members thereof , shall at no time ex
ceed 20 per cent , of the capl ul of the bank ,
and in no case shall the total liabilities of
the stockholders of any bank , to said banker
or corporation exceed DO per cent , of the paid
Uncaultal , . , ,
Section f'J provides that no bank , corpora
tion , firm or individual engaged in the bunk-
Jug , broker , exchange or douoslt business ,
shall accept or receive on deposit , with or
without Interest , any money , bank bills or
notes , or United State * treasury notes , or
currency or other notes , bills or drafts , cir
culating as money or currency , when such
bank or corporation , firm or individual , Is In-
B °
Soctlon 18 provides that If any such bunk
shall receive deposit * when Insolvent , any
ofttcor of such bank who shall knowingly to-
celve , bo accessory , or permit or connive at
the receiving or accepting such deposits ,
shall bo guilty of u felony , and upon convlo-
tlon thereof shall bo punished b.v a line not
exceeding Jin.OiV , or by Imprisonment Iu the
ixwltentlary not exceeding flvo years , or by
both line ari'l Imprisonment.
Section 14 provides that whenever It shall
appear to the auditor of public accounts ,
state trvasuror nnd attorney-general , or nny
two of them , from nny examination or report -
port that nny bank la conducting Its business
In nn unsafe or unauthorized manner , and Is
Jcopnrdlringtho Interest of Its depositors ,
and that it Is unsufo nnd inex
pedient for It to continue to tran
sact any banking business , they shall
communicate the facts to the attorney-
general , who shall apply to the supreme
courier the district court of the county
whore the bank Is conducted for the appoint
ment of a receiver to take charge of and
wind up suck banking business.
Section IB exempts national banks from
the provisions of the law. and provides that
savings banks shall not bo subject to the
provisions of section 1. But no savings
bank shall carry on business In Jhls state
with n paid up caoltat of less than $12COO ,
nor shall any savings bank rcoalve deposits
to an amount exceeding ton times the agcro-
pate of Its paid up capital stock and surplus ,
under the term savings bank Is Included
only such banks as do a savings bank
business exclusively , paylnc out money only
on presentation of passbooks and certificates
of deposit , discounting nnd buying no com
mercial paper nnd reserving the right to de
mand notice before paying deposits.
Section 10 repeals sections 1 , 2 and 8 of
chapter 8 , of the compiled statutes of Ne
braska for 1637. _
IMIcnt Pile , ! files !
Dr. Williams' Indian Pllo Ointment will
euro blind , bleeding and Itching piles when
other ointments have failed. It absorbs the
tumors , allays the Itching at once , nets as n
poultice , gives Instant relief. Dr. Williams'
Indian Pllo Ointment Is prepared only for
piles and Itching of the private parts , nnd
nothing olso. livery box is warranted. Sold
by druggists , or sent by mall on receipt of
price , 50c and $1 per box.
WILLIAMS' ' M'FG CO. , Prop's.
Cleveland , O.
'llio I'ltui to Sccitro the Acquittal of
Ijoiui Marsh ,
An effort Is being made to secure bail for
Lena Marsh , held by Judge Uorka to an-
> wer to the district court for the murder of
, er Infant babe at the "Opou Door" on Juno
1. It Is alleged that the woman Is suffering
torn her recent Illness nnd troubles nnd that
iHn cannot stand the confinement in jail that
vlll necessarily proccdo her trial.
The counsel for Lena Marsh have adopted
, s ono line of the dofeuso to bo advanced In
ho trial In the district court nnd in the ar-
umcnt for bull , that the poisoning of the
taby was accidental. This theory Is
ased upon the testimony of Mr s
Sllerslck , who staled at the pro-
Imhmry hearing that when Lena
jailed her attention to the baby on the day
.ho poisoning occurred , It was vomiting
, vlmt she , thought was milk. She took the
: lilld to tha kitchen and wiped Its mouth
, vlth a wet cloth after which she noticed
hat Its face was burned. The theory of the
ofcnso is that Mrs. Elloralck In wiping the
aby's mouth used , by accident , a cloth
, vhloh had been saturated with the carbolic
acid which had been used in u diluted form
n bathing Miss Marsh.
Ellcrslck is back attending to business at
: ils saloon. _
Mr. John King , of Jackson , Miss. , says
.hat he was cured of rheumatism in his feet
ind legs by taking Swift's Specific. This was
tftcr ho had tried many other remedies , both
iternal and external , und paid many do c
rs' bills.
Inch Company Secm-liitf Priority ot
Itiulit in Cur til ! n Strocts.
The decision handed down by Judges
Doanc nnd Wnkcley in the horse railway and
notor company injunction case , says the
'ormer has prior and superior right to con
tract Its line from Capitol avenue south
ilong Sixteenth street to Lcavon worth and
also continue Its present connection with
lint street ; further , that { t has priority to
: ontinuo its line on Vlntonfrom Sixteenth to
Twentieth , thence south to the city limits.
The motor company , however , shall have
first right to build along Sixteenth from
Lcavcnworth street , across the viaduct and
out to Vinton , also from the Intersection of
Vinton and Twentieth , west to Twcnty-
'ourtu and thence southward to the city
.linits. The horse company . Is given the
right to connect Its tracks with these of the
motor , over the viaduct and ton distance of
GOO feet beyond , provided it obtains permis
sion from the city to use the viaduct. The
motor company is given u like privilege with
reference to the horse company on Vinton
from Sixteenth to Twentieth. As n result of
the arguments made on Saturday , at ) amend
ment was interjected to the effect that the
motor company has a right to erect all the
poles , wires , nnd other things which may be
necessary to run its cars , und shall not bo
interfered with or prevented from so doing
by the horse car company.
Cushman's Menthol Inhaler , cures catarrh ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay Fever.
Trial free at your druggist. Price 50 cents.
A Finn Carnival.
A flag carnival will take place at Trinity
Methodist church this evening. The ad
mission fee will be 25 cents. The programme
Is as follows :
Piano Solo , "The Last Hope , " . . .Gottschaik
Miss L. Hellone.
Flag Drill Fifty Children
Kecltation , "Sister and I , "
Mabel Fonda.
n. "Adjutant Hunter's March.Hixner
b. "Selections from'Travlata,1 " . .Vori
Miss G. H. MoAusland , Messrs. C. K. Ab
bolt , C. N , McConncl and J. F. Dimmlck.
Solo , "The Angel ut the Window.Touri
Uecltation , "Lady Clare , "
Miss Etta Forbes.
Solo Selected
Miss Arnold.
PART srcoxn.
Piano solo "Old Hlack Joe , " ( var.Gilbel )
Miss D. Dullono ,
Duct -'O , Hnppy Day , " Goetz
Walter and Lou Dale.
Uecitatlon "Our Folks"
Miss Addle Stevens.
Solo "nest of All. " , . . . -.Molr
C. K. Abbott.
Recitation "Kolloy's Ferry" 04
Lafayctto Anderson.
Solo "Yo Merry Hirds" Gumbert
Miss Georglol3oulter.
Recitation "O'Uraiiiugan's Drill"
Mabel Fonda.
. "LastKosoof Summer. Flotow
b. Lullaby"Kock a Uyc , Uaby" Norris
Miss Arnold.
floycl & Co.'s IVIlliilrawal I-'rom the
GhlouKO Uoaril ut' Trade.
Circulars received by commission men In
this city announce the withdrawal from the
Chicago board of trade of James E. LJoycl
llcnt the Attorneys.
The case of Burnam & Clara against Jesse
Newman , In Justice Krucgor's court , was
decided In favor of the defendant yesterday ,
liurnam & Glare were employed by Newman
In it divorce case , und their fee was to bo
$200 If they won the case. The case "not beIng -
Ing won , Newman paid hln attorneys $35 ,
They wore not satisfied with that , however ,
and brought suit for $105 , the balance they
claim to bo duo.
Licensed to U'cd.
Marrlago licenses were issued by Judge
Shields to the following parties yesterday :
Name and Residence. Age ,
| E. Everett Wescott , Omaha 23
t Nelllo G. Willett , Omaha , 19
j Frank A. D. Jones , Omaha -0
j Rosa Hell Waltby , Omaha 'M
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
505 South lath Struct , Oiuuhu
Wheat Spasmodically Aotlvo , With
a Higher Range or Prices.
Provisions Show n Fair Interest , With
n Sllclit Knltliic Off In Cash Prop
erty Cattle nnd Hog * Firm
nnd Stonily.
CIHCAOO , July 1. [ Special Telegram to
Tim Hoc. j The wheat market was
modlcally active to-day , with the nvcrutjo
range of prices higher than Saturday's clos
ing. News from the northwest continues to
bo of n sensational character. Italns
wcro reported at several points Satur
day nnd yesterday , but they do
not appear to have been general , and
the budget from the northwest contains the
most gloomy tidings of crop prospects. If
half that Is heard from Dakota nud Minnesota
seta can bo bo'.Ioved the crop failure In that
part of the country will amount to a calam
ity , The trndo Is willing to bollova a good
deal , but it Is not yet prepared to accept the
ory of total failure or oven half n
crop. It prefers to think that there Is a fair
promise of 75 per cent of a. crop.
Few really expect anything above
that. Interest In the northwestern situation
overshadowed everything else. Reports
from the winter wheat districts uro of the
same tenor ns these received last week , ex
cept that they are possibly toned down
somewhat. Cables are rather nasy and Now
York reports unimportant export inquiry.
A few bids uro In , but under the market.
The winter wheat markets east and west are
Inclined to softness , but in splto of the fool
ing values are being well sustained. In the
northwest price's uro higher. The reduction
In the visible supply had Its hilluonco on
prices , undoubtedly. July wheat opened at
80) c , September at 79o and December at
SO c. This was nt the advance on futures
ns well ns In July. July , in which there Is
still u fair-sized busi ness in the wny of clos
ing up the open trades , sold oft to 79JiC ,
but advanced to SOV c , and closed at SO c.
Deliveries on July contracts were insignifi
cant. September wheat sold oil to 7Sc , up
to 70 < ! fc , and back to 78c. The price
touched 70c several times and advanced to
70J c , closing , however , at 79c with nn under
tone of weakness , though the feeling was
one of extreme nervousness on account of
the conditions in the northwest. December
ranged from SOJ c to Slc , nnd closed at
SOf@SO c. The heaviest trade of the ses
sion was in December , and several times it
looked ns though prices were going to
smash. The support was of the muscular
sort , however , and the bears are in I-athor a
conservative mood. They are much more In
clined to prudence than to daring ventures
far from shore. As compared with Satur
day , the market closes slightly higher.
The corn market opened without much
change from Saturday's close , but soon be
came firm , and trading for the balance of the
day showed a llrm undertone to prevail.
Trading was moderately nctivo near the
opening , but ruled tiulct nftor the llrst hour.
July was about } $ a higher at the close to-day
than it was on Saturday , and other futures
advanced in about ctrual proportion. The
final quotations were : July , ! ! 5 ; < ? 3..i > . c ;
August , 35c ; Septembr , X > % October \ ,
aOo bid.
Oats were quiet with only a moderate
trade recorded at sliirhtly hardening prices.
There was u good demand for July , attrib
uted to shorts covering with this month , Im
proving tfo to 22 % ( < 7,23 ; c. Longer futures
wcro fairly well sustained in consequence ,
with May at 2ii' < fc. Deliveries on July con
tracts were not heavy.
In provisions a fair interest was shown.
" 'ho movement in casli properly fell off a llt-
tlo from its recent liberality , but in specula
tive circles there was considerable stir , ns
usual on the opening day of the month.
Operators , however , wcro moro busily en
gaged in settling or transferring their July
contracts to September than in handling now
business , which was only moderate. The
premium paid on transfers of the kind in
dicated were 17X@30c on pork , 1 ! 4 < & "A °
on lard und I'Ji C'ilSc on short ribs. In the
general market the feeling wus de
pressed by the largo receipts of
hogs nnd on apparent desire on the
part of the packers to sell futures. Still
short ribs closed for the day 2 @ 7c higher
than Saturday's final quotations , while lard
wus unchanged to 2J o easier and pork only
7K0 lower.
CHICAGO , July l. f Special Telegram to
THE BEK.I CATTLE. About 8,400 , natives
and 2r , > 00 Texuns constituted the estimated
receipts for the day. The market for native
cattle opened slow and llrm at last week's
closing quotations , but later on , when advices -
vices from eastern markets reported an im
proved domund nnd strong prices generally ,
the trade at this point developed an active
movement at strong figures , the pens being
cleared long before the whistle blew for clos
ing the market. Texans and native butchers
stuff also met with good inquiry and found a
ready outlet at slightly better rates. As
usual on Monday , the stockcr and feeder
trade was dull. Choice to extra beovcs.H.lO
CH25 ; medium to good steers , 1350 to IffiX )
Ibs , $ a.SO@1.20 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , S3.70@-l.15 :
930 to lliOO Ibs , ? 3. 0@a.OO. StocKers and
feeders , Si.lO@a.OO ; cows , uulls und mixed ,
$1.40@2.CO ; steers , ? 2.25@3.35 ; cows , 51.G5@
2.30.HOGS. . The market opened rather
"shaky , " but about steady , with Saturday's
finishing prices. As the day passed the
movement became quite active , and by 10
o'clock the supply was absorbed nt strong
figures , Rock Island showing slight ad
vances , Sales of heavy hogs early were
largely at 8 l.2."j@1.27Hi and up to Sl.iiO for
prime. Later , 84.30 was marked for all
grades of heavy. Mixed hogs sold at tlio
start from & 1.27Jtf to S1.32K. Later , $4. % ! @
4.3714 iirovcd the prevailing figures. Li ht
snrts dragged at Hrst , with § 4.35 1.37) bid.
Later , fl.40@4.45 was the busls for 210
pounds down and $4.50 for Yorkers.
The VlKihlo Siipnly.
CHICAGO , July 1. The visible supply for
the week ending Juno 29 , us complloj uy
the secretary of the Chicago DoarJ of traJo ,
is us follows :
Wheat . 15.801.000
Corn . 0,459,000
Oats . 0.250,000
Rye . 017,000
Uarloy . 830,000
NEW YOIIK , July 1. [ Special Telegram
to TUB HEU.I STOCKS. The stock marko
opened Irregular und with no special activity
The firs' hour developed activity In a few
railroad stocks , headed by St. Paul am1
Atchlson , and the "trusts" again came * to the
iront for a largo share of interest nnd bus !
ness. The first prices of the day were gen
crall.v better than at the close nf last week
Transcontinental yielded to a point % per
cent under Saturday. Jersey Central wen I
off to 109K. Now England sold nt 03
52f ] ) , Tbo subsequent movements were gen
erally slight and entirely insignificant , but
Atchlson developed considerable weakness
and , after opening at 44 > / , declined to 43 %
while sugar opened ut 120 and cold up to
12 'f , against llSJtf Saturday night. Load
rose from 84 to 84 % und again settled back
as did sugar also. The remainder of the
market was entirely devoid of features of
any kind , and at 11 o'clock , though tbcro was
some activity , the market wus quiet atu
steady nt about opening figures. During the
hour to 12 o'clock tlioro wus extreme dullness
on all railway securities , whllo trusts , afte
dropping for a time , rallied and sold at the
highest points of the morning. Later in the
day there was an effort to force shorts to
cover before the approaching holiday , which
was but pnrtlnlty ftucc&fefifl. Aside from
this there was no strongtlf djj , the conditions
reported from the west weJrp unfnvornblo.
Changes In the regular list/were unlmport-
Innt. Sugar trusts cloieifliWjut 4 % per con
higher nt 12. ) ! { , wlnlo lend1 Crusts closed nt. .
84V , or about } { higher. St paul gained } f.
Atchlson lost H. Burlington and Hock
Island closed steady.
The following woFB the rift41 net quotations :
IJ. Sta rcRiilixr. ISSlj'NorUiv'rn ' 1'ivclflo. , 27i ?
U. S. 4s coupons . . .U8fl ! tlttpfotciTeil 01
U. 8.msreKUlar..imy 0. ft rtt W 10i
U.S. Uincoupons..Mfljii iWpi-ofcrred HO
1'ftcltlcOMof M5 119 N.Y.lMntrnl " "
Centrnl l' < vcltlo 3IJT.JU&K ?
ClilcaBoJcAlton..ira llock - land 8fi
Clilcaco.llurllugton U.'M.&Ht.l1 71U
AQnlncv. . 101'j '
D..L.&W. U7j SUI'miKtUraalm. . 3 (
lllluols Contrnl lii ; > i lo preferred M
I. . H. * W. , n Urtlpn 1'acino CO. ' . '
' " ' ' ' ' "
LnkoSlioro . ? { iVop'roforreil' . . , 28h
Michigan Central. . JJ ! Western Union Mi !
MIsBourll'ftcltlc. . . . 72'i
MONCT On call easy nt 45 per cent.
STEIILINO Exciuxon Dull ; steady ; sixty-
day bills , fl.SOK ; demand ,
Cmcnno , July 1. 1:15 : p. in. close Wheat
Firmer ; cash , 80s , < c ; December , SO lHOc. !
Corn Firmer ; cash , 80 1-lUc ; September ,
O.its Firm ; cash , 33 fc ; September ,
J3 1-lOc.
Rye 43c.
Uarloy Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy $1.50.
Flax No. 1 , . 10.
Whisky 51.02.
Pork Firmer ; cash , S11.72 > ; September ,
SI 1.90.
Lard Steady ; cash , $0.47i.j ; September.
& 70.
Flour Unchanged s winter wheat S2.00 ( $
4.75 ; spring wheat , $ l.Wrtf5.75 : : rye , $2.50i5 (
2.90.Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , S. " .2@r > .87X ;
short clear , f 0.23(20.37 ( ; short ribs , Jo.O- )
Uuttor Quiet ; creamery , 12 @ 10e ; dairy ,
Cheese Quiet : full cream chcdtlnrs nnd
hits , < Kft7Jjre ( ; Young Americas , 7 © Sc.
EifRs-Qutet ; fresh , llM2c. (
Hides Unchanged ; ho.ivy and lightgrosn
salted , S.i c ; salted dull , 4l c ; groan saltoJ
calf , Oc ; dry Hint , 7c ; dry salted , 7o ;
dry calf , 7 < 7Se ; do.icons , > a each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4e ; No. 2 , 8acake \ , 4 , ' c.
Hccalnts. Shipments.
Flour . 12,000 17,000
Wheat . ' .1,000 101,000
Corn . 2MOOJ ( 002.000
Oats . 113.000 827,000
Now York. Juljr 1. Wheat Receipts ,
1,111 ; exports , S,000 ; spot moderately active
mt lower ; No. 2 , red , S5@SCi : in store ,
Corn Iloccipts10,800 ; exports , 100,000 ;
spot modorutely nctivo but stonily ; No. 2 ,
SUa in elevator ; 424'Jo ullout ; ungruilca
mixed , 41@4'3o ; optior.s fairly active but
Oats Kccclpts , 40,000 ; exports , 11,111 ; spot
stronger ; outloni nctivo uiul bigher ; July ,
IWKc ; August , aSJfe ; spot No. 'J , wliito , 33 %
( KU4c ; mixed western , 2tl@30c.
CofTeo Options , closed steady nnd un
changed to fi points up ; sales , 51,7."iO buss ;
July , S13.70@ia.'JO ; September , 5ll.UO@tl.'r ;
spot Ulo quiet and steady ; lair cargoes ,
Petroleum Steady nnd quiet ; United
closed at 0'J ) < fc.
Eggs Quiet nnd easier ; western ,
Pork Firm ; new , ? 18.S.'iil'l3.SO. ! '
Lard Dull and easier ; western steam ,
$0.85 ; July. S0.83.
Uuttor Easy ; western ,
Cheese Quiet ; western , 7 >
3iinnciiioliK , July 1. Wheat Sample
wheat burner ; receipts , 299 cars ; shipments ,
J cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , July , fl.04 ;
on track , Sl.OoC'81.03 ; No. 1 northern , July ,
J9c ; September , S3 ; ou track , 99c@l.OO ;
No. 2 northern , July , S9o ; on track , b'jQ'Jjc.
Milwaukee. July J. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 78c ; July , 78'jCc.
Corn Quiet ; No. 8 , Soi c.
Oats Quiet : No. 2 , white , 27K@2Sc.
Rye Dull ; No. 1 , 44 } c ,
Barley Quiet ; No. 2 , 50J'c.
Provisions Easier ; pork , $11.72 > .
Liverpool , July 1. Wheat Steady ; de
mand poor ; holders offer moderately.
Cora Steady ; demand poor.
KaiiRiiB Chy. July 1. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 red , cash , 73c ; August , S3o ;
No. 2 soft , cash , 7Se ; August , We.
Cora Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 20 0 bid ; No.
2 white , cash , 29c bid.
Oats No. 2 cash , 18 > c bid ; August sales ,
St. Louis , July 1. Wheat Unsettled ;
cash , 70c ; July , 7-1074' c.
Corn Steady ; cj h. 80 @ 31c ; July , 31c.
Oats Dull ; cash , 22 c ; July , 2j ; c.
Pork Quiet ut $12.23.
Lard Nominal at * 0 25.
Whisky Steady at ? 1.03.
Duller Steady ; creamery , 13@15o ; dairy ,
Ghlcajro , July 1. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 9,500 ; market steady to
strong on light beeves at $4.10@4.23 ; steers ,
$3.3U@1.20 ; stockers mid feeders , ? 2.10@2.90 ;
cows , bulls and mixed , Sl.40 2.0J ; Texas cat
tle , SUI5/13.85.
Hoits Receipts , 20,090 ; market strong ;
mixed , 54.20 4.40 ; heavy , § 1.13 ® J.37 j skips ,
. . .
Sheep Receipts. 4,003 ; market steady ;
natives , $ a.5 < ' ( ' ? 4.CO ; wcbtcrns , fJJ.40a3.00 ;
Texans , S3.40 ( 3.G3 ; lambs , Sp.OOffiO.UO.
uit.v , July 1. Cattle Receipts ,
O.OTO ; shipments , 2.800 ; common to choice
corn-fed steer * , ? 2.90@1.00 ; stockers and
feeders . * 3.00@3.10 ; cows , good firm , com
mon weak , nt $1.7303.90.
Heirs Receipts , 5.8JO ; shipments , none ;
market closed weak ; light. f.17 > @ 4.22 ;
heavy and mixed , ? 4.oa@4.15.
National Stoslc 1'ar.ii , Ui-it : St.
LiouiH , July 1. Cattle Receipts , 2,100 ;
shipments , 50J ; market steady ; choice
heavy native btecr.s , S3.SO@1.80 ; fair to
good , $3.tl4.00 ( ; stockers und feed
ers , $2.10@3,20 ; rancors , corn-fed , ? 3.70@
3.50 ; grass-fed , ? y.00@.10. : !
Hogs Receipts , 2bOO ; shipments , 600 ;
market slow ; choice heavy butchers' selec
tions , sfi.20l. 0 ; packing , SJ.15SJ.83 ; light
grades , $1.25 < g t.85.
Sioux City , July 1. Cattle Receipts ,
125 ; shipments , 33 ; market stead vjfat steers ,
? J.Ogia.80 ( ) ; stockers $3.15 2.00 ; feeders ,
52.15@2.60 ; veal calves , § 2.0U@i.OO. :
Hogs Receipts , 800 ; market higher ;
light and mixed , * lg5@l,0'Mi heavy , $1.10.
Cut tin.
I 'Alontlny , July 1.
To-dn.v'fl cattle market opened about steady
and the b'uyers bought inoro freely than for
several days and toward'tlio close the trade
showed moro strength. Tno beef and ship-
nlng htoora sold at t.i'iQJ.lM ) but largely at
$ , l.r > .r > e.75 ; ) for 1,160 ti I330 | Ib weights.
Uutchers' Block , which'was'very ' soaico , the
bupply consisting of only 'n few odds r.nd
cuds , sold at strong prlcus. The nuallty of
the cattle was very good and there were
some extra flue beeves on salo.
The hog market was nctivo nt an advance
of u strong 5o and In some Instances lOc.
Thollght hogs sold lurgelyut , W.05@4.10and
the heavy und mixed r at' f 1.0034. 05. The
yards were cleared ut an curly hour , tbo do-
uiand being good ,
Sheep ,
Tbcro was nothing hero to make a market.
Cattle . 1,500
Hogs . , . 3,500 ,
Prevailing 1'rloei.
The following U a tibia of prlcas paid in
this uurlcot for tha graJoa of stook men
tioned ;
Prime steers , 1300 to 1000 Ibs. . 53.70 @ .00
Good stoora , 1250 to 1 150 Iba. . . 13.65 ( 3,80
Good steers , 1030 to 18 J3 Ibs. . . 3.50 caa.75
Common cunncrs. . . , , . 1.25 ( afl.OQ
Ordinary to fair cows . 1.75 ( < 2.25
Fair to good cows . Ji.8'J ' M3.50
Good to choice cows . 2.59 W'J.70
Choice to fancy cows , heifers , , 2,70 ( < i3,15
Fuirto food bulls . 1.75 ( $3.23
Good to choice bulls . , . 3.35 q&2.50
Light stockers aud f oedora . . , , 2.70 ( & 2.90
Good feeders , P50 to 1100 Ibs. . 3.00 ( $3.10
Fair to choice light hogs . 4.03 ( $4.10
Fair to choice heavy hogs . 4.00 004.0.1
Fair to choice mixed hogs . 4.00 (34.03 (
Shorn shcop . 4,00(4.05 (
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
41 . 1037 $3 3.03 . 1130 $3 70
S . 1223 3 S3 f.2 . 118-2 370
20 . P0 ! ! 345 33 . 1147 870
13 . 1110 3 B3 20 . 1405 370
0 . 1150 8 ? 5 42 . 1240 375
5 . 11S8 353 01 . 13 0 875
20 . 1210 353 20 . 1100 375
81 . 11CO 365 19 . 1801 373
3S1118 SCO 18 . 1452 375
43 . 1383 3 ( X ) 54 . 18'JS ' 3 77K
03 . 1270 3C5 18 . 1413 3 77
14 . 1475 305 53 . 1432 380
4 . 1433 3 iO 21 . 1400 385
S3 . 1290 370 17 . 1047 400
3 . 1105 325 4 . 10S3 200
1 . 1330 325 8 . 1003 300
1 . 720 2 & 1 . 1310 323
1 . 1170 233 3 . 1335 325
2 . 1103 303 1 . lObO 360
J . 1150 2 75
1 . COO 303 3 . 1215 2 0
1 . 1530 325
7 . 050 3 00
2 . 2175 3 25
13 . 1007 335
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
Standard Cattle Co.
63 corn fed steers . 1390 ? 3 07J
54 corn-fort steers . 1207 3 72)i )
Uluo Springs Ranch.
30corii-rcd steers . 1444 3 90
No. Av. Shit. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
18. . . .285 10053.00 73. . . .227 . . 4.02Jf
55. . . . 270 120 4.00 01 . . .217 40 4.05
( J..200 . . 4.00 74. . . .242 120 4.03
O0..24'2 120 4.0o 51. . . . 283 100 4.05
W. . .2s8 . . 4.00 0..233 fcO 4.03
a" . . . .80S 240 4.00 50. . . .203 . , 4.03
53. . . .312 10) ) 4.00 04. . . .230 120 4.03
J8..J&3 SO 4.00 09. . . . 202 SO 4.03
53. . . . 209 . . 4.00 71. . . . 204 40 4.03
50. . . . 83 $ 120 4.00 01. . . 2Si 100 4.05
03. . . . 247 SO 4.00 CO. . . . 243 bO 4.05
10. . . . 340 . . 4.00 59. . . 240 40 4.03
CO. . . . 232 12'J 4.00 CO . . . ! ! 5S fcO 4.05
43. . . . 313 2SO 4.00 42. . . . 277 . . 4.05
58. . . . 227 100 4.00 04. . . . 343 SO105
11. . . 277 SO 4.00 183. . . .215 1(10 ( 4.03
58 . . .271 . . 4.02 } CO. . . . 301 100 4.03
13. . . . 293 240 4.02 Ot..25'J SO 4.03
09. . . . 210 80 4U2J OH. . . . 248 bO 4.03
45. . . . COS . . 4.02 } $ 78. . . . 233 M ) 4.05
75. . . . 210 SO 4.02 | J CO. . . . 200 . . 4.03
59. . . .201 100 4.02K 00. . . .201 120 4.03
70. . . .204 SO 4. < 3jif 03. . . .233 40 4.07V4
" 3. . . . 293 320 4.02H M1..22. } 80 4.10
' 0. . .200 200 4.02K 75. . . .191 120 4.10
' 1..257 127 4.02 } 73. . . .210 . . 4.10
73. . . 249 SO 402 > < 09. . . . 283 80 4.10
Tlio Month's Work.
Showing the number of cattle , hops and
sheep purchased by the different buyers on
this market during the past mouth :
Swift & Co . 11.S09
G. H. Hammond & Co . 5,10. !
Armour-Cudnhv l * company . 2,704
Omaha Packing Co . 2(19 (
Shippers and feeders. . . : . 12,853 ,
Local . 101
Total for Juno . 32,841
Armour-Cudahy Packing company. . . . 72,170
George H. Hammond & Co . 12'i07
Omaha Packing company . 47,877
Squires & Co . 14,770
Kiugnn &Co . 9.103
Swift & Co . " . 2,72r
Cuduhy Hros . 1.89S
Chicago P. & P. Co . 027
Cleveland Piiclcing and P. Co . S2S
Nebraska City Packing Co . 4B2
Total for June 103,205
Swift&Co 2.4S5
J EHunttfeCo 329
G. H. Hammond & Co 055
H. Heal 311
St. Paul Meat and P. Co 311
Reynolds & Da vis 250
Guss Raff 152
J. Carlin 5
Arniour-Cudahy Packing company. . . . 103
Total for June 4,500
Live Slock Notes.
Geo. E , Dacon had hogs hero from Over-
A. J. Wearin was over from Hastings , la. ,
with hogs.
Gco. W. DeLong came up from Fricna
with two cars of cattlo.
S. R. Black , n Kearney feeder and shipper ,
had four cars of cattle and ono of hogs on the
B. W. Cowles , tno Gibbon shorthorn
breeder , had live cars of cattle here.
Robert Ingratn and W. C. Swarts had cattle
tlo over from Solon City , In.
J. M. Parker brought n string of eight cars
of cattle down from Ord.
Twenty lump jaws were condemned b.v the
public Itibpcctor during the month of June.
W. R. Van Sant , the well known dealer in
live stock , 1ms returned from Shcnandoah ,
In. , where ho went to attend the funeral of
his father-in-law , Robert R. Morrisonwhich
occurred on Saturday.
A. W. Downey , of Downey &Toof , Aurora ,
came In with n very line load of cattc. They
brought S4.00 , the top price paid.
Stevenson 13ros. , Ansley , Runkin I3ros. .
Cambridce , and C. T. Urcwer , McCook , all
had ? 4.10 hogs on the market.
A bunch of corn grass cattle were sold on
the market for $3.35 ; another bunch brought
Chnrloy Gorham , ngentof the Rock Island ,
wns ut the yards. _
Produce , Fruit ? , Etc.
BUTTEK Table dairy , 14@15c ; packers'
stock , & @ 10o. Creamery Prints , fancy , 10
@ 18u ; choice,14@l5o ; solid packed , 10@14c.
lines Strictly fresh , I0@\lu. \
CIIKKBC Young Americas , full cream ,
lOJi'ci twin Hats , oyta ; off grades 0@7o ; Van
Rejoin Kdom , fcll.M ) perdoz ; sup sago , 19o ;
brick Il@l2o ; llmburfier , 7@lc ! ; domestic
Swiss , luKc ; cheese safes , bronze medal ,
No. 8. ! 2.S5.
Poui/ntv Live lions , per dozen , $3.RO@
64.00 ; mixed , $3.23 ( < 18.MJ ; spring , $2.00@2.50 ;
turkeys , 7 ( < ibo per Ib ; ducks , $ i.UO2.50 ( ;
geese , $3.00044.09 ; live pigeons , 81.50.
OitINUKS San Gabriel , f3.50@3.75 ; fancy
Duarlo Mediterranean sweets , $ l.23@4.50.
LKMOJJS Choice , f4.50@5.00 ; fancy , f3.7J@
7.00.PBACHUS Per > < f bu box , 75e.
AlTJ.Kb Per ) & bu box , 85@75c.
Ciir.iuiius Per 21 quart case , fi.OO ; per 10
quart drawer , 51.00.
HLACKIIBUIIIUS Per 2-1 quart case , ? 2.00@
'UI.ACK RASi'iiEHKiES Per 24 quart cato ,
RUD RAsriicituiES Per 31 pint case , { 3.00
@ 2.25.
GoosKiiKUiiins Per 3 bu. stand , $3.00 ; 31
quart CUHO , 13.00.
PJJJE Ai'i-LBS , Per doz. , ? 3.00@3.50.
UANAKAS According to sUe , per bunch ,
$3.00(38.00. (
COCOANUTB Per 100 , 5.00 ,
FJIKSH FISH White llsh , per Ib , 7@3Xc ;
trout , per ib , Oo ; white perch , perTh , To ;
buffalo , per Ib , 7o ; pickerel , per Ib , Oc ; black
bass , per Ib , lie.
UiiANS Choice hand picked navy , $1.75 ;
choice hand picked medium , 11,05 ; choice
imnd picked country , $1.00 ; clean country ,
* 1.30@1.25.
KAiti.r VcaBTAiu.ES Potatoes ; 60@80o
per bu ; onions , California , per Ib , 2c ;
southern , per bbl , $2.00 ; cabbage ,
per cruto , $2,50 ; turnips , per bu box , & 0 < vgi5o ;
Lccts , per box. 75c@l.OO wax beans , per bu
box , $1.50 ; string beans , per bu box , { 2.00 ;
green peas , per bu box , $1,00 ; tomatoes per
k bu box , 11.35 ; usparugun , per dozen bch ,
50cJi1.00 ( ; cauliflower , 12.00 ; e < rg plant , 81.75
( a'J.OO ; squash , 25o per doz ; cucumbers. 25o ;
soup bunches , 80o ; lettuce , 23c ; radishes ,
20o ; green onions , 15@3rJc ; now carrots , 20o
pin plant , per Ib , 3c.
HIDES , PJU/TS , TAM.OW , ETC. Green ealtod
hides , Gu ; dry salted hides , Oo ; dry Hint
hides , 8c ; calf hides , fie ; damaged hides , 2c
less ; sheep pelts , green , each , 23c@i,00 ;
sheep pelts , dry , per Ib. 9cijl2o ( ; wool ,
average , 14lSe ; tullow , No. 4 , 4os
"A , " 4tfo ; greabo yellow , 2 > ® ac. UuTTr.n Oc.
CIBRK llbls , $5.00 ; lit bbls , $3.00 ,
MAM.n Sl'cHii 12Wlfio per Ib.
POTATOES Choice , sacked , per bu , 25330o :
Colorado , 40'M5.
VKAI/ Choice , medium Mzo , S ( < tOo ; choice ,
heavy , 4Q3c : spring lambs , $30.00@30.00 per
HONEY 14@15c per Ib for choice ,
PiiKSKUvns V > < ( j$10d per Ib.
JEI.UES S.'fMlo per Ib.
CltoiFimi : $ 10.00 ® 10.50.
UlUX S10.UOQ10.33.
Puovistoxs Ilnms , No. 1 , 1Mb nvornmj ,
lOc ; 80 to 22 Ibs , lO.i o ; 13 to It IbSj 12o ; No.
, Ujfc ; specials , 12&c ; shoulders , 7o ; break-
tast bacon , No. 1 , Ho ; specials , 12 > < c ; picnic ,
fc ; bam sausngo , 10-ic } ; dried beef hams ,
'c ; beef tongues , $ G per dozen ; dry salt
meats 5J < fiIOKo ( per It ) .
SAUSAOK Hologna , 4@4o } ; Frankfurt ,
; tongue , Oc ; 8Uinmcrlb , fc ; head cheese ,
Point- Family , backs , per bbl , $13.00 ; Jtf-
bbls , $075 ; mess , bbls , 512.60bbl3 ; ! , S0.25 ;
pip porn , bbls , $17.50 ; Jbbls J , f'.t.OO.
HEKF'JONOUKS Salt , bbls , $20.00.
OILS Kerosene P W , Oc ; WV , lie ;
headlight , 13o ; eulad oil , $2.159.00 per
PICKLES Medium , per bbl , $1.50 ; small ,
$5.50 ; gherkins , $0.1X1 ; 0 & u chow-chow ,
cits. $5. 'JO ; pis. $3.40.
WitAi'i'iso P.UTII Straw , per Ib , IJ fj ?
2c ; rug , 2'c ; ; mnnlllii , 11 , Oc ; No. 1 , Oc.
SALT Dairy , 140 2-lb pkgs , S3. 70 ; do 100
1-lb pkgs , $2.00 ; do 00 5-lb pkgs , $2,50 ; do 33
10-pKgs , $2.40 ; Ashton , bu bags , 50-lb , S5c ;
do4-lmbags , 324lb.1.40 ; do MS A , 50-lb
jups , , * i5c ; per bbl , $1.20.
SIIBI : UlnlUjftgOc. .
SAI.BOHA l tf@2Jo pnr Ib.
STUICII n > 4 iiro per Ib ,
Stove POLISH $3 lHXit5.S7 per gross.
Sncushole , per Ib Allspice , 12c ; Cns-
sla China , lOc ; cloves , Xunzibar , 20o ; nut-
eps , No. 1 , 75e ; pepper , 10o.
St'OAiis Granulated , OJj'c ; confectioners
A , 0.44 ; standard extra C , 8.81 ; yellow C ,
Sc ; powdered , 1l > ifd ( > lU } c ; cut loaf , lOJf c ;
cubes , Uls'ftC ' , cream extra C , 8.09.
TIAS : Gunpowder , SO OOc : JnpinSP@lOe ;
Y. Hyson , 2Sfu5Uc ; Oolong , 22 50e.
VISUOAU Pnr gal , I3titt0c. !
FISH -Salt Dried codfish , GK@SKc ;
scaled herring , "So per box ; hoi herring ,
Join , 50c ; Hamburg spiced herring , SI 00 ;
lol. herring , 70c ( < ? 51.10 ; mackerel , half bills ,
No. 1 , S15.50 ; largo family. $13.50 per 1(10 (
bs ; whltcilsh , No. 1 , $0 50 ; family , $3.00 ;
trout , $5.00 ; salmon , $3.50 ; anchovies , 8c.
NUTS Almonds , 15@17o ; Brazils , Oc ; 111-
jcrts , 12c ; pecans , lic ; ; walnuts , 12c ; pea
nut cocks , Sc ; rousted , lOo.
13AOS American A , seamless , 17 ; Union
iquuro paper , discount 85 per cent.
Corrins : Green fancy old golden Rio ,
25c ; fancy old pcabcri-y , 2io : ; Rio , choice to
'ane.V , 21e. Rio , prime , 20c ; Rio , goou , ISu :
Mocha , 29c ; Java , fancy Mandehllng , 29c ;
lava , good luterior , 24c.
COFKRKS Roasted Arhuuklc's Ariosa ,
J2'ic ' ; McLaughlin's XXXX , 2-'c ; Gorman ,
22c ; Dilworth , 22c ; Alaromu , 22c.
CUACKKKH AND CAKIS : 0 @ 18c per Ib.
DIIIEII FUUITS I'er Ib , iiprlcots , 18@lCc.
Anples , Salt Lake , 4J e ; stare , 6c ; Aldcns ,
5j @Sc. Peaches , Cal. Y , peeled. 20c ; Salt
Lake. Go. Prunes , Cal , R C. SfftfiMo. Cur-
nuits,4 ( ii ( > > 4c. Turkish prLnes,4l4@4Kc. Cit
ron peel , JJ2c. Lemon peel , lie. DnUti.Oo. Rai
sins , Malaga bunch , dehcsaV5 OJ per box ;
VuloucluB , porlb , 7c : CuUJ < te : ? , S3 10 pel-
box. Dried grapes , 5c. Ulackborrics , 5 e.
'itted cherries. lUc Pitted plums. S ( 9c.
; { aspberries. 24c. Nectarines , 12c.
CANXLD FISH Urook trout , 8 Ib , S3.40 ;
salmon trout , 3 Ib , $2.35 ; clams , I It ) , $1.25 ;
clams , 2 Ib , $2.00 ; clam chowder , 8 Ib , $ -.25 ;
devilled crabs , 1 Ib , $2.3" > ; devilled crabs , 2
Ib , $3.60 ; codfish balls , 2 Ib. $1.75 ; caviar , > < J
Ib , $2.25 ; eels , 1 Ib , $1.25 ; lobsters 1 Ib , $2 00 ;
lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.90 ; lobsters , deviled , II ) ,
$2.25 ; mackerel , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; mackerel , mus
tard sauce , 8 Ib , S2.90 ; mackerel , tomato
sauce , 3 Ib , $2.90 ; oysters , 1 Ib , S.'c ; oysters ,
2 Ib. $1.50 ; salmon , C. It , 1 Ib , Si.10 : salmon ,
. It , 2 Ib , $8.10 ; salmon , Alaska , I Ib , $1.65 :
almon , Alaska , 3 Ib , $ . ' .90 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
$ . ' .05.
CANDY OJ @ 13 c per Ib.
CiiocoijATi : AND COCOA 31@39c per Ib ;
German chickory , red. Sc.
Gixoiiu Jamaica , } $ pints , $3.00 per doz.
FAIUNACEOUS Goons liurloy. 2J
farinu , 4J o ; peas , 3c : oatmeal , 2 (35c ( ; mac
aroni , He ; vermicelli , He ; rice , 4 @ 7c ;
sago and tapioca , Gji'ic. (
Boots and Shoos.
Bucceiaore to Head , Jones & Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Slices
r Boiton Itubber Hlioa Co , 1102 , 1101 and HIM
llariier Utraet , Onialm , Nelirnskn.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1811 North Eighteenth kUcat , Oiu ba , Neb.
Manufacturers of Galyanized Iron Cornice
Wlndow-capa nnd motnllc ikrl'Rhta. .lolin Kpcuutcr ,
proprietor. 1UB and llusoutb lOtb alreoL
Offlco Fixtures.
Manufacturers of
M , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mnntlcs. Sideboards. Hook Coses , llruo Futures , V7nM
Oust * , Partitions. Hailing.Counters , llccrinirt Win *
Loolem. Mirrors. KlcKactorr nnd onlcu , 17SU und 17U
SoulU l lu Bt. . Omaha. Telepbouu 1121.
Paper Boxes
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nos. inn Jil 1319 Douglai street , OniabaNab.
Sash , Doors , Etp.
a. A. Disnuow A co. ,
Wboluala manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Monlflings ,
Brancb oi9co , 12th and Iiard street Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding , , italr-vork and InU'rloi bard wood llnlih.
U.K. corner Mb anil I avciiM'trlbatruotf ,
Umnba , Nub.
, Eto.
S'JHAXU A tlAHK H'lKAM JIKA'tL\Ci ( ' ( >
Pnmiis , Pipes and Engines ,
Bteam , water , rnllwar and mining tupplttf. oto ,
MOKaandl 4 tarnam Direct , Omaha.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
wind mills , pia nnd2. ( . ) Jocci BU , Omahn ,
U , IT , Itoia , Actlnii fliu
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Bboet-lron work , ( team pumpi , latr mill , . 1211-UU
LauTGonortb iticci , Omaha.
Iron Works.
Carter & ton , I'rop'a. Maniirnclurun , ot
Sieam Boiler , Tanks and Sbeet Iron WorK
Wcrka Boutb ZUlU and II. li M. croisliiit. Tol. im
Wrought and Cast Iron Bui fling Wort
nirinei , brass work , general foundry , machine and
bl&CKsniltb work. OiUco snil works , U. 1' . Ur.
and 17th street , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Wire anil Iron Railings
Desk nils , window guards , dower stands , wlr lUni.
etc. l'fl Kuril ! Hill Uri'dl. Urn ah a.
Maaf'rs ' of Pire anil Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vault * . Jail work. Iron sbuttera and Are osiape * .
U , Andreta , prop'r. Cor. ItlU ami Jackioo Uti.
OfOnialia Lliaitei
ARrlouUurnl tmplomonta.
L I'AltKKll ,
Dealer in Agriciiltoial Inmlciiiciils , Wagons
UvrUg * * nd tuiBle * . Jcnpi iltcct , between Vth nj
_ lutli , Dumb * . Nflu itn. _
Agricnlt' ' Imploinoiils , Wagons , Carriages
nugglon.ttc. Wliolc.ialo. Oiudlin , Ncbt Hit.
PAHLIN , onnxDonp , t MAKTJN co.J
\Vholos lo DcKlpnln
Agricnltural Implements , Wagons& Buggies
Ml , ulrcct , Omnh -
Manufacturers an > I Jobbers In
Wagons , Buggies , Raies , Plows Etc ,
Cor , Ptband I'ailirc strcott , Oinaba ,
Aj-tlata' MntorlnlB.
-ft. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Urtlsts' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
Boots nnd Shoos.
TF. V. MORSE , V CO. ,
Mers of Boots and Shoes ,
HOI , lldl , 111 * Dnnalnn itrcct , Omnlin. Mnnuf ctorr.
yumiuor ittuct , llu ton.
Co n I , C o ko n n d LI m o.
Jolites of Hard and Soft Coal ,
KB South 13th nlrcot. Oirmha , .Nobraika.
Snipes of Coal a dColte ,
11 , South ISth St..Omaha , Neb.
Wlinlfijplfi Tinnhnp Ftp
iVIlUlUSnlu Imllllllil Lllii
luil'Ortril ' nini Anii-ruiiii rorlbuul rtniS't. Stsv
nccnt lor .Mllwnuki'O lijilrnnllo nnn
( Jnlnrr wbMo llnii * .
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Weo6 e rpoti ami purauat flooring ; . I
< tte < U , umabn , S b.
En CO. ,
All Kinds orBnilding Material at Wesam
ISlb Street nail Unlun I'nclllcTriick.Omaht ,
Dealer in Lumlicr , Latli , Lime , Sasli ,
DOOM , Hlo , V -Cornel 7tli nnJ Uouglai. Cotnt *
lUtb atiil Uouila |
Lnmlier , Limn Cement , Etc , , Etc.
Corner ttli i < l Oouiflai fits. , Oiuntia.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lniiiiier.
ISth and Callfornln Struotn. Omalm , .Ncbratk * .
_ NlMllnery mid Notlona.
I. OOElitfKLDER & CO. ,
Importers yoliliers in Millinery & Notions
2& ) , 2lU B d 213 Soctli lllli atro t.
f. r. nonrNsoN KOTION co. ,
Wholesale Notions and Fnniisliing Goodi.
CoTunlsson and Storage _ _
Storage and Couunission Merchants ,
Spcclaltlef nutter , CKCS , cbfeno , poullrr , fan : * .
llfllnwanl rtrei-t Omalm. Nob.
Dry Goods and Notions. ,
iU. E. SMITH A CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furaisning Goods and Notion *
1101 and HIM Ouuxlaa , cor. lltli atroct , Oinnha , Nab.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goofls/Notions /
Hants' furnlthliik' soorln. Corner llth and
atreeta , Omaha , Ncbrnika. r
Importer ! and Jobbers of ' , *
Woolens and Tailors' ' Triiiifflinfe ,
817 Boutli IStU street. i
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture
Fnrnam ttrtot , Omatia , Nebriuk * .
Furniture ,
Cmaba Nobruka.
rooorloij. (
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
; 05.7U7,7I and 711 South lUth at. , Oinaba , Nab.
Wholesale Grocers'
13th nna cnrcnworth streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Hea77 Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlnzs , waeon stock , hardware , lumber , cto. 120)
und 1211 Ilarnoy atruet , Oinaba.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metal , , sheet Iron. ato. Airentr for Iloire scalai ,
Miami powder and l.ymau barboil wlro ,
Build rs' ' Hardware and Scale RepairSnopL V ,
Mechanics' tools tied sralci. llli Doogla <
alraet , Omaha. N b.
.loliborn of
Toys , Dolls Alliuiiis , Fancy Goods ,
IIousu lurnliililiit ! yuuils , uhilitroii'H carriages " '
1MM l-'uniiini Mtrout. Oiiialm Nt-b. , ,
iia. > , . , ' 'J
Wliolcsale Refined and Lnfiricatlng Oils , , J |
AxlKKrciniv.vtOMOinn'uii. A. II. Ulslioi ) , ll n icr. ' ;
Wholesale Paper Dealers , -
Carry a nice floik of | irlnllnu , wrnpiilnvr rltll g
l > l > er , riK'iliU iittoiiUon flic i toiur Utir4.
Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul Rfjf ,
Tlio Dent Ron to from Oianba anAr'CouBcil
Jlluirs to
Chicago , AND- Milwaukee ,
St. I'aul , Mliiucnpollg , Cedar Baplds , <
Itock Isluud , Frccport , KockforJ ,
CHutoii , DubtKjuc , Davciijiort ,
Elfe'In , Mudlson , Jaiicsyllle ,
Itclolt , Wlnonn , La Crossc ,
And all tbtr Important points Bast. KortkeaitUC
Cor throiiKb tlektta , call on the ticket agent ktlMl
I arnttiu sirtcl , tu Darker lllock.or at Umoa I'acUia
I'ullman 8lepors and tba flnott ninlnir Can la Utm
world aru run on tha inaln line ot tbe Cblcago.UlU
waukuu li 8t. 1'uul Uullwuir , and ovorr atluntliin !
pttia to pascni : rs by courUoui omployas el tM
C0ltliu"lY.KU. ! ! General Uanacer.
] . If. 'J'UCKtCH. Assistant Uv