Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    V '
Pvronnnl 1'nrnRrnplis.
John Stnr , of Lincoln , IB tit tlio Mlllnrd.
W. O. Pariloo , of Clmdron , Is nt tlio Pax-
F. A. Hcrmnn , of Surprise , la nt tlio Mur-
F. A , llnnnuu , ot Surprise , is nt tlio Mil-
F. Morshiun. of Fremont , Is a guest nt Uio
Clmrlcs S. Coney , of Stnunton , Is nt the
.Tumcfl Lnlrd , of Hasting1) ) , Is a guest nt
tlio Murray.
.T. M. Tlsdel nml C. O. Swnn , of Kenruey ,
nronttliu Mlllnrd.
W. C. Ulshoi ) nnd wife , of Pierce , nro
gilcsts nt the Arcade.
Dr. Claude Watson , of Nebraska City , Is
registered nt tlic Mlllnrd.
A. C. Cns , M. MeKonnon and J. T. Stobb9 ,
of Lincoln , nro nt the Murray.
E. M. Qainblo nnd W. C. Allyn , of Lex-
Ingion , nro registered nt the Arcndo.
A. V. Aminmn , of Clmdron , nud A. Penso ,
of Sidney , nro stopping nt the Arcade.
J. T. O'llrlon mid Augustus Frank nnd
Wllllnm Walters , of Kearney , are at the
Pnxton ,
A. H. Swun , of Cheyenne ! S. M. Chnpmnn
nnd E. O. Carter , of Plattsmoutli , are stop
ping nt the Piixton.
William H. Shryloclc nntl wife , James
Slander , Helen Slander mid Clnrn Clcghorn ,
of Louisville , nro guests ut the Murry.
Attorney-General Loose , Auditor Henton ,
L. W. Ullltngsioy , D. O. Courtney. John Mo-
Mnnlgnl nnd John D. Knight , of Lincoln , nro
registered at the Paxton.
Two great enemies Hood's Sarsnp-
arilla tuid impure blood. The latter is
utterly defeated by the peculiar mcdl-
D1KD IN Tltia TOWI2K ,
'Xlio Unnccniuitnbtn Suicide ot an Exemplary -
omplary fialloroi1.
Yesterday afternoon , shortly nftcr 3
o'clock , the lifeless body of James Gallagher ,
was found hanging In the tower of the
American Water Worlts compan.v'n building
nt Florence. The discovery was made by n
coliplo of men who had been engaged In
putting In the system of eleetrlo light which
is to illuminate ttio building. In the absence
of Coroner Drcxcl , Deputy Sheriff tlouck
held the Inquest , the Jury , consisting of
Messrs. Cowin , Wllkle , KliU' , Walker ,
linker and Grebe , returning n verdict that
Gallagher hnrt come to his death by hanging.
There wni little doubt of this fnct because
the rope which Is used to "steady"
workmen in ascending the steep ladder
to the tower was found with two cells
around the unfortunate's neck and several
coils of it nround his arms.
The body hung through u small nperturo
through which access was obtained to the
interior of tlio highest compartment of the
tower.rlho head was above the opening ,
nnd in endeavoring to ascend Into the attie to
cut down the remains , Mr. Uakor , the core
ner's representative , with diflioultv forced
his way bcsldo the sulciuo'a body. The
neck was not broken ; the victim had
strangled , and the face , which was handsome
nnd Intelligent , was discolored.
The deceased was thirty-seven years of
nge r.nd had worked as n laborer at the
waterworks slnco lust April , going there from
South Omnhu. Ho boarded at the house of
J. F. Swasy , near the works. He wai quiet
nnd retiring in disposition and favorably im
pressed all who know him. As usual , ho
did his own washing In the morning.
Ho allowed himself to bo shaved by a bar
ber , later , nnd remarked to Mr. Swusoy that
it was the first time he had allowed another's
razor to pass over his face. Ho ate dinner ,
blacked Ills boots nnd disappeared. No one
suspected the man's dreadful intent , although
it was later recalled that ho had said ho
was prepared to die. On his person
wore found f-IO in gold and n silver watch.
There are 2u duo from the company. His
pantaloons were dusty at the knees , showing
that ho had pravcd before ho leaped.
In the unfoitunato's trunk was found n
number of letters , one from Hannah Gal
lagher , Of Highland , Kan. , which was dated
in 1684. Another was signed by Susie Gal
lagher , whoso address wasllbSO Lake avenue.
A thlid , probably from a Bister , telh him to
address -J'J34 Chappol Place. Chicago. A
fourth Is n sorrowful recital of the poverty
nncl affliction of his parents in Ireland , who
were entirely dependent upon what they
could iccolvo from their children in this
The remains Ho at Drcxcl & Maul's.
JioAVill Assume ( lie General Supnrln-
tcnclcncy To ( lay.
P. C. Hughes , superintendent of the Black
Hills division of the Fremont , Elkhorn &
Missouri Valley at Chadron , has been ap
pointed general superintendent of the Elkhorn -
horn system , to succeed Halsoy , resigned ,
the appointment taking effect to-day. Mr.
Hughes is ono of three superintendents from
which Tun Hun announced on Friday last
the successor of Mr. Halsoy would bo
chosen. It was all but decided at ono time
to nppojntMahanim , of the Northwestern ,
to the general suporlntoiidoticv , but at a
conference between General Manager Hurt
nnd the ofllclals of the Northwestern hold In
Chicago Saturday , Mr. Hughes was decided
upon' ,
I have been subject to painful boils nnd
carbuncles over my body during the spring
season , nnd after much suffering and much
useless doctoring I found a permanent cure
In Swift's ' Specific. It Is the monarch of
blood medicines. E. J. WILLIS , Au'ustaArk {
Lost Her Kl"toi\
Froodnttonson , n child nbaut ten years old ,
arrived In the city .yesterday morning from
Hnllook , Minn. , looking for her sister , Mrs.
G. 13. Sherwood , who lived nt 845 South
Seventeenth street. The latter , however ,
1ms moved away and could not bo found.
The child Is stopping at Mr , Edmund Vol-
berth's , 1025 South Eighth street.
Artvioo to Mother * .
Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup
should always bo used for children teeth
ing. Itsoolhes the child , softens thu
gums , allays all pains , euros wind uolio ,
and is tlio best remedy lor diiu'rhioa.
S5c ! u bottlo.
A Wntoli Presentation.
Hnrry V. Hurkloy , who has been with
Milton Uogcrs & Sons for eight years , and
head bookkeeper for about live years , was
presented with n valuable gold watch by
his associates Saturday night. The presenta
tion speech was made by J. T. Smell. Mr ,
Burluoy loaves to-day to go into business fur
For a dlso Acred llvur try Bccclmm'a Pills.
lolly Clcnr Mnkorx ,
'X'ho cigar makers' plcnlo at the Waterloo
picnic grounds yesterday was a very gay
nITuir , nnd the COO persons who spent Sun
day In the beautiful grove there , away from
the beat of the city , hod u very pleasant
time. The train with the excursionists left
I thu Union Paclllc depot nt 9:30 : o'clock In the
morning , and nftor mi hour iiiul a half's run
arrived ut Waterloo , where the day was
epeiit in dancing and merry-making gener
ally. Excellent musio was furnished by
I1' members of the Omaha Guards' band. The
h return train loft the pienio grounds nt 7:50 :
o'clock in the overling , nnd made the trip to
Omaha In ono hours lime , lauding Its pas-
cngen safely without accident or mlshup ,
Will you sufl'or with dyspepsia and
liver complaint ? Shlloh'a Vltulizor is
guaranteed to euro you.
Homo Kroiii tlu > Convent Ion.
Dr. Dlnsmoor returned homo ( Saturday
night from St. Paul , whore , after attending
the trial of Hariigun , ho took in the nnnual
mooting of the American Institute of Home
opathy , hold ut the Lafoyotto hotel , Lake
Mlnnotoiika , as n delegate from Nebraska.
Doctors W. H. Hnnchett and Amelia Wor-
roughs , of Omaha ; F. U , Klfhtcr , Lincoln ,
nnd A. L. Mucumbcr , of Norfolk , were ube
there. Dr. Dmsmoor says that it was the
Inrccst nnd most interesting meeting over
held by that society. There wore ncnrly 800
delegates present , nml moil of them had their
wives with them. In addition to bualnonB ,
they had nn enjoyable time socially. On
Thursday night the .Manitoba railroad com
pany gave them a magnificent banquet , nnd
the people of both Minneapolis nnd St. Paul
vied with each other to make the affair n
plcnitint ono. In the election of ofllccrfl for
the ensuing year , Dr. A. I. Sawyer , of Mich
igan , was cliOMin president ; C. G. Hlgby. of
St. Paul , vice president ; Pombortou Dudly ,
of Philadelphia , secretary , and E. M. Kel
logg , of Now York , treasurer. Dr. Dins-
moor was elected to succeed Sawyer on the
legislative committee , which Is tlio first rec
ognition that Nebraska has over received by
this association.
Tuxlderml9tcatarfr'oSlo N 10t1iOmnha
Rllkrd ly ) nn Hiimloyiiiutit Agent.
Ono hundred nnu llfty Italians nrrlved in
the city ycBterday nftcrnoon from Chicago.
They were put off ttio train by the conductor ,
nnd hung nround the depot , not knowing
whore to go. Only n few of tlinm speaK
English. They say they wcro hired by an
employment agent In Chicago to go to Mon
tana to work on n railroad. The agent col
lected Sii from each one , tolling them that
wns the faro to Montana. Some few only
had $10 or $17 , which ho accepted. The
ngeutstnitf-u from Chicago with the party ,
but soon disappeared. The depot policeman
ordered them to move oft ami the entire
party went out to thooutskirto of town nnd
went into camp.
A XOWH Affnit ArrectPil.
II. Empler , a news ngcnt on the Missouri
Pacific railway , was nrrostcd In&t night on
complain * , of William F. Sonncnshcln , who
says that while ho was sleeping on the train
Empler picked his pocket of $ W.
PATRICK Octa Maud Patrick , Infant
daughter of Frank G. ami Fannie 13. Pat
rick , Juno 30.
Funeral Tuesday morning at 11:30 : o'clock
from residence , North Twenty-fourth street.
Hnvo Vou Cntnrrli ? There Is ono
remedy you can try without danger of hum
bug. Send to A. O. Coleman , chemist , Knla-
msuoo , Mich.for trial package of his catarrh
euro. His only mode of advertising is by giv
ing it nway. Postage 2c , Judge for your
self. Mention this paper.
Police Alignments for July.
Marshal James P. Mulonoy has made the
following assignment1 } for police duties dur
ing July : Day Jailer , Moso Hcdmond.
Gaptalu , John J. Sexton , First and Second
wards ; Martin Spoottlcr , Third ward , and
Thomas Urcmmti , Albright. Night Jailer , D.
O. And01 son. Captain , Patrick J. McMahon ;
Thomas Looney , from Twenty-seventh to
Twenty-sixth stroct , nnd I to Q streets and
return ; Joseph , from Twenty-
seventh to Twenty-fourth streets , mid J to
Q and return ; Michael Loyo and John Fallen ,
Third ward. On Sundavs , from 1 o'clock p.
in. till midnight , Olllcer Loonoy will bo
assigned on Twenty-fourth street from F to
N streets.
The Gun Club Shoot ,
Of 20 blue rooks , shot at the weekly shoot
of the Gun club' Fred Bowley got 18 ; Louis
Hugg , 15 ; S. S. Homer , 14 ; Gus Soldier , lit ;
M. Kcnior , 12 ; Charles Homer. 11 ; James P.
Hayes , 14 , and Gus Huff , D.
Notes About the City.
More than live hundred people attended
the opening of the Gcrmaula saloon und
gardens Sunday afternoon.
C. II. Melehcr ou Monday will remove to
Twenty-third and P Streets.
Fred Saundcrs , of the mercantile firm of
Hlchards & Sauudcrs , has returned from
On Monday Frank II. Marshall will ro-
raovo to the flat _ over the Chicago store ,
Twenty-fourth anil N. streets.
Leo Trultt , the popular stock-buyer for
the Armour-Cudahy Packing company , has
resigned to become a member of the rommis-
sion fiim of S. J. Coffway , Smiley & Co. ,
room SO , Exchange.
Mrs. Bruno Strathman , after a two-
months' visit in Hodorsburg , Mont. , returned
homo on Saturday.
The new boiler for the cleotne light plnnl
has been received. The dynamos for the in
candescent system have been received am
put up , and as soon as the boiler is set ant
the incandescent wire system is completes
the lightb will be turned on.
G. W. Thompson , of Swift & Co.'s pacKing -
ing force , has returned from Chicago.
The Armour-Cudahy packing houses nro
being run in the hotr departments nearly to
their full capacity , the killings being up
wards of two thousand live hundred hogs
every day. Every Sunday during Juno th (
hog Killing gang has worked a full force am
full time.
The South Omaha barbers , in a game o
ball , defeated the Omaha barbers , at lias
call's parlc Sunday afternoon by a score of 1
A gatno of base ball ot the Third ward
park Sunday resulted , N street 14 and Q
street 11.
Mrs. Annackor , of DCS Moincs , wife o
Fred Annaekor , the man who was so badly
injured in the Q street viaduct wreck , ar
rived on Saturday to caio for her husband.
Mr. Annackor is much better and is consid
ered out of danger.
Fred Stoplcr found In the rear of the
building a now shoo , stolen from C. T.Vun
Alien's shoo store Sunday evening. How
many more bad been stolen cannot yet bo as
certained , The police have the matter in
Dennis McLiiln. of the Armour-Cudahy
force , has returned from Chicago.
The game of base ball to have been played
Sunday forenoon by the Swift and Armour-
Cudahy clubs , was postponed on account of
the men having to work. A scrub game was
played , resulting in n score of ' to 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelley , of Shos hone ,
Idaho , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
A temperance meeting was hold Sunday
evening In Hunt's opera house. Colonel
Holt entertained a largo audience in his ! and effective way. The tent will bo
erected Monday on the school lots , Twenty-
Bovcnth and M streets , and , beginning Mon
day evening , the meetings will bo hold In
the tent.
Patrick Hlnes is vrry sick at the homo of
Moses Uedmoiid , with bilious-intermittent
The Swift base ball club , through Tin :
BUB , challenges the Sobotucr ball club to
play a guuio of base bull Sunday , July 7 , for
$ -5 or more n side. The Swift boya can play
ball nud mean business , and want the
Sobotkcro to meet them.
Absolutely Purer.
Tlr.b powder noyorvurlos. A marrelof purity
BtrtMiutn and wliulennintuesi. Moro economical
thuuthncrdlnury KliiiU. nndcauaot ba lold In
comnutltlon wltU the multltmU * ot loir cost.
ihorlwelghtAlumor nttoipnat * poirdtri. fo'.d
aalyUo ai. lloral . I'gwder ( Jon 1M
WklUtreat N vr rort.
Continuation of our K3reat Sale of Spring and Summer Clothing to Close
the Season. This sale is greater than any we ever had.
Thousands are taking adyantage of this sale to buy Fine Clothing , at
lower prices than have ever been offered before.
For the next 30 days we will offer the most extraordinary bargains in every department in our establishment. Ready
made clothing department , Furnishing G-oods department , Hat and Car ) department , ever shown in America. The
time has come for closing-out our spring and summer weights. The opportunity is yours.
In our Men's' Roady-Miulo Depart
ment wo olTcr 160 suits of MOM'S Pine
Whip-cord Suits inn-button cut ways ,
at $15.00 per suit. Tlicso nro goods
which have sold in out- stock nil senson
for $22 per suit. Mudo from .n im
ported worsted , olcgnntly trimmed. , nnd
of 11 suitable weight to wear nt any sea
son. Wo claim that this line cannot
bo bought outside of the Continental
For loss than $22. Our price at this sale
will bo $15. All sizes from 34 to 44.
If you purchase a suit of this lot and
it is not lound to bo as represented , the
purchase money will ho refunded. Wo
cannot send samples of the cloth , but
will send a sample suit to any address ,
nnd ff it is not , satisfactory , may bo returned -
turned nt our expense. Send to us for
self-measurement blanks. Remember
the price , $15.00 , in frock suits.
Wo have reduced prices on our Pine
Business Suck Suits to n lower average
than wo have over shown since wo have
been In business. Wo can alTord to do
it as wo manufacture our own goods
and in largo quantities. We hnvo had
n successful season and are determined ,
not to carry over a light weight suit.
The most attractive part of this sale is
our large line of suits marked down to
S10. Wo will not attempt a description
of these goods ; they must bo seen to
bo appreciated. There is nothing in
Omaha , Boston , New York , Des Moines.
Proprietors *
Corner Douglas and 15th
Offloo Hours , I a. . fe 5p.m.
dpeclal'lats in Chronic , Nwrrotu. Bkia art
eSr Consultation at offlco or by mall fr .
Medicines sent l > y mall or express , oocnroly
packed , free from obxervaUoa. Guarantees ted
d permanently.
V Spermatorrhoea , ml
l nalI.068es.NlghtKnils.
1'hyslcal Decay , arlslug from Indiscre
tion , 'Excess or Indulgence , producing Sleop-
loasness , Despondency. 1'lmples on the face.
aversion to Hocloty , easily dlKcountged , lack of
conllilence , dull , unfit for study or Imslneis.and
fluda life a burden , safely , permanently and
prlvataly cured. Consult Wi. Belts * BetU ,
40S Karnarn St. , Omaha , Neb.
Blood and Skin
results , completely eradicated without the aid
of JK-rcurv. Scrofula. Kryslpolns. Fever Sores ,
lllotches , Ulcern. Pains In the Head and Hones ,
Syphilitic Sore Throat , Mouth and Tongue , Cv
tnrih. & .C. . permanently cured where otnera
trnniT ininoim nnd Bladder C-jmplalnts ,
K1Q GY , Urinary Painful , Dimrult. U fre-
ouent llurnlna or nioody Urlue. Urlno hlgn col
oreil or with milky sediment on standing ,
Went Hack , Oonnorrhtco , Gleet , Cystitis. Ac
Promptly andSafely Cured , Charges Reasona
ble aceTfTTrffTTW ] Guaranteed per-
CS . . ± U JLls JL U Jt&fJ 1 miinont euro , ro-
ranvnl complete , without cutting , caiiXJc or
dilatation. urca effected at homo bv pattont
without a momenta naln or annovunce.
To Yean Men anil MiMlc-Aged Men ,
A OnDDnllDD The awful eltoctB of early
0. OullD uUHlJ Vlro , which urtn&s organic
weakness , tlustrnylnsboth mind aud boo > , with
nil ltd dreaded Ills , permanently cured.
ni ) < J DWPQ AiUcHbUiooownoimsro Impaired
UllUi DIJllU themselves by Improper indul.
guncea aud solitary UablU. tvhlru ruin both
body and mind , unfitting them tor business ,
ttuur or marrluyo.
MximiBD MEN. or these entering on that happy -
py life , iware ot physical debility , Quickly M
la baaed upon facts. First 1'ractlcal Krp * .
rlenco. Second Every case is especially itudled ,
thus stalling aright. Third Mocllclnus are pre
pared lu our laboratory exactly to suit each
case , tliua affecting cures without Injury.
CSTSend 0 ceula post ago for celebrated work *
on Chronic. Nervous and Delolit ! * UUeasei.
Thousands cured. I2TA friendly letter or call
may save you futuie suffering and shame , and
add uoldeu > eari ) to life. tST No letters an-
twered unlea accompanied by 4 cents In etampt.
. UETT8.
1103 Varnam Brt t. Omaha. Ntt.
Notice I * ; hereby given that beuled bids will bo
received by the clerk of Adiona County , Neb-
raslcu , nt his olilca Hastings. Nebraska , on or
before twelve o'clock noon of July Uth , 1BSV , for
th'jpuicliasoof Hjvonty 11 VD boiuls of the denomination -
nomination of ono thousand dollars each to bo
Issued by ttlu County of AMnmaln the tUiuo of
Nebraska , toboilated July 1st , IS-UU , and to bo
payable at the r'lsciil Agency of the t-tnto ot
Nebraska. City of New VorK , SUto of Now
Vork twenty yenrtt after thu date thereof re
deemable at any lime ouor after tun yearn from
the date tlioru&i at the option of said county of
Adams and to bear Interest t thu rate of lira
per cent per mimim payable annually on the
llret ilay of July In oath year , for which Intereht
coupons xhall be attached payable at the llscal
agency afoiesald.
nights rebel veil toreloct any aud all bids ,
lly order of the Hoard ot Bnporvlsoru , May Oth
ISM. . L. It. I'AUTUiuau. , ,
IEBAI , . ! County Clerk.
Jon.x A. CASTO , County Attonmy. , luiildtoJyO
fucceufully used monthly by ovtr 10,000
Uullos. Are Sn/V , EfftctualanA Pleaiant
VJ $1 PIT bor by inau.or nt druKgiitg. Sealed
" * - > \ir < < cuJar S postage stamp * . Addresa
Tax aas A CIIBUICAU Co. , Dutaatt , ilicu.
For balu und by mall by Goodinun Drug
, Omuhu.
this line but puro. nil wool suitings ana
remember , n. $10 suit nt the Continental
is jufit as closely inspected in ropnrd to
mnldiifr nnd trimming us the higher
prittlo of goods. There nro goods in this
line thnt cannot bo bought outstdo of the
Continental for less than $15. Our uriuo
is only $10.
It ia our custom nt the close of each
season to make special prices on our
pantaloon stock to clear up the broken
lots. Lnit spring wo had an immense
sale of pants at Stf.SC per pair. Wo will
offer this wool : another special bargain
lot including some very choice styles of
silk mixtures , Cheviots , Cassimores anil
Fancy Worsted , at tlio same popular
prlco of $3.50. Many of thcso styles
have sold all the season for $5 and ? 0.
This is an opportunity to buy something
line at a very low price. Samples are
shown in our windows. Mail orders
must bo accompanied with postal note
for the amount and any pair not found
perfectly satisfactory , may bo returned
at our expense. Length of the leg and
waist measure nro the only mcasuro-
menls required. The styles are all neat
mixtures in medium shades , very fuw
loud styles among thorn , so you are per
fectly safe in ordering.
PRICE 82.05.
A special bargain line of Moifs all
wool Cheviot Pants in a neat dark
striped chovlot , In all about 5200 pairs ,
will bo offered at this sale at the un
heard of price of S2.2fi nor pair. Bond
us your measure and P. O. order for
$2.25 for a pair of this lot and they can
not fall to bo satisfactory. Wo know
what thcso goods nro worth. They were
never bought for less than S3.50.
BojVLong Pant Sulla , ages 10 to M
year's , price 55.60.
Wo offer the greatest bargain line of
Boys'Long Pant Suits , ages 10 to 11 ,
wh'ich wo have never sold at 55.50 per
suit. Nothing larger than 14 , in puvo
all-wcol Cassimercs and Cheviots , goods
Which wo have sold all season for 87 and
' 68 , at the unheard of price ot So.50 , to
clear up this entire lino. Wo cannot
send samples of this cloth , hut always
bear In mind that you need not ho&itnto
to send us a postal-noto for the amount
and if the goods are not perfectly satis
factory , wo will pay all express charges
and refund your money.
250 Boys' Knee Pant Suits , in a neat
gray and black check and brown and
gray striped cheviot , are murlcud at this
& & > * " t SH-
A ' "tf -sff--s f t.
: j& * . t * " * S lJLff ( ! : ? Z
18 , 20 , 22 , 24 , 26 , 2S , 30 AND 32 LAKE STREET. CHICAGO , ILL.
A. J. TOI'I'IiUTON , President. II. W. YATB3. Treasurer.
J. J. IlltOWN. Vlco-l'iesldent. B. T. JOSSBIA'N , Secrotury
I'llUl ITp Capital , $10OOOO
Fire , - Lightning - and - Tornado - Insurance ,
Offices , S. 13. Corner Douglas and Sixteenth Sts. Telephone 1-1US. :
Directors : A , J. Poppleton , J. H. Mlllanl , Win. Wallace. J. W. Gannett , II. W. Yutcs , N. A ,
Kuhn , 13. I * Stone , C. \Voodworth , J , B. CoiHm , .1. J , llrowii , B. T. Joaselyn.
HoinoOlllcc. Nos. ! 100. ! ! ( ) ! , ! ! 02 , UOit Itrora's Itlock , Oiiiiilm , Neb.
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.
1513 Dumas st s : Omaha , Nebraska ,
Steck Piano
Roinarkublo for powerful sympathetic
tone , pllublti notion anil ( ibsoluto dura
bility ; ! ! ( ) yetira'TCCord the best guaran
tee of the excellence of thcso instru
State Line.
ToClasgotr , Helfiist , Dublin ami Lit orpool
From New York Every Tuesday ,
Cabin | > uisuue IU to C'O , according to locution oUU
room. I.mirslon ! ( > ' ) to fM.
Btecrngo to unJ from liuropo at I iwcit llatcs.
AUSTIN lui.nn IN & Co. , Gcn'l Au'cuts ,
51 llroailvray. Now York.
JOHN ULCQEN , lion'l Western Agent.
1C I llaololpU St. , Chicago.
HAllllV 12. Mould , AKOiit. Omaba.
IltiducedOabmratoitoaia j.r exhibit Ion.
IS wall-ou-Hudhon. Uoi. . f. J. WitmiiT. II. B. ,
A. 31. , fcupt. , ' 11 1 * . UVATT , Comd't ot CadeU
H salth is
Dii.E.O. WEST'S NBIIVB AND DIIXIN . . . . „ . . -
UCNT , a guaranteed specific for ilysteila , UUzl-
ueas , Convulsions , fits , Nervous Neuralgia ,
Headache. Noryous 1'rostrutioii caused by the
use of alcohol or tobacco , \Valcefulnens , Muiital
Depression , Softening of the llruln , resulting In
Insanity and loading to misery , decay uud death.
I'lemature Old Age. llarrennetm , Ioss of 1'ower
In either sex , Involuntary Losses and Bpermat-
orhoja caused by over-exertion ot the brainnelf-
abusn or overindulgence. Kuch box contains
cn month's treatment. Jl.M a bar , or sir boxen
for IS.lW.sent by mall prepaid OH receipt of price.
To euro any case. With each order recehedby
ut for six boxes , accompanied with (5.00 , M o will
send the purchaser our written guarantee to ro
tund the money If the treatment does not effect
cure. Uuaraateed lisuod only by Uoodman
Drug Co. , Druggist * , Sol * Agent * , 1UO Farnara
txeet. Omaha Ktb. , .
lot ! throuzta ( rron or
lUUn , bin rncifcw. mir U
ihclly K lBa by ll > new
tu < * AUolutc tccrccy , Varlco *
* vrillioutlnorcperni n.
Balcurrd Cllnltiue itaTtiwat It , V itM
20to60 DAYS.
Thlo Is a dissnso which bag heretofore )
Bafllcd all Medical Science.
When Mercury , Todltlo of 1'otasslum , Snrsipa
rllln or Hot Springs fall , we Kuarnntoon euro.
\Vo have a Remedy , unknown to anyone In th
World outside ot our Company , and ouu th'xthas
NUVBJfit A- ' All CS )
to cure the most obstinate cases. Ten days In
roceut cases dues the \vorlc. It U the old chronic
deep ueaUa cases that w * solicit. Wo nave
cured hundreds n ho have been abandoned by
1'hyslclnns. and pronounced Incurable ? , nnd w < i
challongs the world to brliift us a case that wa
will not euro lu less than sixty days.
Since the history ot meaiclno a trueupectnc
tor Syphilis has beoa sought for but uovor
found until our
was dlscoverea , nnd wo are Instilled In saying
It la the only Romuuy in tlio World that will pov
Itlvcly cure , because the latest Medical Works ,
published by the host Known authorities , say
there wimnoveratrueapeclllc bofbro , Ourrmn-
edy will cure w ou everything else has fulled.
Why waste you tinio aud money w Ith patent
metllcluea that uover had vlitue , or doctor with
physicians that cannot euro you , you that have
tried everything else should come to us now nnd
g. t permanent rellof , you never catt get It elai-
whcre. Mark what we say. In the cud yon
must take our remedy or NI5VER recover nnd
you that have been allllctod but a short time
should by all moans como to us now , not on j In
ten of nnw cases over pet permanently cured.
Many tethelp and think they are free from the
disease , but In one , two or three yearn after it
appears again In a more horrlblo form.
This ia n blood Purifier und will Cure
any Skin or Blooil Disease when
Everything Else Falls.
NOTICE Wo desire to caution patients In re
gard to parlies claiming to usu llio Cook Hem-
edy. Our lormul.i Is not nml CANNOT be
Known to anyone but ourselves.
Rooms 418 anil 419 , Paxlon Block
Itit'ltl correct ttivilttiiuttitni/In *
flueiicaufliooii f/itiV im 7f.
for lltn Jfenlth rr cerylnk for
Children Invigorating , and Ho-
frccblnff for All. The Bait Eura-
BurB tercelnExlitenc0 War *
tinted luridly fure and Vufer *
ntnted. An ECclent neincHf
for PUrrhaa , Chclera Jlorbui.
Eytcutory , end til Cliordcro of
NASiivii.i.rTiNN.JiinoS67. ; : ,
li > ni Blri-l Imvo trlcil the
IIuiiRarlan JllacUhcrry Julio
you HO Ulnilly kcnt inc. II In
itin no plus ultra of Mimimr
( IrlnUc. It In ( rut from ulra-
! ol ? nll ys tlilmt , tout's the
dlKi' H\u organs , hns u line
roinntlo a\pr. nnil In Juit
Tor nololiy lrneKl ) t . M'iu ' < X
JH'alcia onil ( Jroccrs.
The ben Cfliilpe'l pleasure raiort In the we t.
' 1 lie uttunllon ol llio i > eoi > le of Nubrntka Is cnlletl
totliUiicur liuiioin ie url iur.axiUMlunUt * . iilenlo
j ) rilosuto.1'iliBl > e tof rutoijtlvun on HI r llrortU .
v Tlio purk it Htiuitoi 8 iiilfe * Iruiu l.liiooln , mil
roiiUtnt 1W ncro of iliuV rj IU Inrt'eH iinil buit
iuiuiutie.1 tutu , un'lur lliu coniiol of llruwn tliu lu-
iuuu Lincoln tnterer 2 luUc of kout iut 2U | ilea ;
lit * bouti ) 3 miulo and dimtlui : liallsi l > .i o bull
Kroundi. most complete In llio wi ti.U plcnlo tnljtoH
wllli leHlii ipi'iinerr iliiO'lK.Tlio on > lprliil
Cii liiiiHiie > prlnB .6ln ll ! balhliiK liouieti W wlnj l
IlKhl roiu , u iHettooi ; , < i--i iiUoro wuter. 13 , II.
Audrut unU bon. ilnuajon. UnuJlu , .Nub.
Unite ;
CANCER . ! ) . ! ) , ,
169 Wabuli ar. . Cinouu , Ibu
nnlo for $2.fiO per suit. This Is the prlco
paid for n cheap gratia of pntlnot , but in
thin line wo oltor a good honest wearing
nmlerial , in colors sultnblo for school
wear in nil , otto of the host values
for vacation wear wo hnvo over olVorod.
Complimentary remarks are mnilo by
our customers when thov examine our
line of fine Ciisslmoro nnu Cheviot Sult3
at $5.1)0. ) During- this sale the variety
will bo larger than ever , and wo are
sure of ono fact , that every garment
sold out of this department will civo
perfect satisfaction , and a customer over
eoldvlll always bring their children to
the Continental to bo tlttcd. Our var
iety is larger , the quality Is just as re
presented , and our prices are lower
than arc paid for inferior goods at other
Special prices on Fine Underwear.
" ll Vacation Shirts.
' " " Fancy Hoisery.
" " "
" " " Boys' Shirt Waists.
Pik-es in Straw lints for Men's , Boy's
Mi ikl ren le&s than cost. Our object Is
to sell every Straw Hat in slock this
I Ml co. Cnsli. Monthly
1 S1oln\\ay Square. sn.uu 4.10.10
1 Knabobinmru . . . . 176.00 15.0J 10.00
1 Iliilnus Ilioj. fqumo , 17".00 r > .ia 11UKI
1 Ilillli't , Da visCo.tq. . HM.OO 15.0) 1U.OJ
1 Hmt'raouStin.iro . lOJ.'JO in.o 7.00
1 Miirilml X wundull sn. llil.O ) HUM f.OO
1 W.V. . Klmball Smiaio 1UO.OJ 10.00 7.00
1 ChlckorliiK Uptight ,
lined "years ! Ui.03 W.OJ 15.03
I'dco. C.ish. Jlouthly.
1 Mn on Ilainlln , uod ]
year $75.00 $1003 t'.00
1 liiylor & r.irlcy , i cil 1
.Vi-ar . . . . 70.03 10.00 S.03
1 IMey , used 8 11103 , cost
new JI.IJOJ liO.OJ . 8.00
1 lltuilotto. ; iJ ) ( ) 7.01 5.0) )
1 Taylor tc Farley iH.i 8.IKJ r > . ( io
1 Jlntou llnmlln " > .0) ) 5.UI B.OU
Ucatty ! 7Ht < ipO W.iJO 8.0J 7.00
livery Instruinout guaranteed to bo In
order , llring this ad. with joii , nnd uvold mis
takes. Anv of tliuso Instruments taken lu ex-
cnnngo foi now at sanio prlro any tlnio in on Call early and get a. bargain.
1522 and 1C21 FAKNAM STREET.
Attnr InvoIcIiiK our clothlnii slock , wo
Hud certain Hues of pulU Unit linvo nut
.soldn-adlly : coiihoiiiivullv tlio pilui l.aj .
tjuun rouucod. An early call will bu to your
. aeniraland NEKVOUB BEBILITY |
( T1TTT ? "P Vf.aUneu of Bodyird HiniiJKffeoU
VO lU JlXiJU of ErronorZiceiMilnOltlorVoung.
Uotutl , XcVIr JUMIIKHI fullt IH.I cf < l. lie * la LrUrr * mil
Hlni. CWu\Kik.l.imri'llMlMU \ ( > 6 * rJUUofllOur. uihlllnr MOXK TBTllBEST lloilll U < > ; .
Ren lutll , fr m 4t l l. . . I.rrllorl. . , > ad tcrtlitaluliilrlH.
c ' lUn I.Uuur llatlt , failllrrlir Curvd
br Atfiiilnlmorliin Dr. llulucn'
Uolilen Hpcclflc.
It can ho clvini In u cup of conoo or tea wllliout Ilia
knowlu IKU of lliu pi'rton lukliiif It ) isiiii'oluicly Uirm :
iHit.unil will ulloit n ifiutxly anil iicriuDiienleuro
wh.'Hiur tliu pntlont u u uiudurato drinker or mi
MlioUol wrick. TJiiniiuiKi of Urunkarili liavo been
niH > luliiii | | > ur'ili ' ) men wliutiavotukKniluldoiibucdfia
In iliulrcuDtiunllliouttliulrknowli'd uanU to-tlajr bo <
llut'uiliur < | uU ilrlnkliiK < > r Iliulr iiwu Ireo wlII. IX'
M.VI.IirAIM. Tuo fttum once liniireanttleil wiiU
Ilia S | . ( b f nu nun utterlnjio | lbllllr ? r llio ,
lliU' | r ni > | iv'Iiu to ol i. tot c lo bX"ul" , ftt
| jtu.BlM . . uiia lltiuiclua H . .i liJ ISlli uiiat'ui
i. Ouali.i. A. U. ruitur & mo. , Council UluCt ,