Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    .ir * *
k '
. , . . . . - i - ! i
No ntlvertlscmcntn will tip tnlccn for
tlicflo column * nfler liliSIO \ . in.
Tomisj-rnHli In mlvnncr.
Advertisement * ! tinder this hrnd 10 e * . . . l > or
tlnu for tlio Brut Insertion. 7 centi for oacn * nb-
leqnrnt Insertion. and (1.50 per line per month.
No advertisement taken for less tlmn 2X cents
for Insertion. Bet on words will ho counted
to the line ; they must run consecutively and
must be paid In ADVANCE. All advertise.
montH must bn handed In before 12M1 : o'clock p.
m , , and under no circumstances Mill they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone ,
Partlosadvcrllalng In these columns and hav
ing their imwiirs undressed in care of Tin : ] ) P.K
trill plea o ask for ft check to enable them to not
their letters. us none will bo delivered except on
prc'cntHtlnn of rheek. All answers to adver
tisement * Klioiild lie enclosed In envelopes.
All rulvcrtlKomcntM In these column.- * are pub
lished mliotn morning nnd evening
Tint Hun. the rlrculntlon of which
more limn 18,000 papers dully , nnd given the ad *
tertlnprs the bnncflf , not only of the city circu
lation of TIIK HFK , but also of Council llluffs.
Lincoln nnd oilier c.ltios nnd towns throughout
this tcuioii of the country.
Advertising for thcso column ! ) will bo taken
on the above conditions , at the following busi
ness houpes , who are authorized ngonts for THE
Jim : special notices. nnd will quota the Hiinlo
rates as cun to luul at the main olllco.
CHASE * KDDY , Stationers and printern. 118
Fouth Hth Street.
Bit. FAHNSWORTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
lng Street ,
J. HUOHE3. Pharmacist , 024 North ICth
GEO. W. PAltll , Pharmacist , IbOU St. Mary's
AN experienced groc erwants a situation as
traveling salesman In northern Nob. Ad
dress D ii : Hoc. USU 4T
"WTANTED Ily n rompetent young lady n
, T position as stenographer nnd typewriter ;
can glvo excellent references. Address M. . 13)4
M. 18th Bt. . 8 0 a )
EXPERT accountant wants rompllcated
books and partnership matters to ajust.
Address 0 Hi , Dee. noSJylW
WANTED General and local agents to ban-
dlo'hn now Patent Chemical Ink Erasing
Pencil. Greatest novelty over produced. Erases
ink In tw.o seconds , no abrasion of paper. 200
to WO per cent protlt. Ono agents sales
amounted to Jd'Oin six days another t-K in
two hours. Torrltorv nbsolutely free. Salary
to pooa mou.i No ladles need answer. Sample
il-'iits. For terms nnd full partKul.irs , address
The Monroe Er-utor Co. , manufacturers. La
Cro.Sbo. Wls. H. > 7 It
" \Arv\NTKD , Men with fair education nnd
T pleasing address to solicit. Deposit of & ! 5
requited ; sal.iryfrt ) nnd 875 per month Call
onpradnresn 0. L. Hoylen , rooinCll First-Nat ,
bank. J H59-2SJ
> A N TED Ollke "boy. Jos. 0 arnonifCrackor
Co.5 810 2U *
"V\7 ANTED At once , an energetic salesman
T > in o\'ery towu to sell teas , colloes , spices ,
extract ? , baking powder" , groceries , etc. , to
laotelsl' restaurants , farmurs and other large
consumers at wholesale prices : exclusive ter
ritory given. Address the Edgworth Morcan-
tllo Co. . H47 State t. . Chicago. 833 5 * _
V\ ANTED A good olllco man to go oust ;
' miiut InvestSJ.nOO : must bo a good bu.sluo'-s
man. Address the Oeo. S. Cllne 1'ubllililug
House , illli to Jil Wabash avo. , Chicago , 111. 7'J >
\\rANUED Railroad laborers for nowworK
i In Wyoming. Teamster * , wheeler holders ,
pick nnd shovel men , mid rock and tunnel men.
Steady Work nnd good Job , For transportation
npply at Albright s labor agency , 1120 Fninnm
St. , Omaha. 7112
WANTED Agents every where to sell the
"History of the Johnstown Flood , " about
4W pages , well Illustrated , retail prlco only
Sl.i'll ; jnost liberal discounts to agents ; send ! > 0
cents for ontllt nt once , and you will make
money rapidly. Kvorv moment you delay is
money lost. J. M. French & Co. , Omaha. Nob.
7M 1
WANTED ? 2. " > weekly lepresontatlve. male
or female , in every community. Ooods
staple ; household necessity ; ell at sight ; no
pcililling : .salary paid promptly , and expense *
ndvanfuu. ; Full partlciilnra nml valuable sample
case riiKK. Wo monn Juit what wo say ; address
ton. Mass. tiR-i
W ANTKD Uood , rollablo men for detect
ives in every community ; paying posi
tions. Address Kansas Detective Bureau , Lock
Pox _ 231. Wichita. Kan. KStt It
OYS-Am. Dlst. T < ! 1. Co. ,
_ _
MEN to Travel for the Fouthtll Nurseries of
Canada. We pay K > 0 to $100 a month mid
expenses to agents to Boll our Canadian grown
Block. Ad. Stone ic Wellington , Madison , Wis.
ANTED Railroad laborers , rockmon and
track-layers for Washington Territory ;
good wages and steady work , af. Albright's
Labor Agency , HIM Farnam st. ( HI
WANTED Girl for gontial housework ;
must bo good cook and coma well recom
mended. Apply , MUh and Park sts. , opp. llan-
Bcom park. _ WJ i ; _
WANTED Good girl to do general house
work , good wages , ' In family. Call oor
DOth and Mason.
W. ANTED A competent cook and laundress.
Apply with references at 2715 Jackson st
/ANTED A girl for general housework ,
r small family. 2203 Ohio si. EfU 20 *
ANTED Woman cook for small hotel $40 ;
2nd cook (7. room at home ; dishwasher $ , " > .
room nt homo ; laundress for Manawnils : 2 for
South Omaha f IS ; ID dlnlngroom girls In and
out of city ; girl for family of 2 In Columbus
820 ; 25for general work. Mrs. Ilrega. mi'S. .
35th. 87B aot
ANTED-AgentH for thooelobratodWorth's
system of cutting , for Omaha , Council
JllulVs and places throughout the west , \Ve pay
g < 70d commissions or salaries to competent
ladles. Cutting , fitting and designing done by
Mm \Valkio. . of Chicago , and Mmo. llrown. of
llpston , 11 1 Farnam. .175 1 *
WANTED First class lady bookkeeper mid
piano pl.iyer at Cameron's plnuo parlors ,
113 N. 18th. 1811
WANTED Lndlcs at OLCO at 1U3J FarAnin st.
\\7ANTKD-aood girl. 818 month. 021 North
Y20th street , IM7 !
" "
ANTKD A for a child 2 years old ;
must bo of good disposition , Intelligent ,
neotauil _ willing. 2UQ5 StMar _ _ s ave. 8J5
WANTED A competent clr.ono ) who tin-
ilurstands cooking , washing nnd Ironlug
thoroughly : no other need apply , Mrs. M. Hell-
man. aiur St. Mary's avo. 1W
' \X7ANTED ( Ilrl to do second work nnd tnko
T > care of child thron yrs old ; none but rom-
iietout need npply ; Uorman preferred. 24UK tit ,
ilary'B ave _ 7i > 7
W ANTED ( lood itlrl to COOK , wash and
Iron. Mrs. W. .M llushman , U14 H. 17th.
w ANTED Competent nurse girl , one that
is kind and willing. Itciil Karnam. 114
D RTsswiiTui i NC
to do dressmaking in fnml-
llos BOllcltod. MIssbturdy , loss 2.1th nve.
' "
MISS'SUNNICK has removed hcrdressmaknl'
pallors fromiuirillowurd to 17-11 , eavenwtli
Bho will bo pleased to Inuo customers call.
_ _
TlIRST-clas3 day boaid. Inquire IGO'J ' Douglas
Xnoinn5S1l7rooui Hat , modern
J. oucos , Lungn block , 012 S. 13th st. 1W4
TnUUNIbllUD hnusi > . 20th and ? t. Mary's nvo.
JL' to rent till Oct. 1st. 7 rooms , bath am
laundry to family without children : references
renulrud. David Jamleson. iiHB 16th tit. b72
TfTl OK UllNT A ilctacliod V-roorn tiou"e , nl
JC modern convenlenceti. iiq.SlifJ Capitol ave
ENTUAL hotel ou llroadway nnd Kth RtT
Council IllutTd. for rent and furnltutu for
cafe. Inquire 111 8 , lllli st , , Mrs Bchulz.
KENT 14-room l > rlck dwelling , nil con
venlcuces , 6 blocks from P. 0. lti N. luth st
HO UUU ( or r ut , imjulreauilJoUiio st.I'tim
lT ( Olt ItENT-lMrulslitMt house ; immediate
iKMiaoaaion. Call 201 So. 25th ' at _ 7W iW' _ _
7JV1U ItENT-NIco 8-room llat.'ntwly v P red
a ? _ , al _ 4) ) lloward st in nieat .market. iM
fTiOR llEWt-7-room coruor Hat. Wtn am
X' Jones. _ _ _ °
' -
'ITlU'U RENT A nicely turnUhod hoiue fn inoii
.1. declrabla reahlenco location In the cUy , m
ittroat car llnr. llfieen mlnutus walk.YI !
taka partof lout in buaid and loom ; van
man and \vlfo : no chlldi-L-n. Itofeioucn imiuhed
David Coin , 3li f. IMi at , t >
17\OIl \ KENT 14-room house , 1811 Cumtng St. :
J-1 goofti bnrn and sheds ; modern Improve
ments ; .clH-ap to right parties. 0. li. Green , 310
8. loth htj . ( CM
Yjjloll RKfTF'-Houso nnd barn , a. o.cor. Nlcho-
JL. ' las aiuiaiststs. , SlOpernio. UV ) 23t
GENTLEMAN leaving for Europe July 1st
will rent hon completely furnished to de-
glraolo jmrtr , will bo goiiofl ) three months. Ad-
TjlOll RENT A nlreR-room cottage with many
-L' convenience/I , ( S7-6.jTtt nvo ; rent moderate ,
Adply 1C ! S , Kth st. _ 1171
2 SEVEN room house ? , SI4 and RIB 8. ) d , neur
Mason. KnqtilroatSt'iS. SM. _ 81U-1
T > ESIDENCEB in theAVm..l.Paul block.cor.llUh
A and Chicago Most modern nnd attractive.
"Will bo ready nbbut July 10th. Apply , Paul.ltXW
'arnam. 4 < s
) NICE T-roomcottasei ; good collars , cisterns ,
well , good bam ; convenient to school anil
church ; f 0 per month for the summer. Apply
at once , U , F. Harrison. Merchants' Nat'l bank.
_ _ _ , 772
Tjlo'll RE > JT l-'urnlBliod house loF summer ;
V convenient , dcslrablo location. Address 1)20
lee. KM 4t
liouso to rent till Oct. 1st. 7
rooms , bath and laundry to family without
children ! references romifrcd. David Jainlo-
BOH , 311 8 Ifith st. SJ
"TTlOll KENT 3-room or O-rqum rottaBO. on
J p.iVemunt , bar line , largo yard , city nnd cis
tern water , shade trees ; rent J10nnd918. Co-
Pli'fatlvo I.and & Lot Co. . 2i'i ) N. llith St. Bin Q
ITIOH RENT-Dtt oiling , 0 rooms , good stable
-I and nil modern convenience" ! , Capitol avo. ,
Sblorkisfrom High school. I ) , J. O'Donahoc ,
K l l''arnim ! st. 682
rno Iti'.NT New furnished rooms' two blocks
JL from ptntolllce ; htnisii has all moilrrn 1m-
pro\ouientHi board It desired 1015 Casillnl avo.
1 j',011 , RENT Rooms , with first class bnnru it
K desired. l18 ! S. 18th st , MI9 W
ENT A small , well fiirnlMiod houso.
l ! pleasant grounds host locatlon.for mnn and
w ite , for summer. References oxchaimed. Ad
dress , M. W. J. Hughos. IGth and Wobstor.
Ml 23
TJ10H RENT Purntihoil roMii , $5 ; brick house
JL. ' with modern convenlonccs ; brcukfiist
glvon if desired format nnd Lake Ms. V05-U
TT'OH RENT Two nicely furnislied rooms
jy with board ; also good table day board at
ISl.fiO per weoU. 1717 Chicago at. Hi32Jt
O ROOMS ensulte , or 2 or I slmriti room for
Ogontlemon , furiilslipd nicely , folding bed. etc.
Apply to room 1.701 N ICth st. 1st floor. 83129
17\OR RENT Elegantly furnished rooms with
JL1 first-class board : modern conveniences , ires
Parkavo. 7im 2lit
TJLEASANT roomsnlcoly furnished , near bus-
X inoss center ; nil conveniences , oil 8 ICth St. ,
llatC. KJ I *
V\7" ANTED 2 young men to take room nnd
good board lu private family ; everything ; all modern conveniences ; only 6
minutes'walk from P. O. ; prlco $ ! 5 par mo. ;
be-it of references required. Address I ) 11. Hoo.
171011 UENT Large cast front room , gas ,
JL ? bath , etc. , 012 N. Uth st. 83 ; 2 *
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms with or
without board. 1721 Davenport street.
TjTHONTroom near postolllce. S23 N. 17th.
TJIOR RENT Thro o nice upper rooms suitn-
JL1 bio for light housekeeping. 2520 Douglas.
Ulll HUNT Furnished room , 1712 Douglas ot.
FOII HUNT Largo furnished front room , also
front and back parlor unfurnl-mod with
board. Knqnlre at 1'Jll ) Capitol Avenue. 307
9 ItOOJIS Llsht housekeeping , S , 13W N. 18.
. . .I RENT Furnished room with or with
out board. 1611 Douglas st. 033 S ?
TOR RENT Elegant south room for gentle-
man. 1707 Dodge st. 818
i > OH RENT FnrnUhod room. 2J15 Doclgo st.
1 7c > > . Tv ° * l
* I J U
pOR RENT Furnished rooms , 120J Dodge.
TTIOIl RENT A largo and small well furnished
J-1 trout room * , nil modern conveniences , and
board , liitt Farnam. C'JI-iOt :
"JTlOlTTlKNT Two parlors front and on first
* . floor. All nifidoin covoniuncos. li09 !
Douglas. fi J
SINflLE room and double room , oveiycon-
\oulenco. I'JOd ' Capitol 77S
FOH RENT Furnished roomi1th board 17:2 :
Dpdgo 4.M
KOOMS and board , lOrt aim 108 So. 2th st. '
_ S7J1 July At
NlCELY furnlBhsd rooms , board it desired ;
gas , bath .alectric bella , etc. lOOy Douglas.
TTIintNISIIRD room for rent after June 25.
JL 20-Jl Hurt st. 168
OR RENT Furnished rooms , first-class accommodation
commodationMrs. . Twlnglor , 072 s 13th
a t roct.
FURNISHED rooms by day. weeur or month ,
Bt. C'lnlr hotel , cor lilthaud Dodge. 77o
l'H ) rooms , siiiirlo or on suite , bath
D nnd steam : ton gents only. 131'J Howard.
ROOM wlth'or wltnout board. 1P12 Dodge.
IjlOR HENT-lloom. toil Howard.
JJ 731
ITlURNlSIIEDor unfurnlshnd house for rent
JJ In Park Terrace , opposlto Hanscom park ;
nil modern couvenloncos. Inquire Lee A ;
Nlchol. gBth and Loavenworth. 78J
T" AHGE furnished room torrent , suitable for
JLJ.i gentlemen. ISiJ Farnam. 1.6.1
"plOiniETTT A pleasant room , only tfmiuutos
JC walk from business center , nil modern con
veniences , cor St. Slary's avo. and 2uth or Ks ) S.
KOth. brick residence. cut
south front room , every convenience
ience , 'A block from street cai , 2JOi Douglas.
T710UH unfurnished rooms , suitable for light
-L liouso work , 418 per mouth. All modern
conveniences. Apply 102 N. IBth St. , yd floor.
HUNT Over sto\o store , 1U21 Hounrd
; . Inquire at store MJ
CIOH RENT-Untll October 1 , largo furnished
JC house , call 2U1 S. 2.1th. SOJ
TTlOR RENT-btorerooms at Nos. 1915 nnd 11)17 )
-L'Cumlng sr. Wi per mouth each. 1'otter A ;
Cobb. ItWl Fariiain. Hll 2
OFFICE To rent. Furnished elegantly or
unfurnished , lluahmanblock , N , E. Cor.
10 andDoiiglas. _ U48
F"OH RENT Comfortable store rooms in the
Her building , fiflxSi ; good location for liar-
neaa shop. Also , two basements , light and airy ,
UxW , under hardware stoio ; good location for
tin shop. Apply to A. O. Rnvmer , hardware
btoie. Her building , corner Jackson and luth st
FOIt RENT Btororoomsat Nos. lUl'iand 1917
Cumlngst. & per month each. 1'otter i
CopllB01 _ Fnrnam. Bll 2
T71OR RENT Stoi'os and living rooms on Cum-
-U tug Hi. Alfco house on Cass st , Harris , room
411 , Isc Nat. llauc. 2.6 _
TTOIl"KENTTlia 4 story brick bulldnm with
-LJ or without power , now ociupiod by The lloa
1-ubllahlug Co. . UK. Farnam st. Thu bulldln ?
has a tire proof cemantej Dusumejt , complete
steam heitlng llxturoi , water on all the lloon ,
gas. etc. Apply at the ollico ot Tno Hoo. U1.1
TflOR RENT Stoi-orooms nt No.s. IU15 and 1917
JCumlngst. . W per month each. Potter &
Cobb. 10011 avuam. Sll 2
TiiOK llTiiNT-Store KxOO ; 1118 Jack > on st.
JL' Eiuiulro llll Jnnkson. 7H.I
pOLLATEHAL llanV , 312 S. J h St. , Chambo
Wor Commerce. Loam money on chattels and
articles ot value , r& > Jy2H
TJlOH RENT-2tloorsnout half IJemis bulTo >
X' Ing , power , heal , electrlr Ilglit. Incuilro of.
flee ot lUmla Omaha HUL' Co. _ pie jaa
rnilKbnnJo tau/nt as an' art by Ueo. r. del-
JL Jonbeck.Apply nt Ueo ollire. _ ujp
3OlN"lMALEY | , ewer builder and drain
layer , house drainage and sanitary work a
specialty. Olllco 1407 Douglas St. , Omaha. Nub.
_ _ _ _
LOOK HERE- For rent-List your hotues
with me. I tiara plenty of customers ,
J , A. Wlchturman. 2U7 N , Itith Bt , iw-u
\\MHIIl.Sa done , collected and delivered by
> > Mrs. Andrew Boronsea , ajlfl I'nrker st. ,
_ f > 73Jyl9
M1HIKLLAS aud parasols covernd and re-
palled , 217 8 Hth lloyd's onorajiouaa block ,
in rubbur store. IU llalor. _ 7111
DI VORCES-Speedlly , quietly. de ertlou , all
ruuses , Parties In any itate. blank ap
plication fieo. Robert Whlee. attorney. 115
llroadway , Ne\v York. _ 7bl I ?
UPHOI TEIUNn , draping and ropalilng.
Miittrcasea wade over. Firtt class work.
lleatonuble prices. It. Lthmann , 211) ) N. Kth.
_ _ _
r.O. II. JONES , plumbing and ca lilting
drain In ) lui ; , aouer und water connect Ions
npiclaity , lilt Dodge bustjuiuut. OmkliA ,
LOST.- "
, , L
LOST A1x > ut three1 weeks ajro.ii small golil
Slgourncan pin , vrlHvlda M , JJonderson ,
etc. . engraved on back. ' Very liberal reward
will bo paid for its return to room 400 , Pnxton
block. 741
- afternoon from North
Omaha , going south , a brown mare , with
white feet , star In forehead , n barb wire cut on
left front foot. Finder please return to City
stable , Cass nnd 15th st. , und receive reward.
101 2
M 118. 1'ercoval of California , 16ft ) Doualas it. ,
fortolls the future. Ladles and gentlemen.
SfoliAOK tit lo w rafeTat 112i iariam ) stT
OOinulm Auction and Storage. * < f 7VJ
rpllACKAOn."storage , lowest * rhtb * , W.
JLllnsliman , inil l avcnvarth. TIP
13 RANCH & CO. . storage , 1211 Howard , _ _
TORAUKnnd forwarding.Vfa'collect and
deliver goods of all description ] , morchau *
dl. e , furniture nnd baggage , at cheapest rates
for storage for any lonitta of ttmo. Vnnj nnd
wngons toUo hal at shortest notlca , with euro-
fill mon for moving. Paokln ? and snipping
from our own warohous9 douo on moderate
charge. Morchandlso loaded ami unloadod.
Warehouse ou our own trackOlllce 217 S.lltu
Bt. ; telephone IU. Howell.VCo. ] ?
DR. NANNIE Y. Warren , clairvoyant , med
ical nnd business mo.Hum. Female diseases
a specialty. 110 N IGthst. rooms 3 und 3.
* ! * . >
STANbAHl ) sTiortliunirscTiool , I'nxton
( succesHOr to Valentino's ) shorthand Instl-
tutethu largest , best equipped nliortliand
xchool In the west : Is under the personal miner-
vlslonof .losopli I1. Megoath , an ox-ofHclal re
porter and state agent of the IlcmlnRton Stand
ard typowrller , assisted by experienced ver
batim reporters. Mechanical construction of
machine t.uiKht by factory expert. 1'artlculnr
Standard methods taupht by C. C. Kwing. of
San Francisco , the host teacher on the Pacific
coast , Munson'rt revised of ' 8J a specialty ; new
plnn ; blackboard Illustration ; day and evening
clubsos ; call or wrlto fontorms. 7U7
ANTKD To purcltnse. In Nohraska , nn
established bajlnoss ; groceries , general
merchandise , or confectionery preferred. Ad
dress F. O. II. , Wymoro. Nob. B < ui :
W ANTKD Furniture , carpet f stoves nnd
household goods of all kinds. Omaha
Auction A ; Storage Co. , 1121 Farnam. BOO
'IjiOIl SAM' llandsomo piulor billiard table
J ? * jO , coat J100. J. W. ( Irlllith , U1 * h'dquortcrs.
THO SA1.1I ( loodteam , wa ott'ond 'narnosa
-1 ; complete , clio.ip. J. J. U'luliison. BOa
I71 1O11 SALK or Trade -Pino yo\int ; saddle
JP pony. U. II , Hall , 21'U llnrnoyst. 7S7 4t
"ITlOIl ATrK 'heair One bicycle , one Tali
J d ni trlc-yclo and oiw sln-jlo trloyalo- good
as now Apply JolniTj. 1'rlnco , CoHstntin. 1-J
MIDLAND Huarautee & Trust Co. , l.Vi Kar-
num. Complete abstracts furnished aud titles
to real estate examined , port noted & guaranteed.
MONKY to loan on filrnltifre , hprse'i.-wagons.
etc. , or on any approved security. .1. W.
Itobblna , 111 Hi Fornaiu street , 1'uxtou liotel.
OK. & C. M. Anthony , H12 First National
> bank bulldlm ; make loans umm ! arms In
Nebraska and Iowa and Improved Omaha city
property ; money ready ; title and security
passed upon here ; no delay ; favorable rates :
call or write. MUjylT
MONKY loaned for no , OD or OJ daj1 * on any
kind of chattel security ; reasonable -Mnter-
cst ; confidential. J. \Vllkmson.MII7 Kainam.
ONEV to loan. Harris H. E ; & , LoSn.Co , ,
.room 411 Flrit National bank. Wl
Sholes , room 210 First Nat'l bank , before
making your loans. , - 810
MONEY" to loan on horsas , wason * . iinules ,
household goods , plauo3organs : nlamonds ,
lowest rates. The first orgaulzad loan ? otflro iu
the city , Make loans for tnirty to three "liun-
drcd and sixty-five days , which can bo paid in
part or wholo. at any time , thus lowering the
principal and intcrou. Call nnd see us when
you want money. Wo can aislit vou. promptly
and to your advantage without removal of
Rropcrty or publicity. Money always on hand.
o delay in making loans. O. F. Read & Co , 31
8.13h at. , over Ulngham S : Sons. IfrJ
"RESIDENCE LOANSHto 7 per cent , no ad-
J 'Ultional charges for cominlsslons'or attor
neys' fees. W. . Melklo , lint , Nat baflkbldg.
PEOPLE'S llnancial Excnango The fairest ,
oulotost and man liberal money eXchange
In the city ; money loaned without delay or
publicity. In any amount , large or .small , at the
lowciit rates of Interest , on any available se
curity ; loans may bo paid at uuy tlmo or re
newed at original rates O. llouscaren , Mgr. ,
room 57. Marker block , l.'itb and Farnam. 81J
SMALL short tlmo loans on cuattel security ,
2111 Ohio at. ; call after 0 p. m. JUO j.'Jf
MONEY to loan at low rates by Bxrelalor
Laud Co. , UIO South 15thbtreet , Omaha.
M1 ONEY to loan on real estate at low rato.
J. D. Zlttlo , 0 Paxtoii block.
T OANS on improved and unimproved prop-
JL/orty at low ratos. Odoll Ilros. Co.,3l2S.lUtn.
MONEY Loans negotiated nt low rates with-
outdelay. and purchasu goods , commercial
paper and mortgage notes. U. A. yioman , cor.
luth nnd Furimm. SM
MONEY to Loan Wo are ready for applica
tions for loans In amounts from * IH to fl ( > , -
UX ) on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real
estate. Mil ! information as to rates. Loans
Eromptly closed. Good notei will bo purchased
y us. Call upon us. or wrlto. The McCaguo
Investment Co. Sll
BUILDING loans" . LIuahan & Mahoney. _
_ „ _ „ „ _ _ _ _ _ _ * *
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
wngons , otc. . or collaterals until you BOO C.
11. Jacobs , 110 First National bank bulldlm , ' .
LOANS made on real estate nnd mortgages
bought. Lewis S. Reed 4s Co , , R 13 , Hoard of
Trade. bli
BUILDING and other real estate loans.r. . M.
Harris , room20 , Fieiizor lllock , opp. P.O.
FIRST mortgage loans at low rates nnd no do-
lay , D. V. Sholes , 210 First National bank.
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. ; loans of )10 to
81.U ) . ) ; got our rates before borrowing and
save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for now loan , renewal of oldundlow-
obt ratescull 11208shooley blt.ljtlii ; Howard st
n O LOA N 82.0TO on good , nrdt mortgapo- -
J , quire of J. T.Iathe \ \ t < , room Sia , eneely blk.
"ItMNTED-Flrst-class insldo Inans. .Lowest
rates. Call and seeus. Mutual Investment
Co. , R. L llarkerblk. . 15th uuu Farnam , * - " "
TV1 ONEY to loan. O. ! ' . Davis Co. . foMWato
all and loan agents , 1515 I'arnam ' at , tj t
MONEY to loan on any security
tor short time , nt low
rates. Lowo.1t rates t ,
on personal
Pioperty , *
The Henderson Mortgugo Investment Com
pany , room 40J. Paxton block. wjj
MONK\ loan : rash on baud ; no delay. J.
W. Hniure , law Farnain st. , First Nationa
bant building. nil
. . . ONEY to loan on good first mortgages. Im-
-J-'Aproved or unimproved property. Mort
gages bought unit sold. Wallace , room U10
llrown building , 16th and Douglas. 523
T CAN make n few loans on tlrst-class chattel
J.securltes ! at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter ,
room 10 , Darker blk , . KS
$500,00) ) to loan nt U per cent. Llnahan & ila-
honey , room 601 Paxtoc block. 8i5
MONEY loaned on furniture , horses and
WUKOUS ; rates reasonablu. City .Loan Co. .
lia a. Uth it. , opposite Mlllard hotel 4U1
NEI1UASKA Morta.lx > anCo. will tnaka you a
loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
fine jewelry , or securltloi of any kind. '
without pnpllclty. at roajonable rate
J oem 7. Rowlev block. South Omaha ,
llooms 51S-31H. Poxtoa block , Omaha , Neb.
BUILDING loans , ( D , Sliolos , 210 First Na
tional bank. _ J 810
ONKY to loan orifnitilture , chattels or real
estate , l/iwest fatcfcon good loans. J. II.
Emln ger , 1417FarnamLroomA 107jytl
V > EOPLE'S Financial Etchango liargo nnd
X small loans for long IUM * short time , at low
est rates of Interest , OMMMI Ostato mortgage
notes , chattels of nllktMw diamonds , watches
nnd Jewelry. Don't faltl&all If you want fair
and cheap accominodtfifris. O , llouscaron ,
Mgr. , room 57 , Darker tBjralith and Farnam.
9U3j BU
a F. HARRISON loaijjnonoy , lowest ratos.
PI 803
TTNIMPROVEO ant Snprovnd property !
U loans made jlromDluJc money on hand. P.
M. Jtlchardsou , BW ttieftQU and Douglas.
_ ilto. _ KM
T"\O YOU want motioy ? If no , don't borrow
.L/bofore getting my rules , which are the low
cston any sutn from ill ) up to JIO.iKW.
I muse loans on household Roods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , wagons , warehouse re
ceipts , Houses , leases etc , , In any amount at the
low eat possible rates , without publicity or re
moval of property.
I/onns can ba mndo for one to six months and
you can pay apart ntany tlmo , reducing until
principal und Interest. If you owe a balance
on your furniture of horses. orhnvo a loan on
them. 1 will take ituipiand carry It for yqu 03
long ns you desire.
If you need money you will flndlt to your ad
vantage to sos ins before Imrrowlng.
II. F. Masters , room ( , Wlthnoll building. ISth
andllarnev. ' 821
TWI AOELPHIA Mortgage * Trust Co. fur-
JL nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , parfoct titles , accept lo"o"in
at their western olllco. Uoorgo W. 1 * . Coates ,
room 7 , Hoard oi Trade. _ K27
MONKY to loan on real estito Boenrlty , at f/Ues. / Iloforo neirotlattng loans see
Wallace. U.310 llro.vvn bldg Hith .VDouglas. 8H
_ _
roll SALIJ An established coal and feed
business. Address US , Hoc. ' 8SO IS *
Qjn.000 , half cash and half trade , will secure
tpagreoablo business ( monopoly ) , realizing ex
traordinary uash Camillas or Jlu.l ) yourly. In *
vestlRatlousollcttod. Addreis J1U1 , lice.
UM !
FOH SAhK ( Jrocory stocit , fixtures , and de
livery outtlt in city ; prlc from SVO ) to
Sl.fXXJ. Olio of the best 111 tun city. Cash and
peed paper. Co Operative Laud and Lot Co. , " 0u
N. ititii bt. yj--a
_ _
FHU1T , confectionery and cigar store , iu first
class location ; will sell cheap. CO ) K. Idtli ,
8S ) 2 *
BAKK11Y for rent orBalc.must BO out.ot busi
ness , 1.COO Inhabitants , railroad division ,
wt-st of Omaha. Addrpas 1) 1J , lieu. VKi 7t
FOH SAtjK I Irst-clusi KtocK drims.centrally
located , aolni ; good business , owner Rolng
to leave city.V. . A. Spencer , 1031 l oiiRlas st.
CM 1
_ _ _
FOIt SALK Now. clean hardware stock and
building , JINX ) net proms ires. Avornco
sales April and Jlay , ls > )3 ) , J3S tier day. Klo-
iraut location. ,1 , A. Campbell , Seward , Nob.
i \XW ( driis store for cash and real estate ;
$ town lu.OOJ. llonestool , Grand Island , Tfcb.
8.J5 10 ?
Poll SAIiK or I'xchanjio Hurber shop.centcr-
ly located , doing Rood business ; owner has
outside Interests that need hH attention ; will
take uooil clear or small Incumberod let as part
payment. For particulars call at 51 $ and Gil )
I'axtnn block , Oinuha. BIS
TjlOll SAI.K drain and lumber business.
J-1 Address CCU. lloe. , t 51)01 *
CJ3,000 to SS.OOJ wantodAAfliut Into a good bust-
P ness ; first class saculuty ami good rate of
interest paH for short'4 tlouir. time. Ot will
take partner. For partscuiarJ addresi U41 } ,
Beooltlce. , ljjj 112
rplllHTY-room hotoiji5vnilturq complete. In
JL city , for jM)0. ) Co' orfef atlvo Land A. Lot Co ,
20TiN lUthnt. _ y& b31 23
Jj OR SALE or Tradiv.theap Whole or part
. interest lu tet nbstrhM ; books nnd business
in a Nob. county , lloxtwiSioux City. la.
.V < t 834 20 ?
171011 SALK A Kor V7jaylng liuslueas o
JL1 Moolrn knit and gtutg' furnishing goods ,
M Itb fixtures. In a good location , for casn only ,
will give peed reasonstfdi selling on applica
tion. Address Jus. K. Illle , proprietor Omaha
National Knitting Factory , 1101 South IHtu st. ,
Omaha , Neb. . 059 Kl"
THK Mawley House , North Platte. Nob. , for
rent , party routing Obuv | furniture on very
easy terms ; tills Is 4 j-lianco fora good hotel
man to make moiior. Address proprietor ,
John Hanley , North Hlatts.612 L-QT
FOII SALR Moat market complete ; can be
handled for little casb. Call at room 4 ,
Wlthnell blk. 80'J
T710II KXCifANaK-Three line tree claim ro-
-L llnqulshmonts In Weld county. Colorado ,
for stocks of merchandise. Address S. C.
Chase , Wallace , Lincoln county. Neb. 054 4 $
rpo Tit ADR (1 nod house and lot for a farm
JL In Iowa. Address 0 5" , Ueo olllco.
1023 ?
TXTANTED To trade , a fine plnno for ahorse
IT and buggy. Inquire at 1514 Dodge st.
1)873 )
pHOTOGHAlMIEUS' car nnd fixtures for sale
JL or trade. Invoice ? SOO ; for particulars call or
address Emma Ternlnliig , with Airs. J. lienson.
TjlOIl Lxcnan e A 11 no farm of SX ) acres In
JL1 Polk county. Nob. , 4 mites from Clarks ,
Nob. , to exchange for cattle ; 89 acres uudor
cnltiratlon , house , barn , wagon scales and
good feed lot. Address O. Oskamp , 2J15Veb -
Btor st. .Omaha , Neb , 01)
TJ < OH EXCIIANGK-Aii elegant tract of land
JL1 containing 120 acres. In Antelope county ,
Neb. , with ordinary Improvements
A iitmrtcr-suctlou in Hand county , Dakota ,
partly Improved.
Highly acres near Council Illuffs , la.
1 louse and lot on South 10th xt.
Large amount of Oil Mountain and Potrollum
company oil stock.Yjll oxchangti for good
property or the erection of some housas , Ueo ,
J. Sternsilorff , 1st National bank building.
; I70
_ _ _ j _
WF.STKHN lands , farms and city property
for stocks of goods , lloom 2 , 1502 1'nrimm
FOH EXOIIANGK For desirable residence
property In Omaha , any or all or following ;
4(1 ( choice Inside residence lots In Hastings.
luo lots lu Lincoln.
CIO acres tine farming land , Lancaster county
Fine residence property , Lincoln ,
( ! oed rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family r.isldunco corner , Los Angeles.
A neat residence proneity In llanscom place.
Also some good mortgage not es.
Address giving location and prlco ot prop
erty. J. u. I ) . , care flaum Iron Co. , 1217 Lcavou-
worth. KB
? IldTXCHANfiK-For : cattla or horses , 450
J- acres of land near Illg Springs , Duel Co. ,
Nob. 1) . II. Hall. 2ttil : Harnuy St. 788 4t
TO Bxchnngo Casn and clear property for
merchandise , or inerchandlso for cash nnd
clear property. Address Lock llox II. Gothen
burg. Neb. 08J Jy W
T WOULD Ueo to trade a good two-storv house
Jland lot fXxl50 ) feet , vrltbtn ono block of Park
uve. aud 1'urk school for vacant ttaat front lot
in llanscom place. Will assume some Incum-
br.inco. Address. U 4 j lloo olllce. 'Ml
nio 13XCHANOR for Wrlraha property , ono of
JL the belt Improved farms In Iowa , only one
mile troni touu of U.OOJ Inhabitants , W. U. K.
& M. K. , room 14 , Chamlwor Commerce. 1V1
WANTED To trade f < } f liouso andilot In
good location ; will oVsume light ncuin-
brance. Address A S lleo olllco. 022
"IT Olf SALK Tlio llnastTresldenro In Orchard
J- Hill can tie bought at actual co-it : owner
leaving town ; house has/iH rooms M 1th bath ,
room and every modern c/jilvenlonco. / loiOOxlHO
all nodded : large barn niM'hlco shade trees ; In
faet a perfect homo : call and let us show you
this. Arnold i Co. , ItooWS27 Paxtou block.
_ ; 775
ONE of the tno hou-iBinrt lot bargains I
have been oirerlngonniorgliv nvo. north of
Leivvenworth , is now ijalUand occupied , be
cause of my very low prij'I ' Thb south liouso
of the two still romaiifVa bargain open to
Homlmdy. Fiist comes , first served. To bo ap
preciated it needs to bs Hatnlned internally. I
positively will not rent It , though several times
offered t.V ) per month. Price only M.MO. ou
very easy terms. Priceufter July 1 , t\on. W. T.
Seaman , east side 10th St. . north of Nicholas
Bt , Omaha's largest variety ot wagons and
carriages. BIB
GA/.i : at this. 121x157 , fronting three streets.
.Northwest corueryoth and Hamilton. Only
l,250. Whewl what a bargain , M.A.Upton
Company , 18th and Farnam. 821 1
llWn SALE Or Trade 'J/i-ronni rattageg , 28
A' rooms-story houses. In the fluent location on
Walnut Hill. Inquire ot li U. Merrill. 4 < th
and Hamilton sis , 711111
riMIK boat money a worth ot house and lot now
J-fur sale In Omaha U that which 1 urn now
completlnt- near 2itn st. on pared Wirt st. in
Kouutzo Place , a budrooms. 2-parlord , dlnlnir
room , kitchen , 2 bath room * . .1 water clo gets
larjre laundry , stationary wash lulu , furnace
and coal room uuJ cellir , olectrlo bells and
n faicliu.'tuhe , ) i | i > ti , Prfo only li.olJon
terms to hint. Ilkt > wl a n dnjilkH * ad/ilnlng /
at same prlr.v. . p. g , , nu ; „ , i'fn tT
northofM" aUift ( ) n.i u'i iars t variety
of wagons and C4rmaj , wi
lO ' B'1' ' Tliose thutbiiy from owner gen-
V/arally pay K > per cent more than wo can dti-
plicate ) tlioproperty for. Owner bus one nit co.
\Vo naf o Luw. ont of which there' In nlways a
bargain that will Knock owner's prices silly.
JL A. Upton company , luth and Farnam.
B" AHUAlN-'l'artof the Dick KimnaH estate.
50 font. on 18th street running through to 17th
aye. One 18-room house , all modern conven
iences and two 0 room tiousos. Total rental
II.MO uer year ; prl'-o f 1 3,000. at. A. Upton
Company , liith ixnu Farnam. _ B4a _
TjlOU SALR-Ueautlfnl 8-room house , all
J. ' modem Improvements. Including splendid
furnace , near Itanscom park , best location In
the city for school , church and street car prlv-
Hepes" ! J > nco > % OJO. C. F. Harrison , Mercnant * '
natonal bank. 7f > 3
SEND for plat of uoilior place , and wlion
. dtlvlng for recreation follow the motor line
poles on ICth st. , aud Amos' avo. , nnd see the
wonderfili Improvements that hav taken
place just nround tno barracks , and remember
that Collier place Is the key to the situation.
lluy a lot now1 for the low prlco and at the easy
terms they aru being offered , ami wo are satis-
fled. Omj-tcnlh cash , balance one to five years.
McCacjicvjJupjP. O. _ ifcl _
TTOll 8AIiK-l5" room liouso. lot ( > 0.\W ) , easy
JL1 terms. JJ.850 , W. M. llushman , 1311 Leav-
cnworth. 043
OH , come aud Invest In ono of these fine cot-
tagealt\Orcnard Hill on the highest nnd lln-
st view , built nnd furnished wltn nil modern
Improvement ; we will sell on easy terms ; a very
small payment required. Wo also navu other
Duo bargains. Especially wo call attention to
the best investment In real ostntu In the United
Btates. and that Is nn the Maxuell land grant In
New Mexico , for Sale bv Kxcelslor Land & lloal
Kstaie Co. , 310 South 15th st. , Omaha. 01 1
liWH SAL H Lot 4.1 , block B. Hanscnm Vlaco ,
JL : o.x21i ( , fast front , nnd overlooking the park.
W.2JO. An olegaut laying lot in Saunder.s &
lllraabaugh's add , near Military ave , , for $700.
KiLit trout lot on Lowe nvo. , near Davnnpott at , ,
ei.BOO. W. II. Gates SW. corner 15th and Dong.
las sts. OiO-2
/1OM1J and scorns and investigate fomoof the
VJbargalus wo have to olfer. Wo are continually
listing now pvoportlos and "if you don't see
what you want as * for It. "
Wo have merchandise to trade for land. We
have horses , cattle nnd mules to trade for
laud. Wo have a brick and tllo factory doing
a thriving business to exchange tor western
Three now , 5-room cottages at Albright.
within 10 mltiuto's walk ot terminus of hourly
dummy line , tor sale on terms that will only be
fair rent.
An elevator property with largo dwelling
house , at a bargain. IClovntor complete , with
horse-power , hcalej , olllco furnished , otc. A
flno opening for n practical grain dealer.
One ot the best improved rarms In the state
will bo exchanged for Inside Omaha property.
Two flue residences lu 1'opplotoii park , on
motor line ; will bo sold on easy terms.
Hoilxesaud lots In all parts of Omaha for
sale nnd exchange.
For exchange , for Omaha proporty.l.O'JO ' acres
of school laud lease , In one of the host counties'
in the state.
A flno residence property in Omaha Vlow for
sale at a bargain.
From 87iV > iM to IIOJ.OOO worth of first-class
notes to exchange for Omaha property ,
Merchandise 4o exchange for S cash and bal
ance westeiu lands. Tins is one of the finest
opportunities o\eroirorod to convert land into
cash. Investigate this.
For sale , at a bargain , hotel and livery barn ,
In a good Nebraska town. This is a line open
ing for a practical hotel man.
lor exchange for Omaha property ono o f the
best farms In IlocU county , Nebraska , together
with stock and machinery necessary to carry on
the place. .Old ago ana falling health of the
owner Is reason for soiling.
For sale , cheap , n restaurant In ono ot the
best locations in Omaha ,
IN ) acres of line land In northwestern lown
to exchange for Omaha property.
Wo havojiusurpassed facilities for disposing
of property , having some .10) agents scuttoieil
over four or llvo states. Llat your property
with us If you wish a quick turn. w. It. n. i
M. K. . room H , Chamber of Commerce , tele
phone 1110. DUU
HILLSIDE No. 1 Special bargoln for 10 days
ou south front lot. Cuss and : llst streets.
M. A. Upton Company , ICth & Farnam. 7724
FOIt SALE At n bargain , I ) room house ,
finished in llrst class stylo. K. G. Merrill ,
44th and Hamiltoujits. _ 788 1 *
/CONTINUOUS sidewalk to Collier placo. Get
V prlces and terms McCaguo. _ 1)73 )
TT1OII SALi : Now la the time to buy a lot In
J- Hillside llesorve or Hillside addition No. 1
for u homo. Tills propertj Is only about ono
mile from the postofllcc , is all hlgti and beautli
ful giounJ , the streets are all put to au estab
lished grade. It Is only a few blocks from cable
line and has Uio advantages of gas , city water ,
sewerage and continuous pavement from the
center of the city. Wo can oiler special Induce
ments to parties wishing to build in this part
of the city and ask that an Investigation.of the
property bo made. Prices range from $50 to
870 per front foot , according to location.
Lots 7 nnd S.-blocks , Isaac 4 : Soldcn's addi
tion , prlco Sfl.000.
Lot c , block 8 , Isaac & Selden's addition , prlco
' '
L'ot'40 , Burr Oak , 50x150 feet , east front , on
Georgia avenue. Price , $1,000.
M ) feet , south front , on Hamilton street , In
block 1 , Orchard Hill. Price , $ lm
Nine-acre tract suitable for dairy purposes ,
Ten-aero tract suitable for dairy purposes.
Eleven-acre tract suitable for dairy purposes !
On each of the above tracts there is a llnu
grove and a stream of running water furnished
from largo springs. "
The property Is handy to both Omaha and
South Omaha , and dairymen contemplating
change ot'Iocatton should investigate this.
Some ot the property could bo exchanged for
other good Insldo nroporty.
Lot 14 , block 1. Potter's addition , prlco 81,1W.
Lot fl. block K , city of Omaha with two story
and basement house , with all modern conven
iences. Price $14.000.
WxliSJ.feet , southwest corner 20th and Spruce
streets , with small tottago. Pilco 88,200.
This has 122 fuct frontage on 20th st. and can
bo sold In 25 foot lots.
New six room cottage with cltv water In
house , in west part of city. Prlco $1,230. Terms
to suit purchaser.
KKxl27 ) ft. 8. W. cor. 33th and Cass sts. Prlco
$ . ' ) ,000. Will take lot and good first mortgage in
52x1011 ft. S. H. cor. 2'th and California sts. ,
with small cottage , at a bargain If taken soon.
Potter i : Co bb ,
( fa 1 1001 Farnam st.
rpHE factories within easy reach of Collier
JL place will employ a largo force of men. Se
cure a home and enjoy life. Price of lots 8MH
to { ! , . ono-tentu cash. Bond fur plat. Mc-
Cague. oup. P. O. OTJ
rplIH motor line is built to Collier placo. The
JL licit line runs near Collier place. The F. E.
& M. V. 11. H. stop all passenger trains at Col
lier place. The horsa car llnu will soon roach
Collier place. Dost addition In the city. Prlco
J.-'Mto KI.2JO per lot. ono-tonth casn , balance
one to llvo yoara , McC.tgue. opp. P. O. 07J ;
THK finest drive in the city is to Collier
Place. Mc < ; agUf. U7J
KAUTlFULCresent park , bounded by SfJth ,
40tn , Dodge nnd Davenport strnets. The
finest residence location in Omaha. Wo Jiavii
IGOxl.Vi . to 20"foot alloy. East front that Is
wellwoith $10,0110. Wo want an oiler for this
flno property. Can make special nrlco and
terms for all or half for n few days. M. A.
Upton Company , luth and Fdttiam. tv.'l 1
EOTfSA LI : Ata bargain. One twelve nnd
ono muo room house in Kountzo place , on
21th etreot , opposite the flno residences ot Hod-
tck and McCruary , with "S and GJ foot or ground
with each house to alloy. Each liouso has fur
nace , gas , gas fixtures , Hhades , all
plumbing , hot and cold water , elegant
largo ruoms , allpaporod handsomely through
out , good barn with each hoiiso , and an elegant
lawn all sodded. I am proparad to oiler splen
did Inducements as to prlco and terms. Call
nnd lot me drive you out. You can move into
these houses without a dollar of expense for
anything. These must bo sold soon. See me at
once. D. Y. Sholes. 210 Flrit Nat'l bank. 177
FOU CASH The best bargain lu business
property In this city , IlJxLCil. . A. Upton
Company. ICth aud Farnam , 77U 2J
TJ10II SALI5-Ono of the moat doslrablo feeding
JL1 farina in Nebraska , situated Yt mllu from
depot , also from the shipping yaids of the
Converse Cattle on Elkhorn valley H , II : It con
tains 2i < ) ocrrri , wlthueo of Sfifl acres additional ;
everything new and necessary : barn UUxIM ft , ;
water In abundance. 11,8. Munvlllo , * U'ilden ,
Neb. * 76JM
EAUE Chance I will sell a now house , all
modern-conveniences , largolui , elegant loca
tion , lieu rash. Byoar time on bal. ; for further
particulars callonE. HunnanHOContuentulbk !
751 ! 3
imOK BALK Lots In Stewart Place on Lowe
JL1 live. ; Metropolitan Cable passes property.
U-room house and barn , Hanscom' Place. 'J
housac and | ots on Caas st. , on easy terms.
Hurrhirumu41l , 1st Nat. lUnk. -Ml
FOH HALE Easy terms , Kountzo pl.ico.
Two homes , each 8-rooms , nach * 1UOO.
Two homes , euch U-ronms , uach i'l.O'X ) .
Two homes , each 15-rooms , each f7UJ : ) .
AU with modern convenience.
All largo value at the price.
All within u square ot the motor line.
Dou'rloKo these' opportunities.
For sale by the owner. W , T. Seaman ,
Last side Ifithst. , north nf Nicholas st. ,
Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car
riage * . 817.
SHOLES 8pccl l List-We push special bar
Ktflus and advertise tnein. Llat with me.
rinu east front lot In llanscom place at { I.GOQ
totiOcash. Uoelderl bsrpaln.
Fine lot on Farnam and Lowe avenue. FJ.751.
ti',000 buys a nouns and lot in JUuscom
place , north of poppleton avenue.
TheoWJohn JMerw Manufactory plant on
Missouri Pacific railway. 4 miles couth wont of
city , with 3 acres of ground and J large 2 tory
buildings , for IJ.OOo. A Una opnoituulty for
Boinn one.
1 have peclal inducements Inhoiuei aud lot !
In all parts of the city either for rain or tr.i'lu '
( all In und b ahovru them. I do not try to I' * ' ,
you In to show you trash , but bandla OBI ? aoot
property uuJ deal Btiuartily. I ) . V."t
1 l t National bank. OJJ
TJlOn SALR-Cornor lot 88x1 , with trackaqa
JL1 all paved. In the heart otbmtntvs * . Riiltabla
houso. J.VsXU ( 0.1" , Harrison ,
Morchanta National bank. US )
T I W/ ) bargains , one I ! acre piece near motor
line , and ono two acre piece near South
Omaha , Will soil , no partial buying can plat
nnd realize n handsome protlt , Co-opcrailvo
Land aud Lot company. Sft > N. lotli street , ( V12-SO
17011 sAIiR-'Ml.Ta acres , soafl. tp. 12 , r. 8 w , ,
JL' Hamilton cottntv. Nob. House , stable. IMJ
ncros fenced , ilvlmr water. Pried t \ n. v.
Atxln.s , owner , Uaildroad bide. Denver , Col.
TT10U HALH The tluest residence slta In West
JL1 Omaha : lustsotitu of Karnaui on WUli st. ;
a corner lU5x37 ! with 1S7 feet froutago on
pared strent ami Joining the hftiidsonio resl-
ilonco ot ICirkondall on the east , and llrady ,
Kassou and Mai tin nn thd south ; n perfect gem
and garden .spot for nn olcgant homo -
Harnoy and 2l t streets , lllxior.on pavonwii.
within tljree blocks of the court house ; room
for seven flno houses that would rent as rapid-
Iv as complotod. A splomlld permanent Invest
Farnam and S5d streets. Mxlii , with now
throo-jtory brick storobulldlii ? , rented to good
ptrmntiont tenants , Hontal rocoluts * I,20J per
Sixteenth strootneir Nloliolai. frontaso 01
feet to alloy ; good bustnaui property.
I'urn.iin utrenu hatvrjoaUtth nnd : > Jth. front *
axo4ii > r aixl.t ! to alloy , so-Hli front , 1 block
from jiAventtmt and street car * .
Park xveuuo. oppoJlto Hanscom park , 50xl5D
prlco * i,003 ; easy terms.
Paddock place , trackage , (18x112 ( , $ J,0)3 : oasr
terms ,
10th street south ot Vluton st. , lot tor sale or
tradn for intiso , or good farm land.
8. A. Stomau. IU1 Fiu-n im st. 830
OTTAOi : Homos addition. North Omaha.
W choice lovcl lots , title perfect , plat and
printed abstract for each lot , adjoins 8hermuu
iivvnun park ; utoro , school , depot and motor
lluoiicnr. Next boom will bo In Nortli Omaha
property. Price f ion per lot , or will sell ontlro
addition. Address IX L. Jayncs , owner , 2200
llluney stroet. Omaha. 1)71-1 *
FOR SALT ! At a bankrupt ptlco , n liouso and
lot In Omihn Vlow. llooni 14 , Chamber of
Commerce. ir.W
Notloi <
Is h"reby given that the undersigned , doing n
commission business under tlio firm name of
Harbor & Co , has this day been dissolved by
mutual consent J. W. Walker having pur
chased the lutorojt of his partner lu the bus
iness , assui'ns the payment ot nil liabilities of
the firm aud collects nil claims duo the linn.
The undersigned will contlnuo the business
at the old sUnd , No. 1215 Howard RtrootOmalm
Nob. , aud will bo glad to see all the old patrons
continue their patronage nnd friendship.
Vours teapocttully , J. W. WALICEH.
_ _
OMAHA. NEIL. JCTNU 1. 1RS9.Scaled pro-
pnsuls. In triplicate , will bo received here
and also by each Post and Depot Ouartonuas-
tor In this Department , until two o clock p. m. ,
central time , July litn. , and then opened ,
for f urulshlug hay and t > tra w required In Do-
pirtmontof tno Plntto during yeur com-
mouclng July 1st. 1W9. U. S. reserves right to
reject any or all bids : preference iriveii to arti
cles ot domestic uroducllon. conditions of qual
ity and pri e ( Including m the price of foreign
production the duty thereon ) being equal. All
information furnished on application hero , or at
Post nnd D _ > pot Ouartoniuutor * . Envelopes
containing proposals to bj marked "Proposals
lor - at - , " and addressed as Indi
cated ubovo.VM. . II. HUOIIES. LlJtit , Oolonnl
and Dapntv Quartermaster Gonc-ral , U. 8. A ,
Chiet Quartern ! ister. J-1-WJ-4-2S-2J
Hcoclvcp's Snlo
In the circuit court of the United States , dis
trict of Nebraska.
I The Kit Carter Cattle Company
\ vs.
( Tlio Harlem Cattle Compiny.
Upon apnllcatlou of tlio Kit Carter Cattle
company and other creditors Interested lu the
property In the hands ot E. D , Webster , re
ceiver. It Is upon duo consideration of the court
hereby ordered that the receiver Hhall advertise
for bids for allot the herds of cattle nun horses ,
as awhole , aud also for all other por.-oual prop
erty In his hands as receiver. It Is further or
dered that bids may be made for any of the
herds or parts thereof separately , or any of the
horses separately , cither by herds or any num
ber of cattle or lioroes aa the purchasers may
desire to bid upon , and that Mich bldlu the
several manners in which they may bo made
shall bo tiled with the clerk of this court with
the termof proposed puiclmt > u and the
names of bidders \\lttiin twoaty days
from the datu of this order , for the
approval or rejection ot this com t , and If any
or all of the bids nro rejected by the court , I hu
receiver shall proceed to give iiotlco for ten days
to boll the sola property at public auction In
detail for the cattle anil horses Individually for
cash to the highest bidder.
It Is further ordered that all bids shall bo
sent to the clerK of this court healed and ac
companied with 10 ner cent of the amount bid ,
either In cash or certified check on responsible
banKs , as a condition of their Dlds bolng enter
tained and considered by the court.
His further ordered that. In order to facili
tate the bidding on tills property In the hands
of the receiver , ho si mil give notice of this order
in one paper published lu Hitchcock county ,
Nubrasica. and in ono dally newspaper in the
city of Omaha , nnd in one lit the cit vof Lincoln
for two weeks , and also by hand bills properly
distributed , and betting forth terms and condi
tions or this order. D. S. DUM DY. Judge.
Tlio property mentioned lu the above order is
described as follows :
Yearling bulls , number , 11.
Two-year-old bulls , number , a.
Three years old and upwards , number , 2.
Yearling hejfors , number. 8.
Two-year-old heifers , number , II.
Threo-year-old and upwards. cows.numbor,30.
Cows with calves by tholr sldo , number , 20.
Yearling bulls , number , 23.
Two-year-old bulb , number , 1.
Throe-year-old bulls and upwards , number , 0.
Yearling heifers , number , : > .
Two-year-old holferc , number , 10.
Three-year-old and upwards , cow8uuinbor,33.
Yearling bulls , unmoor , 3) .
Two-year-old bulls , number 0.
Threo-year-old and upwards , number , H ,
Yearling heifers , number , 41.
Two-year-old heifers , number , 30.
Threo-year-old and upwards.cows , number,55.
Cows with calvu.s by tholr sldo , number , CD.
Also a largo number of tuoroughbred trotting
horses , consisting of :
Stallions , number , 2.
llrood mores , number , W.
Colts , number , ill.
Consisting of stallions , number , 2.
Mine * , number. 8.
These heads contain some of the Jlnest ani
mals of their clnbscs lu thi > country , and are all
piuo blooded.
Also a large number of draft brood marns ,
work hones'saddle ponies , a herd of about 2T < 0
common rnngt * cattle , and u lot of wagons , har-
iicxses and other farming Implements und tools ,
All bids must bo made on or b fore the 14th
day of July next , and must bn filed with Elmer
1 > . Frank , clerk of the United States circuit
court , district ot Nebraska , nt Omuhn , Nou. ,
and must bo accompanied by cash or certified
checks amounting to 10 per cent of the amounts
of the bids. E D. WRIISTKit ,
HecoU'or of the Harlem Cuttle Co.
Juno 29 d 141
Notion to Uontrnutori mill Hiilliln ra
Sealed bids will boiec lvedby A. It. Samson.
Secretary Custer Hcalty Company , at the olllco
of Hedges < Sf Samson , llroken How , Nebraska ,
until 12 o'clock noon of thu 1st day of July , ISS'I ,
for thu construction of a urn-room , 'i Mory brick
business blocK in llrokon How , Nebraska , on the
property of the Custor Healty Company. Illds
will bo received as follows :
1st. For furnlUilng all material and nil labor
for the construction , and to con'/truct utono
2nd , For furnishing all labor and construct
ing foundation. Company to furnish material.
ilrd. For furnishing all material and all labor
for the construction , and to construct the ( brlcli )
4th. 1'or furnishing all labor nnd .onstiuc
ing said walls , Company to f nrnlsli material ,
nth. For furnishing all material and all labor
for tno rough carpenter work , und to perform
the sumo.
Oth. For furnishing all labor nnd performing
rough carpenter work. Company to furnish
7th. 1'or furnishing all material and all labor
for the lluiuh ( carpenter work ) und to perfoim
thu name , '
bth. Kor furnishing all labor for , and per
forming finishing ( carpenter wcrk. ) Company
to furnish material.
Uth For turitlslttlug all labor and nil material
for plastering , and lu planter said building.
10th. 'llin furnishing all mutorlal.and nil labor
for the construction , and to construct said
building , according to certain plans ami specifi
cations ut the olllc.o Of IledgeJ & Samson , at
llinkon How , Nobrasicu.
The party or parties with whom the said "Cus.
tcr llealty Company" limy contract for uny ma.
terlal orlubor In the conitructlon of said build *
lug art ) to enter Into u good and milllelent bondto
bo approved by the building committee of said
company. Each bid must bo nccoiipanlod by
n certllled chock , In the sum of $ VW , payable to
the order of the " ( "untiir lloally O.unpany. " as a
guaranteethut the bidder will. If Jus bid bo ac
cepted enter Into a natlsfattory contract within
llvo days for the orrctlon and completion of
fculd building , and that ho will within said llvo
days execute to said company a good and until-
clent bond for the faithful performance of said
contract. ,
The "Custer Ileulty Company" reserves the
right to reject any or all bids.
Hy order of tlio board of directors of Ciihtor
Ilcally Comjmny. A. 1C. BA.MBOK , Secretary.
a\ \ , ±
mile ) . Several CUSBS cured insffYonUays. Sold
. .V ) per box , all drugu'Ut * , or by mall from
uAAil't'BtJo. U/i Wlilt * W , VT. I'ulMirw
tun * .
ChlonBo , Ills ,
li still Trcvallng vllh Ihk Grtttnt
imiii and SDCCBSS ,
7-i.M.TT L'
- . . T , - -
Chronjc , Ncrvons and Priyatc.Diseases , ;
rs-NRRVOU3 DEBILITY , Lost Munhood-
Falllna Memory , Bxhtuitlng liralns , Ttrrlbl *
Dreamt , Head nd Hack Ache anil ll h ( T t
Icadma to Ktly demy nj retlups Coniuitiptlonof
Jnianltv , trealtd nclenllficilly by new nttUiodi-wllh
SYPHILIS and Ml b d Blood and SklnDI * . '
ase pirm nently cured.
3-KIDNEYBnd UUINARY mpl lBt > , OI t.
Qonotrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocele eml U Obtatee
efthe Gcnlto-Urn ] iy Oignin curttl promptly wilhnul
IrOury to Stomach , Kldntyi ct o'Jicr OrKMi . i
air No experiment * . Ace and exptijenea Im *
portnnt. Coniultatlon free anil sacreJ.
rj-Send 4 ctntt rxnUKe for Celebrated Wetka oeV
Chronic , Nervou * ind Delicate Dne ic . ,
< JiyTho o contemplating MattUlie lend for Df
Clarke's ctltbrnltd guide Mnle and Female , each
15 centi , both } ctnti ( il nu > i ) , Conlult tne old
Doctor. A friendly Itilcrorcallmay av futun uffer
Ing nnd thame , and add golden yean to lift. 49loolc )
"Life's ( Secret ) Errori , " joc nliilamp > ) . MedlclM ,
nnd wrlllnpi tent ereiyhrre , secuta from expoiura.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sunday ! 9 to n. Addrcti
F. D. CLARKE , IVJ. D , ,
180 CO. Clorll SU OHtCAQOt
Notloo to Contrnotorn.
The board of public works and buildings will
receive bids m stated below :
For work and material nooestnry totfinlsh %
now building for Institute for the lllluil. N -
brnskn city , nnd for maklngstntod repulrs oa
the old building nt any time before Juno SI ,
1S.S' . ntUp. in.
For work nnd material to complete south
wing for Industrial Homo at Mtlford , at any
time before June ) , Is 'J. nt - p. m.
Tor lnli rind material to lay about 1,090 feet >
of lllnchsowor : plpoforthoponltonttary. Also
for completing a smoke stack and for furnish *
Ing and puttlnc on ubnut l.uoo Hquiiros ot rorraf
gated Iron rooting tor same , nt any time bcfora
Juno U. > . iSMi. , at o a m. > * v
For oloctrlo llirht plant and for barn for Ih *
curable lusano Hospital at llnstlnKH , Nebraska
ntany llino before . .lunoi ) , ItvS I. nt - p. m. '
For mntorial and labors complete IK cottages - .
ges , hospital , boiler and niiRlno and laundrj'v
houses and for hoipltal. for .Soidlsrs' Homo ,
Uraud Island , at any tlmo before Juno 27. 1BS9 ,
nt 2 p. m.
For boiler house and smoke stack for Insti
tute for Fcoblo Minded Youth , nt Hoatrlcr , at
any time before .hi no 8 , IBS ) , at - p. in.
For ono building for bolter house , cngma
room , electric light plant uiid workshop , nnd
lor woo I Imlldlmt for gymnatlam ana library ,
for Stale Normal Schonl. nt 1'oru , nt any tltna
before Juno \ 18-n , at X' p. m.
For ouo three story brick workshop wltn
stonobiiso'iiont and ono boiler hou'o audsmolca
stack , for Industrial School , at Kearney , at any
tlmo before July l. > , I88l > , at "p.m.
All above worK to bo don. ) ii'cordltvxto written -
ton statement. I'lnns , Rpcclllcatious , und
detailed druwliw , now on Illo with the Com
missioner of Public Lands and IIulldlURrf , Who
will furnish all needed Information rolatho ;
llouds will be required of successtn. bidden
for complotlnn of the work and for the pay-
in out or ml bills for labor aud mnturl 1.
Hy order of Hoard of 1'ubllc Lauds and lluild-
0. 1. LAWS , *
Juno 13 d 10 1 _ Secretary.
of riniinUons , ( liorc is Only Om
Civil Engineering. Classics. lluslncgR.
HT. Ruv. F. n. IIUNTINGTON. President
LT. COU W.VEHHEOK. Biiporlntondent.
CnpHnl $500,000
Surplus 100,000
HERMAN KOUNT7.E , President.
JOHN A. CRKIGHTON , Vice President
F. II. DAVIS , Cashier.
H. E. GATES , Assistant Cashier. ,
Safety Deposit Vaults iu Basement.
Corner 10th nnd Faninm StrcctH , Cluwntoor oil *
Conimurco liullding' .
Cnpitnl Stuck. $400,000"i
Liability of Stnclilmhlcr.s 800,000
Five per cunt pulil on deposits , lonnn nmilo on roil
esmle and iiers'innl > uciirlly ; iiotea , wurrauu , ttock *
mill bonds piir
t > AMUii. : COTNICH. Vlen I'roMilont.
.Tnlin I , . Miles , Krnslim llenton ,
Numiol ( 'inner , .loliu II.Kvunt.
Amlrow IliiHuVMtlcr , JInrrls .MorrUon ,
W. A L. ( ilbUon. ( ieo. K. llnrknr ,
cov. Alvln ( MtunJerj , ] > uxterl > Tliumat ,
Norman A , Kului , JiMiei : Thompson ,
t' . li. Joliiiinu , .lolin Hush ,
D. AnUuMun.
S Farnain ana I5lli
, W , Corner Sts ,
rnltlla' ' $500,000
O. E. DARKER. President. ! <
E. it , HIERHOWEH , Vice. Proildont. ' * ' . .1
- 1' . D. JOHNSON. Cashier.
W. S. RECTOR , AasUtant CnUler.
DlRECil'OflS :
fiKO , K , lUHKKII. J. H.
E , L. , CIIAH. M
L. 11. WlM.MUB , J. L. MII.K.S ,
u. R , JOHNSON , H. w. ciiov.
ArcountHof bankers , merchants [ and Indl/iJ-
ualHicccivud on thu inobt favorable teuns.
UI1W llttllUlltt
Curnur Fiiniiiiu anil 13th Sli.
I'nltl Up Caiiltnl . $500,000
Surplus Fiinil . 100,000
FJIANK MtlHPHY , PrnHldont ,
SAMUEL is. UOUEHS , vice rrosMout.
HEN II. WOOD , Casblor.
LUTHER DIIAICE. Asxistant Cashier.
Account * solicited und prompt attention glvra
to all business uutnutod to IU care.