Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1889, Page 6, Image 6
0 THE OMAttA DAILY MONDAY , JULY 1 , 1889. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFVIOK. NO 12 PI3AKIJ STUI3ET. c1lTcr * < l by currier In Any J'art of ho City ix Tw cnty Cents 1'cr Week. U. W. T1WON. . . . . . MANAQKIU TKLKI'HONUSt HKFINKCR OFMCE No. . NlOHT KDITOII , NO.Ii ) . MUNTION. N. Y.Plumblns Co. C. H. Music Co. , C33 Il'wny. Holler , tailor , 310 Hrondwny. ' Evans' laundry , 73-1 Hrondwny. D. W. Otis , city ami farm loans. , J. D. Thompson wa run In yesterday nftor- noon mid booked as n suspicious character. James \Vnltaco has Hied n complaint in Squlro Scliurz'H court against Frank iTnmca , charging him with assault upon Wallace's son. son.Tho The funeral of the Infiint son of Peter Hnnscn took plnco nt 'J o'clock yesterday afternoon Irotn the residence , No. 1U53 South KlRhth street. The funeral of .lolm C. , Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hallo , took plnco at 2 o'clock yesterday uftcrnooii from the family rcsl- acnco on Harrison strcut. To-day will bo "soldiers dny" nt the Clmu- tnuqun pounds , and all old soldiers , sailors. their wives and children will bo admitted free. Tickets may bo secured of Conmido J , 13. AtkliiH. In the evening Corpornl i un- ncr will lecture In the tabcruuclo. Truvol on the electric motor line was lighter ; yesterday thun on uny Sunday for ix loiitf tlino. What the motor lacked was moro than in udo up by the liverymen , however , ns the struots tind drives In and about the city were filled with carriages. M\nawa : and Chnutauquti wcro the objective points , and nt both places there wcro snvcnil thousand people. The democratic county central committee lias decided to call butono county convention tins year , instead of two ns formerly. The consolidation of the two conventions is ren dered advisable from the fact that the suite convention will bo held BO late that both county conventions would como very close together , hcnco tlio decision , to hold but one county gathering. The I , O. G. T. will hold their twelfth ses slon of the district , lodge In this city to-mor row. * A largo number of delegates will bo present , many having already arrived. They visited the Clmutuuiiuu grounds yesterday. To-morrow evening nn interesting temper- nnco meeting will be held in the Uro.idwuy M. E. church , consisting of songs recitations and a lecture by George W. E. Hill , of DCS Molncs , grand chancellor of the order , Tno following gentlemen have boon elected oOlccrs of Council Bluffs lodge , No. 270 , A. O. U. W. , for the ensuing term , commencing to-day : M. W. , Prof. James McNaughton , foreman , C. H. Frank ; overseer , F. Alns- worth ; recorder. Dr. J. F. White ; secretary , J. C. Pryor ; receiver , William Arndt ; guide , Cliorlcs Spies ; I. W. , Dr. J. H. Cleaver ; O. W. , Frank IJeebe ; inedlual examiner , ono year , Dr. J. II. Cleaver ; trustee , eighteen months , Peter Smith. The electric motor extension Into Fair- mount park will bo laid through the cut to day. Three curves and four switches will be all that will remain to bo laid. Those arn nowou the road , and tire expected this week. It Is the Intention of the company to have cars running Into the park by iho middle of the month. As soon us this is completed work will bo resumed on the loop around Upper Broadway and East Pierce street , which line will also be in operation in about BIX weeks , as iho street cur track now laid on Broadway will bo useu for the motor track. Iliivo our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade L/iundrv Co. City steam luundry , 81 Main , tel. 141. No Explosions When persons keep cool and use our "Sun Dial" gas stoves. Four holes , roaster and balceoven. Costs 7 cents nor hour when running full blast. Now York Plumbing Co. Splendid bargains tit Marcus' clothing store before removal to now building. S. B. Wndswortb & Co. loan money. Mrs. U. E. Mulchay , of Sioux City , is the guest of Miss Mmid Oliver. Mr. Robert Siniond and wife , of Caldwcll , Knn. , arc the guests of Mrs. Dr.Vlnto. . J. C. Laiitfo , dcnuty United States revenue collector , has gone to ICcokuk to attend court. f Mrs. M. M. Marshall and daughter nro homo from Centervlllc , In. ; where they spent the past week with relatives. United States Commissioner F. M. Hunter loft last evening for ICeoUuk to attend a term of the federal court. lie will bo absent about ten days. M. Wollman , jeweler , moved to638 B'y Dr. C. C. Iltiy.en , Uontist , Opera house blook. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value lit low rates of interest. No publicity , fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , ollico cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. Call on the Birkinbino Engineering and Supply company , 115 Pearl street , Council Blull's , la. , and examine the Bodinqj'obllng. It will pay you ; Barn- plus sent on application. Bed i tele hotel , central location , firstcluss Money loan oil at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s loan ollico on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value , without removal. All business strictly con 11- dontiul. Steam and hot water hcatintr , llrst-class plumbing. Work in both cities. Jonx QIL- iiiutT , 518 Pearl street , Council B lull's. Notice the beautiful ilnish given col lars , culls and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. C. B. Trunlt Factory moved to Chapman's old stand. Largest trunk factory in west. Bodlno roofing will last longer and plvo hotter outisfactlon than any roofing made ; will not crack , curl or split , and inalces a perfectly solid joint on the on- tlro roof. Birkinbino Knglnooi-ing and Supply company , 115 Pearl street , Coun cil Bluffs , la. Ice crcain at wholesale. Louie & Mctzgar , 535 unit 527 Broadway , Council Bluffs. J. G. Tlpton , real estate , 627 B'dway. Council Blurts Furniture comnnny for good goods at low prices. 407 Broadway. The Now Ogden is catching traveling nion ut $2 per day. The firm of Wollcor & Gore , mtirkot- rnon , iloiiitf business at No. 007 South Main street , is this day dissolved by nmtunl consent , the junior member re tiring. All pnrlios indebted to enld linn will pluaso aottlo at once , mul nil these luvvlng accounts nguinst us will nlcaso iirosont the siuno for payment. hlr. M. Wollcor will romuln at tlio old Bland , and will continue to furnish the boat inouts in the market ut ronsonublo rates. WuLKiiii & GOHE. The Ilummook Cart. Warranted the oaslost riding vehicle on wheels. Don't full to see U nnd try It. Sold only by David Bradley & Co. , Council Blurts , la. Rink llvory and food stable. Ilorsos , bungles and cnrriaue8. ; Hacks for call. B , S. TorwllltRor , 602 , 601 and 600 Iourl , NEWS ABOUT THE BLUFFS , Thq Ohuroh Polks Pant at Homo or Take to the Woods. A PASTOR FAINTS IN THE PULPIT. Tlio Question ofl'lro Protection Tlio City KlnntiocH Tlio Day at Mnnmvn General nntl Personal. Tlio 1'nlpUr-ors. The attendance at the city churches was light yesterday. Most of the piously In- cllncd wcro at the grounds or resting at homo , The Irregularity of services of late , the closing of some of the churches , the heated term and other causes furnished many an cxcuso for ( staying nway. Those who gathered In the Congregational church yesterday morning heard un excel lent sermon by the pastor , Ruv. Dr. Crofts. His text was "Though Ho slay mo , yet will I trust In Him. " The theme of 'Trust In God" led the speaker to it raw a contrast be tween Job ana nome of these who suffered so greatly nt Johnstown. It is stated that some of these who lost property and friends by the flood , throw their bible away , declar ing they had no further use for It. The speaker did not wonder that such a terrible calamity should cause oven reason to totter and cnuso men to lose faith la God. While not blaming them , ono could not but pity them. Fultli in God wns never taken away by Him. It was of our own losing. It was lamentable to see ono throw It away , just when it was most needed. One of the troubles was that our trust In God was often based on material things , instead of upon tlio invisible. Wo had trust in God as long ns we had prosperity , but when home , when dear ones were taken nway , our trust went too. True faith was the "sub- stance of things hoped tor , " not the present possession of them. H was the evi dence of things not seen. " If a merchant should toll a customer , "Yes , I will trust you , but not out of my sight. If you pay for these goods right away , before you leave my presence , I will trust you. " it would bo lunched at us a poor sort of trust. Yet this wus the way many trusted God. And the trouble w.vs that wo did not see the end. God's ways were so mysterious and past llndinir out that wo doubted , bo- causa wo could not understand nil. The ancients did not itnow so much about the sun as wo have learned. They could not compute Its distance , its composition , etc. , and yet they made practical use of its light. Thus wo ought not to shut our eyes to the light of Uod'B truth , simply because wo do not comprehend it. Lnit evening Colonel Hoagland , " 'the newsboy's friend. " gave an interesting ad dress on "Ten Years Among the Boys , " Ho has been very active in the work of reform ing the struct wnifs , and securing homos for boys and girls. Some of his experiences arc thrilling. Ho will remain hero a few days organizing a local committee to carry on the work here. Yesterday morning Kev. Mr. Harris , of the Bethany Baptist church , was so over come by the heat while preaching that he fell in a faint. Very intei-e.stinj services wcreheld yester day nt the Second Presbyterian church on Harmony street. This was formerly the Harmony mission , and .since it has gone under the control of the Presbyterian church has become a strong society. Tlio building itself has been enlarged to double its foraier size , and will bo dedicated next Sunday. The Trinity Methodist Episcopal societ.v has purchased n lot at the corner of Ninth avenue and Fourth street , and will soon pro ceed to erect a church building. Hotter Flro I'rotsctlon. At a meeting held Friday morning the chairman of the lire committee , the chief of the lire department and the chief engineer of the waterworks company decided that here after full lire pressure should DO turned on ntonco whenever an alarm of flro was re ceived. Notwithstanding this fact , no ofll- cial notice of the fact has yet been given the parties at the police station * whose duty it would bo to make the change in case an alarm should Do received. The mere fact that these gentlemen passed a certain reso lution will DO productive of little good unless they look to itn enforcement. Another matter which was brought to pabllo notice at the recent fire on Upper Broadway , demands immediate attention. When the water was turned on , the stream that issued from the noz/lo was little else than thin mud , and so continued for several minutes , gradually growing loss muddy , al though at the end of illtccn minutes the stream was very dark and opaque , showing the preseaco of a. great deal of sediment in tlio pipe. Tlioro is hardly any room for doubt but that the main was p.irtinlly clog ged with mud , and it Is equally certain that such is the case in other parts of the city. In the suburbs , u four-inch main Is used to supply the hydrants and all consumers. In a number of the outlying portions of the city , the water consumption is very light , and there is nothing to prevent the deposit of considerable sediment. This may result in very materially clogging these mains at n time when such an obstruction would bo at tended with serious results. This matter was attended to for a while , but for some time tiast no attention whatever has been paid to it. The hydrants were opened periodically , and the water turned on , thus allowing the full force of the water to Hush the mains , washing out all of the sediment and leaving tlio mains clean and unobstructed. It Is sug gested that it would bo wise to resume this practice , repenting it at least once u month. There is no doubt but that the size of the mains In tlio suburbs is much smaller than it should bo nt present , but they were lafd in many instances before any of the factories were built that now rely upon them for pro- tetion. These mains nro of sufliclent size to Biipuly n smglo line of lioso , but many build ings have gone up in these localities which , should they got nlirc , would require moro than a single stream to Insure their protec tion. This being the case additional mains on parallel streets scums to bo the only solu tion of the difficulty unless thepresent mains nro replaced with larcer pipe. The several dlsastrouB fires thai have occurred recently clearly provo that tlicro Is a dlnlculty somewhere - where and u remedy Is demanded. The city has u couple of steamers standing idle , and a largo number of citizens are urg ing their return to active service. Witti the mains us they are , there is plenty of water to bo had oven if there is not pressure , and with a steamer in service and suitable con nections for the suction , a failure-in pressure could not leave property unprotected. At these last few tires all the llromon could do was to stand around and swear , but unless thrso charges are made , the privilege ! of swearing will rightfully belong to the burned-out property owner. Cltnmniuitn | Lou. Ono feature connected with the Cnautuu- qua that augurs well for the future of tbla grand enterprise , is the doslro of so many parties to effect leases of lots for a term of years that they may uroct cottages before another season opens. The demand for such leases has boon very actlvo over sl'nco the opening of the present session , but owing to the great amount of other business , the trus tees were utmblo to give the mutter proper attention. This has at last been decided and the terms for leases 11 n ally determined , The lots arc assessed at from 4150 to $300 each , mid the lessee Is roQuircd to pay 10 per cent per annum of this assessed valuation , The leases run from one to teu years , but at the end of the ten years another appraise ment of the lots will bo made , and the sumo ruto of intorout must bo paid as before. A number of lota have already boon leased , many of them by outsiders , and it is ex pected that mauy moro will bo leased bcforo the close of the present assembly. It IN encouraging to know that several par- tics have announced their Intention of erect ing cottufes another year , while- there are scores ot families in the city which have made arrangements to secure touts and ro- maln upou tliogroucdu during the ctitlro sea- blon next season. The majority ot the people seem to bo but Just waking lip to the full moaning of the enterprise terprise- , and uow that they ful ly understand It , express their appro- elation in the most extravagant terms. It Is hoped that the dtiUcalty experienced this year ( n securing money to push the Im provements nt the grounds nod arrange for the excellent programme will not bo mot with hereafter , as the people have been nblo to see what the result Is to bo and can not fall to appreciate It. It will soon bo time to begin to arrange for next year , and another call for money will bo made to secure n pro gramme that will bo even better than that of this season. All should bo Biifllcicntly In terested to 8co that the response is prompt and liberal. Additional Council Bluffs news on fifth page. lclo\v ! wo give names ofn few or tlio many Patrons of tlio tarace. Co. In Council HluITs anil vicinity. The clmrixctcr ot the pirons named , and the amount entrusted - trusted by cixcli to the protection of the com- pan- , Indicates the confldcnco enjoyed by It nt homo \\hero Its manner of doing business is best known. 0.1 > . lllllln S 40,000 l.unor IJros. ACe 57,000 Charles llanglm. , . . W'.Oui 11,1'.Morrow ] oo.V ) John Dennett. ( > .7SO William O'llallorixn H.I00 Charles Shields > 7,700 N , W.Niisn 7'iO ! ) I. A. Miller 0.000 ( IcorgeA. Kry , niHX ) Henry IMscman A : Co. . 5OCk ) HlniKart.Walt.Sc Wlca JJ.tiOO i : . h. siiiiRnrt 4r\nou KotiKin C.ithollc Church , , . . . K'.UUJ ' Honinn Cntliollo Church , Westphalia. . . . 40/XX ) Carroll County Oouit House SI.OOJ Abbott * Cooper ai.iKX ) St. I'rnnrU Academy LUOJO Cnivcr.Stosla.V Austin LMUK ) T , M. C. I.ocan ] 1 , < K)0 ) Deere. Welfi A : Co 10'JOU Ucoruo M. Williams II.HIO 8.1) . Kohlcs S.COJ U. H. Carpenter 11,700 Mnwinlc Temple tt.\X > 3 MctciUC llros II.IKHJ C. A. lloebo & Co ti.OOO S.S. ICollor U.ri > 1 NOTICK When our policy exceeds J21 , x.oo ) on property subject to destruction by u single flro , the excess la re-Insured In other companies. SPECIAL NOTICES \/V AN 'I1 R I ) A Kood ilfiiliujroomKlrlTuI I o"mo IT restiiurant , IU7 UroaiUray. HUlJS ffofsovon rooniM for rent , loeiitednnrtU of Union i'nctllc transfer. Iteasonnulo terms. W. H. Uurns. WANTIIU 1'artletf desiring row boats or re- frcslunciHs ut I.ako Mnnana to take the Union Uno boat house , open at 4 o'clock n. m. II. .1. Hancock. WANTED Situation as conchnmn ( Hxvude ) . riidcritaadscaioof horsss. Steady , sober and rollablo. I' . .N. , HL'07th ) live , , Co. Illnlls. FOU HKNT furnlsheil ( for two or tlireo months ) , the house 1 occupy. No. U'l So. tlist. H. C. Choyuoy. TjiOIt SAIjII A butcher sl.op need location. IA coed business for some ono \vlthsinall capital. Address H SO , IJeo ollico. Council Ululfs. WANTKD .VK ) pieces o % 8oond-hand carpet , also all good second-hand furniture. A. J. _ > ! uudcl N'os. : i and itij Hroudway. T7IOK KXCHANGK-Saveral good farms to ox -L. change for Council lltnifs lots. Johnston & Van 1'atten , Uverctt block. < - AHAKH chance for a .splendid Investment , roijulrlm ; uiior v rather than larpe c.ipltal. A fortune for the rlijlit mini. Halt Interest In the line : > t practical patent over Issued. Address - dross dxvan & Walker , 4 Pearl street , Council liluirs. T7IOU HUNT Store room , No. 18 Mam ; at. . - * . ' after July 1. N. C. Jmnes , t ) Pearl st. RUAf , KSTATi : Moaisht and soM and ex changed. SpflclU : attention given to exam ination ot titles. W. C. James , No. 10 Pearl at. . Council Illiilfs. " 171011 HCNT Kasy terms two new live-room -L houses , 1'lth ave. botwaen Hlgn and Third ats. Sell cheap If taken this week. Inmilro owner. J. Dickey. 74i ) 11. Way. 1710U SAfji : Old establlsSeJ general mer- - * - chandlso business. htocK , nxtures. wagons , etc. Good room and low rent , Address , J. llckey.7IOH. Way \ _ _ T710U RENT Largo double ollice over Frank -L' Levin's cigar store , 0 J Uro adway. Inquire of Frank Levin \\TA NTKO Everybody in the city to remom- T bor Mandel's bargain furniture store Is the place to buy your goods , yij and 35 Uroad- way. J. M. PALMER. HAS Till : CHOICEST LOT OF SUBURBAN & INTERIOR PROPERTY In the city. Gilt edged opportunities to imme diate Investors nnd home beoKera. 301'carl St. . Council Hlturs. No. 27 Main Street , Ov r JiivqiicininN JuwclryStore CENTRAL LIVERY STABLE I linU LliL.111 U I HULL * W. L. PATTOX , Prop. Elegant Uigs ut Reasonable Rates. Nos. 19 and 21 , North Main Street. Council Bluffs , Iowa. J. D. KllMUNDSOM. E. L. SlMIOAllT. 1'res. Vice 1're s CIIAS , It. HAN.VAN. Cashier. CITIZEN'S STATE BANKer or COUNCIL nr.urry. Paid Up Cupltul S ] .10,000.00. Kiirplns 2.\000.oj. I.Uullltles to Ucno itois. . : ! i.iUXJ.IO ( , DiitncTOiH 1. A. .Miller. I' . O. ( rlcason. R. L. Shiitrarr , U.K. Hart , . ] . I ) . Kdmundson. Clias. H. Ilnmiiin. Transact cencrnl banking buslnesa. Laruoit capital and Mirplm of nny bank la bouthwcatern lown. Interest on tlmo deposits GEORGE METOALP , JlKAfj KSTATE. No. 10 Pearl St. luos. w. II. M. 1'uss OFFICER & PUStV. BANKERS. Corner MMn and Oroailway , COUNCIL IlIjUKKS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign tnil domestlo . Cell ctlous made aua Interest uaia on tlinode- posltc. _ Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro tectors , Etc , Agents wanted. C. II , JUItD , CAPI. HAYS' LIVERY : Centrally located livery nnd boarding btnblo IlustnccuuiniuilHtloni lu the city , Special ut- tcutlon to tranulunt cuntom. ' AV. A. HAYS , Prop. Telephone Stablu , 77. Itcs. 8UO. How Look out Moths lesmestes . CJIIVST AI.UA. Itconaistsof iinow wlilto rtukes. A iirocUic- tloii from CouJ Tor. I-KUFKOITA' JIAHM- l.iss. : Kreu from oil , uchl or uny Htibitanca that would hunn tlio most delicate fabric or foatlter , U evaporates williuut leuvlni ; any. reatdue. H till a moths wlille camphor merely drives thim away , r. J. * UAXII : , Bole Agciit , C'ouucll UlulTa. HOTEL MANAWA REFITTED A.N1) Newly Furnish Connected by Motor with COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA Located on Lake Mnrmwn , the finest Watering Place and Summo Resort in the west , Bcavitlful Bontlng and Fishing. Unparalelled Bathing Beach. Special Rates to Parties and Families. Cor rospondouco Solicited. IMPORTANT ! READ THIS ! I wish to inform the ladles of Omaha and Council BlulTd that ] have determined upon closing out my entire stock of goods at my HAIR EMPORIUM , No. 20 , Main street , , Council BlulTs , within the next ISO days , and for this purpose I will sell my iroodsi-'AH BELOW COST. The stock consists of the finest line of hair goods and ornaments west of Chicago. MBS. C. la. Onlcrnby Jteii'lvo mall 1'iompt Attention. No , 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , AsstSteleVelerinariam Cor.GfenAve INFIRMARY T.J.CADY , D.V. S. Hospltal/brLawe / SfcK ANIMALS. ' reatmtonSoeniiflcPrincipfes. 'etertnarianfbrtouiicil Bluffs rogpolice Department , No. 131 Broadway. COUNCIL BLUFFS SOLE AGENTS COLUMBUS BUGSY GO. COUNCIL BLUFFS HOMEOPATHS. Eye , Ear and Throat Surgeon. W , H. CHAMBERLAIN. M , Glasses accurately prescribed. Ollico corner Main St. , and i Broadway. . Surgeon and Homeopath. Room 0 , Brown PI , building , 115 Pearl St. Ollico hours , 0 to 12. a. m. , 2 to 0 and 7 to 8 , p. m. Especially At/apteJ for SIZES F 25 TO 300'i ' LIGHTING , DORSE powi ; Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE pcclUcutlon nnil citlmntri furnished for complete ) ilenm plitnti. Itcjulntlon , Durability . uuuraiitooJ. Can eliow lelicro fro.n men where fuel economy Is cqunl with Corll'B Non-cunacnilnir. E.G. HARRISAgent , Sontl for citta * . ' 10. No. 510 Pourl Street , Council Blufffi. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HRIRl Il I [ Rl M C Hydraulic nnd Sanltarylilntflnoor. "Plans , Kstlmatos , DlimiMDIIlC. Spccitications. Supervision of Publlo Work. Brown Building , Council BlulTn , Iowa. . UI I I D7 Justice of the Pcaco. Onico over American Exprobs , No. 41 NQP. n U ridL _ | > i-ondwuy , Council Bluffs , Iowa. QTHNIT Si QIIWI Q Attornoys-at-Law. Practice in the State and Fed- OlUllL. Ot OllYlO oral Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block , Council BlufTs , Iowa. O M Tll I MAN" Attornoy-at-Law , Hoom 4 , Second Floor , Brown .U , U , O I ILLIYIMIl Block , 115 Pearl St. , Council Blurts , la. Will practice in Stale nnd Federal Courts. RS , BELLI NGER& BELLI NGER- eurt'eo"6' IMMENSE ARRIVAL OP Swiss Embroidered Flouncings , The prices th lowest ever seen ; from OO to OO per cent less than nskcd by other dewlers. PARASOLS AT RUINOUS PRICES. Hosiery , Mitts and Gloves. Prices to suit nil. The most complete stock in the ctty. Hose from lOc , 3 for 20c. to $1.20 a pair. . Our guaranteed Fast Black Hose at 28c , 88c mid BOc. beats the world. Every pair warranted or money refunded. Mitts and Gloves from lOa a pair up. IN GENT'S NECKWEAR Wo show the most complete line In the city. All the latest styles. An examination will convince anyone. A manufacturer's stock bought for spot cash , which will bo cleared out at our usual low prices. GENT'S ' WHITE"SHIRTS' At 25c , ABc , BOc and 02jo ; bettor value never handed out to n cus tomer. 111 Taifole Linens , Crashes , Towels , SFapkins , Muslins and Sheeting's , An examination will convince you that the Boston Store Is head quarters. ARE YOU FOND OF READING ? The Boston Store will give avvny free this week with every cnko of Balsam Fir Soap , the complete work of Robert Elsemore. nlso the Battle of Belief , by the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone , all for i25c. Ono cake of Soap and the two volumes all for 2Bc. The soap itself Is sold all over for 25c ; Robert Elsmcre for 5Oe. For 2Bc. ono quarter ' takes ho lot. Leaders nnd Promoters of LOW PRICES. 401 Broadway , Council Biu & , Iowa. m m mm uc Hi ' f' 66 'rf * f < ? * ' ft 0 rn 10 /2 13 / * 10 1Z 13 0 TT TTL < L i , ' 9. 10. 11. 13. a. 10. U. 13. X vanuc- & . 66 THE CHOICEST GROUND FOR RESIDENCE ERI ri'ISJ3VESTE25X PAHtT < ) ! ' THK CITV. About fifteen minutes ride on the motor to Douglas St. , Oniiiha. They lie on a level but elevated sirip of ground , about 300 yards from the now motpr line to Omaha. They are less than one and one-half miles from the Council Bluffs postoilice. Nearly twice as large ai most of the newly platted lots. Good i.mblio schools near by. The proposed Boulevard bounds it ou the north. TITLES Perfect. ABSTRACT Printed abstract and Warranty Deed with each lot. GRADE Examine these lots with reference to the grade before buying a lot. The ordinary price of a lot is saved on grade alone , if you buy ono of these lots. TEHMS To a good class of purchasers a limited number of lots will ho sold for one-tenth down ; balance in monthly payments without interest. Apply to Z91BEIMTVBA. BSMBKUn Ml iaMUGEM BJJTCa Ktf M U9M 1MB KJ m UUHT XB > J MJ gf j itiMiKiw J BEvbBMmil 11'/ij fJ if fcjjj my Wxc nan\J BWOU&MIV UAMM J. J. Brov/u Building , 111O Pearl St. , COUKTCII. BLUFFS , IOWA. While In the city do not fail to call on the Btore and see the finest and best Music Hall on the Mo. slope. Come and take a look at OUP large stock of Pianos and Organs and all kinds of musical instru ments up stairs and down stairs. 103 Main Street , OUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. OF HATDML Open Dally , All Kiivclmctiii 1'ur Halo. OHDEttH FOU TAYIDKUMY WOUK TAKEN AND Call at MuBoum or address O. 1C , 816 North 15th Kt. , Oniahu , for Catalogue.