Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1889, Page 3, Image 3
r swss&te Vitffi4fj r , * jt < , . . v- " * * WWi -lf * AvV - - - - " , . . l " ' ( * f \ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY JULY 1 , IbSO. h A HORSE'S BROKEN HEART , Soldo Good Storlos ot Men and Other Animals. QUEER ADVENTURE OF A PIG , How n Porker Iilvcd Off His Own Fal for I'lvo Btnnilit Dr. Shoo- maltcr'H Tumor A Mon- Bulolilo. A Circus Stcptt'H 1'ntlictlo Death. The emotional llfo of the horse Is re markable. There are instances on rec ord where the death of Iho horse has been traced directly to Rrlof. Ono In- Btnnco Is called to mind which occurred moro than twenty years ago , soya the Western Sportsman. A circus had boon performing in the little town of Union- vlllo , Pa. , when ono of the trained horses sprained ono of his logs so that ho could not travel. Ho was talc on to the hotel anil put In a box stall. The log was bandaged and ho was made as comfortable us possible , tlo ate his food and was apparently contented until about midnight , when the circus began moving out of town. Than lie became rostlossand tramped and whined. As the caravan moved punt the hotel ho scorned to roalixo that ho was bolng deserted , and his anxloty and distress boctimo pitiful. IIo would stand with his cars pricked in an attitude Of intense listen ing , und then as his cars caught the sounds of the retiring wagons ho would rush as best ho could with his lu- jurod leg from ono side of the stall to the other , pushing at the door with his nose and making every effort to oscapo. The stableman , Who was a stranger to him , tried to seethe him , but to no purpose. Ho would not bo comforted. Long after all the sounds of the clrcur hud coitsod his agitation continued. The sweat poured from him In streams and ho quivered In every part of his body. Finally the stableman went to the house , woke up Iho proprietor , nnil told himhoboliovcd the norse would die If bomo of the cir cus horses were not brought back to keep him company. At noout daylight the proprietor mounted a horbo and rode after the circus. Ho overtook it ten or twelve miles away , and the groom who had charge of the injured horse returned with him. When they reached the stable the horse was dead' The stableman said that ho remained for nearly an hour perfectly still , and with every bonso apparently strained to the utmost tension , and then , without making a bijr.ii , foil and died with scarcely a struggle. Yesterday there wns considerable ox- cltoinont occasioned by the suicide of ono of a pair of little monkeys in J. II. Daniels' store in tlio Kimball house block , pays the Chattanooga Times. Somebody had dropped a picco-of hemp rope ubcd in tying the bananas , and it fell within reach of the little inilimil. He was in dead earnest , and when ho poked his head into the noose and lumped oilho was as completely hanged as any man that over tried to take his own life. His companion would p' ' . . open the eyelids of the dead nion ! : * y and look into his sightless eyes in the most pathotlc nianrur. She Boomed porfuctly desolate and realized that her companion was dying. A little boy was lifted over the transom and the dead monkey was cut down , but it wts too late. Ho was cold ana still' . Sergeant - goant Moss brought the piece of rope to the station house and will preserve it as a memento. _ Dr. W. II. Shoemaker , talented and leading physician of this city , says a Birmingham , Ala. dispatch has boon declared insuno , owing to having be come a victim of the cocoaino habit. Ho became violent this morning , and to-night was sent to the state in sane asylum utTuscaloosu. While under ' tlio inll'uonce of the drug ho , in Decem ber last , performed upon himself prob- ahly the most unique and most remarkable - able surgical operation ever recorded. Ho had been a Kulleror for some time from a tumor on his liver. Ono night , while alone , ho took his surgical in struments and deliberately cut into the abdominal cavity , cut the tumor from his liver , sowed the incision up , showed the cut and tumor next morning to brother physicians , and has since en tirely recovered. His use of cocaine previous to this operation hud become habitual. A light between a turkey hen and a rattlesnake is probably a very strange contest ' and something- suppose very fow'ovor saw , says the Talmago Trib une ; yet such a battle was witnessed ono day last week by Mr , A. Edmlston on his farm several miles southeast of I * town. Among the fowl possessions of this gentleman Is a brooding turkey lion with a nest of twenty eggs in a voung hedge not far from the house. While riding along the fence ono morn ing , ho noticed the hen leave her nest and act as though she was lighting something. Hiding near lie found she had attacked u rattlesnake which she evidently feared would rob her nest. She would make a charge on the rep tile and pock at it. while the snake would coil and strike back. After striking , the hen would sometimes grab it back of the head , shako and tlirow it quite a distance. Once she tjirow it over her back nearly a rod bo- hn d hor. Fot'ring that "tho snake might bite the hen , Air. F.dmiston has tily tied his horbo and started to take a hand in the battle , but before ho reached | hem the snake struck the hen , biting her on the side of the head at the edge of the llosh and bill. The hen before so courageous , now sooiuod to loose all courage , for she commenced to run backwards , dragging Clio snake a short distance. After she ofacapod from italic dropped her head and sneaked off to her uoat. Quickly dispatching the snake ho llxcd u salt and soda poultice , and bound it on the wound. The snake was over two and a half foot long and a very largo ono. As to the hen , she eho showed no bad olloets from the bite. P. I , Maybury has returned from n three month's trip in the south. Ho has a pair of canary birds , which have mated at his house for a long time. The female bird has laid eggs quite often , but before they wore hatched she has invariably pocked the in open with her bill. Last Sunday morning , says the Grand Rapids Democrat , his little girl came running to him and said that "Pete" ( incatilnir the male bird ) was laying an egg. Ho thought she meant the female , of course , and hardly no ticed what she said , but shortly after he happened to bo passing the cage , when ho was sur prjsod to BOO "Pete" actually laying an oKg. The bird seemed in great agony Mr. Mnybury chloroformed him und he died shortly afterwards. "Pete's" bodj wns cut open and it was found that ho had actually dlod in his effort to lay the og T. The shell was not hard , but the egg was otherwise porfoot. Mr. May- bury says that ho will vouch for the fact that the bird was a male , because it has alwilys been Its mate that has laid the eggs , and ho other birds excepting thcso , wo have boon In the cage , lib says ho i as hoard of roosters achieving such a 'cat ' but "rooster" . , n canary novor. Fat hns Its value , and hero Is an in stance duly recorded in the municipal reports of 'the city of Dover , says the Liverpool Courier : On December 14,1810 , n pig was bur ied in its sty through the fall of part of the clliT under Dover castle. The sky consisted of a cave In the rock about six ( cot squaronnd boarded in the front , and when the accident happened the pig was In Rood condition , weighing about one hundred und slxty-llvo pounds ) . Tlvo months afterward , on May 2.'t. 1811 , some workmen who wore engaged in clearing away the debris of iho fallun cliflf mentioned to Dr. Man- toll , a woll-known geologist of the day and n fellow of the Llnnamn society , that they were sure they heard the pig whining. Ho thought the statement incredible , but ordered them to clear away the oliulk as fast as they could , and sure enough , when they got to the sty , the pig was there , weak and emaciated , fallen to only a fourth of his former weight , but alive. In 100 days ho had boon strictly self-supporting , living on the stores of fatho had laid up in moro prosperous times. There woro. how ever , evidences of his sutTcrings In the wood that shut in the sty , being nibbled away In places , while ho had licked the sides of the cave smooth in his attempt to obtain the moisture exuding from the rock. John Thompson , of Kentucky , one of the Ilarrodsburg twins , told mo another story yesterday about tlio mixing up of his identity with that of his brother Phil , says a writer in the Now York Graphic. Ito told mo ho was sitting in the barber's chair , just oil the house of representatives ono day , when Con gressman Murphy of Iowa , came along and stood beside him. "Phil , " said ho , "I want you to tell mo how the bill is getting on ! " ' "Of course I know ho meant Phil's whisky bill , " said John , "and 1 told him it was getting on pretty well , bull wished ho would drive up a few votes for it. " I know ho carried a few hayseed members about with him , and I supposed ho could swing them Into any lino. "Well1 said Murphy , "I will do what I can for you , but you know it will bo worth something. There's my Honneplu canal bill. It needs a fut of boosting. So if you scratch my back I'll scratch yours. " ' 'I told him. of course , that that would be all right. Uo wont away happy , and when Phil's bill came up Murphy's friends were all on the right side , but when Murphy's bill came along , even Phil himself voted against it , for ho never know a word about the deal , " ' said John , "I forgot to toll him any thing about it. " The ancient Japanese custom of hari- knri , or haiipy dispatch , has received Its death-blow. For centuries it has been usual for any exalted Japanese dig nitary who may have mortally oltonded his sovereign to receive a polite olliclal intimation to Iho ell'cct that his tuicido will bo pleasing to the authorities , and until recently it has boon the unvary ing practice for the offender to acqui esce resignedly , and , after summoning hia relatives around him , to formally disembowel himself in their presence. If the culprit Happened to 'ie ' of excep tionally Inch rank the sovereign would , as a mark of honor , send him a jeweled sword with which to operate upon him self. But all these things are now of the past. Not long ago the mikado was grievously hurt by the words and conduct of a high court olll- clal. The man was an old and very valued servant of the crown ; but his crime was unpardonable. Next day , therefore , an ollicor brought him the fatal sword , a magnificent weapon , with a blade inlaid with gold and a handle incrusted with diamonds , together with a sympathetic intimation that his early death would be regarded us a bonolit to the empire in general and to the mikado in particular. The culprit received the sword with all proper respect , but as soon as the emissary had departed the wily Japanese in whose mind Euro pean habits of thought have evidently taken a firm root walked down to the quay , went on board a small steamer that was bound for Havre , and upon reaching Paris incontinently sold his sword of honor for 6,000 Atiturgcon measuring over five feet in length and weighing 283 pounds was on exhibition yesterday at a store in Washington avenue , Newark , N. J. , says the Now York Star. The big fish was captured yesterday on the Passaic river , at Belleville , by William Gerow , Andrew yoiglor and William Hudson , all of Belleville. They were out in a boat fishing when they noticed an unusual commotion in the water some distance below the bridge. On rowing nearer they discovered the stvrgcon , and after an exciting chneo managed to harpoon and capture the monntor. When Gorow drove the harpoon , the line , of which was fastened to the boat , into the sturgeon's back , the big llsh started to swim away at a rapid rate , carrying the boat with it. The three men were lying in the bottom of the boat , and the latter , goIng - Ing up the river propelled apparently by no visible means , attracted the at tention of Andrew Soharfensbory , who was out on tlio river in his boat. Whllo Soharfonsberg was waiting for the curi ous boat to unproaoh , the latter collided with hifa boat and upset. Scharfons- berg's boat was overturned , and when the four men came to the surface they seized the boat to which the sturgeon was attached , when the big fish contin ued on Its course , dragging the over turned boat and the four men with It. The boat was finally righted and the sturgeon , becoming exhausted from loss of blood , was easily captured and dragged ashore. The Duration o ( ' Narva Life. It has been estimated that wo got a complete now outllt of brains about every two months , says the Medical World. The duration of a nerve's life Is about sixty days. Each nerve cell has Its own inde pendent functions , subordinate to the higher functions of tlio whole brain "on masse , " and the latter acts as a sort of boss or overseer to tiio individual actions and life of each sepa rate coll. Every cell is destroyed and renewed every two months , so wo each get six brand now brains per yoar. "MAGGIE JUDAH. " The Hnmbto Origin of Ono of Paul's Favorite Songs. There lived in the yotir 18GO in Span ish Town , Jamaica , West India , a col ored woman named Maggie Judith , says the Pall Mall Gazette. She was what wns called a Jew bastard that Is across between a Jew and a brown woman. She wns then about thirty-five years old , rather stout , with good Jewish features. She sold ginger boor and cakes ; she wns evidently not a "Crcsar's wife. " About that tlmo there lived a clover black boy , Alexander Archpolo by name , a gentleman's groom , who nmoiig other accomplishments had a very good voice. Ono evening Mr. Alexander Archpolo wont to Maggie Judith's cake stall , and , in the presence of an admiring audi ence , in a loud voice serenaded the said lady by singing "Maggie Judnh. " Miss Jituah , not at all complimented , took legal proceedings against Mr. Archpolo , and the cnso was tried in the police court before the Hon. Richard Hill , since dead , the well-known naturalist and friend of the late Mr. P. Gosso. Archpolo's defense was that the song was a popular ono , which was sung about the streets. Miss Judith's lawyer , however , was not to bo humbugged. Uo contended that the song was not a docent - cent one , nml that it referred to Mag gie Judah in a wny derogatory to her character. The magistrate thereupon requested Mr , Archpolo to sing the song for his guidance. Mr. Archpolo then wont up into the witness box and in a clear , musical voice sang "Mnggio Judah. " Of course the whole court house was convulsed , mid it wns some time before order was restored. This , however , did not help Mr. Archpolo , who was lined ton shillings und cost , or twenty days in the district prison. The fine was paid und Mr. Alexander Arch- polo lived for several years after , and , although ho did not again serenade Maggie Judah , ho nevertheless used to sing the song to Ids horses while rub bing them down. Maggie Judah has since passed away , but there are many people who still recollect her , and the song which caused so much amusement in the Spanish town police court. * ilcnlth In Old ASH. Edward Colliuson , Queens , N. Y. . snys : "I commenced using UKANDIICTII'S Pn.i.s over fifty-five years ago. I first boucht them in London , and have continued using them slnco I came to this country m li-3 ( ! . I am now over sevonty-llvo years old , halo and hearty , and attribute my wonderful health to the persistent use of UIUNDUKTH'S PIM.S. Occasionally I have a bad cold or severe at tack of rheumatism , Indigestion or bilious ness , but four or live doses of UIIANUIICTII'S PH.LS always euro mo. Whenever my child ren have been sick with scarlet fovcr.mcasles , mumps , acid stomach , disordered digestion or costiveness , a few doses of UIMNDKCTII'S PILLS restore tbeir health atoucc. " Find tin" BlarrlnK" Vnllil. A young English blood of San Fran cisco has for a year past boon badly en amored of a young lady of prominent family , who.aftor attending a Situ Fran cisco school , was sent to a leading edu cational institution in Los Angelos. The girl liked her admirer very well , but not quite enough to venture on the uncertain sea of matrimony with him. The behests of love , however , sharpen n lover's wits. Last Wednesday the voung lady , ac companied by her ardent friend and several intimates , visited the Baldwin theater , after which supper followed. The wily lover shortly proposed as a joke that they bo married by ono of the party. The unsuspicious young girl consented and the formula was gone through. The next morning the as tounded girl received n letter from her Englishman that they wore tied hard and fast , the officiating friend , a young attorney ot good standing , being a jus tice of the peace. She at once told her family about the affair. Prominent attorneys were con sulted , dozens of telegrams and pages of correspondence were interchanged , with the result that an opinion wiis ren dered that it would inko a judicial de cree to sevsr the bond. The girl's fam ily are greatly excited over thoincidcnt and propose to enter court , when names will bo made public. Over the Pathless Ocean , Athwart vast continents traversed by mighty Iron thoroughfares , many armed like the fabled Briurous. myriads set forth daily to encounter the vicissitudes of travel , chungo of climate , unaccustomed food , and au nt- mosphoro possibly mlusnui ) , yet with a calm continence that their health will bo pre served. When this confidence is based upon the possession of the HUjirnmo medicinal de fense , Hosteller's Stomach Bitters , it is in deed well founded , otherwise not. Brackish water , bad food , the wearying and other bad clTccts of railroad Jolting , seasickness , and nervousness , auKravated oy n journey and its attendant discomforts are shorn of their pernicious Influence Jjy this sterling alterative - tivo , purifier and compensating medicine , In valuable for dyspepsia , feebleness , nervous ness , constipation , malarial disorders , rheu matism and Kidney complaints. ! The Flics on Us. The common fly lays moro than 100 eggs , and the time from egg-laying to maturity is only about two weeks. Most of us have studied geometrical pro gression. Iloro we see it illustrated. Suppose ono lly commences "to multi ply and replenish the earth" about Juno 1. Juno 15 , if all livedwould give 150. Suppose 75 of these are females ; July 1 would give us , supposing no cruel wasp or other untoward circi'in- stance to interfere , 11.2o'J ' files. Sup pose 5,025 of these are females ; wo might have July 15 8-13,7 0 ( lies. It might cause bad dreams if carried on further. Not n California near. Anybody can catch a cold this kind of weather. The trouble la to let go , llko the man who caught the bear. Wo advise our readers to purchaeo of the Uoodnmn Drug company a bottle of SANTA ABIE , the Cal ifornia King of Consumption , Asthma , Bron chitis , Coughs ami Croup Cures , and kcp It handy. * Tis pleasing to the taste and death to the ubovo complaints. Sold at 1.00 n bottle tlo or 3 for fS.CO. CALIFORNIA CAT-E- CUUE cives Immediate relief. Ttio Catarrhal - rhal virus Is soon displaced by Its healing and penetrating nature. Give it a trial. Six months treatment $1,00 , sent by wall 51.10. Scientific Notes. The quickest way to demagnetize a watch is to place it for a few seconds in the solenoid of an alternating current and remove it slowly while tho-curront is flowing. Fair white hands , 'ight clear complexion Soft healthful skin. /-Tile / Gnat Engllst Complexion SOUP- , ! IF not remedied In son on , is liable to become Itabltunl mid chronic , Drip ) , tlo imrgatlvcs , by wenkiiiing the bowels , conflrin , rntlter tlmneuro , tlio evil. Aycr's Tills , being tnlft | , < Tcctivo , nml strengthening In tlicir tWllon , nro gener ally recommended by ttiu.fuctilty as tlio best ot aperients , i "Having been subjecttor years , to constipation , without lining nblo to iltul imieli relief , 1 ut lost trie dryer's I'ills. I deem it both n , dutiila n pleasure to testify tlmt I have uerh'cd gfent bou- cflt from their us6. For over two ycnrs past I huvo tnltcn ono of these pills every night before retiring. 1 would not willingly bo without them. " G.V. . Uowmiui , 'JO Hast Main St. , Cnrllslo , 1'a. "I Jmvo been taking Aycr's Pills ntul using them In my family slncu 1837 , ntul cheerfully recommend them to all In need of n safe hut tiled mil cathartic , " John M. Hoggs , Louisville , Ky. " For eight years I was aulletcd with constipation , which at last became so had that the doctors could do no moro for mo. Then I began to take Aycr's ruin , and soon the howcli recovered their natural and regular action , so that now I am In nxccUont health. " S. It. Loughhrldgo , Uryan , Texas. " Having used Ayor's 1'llls , with good results , I fully indorse them for the pur poses for which tlmynro recommended. " T. Connors , M. L ) . , Coutro Hrldge , 1'a. Ayer's Pills , rnEWr.BD nv Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Bold by all DrugKlMi nntl Dealers In Mcdlclce. flSBUED BY STATED , J COUNTIES. CITIEG , 1 SCHOOL CISIRICIS , ETC. . BOUGHT AND SOLO. \Vn ( teal In I-iiml TVnrrnnt * nml Hcrlti. Applicable to ( iou'rmni'iit Land , niul Transact a KcKUIiir llunkliiic llui.lnet * . CoriCFpondeiica Solicited. § CO , , BANKERS , 10O WASHINGTON STREET , CHICAGO , ILL ; us nnoADWAY. NEW vor.K. WASTED Issued by Cltle1 ! , Counties , Sellout DUtric.sVnlcr Com panies , 6tc. We nre In the market for the purchase of round ntnounts of such bonds. Correspondence solicited. N. W. KARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers , 115-117 Monroe Street , CHICAGO. 56 Devonshire Rtront EOS" OM SHROEDER Basement First National Bank , OO5 &oulil3Ui ! .Street , - Omiilia OMAHA BUSINES OLE-EGG. KKD rcm nKjL&E - FOR MEATS , FISH , abi SOUPS , GRAVIES , fie. - " " " " - " " Boots and Shoos. KIRKSNDALL , JOJYEsTt CO. , Successors to Hoc.1 , Jones & Co. Wliolesalo HannfactoreK of Bois& : Slices Ascnts for Boston Rubber Ehoe Co , 1102 , 1101 ftuil HOC H&rney Bttect , Oiunbc , Netuaska. Browore. STORZ & ILER , Lager Beer Bters , North Klchtceath street. Omaha , N B. Cornico. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Mann'actnrersofGalyaiized Iron Cornice Window-caps and nictnllc nKjrllRhte. John lipcnctcr , pruvitetor. IKtivnd lUtouUi lOtli street. Office Ftxturos. GIMJIONDS' MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of IM , DIG and Saloon Fixiures , Unntlcs , Sideboards , llook Cites , lfuc KUturcn , V7 U Cnnps , I'Brtltloni , Halllne < .Coimt : , llpfriina Wlno Cooleij. iilrrorn , Klo' Factory and otnco , 1780 Bndl"SJ tioutU Uth Bt. , Oeiahtt. Telcpbono 1124. Popor Boxes. JOHN L. WILKIE , Proprietor Omafla Paper Boi Factory , Nut. 1317 ftdd 1319 Douglai ttrcet , Oraibu.KoD. Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISDROW A CO. , Wboloalo manufacturer ! of SasD , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Draucb oBcc , litb and Iinrd ttrcet Omaha , Neb. HOIIN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Basil , Doors , Blinds , Moulding" , ntHlr-wnrk nml Interior hard nootl finish. N. K. corner bill und 1-fuvrmurth stitclB , Omaha , Nek. Eto. STi.ixa& CLAHK JIKM'IKG en Pimp , Pipes and Engines , Steam , water , rnllnsjr aniT mining supplier , ola. WO. 182 and W * tnrnum Hrfot , Omslm. U. S. WIND ENGINE"A , PUMP CO. , Steam and f ae ( > Snnnlie $ , Haiilday wind mill * . 018 find ! 23 Jones SU , Omaha , U , IT , Hcea , acting naiucor. JiROWNELL-Je CO , Engines , Boilers anil General Mecliinery , Bheet-lrou work , steam i > unip * , < i.iw mills , 1213-1211 LoKvenworth iticci , Omaha. STEAM IIOfLElt WORKS , Gorier i H < in , I'fop'a. Mun\ifArtureniof nlllrln ; > l Sleam Boiler , ? , TauKs a nl'Slieet Iron Wori \Vork9 fcouth iuth uud U. it M' . cronlng. Tel. H13 PAXTON A VIERLINO IRON WORKS , Wrouglit and Cast Iron Bnl.ding fort , nginet , brasa work , general foundrr , machine bltticicmu vroik. OCIco and works , U , 1' , UT. and Ulh street , Omaha. OMAHA WIRE A IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Desk rails , window guards , Uoner stands , wire ilgol. etc. la North Itth trcot , Omaha. OMAHA SAFE A IRON WORKN , Manf'rs ' of Pireaud Burglar Proof Safes , Vaults , JMI work. Iron shutters and lira escapes. O. ADdreen , prop r. Cor. Ulb and Jackion 81,3. , SOUTH OMAHA. ONION STOCK YARDS CO. , Limited cc xs Agricultural Implomontn. CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons CirrUgci nd bu l i. Jono * tlrrot , between Ctti and loth , Omnba , Nebraska. .LININGER A METOALF CO. , Agricnlt' ' Implements , Wagons , Carriages BtiKgles.cta , Wholesale. Oranha , Nebraska. PARLIN , ORENDORF A MARTIN CO. "Wholesale Dealers la Agricultural Implements , WagonsS Buggies 001 , an , FOJ atid OT Jono itroet , Omnhiu Manufacturers nml jobber * In Wagons , Baggies , Hates , Hews Etc , Cor. Wb anil roclOo itrcots , Omaha. Artlato * materials. A. 110SPB , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , Iil3 Doufilat itreol Omnbn , Nebraska , Boots and Shooo. ir. v. MOUSE A no. , . Jotters of Boots end Shoes , 1101,110) ) , 11(15 ( DotiRlm street , Omr.lis. MnnnfactorT , Summer struct , Boston. Coal , Coke and LI mo. OMAHA COAL , COKE A LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , STOSoulli IHtliBtroct.Omalin , Nobraskn. KEltRASKA FUEL CO. , Sbipjic s of Coal a d Goto 5 South ISlh St. . Omaha , Neb. JOHN A. WAKEFtELD , Wholesale Lnmter Eic , mm .MUITII-UM I'urllnml roinait. sta t for Milwaukee lijilrnullo cumunt nml ( Jnlncy wlittn llm" . CHAS R. bEE , Dealer in Hardwood Weed c&rpeti an J parquet flooring. Utli and Mounts * treeU , Oranhn , Nab. OMAHA LUMliElt CO. , AHEtnds oFBDlliliigMaterial at Wholesale , ISth Street neil Union 1'aclllc Trite * , Omaha , LOOIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasli , Doors. Die. Yard"-Cornel 7th und Douglas. Cornet ' 10th nna UoiiKlnoi FRED W. ORAV. Lnmlier , Limn Cement , Etc , , Etc , Corner CtU anil DouKlni Sit , Omiilm. C. iV. DTETZ. Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmlier , 13th anil California Street * , Omaha , Nebrnikn. _ KUIIInory and Notion a. I. OUERFBLDER & CO. , Importers S Jobbers in Millinery & notions W , 210 uud m Sontli lltll otrojl- . Notions. J. T. ROnTNSON NOTION CO. , Wesale Notions and Ftirnisliins : Goods , ( nn-r i rli a in nuuaiM < i - > u 11,1 n Commission and Storage. RIDDEL L & RWDELL , Storage and Commi io'j Merchants , i'ncclaltle ? Uniter , e ? a , clieeso , pnitltrr. same * 11U liimnrd rtroot Omaha. Xnh Dry Goods and Notions. M. E. SMITH ACO. . , Dry Goods , Fnrntsnlng Goods and Notions 1102 and 1101 OuuElaa , cor. llth street , Omaha , Neb. KILPA'nUCK-KOCIIDRY GOODS CO. , Importers End Jobbers inDryGooflsNotions , Cents' furnlshlnc Roods. Corner llth and Haroe/ fttrcetB , Oiuahu , Nebraska. IIEL1N , THOMPSON A CO. , Importers and Jobber * of Woolens and Tailors' ' Triiiimings , BIT South lith strcot. Furniture. DEWEY A STONE , WcsalBDealers in Furniture Karnam street , Omaha , Nebraika. CHARLES SHIVERWK , Furniture , Cmaha Nebraaka. Crocorlos. PAXTON , GALLAGHER A CO. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 705,707,703 and 711 Bouth 10th Bt , Omaha , Neb. AIcCORD , BRADT A CO. , Wholesale Grocers' ISth /rfnvciiworth streets , Omaha , Nebraska. Hardvvaro W'J. . UROATCH. Hcayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , gprlncn , wnson stool : , bnrdwnro , lumber , etc. 1203 und 1311 llnrnoy slruot , Omaho. LEE , CLARKE , AKDREESEN HARD WARE COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , IteUti , sheet Iron. oto. Axcnts for IIowo scales. Miami powder and Lyuiun bnrbod wlru , HIMEpAUGH A TAYLOR. Build rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , llecbanlcs' tooli ncd IlutTulo scales , UJ1 iilroet , Omalm. KU'J. " H. HARDY A CO Jobbers of Toy ? , Dolls Albums , Fancy Goois , Hoiisu liifulHHlliif tuialH , uluUti'ou'u cu ' - iai ) ) Faruiim htrcot , OniiiliaNeb. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined anil LuMcatiiii Oils , AU'Krfui' > , ct,0tmiliu. A. II. Il liop.Manager , Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry n nlco flock of inlntlnx. wr.ip ; > lii 4 rl tin a liupcr , tpcuiul iitloiitloii nUou Ui oir tir < , TH E CHICAGO SHORT LIE OP TUB Gliicago , Milwaukee & t. Paul H'y , The Ucst Route from Omaha and Council to EAST E TWO TiUINS DAILY IIBTWKKN OMAHA AN1 COUNCIL llI.UliTfl Chlcngo , AND Mlhruu&eo , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar ] tni > ids , Hack Island. Frceporl , Rockforil , Clinton , lubiiuc ) ( [ , Duvcnport , Elgin , Mmllscn , Jnuos\illo ; Itclolt , Wlnoim , La Crossc , And all other Important points Cait , Nortliouit enl bouttieiut. * For through ticket ! , call nn ths ticket ncent ut 1M1 Fnrnrwi street. In Uurkvr Uloc * , or nt Uulua 1'uclflo Depot. I'ullm&n Eloepor" ind tbo flnost Plnln ; Can In th * world uro ran on tbe main line of tbo Chicago , Mil- wauVeu & bt. 1'iiul Uullvrajr. and every attention II paid to pauengor * by courteuut employe ! of tk * company. II.MII.I.1E1I. Uenenl Manner. J. K. TUCK EH , Aiilitant Uoaural Manager. A. V.1 U. C'AUl'liNTEll , Uentrol 1'as.uuicr anil Ticket Agent. Ul'.o. K. HBAKFOUD , AnliliDt tteacrtU'aiiiuitr ana Ticket Ai ; nl. V , J. CLAUli , Central Superintendent. OMAHA N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. THE LARGEST MEDICAL INSTITUTE IN THE WEST 1 Till ? TlinATMIJNT OP ALL Chronic and Surgical Diseases and Diseases of tha Eye and Ear , ? PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO DEFORMITIES , DISEASES OF WOMEN , DISEASES OF THE URINARY AND SEXUAL ORGANS , PRIVATE DISEASES , DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. LUNG AND THROAT DISEASES , SURGICAL OPERAT ONS , EPILEPSY PR FITS , PILES , CANCERS , TUMORS , Etc- J. W. MoMENAMT , M. D. , President , .1.1 And Consulting Physician ami Surgeon. Organized with a full staff of Skilled Physicians , Surgeons anil Trained Nnrse ? , This establishment isivponnunontinodionl Institution , conducted by llioroilprlily educated physicians and surgeons of acknowledged skill and oxpcrleiico. Tlio * H Institute bindings , situated on the northwest corner of Thirteenth and Dodge streets , is composed of two large three-story brick biddings of over ninety rooms , eoutainingonr Medical , Surgical and Consultation Rooms , Drug Store , .Laboratory . , Offices , Manufactory of Surgical Appliances and braces , and the Boarding Depart ment Tor Patients , In cl.arjb . of competent peison. const luting the Inmeaf and the most thoroughly equipped Medical and Surgical Establishment in the West , ono of the three largest in the United States , and second to none. Wo have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , performing surgical operations , boarding and nursing patients , which , combined with out acknowledged ability , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute the llrst choice. Yon can come direct to the Institute , day or night , ao we have hotel acoommo- torartl * S nU& W who may fool Inclined to go further east for medical or surgical treatment and do not appreciate tlio fact that Omaha possesses the largest and most complete Medical and burgieal Insti tute west of New York , with a capital of over $100,000. DEFORMITIES OF THE HUMAN BODY. * J APPLIANCES FOIl DEFORMI Q TIES AND TRUSSES ] 111Ul Best Facilities , Apparatus nnrt Itcincdios 1'or Successful Trcntinont of every form of Dlseuso requlrliij ? niBDICAIj or SUUOlGAIi T1CKA.TMISMT. Tn ttiis departmeni wo are especitviiy auccossrui. Our claims or superiority over : ill others are based upon the fact that this is the only medical establishment man ufacturing surgical braces and appliances for each individual case. AVe have throe skilled instrument makers in our employ , with improved machinery , and have all the latest inventions , as well as our own patents and improvements , the result of twenty years' experience. The treatment of diseases by electricity 1ms undergone great changes within tlio past few yeara , and electricity isnow acknowledged by all schools of medicine as the great remedy in all chronic , special and nerve diseases , for nervous debility , par alysis , rheumatism , diseases of women , etc , , and in many eye and car diseases it is the most valuable of all remedies. In order to obtain its full virtues , it is absolutely necessary to have the proper apparatus. Wo have lately purchased three of the largest and most complete batteries manufactured , so constructed as to give tlio most gentle as well us the most powerful current. Persons treated at this Institute by electricity recognize at once tlio difference between our expensive and complete electrical apparatus and the common , cheap batteries , in use by many physicians. Over 8,000 dollars invested in electrical apparatus. t PRIVATE : , SPECIAL , NERVOUS A&ID BLOOD DISEASES. Wo claim to bo the only reliable , responsible establishment in the west milking a specialty of this class of diseases. Dr. McMoiiamy was ono Jf the first thorough ly educated physicians to make a special study of this class of diseases , and Ills methods and inventions have been adopted by specialists in Europe and America. He is tlio Inventor of the Clamp Compress Suspensory , acknowledged the best in use. All others are copied after his invention. By means of a simple operation , painless and safe , recently brought into use , we cure many cases that have been given " up as incurable by medical treatment. ( Head our booh to men , sent fret to any uddreas. ' ) DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. We have had wonderful success in this department in the past your , and have made many imnrovemontH in our facili ties " for treatment , op&i'utions , artificial oycs , etc. "Wo have greatly lu irovcd our facilities and methods o treating cases by correspondence , and are having better success in this department than ever before. Wo are fully tin to the Union in all the latest Inventions in medical and surgical operations , appliances and instruments. Our institution is open for investiga tion to any persons , patients or physicians.Vo invite all to correspond with pr visit us before taking treatment elsewhere , believing that n visit or consultation . will convince any intelligent person tlmt it is to their advantage to place therii- eolvos under our care. Since this advertisement first appeared , many loanting pretenders and frauds Acit > scenic conic anti oiie and many more will come and go , remembered only by their unfortunate und foolish victims. * " A urise man investigates first and decides afterwards , A fool dtcidcs. llrst , then inveslifjates. " The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is indorsed by the people and tin press. More capital invented , more skilled physicians employed , more modern appliances , instru- menta and apparatus in use , more cases treated and cured , more successful ituryical operations performed , than in all other medical establishments in the West combined , 144 PAGE BOOK ( Illustrated ) SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS ( BIALRQ ) . Part History , Success and Advantages . of the Omatm Mertlcnl and Surgical Institute. " " " " Vart Soi'oiid-UiiitONio DIBEASES of the J.UUBS. Stomach , I iver , Kldnoys , Bkln , J'llos , CanWf , Caturrh , Knllopsy , Ilhoumatlsm. Inlmlatlon , UV.pu Worm , Rlactrlclty , Now Homodloa , i-to. I'urt TIilrd-E oioiiTiKB , Curyuturoof the Bplno , Club Feet , Hip Diseases , ru Not'lc , Hour I/CKU , Hiiro J < U > , Bnrtflcul Operations. I'nrt Vciurtli-UiSBABES or THE Eve ANP HAH. Diseases of the Nerves , Cutitract , fltrnhUiniw or k- Crom Kvos , 1'tcryifluui. ( Iranul.itcd Bye IMs , Invm-blon of tbo Mds. Artificial Eyes , eto. - I'urt 1'irili DIBBASKS or WOUI-.N , J.euoorrhou , Uloarutlon , Displacements. I'roluiisus , Flex- Ions uud Vrreloas , Tumors. Lacerations and Cancer of the Womb , art Mxlli UisBASES or MEN , I'rlvutn , Bpuolul und Nervoim Diseases , Bnennutorrlncii ( Bumlnal k1 Wonkncsrt ) , Impotonoy , Varlcooclo , Btrlcturo , Gleet , Syphilis , and all diseases of tlio OtultO Urinary Orguna. 1 DISEASES OF * WOME A Bi'KOfALTV. Wu HAVE AVUKU A LYING-IN M von WOMUN Duiunu CoMfi KHCNT , . ( Btrlutly 1'dvutu ) . f l Only Reliable Medical IiiHtituto niakln a Specialty of t PKIVATJ3 IJJSI-3ASKS. All Illool Dlsoasca succcfsfully treated. Byplillltlo I'otson roirovccl from tbo system without merouiy. Now Jtceloi-ullvu Treatraunt for I/jss of Vital I'owor , 1'ntlenU uimblo to visit us may t triiatedut homo liy cotrespoudriico. Aft comniunlcutlotiB confidentInl , Medicines or lustra- menti tent by mulloronioa eecurcly packed , no murhn tolndloiite contents or Bender. Ono'WOf Kinal lulnrvlew prucrrcHi. Call und consult us or tend history of your cami , uud ivu will Bond In- plain , our ItOOIC TO IMIIN , KHUI' ; Upon 1'rlrato , Bpeclul or Nervous UUoubea , Jtnpo- luncy , tiypullla , Gleet uud Vnrlcocelo , with 'lueitlou lint. AdJreaa , OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE , lillli tutU UoJgo Street * , Ouiubu , Neb *