8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : : SATURDAY , JUNE 20 , 1880. THE CITY. PA special mooting of Cfirpon tors' Union No 71 will bo held Uiis evening. All members tire requested to bo present. Tlio Hohcinlnna of this city will celebrate - brato the 4th of July with a concert in the oveniny tvt the now Mot7. hnll , on South Thirteenth strcot , under the di rection of I1. ; Ko/nrk. Corporal Tun nor will deliver an ad dress to Phil Sheridan post , 0. A. H. , nt Goodrich Imll , on Saunders street , next Tuesday evening. The public generally is invited. A complaint wns lllcd In police court nguiuBt ( Jlmrlos Baldwin , chiu-ging him with having sold n team of mules to George Fuller , upon which Wcsloy Uurdick held a chattel mortgage for $115. $115.A. A. Williams , a negro , nnd a very suspicious character , was sent up for twenty days by .hulgo LJorlm yesterday , nnd John' Arnold , iv white man , got twenty days fen- petit larceny. Arnold had just Ihiishodono term in the county jail , but , ilndlnjr his surroundings BO plcneaiit there , seemed desirous of going back. Hans Peterson , charged with Belling liquor on Sunday , had a jury trial before - fore Judge Borka yesterday nnd was acquitted. Peterson keeps a saloon at Fourteenth and Webster , and the wit nesses swore that his saloon wns open lust Sunday , but us no one swore to the fact that liquor 'was sold there on that day , the jury decided in his favor. 1'arixaruplii. C. 13. Cooltc , of Hoone , IB nt the Murray. 11. M. Uttloy , or O'Neill , la at the Millnid. W. S. Dcntoti , of Holihoge , is nt tlio A r- cuclo. L. . W. Gllchrlst , of Lincoln , is at the Mil- Inrd. llnrry Hlgglus , of Norfolk , Is at the Arc.ule. J. I3ilrd ( , of Appluton , is n guest at the Pnxton. W.V. . Catlin , of St. P.itil , is at the Puxtcm. Eugc-no Moore , nt West Point , is nt the Mlllnnl. P. C ! . Hanion , of Lincoln , is stopping- tlio Arcado. E. F. Pcttis , of Lincoln , Is registered nt the Mlllnnl. \V. il Ashby , of Beatrice , la n guest nt the Pnxton. 11. V. Gntes nnd wife , of Colby , nro guests ntthoMllliml. S. M. Mnikia , of Silver Creek , is stopping nt the Paxton. O. J. Showers und wife , of Long Pine , nro at the Millunl. Willet C.ilthvell , of J3roken Dow , Is stop ping nt the Milluril. A. C. Pulllnm , of Children , is registered at the Murray. W. C. Harrison , of Grand Island , is rcgts. torcd nt the Paxton. John W. Drnyton und wife , of Ewinp , nro gucnts nt the Arcudo. Charles P. D. Mucloffcn , of London , EUR. , Is sojouinlng in tills city. W. H. Gray nnd H. H. Ualston , of Grand Islnnd , nro nt the Paxton. W. A. Blnck and II. S. Summers , of West Point , aront the Mlllnrd. A. A. Abbott und W. II. Pl.itt , of Grand Island , nro guests nt the Pnxton. O. W. Child , H. G. Mnson und Harry Hug- gins , of Norfolk , nro nt the Arcade. . Irn ICurr nnd Cyrus V. Dait , of Hock Island , nro stopping nt the Murray. II. C. I3uliuit ! nnd James HioAdatns , of McCook , nro stopping nt the Paxton. W. P. Cook , of David City , Nob. , Is the guest of his cousin. Mrs. Dr. SpauUlmg. P. G. Hanson , of Lincoln , und John n. Franklin , of Verdigic , Neb. , are nt the Arcado. W. D. Matbowji , of Fremont , nudV. . II. Mathews , of Atkinson , are stopping at the Millnrd. Marie MeLoud , of Fremont , nnd W. C. Harrison , of Giund Isiand , uro stopping nt the Puxton. Charles D. Wind , of the Mobile & Ohio railway , is in the city loonlng after tlio inter ests of his road. " Mrs , T. C. Livingston , nnd James Turned nnd wife , Imvo goao to Saratoga Springs , Wyo. , to bo ubsont live weeks. Willis Cuhuvcll of 13iokenUow , W. D. Mnthews of Ficmont , H. W. Mathews of Atkinson , are registered at the Millard. Hev. Chnrles W. Savldgo nnd wife arrived yesterday on the LJurllncton from Chicat'O. They hail been spending n month In the cast. Mr Snviilgo goes to Lincoln to-duy. To- mutrow ho will picach to thu traveling men enciimpcd at Cushmun park. To-Dny'u K.ICC3. The trotting matinee ut the fair grounds this afternoon promises to bo n line nucccss , and a large nttendnnco will surely bo on hand. No admission will bo charged for ladies. Among tlio utti actions of the afternoon's card will bo nil exhibition milo by YTou Dot and i uniting mute , and un ex hibition by Dun D. Among the ether events Is a match trot for ? 500 n side between two South Omaha horses , nud two or three other events of interest. A band of music will bo on hand , und a good ttmo all round may bo expected. t Another AIMOH Hulliilng. Mr. Frederick L. Ames upon his recent visit to Oinuha to close the proposition for the now building for S. P. Morse & Co. , ex- ftrcBscd a wlllingpcss to invest several hundred thousand more dollars on the satno terms If tenants could bo gurranteed for the structures. Slnco his departure ho has been in negotia tion with two prominent wholesalers , nnd yesterday the contract was closed for the erection of a mammoth five-story block on the corner of Eleventh nnd Howard strcots. This morning tlio work of eluaiiug away the buildings began , N. Klnc Dead. Will N. King , who was removed from the county jnll about one week ago to St. Jo- siph's hospital , died night befoio last , and was buried yesterday evening by Under taker Tnggart. Mr. U. lj. Hice , who has resided In Denver for some time , died nt his residence In that city Juno 25. Ho wns sluy-nlno years of ago , nntl was born In Ontario county , New Yoilr , whence ho removed to Michigan in 1S30. In 1S-U ho married and was blchsiul with seven children , live of whom survive him , as fol lows : J. L. Hlco , of Omuha ; Mrs. H. L. Bnlloy , Ionia , Midi ; Mis. Jnmes 13. CiuiU , San Francisco ; U , F. and P. S. Hlco , of Don- vexMr. . L. K Hlco was one of the curly sut- tleis of Virginia City nnd was a prominent Mason , Mrs. Curtis arrived fromSnn Frnu- clsco and was recognized by her father before - fore dcuih claimed him. J , L. Hlco arrived ut the bcdsido thirty minutes before his father breathed his lust , too lute to bo rccug- nueil. 'i ho funeriil will occur in Denver Thursday morning. Tlio A mow lUook. S. P. Mot so savs that the contract for building his now ury goods store will bo let nextweok. Vanbrunt & Howe , architects of the proposed union depot , have drawn the pi ma nml will superintend its construction. 'Xlioy intend to do nil excellent pleco of work. Ulio building will bo six stones Inch Fa mum street front nnd seven on the Sixteenth uticet side. Iho difference in the grndo occouuta for this variety , Uccaiuo of the offset between the main und blxtcunth street room * , the roar lurt of the former which Joins the latter will form a sort of buli-ony from which one may look into uud all over tlio store. Mr , Morse declares thutCliarles Frances Adams has expressed a wish that ho could own some piopcrty hi Omnlm. "Ho oald to mo. * The people in jour town think I have u preference for Kansas City because I happened to dcul in and urnko a fortune out of real estate there , but such Is not tlio caso. ' I think Mr. , Adams would invest some of his wealth liero l ( the oppor tunity was offered , and it would be u good tului : for Omuha to hold out Inducements that ho might aucoot. " . Hood's Sursf\urilla ) ) is peculiar 10 itself and uuporlor to till other proparu tions in Strung th , economy , uud mod lea. merit. DIVISION Ijlkcly to Do Itcmovcd Kroin Oftdcn to Salt I in kc. The members of the grievance commlltco of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Brotherhood of Locomotive Plrcmon luivo concluded their labors nnd many hnvo returned home. Iho only matter that remain1) unsettled is the question of changing the division terminal from Cvonnton to Green Hlver. The company desired to consolidate thoscv- cnty-slX'lnlld division between Bvnnslon and OpOrn nnd the 112-mile division between livanston and Green Htver , making one divi sion of 183 miles. The engineers opposed this movement for the renson that the 1S8- nillo run would require engineers on wny- f rctght to bo nt tholr post upwards of twenty hours In making the run. This they main tained is too lone for any engineer or llrcninn to go without rest. They subuntttfl a proposition to the comuany which Involycs three divisions and Which provides for the dividing of the rend into two divisions. This wns to extend the 7 ( > - mlle run to Salt Lake City over the Utnh Central which includes the rend between Hvunston and Salt Luke nnd maintain the division run as nt present between Green Hivor und Uvanston. Thin would result In the removal of the division terminal from Ogdcn to Suit Lake and would tnako the di vision 113 miles In length , the distance from Opdcn to Stilt Luke being thirty-seven miles. The Utah Central being Independent of the connecting rend from an operative standpoint pi evented Immediate action , but the company has taken the pioposillofl under eonsidoiution. MnlmiinnVlll Succeed Hnlsuy. It Is admitted In official circles of the Fre mont , Elkhorn A : Missouri Valley that H. C. Mnhannn , nsslstnnt superintendent of the Iowa division of the Chicago & Northwest ern at Hello Plalno , will , In all probability , bo appointed general supeilntondunt of the Clkhorn , as was announced exclusively In Tun Bin : of yesterday. It now transpires that Mr. Mnhunmi wns In Omaha Thursday nnd hold a lengthy confeienco with Gcnor.il Manager Hurt , of the Elkhorn , nnd at which conference Mr. Hurt informed him that ho would submit his name to the ofllelals of thn Chicago & Northwestern as successor to Mr. Halscy. General Manager Huit and Superintend ent Mnhunmi left together tor Chicago , at which place the appointment will bo arranged. It Is thmight that the ap pointment will bo made to-day. Tlio Attortipyx t Work. The proposition to bo submitted to the city 'council by the Union Pacific nnd the Bur lington in connection with u viaduct : .p inning Tenth street , is being propirod by the attor neys of both companies. Gent-nil Manager Ki in bull Is of tbo opinion that the companies will bo ready to submit their plans and proposition to the council soon , lie stated that thu heads of vbo lujrnl departments of both companies wore preparing the basis upon which the companies would submit their plans to the couii''il together with the via duct proposition. 1'nssi-H ft t ( jnnd. ; j General Manager Kimball , of the Union Pacific , has issued a circular to the effect thai on und after July 1 passes will not bo honored on trains Nos. ! ) and 10 , which is the Papillion ti.iln. Special tickets entitling the holder 10 twenty i ides and good for ninety days nt § 1 will bo issued employes good be tween Omaha and Papillion. Railroad Notes. Engine 331 of standard passcnper design is out of the shops and will bo used in the sub urban service. W. C. Shoemaker , traveling passenger agent , nnd 1S. . Allen , general northwestern passenger ngcnt , of the Ualtimoia uud Ohio , are in the city. General Passenger Agent Francis , of the Burlington , has gone to Kansas City to at tend n meetintr of the tnins-Mibsouil usso- ciation. The question of runnitu * harvest excursions will bo passed upon. We have sold S. S. S. sincathe first day wo commenced the drntc business , und have heard some wonderful reports of its effects. Many use it with best results to clounso ma laria from the system , nnd for blood poison , scrofula and sncli diseases it is without n rival. CoLuiiitwooi ) & Co. , Monroe , La. Army > , otcs. Dr. Brown , who has been at Port Omaha for some time , loft yesterday for his new station , Fort Mcade. Miss A. Brown , his daughter , is one of the graduates of the Omaha high school this year. Sunday next being the lust day of the month will bo muster day at tbo rifle range. ' 1 ho competitors In the department rifle contest from the right wing of tho. bccond infantry arc ordered to the rifle range for thrco davs' preliminary practice between the 5th and 15th of July , under a commission-id oflleor of that winj. Lieutenant Thomas M. Wilson , Second in fantry , is relieved from th ? Loavonwoith school of application und ordered to Join his company nt Fort Omaha. Lieutenant W. M. Wright , Second infan try , is detailed for the next two years at the Leavcnworth school. Lieutenant Aber- crombio. who was originally detailed for tlio school ( with Lieutenant Wright as alter n ito ) is on sick leave on sur geon's certificate of disability. Tlio Hle/'ii of SnhnKtopnI. Asituld l > il Gem/Tiil H'ltlselcy , < oi eye wit ness Of thrlUlny Interest. In The Sun day IliC. Merchants'jAVoelc Committees , Thomas Kllpatrick , president of the Mer chants' week ontoruriso , will appoint com mittees us follows : On llnancus to raise funds. Press to entertain visiting writers and to write advertising matter. Advertis ing To distribute posters , etc. Outdoor amusements , to take clmrgo of parades , pa geants , etc. In door amusements , tlioatiical und musical matters. Decorations , to sccuro decorations. Public comfoit , accommoda tion of visitors. Tianspoitatlon , matter of raliiond rates. Executive , to huvo general supervision. Every cffoi t will bo made to show the city to tbo best advantage. Tlioudit IIo WiiH Itolibnd. E. F. 'Ash , a baker from Alnsworth , com plained to the police that he had been robbed in the City Hotel of fi5. Sergeant Wlialon and Detective Ormsby wont with him to this place , but won ) uiublo to Und anything. Sergeant Whulcn concclvod the idea of searching Ash's pockets und soon found 550 In n package of letters in his pockets. Ash wus taken to the Jail und n thorough search revealed the fact that lie had $91.bO in his clothes. Ho wus locked up for safe-keeping , i Ash was found guilty of being drunk , and was assessed $0.50. Dnntli FolluuH tlio Urltlal. Clarence Hiolts , n brother of George N. Hicks , Is reported dylnj ? in Utica , N . Y. Ho was in tlio employ of tlio Pacific Express company In this city for BOUIO tlnio , but being subject to rheumatism , ho went east to try u change of climate. About two weeks ago ho was married to a young lady In Utlca , und hud Intended to return here in the fall. Mr. George Hicus received a tol. ngrnm yestcrduv stating thai his brother was not expected to live through the duy. Typhoid pneumonia is understood to bo the dlbCUbO. The rt'\ngcs of flvo epidemics of bow el complaint have been stayed by Cham berlain's Cello Cholera and Dlarrliaja remedy , adding now laurels to that justly renowned voinody. It has boon the moans of saving more lives than any other known modioino. All of the leading drucgibtu in Omaha sell it. Tonrliit ; Up tlio I'lunlc Walk * . The work of tearing up plunk sidewalks and putting down > stone in tholr place wns begun Thursday by J. E. Klloy , who has the contract with the city for putting down walks in the paving districts where the prop erty owners nuvo fuilcd to do so , Mr. Hllo\ has a largo force of uion at work , A good , durable stone walk has already been laid on the west sldo of Jcder- son square , on Sixteenth etrcet , and good stone wulk ivlll bo lulu on all etwts from Ninth to Sixteenth , between Dodge and Howard , The time for putting down these walks ex pired In April , 1S8S , but the city has waited on property owners from one month to an other until It has been decided to wait no longer. Some persons nro protesting against the city putting down their walks , but their protests and appeals will have but little weight. _ Cable nnd Special Ne\vp. T7ic 7/cc's 8pccttl 71CIUS scrt'fcc ' is Hurt- ioc ! < ( . 1 /ortt,7ii nml domestic news of The SuntlHV lice will be fully up to the ustuil standard of excellence , Didn't Know Her Father. A mlddlo-ngcd nnd respectable-appearing gentleman arrived la Omaha Thursday in scorch of his daughter. Ho had not seen her In fifteen years , nnd ho stated that she was but five years of ago when she loft her homo In Iowa with her mother. The gen tleman's name could not bo ascertained. He stated that ho had received information that his long-lost daughter wat in Oiniha nnd was un inmntu of n house of Ill-repute. He vhltod n questionable resort on Ntntli street , where ho mot a girl who ho Insisted was his daughter. Ho induced the girl to UCLOIU- pany him to the depot , but when this point wus reached , the "duughtrr" wqiild go no further. She stated thut she wns not sure that the man really was her father. Douotmastor Hnnoy endeavored to inves tigate ttie mutter wltbout success. The old man accompanied the woman up towfi again , memorial UoHolittloni ) . A meeting ot the medical men of Omaha uashcld Wednesday evening nt the Ne braska Eye nnd Ear Inflrimiry. Dr. Tltden was chosen chairman nnd paid tribute to the memory of the Into Dr. Den. Dr. Pcabody followed in n few but touchIng - Ing remarks lauding Dr. Den for his many nnd prominent virtues and particularly for his high fionso of honor both professional nnd otherwise , nr.d closing with compliments to his great professional abilities. Dr. J. C. Janes closed with remarks of ap propriate character. Tno following resolutions were adopted : Whereas , It has pleased Almlnhty God In His wisdom to remove to the better world our ft lend nnd fellow physician , Einuuuol II. Don ; Hesolvcd , That wo , the physicians of Omaha , take this method of expressing our regie ! nt his do.ith nnd respect for his mem ory as an able ph.vsiciun and courteous gen tleman who will long bo remembered In a community whore ho has practiced his pro fession for more than a iiunrtorof a century ; Kcsolvcd , That to his family and friends wo offer our condolence In their allliction : llcsolvcd , That n copy of thcso resolutions bo sent to his i elativcs. The committee consisted of Jnmes H. Peabody - body , Harold GifCord nnd Edward J.Taggart. Have You Catnrrli ? There is one remedy you can try without danger of hum bug , bend to A. G. Coleman , chemist , ICaKi- muroo , Mich.for trial package of his catarrh cuio. His onlv modoof advertising Is by giv ing it auu.v. Postage 2c. Judge for your self. Mention this paper. The Guards' Concert. The fourth errand sacred concert , given by the Omaha Guards' band , will take place at Han scorn paik to-morrow afternoon , when a number of interesting selections will bo played. Thcso concerts me free to nil , and nro well worth attending. The following Is the programme : This is the Lord's Own Day Krcntzor Overture di Concerto Carl Time of Hoses Hixncr Allccrro Grundloso ' 'Ilniinondskinder" . . Bulfo Overture "Hungarian" Kclar-Holu Cavatlua di HravouraCornet , Solo..Franko Scene und Miscrero "Troubadour".Verdi Hallelujah "Messiah" ( I3y Kcqucst ) . . . . Huindcl Giand Fantatio "Lohengrin H. Wanner Ideal "By the Grovo" Weiss Adagio from SthSonutu Haidcn Finale Brillantc Schirmpr Durno's Catarrh SnufT. When sufTorine with catarrh , cold in the head , nervous headache , etc. , use Dnrno's Snuff , it will iclievo yon at once. Price 23c at druggists. _ Another Version. Charles Montcriof says that there nro n great many discrep mclos in the newspaper account of the adventures of himself and wife published Thursday. The assertion that she loft him at onn time to clopo with one Cleason Musselman is not true , ns ho nnd shohnvo been continually together Mnco they were married , nearly live years nuo. The illegal disposition of property was not made by Montcnot , but by Mus oluiun , over six \curs ago. Mr. Montcriot says further that he never was In jail until his cscauaUo with Buidlck last Wednesday. Avoiding Delinquency. City Tieasurcr Ilush and his assistants are busy thcso days taking in tuxes , Next Mon day the delinquent law goes Into effect , and property owners nro endeavoring to avoid deninquoncy. Payments nro good. Mr. Kusli says that ho has given out moro re ceipts tin to date than for the same limn last yt-i'r , but the people nro complaining terri bly about their assessments being so high. An Oiiinli.i Invention. C. N , Nowcomb has lately patented a , cash or freight currier , which works upon an entirely now principle nnd is a practical success. Call and see it at the Omuha Model Mnchino works , Hth und Jackson. Stnto rights for sulo. Off on Their Vacation. The teachers of the public schools were paid off last evening , mid about thirty left on their summer vacation ; some for tholr homes In Ohio , Illinois , Iowa , and other points , nnd others for the summer resorts among the lakes nnd mountains. Incni pciratcd. Articles of incorporntlon were fllod to-day by O. M. Carter , C. S. Montgomery , H. II. Gould , A. O. Powell , Lewis H. Groff and Philip Potter for the American Savings bank , with n capital stock of § 100,000. , Mc'iisod to Wed. Only one ninrriago license was Issued by Judge Shields , yesterday : Name and Husldoncc. Age. I Lllo J. Lewis , South Omaha U7 j Sady Scribner , South Omaha 10 Absolutely Purer TliU powder naver varies. A marvel of pitrltr jtrenctu anawUolenoinenes . Mor * economical tlun tUe ordinary ilnds , and cannot bo old l competition wim the multltuiUs of loir coit , ihortweljfhUlumor phosnnata povnUr * . Bold GREATLY AGITATED. Tlio Discovery > of tt Now Danger ThrcAtaulriKttiio Amoricnn I'ooplo Arouses tho' Inhabitants of Now York. [ .Veto rorfctConwi'omlciicfV ] "Now YotkCltrhiutbrrn raoro oicltcd durlnR the rnst monlliovcr thonvctntlons which tomo' of the beat known clcntUt hnvo mode , tUnn nbout imj" tlilnx tlmt IIAB occorral before In jcnrf. Among.tho clubs , nlicroror mcnuxi women coiiKroRMc forooclnl cxchnnco or thoiiithMn buslnc > * rlrtlcK mm In profrM Innnl life 1 hnvv found uno Icmllnit toplo of converai" tlon.nnmcln tlio nlimiuia Increase of the ( -rent nn- tlonnl Ol'ciifo 1'nrtm s. A low yenri neo Ihli in oil em mnlnily ns iluoit unknown ! now It feeim to be tlio nio l itrcadfnl < if all < ll en ej. Tlip be doc tor'n-oill < .iisiln It. The llo-mls of lleilth nro m > TpMlcntlnz Itimil fcl nU'ts ircnernlly nro nrousol. IiiMinltr pure Hiiil fit itilr. nn hitil enough , but I Ms- IICTO rnrnnls Mnllniu-ly wur o , both In Us nib- tlctj nii'l fnrronlilni ; ro.ult' . "Dr. Allen Mcl/niio llnmiltnii the lilKhc t niithorltT In America on muiitnl nml tiermis illvnaos i > ny i "It l nill cni > otiicuu > nl lo the nplil lirnnrth > country. In mnnjr cnmt It Is iU > | 'Cn < Unl iiimn TlccniM nnttiiwn nclml ovvrnnrlt nlono. Alcohollom nml syplilllllc tllsc H'n nro frpquontly Intliiclna en i o . " I1 n r n I s Miomltsolt In ninny illiTi rant tornis. Inihlht ) tu n- inomlicrnnil p'nco omc fnmlilnr fnrct n pnlnnrtli'lit. no ? In the hrnd , c iu'clnlh ncro K the oyt1 * or lm o of the t > rnlti ! Irciiiiitil wntcrlim of the i } e ! nhrcnt' inlndo lni' ; Oflry In li'c | > Intl. liill'OF'llillllr UiiUifo ; n llii'liccl fnco unu Onv nml n | mlo uno the noxtt rrcclnl mini's * nf the Into nml cyoi UICKP nri < n Irw 01 thu many nnrnliiKsur thu nitpruacli ol this ilrenil- Cl | | | IM1IO. "l.lkn inmt now nMlctkin * phylclnns lnuu fiiunil iliniiully In tiroilurliiK tuns 1.IV.O mo < t crtii' ili - cm Chen , liunpvcr , ono mnn furvrim thu i % II nml ITO- Thlcil lor It 'Unit man wo the Into 1'rof. I'liolii of D.irlii'.outli rnlli'ia. llc < knci\ men riqulreil MHIIQ- thliiK lK.Tclorumntil.nonn to tuu world , nml hl < In- TcxtlKatlcinv resulted In the discovery of I'lilm1 , * < 'cl- cry ( oiiii'oilliil. 11 1 mlmltttil by Urn lu' t incillinl tnU ntin tlilH city thill thl L'oninninil | Is thoonly ills- en\try inpnlilo of thtcklnii I'urontH. ( ir rc-loiinn the liitiln , uiul lt < | ioitil | rlty III No v \ < nk li plicnu'ii- innl 1 hnvo liion i > urirl | u I In lenrn how kencriilly It IH be tu uneil nml 1 lumi lioon pnmillr Kiirpr''L'rt lo lunror UK ruKiilf. ho.tutor CMIIII. whoso Kiuiiiner rrfldoncoIHnoir that tit tie Int * I'rnf. I'holpH nml who hn Known of thl' Com pound slnco It * dl coxerv , IMI' ii'cil It ullhcrcnt fiic i" . lrniiillif ) the N. \ . Ooiiilj Mollenl A'ro.-.iiiloii , Fiiys thnt In ni'rxotn iirntrillion , liiKiuiinlii , Mini cvni clironlo nliohdll-iii InllottliiKilol riiini troiiu n , It Inn * In on perfect In It * iiower. iniu\cr > huiul I hern coo \\orils I fur It nml the 'cntlmoiit uf .Vow York Cltj I * entirely In Us In- vor" . UOIjD MEDAlj , PAHia , ld78. W. BAKr'Jl & CO.'S Is nlifnlnld : } > HI' > nnd it it KOIdhlc. No Chemicals arc iiml In UK preparation. It hai tncra than thrtf f/rttft IA itrntgtol Coco * mlxeilltli SUrxli , Ammiuut or Sugar , anil li therefore fat more fionomlcul , eotttiy lent ( Aoit on ? ttnt a t p. It tl di lit lour , iiuurithliv , ilrcnptlu uln ; , Kl- | tin DlC.lbTM ) , nml ailMilubl } cihp'nl for tiunliili \ullai pcrioni In health * Sold 1 * > ( Srorcis otcr ) ! iere. W. BAKER & CO. . Dorchester , Mass. ff.E BEST WWE ION1 MADE IK AMERICA- end. receive & JSstHANDSOHEg BETT5 & BETTS Oaooftouro,8a.B.t Bp. . Sui Hf , We. n. to 1 p. &EU rfpcruiists in Chronic , Kerrras , GVln t&6 BlooA Dlieasen. j3rr-ConsuHtttlon nt offlceor by mall fre . Medicines sent by mall or express , securely packed , free from observation , ( iunrantaoa to cure quickly , safely and permanently. ' seml < UVDurilTQ TlT'DIITT1VBPerwlltorr"lra' HhnYUuO IJbDlLllI uBl l.osse3.Nlght Urals- ilons Physical Decay , nrlsluK from Indiscre tion. Kxcuai or ludalifcntu. producing Sleep lessness , Uetpondcncy , I'lmples on tbo face. aversion to society , easily dlxcouritgod. lack of confidence , ( lull , until lor ttuuy or buslnesa.and Buds llfo a burden , safely , pBrrnoncntly nnd privately cured. Consult l rn. Uetts * lletti , 403 tarnani St. , Omaha , Neo. Blood and Skin Disease ? % srjMl& results , completely eradicated without the aid ot Mercurv. Scrofula , Krj slpelns. F Ter Bores , lllotchos , Ulcors. I'&lns in the Head unU Hones , Byphllltlo Sore Throat , Mouth and Tongue , Ca tarrh.o. . . permanently cured where otliera ITidnnir ininintr and Bladder Complaints , KIQIIGY , urmary , . .00 tre- qucnt llurnlng or nioody Urluu. Urine hlan col oreil or with milky Bedlmeni on standing , Weak Hack , Gonuorrh < ca. Uleet , Cystitis. 4c. , I'romptly andSafely Cure * , Charges Reanona- ble Koval complete , without cutting , cau&Uc or dlliitatlon. Currfl effected at home bv patient without a moments imlu or annovance. To Young Meu and MiMle-Agel Men , A < 31TDD TFIDD The nwful effects of eurly U UUUD uUltb Vif.oblch urlnpa organic vrenkneas. ilestinylauboth mind and ooar , vfltli all Its dreaded lllf. perroanentlx cured. DDO DrWC1 Anrtisstliooonouaro Impaired llnii UDllU theiwelvrs by Improper Indul- Ksnces and solitary liabltn. which ruin both bodv and mind , unfitting them for business , Btuily or marrlnco. . . . M A nitiBD M EN. orlhoso ontorlng oa that hap * Pr life , aware of'pbjrulcal debllltj , quickly M "BtBa oun SUCCESS U baaed upon Tacts , first Practical Expe rience. Second llrery case la especially itudled , thUBHtuitltiK arlelit. Third Medicines ara prepared - pared in our labormtoiy exactly to suit ouch caie. thus affect Ing cures without Injury. pyt-end 6 cenHpoetaKO for celebrated work * on Chronic , Nerroas and Uelloote DUeaee * . TliouBaniU ciiredj t3f A friendly letter or call tna\ save you futur * Buttering and shame , and add golden > e.ira to life. fay No letters an swered u iiles * accompanied by 4 cent * in stamp * . tlOS unam Rrt L Omaha. Hilt. UltATKKUL-COMl'OHTINa Eppss ? Cocoa. UUKAKFAST. "Ilr a thorough knowloJ/o of tbo natural lairi nblcliKoririi thuoiicnilloni of iluotlon nsJ nutrl lion , mul by a enrolulatiollt-ntlon of tliu line n of well luluctcil Cocoa , Mr. Kupi Uat provlilejour trenktml tablui wllli uuellcaUillluvorml boreru < o wlikIt limy euvu u U.SQJT beavy .loctor'bull. Ut * by this juillcloui usu or nucti rtlclc of diet that a ' conilllutlun inny bu KrailimUjr built uii until tlrant enuugb to rcilit ufi'ry tenituncr to ulttiaiu. lluu- drtxli of rubtlu mulmilc * nre itiiuliiiK uroiind ui reu I ; to attack nliuruvi-rtburjit u Heuk iiolnt.Vu miiy cic pa iTianr t faint fhafl br kveiilnit our elve well fortltleil wltn jiurublouit unii a properly nourlslioJ Jranie. " Civil Horvlco ( inzetts. lm1o limply wltli bolllnx wiinror mlllc. Bold only In b lf pound Mm bjrl.roo.TB InUciuJ tlnu. JAMES EPPS& VL DREXEL & MAUL , tJucceasora to John 0 , JucobaJ Undertakers andEmbalraers Attlioold stand Ii07 l-'urimm Kt. Order * by telegraph tollclted and promptly utteuJvd. tltuhonn to Ii'o. 1. THEY In a week or so light weight Suits will be almost unseason able stock. We have always managed every season to close out our goods and we are determined to do it tnis time also. We know we have a job on hand. Our stock is considerably larger than it ought to be. We have done a much larger business and the accumulation ol odd Suits and broken lots is naturally greater , but our exertions to disDOse of them will be greater. This week we shall have a special clearing sale of Men's and Boy's Suits. We will slaughter values and THE SUITS MUST GO , First of all wo offer at about halt' price a good dark Cheviot Suit , of which wo have a large lot. This is a Suit with which wo thought wo would make a great hit at $10.50 , but the call this snasou was for light colored shades , and con sequently this Suit did not take ao well , though it is very neat. The quality of the goods is excellent. It is liuod with good serge , well made and will give a good business suit , and just on account of it being of a dark color , will do well for fall wear. However , we do not want to take any chances of its selling later , besides we will then need room for fall goods , and in order lo sell these suits NOW we have reduced them to § 5.90. Next we call attention to savoral large piles of light colored Cheviot Suits , broken lota , and leavings of some of our best sellers , handsome patterns , good goods , well made and well fitting. We have redticed them to $7.60 and $7.90. A third lot of suits whUh must go this week is a fine dark silk mixed Cassi- mere. This is another suit which has for some reason or ether did not take , and we have a big lot of thorn loft , all si os. The material is a first rate quality. The suit is well gotten up and should sell for * ltf.50 , as well as any wo have in the store at that price. To make them go we have reduced them to $8.50. Ask our salesmen to show you these Suits. Our thin Coats and Vests do not need any more advertising. We have sold thousands ot them already , and every customer that bought one advertises them. I ! Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. After Invoicing onr clothlni * stock , \o find certain lines of suits that 1m ; o not boldieadlly : coiiBcquentlr the prlco IMS been re luojd. An curly call will bu to your mlvnntnjto. AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY'S * \ - European Department receives mul rorwimls all ilM et nt burliiei by e icli Mullbtuimcr iirrhIncut or clepurllnK lioin Nutv urk. FhlpmontHfrnni Iliiropounn bo muilo direct liy tlili Compiny toulllnlnii'l ' I'm In or intry ; In the llnltcil t-tntcs. alto toCuniKln unit Mexico , nltli or without pa ) mont of dutlesat Now York. Itntcs n > lotr na those of nny responsible company , NO niAHOKMAOKKOU CUSTOM IIOUslJ Money Orders Uauoil pimiblo nt 15,000 places In United VUle ! , Cunndii nnd l.iiropo. AEenclcslii Europe to whom shipments for United fctmes tun bo delivered , or It liom Interior points Mionld bo lonsleninl , ncromp mlo',1 by Hill of l.udlni , ' und Int olio ccrllllLU before American Consul : TI1OH. MKADOW3 A CO , Vlllk Street , Choninl leI I nn Inn , 1 ! L' , U Wntcr Mrcct , htvt Itrool ; ii I'lro u dlllylA.Nriiisrru 10 Hanover Mreet , ( ii.Asooiv. , J ItuuVcrlbc. I'AIIIS. i : . ItlCllAltl ) . 1 Itun Clill"u I HUM' . N. I.UICU'IINU ACO , 117 I.HiinuiiMrn'se , inn Mi.s ; ,4 > llo\enlli-uth , IIAMMUKU , uuU 1IT Aui Iliilun , ; Over 14 Millions Sold in this Country alone. The Best Fitting and Best Wearing Corset Ever Made. SOLD EVERYWHERE. COMPACT GEHEHAL ETHAmUJWIOUE , IB now open. I'nrtfcs tfcFlrlni ? good acrommo 1 itl on on the now larjro express tuaiiiur of tlio 1 iimn us FREEH MAIL LINE , Which nro noted for their rejnilnrlty. pnunl to rail- roti I triilns , In m iKIni ; ttie til | > to Hat re-l'iirU In 0110 netk , uniiuhbe.l tu Sliikc Ktirly AiipHc.iUou for IJcrths. Ihlt U nlso ncccunry on iiccoimt of the Irnvcl during the ajnlti. uml summer mo.itlis. McCAGUHBROS. , 105 South irth St. , IIARIIY E. MOOKKS , 1C02 FnrnumSt. , II. L. HALL , 122. ° , Piii-num St. , J. II. GUEKN , 1501 Fiiriuim St. , Airouts , Om.iliu , Nd ) . MAUIUCl ! W. HO/.Ml.Nbii , TAILOR I4O9 DOUGLAS STREET. Aids for the Slimmer. Travelers For Boating , Yachting , Cycling ! Fishing , Driving , Seaside , Mountain and Ocean Travel. Tourists We have Fabrics suitable for each ; we tailor them to order , QUICKLY , and at prices that mul will leave you spending money ; Summer Suits , $20 to $35 , SiuiiilerurH Trousers , $5 to $10 bo outfitted Trousers ? Yes , all the Trouser lengths left over from the big Spring Season you can have ' MCOMAS Made to Order for $5 , $6 and $7 , worth double. Can't come day ? Come Monday and Satur day evenings till 9 P. M. ' coul unit made to order NIGQLL the TAILOR , Dii.U. 0. WIST'S Nmivn ANI > UUAIN TIUA : * . U ST , n it irunteo I spoclnc tor Hysteria , UUzl < Desa , 0 n \ uhlont , fits Nervous .Seiirnlj-la , lloailaclf1 , Nor/ous prostration c.iUht-il by ths usuuf nl < ohol or tobacco , Wukufulues' , Mental Dotirvssion , Soficnlns-of the llraln , resultIIIRla Insanity nml Icaillimto misery , docuy nnd ileatu. I'lonintureOld A&lluuetinesi. . Loss ot I'owor In cither SOY. In oluutary r.ossJ anil bpcrmat- oi'MUiKiitihodbr ' nver-axoit'unof ' tlii'tiinln.Bolf- abuse or o\clndultrenco. Uich box contnlnj cnc mouth's trur.tiu nt 81 03 n. box , or six boxes forM U'.bent by m nl ivt'P'ld on receipt o ( prlco. WE GUARANTEH SIX BOXES To cure uuy case. . \ \ ith each order received b us for six boxes , nccompnnleil 1th f "i.OJ , o wlu Bend tlio purchiiaer our wrltt 'n jjuarnntea to ro- fuud the money U tlie timtmentiloes not effect a cure. Guarantees IssiiuJ only by tioodmna IrugCo , DnigKlitj , Solo AueuU , 1110 i'uruam atreet. Oinahtv Neb. OHftHA HEDiGAL&SUridi N. W.Con. I3ni& Dooct his , OMAHA , NEB. FOIl THE TRUmtE.ST OK AJ.I , APPLIANCES FOB DEFOHMITIES Bcci Futilities , Apparatus rndRrnciHeiforBucccacfal Treatment of cvrry lornl of Ulteato requlrlnR WEDICAItorfiUKOIOALTHEATMENT , NINETY ROOIY5S FOR PATIENTS.1 Board 1 : Attendance , But Accomiaodaiiona iu Wtit. WWHITE TOR OIKCULAUSon Dcformltlet an ! Dracei , Trusuci , Club Feet , Uurviti r ofb | > lneI'll , Tumor * . Uanccr , Oatoxrh , Broncmtu , Inhalation , Electricity , Partlyili , Epilcpiy , Kidney , Uladdcr , fcyo , har , Bkln nnl Blood and all Burelcul liperatlor.c , DISEASES OF WOMEN & 52. ? . WOJIKN 111 IIIMJCIOHM Jt\r. ! ( STRIOTtT F/tlVATt. / ) Only Reliable MoJIcsl Initltuto mating a Specialty of PBIVATB 25I8B ABBS .utctnfull ; IrrttcJ. | tlllllo 1'i.lioa rcmofrl rromtliciritriti without nicreurr. Tf tilm l l r IK , , , of ) HAL I lin nt. r > rll < l ur. lle lo Hill oiiuijrlclreiteitftt liomvl'cormiondcnrr. . AllcomniuDlCft. tlonicnnlldrulUI. Uc llcluviorlnilruuiruuirulbyiuftllorti. tit > nccutil/iickijuoiiiirKi lolo lltate eonleMi or ttutir , line | ctioiullulttlliv pnftrrrd. c.ll a-l ecnialt uior in4 bhtory or your cme , nol will ICL < ! In vUla rnrl tr , our Unntf Tn MCU FREEI "i n iriii > i ( . nittitt or llUuK III liltN ) KcivouiDlioni.lniioiitticj'.Hj Illi ; Illett > ii4 > rlc < | tcllh qutillou Hit. tatttii OMAJIA.MEUIOAI , ftBUuoioAr , jrf 13tb and Dodge Btrecti , OMAIIA , TOKEN SPRING VEHICLES 1 llunJrtJic/lkouKHiiltJniai J ffiBl _ Try _ OnW Qrently Improved willi ewlnclnK u1TcVlni un oca tide Easiest rlUll1K" ' ' < < ' uxl * . 'J ho Hiring * longlh. rn tail rjirton accoiuluv to tuo weight put tin then. A-lui'M niuullr uuU tu rouiti country ut line Wtv Urlvoo Will vlra ycu litm "iitUfiictlon. OUR CONDUCTED PARTIES INDEPENDENT INDIVIDUAL TICKETS Keatutr Chulrf , Ituu * . l-uiilicu Moniy.LttUrHOf 1'ubixirUi , ( luUlu lluu , [ i * , fotiu CXxlK , l iat , ttc. AeHu/ cireutatt THOS. COOK A SON. M deal Wtot'n Aittticy , ItVi t > u , Cinrk BU