Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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End Ropprta From the Northwosl
Spring Whoat.
Bcvcrnl ! Miutrrfl Coniiilro to Olvo the
llcnrs tlio AilvnntHKo lu tlio
Corn 1'lt I'l-ovlHlons Average -
ago it Iilitlo Lower.
CmcAoo , Juno 33. [ Special Telegram U
TUB BF.r. . | IJnd crop news from the north
went exerted n dominating Intlucnco on th
wheat market to-day. Hot , dry winds nr
prevailing In Dakota. Everybody had th
most gloomy advices Imnglngblo from lha
aunrtcr. Huylng orders poured In from tha
auction In sufilclcnt magnitude to ovcrcom
the early wcaltneBs nnd start nn .idvanco o
nearly 2c , from which , however , tlicro wn
nn Important reaction near the close. A
compared with yesterday's closing rnngo , th
flnnl quotations mark n substantial cnln d (
iipttothis backset. Tholmprovcmentdocsnoi
however , nffcct Juno , which closed a tractlo
lower. For the first time the trade U In
pressed with the magnitude of the dlsaste
that Is thrcntcntn ) ; the cropof Minnesota nn
Dakota. Two weeks ago , when the prophet
of evil were predicting with conlldcnco
spring wheat crop of less than 1-5 per cent c
nn average , nobody believed then
To-day dispatches from such men r
Sawyer , of Minneapolis , that Dnkot
might not rnlso 40 per cot
of n crop , created no surprise. The sltui
tlon in Dakota seems to ho very bad. Froi
the winter wheat section only the very bei
reports nro being received. Harvesting
progressing flnUy nnd most nstonishing"ha
vcstcr returns" lire coming in. The brlgh
cst hopes of ti big yield of wheat of the flnei
quality seem to bo realized , Judging from tl
tenor of the advices. St. Louis got nbot
COUO , bushels of now wheat to-day nnd c ;
uccts 12.i,000 , bushels next Monday. The"
reports hod more or loss weight , but the li
tense bcarlshncss noted yesterday had give
place to more or less caution , and nt no tin
until Hutch began selling on the top'Of U ;
bulge ana an army of little longs followed :
hiswnkodld tlio market huvo to contei :
with n plethora of offerings. Foreign ma
ketB do not yet show much bullishncs
though tlio most reliable cable tulvlccs brii
confirmation of the KusMan crop damage e
timatcs. The foreign trade Is evidently cl
setting the damaged Russian prop wl1
the anticipated bumper American cro
reversing tlio position taken lust year win
.America had n short crop nnd Russia n b
one. A modcrato export Inanity nt the KCI
board is reported , but bids point to a rcdu
tion of nearly l.imiWO bushels in thu visib
supply on tins week's movement , which w
bring the total down to about 15,000,0
bushels. The opening range was SlU'c fi
June , 7l ! } < fc for July , 77 > < fo for September ai
7'Jc ! for December. The market sold off ! |
from these llcurcs on all active futures , b
about half an hour fiom tlio tan of the hi
the upturn commenced. The advance w
gradual nnd steady. Eighth nfter eighth w ;
picked up until .tune win. quoted alkie , Jn
nt Sl' c , September at 7 ! ) o and Dccomb
at Sl'-h'c. On the reaction that followed Ju
wont to SI'J-jC nud December to t-00c. ' Du
ing the lust half hour December nisphiyi
the greatest relative strength and we :
at n premium of > j'c over Jul
The murhet wns extremely nervoi
July shot hack to SOJ c in
December to Sic. The closing prices wer
June SlJ c , July SO e , September 7ti ) o ai
December 8dJ < c. A largo aggregate bu
ness was done , principally for , forcii
and northwestern account. The local cu
market was passably imtlvo , and lake c
gngemonts for ( i'J.OJO bushels uro roportc
'Iho hot weather in the corn belt , rcccl ) .
lioro largely exceeding yesterday's estimate
nnd the heavy deliveries in the near futui
gave the bears the advantage in the co
pit. The strength in wheat cave temponi
assistance to the bulls , but thu ofYurln
wcro too heavy .and the prospects for t
growing corn wcro too good to itifnso u
energy into tlio buying. The demand f
shipment hero and for export nt the sc
board wus good , but advantage was taken
the weaker speculative foclmi ? to secure HII
plies at easier prices. The close was easy
about % c lower for Juno und } 6QXc for Ju
than on Thursday.
Oats were without Important change , ruli :
only moderately active in u speculative wn
partly in exchanges. The receipts we
larfTC and included 01 cars of contru
oats out of a total of Hi ! ) . The opening w
easy , but owing to u fair demand from Ju
shorts later , and partly because of t
strength in wheat , operators wcro dispos
to withhold ofrcrinis except at n slight 11
vmico , ami the market , ruled a triilo flrmi
with bntli July and September soiling up
2X@No. " outs lo go to store nolcl
the recent general llguro of % e , though t
demand was not urgent.
Provisions averaged a little lower. T
weakness prevailing around the close
business yesterday was continued by tlio t
cliuo In hogs , and the opening mid early su
sequent market favored buyers. Later the
was some recovery of strength , though
' material change 'in the actual Bituittio
13uscd 911 yesterday's ' last prices , the daj
net decline in pork was C@7W ° u"d in 1
fie. Short ribs closed unchanged to ij !
CHICAGO , Juno OS. [ Special Telegram
Tun llin. : I CATTi.n. A few loads of fan
Motives sold at about yesterday's prices , ai
in fact , all useful stock sold at steady i > rlc
but medium or grassy stock , or anything I
low such ns shippers wanted , sold n sha
lower , nnd several consignments of sucli h
to bo carried over. The number of Toxn
on the market was about 2,500 , nil of win
were sold at about the sumo prices us for t
past day or two. The average quality of t
Texans was not up to tlio standard. Nati
butchers' stcuk was steady. The atocli
nnd feeder trudo and vc-nl calf trade Is i
trcmely dull.anil receipts heavy nnd doma
uncertain. Choice to heavy beeves , ft.oi
4.1)5 ) ; medium to good steer * , ] |
to 5500 Ibs , f3.SOUO ; V-'OO to 1U50 1
fcuwMy.os ; 050 to i-'oo ibs , $ a.ii !
( < { ) & > ; stockers nnd feeders remain tV
at $ a.00@a.40 ; cows , bulls and mix
worenuiet at (1.25(33.00 ( ; bulk , fJ.OO-
Mop-fed stccra , W.0003.ST ) . Texas cat
wcro llrm ; steers , W.lD a.aO : bulk , $2.01
B.OO ; oows SI.7C@-2.15 ,
Hoos. Huslnoss wan brisk , but prices n
n strong lu lower , the bulk of the mix
going out at M.U5 , witli puckers bidding 01
M.25@l,80 ! at the close and fI.W : > f < 34y5 hi
lug the best heavy. Light , fi.SUifl.OO. (
Nnw Yonic , Juno 23 , [ Special Tologrt
to TUB HitK.l STOCKS. The stock marl
for the morning was a dull and unlntorc
Ing one. Tlio list of railroad stocks was i
livened by continued animation in N
England , which at the end of the hour ;
vnnccU- 52f , \ % per cent over the close
yesterday. Jernoy Central started J |
cent lower nt llO f , went olt to 110 and i
lied to 111. The Granger list opened abi
} i per cent lower , tniulo ulight conccsslt
nml received n little support later , which i
prices ut ubout hint nlgtit'a figures. Lucl
wanna sold at HSJf , ami off to 147 . Chlci
gas sold at 00. Sugar trusts touched 114
JJ per cent below the tlrnt prlco of the tno
Ing , and rallied to 115 . Other trusts wi
dull and httlo cliant'od. London was u soil
but tlicro was no prcciuro to soil hero
clsowhcra , The tnlk on coal stocks v
bullish , The gold export movement U
gnrdeii as for the bciiollt of Franco , utid i
raado on natural exchange conditions. Tin
was no sign of strength anywhere on the 1
nfter 11 n. in. , except in Now Englai
Clique buying kept this tock active n
caused it to boll tit 53 ut ono time , und cli
nearly 1 per cent over hist night at 52
Thcro was liquidation throughout the 1 !
Chicago Gas closed ut C9 % eut'ur trutts
per ccnt better at llo # , with other trusts
dull and steady. Gr.ingor stocks were sold
on the rnto trouble , which if causing n lack
of confidence. Iho losses for the day In n
ow of the seml-acttvo stocks were : Jersey
Icntra ! ' per cent- closing at 110 ; Lnko
ihore , X P" rent nt 1&V * ; Atchlson , < per
cat nt 4 IJf ; Northwestern , K P ° r ccnt ftt
W # ; St. Paul , H per c ° nt at 70 ; ; Union
'iiclllc ' , X per cent nt GOY ; Missouri Pacific ,
nd Lncknwannn , % per cent each. Hock
stand sold ex-dlvldcnd ut ( HJ nt the close.
ho total sales for the day wore 179S23
hares ,
The following were the clowns quotations !
t. S. 4s regular. 12S" Northern 1'nelnc. . S8
U. S. 4s couponi . . .r.ti"i " do preferred IBM
0. &N. W 10SVS
8.4i ! coupons. . do preferred HO
Mi 118 N.V.lvntrM 10 ; > <
> ntrnl 1'jiclflc .1IU I1. O..VK.
; hlcngofcAlton..iU : Itocklsland .
Chicago , I lurllngton U. . M.&Btl' . JOH
&Qulncr 10H ( doprofcrroil . 110
SUl'attl& Omaha. . .14
liinol's Corn' ) ' . " ! ! 114 dopreferrad
. , il. , vv. . r ,
W..8t. L. Act' I.IH
.nknShoro HUM doprof > irred S94 !
llchlgan Central. . ! . ! \Vc8ternUnlou WS
Mosnv Easy at 2(35 ( per cent.
PitiME MmtCANTii.n PAPBU 45Jf percent
STWIMNO E\cttixon--Actlvo but stcaOy ;
ixty-day bills , $1.80 ; demand , W.SSJf.
CniCAoo , Juno23. 1:15 p.m. close Wheat
Higher ; cash , 8l"fc ; July , S0 c ; Do.
comber. bOc.
Corn Steady ; cash , ar o ; July , 34 15-10c ;
September , Sf % c.
Outs Firmer ; cash , 22 > < ! o ; July , 22 11-lCc1
September , U2 11-lOc.
Hyc Cash , 42 0.
llarloy Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy $1.50.
Flax No. 1 , U.4S.
Whisky $1.02.
Pork Firm ; cash nnd July , $11.75 ; Scp
tcmber , fll.O'J ! 1.
Lard Steady cash , JO.C5 ; July , $0.5' , % :
September. SO jJ ? " . * " } .
Flour Unchanged.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulder. * , $ . - > .25(35.3TKi (
short clear , $0.2.(3tl.)7 ( : ) > ; short ribs , SS.OUtu
0.00.Uutlor Easier ; creamery , 13@15J c ; dairy
Cheese Easier ; full cream Cheddars , % (
Oo ; Hats , 7KfcYoiinir ; Americas , Sc.
Eggs Firm ; fresh , 12r U4c.
Hides Unchanged ; lio'ivy and lightgroon
suited , T } fo\ \ salted dull , 4Jfc ; graen s-.Uto.l
culf , Oc ; dry flint , 7c ; dry salted , "u ;
dry calf , 7i4So ( ; deacons , 25o each ,
Tullov/ Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4o ; No. 2 , 3 oj cuke , 4 , ' c.
Kccolots. Shipments
Flour 8,000 13,001
Wheat 8,000 29,001
Corn 207,000 404,001
Oats 140.000 125,001
Nmv York , June 23. Wheat Receipts ,
37,000 , ; exports , 2S.OOJ : spot dull and stronger
No. 2 , red , 60 stor ' , S7J i : nlloat , b'Ji'tii.S'JMi
f. o. b. ; wo. 3 red , 7ti ) ( &i'Jo ' ; ungrutloJ rod
S4r@ fl.Ol , ' 4 ; otious | fairly active and higher
July closing tit SOj u.
Corn Hcccipts , 2iO,000 ; exports , 74,00 : )
spot less active and llriner ; No. 2 , ' 12c in clc
valor ; 4Ca4i.Ho ( : ! ailoiit ; ungraded mixed
41K < 34"'Kc ' ; options moderately active am
llrm.Oats Receipts , 83,000 ; exports , 2,003 ; spo
dull and barely steady ; options llrm am
quiet ; Juno , 28J c : July , 2Scspot ; No :
white , r J ) u : mixed western , 'Ji@yoc.
Colleo Options moderately active and 40 ( <
50 points down ; June , $13.4" > : July , * l3.35i
13. S'J ; September , ? -i.75 ; ! 1l.l5 ; spot Un
quiet ; fair uurgocn , $10.50.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed a
Eggs Quiet ; wpstern ,
. ' . ' 13.50.
Pork More active ; new , tfl3.556
Lard Lower ; western steam , fil.O.V July
Uutter Dull nnd weak ; western dairy , 1
( Jheeso Easier : western , 7JC@5 ; e.
Kansas City , June 2S. Wheat Steady
No. 2 red , cash , " 3e ; July , 02c bid ; No.
soft , cash , 77e bid ; August , ( Hie.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash. 20 } c bid ; July
204u ' ; No. 2 white , 29 o bid.
Oats No. 2 cash , 14 } o bid ; July , ntfi
Chtciiiiintl , Juno 23. Wheat Stroni
nud higher ; No. 2 red , 89c.
( 'orn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 33e\
O.its Active ; No. 2 mixed , 25.C@25 > fc
Whisky Steady at S1.02.
Mllwnulceo , Juno 23. Wheat Firm
cash and July , 755a < : .
Corn- Quiet ; No. 3 , 35c.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 , white , 27'.f@2Ss.
Kyo Firm ; No. 1 , 44Kc.
Barley Dull ; No. 2 , 5Ugulo. (
Provisions Easier ; porc , cash , fll.SO.
St. l.nuis , Juno 23. Wheat Higher
cash , S8c ; July , 74 > i@75c.
Corn Easier ; tush. 31o ; July , SI o.
Oats Wuaier ; cash , 23cj July , 2.V ! : .
Pork Steady ut $12.25.
Lard Nominally $0.35.
Whisky Steady at S1.02.
Ijuttcr Quiet , easy , but unchanged
creamery , lo@15c ; dairy , ll@12c.
1 IniiiMUHili-i. Juno 23. Wheat Sampli
wlical dull and steady ; receipts , 177 cars
shipments , CO cars. Closing : No. 1 hard
Juno and July , ( Ku ; on track , jfl.00@l.01
No. 1 northern , June , 94 } c ; July , 9l. ! c ; o
track , CSJiOflc ; No. 2 northern , Jutiu an
July , 85 } 'o ; on track , S0@90c.
Liverpool , Juno 23. Wheat Quiet
holders offer moderately ; California , No. 1
Os 7d percental ; rod western , spring , 7s 1
@ 7s 3d.
Corn Quiet and demand poor ; now uiixc
western , Us bj d per cental.
Ghloniro , Juno 23. The Drovers' Journa
reports ns follows :
Cattle Receipts , 8.0W ; market fair !
active ami steady ; beeves , $4. 00 4. ! ' 5 ; steers
J3.a5@1.10 ; stockers mid feeders , W.03jf3.4l ( (
cows , bulls and mlxcd-$1.25i3.UO ; Tcxabcal
tie , * 2.70iii3.30.
Hogs Keccipts , 24,000 ; market weak an
1015o lower ; mixed , fl,25@4.40 ; heavy , $1,2
@U9 ; liglit , $1.30 ( 4.03 ; skips , $2.00 ® l.OJ.
natives ,
Texans ,
Kaunnn Oily , Juno 23. Cattle Ho
celpts , 3,800 ; shipments , t,100 ; common t
choice corn fed steers , $3.00@4.00 ; stocker
mid feeders steady at $3OU ( < 43.10 ; cows
st.rongcr ut $1.0033.00.
Hogs Receipts , 0,000 : shipments , 1,000
market closed dull and lower ; light , $4.22'- '
@ 4.37Hi heavy and mixed , f4.12 > ; ( VJ4.20.
National glosk Ifai-iU , iist ; St
Ijouls , Juno S3. Cattle Rccoipts , 803
shipments , 1.70J ; mnrkut stroncr ; fair t
choice heavy native stBtR > , ? 3.10@1.4C
runifnrs , corn-fed , f2.60i < i3.60.
Hogs Receipts , 2,000 ; shipments , 1,000
market slow ; choice heavy butchers
selections , f4.256fl.35 ; packing , fl.15W4.3tJ
light grades , fcUO UO.
Sioux City , Juno 23. Cattle Receipts
310 ; shipments , 509 ; market steady
fat steers , $3.01)03.80 j stockera und feeders
Hogs Receipts3.000 ; market lower
light and mixed , ? l.03@l,12)f ) ; heavy , fl.07 >
Friday , Juno 23.
Light as the receipts were thcro wcro mor
cattle than the buyers wanted and the trad
lu beeves dragged and salesmen wore unubl
to effect u clearance. The market was simpl
Hut nnd without it vixiblo sign of life. A foi
beeves sold atf3.37Ji@3,75 , largely at $3.00 (
3.70. The trudo In butchers' stock was lini
lied to the sale of u very few head of cow
ut $1,5C3.15 and some bulls ut * J.OO@2.25. ' .
few odd a und ends of gtockers uud fccdot
changed huuds ut
The market was folrly active at a declln
of lOo from yesterday's close or 15o froi
yesterday morning. A few light hogs HO !
curly ut f > .10 ( < i4.15 but the n.ost populD
prlco for nil Kinds of hogs wus1.00. . A
though tbo receipts were the heaviest slue
Juno 111 the pens were practically cleare
by 11 o'clock In the inorninu' .
There wcro three loads hero , but the mai
ket was very slow.
Cattle , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OC
Hog9t , . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , 6,6C
Hnrfics. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , , , . . . . . . 3J
The following h atxblo of prlosJ paid In
his market for tin gr.ilos of stock men *
loncd :
Prime tccr , 1800 to Ifi001l . . $3.00 ® 3.00
Good steers , 1250 to 1450 Ibs. . . 3.55 W3.SO
3ood stocrs , 1050 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.49 MH.70
> ommon ctinnors . 1.25 (5(2.00 ( (
Ordinary to fair cows . 1,75 ( ,42.25
'nlrtocood cows . 2.30 M2.50
3oodtp choice cows . 2,5) W2.70
Choice to fancy cows , heifers. . 8.70 W3.15
Fnirto K00\ hulls . 1.75 ( 2.25
Good to choice bulls. > . 2.25 Qi2.50
Light stocknrs nnd feeders. . . . 2.70 02.90
Oood fe ler , 050 to 1100 Ibs. . 3.00 ( H3.10
Tair to choice light hoes . 4.05 .
Fair to choleo heavy hogi . 4.00 M4.05
.Fair to choice mixed hops . 4.00 @ 4.12
hornsheop . a.OO ( < 4.00
Roj > rc ! < uiitnilvo
710 2 SO 2 005 2 SO
10. 757 2 DO 2. . . 650 3 00
1 110 300 2 165 3 50
Iitvo Stock .Notes.
Frank Carroll , of Stanton , was on the tnai
kot with hogs.
Mr. Hobson , Cozad , was in with a car-eac
of hugs and cattle.
D. S. Halter , a Fremont feeder , wus on th
market with cattle.
AI. D. Abbott represented Greenwood. H
had in u load of hogs.
II. L. Messier was in from South Hem
with two loads of hogs.
Huury Scliinstoclc , a regular West Poin
shipper , marketed hogs.
Fuller , Smith & Fuller had hogs hero tc
day from Noiman's Grovo.
Oscar and A. Gtinncrson came in from Mai
quotto with cattle and hojs.
Thomas Culhoun two cars of cattl
here from Greenwood , Neb.
F. Faulkner , of Faulkner & Schncsslci
Rogers , was looking over the market.
Nyo-Wllson-Morehouso company ha
three cars of hogs hero from Stanton.
George Hoetcl , Millard. was on the mnrke
with n load of cattle und two of hogs.
Mr. Williams , of ICclley & Williams , Re
publican City , had u carof hogs in tlio yard !
Uolh members of the firm of McCoy f
Schroeder , Council Bluffs , wcro hero wit
J. G. Flanr.gan.and Dick Uuda wcro ovc
from Silver City , la. , the former with tw
cars of cattle ami the latter with a car r
Produce , Fruits , Kto ,
UUTTKK Table dairy , 14@15u ; packon
stock , SfilOc. Creamery Prints , fancy , 1
@ 18c : choice , 14@15o ; solid packed , 10@11 <
Eaoa Strictly fresh , ll@12c.
Ciiimsi : Young America , full cream , lOJ c
twin Hats , { Ui'o ; olt grades , OQ7c ; Vun Hoi
scm Edom , $11.50 per doz ; hap sago , lilo
brick , llf < 12u ; llmburger , 'J&Wa ' ; domesti
S\viss , 13 > iu ; cheese safes , bronze ineda
No. 6$2.J5. !
Poui.Tr.v Live hens , per dozen , $3.50(1 (
Sl.OO ; mlxud , i3,25i 3.50 ; spring , f'3.00C B3,00
turkeys , 7iJSo ( ( per Ib ; ducks , $2.00 ( ( 2.6U
pceso , f'.00rf4.00j ) ( llvo pigeons , $1.50.
OitAXor.s San Gabriel $3.50@3.75 ; fane
Duarte Mcaitorrunoan swuets , 4.25 ( < 54.5 (
LKMOSS-Choico , ei.50@5.00j fancy , ? 5.75i !
PiiACiirs Per X bu box , $1.00.
Arrus : Per bu box , 50@75c.
CjuniiiU3 : Per 24 quurt case , J1.75 ; per 1
quart drawer , $1,00.
HLACKUUUUICS Per 24 quart case , (2.00 (
2:50. :
2:50.HI.ACK HASi'iicitiiiES Per S4 quart cast
$3,00f53.50. (
Riti ) lUsi'iinititiES Per 24 pint case , $2.C
© 2.25.
Slit AWiiEiiaiES Per 21 quart case , ? 2.75 (
8.00 ; 2 bu. stand , $7.00.
GoosEucituiES Per 2 DU. stand , $3.00 ;
quurt case , $2,00.
PUIMS Per 24 quart case , 51.75 : } { b
box , 600$75o.
PJXU AiTMss Per doz , $3.00(23.60. (
DAS-ANAS According to size , per buucl
COCOA NUTS Per 100 , $5. FISH White JUh , per lu , 7QSJ < e
trout , per Ib , Oo ; white porch , perTb. 7c
buffalo , per Ib , 7c ; picuercl , per Ib , Oc ; blue
bass , per Ib , lie.
HKANS Choice hand picked navy , I1.7C
choice hand picked medium , $1.05 ; cholc
hand picked country , $1.00 ; clean countrj
$ U'OQ1.25.
EAHLV VeaETADLES Potatoes , Cal. , pc
Ib , 2o ; southern , per bbl , $3.00 ; onions , Oal
per Ib , 2o ; coutncri per bbl , $3W ;
per cruto.
boots , per box , 75c@fl.OU ; JO Wi
box , J2.50 ; string beans ? , nor bu
J2.00 ; green peas , porrl'UtV box , $1.00 ;
tomatoes , per f bu box , 'flJ.ttO ; napar.igus ,
portlozbch , CDc&fl.OO ; cUuljflowor , $2.00 ;
egg plant , ll.75 ( VJ.OO ; sqiuW , , ' 75o ; cucum
bers , 40c ; soup bunches , ! Wo ; ' lettuce , 25c ;
radishes , 20c ; green onload. ' 15@20c ; now
carrots , 20c ; pie nlant , perlb , 8.
lltDF.s , PBI.TS , TAM.ow.i5Tt. Green salted
hides , 5c ; dry salted ludtvj , Oc ; dry flint
hides , So ; calf hides , 5c ; dnrahgcd hides , 2o
) cssshcop ; pelts , grccu. * ach , 25cQJ1.00 ;
sheen polls , dry , per Ib , ' . ' 912o ; wool ,
average , 14@18o ; tallow , N6'T ! , 4ot grease ,
"A , " 4 , c ; grease , yellow , S > tf@3o.
Al'l'U ! UUTTEK 7C. ' '
CinKit Bbls , $5 ; hf hbls , ? 3.
MAFLB SUOAU 12J15o pur Ib.
POTATOF.S Choice , sackoJj per bu , 25@30c ;
Colorado , 40645e.
Vr.Ai. Choice medium size. 5@ftc : choice ,
henvv , 4i 5c } spring lambs , S30.OJ@30.00 per
TlHosEV 14@l5c per Ib for choice.
PUEMIKVKS ll ! < GJlUo per Ib.
Jnt.ur.s 8 > ( i4e per Ib.
HEESWAX No. 1. 1S@20o ,
Fur.i-10.00(310.5a (
PitovistoNs Hams , No. 1 , 1Mb average ,
c ; 20@22 Ibs. 10 } < c : 12@14 Ibs , 12c ; No.
2 , HStfc ; specials , 12c } ; shoulders , 7u ; break-
fust bacon , No. 1 , lie ; specials , 12 } < e ; pic-
M 16 , } ( < i\ \ ham sausage , 10' u ; dried beef
hams , Oc ; beef tongues , $0.00 per dozen ;
dry salt meats , } { @ } c per Ib.
SAUSAGE Hologna , 44' ' o ; Frankfurt
7-je } ; tongue , Uo ; summer , ISJ o ; head
chci'se , 0 } c.
Point Family , backs , per bbl , (13,00 ;
K-bbls , $0.75 ; mess , hbls , 512.50 ; J < f-bbU ,
$0.25 ; pig-pork , bbls , $17.50 : 'tf-bbls , $9.00.
IJBtP-TONOUKS Salt , bblA , WO.OO.
Oii.s ICerosene P W , lOe ; W W , 12 u ;
headlight , 13c ; salad oil , ? 2.1C@9.tX ) pet
Picki.r.s Medium , per bbl , 15.00 ; small ,
$0.00 ; gherkins , $7.00 ; C & U chow-chow ,
fits. $0.00 ; pts , f 1.50.
WitAl'l'lNci I'At'Uit Straw , per Ib. 1J (0 (
2 } e ; r c , 2 } < jC : nianllla 1J , Oo ; No , 1 , lie ,
. StLf Dairy , 140 2-ibpkgs , S2.7' ' ) ; do IOC
3-lb pkgs , $2.00 ; do 00 5-lb pkgs , 52.50 ; do 2S
10-lb pkcs , $2 40 : Ashton , bu bags , 50 Ib , 85c :
do4-bu bags , 22-1-lb. ? : l.40 ; do M S A , 50-11
bags , 53c ; ) ) erbll , SI.15.
SEEIIS ulrd , 4X 00.
SAI.SOIIA I W-J'TC ' per Ib.
STAIIUII 5ii57c per Ib.
Srovi : POLISH ? J.093.S7 per gross.
Si-iCKS Whole , par Ib 'Allspice , 12c ; Gas
sla China , lOc : cloves , Zanzibar , 22o ; nut
megs , No. 1. 72o ; pepper , 19 ; ; .
SuoAits Uranulati'd. 9 ; ) > , f@10c ; confection
ers A , ! lj < ® lijfo ; standard , oxtru C , 8 ' © 3
yellow C. Sttcs c ; powdered , 10@lOKc ; cu
loaf , 10/@iuic ; cubes , 10 } c.
TEAS Gunpowder , 20'qtUc ; Jnpnn , 20@10c
Y. Hyson , 26yf50c ; Oolouu , 22 ( < ? 50.
VixiHJAit Per uiil , ii'(20. :
FISH Salt Dried codllsh , O' g c
scaled herring , 23c per box ; hoi. herring
dom , 50o ; Humuurg spiced herring. $1.00
hoi. hcrrintr , 70C < 21.10 ; mackerel , nl
bbU. No. 1. f 15.50 } largo family , J12.50 poi
UK ) Ibs ; wliiteilsh , No. 1 , S7 ; family , $3.00
trout , ? 5.00 ; salmon , $3.00 ; anchovies , 10 H
mills , S c.
L Y i : f 1.75C't > 4.50.
NUTS Almonds , 10@lSc ; Ilrazils , Oc ; 111.
berts , 12c ; pecans , lOc ; walnuts , 10u ; pounui
cot-ku , 9c : roasted , lOo.
HACIS American A. seamless , I7c ; Unioi
Square.paper , discount , 33 percent.
COITIXS ( irccn Fancy old golden Uio
27u ; fancy old potiberry. 23o ; , Itio , choice t ,
fancy , 23c ; Ulo , prime , 22c ; : Ilio , good , 2lc
Mocha , 2'Ji1 ; Java , fancy Muudehling , 29oi
Java , cooil interinr , 2kv , t
Corriis : : Iioistt-d : Arbuoklo , 22J4'c ; Me
Laughlin's XXXX. 22 > jO ; Ooruiun , 2J } c
Dillworth , 22jc ( ; Alarotnn , 22-c. ; !
CUVCKEUS ANII CVKI : ! 0 > J < < filSu | ier Ib.
Diiii : : > FitfiTs Per Ib , ' apricots , 10f15c (
Apples , > alt Lulto , 4luc ; stars , 5 } c ; Ahlcns
O 'ituSc. Pouches , ijul. Y , peelcii , 20c ; fnncj
unpecled , Ilf4l3c ( : tUilt Lake , Oc. Prunes
Oil. U C , bC'$9) ) c. Currants , 4Ji ( < i54C }
Turkish prunes , 4'4'c. Citron peel. 22i'
Leuipn pool , 14c. Dates , , ( ( lc. Figs. 9'aUlc
Hiiisins , Maltign buncli , dehesas , $5.00 pe
box ; Valencias. per Ib , 7c ; Cal. O it S , S'2.4' '
per box. Dried grapes , 5c. lilackberrlcs , 5 } c
Pitted cherries , lOc. Pitted plums , Sf'i9'c '
Hnsphcrries , 2lc. Nectarines , . 12K13f.
. CANN-II : ) FitSn Hrook trout , 3 Ib , ! ? 2.40
salmon trout , 2 Ib , $2.35 : Clams , 1 Hi , $1.23
clams , 2 Ib , S2.0J ; clam chowder. 3 Ib , $2.25
devilled einbs , 1 Ib , § 3.25 ; devilled crabs , !
Ib , $ ' 1.50 ; codllsh balls. 2 Ib , SI.75 ; caviar , '
Ib , $2.25 ; eels , 1 Ib , $3.25 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , $2.UO
lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.110 ; lobsters , devilled , } Ib
$2.25 ; n.ackcrel ; 1 Ib , ? ! .00 ; mackerel mufl
turd sauce , 3 Ib , $2..lO : maokerel tomati
sauce. 3 Ib , $2.90 ; oysters , 1 Ib. S5e ; oystcra
2 Ib , $1.51) ) ; salmon , C. H. , I Ib , $2.10 ; salmon
C. U. , 2 Ib. $3.10 : salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , ? I.S5
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $2.90 ; shrimps , 1 It
CASDV ! lKJJ12' ( ' c perlb.
Cnocoi.ATii A : > I ) Coctu 21@39c per Ib
Gormar Ciiickoi-.vroilSc. Jamaica. > 4 pts. , $3.00 per doz.
FAKIXACKOITS CSoons Unrloy , 3vJ3 i'c ; far
! ni : , 4 } c ; peat , ic ! ; natinunl. 2 fCflc ; maca
rom , lie ; vermicelli , Ho ; rice , IJftijj'c ; SIIKI
and tapoa ,
Dry Itooils.
HATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty
12 > c ; Jiooni * , 14c : U , case I , S ( > .50.
Ui.vXKUTs White. $1.1)0(87.1)0 ) ( ; colored
CAMIIHICS Slater , fie : Woods , 5c ; Stan
dard , 5c ; Peacock , 5c.
CAHI-KT WAitf Uibb White , lOo ; Colored
. ,
COHSKT JIANK : Huston , 7 ? o ; Androscog
gin , 7Jfe ; ; Kearsarge , 7 cj l ockport , O fo
Conestoga , O'ffe.
COTTON- FLANNELS 10 percent trade dis.-
LL , unbleached , 5je ; CC , OJ'/c ' ; SS , 7 0
EE , 8Xu ; GO , 9 fu ; XX. 10 } < c ; OO. ll c
NN , 12 } < ; c ; AA , 14c ; IL ) , ISJ c ; TT , 10' c
YY , Ibc ; HI3 , 19o ; 20 bleached , 8' ' c ; 09
12Uc ; SO , l } c ; 50 brown and slate , 'Jc ; 70 ,
12 } c ; OP , lOts.
Cit.vaii Stevens' H , 6) 0 ; Stevens' A , 7c
bluachcd , 8c ; Stevens' P , 7Jfe ; bleaclied ,
8J > c ; Stevens' N , 8 } < fo ; bleached , HKo ;
Stevens' SRTll } < rc.
DKNIMS Auioskeag , 9 oz. . 10 } c ; Everett ,
7oz. , 13o ; York , 7 oz. , 13o ; Haymalier , 8Kc :
Jaffroy XX , ll } < fo ; JufTrey XXX , 12Kc ; Uea
ver Creek AA , lie ; Heaver Creek 1313 , llcj
Heaver Creek CC , lOc.
PUINT.S I'ink nnd robes. Richmond , O' c ;
Alien. Oc ; Rlvurpoint.S n ; Steel River.OKc :
Richmond , O.'tfc ' ; Paclllc , 0 } e ,
PitlNTS InQigo J31uo St. Loger , 5 } c ;
Washington , 0je ; American , OJ c ; Arnold
0 } c ; Arnold Century , 9c ; Windsor GoliJ
Tft't , 10 } < c : Arnold H , 10 } < Jc ; Arnoltt A , 12c :
Arnold Gold Seal , lO c ; Yellow Seal , 10 } < Je
DUCK Wnst Point. 29 in. , 8 oz , O' c ;
Point , 29 In. , 10 oz , \ 2cWest } \ Point , 29 , ln. .
12 oz , 15c ; West Point , 40 in , 11 nz , lOc.
FLASNIU.S Plaid Raftsmen , 20c : Goshen
32 } o ; Clear Lako. 30 > jc ; Iron Mountain
Kn.NTi'i'KV JIANIS : : Memorial , 15o ; Stand
point. 16o ; Durham. S7 c ; Horculen , 18o
Lcamingtun , 22 } < ro ; Glcnwpoii , 20o ; Mel
ville. 25o : Hung-up , 27 } o. „
PitiNTS Solid colors. Atlantic , Co ; Slater
Co : Horlin Oil , 0tfe ; Garner Oil , OQ7c.
PUINW. DIIKSS Clmrter Oak. fyfa ; Ham
ape , 4c ; Lodi , 5Jo ; Allor/'Ou : Riohmond , Oc
Windsor , 0fc ; Eddyattnoi 0 > c ; Paclllc
BiiuiTiNO Cliecks. Caledonia X , OJ c
Caledonia XX , 10 } o ; Eennoifiy , Oo ; Otis , Do
Granlto.OJ o : Crawford' ' 'chooks ' 80 ; Haw
River tiluids , 5 0. ' '
SIIUUTINO Hrown. Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7c
Atlantic H , 7 0 ; AtluntUi n , 4-4 , 0) ) 0 ; At
lantio P , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora.-LJi , 4-4 , Co ; Auror :
O , 4-4 , 4Ko ; Crown XXX.M-4 , 0o : Hoosle
LL , 4-4 , ojfo ; Indian Hood , , 4-4 , 7o ; Lawrence
renco LL. 4-4 , 6 0 ; Old .Dominion , 4-4 , 5 } c
Pcpperell R , 4-4 , 0 To ; Popporell E. 40-inch
Pepporcll , 8-4 , 17o ; Popperoll , 9-4 , 20c
Penporcll , 10 4. 22o.
Housokcopor , BV ci Now Candidate , 6o
HerKeley i-ambrlo No. 00 , Oo ; Host Yet. 4-4
GSfo ; Hutter cloth OO , 44joz Cabot. 7Ho
Farwell. half bleached , 8Ko ; Fruitof Loom
S c ; Grceno G , Co ; Hope. 7fc : King Phillii
cutnbrlc , lOu ; Lonsdalo cambno , lOo ; Lone
dale , 8Wo ; New York mills , lOo ; Pepnoroll
43 In , lOc ; Popporell , 40 In , Ho ; Puppcroll
0-4,14 0 } Penporell. 8-4 , 20c ; Pepperell , 9-1
22o ; Pepporoll , 10-4 , 2lo ; Canton , 4-4 , B }
Canton , 4-4 , 9 } < c ; Triumph , Oo ; Wamsutta
llo ; Valley , 5o.
MUCEU.ANEOUB. Tnblo oil cloth , S2.50
able oil coth | marble , tii.50 ; plain Holland
rKo ; dado Holland , 12 } c.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7 ot Internationa
, , .
Set Thorndlko OO , Bko ; Tliorndlko EF
8 } oThordlko ; 120 , 0'fo ; Thorudike XX
ISoi Cordls No , 0 , OKc ; Cordls No. 4 ,
nnd ClibmlcaU ,
ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , S.i c ; citric ,
Dor I ] } , 50 ! oxalic , per Ib. 14c ; tartarlc , pow-
ilorcd , pJr ' Woi.cnrbolli ) , 8S@13c ,
ALUM Per Ib , % } $ & .
AMMONIA Curb , per Ib ,
AnnowitooT Per Ib , lOc.
HAI.SAM Copaiba , per Ib , Ooc ; tolu , o2(0) ( )
55c ,
Hontx Hoflncd , nor Ib , 0 ? c.
CALOMEL Am. , porlb , SVc.
CASTOH On. $1.24.
CASSIA Huns Per Ib , 17c ,
Ciii.oiioFOitM Pcrlb , 41c.
Coimostvn SUIILIMATR Per Ib , SOc.
CIIKAM TAIITAU Pure , per Ib , 2t'c.
EXTIIACT Loawoon Hulk , per Ib , 12 > c.
EitnoT I5c.
Gi.Yonuisn 2l > c.
GUM AiiAtitc 59 950 ,
LvcoroniUM 44&
GLYCEUIXI : Hulk , per Ib. 21Kc.
GUM Assafretida , per In , I4c ; camphor
per Ib , 37c ; opium , per Ib , $3.45.
loniNC Resubllmatpd , per oz , $3.05.
LKAVES-Huchu , short , per Ib , 13c ; senna
Alex. , per Ib. 25f it3c.
MouriiiA Sulph , per oz , f'2.SO.
POTASS Urotnldo , per Ib , 37c ; Iodine , per
Ib , $2.85.
QUINIA Sulph , per' Ib , 2S(34Gc. (
Kr.r.ns Canary , per Ib , 4 } < jc.
SoAM-Castllo , mottled , perlb , 8@lOccas- ;
tile , white , per Ib , 13@15c ,
SrmiTS NiTiti : Sweet , per Ib , 30o.
STIIVCHNIA Crystals , $1.0 1.15.
SULi'ii , CiNcuoNAPor oz , 5' < J13o.
TOXOA. HIANS : $1.75.
OILS Hergnmot , $2.03 ; Wtntcrcrccn ,
$2.15 ; Mnlaca , 'J5o ; linseed , raw , Olc ; iTollcd ,
OJc.WIIITR LUAD 50.50. _
HLOCK TIN Eng. rcf 'g , small pig , SSc ;
bar , 29c.
Corriiu Planished boiler sizes. 3'.V ; cold ,
rolled. 2'Jc ; sheathing , 2 Jo ; pitts , 20c ; Hats ,
GAi.vAXt/.r.n Snr.r.T IKON Junlnta , dis
count , 00 pur ccnt.
PATENT Pi.\Nisiini > IIION No. 24 to 27 , A
quality , per Ib , 10 } o : No. 24 to 27 , U quality ,
9Ke. For lens than bundle add } c per Ib.
Sitr.UT IKON No. 2it , $3.40 ; No. 27 , $3.50
Soi.Dmt Hoyt Metal Co.'s half and-nalf ,
in 1-lb cases , per Ib , lOc ; commercial half-
and-half , 15c ; No. 1 , in barn , 14c.
TIN PI.ATI ; ( Host Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14.
225 shoots , tO.50 ; IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets ,
$6.25 ; 1C , 12K12 , 225 sheets , CvVST ; IX , 12x12 ,
225 sheets. $5.25 ; 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $0.50 ;
IX , 11x20 , 112 shoots. 53.25 ; IXX , 14x20 , 112
sheets , $10.00 ; IXXX , Ilx2i > , 112 sheets ,
$11.75 : 1C , 2.x23 , 112 sheets , $13.50 ' ; 2.x28 ,
112 sheets , $17.00 ; IXX , 2x2S , 112' shoots ,
CoKU-IC , KK14 , 223 sheets , SV03 ; 1C ,
14x20 , 112 sheets , $0,00 ; 1C , 10x29 , 225
sheets , $9.50.
KoopiSG ( Hest Charcoal ) 00x23 , $9.75 ®
STKKL N.ui.3 Haso , 5-2.20 ; steel wire nnila ,
base , $2.00.
Lr.AD Pig , 4c ; bar , 4Ke.
BAUD Wiun Painted , $3.25 ; galvanized.
$3.75@3.90. _
Iitimbcr , Llinc , Etc.
Dimensions nnd Timbers
12 ft. 14 ft. 10 ft. IS ft. 21 ft. 22 ft. 21 ft.
2x1. . 15.00 15.00 15.0J 10.00 10.00 1S.0.1 Hl.OO
2x0. . 15.00 1500 15.00 10.0J 10.00 lh.00 19.00
2xS. . 15.00 15.03 15.00 10.00 10.00 1S.OO 1900
2x10. 15.00 15.00 15.00 KOO 10 Oil 1S.OO 19.00
2x12. 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 1S.OO 19.00
4x48xS 10.03 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 1S.HO 19.00
Fr.NCixn No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft ,
rough , 8KUM@10.50 ; No. 1.4 and 0 inch , 10
feet , S17.00@li.5t > : No. 2 , 4 and C inch , 12
and 14 feet , $ i.50U.OO : ) ! ; No. 2 , 4 and Oiuch ,
10 feet , f 15.0li10.00. ) (
Fixismxo 1st and 2d clear , iVf inch s 3
s , S49.00@51.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , ! } . .uul 2
inch , s2s , $ I7.KI ( ( < ? I9.00 ; 3d , clcur , 1'j inch ,
s 2 s , S43.lHXJBllj.00 ; 3.1 clctr. 1J } nnd
2 incii. s 2 H. Slfi.OOCti40.00 ; 13 select , 1 > , 16' } ,
nml 2 inch , s 2 s , $ . ' )7.0) ) ) ( ls.OO ; Ut and 2nd ,
clear , 1 inch , s 2 s , $45.00 ; 3d , 1 inch , a
2 s , S30.00 , A select , 1 Inch , o 2 s , $33.00 ; U
select , 1 inch , s 2 s , $ : iom
STOCK Bo.vitDs A 12 in , sis , 2,14 and
10 ft , $40.00 : 13 12 in. s 1 s 12 , 1 i nnd 10 ft ,
m.OO ; C 12 in , sis , 12 , 14 and 10 ft , StlCK ) .
D 12 in. s 1 s , 12 , 14 and 10 ft , S23.0J ; No. 1
com , 12 in , sis , 12 ft.SIS.OO ; No. 1 com , 12
in , s 1 s , 14 mid 10 ft , $17.50 < gl3.50 ; No. 1
com , 12 in , s I s , 10 , 18 and 20 ft , $19,50 ; No.
2 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 1 1 and 10 ft. $17.00.
Fi.ooitiNii 1st com 0 in white pine , f.'W.OO ;
2d com C in white pine , $31. 00 ; 3d com 0 in
white pine , $2(1.00 ( ; d com 0 in white pine ,
S20.00 ; com 4 and 0 In yellow pine , $15.03 ;
Star " 4 in yellow pine , $17.00 : 1st and 2d clea
yellow ume , 4 and 0 in , $ ] 9.00.
LIMH , ETC. Quincy whlto limo ( best ) , SOc ;
English und German Portland cement , $3.45 ;
Milwaukeenud Louisville , ? 1 30 : Michigan
plaster , $2.25 ; Fort Dodge plaster , S2.10 ;
Uluo Rapid plaster , $1 90 ; hair , 2'c ! ' ; sash , CO
per ct dis ; doors , blinds , mouldint'S. 50 per ct
pis ; tarred felt , per cwt , $2.00 ; straw board ,
percwt , $1.00.
Poi-LAit Li'Miinit Clear poplar box bcls , ; <
in. s 2 s , $35.00 ; clear poplar % in panel ,
$30.00 ; clear poplar % In panel , 425.00 ; clear
poplar % in panel stock wide , s 2 s , ? 2s > .00 ;
clear corrugated coiling , Jft $30.00.
POSTS White eodar , 0 inch , halves , 12c ;
white cedar , 5JJ inch , halves and S inch q'rs ,
He ; white cedar , 4 inch , round , lOc ; Tennes
see red cedar , split , IGc ; split oak , ( white ) ,
Be : pnwcd oak , ISe.
SHINGLES , Lvrii , run M. XX clear. ? 3.20 ;
extra "A * , f2.SO ; standard A , $3.00 ; 5 inch ,
clear , $ l.00fl.7 ( ) ; 0 inch , clear , $1.75@1 SO ;
No. 1 , $1.10@1.15 : clear red cedar , mixed
widths. $3.40 ; California redwood , dimen
sion widths , $1.50 ; cypress , clear heart , di
mension widths , $3.25 ; lath , $2.50.
/ ! & > < l rf > u tB
Basement First National Bank ,
5O5 feonllit Ili Struct , - Oniulin
Capital . WOO.OOO
SurplusJan. 1st. ISS'J . 52.000
AND numerous.
fcS'UV . VATEK. I'
M\visS. liii : > , Vlcu 1'iuilJunt ,
W. V.Minthi !
It , U. Ut'MIIND
W. II. B. HunilES , rnsiilcr.
Curr.orlJtli ami I'nrnam gta ,
A Ciena UuukUiL' lluilncta Traui actoil ,
MUNnndVOMK.ViucceDifully tr iituJ.
FulTi-rlnK from tlio rffocti of yoiitliful follloi or India
crtitloiiii , or uro trniiblud nltli Wenkni-n. .Nc-nuu :
Dfbillty , lxj i uf Mumury , l > i' | iuiiilenvy , Avorilnn v
hucioty. Kldiioy Troutilosor niixcllFuii > ut IhoCJ'nl
to llrlnnr/Oriiunt , ciui lieru llnd n mTu HIK ! podl/
cuie ClmrKV ruH onuble , vpoclully tu tlio poor
Tin re nrci ninny troubled wltli too frcqitont cram
uatliii8 of tlio LliulJcr.oncniicconiiiitn'oU ' liy u tllvlr
( lunitlnu or burnliii ; untutkm , ui t wi'itkcnuiii ol ft ,
yiti'ic lii H iminiuT tlui pntlpntmnnot account lor
Uiitijruuiluln thu urinary ilupukltB u ro ; > y ( oJI'iuinl
will of tun Lu louiKl. nnd omutlmi' Ijunllus til iilliu
men will upptMir or ttiu color bo of u tlilit , mllkUl
liuo , t ! ln clntiiilirt'i ( lurk or tnrpll mii/enraT J
Tlicro urn mitny men win , Ulc , , t tlilt dllticulty. lunor
Ant of the caiuo \ \ Inch U tlia kecond Mtn o or nuinl
nal weaknubj , The doctor ulll Kiinriintcu n ( urfcc
euro In nil url > rntei , unit n lit'it tuy lestornllun o
tlio Kt'iilto-urlnary oru'iim. L'on uttut > O'i fiutf. tlcni
2-oont ( tninn for "Vounit Man'i Krleiul IT ( iiiulo t <
\ViillocV ! , " frco to nil. Aildrrin
Main and Rh Ht , , Kunsai City , Mo ,
fr V1 KlrkenilMl nnd wife to 0 A Coo , lot
S * , Fnirmount I'nrk , w a . , . t 1
K 1' KlrkcmlMl nml wife to 0 A Coo , stv
pt , blitl2 , WcstUiuMin , w tl . 1
P r Klrkemlnll nml wife to 0 A Coo. untl
> ( lit n 177 ft lota , lillc 12. West UniKhii ,
wfl . . . . 1
K P KlrKcrulnll nml wile to 0 A Cot. und
Uoixml wblitn.Vost Omtuiu. wd . 1
J T Jensen to UHrnin , lots 1 mul 2 , blk 13 ,
Umnlin View , w tl. . . . , . . . 0,3X1
I , A Ixmp to II J 1'riiyn , lot 10 , bile 10 ,
I'liunvlow , wd . . . . . . . . ? p.000
1 , A I.ivipto 11 ,1 1'riiyn , n ' . ( lot in , blk 1 ,
lM lnvlcw.w < l . 2M
11 Kotmtzo nud wife tn K II W l.nwrlo , lot
II , blkJt * . Kountzo 1'lnce , w d . l.JKQ
I'Snillyto tiubllc , Salliy's ndd. pint .
\VJWnpotiprnmlwifotci K i'hclan , lot
24 , blK'J , Kowlcr 1'lncc , qcd . 1
South Unmlm I.ntul Co to tllshnri ( }
Wdrtlilngton , tut 1 , blk IM , South
Omnlin , w n . 1
I , llcorwnscn ima wlfo to I , Hcprwngcn ,
lotill to l ! > , North SMo mid , vrd . MW
\V Wills to .1 0 Hooble. lot ! , blk I , South
KxcliniiRO 1'lacc , qo d . . . . . . 1
Smith Omnlin l.nml Co to T It McNMr , lot
14 , blk ill. foutnOiimlm , wd . COO
J A Ander.-on nud wlfo to N Olnntior , n
WSlf : lof.'S. ' McCRlldlUh 1'lnWit . 4,000
N Olnmlor toTlllIn Anderson , u iUi ! ft lot
28. McCundllsli 1'lncj. w d . 4.000
R A Vnn Tuyln nnd husband to K li
Jnyncs , lot fi blk i. , Cnpltol Hill ndd ,
w il . 12.WO
C A Coo nnd wlfo to P 1 * Klrkcndrill , so
lit blk IS , West Omahn. W U . 1
C A Coo nnd wlfo to ! ' ! Klrkontlnll , lot
U l > llc 4 , Park 1'lncp , w d . 1
C A Coo nud wlfo to V I' Klrkondiill , blk
V , West Oinnhii. w d . 1
0 A Cooct nl tudty of Omnlin , w 10 ft
nlloy In bit : 1Vi8t Onmlm.n cd . 1
I , K Illnnkmitn to C1 K Slmw , lot 12 , blk Id ,
HaiiKCom rincc. w d . 2,750
Q K nnd .1 llnrkor to W .1 Wngoner , lot S ,
llnrkrr'8 sub.v il . l.fiOO
K S Hood nml wlfo to Chnrlcs llnitols , sr ,
lots II Hiid li , blk'.i , Albright's Aim ox ,
wd . COO
Twenty-four transfers . { 41,511
The foils vm ; njr.nlti wjro Isi-nl hv
HulUUnp Iit4i)3ctor Whitloak yoatorJuv !
I'rtrr llenfcn. brick addition to Clu oiling.
ntill7 ; Hurt Mreut . J 050
S. .1. .lottfr , oiio-stnrv fr.imo porcli , till !
South Tweltth btreo't . CO
Two permits , nvBrouatlng . 9 400
Acriculturiil 1'iintlH.
D. II. Wheeler , ns president of the Doug-
Ins County Agricultural society , 1ms hamkn
the hoitrd n bill for S2Y2.0 ! ! , the amount duo
that Institution at so much per capita on Urn
population. The constitution provides that
tlio commissioners shall pay 15 cents for eiuh
vole cast at the hint general election , mid
since the vote of this county last November
wits 21,080 , the total sum due is $ y.25:3.00.
Shrlnor Italian.
Thomas W. Crane sports n very handsome
Masonic badge of the Scottish Uito and
Shrincr degrees , which his fricmis presented
to him Thursday. It represents the Imlf-
moon inndo of genuine timer's claws , gold
mounted and beautifully decorated. Mr.
Crane has been elected grand master of the
Scottish Kite lodge.
The larircst , futu-si : i"U tlriust In tlio world
I'af senpcr accnmmoilalloiia uncxcollcil.
TCeiv Yorltto r.lvern | ol Tin Qic n , o\v ?
Tlin Coletinitoil I Tlio Finest Stuiini. I lulu ft A
Oily uliloiuc I shin III the Wuild.l JUIj4
ITov/ York to Glasgow via Londonderry
Anchorla Juiio-M. I < 'Ir-.assla , July 20
ninicsEla Julvoj Uthlopla July -
Dnvonl.a Inly li : 1 AnHiortu , . . .Augusta
With regular weekly talllugs tlicroaftar.
SAI.nox tn filii aiHI.lTcrponl , Dcrry. Ilolfintor
QiiccnMinv.-ii 1'aio fx ) tiy tflii-L-ow fieumor , F > laml
i.wnr | > la liy "City ot Itomc. " Burond dim lill. Sti'cr-
We tsi. l'ixcur < fun r.ites roiliifoil avnllauic lor rltlicr
rjiitiMlunBlvliriprlvl PXO ofcolii In ono tilp l"
ItlviT M r i'y. I'lcturcs'iuo Clyde , North nml youth of
Irolaii'l. '
IAi\vr.ST Ti.ltMS. TniTulcrh' Clrculnr 1.1-lters of ( 'rinllt
mill lraft > for nny iiiiionnt nt luw , t currunt rules.
Apply to nny or our local lucmts or to
Ilcnd irsDa U.'Otlurj , Uaiu-l o , 111
U.S. IlAi.r , .
II. V. MooilKS.
Boots and Shooe.
Bucccsiors to ItcaJ , Joiu's & Co.
Bolesale ManBfactiireps of Bots& : Ste
Al'i-ntu lor lioaton KublicrEhoo Co , II'J ? , 1101 ntiJ 11W
bticet , Oiualia , Nebraska ,
L3gGr Bscr Brewers ,
15n North Klnlilccalh ttrcat. Omithtt. tfttt.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Mann'acturcrsoffialyaalzfid Iron Cornice
u ml mrlnllc Flyl clits. John Kponotcr ,
proprietor , 10.1 and IWtoutU lUtb mrocU
Cfflco Flxturoo.
Manufacturers of
1)M ) , Ofllco and Saloon Flxtarci
Paper Boxes.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
I'u . 1317 oilO iri'J Docglni etroct , Omthn , Nub.
Suoh , Dcors , Etc.
M , A. DISItltOW & CO. ,
Whol jnlo ra nafoctuicM of
Sash , Door , Blinds and Monluings ,
llnmch 'jglce. 12th am ) Iiar.1 etrcel OmuliB. Neb.
IilanuLcturcrs of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding' , ttnlr work nml Interior hard wooil llulah.
N.15. cornurSlli nml Lpaveiiu't rtli ilrcvti ,
Ociulin , Neb.
_ _ Stoain FlttlngSj , Pwmps , Etc. _
" '
it Ana" CIA n'ii F'iKA Jti it E TINU oo
PDfflps , Pipes and Emines ,
Btecm , wttcr , rnllwRT an < l mining cuppller , ohk
/ Orl \ ami Wl Faranm utrcut , Ouialin.
Steam and \Vate1 \ Supplies ,
wlod mllli. HIS nnd 121 Jor.ea EUOmahD ,
U. V , Hots , Acting ianuver.
i A CO ,
Engines , Boilers and General HscWnory ,
BlicuHton work , etcnni piunpi , law mllli.
J.unvcnwoitliBtrcct , Uuiitha.
Iron \Voriio.
Carter It Km , I'rup'H. Miiuufnrturors of ullUliCu
Slcain Boilcri Tank ? and Slieet Iron W
Works tiuutliIJlli uuJ II. & M. crouhi * . Tul. 1IH
Wrought anil Cast Iron Bni.ding Work ,
Buin.ici. hruM work , itoneml founJrr , mncMno and
blattsultl ) work , o.'ilco ami works , U. I' , I/ .
and HtUiuect , Oiaittiii.
Manufacturers of V/ire / and Iron Railings
Lleik roll * , window gunril * , flower ilandi , wire tl.'cl.
_ etc , la North lull ttreot , Oiniiln.
Hanf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaults , Jnll work , Iron ibutteri and lire cx'ap
U , Aadrecn , piop'r. Cor. lllh uil Juknua B .
OfOinaha Liniitci
Agrlculturnl Implomontn.
Dealerlu Agriciiltiiral Implements ,
Cirrlaget and tnicelf , Jono ilropt , between 8th arid
10th , Oraubv Ncbtaska.
Agricnlt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages
nugelfi.clo.Vholp alo. OnmUa , Nebraska.
VTholt'ale Dealer * la
A2ricnltoralIinplGnientWagons& $ , Baggies-
MI , < qifOi nilH > 7Jonci itrcct , Om h .
utnufacturon and jobut'ri In
Wagons , Buggies , Rate , Plow Eta
Cor. Vth ana t'aclflo itrooU , Omaha.
_ JVrtJBtB' Mntorlnls.
A. 1WSP12 , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs.
lilS Douslu itt cl OniBho , Aebrnika ,
Boots nnd Shooo.
IK. 1' . MORSV A no. ,
Jobte of Boots end Shoes ,
1101,110.1,1105 Doujiln , Mropt , Om.nlm. M nnf ctory , .
Summer tlroot , llmton.
Oonl , Cqko nnd Llmo.
Jote of Hard anil M Coal ,
JOOPoutli ISlh Urcul.OiiiHhn , Xebrmka.
Sliip s ofCoal a u Cote ,
HI South 13th St. . Oilman. Neb.
Wholesale Liiinosr Etc ,
Importr-il nntl Aiuvrlcim I'orIU ml coinJil. Sta.
nKCiit lor Mlltvtiukco hyilinuilo coiuunt ntvl
( 'iilnryvlill < - limn.
Oil AS It. LEE ,
Dealer in Hardwood Hinte
YTtot carp U nml parquet nnoilnir. flth and 1VOIM
ttreoti , Omixhn , Nab.
AllKMs ofBnlWlng Material at Wholesale ,
mil Struct nml Union 1'nfllle Track. Omnha ,
Dealer In Lumber , Latli , Lime , Sasli ,
Doori , Etc , YardsCornoi 7th nnd Douglai..Corner
llth ) nnd llouiiliii'i
' \V. \ O RA Y.
miter , Limii Geincnt , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner litli and DouKlna 8t . , Omaha.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
IStuand California Slreulii , Omilm , Nebraika.
_ _ Wlllllnoryanil _ Motions
Importers & Jokers in Millinery & Notions ;
-18. Jl ( ) usid S12 Soulli llth itruat
W Mosaic Notions and Fiiriiisliiim Goods , ,
i. tn it , , n iiiWu-ii ; '
and Storage.
EL sTniDini LL ,
Storage ami Coiniimsioii Mcrcliants ,
Fpcclaltlo Itiiitor , CCL-B , clicoic , poultry. carja
uL > Honartl rtioct Onmlia. Nnti
Dry Goods and Notions.
M. 7) . KMl'Ut A CO. ,
Dry Goods , Fiiniisiiing Good's and Notions :
1183 and 1101 Dougliu , cor. llth itroet , Or&nna , Neb.
Importers snil Jokers in Dry Goods , Notions ,
1 fiirulsWriR Bonds. Corner Ilia nnd Llarner
tri'9ts , OiKithn , Nebrmba.
A co. ,
Iraportorn nnd jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
HIT South 15th > trect
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture
Farnara etrtol , Omaha , N br ka.
Fumitiire ,
Cranta Kebraika.
PAX'roy , GALLAailfiR& CO.
Wholesale Groceries and Prowtais ,
703 , TU7 , 703 nnd 711 South lUth , U , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers'
13th nnd jxmTeimorth ittrecte , Omaha , KcbtKtka
w. j. '
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlnzi , nurm utoclc , hiudwuro , luml > er , etc. 1X1
nnil 111 I Humor Mrcut , Omaliti.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plato ,
Metals , nlicft lr < m. atr. Agtuli lot llovro ecaloi , powilcr unit I.yrutui barlioil nlro. _
Boild rs1 Ha.'dware ' and Scale Repair Siiop ,
MocLionlcj' tool' unl IliilTtlo n nlci , 11 % OonglM
nllesl.Onialn. Nob.
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls .Albums , Fancy Goois ,
Iloubu liirnlHliinu B > O Is , chililroa'H tu
iaJ ) raruu'ii utrout , Omaha Nub.
Wliolosale RQflncd and Lubricating Oils ,
Axil' ( truaso , ct > .Omaliu , A , II. Illsliop ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Cnrry n nlru flock < > t inltitlnuvrnpiln | irrltln i
l > pur. tic'Uiil uttuntlon K > VCI tucur > ljr ,
or TUB
Cliicago , Milwaukee &t , Paul R'y ,
Tlio Itcst lluuto from Unmlm nud Council
muffs to
Chlcniro , AND MllwuuUce ,
Ut. I'anl , Mlnuenpolls , Cedar Jlaulds ,
Itock iHltinJ , rreoiiort , Ilaukford ,
Clinton , Diiljiujiiv , Davenport )
El 'in , Muillsoi : , Jniiesilllo ,
Jtelolt , Winoiiu , Lit Crossc ,
Aud all other luporlaiit potnti Itsit , Norllioait an !
For throuith tloioH , rMI on the ticket azent at 1301
Kurnaui itrt > t , In Unrkor llloc < , or ftt Uulou 1'aclUa
. '
rullimu gletpun and the flnett Dlnlnjf Cori In tb
wurlil arurun on the unlii Una of the l.bU'HKo , Mil *
wuukva & Ht. I'nul Hallway. nd overr niluulliio U
jiiilu to patieuijiirf \ > f couttuuui uoiploTt ) of !
company. U. Mll.l.Klt.deiieral Uaru/er.
J.I' . 'riCKiil.A ) l > lantUen ral Mnnaver.
A. V , U. CAlU'liNmt , ( ienural I'uMcnttr MA
Ticket Alien' .
OBO.B. lltCAKfOUD.Alilltant
aail Ticket Autnt.