FHE OMAHA V * 1 NINETEENTH YEAR. , OMAHA , SATURDAY ' MORNING , 20 ' , 1880. NUMBEK 11. ' \ i An Interview With Congressman Mason in tendon. MILLER , NOBLE AND CLARK5O N The Three OlIlolnlH tp llo Transferred The American KtiBlnccrs Uoy ally Kntcrtnlnml The Nov- crtilnlc KlioWH Up. miller For the Supreme Bench. | CowrlhtlSS3 ) ( ; liu James ( Innlnn llcnnrU. ] LONDON , Juno 28. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tin : Bm : . | "President Harrison will make a change In his cabinet , very soon. That's ' the principal thing 1 can toll the Herald. " This was sald byJCongrcssmnn William E. Mason , of Chicago , as ho was hurrying nlong yesterday morning to catch n train for Paris. Mason , by reason of the very elllcipnt ser vices ho rendered the republican party In the last campaign. Is understood to stand very close to President Harrison politi cally , nnd , consequently , many will consider his words quoted nbovo ns having great sig nificance. When asked to bo moro explicit , Congressman Mason said : "Of course I can not snj positively what President Harrison will or will not do. No ono can do that. But Just before I loft Wash ington I learned from sources which 1 deemed worthy the fullest confidence that the president Intends to appoint Attorney General Miller to the vacancy on the supreme bcnoh , made vacant by the death of Justice- Stanley Matthews. Mr. Miller was thn president's old luw partner In Indian apolls , nnd presumably the president desires to give him' what ho wants. It has been un derstood for soiiio time that his ambition was to get on the supreme bench. The in formation I received was that Noble , the scerutury of the interior , will bo transferred to the attorney generalship. He is well fitted to be attorney gencrul. Then Clark' ' son , now first assistant postmaster ccncral , wouM bo promoted to the secretaryship of the Interior. It is the president's wish , I believe , to get Clnrkson in the cabinet. As n matter of fact , Clarkson has been doing moro good solid work than nny ono else since the administration took hold , and ovcrvono knows how much ho did in the campaign. I believe these eluintics will bo made vcr.v soon , and , furthermore , 1 think they ought to bo made. The American [ CV > irf ; < ; M J8S3 lu James Gordon Jlcnnrtt. ] PAIIIS , Juno 23. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tin : Bic.l : The American en gineers had quito u field day to-day. Eighty- eight of them , with their wives , daughters nnd mothers-in-law , were received by Paul do Cauvollo nt the Petit Bourc works with great eclnt. They started from Care do Lyon at half-past 1 and arrived at Corbiol nt n quarter to 3. They were conducted i through the establishment and seemed much impressed with the admirable system that is followed throughout the works. After examining all the details of construc tion the Americans got into the De Cauvllle railway carriages again und wcro whisked off to the Chateau dos Tourellcs over n road thut ascended a grade of . ' 10 degrees , and with the sharpest of curves. This line had been made especially for their visit , and this was the maiden trip of the little train. The Chateau dcs Tourelles , a charming country house surrounded by a beautiful park , whore Mmo. do Montcspan once Irol- Ickcd and flirted , was reached In a few mo ments. As the train came to a halt on the lawn M. Paul do Cauvillo Jumped from the carriage und said : "I welcome you to my homo. I want you to walk in and take lunch. " The Americans and their relatives did so im mediately. Tlio chateau as well as the works were 'gaily decorated' with the stars and stripes. During lunch the Herald correspondent took occasion to call M. DC Cauvillo' : ) atten tion to the schema for n Congo railway recently published In the Herald. "Why colud not a Do Cauvillo railway bo laid from the Zanzibar coast to Victoria Nyanzal" "It could bo done , nnd nt a comparatively little expense , " replied Paul Do Cauvillo. "A Do Cauvillo railway of say sixty or soventy-fivo centimetres guuge could bo laid in nny part of Africa as cheap , if not cheaper , than that of any other system. " "How nbout the cost of construction i" "The cost would bo loss than that of other lines , for the Do Cauvillo line can surmount steeper grades and turn sharper curves than nny other. " * "Then you think the prospect of a Do Cauvillo railroad from the Zanzibar coast to the heart of Africa , say Victoria Nynnzu , or even connecting with the Congo , thus formIng - Ing a trans-African railroad system , to bo perfectly fcasiblol" "Yes , I do , " exclaimed Do Cauvillo , and as ho said so his eyes twinkled brightly nnd ho nodded his head with an air of absolute con viction. After a few moments' ropnso on the lawn overlooking the charming valley of the Salr.o , tlio Americans whore whisked off again to Purls , much pleased with their visit. The Xuvcrslnk Snl'c. [ Copi/r'uM ' iSK > liu James Oonlim lltnnrtt. ] HAVJU : , Juno 88. ( Now York Herald Cublo Special to TUB BIK. ; | The American boat Ncvcrsink , intended for the Paris ex hibition , and previously reported as having lost two of her crow , arrived hcru to-day all rlslit with nil InuKiK well. She leaves for Purls to-morrow. Montana Fire Ktill Knglni ; . HELENA , Mont. , Juno 28. All efforts to check the forest fire , whlcn started In Gas- cade county , mur ? Sun Conies , two days ago , huvo proved unavailing. Advices up to last night shows that it bun covered un urea of over a hundred square miles , ami has de stroyed the best hay ground lu the vicinity , The loss will bo very heavy , owing to the fact that the dry souson bus already greatly rcduc-ed the hay crop. So far no lives are re ported lost , though buveral ranchmen hnvo been burned out. Destructive AllnncHoln Storm. MiNNH.vrous , Juno 29 , The Journal's IlUBhford , Minn. , special eayn a combined cyclone , wutcr spcut und hail storm , passed from ono to five miles cast of there last night. dostroylngoverythlngin its path. A bolt two wiles wide In the puthwuy of tills storm for thirty miles In length is absolutely laid waste. Immense trees wcro torn up or twisted off , and hull polled everything Into the grouml. Section men hay the hulUtones were fully us largo us u man's fist. The loss cannot bo luas than $100,100. Biiyinir KiiKllNh Ilrlokx. WASHINGTON , Juno Ed. Complaint has been made that the government hni con tracted for the purchase of 650,000 enamelled bricks made in England for use in the construction of the con gressional library building. Casey , chief of engineers , who has charge of the work , said ho had bought these bricks bocuusu they wore the cheapest und best. Ho said ho bad advertised extensively for bids for thcte bricks and that not a Hlnglo American manu facturer lind put iu a propotttl. DUUGB INTKHV1KW13D. Ho llnsn'lSqiicnlud Protests Against Ills T rout men t. CHICAGO , Juno 23. To-night for the first time since his arrest John F. Bcgg * was al lowed to bo seen by representatives of the press. Ho was phi in ply naked If ho had "squealed. " Ho replied ho had not , because ho had nothing to toll. Ho protested In strong language against the notion of the police in locking him up us they did , without giving the slightest excuse for 1'its detention. Ho said ho was arrested ns ho was entering im own door and that the officers refused to allow him to notify his wife. If the grand Jury obtained nny valu able Information this afternoon regard ing the Cronin case , It did not become known. Lawyer Hardy , who con ducted the cross-examination when Alexan der Sullivan was investigating Cronln's rec ord before u Justice of the peace , several yours ago , and Stenographer Wllllston , who took down what Cronin said nt that time , was among the witnesses. The dentist who identified thn corpse found In the sewer us that of Cronin was recalled nnd reiterated his testimony. Adjournment was taken to night without returning any indictments. A Oronln Memoi-lnl Meeting. CIIICAOO , Juno 23. A "Cronlii memorial meeting" was held nt Central Music hall to night , attended by about 2,000 persons. Sena tor Farwcll , Governor Flfer and Mayor Crcgicr hud been announced to attend , but did not show up. W. P. He ml , n local Irish-American , presided. In his remarks ho declared that there Is no place in this country for secret , oatli bound Irish organizations. "Nevertheless , they will exist , " sang out a voice In the audience. The sentiment was greeted with mingled cheers and hisseH. Mr. Rend proceeded to assert that thn Irish people would demand the suppression of such societies , and added that the actions of the men who controlled tlu-so organizations had brought disgrace upon the Irish cause. Spoochcs wcro made by several others. The Slippery "Fox. " CHICAGO , Juno 23. A dispatch received from Kansas City Into to-nitjht says that n man supposed to bo Patrick Cooncy , alias 'Tnp ' Fox , " was seen to-day In conversation with Police Judge Boluml , In the lattcr's court room. The stranger left before the ofllclnls were notllled. It Is understood they uro looking for him to-night. Another dispatch from New York says Coonuy is supposed to bo in Brooklyn , where ho has n sister. The police are looking for him in that eltyus It Is claimed ho left Cin cinnati on Wednesday for Brooklyn. Condemns tlio Ghm-na-Gncl. LONDON , Juno 28. The Standard's Rome correspondent reaffirms the correctness of his communication announcing the ' pope's con demnation of the Clnn-na-Gael. The corre spondent ulso says the pope will also decline to interfere In the matter of the complaint of some of the Irish bishops agumst the harsh treatment of the lund leaguers in prison , on the ground thut it Is their own fault , they having disobeyed the decree ugainst boycotting. linker Arrives Jit AVlnn'lpctr. WiNNii-BO , Man. , Juno 2S. Assistant Sttttes Attorney Baker , of Chicago , arrived In the mty to-day. He brought with him the certified evidence which secured Burko's indictment by the Chicago grand Jury , ns well as the regular extradition from Wash ington. ETKKNAl * ItEST. Airs. Lucy AVcbb Ilnycs Interred In Unkwood Cemetery. Fur.MONT , O. , Juno 28. The morning trains brought quite a numoerof persons to pay the last tribute of respect to Lucy Webb Hayes , nnd there were groups of old soldiers to bo seen everywhere on the streets or on the way to the Huyes homestead. The wldo hull of the charming homo nt Spiegel Grove , and the parlors and library wcro heavy with the perfume of flowers , tributes of love and esteem from public people ple und friends , from comrades in arms of General Hayes , and military and civic asso ciations. Among the great number arriving to-day is a magnificent pillow of white lilies and maiden hair fern from President ani Mrs. Harrison. Tlio National Organization of the W. C. T. U. , the Women's Relief Corps , department of Ohio nnd many othci organizations with which Mrs. Hayes was prominently connected also sent flowers The survivors of the Twenty-third regiment , of which General Hayes was the colonel , sent nn elaborate piece , while the number oi those from private friends were simplj legion , nmomj them being a specially notice able ono from Mr. nnd Mrs. William Henry Smith. The body of Mrs. 'Hayes vas embalmet after death. This morning it was arrangei and placed In the casket , which Is of rcc cedar , covered with heavy black broadcloth , with massive silver handles. They were ut- Inched on each side by four silver nrms , or namented in harmony with fluted pilasters The plato bears the simple Inscription : "L-uc.v Webb Hnyes , Juno 25 , ISS'J. " The body was arrayed In a dress of Ivory satin. The appcuranco of the face Is most llfo-ilko. In bur clasped hands Is a bouquet of roses. After everything had been ar ranged the members of the family took a lust look ut the face of the dead. At 1 o'clock the postofilco closed , as did also the banks , olllccs , stores and all busi ness houses and manufacturing establish incuts. At 3 o'clock the grounds nt Spiegel Grove were thronged with thousands. It seemed as If the entire population of the town and sur rounding country were gathered on the spot The funeral services wore simple nnd unos tcntutious , preserving the character of a prl vato rather than public occasion. They wore opened with the reading of the twenty-thin psalm by Mrs. Hayes' pastor , Uov. J. M Mills , of the Methodist Episcopal church This was followed by the slncing of a hymn by the quartette , led by Prof. Arthur , o : Cleveland , who was the leader of the bam of the Twenty-thlrd Ohio regiment during the war. Prayer was offered by Rev Dr. Bushford , the now president o the Ohio Wcsloyan university , Delaware which was followed by another hymn Rev , L. D , McCabe , who performed the marriage ceremony for Mr. and Mrs. Hayes then delivered a brief funeral aldress. The quartette sang again and Rev. Mr. Long , 01 the Evangelical Lutheran church , repealei the Lord's prayer , closing the simple and Im prosslvo service , which hud been so arrangec us to bring Into requisition the services o all the evangelical ministers of tlio city Opportunity wus given the throng of people from abroad to view the body , the Fremont Light Guard bund , stationed some distance from the house , pluyinu u number of suitu bio selections mennwhilo. The funeral cortege tego then took up its line of inarch to Oak wood cemetery , whuro the Interment took place. About n score of the aurvlvors of Genera Huyes' ' old regiment , the Twenty-third Ohio volunteers , who had como to the funcru from different parts of the east , acted as a puurd of honor to the hearse. The corcmon Ics ut the cemetery wore very brief. The casket wus Immediately lowered on the ur rival at the grave. Dr. Hashford read the simple- Methodist burial ritual , und the mor tal remains of Lucy Webb Huycs were left to await tliu morning of the resurrection. The pull bearers were BODS and kinsmen of the duccnied. Local Option Bill Sluncd. LAKBIXO , , Mich. , Juno 23. The governor to-day liened , the local option bill. This bill practically means prohibition in over one- half of thu counties in thu state. Que m Chrlritlnn In A Balloon , MiDHiu , Juno 2S.-Qurcn Christina ascended conded 1,000 , feet In un army balloon to-dny. It was her first ascent. The ballaaa mu curliteuud "Maria Cliriitlua. " INTERVIEW WITH RED CLOUD , The Cranky Old Sioux Ohlof Sub mits to a Talk , MORE MONEY THE BURDEN OF IT. Mpjor W rimer Sin ken n Speech to tlio Pine UldccM Iho Commis sion Lionvcs For die Ijoxvcr IJrulo Ajcncy. Hod Cloud Unbosoms Himself. PINI : Union Aacxcv , Duk. , ( via Kushvlllo , Feb. , ) Juno 23. [ Spcclnl Telegram to Tun BEE. ] The representative of TUP. lir.v. was fortumito enough to secure nn Interview with Hed Clo.'d to-day. Up to this time ho has positively refused to bo Interviewed by any one , cither by members of the commis sion or reporters , and for this reason your representative , although n friend for years , has loft him nlono on the subject of the bill. This morning , in bidding him good-bye , ho was uskcU If ho had nothing to say on the subject. "Yes , my friend , 1 will tell .you. Wo have been good friends for a long time. I ntn your friend and bcllovo you nro n good one to mo. So I will tell you two of my main reasons. I have raudo four treaties with the Great. Father In 1S51 and In 1S55 , when wo gave up our hunting grounds , In 1S03 for our an nuities and in 1STO , when I gave up the Black Hills. Every treaty wo signed , giving up our land , wo had many promises made to Ub about the great many things \\o were to receive , and the big amount of money wo would got. If those promUes had nil been filled , as we wore mauc to believe , wo would now BO wealthy like the Indians in the Indian territory , who have plenty of money to spend , but , as it Is , wo have no money In our pockets and nro poor. If we go on selling our lands wo will soon have none for ourselves. " "What is your opinion of the presentbllll" "It Is a good bill , the best the Great Father over offered us , but it is not good enough , It does not glvo us enough for our land. It Is worth more and will bring much more money In a few yours , so I want to -wait. When I do sell , wo will bo richer than wo are now. My best friends udviso mo not to sell our land nt present. " "What Is the second reason which is dis agreeable to .you ! " "When the commission came hero at our first council I asked that all half-breeds and all white men and Mexicans who were not in the treaty of 1SOS , but who had married into our people , should bo allowed to sign the bill , although , without our full consent , they had no rirfht hero. This was granted by the commission. Instead of these men waiting the action aim listening to the head chiefs they at once undertook to run every thing and diem to to me , telling mo nnd other chiefs what wo should do when they really had no rigtit to say anything. The commis sion allowed it , and it made us mud. I have done. " "I learned that Major Pollock was to bo hero on the 2oth to assist you. Will you tell mo the reason ho did not come ! " "Yes. Ho intended coming , but to come hero while the commission was hero might Have complicated matters and they might not have understood it. Pollock is my friend. What no would tell mo I would think he would believe for our best interests Ho will como after the commission leaves. How soon I do not know ; perhaps next week , when wo'will have n long talk. " The interview was interrupted by others and it was Impossible tp continue , as the farewell council was ubout to take place. The great reason why the chiefs oppose the bill is that they fully realize that when the Indians take land in scvcrality , each man will have his Individual rights. At the farewell council nn immense body of Indians was present and gave deep atten tion. Major Wrner addressed them hi sub stance as follows : "My friends , two weeks ago wo came to bring the words of the Great Father. Dur ing our stay wo have spoken only words of kindness , nnd wo leave you us wo met you good friends. It is true thnt.much wo have said has fallen on stony places. Strange us it may seem , tliero are those who listen to self-constituted Indians in Washington in stead of to us , sent by the Great Father men who , as the Grcut Spirit reigns auovo us , live off your necessities instead of honest work. In leaving you I go feeling that I have done my duty , not having tried to Hat ter or threaten you Into signing. Wo have waited long nnd patiently to hour objections to this measure , but none has come. Fully one-half the legal voters have signed the bill. They have not done it in the dark , with blankets over their eves , but openly , In the light of day. They were men among you , and , believing that what the Great Father said was to their best interest , they signed. Another class among you huvo slapped the Great Father In the face by listening to enemies Instead of these the Great Father sent to you , having closed your eyes and cars before the commission came hero. It Is not to us but the f uturo of the Indian race you are determining , These who have signed this bill will bo gracefully remembered , nnd C but tell you the truth when I say that these agulnst it are enemies to themselves nnd to their raeo. I bcllovo in the future of the Indian race that it will bo onward nnd upward as the sun. I believe you will huvo homes lllto the whites , and these who oppose the udvnuco toward civili zation nnd prosperity will bo like the fly on the wheel trying to stop Its revolutions. Those among you who are striving for the path of the whites are striving to get through the clouds eut of the darkness into light , and are true friends of the Great Father. The men who stand in your way can no longer boyour leaders , but these who lead you forward und their actions should bo received with bless ings , not curses. The Great Father has at tempted to make no man sign the bill , and ho will protect these that did. Many hnvo re fused to listen , and blindly follow these who slapped the Great Father in the face. I ask you to listen and open your oycs , for I ad dress you us Ireo men. We li-uvo the bill with your agent , so you can sign. Your chiefs say they are not keeping anybody back , but the youni , ' men could do as they pleased. This bill offers you more than uny bill over offered to uny people. When wo meet again you will Buy I told you the truth , that it was bcbt for you and your families , and you will honor these most In the future who tried to lead you ns the Great Father wished you to go. I talk to you as a friend und as the Great Father is above. 1 part with no unkind feelings. Think about the bill and tnik it over when wo nro gone. I hope to sea you when 1 visit you again living In line houses , with llocks and herds about you. " Speeches wore made by General Crook , Colonel Gallagher , American Horse and Lit tle Wound , which are too long for this dis patch. The commission loft the agency this after noon and arrived hero to enjoy u 7 o'clock dinner on a special car , whuro Governor Foster was awaiting them on his return from Suntco. The commission left to-night for the lower Urule ugcnuy. Gobbled Ky thn Standard Oil Co. PITTBUUIIO , June 28. An OH City special says : The Derrick has positive and reliable information that the Producers' Oil company , uhlch has cuuicd so much concern to the speculative trade , wa t sold to the Standard Oil company at to-day's closing market. Tlio' Weather Inulciitloiw. Nebraska and Iowa Fair , continued high temperature , followed In Nebraska by slightly cooler , southerly winds. Dakota Fair , cooler , severe local storms Saturday afternoon , southeasterly winds , becoming uorthwosterly. uia Finn IN The Burton niook In Rutnfl nnd Only Lightly Inmircd. CHICAGO , Juno U3. A flra ; was discovered In the third story of the Burton blqck , cor ner of Van Huron and Clinton streets , at D this morning , nnd by 7 o'clock the building was In ruins. The lJurton block extends along Vnn Burcn street for 200 feet , nnd the snuio distance north on Clinton. It Is six stories high , with a largo lire wall dividing It Into north nnd south sections. Some fif teen or more firms wore located In the burned portion , which is south of the IIro wall. Tlio other portion remained Intact. The loss on the building Is estimated nt 90,000 , nnd on the contents nt $200,030 , divided among n Inrgo number of firms. Owing to the sub stantial character of the building only u small line of Insurance was carried. The heaviest loser's are the Lurr Manufac turing company , whoso lees will reach nbout WO.COO ; Hugh White , $23,000 ; John Hnrnctt , f25,000 , and the Spcrry Electric Llgm com- pany. 530,1100. How the ilro fctartcd could not bo learned , but It is believed one of the firms left a flro burning In one of their shops. SOUTH DAKOTA. Tlio Sioux Falls Convention of tlio Fourtli to Arrnnno Preliminaries. Sioux FALLS , Dak. , Juno 28. [ Spcclnl to TUB BnnJ The constitutional convention meets on the Fourth , but will bo tamo. The ratification of the Sioux Fulls conKtitutlon last May gives almost nothing for this con vention to do. It will merely change "Stato of Dakota" into "State of South Dakota ; " change the northern boundary from the "forty-fifth parallel to the seventh standard parallel nnd apportion anew the legislature nnd judicial districts. The convention will last nt least three wcoks , possibly four. Under the omnibus bill the convention must appoint n committee to visit Ulsmarek nnd confer with a like committee fro.-n the North Dakota convention on u division of the terri tory's ns.sets nnd liabilities. The report of this committee must bo embodied into the constitution. Sioux FtillH Entertains Visitors. Sioux FALLS , Dak. , Juno 23. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEE. ] To-day Sioux Falls has been entertaining 150 prominent business men nnd oniciuls of I uluth , St. Cloud , Will- mar , Pipcstono und Vnnkton. The visitors have been shown all the Interesting features of Sioux Falls , and been told repeatedly of her present nnd future , importance. To night a formal reception and banquet was given. E. W. Caldwell was toastmaster , und Judge Palmer delivered nn address on behalf of the city. The prevailing senti ment of nil tlio speeches , was that inasmuch ns the opening of the Manitoba shortened the railroad distance from Sioux Falls to Duluth - luth and one-third to Chicago , all the cities interested would enjoy increased growth and prosperity us a result. Tbavisitors left for homo shortly after midnight , greatly pleased with Sioux Falls and southeast Dakota. Proceedings of Iiitcr-Stntc Ministers. Sioux FALLS , Dak. , Juno23. [ Special Tel egram to THE HUE. ) The fourth day of the Intcr-Stnto Ministerial institute was more largely attended than any preceding , nnd more Interesting to the laity ns well as the clergy. In the morning-Dr. Stetson lectured on the "Study of the , Eleventh Chapter of Hebrews , " followed byDf. Stcfcron "Intro ductory to the Study of the Acts of the Apostles.In the afternoon Prof. Price de livered his fourth lecture on "Monumental Witnesses to the Truth of the Old Testa ment , " nnd Dr. ICoudrlckJIccturcd on "God's Uclatlon to the Universe , or the Government of God. " To-night Miss Burdette , sister of the famous Uob , Miss Daniels , of Chicago , and Miss Peck , of Houston , Tex. , spoke on "Woman's Work In Missions. " Ijcntl City's New School House. LIAT > CmDak. . , Juno 23. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEK.I The school board of this city has decided upon the construction , dur ing tlio vacation months , of n 3,000 addition to the school house. Plans nnd specifications nro now being drawn , nnd bids will bo adver tised for early next week. Dcndwood lliirh Rchoul Graduates. LUAI > Crrv , Dak. . June 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BKE. ] The annual commence ment of the Deadwood high school took place this evening. The exercises wore held In the Deadwood opera house and wcro largely attended. The graduating cluss is composed of six members Guno Baker , Clara Slioudy , Ed Dlundon , Alice Pratt , Damon C. Clark and Myrtle Grimshall all of whom acquitted themselves in a creditable manner. THE D13UAOOA UAlliUOAD. Tlio Stockholders to Kcslst the Action Taken ly Portugal. LONDON , June 28. The shareholders of the company whoso concession to build the Delagoa railroad has been cancelled by Portugal tugal held n meeting In London to-day. It was resolved to resist.uny attempt on the part of Portugal to take the work out of the company's hands , ns such action would re sult in a grave crisis , It was further de termined in the event of Portugal's persist ing In carrying ont her threatened action , to call upon the British government to de mand from Portugal the payment of her debt to England of .7,000,000. incurred In 1S11 , und to ask that the sum bo applied to the purchase of the railway. It wits also de cided thut the company should claim dam ages from Portugal and request the govern ment to enforce the claim. To CnnvnsB Jolinstown'H Ijoss. JOHNSTOWN , Pa. , June 23. The board of Inquiry held its first meeting today. Tito members of the board iproposo to make a systematic canvass of the flooded districts to ascertain the number of survivors nnd dead , und also tha uropcrty losses. Dr. Foster re ports that fifty-eight laborers and thirty sol diers are on tha sick list , but none of them are seriously ill. The time-keepers in .the Cambria ofllccs estimate that from four'to 11 vo hundred of their workmen wpro lost. Counting the women nnd children dependent on them , they put their loss of people at 2,003. They esti mate the entire loss of life at 10.000. Hawcs , the firobrictt manufacturer , thinks at least ' five hundred , str'ntigor were lu town at the time of the Hood , | About two hundred deposit books of the Johnstown Savings-bank are reported lost by the depositors or their ] heirs. There was 77-4,000 on deposit , and much of tills Is the property of people Imvmfrno heirs. The Fourteenth rcglrqeut was paid to-day , and with tbo exception of tbrco companies will depart to-morrow. t The situation In Johnstown Is growing brighter every day. Eight thousand dollars In cash arrived to pay Urn men in the various departments. The work of registering the Hood suffer Jrs for tlui purpose of districting local funds was finished , to-niu'ht. but the to tals have not been added. The men in charge of the work do not'think more than -1.000 per sons were lost. Rev , Jicalo. chairman of the moriruo committee , made his ofllclul report. Ho has a record of ubout 'JBOO bodies. Ten bodies were recovered to-day. The greatest loss of life occurred on Washington street , nineteen'persons being killed in one house , und the list of the dead from this thorough fare readies 138. Propcrtyjosscs amounting to nearly $0,000,000 liavo been reported. The ' board of Inquiry b'oRan it * work to-day in the Second ward. They aim to secure the number of lives lost , the amount of property lost and the number of the saved. Ogdori Grants n Subsidy. OODEH , Utah , Juno 28. 'fills city to-night granted a subsidy of f300,000 to the Pacific Short line , now building out of Sioux City , la. , and franchises to the value ot (300,000 la the shupo of right of wuy nnd lands for shops. Tha road Is expected to begin build ing cast from here soon. FRED DOUGLASS HONORED , The Famous Oolorod-Mnn Appolutocl Mlnlator to Hay'tl. CAPT. .MEREDITH MADE HAPPY. Ho Will He Chief oT tlin Hnronu of Enur-ivlne A Iliunorcil llccl- proclty Proposition From Cnnniln. WASHINGTON Bcnt-Atj , THEOKXITA URE , WASIIINUTON , D. C. . Juno 23. In appointing Frederick Douglass ns minis ter to Ilaytl to-day , the president provided for one of the gentlemen who has been re garded as a likely candidate for the recorder- ship of deeds in the District of Columbia. Thrco wcoks ago It was understood that the plnco was to go to ex-Congressman Richard Gucnthcr , of Wisconsin. Later , however , there was so much pressure brought upon the president to give It to u resident of the District of Columbia that Mr. Guenthcr was set aside und u colored man was reported to have been settled uuon. This colored man was Prof. Gregory , of Howard university , who , it now turns out , was an applicant for the same place under President Cleveland. Gregory will scarcely got the plnco , but it is understood to-day that Mr. Guenther Is to bo provided for In the consular service. The place which is said to huvo been set aside for him Is the consulate generalship at Havana. Financially the place is a very good ono , und Mr. Gucnther's ' friends hero ussert it is his If ho will accept It. MKltUUrril APPOINTED. The secretary of the treasury this after noon filled one of the three remaining bureau appointments under his department. Late in the day ho sent word to Captain Meredith to como to the department , nnd when thn pentlcmmi responded ho was received in the inner room and closotcd with the secretary for fifteen minutes. His face wore a broad smile us ho came out , nnd when nskcd by two or three , who wcro waiting in the outer room , if ho was u subject for congratulations , ho responded : "Yes , 1 think I may tell you that I am. The secretary has Just given me permission to telegraph to my wife that I am to assume the duties of the olllco on Monday , the 1st of July. " Mr , Graves , the present superintendent of the bureau of engraving and printing , will scarcely have an opportunity to initiate Ins successor Into the duties of the office , as ho starts for Tucomii to-morrow , whnro ho will become the president of u new national bank , which was authorized to do business thcro yesterday. Captain Meredith will not have the patronage at hla disposal which lias been accorded to his predecessors. There are twelve or fifteen hundred employes in the bureau , nnd until within n year they have been appointed without the aid of the civil service , but following out the policy Inaugurated for the purpose of re lieving his successor of till possible patron age , President Cleveland extended the Juris diction of the commission over this office , und now the women who handle the sheets ns they go to the plato printers must pass an examination before they can hope for ap pointments , at n dollar and a quarter a day. The two Important remaining positions un der the treasury'department still to bo filled are the third nutUtors'hip' and the suporiu- tc-ndcncy of the coast and geodetic sur vey. The present third auditor is Colonel Williams , of Indiana , who , it i * understood , is to bo succeeded by another Indiana man about the end of July. Tlio coast sur vey will bo filled by the 10th of the month. Heretofore the place has been nn appoint ment of'tho secretary of the treasury , but the last appropriation virtually made a hew office of it. It makes the , appointment sub ject to "confirmation" by the senuto nnd really compels the president to make a new appointment. The present incumbent is , to all intents und purposes , legislated out of office with the close of the fiscal year , and his successor must bo named within ten days after the office becomes vacant. H is still thought that the place will be , given to Prof. Gould , of Harvard university , who is ono of the most eminent scientific men in the country. MAUBIIAI , OF THE DISTntCT. In the appointment of D. M. Ransdell to bo marshal of the District of Columbia , this afternoon , the president has practically re stored that office to the social impoitanco which it occupied under the administration of President Arthur. Until the inauguration of President Cleveland the marshal of the district was the social right hand man of the president. Upon him devolved a great muuy duties connected with the executive man sion. Whenever n reception was in progress the marshal was regarded us the hitimuto friend of the chief magistrate. President Arthur appointed a personal friend , but President Cleveland selected us marshal a gentleman who was un entire stranger to him. Mr. Runsdoll's relations with the president huvo been intimate , and he will bo brought into closer contact with the presi dential family than any other man in Wash ington , except It bo the president's private secretary. Ho will assume the duties of his new office on Monday , and will bring his family on hero later in tlio season. Mr. Ruiisdoll bus n wife nnd four children. HECiritOClTY IN LUMUISn. An Ottawa special to the Now York Sun this morning says thut the Dominion govern ment Is nbout to propose to the government of the United States un iirrangomont for un restricted reciprocity in the interchange , of lumber nnd lumber products. The dispatch seems to bo based on official news nnd con veys the impression that the first steps towards thu arrangement huvo been tauen by the Dominion authorities. ThejBrltlsh le gation attaches ure naturally non-communi cative on this subject , and the etuto depart ment people positively refuse to give any in formation whatever. Their reticence leads to the belief that the plan has been broached by Sir Jullen Puuncefotc , and this Idea gains color from the fact thut Sir Jullen hud a long interview with the president u day or two ago. Anything which may bo done towards the reciprocal exchange of lumber or any other products between the two countries must , of course , bo accom plished in tlio form of a treaty , nnd in the present state of feeling n reciprocal treaty cannot secure the necessary votes for a rati fication in the senate , The members of the senate committee on our relations with Canada who have recently returned hero say that the sentiinciit of the country , ns fur us they could uscortain , Is agulnst reciprocity at present , except ulong the border , but them Is no doubt thut a treaty having for its object simply the unrestricted Interchange of lumber products would meet with very general approval umoni. the senators from the western states , nnd In view of the fact thut such a treaty wdujd probably provide for the free exportation of Iocs from the Dominion It would be quito likely to get moro or less support from the representa tives of the states of Michigan , Minnesota and Wisconsin In the upper house. LAI1IU IMl'IIOVINO. Congressman Laird , of Nebraska , whoso Illness it WUH thought would prevent his nt- tendance nt the opening of congress , is spend * ing his time nt present nt Atlantic City. Re ports from him there uro to the effccfthat ho Is slowly , but surely , Improving in health and strength. Ho walks six or eight miles every day , and although ha has not entirely recovered from the attack which prostrated him , IIIB friends say that he will be till right by full , and that , ho will surely tuka his scat when the house assembles" , whether In special or regular session. There is another repub lican member of the house who is very 111 , and the chances arc that ho will never apain bo seen In his heat. This Is Judio ; Nulling , of Now York. He was taken 111 early last full , with some facial affection , which nt the time was thought to be of llltlo consequence. Ills ailment grew upon him , however , and now It It said ho Is suffering from a cancer. Judge NuUiuc's frleuOs tbiuk that ho will not rctiTrn to Washington , Cut that ho will submit hi * rc.slgnntlon tfuuV > governor In time 10 warrant the selection t/f / his successor ser at the election In the A rouMini Hist : r.Mr Mr. Jay F. Durham , whowitirti been con nected with Newspaper JAyM hero for several years , except for f DWof period , whan ho was on the staff of run Hnn , has been appointed general southern passenger ngont of the Ohosniienko & Ohio rnilroiul , with headquarters In Louisville. Mr. Dur ham taken his now position on Mnndny. IOWA PO.STMAH1KUS AlTOINTii : > . Iowa postmasters appointed to-day : Ccdnr Bluffs , Cedar county , N. F. Miller ; Mllford , Dlcklnsou county , R. B. Nlcol. J. W. Murphy , of BriggsvillcVls. . , n postofilco Inspector , has resigned. MSCtiIAXl ! : : < H'9 , Attorney General Miller has leased n house on Massachusetts nvcnuo , near Du- pout Circle , nnd will take up bachelor quar ters thcro on Monday next. The attorney general will bring his family on hero nbout the first of October. The following doctors have been appointed members of the pension boards in Iowa : H. W. Howk and J. H. Gnrrell , ut Newton ; 13. II. Harris and J. C. Trlubells , nt Montgom ery ; C. B. Powell. William M. Glenny and S. M. King , nt Albia ; N. W. NOWKOIIIC , nt Slgournoy ; A. B. Conorrey , nt Oskaloosu ; J. O. Hcnsoy , nt Ottawa ' , und T.B. Jennings , at Bloomtlcld. NO EVASION. 'Iho Civil Service Commission Will Enforce the I < : i\v. WASHINGTON , Juno 23. A communication was recently received by thu civil service commission from P. M. Wright , secretary of the local board of civil service examiners nt Port Huron , Mich. , asking that the board bo allowed to hold a competitive examination on the llth of July for clerks and Inspectors In custom houses In plnco of thut announced for the 13th of June , which was not held , Tlio commission has directed n reply allowing the examination to bo held for the clerlta , but not for the Inspectors , on the ground that the sccrctu'y of the board fur nished no statement of me number of names on the eligible list for appointment us in spectors. Speaking of this action Commis sioner Roosevelt , on behalf of the commis sion , said : "Wo are especially reluctant to do this , but it is in consequence of nn nrticlo which appeared in a Detroit paper purporting to bean an interview with Mr. Geer , collector of cus toms at Port Huron. So far us wo know this interview , 1ms not yet been repudiated. In it Geer is reported as strenuously con demning the civil service luw and stating the belief thut the proper theory to adopt In the management of his olllco is that implied in the old adage , To thu victors belong the spoils. ' Geer being the appointive officer at tlio custom house , whoso duty it ia to administer tlio luw which ho thus condemns , his expressions render it especially incumbent upon the commission to ECO that no chance whatever is given for un evasion of the law. The commission has , of course , no control over the expressions of uny public officer , but it intends to make it its particular duty to provcnt uny admin istration of the luw in accordance with the theories enunciated by Gour. It will tolerate no violation and no evasions of the statute. Examinations are open to all , democrats und republicans , alike. " Continuing , Roosevelt said : "This statement is to bo considered us the authori tative statement of the commission. Views of the kind attributed to Gccr would have the effect of keeping dcnmcrutic applicants from applying j'or . competitive examination In the classified service. Wo wish to show them that the commission will tuka good care to see that Gear's words remain words only and do not crystalizo into deeds.1.1 Appointed Aaciit nt Ilosolnul. WASHINGTON , June 23. The president this afternoon appointed James G. Wright , of Illinois , to be agent for the Indians of Rose bud agency in Dakota. Neuntskn nnd lown Pensions. WASHINGTON , Juno 23. [ Special Telegram to Tun BUB. ] Pensions allowed Nebnvs- knns : Increase Hanford Green , Henry C. Thomas , Henry Smytho , Oliver H. Pratt , John Ort , Owen L. Shaw , James Madison Balrd , Herman P. Williams , Robert W. Hop per , John W. Sawyer , James R. Carter , Rob ert Penson , Leonard B. Feagins , Dehart C. Lucus. James T. Gatcwood , John W. Colvin , James M. Derail , George W. Rogers , James A. Mitchell , Dowitt C. Marsh. Koissua Thomas Sewell. Original widows , etc. Mary V. , widow of .lames E. Chick. Pensions granted lowamt : Original Inva lid Herbert G , Isemiugcr , William Snod- grass , Ludwig V. Williams , Benjamin F. Wire , Benjamin Wndillo , George Inwood , William Brown , Thomas W. Mitchell , Will iam C. Pillsbury. Gcorgo L. Witte , James \V. Kern , Gcorgo M. Brown , John M. Wortz , Gabriel E. Slmw , Jeremiah G. Chambers , Nathan C. Walters , William Burgert , John G. Tenter , Jonathan Blackley , Edward L. Worcester , Charles Bunco , Thomas Mar shall , James Dlllingham , Francis M. Purdy , Oregon A. StllllnRs. William 13. Ward , David Stark , Henry A. Heckler , Shepherd G. My- nck , George W. Dykcrmnn , Benjamin F. Lite , Thomas Cruino , Thomas Abcrnathy. Reissue und increase Abraham Van Wor- mcr. Reissue Isaac Herring. Original widows , etc John , tathcr of Daniel Fritz , minor of Joseph H. Guthridgo. THE ANNIE WEISS .MUUDER. The Police ThInIc Koine One was Em ployed to Kill Her. ST. Louis , Juno 23. Wallace Bolton , formerly a g'unrd ut the Jefferson City peni tentiary , was arrested on suspicion of being connected with the murder of Annie Weiss , but he was released this nvtmlng , having sat isfied the authorities of his Innocence. Frederick Bouhrlc , un undo of the dead girl , cluiniH to believe that u certain sporting man In Jefferson City wus the girl's bo truyer. It Is learned that tha girl , before leaving the house of her sister , burned all her letters and told her sister In case she did not return to divide her effects among thu family. The police are now proceeding on the belief that the murderer wus u man em ployed to do the Job , or that he was engaged to urrungo for u criminal operation on hor. A dispatch from Jefferson City says the man whom the undo thinks was tha girl's be trayer , protests his innocence and promises to make things warm for his accusers. The Cotton Seed Oil Trust , MEW Yonu , June 28. At the nicotine of the trustees of the American Cotton Seed Oil trust to-day It wus decided to defer con sideration of the dividend question until next annual mooting. The approximate state ment presented showed the trust hud curncd $2,000,000 in the fisc.il your , equal to G per cent on the outstanding ccrtiflcutes. The statement showed a cash working capital of 17,000,000. Short $10.000. Puii.Anr.i.rniA.luno23. George WWright , a well known business man of this city , who Is prominently connected with sovor.il bone factory associations , ID said to bo short $40- OCO In his accounts ns treasurer of the order of Tontl , und It Is understood thut a warrant for his arrest , charging him with being a do fuultcr , has been Issued. "Wheat Crop IVonpocts. ST. PAUL , Juno 2S. Reports received by the St. Paul ( t Omaha railroad from points In Iowa , Nebraska , southern Minnesota and southeastern Dakota , uro favorable to the wheat crop prospects. The worst reports re ports received Indicate a crop equal to lust year , while the best are aiuch better than ut that time. Lost All Her Crow. LONDON , June 23.--Tho British bark Ecuador , Cuutuln Hughe * , from Buenos Ayres. April B.I , for the JJurbuiicti , tint ) been Ion with ull her crew. GLOOMY IN THE EXTREME , The Northwestern Slttmtlou Oon sldored n Dark Ono. VARIOUS PLANS OF SETTLEMENT Tlio Western Frcliiht Association Ir Session All ! > : > > Without. Ac- conillHlilnir ] AnytKInt ; Important , A Inrk View. CHICAGO , iiuno 23. [ Special Telegram to Tun HBH.J According to ono of the most conservative freight agents In Chicago , the northwestern situation Is nn extremely dark ono and there Is no ray of light to show a wny to the outcome. The Western Freight association \vus In session all day to-dnybut , beyond the wasting of a Inrgo amount of wind und the stirring up of much nddltlomil bad nlocil , nothing was accomplished. Half n dozen plans of settlement were proposed , but none of them could got the rcijulslto unanimous support. The Idea of nil the roads was , if possible , to prevent the snrcad of the low commodity through rates , to bo put Into effect .luly r. , to the local rates. Tlio railroad commissioners of Iowa , Minnesota and 1111- nois uro Jealously watching the situationand these roads nro afraid they will use the low commodity tariff us an excuse to lower the local state rates. Tlio proposition which mot the most general favor nt the meeting was to Ignore entirely the lake lines nnd go back to the old rates In ex- Istcnco before the present break. To thla the Burlington & Northern would not agree , ns its Income Is derived almost entirely from through traffic. U proposed un amendment agreeing to the advance lu locul rates , pro vided It had the privilege of meeting the through rate made by the lake linos. Every rend except the Burlington & Northern voted against the amendment. Another | iroiosition was that the Hock Island und Chicago , St. Paul & ICnnsas City , which run through Iowa , should not use the low com modity turifr , thus preventing the spread of the low rates west of the east line of Iowa. This was also voted down. No further busi ness was considered , the day being worse than wasted , us n spirit of hostility was engendered which Is moro liable to increase than diminish. Cooler heads nt the close of to-day's meot- Inc criticised the refusal to go back to the old rate mid allow the Burlington & North ern to meet the lalto rale. At present the roads are doing little or no through business , tlio low lake rate , taking the trulllc. It would thus take no trnlllu nway from the North western roads to raise the through rates nnd allow the Bnrlincton ft Northern to meet the lake rate. The refusal to do t > o , accordIng - Ing to several members of the association , will prevent n settlement of the question even at the close or navigation. The Alton has issued a lontf answer to the members of the Inter-State Passenger asso ciation , replying to the charge that the Den ver rate was cut to fi'i on ono of its descrip tive tickets readluir to Helena , Montana. The letter says that but one tlcicet of this is sue had been sold by the Alton in the last twenty seven days. This ticket , It is charged , was bought under falsu pretenses by the Hock iHhind. Thnt the ruto was cut to ? 23 to Denver on this ticket the Alton claims proves nothing , as the name thing could bo done on the tickets of any road Belling like issues. The Atcltlson About to Rcceilc. KANSAS Cn v , Juno 28. It was announced to-night that the Atchison road is nbout to withdraw from the Intcr-Stnto Commerce Railway association on aceountof , thcAlton's revision of Missouri river cattle rates. Vale Wins By Six NEW LONDON , Conn. , June 23. The four teenth annual lour-milo straightaway , clght- eared race between crews representing the universities of Yale nnd Harvard , was rowed this evening over the Thames river course and was won by Vnlo by six boat lengths. Official time , Yule , , 21:30 : ; Harvard , 21:5,1. : The series of races between these colleges now stands , Yale , eight victories ; Harvard , six victories ; Ynlo also holds the record for the fastest time over tlio course , made last your. The crowd which saw the rnco was unusually largo , there being several thousand moro strangers in town than for several years. All desira ble points along the course were packed with people , The race , originally pet for 11 o'clock , was postponed until nvenlng on account of rough water. The crows were promptly sent away ut 7:20. : Harvard started off with a thirty-two stroke and Yule thirty- two. At the end of the quarter-mile Yale took the lead about ten feet. Both crows wcro in excellent form and nt the next quartor-mllo neither could gain nn inch. Just ultcr passing the half-mile Hug Harvard took the lead about ten feet. This lead Harvard held but a few seconds. As the crows ncarcd the mile fiug Ynlo spurted , gaining a quarter length , passing tlio mile. Hag In 4:17 : , pulling n tlilrty-two-stroko. with Harvard two seconds behind pulling thirty-one. The spurt by which Yale took the lend nt the inllo settled the race , as after passing that point Yale grad ually increased her lead and Harvard was unable to prevent it. Yale passed tlio ono and one-half mile- ( lag In 7:15 , pulling thirty- two , and Harvard in 7:10 : , pulling thirty strokes. Yalu then dropped her stroke to thirty , whim Harvard Increased hers to thirty-two. Tlio oll'oots of the hard race for a mill ) nnd a half w > is plainly visible in .tho Harvard boat FInlay , No. 5. nnd Tilton , No. 0 , were losing form nnd Fiulay was slow In , yetting his oar out of the water after each stroke. Yule , however , was pulling in per fect form , o.vcry man in thn bout sliding as ono . limn and lifting their ours lu perfect timo. At two miles Yale showed a boat's length clear water , ; md the rnco WHS finished bofuriis Harvard's chances wcro concerned. At that point ( two miles ) Yale was pulling tlilriy-threound Har vard thirty-two. After passing the two-mile flag Nos. 0 nnd 7 In the Harvard boat splashed badly , and their body movement was bad. Yulo'n long , uwcnplng strokes sent her further nnd further ahead , und at the two and a half mlle fiag they hud a lead of fully four lengths. From the two and a half mile fiat ; to tlio thrco and a half mlle flag the positions remained the same. After' passing the three and u half mlle fiag Yale gradually increased her lead with no apparent effort. In the Harvard boat things were different. At the thrco and three-quarter mile flag Ynlo struck smooth water close under the bank und two additional lengths wcro quickly added to her lead. Harvard made u final effort to lessen the distance , butte to no purpose , us Vnlo crossed the line au easy winner by six lengths. Harvard lost because she was not so well tuuuht us Yule and becnuho her stroke , oven ut thirty-four , was not so effective as Yule's at thirty , Will Not Accept the ChnllcnRO. NEW YOHK , Juno 23. The first oftlcial In formation received by the Now York Yacht club from the lloynl Yacht squadron con cerning the challenge- for tlio America cup arrived this morning by cable from Cowca. The cable reads : "Tho committee regrets It can not confirm the chullungo. A loiter follows. GIUNT , " This , of course , Is final , and destroys tta ono remaining hope for n race between the representative sovcnty-footcrs of England and the United States. Chicago ClalniH IIOO.OOO. Cmcuao , Juno 21--Accordlng to the pub lishers of tlio city directory for 18S9 , about to bo Issued , the pre.sant population of Chlcag6 Is over ulno hundred thousand , Clone In 500,000. ST. Pxiu June 2S.--Accordlng to the new directories Junt completed the population of St. i'aul uua MlaucaiwlU U very close to 500,000.