Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1889, Image 1

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    * f
Ho Blows His Brains Out In Bed
With a Revolver.
No Cntiflo Known for the Hash Deed-
ills IVlio Vlsltlnc In Omalia
What Illn llolft-
tivcs Sny.
Clict Morncii's Kml.
SIDNEY , Nob. , Juno 27. [ Special Tolegrnm
to TUB UEE.J S. C. Moriran , cashier of the
State Hunk of Sldney.comuiltted suicide this
morning , shooting himself through the head
with a Colt's -15 pistol. Ho was in bed tit the
It appears that this morning Morgan called
John Eckcrt , who la working at the house , to
go up to tbo bank to gut Joe Sharmer's"i ' > op , "
as bo wanted to kill coino rats. John got the
pistol , brought it to the house and placed it
on the tublo , saying"Hero Is thu plstol"mid
went out.
At 11 o'clock ho returned to toll Morgan
his wife had-not arrived , who being In Omaha
visiting and was oxpcutud homo to-day.
Eckcrt saw blood on the bed and rushed up
town to inform Shnrmcr.
The sight that mot their guzo was a
ghastly one Morgan lying In bed dead , with
the top of his head blown off , the pistol lying
alongside of him.
Sheriff Eubank and jury have boon taking
evidence , and everything leads to the theory
of sulcldo. No cnuso is assigned , as he ap
peared to have no business troubles , and
was muldng money. His wife is n daughter
of II. W. Yatcs , of the
Nebraska National bank of Omaha ,
and his father , F. C. Morgan , has lived in
Otnahamany ycnrsjho having been born there
Frank Johnson of the Bank of Commerce Is
n partner una president hero in the bank.
The ban It is now clonedbut Shnrmer assures
everybody tbo llnuncial condition of the bank
is unimpaired.
Nothing now was developed in thu exam
ination of witnesses this afternoon before
the coroiior'ft Jury. Chet Morgan is dead and
his death has cast n gloom about the commit-
Jilty. Ho was beloved by nil , at all times
Jovial and happy , and thu last man in the
world whom It was thought \voulit commit
sulcido. The coroner's Jury rendered the
following verdict :
' That tbo deceased , S. C. Morgan , came
to his death by a pistol shot wound tbrougl
his bead , the weapon used being a Colt's ' < la
cntihro pistol , and at tbo time of his death ho
was laboring under n temporary aberration
of the mind1
The body has been embalmed by Dr. Field
and will be sent to relatives at Omaha for interment -
torment to-morrow.
The NCWH lit Oiiiulin.
The announcement created a great deal of
surprise and shocked the frlonds and 'rela
tives of the deceased.
Mr. Morgan was a young man and son
of ono of the oldest citizens
of Omaha , F. C. Morgan , who
hau at different times boon a member of the
flrms of Creighion , Morgan & Co. , Morgan
& Gallagher , Morgan & Chapman , whole
sale crocers , and who now resides at the
northeast corner of Cass and Twenty-first
The young man was born in this city , and
was noted for assiduity , thoroughness and
strict attention to business. Ho grow up In
his father's stores , nnd finally entered the
banking house of Caldwcll , Hamilton
& Co. , where ho rose rapidly In the business
and In the confidence of bis employes.
The most remarkable event In his life , and
which attracted some attention huro at thu
time , , was his elopement with Miss Kobn
Yutes , daughter ol Henry W. Yatcs , prusU
dcntof the Nebraska National bank of this
city. . The young lady loft the city for n cer
tain town In Missouri. The young man fol
lowed her on the aamo day , and on the fol
lowing day , September 12 , IbSD , both were
On the name day , Frank Johnson , now
cashier of the IJaulc of Commerce , was mar
ried under similar circumstances to Miss
Maria Heed , daughterof Byron Heed , in Chi
cago. The latter pair , on returning , were
easily forgiven , but Morgan , who was u
Catholic , while Miss Yutes was a Protcsant ,
was compelled to ask m church
in the presence of the congregation ,
forgiveness for the scandal ho had occasioned
in marrying out of the church.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan remained in town
sorao time , and having secured ttio paternal
blessing , went to Sidney , where Mr. Mor
gan opened the Stntu bank , acting as cashier ,
Mr. Frank Johnson , his confrere in the
elopmcnt nuslness. acting as president. There
lie remained until the end , the story of
which will bo found In TUB UEB'S tele
graphic columns ,
Henry W. Yntcs.
Mr. Henry Yates , the young man's father-
in-law , was also seen. Ho had received the
intelligence of Morgan's death but a few
moments bcforo.
The telegram ho received was brief.
"I should not be surprised , " said ho , "if
the young man had committed suicide.
Ho was very reticent with mo
nna I knew but llltlo about his affairs , but I
liuvo understood that ho has been close for
about u year or so. Ho was n man of excel
lent buslnojs qualifications , but very proud ,
nnd I can understand how ono In bis position
could commit such a deed.
"There was an estrangement between us
years ngo , and perhaps it was on that ac
count that bo never consulted mo about
his tuslnesH. My daughter , his
wife , and her two little bays ,
ara visiting with me , her husband having
brought her huro ten days ago. She is nut
spending the day and hasn't hearu the news
yet. I have Just sent the carriage for her.
The children liuvo not yet been apprised of
tbuir father's death , either. "
Mr. Yates was seen again by thu reporter
last night. Ho was shown the following
statement of the bank , sworn to and certified
* to the state auditor , on Jan. 1 , ISM ) :
i . Loans nnd discounts , $33,877.87
Warrants and county bonds 1,232.14
Other stocks and bonds 13,000.00
Mortgages 1U.40U.UO
JJtie from banks , 8IJ5,17 ! :
Cash i.UOS.-tt )
Furniture nnd fixtures 0,000,00
Total ' . flK > , S03,04
Individual deposits $32,102.79
Cortlllcutcs of deposit ll.SSO.UO
State unu county deposits 7,038.17
Notes outstanding 25,000.00
Due banks 1,832.10
Capital stock paid in lO.UOO.OO
Surplus 2,011.1 , ! )
Total SOOS3.I4 ( ! (
Mr. Vines said ho would consider this n
very fair statement for a bank of that size
anil character. Ha had never Been a state
ment ol tliu bank's condition before , anil hud
no knowledge- It. Mrs , Morgan had told
liiin that she hud been keeping the books of
the bunk and that everything was In good
shape. She had noticed that Mr. Morgan
was considerably worried at times , but not
more than any business man was likely to
bo. Their domestic relations were of the
( nippiest. Letters wcru exchanged every
day , and only tbU morning she received ono
Buying their house had been newly papered
und painted , nnd would bo ready for bur
Thursday ( yesterday ) morning. Mrs , Mor
gan Is completely prostrated by tbo sad news ,
und will remain here.
Mr , Morgan , tr. , Imn pone to Sidney to
look after the remains and it Is altogether
likely the body will bo brought bore for
burial. .
Mr. Yatca said further that Morgan had
never asked him for advice or assistance and
lie bad never volunteered uuy , as ho did not
know as it was needed. Ho also stated that
Mr. Johnson told him ho had not seen n
statement from the bank for over a year and
hail not risked for any.
'Ilio Demi Mnn'8 Parent * .
The dead man's parents had not yet re
ceived the sad Intelligence of their son's
death when n UEU reporter called at the
family homo on California street. , Mr. Mor
gan hltnsc ! I answered the ring of the door
bell. It wnt evident in n moment that ho
had not yet heard the news.
"Havo you received any word -concerning
your son , to-day ! " the reported asked.
"No , nothing , why I"
"Wo have received n telegram at Tun Unn
ofllcc from Sidney saying nn accident had
befallen him u very serious accident that
ho Is dying. "
"Dying ! Oh , no , that can't bo , " but as
ho flittered the words a messenger from the
telegraph oflico arrived with a dispatch.
The old gentleman opened ( t with quiver
ing hands.
"C. Morgan died at 0 o'clock this morn-
That was all. "Dead ! rtoadl" and ho
turned anil handed the dispatch to his wife
who had been attracted to the door. She
gave u glance , looked in a dazed manner nt
ior husband for n moment and then burst
nto the most heart remllnc sobs.
"Tills is terrible , terrible , " groaned the
old man ,
They could not bo questioned then , they
were duzcd , paralyzed with grief.
Sir. MltCH1 Statement.
Mr. John L. Miles , president of the Mo-
uraska Savings bank , w.n seen at his resi
dence last night. It had come to the re
porter's oar that Mr. Morgan had bor
rowed SS.OOO from Mr. Mlloi on
collateral securities , nnd ho was
naked as to the truth of the report. Said ho :
"I have never seen Mr. Morgan that I know
of. Frank Johnson came to mo and bor
rowed 8,000 which ho said was fur Morgan.
I don't know what condition the bank was
In , as I have never seen n statement from
them. "
Upon being shown the above statement ho
said : "I should consider that a good show
ing. Of course , it is subject to change since
the first of the ycur , but it looks .veil. I can
Imagine no cause why the young man should
commit suicide unless it was n case of tem insanity brought on by financial em
barrassment. I urn quito positive ho would
have hud all the help ho needed by simply
asking for It , but I understand ho was very
proud and would not ask for any assistance. "
Ueing nskcd If ho had any theory as to the
causa of the rash net , ho said : "Of course ,
I have n theory , but I have nothing nt all to
base it on. I would not bo surprised if Mor-
gai ; had been speculating with the funds of
the bank nnd had lost. I don't Know this , of
course , but I could very soon toll If 1 could
get a look at the books. Johnson has been
discounting the bank's paper here , and has
loft the entire management to Morgan. "
Mr. JohtiKCHi'H Statement.
Mr. Frank Johnson , cashier of the Plank
of Commerce , who is associated with Mr.
Morgan in the bank at Sidney , stated that
ho could offer no explanation of Mr. Mor
gan's rash act. The financial condition of
the bank was excellent , nnd , ns far as ho
could ascertain , Mr. Morgan's business and
domestic relations were unclouded.
Mrs. Morcnn nnd her two children are In
the city visiting with Mrs. Morgan's parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. H. W'.Yatcs , at their residence
on Capitol avenue. '
Port-au-Princo About to Full Into
Hipl > olj-tcV ) Hands.
Nr.w YOHK. Juno27. . The first authentic
news from Huyti In two months catno yea-
terday. The steamer Prince Wilhelmwhleh
left Port-au-Prince Juno 20 arrived
- - , yester
day and brought with it live merchants who
say that It is only a question of tuna when
Hlppolyto's army will drive Logitlmu and Ills
friends from Port-au-Prince. The reason they
loft Port-au-Prlnco was that affairs in Hnytl
have reached such a point that business is
out of the question. Everything is stagnant ,
nnd the town is overrun with ruftlans. There
is almost no money at nil , and those who can
got hold of n little lire leaving the country.
Provisions arc high. Flour is selling at S'JO
a barrel , and the poorer classes , who uru
suffering for the necessaries of life , uro con
stantly on the verge of insurrection. In the
hills behind Port-au-Prince the armies of
Ilippolyto flu cncahipsd , nnd the city is In n
measure in u state of saigo.
Among the passengers on the steamship
Williclm , was G. 13. Nelson , a resident of
this city , who four mouths ngo wont to Haytl
to enter tbo employ of Lcgilimo us engineer
on n man-of-wur. IIu said ho returned because -
cause ho found the situation there lee warm
for htm. Lopitimo slood llltlo chance against
Hippolltc , whoso army was well equipped
anil numbered some len thousand stronger.
When the speaker loft HIppollto's troops
were wllnin four miles of Porl-au-Prlnco by
land nnd fourlcen mile by sea. Ho said the
reason Ilippolyto did not , rush on Port-nu-
Prince immediately was because ho was
waiting.the signal from friends in tlio city.
Lcgitimo's former commnndor-in-chlof , Gen
eral Piquant , evacuated Grand Saline for
a consldcrallon of $330,000 , and succeeded
In leaving the Island wllh thu money. Three
ministers of war bad held sway within UK
miinv months , and ono of these , General
Anselm Prompoto , appropriated $350,000 gov
eminent money and resigned. As to the
Clyde steamer Oxamu being captured by
Hnyticn gunboats , tlio truth of the matter
was , said Nelson , that the vessel wus only
held a little over three hours and was re
leased when Captain Kellogg : , of iho United
Slides sluamor Osslpeo , made a demand
upon Lcgitimo. Al first Iho demand was re
fused , except under conditionthutlhoOxnma
would go to Gounvius. Captain Kellogg
wrotu upon the back of Lcgilhno'fl nolo tnat
if Iho vessel was not released wllliln live
hours und f5,000 paid over by Lcgllimo , ho
would bombard Iho city. The demand was
Immediately complied with , and 85,000 , paid
to Captain Kellogg.
Henry Tyson , a Former Onialin Man ,
Found Guilty nt Denver.
DEN vim , Cole , Juno 27. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : UEK. ] Henry Tyson , the Omaha
man on trial bore for the murder of John
King , wus found guilty to-night of murder
In the first degree , the jury being out less
than two hours. Thu vcrdlcl Is generally
satisfactory. The penalty Is death. The
usual motion for a new irial was made , bul
one Is not probubla. Tyson lived with a
woman ten years. Kin ; ; usurped his place
in the crealuro's affections. Tyson was an
employe at Omaha of tbo Adams Manufac
turing company nnd came oul hero lo kill
King. He culled the latter out of the house
after dark and shot him In the back. A few
days huor ho was caught In Kansas City ,
Tulclng tlio Dead From Under the
Ijatrobn Wreck.
LATUOIIB , Pa. , Juno 37. Tbo work o
clearing nwny the wreck is progressing as
rapidly ns possible. A track is being laid
own to the creek In order to get the engine
out. About noon the bodies of J , E. Cald
well , engineer , anil Grnllch , the 11 re man of
thu lll-fiited freight , were taken out. Hoth
wore badly crushed. This makes twelve
bo J leu so fur recovered. It U expected thai
others will bo found as boon ua thu bottom ol
the eruuk is reached , The investigation ol
the cause of thu disaster will bu commenced
this afternoon.
ArrcKtcit for Hortso Kiriilin ? .
WiNyimi , Juno 27. A decided sensation
was created In turf circles by the arrest o
J. F. Cubic , owner of the trotting horRO
Idaho , now hero in training for the sumuic
racct. Hols charged \vlth stealing sixty
horses three years ago from Calgary , N. W
'J' . , and driving them over into Montana
whore he disposed of thorn. Ho wus taken
to Calgary for trial.
Harrison Will Go to Door Pork For
a Rest.
Elliott F. Shcpnrtl Anxlonn to Go to
the Court of the C/.tir ICnsson
Mentioned For China
The president to-day cleared up several of
tbo appointments under the treasury dopart-
nont which have been banging lire for some
time , nnd it Is understood that a further
batch of appointments will bo forthcoming
: o-morrow. As far ns possible the slate of
.mportant places will ba worked off this
week , aad when the president finally loaves
for Deer Park , which ho will do in nil prob
ability some tlmo next week , ho will go with
the intention of leaving business matters on
tlrcly behind him. Ho proposes to have n
thorough rest and to remain ns far away
from the worry ot official life as possible.
The president has worked almost night
nnd day since ho assumed the duties
of his office , nnd even on
the brief trips which ho has taken
down the Potomac to Now York and to Capo
May , bo had his hands filled with the ufTalr < >
of government and had no opportunity
to enjoy himself. With all the work of the
closing days of the fiscal year upon him , the
president finds it is almost impossible for
him to get away for bis accustomed few
hours rest each weak , nnd has decided not to
go to Capo May on Saturday , as he originally
intended. It is probable , too , that thu Door
Park trip will not bo taken us soon us ho in
tended. The Indications now are that thu
president will deliver bis Fourth of July ad
dress at Woodstock and will then visit his
family at Deer Park , or in Washington and
accompany them there.
There are two other important foreign mis
sions to bu filled by the president , und some
think they will bo filled within the next tun
days. Colonel Elliott F. Shcphurd , who wus
hero yesterday , is anxious to succeed to the
honors which were reserved for Allen Thorn-
dyku Rice , nnd is doing what ho can to en
hance tils own prospects for representing the
United States in the court of the czar. Mr.
Sbephard is desirous of spending a few.years
In St. Petersburg , in a diplomatic capac'ty ,
and inasmuch as the place WHS assigned ,
originally to. New York , his chancels consid
ered to bo fair. The Chinese mission will
doubtless go to n western man , nnd inasmuch
as Mr. ICasson has again demonstrated his
ability ns n diplomat , in connection with
Mr. William Walter Phclps in the negotia
tion of the Samoun treaty , it is thought
highly probable that upon his return to
Washington ho will bo consulted in refer
ence to this place , and if ho expresses nny
willingness to proceed to China ho will bo
assigned to that mission.
Fourth class Iowa postmasters appointed
to-day : Curling , Snelby county , Robert
Ford , sr. ; Manhattan , Keokuk county.
George W. Half red-Saint ; Ansgar , Mitchell
county. Amos E. Olso ; Woodbine , Harrison
county , Sidney L. Winter.
Sargoant Henderson Lloyd , Company E
Second Infantry , now with his company , has
been discharged from the service of thu
United States.
Paragraph 10 , special orders No. 129 , JuneS
S , 1SSO , rolutivu to Captain William T. Spur-
fiin , Tvventv-llrstinfuntry , is revoked.
The leave of absence grunted Second Liou-
lenunt Charles D. Clay , Seventeenth Infan
try , Is extended ono month.
A. S. Small and son , of Clinton , la. , nnd
John F. Lacy , of Iowa , are registered at
Thu president appointed John Wood , post-
mustur ut Cairo , 111. , vice Alexander H.
Irvin , removed.
The Bti9ineH Mothoila of the Navy
Departmmit lloorianlzoil.
AVA8HINOTON , Junu 27. By the sweeping
general order Issued to-day Secratary Tracy
ordered the cntlro reorganization of tho'bus
iness methods of tbo navy department. Up
to this time the now equipments nnd the
new-duties constantly arising from the con
ditions incident to tbo replacement of the
old wooden vessels with nc\v ships and mod
ern guns , men have boon assigned hero and
there to the several bureaus of the depart
ment , often with no better reason than tlio
convenience of the momunt. Thu result bus
been confusion and exaggera
tion of the defects of the bu
reau system. Secretary Whitney
realized the evils of thu system nnd made an
effort to change thorn , but was obliged , from
the magnitude of tbo task und the paramount
Importance of concentrating hU energies
upon thu procurement of new ships and guns ,
to abandon the task. Secretary Tracy , bow-
over , now says the time Is ripe for n further
change , and has accordingly Issued now
orders , which completely reorganize and do-
flno the duties of the various bureaus , mark
ing out the limits of the authority of each
NchraHlca nnd Iowa Pension" .
WASHINGTON , Juno 27. | Special Telegram
to Tun BBK.I Pensions grantad Nobrusk-
nns : Original invalld-j-Clarkson W. Cooper ,
John G. Miller , Da-ilol Crow , Myron Pratt.
Increase Nathan Corby , Joseph FroJorlok.
Original widows , etc. Muggta J , Allsman ,
for widow of Isaac J. Handel ; Ann Eliza ,
widow of Daniel Reaves.
Pensions allowed lowans : Original Inva
lid James Burke , John J. Eaton , John C.
Williams. Isaac Turner , Thomas Rayne ,
Joseph T. Hudson , Oliver Jones' . Auvillo
Sutton , William Croat , John L. Marshall ,
William H. Morinin , John Miller , James
Heacom. Joseph W. Finurty. Thonius J.
Thompson , William J. Moore. Stephen A.
Uisho.v , John L. Sclioll , Joe W. Hampton ,
Christian H. Allhans. Hlalr Wolf. John M.
Connett , Franch M. West. Increase II.
F. Hitchcock , George Rcibor , Robert Col-
wull , John Norria , Leslie Bussett , Gcorga C.
Jennings , James C. Wright , Michael
Thomas , John Crawford , Andruw M. Under
bill , Joseph Wcy. Original widows , etc.
Mary E , , widow of Thomas Summer ; Eliza
beth J. , widow of Francis L. Harrison ;
Ulura E. , widow of Charles R. Franklin.
Navy Sarah Juno , widow of Melborn Robinson -
son ; Auiundu M. , widow of Edward Shaw.
In Honor o * Oninoron.
WASHINGTON , Juno 27. Thu secretory of
war this afturncon issued n general order
regarding the death of Hon. Simon Cameron ,
directing that all offices connected with tbo
department be draped In mourning thirty
days und tnat all business bo suspended In
the department on the day of tbo funeral.
Vtiltinlilo Hcsnlenoo Destroy Ml.
Tui'EKA , ICnti. , Juno 27. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB HEP. . ! The line brick resMunco
of W. H , Camp , in Lamed , was destroyed
by Hro ttijs uioralng. The loss is f.15,000 ,
with nn insurance of $15,003. It Is not
Known how it originated , no person being in
tbo house at the tlmo.
American Institute of Homeopathy.
MINNEAPOLIS , Juno 27. The American In-
stltuto of Homeopathy , In session at Lake
Mlnnntonka to-day , elected Dr , A. J , Saw
yer , of Monroe , Mich , , president. The In-
stltuto protested against the shutting out of
UoiueoputuisU from state medical boards.
A Definite American rolloy In Inter-
imtlnnal KclntlonsiNocdod.
IIOSTON , Juno 27. At at snooting of the
Harvard chapter of the Phi Beta Cnppu to
day. Hon. Edward J. Phelps delivered the
oration , which dealt lurga'ly With Inter
national affairs. In the course of his speech ,
ho declared the tlmo had come when n con
sistent , distinctive and definite American
policy In International relations should ba es
tablished , ono tnat would not chnngo with
the exigencies of politics. Upon the line
thus deliberately adopted the stand should
be absolutely firm and dnyloldlng. Ho pro
poses ns ono of the flrat stops towards
such International nttltiido. as It seams our
country should assume , And having assumed ,
maintain , that n naval force should ho created
that should leave us nothing to fear from a
collision with nny other liaval power In the
"Arbitration. " said Mr. Pholps. "Is ono of
the most plausible words In the English lan
guage , but It. means ono tiling to those who
have mujh to do with it , ' nd quito another
to those who have not. It will continue to
bo employed In n certain class of Interna
tional disputes , but the Idqa that It can over
bo made the ultimate resort of nations in
those moro Important quarrels that Involve
questions of principle or honor , or have
stirred the blood nnd moved thu passions of
men , appears to bo altogether chlmor'cnl. ' "
A fnrty of Them Visit Dulutli "While
on a Flshinu ISxuur-ilon.
DoLUTit , Minn , , Juno J27. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun 13nK. | A party'of distinguished
Ncbrnsknns which r-rived this morning to
sco tbo city and do some fishing consisted of
the following. T. H. Bunion , state nud it or ;
Sam Chapman , ] udgu of ( ho Second judicial
district of Nebraska ; John D. Knight , regis
ter of deeds ot Lancaster county ; C.V. .
Hillingsloy , and D. G < Jo\irtney , altornoys ;
John McMalngal and Webster Eaton , real
estate dealers. Auditor jUcnton said : "Wo
nro out simply on n pleasure trip. "We left
Lincoln early In the wookand went toOsakls ,
on the Manitoba road , where we caught 1JOO !
pounds of fish In two days I never had such
lislilng in my Itfo. Look at those lingers , "
exhibiting n sunburnt fecarrcd bunch of
digits. "Cutting ball und handling fish did
it. Wro spent some time , ! in St. Paul nnd
Minneapolis. " The party drove nround the
city and took a trip around the harbor to see
the shipping elevators ami coal docks. They
expect to put In a few fours flshing At the
Brulo river nnd leave to-night forAshland
and the Apostle islnnds.lm which vicinity
they expect to remain tillSaturday. |
" - 3
A Burglar Stubs n Ypii .ng Girl nt Im-
Crosse , IVla.
LACno an , Wis. , Juno 27. A burglar
broke into the house of Jol a Webster yes
terday morning1. Ho encored the room of
two daughters , and whllo ! searching their
clothes the girls were awaKqned. Mena , the
younger sister , eighteen ysars of ngo , at
tempted to escapa , but the < burglar caught
her and stabbed her. making a gash that laid
open her heart and lungs.1 The assassin
then madu a thrust at jh6. other girl , who
evaded the knife. The rwlso of the brother
approaching frightened thblburglur , and bo
made his usoapc. Wil''n ' ' fifteen minutes
after the tragedy the entire police force of the
city was searching for tn'uvillnln ( , nnd up to
noon to-day twenty arrestA' had boon madn
of suspected persons. If tno gullty.person is
discovered , ho-will lilfol.V bb lynched , as the
citizens nro wild with excitement. The in
jured girl can live but a shprt time.
More Money J'eclcd : jo Mltlcnto the
SnuYrlnfr nnd Distress.
JOHNSTOWN , Pa. , Juno 2r. The relief com
mittee has issued an nppoal to the country
not to delay or withhold { contributions for
sufferers. It declares tlat all tlio money
contributed , much of whltih is being held by
mayors of cities and ottiers.can only in small
degrees mitigate the sufferings of the striclc-
cn people ; that it is grBatly needed , and
should bo sent at once in jordor to be most
available. , ?
A service of song in Jtho various ceme
teries is contemplated hero before the state
authorities quit the place Sunday next. The
fact that very many of. the unfortunates
hero , known and unknown , wore burled
without service , has led to the suggestion.
The mortruo report shows that three bodies
were found this morning. ' The weather is
fair and work is progressing satisfactorily.
" I'll J3 I'AQKAOKS. "
How n KntiKiis Man'Disposes ot Ne
braska Whlflky at a Profit.
TOPEKA , Kan. , Juno ' 27. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE.J Proceedings were begun -
gun In the supreme court .to-day to test an
entirely now phase of tho.'prohlbltory law in
this state the legality of the sale of liquor
in the original packages. F. W. Fnulkor ,
agent of the Union Puotflo express at Oketo ,
has received consignments of packaccs of
liquor and sold them us prize packages at 25
cents each. Ho was conylctcd , but appeals
to tbo supreme court on the ground that the
liquor was shipped from N9brusku to this
state In the original packages , nnd that ho
did not therefore violati } the Kansas pro
hibitory law. The lower court ruled against
him. _ I 5
Tno Hotly of n AllBsinit Ltcuvcnwoi'tli
Ijndy KecOvrred.
LEAVEXWOIITH , Kan. , ( Juno 27. [ Sosolal
Telegram to Tiie HEIS ! Mrs. Menrs , n
highly respected and well connected lady ,
tlio wlfo of E. R. Mears , chief clerk for Pay
master Ruckor , U. S , A. , , mysteriously dis
appeared from libr homo In this city Wednes
day , Juno 10. A search was at once insti
tuted -for her and basj boon kept up ever
slnco , A dispatch was reaalved this morning
from Connors' station , eiKHt.milos below this
city , stating that the body of Mrs. Moar.i
had been taken out of tnq river at that piano
to-day The finding of \ herbody In tlio Mis
souri rfvor indicates tbatisjio committed sul
cido by drowning. Suonvas said to have
been slightly demented.
Over a Hundred i-iipjrp Miles Burned
In Mnntn/in.
HELENA , Mont. , Juno 27. [ Special Tolo-
gram to THK Hun , ] Two days ngo a prulrlo
flro started In Cascade ; county'und , so far ,
all efforts to check it hayo been unavailing.
Advices up to to-night , show that It bus cove -
o red un area of over n.hundred square miles ,
nnd him destroyed thu best buy ground loft
In thn vicinity , The loss-will bo very heavy ,
owing to the fact that tlio dry season had al
ready greatly reduced the buy crop. No
such prulrlo lire tins been known In Montana
in recent years. So far no lives have been
reported lost , though many ranchmen have
been buraed out. ,
Tlio Ynnlctnn Unllrond.
NIOIIIIAIIA , Nob. , Juno 27 , [ Special to Tin : , G. Holmes , attorney for the Yank-
ton , Norfolk & Southwpstern Railroad com
pany yesterday , filed , tlio plat showing the
Burvov of thai new lino. Il passes through a
beautiful country , most of which 19 in the
eastern tier of townships In Kuox county.
The Weather Ind Iciulons.
For Nebraska nnd Iowa : Fair , warmer ,
followed In Nebraska by showers und cooler ,
generally southerly winds.
For Dukoti ; Fair , with severe local
Btor'ns Friday afternoon ; warmer , followed
uy slightly cooler , southerly winds.
Favorable Conditions Attend the
First Day of the Assembly.
A Wnhoo Woman After Si
From Ilnr Husband Kldnnnn Her
tilttlo Daujihtcr llnrjjlnrs
Visit Two Cllloi.
The Nclmiilcn Chnnttxuqun.
[ Special to THU Bin : . ] The eighth annual
opening of the Nebraska Chnulauqun as
sembly occurred to-day under Iho most favor-
nblo circumstances. For some tlmo past tbo
assembly grounds have been the scene of
grcnUictlvlty , and so thorough have been
the preparations Hint Iho opening day finds
cverylhliiB well In readiness for Ihocxpecled
crowds. Thus far Iho various arrangements
seem unusually convenient und satisfactory.
These coming by rail oongratulalo Itiom-
selves upon tbo fact that all baggage is de
livered at the grounds , instead of at the
depot , as heretofore. This arrangement
saves much trouble nnd expense , and is n
greal convenience. Over four hundred lenls
hnvo been provided , half of which are
already pitched and engaged by * guesls
from abroad. In nddlllon to thesu locations
have boon engaged for about n half hundred
private tents. Ono of the pleasant features
about tenting this yunr is that the tents nro
pretly well dtstrlbulod over Iho ample
grounds instead of being closely huddled
together , ns has sometimes been tbo case.
This Insures n little moro privacy and quiet
ness , and is duly appreciated by the teut-
Culinary affairs arc well provided for this
year. The dining hall is in charge of com
petent parties from Lincoln. This , together
with a half ilo.-jn good lunch stands , nnd Iho
usual number of shops , booths , etc. , will bo
ublu to supply , both la quantity and quality ,
nil reasonable demands fur food and drink.
Altogelher Iho prospects for u successful
session were never heller. The programme
Is quito as good us that of last year ,
which proved so satisfactory. Some regret -
grot is expressed because of the absence of
Prof. Holmes' name from the programme.
However , as that gentleman positively re
fuses to attend uay western assembly this
year , his friends here , as elsewhere , musl bu
reconciled to his absence. Some excitement
was aroused by the rumor Ihut Corporal
Tanner would not bo hero as announced , bu.t
tills was soon allayed by a dispatch from the
genllemaii saying that he Is now en route for
Crete , consequently the Fourth at Iho assem
bly will not luck any attraction which the
corporal can conlrlbute. The Crclo baud has
been engaged lo add Us quota lo Iho general ,
enjoyment of that day , und Captain John
Sherrill , of Crete , has been appointed by the
executive coimnltleo chief marshal.
The chief event of to-day , which concerns
both Chautauquu and college people , was the
grand dinner given by the Irustocs and fac
ulty of Doano college to nil college grad
uates who chose to accept their generous
Invitation. This was the last day of the
college commencement exercises , whicli
have been unusually Interesting and suc
cessful this your. The dinner was served In
the chapel of ladles' hall , nud was a very
olaboralo and pleasingaffair. . Over ono
hundred guesls were present , ropresenling
twenty-eight different colleges nnd univer
sities in nil parts of the country. Probably
no dinner ever given in Nebraska was at
tended by so many graduates and learned
people. After the dinner it number of toasts
were responded to by the more distinguished
nnd witty guests , nnd many brilliant
nnd humorous speeches were made.
Aflcr u prolonged period of speechmaking -
making nnd social enjoyment the guests
resorted to Ibo assembly grounds to attend
the opening exercises of this evening.
Among the guesls from abroad were Drs.
Scott und Dur.vca , of Omaha ; Prof. Frank.
Heard of New York ; Dr. Dunning , of Bos
ton ; Dr. Churlos F. Thwing , of Minneapo
lis , and Prof , Mark B. Beal , of Michigan
Au audience of several thousand assembled
In Iho pavlllion this evening for Ilia opening
meeting. Dr. Duryoa , Superintendent Dun
ning , Prof. Frank Heard , Colonel B.ilr and
President FOBS were upon the platform.
Prayer was offered by Dr. Duryoa , and brief
addresses of welcome were given by ih.o
superinlendcnt und president. Both gentle
men expressed great pleasure nt the size of
Iho audience , and p.rcdiclcd a very success
ful session. The imperial quartette , of Chicago
cage , wus present , und gavu n very line con
cert. These gentlemen are excellent singers ,
and received much applause. Prof. A. Heal ,
the eloculloulst , gave a reading' , and received
a hearty encore. In fact , hearty encores
were the order of the evening , as Iho largo
audience was in royal humor and greatly up-
prqciulcd 'the choice programme. Alto
gether , Iho cighlh mnuuil opening of the No-
brasku Chnutuuquu wus in every respect a
very salisfnctory success.
To-morrow is college und temperance day.
The following is the programme :
8:00 : Prayer service , led by RQV. .f , D.
S ) :00 : Normal class , Prof. H. S. Jucoby.
Dill Drawing class , Prof. Frank Beard.
10:00 : Bible studouls' class , Dr. .1. T.
10:00 : Temperance School of Methods W.
C. T. U. of Nebraska. Sabbath Observance
Mrs. K. L. Wolrlng. Sabbath School
Work Mrs. Lizzie Ferguson.
11X : ( > Meeting for graduates of colleges
nnd collegiate Institutions. Address by Ilov.
Charles P. Thwing , D. D.
2:00-LeeliMj : George W. Bain : "Tho
Progress of the Temporaries Cause. "
4:03 : Drawing class for children Prof.
Frank Usard.
J :00 : Normal class Prof , Jacoby.
5OU : Conference ; "Advantages of a Lib-
ornl Education. "
8:00 : Concert Imperial quartotte.
Mmlnidlu Cump McutliiK Assembly.
FHUMONT , Nob. , Juno " 7. [ Special to TUB
BKK.J A meeting was lust evening held in
this city by the cotninltteo appointed by the
North Nebraska Motiiudlst conforono to pre
pare u programme ) and take charge of the
coming annual camp meeting nnd assembly ,
which convenes in Fremont August S nnd
continues ton days , t Those present worn :
Presiding Elder Maxflsld , of the Norfolk dli-
trlct ; Presiding Elder Hodgetts , of the Elkhorn -
horn district ; Presiding Kldor Clondonnint ; ,
of the Omaha district ; H-JVB. Brown of
Omaha , Priest of Daomcr , Powers of Colum
bus , Marquctte of b'chujlcr , Hilton of Fre
mont , nnd Messrs. Anderson of Nfllfh , Han
son and Van Anda of Fromont. It was re
ported that Hovs. Potter and Miller , the two
famous evangelists , of Chicago , have been
engaged to take charge of the meetings dur
ing the session , and that Mr. Date , of Illi-
noisthB famous worker among young people ,
will also bo present. Hev , Maxllold wus ap
pointed u committee to secure the- presence of
Bishop Nowmun for a fuw days , if possible.
The presiding elders reported u general in
terest among their people , even in thu re
motest part of their districts , in the cowing
gathering , Tbo permanent grounds here ,
wlilch have been procured nt n cost of $10-
000. are being laid out and prepared In ex
cellent shape and will bo among the very
luiniUomost of their kind In the state. They
were planned and surveyed by J , K , Hunt ,
tbo engineer who laid out the grounds at
Chautuuquu , N , V. , und at Crete , Nob.
lllnir nnd tlio Fourth ,
Bum , Neb. , Juno 37. ( Special to Tnu
Arrangements have boon inndo for a
big celebration on the Fourth , Hon , Albert ,
12. Kieby , of Omaha , has been engaged to
deliver an address. The entertainment will
consist of n grand parade , cnlathumptans ,
basket dinner , speaking , contest of nose
companion , ball games , foot races , lira
works , clc.
F.V. . Kenney nnd F. M. Ci. totter are
nway ns n committee visiting towns having
electric lights. They expect to visit Council
Uluffs , Lunvenworth , Kan. , Omaha nadothor
towns with the view of TPCommendlng the
best plant for Hlalr. An soon as they return
it Is ex pee toil that won ; will commence on
tbo plant.
Kxunrslnn of.Notr Kn liim ! Cnnltnltatq
CniiTC , Nob. , Juno U7. [ Snoclal Telegram
to Tun HRD.I The second excursion from
Now England for Crete arrived this after
noon In spucinl hotel cars. This excursion is
arranged by the Crate Improvement nnd In
vestment company. The party consists of
gentlemen Interested largely in eastern man
ufactories , and came west to look over the
grouud to establish branches of their plants
cast. Among tlio most prominent of tlio vis
itors nro Colonel and Mrs. L. H. Pease , ed
itor of the Woonsooket Reporter ; Captain
nnd Mrs. F. M. Council , of Woonsockot ;
John H. Fountain , Woonsockot ; Arthur 13.
Harrott , Evening Record , Boston ; William
H. Grnvor , Charleston , S. C. ; A. H. Hankln ,
Hlockahoro , Mass. ; S. T. Carey , Boston.
The excursionists intend to stay here to-day
and to-morrow , and then go to Denver nnd re
turn hero on the 'J > 1 of July and take part In
the Crete Chautauqtta.
A Mothi-r Ivldnnp * Uir ; Child.
'WAiioo , Nob. , Juno 27. JSpaclal Telegram
to Tin : Hun. I About a month niro G. O.
Case , living between Weston nnd Valparaiso ,
had trouble with his wlfo and they separ
ated. Mr. Case keeping their , tcn-yoar-old
daughter against tlio dosirn of the mother ,
who has slnco boon trying to gain possession
of the llltlo girl , who was kept closely
guarded at the house of Mr. Case , the father.
It was given out that Mrs. Case had gone to
Chicago nnd thu vigilance of the Cases was
relaxed. Yesterday Mr. Cnio wni In Wnhoo
and Mr. Case , Jr. , in Weston , nnd the little
girl was allowed to attend u Dirty ntn neigh
bors , where the mother , Mrs. Case , who was
n stranger in the neighborhood , was waiting
the opportunity to kidnap thu child. Shu Im
mediately took the child m a buggy and drove
rapidly away , and was mot at n distance of
three miles by another team , hold in readi-
ucss , by which she took the child to some
point on the Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri
Valley rallw.iv , where she took the train for
parts unknown.
Destructive Wind Storm.
Bi.ooMixr.TON , Nob. , July 1)7. [ Special to
Tin : 13iu. j A destructive wind storm visited
this place Wednesday night about 11 o'clock.
The most serious damage was done to the
Advent church , which was blown over and
ono side and cml crushed. William John
son's residence had the front blown out. A
part of the north gable of the nuw brick but
ter and chueso factory was blown in and
part of the metal roof was blown off. A
number of barns , out-houaes and wind mills
were destroyed. About twenty-live wind
mills were blown down between Ulooming-
lon and Hildroth. No loss of lifo or injury
is reported. The storm was of thu hurricane
order , "a straight blow. "
The butter and choose factory , built by
Davis & Hiinkin , of Chicago , is about com-
pletcii. Thu plant , including machinery , will
cost $0,000. It will be of great benefit to both
the farmers and business men.
Crops of all kinda never looked better , and
the prospects nro good for a bountiful
IioM-ira NotUH.
Lr.MAns , la. , Juno 37. [ Special to Tun
I3ii : . ] John Gnlnor , who was tried hero In
May for the murder of Policeman Hamilton
last November , is in the insurance business
in Harrison county. The jury having disa
greed bo will have another trial In October.
His father , Put Gaiuor , who used to run a
saloon here before prohibition shut him off ,
has rented his hotel nnd is going to Sioux
City to run a dunce hall and a sort of tem
perance beer garden in thu suburbs.
Hev. Ira N. Purdoo , of this city , Into pre
siding elder and financial agent of the Da-
icota Methodist university at Mitchell , has
been offered the presidency of Grant Me
morial university at Chattanooga , Tenn ,
The university is now in process ot construc
Hurclara nt llralnnril.
Hit.uxAitu , Neb. , June 27. [ Special to
THE bie. ] Burglars succeeded in making a
haul at this pluco last niirht. Wright &
East's blacksmith shop was the first place
entered , where they supplied themselves
with tools. Fox & Wainhoft's general store
\va s entered by cutting a glass out and forc
ing open the door. The money drawer was
ransacked and all money taken with quito
an amount of clothing and provisions. Mn-
touselc & Traylers saloon was visited , all the
money taken and quite an amount of liquors
und cigars. A strict search is being made
this morning for the thieves , and in future
business merchants will keep closer watch
of their stores.
Osccoln llljjh School Gr.-iiIuntOH.
OSOCOM , Juno 27. [ Special to Tun BRB. ]
The Methodist church of Osccola was
packed with people on Monday evening to
listen to the closing exercises of the high
school , which were excellent. The speakers
all acquitted themselves very creditably.
The vurdict of the audience on this point
wns unanimous. P.rof. Snodgrass und his
cllldunt corps of teachers Misses Grlndoll ,
Gregg , Teal , JJowdell nnd Hcod and the entire -
tire school , were congratulated by patrons
and visitors.
IMiUt-unoiitli Electrical N'nw.s.
PJ.ATTSUOUTII , Nob. , Junu 27. [ Special to
Tin : Ituis.j The boilers for the electric
lamp manufactory und street cur motor ar
rived and will bo transported to the building
erected for them In a few days. They weigh
10,000 pounds. Work on laying the track
for thu motor Is being pushed us mueli us
possible to get it in shape for the earn. The
Western Union Telegraph company bus
mude arrangements to put In six electric
clocks In different Jewelry stores and banks
Too Jlncl Tlmt He MifisoU Him.
CLAUKS , Nob. , Juno 27. [ Special Telegram
toTim HKK.I A row occurred hero to-day
between Frank Andrews nnd Jake G abler ,
local toughs and bootleggers , in which An
drews shot at G abler with a shotgun , but on
account of his drunken condition missed him.
Jnlie. it Bcenif , fins been too intimate with u
daughter of Andrews , Gubler and Miss
Andrews started for Central City to-night to
got married , It Is uuld that Gubler has a
wlfu in Omaha.
Kldnuiiln ; nt Wnhop.
WAIIOO , Nob. , Juno 27. [ Special to Tn :
13iii. : ] The little daughter of G. O. Case , residing -
siding with her grandparents about fourteen
miles southwest of this place , was kidnaped
by some person supposed to bo In the employ
of her mother. The father is following them
with the telegraph , Tim Indications nro that
tlio purtiea buvu taken thu Northwestern for
Chicago , The parents liuvo separated und
the father is determined to regain the child
if possible. _
'J'lilcvcH nt AHlilnnd.
Asiu.ANi ) , Neb , , Juno 27- [ Special Tele
gram to Tin ; HUB. | Last night nur city was
visited by thlnvcs , They llrst entered the
residence of S. S , Abbott , whore they ob
tained f 10. und a gold watch , They then on
to reel the room of H. M. Scott , the poal-
mastor. whom they got several dollars and u
valuable bunch of keys. No clue ,
Dnnth oi'un Kutlnmlilo
Nob. , Junoli7 , - ISpoolul to VJIB
HKK.I Liut night occurred the death of the
wife of ono ot our pioneer settlers and phyel *
clans , Dr. Lev ! Anthony , A nlwddow of
sorrow la can over thji pjwmuulty ,
And Intuiffurato3 a War oil Its
It Declares Itn Indononilrtnoc of Any
Anmiulnthm und Proceeds to
the Denver ! ' -
Kuto ,
CIIIOAOO , III. , Juno 27. [ Special Telegram
Tin : Dm : . ] The Alton ban entered upon a
campaign by which It proposes to even a
long account with its competitors. It claims
not to be bound by any association rules , nnd
will give notice of changes in rates only to
the inter-state commerce commission. The
beginning of this plan of campaign was In
augurated by the notice of reduction of the
Denver passenger rate from tt ) . ( > r > to $20.
General Passenger Agent Charlton sent no
tice of the reduction , which goes Into effect
July 'J , to Washington , but no notice wns
given its competitor * , or the Western Statcn
Pus5on ger nsAoclution.
The Hook Island claims this action is a
look of good faith on the part ot the Alton ,
nnd that there was n distinct promise on the
part of the Alton that it would notify its .
fellow members of the Western States Pass
enger association , should It decide to nmko
nny change In rates. The Alton's ground
for the reduction in rates , Is that the Iloclt
Island allowed Its descriptive round-trip
tickets to Denver to bo so manipulated that
passengers could make the trip either way
for ? 0. This , they elaim , was done In the
following way :
A Chicago scalper would buy n round-trip
ticket for 50 , tbo ono way rate bolng $30.05.
'Ibis ticket ho would sell to u Denver pass
enger for 10 , with an order on n Denver
scalper tor $ > r > , or us much less us ho could
get the customer to accept. The Denver
scalper then sold the return passage for35 ,
or as much more us ho could get. The ticket
is ot the doscriptiyo character : in
fact , everything but u photograph
of the purchaser. The Alton claims that a
larty rode on one of these tickets describing
n man with blonde sldu whiskers. It Is al
leged that this took place on a Uock Island
train , the only comment of the conductor be
ing a nuery ua to wbut she hud donowith her
The Alton further claims that there are
now 000 of thesn unused portions of tickets In
the Denver market , 4W ) of them being of the
Rock Island. To this chnrguthu Rock Island
makes answer in n circular , declaring there
are but fifty-four outstanding round trip
Denver tickets of this Issue- and It is reason
able to suppose that at least nlno or tun of
these are in tbo hands of legitimate purchas
ers. The Alton people declare that the cir
cular is pure buncombe. The Alton is by no
means satisfied with this reduction
in passenger rates , which will ex
tend to nil intormcdliito points. It
is now attacking the Rock Island in , a tender
spot , If private information from points cost
of the Jlisscurl are to bo believed. Tlio "word ,
come.i that the Rock Inland , refusing to
break cargoes at the Missouri rlver.-tho
Alton is oflering stockmen to tnkc cattle to
Chicago from nny point on tbo Rook Island
system west of the river to Chicago nt regu
lar rates. Tliis it can do by paying local
rates to the Rock Island to Kansas City nnd
thence to Chicago over " Its own Hub.
Tills will not cut the through rate.
but the transfer will not the Alton much
less than It would the Rock Island.
With sovornl other interchanges of social
amenities , tbo situation stands as above. It
may materially change , however , within
twenty-four hours. The Union Pacilio has
already become tired of the Si second class
rate to Helena , via Denver , and will soon , re
quest its withdrawal. To meet the Northern
Pacific and Manitoba competlon , it will con
tinue the rates on its mull.
JHnra IStitc Tronblcp.
CHICAGO , Juno 37. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Hnu. I The Western Freight associa
tion will meet to-morrow to consider the
question ns to-iiow far into Iowa the low St.
Paul commodity tarilt will extend. A sus
picion has almost grown into the bplfof that
thu Iowa railroad commissioners will take
the low rates ns a basis for a further reduc
tion in Iowa local rates. Thodunijor of such
action bus become so apparent that some. oj
the roads are hi favor of abolishing tlio low
commodity tariff which is to go into effect
July 5 , and using the discriminatory basis of
SS coats on through tralllu and 00 cents on
local. The Chicago freight bureau will take
prompt action in case this Is done. Thcro is
no difference of opinion , oven among the
northwestern roads , that the rates are ille
gal , which charge 'M cents to ono person and
( U ) cents to another for practically
the sumo service. Section S of
the inter-state commerce act covers
us If drawn especially for it. Each road in
the association is liable under the provisions
of the net to bo found utility und suffer n
line of 5C > ,000 nnd the imprisonment of one of
its officials for two years. Members of the
freight bureau have obtained competent
legal udvlco , the result being that they are
certain of convicting the ofllclals of nil the
northwestern roads with no moro evidence
than shown in the tariffs issued by the rall-
rouds themselves , The freight bureau \ylll
hold this club over thu heads of the north
western roads and compel them to stick to
their low commodity tariffs , already issued
by thu Burlington & Northern and unproved
by the other roads. Said u railroad official
on the subject :
"Tho action o' the freight bureau presents
n queer contradiction. They claim wo nro
guilty of discrimination in our own present
rates , and will bring uction against us unices
wu put into effect tlio commodity tariff July
5 , as promised , Thu discrimination under
the commodity tariff will bo fur moro glar
ing , and wu uru certainly moro liable to pun
ishment under its workings. In other words.
wo uro to KuffiM- the consequences of ono mis
demeanor unless wo commit u worse one. I
don't seu thu logic in that. " McNnlta'rt
CIUCAOO , Juno 27. [ Special Telegram to
Tim Bui : . | General McNulta bus issued an
eloquent cxaugurul to the ofllcors and em
ployes of the Wabasli railway. After direct
ing that all the railroad property In Ills re
ceivership be turned over at midnight of
Juno ! iO to James H. .lay. O. D. Ashley ,
Thomas H. Hubbardund Edgar T. Wells , ho
udds :
"In severing my connection with the man
agement of the road my thunku nro due and
nro hereby tendered to each nnd all of you
for your honest , faithful and clllclent ser
vices , In the two yours und three months
wo have served together through ono of the
most critical periods In tbo railroad history
of the country , during rutu war , strike and
boycott , or when pulllni ; un oven keel with
our competitors , you have always been equal
to the occasion. At all times you have Intel
ligently , harmoniously and enthusiastically
put forth your best efforts for the success of
the \Vabiisli. Knowing you HH I do , I firmly
belle vo you will continue to put forth your
best efforts to sceuru success for tbo Incom
ing management , which I cordially commend
to you , and that you will continue to stand
by thu motto , The Wubash keeps up with
tlio procession , ' und that hereafter , as now ,
thu road will bu known us the great WabaHh ,
and its forcu as the best and most harmoni
ous In the wholn country. You , collectively
and individually , have my best wfBhcs for
your future welfare und auccoes in life. "
A Very ( iiiiiioh ; Hellenic.
CHICAGO , Juno 27. | Special Telegram to
Tins Hui : , ] A * very smooth plan to raise be
tween (0,000 ( und $50C'00 is that of the of.
( leers of tlie National Educational associa
tion , which mceU In Nushvlllo July 8 , A
ono way rate is nuido for the event , (3 in
each case being lidded , the resulting sum
being turned over to the officers of the asso
ciation for expenses of the meeting. Tha
railroads hnvo become- unwittingly a first *
class collecting