Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1889, Page 8, Image 8
THE OM'AHA' DAILY BEE : THUBSDAY * JUNE 27 , 1880. THEJCITY. The Young ' People's society of the Southwestern Luthornn church will Imvo n lemon fquce/o this evenIng - Ing nt the residence of Mr. D.V. . Shull , corner Popploton nvonuo and Twenty- fifth nvonuc. The degree of doctor of divinity 1ms lioon conferred on llov. John Gordon , pastor of the Westminster Presbyter ian church of Oiniihu by his alma motor , the Western University of Pennsylva nia , located at Plttsburg. It Is reported that there nro over Ave hundred oases of n mild typo of pink eye epidemic among horses of this city. The disease Is chiefly confined to the lanro livery burns , Mr. Sherwood hav ing thirty horses moro or loss ulToctod by the disoaso. A jolly party ot young folks in Jim Stophonson's tally-ho , and drawn by six hordes , attracted considerable attention on the streets yesterday afternoon. It was a party going out to Fort Omaha to Imvo a lawn fete , upon the Invitation of Mrfl. Andrcsou. A llttlo olovoti-yonr-old girl named Ella Foley , residing at Twenty-second nnd Grace streets , was severely bitten yesterday by a vicious dog belonging to Ed Brown. A complaint was inado to police headquarters und a policeman was sent to kill the dog , but finding It tied up ho did not disturb it. Personal Mr. Will J. Scott , of ICoarnoy , Is In tlio city. city.Miss Minni o Curly , of DCS Moine * , In. , Is in the city , visiting Mrs. J. C. Kcgiin. Air. W. S. Gurbor , of Lincoln , secretary of thostuto bourcl ot transportation , Is In the city attending the meeting of the board of trade. Mr. W. E. Sinytho , editor of the Kearney Daily Enterprise Is in the city. Ho c.illcd at Tin : Hic ; oiilco and was shown through the building. Dr. S. O. Kirby and Mlsi Carrie Fcsler , of Grand Junction , In.vcro married nt the Pnxton hotel , nt noon , byVilllam Evans , nlso of Ornnd Junction. The hrido's father nnd a few fr'cnds ' of the groom wore present. Tlic hnppy couple left last evening for the cast. cast.W. . A , L. Glbboa has been called- Chi- cngo by the death of n ncice. ' Joseph Franklin , H. L. Itonry. of the William Burr Dry ( Joods company , Ht. Louis , nrrived to-day on a visit to tholr branch store on Sixteenth and Douglas streets. They are Btopplng at the Puxton. Heniy Gibbon , grand commander No- brnHkn Knights Templar , is In the city to meet other leading knights mid perfect pre liminary urrunccinpiits for goluc1 to the bl cnnlal conclave ut Washingioa next Novem ber. Fined but Gallant. MM. ( Srady was fined f3 and costs In police court for assaulting Itubo Gr.iy , ono of M. F. Martin's ' graders. After ho secured the conviction Martin paid the line imposed , us Mrs. Grady was in n destitute condition. Bloom Suspended. Officer Charles Bloom of the pollco force has been suspended by Chief Seavoy for drinking in a saloon. Bloom alleges that ho drank nothing but ginger ale , and used that only because ho was afraid to drink the city water in its present muddy condition. Opinion. The break in the pavement on Sixteenth street south of the viaduct was caused , ac cording to Plumbing Superintendent Dun can , by a break in the house connection with the water main at 1210 South Sixteenth street. The water works people allege Unit the break was caused by water getting in be hind the curbing on tha street nnd washing out the sewer trench. The damage will amount to at Icnst $500. Atillnir ( fie Woman's Koine. Miss Marion Chase , niece of Dr. Mercer , will give a musical at her uncle's residence on tllo evening of July 3 , for the benefit of the Woman's homo , on Hurt street. Seven hundred and fifty Invitations have been is sued. The object for which the entertainment will bo given is a most meritorious ono , the homo being one of the most worthy charit- nblo Institution * in the city , many aged and Infirm women being cared for there that otherwise might be homeless. A Council lllutV-i "Fence. " Detective Mostyn arrested la Council Bluffs yesterday Hello Johnson , alias Belle Henderson , alias "Johnny null , " a negress , who Is a notorious thief and fence and is wanted at Kansas City whcro she has beea indicted by the grand jury tozeUier with thn hardest gangof tluoves ilmtlms over infested the city on the Kiuv. The woman was driven out of O in aim about thrco yours ago and has Binco inndo her headquarters in Council UlufTs. She , was arrested in a notor ious dlvo kept by colered people near .tho aummy depot in Coi'ncll lilnffs. She rc- f used to coma to Omaha and was lodged in the Council Hluffs Jail. Hitching I'oxt Ordinance. OMAHA , Juno W. To the Editor of THE ! For the past thrco or four weeks there lias been nothing but mad dog scares , tha laws being strictly enforced. . Why is them nothmc said about runaway teams } A farmer comes to town ; thcio Is no place to hitch his horse ; it cither runs nway or a policeman comes along , takes it , to the stable and then the poor farmer has to pay the cost. There Is a city ordinance stating that there must bo nt least two rings to every lot of a certain sl/o ling and not less than a certain number of feet apart. Not one-tenth of the places in Omaha hava ilia rings , and those who luivo them nra not the size stated in the ordinance. This is hioro of a necessity than the killing of dogs. The taxes oa them have been paid. _ SUIISCUIIJEU. A MlHHinc Plumber. George Jones , a plumber ydio came hero from Now York during the recant plumbers' strike , Is missing. His wife , a handsome young woman , reported tha matter to Chief Scnvoy ana requested his assistance In the search for her husband. She states thntthoy caino direct from England two months ago , and wore Induced to come to Omaha by an advertisement in a Now York paper calling for ulumbors In this city. Jones , bolng a union man , refused to go to wont when ho came hare , anil had done nothing until on Mondav last when ho worked a hulf day In the Now Yont Llfo building. Ho complained of being sick nt noon but returned to his work , since which tlmo Mrs. Jones has not cen or heard from him , Inquiry among the plumbers who know Iilui falls to glvo any clue to his whereabouts. Ho had { CO in his pocket when ho loft homo. Mrs. Jones occupies rooms nt 310 North Thirteenth street and she lias ono child , a eon by a former husband. She assrcts that her lifo with Jones has boor , an especially liuppy ono and she can not thltik that bo has deserted her. _ Nocber Still at imrjro. There were' no now developments in the JJcdbcr-Uurko shooting case yesterday. Necbo 1ms not yet been f round. Dr. Ralph , the city physician , visited the Injured woman yesterday again , Ho m ports that thcro Is scarcely a chance for hot recovery , the bullet having passed entlrelj through her body , The Injured woman was formerly a Mrs , Cleveland , nod loft her husband several years ago. bho then began living with Tow lluby , an ex-convict Three months age Kuby was sent to the county jail on the charge of stealing a quantity of brass from the H , & M. railway company , and has not yet served his tlmo. During his incarcera tion Mrs. Kuby has been living with Necbo , Both ware artestcd several weeks ago on the charge of adultery , but were alainisscd for. want of prosecution , Ncebo Is known to the pollco us a tough citizen , but lias povcr been arrested except on tiio charge : named. The Iowa authorities have been Instructed to look out for him. A NOHLK WOMAN. Mrs , Hnyos' Character Consldoro.l JLljr n Gentleman \Vlio.ICnew Her. Hon. John M. Hawley , of this city , attor ney for the Fremont , Elkhorn ft Missouri Valley road , was assistant secretary of the United States treasury during President Hayes' administration. Ho had charge of the appointments and was familiar at the white house by reason of the fact that ho had to call thcro nearly every day. Speaking pf Mrs. Hayes1 death , Mr. Hawley - ley said : Mrs. Hayes WAS ono of the most o stlmablo women whom I have -over known. I knew her well during the presidency of General Hayes , nnd no woman ever occupied the po sition of mistress of the white house w ho was more respected and honored. She was pen- tlo and engaging in her manners , most intel ligent and entertaining in her conversation , and c.ipablo at the sumo tlmo of entertaining n largo circle of guests , made up of different callings and professions , and making them all at case and happy in her society. She was a woman of strong convictions nnd great force of character , and always rc.idy when the occasion demanded it to as sert herself and to urge what she considered to bo the course of fight. She drew about her a wide circle of devoted and admiring frlRiuls who thoroughly appreciated the loveliness of her character nnd enjoyed her confidence. She was a great credit to her countiy as she WHS H most lit representative of what her country could produce ; und her shining virtues and boautltul character may justly bo admired nnd imitated by the womiin of her country. "Her death will bring mourning Into vry many households. "Tho news of her death , " ho continued , "is the cause of much grief la my family.1' A. Great nattlo Is continually goinp on in the human system. The uomon of impure blood strives to gain victory ever tlio consti tution , to ruin health , to drag victi'us to the grave. A good reliable medicine lilco Hood's Sarsaparillu is the wonpon with which to defend one's self , drive the desperate enemy from the Held and restore pcaco and bodily health for Double ANHPHsinont. OMAHA , Juno 20. To the Editor of Tun 13ii : : : 1 , Can you enlighten the public as to whether the city council , sitting as a board of equalization has any legal right to raise the valuation of real property from 10 to 20 per cent above the county assessor's valua tion ) 2. And has the city council nny right to take the county assessment of 1SSS as a basis for a levy of city taxes for the year 1SSO , as is done now , thereby causing unequal valua tion on propci ty between county and city ia the same year ? 3. Can a county assessor bo called to ac count nnd bo hold responsible for unequal valuations of n difference of 100 per cent for property In the same block nnd of equal value. I have Pxamincd the valuations of prop erty In the county assessment books , nnd have discovered gross Irregularities. Some propertyiof my own paying as hitrh as 25 per cent of the income derived therefrom alone for taxes. Every property owner interested in the wollfaro and growth of our young city will surely not object to nny reasonable tax , nor will I. but wo all have a right to call a halt to this crying evil of the present unequal nnd too hich taxation.Vo must Und a rem- cdv to abate this outrage. Will you kindly do your part in stirring up the citizens to discuss this serious matter publicly I Hespcctfully , JOHN II. P. LLJIMANN. 1 , Under the law neither the county com missioner or the city council would have a right to raiao the valuation , except for the purpose of equalization. ' - . The law provides that the city council shall bo governed by the last countv assess ment , which would be the ono for ISS'J. 'Hie county assessor cannot bo called to ac count for unequal valuation. Taxidermistcatal'g'cSlo N 10thOmiiha HOP -pat-lure. . nobcrt Morrow is in trouble again. Sev eral weeks ago ho was nrrcstoj for wifo- boatiag and was placed under bonJs o kqpp the peace. Mrs. Morrow has since refused to live with him , and was at the union depot yesterday on her way to Colorado , where she has a sister living. She was accompanied by John Con way of Council HtufEs , who was going to California and had agreed to BOO Mrs. Morrow safely to her destination. Morrow heard of the proposed departure of his wife and followed her to the dep"otwlioro ho assaulted Con way while ho was engaged in checking Mis. Morrow's baggage. LJoth mca wore arrested on the charge of fighting. Mrs. Morrow deferred her departure for the Centennial state , and will remain in the city us a witness against her husband when tlio case is called for trial. Advioo to Mother ? . Airs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should nhviiysbo used for children teeth ing.tltsoothes the child , softens the gums' , allays till pains , cured wind colic , and is the boat remedy jor diarrhoea. 25e ti bottle. Amlorson'fi Scheme. ODuring the commissioners' meeting yes terday Anderson tried hard to get in his work on County Clerk Uoclio again , but failed. It happened that the latter had given the Sixth ward assessors vouchers for their pay. In order to get at the matter nnd create a row , Anderson moved that the assessment allowances for the Sixth waid , which were ordered last Saturday , bo reconsidered , but his motion was voted down. O'Kcoffo exposed the objects of It by stating that ho tould BOO through them as plainly as ho could sen Anderson then ; also that ho would have done just as the clerk did. Cushman's ' Menthol Inhaler , cures catarrh , headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay Fever. Trial free at your druggist. Pried 50 cents. * * lloiinltcd , Miss Bertha Nnglo , principal of the Gib son school , will bo united in marriage this evening to Julius Fcstnor , her for mer husband , from whom she was divorced two yours ago. IF not remedied in season , Is liable to become habitual and chronic. Dras tic purgatives , by weakening the bowels , confirm , rather than cure , the evil , Ayor'a Pills , being mild , effective , and strengthening In their action , aio gener ally recommended by thu faculty as the best of npcrients , "Having been subject , for years , to constipation , without being able to Und much relief , tnt last tried Aycr's Pills. I de'em It both a duty and a pleasure to testify that I have dciivcd great ben efit from their use. For over two jtmra past I have taken ono of these iillla every night bufoiorctlilng , I would not willingly bo without thorn. " CJ. W. Itowumu , 20 East Malu St. , Carlisle , I'a. " I Imvo boon taking Ayor's I'ijls and using thorn In my family nlnco 1857 , ami cheerfully recommend them to all ia need of a safe hut effectual cathartic. " Johu M , Hoggs , Louisville , ICy. " For eight years I was afflicted with constipation , which nt last became so bad that tltti doctors could do no more for mo. Then I began to take Ayor's Pills , nnd noon the bowels recovered tlielr natural and regular action , so that now T nm In excellent health. " H. Ii. Loughbrldgo , Bryan , Texas. " Having used Ayer's Pills , with good results , I fully Indorse them for the pur poses for which Ilioy nro recommended. " T. Councrs , JJ. D , , Contra llridge , Pa. Ayer's Pills , rnnr.inBi > BY / Dr. J. C , Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mats. Bold bj all Druggloti and DtUcti ia lledlclat. -i- ie . , LITERABBY THE STAFF 0 $ LIFE. Another grdatly , superior quality possessed .by tlio V Royal Baking Powder Is tliqt by which the preservation of * v * * important elements .o 'the flour is effectcfl in raising the bread by the mechanical operation ol the gas , without fer ' ' ' " ' mentation. , Yeast , and all baiting powders that produce the leaven ing gas by fermentation , as is well known , destroy a portion tion of the nutritive elements of the flour , and particularly those which are tho'most healthful and the greatest aids tea a perfect assimilation of the food. The Royal Baking- Powder , -while perfectly leavening , retains without change or impairment all those elements which were intended by nature , when combined in1 our bread , to make it literally the "staff of life. " * Wo leavening agent or baking powder , except the Royal Baking Powder , possesses these great qualifications. A. J. I'OPPLKTON , President. H. W. YATB3. Treasurer. J. J. 11UUWN , Vlce-1'rcsldeut. S. T , JUSSKfA'N , Secretary A SOLID NEBRASKA COMPANY. OP OMAHA , NEB. Paid tip Capital , - $100,000 Fire , - Lightning - and - Tornado - Insurance , Ofllccs , H. IS , Corner Onutilas niul Sixteenth Bin. Telephone l,4tt. Directors : A..T. Foppleton , J. H.Mlllanl , Win. Wnllnco. J. W. Gannett. II. W. Yntes , N. A. Kitlin , U. L. Stone , C. \Voodworth , J. S. Collins , J. .1. Urown , S. T. Josselyn. Homo OHlec , Xos. UOO. 301 , 802 , JJ08 Brown's Block , - - Oniiilm , Neb. ENGRAVINGS , Hyl | | P J JE/HALLET / & DAVI3 , ARTIST SUPPLIES , Rnj H H M mr S _ KIMBAIjr'i MOULD INGS , , gjj | | yP | flBI PIANOS AND ORGANS FRAMES , f f SHEET MUSIO. 1513 Douglas SL 'S1 -j Omaha , Nebraska , TEAM HEATING GQ , Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. JSESCJ dAS'S-KlRK § , ' - FLOATIM < . < SOKP WRAPPERS ( UR6E3IZC ) , g oni receive t a l@J1AND50j.E3 iWS 1 Coi\Ulr\lnj ( g m PHOTOGRAPHS g PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1302 FARNAM STREET. N NATIONAL BANK U. S. DIU'OSlTOllY , OjIAJLV , NKIJ. Capital . ' . . . , * $400,000 Surplus Jan. 1st. 188U. . . . . ; . . - . ,62,000 ANO niHEcrons. IlENitv . YATFH. I'rosldent. LLWISH. Vice 1'resideot , ' W. V. MtlllbH I JOIIN-H. UOI.MNR H. C. Ul'SIIIva ' J.N. IM'ATIIICIC , W. 11. B. lluelHES.Cnihler. THE IRON BANK. Corner Utli anil Barnaul Bis. A Ccno Hanking llutlness Traneacted. DREXEL & MAUL , Eucceasont to John C. JacobaJ Undertakers andEmb aimers Attlieolil stand HOT l-'arnam St. Ordoraby tfU'urajm solicited and promptly attended , elcphoua to No , 2V are cucce&afully used monthly by over 10,000 - . Ladiva. AroSafe. KffcctualandPleaiant \J $1 perlioxbytuall.or t druggists. Rental nriCTj ( r S ] X5BtnKo tUmpK. AcJdroia Toe KUUBBA CUBUICIL Co. , PurnoiT , Micu. For sale and by mall by" Goodman Company , Omaha , D1VOHCC8-A. QOOUItlClf. AtTOrt SEV.AT LAW , U'l Dearborn fet. . ChtcAgof hdrlio freaj SI yearn' exiierleucti ; bualaess iniietly iml li > - sall Notlco to Contractors antl Builders. Scaled bids will bo rocolveel by A. It , gnmson. for the construction ot a ten-room. SMorv brick business blocs In Hrokcn Haw , Nebraska , on the property of the Custor llenlty Company , llldsf will bo recehed ns follows : 1st. 1'or furnishing nil inntorlnl nnd ull Inbor for the construction , nnd to construct stone foundation. 2nd. For furnishing nil Inbor nnd construct ing foundation. Company to furnish mntcrlul. : ird. For furnishing nil material nnd nil Inbor for the construction , audio construct the ( brick ) walls. 4th. Yor fuinlshlng nil Inbor nnd .onstiuc Ins said walls. Company to furnish imitorlu ) . fitli. ror furnishing all material nud nil labor for tno rough carpenter work , und to perlorm thosamo. oth. Tor furnishing nil labor nnd performintr routh carpenter work. Company to fuinish. maturlal. 7th. Tor f urnlshlnff nil material nnd nil Inbor for the 11 ins Ii ( carpenter work ) and to perform the same. 8th. For furnishing nil Inbor for , nnd per forming finishing ( carpenter work. ) Company to furnish nia'.crl il. Oth. For futnlshtlns nil Inbor nnd nil material for plastering , auu to plaster said bulldine. 10th. 'Jho fnrnlaliing nil inntorlnland nil Inbor for the construction , nnd to construct said building , according to certain plans nnrt speclll- cuttons nt the oiilco of Hedges & Samson , ut Hroken How , NobrasKa. The party or parties with whom the said "Cus- ter Uealty Company" mny contract for nny ma terial or labor in the construction of said build ing are to enter into a goad and sufllcient bo approved by the building committee of said company. Ench bid must be nccoiananled by n certllled chnck. in the sum of $ > 00 , payable to the order of the "Custor Iteulty Company. " ns a guiuanteo that the bidder will. It his bid bo no cuptcd enter Into n satisfactory contract within live days for the erection and completion ot snld building , nud that ho will within said flvo iluy.s execute to said company a good nnd BUlII- c'.ent bond for the faithful performance of Bald contract. The "Ouster Realty Company" reserves the rljjht to rejoctany or nil bids. lly order of the bonrd of directors of Custor Itcnlty Company. A , It. BAUSON , Secretary. Notice. Notlco is hereby given that scaled bids will bo received by the clerk ot Adams County , Neb raska , nt his oiilco Hastings. Nebraska , oil or before twelve o'clock noon of .1 uly Uth , J8SI > , for the purchase of sovunty uva bonds of the de nomination of ono thousand dollars each to bo issued by tdo County of Adams In the Htnto of Nebraska , to bo dated July 1st , 1K8'J. ' nud to bo payable at the 1'iscal Attonoy of the State of Nebraska , City of Now York , State of Now Vork twenty years alter the date thereof re deemable at any lime on or after ton years from the date thereof ntthe option of saw county of Adams nnd to bear interest at thai ate of II vo per cent per annum payable annually on the ilist day of July in each year , for which interest coupons elmll bo attached payable ut the llscul agency aforesaid. Mights reserved to reject any and all bldi , lly order of the Hoard of Supervisors , May 9th 1881 * . L. II. PAIITHIDOB , [ SEAL. ! County Clork. JOHN A. OASTO , County Attorney. in21dtoJyO Notlcotoi Contractors. The bonrd of public , works nud buildings will receive bids an ( stated below : For work and material necessary toclltilnh new building for Institute for the llllnd. No- brauka City , nnd for raakliiKStuted repairs on the old Imllillufl .t any tlmo before Juno 24 , 18SD , at 2 p. m. For work and material to complete south wing for Industrial Homo at Mllford , at any tjint ) before June oca. isxu , at - p. m. , For labo rand uuatrial to lay about 4,000 feet of n Inch Bowenijpe for the penitentiary , Also for completing nsruoko stuck and for furnlnh- ing ana putting on ubont l.uoo squares ot corru gated Iron roolhm'-for some , at any time before- June - > , ibhti. , at U ji. m. For electric llKirtiplnnt nnd for barn for Incurable - curable Insane llmpltul at linstlngp , Nebraska atuuy time beforti-lune'-'il , Ih8) ) , ntifp. in. 1'ormntrtrial nmlJaborto ciunpleto ] fj cotta- Res , hospital , holler nnd oiiRluii and laundry houses and for haipltal , JOT Koidlord' lluiuo , ( iratul Jbliir.J , at Kuy time before JuuoST. Ibtll , Mi * M p. in. For boiler house and smokestack for Insti tute for 1't lilo Minded Vouth. ut lleutrice , at any time beToro Juno M. I8i > . .itar. m. For ono building for boiler house , engine room , electric light plant und workshop , und lor woo4 hnlldlai : for iymnnslam and library , for Not mal School , at 1'eru , ut any tiniu before J una W , IB U , ut - P. m. 1'or one three htory bilck workshop wllti Btona bnsoment und one boilerhoute und smoke stack , tor ItidtiHrUl Bchool , at Kearney , at nny tlmo before July lJroi. . at s p. m. All above woricto bodou ] a'cordlni to writ ten statement , I'l.ini , Hpecincntions , und cU'tullHil nr.iwlii. , now nn lilt ) \Utli the Com- mlsilonernf 1'ubllo Lauds and IlulldliiKH , who \\lllfuriitnh all needed information relative ItontlH will Ve rcoulred of nucoei-sfu. bidders for completion of the work uud foi the pay ment of ullb'lls for labor i > nd nuterl I , Jiy order of Hoard of 1'ubllu l.auds and llu lids - s ' G. I. LAWS , , Juno 13 d in Secretary. VTKW YOKK MIUTAHV AOADKMV i > wall un-Hudtuu. Cou C. J. WUKIIIT. 11. B. , A , M. , bupi.f Ii F. 11VA7T , Couid't ot Cadets. , T tA visit to our second floor , where wo keep our Summer Goods will convince ovory- bpay tliat wo nro soiling moro light Coats and Vests thnu all the clothiers iu town to- go'thor. The largo volume of business transacted in this department the past week is proof positive of the remarkable values oJTored. This week we shall present. oven still greater bargains. "Wo have just opened a delayed shipment of several hundred Men's Mohair Coats and Vests in two handsome shades which wo oltor at $1.50 for the Coat and Vest. Think of itl Only $1.50 for a Mohair Coat and Vest which would bo reasonable at $3.00. Boys' Flannel Coats and Vests , in handsome patterns and well made , sixes from 12 to 18 at GOc. ! OV. e 300 pair Men's flue All Wool Pants in clogant stripes at $1,75 , POSITIVELY .WORTH DOUBLE. 200 pairs Boys' All Wool Pants , excellent quality , at $1.25. " 150 pair Boys' All Wool Pants at $1.GO. , The above Pants are the best values wo have ever offered. SPFXIAL IN THE 50 dozen very fine Silk Striped Flannel Skirts in choice patterns , elegantly made ' afc $2.75 , worth < 4.00. 85 dozen fine Fancy Balbriggan Shirts and Dvavrora , silk trimmed , paai'l buttons , ia two beautiful shade. ' , faat colors , at 35c , worth fully GOc. SPECIAL IN NECKWEAR. "We open to-day 10 cases of fine Pique Scarfs , handsome and largo shapes , in splendid patterns , which we offer at 25o per dozen. These are goods which other houses usually sell at 10c a piece. 100 dozen fine Windsor Scarfs , this season's importation , a 15c ; regular price fov ' these goods is 35c. 35c.SPECIAL SPECIAL IN SHOE DEPARTMENT. In our Shoe Department we offer this week an extraordinary bargain. 200 pair Russet Low Shoes , excellent stock and solid throughout , at $1.90. The identical goods are Eold in ail shoe stores at $3.00. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha , \Vlio rteslro to be well nnd comfortably dressed , should not fall to look through our complete stock ot clothing and fur niililngs for summer wear. AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY'S European Department receives ami forwnrdHul ! tlussM ol l > u liiesi by e icli ilullSteamer urrlvlnc at or departliu from Kow Vorlc. Blilpmanta f ram Kurnnecnn bo made Jlrcct tir thin Company toalllnlunil I'orls of I'ntir In tliu Unltoil btntva , ulso toC'nnmln nnd Mexico , wltli \vltbout pojMiicntof dutleaat New York. Itatcs 119 low ns thee of itnr rcsponslblocompnny. NO OIIAHOKMADKFOU CUSTOM HOUSE illtOK- KUAUBUKOAUTAOK. Monor Orders laiucil piyablo nt 15,000 places In Unltcil Mute ; , Cmmtla uiut lluropo. Atrcnctca In Uiirono to wuom ehlpmonta for Unlloci FtuluH cuiibo ilollvoreil , or If from Interior points hlioulcl be consli-'neil. nccoinpiinleil by Hill of ljulliu anil Jnvoltu ccrtlUpU before American Consul : TIIOS. MKATMJWH A , CO .35 .Milk Street. Clioansl leI I luuloii , 10. ci UVntur Street , Iavuuiooi.i mi I'ica u cllllyMANCiifsrflt 10 IlKnover t-trect , ( ] iAsco\rn .1 lluu bcribu. I'AitiH. 15. ItlUIIAItli , J Ituo Chll u IUIIVK. N. l.UrCUTlNU&CO. . 117 LftiiKenstrii8/ie , IliiUMKNt M Dovcnllectb , llAMMUliu , unU 117 Am llllleil , IlllLMLNlIAn-.N. NEiiVdlJB , 011HOMO and 1'IUVATU DISISASKS of MKN anil WOllUNBUccosfully trontod. YOUNG MEN Puttering from tlio effects of youthful follle or liullj- onttliini , or nro troubled wllli Wcnkiiuu , Jservoui IH'blllty , Ij < i s of Memory , tlcipoiulency , Arereliin to bopiiity. Kidney Troubles or nny ilUea u3 ot tliu Qunl * to urinary Ornuii * . ran bore Hurt n tiifo and puodr cur * , ' ( 'liurcfi reasonable , eipeclully 4o tliu poor MIDDLE-AGED MEN Tlic ro nro many Iroub'ecl w Illi too frequent oracu- -UHtlonaof the bladder , onon accompanlud by a ellubt unnrtlim or buriilnuBcntatlon.nnd neiikunmKnf tlio SBti'ic.lmi iiiunncr tbo patlvntcHiinut utcount lor. Un I'Xiiinlnliu Ibo urinary iiepo lti ropy foJIineut will niic'ii batouml.and tomutlnicii parllclci ofulbu. men will appear or the color bo of u thin , nillklili lino. niuln tluinKlnir to a dark or torpM appearance. Tliurq lire iniiny men who illu of this dltlluulty , iKiior nut or tlio tautu Klncli Is tbo second BIUKU of tcnil- niil eiikne . Tbo doctor trill Kuuratitcu n perfect cure In nil Biich cntcs , nnj n lieu thr restoration of tbo ircnltourlnury ornjin. CiniMilliitloo free , bend -ceiit itainp for "YnuiiK Slan't friend or ( Julde to Wedlock , " free to nil. Address DR. SPINNEY fe CO. , iUitnjind.lth 8' . , Knnjas City , 5fo. 5 AeutlOiitli3 ] paper , Dillllliltit tlr pdtierrtUoi or ClilUMIK I. U.J.for , CUKE or tmm. MllO , UOOTNLU , ( DBlluVbHI lUlrtlll B. Joe fcHettlt. iL.ra J to'llt.l'uL < l llc'nwibl"lV. . 'kllclrfi Current V. IHTI .II JlTtC w.lolf.lltl.OMIocnk. BSLT..1 ILBarBtlrevr.41iiltr * \\7"ANTrn- l5 ! ! weekly lepresentntlve. mala T T or female , In every community. Good * Etunlei loiiMholit luice-ulty ; tell at blB'tti ' no peilillliiKi ddlHrymW \ promptly , nnd oxiiensea . uilyaticed. I'lili ptrtlculuin and valuabletiAtonle ' case FitEiVo mean Jtint what e say : tidilress atonco. BTANDAUIJ SlLYUll WAUUCO. , Uo . ton , Dit.n.O. WKST'S Knave AND DRAIN TURA.Y- HC.ST , iigiiarnnteoil spocltlc for HyaterlR , DIz/I- ness , ( /onviilslons , ( 'its. Nervous Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by tlis use of alcohol or tobacco , M'akoCuluess , Muntnl Depression , Softening of the Itrnln , rosultlniflu tasanltvftndleaillnuto misery , decay nnd death. I'teinature Old ARC , llarrennesi , Los > 3 of Power In either sex , Involuntary I.osaai and Spcrmnt- orheca caused by over-e\ortionof thobruln.bolf- abuse or overindulgence. Kach box contains cne month'a treatment , tl OD a bjt , or six boxei forJ'i.W'.sentliy ' ' mall prepaid onri-cclptot price. WH GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To euro any case. With each order received by us for six boxes , accompanied with &j 00 , wo will Bend the purchaser our written Kuatnutoo to re fund the money If tliu treatment does not enact it cure. Guarantees Issued only by Uoodman Drug Co. , DrugKlKts , Solo Agents , 1110 Faraum fltreet. Omaha Uob. The Inrijcst , litstcat and Jl/ie.n In the world. Passenger accorninodatloiis unexcelled , tfew Vnrl4 to T.lvoriinnl vln Qiie natnxvn. Tbo ColelirutcdlTbo Kliicst Ptoutif City of Uuuie I eblp 111 tbo World.l Now York to Glasgow via Londonderry Anchorln Junei."J. | rin-Bssla , Jnly20 I'uruvBgiu July u I Kthlopla Inly " 7 Uevonln July 1.1) ) Anchoila , , .Augusts With lORitlar weekly sailings thereafter. SAIOON to ( llKvuiVi I.lveipool , Perry , Uolfastor Quecnstoivn t Jl to dill by Olnofoir ntiMtiiiori , ) > Jnnd up nrdii by "City of Itomo , " Becond { JlnttliU. bti'cr- iuo 1.11. Kxcurxlon rntns reduced nvallnblp for cither ruuto. tlnisklvlnir prlvllciio ot toeing In one tilp the Hirer Mersey , ricturcsquo Clyde , North and bonUi of Ireland. } : xCUltBIONH TO I'AItlH OllCOS'TIN'rKTAI. TOIIHS nn LOU r < r TritMs. Tra clem' Circular 1/etlei a of CioJtt und Draft * for uny itinonnt ut low eat current rules. Apply touuy of our local uuentaortu Jlentlcrsoit UrJtliars , Oalo a < ; o , 111 II. B. HAH. 11. V. MOOItKS. U , H. MAULS. TIMKEN SPRING VEHICLES B gunJrtJl e/Mom ImnrpvoeTwIlli BwinKinr > hacLVii"on ; 009 .t. n nnil ehnrten according to tba wolght put on thorn. Ad pt < xl eiiuil' ' * " < ll t" rouch country or ( Ino ttlty drlvea Will rive sen l > ust natlBlactlon. Tbo don ciiulpe I pleasure retort In tno weft. ' 1 be attention of tbo people of .Nebraska Is citUci ! to thUmur Imnous resort lor excurolonlits. plcnlo parlies etr. The be t of rules jrlvi-n on ull rullrouds. 'Iho park In situntod .1 miles trim Lincoln , and contains UJ iicics of timber ; tbo larueit and Le > t iiKiiintc'd cafe , unilcr tbo control ot llrovrn tliu fa mous Lincoln caterer 'i miles of boatliiK ! 'M plt'ui- tire bonlsi 2 niuilc und dunilnu liiillt : bu > u ball lirounds , most complete In tbo west , TU plcnlo tablet with eU : ; > peikern ttandr. Tlio wunderlul Cutltniun bprlni { > , uin alii tsll.liiL'liciui'ii iii < vliu i IlKlit lopi'.WI Icct loni ; . H Icet itbuve natur , 15. 11 , Audrutunil bou. Manager * . Lincoln , Neb. fi.W.Con , I3ril& DODGESls. , OMAHA , NE3. FOB Till ! MlUTllKNr OP ALL APPLIANCES FOR DEPORMITJES AND TRUSSES.1 Ber.t Facilities , Appcrattiaand II c-mcdicBforGucccjnfa ! Treatment of every form of Disease requiring MEDICAL or SUUOIUAI , TRlATMEUr. NINETY ROOMS FOfJ PAT5ENTS.1 Boai d fi : Attendance. Best Accommodations In Vr'eit , CJ\VRITE FOR OinoUIAHSoa Deformltlen and cicciricuy. i-arniysis , .bpuepiy , luaney , uiauacr , Eye , Ear , Bkinanl Blood and all Surgical Orerallona. DISEASES OF WQ&5F.N & 5K.I Ti ; a WKIUTKMTKLV ADDHl A MUU.U IHTJUlTHKNTFOft woiihN 111 M\uco\mbuvr. { STBICUYjniVATE. ) Only Reliable Medical iLatituto making a Specialty of PRIVATE BISSABSS All 111004niicaiMiucctMttillj trttled. Sviblmtorol n removed froaitbeiy.ttrm without mercury. K < w llrtloraUt * Trenlia.nt fur of mil , HIM Fit. IMrtlet timtiloto vllll Of mtjrtetrrateaat homctijr corrciiondcuce. AllcomiDUnlea- UODIcentdeadtl. ) llcdleine.orlnitriniKiitiirntbjin&llorex. rrciiiccurtlrpckf < lnonjMr ! ( iolmHrntveontrnli or tender. lmepcrion ( iuterilejr preferred. CnlUnd eomultuioricnl llilorrof tour cane , and MIS 111 lend In | Uln r.frfr , our nnntf Tn EUf.U FREE : upon , Hicciii o ; UUiIU tTItfje Nt' Illi ; Uleet ud Varleorele , wllli nunllou Hit. jUdieit OMAHA MEDICAL & SUKOICAI. INSTITUTE. 13th and Dodge Streets , OUAHA , NED , Dr. J. E , McGREW OVR or TUB SPECIALISTS In tlio Trcalniciil of All Clironlc , Nurvoua nnl : rrlvalo Fpormalorrbaa , linpotency and rulllni ; Mnnlioort [ ibMihiiely onro I , A euro guaranteed in ull forms of 1'iltute IHronaet , MrlctuieJ , Ulcetc. . Cntarru , 'lliroat , l.uiiKJ , and llu.irt Dlseanes , llboumatlsin , Hpliuil and 1 enmlu Dlieusen , llluud anil failn Ultuasei Iri'UUnI succottrully. I.uillos' und Kentleiuon'i waltlnz rooms icparats and entirely private. ( XJiisultallon fruit. Bend for book * , gocrct and I'rlvatu Direaiioof .Mivn.'nlJo'WoinunMlcr Dlseitsei , Kc each ( slumiis ) . 'jrealment by torreipouUcnctl seiiil'tainii lorrooly , OITICI ! : 1CT11 AND DOIIOLAS STKUIITS. _ OMAHA. N12II. _ _ rtomarlcablo for powerful sympathetic lotio , piiublo notion and nbeoluta dura bility ; { iOyonra1 record tbo boat guaran tee of the excellence of these instru ments. miblLETUllAR [ A