Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1889, Page 3, Image 3
Bulls Agnln Mnko Thomaol * ia Felt In Wheat. ANOTHER MATERIAL ADVANCE. Corn OpcnH Strone In Sympathy With the Hiioynnt Fecllni ; In I tin Chief Ccrcnl HOJS nnd Cattle Quotations. CHICAGO IMIODUOI3 MAHIUVTS. CIIICAOO , Juno 23. [ Special Telegram to TIIK Hr.n.l The bulls toed the mnrk this morning with mischief intheir eyes nnil determination In their look , nnd with cir cumstances still favoring them they se cured a further material advance. July opened at 81c , sold off to S0c , ndvanuej twain to Sl c , oft to SO. ' c , then rapidly to fclK i off to Sic , again upward , this time to 81'fc , and Unally closed at Sl8'c , or Itfc hlglier than it did yesterday. Ucccmber was very active and huslncss was fairly di vided between it and July. It kept Raining on the latter month , nnd from being } ( f ° lower than July yesterday , closed to-day on nn equality with the other month. The ( strength of the market at the close yester day was continued with added impetus from its interval of rest. July , which , after the regular close , had sold on the curb at IsOJfc , opened at. Sic this mornlnij. The principal strength came from the llrmncss of foreign markets. London was quoted stronger , with good demand , and Liverpool was linn and higher , but so mo private cables added that the advance was checking business. The home news was less sensa tional than on the previous day , nnd after the first llurr.v had spent itself the inlluuiico of the improved weather began to affect the market. Sober second thought seemed also to suggest 11 more conservative ! review of the situation and appeared to find some argu ments In favor of the bear side , whicn had been temporarily ignored. The northward marcli of the reaper was an item in the cal culation. A commission linn here bought forty cars of now wheat nt Indian- npolis nt SOc , to bo delivered in this market early In July , which fact gave the .appearance of nearness to heavy supplies and caused a temporary break of about lo from the opening price. News from the northwest was somewhat conllicting. A letter from \Vcssington , Dak. , was shown on "chanco which had the appear ance of candor in its tone not always observ- nblo in such communications. TIio writer observed that within a radius of thirty miles of WcssliiRlon u yield of twenty bushels per aero was the present outlook , but being sub ject to the not uinmuiil contingency of the destroying liot winds in July , for the two Dakotas the average crop could not he looked for , according to tills writer. Some atten tion was drawn to the relative prices in tins mid oMierJimirkots tending to show that Chicago cage was unduly high , being about lie nuovo St. Louis and far nbovu the shipping basis to Now York. The answer was given In tins in the dcmuml for cash wheat , which existed hero , and which bus ! fair at iho rrcscnt rate of absorption to iiinka the de liveries on July contracts a dilltcult matter of accomplishment. Hull news predomi nated , and with a pit full of nervous bears less limn to-day's crop of disquieting- rumors would have sulllccd to nuiko 11 strong mar ket. The board's correspondent llgured the quantity allor.t for liurupo and England at % UPOJ bushels. less than a week ago. The clearance of wheat and Hour from Atlantic ports wcro liberal aim charters weto made here to-day to take out 105,1)00 , ) bushels of our already small stock. The receipt of much lower quotations for French rcnlui , nnd u drop also , though loss radical , in Knglish consols , which the cry of war , which was responded to by a rapid advance from around bOa for July to SI Ji'c. The ancient bugbear of European quarrels is once more suspended over the market by the hair like the fabled sword of Damocles. ' 1 ho vagaries of prices , should this eoutmue , are impossible of prediction. Corn opened rather strone , chlelly in sym pathy with the buoyant feeling ia wheat , and July sold to Jir c , but speculation was light , ami the weather , bciiiK more seasonable and tnoro favorable for a crop , the market was dull nnd wheat began to weaken. Corn also lost what liltlo strength it had shown in the early hour of the session and July sold off to 83e , improved later ? c , and closed nt about H.V'jj'c. ' At the heller July was about the same price as it closed yesturdny , and seller September nbout 'j'c higher. Interest in speculation centers largely in wheat and corn The inspection yesterday was 2'JTcurs , of which " " 7 cars wcro of the contract grade. This is better trading than usual. Oats wore quiet and generally easier , partly in sympathy with corn , and also be cause of the lack of buying orders. July shorts liuvo pretty well covered or changed over to deferred deliveries , and the belief prevails that old oat are still plentiful in llio country , with many to como forward. July sold early nt iiiiXW-Se and later at 23-tft : , with September nt. m-arly the oven price , While May WHS olTured sparingly and rela tively btrongcr at - < i4@'C.l c. No. ii oats to go to store wcro easy at 'J' ; > i'c. The provision trade was tuirjy active. The interest shown in wheat detracted little from the attention which this market would ll\vo commanded otherwise , yet thcro was more than an average stir , lua speculative way thcro was some enlargement of business on outside account , though the trading indulged in consisted in changing over July contracts to September Transfers of the kind indicated wore made nt a nreiAlum , as a ruin , of lfi7 17' ' . ; o for porlc mid lard mid l'JXlft ! for short rib * . Clash buyers continued their late liberal buying , though the amount of property taken was re stricted by the limits of their orders , as the 'prices ivt'.ro in many instances under the views of the holder * . Korimmeilinta delivery pork sold ul $12 IK ) , lard at iiVlW.-iill.G' ' " . winter - tor cured lit Ib sweet pickled hums at" 10 ! < c , nnd 11 Ih sweet pickled hamnjut ll > ; , 'c. The hog receipts wcro a littluunder expectations. The product was generally well supported nnd the day closed at a higher r.ingu all nround. In pork the net advance , established wns Tie , in hii-d viju'c , nuil in bhort ribs 2) ) < ? CI11OAUO IjlVtJ STOCK. M CHICAGO , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Unit. I CATTI.I : . About S.OUO natives and 5,000 Texans made the day's supply. . Tlio native arrivals showed more plainly than during anv day of this season the pros cure of more or less grass-fed , and buyers generally feared to stake their reputation ! as Judges of cattle when it came to take their u shrink on the part of corn-fed nnd grass cattle until the basis was thor ouglily established , and therefore moved cautiously , ; bidding lower prices , paiticu larly dmRrlinimillng ngnlnst any llttlr "green" or rough if heavy weights , nyd be fore tlio finish established easier iiota tioiiB. Handy wcluht , smooth , fat poni1 ulcers commnndcd strong prices. Trade In Texas cattle < ncd up aboul steady , but soon ruled ncak und lO i 15c lower. Native cows and bulls , In EVIII pathy , also developed slight ilown turns In values. Cholco to extra beeves , $4 05(4 ( ? 1-40 ; medium to good steers , 1 , ; > 3 ( ) to lMXi Ibs. $ J.MICii4.10 ; 1.2IX ) to 1,3.10 Ibs , HUC:1. : ! ? . ' ' ! t > 5t to 1,200 pounds. $ ; i.aoji.Su. : Stocnors nml feeders were dull and wcsik nt f.00 ( n.40j cows , bulls and mlxiiJI weak at $1.40 ( < . (3.00 | bulk , f2.IWiC2.MiRlop ) [ fed slcrrs , $ ' . ' ,75rf3.liO. ( Texas cattle woro&u'lOc lower ; Tnxassicers , $2.0c3.23 ! ! ( { ; bulk , $3.lWft2.00 ( ; cows , $ l.W ( < i2.80. Trade , to the hiii-prlso of operator : ponerally. developed not only nioro nctiviti than looked for , but ail ndvnnco of S lOc the demand clearing the pen early in tin day nt tlio improvement. Sales were largoh nt 51.40 to packers for good heavy , * 4,42i < ( ! i 4.45 for shupcd-up prlmo heavy and butch era" . $1.35 ® 1.45 for poor to clioico mixed unit 54.WS4.iin for nortud liglit. AL. Nun1 Vous , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram to Tim Hisu.l RTOCKB. The stock marliel tarted vn/y low to-day for nearly every thmi' on the reguhr list. There was tbi fl.imo unbalanced condition of trade , With great animation In trusU. Tlio regular list wns redeemed by some activity In Now Enir- land , with only } ( per cent change lu the price nnd by the Ch'cngo ' & Kastcrn Illinois , which showed nn upward movement of J per cent in the first hour. Hock Island opened X per cent higher , but there was n drooping tendency In grangers generally. Trusts were weak , nnd sugar , nftcr opening ntllfiX , nealnst 117Jf last evening , dropped to 113 , but recovered to the neighborhood of 115 , where It remained throughout the re- ni'ilnder of the hour. Lead was steady nt from 32Jf to 33Jf , but Cotton Oil. toward the end ol the hour , developed marked weakness and declined from fi3 } to 57. The dullness overspread the entire market before the end of the hour , nnd at 11 o'clock the tnnrkct wns dull nnJ steady. The stock market showed more activity In the regular list nnd less In trusts later m the ilny , nnd values wcro iiuito Irregular. After noon there was nn Improved feeling nil around when grangers , coal stocks nnd trusts reached the best figures of the day. Later there was n bear raid , and prices declined to the close. New England lost n point , Atchison per cent , Hock Island gnlnod Jf nnd Heading J-f per cent for tlio day. Other railroad stocks closca about steady. Sugar trusts recovered to lllijif mid closed at ll.Vf , or nbout 2K oor cent lower than last night. Cotton Oil went oft to 55 } < i closing at 5liJ , or about 3 per cent lower. The following wore the closing quotations : IS. . 4 * roRiilnr. 12fiiNorttiern ! | Pnclflc. . JJi'i U. H. tcoupons . . .WHi ilopruffiTed CH'i tT.S.l'.isre ulnr..lii-l 0. Ac N.V 1W-J \ \ S. < ' 4s coupons. . 1111 ( i < loprerorred Ill ' I'ni-incfis of Mi us iN.Y.LVntral 108'i O'ntrul I'uolllu : iiU 1' . I > .A K 23 ( hlni > oAAlton..iU2 : | ltockl lnml I > ; < 1 ClilcnKOUurllngton C' . , M. &SM' 71i MONEY Hasy nt lKii5 ( per cent. PIIINU : MuiicvxriLu I'Ai-an 3X3'K : l'cr cent. STKIIMNO EXCIHNOE Qulot ; sixty-day bills , ll.iOX ; demand , i PUOOUOH CHICAOO , Juno 20. 1 : li ! p. in. close Wheat Strong nnd higher ; cash , S2c ; July nnd December , Sl : ' c. Corn Firm ; cash nnd July , 35JB'o ; Sep tember , 3(5 ( ' c. Oats -ICnsy ; cash , 21c ; July , 22J c ; Sep tember , 'Jl 1 Hie. Ky 3 Cash 41c. Barley No tiling doing. Prime Timothy $1.45. Flux No. 1 , 81.50. Whisky ? 1.02. I'ork Steady ; cash , fll.513 ; July , $11.92) . Lard Steady ; cash , $ (5.'i7' ( ; July , ? ( ' > .t } -f. Flour Firm and unchanged : winter wheat , 5'J.XV'4.JO ( ; spring wheat ; * l.Kj : ) 3-50 ; rye , S'.M.V&j.UO. Dry Salt Meats-Shoulders , $ ri.2S@r .n7J ; short clear , iO.-'ofttO.yTK ; short ribs , 40.00 ) . . Uutter Unchanged ; creamery , 13@10c ; dairy , 10Hc. ( Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars and flats , 7J Oi.7e ' ; Vouns ; Americas , 7Sc. ! ( . Kgcs Firm : fresh , 1'Jft.MS'ic. ' Hides Unchanged ; he.ivy and light groan salted , a.'fo ' ; aalteil dull , 440 ; green salted calf , tie ; dry Hint , 7o ; dry saltoJ ) 7c ; dry calf , 7WSc ; de.icons , 'J.'ic each. Tallow Unshanued ; N'o. 1 , solid packed , 4o ; No. 2 , a c ; cuice , 44'c. } Koccipts. Shijiments. Flour . ai.UJO 10UO ( ) Wheat . 7,000 50,000 Corn . 21f.,003 2r.0,000 Oats . 177.0011 KJJ.O'JO LivpFionl , Juno 215. Wheat Strong but demand poor ; holders offer sparingly ; Cali fornia , No. 1 , Os HJ djJ"R ( Id per cental ; red western , spring , 7s2il@7sUd ; red west ern , winter , lis'JJ. Corn Firm and demand fair. Now Viii-k , June'-M. Wheat Receipts , 5,501) ) ; exports , 140,330 : spot firm and 1@ Ij4'c higher ; No. S , red , SftHQStJ c in store ; &C'K@f'Se afloat ; SOCifS'Jo ' 1. o. b. ; Wo. I red , Sl.UO ; ungraded mixed , S2 > 4i S'J ' > i ; options unusually active , closing firm ; July closing nt Mi.4C. Corn Receipts , 120,000 ; exports , 17,003 ; spot steadier ; No. 2 , 42u in elevator ; 4'- ! % @ 4t'gc : ' ullout ; options steady ; July closing at 42o. 42o.Oats Oats Receipts , 71,000 ; exports , 1,400 ; spot easier nnd quiet ; options steady but moder ately active ; July closing atA c ; spot No. U white , b3 ( < iayc ; mixed western , 2J@ 30c. Coffee Options opened steady nnd 5@20 points up , and closed barely steady and un changed , to 10 points up ; sales , 120,500 bags ; June , * l3.5U@W.r > 5 ; July , { 13.40Q13.00 ; spot Rio inactive ; tair cargous , 810.50. I'etrolcum Firm nnd closed at 95 } c. Kigs Kasier ; western , HJ OjU c. Porlc Steady ; mess , $ i.00a : ) ( 13.2J. Lanl Higher : strong sales ; western steam , Jli..l-'K T.OO ; closing at $7.00. Mutter Less active ; western dairy , 10@ lie ; western creamery , ir > ( iCl7Kc. Cheese-- Active and stronger ; western , 7 % < lWe. UIIIIH.IH City. Juno 20. Wheat Quiet ; No. 3 roil , cash , 7i ! ! : ; July and August , 01 > e bid ; No. li soft , cash , 7'Jc ' ; August. 03i3 bid. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 20'i'c bid ; No. a while , uish , 2I'.4C ! ' bid. Oats No. ' - cash , 20c asked. Minnoiiiiolw , Juno 2i.Vhoat Sample wheat lnchcr ; receipts , 114 cars ; ship ments , 3 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , June and July , OSc ; on track , $1.00 ; No. 1 northern , June , t'OVc ' ; July , tKi c ; on track , Wfii'JOc ; No. 2 northern , Juno and July , S-lc ; on track , W@j c. m . . , < . i t > Milwaukee , Juno 2J. Wheat Firm ; cash , 70J o ; July , 7l > Kc. Corn Dull ; No. 3 , 33c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 , white , 28o. Rye Quiet ; No. 1 , 4ic. ; Uarley Dull ; No. 2 , 'iUa51c. ( I'roviblons Flfm ; pork , f 11.00. Cincinnati , Juno 20. 'Wheat Firm ; No. 2 red , Mi@S7o. , Corn Strung ; N'o. 2 mixed , 37c. Outs Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 2."i@iCc. Whisky-Steady at fl.O'J. Ht. l.oulH , Juno 20. Wheat Higher ; cash , * ; July , 75 c. Corn- Firm ; cash , 31 0 ; July , c. ( juts Steady ; cash , 2' ! ; July , B2fc. Pork-Higher at $12.23. Kuril Higher at $ U. 35. Whisky Steady at 11.02. Mutter Unchanged ; creamery , 13@15c ; dairy , ll < 312c. _ liIVK STOCK. Clifcauo , Juna 20. The Drovors1 Journal n-porls u * follows : Cattle Receipts , 11 , ,100 ; market steady for best , other u'radea lower ; beeves , S4.03Q3 4.40 ; steers , { 3.35(34. ( 10 ; sleekens and feeders , | 2.00ii.40 ( ; ; i-ows , bullit nnd mixed , 51.40 3.00 ; Tuxab cattle , f 1.05i3.25. ( IJoKS Rrceliits , 20,000 ; market aetlvu nnd steady i mixed , $4.30 1.50 ; heavy , S4.23 ® 4.50 ; light , 14.33(41.03 ( ; skljis , f2.25SI.OJ. Sheep Uecclpu , 5,00 1 ; market active and Hun ; natives , 3.50(1 ( ? l.Uj { webterns und Tcxnns , t..20i ) < { 4.15 ; lambs , $2.25 4.00 per head. KniiBiiH City , Juno 2 . Cattle Ho- cclpts , ' . ' ,500 ; shtpmunts , none ; market steady to strong on natives , Texans and In dian ; common to choice corn feil hteers , S3.00i < r4.0t ) ; Rtockers and fcedors. $3.00 ( 4.20 ; cows , linn t ll.COrf2.UO. Hogs HuceiptB , 10,300 ; shlpuipnts , 1,200 ; miukot Etroric , active nnd higher ; light , i ,20 < < H25 ; houvy and mixed , $4.05.ijl.25. . ' 'iDflc VintJ. : JOimt St. IKMIIH , Juno 20. Cattle Receipts , 2.400 ; Ehlpments , l,5QJ ; market eteudy ; fair to choice heavy nntivuslccr. < i , f2.101.00 ; stock- em and feeders , $2.0r ! 3.10 ; ningisrs , corn- IcJ , ? 3.SO(23.CO. ( Hogs KceulpU , S.&OO ; ahlpmuuts , 300 : market stronger : choice heavy butchers' ' ( election * nnd light grades , fi.UO4.40 ( ; packing , M.20iJ4.35. ( Hioux City , Juno 20. CuUlo-KecclpU , bPO ; shipments , 200 ; market ttuaily and un- chuugcd ; rut btccrs , (3.00 ( 3,60 ; stackers und feeders , F M5 ( < W.l0. ! Hogs Receipts. 1,000 ; market higher ; llKhtami mixoa , | lQ3(2l.l2 ( > f ; heavy , U.07K ( ( 4.15. uar.VHA lilVK HTOOK. Cuttle. Wednesday , Juno 20 , The trad * in beef ualtla ruled tlow and op < orators found consldcralilodlfllcalty In work ing up an outlet for their holdings , arid a peed ninny cattle had to bo carried over. The market opened nbout steady , nnd with the supply hero and nt Chicago only uioitnr- ntc , salesmen wcro not anticipating any clmngo , but when Inter nilvlccs were received Indicating the true stnto of eastern markets , there was n decided downward turn of the market. The market really fell flat , nnd the best bids of the buyers were nbout lOo lower than yesterday. In fact , the trailo wns so slow ihnl It was hard work to tell what the market was. Some prlmo corn-fed steers weighing over l,5ja Ibs , sold nt fl.OO , but the iieef and ( shipping steers sold largely at * . .GOj3.M ( ) . Hutchcrs' stock wns not nt nil plenty , and anything really desirable com manded nbout steady prices , but common stuff was weak. The cows sold at fl.Sl@ ( 3.15 , the latter price for something n little extra. Stock cattle wore scarce nnd cut no llguro in the market. To-day'H supply consisted of 109 cars , n very good showing lor Wednesday nud n de cided gain over Wednesday * of last week. The murltot was active at nn advance of 5@ lOc nnd the day's trading was soon over , everything being sold by 9 o'clock in the morning. The close wns stronccr nud fully lOc higher than yesterday's uiarKot. Shict. Thcro were no sheep on the market. Itccctpis. Cnttlo . 1,400 Hog * . . . . 7,100 Horses . 144 Prevailing I'riocs. The following U at.iblo of prlcai p.iU In this'KJt for tin giMjoa of stock men * . tloncd : Prime steers , 1300 lo liVW Ibs. . $3.75 ( ( .0.1 Good steers , 127) ) to 14. VJ Ibs. . . 3tV5 ( tf3..t5 Good steers , lllol ) to 13JJ iba. . . 3.5. ) ( $ : j.75 Common canners. . . . . . ! . ! > ( u'J.OO Ordinary to fair cows . B.OJ ( rf'J.40 Fair to good cows . 2.4'J M2.00 Good to choice cows . 2.00 M2.IK ) Choice to fancy cows , heifers. . 2.UU W3.15 Fall-to coed bulls . 2.03 ( ) Good to choice bulls . 2.50 ( < j2.isO Light stackers nnd feeders. . . . 2.70 ( i ' ' . 'W Good feeder * , 950 to 1100 Ibs. . 3.03 ( ii3.13 Fair to cholco light hoes . 4,15 CJ4.2U Fair to choice heavy hogs . 4.10 M4.15 Fair to choice mixed hogs . 4.05 @ 4.15 Stiornsheep . 3.0U M4.00 Koprcauntativo Sales. STlinitE. IS llbO 3 70 70cows. cows. CATTLE. 50.corn-fed steers 1410 3 SO Hay State Cattle Co. 40cows , corn-fed 1141 203 11009. Ijivc Stuclc Notes. IJ. H. Nichols hail hogs from Hock Bluffa. W. F. Hammond , of Elgin , hail two card of hogs here. Titus & Tcrhuno , Litchficia , marketed two Wiscott & Gibbons had cattle and hogs litre from Uibbon. Two lump Jaw cattle have been condemned thus fur this week. O. P. Colby , of Colby & Co. , IJrndstiaw , was on tno market with cattle mid nogs. H. 1 ° . Church , n regular nnd extensive Pierce shipper , hud two cars of cattle in. J. C. MetJriio , of Klijin , hail two cars of cattle of Ills own feeding on the market. John Messier nnd William Abbott came ill from Dorchester , cauli having u loud of cattle. Lincoln reported 400 hogs received und the market stronger , everything selling at $4.05 SI.OTK. William Uiiker , the well known feeder und breeder of Friend , was on the mnrlco with hogs. J. M. Cox , n regular nnd extensive Ilarap- ton shipper , was on the market with two curs of hogs. The hog market U now the highest that it has been since June 11 , when half of the re ceipts brought $ U5@4.20. It is fully lOo higher than at the opening of the present week , uud abuut 15o higher tnan one week ago. O.MA11/V WHOLESAI-iK MAKUHTS. Produce , Fruit * , Ktc. HUTTKII Table dairy , 14@l5sj packers' stock , 6f ( 10c. Creamery Prints , fancy , 10 < ai6u : choice , 14l ! > o ; solid packed , 10@14e. K os Strictly fresh , llci 12e. CIIKKSE Young America , lull cream , 10 > o ; twin Hats , fli o ; oft grades , 0g7e ( ; Van Kos- som ICdoui , * 11.60 per doz ; sap sago , 19o ; brick , ll ( < (12u ; llmburger , UvilOo ; domestic Swiss , Uliju ; cheese safes , bronze medal. No. 8. i2.SD. POVI.THV Live lions , per dozen , f.1.50Q $1.00 ; mixed , 3.23 3.505 sprinpr , W.00@3.00 ; turkeys , TMSc per Ib ; ducks , { 2.00 2.50 ; pec80fJ.OO ( 4.00 ; live pigeons , $ l.5'J. OIUNOUS San Gabriel 3.502375 ; fancy Duarte Mediterranean sweets , $4.2Vi4.50 , LEMoss-Choico , ? l.5035.00i fancy , $5.75 $ 7,00. 7,00.PCACIICS Per K "JU box , 1.03. Ai'i' 1'er.H bu box , 50@75o. CuuuiiiES Per 24 quart case , fl.75 ; | > cr 10 quart drawer , tl.OO. lJutiuKiiitiES-Per24 quart ca o , S2.00-g 2.60 , UI.ACK Uisi'BBiiiiiBa Per 24 quart cuso- t3.OOQ3.50. Hno Il.vsrnniiniKs Per'fel ' Int case , $2.00 02.25. STiu\vnr.iiiuns Per at citiwt caio , $2.75 ® O.OOs 3 bu. stand , $7.00. GoosEtiKniiiKS Per 2 hu. , > uind , $ .1.00 ; 21 quart case , $2,00. P/.t'MS Per 24 quart i.iso , $1.75 ; & bu bos , 5'75c ' ) ( . , > PISMJ AITM.S Per doz. $ .100 3.50. HAKKX S According to , olze , per bunch , $ . > OO.GY3.00. , . CocoAStrts Per 100 , J\ ' Fiinsit FISH White iVflli ! ' per Ib , 7@S } e ; trout. Dor Ib , Oc ; whim perch , pcrTb , To ; butfato , per Ib. 7o ; picKorul.por Ib , Oc ; black bass , per Ib , lie. , , , Hiuxs Clioico hnnil picked navy , $1.75 ; choice hand picked modlnni , 51.05 ; choice Imnd picked country , Sl.tfJ1 ; clean country , $1.20 ® 1.25. KAUI.Y , Cnl. . per Ib , 2o ; southern , per bbl , $1.00 ; onlorm , Cal. . per Ib , 2e ; soutlicrn , per bbl , fJ.OO ; cabbage , per crate , $2.60 ; turnip ? , per bu box , 50@76o ; beets , per box , 75c ( < 4Jl-00 ; wax beans , per bu box , $2.50 ; string beans , per bu box , S2.00 ; green peas , per bu box , $1.00 ; tomatoes , per } bu box , $2.00 ; asparagus , per doz bch , 5lieS1.00 ( ; cauliflower , ? 2.00 ; eggplant , $1.75052.00 ; squash , 75c ; cucitm. bers , 40o ; soup bunches , OOo ; lettuce , 2.10 ; radishes , 20c ; preen onions. 15QCOO ; now carrots , 20c ; pie plant , per Ib , 3. lliuns , PKI.TS , TAI.UMV , KTC. Orcen saltctl hides , 5c ; dry salted hides , Oc ; dry Hint hides , So ; calf hides , 5c ; damaged hides , 2c less ; sheep pelts , green , each , i3c$1.00 ! ( ; sheep pells , drj' , per Ib , 0@12o ; wool , nvurago , 14@lSo ; tallow , No. 1 , 4c ; Krcase , "A , " 4'ie ' : grease , yellow , 2KQ3c. Ai'i'i.u IJuTTru 7e. Cllicu-Mbls , 83s hf bbls , $ n. MAI-I , St'OAU 12 @ir > c per Ib. POTATOKS Choice , sacked , per bu , 2530c ; Colorado , 40VM3c. ( VIAL : Choice mudiiim size , 5@fc ! : choice , hoavv , - if5e ; spring hunbs , WO.OJuJ30.00 per dozen. liHoxnr 14@l5cpcrlb for choice. Piiisniivi:8 : : ' .i ( ii'10c ' per Ib. JI-.I.I.IKS 3Kc < ? 4c per Ib. 13irs\VAX : No. 1 , is20i. HAT 33.00&ViU. ( FKUD-$10.00(310,50. ( . UilAX-S10.OOCii.10.25. GroccPlc < ) . PHOVISIOXS Hums , No. 1 , 10-lb avenige , } < c ; 20@22 Ibs. 10J c : 12@14 Ibs , 12c ; No. 2 , UJ c ; specials , 12j o ; shoulders , 7e ; break fast bacon , No. 1 , lie ; specials , 12 } e ; pie- uic , % < : ; ham sausage , lOJ u ; dried beef hams , He ; beef tongues , Jo.dO per dozen ; dry salt meats , fiJASiiJije per Ib. SAUSAOI : Uologna , 4it4l-fe ( ; Frankfurt 7 c ; tongue , Ou ; summer , IS o ; head cheese , ' Salt , bbls , $20.00. OILS Kerosene P W , lOo ; W W , 12 > < fc ; headlight , 13o ; siihul oil , $2.1u@0.00 per dozen. - PickiK8 Medium , per bbl , $5.00 ; small , Stl.00 ; gherltlns , $7.00 ; C it 11 chow-chow , ( Its , $ ti.OO ; pts , 53.50. Wii.M'i'ixo 1'Arnu Straw , per Ib , IJf ® SJife ; ruir , 2j < Je : munllhi H , Gc ; No. 1 , He. SALT Dairy , 140 2-lb uiigs , $2.70 ; do 100 3-lb pkgs , $2.tiO ; do C,0 5-lb pku-s , $ i.5J ; do 23 10-lb pkgs , $2 40 : Ashton , bu bags , 50 Ib , Sou ; do 4-bu bags , 224-lb. W.40 ; do M S A , 50-lb bags , 53o ; per bbl , 51.15. SKEtis-Uird , 4\ffttc. \ SALSOIIA ( tf'J o per Ib. STAIICII iiywic per ll > . STOVU ! ! per gross. Sricns U'holc , per Ib Allsplce , 12c ; Cas sia China , lOc : cloves , Xitrtib.ii27e ; nut- mugs , No. 1 , 72e ; pepper , lOn. SL'iiAiss Granulated , ! i't10c ' < ; confection ers A , ' .iK ( < Z' c ; standard , extra U , SfJ3'3 ( ; yellow C , h ib c ; powdered , lOialOiiTe ; cut loaf , lOJ eslO c ; cubes. lOj c. TEAS Uunpowuer,20' GJc ; Japan , 20@40c ; Y. Hyson , . > lc ) ; Ooloiiir , 2iDO. ( . YlXKOAii Per gal , 13' < ; 20. FISH Salt Dried codfish , 0 > ( cfSJ < ? c- ; scaled herring , 23c per box ; hoi. herring , dom , 50c ; Hamburg sptccd herring , Jl.OO : hoi. herrinr , 70@1.10 ; mackerel , nlf bbls. No. 1. $15.50 ; largo family , $12.50 per 100 Ibs ; whitellsh , No. 1 , S7 ; family , $3.00 ; trout , ? 5.00 ; salmon , Si.OO ; aneliovies , 10 Ib nails , b"c. L.VK ? 1.75 ( < ? 4.50. NUTS Almonds , 10@lSc : ' 13razils , He ; fil berts , 12u ; pecans , lOo : wulquts , 10u ; peanut cocks , Oc : rousted , lOc. U.vos American A. seamless , 17c ; Union Square paper , discount , 35 per cent. COFKKES Green Fancy old golden Rio , 27c ; fancy oM peuberry , 23e ; Kio , choice to fancy , 2ic ; ; Hio , prime , 22c ; Hio , good , 2le ; Mocha , 2'Jc ; Java , fancy Maudchling , 29c ; Java , good interior , 24c. Corrr.cs Konstod Arbucklo , aR'/e ' ; Me Laughlin's XXXX , 24e ; German , 24 > c ; Dillworth , 21 0 ; Alaroma , 24 c. Ciucitniis AND CAKES O Oi'lSc per Ib. DuiiM ) FituiTS Per Ib , apricots , 10@15c. Apples , Salt , Lake , 4 > ' .4'c ; stars , 5 c ; Alilens. 0f(3.Se. ( Poaches , Cal. Y , peeled , 20c ; fancy impeded , lli13c ; Salt Lake , Oc. Prunes , Oil. H C , S@ ! ) ) c. Currants , 4J < 35Jfc. Turkish prunes , 44"o. Citron peel. 22d. Lemon peel , 14e. Dates , lOc. Figs. IHuiOc. Haisins , Malaga bunch , dehcsas , $5.00 per box ; Valencias. per Ib , 7c ; Cal. G it S , 82.40 per box. Dried grapes , 5c. Ulackberries , 5J c. Pitted cherries , lOc. Pitted plums , SC'iO > ; c. Hasiberries ) , 24c. Nectarines , 13 > tffU3c. ( CANXII > FISH Urook trout , 3 Ib , § 2.40 ; salmon trout , 2 Ib , § 2.33 ; clams , 1 Ib , § 1.23 ; clams , 2 Ib , $ ' 2.00 ; clam chowder. 3 Ib , $2.25 : devilled uiabs , 1 Ib , J2.23 ; devilled crabs , 2 Ib , St.50 ; codfish balls , 2 Ib , $1.75 ; caviar , % Ib , $2.25 ; eels , 1 Ib , $3.25 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , $2.00 ; lobsters , I Ib , Sl.V'O ' ; lobsters , devilled , } 4 Ib , $2,35 ; n.aclterel ; 1 II ) , $1.00 ; mackerel mus tard sauce , 3 ID , $2.110 : mackerel tomato sauce , 3 Ib , $2.80 ; oysters , 1 II ) . S5o ; oysters , 2 Ib , $1.50 ; salmon , C. H. , 1 Ib , $2.10 ; salmon , C. H , , 2 Ib , $3.10 : salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , SI.S3 ; salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $2.00 ; shrimps , 1 Ib , * " "OASIIT ' . ! } ( > 12ic per Ib. CIIOCOI.ATI : AND COCOA 21Q39c per Ib ; Gcnniii' Chlckory r < ! dSc. Gixouu Jamaica , ! 4' pts. , S3.00 per doz. FAHIN-ACHOUS GOODS Hurley , DCa o ; far ina , 4Jtfc ; peas , : ! c ; oatmeal. 2 > li ! ; maca roni , lie ; vermicelli , lie ; rice , 4& < $7c ; sago and tnpoa , Dry ( Jooils. H.vrrs Standard , So ; C5em , lOc ; Beauty , . 12Xc ; iloono , 14c : IJ , casoJ , $0.50. UI.ANKI'.TS White. $1.0007.50 : colored , S1.10@S.OO. CAMIIIIICS Slater , 5c : Woods , Ccj Stan dard , 5c ; I'cacock , fie. ojCAiti'KT WAHi'-13ibb White , 19u ; Colored , CoMFonTBiis JO.OOC S.OO. COIISKT Jiuss Uoston , 7c ; Androscos- gin , 7 c ; Kearsarge , 7 o ; Uockport , 0c ; Conobtoga , O'c. . COTTON FJ.VSXF.I.S 10 percent trade dis. 12 , ' < o ; SO , 13Kc ; 50 brown mid slate , OB ; 70 , vor Creek AA , 12o ; Heaver 'Creek HU , lie ; Heaver Creek CC , lue. PHINTS Pink and robes. Richmond , Allen , lie : Klvur | > < t ! ; Steel Hirer , Hiclimond , fli c ; Paclllu , 0 > ii5 , ' PIIIXT.S Indigo Hluo bt. ' Leger , V.'ashington , fiKc ; Amcrlcivii , C > yto\ \ Arnold , ( ijfe ; Arnold Centurv , 'Ho ; ' Windsor Gold Tli't ' , lokc ; Arnold H , 10 > c ; Arnold A , 12e ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10 > < fc'VuUoiv ; Seal. 10K" . Ouc-K Wnst Point , 29 In.cB oz. ' .I'tfo ; Point , C'J in. , 10 oz , 12l , < o ; " W st Point , 29 , in. 12 oz , 15 > < ; e ; West Point , ( Oin , 11 oz , lOc. J-'LAXXKLS Plaid Itaftsmcn , 20c ; Goshen , ; Clear Luke , 30 > e ; ' Iron Mountain , point , IBo ; Durham , 27 0 ! Hercules , l o ; hcamliiKtan , 22. > c ; Gieuwood , 20c ; Mel ville. 25o : Uung-up , 27 ic. PiiiXTS-Solid cbiorsr "Atlantic , Oe ; Slater , Co : Herlm Oil , ( ) ) ( Jo ; Garner Oil , 0$7o. PJIINTS. DIII.SA Charter Oak , 6jfe ; Ham- npo , 4o ; Lodi , 5J4"i < ; Allen , Oo.1 Hlchmond , Co ; Windsor , OJ cj Kddyatono , 0 > su ; Pacific , e. e.SiuiiTixn Cliccks. Caledonia X , OKc ; Cnledonlu XX , 10 o ; Economy , lie ; Otis ' , Oc ; Granite , 0u : Crawford check * Scj'Haw Hlvcr ulaids , f > He. SIIKUTI.NO Hrown. Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7o ; Atlantic H , 7'4'i ; ; Atlantio IJ , 4-4 , OKo ; At lantic V , 4-4 , tie ; Aurora LL , 4-4. Oo ; Aurora C. 4-4,4/o ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , lljfc : Hoosier LL , 4-4 , i > fc ; Imliaii Head , 4-4 , Tu : Law rence LL. 4-4 , 5Jfo ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5 o ; Pepperell H , 4-4 , O o ; Popporell K , 40-inch , 7fc ! ; Popporell , 8-4 , I7c ; Peipsrel ) , 0-4 , 20c ; Pepperell , W 4. 22o ! Sner.rixo , Ut.EACiir.n KHcrton , 7' HousokocDcr , Wc ; Now Candidate , 8 Hcrkolo.v fnmbrlc No , 00 , PC ; Host Yet. Cic ; Huttor cloth OO , 4Vic ; Cabot , 7 < c ; Farwcll , half bleaelied,8 > iCFrultof t.noiu , 8J4ct Grccno O ( Oo ; Hope , T' c : King Phillip cnuibrlr , lOo ; Lonsdnlo cambric. Hc ) ; Lons- dnlo , S.'i'c ; Now' York mills , 10e ; Peppcrull , 42 In , lOo ; Pepporell , 40 in , lie ; Pepperell , 0-1 , 14Kc ; Ponporcll , 8-J , SOc ; Pcpperoll. 0-f , 22o ; Pepperell , 10-1 , 2kCanton. ; . 4 4 , S' c ; Canton , 4-4 , V ci Triumph , Oo ; Wtunsutta , He ; Vnlley , fie. Aliscr.i.iAXiofs. : Table oil cloth , $ ' 3.50 ; nblo oil cloth nmrblo , $3.5) ; plain Holland , ' < c ; dado Holland , 12 > c. TICKS Oakland , A , 7l c : Intormtlaiini YY , Set Slretucket , S , s } < e ; Warren , No. $70 , Ifie ; Ucrwlck , HA , Isc ; Acme We ; York , 30 in. 12i < c ; York , 32 In , 13) ) 0 ; Swift Klver. So ; Thorndiko OO , Sife ; TlionidIKo Kl , S.i c ; Thordlko 120 , Ov 'c ; Thorndiko XX. 15c ; Cordls No. 5 , 5'Kc ' ; Cordis No. 4 , 10 io nud ChemlcnK Acm Sulphuric , per carboy , 2t o ; cltrlo , per Ib , 5lc ; oxalic , per Ib. 14c : tariuric , pow dered , per Ib , 43c ; carbolic , 3(343c. ( ALUM Per Ib , 2 ! < c. AMMOXIA Curb , per Ib , 1W- AHUOWIIOOT Per Ib , lOc. HALSAM Copaiba , per Ib , Coo ; tolu , 52 ® C5e. C5e.HOHAX HOHAX Refined , per Ib , O'-fc- CALOMEL Am. , per Ib. b'Jc. ' CAJTOII On. $1.24. Cfiu-.ii Huuitius $1.50. CAXTIIAIIIIIUS 75cC $ l.C5. CASSIA Uui > 3 Per Ib , I7c. Ciit.oiioFoii.M Per Iblie. . Coiiuosivi : SL-IIMMATI : Per Ib , SOe. CIICAM TAUTAII Pure , per Ib , 2Dc. EXTIIACT LOOWOOD Hulk , per Ib , 13J c. KIIOOT 45e. Gi.vccitixii 21J < fc. Got Aiunic .V.ifJ95c : , LYcoronit/M 41c. Gi.YCRinxi : Hulk , per Ib , 31 } < c. GuM-r-Assafcutlda , per Ib , Uc ; camphor uer Ib , 37c ; opium , per Ib , $1.43. IOIU.NI : RcsublluiatiU. per oz , $3.05. LHAVKS Uuchu , short , per Ib , 13o ; senim Alex. , per Ib. S3i3Sc. ( Mourn lA Sulph , per oz , . $2.SO. Mintcr.itT CSc. POTASS Uromldo , per Ib , 37c : iodine , per Ib , $2.83. QfixiA Sulph , per Ib , SS JIOe. Siins : : Canary , per ID. 4J c. SoAi-s-C.istile , mottled , ier ) Ib , S@10ccas- ; tile , white , tier Ib , 13djl5c. SPIIIITS NiTiin Sweet , per Ib , 33e. STUVCIIXIA Crystals. $ l.00@l. 15. Si-Li'ii , CIXCIIOXA Per or , 5jjl c. TAPIOCA Per Ib , Oc. TOXCA Hr.ANs S1.73. On.s Hergumot , $2.33 ; WIntcrgrcen , $2.15 ; Malaca , U3c ; Unseed , raw , Olc ; boiled , 0-1 o. o.WIUTU LIAD : ? O.CO. Metalf. BLOCK TIN Eng. rcf'g , small pg ! , 2Sc ; bar , 29o. Coi'iT.u Planished boiler sizes , 30c ; cold , rolled , 20c ; sheathing , 25o ; pit'.s , 20c ; flats , 2t5o. GAI.VAXIZUD Snuur Ii'.ox Juniata , dis count , GO per cent. PATENT PLANISHED Iiiox No. 24 to 27 , A quality , per Ib , 10 > e ; No. 2J to 27 , B quality , UXe. For less than bundle add J c per Ib. Smr.T : Inox No. SO , $ J.40 ; No. 27 , $3.50 SOI.DUU Hoyt Metal Co.'s liulf und-nnlf , in 1-lb cases , per Ib. lOj ; commercial half- and-half , 15c ; No. 1 , In bars , 14c. Tix Pi.A'ii : ( Uest Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14. 225 sheets , ert.fill ; IX , 10x14. 2 5 sheets , $3.25 ; 10 , 12x12 , 223 sheo.ts , Jii.SO ; IX , 12x12 , 225 sheets , $3.25 ; 1C , llx'-'O , 112 nhcuts , $0.50 ; IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets. SS.25 ; 1XX , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $10.00 ; IXXX , 11x20 , 112 sheets , $11.73 : 1C , 3.x23 , 113 sheets , $13.50 ; 3.x33 , 112 sheets , $17.00 ; 1XX , 2x2S , 112 sheets , fJO.SO. Conn 1C , 10x14 , 225 shoots , $1.03 ; 10 , 11x20. 112 sheets , $0.00 ; 1C , 10x20 , 225 sheets , $0.00. Hoorixu ( Best Charcoal ) 20x'43 , ? 9.75@ 10.75. STUM , NAILS Base , $2.20 ; steel wire nails , base , $2.00. Liu : > Pig , 4c ; bar.IJfc. . HAIIII Wine Painted , $3.25 ; galvanized. Jjiine , Ktc. Dimensions and Timbers- is ft. 14 ft. Hi ft. IS ft. 20 ft. 22 ft. 2f ft. 2x4. . 15.00 15.00 15.0J 10.00 10.00 1S.03 I'.I.OO Vx ! < ! . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 lli.OO 1S.OO 19.00 2xS. . 15.00 15.00 15.00 Ki.OO 10.00 1S.OO 1 ! 00 2x10. 15.00 15.00 15.00 Ki.OO 10 O'J 1S.OO I'.I.OO 2x12. 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 13.00 19.00 4x4SxS SxS 10.03 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 Fnxcixo No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 and It ft , rough , 6Jj.00@Ui.50 ) ; No. 1. 4 and fl inch , 1C feet , $17.UO@ir.5L' ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 and H feet , S13.no14.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and Oinch , 10 feet , 515.00yld.OO. ) FINISHING 1st nnd 2d clear , 1 > < J inch s 2 s , $19.00@5I.OO ; 1st nnd 2d clear , 1J , nd 2 inch , s2s , $ l7.00849.0t- ( ) , clear , l'-t inch , s 2 s , S43.IO ( , < CllUIO ; UJ clear , 1U and 2 inch , s 2 s , S4TiOY4G.OO ) ( ; H select , 1'f. [ > < , and 2 inch , s2s , $37.0K3a.OO ! ; 1st and , clear. 1 inch , s 2 s , $45.00 : 3d clear , 1 inch , s 2 s , $30.00 , A select , 1 inch , s 2 s , $33.00 ; B select , 1 inch , s 2 s , SJO.OO. STOCK HOAUDS A 12 in , s 1 s , 12 , II and 10 ft. $4.00 ( ! ; U 12 in. s 1 s 12 , 11 and 10 ft , $41.00 ; C 12 in , sis , 12 , 14 and Hi ft , $ an.03. D 12 in. s 1 s , 12 , 14 and 1(5 ( ft , $23.00 ; No. 1 com , 12 In , s 1 s , 12 ft.Sls.00 ; No. 1 com. 13 in , s 1 s , 14 and 10 ft , $17.50 ( ! ? > 1S.DO ; No , 1 com , 12 In. s 1 s , 10 , 18 and 20 it , $19.50 : No. 2 com , 12 In , s 1 s , 14 and 10 ft , $17.00. Fi.oonixii 1st com 0 in white pine , $33.00 ; 2d com 0 in white pine , $ ai 00 ; 3d com 0 in white plno , $ 'til)0 ) ; d com G in white pine , $ 20.00 ; com 4 and 0 in yellow pine , $15.0J ; Star 4 in yellow uine , $17.0J ; 1st und 2d clear yellow mno , 4 aniVO in , $19.00. LiMii , ETC. Quinuy white limo ( best ) , SOc ; English nnd Gorman Portland cement , $3.43 ; Milwaukee and Louisville , $1.30 ; Michigan plaster , $2.25 ; Fort Dodge piaster , $2.10 ; Blue Itnpitl plaster , SI. 90 ; hair. 2uc ; sash , GO per ct dis ; doors , blinds , mouldlncs. 60 per ct pis ; tarred felt , per cwt , $2.00 ; straw board , per cwt , $1.09. PofLAii LIIMIIKH Clear poplar box bds , ; < in , s 2 B , $35. CO ; clear poplar % In panel , $ HO,00 ; clear poplar % in panel , $23.0 ! ) ; clear poplar M in panel Mock wldo , s2s , S'ii.OO ' ; clear poplar corrugated ceiling , % , $30.00. POSTS Wliitu cedar , 0 inch , halves , 12c ; white cellar , 5J inch , halves and s inch i\'rs \ , lie ; white cedar. 4 Inch , round , Ii3c ; Tcniles- soc red cedar , split , lOc ; split oak , ( white ) , 8c : sawed onk , 18c. SIIIXOI.KS , LATH , run M. XX clear , $3.30 ; extra "A * . $2.80 ; standard A , $2.00 ; 5 Inch , clear , $ l.i0fol.7 ( ( ) ; (5 ( inch , clear , fl.70@l.SO ; No. 1 , $1.10j4l. ( 15 : clear red cedar , mixed widtiis , $3.40 ; California redwood , dimen sion widths , $4.50 ; cypress , clear heart , di mension widths , ? 3.25 ; lath , t2.50. SHROEDER & DEAN , lOIIS " Basement First National Bank , &oitiiiiii ; ! fiircct , J COUNTIES , CITIES , 1 SCHOOL CI3IKICIS. ETC. , * BOUGHT AND SOLO. Wo deal In l.nmlViirrnnl anil Hcrlp , tii ( idvi'innifiit 1..1IHI , anil Truusjct a vEiiliir Jlunklni : lSu > lnci . 100 WASHINGTON STREET , CHICAGO , ILL. li ; BROACWAV. I'CW YORK , WAHTED _ . _ Jfsued by Cltitfl , Counties , Bchool Dl'.irictsVater Com. panics , &r. We me in Die market for the purchase of round amounts of such bonds , Correspondence eolkilctl. H. W , HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers , II5-II7 Monroe Street , CHICAGO. 00 DovonahlCn fitrofit , BOSTON , N < uv AV.dinsli Ollloluls. ST. Louis , Juno 20. 1'ho rcorgJinlzatlon of the \Vubash road Is being rapidly effcctoJ. Tlio following appointments have been made , to take effect July J ; M. Knight , freight trnfilc manager ; H. L. Maxce , general super- Intondcnt , with headquarters at .St. Louis ; J , li , Barnes , superintendent of motive power and machinery , with headquarters at Spring- Held , 111. ; M. M , Martin , AuperinteQduit of car department , Decutur , 111. "K1UST OIM8S FUNEIliVl.S. " They Attract tlic Attention of Ir-ntl- The litigation between Goorso H. Inml nnd the Omaha-Council II It ! IT * Drldijo company is bscoinlng more of n celebrated case every day It has boon on trhil before - fore Judgu Doano more than u week. Tuesday the nttornoys cominencod their arguments. Hon. A. J. Poppleton m-.ulo the opening speech , and yo < < tori'.iy morning hesiiui : "I\vi < foolnh L'liough to conilno myself nnd sMcx to the , and only talked n short time.1' Hon.V. . J. Connell , repre senting the ilcfenso. followed him , and talked about live hotir < . Pram the very beginning - ginning Mr. Conncll has disnlnyed unusual IntcrcU , because ho feels that men who discourage public Improvements uy Interposmi : their progress with suits for damages M-O detrimental to the city's bast Interest and future prosperity. In his argu ment , thcrofot-j , ho took occasion to in form the Jury that it would bo u good thing for Omaha if somoof the old bloukndor * could bo Induced to figure as princi pals In n few first-class funerals. In other words , ho thought limy ought to dlo nnd get out of t'io ' way of enterprise. " Yesterday morning when General J. C. Cowln , chief attorney for plaintiff , opened , ho made .v sharp reply to the congress man's bold declarations. Said , he ; "U'o nro told by the gentle man that n Jew funerals would bo peed for us. 1 would like to in quire whether or not his recent elevation has clothed htm with authority to order funerals of any kliul , nnd 1 nm astonished at the Indecency of ttto suggestion. " Mr. Poppleton observed that both Council and Cowin had ranged all over creation in this case. It went to the jury In the afternoon. Judge \Vakeie.v granted n divorce to Ida Mncoon from her husband , Mortimer Ma- goon , who is it spiritualist. Desertion was the charge , llo wanted her to become u me dium , unit because she refused left her. I'liCUMAU MANAUHMUNT. \Yhnt A cent SpniililliiR Snj-s of the Conduct of Jlio UOVOIIHC Olllcc. The transfer of the internal revenue ofllco from Collector J. S. Calhoun to Collector John Peters , recently appointed by Presi dent Harrison , was made nt 'J o'clock a. ir. , yesterday. Mr. Peters was sworn by Elnu r Frank , clerk of the United States district court , ns was also J. IJ. Dennis , Mr. Peters' chiet deputy , Hyron Hrcnholt , deputy nnd cashier , and George S. Nave , the present collector in Dakota. Mr. Nave is to fill the position temporarily only , until his successor is selected ami appointed by Collector Peters. Special Inspector D. D. Spaulding is still busily engaged in his investigation into the conduct of the ofllco under Calhoun , nnd from appearances has hit hands full. Tin : Hui : man inquired of Him whether there had been any new devel opments ns to the Ilnnncial status of the olllee , or otherwise , and he replied , with con siderable cmphusis : "Only this. The statement In the morning papers that 1 had found the niTalrs of this oflicc in good condition , Is absolutely without foundation. I find the affairs of this ofllcc in anything but a good or satisfactory condi tion. " "The finances , Mr. Spaulding , how do you find the'ti ( Ilus there been any defalcation ? " "I am not prepared to make any sifitement ju'a yet , but the moneys for stamps sold have all been properly accounted for and the general management of the department has been peculiar and not satisfactory by any manner of means. " "And that Is all you have to say unon the subject ! " "Yes , for the present. " Unlloil Stntcn S The following bids , which wore the low est , were received yesterday by the custodian in the United States building for furnlshlnir the annual supplies : Nebraska Fuel com pany , hard coal , $ 'J.S5 per ton of 3,310 pounds ; soft coal , $5.00. Mount .t Griflin , street sprinkling , 5-10 per annum. Cata ! City Ice company , 40 cents per 100 pounds. James Morton & Co. , miscellaneous supplies. Jail Inspector. Hon. John H. Hoover , who was Tuosdiv appointed stnto Jail inspector , is at the Mil- lard. Mr. Hoover says ho expects to qualify and enter upon the duties of his olllce July 1. He gives a bond of $3,000. OMAHA I Boots and Shoos. K1RKBNDALL , JONES A CO. , ( juccciiorg lo llco I , Jones & Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of B'jotss Slices Aeenla for Huston Itubbcr Kline Co , 11U7. 1101 und II * ! lluincr blraet , Omaha , Ncliraikii. Brcvvors. STOHX A JLER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1B1 Worth IJlKlilccBth. itrtet. Oimth , Nco. Cornlco. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , HaiiiractiirersofGalvaiiized Iron Cornice Window-cap : nnd metnltn rfcyllchla. Jobn Kpcnoler , iuopilttyr. lujund U'Jt'iulU ' 19tU bliout. Office ' Mannfftctiircrsof BanR , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Unntlc * . Milcbiwnlr. Hook Cn cJ , lieao ruturc , V7Ml Cinca , Partitions , lliilllii , CoiiiiU'r , Ilccrnnd Win * Conlcrii. Minor * . KloKnctor. . ! mid ( illku , 1T3U und 17U Pupur BOXCQ. JOIIN L. WILK1E , Froprlelop Omaha Paper Box Factory , Kut. 1317 tJil 1313 Ilou llvs etrucl , Oraubu.Kctj. Sash , Docro , Etc. It , A. DlSliROW it CO. , ' .Vlio ! ale ininiifuctiirera o ( Sash , Doors , Blinds and Wdinp , Brunch ' /PJco.pih and Irar.l Btrcot Onmlm , Neb. IIOlfN TlANlJFA Manufacturers of Kasti , Doors , Blinfls , llouljlrv" , ftnlr work nn < l Interior hapl wood llnlBh. N. K. corner clli nnu' I.oiivcnMf rllnllucls. Diuittia , Nb. Stpani FlttlngsT'punvpg , Eto. LIiA liK "t-'JKAM U 'ilt\aCO \ \ Pipes and Engines , Btettn , wktor. rnllvrnr nnd inlnlntf Mipilcr | | , oln. V10Vfi ninlMl turiinm kiri'uc , Oiualm. "l/TsT WIND"ENCUNE & PUMP co. , Sleam anil Wate : Supplies , ) Uildaj : wind mlllv SH nnl I'JJ Joteo KU , OmahD. U , F. Itati ctlnii niunicQr , i no i NEtjA co , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , BhccHron work , muaia pump" , w mllli.mYM Lvuvenwoilli iticvi , Uuiultu. Iron Works. .SV/vM.V ItUlLER WORKS , Carter A t-on , l'iop' . Manufuclurcrs nf BlIkliCH Sleam BolIeK , Tanks anil Sheet Iron Wort \York > oum Allh utnl II. , V M. crouuuTut. . Ill ) PAXTONAVir.RLlXO IRON WORKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Bui dins Work , irii-'f. trns wcrk. iieiicfBl ( onndrrrniullnuaail ! blm > : ultU rrk. Ufllcv mill vrorki , U , 1 * . ll/ . nnd ntli btroel , duiatiu. l' REAUlONrRKS , Mannfactiirers of Wire and Iron Railings Deik roll * , nlndon nuardi , lliiwer lnnd > , wlra Uni , etc I'U t > Cftb loin nn ol , Uii'.aba , _ bSfAlfA SAfE A / / OAfl0 A'.V , " Mani'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proaf Safes , Vaultn. Jf.'l work. Iron ihutteri aift lira ensL U , AU'lreea , ( iiop'r. Cor , ) ) [ ) > nuUJackiea fits. SOUTH OMAHA. _ UNION STOCK YARUS t- ' ( ' . , Of Omaha Liiuilei Aptrlculturnl Implomonta. L t'ARKER , DoaloriT Agrlcnltmal Implements , Wagons C3frUs i mid l > uiKlo . .lonen ! root , between Vth ud lOIh , Omnlia , Noliiukii. V CO. , Agricnlt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages Uniahn , Nolira ii. 1'ARLIX , ORKNTwilF A MARTIN CO. WholetM * Dcalmln Agricultural Implements , WagoiisS Baggier Ml.imH m m)7Jone ) street , Dunlin- .11 01.1NE , MILU URXA STODDARD C0 . M nurcturor > nmJobbcri In Wagons , Boggles , Raics , I lows Etc , Car. Mb ana Pacific itrcela , Omnha. _ Artiste' lyia toH n la _ . A. nosi'E , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , Ull Douglas iktet Oma Boots mid Shoos. W.V. MORSE A ? . , Jobte of Boots flirt Sim 1101 , 11W , llto lnimlit ilroct , Omnh * . Manufactory Puiamer trtu > t , lluiton. Qonl , Cokp nncj Llmo. OMAHA COAL , COKK A LIME co.t Joliliers of Hard and Son Coal , JTOBpmh ISUi ttrvot , Oumhii , Nobriuk * . " JfKRRASKA I'UEL CO. , Slilure s of Coal a d Coke , lit t-oulli ISth SU.OmRh.i , Neb. JOHN A. WAKKFIRLD' H llOlujdltj LulllOul h'Ci ' \ mill Aiin'rK'Uii poillnml vuniait. St nnut for .Milwaukee liilrnnlla Cement nml Qulnr.v M hltn linn1. OKAS R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , - Wco4 eaructt and Barquotllonrtnir. PtU and IXtnilu ilreou. Oraa a. Nob. OXOTM LU.VirBh CO , , AllKlnfeorBflililns Material at Wholesale , 131U Btrcot HDJ UniuutMclllo'frnck.OmaUt , , LOUIS UHADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasb , Coon , Bto , YnrJi-Cornci 7th nnJ l > aug ) . Corner r % ' - - llilb nil FRE1J ' . OR AY. Limb Cement Etc Elc , , , , , Corner 6Ui and Donnln Bit. , Omnbtt. V. DIETZ. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber. 11th n < l California direct , Umaha , Nckraik * . JVlllllnory nnd Notlona. L OJIKRVKLDKll * CO. , Imnorters & Jobbers in Millinery SNollons JWJ1U Bud 'ill otitli llth itro t Notions. J. T. liOJJIXSON NOTION CO. , f nolesale Notions and Fiirnisliins : GooSs , nth an i llou--mt _ _ _ _ CornjrilBBlo nmid StoraRg. RIVD'ELL A RIVDELL , Storage siifl Connnlsslon Mercliants , Spcclaltlpj Hnitpr , rrci ( , clireso , poultry , cam llUUownrd Mrui't flinalm. Nub. Dry Goods nnd Notions. M. E. SMI1H A CO. , Dry Goods , Fnrnisning Goo s anfl Notions 1103 anil 1101 lotiKln . cor. llth lroot , Omolm , Neb. KlLPATniCK-KOCn DRY GOODS CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooteNollons , ntiiis * lurnltbliiK gondn. Corner Illh Mill r itrccti , Omitlm , NvbraskK. IIELIff , TROMPSo7f A CO. , Importfirs ami jobbers of Woolens and Tailors' ' SIT Boutb litli ilrout. Furniture. DEWEY A STONE , \71iolesal8 \ Dealers in Fiirnitnre Knrnlun ttrdet , Omalm. Nebraik * . CHARLES Fflrniture , Cnmba Nabruka. Grocorlos. , ( lALLAaitEn .t CO. Wliolesale Groceries and Provisions , 7M , 707,7CCJ mid TllBoutb JUlli t. , Omnlin , Neb. , 11RADY A CO. , Wholesale Grocers' 13th and , c.ivcmvorth Etrcctf , Uuiaba , Ntbritika. Hardwarn W. J. HROATCIT. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , wnKon tlnclc , bnnlvrnro , lumlior , clo. 1OT' und 1211 Iliirncy moot , Olnnljr. LEE , CLARKE , ANDREESEN HARD' WARE COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , lletali , iliput Iron. ate. Aitcnt * . tot Hone Mlnml powder mid I.yiuun bnrbod wire , A TAYLOR. Build rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop. Uecbanlc * ' tool * nrd llulTnlo iculei , ll olieet , Oniuha. Nob. . HARDY A CO Jobbers of Toys , Dolls Albums , Fancy Goods , Hoiuu itirnlKlilnir goolx , cluldrju'H cuvrln 1'iiri'ii.ii fetriiul. Uniului 0119. 0119.TANK TANK unco Wholesale Refined aid L'.ihrictiiig ' : Oils , A lc fruiioi.'i5. : , < Jnialiu. A. II. lr.iliU | > , .Mutineer. Papor. CA Itl'EN'TEIt I'A'l CO. , Vfliolesale Paper Dealers , Cnrrr nice rfiik nt prluilni : . wrapiiln vrltlnff ' paper. K | > cuiul atiuitliun giro.i lu car dcr * . Till. " CHICAGO SHORT LINE Chicago , Milwauk &t , Paul R'y ' , The Htut Huiito from Uuialin and Couucll .Illiiirs to THE EAST- TWO TiUINd DAII.V UB'rWUKN OMAHA ANJ > COUNCIL JII.UKKH ( 'hh'iiun , . AND MllmiuUco , SI , 1'anl , MlniicnnoILs , ( 'nlur ItanUs , Hock Island , l-'rceport , Jtockfonl , Clinton , DubiKiiic , Davenport , IJ 'iu , Mudiboit , Jniiosilllo , Itcloil , Wlnoiin , La Crosse , Aitii nil otlior lmioriHin | polnti Kail , Notllieatt tat .lloH the llckoln.ientr.llMl nriiaiQilrvct , In llurkvr llloc < , or at Union I'tABo Ki > uni. I'ullinanMUtpcri and tbo flnoit DlnloeCeri lath * wurM aru run un tliu main line ui ilio C'tilc E > i , Jflf. wnukfo A Ht , I'uut Itnllwur , and overtttlenllnu t * Paid lo pauviiifcrt courlouui cmplyjoi t ( lK ' . couii'anr. II. MII.I.KH.'Jenir lM n iior. J. K. 'I UCK Kit. AnlMnui Ucaural Uannk-er. A. V. U. DAUrifNTICIl , Uoneral I'.ijccii'jr ( Tlok l Ai-eut. DIM. K. IIHAKf ClllU , Alllltat1. G nui ll' .i u lf in * Ticket Atent. T , J , CLAIdf , 0 tutral flttperloualiab