Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAJL&\DAILY BJftS : THUESDAY , : JTTNE-.27 , 1880.
Was That Played at the Ball Park
Yesterday Afternoon.
Umpire CInrk llruCnlly Assaulted nt
Sioux Oily The Hloycln Knco
at llio Coliseum Sport
ing NotOH.
Omnlin I ) , Alllwnukco Jl.
Yesterday was the ono hundredth anni
versary of ICzro Sutton's birthday , nnd no
commemorated the occnalon by tailing lil.i
team of lumbermen out to the ball park nnd
going through tlio formulary of a name of
ball with the Omahas. lizru was plumed
nnd bolted for u sanguinary baltlo , but ho
catno back up town in the evening looking
M though ho had passed through a rlgoious
In sooth , the unino was one of the logglost ,
most listless nnd tiiilnturoMtlng or any played
on tlio home grounds this season.
Kverybody was glad whun It was over ,
even thu small boy who got In on a ball over
the fence.
Thu Milwaukee * were ns childlike and
blamVai a lot of country bumpkins going to
Sunday school , whllo tlio Omahas went
nbont their work with no moro spirit tuau u
lot of street-car hordes.
Two teams of saddle-rocks would have
created moro oxultomctiU
jCvcn Crooks never once opened his yawp ,
and the ( 'rand stand gave forth no moro
sound than the grave.
The first run was nmdo in the third Inning.
Wills was the lucky man.
Ho got tils basu on an error by blp cuflor-
cscont-hoadcd Morrlssoy , second on Clarko's
out , third on n neat steal , and homo whllo
Lowe , Grinith , Morrissey and two or three
other old haymakers were running Cooncy
down between llrst and second.
In the fourth Crooks added another to the
total making two.
. Ho was sent to first on balls , stele second
at the cost of n fractured wiah bone , third on u
jiassod ball , and across the rubber on An-
prows' sucrlllce.
In the llfth two moro tallies were ,
and all thli In the midst of a silence so
thick that It could have boon cut In uhunUs.
D.iddy Clarxo , Cooney and Cleveland imido
successive smiles , and by clover basu run
ning the two Unit got homo.
The lumbermen only succeeded In getting
ono man on llrst until the sixth Inning , when ,
on a base on balls uiul tbrco little , puuv ,
nlekly singles , they uiado two iunt > , and the
battery did this.
Lucky battery 1
The White Sox took a couple of eggs , fried
on both Hides , In thciis in tlio sixth and sev
enth. , but in the ciuhth they niuilu u run , .inU
In the ninth four moro.
They could , however , liavo made n dozen ,
but they hud no earthly use forthum.
Ciooks made the tally In the eighth on u
hit , a steal of second nnd third , and a hit by
Tlio ex captain plays just ns coed ball when
ho's mad as ho does when ho's pi eased.
lu the ninth , after Clurko's out , Coonoy
copped out n three-sicker , Cleveland and
Count Strauss a single e.ich , while Crooks
had a couple of ribs staved in by the ball.
They all got home , Coonoy on Grovur's hit ,
and Giover nnd the Count on a passed ball.
Crooks was driven homo by Walsh , who
made a two-bagger.
In their half , the Milwaukeos made their
third and last tally.
Hurley was the man.
Great Hurley.
Ho icached Ilrst on four bad balls , third on
the centenarian's two-bagger , and homo on
Lowe's single.
And that ended the agony.
llero ib tl.u score :
Totals 40 0 10 3 10 .7 20 0
AII K In sri an ro A
Hurley , rf 3 1 I 0 0 0
Button , 'Jd 4 0 3 0 0 2
IMornssey. lb..4 17
Lo\vo , ss 4
Kirby. If 3 0 0
Albcrts.yb 3 5 1
McCullum , cf..3 0 0
Griffith , p 1 1 0 0
Mills , c 3 1 0 0
Totals 23 3 11 0 0 27 21 3
Omaha 0 0 t IT
Milwaukee 0 3
Eaincd runs Omaha 4 , Milwnukeo 1.
Two-base hitsSuttou 1 , Walsh 1.
Three-base hits Coonoy 1.
Haso on balls Clarke H , Orlftlth S ,
Hit by ball-Crimth ! 2.
Htiuck out Clarke 3. Griffith 4.
Passed balls-Mills 2.
Tiuio of game 1:15. :
Umpire Hrlody.
Mlmu-atioIU 7 , St. .losrtih 3 ,
ST , Josi'i'ii , Mo. , , lune i.0 Minneapolis
* hit Porter hard In spots. St. Joseph did little
tlo with Duke , and fielded loosely. Duke's
four-bat'gcr netted tlnco runs , and was mailo
when the side shouhi have been ictncd.
Totals J 7 31 13 ! l 'lotuli " 7 11 S7 17 "j
n u u u o i u a o-.i
J UUJUUll' 7
Fnrnivlrun- ! < t..loH'ili ! [ . MlrmrnpolH 1 Two-
bii o lillt Mrlinrr. llanrilian , Tuinei. Thrco-biso
liltH Kiiull. lloinii nunhiiilor , lluko , .UiiUon.
Hrnt onliiiltii OlIlliiknNolT I'ortvrU. hlntrfc ul
McVuy , Itirlu , rorlur.'J'iirnor 3 , MfTmln X , MnrrNon . ' ,
Jiintinii Melon lia oi > Cnrtln. 1 iiKlur Diiuhlu | i | iys
rurlur to Anlnur In ( Air wrlvlil. I'IIMUI ) balls jam-
rcn 3 , bliolUulsio ' . ' . ' ' .
'Uiim-l 'Jl. Uiu | > lre-McUer-
mott. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Dnnver tH , St. I'nul O.
Diixvnii , Cole , June 25. Tuckorman , the
St. Paul pitcher , was pounded pretty hard
by the Denver slugrgOM to-day , whllo Fugnn.
the homo pitcher , was only hit In tlio last
tbrco innings. Score ;
r. h. o. . e.
nalyrmiilo , r h ; i .1 u .1 t llnwoi. lit . . .y J u o o
MrOlPlUn.Jii i a l a u Miirphr , ef U 1 II 0 U
arvailiray.rf , y I 3 U 1 Cnrrull , rt . . . i - l u i
ll.nro , Hi . . .U U 7 1 11 11'lllv , Jb ' '
Whlto , n . . .J J u 2 3.\Sormk. SO . . . .U U U 3 I
Hllch , cf . 0 1 S u I'llrouxhton.s ' * I 411
riUor. , , . . . ' . . , If. . . . U 1 1 U Ulurmur , u . . . . .11 H n U ,
I tola ! n , c 4 J ij 1 Ulial > , | f , 1 t u U U
yngmi , p. , . UTuikornmn , p..l 1 I ) 4 I
.T3rrsro-uMiiu'-rl ! fu. u. J !
Totuti . . . . . - _ .
I Totali . . . . 0 lit ; n 7
llenvor . 3 4 S 6 1 1 1 1-H
fct. fniil . . . . U UU
EsrnotJ run -lonTor T. bt. I'aul I. Ttrn-knio hlts-
pnlr/miilo , MiCloll.uiMilto . mul Daly. 'lliri > fba ii
SilU-MclVllan iinil Mixan. Itomo riinn-Diilrjiiiiilo
iiil.WhltB. ll to ntleii-IKiiv r H. St. 1'iiiil U.
1,1 pluy ft. tiff liruuiilitou 'IHll'L llrltlllM to ( llawui liir Urn. . . . lU , , . . > , . . i on I b ( II. ill I. . .
No Gnuio at Bloux City.
Stoux Cur , lu. , Juno CO. The Sioux Clty-
D03 Moltio * Katiio win iK ) .poncd oil account
Of wet KrouadB. They will play to-tr < orrow
nod Friday.
Cnptnlii Crooks No Ijoncor.
Jack Crooks has resigned tlio captaincy nf
tbe Omuba toatu , aud the los * of bU oflldcut
work will bo unilly felt. As yet Manager
Sulco has appointed uo ono to take Crooks1
place. _
An Umplrn Urutnlly
Sioux CITT , la. , Juno U < J. fSpoclal Telo-
* rnm to Tup. Hnn. ] Clark , the now Western
Longuo umplro , was brutally assaulted this
evening by Malinger Mncullar and Catcher
Traflloy , nf ttio DCS Molncs club. The DCS
Moluos club took umbrage nt ono of Clark's
decisions In the R.MIIO yesterday. Clark's
assailants have repeatedly insulted him to
day. Whlla Chirk was MttliiK in n clmlr In
front of a hotel they knocked him down nnd
kicked him ropcaluilly. Macullar and Tnif-
llcy uro undur arrcstt nnd the Siouv City luso
liall club has preferred char os ngatnst them ,
dutnandlng tholr expulsion from the league.
Tlio Nut Ion ill
Ci.svRi.iND , Juno 20. Hosult of to-day's
pniuu :
Cleveland . 0 3
Philadelphia. . . .2 0 1 1 0 I 0 3 7
H.ISO hlts-Clovoland 7 , Philadelphia 10.
Errors-Cli'voland : i , Philadelphia 2. Pitch
ers -Itakcly nnd Huninton. Utnpiro Mc-
PiTrsnuitn , Juno 20. Hosult of to day's
game :
PittHburR . 0 00010000-1
Wttshinu'ton . 0 1 1 0 0 I 0 3 0
llnso lilts Pitisburgfi , Washington 13. ! > -
rors PlitHbtirtf I , Washington 1. P.trhcrs
Morris and. O'D.iy. Umpire Fpsscntlon.
Cmctno , Juno 20. Result of to-day's
rraino :
Cliieaco . 2 0000 101 0 7
Now York . 0 0030343 0-13
HasoliitH-Chic-ito 8 , Now York 21. Er
rors Chicago 4 , New York 3. Pltohors
Krock , Welch utid Tenor. Umpire Lynch.
IXHIANAPOMS , Juno 20 Hosult of to-day's
Indianapolis . 0 1 10
UiiHton . 0 00041001 0
liasu lilts Indianapolis 14 , Hoston 13. Er-
rori IndlunipollH 3 , Boston 4 Pitchers
Gctzein untl Clarkson. Umpire Curry.
The American Association.
ST. Louis , Juno 2T . Hcsult of to-day's
fraino :
St. Louis . 0 00000100 1
Cincinnati . S 0
llnooKi.TN , June 20. Hosult of to-day's
Rumu :
Urooklyn . 0 2100130 4 10
Columbus . 2 10000000 3
KANSAS CITV , Juno SO. Ilesult of to-day's
panic :
Kansas City. . . 0 13
Louisville 3 00000000 ! i
I'lin.uiiu.i'iiiA.Tune 2(5. The Athletic-Hal
tlmorc tramo was postponed on account of
wet grounds.
Amntoiir Onmei.
ATKISSOV , Neb. , Juno 2 i. [ Special Tolo
gr.xai to Tin : HKK , ] The Chadron base b.ill
rlub plnycd a g.uiio witli Atkinson on thn
homo grounds to-day , aud were victorious by
u score of'J to 0.
A Tennis Uaniu nt Ilnstln ; * * .
HASTIJJOS , Nob. , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram - -
gram to Tin : HRE. ] Ihe Kearney Tennis
club played a hcrius of match g.iinesitli the
Hastings club this nfternoon. FoJrtcon of
Kournuv's best player * were here. The
frames were very luti'rcstliiK. The Hastings
pliycr- ( > won two out of three doubles , whllo
Kearney won two out of tin oo singles.
Ilarvard-Coluiitlila Ilico I'ost\ionnil.
Ni\v : LOVDON , Juno 20 , The Harvard-
Columbia race ( frcnlnucn ) was postponed
until to-morrow on account of rouch water.
At till ) Cullsrmin.
The larpest crowd of the weak was that
which assembled , ut tlio coliseum last oven-
1111 : . Thcio uas an cxtraorditiaiily lui'go
number of ladies present , nnd tbu race was
icsumcd amidst much onthuitiism. The
race , of course , has nan owed down between
MU-ies Baldwin and Stanley , with Williams
merely as mi assistant for the latter. The
frequent tills between the two loaders .11 e
very spirited and exi-flin ; ; , nnd so evenly are
the two matched that it is quito impossible
for cither to gain any ailvuntago. Miss
Haldwin was the iccipient of an elegant
bunch of flowers , and icspomled by a couple
of very speedy laps , the audiuncu clapping
their hands and cheering her heartily. Miss
Williams took a header toward the close of
tlio evening's run , but escaped without in
jury. The score :
Miles. Laps.
Haldwin . l.3 ! 2
Stanley . 1 ! 2
Williams . 13J 1
Tin ; srini ) KING.
Crdiir Kiiti1n : Itacos.
CKmn Itu-ins , .Tune Z < i. The attendance
was largo and the weather line. Summary :
Pacing class flora Temple won , High
land Laddie second. Louis H. dblaiiucd
afler winning two heats Ho-tt time U-l : } .
Ji3 : ; trot T.ii III won in thioo straight
hi'ats , Leehie Hau hiuo'id , third and fourth
money divided bi'tMeey Harry Medium und
May Quoun. Host time " : lll.
y .24 class , 11o tieats were trotted Hontlry
\\on , Captain uecond , Tliolbcy third , Calvma
Sprague fourth.
\V Hlilnttiiii I'nrk Kncos.
WASHINOTOS PAUIC , June W. The attend
ance was O.OOU und the track in Hue condition.
Summary :
Seven ami a half furlongs , three-year-olds
nml upwards Joe Courtney tvou , Maronmu
hi'coml , I'.arly Dawn thiid. Time 1 . ! ) " > ,
l''ivo ami n half furlonirs , two-.year ) lds
Kl Kin He.v won. Lord Pov\tou second , Es-
travasjauc-o third. Time l:0b ,
Milo and n fouilh Ilunticss won , Ud
Muelt sccornl , Elvton third. Tune 2:0i :
One mill' C ! irdner won , Pat Donovan sec
ond. Pratho third. Time 1 :41 : ' .
Thrco-fouiths of a mile , throi'-ycar-olds
Teuton won , (3uunhot second , Handoletto
third. Timo-1 liy ,
Kluti > pslii > , iil It ty linens.
H\Y , Juno 20. The track
wns good. Summary :
Ono mlle Uadpo won In 1:40 : , n quarter of
n second behind J en Hrooek'a famous record ,
bat really thu fastest tlmo aver made , for
it wns nmilu in u race with other horses , aud
Hiiitgo carried 115 pounds to Tun Urotck's
111) ) pounds. Holla H second , Han Clouho
Throe-fourths of a mile-Drl/zlo won In
lIS : ' - . * > , Mlculago second , Canteen third.
Quo mile Tanner wun In IMS , Gypsy
Queen second , Corteso thlid.
Milu and one-fourth Dead heat between
Wvuwood and Hyperion for llrst in 2:1' ) ,
batufiietiou next. Wynwood won the run
off In 2.IS.
Milo and three-eighths Favordalo colt
won < lu3:2J : , LoIogo'.Jsecond , Huubtor thlld.
W II. Wright , of Hoi'rsArk. , n pronincnt
farmer ami stock grower , says tnat Swft's
Ppoolllc cured him of tetter of twenty years' '
standing. Of courto In that time ho hail u
great nmonnt of treatment , and says the
wonder U that hu did not scratch thu
from his bones. S. S. S. cured him quick
uud permanently ,
Messaged of Condolence I'onrhin In
tin tlio HayiiH HoiiHolinlil.
TOI.KPO , O. , Juno SO. A Fremont special
to the Hludo siiys that as soon as Mrs.
Haj'es' death was known , tlio little cltv put
on u funeral gurb. i\ic sagcs of coudulenco
from all pint * of the country came pouring
lu. Among them were telegrams from
Picsldcnt Hurrisoii , Governor Foralter ,
Major McKinley , Hlshop Ollmour , Secretary
\\indoni , Frances 1J. Wlllard. all the mem.
bois of ox-President Hayes' cabinet , Senator
Allison and ex-pupils of the Ohio
KUldiurs' orphans' homo. Tbe remains still
Uo in tbo chamber In which she dlco. where
they will remain until placed in the casket.
The casket has been ordered from Detroit
and is to bu of red cedar , trimmed
with black broadcloth , and lined with copper.
The funeral services will talio place at
Spiegel Grove , thu Hayes residence , Friday
afternoon , and will bo imblia They will bo
couduUed by Uev. Dr. McCabe , of the Ohio
Wesleyan university , 'llio iuturmunt will
tuku pluco at OaUwood comotci-y.
The Board of Arbiters Dooldo la
Tholr Favor ,
The Alton Ilobcls Against ft Decision
KcftislitK Permission to Uetluco
Kates i rum
to Denver.
The ICnilneor.s Win.
In the controversy between the Brother
hood of Locomotive nnglnocrs atid Brotherhood -
hood of Locomntlvo firemen on the ono side ,
and Manager Baldwin and the oftlcials of the
Union Pacillc on the other , In connection
with a reduction In wages on the Kansas
Central , the engineers and la-emeu gained a
decided victory. The board of arbitration ,
consisting of Chairman Vroman , Manager
Baldwin and Captain C. B , KUHtiu , mot late
yesterday afternoon , and uftor rovlowltig the
situation extensively , Cnplaln Hustln , who
was the neutral momhor of the board , Joined
with Chairman Vroman In the declaration
that thu taking of the Kansas Central out of
thu management of tlio Union Pacific did not
abrogate ; the agreement undur which the on-
gineeis and llrcmen were being paid fortheir
services nt that time. This constituted a ma
jority , and the engineers gained tlio con
tested ground. Tlio decision of the board Is
as follows :
"A controversy having arisen between the
Brollioihood 01 ISnginoera and the Brother
hood of Firemen on the onopartmid thu Union
Pacific railway company on the other part ,
regarding the schedule of wages of April 1 ,
1837 , these differences nru submitted for
arbitration and decision to C ! . W. Vroman
nnd W. H. Baldwin , Jr. , with full power and
authority to select some disinterested third
person to act with them lu ease of their dis
agreement , the decision of any two of the
said arbitrators In writing to bo llnal nnd
conclusive upon both parties , n copy of
tholr llndlng ana award to bo delivered to
ouch of thu parties hereto.
"Question I Did tlio Union Poclllo railway -
way uomiiauy , by segregating the Loavon-
worth , Topaku & Southwestern , Loavou-
worth & Lawrence , and Kansas
railroads , and erecting them into u separate
organisation under an independent manage
ment under the name of the Loavonworth
Division , and by reduction of wages there
after , violate any Implied obligation con
tained In the schedule of wages of April 1 ,
Question 2 Under said schedule ought the
management of the Leavonworth division to
have changed the rates of pay of its on-
gineor-i and llrumen without notifying or
consulting the general rommUteo of the
engineers and ilremen of the Union I'acillc
sjstcml Uboimii W. VIIOMAX ,
Chairman Engineers.
W. H. UAI.UWIX. jit. ,
Manager Leavonworth Division.
The award is us follows :
"The lines of the Lonvenworth division
have bi'cn segregated as a separate division
of thu Lniou Pocilic system only in manage
ment , and us the Kalians Central and Lo.wen-
v orth & Lnwi once branches were included
in the schedule of wares adopted April 1 ,
Ib87 , as a part of the Union Pacille system ,
it is our opinion that this schedule should
apply upon those lines , for the following rea
sons :
"As the executive oftlcers of the Union Pa
cific system re-rcogni/ed thu brotherhoods of
the Union Pacific Uaihvay company in Using
the schedule of wages for the Oregon Kail-
way and Navigation company , which was
and is a part of the Union Pacific- system ,
taking effect March 1 , ISM , they should tiavo
recogiurcd them and consulted them before
changing the wages on the Leaven worth divi-
Kion , which is a part of tito Union Pacific
system. CIixmuK W. YKOMVX ,
Chairman Engineers.
C. H. Kusux.
Manager Baldwin was questioned concern
ing the result , and stated that it was llnal
and that the wages would bo restored and
would datu back to the time of reduction ,
which was May 15. The engineers were Ju
bilant , but maintained tint the result could
not have been different , owing to the facts in
the case.
Wichita rutos
Cnic\ao , Juno 2(5 ( | Special Telegram to
THE BKK.J The Trans-Missouri association
in ranged the Wichita rates to-day in con
formity with the decision of the Kansas com
missioners. Said chairman Fmloy : "Do
mands have already been made by other Kan
sas towns for a reduction in rates equivalent
to the ones wo have Just mido for Wichita.
There is no telling whuro the mittor will end.
It may bo that every town m Kansas will de
mand the reduction. " The members of the
association are all on tlio anxious scat , as a
wholesale application of the Wichita basis
will mean largo losses to every Kansas road.
The proceedings were enlivened in the after
noon by the proposal of a resolution to appro
priate ? 100,000 to provo to the Kansft rail
road commissioners that they were working
too hard. The meeting will not adjourn
until Saturday and may continue into next
Tlio executive board of the Intor-Stato
Commcico Hallway association madoau im
portant decision to-day , whou it sot the pro-
ccdonl for refusals to allow compctlon by n
"goats-horn" route with a direct route , The
decision was made on the request of the St.
Joseph & Grand Island load to meet the
grain rate of thu I'romont , Klkhorn i\c Mis
souri V.illoy road fiom points in Nebraska teSt
St Paul via St. Joseph. Coupled with its
refusal , the board gives the following ad
"It is the opinion of the board that r.Ul-
road companies should hesitate bcfoio mak
ing i eductions from reasonable rates , witli a
vow to securing tralllc by circuitous routes ,
when the effect of such a policy U to disturb
thu eating relations with rogurd to larger
ami moio valuable tralllc deilved nt inter-
modi ttu i/olnis / , especially when the samn
can bo secured viu Junctions reached on a
shorter haul without disastrous effect on its
own intermediate trarllu mid , the rates of
other lines afTcutod by such iiitermediato
points. "
Tlio Alton Itoliula.
CIIICAOO , Juno iiO Chairman Abbott , of
the Western States Passenger association ,
has decided adversely to the application ol
thu Chicago Si Alton for permission to reduce -
duce the passenger raw from Chicago to
Denver. The Chicago & Alton refuses to
abide ) by this decision , nnd announces that
the flrsl-rlass limited rate , which is now
$ , ; o.i ( ) , between Chicago and Dnnver , will bo
reduced to * M , taking effect July 1. The
other Denver lines will , of course , follow
A linttlo Imminent on Ilia , Ion In Alontnnn.
HKI KXA , Mont. , JunoSU. Thord has boon
no clianifo In the Indian troublu on thu Flathead -
head icsorvatlon. A company pf militia is
at Jocko , end Colouol Lawson of Tori
Mlsnouln has gene to the scene
with three rompanlcs of regular infantry.
Yesterday soventy-tlvo meiu spent the entire -
tire dav trying to Hud the Indians wanted ,
but without success. Thrco hundred In
dians arc camped ncnr Havnltl , ivirt swear
tliuy will not give up tlio murderers , whom
thu Indian poiico and bait-In ceiU uro con
ccaling. The sheriff is determined to have
them , and if ho makes another trial a b.iUIo
will surely ensue. Three Indians shot bi
the sheriff's ' posse died yostoulny.
Nothing further lias been hoard regarding
the threatened trouble in fort Bend IIIH
Whurton counties , Texas.
The board of directors of the Pennsylvania
road yesterday hold thorr Jlrst mooting since
thu flood. The liamarfo to thu syitum was
estimated nt about $ l , ! > 00tWO.
Pension Commissioner Taniiorwlll speak
at Crete on the t'ouithof July , ut Counoi
Bluffs and Lincoln on intermediate days
and possibly at Onutiu and Beatrice.
The annual mooting of the Harvard alumni
association was held yesterday.
1 Humor Start * Thnt Ho Is the Gninp
130 Spy.
CIIICAOO , Jutto Ofi. John V. Botfgs , senior
guardian of CiimpOO , Cli n-nu-Gaol , Is mulor
arrest. The police hove kept his arrest secret
and to-night re/Uhod to tell whoroBogs was
matured. Bog * ' arrival at the grand Jury
room to-dny In the pollco patrol wagon vr < she
ho first Intimation that ho had boon tn' ' < ou
nto custody. , l5rinj prisoner Is a well-to-do
nwyor and Inw hud some prominence as a
) olttlclau. Ho was cortalnly at liberty last
ivonlng. Tho'V rossloii gamed ground that
10 was nrrostodonlght , by orders ftom the
Btato attornby , whoso theory that
Camp 20 tried ana condemned Dr. Cronln
ns a spy linn become the principal
ihnsu of tlio Investigation. The Indications
were that Hoggs' replies to the intorroga-
orlos In the grand Jury room did not throw
nny llfht on the thuory that Camp W "ro-
novod" Dr. Cronlng ns a spy. When the
senior guardian came out of the Jury room ,
10 was quickly takcu of ! again in the pntrol
wagon under guurd. Chief Hubbard to-night ,
when questioned bv n newspaper man who
desired to Interview the prisoner , said Hoggs
lid not wish to bo soon. On this foundation
the rumors spread that Boggs was the Camp
JO informer whom the authorities liavo Inti-
uated they were in communication with.
i'ho Idea that Hoggs had turned Informer , was
not , however , credited to any widu extent.
It Is Aborted nnd
CnirAOO , Juno 'Jd. An afternoon paper
says the pollco of this city hnvo secured a
clue to the whereabouts of the man to whom
Mm tin Uurko sent the dispatch from Wlnnl-
icg. It was addressed to Uhyncton , Han
cock , Mich. The assertion Is nmdo that the
man Is well known there nnd that ho has loft
the place , but the poiico are on his track mid
expect to arrest him soon. It is further
jlvon nsn rumor that a largo nuniuor of lot-
.ors written by Dutcetlvo Coughlln , now under
arrest , to parties in Hancock , have fallen
nto the hands of the poiico. It is also nl-
egod that the pollco secuiod possession
of a letter written by Khynoton to
I3urke at Winnipeg , containing valuable
nformntlon. It has been discovered
, hat on May 11 , whllo Burke was in Jollut ,
. \ \ . , a. man named Coonoy sent him , from
city , n mouoy order for $10.
Assistant St ilos Attorney Uakor arrived
'rom Washington thlsaftornooa with papers
'or the oxtniditioti of Uurko and loft for
iVnmlpcg to-night.
Ilnrkc Afjuln Iiluntiflctl.
CIIIOAQO , Juno 20. The grand Jury re-
aumod its inquiry Into the Cronlu case this
nornlng. The llrst witness called was Dr.
J. P. Cass , who testified that Coughlln and
Jurko tried to hire his horse shortly before
.ho murder for an all night service.
The doctor Identified the picture
of Uurko as that of Coushlin's
companion. Patrick O'Brien , a saloon-
teoper ; J. B. Boll , of the Western Union ,
nnd representatives of the Postal Telegraph
company , were also eallod as witnesses.
It is lumored that a subpoena 1ms been
sent to Peuria to Kdward Spollman , who H
thought to have ordered the disbaudment of
O.uuu 'JO and n dsstruction of the recorus to
urevcnt a thorough investigation of the al
leged connection of the camu with tlio mur
Thu Fox. "
CHICVOO , Juuc 25. A dispatch from Chilll-
cothu , Mo. , sivs : '
"Cooney , one. of the alleged murderers of
Dr. Cronin , U saii _ to ba w orlring on a farm
In this county. A detective who has bacn
liero for two ilays says 'The Fox" was In
Kansas City oiglw days ago. The detective
lelt for the country this morning. "
Burke Kmnuiiilrd. 20. A Winnipeg special
siiys the applk'htion for the extradition of
Martin Burke c'.imo up in court to-day , and
after testimony frbm Detective Collins , of
Chicago , and a Cuuidiau policoo"icer , Burke
was renvauded uutil Tuesday next.
ticxtoii Dcclnrcs Unsliakon Confidcuuu
In Sullivan.
Loxuox , Juno 20. Sexton , member of par
liament and lord mayor of Dublin , appeared
before the jPin nell commission to-day , tie
admitted ho had been asked to Join the fcnian
society , uut positely refused to divulge the
name of the person who asked him. Attorney
General Webster , council for the Times ,
pressed him hard nnd persistently to give
the name nnd became very Cungry and exci
ted when ho found ho could not move- the
witness. After a pussionuta scene between
the counsel ami the witness the former fin
ally abandoned the attempt to comiicl Soxtou
to reply and began to question him in regard to
Alexander Sullivan. Sexton said ho re
garded Sullivan m the Mrno favorablu light
us ho ilid when he eulogized him in u speech
at a land Ii-iigue meeting in Boston in lsS4.
Ho declared ho huld Sullivan in high esti
mation on account of the unselfish public
services ho hud rendered. Attorney General
Webster is credited with the intention to
claim before the commission the right to ex
tort from Parnollito witnesses auy informa
tion which is not obtainable by the usual
methods. The Parnellites aio determined to
resist any such effort , and if the attorney
general persists they will probably leave thu
court with their counsel.
The Knmnncc ol' Fnllior Pholpi.
GHANT. Neb. , Juno SO. [ Special to TUB
HICK. ] Louis Phelps , in his eighty-first
year and long siucu n widower , is the object
of all Grant ovcs. The story goes that some
practical Jolccr wrote a letter to Tim OVCUIA
Dm : , advertising for a wlfo. nnd signed
Undo Pholni' name to it. Phelps had sev
eral times exurcssed himself as in the mat
rimonial market. The advertisement
brought tm answer from u blushing maiden
of perhaps llfty summers , who intimated ,
that she was willing to sacrillco herself pro
vided the suitor mot her ideal of manhood.
Slit ) and Undo Pliulps corresponded , ex
changed photographs , nnd it was finally
ugiued , on aeiouut of her youth and the
old man's infirmity , that ulio should
como to Grant , the old man puy-
iug her expenses. If they were satisfied with
ono another , they would make u tiu of it.
Accordingly the lady put in an uppcaranca
nt Grant Sunday morning , Unelu Phulps
was at the dopat , and the embrace ho gavu
thu lady made u * hout go up from the throats
of the bystanders , much to the discumtlturo
of the lady. They spent the day together ,
iirnl In the evening the lady returned oasu
She and Undo 1'helps could not agreo.
DOIIIIO Senior Clnm Koonption.
CJUTI : , Neb. , June 20 [ Special Telegram
to THE BM : . ] The loccption at President
Perry's house , for the senior class of Doano
college , holil.umlrr the auspice ! of Prof , and
Mrs. Coano , w'n ; \ grout success. The beau
tiful grounds of tno I'crrv icsidcnco woio
thronged with tlir friends of the class and
Doauo collngu. This evening the
mout cunct'rt took place in the Congrega
tional ctiurch.iTho programme wns care
fully HclccU'd. nnd executed by the best
talent of the cpllego. ,
To KiiYi | > t1 < lfl' I'rlzn
iii.KAN * , Juno 20. Oovornor Nlclv
olns to-day 14 < ft/d ( / a proclamation to suppress
prize flghtlng iihu state of Louisiana.
The partle < srlcctlng tlio Sullivnn-Kllraiu
battle ground uV that thu governor's pro-
clnmntion wniiili ) not in miv way Intorfoio
with tlionrraujjements made , ns they never
Intended loc.itur , ' the ring within
diction of Louuiunn.
\VII1 Ctiiiun.inil llin Baltlinnrr.
WASIIIVUIOX , Junt 27. Commodore Schloy
has , at his own request , been relieved from
duty as ctitof of the bureau of equipment and
roLTiiitliiK Oi.w.v duinrtmmit ) and will he
given Lummaudnf the new cruiser Baltimore ,
Drmniitt Iteilnuitnn ,
Tlio Second ward tnxpavcrs' meeting at
Kaspir'a hall last evening was well at
tended , und the largo crowd present were in
favor of demanding a reduction of
ments. It wa.- , decided to : isi ; a rcduution of
10 per cunt m the aiKuisment for thu entire
ward , UKd a cnmintttco consisting of M , ! ' . ,
Uedflold , J S McUirty , rordln.u StriU
nnd I' Kas.iai' wai .nsrriu'ted touit
upon thoooun'j' laniir.iv soiurs this monunt ;
aud rcquc v th.i roJuntiuu.
Iowa Jobbers Bolngr Drlvon From
the Stnto by the Ronds.
lllvcr tjnnil Sottlcrs Deny Thnt They
ilnvo Given Up tlio
llnxvkcyo Crimes nnd
Moro DlHorliulnntlon.
Dns Moixns , la. , Juno 20. [ Special Tolo-
Rtam to TIIK BIK. : ] The railway commission
was in receipt to-day of lengthy complaints
from Burlington nnd Davenport shippers
nnd Jobbers to the effect that by the refusal
Of the Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific and the
liurllnKtou , Cedar Knitlds & Northern rail
ways to maintain and enforce a Joint distance-
tariff they were being so greatly disrriml-
natod against that they were being slowlv
Imt surely driven from business The Hold
Is being controlled by parties living outside
of the stnto. The merchants from other
cities similarly affected nro taking tholr
traveling men from tlio rend und will eventu
ally bo compelled to close their business
houses and move outsidu of the state. There
fore they ask the commission to fix a day for
a hearing of tholr complaint in order that a
through Joint dis'auco tariff may bo estab
lished nnd enforced by the commission.
linrnfil the Itotlv.
MAitsim.i.Towx , la. , Juno 20 [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Bii.J : Charles Johnson ,
of this city , a well known agent of the State
K. P. Insurance association , died suddenly
at Spirit Lake Monday evening. Ho had
been sick a wocic , but had improved so much
that his wife , who had gene thcro to nurse
him , icturnod to her homo hero. Being noti
fied of his death , she went uftor the body
but was not permitted to sou it , the report
being that ho bad died of smallpox , She
claims that directly after her arrival parties
there fired the building In which Johnson
dieu , and that It wns uurncd , Body and all.
She charges the attending physioiiin with
the deed. There Is a difference of opinion
ns to Johnson's disease , and much excitu-
tuont prevails. The widow returned here
this morning prostrated with grief nnd her
High School.
la. , Juno 2(5. ( [ Special to THE
Ilnn.J The graduating exercises of the Dun-
lap high school will occur Friday ovenlng at
the opera house. An extensive programme
1ms been prepared , the character of which
reflects marked credit on Prof. M. A. Hoed
and a dcgive of literary ability onthopait
of the pupils that is indisputable evidence of
their thorough training. Mr. Heed has con
sented to bo a candidate for count y superin
tendent , and it is gcnerallv believed by the
active workers of the republican pirty that
he will be nominated without an offoit.
Will Not Give U | > the Fight.
Four Donni : , la. , Juno 20. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : BUK.J President Boyntou , of
thcDes Monies river laud settlors' union ,
publishes a card to-day refuting the state
ment that the settlers were discouraged. Ho
expresses confidence in receiving relief from
Prusidcnt Harrison , and announces that tno
settlers are determined to contest until they
have a fair heanug in the United States supreme
premo court.
Tuo loivii Ciiriositlos.
DOXJAP , In. . June 20. [ Special to THE
BIIK.J A four-loggeu , two beaded pig is ono
of the singular cuiiositios attracting atten
tion at Defiance , Shelby county , tun proper
ty of H. B. Soov. In addition to this ho has
the huge tusk iccently found near that place
on a farm trt a depth of twenty-six feet.
Since oxposud to the air tlio tusk has crum
bled , although it originally measured about
ten foot.
Two HOYK llrownotl.
Dr.s Moixns , la. , Juno 2o [ Special Tele
gram to Tin ; BUB. ] Frederick and George
Liuskoy , brothers , aged twonty-ono and
twelve , respectively , wern drowned in the
Dos Moines river hero to-day while bathing.
The elder ono wns homo on a vacation from
college , where ho bad been studying for the
The KcBiilt of n Fond ,
MOUNT PI.CAS 4NT , la. , Juno 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Ban. ] Last night at AVm-
llold , this county , Tom Davenport shot a man
namrd Hnrtlott ns the result of an old feud.
Bartlutt is dangerously wounded and Daven-
Ioi ) t is in Jail.
Democrat lu Coutral Commit toe.
DLS Moixr.s , la. , Juno 20. | Spcciil Tele
gram to Tin : Bic. : ] The democratic state
central committee meets in this citv to-mor-
inw to decide on tbo time and plaeo of hold
ing the next stalu convention.
A Young Girl huiclclcs.
OSKU.OOSA , la. , Juno 20. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKB. | Louise Opal , about
twelve years of ago , was found drowned in a
pond southwest of the city yesterday. It is
thought she committed suicide.
MUST uKACi ; rr ui .
Kxpcrts Hold 'J hat in Thin Way the
HoHpital ! ) ! tistlc Doctored.
The county commlsslonois bold a nicotine :
to take action on a rojioit relative to changes
in the new hospital , recommended by Archi
tect Meyers and Superintendent Coots.
Before the meeting , Mr. Coots ,
Dennis Cunningham and Jerry Hynn paced
the corridors impatiently , and Commissioner
Mount was riishliigaround every wtioro hunt
ing for Mahcmoy.
"Tho county attorney says , " exclaimed
Mr. Coots , when talking to Myois , "that you
can't delegate your power of ordering
changes to mo unless the contrncturs and
their bondsmen sign u written agreement to
accept it. "
"Then take that nart of the report off. I
don't care whether tliey accept it or not. 1
urn getting tired of this thing , any way. H
disgusts me. "
' 10 a reporter , Mr. Myers said : "I Just
wish you cmild BCO that work out there. Go
through the building and you can kick up
thu concrete nny where with your foot. And
they expect mo to lay floors on that kind of
work. "
Mr.Myers grcwqulto warm , aud expressed
hliiiitolt qiiito freely. Ho declared most pos
itively that coituin men and newspapers in
Omaha hud Uouo more to injuiu him all over
this country than lie could estimate.
"Thu work on that hospital building looks
to mo very much as though the contractors
had boon to ing to sou how much injury they
could do me. O'Kcclfo has stood by them.
When thu time comes , I propose to bhowthat
there has been a coiibpiracy to blacken my
reputation in this city. If It's not consirncy ,
1 can certainly provo an intention
to da bad work , and it has
boon dona to shield the acts of one man ,
who was put on tno building us superinten
dent , without consulting mo or asking my
approval. For two ami * I would throw up
the whole thing and let it so. But the time
Is coming when I propose to make an ox-
poauru that will neb bo pleasant reading for
some people. "
As soon as the board convened Clerk Webb
read the communication which m substance
is as follows ;
"Wo bollovo for the best Interest of the
county , the floors as spcclflijd now for tlio
now UB.vlum khuuld bu changed to wood , as
has been recommended by the architect. In
confeiciico with the contractors , to-day , wo
received from them an itemized estimate of
cost for each part of the work ns follows
Cost of lumber P'JI square „ $ JOO
La\Ing floor " " 1 00
Smoothing " " , 1.00
Oilliia " ' 1.70
NuiU " " ,1J
Tn--felt paper " ' .M
Concrctu woik 1 M )
Slceporaof lloors bi.l 2.Cy
Total cost per ftquaro 912.23
' 'To this 20 per cent will bo added und , if
concrete filling is omitted , n reduction of $0
will oe niudu , uinkmg the real u > ut $3.70.
"Thorn being 470 squares , the additional
, cost will be Sl.OW. Doduotious will be
from this for pipes nnd drainage , which
will amount to about fU ( 20. "
ThU report 14 ugnod by Myers , Coots nnd
C. H. MoKlkontho Assistant superintendent ,
It Is Also rcoommondorf that iron beams ami
brick arches bo placed nt the Intersections of
the 111:1111 : corridor , the first floor , to make
room for steam pipes below. A few other
minor changes wore also recommended.
Commissioner O'ICeoflo ' moved that the
matter bo referred to the committed on con
struction with Instructions to confer with
the county attorney und report at another
meeting this morning.
This brought out a long and dreary discus
sion. O'Koeffo finally got impatient and In-
timntod that hU motion would not go through.
"I am desirous of doing anything wo can , "
said Turner , "that will hustoti the work. "
"Thou bounce Myers , " said the fiery
O'Kcoffe , "and may-bo wo can got something
ilono. "
Anderson oxpiosiod great Ignorance of the
whole mutter. Ho wanted Information.
Itonsons for limiting a change had not been
made clear to him nnd ho wanted an explana
Chairman Mount thought O'Koeffo know
more iibnut the matter than any body else
aud nsltcd him to explain.
O'Keoffo said ho thought the change wns
proposed us a matter of protection to thu
"That's exactly It , " chimed In Mr. Coots.
"Tuny have become fearful , " continued
O'Koofle , "that n cement floor will not prevent -
vent the building falling npait ; but
stringers across illlou between with cement ,
solidly stamped down , und the floor then
spiked on , will thoroughly brace thu entire
structure. "
Anderson's understanding had not yet
been satisfactorily cleared , and ho Insisted on
thu eleik reading an arm-load of papers , cov
ering contracts , spccillontions and every
thing else.
"Myers suggested wooden floors , " again
salu O'KcoiTc , "lung before the roof was put
on thu building. "
"Whoroln dons the weakness of the build
ing liol" Imiulrod Andursou.
"In the outsulo walls , " replied O'Kceffo
"which are only " foot thick. 1 will also say
for Mr. Anderson's information , that In loss
than six mouths lie will be able to wash his
shirt on the inside of those walls. If he
can't you may call mo Davy. "
Mr Coots interposed an opinion tlmt the
fault lay in the arches.
"Neither architect , contractors nor com
missioners hr vo been doing tltclr duty , " said
A motion to rotor to the commlltoo on con
struction with authority to refer to the coun
ty attorney was adopted.
OrclKhton College Coimncnucinont.
The eleventh annual commencement of
Croiuliton college took place last night. The
main lecture room of the building was packed
with friends and patrons of the institution.
Throe lectures wQro given , the Hist being
"Tho Analysis and Circulation of the Blood , "
by Master Uugcno C. Noon ; the second on
tbo "Influence of Breattiing nnd Digestion
on the Blood , " by Master Michael P. O'Con
nor , nnd the third , "Tno Food of the Blood. "
by Master J. C. KInsler. There woio other
attractive features on the piogrammo. "
Pours' soup secured a beautiful com
Lena Marsh null Wllllnm Kllcrslck
Held to the District Court.
The case against Lena Marsh and William
Ellcrslck , charged with the muider of Lena's
illegitimate child nt the "Open Door" on
Juno 11 , wns continued in Judge Bcika's
court .H'sterdny afternoon. Ellursick was
put upon the stand ir. his own behalf and
submitted to a cioss-cxnmination that lasted
two hours. Whcu asked if tie poisoued Lena
Marsh's baby , ho answered :
"Iso. that was a lie. "
"Did you see Lena poison it , or toll her
to ! " was asked.
"No , tlmt was a Ho , too. "
iilet sick told ot his relations with Lena ,
and endeavored to show that his actions
weio only such as were to bo expected fiom
a biother-in-lnw. Ho admitted , however ,
that he and his wife hail shared their bed
with Lena one night when she came to sco
them and the lodging accommodations were
limited. Ho stoutly denied being the father
of the child.
Several witnesses wore introduced to tes
tify to lillorsick's good character.
Judge Berka held both of the defendants
to answer to the dibtiiet court.
Another Hospital Ditcmmn.
The county commissioners held a meeting
yesterday aiteriioou to consider the lecom-
uicndatlons of Architect Mycis concerning
the county hospital. The plans for the hos
pital , ns drawn by Myers , cull for cement
floors , and now ho recommends that the
lloors bo of wood , and as ho failed to make
estimates for cement lloors the cominisMon-
ms were unable to tell what the iliflerencu in
price would be , nnd , being unable to have
Architect Myers at tlio meeting , the chair
man of tlio board suggested that the con
tractor select one man , the board another
and these two a third , to constitute n com
mitted to asceiUm what the Uillorcncc
should bo between the cost of wooden and
cement floors. Thu committee will probably
bo able to icport to-day or to-iuorrow.
St , Cnthai'lnr'rt Commencement.
The commencement exercises of this
academy will take place this afternoon
at 2 o'clock.
Class Motto "Virtue Is the Safest
Shioiri" .
Grand Polonaise nntrance .
. Misses Creighton and Vnn Camp
Chorus "Wclcomo" .
MIsacs Flanncry , Cosgravo ,
Colcmun , Slnnott , Swift
and Mcadimbcr
Hssay " Decision" .
. Miss Clara Ulloy
Piano Quni tette " Hum" .
Messrs , B. Croighton , M. I't-r-
kins , C Van Camp , C. Creighton
Uocitation "I'lio lied Jacket" .
. Miss M. Cosgrave
Vocal Trio " i'bo Bird Catcher" .
Misses Flannfry , Cosgrave and
Instrumental Duet 1' The Witches'
Flight" .
Misses Ktta Croighton ami Clara Uiloy
First Distribution Acauuinlc Honors.
Uold Crosses and Laurels awarded 10
Misses IHta Cieighton und Clara Hiloy
Books for First Honois of Clasps ,
Study , Attendance , Mudlc. , Paint
ing , Drawing .
Chorus "Long Live the Moments of
Pleasuro" . . . .
Misses Flaunor.v , Cosgravc.
Slnnott , Colcman , Swift
and Mcadimbcr
Original Oration -'Hulim" ' .
. Miss Lli/io MoKon/Io
Piano Solo-"Old Hindi Joe" .
. Mls Ktta Croighton
Hecitation " 'I'he Pnintor of Seville"
. Miss itta : IJIgotir
Vocal Quartette- " Hither Failles
Trip" .
Mlbses Fluuiiery , Cosgravo ,
Sinnott , Coleman
Instrumental Quartette "La Haln-
dino" .
Misses Creighlon , Cosgravo ,
Van Camp , Perkins
Essay "Our Mites" .
. Miss lUta Croighton
Second Distribution .
Flora ! Ciowns , Floral Honors ami
HItibimH , for Politeness and
Chonin "When Shall Wo All Meet
Again" _
d by
tltuioMtiloI'HU. I
Tlicy alto rolloTO DU-j
JITTLE cress from Dyspocslflj
tndlsiitlon aia
IIoartyTJitlug. ji
feet remedy fw Ztal-
1'ftiisea , Dronsl |
neu , Had Taste In the
Pain In tlio Side , TOIV
FID UVKIl , &o. They regulate the Bowel *
and prcvjnt ConstlpaUon and I'Jlo * . Tin
mallest and oultit to take. Only one pill f
dose. 40 In fc vl&l. 1'urcly VeioUble. Vrfo
W centi.
One of tlio In'nilliiK I'rorosslonnl Alan
of llio City Dr-llnon ttin Oront I ) n-
urr Mint IH Thri'ntonlnjr Ainorlonnn.
A neil Vnnwn | > lir < lcltn nhltn nt tlio club llio allior
ovenlni : , nn < niironchiMt | | tjr ono at Ills trlcn.l < who
"IWrt > r , wlmt l 1 * n r 0 I . miyliow ? "
The ilorlnr lookpil nt liU nuo'lioru'r > lmri < lr for
moment , niotloiiixl him to n oiU , ninl inlil
"I'n ro I , nt ) tru-nil , is in brlof , 'ronrunipllon of
thnnon < > < nnil br.iiii. ' U li iimnj nnjnof niniilfei
tlnutliclf , nnd itlnitKt liiniuuburnlilD C.IIKOI '
A iiumrtcror | < rniniiiiit | olnti mini cKllu-rcil round
to lu'nr wlinl llio oiiilni'iit doit ir Im I to sny on thli
subject , wlilrli i nt | ire > ont oa ItianiK the commun *
t ) Dm do lorioiitlmuM
T.'io ninii wuoto Imiul trumb'a * .T ho HfH lilt ulm
or lno hmtliprr > ) iiiHiims | ol I'n re Kin 'Ilia
woiin'n ntiofen'n nklnii on Hti n In tlm nil l t ui
her incliil turn l iMitnlnUiliiiiitii iniwclio no iiic : t
nocio oil or Ilinu lliiiili'iuoii ! ro t , \\lntri\nici
It utrriMirk , i-xcllumcnl , mitiluoiieo. hlxh llvliiit.
nnctill'-l nt mi III .til in fornn A niln m tlio lu-'iil.
Iniibllll ) tu roiiiiunlifr nflinn iii fiu'i t > run or
moiHiirlmly. nil tlu < i > onra the .riiiptini of 1 re u ,
It l nti'ritulfl thine Niitiirnllr ) < > u n < J \\linl inn
wo ilo' llniniplnl ol jlMir iniiniiiT nr li\linr IKinot
OMTIHJ jo irn loa-iin \llnllty , mi I t ki tlm mily
iliooviT ) nhli-li lni ( vvr hooii miiilo lor IMiniii l ,
oltln'rliiltmlr.torlint liii' ! , wlnoh t l' lno > C'l
rry Coiupouiul I hii o * mm a k'rtMt iloal of th |
wiiiiili'ilul ill niM'r ) , wlili-'i n < lumlo li ; llio lulo
I'rot I'ho | n , of liiirim uitlit'olli'KO , unit wlurli l ID
liluhiy 10'iinii'iuli'il i\tiii oiutorotl iy llio inn lUiil pro.
( i < lun iinil ! < i lon'l < t < KolHTiillx , nnil I I o'l.-vo K ino'l
nnil WIIIIIIMI cri' to 'l o u rnrofnlly nil.Moin ) ill.
cully , thor xilil m t il il > nil I Km lltxi - < yiii | linns
nnil tltini tni ( of I'n re sis , with nil tlio hurion
wh cli ilipjr Mint. '
A sorliiu oTiiro' IOTl oiino ornr llio fnroi ! tlio IK *
ti non n 1 10 < 'iti'liirMiixt ' < mil ninny nion wo Inut
lurii coniiMirit uvl > tin ) iinltli nuiluloMlnlnr "o o
soi o n win u liu ' 'noli tin I I' u < roTi n IM ill Inn
tin tthntt'iiri'ii lni lionn > o nlnrinliiiiiy liu ri in-
IIIK tliniMiiln ill Mnorlot ili > rlnn thn pun ton i > ar' .
Inn in u' iri } .mi-oil ii | > | in lii'tiium nil 'ho lurt of
ninny nii > n nml n > niii > ii rniilin\n ollnroil tliniii < nl i > i
to Im li ( lortoit lu'iiltli uiul HiInn I- rt m irk iin.l
T ituiililo ulTiio izlv , < o h ) 111 * ilo < lor IM nbo o ,
ph'Milil oarry tli * lr II HM to tlio thomA nl who in ly
h IM' llio Burls ol tlil < torilliloillH < ik o unit nhoOo nut
knon It
, ISO So.
Ills. ( ClnrkQt.
Tha Regular Old-Established
It itlll Treating xvltb the Great wt
Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases ,
-NERVOU3 DKHILITY , Loit Manhood ,
Fflllnc Memory , ExhauMtntt Drains , Tcrribla
Dreams , Head and Back Ach anil all the cSecti
leading to early ductian J rihan Consumption 01
Inianlty , trtouil CMnlllic lly ty new uu.Ui < xl with
pever-ramnn MICCI M.
tlir SYPHILIS am ! .Ml bad Ulood and Skin Di
cases pirrnnnently cured.
-KIDNEYnnd URINARY wmplnlnts , Gleet ,
Oonorrhona , Strlctu re , Vnrtcocele am ) aUdfoeaiet
of the Genlto-Uno iry Orguti uired promptly wUliuul
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or oOierOrjian * .
i No experiments. Ae .tnJ experience lm
portant. Consultation free nnd uncred.
41- Send 4 cent * pcita e for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous .nnd Dslicnle Diseuti
fiB-Thoio untcmpbllng Mcm je srnil for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated Male und Female , each
13 cents , Imlh 3 ; cntt ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. Aftlendt ) Utter or cill nny stverntun
ing and sham : , and ndd golden yean to life
"Llfe'H ( Secret ) Errors , " so ccnli. ( stamps ) . Midnlna
nnd wtitings SLpt everjuhTe , < ccure from exposure *
Hours , 8to8. Bur > da ) > g to 11 Addieii
F. D. CLARKE , W. D. ,
180 80. Clarli 3U CHICAGO.
14)9 ) FA UN A 11 BinznT , OMAHA , NK
( Oppoaiu Paxtoa HotaU
OBc * fconro , 0 A. tetp. m. 19 fc
GO tO 1 P y * ,
dpnclallfltH la Chronic , Herrons , Utln ana
Blood UHousos. . , . . . .
tWCtinsiiltutlon nt olico ! or by mall fre .
Hedlclnen B nt by iii.Ul or oxprcis. 33 uroly
packed free tioin obn-rvatlon. ( limrnntoea to
cnr nulclcly. sa MY nnd DIM nmncnllr.
ITPTTfTniTn DPD1T TOY Oi > ruintorrhii'o , semi-
HhRVUlJo UbmLlli nl.i i.03 .tuM\.v.Ms. \
lorn liin.iy. nilslnp ; from Indisuro-
tlon 'Kxn-n or Imlul ouce. riroducliit' Slnop-
lessni'ss , Di'pondency , Pimples on the face.
ttvi-riion to so' ' Ic'y. iwilly UNcouritKCcl , lack or
coulldoncp , ttitll , unlit for study or bi
Bnda lift ! ft bnnU'ti safuly , purrainently aufl
prl > ntoly cuioil Consult l/rn. lietts As Urtta ,
) S Knrnnin St. , Omtlin , Not ) .
Dlnnrl ninl C'/in ' 11iOiniPJ ! ! yphil . n Olfo-iM
HlOflll (11111 ( 0 Mil IJlbbusU niort horrible 111117
rcBUlts. coniphituly criuUciitod without tlioaU
of Mnrcurv. Scr.jhila , llrjhlpoUs , K v r8or 8 ,
Illotcho-t , nicoro , I'ftlnn In tlu < Hond and llonoa ,
SyplillltloSoro I'liront , Month and Tonijue , Cn-
tftrrh.o. . permnncntlr ftnoU whore otliors
Hiinu 'ifninlTUT "ni1 HlBildnr Complaints
tT " ,
KlflflCYi U n3ry Paimul. Uiranult , too fro-
imt-nt urnln or ( lloody irrlni' . Urine hl n col
nrcil or with milky sml'mout on ntnndlnir ,
\Vi-nfc llnck. ( ! nnorrhi ( > n , ( ll Ht , Oyatltls , &c. ,
I'lomntly nniltinfely Lured , UharRcu Reusomi-
m-inunt Curo. ro-
mo\.il tomjiUitu , wltlK > ut cuttiiu ; . tun ac or
dllntntlon CiiKHcHiiftr'd nt homo bv patient
without a momontsimln or annul aura.
To Yoana , Men and MWillc-Apd Men ,
A ( "IIDL'TIIIDD " 'rill ) " ' > ' ' ' ! cllo t ol flirty
AoUnD lUllh yi.i. . . whlrh mlniM orguula
w akiu'ts. iloMroylnu- both jnlinl nnil rmd , with
all Its rtio.iili'd Ills. priiii > nciitlyrun'd
not ? DOTT ? Ailri's inn in wnonnri'lnipalrca
lHll ) , DlJlll ) tliumsvlv by frnpiojier ludul.
KOIICCN iul solitary babll.l. whirl ! ruin both
bodv una mind , untlttln them for business ,
attiuy or marrlnh" . . , . , . ,
MAiiiiinn MKN. . .rtlioin ontji neon that hap.
py life , nwarei of physical dobllltjr , qulokly a *
Is based upon farti , Klr t 1'rttotloal Jtrp -
rlcnco. B-ciitnl ivoryca : elsn i > iilullyotijdlBd ! ,
thUHstaitliiKurlKlit. I'liiid ModMnm aio pro.
purtil In imr luboratoiy iixiiutly to Biiltoucu
c H . tnni aircctUK'ouni-t wittunit Injury.
t > r"rifill ( i ! CI-IIIM poatBKB for cnlulrat d worlu
on riironlc , NITVOHH und Ddlonto DUenmi.
ItioimnnilH cured. t5/"A frlt-udly luttor or cnll
mny eavii jou rutuie HttltcilnitHtid Bliuine , end
add Kdldmi > ean to life. f. No Icttora an-
iwertil iinlo ' nuionumiuud by 1 contdlnaUmp * .
s. .
llCA l/'urnam Hrt u uinuho , N b.
PIIOI'S.\1S ) for Indian School llu lilliiK nt
riiiinm' < ) l Olliei of liidHnirmiH ,
N\.iHhliit'Hl. | I ) , ( , .liiu > - in , ! * ' . Ill H.DINd -
tit'.ilud ' iiimmsultllKloiKOi ! "I'lupuHa H lor llio
tucitlou of 1'lriro . IniildliK , uiul ud-
iliiiiH''d to llio < ' ' , immnioii'ir nf Indliin Allutrn ,
Wa > ilitiiutiin , I ) I . vlll Im r < ctlvud ut thi
( iltko until nun o'tlo'k of Hutiird.iy , July l < tli ,
jm' ' . forum 'onitiu tinn of a tv'o Mory lirltlc
nclicml IiulUlini ; liualii bnllillnu 7 < U4D with -
\\it\K \ * iibout liiix 'I PJC h , iimlicarliulMlnKnlx ut
( rix'Mi.ln if < iril-incu with pliins and Hjn-clilcii-
(10113 ( Hlllr ImU'J llU I'ilUlllllUll lit till ) lllll'f ) Of
tlio'TloilMT rings' of M.I 'Bill , Mliiii./'rilKllio"
nfDinitlia , Nobiii-iKa , and of John HialiiululKl ,
Piiitldcnl of Iliurd of 'Iru'lunt I'lnrit * , UaLotj.
llliAI'INIiSftlt > ( l popiali ender cil "I'lo-
pnHdsfor liuiilliiir I'uii a + bed bulldtiiir , 'anil
luldivshi'd n B abu > u utll ) ju 1 1 cul veil nt thuHiiini )
tiino mi 1 pliii 11 for rtirnHMIn and H.-H-IIK llin
npp.tiittiK : neouKsitry foi liuilliK.'of aliovu biulil *
IiiK uitli .Him air fiunauM wall jupiM , LIIUIIIU.
t < ins , .V . , coiiip'.oto ' no JIDC pliniH andHiu ] Idea-
tluiii to bo Dui'ii at .clKivo Inilli'ittcil plan ) ' ) Ilida
for liu.itlujr niiiil 1)0 iimdu HDiinratJ Ironi Ihosii
fur on-iiniitl'iii or bi' i , mi ; . CKIl'linHH
Kuril I'M. ' tUio'hor for coinlrnctni {
- ; , , r heating llin wamn , mu t bu nod -
d by uforllllud cliuck or draft upon
noni.i l'nitiil htuln l ) ti iiitmy , nmiln puynblu
to lliu Coiiiiiiisnloiior of Indian Allolrx , rural ,
ItHht 1'1\ i ; iior lunt of tlm aiiiouiit of tlio pro-
1101 it. which ilidfk or draft will bu foifulted ti >
iliu Cnltna .Slittfi ) In i-nmi ituv blUdur or Idikltrft
rtwlvliiK aiiuwnnl nliull lull to promjitly eto-
cute a contra t with ( ; uou anil ullli'ltnt ure >
tin * , otherwise to bu loturnuil to the bidder
Thu rlKUt U K.'sei vml tu rojocl uuy or all bldx or
uiiypaitof nay bid If ileemed tar th best ln >
trio'tof thuadrvKo , JOHN M.OIJIIltljV.UuRi.
M C V wl MUirnurrr.ubluti-rsil'tiiilct
ntllj . .uiaif ly cured ijyDOarr/KXCJp
Hiilea. rJuveriil r > c'-j otirtxl in nuvan u tyn. Sol
at II. M pir b'X , all Oiuiiila ; | : , or l > y null
Uuctitli W'f'tfUo , It"VUltosl a , 1. IVIl